STACKS HJ 13 1968/69 3 9345 00412866 0 B561 c. 1 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FOR USE IN LIBRARY ONLY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1969 PERIOD FROM APRIL 1, 1968, TO MARCH 31, 1969 Printed by A. Sutton, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 1969 To Colonel the Honourable John R. Nicholson, P.C., O.B.E., Q.C., LL.D., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia. May it please Your Honour: The undersigned has the honour to present the Public Accounts of the Province of British Columbia for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1969. W. A. C. BENNETT, Minister of Finance. Department of Finance, Victoria, British Columbia, June 12, 1969. Victoria, British Columbia, June 12, 1969. The Honourable W. A. C. Bennett, P.C., LL.D., D.Pol.Sc., Minister of Finance. Sir, — I have the honour to submit herewith the Public Accounts of the Prov¬ ince of British Columbia for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1969. Respectfully submitted. C. J. FERBER, C.A., Comptroller-General. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 5 Order of Public Accounts Page Ref. No. Main Statements: Statement of Financial Condition as at March 31, 1969 _ E 6-7 Revenue and Expenditure (Current Account, Summary by Departments) for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1969 _ E 8-9 Cash Receipts and Payments (Consolidated Revenue Fund) for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1969 _ E 10 Source and Application of Funds for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1969 _ Ell Revenue and Expenditure (Current Accounts and Special Project Funds Con¬ solidation) Showing Revenue by Source and Expenditure by Function for the Fiscal Year Ended^March 31, 1969 _ _ _ E 12-15 Supplementary Statements: Details of Assets, Liabilities, Surplus, and Revenue Surplus Appropriation Ac¬ counts _ _ _ E 16-27 Details of Revenue _ E 28-29 Details of Appropriation and Expenditure _ E 3CM17 Details of Expenditure: Current Account, Including Capital Expenditure Out of Income . . . 1-44 Special Project Funds: Beef Cattle Producers’ Assistance Fund - - - _ - - - 4 Burrard Inlet (Third Crossing) Fund - - - 18 Centennial Cultural Fund _ 18 Crop Insurance Stabilization Fund - _ - . - - - 18 Dairy Producers’ Protection Fund _ 4 Dog Tax Fund - - - - 10 Grazing Range Improvement Fund _ 33 Housing and Redevelopment Fund - - - - - - - 18 Pound District Act _ _ 4 Provincial New-home Building Assistance Fund . . . . . . 18 Scaling Fund _ _ _ _ 33 University Endowment Lands Administration Account _ _ _ _ _ 31 Summary of Detailed Expenditure _ 45 Schedule of Indemnities and Mileage Paid to Members of Legislature _ 46 Schedule of Salaries, Wages, and Travelling Expenses by Departments _ 47-172 Schedule of Payments to Municipalities, School Districts, Hospitals, Individuals, Firms, and Corporations for Supplies or Services Rendered, Including Grants.. 173-213 Securities Deposited with the Government Pursuant to Various Acts _ _ _ 215 Financial Statements of Boards, Commissions, and Government Enterprises Not Otherwise Shown in the Public Accounts: British Columbia Liquor Control Board _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 216-217 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority _ _ _ _ _ 218-223 British Columbia Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority— _ _____ _ 224 British Columbia School Districts Capital Financing Authority _ _ _ _ _ 225-226 The Over-all Medical Services Plan of British Columbia _ _ _ 227 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company _ _ _ 228-230 Workmen’s Compensation Board _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 231-234 Index to Details of Revenue and Expenditure _ _ _ 235-241 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 6 PROVINCE OF STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION ASSETS 1968 Page Comparative Ref. No. 1969 Basis General: E 16 Cash on Hand and in Rank $34,546,421 193,824,739 $20,304,321 157,408,127 32,240,479 E 16 [Par value 1969, $194,006,100 _ Investments, at cost s Par value 1968> $157,444,600 E 16 V. 1 Accounts and Taxes Receivable _ _ _ 40,442,551 E 17 Tx>ans and Advances 29,863,256 26,123,128 E 17 Agreements of Sale, Mortgages Receivable, and Proper- ties Held for Sale 2,155,405 80,540,448 2,251,233 61,743,769 E 17 Investments in and Advances to Special Project Funds _ E 18 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company (entire issued share capital of 905.729 shares) 90,572,900 1,150,084,647 90,572,900 1,076,812,580 E 18 Fixed Assets Total General Assets . . . $1,622,030,367 $1,467,456,537 Superannuation and Retirement Funds: E 18-19 Cash in Banks _ _ $265,819 $797,242 [Par value 1969, $156,560,409 153,997,717 E 18-19 Investments jPar va)ue 1968> $141,394,940 138,722,176 Total Superannuation and Retirement Funds _ $154,263,536 $139,519,418 Trust: E 19 Miscellaneous Cash and Investments _ $191,362,579 $170,962,744 $1,967,656,482 $1,777,938,699 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 7 BRITISH COLUMBIA AS AT MARCH 31, 1969 1968 Page Comparative Ref. No. 1969 Basis General: E 19 Bonded Debt _ _ _ $51,462,000 $67,916,500 E 20 Treasury Bills — Government of Canada, long-term serial 8,502,964 9,431,352 $59,964,964 $77,347,852 E 20 Less sinking funds — Par value 1969, $60,250,615 _ 59,964,964 Par value 1968, $78,128,330 77,347,852 E 20 Cheques Issued and Outstanding _ _ $33,043,859 $23,917,037 E 21 Trust Deposits _ _ _ __ 15,128,450 13,355,891 E 21 Accounts Payable _ _ „ 36,238,636 34,251,395 E 21 Special Project Funds — unexpended balances _ 82,854,830 64,011,317 E 21 Reserves for Losses on Realization of Assets _ 2,051,159 3,047,722 E 22 Excess of Assets over Liabilities and Reserves 1,452,713,433 1,328,873,175 Total General Liabilities, Reserves, and Surplus $1,622,030,367 $1,467 ,456,537 Superannuation and Retirement Funds: E 23 Civil Service Superannuation Fund _ _ $153,238,519 $138,625,534 E 23 Members of Legislative Assembly Superannuation Ac¬ count _ _ _ _ 1,025,017 893,884 Total Superannuation and Retirement Funds $154,263,536 $139,5 19,418 Trust: E 23 Miscellaneous Trust Deposits _ $191,362,579 $170,962,744 $1,967,656,482 $1,777,938,699 E 23-24 Contingent Liabilities (net), representing Provincial guaranteed securities issued and sold in respect of physical assets and works, not included in the above assets of the Province _ $2,107,028,142 $1,986,454,921 Loans and advances are carried at book value as the amount of ultimate realization cannot be determined at this date. No provision is made for commitments under construction contracts in force at March 31, 1969. Such future construction is chargeable to appro¬ priations in the years in which the work is actually performed. In my opinion the statement of financial condition is properly drawn up so as to show the true position of the Province of British Columbia at March 31, 1969, and is in accordance with the books of the Province. C. J. FERBER, C.A., Comptroller-General. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 8 PROVINCE OF SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR REVENUE Pago Ref. No. 1969 1968 E 28 Property Taxes _ $11,218,142 $1 0,262,177 E 28 Social Services, Fuel Taxes, etc. _ 250,888,877 234,763,745 E 28 Personal and Corporation Income Taxes and Succession Duties _ 224,661,924 220,647,936 E 28 Privileges, Licences, and Natural Resources Taxes or Royalties _ 169,201,641 132,708,827 E 29 Sales and Service Fees _ 14,035,666 11,203,979 E 29 Fines and Penalties _ 1,839,743 1,685,686 E 29 Interest, Discount, Premium, and Exchange _ 12,771,303 6,838,674 E 29 Contributions from Other Governments _ _ _ 186,711,153 128,698,607 E 29 Contributions from Government Enterprises _ 77,830,663 50,594,476 E 29 Miscellaneous Revenue _ . _ 14,634,506 12,761,007 $963,793,618 $810,165,114 Exclusive of Special Funds. Complete consolidation shown on pages E 12-15. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 9 BRITISH COLUMBIA EXPENIDTURE BY DEPARTMENTS* ENDED MARCH 31, 1969 Page Ref. No. EXPENDITURE 1969 1968 E 30 Legislation _ — . _ $656,853 $598,125 E 30 Premier’s Office _ _ _ . - . . . . . 73,251 70,803 E 31 Department of Agriculture _ 8,666,578 7 £59,101 E 34 Department of the Attorney-General _ 25,570,990 22,843,092 E 34 Department of Commercial Transport _ 5,798,942 734,939 E 35 Department of Education .... - 260,886,372 7225,860,451 E 36 Department of Finance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38,288,759 46,267,104 E 38 Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance 178,891,118 152,520,750 E 38 Department of Highways _ _ _ 126,897,161 103,843,382 E 39 Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce _ _ _ _ - . 4,779,989 3,372,948 E 39 Department of Labour _ 6,320,546 6,046,568 E 42 Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources _ 32,428,523 35,595,222 E 42 Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources _ 4,604,449 2,757,490 E 43 Department of Municipal Affairs . _ 47,064,724 734,863,417 E 46 Department of the Provincial Secretary _ 56,088,627 30,089,128 E 46 Public Utilities Commission _ 449,299 412,810 E 46 Department of Public Works _ _ _ . 25,594,107 23,381,903 E 47 Department of Recreation and Conservation _ 6,033,321 5,109,653 E 47 Department of Travel Industry 2,067,598 1,974,951 E 47 Department of Social Welfare .... ... . ~ . 93,747,070 76,874,345 E 47 Ministers without Portfolio _ _ _ _ _ ... 54,391 30,382 Net expenditure, including capital charges _ $924,962,668 $780,806,564 Net Revenue over Expenditure, carried to Revenue Surplus Appropriation Account (page E 22) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1969 _ _ 38,830,950 29,358,550 $963,793,618 $810,165,114 t 1968 figures adjusted for comparative purposes. E 10 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1969 NET RECEIPTS Page Ref. No. E 8 Revenue as scheduled in Statement of Revenue and Expenditure _ $963,793,618 Deduct items included but not represented by cash received: Increase in accounts receivable _ 2,155,110 $961,638,508 Loans and advances repaid _ 1,072,174 Project funds repaid _ _ _ 24,076 Additional trust deposits _ 1,772,559 Total receipts _ $964,507,317 Cash on hand and in bank at beginning of period, March 31, 1968 _ 20,304,321 $984,811,638 NET PAYMENTS E 9 Expenditure as scheduled departmentally in Statement of Revenue and Expenditure _ $924,962,668 Deduct items included but not represented by cash disbursed: Increase in cheques issued and outstanding _ $9,126,822 Increase in accounts payable _ 1,987,241 - 11,114,063 $913,848,605 Increase in investments _ 36,416,612 Total disbursements _ $950,265,217 E 16 Cash on hand and in bank at end of period, March 31, 1969 _ 34,546,421 $984,811,638 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 11 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1969 SOURCE OF NEW FUNDS: Provided by excess of revenue over expenditure for the year ended March 31, 1969 (page E 9) — $38,830,950 Provided by decrease of loans and advances - _ - 1,072,174 FUNDS RECEIVED IN EXCESS OF FUNDS APPLIED, accounted for by an increase in current position shown below _ . _ _ _ . _ $39,903,124 $39,903,124 $39,903,124 STATEMENT SHOWING CHANGES IN CURRENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES CURRENT ASSETS: 1969 1968 Differences Cash on hand and in banks . . . - . . . . __ $34,546,421 $20,304,321 $14,242,100 — Investments 193,824,739 157,408,127 36,416,612 — Accounts receivable ._ _ _ - _ _ _ ..... 40,442,551 32,240,479 8,202,072 — Non-cash adjustments . — — — $6,046,962 Investments in and advances to Special Project Funds .... 80,540,448 61,743,769 18,796,679 — Non-cash adjustments _ — — 22,758 25,000,000 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Cheques issued and outstanding ... . 33,043,859 23,917,037 — 9,126,822 Trust deposits . 15,128,450 13,355,891 — 1,772,559 Accounts payable _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 36,238,636 34,251,395 — 1,987,241 Special Project Funds — unexpended balances . . . 82,854,830 64,011,317 — 18,843,513 Non-cash adjustments .. ... — — 25,000,000 — $102,680,221 $62,777,097 NET INCREASE IN CURRENT POSITION, to account for funds received in excess of funds applied as shown above _ — 39,903,124 $102,680,221 $102,680,221 E 12 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCE O STATEMENT OF REVENUE BY SOURC REVENUE BY SOURCE 1964 Taxes: Income tax — corporation and individual - $71,172,187 Property _ _ — - — - - - 7,325,015 Sales: Pari mutuel betting tax - - 1,716,915 Social services (net) _ 107,857,034 Motor-fuel and fuel-oil — - 48,408,938 Succession duties - 5,161,250 Insurance premiums - - - — — 3,144,152 Sundry _ - _ — - 228,313 Privileges, Licences, and Permits: Liquor control and regulation - 606,172 Motor-vehicle licences and permits_ - - - 22,691,112 Natural resources: Fish and game _ 1,820,065 Lands and forests _ 48,867,874 Minerals _ 26,057,794 W ater resources _ _ _ 1 ,966 ,518 Other _ _ _ 3,220,754 Sales and Services: “ B.C. Ferries Division ” - - - — Other _ 10,164,379 Fines and Penalties _ 955,687 Interest, Discount, Premium, and Exchange_ 1,741,534 Contributions from Other Governments: Grants-in-aid and shared-cost contributions — 85,073,682 Subsidies _ 1,672,417 Percentage of power corporation tax - _ - 501,351 Contributions from Government Enter¬ prises: Net profit, Liquor Control Board - 32,229,386 Miscellaneous _ 352,795 Non-revenue Receipts: Refund of previous year’s expenditure _ 76,759 Repayment of advances - - - 233,437 Carried forward _ $483,245,520 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 $85,751,394 $119,740,813 $152,043,763 $206,884,631 $209,953,9 8,487,100 9,077,838 11,984,408 10,681,378 11,629,5 1,839,296 2,213,210 2,462,480 2,480,290 2,705,3 125,191,148 147,455,605 154,134,763 164,064,708 175,897,8 53,138,517 58,723,045 63,891,178 68,218,747 72,285,7 8,112,325 14,991,802 21,883,580 13,763,305 14,707,9 3,558,370 4,111,847 4,583,141 4,952,707 5,197,1 269,194 304,185 309,460 360,828 367,8 625,287 666,276 673,931 703,752 762,2 24,639,677 27,512,606 29,004,505 29,896,739 32,041,7 1,870,106 1,992,084 2,225,127 2,268,617 2,716,7 56,747,675 60,847,042 56,350,928 52,154,383 78,214,1 34,120,200 36,269,217 42,633,793 38,672,349 45,637,4 2,182,320 2,281,801 2,317,493 2,467,292 2,845,6 3,660,371 5,212,117 3,622,572 3,796,969 4,530,3 1,267,137 21,775,5 12,357,119 14,514,231 20,307,204 20,089,267 26,045,4 1,093,188 1,359,935 1,477,194 1,685,686 1,839,7 1,280,370 5,207,124 5,515,894 8,295,601 14,563,5. 81,304,872 100,531,964 109,049,277 126,857,198 184,477,7: 1,672,417 1,672,417 1,672,417 1,672,417 1,672,4 284,215 436,793 248,128 168,992 560,9! 34,829,776 41,017,679 44,182,183 49,890,724 55,292,9 123,110 88,363 755,870 902,531 1,569,7' 135,921 271,877 176,368 2,090,689 322,75 93,625 138,313 116,869 159,545 781,4: ,367,593 $656,638,184 $731,622,517 $814,446,482 $968,396,3- Consolidation of Current, Capital, and Revenue Surplus Appropriation Accounts, and Special Funds on a gross fun< tional basis by fiscal years. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 13 tRITISH COLUMBIA ND EXPENDITURE BY FUNCTION* EXPENDITURE BY FUNCTION 1964 jneral Government: Administrative: General _ $6,334,296 Employees’ benefits _ 4,529,104 Construction and maintenance of public buildings _ _ 3,925,016 Legislative: Elections _ _ _ ; _ 912,855 Legislative Assembly and Government House _ 667,539 Research, planning, and statistics _ 161,857 OTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Law enforcement _ _ _ 2,498,233 Corrections: Juvenile delinquents _ _ _ . _ 1,536,599 Other offenders _ 6,573,940 Police protection _ 2,421,149 Registration, regulation, inspection, trustee¬ ship _ 4,025,335 ANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS: Highways, roads, and bridges _ _ _ *118,830,511 Waterways, ferries, docks, and wharves _ 2,097,975 “B.C. Ferries Division ” _ ... — ialth and Social Welfare: Health: Administration _ 1 ,6 1 6,243 Public health _ 7,776,698 Medical, dental, and allied services _ 5,446,425 Hospital care: General administration _ 743,858 Provincial Mental Hospitals _ _ _ 15,977,613 Provincial Tuberculosis Hospitals _ 1,430,484 Payments to hospitals _ 66,858,104 Provincial Infirmaries and Polio Pavilion 872,536 Social welfare: Aid to aged persons _ 17,885,107 Aid to blind persons _ 635,934 Social assistance^ _ 31,865,352 Child welfare_ _ _ _ 5,067,750 Labour relations, industrial conciliation and arbitration _ _ _ 517,529 General administration _ 2,267,493 CREATIONAL AND CULTURAL SERVICES: Archives, art galleries, museum, and libraries.. 582,486 Parks, beaches, and other recreational areas _ 2,082,789 Physical culture _ 218,366 Centennial celebrations _ — Other _ 133,189 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 $6,918,453 4,689,543 $7,089,111 5,124,000 $8,296,578 8,494,862 $8,757,813 9,316,965 $10,162,438 11,120,985 7.166,187 6,467,637 6,356,188 7,314,200 8,722,638 139,182 154,091 1.500,034 161,502 330,092 810,748 173,470 811,972 207,267 889,457 212,973 927,014 243,029 933,862 287,542 2,831,375 3,446,915 4,182,464 4,771,991 4,358,779 1,642,667 7,232,194 2,523,234 1,707,017 8,786,662 3,729,477 1,798,844 9,333,946 4,033,904 2,082,470 9,898,893 4,829,052 3,657,102 10,376,316 5,438,045 4,542,216 5,337.991 5,758,403 6,983,046 7,881,536 198,678,669 2,879,020 96,624,953 2,154,387 95,824,083 2,307,183 99,875,978 2,761,821 1,624,179 100,203,760 5,026,759 22,475,443 1,861,200 2,177,207 2,061,575 2,363,861 2,775,501 8,454,954 9,524,047 9,618,774 10,565,184 11,855,742 6,529,917 8,159,637 17,961,948 20,731,949 43,376,346 782,953 913,744 1,085,874 1,220,409 1,242,284 17,261,211 20,187,307 21,672,726 26,387,884 27,964,203 1,358,917 1,475,664 1.487,558 2,286,247 2,034,744 72,172,352 79,559,742 97,030,503 114,917,282 137,993,637 945,827 1,225,742 627,725 t t 18,077,130 19,489,007 18,122,810 11,771,940 11,924,786 702,434 695,366 659,068 621,650 606,697 32,489,794 36,930,082 40,038,701 46,647,469 61,246,804 5,795,777 6,811,445 9,272,113 13,275,722 16,127,247 564,328 651,477 3,245,871 3,658,847 3,861,912 2,663,469 2,981,238 3,467,151 3,952,835 4,568,105 752,964 2,764,791 2,571,621 3,994,257 3,791,118 2,165,121 2,729,557 2.969,226 3,587,888 4.115,379 253,849 302,093 389,470 345,021 509,266 — 800,000 2,500,000 250,000 — 363,537 450,699 134,867 325,601 472,274 Carried forward _ _ $316,492,365 $313,422,692 $339,500,325 $383,906,500 $426,451,999 $525,441,342 * Includes $15,439,868 pursuant to Toll Removal Act, 1963, chap. 49, sec. 8, and $17,749,250 pursuant to Toll Removal Act, 64, chap. 58, sec. 5 (2). t Includes $17,749,250 pursuant to Toll Removal Act, 1964, chap. 58, sec. 5 (2). t Included in aid to aged persons. E 14 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 STATEMENT OF REVENUE BY SOURCE AN REVENUE BY SOURCE 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Brought forward _ $483,245,520 $543,367,593 $656,638,184 $731,622,517 $814,446,482 $968,396,3 TOTAL GROSS REVENUE BY SOURCE _ $483,245,520 $543,367,593 $656,638,184 $731,622,517 $814,446,482 $968,396,33 Expenditure, Revenue Surplus Account - 15,439,868 17,749,250 — — — — Special Project Funds: Expenditures in ex¬ cess of revenue - 90,786 41,356 — — 10,545,571 6,248,50 $498,776,174 $561,158,199 $656,638,184 $731,622,517 $824,992,053 $974,644,83 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 15 KPENDITURE BY FUNCTION — Continued EXPENDITURE BY FUNCTION 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Brought forward _ $316,492,365 $313,422,692 $339,500,325 $383,906,500 $426,451,999 $525,441,342 UCATION : School operated by local authorities: Grants, operating schools _ 67,184,947 72,199,213 77,698,951 88,000,866 102,099,557 119,997,898 Provincial home-owner grants _ _ — *24,071,124 *29,057,777 *33,073,944 *37,341,397 *41,557,440 Aids and services _ . _ __ 6,574,836 7,033,208 13,956,694 14,289,155 8,497,733 10,189,711 Universities, colleges, vocational, and other schools _ _ . . . . . 25,823,284 31,700,561 46,319,746 51,852,159 73,553,827 84,290,698 Education of the handicapped _ 1,101,753 1,402,063 900,397 768,905 835,901 1,259,867 Superannuation and pensions _ ..... . . 3,880,513 4,110,878 4,339,349 4,635,407 5,020,787 5,452,757 General administration .... 578,324 624,444 681,274 904,680 834,608 963,063 ruRAL Resources and Primary Industries: Fish and game _ _ _ 1,457,723 1,641,545 2,727,673 1,905,024 1,918,255 2,304,221 Forests (including fire suppression )_ _ _ _ 17,751,633 18,276,805 23,858,178 23,965,460 30,400,411 27,129,907 Lands — settlement and agriculture _ . 5,218,239 5,965,566 7,796,589 11,973,107 10,552,161 12,023,077 Minerals and mines . . . . . 3,212,305 1,737,629 2,821,166 3,209,079 3,079,320 4,716,430 Water resources.. _ _ _ _ . 849,469 1,110,018 1,205,678 1,539,242 3,411,668 2,263,766 Other _ .. . . . 1,251,200 868,863 1,126,008 674,429 1,803,840 2,923,781 iDE and Industrial Development. _ 1,444,020 1,595,942 1,812,091 2,713,780 4,405,427 5,714,864 :al Government Planning and Develop- ME NT _ 2,634,035 2,411,113 1,094,673 1,679,491 1,863,648 1,117,015 erest, Other: Superannuation, Pension, and Trust Funds _ 318.892 278,847 180,416 42,888 41,312 1,327,883 VTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS: Grants in aid of local government _ 13,347,000 13,405,535 18,923,013 28,073,977 27,752,456 40,051,424 -mtiBunoNs to Government Enterprises: Subsidy to Toll Highways and Bridges Au- thority or Ferry Authority.. .. .. .. _ 1,969,086 968,221 — — — — Other _ _ _ _ 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 British Columbia Ferry Authority _ _ — — 41,176,200 — — — Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company . . — — 25,282,000 — — — ier Expenditure: Civil Defence. _. . . . . . 763,174 575,991 833,843 177,299 787,580 467,860 777,736 725,793 1,365,470 720,898 1,563,987 Housing _ _ .... _ _ _ _ 2,025,212 University Endowment Lands _ 381,600 386,767 392,566 384,439 554,540 507,803 Flood relief _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — — Provincial home-acquisition grants _ _ _ til, 811, 818 *4,149,044 8,044 7,331,280 *4,620,877 76,890 Provincial home-owner grants •21,659,274 194,280 *2,674,570 872,868 *3,228,642 4,408 *3,674,883 3,847 Sundry . . N-EXPENSE AND SURPLUS PAYMENTS: Advances... . . .. .... . . $110,788 / 181,655 1 72,679 252,734 i 845,513 5,267,010 Loss on sale of investments, sec. 9, Revenue Act .. . . . . . . — — — — — — TAL GROSS EXPENDITURE BY FUNC¬ TION _ _ _ $494,703,155 $507,737,959 $645,416,575 $660,476,944 $758,633,503 $910,813,889 Revenue over expenditure, including capital, Current Account _ _ _ 4,073,019 53,420,240 10,887,195 36,052,930 29,358,550 38,830,950 Special Project Funds: Revenue in excess of expenditure _ — — 334,414 92,643 — — Transfers to funds created by Legislative Authority _ _ _ _ _ — — — §35,000,000 §37,000,000 §25,000,000 $498,776,174 $561,158,199 $656,638,184 $731,622,517 $824,992,053 $974,644,839 * Provincial Home-owner Grant Act Amendment Acts, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1968, increase in grant. Provincial Home-owner ant Act Amendment Act, 1964, sec. 4, applicable first to local school taxes, balance to other levies, t Provincial Home-acquisition Grant Act. t Credit. § Transfers to funds created by legislative authority: At March 31, 1967 — Provincial Home-acquisition Grant Act, $25,000,- Centennial Cultural Fund Act, $5,000,000; Crop Insurance Stabilization Fund Act, $5,000,000; at March 31, 1968 — ' vincial Home-acquisition Grant Act, $10,000,000; Burrard Inlet (Third Crossing) Fund Act, $27,000,000; at March 31, 1969 ’rovincial New-home Building Assistance Act, $25,000,000. E 16 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969 f ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Bank: Cash on hand - - - — - Cash in chartered banks in Canada — - - Cash in banks in England (converted at $2.57) Cash in banks in United States (U.S. dollars) $3,112,154 31,255,808 93,952 84,507 $34,546,421 Investments : Revenue Act, sec. 9 (at cost) _ $193,824,739 Short-term deposits with chartered banks and trust companies: Par Value Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - — - $54,450,200 Bank of Montreal - - - - 25,000,000 Bank of Nova Scotia _ _ 25,000,000 Guaranty Trust Company of Canada - 12,363,000 Montreal Trust Company - - - 10,000,000 Royal Bank of Canada - - - - - . 25,000,000 National Trust Company - - - 5,000,000 Royal Trust Company - - _ - 5,000,000 Toronto-Dominion Bank - 10,000,000 - $171,813,200 Other : Railway Companies (Government of Canada guaranty) - $80,000 Province of British Columbia - - - - - - - 200,000 Province of Manitoba - __ - - - — 6,814,000 Province of Ontario _ — - _____ — . 48,000 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority parity bonds (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ _ — 1,510,400 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co. notes (Province of Brit¬ ish Columbia guaranty) - 5,000,000 Province of Quebec - - - - - — 179,000 Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission (Province of On¬ tario guaranty) - .___ — - 1,543,500 University of Toronto (Province of Ontario guaranty) _ 6,818,000 - 22,192,900 $194,006,100 $193,824,739 Accounts and Taxes Receivable: Government of Canada: Shared-cost agreements - - $18,052,595 Deposit re postal meter and Air Canada - 1,950 Other Provinces __ — - - - - British Columbia municipalities: Social allowances, medical services, and child welfare maintenance Sundry - $18,054,545 13,229 2,331,243 352,372 •Other: Property taxes _ _ — - - - - Social services tax _ . _ Insurance premiums tax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Logging tax - Mining tax - - - - - Probate fees and succession duties _ Timber royalty and stumpage and grazing fees _ Student-aid loans _ _ _ Teacher-training loans _ Farmers’ land-clearing and domestic water assistance Sundry _ _ _ $4,748,519 1,065,324 2,169 383,882 26,882 2,659,395 8,777,015 46,305 9,419 1,967,186 5,066 - 19,691,162 $40,442,551 • Not taken into revenue until received. Record purposes only. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 17 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969 —Continued ASSETS — Continued Loans and Advances: Dyking districts, co-operative associations, and other: Various dyking districts _ _ _ Various water and irrigation districts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Various co-operative associations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School districts, library districts, improvement districts, and local areas: Various school districts ( Public Schools Act, sec. 197 (10)) _ Various regional library districts ( Public Libraries Act, sec. 50 (5)) _ _ Various improvement districts (Water Act, sec. 62 (6)) _ Miscellaneous _ _ _ Boards and Commissions: British Columbia Harbours Board _ _ Liquor Control Board _ _ _ _ _ Other: Langford Warehouse Operating Account _ _ _ _ _ Queen’s Printer Operating Account _ _ _ _ _ _ Textbook Branch _ _ _ _ _ _ University Endowment Lands Administration Account _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Note. — The balance-sheet carries the qualifications that the above assets are carried at book value as the amount of ultimate realization cannot be determined at this date. Agreements of Sale, Mortgages Receivable, and Properties Held for Sale: Soldiers’ Land Act, 1918 — Southern Okanagan Lands Project _ •General land sales _ _ _ $351,853 591,020 68,012 62,327 2,200,000 367,099 2,034,896 71,952 5,014,954 8,981,014 174,107 344,751 4,560,885 4,184,887 855,499 • Not taken into revenue until received. Record purposes only. Investments in and Advances to Special Project Funds: Burrard Inlet (Third Crossing) Fund _ _ _ Centennial Cultural Fund _ Conservation Fund ( Water Act, R.S.B.C. 1936) Crop Insurance Stabilization Fund _ Provincial Home-acquisition Grant Fund _ Scaling Fund - - - $29,863,256 $1,699,306 456,099 $2,155,405 $27,000,000 5,087,501 124,764 5,165,974 42,929,095 233,114 Note. — The above advances are represented as follows: — Cash in chartered banks in Canada _ _ — _ _ Accounts receivable _ Investments (at cost) _ $9,453 357,878 80,173,117 Short-term deposits with chartered banks and trust companies: Par Value Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce . Bank of Nova Scotia _ _ _ Guaranty Trust Company _ _ _ Montreal Trust Company _ Royal Bank of Canada Toronto-Dominion Bank $5,549,800 10,117,000 7,184,000 5,000,000 14,300,000 10,000,000 Other: British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority parity bonds (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ $13,154,700 Pacific Great Eastern Railway parity bonds (Province of British Colum¬ bia guaranty) _ 4,712,600 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority bonds (Province of Brit¬ ish Columbia guaranty) _ 188,000 British Columbia School Districts Capi¬ tal Financing Authority bonds (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ 10,000,000 $52,150,800 28,055,300 $80,206,100 $80,540,448 $80,540,448 E 18 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969— Continued ASSETS — Continued Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co.: Par value of 905,729 shares at $100 each . . . . $90,572,900 Fixed Assets: •Highways _ Bridges - - - Wharves _ tFerries and ferry-landings _ Buildings and furnishings _ Songhees Reserve, Victoria .. Gross $807,401,995 214,525,935 203,250 66,734,925 155,565,552 773,690 Depreciation $47,585,640 203,240 3,782,005 43,549,815 Net $807,401,995 166,940,295 10 62,952,920 112,015,737 773,690 * Placed on the books March 31, 1926, by order of the Treasury Board, based on mileage classification and average value determined by the then Department of Public Works, plus additions to date. t Includes assets of British Columbia Ferry Authority totalling $56,122,841 (at cost) transferred to Province of British Columbia in accordance with the British Columbia Ferry Authority ( Vesting ) Act, 1968. $1,245,205,347 $95,120,700 $1,150,084,647 Superannuation Funds: Superannuation Fund: Cash in chartered banks in Canada — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $245,301 Investments: Bonds, debentures, and short-term deposits with chartered banks at book value _ 152,568,653 17,780 shares of Bank of British Columbia at book value _ . _ 424,565 Short-term deposit with chartered banks: Bank of Nova Scotia _ _ _ _ _ $883,000 Bonds and debentures: Par Value Province of British Columbia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1,536,500 Province of Ontario _ 105,000 Province of Quebec _ _ 179,000 Manitoba Hydro-electric Power Commission (Province of Manitoba guaranty) 1 _ _ 2,000 Quebec Hydro-electric Commission (Province of Quebec guaranty) - 110,000 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ _ 83,219,800 British Columbia Ferry Authority (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ 15,655,000 British Columbia School Districts Capital Financing Au¬ thority (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ _ 8,145,300 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co. (Province of British Columbia guaranty) - 5,800,000 British Columbia municipalities (Province of British Co¬ lumbia guaranty) - 12,864,209 British Columbia improvement districts (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ 8,001,300 British Columbia school districts (Province of British Co¬ lumbia guaranty) _ 19,021,900 - 154,640,009 Carried jorward $155,523,009 _ $153,238,519 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 19 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969— Continued ASSETS — Continued Brought forward - $153,238,519 Superannuation Funds — Continued Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Account: Cash in chartered banks in Canada _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Investments — bonds and debentures at book value _ _ _ _ _ Par Value Province of Ontario _ _ _ _ _ $100,000 British Columbia improvement district (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43,500 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (Province of British Co¬ lumbia guaranty) _ 711,100 British Columbia school districts (Province of British Columbia guaranty) 92,800 British Columbia School Districts Capital Financing Authority (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ _ _ 90,000 $1,037,400 20,518 1,004,499 $154,263,536 Trust: Cash in chartered banks in Canada _ _ _ _ _ $2,070,823 Investments — direct or guaranteed obligations of the Government of Canada or the Provinces (par value, $195,246,050) - 189,291,756 Note. — The above section is grouped for convenience. Each individual trust is kept as a separate entity for administration purposes. $191,362,579 LIABILITIES Bonded Debt: Debentures (for details as to terms of issue, etc., see pages E 26-27): A. Payable in Canada in Canadian dollars: 3 per cent debentures. Series JN _ _ 3 per cent debentures, Series JS _ _ 3 per cent debentures, Series JT _ _ Date of Issue Date of Maturity Nov. 15, 1948 Nov. 15, 1973 Dec. 15, 1949 Dec. 15, 1969 Dec. 15, 1949 Dec. 15, 1969 B. Payable in Canada in Canadian dollars or in New York in U.S. dollars at option of holder: 3% per cent debentures, Series KF _ C. Payable in New York in U.S. dollars: 3 Vi per cent debentures, Series KD _ Principal Amount Outstanding Mar. 31, 1969 $2,000,000 8,105,000 1,218,000 $11,323,000 Feb. 15, 1952 Feb. 15, 1977 $22,500,000 Aug. 15, 1951 Aug. 15. 1976 $17,639,000 Carried forward _ __ $51,462,000 E 20 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969 — Continued LIABILITIES — Continued Brought forward _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ $51,462,000 Treasury Bills: Government of Canada long-term serial: Series RA-D22-30, interest free, 1969-77 _ $2,502,657 Series RA-D52-60, interest 2% per cent, 1969-77 - 6,000.307 - 8,502,964 Sinking Funds (Deducted from Debt) : Cash in chartered banks in Canada - — - $3,951 Investments — bonds and debentures (adjusted book value) - - - 59,961,013 Par Value Province of British Columbia _ _ $10,894,000 Province of Manitoba _ — - 15,588,964 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority bonds and deben¬ tures (Province of British Columbia guaranty) - 24,577,400 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company bonds and debentures (Province of British Columbia guaranty) _ 130,300 Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission (Province of Ontario guaranty) _ _ _ — - 296,000 Manitoba Hydro-electric Power Commission (Province of Mani¬ toba guaranty) _ 3,400,000 Quebec Hydro-electric Commission (Province of Quebec guaranty) 330,000 Montreal-Laurentian Autoroute Board (Province of Quebec guar¬ anty) _ _ 5,030,000 $60,246,664 Net direct debt _ _ , _ Reconciliation: Sinking fund balance, April 1, 1968 _ $77,347,852 Add — interest earnings _ . _ _ _ 2,498,871 $79,846,723 Less — Redemptions _ $17,382,888 Interest paid on Provincial securities outstanding, 1968/69 _ 2,456,475 Adjustment in respect to provision for future interest require¬ ments - - - 42,396 - 19,881,759 $59,964,964 59,964,964 Nil $59,964,964 Notes. — (1) The above sinking fund includes “Sinking Fund for the Sinking Fund Deben¬ tures due 1977,” $21,850,747 (par value, $22,518,300), pursuant to subsection 1 (e) of section 45 of the Revenue Act, chapter 341, R.S.B.C. 1960. (2) The excess of sinking fund cash and investments at par value over requirements includes provision for future interest requirements. Cheques Issued and Outstanding: Cheques issued and outstanding at March 31, 1969 _ _ _ _ _ $33,043,859 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 21 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969— Continued LIABILITIES — Continued Trust Deposits: Boys’ Industrial School Inmates’ Trust Account _ _ _ $695 Contractors’ deposits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 183,241 Cemetery Tax Fund _ 77,694 Companies in liquidation _ _ _ 110,053 Crop Insurance Fund _ _ _ _ _ _ 460,807 Intestate estate deposits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6,333,474 Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act _ _ _ 9,097 Official Committee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5,940,369 Official Guardian deposits . . . . . . . 254,018 Patients’ Trust Accounts, Provincial Mental Hospitals _ _ _ 329,884 Provincial Home Trust Account _ _ _ 25,231 Timber-sale deposits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,390,669 Sundry trust accounts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13,218 $15,128,450 Accounts Payable: General current accounts _ _ _ _ _ $30,430,759 Suspense accounts — permit and licence applications _ _ _ 1,501,300 Suspense accounts — miscellaneous _ _ _ _ _ 956,637 Suspense accounts — British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Bond Deposit Accounts 571,060 Suspense accounts — right-of-way compensation _ _ _ 331,169 Municipal Vehicle Licence Account _ _ _ _ _ 512,534 Retention on construction contracts pending final certificates of completion _ _ 1,935,177 $36,238,636 Special Project Funds — Unexpended Balances: Beef Cattle Producers’ Assistance Fund - - - - - $119,949 Burrard Inlet (Third Crossing) Fund - - - - - 27,000,000 Centennial Cultural Fund _ _ _ _ _ 5.087,501 Crop Insurance Stabilization Fund — - - - - - 5,165,974 Dairy Producers’ Protection Fund - - - - - 66,796 Dog Tax Fund - - - - - 14,105 Grazing Range Improvement Fund _ _ _ 5,496 Pound District Act - - - - - - - 50 Provincial Home-acquisition Grant Fund _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42,929,095 University Endowment Lands Administration Account _ 2,465,864 $82,854,830 Reserves for Losses on Realization of Assets: Agreements of sale, mortgages receivable, and properties held for sale: Soldiers’ Land Act, 1918 — Southern Okanagan Lands Project _ $1,699,306 Loans and advances: Various dyking districts _ — _ _ _ _ 351,853 $2,051,159 E 22 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969— Continued LIABILITIES — Continued Excess of Assets over Liabilities and Reserves: Arising from Capitalization of Assets 1968 Mar. 31. By balance _ _ _ 1969 Mar. 31. By capital expenditure out of current appropriations charged to asset accounts: Buildings and furnishings _ _ _ _ $16,052,111 Highways, bridges, and ferries _ 66,975,732 By expenditure chargeable to asset accounts, increase in: British Columbia Harbours Board Act, Sec. 18 _ Local Services Act, Sec. 1 _ _ _ Public Libraries Act, Sec. 50 (5) _ Public Schools Act, Sec. 197 (10) _ _ _ Water Act, Sec. 62 (6) _ Sundry advances _ _ _ _ _ By increase in accounts receivable: Insurance premiums tax _ $1,864 Farmers’ land-clearing and domestic water assistance _ 138,147 Logging tax - 24,770 Probate and succession duties and fees - 1,487,229 Property taxes _ . _ 266,178 Social services tax _ 133,304 Timber royalty and stumpage _ 4,014,800 Sundry accounts receivable - 564 - $6,066,856 Less decreases — Land sales _ $62,066 Mining tax _ _ _ . _ _ _ 12,633 Student-aid loans _ 6,690 Teacher-training loans _ 571 - 81,960 $4,987,454 41,204 21,620 282,716 454,896 54,054 „ By adjustment in excess reserves: South Okanagan Lands Project _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ To refunds of recoverable expenditures credited to asset accounts: Advances to Conservation Fund _ _ _ $2,045 Advances under Canada-British Columbia Potato-warehouse Assistance Act _ _ _ _ 340 Irrigation Assistance Loan Act - - - - - 47,828 Southern Okanagan Lands Project _ _ 33,762 Sundry advances _ 18,673 To depreciation: Bridges _ _ _ $4,970,872 Ferries and ferry-landings _ _ _ 1,603,553 Buildings and furnishings _ _ _ _ _ 3,181,351 To write-offs authorized by Order in Council: Conservation Fund, No. 1000/69 _ $102,648 9,755,776 20,713 Surplus arising from capitalization of assets _ _ _ Arising from Revenue Sources 1968 Mar. 31. By balance - - - - - $141,230,772 1969 Mar. 31. Add excess of revenue over expenditure for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1969 - - - 38,830,950 Revenue surplus _ _ _ _ _ Note. — Pursuant to the Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969, (chapter 33, 1969), $130,000,000 of the revenue surplus was appropriated for certain specific purposes, effective April 1, 1969. Total excess of assets over liabilities and reserves as at March 31, 1969 _ $1,187,642,403 83,027,843 5,841,944 5,984,896 33,762 $1,282,530,848 9,879,137 $1,272,651,711 180,06t,722 $1,452,713,433 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 23 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969— Continued LIABILITIES — Continued Superannuation Funds: Civil Service Superannuation Fund _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ $153,238,519 Members of Legislative Assembly Superannuation Account _ _ _ 1,025,017 $154,263,536 Trust: British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Sinking Funds _ _ _ $70,537,085 British Columbia Ferry Authority Sinking Fund _ _ _ 69,661,961 British Columbia School District Capital Financing Authority Sinking Fund . . . . 7,908,532 British Columbia World Relief Fund __ _ 215 Bond Redemption Accounts _ _ 80,000 Burnaby, District of, Sinking Fund Accounts _ _ _ _ _ 251,517 Coupon Interest Account _ 20,674 Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Sinking Fund Accounts _ 7,414,004 Improvement District Sinking Fund Accounts _ _ __ _ 999,668 Land Registry Assurance Fund _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 514,491 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Sinking Fund _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21,958,965 Port Moody, City of, Sinking Fund Accounts _ 25,392 Queensborough Bridge Account _ 3,166,393 Suitors’ funds deposits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6,874,634 Workmen’s Compensation Board — Accident Fund bank account _ 1,949,048 $191,362,579 Contingent Liabilities: In addition to direct liabilities of the Province, the following securities as to both principal and interest have been guaranteed by the Province: — Guarantees Outstanding Sinking Fund Outstanding (Gross) Investments (Net) Municipalities and other local governments: (1) Guarantees authorized pursuant to the Public Schools Construction Act, 1953, and Public Schools Act (repayable serially) _ _ _ $314,576,400 Less held by British Columbia School Dis¬ tricts Capital Financing Authority _ _ 224,853,000 (2) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 46, Regional Hospital Districts Act . . . . $23,936,000 Less held by British Columbia Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority- 23,936,000 $89,723,400 — $89,723,400 (3) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 5, Municipal Improve¬ ment Assistance Enabling Act, 1938 (amortized in annual instalments) .. — — . . . — _ . _ . 6,163 66,368,813 6,163 (4) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 3, Municipalities As¬ sistance Act (principally serials) - - - - Less sinking funds (investments at par value plus accrued interest) . — - - . . $269,805 66,099,008 (5) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 3, Village Municipali¬ ties Assistance Act (repayable serially) . - . 3,348,400 — 3,348,400 (6) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 12, Improvement Dis¬ tricts Assistance Loan Act: Debentures (principally serials).. Less sinking funds (investments at par value plus accrued interest ) 18,998,500 1,140,348 17,858,152 (7) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 5, Distress Areas As¬ sistance Act .. _ _ _ . - - . . 66,609 66,609 (8) Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District deben¬ tures (some serials) 24,116,000 Less sinking funds (investments at par value plus accrued interest) __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,863,910 16,252,090 Sub-total, municipalities and local governments . $202,627,885 $9,274,063 $193,353,822 E 24 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 SCHEDULES TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT MARCH 31, 1969— Continued LI AB ILITIES — Contin ued Contingent Liabilities — Continued Guarantees University education: (9) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 47, British Columbia University Act, re Student Aid Loan Fund - - - Crown agencies: (10) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 46, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Act, J964: Bonds and debentures — funded _ _ _ Outstanding Sinking Fund Outstanding (Gross) Investments (Net) Less sinking funds (investments at book value plus accrued interest) _ Parity bonds — unfunded _ (11) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. \1 , Pacific Great East¬ ern Construction Loan Act, 1954: Bonds and debentures — funded .. _ _ Less sinking funds (investments at par value plus accrued interest) _ Parity bonds — unfunded _ _ _ Notes — unfunded _ (12) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 28, British Columbia Ferry Authority Act: Bonds and debentures — funded _ _ _ _ Less sinking funds (at adjusted book value) (par value plus accrued interest, $71,610,536) _ (13) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 9, British Columbia School Districts Capital Financing Authority Act: Debentures — funded _ _ _ Less sinking funds (investments at par value plus accrued interest) _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ (14) Guarantees authorized pursuant to sec. 9, British Columbia Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority Act: Debentures — funded _ Sub-total, Crown agencies _ Grand total, all contingent liabilities $129,568 — $129,568 $1,391,894,770 202,020,000 $71,542,140 $1,320,352,630 — 202,020,000 $1,593,914,770 $71,542,140 $1,522,372,630 $118,567,000 50,505,000 5,000,000 $23,513,832 $95,053,168 50,505,000 5,000,000 $174,072,000 $23,513,832 $150,558,168 $65,357,000 — $65,357,000 — 224,853,000 — — — 8,175,046 $216,677,954 23,936,000 — 23,936,000 $2,082,132,770 $168,588,018 $1,913,544,752 $2,284,890,223 $177,862,081 $2,107,028,142 E 26 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCE OF f Statement of Debentures and Treasury Bills Maturity Date of Issue Rate % Nature Series Amount Outstanding Interest Payable Dec. 15, 1969 Dec. 15, 1949 3 Debentures JS $8,105,000 15 J & D Dec. 15, 1969 Dec. 15, 1949 3 Debentures JT 1,218,000 15 J & D Nov. 15, 1973 Nov. 15, 1948 3 Debentures JN 2,000,000 15 M & N Aug. 15, 1976 Aug. 15, 1951 m Debentures KD 17,639,000 15 F& A Feb. 15, 1977 Feb. 15, 1952 3Va Debentures KF 22,500,000 15 F& A Total Debs rntures _ _ _ $51,462,000 July 1, 1969-77 July 1, 1947 Treasury Bills RA-D-22-30 $2,502,657 July 1, 1969-77 July 1, 1947 2Va Treasury Bills RA-D-52-60 6,000,307 Total Treas ury Bills to Government of Ca nada . . $8,502,964 Grand total _ $59,964,964 Less sinking funds1. — - - — 59,964,964 Net debt ... — — — Nil i Par value plus accrued interest, $60,900,901. L.M. — In lawful money. C.B.C. — At the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. V. — Victoria. Vr. — Vancouver. W. — Winnipeg. T. — Toronto. O. — Ottawa. M. — Montreal. N.Y. — New York, U.S.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 27 BRITISH COLUMBIA Outstanding and Unpaid as at March 31, 1969 Place and Manner of Payment Term, Years Denomination Authority L.M. — C.B.C. — V., Vr„ W„ T„ or M. 20 *500, 1,000 Revenue Act, R.S.B.C. 1948— O.C. 2682. L.M. — C.B.C. — V., Vr„ W„ T., or M. 20 *500, 1,000 Revenue Act, R.S.B.C. 1948 — O.C. 258. L.M. — C.B.C.— V., Vr„ W„ T„ or M. 25 *1,000 Revenue Act, R.S.B.C. 1936 — O.C. 2649. L.M.— C.B.C.— N.Y. 10-25 t* * * § 1,000 Revenue Act, R.S.B.C. 1948, and High- way Development Act — O.C. 1937. L.M.— C.B.C.— V., Vr„ W., T„ M.. or 10-25 §*1,000 Revenue Act, R.S.B.C. 1948, and Electric N.Y. Power Act — O.C. 332. L.M.— C.B.C.— O. L.M.— C.B.C.— O. * Debentures may be obtained in fully registered form. t Exclusive of matured securities, not presented for redemption, covered by earmarked deposits. X Callable in whole or in part by lot. § Callable as a whole at the following prices plus accrued interest: 101 per cent if redeemed on or before February 14, 1970; 100% per cent if redeemed thereafter and on or before February 14, 1974; 100 per cent if redeemed after February 14, 1974. This series is also redeemable in part, at par, for sinking fund purposes only, by lot, on August 15th, annually. G. S. BRYSON, Deputy Minister of Finance. E 28 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DETAILS OF REVENUE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1969 Estimated SERVICE Received Property Taxes $360,000 6,400,000 300,000 90,000 Land Taxes, General: Farm land _ _ Improved land _ Wildlands . . . __ Coal land “ A ” and “ B ”, 500,000 1,000,000 350,000 600,000 560,000 Land Taxes, Forest: Forest land _ _ _ Timber land _ _ _ Tree-farm land _ _ E. & N. Railway Belt Land Tax Act . . . . . . Forest protection tax _ _ _ _ _ $361,349 6,582,827 307,192 93,749 $7,345,117 $384,963 1,186,232 376,293 807,531 1,118,006 3,873,025 $10,160,000 Total, Property Taxes _ . _ $11,218,142 Social Services, Fuel Taxes, Etc. $2,600,000 167,000,000 63,300,000 4,700,000 2,700,000 Pari mutuel betting tax _ Social services tax (net) _ _ _ _ Gasoline tax _ _ _ Motive-fuel use tax _ _ _ Fuel-oil tax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $2,705,331 175,897,820 64,631,891 4,781,900 2,871,935 $240,300,000 $67,000,000 154,000,000 16,000,000 $237,000,000 $31,000,000 2,400,000 250,000 1,850,000 7,900,000 85,000 650,000 3,700,000 42,000,000 250,000 40,000,000 175,000 850,000 6,000,000 80,000 3,000,000 Total, Social Services, Fuel Taxes, Etc._ _ 250,888,877 Personal and Corporation Income Taxes and Succession Duties Income taxes (corporation) _ _ _ Income taxes (personal) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Succession duties _ _ _ Total, Personal and Corporation Income Taxes and Sucession Duties _ _ _ Privileges, Licences, and Natural Resources Taxes or Royalties Motor-vehicle Licences and Permits: ' Motor-vehicle Act _ - Department of Commercial Transport Act _ Motor Carrier Act _ $17,084,354 14,492,540 464,823 Natural Resources: Game Act — Fees and licences _ Lands and Forests: Grazing permits and fees _ _ Land leases, rentals and fees _ Logging tax - Timber leases _ Timber licences _ _ _ _ _ _ Timber royalties _ Timber sales _ _ _ Minerals: Iron-ore royalties _ Coal, petroleum, and natural-gas leases and fees ... Free miners’ certificates _ Mining receipts, general _ _ _ Mining tax _ _ _ _ Unworked Crown-granted mineral claims _ $374,440 2,299,825 10,425,393 287,716 691,742 5,509,684 55,032,554 $242,791 38,785,191 195,729 1,198,338 5,135,415 80,007 Water Resources: Water rentals and recording fees.... $48,163,026 161,790,938 14,707,960 224,661,924 $32,041,717 2,677,925 74,621,354 ■ 45,637,471 2,774,157 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 29 DETAILS OF REVENUE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1969— Continued Estimated SERVICE Received $150,000 145,000 1,000,000 600,000 320,000 20,000 140,000 150,000 5,500,000 900,000 70,000 50,000 80,000 300,000 35,000 210,000 60,000 1,000,000 $150,920,000 $900,000 135,000 100,000 400,000 4,200,000 300,000 150,000 4,500,000 $10,685,000 $1,700,000 $6,500,000 $1,672,415 125,000 115,000,000 $116,797,415 10,200,000 450,000 $127,447,415 $50,500,000 21,000,000 $71,500,000 $3,500,000 7,000,000 $10,500,000 $866,712,415 Privileges, Licences, and Natural Resources Taxes or Royalties — Continued Other: Agricultural licences and fees _ Boiler inspection fees _ Companies Branch _ _ _ Electrical energy inspection fees _ _ _ Fire Marshall Act — Fees, etc. _ _ Fisheries licences _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas Act — Fees _ Insurance Act _ _ Insurance premiums tax _ Law stamps ... _ _ _ _ Marriage licences _ Moving Pictures Act _ Municipal licences, regulated areas, etc. . . Probate fees _ _ Real Estate Act _ _ _ _ Securities Act _ Trade licences _ _ _ Sundry licences and permits _ _ _ Total, Privileges, Licences, and Natural Re¬ sources Taxes or Royalties _ _ _ Sales and Service Fees Sales: Land sales _ _ _ _ Sales of maps and air photos _ Services: Administration Act — Fees _ _ _ Land-clearing receipts _ _ Land Registry fees _ _ _ Sheriffs’ fees _ Vital statistics _ _ Sundry services _ _ _ Total, Land Sales and Service Fees _ _ _ Fines and Penalties Court fees and fines _ _ _ Interest, Discount, Premium, and Exchange Miscellaneous interest _ _ _ _ _ Contributions from Other Governments Canada statutory subsidies . . . Canada percentage of power corporation tax _ Canada share of joint service programmes in lieu of opting out _ _ _ _ _ Municipal share of joint service programmes _ Other Provinces _ _ _ Total, Contributions from Other Governments Contributions from Government Enterprises Net profit, Government Liquor Board (including per¬ mits) _ _ _ _ “ B.C. Ferries ” Division _ _ _ _ _ _ Total, Contributions from Government En¬ terprises _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous $274,162 219,029 1,305,262 684,650 360,834 38,788 177,556 210,499 5,197,164 980,221 76,824 52,036 86,531 422,586 44,794 196,353 65,499 1,056,229 i $11,449,017 $906,557 162,646 - $1,069,203 I I $92,593 444,391 4,815,006 331,771 231,184 7,051,518 - 12,966,463 i - $1,672,417 — 560,999 — 168,159,428 $170,392,844 _ _ 16,006,458 311,851 — • $56,055,121 21,775,542 $169,201,641 14,035,666 1,839,743 12,771,303 186,711,153 77,830,663 Institutional maintenance receipts _ Miscellaneous revenue _ $5,620,431 9,014,075 | Total, miscellaneous 14,634,506 Total revenue $963,793,618 E 30 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Appropriation and Expenditure Summary Showing Amounts Appropriated, Expended, Unexpended, and Overexpended for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1969 No. of SERVICE Vote Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended CURRENT ACCOUNT 1 Legislation: Main Estimates . ... ... $606,452 Statutory .. . . - 34,401 $640,853 $640,853 Statutory: Vera Madge Bate Act . „ ~ . ~ ~ . 8,000 8,000 Denise Vulliamy Act _ _ . — 8,000 8,000 $656,853 $656,853 Premier’s Office — — 2 Premier’s Office: Main Estimates _ _ _ - . - . — $82,257 $73,251 $9,006 Department of Agriculture 3 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ . _ $33,016 $34,789 $1,773 4 General Administration: Main Estimates _ _ - . . . . . - _ - . - 131,808 122,671 $9,137 5 Markets and Statistics Branch: Main Estimates . . . . . . 113,086 113,950 864 6 Horticultural Branch: Main Estimates . . ... _ - - — 233,856 235,515 1,659 7 Plant Pathology Branch: Main Estimates _ ... . . . . . 38,616 39,574 958 8 Entomology Branch: Main Estimates _ _ . ... . .. . . — 102,390 92,350 10,040 9 Apiary Branch: Main Estimates . . .— ... . 32,862 34,027 1,165 10 Live Stock Branch: Main Estimates _ _ .. . . 809,454 711,458 97,996 11 Dairy Branch: Main Estimates . . . .. . .. 273,294 266,226 7,068 12 Poultry Branch: Main Estimates _ _ ._ ... . . 115,908 115,084 824 13 Field Crops and Seed Improvement Branch: Main Estimates _ __ .. _ _ _ .. _ _ _ 85,366 87,034 1,668 14 Farmers’ Institutes: Main F^stimates 13,620 13,312 308 15 Women’s Institutes: Main Estimates 15,000 14,990 10 16 Soil Survey Branch: Main Estimates . 163,824 144,757 19,067 17 Agricultural Development and Extension Branch: Main Estimates . _ . . .. _ 345,317 338,777 6 540 18 Agricultural Engineering Branch: Main Estimates . . . . . 101,896 93,781 8,115 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 31 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Agriculture — Continued 19 4-H Clubs: Main Estimates . .. .... _ - _ .. _ .. _ $69,728 $69,255 $473 20 Milk Board: Main Estimates ... .. . . .... . . . 88,006 80,942 7,064 21 Temporary Assistance: Main Estimates 117,000 128,246 $11,246 22 Motor-vehicles and Accessories: Main Estimates _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ 25,000 24,491 509 23 Grants and Subsidies: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 73,000 72,9% 4 24 Rebates on Stumping-powder: Main Estimates 10,000 2,846 7,154 25 Subsidies on Agricultural Lime: Main Estimates . . ... . . . . . . . . 125,000 88,972 36,028 26 Farm Labour Service: Main Estimates . . . . . . .. .... 22,000 4,709 17,291 27 Farms : Main Estimates .. . ... — _ 20 20 28 Crop Insurance: Main Estimates 154,000 167,437 13,437 29 Farmers’ Land-clearing and Domestic Water Assis- tance: Main Estimates 700,000 540,152 159,848 30 Pound District Act: Main Estimates . . . 750 426 324 31 Grasshopper-control Act: Main Estimates 37,000 8,701 28,299 32 Natural Products Marketing (B.C.) Act: Main Estimates . . .. 1,200 987 213 33 Pest Control: Main Estimates _ — - — - _ _ 70,000 67,007 2,993 34 Aid in Construction of Storage Facilities, Farm Commodities : Main Estimates _ . - - - -. — - _ 16,000 16,000 35 Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ $3,600,000 Statutory . . . . . . 1,259,791 4,859,791 4,859,791 Statutory: 10,892 9,354 10,892 9,354 _ ... __ Special Warrants: 1 No. 2. Freight assistance programme on grain pro- ' duced and shipped by rail from Creston-Wynndel 25,000 20,143 4,857 _ No. 4. Building grants to agricultural exhibitions 41,000 41,000 _ No. 17. Provincial share of Sterile Codling Moth f Release Programme 15,000 9,936 5,064 $9,079,054 $8,666,578) $445,246' f $32,770 E 32 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of the Attorney-General Administration 36 Attorney-General’s Office: Main Estimates - - - — 37 General Administration: Main Estimates _ 38 Incidentals and Contingencies: Main Estimates - _ Justice and Courts 39 Supreme and County Courts: Main Estimates - _ - 40 Administration of Justice: Main Estimates _ _ Special Warrant No. 33 $876,500 150,000 41 Constitutional Litigation and General Law Costs: Main Estimates _ - — — $137,500 Special Warrant No. 37 _ 105,000 42 Coroners’ Inquests and Inquiries: Main Estimates - 43 Sheriffs’ Offices: Main Estimates _ 44 Official Reporters: Main Estimates _ 45 Conference of Commissioners on Uniformity of Legislation in Canada: Main Estimates _ 46 Coroners’ Conference: Main Estimates _ 47 Magistrates’ Conference: Main Estimates _ 48 Prosecutors’ Conference: Main Estimates _ 49 Magistrates Act: Main Estimates . Statutory _ $529,000 39,510 Registration 50 Land Registry Offices: Main Estimates _ 51 Companies Office: Main Estimates 52 Motor-vehicle Branch: Main Estimates _ Trustees 53 Public Trustee’s Office: Main Estimates _ $36,852 309,722 6,500 606,271 1,026,500 242,500 125,000 363,220 439,123 1,750 5,000 10,000 5,000 568,510 1,376,134 168,718 2,097,101 239,616 $39,739 311,692 6,980 623,054 1,374,238 318,771 141,355 348,895 520,231 799 4,701 7,591 5,662 568,510 1,270,691 171,236 2,132,037 260,435 $14,325 951 299 2,409 105,443 $2,887 1,970 480 16,783 347,738 76,271 16,355 81,108 662 2,518 34,936 20,819 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 33 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of the Attorney-General — Continued Regulation and Inspection 54 Insurance and Real Estate Office: Main Estimates $120,880 $103,660 $17,220 55 Securities Commission Office: Main Estimates 125,394 121,956 3,438 52 Credit Union Office: Main Estimates 75,022 67,989 7,033 57 Fire Marshal’s Office: Main Estimates 236,510 216,577 19,933 58 Censor of Moving Pictures Office: Main Estimates 31,642 31,548 94 59 Racing Commission: Main Estimates 75,992 77,611 $1,619 Police Services 60 Policing by Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Main Estimates 5,094,000 5,121,953 27,953 61 Sundry Incidental Police Expenses: Main Estimates . 350,000 209,175 140,825 62 Grant re Police Academy: Main Estimates 20,000 20,000 Corrections 63 Corrections Office: Main Estimates 277,671 264,460 13,211 64 Probation Office: Main Estimates 1,315,614 1,198,709 116,905 65 Probation Hostels: Main Estimates 20,175 19,388 787 66 Parole Board: Main Estimates 20,848 20,068 780 67 Alouette River Unit: Main Estimates 464,794 413,279 51,515 68 Narcotic Drug Treatment: Main Estimates 86,683 78,990 7,693 69 Oakalla Prison Farm: Main Estimates 3,782,066 3,592,603 189,463 70 Women’s Gaol and Camp: Main Estimates 575,636 508,380 67,256 71 Chilliwack Forest Camps: Main Estimates 616,818 611,567 5,251 72 Prince George Gaol and Forest Camp: 691,504 667,018 24,486 73 Kamloops Gaol and Forest Camps: Main Estimates 673,724 681,948 8,224 74 Haney Correctional Institution (Including Forest Camps and New Haven) : 2,637,087 2,623,269 13,818 2 E 34 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of the Attorney-General — Continued Corrections — Continued 75 Vancouver Island Unit and Camps: Main F.stimates $758,840 $754,225 $4,615 Special Warrant: No. 20. Grant to Salvation Army House of Concord 60,000 60,000 $25,738,417 $25,570,990 $807,750 $640,323 Department of Commercial Transport 76 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates .... ... _ _ _ _ . .. _ $2,850 $338 $2,512 77 General Administration: Main Estimates _ . . _ _ . . . . 100,308 97,060 3,248 78 Engineering Branch: Main Estimates ... _ . . _ . .. _ _ ... 104,814 101,758 3,056 79 Weigh-scale Branch: Main Estimates 591,098 584,832 6,266 Statutory: 5,014,954 5,014,954 $5,814,024 $5,798,942 $15,082 Department of Education SO Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ .. $29,310 $31,059 $1,749 81 General Administration: Main Estimates ... _ .... _ _ 209,472 200,478 $8,994 82 Curriculum Branch: Main Estimates 94,482 99,950 5,468 83 Research and Standards Branch: Main Estimates 138,660 98,019 40,641 84 Post-secondary and Adult Education Branch: Main Estimates 188,756 262,314 73,558 85 Secondary Correspondence School: Main Estimates 476,127 421,065 55,062 86 Elementary Correspondence School: Main Estimates . . . . . . . 110,434 103,374 7,060 87 Textbook Branch: Main Estimates .... _ _ _ _ .... _ _ _ 643,930 1,049,933 406,003 88 Inspection of Schools and School Services: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,297,642 1,272,786 24,856 89 Jericho Hill School: Main Estimates 683,788 673,063 10,725 90 Teacher Registration and Examinations: Main Estimates _ _ _ 441,528 384,167 57,361 91 Finance Branch: Main Estimates . . 104,606 97,836 6,770 92 Post-secondary Education and Training: Main Estimates . . . . .. 83,107,066! 81,631,7711 1,475,2951 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 35 No. of SERVICE Vote CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Education — Continued 93 Capital Expenditures, Provincial Technical and Vocational Schools and Vocational Grants to School Districts: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ — 94 Grants to School Districts: Main Estimates _ $160,950,000 Statutory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 605,339 95 Teachers’ Superannuation Fund: Main Estimates ... _ $5,440,000 Statutory _ _ _ _ — 12,757 96 Free Textbooks, Maps, Etc.: Main Estimates _ _ _ — - 97 Night-school Grants: Main Estimates _ _ _ — - 98 Training Programmes: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ 99 Education of Soldiers’ Dependent Children and Expenses: Main Estimates _ _ _ ... 100 Community Programmes Grants: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ 101 Incidentals, Grants, and Contingencies: Main Estimates _ _ _ 102 Temporary Assistance: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ 103 Advances re Rural School and Library Taxes: Main Estimates _ _ _ Department of Finance 104 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ _ 105 General Administration: Main Estimates _ 106 Controlling and Audit Branch: Main Estimates _ 107 Data Processing Branch: Main Estimates _ 108 Consumer Taxation Branch: Main Estimates _ 109 Real Property' Taxation Branch: Main Estimates _ 110 Income Taxation Branch: Main Estimates _ 111 Assessment Equalization Act: Main Estimates _ 112 Purchasing Commission: Main Estimates _ _ 113 Langford Warehouse: Main Estimates Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended $15,000,000 $5,578,646 $9,421,354 161,555,339 161,555,339 5,452,757 5,452,757 1,400,000 1,241,386 158,614 — 245,000 225,921 19,079 — 183,0001 183,180 $180 30,000 29,998 2 215,000 214,936 1 64 ! _ 1 60,000 57,786 ] 2,214| _ 1 57,500 57,500 i _ 10 *36,892 ' i l 36,902| _ . $271,724,407 $260,886,372 $11 ,324,9931 $486,958 i $5,370 $625 $4,745 - - 203,062 199,642 1 | 3,420 | 435,668 ' 436,381 ! — 1 $713 453,988 1 370,597 83,391 1; - 962,158 i 912,174 1 49,984 400,148 ! I 353,437 I ! | 46,711 1 - 235,798 I 1 213,513 1 | 22,285 ! 216,178| 181,203 1 | 1 \ 34,975| ... - 1 ! 1 1 401,920| 379,9561 21,964| . . 1 I 1 t 101 *10,659 1 / 1 10,6691 . . . . * Credit. E 36 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued 1 Department of Finance — Continued 1 i 114 Government Agencies, Etc.: 1 Main Estimates _ ... . . . . . . $1,794,924 $1,775,231 1 $19,693 115 Courts of Revision: Main Estimates _ ..... _ .... 40,000 45,948 $5,948 116 Assessment Appeal Board: Main Estimates _ .... _ _ 27,000 32,135 5,135 117 Printing Public Accounts, Estimates, Bonds, Rev- enue Receipts, Licences, Etc.: Main Estimates . . ... . 85,000 87,474 2,474 118 Temporary Assistance: Main Estimates ... _ _ .... . . 180,000 175,243 4,757 119 Incidentals and Contingencies: Main Estimates _ _ _ $50,000 Special Warrant No. 35 . 35,000 85,000 148,506 63,506 120 Civil Service Superannuation Act — Interest: Main Estimates _ 10 10! _ 121 Members of Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act — Interest: Main Estimates _ _ . 10 10 122 Dyking Assessment Adjustments Act, 1905: Main Estimates . _ _ 200 143 57 123 Supreme Court Act (Sec. 33) : Main Estimates . _ _ _ _ $360,000 Statutory . . . 955,576 1,315,576 1,315,576 124 Salary Contingencies and Adjustments (All De- partments) : Main Estimates . . . . . 5,000,000 4,513,020 486,980 125 Expense Contingencies (All Departments) : Main Estimates _ .... _ 75,000 67,747 7,253 126 Motor-vehicles and Accessories (All Depart- ments) : Main Estimates _ _ _ _ 75,000 8,598 66,402 127 Power Subsidy: Main Estimates . . 1,000,000 1,000,000 128 Metropolitan Transit Subsidy: Main Estimates . . . 1,000,000 1,000,000 129 Nancy Sloan Act: Main Estimates . 3,556 3,556 Statutory: Advances under various Statutes *160,216 2,953 2,642 160,216 Cemetery Companies Act (sec. 10 (4)) 2,953 Municipal Act (sec. 10) 2,642| 66,331 Mimicipal Act (sec. 23) 66,331 4,773 25,000,000 Unclaimed Money Deposits Act 4,773 25,000,000 * Provincial New-home Building Assistance Act Special Warrants: Nos. 3 and 15. British Columbia share of expendi- 1 ture of mutual funds and investment contracts 15,564 1 15,564 No. 9. Grant toward establishing an outward-bound 1 school _ 5,000! 5,000 | Nos. 11, 19, and 23. Grant with respect to Junior I Sports Stadium, Vancouver _ _ _ _ 141,666) I 141,666 1 $39,234,505| $38,288,759 1 $l,023,522i ! $77,776 * Credit. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 37 No. of SERVICE Vote CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance 130 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ 131 Accounting Division: Main Estimates _ Public Health Services 132 General Services: Main Estimates _ _ $1,512,779 Special Warrant No. 7 _ 160,000 133 Grants re Local Health Services: Main Estimates _ 134 Grants for Health Agencies: Main Estimates _ _ _ $650,000 Special Warrants Nos. 14, 27, 28, and 31 320,000 135 Cancer Control (Including Grants, Etc.): Main Estimates _ 136 Public Health Research: Main Estimates _ _ _ 137 Local Health Services: Main Estimates _ $4,377,051 Special Warrant No. 6 _ _ 90,000 138 Division of Laboratories: Main Estimates _ $616,445 Special Warrant No. 39 _ 32,000 139 Division of Vital Statistics: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ 140 Division of Venereal Disease Control: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Division of Tuberculosis Control 141 Administration and Out-patient Care: Main Estimates - - - 142 In-patient Care: Main Estimates _ _ _ Special Warrant: No. 5. Cost of producing film on pollution control Sub-total, Public Health Services . . . Mental Health Services 143 General Administration: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ 144 Division of Nursing Education: Main Estimates - - - - 145 Community Services: Main Estimates - - - 146 In-patient Care: Main Estimates _ _ _ Special Warrants: No. 34. Grant to assist in reconstruction and devel¬ opment of Seven Oaks Children’s Centre _ _ _ No. 38. Grant to Bevan Lodge Association to assist in purchase of furnishings and equipment - Sub-total, Mental Health Services _ Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended $4,000 $39,396 $35,396 229,804 219,363 $10,441 — 1,672,779 ' 1,566,429 106,350 545,000 540,151 4,849 — 970,000 961,002 8,998 450,000 449,393 607 600,000 749,894 149,894 4,467,051 4,413,146 53,905 — 648,445 602,438 46,007 520,713 500,961 19,752 — 180,554 164,165 16,389 — 819,370 717,798 101,572 — 1,863,944 1,642,713 221,231 . . - 20,000 20,000 - . - $12,991,660 $12,586,849 $590,10lj $185,290 f $888,708 $735,712 $152,996 1,239,406 1,100,661 f 138,745 2,619,078 1,480,759 r 1,138,319 — 25,190,282 1 24,060,821 1,129,461 f 52,420| 52,420 1' IT ,750| 11,750 . . . - $30,001,644 $27,442,123 $2,559,521 E 38 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of SERVICE Vote CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance — Continued Hospital Insurance Sendees 147 Hospital Insurance Service: Main Estimates - . - Sub-total, Hospital Insurance Services - Total, Health Services and Hospital Insurance Department of Highways 148 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates - Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended $126,093,492 $138,862,146 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ | $12,768,654 ■ $126,093,492 $138,862,146 . ...j $12,768,654 1 $169,086,796 $178,891,118 $3,149,622| $12,953,944 ! $44,920 $15,882 $29,038 149 General Administration: Main Estimates - - 150 Roads, Bridges, Ferries, Wharves, and Tunnels (Maintenance and Operation, Repairs, and Snow and Ice Removal): Main Estimates _ 2,799,786 30,000.000 2,688,774 31,171,431 111,012 $1,171,431 151 Trans-Canada Highway: Main Estimates _ 10,000,000 2,776,874 7,223,126 152 Roads, Bridges, and Ferries — Capital Construction: Main Estimates 153 Hydro-development Highways — tion: Capital Construc- 154 Vehicle Damage Claims: Main Estimates _ 155 Highway Signs, Signals, Traffic Control, Etc.: 156 Grants and Subsidies: Main Estimates 157 Purchase of New Equipment: Main Estimates 158 “B.C. Ferries” Division: Main Estimates _ Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce 159 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ _ ... _ 160 General Administration: Main Estimates 161 Agent-General’s Office and House, London, England: Main Estimates ____ _ _ British Columbia 162 Bureau of Economics and Statistics: Main Estimates _ 163 Data Processing Centre: Main Estimates _ _ _ 164 Industrial and Trade Office: Main Estimates . . . 57,000,000 58,407,520] - - 1,407,520 5,000,000 5,791,340 — 791,340 50,000 59,794 9,794 750,000 779,161 — 29,161 17,775 11,122 6,653 — 3,000,000 2,719,820 280,180 — 20,850,000 22,475,443 1,625,443 $129,512,481 $126,897,161 $7,650,009 $5,034,689 $32,406 $31,249 $1,157 85,686 90,897 $5,211 174,586 175,374 — 788 334 678 270,746 63,932 1,435,908 1 894,191 541,717 70,494 1 | 56,468 14,026 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 39 No. of SERVICE Vote CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce — Continued 165 British Columbia House, San Francisco: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ 166 Temporary Assistance: Main Estimates _ _ _ 167 Advertising and Publicity: Main Estimates _ _ $70,000 Special Warrant No. 29 _ 30,000 168 Trade Promotion: Main Estimates _ _ _ 169 Provincial Exhibits, British Columbia Building: Main Estimates _ _ 170 Grant to British Columbia Research Council: Main Estimates _ — - - - Special Warrant: No. 1. Provincial share of cost of Trade Fair and Sports Building, Exhibition Park - Department of Labour 171 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ 172 Labour Standards Branch: Main Estimates - - - - - 173 Factories Branch: Main Estimates _ 174 Apprenticeship and Industrial Training Branch: Main Estimates _ 175 Labour Relations Branch: Main Estimates _ 176 Government Grants to Increase Workmen’s Com¬ pensation Pensions: Main Estimates _ _ _ . _ 177 Motor-vehicles and Accessories: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ 178 Temporary Assistance: Main Estimates _ _ Statutory: Mediation Commission Act (sec. 36) _ _ _ Workmen’s Compensation Act (sec. 39(3) ) _ Workmen’s Compensation Act (sec. 77) _ Special Warrant: No. 8. Expense re strike vote, Registered Nurses’ Association _ __ _ Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended $53,096 $51,321 $1,775 10,000 9,804 196 — 100,000 99,563 437 — - - 530,000 469,342 60,658 — 15,000 13,208 1,792 - . - 2,300,000 2,300,000 317,826 317,826 $5,459,680 $4,779,989 $685,690 $5,999 $8,684 $3,752 $4,932 561,824 553,790 8,034 — . . 103,860 104,006 $146 3,564,447 2,513,239 1,051,208 - — 217,450 194,517 22,933 - . 2,500,000 2,500,000 11,000 12,154 . 1,154 500 500 415,166 415,166 3,500 3,500 17,068 17,068 4,000 3,354 646 $7,407,499 $6,320,546 $1,088,253 $1,300 E 40 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of SERVICE Vote Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources 179 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates . . . . . . . . $30,610 $31,060 $450 Lands Service 180 General Administration: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . 115,738 119,299 3,561 181 Grant to British Columbia Natural Resources Conference: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ - 3,500 3,500 182 Accounting Division: 83,660 79,932 $3,728 183 Lands Administration: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ . . . - 252,942 237,437 15,505 184 Pre-servicing Crown Lands for Sale or Lease: Main Estimates _ _ - . . — 200,000 199,999 1 185 Land Inspection Division: Main Estimates _ _ _ — . - _ _ 407, 6S8 399,016 8,672 Surveys and Mapping Branch 186 Administration: Main Estimates _ _ - _ _ _ 38,412 34,333 4,079 187 Special Commitments: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,000 2,000 188 Legal Surveys Division: Main Estimates . . . . - - . _ . _ 678,089 650,503 27,586 189 Geographic Division: Main Estimates _ _ _ 198,814 195,944 2,870 190 Topographic Division: Main Estimates _ _ . _ _ _ _ 540,476 539,359 1,117 191 Air Division: Main Estimates . . . . . 348,365 285,960 62,405 192 University Endowment Lands Administration Act: Main Estimates . . . . ... _ __ _ 10 10 . . Sub-total, Lands Sprvire $2,900,304 $2,776,342 $127,973 $4,011 Forest Service 193 General Administration, Protection and Manage- ment of Forests: Main Estimates . . $15,379,654 $15,462,154 $82,500 194 Reforestation and Forest Nursery: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ $1,650,200 Special Warrant No. 13 . . ..... 50,000 1,700,200 1,705,717 5,517 195 Forestry and Correction Camp Programme: Main Estimates _ _ _ ._ _ 13,000 12,935 $65 196 Forest Research: Main Estimates _ 159,500 159,198 302 197 Public Information and Education: Main Estimates _ 61,550 62,680 1,130 198 Forest Service Training-school: Main Estimates 114,050 114,006 44 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 41 No. Total Un¬ expended Over¬ expended of Vote SERVICE Appropri¬ ation Expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources — Continued Forest Service — Continued 199 Grant to Canadian Forestry Association: Main Estimates . ..... $17,500 $17,500 200 Engineering Services and Forest-development Roads: Main Estimates ... .. .... .. $2,968,000 Special Warrant No. 36 . . .... 400,000 3,368,000 3,382,576 $14,576 201 Fire Suppression: Main Estimates _ _ .... _ ... _ .. ... 2,500,000 1,209,422 $1,290,578 202 Forest Inventory: Main Estimates . . . . . . . . 844,154 844,474 320 203 Scaling Fund: Main Estimates 10 10 204 Silviculture: Main Estimates 1,408,800 1,408,414 386 205 Grazing Range Improvement Fund: Main Estimates 180,000 177,584 2,416 206 Peace River Community Pastures: Main Estimates 20,000 20,000 207 Peace River Power Timber Salvage: Main Estimates — . ... _ _ _ _ 1,492,184 1,491,773 411 Sub-total, Forest Service _ „„ _ _ $27,258,602 $26,068,433 $1,294,212 $104,043 Water Resources Sen-ice 208 General Administration: Main Estimates $52,044 $47,653 $4,391 209 Water Rights Branch: Main Estimates .. . . . .... _ _ _ 579,550 531,287 48,263 210 Assistance to Improvement Districts: Main Estimates . . . . . . . 25,000 24,165 835 211 Canadian Council of Resources Ministers: Main Estimates 21,500 21,420 80 212 Inspection of Dykes: Main Estimates ... . . . . . . _ .... _ 40,764 38,646 2,118 213 River-bank Protection: Main Estimates 122,000 102,897 19,103 214 Water Investigations Branch: Main Estimates . . _ . . . 560,074 540,796 19,278 215 Water Investigations, Hydraulic Surveys, and Projects: Main Estimates 858,000 708,756 149,244 216 Okanagan Flood Control: Main Estimates 94,000 93,291 709 217 Canada-British Columbia Joint Development Act: Main Estimates 5,000,000 502,831 4,497,169 218 British Columbia Hydrometric Stream-gauging: Main Estimates . 80,000 80,753 $753 E 42 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of SERVICE Vote Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources — Continued Water Resources Service — Continued South Okanagan Lands Project: Main Estimates . . . $245,280 Special Warrant No. 26 _ _ 18,174 $263,454 $283,748 $20,294 Pollution Control: 214,917 182,917 $32,000 Special Warrants: No ?2 Bella Coola River bank protection _ _ 250,000 250,000 No. 30. Squamish River flood control and river- 350,000 174,588 175,412 Sub-total, Water Resources Service $8,511,303 $3,583,748 $4,948,602 $21,047 Total, Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources . . $38,670,209 $32,428,523 $6,370,787 $129,101 Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister’s Office: Main Estimates $37,100 $38,374 $1,274 General Administration: Main Estimates . . . .. 1,331,787 1,269,703 $62,084 Grants and Subsidies: Main Estimates 32,500 29,812 2,688 Grants in Aid of Mining Roads and Trails: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ . . .. 500,000 334,875 165,125 Grants in Aid of Roads and Trails, Petroleum and Natural Gas: Main Estimates .. _ _ _ 250,000 250,000 Construction of Cassiar-Stewart Road: Main Estimates 2,750,000 2,678,271 71,729 Grub-staking Prospectors: Main Estimates 40,000 31,225 8,775 Special Mineral Surveys: Main Estimates _ . . . . 100,000 96,189 3,811 Iron Bounty Act: Main Estimates . . 150,000 126,000 24,000 $5,191,387 $4,604,449 $588,212 $1,274 Department of Municipal Affairs Minister’s Office: Main Estimates . _ .... _ _ ... . . _ _ $44,220 $43,969 $251 General Administration: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ 403,412 420,478 $17,066 Grants and Subsidies: Main Estimates _ . . $360,000 Special Warrant No. 32 . . _ 183,500 543,500 500,719 42,781 Housing and Urban Renewal: Main Estimates _ . . 5,000,000 1,513,087 3,486,913 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 43 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Municipal Affairs — Continued 1 234 Grants in Aid of Local Governments and Home- owners’ Subsidies: Main Estimates _ . $43,975,000 Special Warrant No. 25 . . 290,009 $44,265,009 $44,118,197 $146 812 235 Winter Works Incentive Programme: Main Estimates 750,000 416,859 333,141 Statutory: Municipal Act (sec. 816) . . . . . . .. 31 31 Special Warrant: No. 16. Provincial housing plans competition - _ _ 48,000 48,000 No. 24. Village of Hazelton re Home-owner Grant for 1967 3,384 3,384 $51,057,556 $47,064,724 $4,009,898 $17,066 Department of the Provincial Secretary Provincial Secretary 236 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates .. _ .... .... . .... _ . $48,308 $46,102 $2,206 237 General Administration: Main Estimates . . 72,416 75,405 $2,989 238 Central Microfilm Bureau: Main Estimates _ _ .. _ ... .... _ 106,198 107,350 1,152 239 Postal Branch: Main Estimates 776,760 931,794 155,034 240 Provincial Library: Main Estimates . . . . . — . ... ... 151,484 j 147,856 3,628 241 Provincial Archives: Main Estimates _ _ _ .... _ 111,184 102,424 8,760 242 Public Library Commission: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... 291,228 280,481 10,747 243 Library and Library Association Grants: Main Estimates . . . . . . . . 400,000 400,000 244 Queen’s Printer: Main Estimates .... _ _ _ _ 10 *28,589 28,599 245 Government House: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ 53.920 50,403 3,517 246 Indian Advisory Act: Main Estimates 37,452 29,145 8,307 247 Assessment on Class 13 (the Crown), Workmen’s Compensation Act: 1,200,000 1,083,618 116,382 248 Incidentals and Contingencies: Maip Estimates 57,000 75,090 18,090 249 British Columbia Medical Plan: Main Estimates . — _ . _ $18,000,000 Statutory _. ~ _ _ .. ~ 19,467,020 37,467,020 37,467,020 250 Grants, Etc.: 1,500,000 1,493,539 6,461 • Credit, E 44 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of SERVICE Vote CURRENT ACCOUNT— Continued Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended Department of the Provincial Secretary — Continued Provincial Secretary — Continued 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 Grant re Narcotic Foundation: Main Estimates _ _ Grant re Alcoholic Foundation: Main Estimates - - - Capital Improvement District Act: Main Estimates - - Restoration of Historical Sites, Etc.: Main Estimates - - Civil Defence: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ Provincial Elections Act: Main Estimates _ — - $94,158 Statutory _ _ — 225,550 Public Inquiries Act: Main Estimates _ Archaeological and Historical Sites Protection Act: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ $225,000 250,000 200,000 400,000 740,500 $225,000 250,000 200,000 371,295 696,278 $28,705 44,222 319,708 225,000 319,708 80,928 144,072 10,000 9,600 400 Special Warrants: No. 12. Provincial share of cost during 1968/69 of restoring Craigflower Manor _ _ No. 18. Honorarium to L. J. Wallace _ No. 21. Contribution to British Columbia World Relief Fund _ _ _ Sub-total, Provincial Secretary _ _ _ 95.000 750 87.368 750 3,000 3,000 $44,741,938 $44,505,565| 7,632 $413,638! $177,265 Civil Service Commission Administration : Main Estimates _ Grants re Civil Service — Gratuities: Main Estimates _ _ _ $15,000 Statutory _ 78,741 Retiring Allowances — Civil Service Act and Other Government Employees: Main Estimates _ _ _ $50,000 Statutory _ 97,609 Sub-total, Civil Service Commission _ Superannuation Branch Administration: Main Estimates _ Grants — Retiring Allowances : Main Estimates _ _ Civil Service Superannuation Act — Government Contributions: Main Estimates _ $6,450,000 Statutory _ _ _ _ 842,946 $388,446 $395,813 $7,367 93,741 93.741 147,609 147,609 $629,796 $637,163 $7,367 $278,004 $271,604 $6,400 28,000 24.757 3,243 7,292,946 7,292,946 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 45 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of the Provincial Secretary — Continued Superannuation Branch — Continued 265 Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannua- tion Act — Government Contributions: Main Estimates .... .. . _ . ... .... _ $53,000 $49,170 $3,830 266 Public Services Medical Plan Act: Main Estimates ... . . $1,300,000 Statutory __ _ _ 19,584 1,319,584 1,319,584 267 Public Services Group Insurance Act: Main Estimates . ... _ _ .... _ 137,440 137,440 268 Death Benefits: Main Estimates . . . .. 37,000 28,286 8,714 269 Municipal Superannuation Act: Main Estimates 60,000 59,514 486 270 Canada Pension Fund: Main Estimates 1,800,000 1,762,598 37,402 Sub-total, Superannuation Branch ... . ... _ $11,005,974 $10,945,899 $60,075 Total, Department of the Provincial Secretary _ $56,377,708 $56,088,627 $473,713 $184,632 Public Utilities Commission 271 Public Utilities Act, Cemeteries Act, and Prear- ranged Funeral Services Act: Main Estimates . . _ _ _ _ _ $196,028 $190,450 $5,578 272 Motor Carrier Act: Main Estimates 266,230 258,849 7,381 $462,258 $449,299 $12,959 Department of Public Works 273 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates $29,685 $28,381 $1,304 274 General Administration: Main Estimates .. _ .. _ . . . . . 271,932 276,094 $4,162 275 Government Buildings (Maintenance): Main Estimates 9,683,142 9,958,745 275,603 276 Construction of Provincial Buildings: Main Estimates . . . . . . . 12,000,000 12,733,154 733,154 277 Rentals: Main Estimates ~ . . . - . 1,750.000 1,689,705 60,295 278 Safety Inspection Division: Main Estimates 953,782 908,028 45,754 $24,688,541 $25,594,107 $107,353 $1,012,919 Department of Recreation and Conservation 279 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates $36,694 $33,459 $3,235 280 General Administration: Main Estimates . 112,240 104,793 7,447 E 46 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 No. of Vote SERVICE Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over- expended CURRENT ACCOUNT— Continued Department of Recreation and Conservation — Continued 281 Provincial Museum: Main Estimates _ $306,053 $287,948 $18,105 282 Commercial Fisheries Branch: Main Estimates 51,016 48,949 2,067 283 Fish and Wildlife Branch: Majn Estimates 2,083,772 2,083,620 152 284 Parks Branch: Main Estimates . _ _ _ ... . 2,830,780 3,040,007 $209,227 285 Grants in Aid of Regional Park Development: Main Estimates _ _ _ 325,000 325,000 286 Youth Training Programme: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ — . . . — 110,000 109,545 455 $5,855,555 $6,033,321 $31,461 $209,227 Department of Travel Industry: 287 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates $3,650 $1,230 $2,420 288 General Administration: Main Estimates 30,322 28,440 1,882 Tourist Traffic 289 Travel Division: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ _ _ $1,825,072 Special Warrants Nos. 10 and 40 _ 47,500 1,872,572 1,783,353 89,219 290 California Office: Main Estimates _ _ . . . . 63,387 62,529 858 291 Photographic Branch: Main Estimates . .....1 . . . . . . . 208,032 192,046 15,986 $2,177,963 $2,067,598 $110,365 Department of Social Welfare 292 Minister’s Office: Main Estimates _ _ _ $4,000 $1,708 $2,292 293 General Administration: Main Estimates . . . . ... 115,958 100.981 14,977 294 Social Assistance and Rehabilitation Division: Main Estimates _ . 33,558 33,222 336 295 Field Service: Main Estimates . . . . 4,163,777 3,970,485 193,292 296 Medical Services Division: Main Estimates _ _ _ 143,624 136,606 7,018 297 Social Assistance: Main Estimates _ .... _ 61,450,000 80,721,917 $19,271,917 298 Residence and Responsibility Act — Administration: Main Estimates _ .... _ . 500 500 299 New Denver: Main Estimates _ .... .... 288,400 310,702 22,302 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 E 47 No. of SERVICE Vote Total Appropri¬ ation Expended Un¬ expended Over¬ expended CURRENT ACCOUNT — Continued Department of Social Welfare — Continued 300 Aministration, Child Welfare Division: Main Estimates $260,558 $250,736 $9,822 301 Provincial Home: Main Estimates . . . . 240,260 222,905 17,355 302 Brannan Lake School for Boys: Main Estimates 581,665 583,819 $2,154 303 Willingdon School for Girls: Main Estimates . . . . . . . . 383,980 360,825 23,155 304 Division on Aging: Main Estimates 5,018,364 4,434,887 583,477 305 Blind Persons’ Allowances: Main Estimates _ ... .. ... _ $382,000 Statutory . . 22,235 404,235 404,235 306 Disabled Persons’ Allowances: Main Estimates _ _ _ _ $2,210,000 Statutory _ _ _ . _ 4,042 2.214,042 2,214,042 $75,302,921 $93,747,070 $852,224 $19,296,373 307 Ministers without Portfolio: Main Estimates _ . _ _ $40,134 Statutory _ _ . _ 14,257 $54,391 $54,391 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Legislation _ _ $656,853 $656,853 Premier’s Office _ _ _ . . 82,257 73,251 $9,006 Department of Agriculture _ _ _ _ _ 9,079,054 8,666,578 445,246 $32,770 Department of the Attorney-General .... _ _ _ 25,738,417 25,570,990 807,750 640,323 Department of Commercial Transport 5,814,024 5,798,942 15,082 Department of Education _ _ _ 271,724,407 260,886,372 11,324,993 486,958 Department of Finance . . . . . . . 39,234,505 38,288,759 1,023,522 77,776 Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance _ 169,086,796 178,891,118 3,149,622 12,953,944 Department of Highways . _ _ 129,512,481 126,897,161 7,650,009 5,034,689 Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Com- merce _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... 5,459,680 4,779,989 685,690 5,999 Department of Labour _ _ 7,407,499 6,320,546 1,088,253 1,300 Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources _ 38,670,209 32,428,523 6,370,787 129,101 Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources _ 5,191,387 4,604,449 588,212 1,274 Department of Municipal Affairs _ _ _ _ _. 51,057,556 47,064,724 4,009,898 17,066 Department of the Provincial Secretary . . . . 56,377,708 56,088,627 473,713 184,632 Public Utilities Commission 462,258 449,299 12,959 Department of Public Works _ _ 24,688,541 25,594,107 107,353 $1,012,919 Department of Recreation and Conservation _ 5,855,555 6,033,321 31,461 209,227 Department of Travel Industry 2,177,963 2,067,598 110,365 Department of Social Welfare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 75,302,921 93,747,070 852,224 19,296,373 Ministers without Portfolio 54,391 54,391 $923,634,462 $924,962,668 $38,756,145 $40,084,351 RECONCILIATION, MAIN ESTIMATES AND TOTAL APPROPRIATION Main Estimates, 1968/69 $866,020,897 Expenditure authorized under various Statutes _ _ _ _ 54,243,022 Expenditure authorized by special warrants . . 3,370,543 Total expenditure authorized _ $923,634,462 ■ * ■ DETAILS OF EXPENDITURE For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1969 CURRENT ACCOUNT Vote 1 LEGISLATION Members’ indemnities, etc . _ . . . 462,230 Salaries - - 31,740 Temporary assistance _ 59,078 - 90,818 Office expense - - 9,337 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,284 Select Standing Committees _ 601 Dining-room operation _ _ _ 7,030 Printing and publications, etc . 39,656 Incidentals and contingencies . 2,373 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 28,712 642,041 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,188 - 640,853 STATUTORY Denise Vulliamy Act (1969, chap. 46, sec. 2) _ _ _ 8,000 Vera Madge Bate Act (1968, chap. 61, sec. 2) _ 8,000 Total Legislation _ _ _ _ _ 656,853 Vote 2 PREMIER’S OFFICE Salaries _ 54,724 Office expense _ 8,256 Travelling expense _ 10,763 73,743 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 492 Total, Premier’s Office _ _ _ 73,251 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Vote 3 MINISTER'S OFFICE Vote 5 MARKETS AND STATISTICS BRANCH Salaries _ 27,460 Office expense _ 1,734 Travelling expense _ 5,775 34,969 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . . . . . 180 - 34,789 Vote 4 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ _ 62,837 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 923 63,760 Office expense _ 14,977 Travelling expense _ 6,457 Office furniture and equipment „ _ 5,148 Advertising and publicity _ 1,324 Printing and publications _ 6,987 Grants and subsidies _ 24,200 Incidentals and contingencies _ 4,412 127,265 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ _ _ _ 922 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ 3,672 - 4,594 Salaries _ _ _ 69,652 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 7,536 77,188 Office expense _ 1,640 Travelling expense ... _ 10,937 Advertising and publicity _ 25,491 Grants and subsidies _ 8,751 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ 7,537 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ 2,520 124,007 10,057 Vote 6 HORTICULTURAL BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ _ 204,634 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 9,003 113,950 213,637 Office expense _ 5,020 Travelling expense _ _ _ 27,088 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,562 Regulatory programme _ 2,502 Seed and demonstration work _ _ 3,673 253,482 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ 9,003 Transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Adjustments _ 8,964 - 17,967 122,671 235,515 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 7 Vote 11 PLANT PATHOLOGY BRANCH DAIRY BRANCH Salaries - - - 35,507 Office expense _ — - 628 Travelling expense - - - 4,299 Equipment and machinery - — — 568 41,002 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 1 .428 - 39, Vote 8 ENTOMOLOGY BRANCH Salaries _ 78,957 Office expense - . - 1,581 Travelling expense - 12,439 Office furniture and equipment - 421 Equipment and machinery - 229 Applied research and demonstration - - 2,820 Expenses of short course - 235 Salaries _ _ _ _ — 170,270 Temporary assistance _ 6,467 176,737 Office expense _ 12,410 Travelling expense - 26,298 Equipment and machinery _ 64,265 279,710 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ 6,020 Transfer, Vote 124 (h) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 7,464 - 13,484 Vote 12 POULTRY BRANCH Salaries _ 69,918 Temporary assistance _ 23,510 96,682 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments - - - — - - 4,332 - 92,350 Vote 9 APIARY BRANCH Salaries _ _ — - 19,364 Temporary assistance _ 6,155 25,519 Office expense _ 1,492 Travelling expense _ 9,029 Office furniture and equipment - 683 Equipment and machinery _ 109 Expenses of short course _ 600 Field demonstration - - - 3,638 41,070 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ _ 6,155 Transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Adjustments _ _ 888 - 7,043 - 34,027 Vote 10 LIVE STOCK BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 462,041 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 109,883 571,924 10,095 86,251 1,021 1,400 85 12,814 11,209 66,520 25,111 3,648 790,078 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ 60,584 Transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 18,036 - 78,620 Office expense _ _ _ Travelling expense _ _ _ Office furniture and equipment _ Grants and subsidies _ _ _ _ _ _ Transportation _ Supplies and equipment _ Veterinary service districts and fur-farm¬ ing services _ _ _ Disease prevention and control _ Live-stock improvement _ Artificial insemination _ 93,428 Office expense _ 1,332 Travelling expense _ 11,169 Office furniture and equipment _ — Supplies and equipment _ 35,521 141,450 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ _ _ 23,510 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 2,856 - 26,366 Vote 13 FIELD CROPS AND SEED IMPROVE¬ MENT BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 64,336 Temporary assistance _ 1,831 66,167 Office expense _ 869 Travelling expense _ 14,131 Seed improvement — Labour _ _ 2,567 Materials and other expenses _ 2,478 - 5,045 Control of noxious weeds — Labour _ 2,603 Materials and supplies _ 1,480 - 4,083 Field demonstration work _ 1,486 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ _ _ 1,831 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 2,916 91,781 4,747 Vote 14 FARMERS’ INSTITUTES Salaries _ 9,959 Office expense _ 358 Travelling expense _ 1,273 Expenses of Advisory Board _ 932 Grants and subsidies _ 1,210 13,732 Less transfer, Vote 124 (h) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 420 266, 22f 115,084 87,034 711,458 13,312 AGRICULTURE 3 Vote 15 WOMEN S INSTITUTES Grants and subsidies _ 14,990 Vote 16 SOIL SURVEY BRANCH Salaries - 126,916 Office expense _ 1,286 Travelling expense - .. - 13,791 Office furniture and equipment _ 933 Equipment and machinery _ 6,575 Field demonstration _ 524 Vote 21 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE Temporary assistance _ _ _ 128,246 Vote 22 MOTOR-VEHICLES AND ACCESSORIES Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 24,491 Vote 23 GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES Grants and subsidies _ 72,996 150,025 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( ft ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ 5,268 - 144,757 Vote 17 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXTENSION BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 291,252 Temporary assistance _ _ — 12,684 303,936 Office expense _ . _ _ _ 9,987 Travelling expense _ _ _ _ 47,854 Office furniture and equipment - - - 1,841 Equipment and machinery _ _ _ _ 1,031 Vote 24 REBATES ON STUMPING-POWDER Rebates on stumping-powder _ _ _ Vote 25 SUBSIDIES ON AGRICULTURAL LIME Subsidies _ Vote 26 FARM LABOUR SERVICE Temporary assistance _ 2,266 Travelling expense _ _ _ _ 768 All other expenditure _ 1,675 Less — Transfer, Vote 21 — Temporary Assistance _ 12,684 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft)— Salary Adjustments _ - _ _ _ 13,188 364,649 25,872 338,777 Vote 27 FARMS (a) Colony Farm Salaries _ 237,303 Temporary assistance - 49,189 Vote 18 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING BRANCH Salaries _ 69,673 Office expense - - - 2,953 Travelling expense - - - — - - 12,137 Office furniture and equipment _ _ 1,426 Printing and publications _ _ 2,005 Field demonstration _ _ _ 7,711 95,905 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft)— Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 2,124 Vote 19 4-H CLUBS Salaries _ 38,248 Office expense _ _ _ 4,230 Travelling expense _ _ 8,536 Grants, expenses of field-days. Provincial and National contests, etc. _ _ 12,175 Prize awards to projects _ 7,170 70,359 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 1,104 Vote 20 MILK BOARD Salaries _ Office expense _ Travelling expense _ Office furniture and equipment - _ - Motor-vehicles and accessories _ Incidentals and contingencies _ 72,098 3,333 8,332 1,131 188 85,082 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 4,140 286,492 Office expense _ 1,187 Travelling expense — - - 472 Office furniture and equipment - 10 Equipment and machinery - 12,058 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — 1,978 Maintenance and operation of equipment 8,474 Feed for stock - 110,328 Fertilizer and seed - 8,513 Cannery supplies - - - 30,148 Farm drainage - - - - - - - 611 General farm expense - - - 44,579 93,781 504,850 Less — Sundry sales _ 38,858 Sundry transfers - 465,992 - 504,850 (ft) Tranquille Farm Salaries _ _ _ _ - . - . - 124,065 Temporary assistance - - - 14,145 69,255 Office expense - Travelling expense - Office furniture and equipment - Equipment and machinery - - Maintenance of buildings and grounds . Maintenance and operation of equipment Feed for stock - - Fertilizer and seed . - . . General farm expense — . . 138,210 714 1,146 4 3,243 135 2,734 54,755 3,257 12,560 216,758 Less — Sundry sales - 22,512 Sundry transfers - - - 194,246 - 216,758 2,846 88,972 4,709 80,942 4 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 28 CROP INSURANCE Salaries _ 35,771 Office expense _ 1,356 Travelling expense - - - - - . 6,000 Management services and other expenses 125,786 168,913 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . . . . 1,476 - 167,437 Vote 29 FARMERS’ LAND-CLEARING AND DOMESTIC WATER ASSISTANCE STATUTORY Horned Cattle Purchases Act (R.S.B.C. 1960, Chap. 176, Sec. 8) Expenditure _ _ _ _ _ _ 10,89 British Columbia Crop Insurance Act (1966, Chap. 4, Sec. 3 (d)) Interest on Crop Insurance Fund _ _ SPECIAL WARRANT No. 2 Freight assistance programme on grain produced and shipped by rail from Creston-Wynndel area . . 9,35 I i 20,14 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 4 Salaries and wages . . . . . 6,008 Travelling expense - - - - - . 4,237 Equipment rental— purchases, maintenance and operation of equipment . . . . 529,907 - 540,152 Vote 30 POUND DISTRICT ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 292, SEC. 25 (2)) Expenditure . _ _ _ _ _ 426 Vote 31 GRASSHOPPER-CONTROL ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 167, SEC. 9 (1)) Building grants to agricultural exhibitions and fall fairs . . . . . __ . SPECIAL WARRANT No. 17 Provincial share of sterile codling moth release programme _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BEEF CATTLE PRODUCERS’ ASSISTANCE ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 25, SEC. 8) Bee) Cattle Producers’ Assistance Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 116,191 Add collections under Act .... 49,838 41, Of 9,93 Advances _ _ _ _ 10,500 Less tax collections _ _ _ 1,799 - 8,701 Vote 32 NATURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING (B.C.) ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 263, SEC. 14) Travelling expense _ 987 Vote 33 PEST CONTROL Temporary assistance _ 35,348 Travelling expense _ 11,604 All other expenditure . . 20,055 - 67,007 Vote 34 166,029 Less grant to B.C. Beef Cattle Growers’ Association _ 46,080 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) . . . 119,949 MILK INDUSTRY ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 243, SEC. 65a (1)) Dairy Producers’ Protection Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 62,664 Fees . — - - - 19,798 82,462 Expenditure _ 15,666 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) _ _ _ 66,796 AID IN CONSTRUCTION OF STORAGE FACILITIES, FARM COMMODITIES All expenditure _ Vote 35 AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT ACT Temporary assistance _ 285,023 Travelling expense _ 128,273 All other expenditure _ 4,446,495 - 4,859,791 POUND DISTRICT ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 292, SEC. 24) Pound District Act Trust Account Credit balance at March 31, 1968 117 Expenditure _ 67 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) - 50 Total, Department of Agriculture _ 8,666,57 ATTORNEY-GENERAL 5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL 'ote 36 ADMINISTRATION ATTORNEY-GENERAL’S OFFICE JUSTICE AND COURTS — Continued Vote 39 SUPREME AND COUNTY COURTS — Continued .alaries _ _ _ 30,640 'emporary assistance - - 2,850 33,490 >ffice expense _ 2,217 'ravelling expense — - - 3,736 Wfice furniture and equipment - - - 584 40,027 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) Salary Ad¬ justments - - - 288 - 39,739 ote 37 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION alaries - - - _ - 276,166 emporary assistance - - - 5,680 281,846 ffice expense - - - 21,867 ravelling expense - 17,151 ffice furniture and equipment _ 2,624 323,488 Less transfer. Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 11,796 - 311,692 ote 38 INCIDENTALS AND CONTINGENCIES 11 expenditure _ 6,980 JUSTICE AND COURTS ote 39 SUPREME AND COUNTY COURTS (a) Nanaimo ilaries . . 26,523 ■mporary assistance _ 2,810 29,333 ffice expense _ 2,840 ■avelling expense - 335 fice furniture and equipment — 496 - 33,004 ( b ) New Westminster laries . . __ . . . 69,494 mporary assistance _ _ — 3,360 72,854 fice expense - - 3,808 fice furniture and equipment _ 169 > - 76,831 (c) Vancouver laries _ 337,351 l mporary assistance _ _ _ 14,036 351.387 fice expense _ 44,989 avelling expense _ 598 fice furniture and equipment _ 8,775 - 405,749 (d) Victoria laries _ 82,316 mporary assistance _ _ _ 6,532 88,848 ice expense _ 9,841 ivelling expense _ 18 ice furniture and equipment _ 294 ( e ) Chilliwack Salaries _ 15,156 Temporary assistance _ 2,990 18,146 Office expense _ 888 Travelling expense _ _ _ 61 - 19,095 (/) Sundry Courts Other than Above Office expense _ _ _ 9,041 Office furniture and equipment _ 5,077 - 14,118 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 647,798 24,744 Vote 40 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Judges’ library _ _ _ _ _ Contingencies arising out of prosecutions Summoning and paying witnesses _ Jurors _ _ _ _ Prosecutions (counsel fees, etc.) — Salaries _ _ _ 2,920 Expenses _ 809,981 Interpreters Vote 41 4,310 191,129 130,203 234,855 812,901 840 623,054 1,374,238 CONSTITUTIONAL LITIGATION AND GENERAL LAW COSTS Travelling expense _ _ _ _ _ 955 All other expenditure _ 317,816 Vote 42 CORONERS’ INQUESTS AND INQUIRIES 318,771 Travelling expense _ 98 All other expenditure _ 141,257 Vote 43 SHERIFFS’ OFFICES (a) New Westminster Salaries _ 92,476 Office expense _ 3,971 Travelling expense _ 7,906 Office furniture and equipment _ 215 Clothing and uniforms . 1,087 Motor-vehicles and accessories . .. 5,967 141,355 111,622 Less transfer, Vote 124 (a)— Salary Contingencies _ 4,164 - 107,458 (b) Vancouver Salaries _ _ _ 145,350 Temporary assistance _ 5,359 150,709 Office expense _ 3,341 Travelling expense _ 9,903 Office furniture and equipment _ 425 Clothing and uniforms _ 1,867 Equipment and machinery _ 777 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 11,660 178,682 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ 5,772 99,001 172,910 6 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 JUSTICE AND COURTS — Continued Vote 43 SHERIFFS’ OFFICES — Continued (c) Victoria Vote 50 REG ISTRATION — Contin ued LAND REGISTRY OFFICES — Continued ( b ) Nelson Salaries _ 43,140 Office expense _ 777 Travelling expense _ 2,122 Office furniture and equipment — Clothing and uniforms _ 222 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 1,911 48,172 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ 1,980 - 46,192 (d) Sundry Sheriffs Allowances (salaries) _ 20,880 Travelling expense _ 514 Office expense _ 941 - 22,335 - 348,895 Vote 44 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS Salaries _ 246,363 Office expense _ . _ _ 18,249 Travelling expense _ 15,779 Office furniture and equipment _ 7,448 Equipment and machinery _ _ _ — Sundry reporters and transcripts _ 244,512 532,351 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 12,120 - 520,231 Vote 45 CONFERENCE OF COMMISSIONERS ON UNIFORMITY OF LEGISLATION IN CANADA Salaries _ 75,584 Temporary assistance _ _ 615 76,199 Office expense _ _ 6,207 Office furniture and equipment _ 694 - 83,100 (c) New Westminster Salaries _ 283,479 Temporary assistance _ 17,009 300,488 Office expense _ 26,005 Travelling expense _ 77 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,767 - 328,337 (d) Prince George Salaries _ _ 89,085 Temporary assistance _ 2,897 91,982 Office expense _ 8,700 Travelling expense _ 270 Office furniture and equipment . .. 1,861 - 102,813 (e) Prince Rupert Salaries _ _ _ 31,099 Temporary assistance _ 2,936 34,035 Office expense _ 2,997 Travelling expense _ 155 Office furniture and equipment _ 383 - 37,570 Travelling expense _ _ _ 243 All other expenditure _ _ _ 556 Vote 46 CORONERS’ CONFERENCE Travelling expense _ 2,266 All other expenditure _ 2,435 Vote 47 MAGISTRATES’ CONFERENCE 799 4,701 (/) Vancouver Salaries _ 259,736 Temporary assistance _ 10,112 269,848 Office expense _ 23,764 Travelling expense _ 472 Office furniture and equipment _ 7,669 - 301,753 Travelling expense _ _ 2,364 All other expenditure _ 5,227 - 7,591 Vote 48 PROSECUTORS’ CONFERENCE All expenditure _ _ _ 5,662 Vote 49 MAGISTRATES ACT, 1962 (CHAP. 36, SEC. 20) Salaries and stipends _ 503,895 Temporary assistance _ 110 504,005 Magistrates’ fees _ 25,200 Office expense _ 5,966 Travelling expense _ 31,523 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,816 Clothing and uniforms _ . _ — 568,510 Vote 50 REGISTRATION LAND REGISTRY OFFICES (a) Kamloops Salaries _ 177,723 Office expense _ _ _ _ 16,426 Travelling expense _ 251 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,734 (g ) Victoria Salaries _ . _ _ _ 244,123 Temporary assistance _ 9,170 253,293 Office expense _ _ _ 18,244 Travelling expense _ 1,991 Office furniture and equipment — . 1,560 - 275,088 1,325,795 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 55,104 - 1,270,691 Vote 51 COMPANIES OFFICE Salaries _ 158,269 Temporary assistance _ — — 2,127 160,396 Office expense _ 16,492 Travelling expense _ 500 Office furniture and equipment _ 928 178,316 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ 7,080 197,134 171,236 ATTORNEY-GENERAL 7 ote 52 MOTOR-VEHICLE BRANCH alaries _ _ _ - _ 1,469,336 emporary assistance _ 293,711 ffice expense _ ravelling expense _ _ _ _ — . ffice furniture and equipment _ _ dvertising and publicity _ _ — entals and temporary office space re drivers’ examinations - _ _ _ quipment and machinery _ lotor-vehicles and accessories _ '.cidentals and contingencies _ emuneration for issuance of licences _ Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ , — 1,763,047 277,442 52,006 7,339 10,985 3,593 10,988 14,634 360 58,999 2,199,393 67,356 2,132,037 TRUSTEES ote 53 PUBLIC TRUSTEE’S OFFICE daries _ _ _ 230,357 :mporary assistance _ _ 19,358 ffice expense . . . . . . 'avelling expense . . . . ffice furniture and equipment otor-vehicles and accessories Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ >te 54 ries _ mporary assistance Pice expense _ _ avelling expense _ fice furniture and equipment tuarial fees _ _ Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ te 55 SECURITIES COMMISSION OFFICE laries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 116,221 mporary assistance _ 2,147 249,715 15,583 2,236 3,101 270,635 10,200 260,435 REGULATION AND INSPECTION INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE 90,551 638 91,189 7,317 2.350 2.001 5,219 108,076 4,416 103,660 Fice expense . . . . avelling expense _ Fice furniture and equipment Lerr transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 118,368 4,481 4,702 1,857 129,408 7,452 121,956 te 56 CREDIT UNIONS OFFICE anes _ mporary assistance ice expense _ _ _ iveliing expense _ _ ice furniture and equipment 57.511 1,407 58.918 1,907 10,958 418 ess transfer, Vote 124 (i>) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 72,201 4,212 REGULATION AND INSPECTION — Continued Vote 57 FIRE MARSHAL’S OFFICE Salaries _ 163,810 Temporary assistance _ 319 164,129 Office expense _ 6,723 Travelling expense ~ - 31,114 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,990 Advertising and publicity _ 1,537 Equipment and machinery _ 3,187 Motor-vehicles and accessories - 10,272 Incidentals and contingencies - 416 Examination of projectionists - 57 Fire reports — fees and expenses . - 3,881 Fire inquiries and investigations — - - 11 224,317 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ . — - 7,740 - 216,577 Vote 58 CENSOR OF MOVING PICTURES Salaries _ 28,836 Temporary assistance _ . _ 327 29.163 Office expense _ 957 Travelling expense _ 12 Maintenance and operation of equipment 559 Interpreters’ fees _ _ _ 1,310 Restricted motion-picture trailer expense 1,119 33,120 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ — 1,572 - 31,548 Vote 59 RACING COMMISSION Salaries _ 17,616 Temporary assistance _ _ 14,177 31,793 Office expense _ 2,708 Travelling expense _ 2,866 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,657 Racing Commission {per diem allowances and travelling expenses) . _ 1,204 Printing and publications . . 284 Incidentals and contingencies _ _ _ 936 Security services — Salaries - 11,506 Travelling expense _ _ _ 556 All other expenditures _ 13,208 - 25,270 Veterinarian fees _ 10,217 77,935 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 324 - 77,611 POLICE SERVICES Vote 60 POLICING BY ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE Policing _ _ _ 5,121,953 Vote 61 SUNDRY INCIDENTAL POLICE EXPENSES Expenses _ . — - 209,175 Vote 62 GRANT RE POLICE ACADEMY 67,989 Grant _ 20,000 8 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 63 CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS OFFICE Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 184,651 Temporary assistance _ 49,995 CORRECTIONS — Continued Vote 67 ALOUETTE RIVER UNIT Salaries _ _ _ _ 301,608 Temporary assistance - 5,047 234,646 Office expense - 4,238 Travelling expense . . . — . 10,797 Office furniture and equipment . . 493 Library staff training - 292 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 4,397 Staff -training — Travelling expense _ 132 Other expenses _ 1,039 - 1,171 Psychiatric services _ _ _ 4,340 Training academy — Travelling expense _ _ _ 895 Other expenses _ 11,915 - 12,810 273,184 Less chargeable to Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ _ _ 8,724 Vote 64 PROBATION OFFICES Salaries . . 965,783 Temporary assistance _ _ 98,081 1,063,864 Office expense _ 15,791 Travelling expense _ _ 87,890 Office furniture and equipment _ 10,913 Fund to assist probationers and parolees 4,470 Library _ 487 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 50,509 Incidentals and contingencies _ 1,612 Staff training _ 7,442 Training grants programme _ 4,763 1,247,741 Less Transfer, Vote 124 (h) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . . 49,032 Vote 65 PROBATION HOSTELS Salaries _ _ _ 7,284 Temporary assistance _ _ _ _! _ 2,491 306,655 Office expense _ 2,351 Travelling expense _ 707 Office furniture and equipment _ __ _ 505 Heat, light, power, and water - 15,224 Medical services _ 4,035 Clothing and uniforms _ 14,744 Provisions and catering _ 33,903 Laundry and dry-goods _ 2,038 Earnings _ 13,985 Equipment and machinery _ 1,354 Medical supplies _ 2,266 Library _ _ _ 547 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 5,796 Maintenance and operation of equipment 5,589 Transportation _ 605 School supplies _ _ 516 Supplies for training _ 3,074 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 4,436 264,460 Incidentals and contingencies _ _ 211 Farm operations _ 581 Prison industries _ 9,265 428,387 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 15,108 Vote 68 NARCOTIC DRUG TREATMENT Salaries _ _ _ _ 69,927 Temporary assistance _ — 4,603 74,530 Office expense _ 55 Office furniture and equipment _ _ _ — Clothing and uniforms _ _ _ 700 Equipment and machinery _ 800 1 198 709 Medical supplies and services _ 5,400 Maintenance and operation of equipment 188 School supplies - 307 Incidentals and contingencies - 50 Recreational supplies - . - 200 9,775 Office expense _ 40 Travelling expense _ 560 Office furniture and equipment _ — Heat, light, power, and water _ 93 Medical services _ _ 16 Clothing and uniforms _ 508 Provisions and catering _ 5,925 Laundry and dry-goods _ _ 104 Earnings _ 529 Equipment and machinery _ 985 Medical supplies _ 3 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 753 Maintenance and operation of equipment 60 Supplies for training _ 295 Incidentals and contingencies _ 66 19,712 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 324 Vote 66 PAROLE BOARD Salaries _ 12,873 Travelling expense . . „ . . 350 Parole Board allowances _ 7,445 20,668 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 600 82,230 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 3,240 Vote 69 19,388 OA1CALLA PRISON FARM Salaries _ _ _ 2,461,349 Temporary assistance _ 89,808 2,551,157 Office expense - - — — 19,390 Travelling expense - 2,751 Office furniture and equipment - 1,566 Heat, light, power, and water - 99,258 Medical services _ _ 53,535 Clothing and uniforms - 83,011 Provisions and catering - - - 303,728 Laundry and dry-goods - 14,364 Earnings _ 64,011 Printing and publications - 405 Equipment and machinery - 52,137 Medical supplies - 33,527 Library - - - . - — - - — 2,201 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — 24,083 Maintenance and operation of equipment 18,655 Transportation - 6,325 School supplies - - 634 Supplies for training - 5,758 Motor-vehicles and accessories - 7,751 Incidentals and contingencies - 808 20,068 ATTORNEY-GENERAL 9 CORRECTIONS — Continued Vote 69 OAKALLA PRISON FARM — Continued Farm operations _ 60,815 Sheet-metal plant - 190,216 Vocational shops - - - 2,633 Prison industries _ 114,532 3,713,251 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 120,648 - 3,592,603 Vote 70 WOMEN’S GAOL AND CAMP Salaries . . 421,818 Temporary assistance _ 32,538 454,356 Office expense _ 1,305 Travelling expense _ _ _ 513 )ffice furniture and equipment _ 248 Seat, light, power, and water . _ 5,193 Medical services _ 8,779 Clothing and uniforms _ 9,734 Provisions and catering _ _ _ 15,039 Laundry and dry-goods _ _ 5,839 warnings _ 8,166 equipment and machinery _ 3,930 Medical supplies _ 5,356 library — - 261 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 3,944 Maintenance and operation of equipment 2,368 Transportation _ 1,678 Supplies for training _ _ 3,076 incidentals and contingencies _ 55 'arm operations _ _ _ _ 344 530,184 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 21,804 - 508,380 /ote 71 CHILLIWACK FOREST CAMPS ialaries _ _ _ 407,398 Temporary assistance _ 16,086 423,484 Mice expense _ 3,115 Travelling expense _ 766 Mice furniture and equipment _ _ 467 Teat, light, power, and water _ 13,294 Medical services _ ___ _ _ _ 8,210 Slothing and uniforms _ 16,401 ’revisions and catering _ _ _ 76,442 sundry and dry-goods _ 3,985 warnings _ _ _ 25,264 Equipment and machinery _ _ 8,480 Medical supplies _ 2,235 ibrary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 6,074 Maintenance and operation of equipment 15,531 'ransportation _ 2,894 Supplies for training _ . _ _ _ 1,943 Acquisition and construction of buildings 6,680 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 15,230 ncidentals and contingencies _ 97 'arm operations _ 93 630,707 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 19,140 - 611,567 CORRECTIONS — Continued Vote 72 PRINCE GEORGE GAOL AND FOREST CAMP Salaries _ _ _ 463,323 Temporary assistance _ 17,802 481,125 Office expense _ 3,500 Travelling expense _ 4,950 Office furniture and equipment _ 338 Heat, light, power, and water _ 17,059 Medical services _ 8,622 Clothing and uniforms _ 19,757 Provisions and catering _ 68,341 Laundry and dry-goods _ 2,818 Earnings _ _ 13,872 Equipment and machinery _ 7,935 Medical supplies _ 4,121 Library _ _ _ 264 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 5,294 Maintenance and operation of equipment 9,169 Transportation _ _ 3,637 Supplies for training _ 2,890 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 3,461 Incidentals and contingencies _ _ _ 27 Farm operations _ 784 Prison industries _ 31,374 689,338 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 22,320 - 667,018 Vote 73 KAMLOOPS GAOL AND FOREST CAMPS Salaries _ _ 473,500 Temporary assistance _ 20,993 494,493 Office expense _ 4,114 Travelling expense _ 2,134 Office furniture and equipment _ 998 Heat, light, power, and water _ _ _ 16,070 Clothing and uniforms _ 14,332 Provisions and catering _ _ _ 74,210 Laundry and dry-goods _ 1,965 Earnings _ 16,867 Equipment and machinery _ _ _ _ 9,775 Medical supplies and services _ 10,389 Library _ 46 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 14,436 Maintenance and operation of equipment 15,313 Transportation _ 2,112 Supplies for training _ 616 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 9,378 Incidentals and contingencies _ 407 Farm operations _ 17,417 705,072 Less transfer, Vote 124 (£>) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 23,124 - 681,948 Vote 74 HANEY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (IN¬ CLUDING FOREST CAMPS AND NEW HAVEN). Salaries _ 1,935,365 189,130 Office expense . . . — - . . 2,124,495 14,697 3,209 Office furniture and equipment — - . . - 1,278 Heat, light, power, and water . 69,616 493 Advertising _ Medical services ... .... Clothing and uniforms _ — .. — . .... 13,229 49,499 Provisions and catering - . .. — 232,425 10 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 CORRECTIONS — Continued Vote 74 HANEY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (IN¬ CLUDING FOREST CAMPS AND NEW HAVEN ) — Continued. Laundry and dry-goods _ 5,431 Earnings - 54,157 Equipment and machinery _ 14,687 Medical supplies _ 5,992 Library _ 1,708 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 20,276 Maintenance and operation of equipment 32,710 Transportation _ 2,862 School supplies _ 8,329 Supplies for training _ 43,366 Acquisition and construction of buildings 5,676 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 9,388 Incidentals and contingencies _ 559 Group work programme _ 4,587 Farm operation _ 4,968 2,723,637 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 100,368 - 2,623,269 Vote 75 VANCOUVER ISLAND UNIT AND CAMPS Salaries _ 484,622 Temporary assistance _ 15,406 500,028 Office expense _ 3,769 Travelling expense _ 3,545 Office furniture and equipment _ 683 Heat, light, power, and water _ _ _ 48,754 Medical services _ 10,011 Clothing and uniforms _ 16,420 Provisions and catering _ 65,509 CORRECTIONS — Continued Vote 75 VANCOUVER ISLAND UNIT AND CAMPS — Continued Laundry and dry-goods _ 5,036 Earnings _ 25,730 Equipment and machinery _ 11,567 Medical supplies _ 2,563 Library . _ 338 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 9,506 Maintenance and operation of equipment 22,101 Transportation _ _ . _ 4,282 Supplies for training _ 2,850 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 12,973 Incidentals and contingencies _ 30 Farm operations _ 32,578 778,273 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 24,048 - 754,225 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 20 Grant to Salvation Army House of Concord _ 60,000 DOG TAX FUND (SHEEP PROTECTION ACT, R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 354, SEC. 15 (1)) Balance at March 31, 1968 _ 15,332 Add licence fees _ 3,861 19,193 Less expenditure under sec. 16 of Sheep Protection Act . _ 5,088 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (see balance-sheet, page E 21) 14,105 Total, Department of the Attorney-General _ 25,570,990 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT Vote 76 MINISTER’S OFFICE Office expense _ 169 Travelling expense _ _ _ _ 169 - 338 Vote 77 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 84,053 Temporary assistance _ 3,556 87,609 Office expense _ 6,085 Travelling expense . 5,772 Office furniture and equipment _ _ 255 Advertising and publicity _ 70 Printing and publications - 1,352 Incidentals and contingencies . . 21 101,164 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 4,104 - 97,060 Vote 78 ENGINEERING BRANCH Salaries _ Office expense _ . _ Travelling expense _ Office furniture and equipment _ Advertising and publicity _ Printing and publications _ Maintenance and operation of equipment Motor-vehicles and accessories _ Vote 78 ENGINEERING BRANCH — Continued Special investigations, reports, and con¬ sultant fees _ — 105,502 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 3,744 - 101,758 Vote 79 WEIGH-SCALE BRANCH Salaries . . . . . : _ 504,245 Temporary assistance _ _ 15,445 519,690 Office expense _ 5,307 Travelling expense _ _ 21,428 Office furniture and equipment _ 760 Heat, light, power, and water _ 11,572 Clothing and uniforms _ 5,381 Equipment and machinery _ 13,306 Maintenance of buildings and approach roads _ 20,013 Maintenance and operation of equipment 25,893 Construction and relocation of weigh- stations _ 19,279 Motor- vehicles and accessories _ 7,171 649,800 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 64,968 - 584,832 STATUTORY British Columbia Harbours Board Act (1968, Chap. 4, Sec. 18) Advances _ _ _ _ _ 5,014,954 Total, Department of Commercial Transport _ 5,798,942 86,222 2,611 9,166 39 1,035 4,760 1,669 EDUCATION 11 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ote 80 MINISTER’S OFFICE alaries - 28,119 iffice expense _ _ 1,497 ravelling expense _ 3,687 iffice furniture and equipment - 766 34,069 Less transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Salary Con¬ tingencies _ _ , _ 3,010 ote 81 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION alaries _ _ _ _ _ _ 162,520 emporary assistance . . . 9,559 172,079 ffice expense _ 15,010 ravelling expense _ 14,241 ffice furniture and equipment _ 3,852 oard of Reference — remuneration and expenses _ _ _ _ — dvertising and publicity _ — rinting and publications _ _ — 272 ransportation and other recruitment ex¬ pense _ 548 ducational supplies _ 2,557 reparation of standard school plans _ 1,502 Vote 84 POST-SECONDARY AND ADULT EDUCATION BRANCH Salaries . . . 211,235 Temporary assistance _ 8,712 219,947 Office expense _ 11,979 Travelling expense _ 28,877 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,969 31,059 Advertising and publicity _ _ — Printing and publications _ 1,467 Maintenance and operation of equipment 65 Educational supplies _ _ 953 Incidentals, grants, and contingencies _ 8,000 Drama Festival expense, adjudicators’ fees, grants, etc. _ 4,808 Leadership training courses _ _ 16,503 295.568 Less — Transfer, Vote 92 — Post-Sec¬ ondary Education and Training _ 14,352 Transfer, Vote 102 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance . 9,674 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 9,228 - 33,254 210,061 Less — Transfer, Vote 102 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 2,275 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ _ _ 7,308 - 9,583 - 200,478 ote 82 CURRICULUM BRANCH alaries _ 46,019 ffice expense _ 564 ravelling expense _ 3,042 ffice furniture and equipment _ 162 rinting and publications _ _ 2,286 ooks, periodicals, etc. _ 758 ducational supplies _ — reparation of revised curricula _ 49,039 101,870 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ , _ 1,920 - 99,950 Vote 85 SECONDARY CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Salaries _ 178,942 Temporary assistance _ 25,168 204,110 16,745 242 1,494 82,986 6,026 118,181 6,718 436,502 Less — Transfer, Vote 102 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 7,169 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 8,268 - 15,437 Office expense _ Travelling expense _ Office furniture and equipment _ Printing and publications _ Science and educational supplies _ Reading of students’ papers _ _ Revision of courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ote 83 TESTS, STANDARDS, AND RESEARCH BRANCH ilaries - 40,315 emporary assistance _ 3,693 44,008 ffice expense _ 622 ravelling expense _ 182 ffice furniture and equipment _ . . 526 rinting and publications _ 212 ooks, periodicals, etc _ _ 46 urchase of tests - 44,893 esearch studies and test surveys — Salaries _ 4,434 Other expenses . . — - - 4,188 - 8,622 99,111 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 1,092 Vote 86 ELEMENTARY CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Salaries _ _ 93,914 Temporary assistance _ 1,794 95,708 Office expense _ 790 Travelling expense _ — Office furniture and equipment _ 778 Printing and publications _ 8,960 Visual-education supplies _ 66 Revision of courses _ 2,507 108,809 Less — Transfer, Vote 102 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance - 599 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments — - 4,836 - 5,435 262,314 421,065 103,374 98,019 12 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 87 TEXTBOOK BRANCH Salaries . . . . 103,899 Temporary assistance . . . 23,553 127,452 Office expense _ _ _ _ _ 7,652 Travelling expense _ _ 834 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,748 Heat, light, power, and water _ 2,910 Equipment and machinery _ 4,439 Rentals _ 36,120 Maintenance and operation of buildings _ 5,057 Maintenance and operation of equipment 555 Textbooks, etc. _ _ 4,013,981 Freight and express, etc. _ 65,064 4,265,812 Less — Sales _ 715,821 Transfer, Vote 96 — Free Textbooks, Maps, etc . 1,241,386 Receipts under Textbook Rental Plan _ 1,086,007 Transfer, Vote 124 (f>) — Salary Adjustments _ 5,628 - 3,048,842 1,216,970 Transfer to Textbook Branch — ad¬ vances (page E 17) _ 167,037 - 1,049,933 Rental Plan loss _ 1,286,657 Gain on general operations _ 236,724 1,049,933 Vote 88 INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL SERVICES Salaries . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,089,835 Temporary assistance _ 8,851 1,098,686 Office expense _ 26,117 Travelling expense _ 92,680 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,627 Printing and publications . 10,721 Equipment and machinery _ 1,500 Film and photographic supplies _ 33,560 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 2,778 Film service _ 19, 262 Radio scripts and television expense . . 21,375 1,308,306 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ 35,520 - 1,272,786 Vote 89 JERICHO HILL SCHOOL Salaries _ _ _ 559,963 Temporary assistance _ 60,603 620,566 Office expense _ 1,114 Travelling expense _ 1,838 Office furniture and equipment - - - 678 Medical, dental, and health services _ 8,782 Clothing and uniforms _ - _ 953 Provisions and catering _ 47,876 Laundry and dry-goods _ _ _ 4,965 Printing and publications _ 3,549 Equipment and machinery - 8,522 Medical supplies - 770 Pre-school speech and hearing programme 22,849 Grants and subsidies _ 8,714 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 3,248 Vote 89 JERICHO HILL SCHOOL — Continued Maintenance and operation of equipment 1,992 Transportation _ . _ — _ 1,023 Educational supplies _ 12,290 Less — Transfer, Vote 102 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 33,622 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 43,044 749,729 76,666 673,063 Vote 90 TEACHER REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATIONS Salaries _ _ 115,035 Temporary assistance _ 12,160 127,195 Office expense _ 5,704 Travelling expense _ _ _ 1,148 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,369 Examinations — Salaries _ 65,513 Travelling expense _ 2,251 Other expenses . . 188,372 - 256,136 Less — Transfer, Vote 102 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 4,161 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ _ 4,224 392,552 8,385 384,167 Vote 91 FINANCE BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ Temporary assistance _ 95,516 1,792 97,308 Office expense _ : _ _ _ 1,785 Travelling expense _ __ _ 2,615 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,234 Equipment rentals _ 882 103,824 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 5,988 - 97,836 Vote 92 POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING (a) Operating Grants to Universities University of British Columbia 31,186,572 Simon Fraser University _ — 13,555,241 University of Victoria _ 8,258,187 - 53,000,000 (b) Capital Grants to Universities University of British Columbia- 5,000,000 Simon Fraser University _ 5,000,000 University of Victoria _ 2,000,000 - 12,000,000 (c) Operating Grants and Payments ( School District Colleges and Other Post-secondary Institutions). Salaries _ 152,534 All other expenditure _ 5,258,331 - 5,410,865 (d) Operating Expenditures, Provincial Technical and Vocational Schools. Salaries _ _ _ 6,272,122 Travelling expense _ 51,984 All other expenditure _ _ 4,314,961 10,639,067 EDUCATION; FINANCE 13 fote 92 POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION AND TRAIN IN G — Con tin ued e) Fire Protection and Services Grant re University of British Columbia. •ayment to University Endowment Ad¬ ministration Account _ 154,900 /) Student-aid and Teacher-training Scholarships and Bursaries. icholarships _ tursaries _ Less — Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ Transfer, Vote 174 — Ap¬ prenticeship and Indus¬ trial Training Branch _ 1,615,098 668,265 - 2,283,363 83,488,195 888 1,855,536 - 1,856,424 - 81,631,771 Vote 97 NIGHT-SCHOOL GRANTS Grants _ 280,999 Less chargeable to Vote 98 — Training Programmes _ 55,078 - 225,921 Vote 98 TRAINING PROGRAMMES (a) Courses for New Canadians All expenditure _ 59,083 (b) Fitness and Amateur Sports Projects Travelling expense . . 1,101 Other expenses _ _ _ 122,996 - 124,097 - 183,180 Vote 99 EDUCATION OF SOLDIERS’ DEPENDENT CHILDREN AND EXPENSES Allowances _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29,998 fote 93 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES, PROVINCIAL TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS AND VOCATIONAL GRANTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS. dl expenditure _ _ _ 5,578,646 fote 94 GRANTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS irants to school districts _ 119,997,899 irants to reduce local school taxation . 41,557,440 - 161,555,339 Vote 100 COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES GRANTS Expenditure _ _ _ _ 214,936 Vote 101 INCIDENTALS, GRANTS, AND CONTINGENCIES All expenditure _ _ _ _ _ 57,786 Vote 102 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE Temporary assistance _ 57,500 fote 95 EACHERS’ SUPERANNUATION FUND (SPE¬ CIAL ASSISTANCE IN THE COST OF EDU¬ CATION ACT, CHAP. 367, R.S.B.C. 1960), Irants re Special Assistance in the Cost of Education Act _ _ _ _ _ Vote 103 PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 319, SEC. 197 (12)) AND PUBLIC LIBRA¬ RIES ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 316, SECS. 19 AND 50). Advances re school and library taxes _ 40,600,075 Less recovery, rural district taxes _ 40,636,967 rote 96 FREE TEXTBOOKS, MAPS, ETC. Expenditure _ . _ 1,241,386 (Credit) 36,892 Total, Department of Education _ 260,886,372 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE rote 104 MINISTER’S OFFICE >ffice expense - - - — — 'ravelling expense _ _ 625 'ote 105 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION alaries _ _ _ _ _ 190,764 emporary assistance _ _ _ 33,484 224,248 Iffice expense _ _ _ 13,493 ravelling expense _ _ — 7,431 Iffice furniture and equipment _ 4,563 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 33,484 Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 7,525 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 9,084 249,735 50,093 Vote 106 625 CONTROLLING AND AUDIT BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 421,444 Temporary assistance _ 1,749 423,193 Office expense _ 22,288 Travelling expense _ 24,331 Office furniture and equipment _ _ _ 1,038 470,850 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 1,749 Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 3,632 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 29,088 - 34,469 199,642 436,381 14 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 107 DATA PROCESSING BRANCH Salaries _ _ 229,348 Temporary assistance _ 11,350 240,698 Office expense _ _ 1,899 Travelling expense _ _ — - - 97 Office furniture and equipment _ _ — 656 Rental of data-processing equipment - - 147,539 Data-processing supplies - - - - - - 3,622 394,511 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 11,350 Transfer, Vote 124 ( ft ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 12,564 Vote 108 CONSUMER TAXATION BRANCH Vote 1 1 1 ASSESSMENT EQUALIZATION ACT Salaries _ 159,368 Office expense _ 7,387 Travelling expense _ 18,352 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,327 Assessment Advisory Committee ( per diem allowances and travelling expenses) _ 386 Development and distribution of manual- 949 Assessors’ training-school _ — Payments to municipalities for completion of Forms A.C. 3 _ 4,618 192,387 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( ft ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 11,184 Vote 112 PURCHASING COMMISSION Salaries . . . . 324,234 Temporary assistance _ 14,161 23,914 - 370,597 Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ 851,858 Temporary assistance — _ _ _ 1,432 853,290 Office expense _ 30,588 Dye for marking gasoline _ 27,209 Travelling expense _ 59,335 Office furniture and equipment _ 3,389 Automobiles and accessories _ 6,994 338,395 Office expense _ 16,310 Travelling expense . . 11,658 Office furniture and equipment _ _ _ 2,261 Advertising for tenders _ 3,354 Automobiles and accessories _ 2,198 Research and testing _ _ _ 629 Shop materials and equipment _ 35,152 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 1,287 Transfer, Vote 124 ( ft ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ _ 67,344 980,805 68,631 Vote 109 REAL PROPERTY TAXATION BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ _ 268,732 Temporary assistance _ _ _ ... _ 45,773 912,174 314,505 Office expense _ 45,823 Travelling expense _ 34,370 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,784 Advertising and publicity _ 9,320 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 2,273 Appraisal service _ 4,427 413,502 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 45,773 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 14,292 - 60,065 - 353,437 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 14,161 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 15,840 409,957 30,001 Vote 1 1 3 LANGFORD WAREHOUSE Salaries _ _ _ 18,612 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 5,039 23,651 Office expense _ 355 Office furniture and equipment _ . _ 1,581 Stores purchases _ 384,360 Warehouse expense _ 21,315 431,262 Less — Sundry sales _ _ 12,630 Chargeable to various depart¬ ments _ 417,035 - 429,665 1,597 Less increase in inventory _ 12,256 (Credit) Vote 110 INCOME TAXATION BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 211,361 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 3,155 214,516 Office expense . 7,401 Travelling expense _ 7,524 Office furniture and equipment _ 3,355 Department’s proportion of valuator’s fees - - - - - Vote 114 GOVERNMENT AGENTS, ETC. Alberni Agency Salaries _ _ _ 46,746 Temporary assistance _ 2,706 49,452 Office expense _ 1,722 Travelling expense _ 1,001 Office furniture and equipment _ 460 - 52,635 232,796 Less — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 3,155 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 16,128 - 19,283 - 213,513 Ashcroft Agency Salaries _ _ _ 8,160 Temporary assistance _ _ — 2,813 10,973 Office expense _ _ _ 388 Travelling expense - 441 - 11,802 181,203 379,956 10,659 FINANCE 15 /ote 114 GOVERNMENT AGENTS, ETC.— Continued Atlin Agency Salaries _ 8,370 temporary assistance >ffice expense 1,927 10,297 516 Salaries _ temporary assistance Burns Lake Agency _ 13,749 _ 5,590 Office expense _ travelling expense . . Jffice furniture and equipment 19,339 893 858 613 alaries _ temporary assistance _ )ffice expense _ _ _ 'ravelling expense _ __ _ )ffice furniture and equipment. Clinton Agency _ 18,574 _ 187 18,761 717 363 115 Courtenay Agency [alaries _ . _ 83,184 WSce expense _ 1,566 ravelling expense _ 3,330 )ffice furniture and equipment—. 285 Cranbrook Agency _ 58,319 - 1,630 _ 3,081 iffice furniture and equipment _ 27 lotor-vehicles and accessories.— 11 alaries _ iffice expense _ ravelling expense Creston Agency alaries _ 13,638 emporary assistance _ 3,186 16,824 ffice expense _ 522 ffice furniture and equipment ... 536 Duncan Agency alaries _ 43,692 ffice expense _ _ 1,330 ravelling expense _ _ 808 ffice furniture and equipment _ 24 lotor-vehicles and accessories _ 2,664 Fernie Agency _ 20,304 _ _ _ 809 ravelling expense _ 104 ffice furniture and equipment _ 140 icidentals and contingencies _ 5 alaries ffice expense iporary assistance Fort St. John Agency _ 33,492 _ 1,426 34,918 1,677 118 276 10,813 21,703 19,956 88,365 63,068 17,882 48,518 21,362 Vote 1 14 GOVERNMENT AGENTS, ETC.— Continued Fort Nelson Agency Salaries _ 8,400 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 2,061 Office expense _ Travelling expense Salaries . . . . Office expense _ Travelling expense 10,461 509 432 11,402 Golden Agency _ 20,514 _ 898 - 38 21,450 Grand Forks Agency Salaries _ _ _ 14,844 Temporary assistance _ 3,775 18,619 Office expense _ 958 Travelling expense _ 575 Office furniture and equipment.— 42 20,194 Ganges (Gulf Islands) Agency Salaries _ _ _ Office expense _ Travelling expense Salaries _ Office expense 14.868 299 510 15,677 Travelling expense Invermere Agency _ 7,152 _ 202 _ 438 7,792 Salaries _ Temporary assistance Kamloops Agency _ 106,115 _ 1,630 107,745 Office expense _ 2,367 Travelling expense _ _ _ 4,215 Office furniture and equipment — 957 115,284 Kaslo Agency Salaries _ 13,524 Temporary assistance _ 660 Office expense _ Travelling expense 14,184 574 129 14,887 Salaries . . — Temporary assistance Kelowna Agency _ 37,782 _ 300 38,082 Office expense _ 915 Travelling expense _ 391 Office furniture and equipment — 280 39,668 Kitimat Agency _ 13,254 Salaries _ _ Temporary assistance - - - 2,043 15,297 433 50 ffice expense _ _ ravelling expense - ffice furniture and equipment—. 36,989 Office expense - Travelling expense 15,780 16 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 114 GOVERNMENT AGENTS, ETC. — Continued Lillooet Agency Salaries _ _ 29,941 Temporary assistance _ 3,359 33,300 Office expense . . 1,049 Travelling expense _ 1,776 Office furniture and equipment — 580 - 36,705 Merritt Agency Salaries _ _ _ 19,260 Temporary assistance - 71 19,331 Office expense - 1,007 Travelling expense - 19 - 20,357 Nanaimo Agency Salaries _ _ _ 87,493 Temporary assistance _ _ _ _ 3,701 91,194 1,298 2,490 224 2,387 23 - 97,616 Nelson Agency Salaries _ 100,779 Temporary assistance _ 1,443 102,222 Office expense _ - 2,437 Travelling expense _ _ 6,548 Office furniture and equipment _ _ 1,186 - 112,393 New Westminster Agency Salaries _ 122,673 Temporary assistance __ _ 1,258 123,931 Office expense _ _ _ 2,646 Travelling expense _ __ _ 6,516 Office furniture and equipment _ 352 - 133,445 Oliver Agency Salaries _ _ 13,445 Office expense _ 415 Travelling expense _ 13 - 13,873 Penticton Agency Salaries _ 68,355 Temporary assistance _ 600 68,955 Office expense _ 3,024 Travelling expense - 2,076 Office furniture and equipment _ 356 - 74,411 Pouce Coupe Agency Salaries _ . _ 71,052 Office expense - - 3,451 Travelling expense - 4,107 Office furniture and equipment -.. 24 Motor-vehicles and accessories..-. 2,373 Vote 114 GOVERNMENT AGENTS, ETC.— Continued Powell River Agency Salaries _ _ _ 15,324 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 2,178 17,502 Office expense _ 874 Travelling expense _ 58 Incidentals and contingencies _ 321 - 18,755 Prince George Agency Salaries _ 104,395 Temporary assistance _ 4,020 108,415 Office expense _ 1,975 Travelling expense _ 3,506 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,145 Incidentals and contingencies _ 17 - 115,058 Prince Rupert Agency Salaries _ _ _ 66,333 Office expense _ 2,255 Travelling expense _ 4,462 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,522 - 74,572 Princeton Agency Salaries _ 18,101 Temporary assistance _ 2,759 20,860 Office expense _ 1,433 Travelling expense _ 26 - 22,319 Quesnel Agency Salaries _ 67,964 Temporary assistance _ 3,520 71,484 Office expense _ _ _ 2,815 Travelling expense _ 2,017 Office furniture and equipment _ 64 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 2,729 - 79,109 Revelstoke Agency Salaries _ 24,536 Temporary assistance _ 1,728 26,264 Office expense _ 1,585 Travelling expense _ 27 - 27,876 Rossland Agency Salaries _ 15,324 Temporary assistance _ 3,183 18,507 Office expense _ _ 1,436 Travelling expense _ 200 - 20,143 Salmon Arm Agency Salaries _ 15,157 Temporary assistance _ 5,735 20,892 Office expense _ 760 Travelling expense _ 19 Office expense _ Travelling expense _ Office furniture and equipment _ Motor-vehicles and accessories _ Incidentals and contingencies _ 81,007 21,671 FINANCE 17 ote 114 GOVERNMENT AGENTS, ETC. — Continued Smithers Agency alaries - - - 59,091 emporary assistance _ _ 5,411 64,502 ffice expense _ 4,002 ravelling expense _ 1,579 iffice furniture and equipment _ 283 - 70,366 Terrace Agency ilaries - 17,322 emporary assistance _ 2,431 19,753 fBce expense _ 1,091 ravelling expense _ 378 ffice furniture and equipment _ 90 - 21,312 Vancouver Agency daries _ 38,358 :mporary assistance _ 2,280 40.638 ffice expense _ 687 ■avelling expense _ 32 ffice furniture and equipment. _ 580 cidentals and contingencies _ 17 - 41,954 V anderhoof Agency laries _ 8,280 :mporary assistance _ 3,109 11,389 Bee expense _ 715 avelling expense _ _ 400 - 12,504 Vernon Agency laries _ _ _ 87,771 mporary assistance _ 11,877 99,648 fice expense _ 1,296 avelling expense _ _ 3,857 - 104,801 Victoria Assessor laries _ 34,680 Bee expense _ 551 avelling expense . . 2,416 Bee furniture and equipment _ 34 - 37,681 Williams Lake Agency laries _ 32,829 Bee expense _ _ 1,698 avelling expense _ 307 - 34,834 Sundry Sub-offices owances .. _ 1 ,346 1,929,335 ■ess — Transfer, Vote 118 — Tempo¬ rary Assistance _ 64,284 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 89,820 - 154,104 Vote 1 1 5 COURTS OF REVISION Members’ fees and expenses _ _ _ 44,518 Travelling expense _ _ — Advertising and publicity . . . 1,430 Vote 116 ASSESSMENT APPEAL BOARD Members’ fees _ 28,190 Office expense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — Travelling expense _ _ _ — Court costs _ 6 Secretarial services . 3,939 Vote 117 PRINTING PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, ESTI¬ MATES, BONDS, REVENUE RECEIPTS, ETC. Printing and publications _ 45,948 32,135 87,474 Vote 118 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE Transfers, various departmental votes _ _ 175,243 Vote 119 INCIDENTALS AND CONTINGENCIES Expenditure . . . 148,506 Vote 120 CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION ACT Superannuation Fund — Interest on de¬ posits - 6,673,838 Less interest on investments _ _ 7,423,989 (Credit) 750,151 Less transfer, excess interest earnings to Fund _ _ _ _ 750,151 Vote 121 MEMBERS OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SUPERANNUATION ACT Interest on deposits _ 44,267 Less interest on investments _ 49,827 (Credit) 5,560 Less transfer, excess interest earnings to Fund . . . 5,560 Vote 122 DYKING ASSESSMENT ADJUSTMENTS ACT, 1905 (SEC. 19 (f>)) Arrears of dyking assessments on lands reverted to the Crown _ _ _ 143 Vote 123 SUPREME COURT ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 374, SEC. 33) Interest on Suitors’ Fund deposits _ 653,176 Interest on Official Guardian deposits 5,244 Interest on Official Committee deposits .... 657,156 - 1,315,576 Vote 124 SALARY CONTINGENCIES AND ADJUSTMENTS ( a ) Salary contingencies (all departments) — transfers, various votes _ 58,140 (£>) Salary adjustments (all departments) 4,454,880 - 4,513,020 Vote 125 EXPENSE CONTINGENCIES (ALL DEPARTMENTS) Travelling expense - - - 5,192 All other expenditure - 62,555 3 1,775,231 67,747 18 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 126 MOTOR-VEHICLES AND ACCESSORIES (ALL DEPARTMENTS) All expenditure 8,598 Vote 127 POWER SUBSIDY (POWER ACT, R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 293, SEC. 107) British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority .. . . 1,000,000 Vote 128 METROPOLITAN TRANSIT SUBSIDY British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 1,000,000 HOUSING ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 183, SEC. 8) Housing and Redevelopment Fund Balance at March 31, 1968 _ Nil Net expenditure on development and construction of housing projects charged to Consoli¬ dated Revenue Fund per sec. 9 (see Vote 233) . . — Balance at March 31, 1969 . . Nil BURRARD INLET (THIRD CROSSING) FUND ACT (1968, CHAP. 62, SEC. 2) Vote 129 NANCY SLOAN ACT (1960, CHAP. 79, SEC. 2) Annual payment - - — - 3,556 STATUTORY Advances under various Statutes — Local Services Act, R.S.B.C. 1960, chap. 224, sec. 7 (1) _ 61,452 Municipal Act, R.S.B.C. 1960, chap. 255- Sec. 784 _ _ _ _ 423,974 Sec. 798g _ _ _ - . - . . 70,515 Regional Hospital Districts Act, 1967, chap. 43, sec. 25 (6) _ 1,150,237 Water Act, R.S.B.C. 1960, chap. 405, sec. 62 (6) . - _ _ 904,553 2,610,731 Less recovered through taxes _ 2,770,947 (Credit) 160,216 Cemetery Companies Act (R.S.B.C. 1960, Chap. 46, Sec. 70 (4)) Interest on Cemetery Tax Fund deposits _ 2,953 Municipal Act (R.S.B.C. 1960, Chap. 255, Sec. 10 (8)) All expenditure .. _ 2,642 Municipal Act (R.S.B.C. 1960, Chap. 255, Sec. 23 (1)) All expenditure . 66,331 Unclaimed Money Deposits Act (R.S.B.C. 1960, Chap. 393, Sec. 5) All expenditure _ 4,773 Provincial New-home Building Assistance Act (1969, Chap. 30, Sec. 7) Payment into Provincial New-home Building Assis¬ tance Fund _ _ _ 25,000,000 SPECIAL WARRANTS Nos. 3 and 15 British Columbia share of expenditure of Canadian Committee of Mutual Funds and Investment Con¬ tracts _ _ _ _ _ 15,564 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 9 Grant toward establishing an outward-bound school . 5,000 Burrard Inlet ( Third Crossing) Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 . . . . . 27,000,000 Net expenditure _ Nil (Interest earned paid into Consolidated Revenue Fund (sec. 3).) Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) _ 27,000,000 CENTENNIAL CULTURAL FUND ACT (1967, CHAP. 7, SEC. 2) Centennial Cultural Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 5,039,297 Add interest earned _ _ _ 357,103 5,396,400 Grants . . . . . . 308,899 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) _ _ _ 5,087,501 CROP INSURANCE STABILIZATION FUND ACT (1967, CHAP. 16, SEC. 2) Crop Insurance Stabilization Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 5,224,039 Add interest earned _ 366,935 5,590,974 Advances pursuant to sec. 3 _ 425,000 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) _ _ _ 5,165,974 PROVINCIAL NEW-HOME BUILDING ASSISTANCE ACT (1967, CHAP. 39, SEC. 7). Provincial New-home Building Assistance Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 24,192,166 Additional payment into Fund _ 25,000,000 Interest earned _ _ _ 1,068,209 50,260,375 Home-acquisition grants _ 7,331,280 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (page E 21) _ _ 42,929,095 SPECIAL WARRANTS Nos. 11, 19, AND 23 Grant with respect to construction of Junior Sports Stadium, Vancouver _ _ _ _ 141,666 Total, Department of Finance _ _ 38 HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE 19 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE ote 130 MINISTER'S OFFICE ilaries - - .— . smporary assistance _ _ _ 26,623 4,985 ffice expense _ •avelling expense _ . _ . _ ffice furniture and equipment _ 31,608 2,897 6,745 1,737 42,987 Less transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Salary Contingencies _ _ 3,591 ote 131 ACCOUNTING DIVISION ilaries _ _ _ 214,364 smporary assistance _ _ _ _ 5,819 39,396 220,183 ffice expense _ 4,611 •avelling expense _ 4,589 ffice furniture and equipment _ 288 229,671 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 10,308 - 219,363 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES ote 1 32 GENERAL SERVICES laries _ 653,040 ■mporary assistance _ 47,976 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES — Continued Vote 137 LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES Salaries _ _ _ 2,612,706 Temporary assistance _ 827,930 3,440,636 Office expense _ 83,960 Travelling expense _ 270,984 Office furniture and equipment _ 22,188 Medical services, etc. — Salaries _ 6,996 Travelling expense _ 163 Expenses _ _ _ 12,609 - 19,768 Grants re uniforms _ 24,511 Medical and dental supplies _ 41,715 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 71,486 Incidentals and contingencies _ 390 Transfers and training — Travelling expense _ 21,893 Expenses _ _ 5,139 - 27,032 Home care — Salaries - 406,755 Travelling expense _ 36,561 Expenses _ 54,742 - 498,058 Preventive dental programme _ _ _ 144,258 4,644,986 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 231,840 701,016 lice expense _ 21,181 avelling expense _ 38,921 Bee furniture and equipment _ 5,796 edical services _ 22,027 :alth education _ 41,197 iuipment and machinery _ 3,657 edical supplies _ _ _ 282,624 distance to vocational rehabilitation agencies ...... . ..... _ _ _ _ _ 67,318 aintenance of buildings and grounds .... 3,021 national rehabilitation — Travelling expense _ 10,650 All other expenditure _ 186,966 - 197,616 Dtor-vehicles and accessories _ — cidentals and contingencies _ 2,033 plementation of Acts _ _ _ — :alth grants programme — Salaries _ 26,097 Travelling expense _ 9,135 All other expenditure 178,726 - 213,958 1,600,365 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 33,936 - 1,566,429 te 133 GRANTS RE LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES ants 540,151 te 134 GRANTS FOR HEALTH AGENCIES expenditure _ 961,002 CANCER CONTROL (INCLUDING GRANTS, ETC.) expenditure _ e 136 PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH aries _ 22,844 (veiling expense _ 1,925 other expenditure _ 725,125 449,393 749,894 Vote 138 DIVISION OF LABORATORIES Salaries - - - - 450,100 Temporary assistance _ 31,208 481,308 Office expense _ 25,936 Travelling expense _ 1,809 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,174 Laundry and dry-goods _ _ _ 4,621 Equipment and machinery _ 18,444 Medical laboratory supplies _ 58,961 Grants and subsidies _ 42,000 Maintenance and operation of equipment.. 2,957 638,210 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 35,772 Vote 139 DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS Salaries _ 424,392 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 10,699 435,091 Office expense _ 36,924 Travelling expense _ 2,467 Office furniture and equipment _ 3,389 Printing and publications _ _ 3,919 Equipment rental _ 24,300 District Registrars’ commissions, etc. _ 9,827 Consultants re Registry for Handicapped Children and Adults _ _ _ 5,480 521,397 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 20,436 Vote 140 DIVISION OF VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL Salaries _ _ _ 117,162 Temporary assistance _ 6,091 Office expense 123,253 2,706 4,413,146 602,438 500,961 20 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES —Continued Vote 140 DIVISION OF VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL — Continued Travelling expense - Office furniture and equipment - — — Medical services — Salaries - - - 2,671 Expenses _ 17,772 Clothing and uniforms - Laundry and dry-goods - Medical supplies - - - — — Transportation of patients - Incidentals and contingencies - Rural treatment and consultative services 4,413 1,186 20,443 207 1,040 16,204 53 3,720 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES — Continued DIVISION OF TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL — Continued Vote 141 ADMINISTRATION AND OUT-PATIENT CARE — Continued (d) New Westminster Clinic — Continued Laundry and dry-goods _ 679 Medical supplies and equipment _ 3,824 Library and teaching supplies — 27 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 110 Incidentals and contingencies _ 28 Housekeeping _ 144 - 58,635 173,225 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments . — _ - — - 9,060 - 164,165 ( e ) Travelling Clinics Salaries _ 138,516 Temporary assistance _ 13,650 DIVISION OF TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL Vote 141 ADMINISTRATION AND OUT-PATIENT CARE (a) Divisional Headquarters Salaries _ _ _ — — 85,584 Office expense _ 10,108 Travelling expense _ 363 Medical services _ 32,185 Medical supplies and equipment . 38 Library and teaching supplies _ 240 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 7 Transportation _ 1,337 Housekeeping _ 3 Other hospitalization _ 37,597 - 167,462 (b) Willow Chest Centre Salaries _ 121,642 Temporary assistance _ 16,471 138,113 Office expense _ 702 Travelling expense _ 339 Office furniture and equipment _ 31 Medical services _ 4,365 Laundry and dry-goods _ 2,010, Medical supplies and equipment .. 34,014 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 150 Transportation _ 29 Incidentals and contingencies _ 90 Housekeeping _ 2,367 - 182,210 (c) Victoria and Island Chest Centre Salaries _ 78,544 Temporary assistance _ 8,060 86,604 Office expense _ _ _ 3,089 Travelling expense _ _ 3,428 Medical services _ 235 Laundry and dry-goods _ 501 Medical supplies and equipment .. 8,086 Library and teaching supplies ... 48 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 347 Incidentals and contingencies _ 15 Housekeeping _ 100 - 102,453 (d) New Westminster Clinic Salaries _ 50,286 Temporary assistance _ 1,855 52,141 1,009 673 152,166 Office expense _ 2,497 Travelling expense _ 27,041 Office furniture and equipment .. 1,774 Medical services _ 9,152 Medical supplies and equipment .. 29,131 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 12,883 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 3,068 Incidentals and contingencies _ 264 Housekeeping _ 10 - 237,986 748,746 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30,948 Vote 142 IN-PATIENT CARE Willow Chest Centre and Pearson Unit Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 2,039,692 Temporary assistance _ _ 413,763 2,453,455 Office expense _ 14,164 Travelling expense _ 1,410 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,130 Medical services _ 11,807 Dietary _ 223,129 Patients’ clothing _ _ _ _ _ 131 Laundry and dry-goods _ 92,355 Patients’ comfort allowances _ 10,249 Hospital furnishings and equipment _ 11,228 Medical supplies and equipment _ 134,332 Library and teaching supplies _ 1,085 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 2,974 Maintenance and operation of equipment 9,545 Occupational therapy _ 5,304 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 9,000 Burials _ 285 Incidentals and contingencies _ 3,042 Housekeeping _ 25,964 Contingencies _ 5,231 3,016,820 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Adjustments _ 173,184 Transfer, Vote 147 — Hos¬ pital Insurance _ 1,200,923 - 1,374,107 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 5 Cost of producing film on pollution control Sub-total, Public Health Services .... 717,798 ,642,71 20,00 i i Office expense _ Travelling expense _ 12,586,84 HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE 21 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES e 143 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION iries _ _ _ . _ _ _ 376,343 nporary assistance _ 12,004 388,347 ce expense _ _ 14,456 veiling expense . _ 20,886 ce furniture and equipment . — . 1,481 int to trustees of Patients’ Comfort und _ _ ....... 12,000 nt to University of British Columbia -research _ 30,000 lio-visual _ 879 leraL expense _. . _ 2,829 scription, Social Service Index _ — ninistration of Psychiatric Nurses Act 2,710 mcil of Psychiatric Nurses for bursary ust fund _ _ — ital health care grants _ 278,540 752,128 ess transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ - 16,416 e 144 DIVISION OF NURSING EDUCATION 735,712 Ties _ _ _ 370,815 iporary assistance _ 722,009 :e expense . . . . . . veiling expense _ _ _ _ _ _ ie furniture and equipment _ _ lical care _ _ _ ary _ _ _ _ _ adry . . . . . . . eral supplies _ _ _ io-visual _ _ _ _ _ eral expense _ _ _ late and postgraduate training _ _ 1,092,824 5,607 1,186 851 683 8,557 5,000 15,637 772 1,057 4,211 1,136,385 tss transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ 35,724 : 145 COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,100,661 (a) Mental Health Centre, Burnaby ries _ 714,889 porary assistance _ 27,067 741,956 e expense _ 5,475 elling expense _ 7,488 e furniture and equipment 4,163 ical care _ 69,949 iry - 13,048 idry - 1,500 itenance and operation of jipment _ _ _ 2,659 sportation _ 3,791 :ral supplies _ _ 5,383 pational and recreational :rapy _ _.. _ 1,024 nt education _ 3,761 >r-vehicles and accessories 1,948 :ral expense _ 1,154 - 863,299 ( b ) Mental Health Centre, South Vancouver Island ies _ __ _ 138,401 >orary assistance _ 1,419 139,820 : expense _ 1,888 :lling expense _ _ _ 2,203 ; furniture and equipment 903 cal care _ 41,441 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — Continued Vote 145 COMMUNITY SERVICES — Continued ( b ) Mental Health Centre, South Vancouver Island — Continued Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 726 Occupational and recreational therapy _ 260 General expense _ 492 - 187,733 (c) Mental Health Centre, South Okanagan Salaries _ 57,173 Office expense _ 1,031 Travelling expense _ 2,830 Office furniture and equipment 94 Medical care _ 6,362 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 248 General supplies _ _ 235 General expense _ 116 - 68,089 (d) Mental Health Centre, West Kootenay Salaries .. 42,287 Office expense _ 789 Travelling expense . 1,265 Office furniture and equipment 295 Medical care _ 7,524 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 687 General supplies _ _ _ 105 General expense _ 306 - 53,258 (e) Mental Health Centre, Central Vancouver Island Salaries _ 35,371 Temporary assistance _ ___ _ 2,526 37,897 Office expense _ 934 Travelling expense _ 718 Medical care _ 16,856 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 494 General expense _ 325 - 57,224 (/) Mental Health Centre, Northern Interior Salaries _ _ _ 40,104 Temporary assistance . . 3,776 43,880 Office expense _ 1,420 Travelling expense _ _ 3,062 Office furniture and equipment 33 Medical care _ 5,675 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ _ _ _ 470 General supplies _ 214 Occupational and recreational therapy _ 115 General expense _ 401 - 55,270 (g) Mental Health Centre, South Central Interior Salaries _ 17,476 Office expense _ 880 Travelling expense _ 98 Office furniture and equipment 7,075 Medical care _ 14 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 57 General supplies _ 70 Motor-vehicles and accessories 2,629 General expense _ _ 37 28,336 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 22 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — Continued Vote 145 COMMUNITY SERVICES— Continued ( h ) Mental Health Centre, Upper Fraser Valley MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — Continued Vote 145 COMMUNITY SERVICES — Continued (r) Expansion of Community Services All expenditure . . . . . . 70,000 Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 46,660 Temporary assistance _ 3,828 50,488 Office expense - 1,287 Travelling expense - 949 Office furniture and equipment 274 Medical care _ 4,145 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ _ _ 522 General expense - 78 - 57,743 (i) Mental Health Centre Upper Island Salaries and expenses _ _ _ Nil O') Mental Health Centre, East Kootenay Salaries and expenses . . . Nil ( k ) Mental Health Centre, North Okanagan Salaries . _ _ _ 50,916 Temporary assistance _ 3,973 54,889 1,172 1,773 597 6,409 392 204 1,010 - 66,446 (/) Mental Health Centre, Selkirk Salaries and expenses _ Nil ( m ) Mental Health Centre, Central Fraser Valley Salaries and expenses _ Nil Office expense _ Travelling expense _ _ _ Office furniture and equipment Medical care _ Maintenance and operation of equipment _ _ General supplies _ . General expense _ (n) Mental Health Centre, Boundary Salaries and expenses _ Nil (o) Mental Health Centre, Simon Fraser Salaries _ _ 21,948 Office expense _ 827 Travelling expense . 303 Office furniture and equipment 199 Medical care _ 2,490 Dietary _ 110 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 24 General supplies _ 174 General expense _ 190 (p) Mental Health Centre, Skeena Salaries and expenses - - Nil ( q ) Residential Care Centre for Children, Burnaby Office furniture and equipment 2,500 Dietary - 1,100 General expense - 1,000 1,538,263 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 57,504 Vote 146 IN-PATIENT CARE ( a ) Riverview Hospital Salaries _ 8,688,163 Temporary assistance _ 358,437 9,046,600 Office expense _ 52,676 Travelling expense _ 11,210 Office furniture and equipment 4,834 Medical care _ 746,534 Dietary _ 1,256,193 Laundry _ 8,271 Gratuities to patients _ 12,672 Patients’ library _ 3,438 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ _ 19,297 Transportation _ _ _ 16,855 General supplies _ _ 538,535 Occupational and recreational therapy - 21,592 Audio-visual _ 13,552 Patient education _ 368 Motor-vehicles and accessories 26,060 General expense _ 39,225 Burials . 3,460 11,821,372 Less transfer, Vote 124 (£>) — Salary Adjustments . . 543,132 - 11,278,240 ( b ) Rehabilitation Department Salaries _ 225,172 Temporary assistance _ 11,384 236,556 Office expense _ 778 Travelling expense _ 4,773 Office furniture and equipment 342 Medical care _ 113 Dietary - - 11,293 Laundry _ 21 Gratuities to patients . . 34,890 General supplies _ 5,685 Occupational and recreational therapy _ 84 Audio-visual _ _ _ 15 Motor- vehicles and accessories 5,630 General expense _ 1,227 301,407 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ _ 13,068 - 288,339 (c) Out-patient Services Salaries _ 37,006 Temporary assistance _ 3,957 40,963 Office expense - 393 Travelling expense _ 5,206 Medical care _ _ _ 60,005 Dietary _ 3,843 Transportation _ 1,150 General supplies _ 73 General expense _ 30 111,663 Less transfer, Vote 124 (f>) — Salary Adjustments _ 2,388 4,600 109,275 HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE 23 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — Continued MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — Continued ote 146 Vote 146 IN-PATIENT CARE — Continued IN-PATIENT CARE — Continued ( d ) V alleyview Hospital ilaries - . . . . . . 2,433,158 97,658 emporary assistance . . . . ffice expense . - . 2,530,816 8,930 3,301 1,524 157,227 292,701 19,000 2,458 18 7,232 798 ravelling expense _ ffice furniture and equipment edical care _ ietary . . . ~ rundry . _ . _ . ratuities to patients _ itients’ library _ aintenance and operation of equipment . . . •ansportation . eneral supplies . 96,381 2,065 515 ccupational and recreational therapy . udio-visual . eneral expense . 1,507 455 jrials . __ _ _ _ _ Less transfer. Vote 124 (b) — Salary Adjustments . 3,124,928 156,636 ( e ) Dellview Hospital, Vernon laries _ 519,228 mporary assistance _ _ 25,158 544,386 lice expense _ 1,506 avelling expense _ _ _ 919 flee furniture and equipment 279 edical care _ _ 19,662 etary _ 87,300 undry - - - 3,839 atuities to patients _ 50 aintenance and operation of equipment _ 167 ansportation _ 1,249 :neral supplies _ _ 30,934 cupational and recreational therapy _ _ _ 324 tdio-visual _ 27 jtor-vehicles and accessories 3,895 neral expense _ 1,840 rials _ . _ 2,640 699,017 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Adjustments _ 32,808 - 666,209 (/) Skeenaview Hospital, Terrace aries _ 375,151 mporary assistance _ _ _ 45,224 420,375 ice expense _ 2,151 ivelling expense . 3,243 ice furniture and equipment 571 idical care _ _ 21,934 :tary _ 100,359 undry _ 2,046 atuities to patients _ 37 lintenance and operation of equipment _ : _ _ 1,207 importation _ 1,137 neral supplies _ 22,070 (/) Skeenaview Hospital, Terrace — Continued Occupational and recreational therapy _ 841 Audio-visual _ 1,584 General expense _ 2,472 Burials _ 5,002 585,029 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments . 24,048 - 560,981 (g) Woodlands School Salaries _ 4,837,618 Temporary assistance _ 159,459 4,997,077 Office expense _ 12,002 Travelling expense . . 6,507 Office furniture and equipment 2,253 Medical care . . . . . 152,930 Dietary _ 489,254 Laundry _ _ 36,730 Gratuities to patients _ 4,575 Patients’ library _ 1,147 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 5,802 Transportation _ 1,804 General supplies _ 236,560 Occupational and recreational therapy _ __ _ _ _ 4,504 Audio-visual _ 2,991 Patient education _ 2,670 Motor-vehicles and accessories 7,431 General expense _ 23,278 Burials _ 260 5,987,775 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b)~ Salary Adjustments _ 304,908 - 5,682,867 ( h ) Tranquille School Salaries _ 1,883,280 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 112,120 1,995,400 Office expense _ 8,437 Travelling expense _ _ 5,651 Office furniture and equipment 1,501 Medical care _ 81,450 Dietary _ 343,468 Laundry _ 13,698 Gratuities to patients _ _ 4,866 Patients’ library _ 41 Maintenance and operation of equipment _ 4,630 Transportation _ 494 General supplies _ 124,030 Occupational and recreational therapy _ 7,541 Audio-visual _ _ 430 Patients’ education _ 805 Motor-vehicles and accessories 2,109 General expense - 10,530 Burials _ - — . — 2,927 2,608,008 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ 119,280 - 2,488,728 (/) Institution Stores Net undistributed stores - 17,890 - 24,060,821 24 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES — Continued SPECIAL WARRANT No. 34 Grant to assist in reconstruction and development of Seven Oaks Children’s Centre - 52,420 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 38 Grant to Bevan Lodge Association to assist in pur¬ chase of furnishings and equipment - 11,750 Sub-total, Mental Health Services . . . 27,442,123 HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICES Vote 147 HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE Administration — Salaries - - - - - - - 816,192 Temporary assistance - 5,529 821,721 Office expense _ 50,080 Travelling expense _ 49,163 Office furniture and equipment - 6,662 Printing and publications — - — - - 3,739 Tabulating and rentals - 4,034 Motor-vehicles and accessories - 2,153 Incidentals and contingencies - 1,905 DEPARTMENT Vote 148 MINISTER’S OFFICE Salaries . . _ - - 11,440 Temporary assistance _ 2,074 13,514 Office expense - - - 930 Travelling expense - - - - - 2,338 16,782 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — -Salary Ad¬ justments _ 900 - 15,882 Vote 149 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries - - r — — 2,047,349 Temporary assistance _ 268,389 2,315,738 Office expense _ . _ _ _ 185,708 Travelling expense _ 172,506 Office furniture and equipment _ _ _ 22,656 Advertising _ 21,559 Printing and publications _ 3,505 Equipment and machinery ._ _ 56,167 Maintenance and operation of equipment 8,975 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ — HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICES— Continued Vote 147 HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE — Continued A dministration — Con tin ued Construction and consultation fees - 71 Technical surveys _ 38,842 978,370 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . — _ 47,172 931,198 Payments to hospitals — Claims _ 133,034,545 Grants in aid of equipment - 1,644,483 Grants in aid of construction of hospitals _ 3,251,920 - 137,930,948 Sub-total, Hospital Insurance Services - —138,862,146 Total, Department of Health Services and Hos¬ pital Insurance _ 178,891,111 OF HIGHWAYS Vote 149 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION — Continued Incidentals and contingencies _ 816 2,787,630 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 98,856 - 2,688,77' Vote 150 ROADS, BRIDGES, FERRIES, WHARVES, AND TUNNELS— MAINTENANCE AND OPERA¬ TION, REPAIRS, AND SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL. Salaries _ _ _ _ 884,090 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 18,961,401 19,845,491 Travelling expense _ _ _ 235,600 All other expenditure _ 11,133,348 31,214,439 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ 43,008 - 31,171,43 Summary of Expenditure by District Vote 150 — Maintenance and Operation, Repairs, and Snow and Ice Removal Electoral District Roads Alberni _ 260,852 Atlin _ 189,816 Boundary-Similkameen _ 368,702 Burnaby-Edmonds _ 31,758 Burnaby (North) _ 50,544 Burnaby-Willingdon _ 21,438 Cariboo _ 820,210 Chilliwack - - - 161,324 Columbia River - - - - 257,111 Comox _ . _ 536,216 Coquitlam _ _ 52,807 Cowichan-Malahat _ 292,432 Delta _ 157,881 Dewdney - 197,363 Esquimau _ 282,328 Fort George _ 729,429 Kamloops _ 765,022 Kootenay _ 308,943 Bridges Ferries Snow and Ice Removal Total 30,886 45,600 86,025 423,363 20,640 8,741 67,179 286,376 57,830 — 177,538 604,070 166 — 14,231 46,155 — — 12,833 63,377 379 — 7,293 29,110 101,014 53,725 359,255 1,334,204 50,294 — 93,629 305,247 42,223 — 107,673 407,007 53,280 623,176 99,559 1,312,231 76,654 — 24,342 153,803 29,952 99,620 82,634 504,638 89,680 — 37,796 285,357 80,620 84,141 97,513 459,637 70,035 — 73,937 426,300 56,972 26,000 281,932 1,094,333 65,000 25,987 100,575 956,584 61,246 — 138,831 509,020 HIGHWAYS 25 Summary of Expenditure by District — Continued Vote 150 — Maintenance and Operation, Repairs, and Snow and Ice Remoral — Continued Snow and Ice Electoral District Langley Roads 166.495 Bridges 8,671 Ferries 150,832 Removal 83,385 Total 409,383 Mackenzie 369,030 51,553 58,647 88,522 567,752 Nan^imn 196,700 32,847 92,232 183,163 47,409 460,119 Nflsnn-Crestrm 580,510 382,838 209,242 1,264.822 New Westminster - - . 53,904 12,563 42,694 61,270 67,522 53,904 North Okanagan - ... 182,300 97,706 292,569 North Peace River 406 780 87,265 536,739 North Vancouver-Capilano . 6,295 67,565 North Vancouver-Seymour 461,368 7,503 536,393 1,832 791,495 230,456 1,287,358 214,477 479,792 299,504 510,027 945.681 319,554 600.257 180,370 61,271 70.306 75,074 88,592 3,263 626,061 1.331,916 1,838,535 303,217 38,197 Oak Rav 1 81? Omineca 419,557 112,000 22,895 86,669 155,597 27,137 115,700 3,256 262,674 144,238 69,469 386,472 17,743 135.208 48,205 133.209 252,751 82,777 196,690 20,026 Prince Rupert 134 836 Revelstoke-Slocan 551 543 Richmond 41 137 Rnssland-Trail 734 647 82,800 35,000 18,000 30,100 Saanich and the Islands 21 6 *>99 Shuswap . 310 48,303 90,171 47,261 13,995 108,500 61,271 67,575 Skeena ^72 6^9 South Okanagan _ . .. . 189 516 South Peace River 345 772 43,800 Surrey Vancouver Centre . . Vancouver East 1,300 1,720 Vancouver-Point Grey 73 354 Vancouver South _ 88,592 Victoria „ - _ _ 3 ^63 West Vancouver-Howe Sound _ _ __ _ 299 758 32,504 102,995 174,954 85,498 118,845 435,159 Yale-Lillooet _ 70S Roads generally— _ _ Bridges generally d J 303,217 Ferries generally 38,197 13,848,416 2,678,809 2,632,449 4,527,619 23,687,293 Maintenance and operation of machinery and gravel- crushing — general - _ 7,484,138 31,171.431 Vote 151 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY Salaries and wages _ Travelling expense _ All other expenditure 225,324 7,603 2,543,947 - 2,776,874 Summary of Expenditure by District Vote 151 — Trans-Canada Highway Electoral District Bumaby-Edmonds _ Chilliwack _ _ _ _ „ Columbia River _ Coquitlam _ _ _ _ Cowichan-Malahat _ Delta _ _ _ _ Esquimau _ Kamloops _ Langley _ _ _ _ _ _ Nanaimo _ _ North Vancouver-Capilano _ North Vancouver-Seymour _ Revelstoke-Slocan _ . _ Saanich and the Islands _ Shuswap _ _ _ Surrey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vancouver East _ Victoria _ West Vancouver-Howe Sound _ Y ale-Lillooet _ _ _ Headquarters (bridge design) _ Total, Vote 151 _ Roads Bridges Total 63,567 — 63,567 394,441 130,808 525,249 334,270 150,417 484,687 42 — 42 19,083 — 19,083 4,328 — 4,328 17,614 — 17,614 457,300 — 457,300 20 — 20 20,085 151,313 171,398 23,224 — 23,224 107,866 — 107,866 11,608 — 11,608 4,185 — 4,185 564,828 — 564,828 982 — 982 29,160 — 29,160 7,000 — 7,000 160,131 — 160,131 16,605 — 16,605 — 107,997 107,997 ,236,339 540,535 2,776,874 26 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 152 ROADS, BRIDGES, AND FERRIES— CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION (a) General Highways Salaries and wages _ 6,640,212 Travelling expense . 129,833 All other expenditure _ 31,068,436 - 37,838,481 ( b ) Bridges, Ferry-landings, and Marine Ways Salaries and wages _ 646,364 Travelling expense _ 38,078 All other expenditure . 8,303,445 - 8,987,887 (c) Hard Surfacing Salaries and wages _ .. _ 1,080,868 Travelling expense .. . .. 8,546 All other expenditure _ 10,491,738 - 11,581,152 - 58,407,520 Summary of Expenditure by District Vote 152 — Roads, Bridges, and Ferries Electoral District Roads Bridges, Ferries, and Ferry- landings Hard Surfacing Total Alberni . . — . . . 2,619,914 94,746 696,341 3,411,001 Atlin . - . . 51,990 2,752 — 54,742 Boundary-Similkameen . . 498,164 — 455,132 953,296 Burnaby-Edmonds . . 8,885 — 253,924 262,809 Burnaby (North) . . 214,251 — — 214,251 Burnaby- Willingdon - 3,573 — — 3,573 Cariboo _ _ _ _ _ 1,148,211 478,981 200,955 1,828,147 Chilliwack _ _ _ _ _ 112,414 — — 112,414 Columbia River - - 1,461,437 134,183 — 1,595,620 Comox . _ _ _ 1,098.634 1,392,327 1.496.475 3,987,436 Coquitlam . . . . _ 285,644 9,839 — 295,483 Cowichan-Malahat — . .. _ 308,276 — — 308,276 Delta .. . — . - . 65,546 — — 65,546 Dewdnev - - - - . _ 854,657 549,724* 184,914 1,589,295 Esquimau - - - - _ 203,834 59,722 267,067 530,623 Fort George . . — - - _ 4,714,667 1,523,234 925,434 7,163,335 Kamloops - - - - - . . 2,340,331 2,015,167 43,410 4,398,908 Kootenay _ _ _ _ - - 451,317 7,464 159,539 618,320 Langley . . . — . . 15,162 18,500 — 33,662 Mackenzie . . . . . 141,032 100,361 175,807 417,200 Nanaimo . — . 123,537 18,822 22,000 164,359 Nelson-Creston _ _ _ _ _ ....... 1,667,608 34,035 69,599 1,771,242 New Westminster _ _ 1,527 — — 1,527 North Okanagan ... - - _ 695,311 7,561 18,197 721,069 North Peace River _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,195,891 36,844 1,347,819 3,580,554 North Vancouver-Capilano _ _ . . . 20,137 — 20,137 North Vancouver-Seymour _ _ _ 7,630 45,515 210 53,355 Oak Bay . . . . . . . . . 70,577 — — 70,577 Omineca ..... — - - - - 883,119 186,519 1,022,742 2,092,380 Prince Rupert _ _ _ _ ........ 1,956.391 34,820 482,708 2,473,919 Revolt toke-Slocan . . . . . .. _ 520,475 266,659 240,498 1,027,632 Richmond _ _ _ _ _ 72,435 883,484t — 955,919 Rossland-Trail _ _ 262,324 11,443 412,105 685,872 Saanich and the Islands _ _ _ 802,212 — 41 802,253 Shuswap _ _ _ _ _ 486,460 — 195,252 681,712 Skeena _ _ _ _ _ . . 2,836,776 486,578 2,281,610 5,604,964 South Okanagan _ _ _ 696.512 — 52,004 748,516 South Peace River _ . . 1.944,859 59,851 — 2,004,710 Surrey . . . - - - - - - - 133 1,279 — 1,412 Vancouver Centre _ _ — 19,604 — 19,604 Vancouver East _ _ _ _ . . . 35,291 — 35,291 Vancouver- Point Grey _ _ 6.200 — — 6,200 Vancouver South _ ... . 245.920 18,641 — 264,561 West Vancouver-Howe Sound ... _ 1,310,017 106,983 — 1,417,000 Yale-I.illooct _ _ _ _ . 571,203 20,611 215,534 807,348 Plans, designs, and general _ _ _ 3,883,425 306,210 361,835 4,551,470 Totals . . . . . . . 37,838,481 8,987,887 11,581,152 58.407,520 * Part Chilliwack. t Part Vancouver South. HIGHWAYS 27 Vote 153 HYDRO-DEVELOPMENT HIGHWAYS— CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION Salaries and wages _ 653,714 Travelling expense _ 22,011 All other expenditure _ 9,280,942 9,956,667 Less British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority contribution _ 4,165,327 - 5,791,340 Summary of Expenditure by District Vote 153 — Hydio-development Highways Electoral District Roads Bridges, Ferries, and Ferry- landings Cariboo _ . . . . 7,470 — North Peace River _ _ 198,400 Revelstoke-Slocan ..... . . 7,768,771 1,969,094 Rossland-Trail _ _ _ ... . .... 18,982 Total 7,470 195,400 9,734,815 18.982 7,987,573 1,969,094 9,956,667 Less recovery from British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority _ 4,165,327 5,791,340 ote 154 VEHICLE DAMAGE CLAIMS .11 expenditure _ _ _ ote 155 HIGHWAY SIGNS, SIGNALS. TRAFFIC CONTROL, ETC. ilaries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21,414 emporary assistance _ _ 123,233 Vote 157 PURCHASE OF NEW EQUIPMENT Equipment and machinery, motor-vehicles and acces¬ sories _ _ Vote 158 “ B.C. FERRIES ” DIVISION 144,647 ■avelling expense _ _ _ _ 9,258 ther expense _ _ _ _ 626,516 780,421 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 1,260 ote 156 GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES rants to engineering associations _ 3,750 rant toward pumping charges, Dewdney Dyking Commission _ _ 7,372 779,161 11.122 Salaries and wages _ 10,925,594 Operating and servicing of vessels — Travelling expense _ 59,022 All other expenditure . 6,258,986 - 6,318,008 Terminals, wharves, and ship expenses, including insurance and capital ex¬ penditure — Travelling expense _ 43,200 All other expenditure _ 5,188,641 - 5,231,841 Total, Department of Highways 2,719,820 22,475,443 126,897,161 28 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRADE, AND COMMERCE Vote 159 MINISTER S OFFICE Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ 25,039 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 2,454 27,493 Office expense _ 1,684 Travelling expense _ 3,938 Office furniture and equipment . . 587 33,702 Less transfer, Vote 166 — Temporary As¬ sistance _ _ _ 2,453 - 31,249 Vote 160 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 97,941 Office expense _ ... _ _ _ _ _ 1,931 Travelling expense _ 6,261 Office furniture and equipment _ 221 Printing and publications . 142 Mapping, draughting, and contingencies ... 1,001 107,497 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 12,100 Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ 4,500 - 16,600 - 90,897 Vote 162 BUREAU OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS — Continued (a) Bureau of Economics and Statistics — Continued Office expense _ 8,305 Travelling expense _ 7,815 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,155 Printing and publications _ 11,811 Incidentals and contingencies _ 510 228,220 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjust¬ ments _ 9,444 Transfer, Vote 166 — Temporary Assis¬ tance _ 7,351 - 16,795 - 211,425 (b) Industrial and Economic Studies and Quality Control Travelling expense _ _ 1,869 All other expenditure _ 57,452 - 59,321 Vote 163 DATA PROCESSING CENTRE Salaries _ 279,282 Temporary assistance _ _ 302 Vote 161 AGENT-GENERAL’S OFFICE AND B.C. HOUSE, LONDON, ENGLAND (a) Agent-General’s Office Salaries _ _ _ 76,199 Temporary assistance _ 1,053 279,584 Office expense _ 7,000 Travelling expense _ 3,903 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,028 Rental of data-processing equipment _ 601,382 Mechanical equipment supplies _ 58,872 Incidentals and contingencies _ — Project conversion costs _ 8,662 77,252 Office expense _ 7,509 Representation allowance _ 14,300 Industrial and trade promotion _ 2,820 Travelling expense _ 5,101 Advertising, subscriptions to pub¬ lications, etc. _ 5,428 Expenses, immigration service _ _ — - 112,410 (b) British Columbia House, London, England Salaries _ 18,720 Heat, light, power, and water _ 5,602 Cleaning and janitors’ supplies _ 7,317 Incidentals and contingencies _ 3,605 Maintenance _ 1 1 ,227 Ground-rent _ 6,424 Rates and taxes _ 2,481 Insurance _ 3,296 Renovations _ 4,292 - 62,964 - 175,374 Vote 162 BUREAU OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS 961,431 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 16,044 Transfer, Vote 203 — Scaling Fund _ 51,196 - 67,240 Vote 164 INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE OFFICE Salaries _ 12,056 Office expense _ 416 Travelling expense _ 2,508 Office furniture and equipment . . . — Grants and contingencies _ 22,050 Advertising and displays _ 542 Rent (P.N.E. building) _ 20,000 57,572 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 1,104 Vote 165 BRITISH COLUMBIA HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO Salaries _ _ _ 38,022 Temporary assistance _ 4,067 (a) Bureau of Economics and Statistics Salaries _ _ _ 191,245 Temporary assistance - 7,379 198,624 42,089 Office expense _ 6,778 Travelling expense _ 6,834 Office furniture and equipment _ — Representation allowance _ 7,892 Advertising and displays _ 6,574 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRADE, AND COMMERCE; LABOUR 29 ote 165 BRITISH COLUMBIA HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO — Continued ent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16,100 icidentals and contingencies . . . 28 merican exchange . . . 6,640 92,935 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 1 _ 1,614 Transfer to Vote 290, Depart¬ ment of Travel Industry _ 40,000 - 41,614 - 51,321 ote 166 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE emporary assistance _ _ _ 9,804 ote 167 ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY 11 expenditure _ _ 99,563 ote 168 TRADE PROMOTION ritish Columbia International Trade Fair, 1971 _ _ _ _ 10,000 Vote 168 TRADE PROMOTION — Continued Trade conferences and missions — Travelling expense _ 1,943 All other expenditure _ 7,632 - 9,575 Osaka, 1 970' — Salaries _ 4,209 All other expenditure _ 445,558 - 449,767 - 469,342 Vote 169 PROVINCIAL EXHIBITS, BRITISH COLUMBIA BUILDING All expenditure _ 13,208 Vote 170 GRANT TO BRITISH COLUMBIA RESEARCH COUNCIL Grant, operating . ... . 300,000 Grant re construction of building . . 2,000,000 - 2,300,000 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 1 Provincial share of cost of Trade Fair and Sports Building, Exhibition Park _ 317,826 Total, Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce _ _ 4,779,989 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR >te 171 MINISTER’S OFFICE laries _ 2,118 lice expense _ 420 avelling expense _ 1,327 Tee furniture and equipment _ 91 Vote 174 APPRENTICESHIP AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ _ 224,815 Temporary assistance . . . 17,895 3,956 Less transfer. Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 204 >te 172 LABOUR STANDARDS BRANCH laries _ _ _ _ _ _ 503,950 mporary assistance _ _ _ 1,921 lice expense _ _ _ avelling expense _ _ lice furniture and equipment _ lowances. Board members _ inting and publications _ bour College of Canada grant ..... :identals and contingencies _ 505,871 17,073 47,533 4,835 5,200 365 3,000 202 3,752 242,710 Office expense _ 9,427 Travelling expense _ 18,603 Office furniture and equipment _ 4,648 Allowances. Provincial Apprenticeship Committee _.. . _ . . . . 1,350 Allowances, Administrative Officers _ 285 Allowances, Examining Boards _ 6,015 Advertising and publicity _ 5,049 Apprentice training _ 956,746 Pre-apprenticeship training _ _ 1,263,680 Tradesmen up-grading _ _ 10,383 Training in industry _ _ 5,503 2,524,399 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft)— Salary Ad¬ justments _ 11,160 - 2,513,239 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 ( a ) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 6,565 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 23,724 584,079 30,289 te 173 FACTORIES BRANCH aries _ _ _ . 97,359 Ice expense _ 1,649 ivelling expense _ 8,161 Ice furniture and equipment - 989 553,790 Vote 175 LABOUR RELATIONS BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 154,774 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 523 155,297 Office expense _ 14,356 Travelling expense _ 15,109 Office furniture and equipment . . 1,468 Allowances, Board members _ 6,208 Boards of Conciliation and Industrial In¬ quiry Commissions _ _ _ 10,779 108,158 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 4,152 203,217 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments - - - 8,700 104,006 194,517 30 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 176 GOVERNMENT GRANTS TO INCREASE WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION PENSIONS Grants . . . . . . . 2,500,000 Vote 177 MOTOR-VEHICLES AND ACCESSORIES Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 12,154 Vote 178 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE Temporary assistance _ _ _ _ — STATUTORY Mediation Commission Act (1968, Chap. 26, Sec. 36) Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 18,662 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 123,246 141,908 Office expense _ _ _ _ _ _ 104,043 Travelling expense ..... _ _ _ _ 2,224 Office furniture and equipment . . . 132,386 STATUTORY — Continued Mediation Commission Act ( 1968, Chap. 26, Sec. 36) — Continued Rentals _ _ _ _ 28,403 Incidentals and contingencies _ 6,202 - 415,166 Workmen's Compensation Act (1968, Chap. 59, Sec. 39 (3)) Expenditure _ 3,500 Workmen's Compensation Act (1968, Chap. 59, Sec. 72) Salaries - - - - - - - - 14,580 Travelling expense _ _ _ _ _ _ 647 All other expenditure _ _ _ 1,841 - 17,068 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 8 Expenses re strike vote, Registered Nurses’ Associa¬ tion _ _ _ 3, 354- Total, Department of Labour _ 6,320,546 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES Vote 179 MINISTER’S OFFICE Salaries _ _ 25,060 Office expense _ 918 Travelling expense _ 4,998 Office furniture and equipment _ 84 . 31,060 LANDS SERVICE Vote 180 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries . . . . . . . . 102,128 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 8,375 110,503 Office expense _ _ _ _ _ 5,319 Travelling expense . . . . . . 3,219 Office furniture and equipment . . . . 804 Printing and publications _ ' 2,886 Incidentals and contingencies _ 372 123,103 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,804 - 119,299 LANDS SERVICE — Continued LANDS BRANCH Vote 183 LANDS ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ 213,036 Temporary assistance . . . 19,764 232,800 Office expense _ _ ... . . 5,574 Travelling expense _ _ 1,745 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,065 Advertising and publicity . . . 2,121 Printing and publications _ _ _ ... 4,620 Land-sales commissions _ _ — 247,925 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ 10,488 - 237,437 Vote 184 PRE-SERVICING CROWN LANDS FOR SALE OR LEASE All expenditure _ _ 199, 99S Vote 185 LAND INSPECTION DIVISION Salaries - - - - - 324,086 Temporary assistance . . 32,533 Vote 181 GRANT TO BRITISH COLUMBIA NATURAL RESOURCES CONFERENCE Grant _ _ _ _ _ _ Vote 182 ACCOUNTING DIVISION 3,500 356,619 Office expense _ 5,439 Travelling expense _ . _ 43,560 Office furniture and equipment _ 2,244 Equipment and machinery _ 1,940 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 9,506 D J !l Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ 419.30S 20,292 399, 0L Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ — 81,448 Office expense _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,108 Travelling expense _ _ _ 330 Office furniture and equipment _ 558 86,444 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Salary Contingencies ... . . 2,408 Transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Adjustments _ _ 4,104 - 6,512 Vote 186 SURVEYS AND MAPPING BRANCH ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 33,462 Office expense . . 386 Travelling expense _ 2,498 Office furniture and equipment _ 52 Gazetting of regulations _ 575 2] e I ~ * M III 36,973 Less transfer. Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad- f, justments _ _ _ _ 2,640 - 34,33 79,932 LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES 31 LANDS SERVICE — Continued LANDS SERVICE — Continued SURVEYS AND MAPPING BRANCH — Continued ote 187 SPECIAL COMMITMENTS .C.-Yukon-Northwest Territories Boundary — Main¬ tenance of boundary - - - - - - Nit lberta-B.C. Boundary — Inspection and maintenance Nil ote 188 LEGAL SURVEYS DIVISION ilaries _ 413,374 :mporary assistance . . 7,880 421,254 ffice expense . . . . . 2,286 •avelling expense _ _ _ 659 ffice furniture and equipment . . . 1,287 azetting of regulations _ _ _ 1,107 juipment and machinery . . . . . 78,132 aintenance and operation of equipment - 6,352 ueprint and photostat supplies . 47,396 eld surveys — Temporary assistance 33,177 Travelling expense _ _ _ _ 454 All other expenditure _ _ _ 47,074 - 80,705 otor-vehicles and accessories . . 2,540 ovision of survey-posts _ _ . .. 15,877 tstoration surveys — Temporary assistance 5,198 All other expenditure . 7,234 - 12,432 670,027 Less transfer. Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments ... . . - - - - 19,524 - 650,503 ite 189 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION laries _ _ _ 166,643 mporary assistance _ _ _ 12,710 lice expense - - - - - avelling expense . .. . . 179.353 1,444 1,536 219 lice furniture and equipment ... ap printing _ _ _ ap purchase _ _ _ ap distribution _ _ _ _ . . 17,247 2.815 1,322 SURVEYS AND MAPPING BRANCH — Continued Vote 191 AIR DIVISION Salaries _ _ 317,778 Temporary assistance . . . . . 16,559 Office expense _ _ Travelling expense _ Office furniture and equipment . . . . Equipment and machinery _ Air-photo library _ _ _ Maintenance and operation of equipment Mapping materials _ _ _ _ _ Field operations— Travelling expense . 1,104 All other expense . . 31,320 Processing laboratory 334,337 986 1,009 746 3.742 764 10,805 1,911 32,424 31,308 418,032 Less — Transfer, Vote 202 — Forest Inventory _ 100,000 Transfer, Vote 124 (£>) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 17,292 Transfer, Vote 35 — Agricul¬ tural Rehabilitation and Development Act . 14,780 - 132,072 Vote 192 UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LANDS ADMINIS¬ TRATION ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 396, SEC. 3). Salaries . . . . . . . — 219,109 Temporary assistance _ _ 9,629 285,960 228,738 Office expense _ 2,156 Travelling expense _ _ _ _ ... 810 Office furniture and equipment _ 757 Heat, light, power, and water _ _ 112,574 Equipment rental _ _ — Equipment and machinery _ _ 1,079 Maintenance of buildings and grounds . 61,385 Maintenance and operation of equipment . 4,522 Acquisition and construction of new build¬ ings and works _ 74,833 Motor-vehicles and accessories . 6,627 Superannuation contribution and P.S.M.P. 14,322 Planning and survey _ _ _ — 203,936 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 7.992 - 195,944 te 190 TOPOGRAPHIC DIVISION laries _ 307,612 mporary assistance _ 12,282 319,894 ike expense _ _ 1,972 avelling expense _ 633 ice furniture and equipment _ _ 482 uipment and machinery _ _ _ 8,847 lintenance and operation of equipment. 20,218 ipping materials . . 1,670 Id operations — Temporary assistance _ 56,545 Travelling expense _ 1,385 Ml other expenditure _ 132,700 - 190,630 itor-vehicles and accessories _ 8,059 >cessing materials - 1,510 553,915 ,ess transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 14,556 507,803 Less — Rentals _ 3,600 Taxes _ 411,771 Sundry receipts _ 33,795 Transfer, Vote 92, Depart¬ ment of Education _ 154,900 Transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Adjustments _ 10,020 - 614,086 (Credit) 106,283 Excess of receipts over disbursements car¬ ried to Fund Account . . . 106,283 UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LANDS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Balance in Fund at March 31, 1968 . . 2,359.581 Add excess of receipts over disbursements per Vote 192 . 106,283 Credit balance in Fund at March 31, 1969 (per balance-sheet, page E 21) _ _ _ 2,465,864 Sub-total, Lands Service . . — . . 2,776,342 539,359 32 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 193 FOREST SERVICE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF FORESTS Salaries _ 5,888,666 Temporary assistance - - - 1,955,511 7,844,177 Office expense _ 181,069 Travelling expense - . . . - . 273,776 Office furniture and equipment _ 35,541 Heat, light, power, and water - 94,026 Gazette and press legal notices - 26,049 Clothing and uniforms - 21,108 Equipment rental (aircraft) - 961,352 Equipment and machinery _ 347,092 Purchase and maintenance of radio equip¬ ment — Temporary assistance - 631 All other expenditure _ 183,122 - 183,753 Maintenance of buildings and works — Temporary assistance _ 124,947 Travelling expense - 4,093 All other expenditure — . — 253,625 - 382,665 Maintenance and operation of equipment 703,271 Acquisition or construction of buildings and works — Temporary assistance _ 49,781 Travelling expense _ 2,664 All other expenditure _ 469,967 - 522,412 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 304,780 Incidentals and contingencies _ - 36,484 Repair and construction of launches, etc. 20,342 Wages and expenses, seasonal staff — Wages _ „ _ 3,401,923 Travelling expense _ 175,315 All other expenditure _ 124,622 - 3,701,860 Slash and snag disposal — Wages _ 51,908 Travelling expense - - 131 All other expenditure - 76,170 - 128,209 Insect and disease control — Wages _ _ _ 6,195 Travelling expense - _ - 3,847 All other expenditure - 1,418 - 11,460 15,779,426 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ _ 282,948 Transfer, Vote 205 — Grazing Range Improvement Fund 15,904 FOREST SERVICE — Continued Vote 1 94 REFORESTATION AND FOREST NURSERY — Continued Forest nurseries and planting — Temporary assistance _ 463,980 Travelling expense _ 5,445 All other expenditure _ 899,003 - 1,368,428 Plantation improvements _ _ _ 3,174 Regeneration surveys _ — - 1,705,717 Vote 195 FORESTRY AND CORRECTION CAMP PROGRAMME Motor-vehicles and accessories - - - 3,374 Projects — Travelling expense _ - _ 3,763 All other expenditure _ 2,950 - 6,713 Stand treatment survey _ _ _ 2,848 Vote 196 FOREST RESEARCH Office expense _ _ _ Travelling expense _ Heat, light, power, and water _ Provisions and catering _ Equipment and machinery _ Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ Maintenance and operation of equipment Motor-vehicles and accessories _ Projects — Temporary assistance _ _. 102,711 Travelling expense _ 11,896 All other expenditure (Credit) 8,104 1,225 1,572 1,528 3,618 17,729 17,286 9,737 106,503 Vote 197 PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION Office expense _ _ _ , _ 5,677 Travelling expense - . - 5,541 Advertising and publicity — Temporary assistance _ 2,924 All other expenditure _ 34,530 - 37,454 Printing and publications _ 10,320 Equipment and machinery _ 1,048 Maintenance of buildings and grounds - — Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 2,289 Incidentals and contingencies _ 351 12,935 159,198 62,680 Vote 198 FOREST SERVICE TRAINING-SCHOOL Transfer, Vote 207 — Peace River Power Timber Sal¬ vage _ 18,420 - 317,272 - 15,462,154 Vote 194 REFORESTATION AND FOREST NURSERY Office expense _ _ _ 2,177 Travelling expense _ 7,243 Equipment and machinery _ 53,693 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — Temporary assistance _ 962 All other expenditure _ 1,829 - 2,791 Maintenance and operation of equipment 33,053 Acquisition or construction of buildings and works _ . _ 205,257 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 28,747 Incidentals and contingencies - 1,154 Students and seasonal staff (including spe¬ cial living allowance) . _ 80,947 Office expense .... _ _ _ _ 2,431 Travelling expense _ 5,190 Heat, light, power, and water _ _ _ 4,061 Provisions and catering _ _ _ 8,421 Laundry and dry-goods _ 1,130 Equipment and machinery _ 7,223 Maintenance of buildings and grounds ... . 2,853 Maintenance and operation of equipment 1,750 Acquisition or construction of buildings and works _ _ 12,366 126,372 Less transfer, Vote 92 — Technical and Vocational Training _ 12,366 - 114,006 Vote 199 GRANT TO CANADIAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION Grant _ _ _ _ 17,500 LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES 33 FOREST SERVICE — Continued >te 200 ENGINEERING SERVICES AND FOREST-DEVELOPMENT ROADS lice expense - - - - aveliing expense _ _ _ _ _ ;at, light, power, and water _ _ luipment and machinery . . aintenance of buildings and grounds ... aintenance and operation of equipment rest-development roads — Salaries and wages _ 688,068 Travelling expense _ 31,587 All other expenditure _ 1,772,384 gineering surveys — Salaries and wages _ 249,713 Travelling expense _ 19,242 411 other expenditure _ 311,008 quisition or construction of buildings and works — Salaries and wages - 126 411 other expenditure - - - 21,972 ) ar-vehicles and accessories Llentals and contingencies >jects for other agencies .... 16,180 80,080 15,053 16,330 24,680 72,121 2,492,039 579,963 22,098 46,100 3,491 110,145 3,478,280 ess sundry transfers _ - - 95,704 - 3,382,576 te 201 FIRE SUPPRESSION ges - - - ivelling expense ... other expenditure 238,971 393 970,058 - 1,209,422 FOREST SERVICE — Continued Vote 204 SILVICULTURE Travelling expense _ _ _ _ 12,605 Heat, light, power, and water . . . 260 Equipment and machinery . . 36,797 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — Temporary assistance _ 4,638 All other expenditure _ 792 - 5,430 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 94,405 Incidentals and contingencies _ „ _ 2,588 Projects — Temporary assistance _ 186,478 Travelling expense _ _ _ 2,292 All other expenditure . 115,165 - 303.935 Stand treatment — Temporary assistance _ 561,609 Travelling expense _ 39,614 All other expenditure _ 351,171 - 952,394 1,408,414 Vote 205 GRAZING RANGE IMPROVEMENT FUND Refund to Salary Vote 193 . . . . Travelling expense . . . . . Equipment and machinery _ Maintenance and operation of equipment Motor-vehicles and accessories . . . Range improvement projects — Temporary assistance . 18,255 Travelling expense _ 89 All other expenditure _ _ _ 123,030 Seed for logged grazing leases 15,904 3,013 1,255 4,073 8,232 141,374 167 ie 202 FOREST INVENTORY lipment and machinery - 8,904 base mapping - - - 100,000 Id survey expenses — emporary assistance - 348,019 ravelling expense - 21,879 ill other expenditure _ 334,158 - 704,056 tor-vehicles and accessories _ 29,745 identals and contingencies — - - — cial projects — emporary assistance - 948 ,11 other expenditure - 821 - 1.769 - 844,474 e 203 SCALING FUND tries _ _ 985,742 iporary assistance - - - 784,858 1,770,600 leral expense - 167,737 veiling expense - 441,554 2,379,891 ess — Fees _ _ _ 2,287,875 92,016 Excess of disbursements over receipts transferred to Fund Account _ 92,016 Scaling Fund Debit balance at March 31, 1968 141,098 Add excess of disbursements over receipts per Vote 203 _ 92,016 Debit balance at March 31, 1969 (see balance-sheet, page E 17) 233,114 174,018 Add excess of statutory appropriation over expenditure carried to Fund _ 3,566 - 177,584 Grazing Range Improvement Fund Credit balance at March 31, 1968 _ 1,930 Add statutory appro¬ priation payable into Fund _ 177,584 Less disbursements... 174,018 - 3,566 Credit balance at March 31, 1969 (see balance-sheet, page E 21) _ _ 5,496 Vote 206 PEACE RIVER COMMUNITY PASTURES Temporary assistance _ _ _ 4,583 All other expenditure - 15,417 - 20,000 Vote 207 PEACE RIVER POWER TIMBER SALVAGE Temporary assistance . . . . _ . 33,383 Refund to Administration Vote 193 _ 18,420 Office expense _ 1,592 Travelling expense _ _ — - - 1,468 Heat, light, power, and water . 2,541 Equipment rental (aircraft) - 42,031 Equipment and machinery - 16,127 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — Temporary assistance _ 2,065 All other expenditure - 1,489 3,554 12,762 Maintenance and operation of equipment 34 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 FOREST SERVICE — Continued Vote 207 PEACE RIVER POWER TIMBER SALVAGE — Continued Acquisition and construction of buildings and works — Temporary assistance - 3,162 Travelling expense - 31 All other expenditure - 10,192 - 13,385 Pond-clearing — Temporary assistance _ 568,026 Travelling expense - 8,681 All other expenditure . . 1,769,803 - 2,346,510 2,491,773 Less recoverable from British Columbia Hvdro and Power Authority _ _ 1,000,000 - 1,491,773 WATER RESOURCES SERVICE — Continued Vote 214 WATER INVESTIGATIONS BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 467,137 Temporary assistance . . . . 7,705 474,842 Office expense . 14,527 Travelling expense _ _ 26,148 Office furniture and equipment . . . . 11,633 Equipment and machinery _ 10,457 Maintenance and operation of equipment 1,773 Motor-vehicles and accessories . 24,636 Incidentals and contingencies . 180 564,196 Less transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . . 23,400 Sub-total. Forest Service 26,068,433 WATER RESOURCES SERVICE Vote 203 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 46.188 Office expense - 443 Travelling expense - 1,524 Printing and publications - - - - 1,646 49,801 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments . 2,148 - 47,653 Vote 209 WATER RIGHTS BRANCH Salaries - 485,636 Temporary assistance _ 2,542 488.178 8,592 35,723 4,213 1,063 6,685 1,664 36 6,496 777 553,427 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 22,140 - 531,287 Vote 210 ASSISTANCE TO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS All expenditure . . . . . . 24,165 Vote 21 1 CANADIAN COUNCIL OF RESOURCES MINISTERS British Columbia contributions to the Council _ 21,420 Vote 212 INSPECTOR OF DYKES Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ 36,324 Office expense . ... . . . 587 Travelling expense _ _ - _ _ 3,295 40,206 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,560 - 38,646 Vote 213 RIVER-BANK PROTECTION Office expense _ _ _ Travelling expense _ _ _ Office furniture and equipment _ Printing and publications _ Equipment rental _ Equipment and machinery _ Maintenance and operation of equipment Motor-vehicles and accessories _ Incidentals and contingencies _ Vote 215 WATER INVESTIGATIONS AND HYDRAULIC SURVEYS AND PROJECTS Water investigations and hydraulic surveys — Temporary assistance _ 147,520 Travelling expense 18,395 All other expenditure _ 364,658 - 530,573 Erosion, stream-clearing, and water con¬ struction projects . 51,675 ARDA and other projects: — Temporary assistance . . 91,825 Travelling expense _ 21,220 All other expenditure . 13,463 - 126,508 Vote 216 OKANAGAN FLOOD CONTROL Maintenance — Salaries . . . . . . . . 28,047 Travelling expense _ _ _ 2,777 Other expenses _ _ _ 62,467 Vote 217 CANADA-BRIT1SH COLUMBIA JOINT DEVELOPMENT ACT Temporary assistance _ _ _ 2,901 Travelling expense . : _ 693 All other expenditure _ _ _ _ 499,237 Vote 218 BRITISH COLUMBIA HYDROMETRIC STRE AM-G AUG ING Stream gauging _ _ _ _ _ 57,932 Water-quality network — Travelling expense _ _ _ 124 Other expenditure _ 22,697 - 22,821 Vote 219 SOUTHERN OKANAGAN LANDS PROJECT Salaries and Wages _ _ _ 181,441 Office expense . . . . . . . . 1,832 Travelling expense _ 20 Heat, light, power, and water _ 40,100 Advertising and publicity . 132 Equipment rental . . 2,172 Maintenance and operation of irrigation system _ 9,895 Maintenance and operation of equipment 10,128 Motor-vehicles and accessories . . . 4,987 Payment to Southern Okanagan Lands Irrigation District . 33,041 540,796 708,756 93,291 502,831 80,75: All expenditure 102,897 283,74! LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES; MINES 35 WATER RESOURCES SERVICE — Continued jte 220 POLLUTION CONTROL ilaries - 142,914 smporary assistance _ _ - 1,395 144,309 lice expense _ 3,142 avelling expense _ 14,405 lice furniture and equipment _ 4,859 luipment rental . . 27 luipment and machinery . 4,498 aintenance and operation of equipment 81 otor-vehicles and accessories _ 11,100 cidentals and contingencies _ _ _ _ 782 boratory sampling, water-quality sur¬ veys, and consultant services _ 5,174 188,377 WATER RESOURCES SERVICE — Continued Vote 220 POLLUTION CONTROL — Continued Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 5,460 - 182,917 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 22 Bella Coola River bank protection _ _ _ 250,000 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 30 Squamish River flood control and river-bank pro¬ tection _ _ _ _ _ 174,588 Sub-total, Water Resources Service _ 3,583,748 Total, Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources _ . _ 32,428,523 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES te 221 MINISTER'S OFFICE aries . . _ . . . . .... 24,784 mporary assistance _ _ 8,310 ice expense _ ivelling expense 33,094 714 4,566 - 38,374 te 222 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION aries - - 923,807 nporary assistance _ _ _ 63,476 987,283 ice expense _ 48,991 ivelling expense _ 67,826 ice furniture and equipment _ 14,737 vertising - 15,978 nting and publications _ 32,208 oks, bindings, and periodicals _ 6,504 moratory expense _ 24,434 Id expense — 'emporary assistance _ 8,523 'ravelling expense _ 392 U1 other expenditure _ 81,376 - 90,291 tor-vehicles and accessories _ _ 14,782 identals and contingencies _ _ _ 4,038 iservation Committee and Right of Entry and Arbitration Board — 'ravelling expense _ 155 ill other expenditure . 12 - 167 Vote 224 GRANTS IN AID OF MINING ROADS AND TRAILS Wages _ 18,810 All other expenditure _ _ _ _ 316,065 - 334,875 Vote 225 GRANTS IN AID OF ROADS AND TRAILS, PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS Expenditure Vote 226 CONSTRUCTION OF CASSIAR-STEWART ROAD Salaries and wages . 267,218 Travelling expense _ 12,821 All other expenditure _ 2,398,232 - 2,678,271 Vote 227 GRUB-STAKING PROSPECTORS Pay-lists — sundry prospectors . . . . . 31,225 Vote 228 SPECIAL MINERAL SURVEYS Salaries and wages _ _ _ 4,046 All other expenditure _ 92,143 - 96,189 1,307,239 ess transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . . . . . 37,536 - 1,269,703 Vote 229 IRON BOUNTY ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960. CHAP. 200, SEC. 2) All expenditure 126,000 e 223 GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES Total, Department of Mines and Petroleum Re¬ sources _ _ 4,604,449 nts 29,812 36 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Vote 230 MINISTER’S OFFICE Salaries _ 25,060 Temporary assistance _ 9,540 34,600 Office expense _ 662 Travelling expense _ _ _ 8,707 Office furniture and equipment _ — Vote 231 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 344,040 Temporary assistance _ 17,868 361,908 Office expense _ 9,042 Travelling expense _ 46,328 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,906 Advertising in Gazette _ 3,368 Printing and publications _ 10,440 Incidentals and contingencies _ 3,842 436,834 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( ft ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 16,356 Vote 232 GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES Grants — general _ 16,491 Grants — administrative _ 326,981 Grants — planning and pollution _ 157,247 Vote 233 HOUSING AND URBAN RENEWAL 43,969 420,478 500,719 All expenditure 1,513,087 Vote 234 GRANTS IN AID OF LOCAL GOVERN¬ MENTS AND HOME-OWNERS’ SUBSIDIES Per capita grants, Municipalities Aid Act 38,750,036 Grants to municipal governments for local services to Provincial property _ 750,668 Home-owners’ subsidy paid to municipal governments _ 3,976,417 Home-owners’ subsidy deducted from home-owners’ taxes in unorganized ter¬ ritory . 641,076 - 44,118,197 Vote 235 WINTER WORKS INCENTIVE PROGRAMME Cost of participation by the Province — 1967/68 pro¬ gramme _ 416,855 STATUTORY Municipal Act ( R.S.B.C. 1960, Chap. 255, Sec. 816) All expenditure - - - 31 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 16 Provincial Housing Plans Competition _ 48,001 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 24 Grant to Village of Hazelton re home-owner grant for 1967 _ 3,38' Total, Department of Municipal Affairs . . . 47,064,72^ DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY Vote 236 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY MINISTER’S OFFICE Salaries _ _ _ 41,488 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 419 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Vote 238 CENTRAL MICROFILM BUREAU Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 84,883 Temporary assistance . . . . . 2,715 41,907 Office expense _ _ _ 955 Travelling expense _ 3,905 Office furniture and equipment _ 19 46,786 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ ... 684 Vote 237 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 63,768 Temporary assistance _ 2,691 66,459 Office expense _ 5,383 Travelling expense - 6,313 Office furniture and equipment - 610 78,765 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 3,360 87,598 Office expense _ 3,621 Travelling expense _ 162 Office furniture and equipment . 737 Equipment and machinery _ _ 7,528 Maintenance and operation of equipment 1,478 Film supplies _ 10,294 46,102 111,418 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 4,068 Vote 239 POSTAL BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 76,092 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 1,834 77,926 Office expense _ 1,037 Travelling expense _ _ 320 Postage _ 850,701 Equipment and machinery _ 5,012 Maintenance and operation of equipment 1,922 107,35 936,918 id Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad- justments _ 5,124 it 75,405 931,7! DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY 37 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued ote 240 PROVINCIAL LIBRARY ilaries _ 123,299 ;mporary assistance _ 1,290 124,589 ffice expense _ _ _ 4,437 •avelling expense _ _ _ ... 374 ffice furniture and equipment _ 1,672 iioks, bindings, and periodicals _ 22,472 153,544 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _ _ 5,688 - 147,856 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Vote 244 QUEEN’S PRINTER — Continued Printing-paper and stationery _ 1,995,467 Incidentals and contingencies _ 245 2,777,547 Less revenue _ 2,805,768 (Credit) 28,221 Add transfer to Queen’s Printer Operat¬ ing Account (page E 17) _ 368 (Credit) 28,589 Vote 245 GOVERNMENT HOUSE 3te 241 PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES laries _ _ 81,299 anporary assistance _ 2,361 83,660 fice expense _ _ _ _ 3,523 avelling expense _ 813 fice furniture and equipment _ 2,089 oks, bindings, and periodicals _ _ 7,273 (keep of Helmcken House and Craig- flower Manor — Salaries T _ _ 4,758 Expenses _ 1,879 - 6,637 llecting historical data _ 2,305 106,300 less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 3,876 - 102,424 te 242 PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION aries - 170,931 nporary assistance _ 9,521 180,452 10,775 9,058 4,586 507 2,412 64,273 2,254 1,648 6,538 5,634 288,137 ess transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 7,656 - 280,481 e 243 LIBRARY AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION GRANTS nts - - - __ - 400,000 Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24,480 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 2,113 26,593 Office expense _ _ _ 3,795 Travelling expense _ 872 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,063 General expenses _ 18,368 50,691 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 288 - 50,403 Vote 246 INDIAN ADVISORY ACT Salaries _ 10,801 Office expense _ 1,098 Travelling expense _ 3,195 Office furniture and equipment _ _ 149 Expenses of committee _ _ 1,197 Incidentals and contingencies _ — Community development projects — Salaries _ 7,957 Travelling expense _ _ 500 All other expenditure _ 4,656 13,113 29,553 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 408 - 29,145 Vote 247 ASSESSMENT ON CLASS 13 (THE CROWN) —WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT Assessment _ 1,083,618 Vote 248 INCIDENTALS AND CONTINGENCIES Travelling expense _ 81 All other expenditure _ 75,009 - - 75,090 Vote 249 BRITISH COLUMBIA MEDICAL PLAN Stabilization of basic rates and premium subsidies - 15,683,096 Government of Canada — Medical Care Act _ 21,669,300 ice expense _ veiling expense _ _ _ ce furniture and equipment _ mdry and dry-goods _ iting and publications _ )ks, bindings, and periodicals _ nsportation _ _ _ _ _ _ tor-vehicles and accessories _ ension services _ ight and express _ e 244 QUEEN’S PRINTER ries - 93,552 Iry employees _ 625,494 719,046 * expense _ 10,495 'elling expense _ _ 939 machinery and equipment _ 33,290 ttenance and repairs _ 18,065 37,352,396 Medical Services Commission — Salaries _ _ _ 61,769 Travelling expense _ 1,302 All other expenditure _ 51,553 - 114,624 - 37,467,020 Vote 250 Grants _ GRANTS, ETC. 1,493,539 38 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Vole 251 GRANT RE NARCOTIC FOUNDATION Grant _ 225,000 Vote 252 GRANT RE ALCOHOLIC FOUNDATION Grant _ _ 250,000 Vote 253 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ACT Grant - 200,000 Vote 254 RESTORATION OF HISTORICAL SITES, ETC. Salaries and wages _ 202,069 Travelling expense - 2,775 All other expenditure _ 166,451 - 371,295 Vote 255 CIVIL DEFENCE General administration, training, opera¬ tion, and salaries — Salaries and wages _ 24,932 Travelling expense _ 4,257 All other expenditure - - 121,035 Compensation for injuries, civil defence workers _ Financial assistance to municipalities — Administration and training — Salaries and wages _ 229,687 Travelling expense _ 10,605 All other expenditure _ 293,621 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continue J Vote 257 PUBLIC INQUIRIES ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 315, SEC. 13) — Continued Commission of Inquiry, Commonwealth Group Expenditure _ 808 Marriage Act Amendment Act (1959) Inquiry Expenditure _ 83 Royal Commission on Auto¬ mobile Insurance Rates Salaries _ . _ _ _ 14,461 All other expenditure _ _ 38,773 - 53,234 - 80,92f Vote 258 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC SITES PROTECTION ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 15). Temporary assistance _ 5,099 All other expenditure _ .... _ 4.501 - 9,60*' STATUTORY Medical Services Act (1967, Chap. 24, Sec. 9) Salaries . _ 1,111,395 Less recoveries _ _ _ 1,111,395 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 12 Share of cost during 1968/69 of restoring Craigflower Manor _ _ _ 87,36 SPECIAL WARRANT No. 18 150,224 12,141 533,913 - 696,278 Vote 256 PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 306, SEC. 192) Honorarium to L. J. Wallace _ 75f SPECIAL WARRANT No. 21 Salaries _ _ _ 63,909 Temporary assistance _ 17,844 81,753 Office expense _ 28,166 Travelling expense . 3,217 Office furniture and equipment _ 5,683 Registration of voters — Temporary assistance _ 80,081 Travelling expense . 2,596 All other expenditure _ 46,304 - 128,981 Election expenses — Travelling expense _ 187 All other expenditure . . 73,835 - 74,022 Plebiscites _ 1,534 323,356 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 3,648 - 319,708 Vote 257 PUBLIC INQUIRIES ACT (R.S.B.C. 1960, CHAP. 315, SEC. 13) British Columbia Energy Board Salaries _ 15,963 Travelling expense _ 2,218 All other expenditure _ 4,175 - 22,356 British Columbia Liquor Inquiry Commission Salaries _ _ _ 638 All other expenditure _ _ 3,809 - 4,447 Contribution to British Columbia World Relief Fund 3,00! Sub-total, Provincial Secretary 44,505,56 Vote 259 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 296,777 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 11,390 308,167 Office expense _ 19,748 Travelling expense _ 9,460 Office furniture and equipment _ 3,890 Examinations and advertising _ 31,463 Medical examinations _ _ _ _ _ — Employee-training _ 2,336 Executive development training plan (in co-operation with University of Victoria) 18,070 Hearings and appeals _ 270 Accident-prevention programme — Travelling expense _ 5,548 All other expenditure _ 10,565 - 16,113 409,517 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ — . 13,704 - 395,81 Vote 260 GRANTS RE CIVIL SERVICE— GRATUITIES UNDER SEC. 77 OF CIVIL SERVICE ACT, AND OTHER GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. Gratuities _ 93, 7^ PROVINCIAL SECRETARY; PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 39 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION — Continued >te 261 ET1RING ALLOWANCES — CIVIL SERVICE ACT, SEC. 70, AND OTHER GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. tiring allowances _ 147,609 Sub-total, Civil Service Commission . 637,163 te 262 SUPERANNUATION BRANCH ADMINISTRATION laries _ _ _ _ . mporary assistance _ 248,225 26,790 ice expense _ _ _ _ _ _ ivelling expense _ _ ice furniture and equipment _ nting and publications _ _ 275,015 6.144 1.587 5,873 5,090 less — 293.709 Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 9,781 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ : _ 12,324 - 22,105 - 271,604 te 263 GRANTS iring allowances . . . . . . . 24,757 fe 264 CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION ACT vernment matching contributions _ 7,292,946 e 265 MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SUPERANNUATION ACT cernment contributions pursuant to sec. 7 (3) .... 49,170 SUPERANNUATION BRANCH — Continued Vote 266 PUBLIC SERVICES MEDICAL PLAN ACT Contributions pursuant to sec. 5 (2) of the Public Services Medical Plan Act 1,165,359 Payments under para. 3, Revised Agree¬ ment, O.C. 1758/1968 _ _ _ 154,225 - 1,319,584 Vote 267 PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP INSURANCE ACT Salaries _ 7,336 Insurance premiums . . . . - 648,527 655,863 Less — Employee contributions _ 518,063 Transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 360 - 518,423 - 137,440 Vote 268 PART III, CIVIL SERVICE SUPERAN¬ NUATION ACT, DEATH BENEFITS Death benefits under sec. 62 (1) _ 48,300 Less contributions by pensioners _ 20,014 - 28,286 Vote 269 MUNICIPAL SUPERANNUATION ACT Employer contributions re British Colum¬ bia Government stipends paid Magis¬ trates (sec. 8 (3)) . . . 9,514 Government contributions (sec. 10 (1)) — 50,000 - 59,514 Vote 270 CANADA PENSION PLAN Matching Government contributions to Canada Pen¬ sion Plan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,762,598 Sub-total, Superannuation Branch _ 10,945,899 Total, Department of the Provincial Secretary .. . 56,088,627 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION e 271 3LIC UTILITIES ACT, CEMETERIES ACT, AND PREARRANGED FUNERAL SERVICES ACT. ries _ 177,763 :e expense _ 4,239 celling expense _ 11,029 :e furniture and equipment _ 703 dentals and contingencies _ 20 rings _ _ 2,840 196.594 ;ss transfer. Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 6,144 Vote 272 MOTOR CARRIER ACT Salaries _ 226,423 Temporary assistance _ 1,968 228,391 Office expense . . _ . . 10,774 Travelling expense _ 22,205 Office furniture and equipment _ _ 806 Licence-plates _ 2,790 Incidentals and contingencies . . 75 265,041 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 6,192 - 258,849 449,299 190,450 Total, Public Utilities Commission 40 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Vote 273 MINISTER’S OFFICE Salaries _ _ _ 25,060 Temporary assistance - - 783 25,843 Office expense - - - 526 Travelling expense - 2,012 - 28,381 Vote 274 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 266,346 Temporary assistance - - - 638 266,984 Office expense _ _ _ 2,237 Travelling expense - 17,787 Office furniture and equipment - 1,490 Advertising _ 636 Printing and publications _ _ — - 980 Incidentals and contingencies - 296 290,410 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments . _ 14,316 - 276,094 Vote 275 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS (MAINTENANCE) Salaries - - - - - - 3,385,905 Temporary assistance _ 408,748 3,794,653 Heat, light, power, and water - - 2,034,918 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — Labour _ _ 1,921,463 Travelling expense _ 67,901 All other expenditure . — . _ 1,586,591 - 3,575,955 Furniture, supplies, etc. _ 200 Maintenance of mechanical equipment _ , 35,352 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 14,497 Telephones _ _ _ 1,938,936 11,394,511 Less — Transfer, Vote 92 — Techni¬ cal and Vocational Train¬ ing _ 1,229,174 Transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Salary Adjustments _ 206,592 - 1,435,766 - 9,958,745 Vote 276 CONSTRUCTION OF PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS Salaries and wages _ _ _ 1,201,560 Travelling expense _ _ _ 60,399 All other expenditure _ 14,790,152 16,052,111 Less transfer, Vote 93 — Capital Ex¬ penditure, Provincial Technical and Vocational Schools _ _ 3,318,957 Vote 277 RENTALS Departments (including wages paid of 70,604) — Agriculture _ 41,860 Attorney-General _ _ 457,669 Commercial Transport _ 5,552 Education _ _ _ 38,672 Finance _ 32,040 Health Services and Hospital Insurance — Public Health Services _ 344,031 Highways _ . _ 66,918 Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce _ 6,766 Labour _ 11,259 Lands, Forests, and Water Resources — Lands _ 13,950 Forests . _ 82,993 Water Resources _ 37,495 - 134,438 Mines and Petroleum Resources _ 25,126 Municipal Affairs _ 36,823 Provincial Secretary _ 212,823 Public Utilities _ 16,989 Public Works _ 61,055 Recreation and Conservation _ 31,264 Social Welfare _ 166,420 Vote 278 SAFETY INSPECTION DIVISION, VANCOUVER Salaries _ _ _ 670,719 Temporary assistance _ 106,597 777,316 Office expense _ 18,557 Travelling expense __ _ ___ _ 116,784 Office furniture and equipment _ _ 1,140 Printing and publications _ 5,125 Equipment and machinery _ 905 Motor- vehicles and accessories _ 18,837 938,664 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ __ _ _ _ 30,636 Total, Department of Public Works _ _ 12,733,154 1.689,70? t 908,02' 25,594,10 RECREATION AND CONSERVATION 41 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CONSERVATION 29,844 563 2,772 484 33,663 204 - 33,459 >te 280 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION laries _ 91,795 mporary assistance _ _ _ 3,895 95,690 3,238 4,730 1,207 1,103 3,265 109,233 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 4,440 - 104,793 te 281 PROVINCIAL MUSEUM aries _ 148,219 nporary assistance _ 49,024 197,243 ice expense _ _ _ 4,824 veiling expense _ 7,419 ice furniture and equipment _ 218 iting, publications, advertising, and ooks _ 8,053 tipment and machinery _ 6,149 tor-vehicles and accessories _ 2,900 libits, taxidermy, maintenance, perpetu¬ ation of totem poles, and collection of historical data — alaries _ 13,500 ravelling expense _ 214 .11 other expenditure _ 53,200 - 66,914 293,720 ess transfer. Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ ... 5,772 - 287,948 e 282 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES BRANCH ries - 30,775 :e expense _ ... _ 732 'elling expense _ 4,627 :e furniture and equipment _ _ 257 ertising and publicity _ 436 hing and uniforms _ 199 ting and publications _ 4,122 ipment rental _ — ipment and machinery _ 286 ntenance and operation of equipment 3,665 ientals and contingencies _ 146 :ral- Provincial oyster purification oject _ 5,000 50,245 •ss transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ . _ _ _ 1,296 Vote 283 FISH AND WILDLIFE BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 1,077,763 Temporary assistance _ 53,526 1,131,289 Office expense _ 78,401 Travelling expense _ — 243,469 Office furniture and equipment _ 4,006 Advertising and publicity _ 2,528 Clothing and uniforms _ _ 12,354 Wildlife Review _ ._ _ 21,941 Equipment and machinery _ 34,954 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ . _ 53,092 Incidentals and contingencies _ 5,465 Maintenance, supplies, and conservation operations — Salaries and wages . _ 171,025 Travelling expense _ 37,378 All other expenses _ 335,154 - 543,557 2,131,056 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Adjustments _ 47,436 - 2,083,620 Vote 284 PARKS BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 472,237 Temporary assistance _ 3,085 475,322 Office expense _ 15,656 Travelling expense _ 39,323 Office furniture and equipment _ _ _ 2,848 Clothing and uniforms _ 5,357 Printing and publications _ 1,875 Equipment and machinery _ 74,302 Grants and subsidies _ 10,029 Maintenance, operation, and development of parks — Salaries and wages _ 935,799 Travelling expense _ 18,788 Other expenses _ 1,409,830 - 2,364,417 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 71,503 Incidentals and contingencies _ 1,335 3,061,967 Less transfer. Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 21,960 - 3,040,007 Vote 285 GRANTS IN AID OF REGIONAL PARK DEVELOPMENT Grants _ _ _ 325,000 Vote 286 YOUTH TRAINING PROGRAMME Temporary assistance _ 30,416 Travelling expense _ 99 All other expenses _ 79,030 - 109,545 Total, Department of Recreation and Conserva¬ tion _ — — - 6,033,321 ate 279 MINISTER'S OFFICE laries . . lice expense _ avelling expense _ fice furniture and equipment _ Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ _._ Bee expense _ ivelling expense _ Bee furniture and equipment _ inting and publications _ ridentals and contingencies _ 48,949 42 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL INDUSTRY Vote 287 MINISTER’S OFFICE Salaries — Minister (paid as Minister of Recreation and Conservation) _ — Office expense _ 290 Travelling expense _ 566 Office furniture and equipment _ 374 - 1,230 Vote 288 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 25,274 Office expense - 452 Travelling expense - 3,596 Office furniture and equipment - 354 29,676 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 1,236 - 28,440 TOURIST TRAFFIC (BRITISH COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT TRAVEL BUREAU)— Continued. Vote 289 TRAVEL DIVISION — Continued Less — Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ 421 Transfer, Vote 124 (b)— Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 6,348 - 6,769 - 1,783 Vote 290 CALIFORNIA OFFICE Salaries _ 18,261 Representation allowance _ 1,370 Travelling expense _ 9,987 Share of cost of British Columbia House (Vote 165) _ 40,000 Exchange on U.S. funds _ _ 1,304 TOURIST TRAFFIC (BRITISH COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT TRAVEL BUREAU) Vote 289 TRAVEL DIVISION Salaries _ - 134,844 Temporary assistance - 124,120 Office expense - Travelling expense - Office furniture and equipment - Advertising and publicity — Travelling expense _ 20,796 Other expense _ _ _ 1,200,584 Clothing and uniforms - Equipment and machinery - Reception centres (maintenance) - Motor-vehicles and accessories _ Incidentals and contingencies (including grants and regional bureaux) - Tourist Council and Clinic Workshop _ Matching contributions with Regional Committees for Tourist Promotion _ _ 258,964 6,419 30,332 1,248 1,221,380 949 22,163 8,334 4,771 52,156 4,954 178,452 1,790,122 70,922 Less — Transfer, Vote 124 (a) — Sal¬ ary Contingencies _ _ _ 7,493 Transfer, Vote 124 (6) — Sal¬ ary Adjustments _ 900 - 8,393 Vote 291 PHOTOGRAPHIC BRANCH Salaries _ _ _ 62,283 Temporary assistance . . 1,917 62 64,200 Office expense _ 1,334 Travelling expense _ 17,750 Office furniture and equipment _ _ _ 1,196 Equipment and machinery _ 15,951 Photographic supplies and motion-picture production _ _ _ 93,835 194,266 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 2,220 - 192 Total, Department of Travel Industry . . . 2,067,59 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE Vote 292 MINISTER'S OFFICE Salaries — Minister (paid as Minister of Municipal Affairs) _ — Office expense _ 939 Travelling expense - 769 - 1,708 Vote 293 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries _ 95,406 Office expense _ 4,053 Travelling expense - 5,728 Office furniture and equipment _ 654 Vote 294 SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND REHABILITATION DIVISION — Continued Office expense _ 1,046 Travelling expense _ 1,747 Office furniture and equipment _ 293 35,262 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 2,040 - 33 Vote 295 105,841 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments . . . . 4,860 Vote 294 SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND REHABILI¬ TATION DIVISION Salaries _ _ _ _ _ 27,184 Temporary assistance . 4,992 32,176 FIELD SERVICE Salaries _ 2,786,434 Temporary assistance _ 401,340 100,981 - 3,187,774 Office expense _ 79,976 Travelling expense _ _ 290,046 Office furniture and equipment _ 27,575 Welfare research grant _ 1,000 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ _ 70,194 Incidentals and contingencies _ _ _ 985 DEPARMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE 43 ite 295 Vote 299 FIELD SERVICE — Continued NEW DENVER — Continued ansfer and training of personnel — Travelling expense _ 20,817 All other expenditure _ _ 2,767 - 23,584 ared cost of services with municipalities 91,038 elfare grants programme — Salaries _ 60,631 Travelling expense _ 489 All other expenditure _ 280,281 - 341,401 4,113,573 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 143,088 - 3,970,485 te 296 MEDICAL SERVICES DIVISION aries - - 109,957 nporary assistance _ _ 2,040 ice expense _ _ _ ivelling expense _ ice furniture and equipment _ dical services (consultant fees) ... 111,997 19,998 2,039 89 8,675 ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ 11,304 - 250,736 Vote 301 PROVINCIAL HOME, KAMLOOPS Salaries . . . . . . . . 148,783 Temporary assistance _ _ _ 11,172 159,955 Office expense . . 531 Travelling expense _ _ — Medical services _ 6,270 Clothing and uniforms _ 480 Provisions and catering _ _ _ 42,449 Laundry and dry-goods _ _ 6,864 Equipment and machinery _ _ _ 1,541 Medical supplies _ _ 7,416 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 1,421 Maintennace and operation of equipment 767 Transportation _ 911 Incidentals and contingencies _ 3,791 Burials _ 2,653 235,049 Less transfer, Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 12,144 - 222,905 Vote 302 BR ANNAN LAKE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Salaries _ _ _ _ _ _ 346,899 Temporary assistance _ 82,556 429,455 Office expense _ 4,315 Travelling expense _ 1,151 Office furniture and equipment _ 202 Medical and dental services _ 16,445 Clothing and uniforms _ 13,165 Provisions and catering _ 68,965 Laundry and dry-goods - - 10,797 44 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Vote 302 BRANNAN LAKE SCHOOL FOR BOY S — Con tin tied Equipment and machinery _ 5,300 Medical supplies _ _ _ _ 2,132 Maintenance of buildings and grounds _ 5,605 Maintenance and operation of equipment 2,420 Transportation _ _ 9,663 Motor-vehicles and accessories _ 13,658 Incidentals and contingencies _ 12,515 Repairs to furnishings and equipment _ 1,386 Training programme expense _ 6,133 603,307 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 19,488 - 583,819 Vote 303 WILLINGDON SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Salaries _ 276,310 Temporary assistance _ 28,547 304,857 Office expense . - 2,765 Travelling expense - . - 1,827 Office furniture and equipment - — Medical and dental services - 3,336 Clothing and uniforms - 7,330 Provisions and catering - 38,195 Laundry and dry-goods . - 325 Good Conduct Fund - 989 Equipment and machinery - 2,114 Medical supplies _ 1,267 Maintenance of buildings and grounds — 4,547 Maintenance and operation of equipment 2,073 Transportation _ 2,474 Vocational and recreational supplies - 3,946 Incidentals and contingencies - 585 Boarding-out care - - 191 376,821 Less transfer, Vote 124 (b) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ 15,996 - 360,825 Vote 304 DIVISION ON AGING (a) Administration Salaries _ _ __ 225,725 Temporary assistance _ 3,552 229,277 Office expense _ 30,653 Travelling expense _ _ _ 1,899 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,115 Medical examinations _ 1,196 Incidentals and contingencies _ 822 264,962 Less transfer. Vote 124 ( b ) — Salary Adjustments _ _ 11,376 - - 253,586 ( b ) Old-age Assistance Allowances _ 1,711,466 (c) Grants in Aid of Construction of Homes for Elderly Citizens Grants _ 2,408,349 ( d ) Grants in Aid of Construction of Recreational Centres for El¬ derly Citizens. Grants _ 61,486 Vote 305 BLIND PERSONS’ ALLOWANCES Allowances - - - Vote 306 DISABLED PERSONS’ ALLOWANCES Allowances - - - Total, Department of Social Welfare _ Vote 307 MINISTERS WITHOUT PORTFOLIO Salaries _ _ _ 15,072 Temporary assistance _ 19,629 34,701 Office expense - - - - - - - 3,923 Travelling expense _ 14,762 Office furniture and equipment _ 1,185 54,571 Less transfer, Vote 124 (ft) — Salary Ad¬ justments _ _ _ 180 4,434,887 404,235 2,214,042 93,747,070 54,391 SUMMARY OF DETAILED EXPENDITURE 45 SUMMARY OF DETAILED EXPENDITURE Indemnities and mileage paid to members of the Legislature (page 46) _ $462,230 Salaries, wages, and travelling expenses by departments (pages 47-172) : Legislation _ Premier’s Office _ Department of Agriculture .... _ Department of the Attorney-General _ Department of Commercial Transport _ Department of Education _ Department of Finance _ Department of Health Services and Hospital Insur¬ ance: Public Health Services _ Mental Health Services _ Hospital Insurance Services _ Department of Highways _ Department of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce _ Department of Labour _ Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources: Lands Service _ Forest Service _ Water Resources Service _ Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources _ Department of Municipal Affairs _ Department of the Provincial Secretary: Provincial Secretary _ Civil Service Commission _ Superannuation Branch _ Public Utilities Commission _ Department of Public Works _ Department of Recreation and Conservation _ Department of Travel Industry _ Department of Social Welfare _ Ministers without Portfolio _ Salaries and wages _ Salary and Wages $90,818 54,724 2,845,402 14,549,670 693,521 9,375,800 4,583,321 8,866,521 22,501,158 821,721 42,491,466 780,160 1,159,843 2,418,388 16,809,605 1,641,575 1,318,974 396,508 3,259,593 308,167 282,351 406,154 8,058,423 3,110,903 368,069 5,089,942 34,701 $152,317,478 Travelling Expenses $10,763 459,283 324,158 36,535 204,722 228,626 443,509 83,571 49,163 727,995 40,172 93,604 63,940 1,163,130 124,324 85,760 55,035 53,689 15,008 1,587 33,234 264,883 358,819 83,027 339,634 14,762 152,317,478 Travelling expenses $5,358,933 5,358,933 Payments to municipalities, school districts, hospitals, individuals, firms, and cor¬ porations for supplies or services rendered, including grants (pages 173-213) — 804,774,710 $962,913,351 Items included above but treated on a net or net profit and loss basis in the Statement of Expenditure by Function _ $46,934,135 Expenditure included above on behalf of the British Columbia Hydro recovered and treated on a net basis in the Statement of Expenditure by Function _ 5,165,327 - 52,099,462 $910,813,889 Total gross expenditure by function (page E 15) 46 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 SCHEDULE OF INDEMNITIES AND MILEAGE PAID For the Year Ended March 31, 1969 Member Constituency Barrett, D _ _ _ Coquitlam - Bennett, Hon. W. A. C _ South Okanagan_ - Berger, T _ _ _ Vancouver-Burrard _ Black, Hon. W. D _ _ _ Nelson-Creston - Bonner, R. W _ Cariboo - Brothers, Hon. D. I _ Rossland-Trail - Brousson, D.M _ North Vancouver-Capilano.. Bruch, H. J _ Esquimau - Calder, F. A _ _ _ Atlin - Campbell, Hon. D. R. J. _ Comox - Vancouver Centre _ Columbia River _ Victoria _ Capozzi, H. P _ _ _ Chabot, J. R _ _ — - - Chant, Hon. W. N _ Clarke, B. A _ _ _ _ — Cox, A. L _ _ Dailly, Mrs. E. E _ _ _ Dawson, Hon. I. P _ Mackenzie Dowding, G. H _ Bumaby-Edmonds _ Eddie, R _ _ _ New Westminster _ Gaglardi, Hon. P. A - Kamloops - Gardom, G. B _ _ _ _ Vancouver-Point Grey Hall, E _ _ _ Surrey _ _ North Vancouver-Seymour . Oak Bay _ Burnaby North _ .Yale-Lillooet _ Shuswap _ _ _ North Okanagan . . Chilliwack _ Revelstoke-Slocan _ Richmond _ Hartley, W. L _ Jefcoat, W. F._ _ _ . _ Jordan, Hon. P. J. _ _ _ Kieman, Hon. W. K _ King, W. S _ LeCours, E _ Levi, N. _ _ Vancouver South _ Little, D. G. _ _ Skeena _ _ _ ... _ _ _ Loffmark, Hon. R. R. . . . Vancouver South _ Lorimer, J. G _ Burnaby-Willingdon . . Macdonald, A. B _ Vancouver East _ McCarthy, Hon. G _ Vancouver-Little Mountain. McDiarmid, H. R. _ Alberni _ McGeer, P. L. _ _ _ Vancouver-Point Grey _ Murray, Hon. W. H _ _ _ Prince Rupert _ ... _ Mussallem, G _ . _ . _ _ _ Dewdney _ Nimsick, L. T _ Kootenay .... _ _ _ Parkinson, R _ _ _ Vancouver-Burrard _ Peterson, Hon. L. R _ Phillips, D. M _ Richter, Hon. F. X _ Shelford, Hon. C. M _ _ Vancouver-Little Mountain _ _ South Peace River _ _ _ Boundary-Similkameen Omineca _ Skillings, Hon. W. M _ Victoria _ Smith, D. E - - - North Peace River _ Strachan, R. M _ Cowichan-Malahat _ Stupich, D. D _ Nanaimo _ Tisdalle, J. D _ Saanich and the Islands Vogel, H. B..._ _ _ Langley _ _ Wenman, R. _ Delta . . . Williams, L. A - West Vancouver-Howe Sound- Williams, R. A. _ _ Vancouver East _ _ Williston, Hon. R. G _ Fort George _ _ Wolfe, E - - - Vancouver Centre Indemnity $5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5.000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Expense and Living Allowance $3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 3.000 3.000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3.000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 $165,000 Indemnities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $275,000 Expense and living allowance _ _ _ _ _ 165,000 Mileage - - - - - - - - - 4,730 Murray, Hon. W. H. — additional expense allowance as Speaker _ _ _ 7,500 Bruch, H. J. — special allowance as Deputy Speaker _ 2,500 Strachan, R. M. — additional expense allowance as Leader of the Opposition 7,500 Mile¬ age $50.50 41.50 43.00 541.50 43.00 338.50 43.00 47.50 85.00 47.50 47.50 142.50 41.50 26.00 148.50 199.50 170.00 208.00 30.00 41.50 491.50 41.50 41.50 41.50 110.00 41.50 55.00 366.50 41.50 435.00 456.50 39.00 39.00 35.50 32.50 43.00 41.50 41.50 $4,730.00 $462,230 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 47 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENTS For the Year Ended March 31, 1969 LEGISLATION Salary Travel $ $ told, Miss F. S. _ 1,266 — iby, D. G. . . . 3,600 — ley, F. H. B. _ 2,417 — ii, Mrs. N. K. S . 670 — dley, Mrs. V. H. _ 684 — ley, Mrs. F. C. _ 979 — michael, Mrs. S. E. 914 — )k, D. T. . 1,492 — tper, Mrs. F. M . 1,022 — 3eck, E. K _ _ 4,200 — on, Mrs. M. J . . 1,063 — hick, Mrs. J. K. _ 951 — gory, S. P _ _ 1,454 — >ves, R. E. _ 1,492 — inon, G. A _ _ 1,453 — dsworth, W. _ 1,502 — Holmes, W. N. _ Salary $ 1,491 Travel $ Horne, I. A. _ _ _ 4,000 — Hull, R. W. _ . . . 1,464 — Husband, R. 1,501 — Hutchinson, A. M. _ 3,310 — Irychuk, Miss R. _ 749 — Jay. Mrs. A. C _ _ 879 — Johnson, Mrs. D. E. 1,027 — Marshall, W B 1,502 — Mcllvenny, G _ _ 1,443 — McMinn, E. G . 3,500 — McPherson, Mrs. R. M. 1,822 — Merluk, Mrs. W. _ _ _ 973 — Miller, Mrs. E. M. _ 2,872 — Morton, Mrs. V. E. _ 1,078 — Nicoll, J _ 1,511 — Page Boys _ _ _ 781 — Salary Travel $ $ Painter, Mrs. J. I . . 1,002 — Parsons, J. T _ _ _ 1,492 — Poulton, Mrs. I. D . 7,245 — Riley, Mrs. F. L. _ 5,580 — Rogers, R. C. _ 1,502 — Sage, Mrs. D. A. _ 884 — Savard, A. E. _ 1,492 — Smith, A. _ 1,578 — Southon, A. B. _ 1,520 — Stager, Miss M. A . 976 — Thomas, Mrs. J. I. _ 1,250 — Wood, J. H. _ 10,860 — Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ +375 — 90,818 — PREMIER'S OFFICE Salary Travel $ $ Bennett, Hon. W. A. C. _ 20,000 6,945 Budd, W. C. _ 16,700 1,701 Marshall, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,440 — Mylrea, Mrs. K. R. _ 7,560 — Sage, Mrs. D. A. _ 178 — White, Mrs. B. E. _ 6,024 — Transfers, other depart¬ ments - - —178 +2,117 54,724 10,763 Salary Travel $ $ iter, Hon. F. X., Min- ter (to May 26, 1968) 2,916 693 ford, Hon. C. M.. inister (from May r, 1968) _ 14,850 4,522 ter, A. H., Deputy inister _ 20,000 5,192 ott, M. R. F. _ 5,580 316 r, J. L., _ 1,200 761 •idge, Mrs. D . . 4,524 — n, A. J. _ 10,380 368 n, D. A. _ 10,380 719 l, J. S. _ 13,440 871 erson, A _ _ 6,020 — erson, A. F. _ _ 1,729 50 erson, Mrs. D. A . 478 — erson, D. V . . 4,446 1,931 erson, G. G _ _ 7,560 682 erson, Mrs. L. M. _ 430 — ress, C. E. _ 10,860 393 rews, Mrs. M. L . 133 — ruchow, J. _ 5,160 — ersen. Miss K. M. _ 3,420 — ind, J. C. _ 10,860 1,165 en, E. A. _ 5,376 315 tack, J. W. _ 10,860 1,857 lr, B. E. _ 6,250 915 :y, G. H. _ 6,264 736 :y. Miss M. J. _ 3,362 — ch, M. _ 6,661 — er, H. _ 6,504 — , J. C. _ 5,823 — r, T. _ 5,160 — /any, A. L. _ 1,224 73 Miss E. M. _ _ 4,788 — J _ _ 3,727 571 J. H. _ 6,024 1.304 tarn, J. E. _ 3,941 933 ley, R. C. _ 6,504 — , E. G. _ 4,800 — r, E. L. _ 8,460 2,130 i, Miss E. T. _ 4,067 — >lami, S. L. _ 6,504 — n, B. J. _ 5,580 2,017 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Salary Travel $ $ Blair, Mrs. C. J. . _ 1,565 — Blair, W. J. _ 2,685 1,252 Blower, D. . . 9,540 1,251 Bond, M. T. _ 1,956 — Boone, C. S. _ 4,858 — Borglund, Mrs. E. _ 3,226 — Born, Miss L. V. _ _ 3,498 — Bosh, J. P. _ 5,410 — Both well, H. A. _ 5,542 — Bowd, W. E. _ _ _ 1,220 472 Bowers, G. J. _ 247 86 Boyd, W. _ 5,520 — Braaten, G. A _ _ 2,613 — Bradbeer, Mrs. D. F . 3,972 — Bradshaw, R. G _ _ 2,192 1,266 Bray, J _ 1,009 — Brennan, J. G. _ 7,152 1,879 Brooke, D. F. _ 1,137 1,084 Brookes, A. E. _ 322 190 Brookes, W. _ 2,974 1,037 Brous, C. H _ _ 218 101 Brown, E. F. _ 869 1,060 Brown, E. K. _ 6,683 2,217 Brown, J. W. _ 4,800 — Brown, L. J. _ 5,520 — Brown, L. S. _ 5,520 — Brown, Mrs. R. J. _ 697 — Brown, Mrs. W. M . . 4,788 — Brownlee, C. H. _ 10,860 363 Bryan, Miss M. E. _ 5,076 — Bryant, G. J. _ 1,191 942 Bryant, Miss P. E. _ 1,072 — Bulat, L. A. . . 1,472 — Bull, Mrs. M. S. _ 3,972 — Burbee, W. J. _ 993 1,155 Burns, Mrs. M. _ 4,212 — Burr, W. H. _ 6,264 1,310 Butterfield, Mrs. I. . . 2,590 — Caldow, A. _ 6,787 91 Caldow, D. F. _ 2,950 — Campbell, K. M. . . 4,654 117 Campbell, Mrs. L. M. _ 4,788 — Campbell, Mrs. M. R. _ 3,972 — Carlson, Mrs. M. M. _ 1,210 — Salary Travel $ $ Carlson, Mrs. R. E. _ — 3,192 — Carmichael, J. F. _ 10,380 939 Carne, I. C. _ 10,380 280 Carne, I. L. _ 23 — Carr, E. C. _ .... _ 14,001 968 Carter, A. C. _ 13,440 3,205 Carter, C. G. _ 4,039 1,329 Cartwright, J. _ . _ 2,580 — Cassels, Mrs. V. A _ 3,684 — Castonia, P. L. _ 561 329 Chambers, A. _ 4,256 768 Chao, C. T. _ 9,180 596 Chase, R. A _ _ 5,594 — Chau, P. H. _ 10,380 1,282 Christiansen, B. A. _ 225 — Christie, D. H . . 1,161 — Christie, Mrs. S. I . . 3,900 — Christie, W. D. . . 10,380 3,071 Clapp, B. E. _ 1,044 114 Clapp, J. B . 10,860 517 Clark, F. C. _ 10,380 610 Clark, J. _ 5,940 — Clarke, Miss L. O. _ 6,630 — Clendenning, Mrs. S. A... 5,274 — Coldwell, G. R. _ 1,847 — Collinson, B. G. _ 5,580 1,435 Colvey, R. P. _ 5,580 — Comley, J. J. __ . 6,264 581 Confrey, E. _ 4,730 — Conroy, J. F _ _ 9,750 1,135 Copes, C. _ 1,172 1,082 Cornelius, Mrs. M. E . 691 — Corner, J. _ 10,380 1,633 Cornwall, C. F. _ 10,500 1,797 Cosburn, R. S. _ 1,967 1,113 Costello, R. A. _ 3,308 727 Cotic, I. _ 8,820 764 Coulthard, Miss H. E. _ 368 — Cowan, Mrs. J. D. M. ... 993 — Cox, H. E. _ 6,264 836 Craig, Mrs. D. E. - 2,608 — Crawford, W. H. _ 1,700 688 Crittenden, A. B. _ 5,376 169 Croasdell, Mrs. I. E. _ 937 — 48 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Crockard, H. - - - 807 58 Crossfield, D. C. _ 10,073 1,504 Crothers, G. . - 8,460 273 Crowther, Mrs. E. _ 4,788 — Cruickshank, G. - 10,380 1,656 Cullen, D. M. ... — 6,024 447 Cunningham, C. C. - 11,640 627 Cunningham, T. N. _ 1,037 785 Dadson, C. R. A. _ 5,520 — Dahl, J. R. 555 — Dailerian, Mrs. M. - 1,660 — Dale, E. A. - 6,504 — Daum, E. D. - - 3,780 108 Dawson, A. B. _ 10,380 1,118 Dawson, R. S. _ 5,580 808 Day, Miss K. M. _ 6,674 1,451 Daykin, N. W. ~ - - 6.024 751 Dayton, F. M. - 5,376 1,244 De Meulles, A. G . — 4,698 — De Vos, A. _ — 2,580 — De Wilde, P. A. _ 5,234 — Deblieck, H. - 6,024 965 Deboer, H. _ 5,168 — Degamage, Mrs. O. J. — . 4,206 — Deray, C. _ 634 — Derrick. E. L. . 889 86 Desrosiers, J . — . _ 564 410 Devries, W. _ 5,160 — Dhindsa, S. S. - 8.010 2,396 Dickinson, J. G. _ . — 9,240 720 Dixon, Miss J. D. - 2,510 — Dodd, C. J. ..... . . - 1,636 904 Douglass, Miss H. I. - 6,384 1,359 Dow, W. . .... - - 6.197 — Driehuyzen, M. G. - - 9,180 350 Dunstall, W. W. _ 1.000 — Dyke, P. D. _ 828 — Edgington, Mrs. A. P. — 1,060 — Edmonds, R. . _ 5,376 1,148 Hhly, J. M. _ _ 4,788 1,327 Ewert, P. E. _ 10,380 2,068 Eyles, W. K. _ _ 4,847 — Fahey, Mrs. A. M. E . . 4,980 — Farquhar, R. . 5,222 — Farquhar, W. _ _ _ 125 41 Farrell, Mrs. R. _ 392 — Fenger, B. _ _ _ 5,160 — Ferguson, Miss M. B. _ 1,203 324 Fiddy, K. _ 4,884 1,122 Finlayson, N. J. _ 2,070 — Fisher, Miss J. _ 3.230 — Fletcher, K. G. _ 6,264 584 Follweiter, J. . _ _ 5,210 — Forbes, F. G. _ 340 211 Ford, Mrs. P. M . . 688 — Forrest, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,788 — Fort, G. H. 4,800 — Fossen, Mrs. L. E. . .... 4,404 — Foster, B. W. _ 5,172 2,971 Foster, W. R. _ 11,880 1,298 Foxcroft, N. R . . 3,552 207 France. R. _ 6,024 806 Francis, Mrs. L. D. _ 1,491 — Freed, D. E. _ _ 7,970 1,959 Friesen, O. V. _ 5,580 — Frolek, J. F _ _ 2,000 — Fuhr, L _ _ 658 554 Gabbott, S. A. _ 1,360 821 Gallinger, Mrs. V. _ 4,290 — Ganz, L. B. _ 2,584 184 Gasperdone, H. C. _ 10,380 515 Gauthier, Mrs. C. P. _ 4.128 — George, H. E. _ _ 1,075 537 Gibbens, Mrs. B. E. _ 4,788 — Gilchrist, E. W. _ 905 — Gilchrist, M. M. . . 11,880 2,154 Gill, V. A. _ 6,264 1,677 Goard, D. S. _ _ 255 — Goerzen, W. R. J. _ 2,002 803 Goodacre, W. H. K. _ 3,220 — Gorby, H. T. _ 3,684 — Gordon, J. P. _ 1,387 755 Gough, N. A. _ 7,710 789 Grainger, C. C. _ 720 666 Gray, Mrs. D. M. _ 4,608 — Gray, J. . _ 1,409 1,203 Grayston, Mrs. S. M. ..... 4,686 — Greenfield, J. V. W . 3,058 — Griffin, Mrs. E. F. _ 4,608 — Griffith, Miss J. E. _ 6,024 — Gruger, R. P. _ 10,117 667 Gubbels, P. M. - 8,110 655 Gurr, C. J . 177 51 Gyorfi, K. D. S. . - 1,435 — Hall, Mrs. C. A. - 4,128 — Salary Travel $ $ Hall, C. A. _ 2,267 529 Hall, J. E. _ _ 11,880 3,651 Hall, J. T. ... _ _ 1,499 1.609 Hamilton, D. M. _ 10,380 743 Hannam, J. R. _ 7,020 1,332 Hansen, G. M. _ 1,456 932 Hanson, K. G. _ _ 1,406 1,102 Harbour, D. R . . 3,420 448 Harris, R. E. ._ _ 2,359 — Harrison, J. B. _ 6,024 816 Harsent, H. D. _ 770 — Hart, S. _ _ ... 6,504 280 Hartigan, Mrs. G. E. _ 4,524 — Harvick, M. J. _ 3,565 — Hatton, W. J. _ _ _ 1,184 768 Havard, D. G. _ _ 10,500 749 Hawes, R. A. _ 1,959 1,715 Hayes, B. W. _ 10,860 2,201 Hazelwood, W. G. . . . 4,792 1,435 Hazlette, J. D. _ 10,380 1,881 Head, G. R. _ _ 1,754 995 Head, Miss M. P. _ 2,291 — Heffner, Mrs. L. J. _ 344 — Herrick, J. W. _ 881 420 Hewlett, Mrs. D. A. _ 2,486 — Hicks, J. M. _ _ 1,377 1,002 Homfeld, R. C. _ 5.940 — Honeyman, J. D. _ 3,780 153 Hooge, W. . 7,762 1,288 Hook. Mrs. D. A. _ 81 — Hooper, Mrs. R. _ 4,037 — Hopkins, E. M. _ 400 — Hopps, S. _ _ 5,160 — Hosker, A. A. _ 2,366 1,278 Hoskin. Mrs. M. S. _ 1,527 — Howe, W. B. 6,540 — Howell-Jones, G. _ _ 9,996 1,049 Hubbard, Mrs. M. A. _ 2,325 — Hughes, E. C. _ 10,380 2,763 Hughes, Miss L. _ 796 — Humphrey, P. H. _ 4,803 — Humphry-Baker, P. R. ._ 8,820 1.435 Hutchison, W. R. _ 1,169 881 Ingledew, N. H. _ . 10,380 204 I ng worsen. J. _ 54 23 Irving, Mrs. L. A. _ 4,524 — Isfeld, A. N. . . 9,240 266 James, W. J. _ _ _ 123 — Jameson, K. R. _ 10,380 1,551 Jamieson, H. O. _ . . 1,305 268 Jardine, J. _ _ _ 6,271 — Jensen, J. E. _ 6,024 564 Johnson, G. D. _ 10.380 2,380 Johnson, H. _ 674 538 Johnson, L. W. _ 9,960 1,273 Johnstone, C. G. _ 9,120 1,647 Jones, B. A. _ _ 6,024 779 Jones, Mrs. B. N. _ 3,552 — Jungen, J. R. _ _ 7,020 1,602 Karlsson, Mrs. L. _ 503 — Kennedy, C. M. _ 2,850 652 Kennedy, S. A. _ _ _ 157 37 Kerr, H. L. 1,710 1,362 Kershaw, W. T. _ 3,735 — Ketcheson, R. F. _ 6,504 — Kettle, H. L. _ 3,036 — Kidd, A. _ _ .. 13,980 1,794 King, E. M. _ _ .. 11,130 3,085 King, L. . 7.124 88 King, Mrs. S. Y. 197 — Kinvig, L. G. _ 364 108 Kirkby, A. L. _ 7,560 1,131 Kirkoff Mrs. R. J. _ 4,362 — Klammt, R. P. _ 2,930 1,638 Kloosterman, B. _ 2,023 1,461 Knight, Mrs. E. A. _ 3,828 — Knight, M. C. F. _ 5,532 — Konrad, J. E. _ _ 1,345 887 Kooka, Miss R. _ „ _ 2,581 — Kowall, R. C. _ 8,820 1,292 Kramer, C. _ 5,520 — Kuntz, R. A. . . 2,880 — Kurtz, A. H. _ 430 _ Kusy, W. P. _ 5,376 3,635 Lacy, H. O. _ 9,750 1,627 Landers, Mrs. T. J. _ 990 613 Lang, Mrs. Z. _ _ 4,894 44 Larsen, Mrs. M. I. _ 4,128 — Larson. K. H. _ 1,544 1,254 Lau, Miss M. _ 4,702 _ Lauder, R. B. . 1,741 609 Lawrence, P. G. _ 6,432 415 Lee, K. W. _ 8,010 624 Leighton, Mrs. F. G. .... 4,527 — Lewis, T. _ 5,988 1,616 Lindsay, W. G. _ _ _ Lineham, Miss L. J. _ Littler, A. E. _ _ _ Louie, R. H . . Luckhurst, A. J. _ Ludlow, W. E. _ Luinenburg, H. _ _ _ Luttmerding, H. A. _ MacDonald, K. R . . MacDonald, L. G. _ Maclnnis, D. _ MacIntyre, D. J. _ _ _ MacKenzie, I. W. _ _ _ MacLeod, N. N. _ Mace, J. A. _ Maddocks, A. H. _ Magee, Mrs. V. F. _ Maloney, Miss S. M. A._ Marriott, R. N. _ Marsh, N. J. _ Marsh, W. A. _ Marshall, J. R. _ _ _ Marshall, V. J. _ _ _ Mathews, B. P. _ _ Maubert, R. M. _ Maxwell, J. W. _ May, K. E. _ May, S. J. _ Mayo, Miss F. E . McAuley, M. W. J. _ _ McCallum, W. R. _ McCann, Miss N. E. _ McCausland, H. D. _ McDonald, H. A . . McDonell, Mrs. B. L. _ McEwen, Mrs. V. _ _ McGreevy, H . . McIntosh, B. W . . McIntosh, J. W. _ _ _ McKay, R. G. _ McKeena, W. J. _ McKnight, Mrs. A. _ McNeil, J. _ McPhail, M. N. _ McRae, J. P. _ Mellor, Miss E. C. _ Mide, B. _ Miller, R. J _ _ Miller, S. C. _ Mills, J. W. _ _ _ Milne, J. A. _ Milot, E. A. _ _ MofTatt, Mrs. R. W. _ _ Moisey, J. A. _ _ Moore, G. W. _ Moore, W. E. _ Moran, T. H. _ Morris, Miss E. _ Morrison, W. W _ _ Morse, Mrs. M. E. _ Morton, B. . _ Morton, W. F. _ Mufford, A. _ Muir, Miss M. A. G. _ Muirhead, G. A. _ Munn, D. J. _ Munro, G. A _ _ Murray, A. R. _ Murray, J. F _ _ Nancekivell, R. L. _ Navrot, A. M. _ Neilson, C. L. _ Neish, G. M. _ Nelson, C. H. _ Nesbitt, H. A. _ _ _ Neufeld, G. P. _ _ _ Neufeld, J. H. _ Newby, W. C. _ Newman, J. F . . Nielsen, H. G. .... _ _ Novakowski, C. M. _ O’Connor, J. C. _ O’Hara, W. J. P. _ O’Leary, Mrs. G. _ _ _ Okoye, E. O. U. _ Oldershaw, D. H. _ Olfrey, Mrs. C. M. _ Orchard, A. S. _ Orchard, N. R. _ _ Ormrod, D. J. _ _ Osborne, B. H. _ Osborne, V. E. _ _ _ Oswell, M. G _ _ Oxendale, B. K. _ Parsons, H. B. _ Salary Travel $ $ 825 21Q 924 — 10,380 1,733 1,691 1,009 6,888 1,995 6,504 1,424 4,750 — 9,540 1,172 11,130 473 1,091 — 713 1,105 1,989 363 6,504 368 1,000 1,153 9,960 1,221 6,024 436 4,776 — 3,058 — 6,024 398 3,208 — 2,760 — 9,360 1,381 6,024 825 5,796 1,635 1,720 58C 7,740 2,261 10,380 691 4,112 176 3,556 — 5,622 476 2,505 831 6,144 215 12,360 1,781 288 221 4,284 — 2,456 — 3,600 — 4,128 — 8,460 1,124 5,160 — 1.061 791 4,362 — 5,520 — 1,459 1,365 2,962 — 1,969 15( 1.407 ! 9,635 3,74! 1,377 1,03( 7,800 705 1,494 511 474 361 4,788 — 10,380 1,645 5,160 5,796 — 1,490 495 231 7,020 ~92 4,721 23 — 10,380 70 1,925 39' , 3,490 — ■ 10,500 1,43: 2,992 1,30) 122 5,160 — 4,206 2' 2,580 — ■ 3,465 _ t 13,440 4,19 l 2,400 — 10,860 2,84i k 871 — : o 1,491 — y 10,380 18' ' 10,860 1,04 : 11,400 1,415 :i 5,160 — t 16 — 739 — 1 a 5,250 — 3,348 — :J 2,910 96 . 5,580 87 , 257 — i es 1,550 57 s 29 — s 8,460 1,35) s, 1,241 1 5, 10,380 27 s, 10,980 3,38 ; 5,796 — 1 i 6,264 43 1 t SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 49 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Salary Travel $ $ •son, N. R. _ 5,164 393 i, D. E. _ 364 — sen, A. _ 3,870 — e, C. E. _ 2,721 957 son, D. L. _ 5,376 802 rsen, T. _ 5,170 — r, J. A. _ 11,021 3,544 s, W. S. _ 9,000 1,466 son, S. B. _ 13,440 3,161 ps, G. A. _ 3,220 1,719 ps, L. _ 286 308 r, R. W . . 3,914 — Mrs. P. A. _ 4,980 — r-Moss, J. H. _ 1,805 — per, Mrs. J. A. _ 2,607 — er, W. G. _ 2,215 984 nghorne, J. M. _ 2,470 211 . W. H. 11,880 2,427 uff, P. J. A. _ .... ... 5,172 1,000 on, S. G. - 11,880 2,387 , J. B. _ .... ... 8,010 438 rose, R. S. _ 2,854 1,088 lnau, A. E. _ 2,925 171 er, P. J. _ 9,960 1,028 x, J. A. _ _ 611 223 im, N. F. _ _ 11,880 2,739 le, B. A. _ 3,330 308 le, Mrs. S. G. _ 3,505 — ey, M. D. _ 6,504 — rille, R. . ... .... 6,180 — . G V. . . 2,963 — l, Mrs. M. E. _ 2,951 — lesome, A. G. C. _ 10,290 998 ussen, J. A. _ 5,160 — aff, F. W. _ 630 — inson, Mrs. D. M. .. 4,788 — lond. Miss C. M. _ 6,888 97 E. D . . . 5,253 — •, B. G. .. _ 2,558 — ir, P. ... 10,380 724 ert, Miss M. R. _ 1,595 — D. G. _ _ 1,881 67 E. C. . . . 990 44 Miss L. K. M. _ 4,788 — R. H. _ 4,710 263 Miss S. M. _ 7,710 2,051 bery, L. E. _ 170 — rdson, W. B. _ 11,880 596 H. _ _ _ 10,380 2,391 'tson, Miss M. I. _ 3,684 — tson, Mrs. M. L _ 4,514 — , Mrs. G. O. _ 2,349 — s, R. W. _ 3,641 — n, D. . . 5,147 — 1, J. - - - 1,945 1,189 A. _ _ _ 6,799 421 e, Miss K. D. 3,565 — h, Miss H. G. _ 5,172 33 J. P. _ _ 190 — :. D. _ _ _ 127 — D. J. _ ... 249 — i. G. G _ _ 9,750 1,818 , J. C. _ 4,836 1,035 rs, M. J. . _ 5,594 1,918 Salary Travel $ $ Sanh, A. L. _ _ 1,088 57 Sargent, W. D. _ 9,540 176 Saunders, J. K. . 8,010 638 Savage, K. G. . . . .. . 4,174 510 Saville, J. M. _ 10,170 2,789 Sawicki, Miss J. M. G _ _ 1,103 — Scandrett, D. G. _ 1,672 1,340 Schinkel, E. ... . . . . . 39 15 Scholes, D. _ _ 681 209 Schori, A. _ 6,264 1,237 Scott, D. . . 1,319 317 Scott, Mrs. I. L. _ 4,092 — Scott, Miss M. M. _ 4,092 — Seidel, W. K. _ ..... 4,800 — Serenius, I. O. _ _ . 3,152 — Sjoberg, K. P . . . 4,830 — Smedley, E. C. .. . . _ 953 505 Smith, J. A. . _ 10,860 1,818 Smith, Mrs. J. M. 4,644 — Smith, J. S. _ - . _ 1,206 1,348 Smith, J. A. . _ _ 2,590 248 Smith, L. G. _ 410 — Smith, O. _ _ _ 5,520 — Snape, Mrs. W. M. _ 4,788 — Soder, E. M. .... .... . . 10,380 1,963 Som, P. _ 2,800 — Speer, T. W. .. . . _ ~ 535 615 Spidel, A. W. .. 4,980 — Sprout, P. N. . 11,880 3,012 Statham, H. A. _ 776 633 Stephen, N. R. - 605 — Stevens, F. A. _ 5,760 — Stevenson, D. P. _ 1,077 368 Stewart, A. W. _ 1,156 932 Stewart, B. R. _ . . . 6.264 706 Stewart, C. J. W. _ 5,930 — Stewart, Mrs. J. _ 4,788 — Strong, M. _ 1,455 436 Stuible, L. H. _ 6,264 655 Supeene, N. J. .. _ 10,380 543 Sutton, G. C. _ - - - . 1,380 476 Swales, J. E. _ . 10,380 1,557 Swinnerton, G. S. - 6.630 393 Taylor, R. _ . .... 6,024 1,196 Thompson, K. H. _ . 10,860 2,120 Thompson, Miss M. _ 5,342 — Thomson, B. _ 2,124 876 Thomson, B. J. F. _ 5,940 — Thomson, G. _ 5,520 — Thomson, R. T. _ 5,580 616 Thorpe, G. G. _ 9,360 1,980 Thorpe. G. R. _ 10,380 801 Threlkeld. R. J. _ 5,940 — Tremblay, L. W. _ ..... 5,376 1,790 Trumpour, M. P. D. _ _ 10,380 225 Turcotte, J. H. N. _ 135 86 Turnbull, R. H. _ _ 5,916 1,466 Tweddle, H. T. . . 1,093 419 Tyssen, Mrs. M. N. _ 4,440 — Ukrainetz, Miss S. _ 4,440 — Unrau, P. _ _ 5,520 — Urban, H. H. . . .. 4,581 — Urdal, M. N. _ . . 276 75 Salary Travel $ $ Vaandrager, G. J. .... 491 173 Van Aert, L. J. _ _ 1,940 — Van Barneveld, J. W. _ 1,893 1,239 Van Der Hoeven, J. C. _ 4,580 — Van Raay, A. C. .. . .. 5,910 803 Van Wensem, G. J. _ 5,376 971 Vance, B. F. _ 9,360 952 Vanderwaal, C. _ 5,160 — Veale, D. E. _ 1,324 1,137 Verity, G. R. _ 741 273 Vielvoye, J. _ _ 7,152 1,032 Waddell, Miss M. J. V. 4,751 — Walde, H. J, _ 5,190 — Walker, J. G. _ 8,201 — Wareing, Mrs. K. W _ 371 — Waterman, F. C. E. _ 5,796 — Waterman, P. F. . . . „ 1,556 161 Watson, W. A. _ 5,520 — Watt, A. W. _ 10,380 101 Watt, W .1. _ _ _ 1,311 1,362 Webb, D, R. _ 5,376 814 Webb, Mrs. H. _ 1,519 — Webster, W. R. _ 3,000 — Weir, R. J. _ 6,504 — Wells, J. S. _ 1,750 — Westaway, P. J. _ 128 — Wickens, W. E. A, _ 9,360 2,528 Wiebe, W. W. _ 8,640 1,742 Wiens, Mrs. B. G. . . .. 4,496 — Wiens, J. H. _ 1,723 616 Widen. F. _ 6,024 694 Wilcox, J. D. _ 6,410 359 Wilkinson, F. _ 3,306 1,179 Wilkinson, Miss J. M. _ 4,788 — Wilkinson, R. L _ _ 11.880 2,424 Will, F. _ _ 5,666 — Williams, L. V. _ . 6,024 824 Wilson, R. M. . _ _ . 10,380 1,505 Windt. T. A. . . . 10,380 2.548 Witt, E. W. _ 2,146 1,062 Wittneben, U. _ 6.822 1,956 Wittur, R. K. _ 2,700 — Wood, C. W. _ 10,830 420 Wood, J. D. M. _ 5,160 — Woods, Mrs. A. M. _ 3,381 — Woods, Mrs. N. _ 2,168 — Woof, J. _ 6,024 927 Wright, Miss B. J. _ 4,788 — Wright. C. L. _ 1,446 107 Yoshizawa, D. S. _ 1.297 671 Youell, E. H. _ 5,750 — Young, G. K. - . . . . . 1.544 898 Zacharias, J. V. _ 10,380 2,167 Zurowski. Miss D, A. _ 4,440 96 Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ — 108,348 Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ _ _ +5,367 +5,631 2,845,402 459,283 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL r, Hon. R. W., At- ey-General (to May 1968) _ Salary $ 2,651 14,584 Travel $ 787 on, Hon. L. R., irney-General (from ' 27, 1968) _ 2,893 dy, G. D., Deputy irney-General _ 21,000 2,562 t, Mrs. D. O. _ 5,495 — t, G _ _ 6,504 — J. P. . - . - 15,060 — itne. E. L. _ 5,376 — H J. _ 5,376 16 ams, M. J. _ 1,658 — Miss S . . 1,901 — W. W. _ 5,400 1,599 ;s, F. IT _ _ 1,000 — ;, H. B. 7,020 — >, Miss J. E. M. _ 2,327 40 , I . E. _ 8,460 — , N. ... _ 6,624 — i, B. E. R. - 2,558 — :, Mrs. N. K. _ W. J. E. _ 4,980 — 5,196 — , J. T _ _ 1,045 — Salary Travel $ $ Ahola, Miss C. K. _ 2,063 — Aird, E. _ .. . 6,504 — Aitken, Miss T. L. _ 564 — Akers, E. C. _ _ 1,307 — Akrigg, C. N. _ _ _ 8,820 — Albiston, W. J _ _ 6,024 — Albright, Miss E. H. _ 4,831 — Albury, C _ _ 50 — Aldrich, Miss G. C. . . 5,274 334 Allan, C. IT _ 6,384 — Allan, D. 11 _ 5,274 — Allen, A. G. _ _ _ 5.796 — Allen, E. E. _ .. .. 4,200 — Allen, Mrs. G. J. _ 4,170 — Allen, J. G. _ 6,264 15 Allen, J. L. _ _ 6,567 — Allen, Mrs. M. A. _ 3,187 — Allinson, J. W. _ 6,677 16 Allison, Mrs. L. A. _ 2,493 — Almack, R. J. _ 5,251 1,392 Alton, Mrs. D. M. _ 1,311 — Ambrose, J. D. _ 4,020 — Amey, E. B, _ 6,805 — Amren, R. W. _ . ... 4,583 294 Amundsen, D. E. _ 6,504 — Amy, G. R. . Salary 2,706 8,274 Travel $ Andersen, D. E. _ 166 Anderson, A. D. _ 1,246 . - Anderson, C. L. . 1,800 — Anderson, Mrs. D. G. _ 3,684 — Anderson, E. C. .. . 345 . - Anderson, E. L. _ 9,360 98 Anderson, G. F. _ . . 3,432 — Anderson, K. _ 319 — Anderson, R. E. _ 1,767 — Anderson, Miss S. M. .... 1,325 — Andison, J. F. L. _ _ 7.152 69 Andrew, J. _ 5,796 — Andrew, W. N. _ 5,796 — Andrews, R. A. _ 6,504 38 Annett, S. E. _ 5,376 — Ansell, Mrs. P. M. _ 1,767 — Anstey. Miss E. M. _ 4,884 — Apland, C. J. _ _ 1,005 4,128 - - Appleby, Miss P. G. _ _ — Apted, W. S. D. - 5,796 — Arbuthnot, Miss V . — 7,517 — Arduini, R _ _ . 7,284 — Argue, J. H, .. . 300 47 Armit, D. M. _ 6,504 28 50 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary $ Armour, Mrs. C. E. - 1,324 Armstrong, A. G. - 6,384 Armstrong, A. J. - - 7,500 Armstrong, Miss E. - 2,110 Armstrong, J. M. - 10,860 Armstrong, Mrs. V. A. J. 97 Arneil, J. _ __ _ 6,029 Arnett, R. D. _ 4,319 Arnold, Miss B. M. - 4,440 Arthur, Mrs. D. E. - 4,440 Asai, Mrs. S. _ 3,286 Asel, G. C. _ 388 Ashby, D. G. _ 5,400 Asher, P. M. _ 623 Askgaard, Mrs. B. E. - 4,440 Asp, Mrs. A. E. _ 1,109 Atherton, R. J. . — — 220 Atkins, D. A. _ 5,580 Atkins, E. C. W. - 5,117 Atkinson, J. C. - 7,284 Atkinson, J. P. _ 7,500 Atkinson, N. H. - _ - 2,070 Audette, J. A. - 7,020 Aull, S. B. _ _ _ 5,580 Austin, Mrs. H. A. _ _ 6,144 Ayres, L. E. - - 3,650 Baars, Miss J. J. _ 2,315 Babcock, L. C. _ 7,537 Bachman, D. E. _ 5,274 Bachynskr, D. J. _ 4,038 Bacon, Miss D. C. _ 3,240 Bacon, H. _ 8,010 Bacon, Mrs. M. D. _ 5,076 Baerg, J. M. _ 5,434 Bagley, G. E. - 5,688 Bahr, D. M. _ 7,020 Bailey, C. W. _ 5,910 Bailey, D. A. _ 1,115 Bailey, Miss J. E. _ 1,535 Bailey, P. K . . 7,020 Bailey, Miss R. E. _ 8,460 Bailey, Mrs. W. A. _ 5,910 Bailey, W. H. _ 8,340 Bain, Miss D. E. _ 1,021 Bain, G. I _ _ 6,504 Bains, P. S. _ 5,796 Baird, C. G. _ _ 4,884 Baird, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,128 Baker, A. O. _ _ _ 6,527 Baker, G. _ 6,264 Baker, J. A. R. _ __ _ 6,525 Baker, J. W. E. _ 597 Baker, R. M _ _ 12,120 Baker, W. E. _ 7,738 Baker, W. G. J. _ 5,274 Balanecki, Miss J. A. _ 2,349 Baldwin, C. W. _ 1,559 Baldwin, G. C. W. _ 6,294 Baldwin, Mrs. M. A. _ 687 Bale, A. W. J _ 10,620 Balkwill, D. J. _ 5,292 Ball, Miss D. L. _ 1,015 Ball, L. R. _ 7,710 Ball, Miss M. E. _ 4,524 Balsom, Mrs. R. M. _ 5,796 Bamberg, W. G. _ 6,504 Banbury, W. K. _ _ _ 5,910 Banfield, A. L. _ 9,000 Banks, C. W. D. _ 5,039 Barber, Mrs. T. C. _ 4,031 Barbour, W. Y. _ 5,910 Barclay, J. _ 7,284 Barker, H. W. _ 5,580 Barley, H. J. _ 6,032 Barnard, R. K. _ 4,830 Barnes, A. C. _ 6,264 Barnes, Mrs. E. M. _ 1,500 Barnett, A. _ 6,024 Barnett, T. E. _ 6,144 Baronowsky, Miss S. B. _ 1,653 Barr, G. A. _ _ _ 4,329 Barrett, R. D. _ 360 Barrington. Mrs. P. M. _ 327 Barry, C. E. _ 9,000 Barski, Mrs. R. . _ 5,580 Bartake. Mrs. D. F. _ 550 Bartel, P. _ 1,582 Bartell, J _ _ 6,504 Barten, H. J. _ 5,427 Barter, G. E. _ . _ 7,525 Barwick, E. - 1,357 Basi, Miss T. - 429 Bateman, G. S. — — - 3,943 Travel $_ U52 846 12 263 21 145 23 292 88 122 2 29 577 1,064 314 34 62 4 855 253 103 203 11 15 459 208 Salary Travel $ $ Bates, C. H . . . . . 3,938 — Batt, A. W. _ _ 7,070 — Batt, Miss C. M. _ 4,128 — Baudains, Miss E. J. _ 1,771 — Baxter, Mrs. M. R. C. _ 4,128 — Bayak, G. J. _ 5,188 — Bayliff, G. T. I. _ _ 37 34 Bayliff, T. L. _ _ 870 307 Beach, F. T. _ _. _ __ 5,274 567 Beasley, Mrs. B. O. _ 1,053 — Beath, C. D. _ _ _ . 2,100 189 Beaton, J. R. G . 3,196 18 Beaton, K. C. _ 1,668 — Beaton, Miss R. M. C. _ 3,900 — Beaudette, J. A. R. _ 5,580 — Beaudry, R . . 3,771 — Beaulieu, C. L. _ _ _ 5,376 — Beaulieu, R. D . . . . 166 — Bebeau, F. J. _ 6,024 — Beck, C. V. _ _ _ 6,504 — Beck, D. F _ _ 2,458 — Becker, R. J. 554 — Bedard, R. _ . 4,580 16 Beddows, Mrs. H. _ 1,973 — Bedford, F. _ _ 7,284 — Beecroft. J. E. _ _ 6,763 434 Beedle. R. G. _ . 912 — Beeton, S. L. _ 1,023 — Begg, J. P. - - - 1,726 — Behnish, Mrs. L. K. _ 5,512 — Beirnes, E. E. _ _ 3,942 — Belanger, J. A. _ 7,284 4 Belanger, P. J. _ 6,504 — Belisle, P. J. _ _ _ 5,796 — Bell, A. B. _ _ 1.513 — Bell, D. E. _ _ _ 7,602 245 Bell, R. W. _ _ _ 4.623 — Bell. W. J. . . . . 9,420 637 Beilis, J. W. _ 10,380 — Bemister, H. E. _ 7,020 299 Benedict, D . . . . 1,200 — Benfield, D. J. _ 246 — Benjamin. Miss M. F _ 480 — Bennett, D. B. _ 1,681 — Bennett, Miss E. M. M _ 5,580 — Bensch, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,972 — Benson, J. J. _ 655 — Bent, Mrs. M. H. A. _ 7,152 400 Berg, Mrs. M. M. _ 9,360 — Berg, Miss R. E. _ _ 515 — Bergman, Miss V. _ 6,144 — Berkey, E. J. S . . 5,580 — Berry, F. A . . 5,805 — Berry, M. R. _ 8,010 15 Berting, A. R. _ _ _ 808 — Best, J. A. _ _ _ 5,580 — Best, Miss J. C. _ 6,756 — Best, Mrs. M. L. . . . 1,965 65 Betts, J. E. . . 4,562 — Betts. Miss L. E. _ 878 — Bezanson, Miss C. A. . 3,429 — Bezenshek, Mrs. E. _ .... 4,373 — Bickley, W. _ 6,024 — Bigland, L. A. _ 2,725 — Bilde. T. E. J _ _ 5,796 — Bileski, B. J. _ 823 — Bilton, H. W. _ 125 — Binns, Miss B. J. _ 3,290 — Birchfield, S. A. P. _ 8,253 — Bird, Mrs. S. A. _ 4,050 — Birze, Mrs. A. _ _ 2,907 — Bishop, Mrs. E. B. _ 4,128 — Bissett, Mrs. M. Y. _ 219 — Biarnason, H. B. _ 12,000 185 Black, R. R. _ 5,464 421 Blackburn, T. H. _ 3,600 — Blacklock, Mrs. O. J. _ 1.298 — Blacklock, R. J. _ _ _ 4,016 2 Blackman, V. _ 9,540 — Blackmore, H. _ 5,172 — Blackwell, D. L. _ 5.922 — Blair, W. _ 5,760 — Blaszczyk, Miss L. G. . 921 — Blefare, Mrs. G. _ 3,184 — Blinch, C. J. _ _ 4,669 16 Block, Mrs. A. G. L. _ 4,538 — Blok. H _ _ 7,260 — Blvthe, D. J. _ _ _ _ 5.172 14 Boast, S. W . . 899 — Bodlack, L. F. _ 1,889 — Bodner, Mrs. D. _ 798 — Bodor, M. L. _ 6,826 — Salary $ Boechler, L _ _ 8,424 Bohn, E _ _ 6,264 Bohnenberger, K. J. _ 4,140 Boissonneault, Miss J. L. 1,734 Boivin, A. G . . . . 7,560 Bolen, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,037 Bolitho, Miss D. V. _ 802 Bolster, Mrs. G. K. _ 3,684 Bolton, C. V. _ _ 690 Bolton, Miss J. E. _ 2,331 Bond, A. K _ _ 1,792 Bond, C. W _ _ 6,579 Bone, E. P . . 9,540 Bonner, Mrs. M. _ 4,284 Boon, Mrs. D. R. _ 6,756 Boorman, Mrs. S. L. _ 1,184 Borland, D. B _ _ 1,748 Borley, H. G. _ 3,180 Borody, Mrs. G. E. _ 6,504 Borthwick, L. V. _ 1,672 Bos, Mrs. R. N . . 2,648 Bostick, Miss M. V . 5,563 Bottomley, B. R. _ 3,565 Boulton, A. G _ _ 7,560 Bourgeois, Mrs. L. G. _ 3,300 Bourget, R. G. _ 7,860 Bourne, A. L. _ 5,376 Bourne, D. W. _ 1.123 Bowen, H. J. _ 6,900 Bowen-Colthurst, T. _ 20,580 Bowerman, Mrs. Y. A. _ 973 Bowes, F. R. _ 8,280 Bowker, Miss M. J. . _ 3,508 Boyce, W. T. _ 5,076 Boyd, Mrs. G. E. _ 4,788 Boyle, Mrs. A. _ 2,317 Boyle, Mrs. B. _ 510 Boyle, F. A. — _ - 7,200 Bovle, J. _ _ 1,897 Boyle, R. J. _ _ 7,020 Braaten, F. D. _ _ _ 6,384 Bradford, E. E. _ 8,310 Bradshaw, Mrs. C. G . . 3,828 Bradshaw, F. B. - 1,474 Braidner, R. E . . 3,409 Brandon, M. N. — . - 8,640 Brandon, P. M. - - 2,266 Brandson, J. E. - 6,504 Brayton, Mrs. E. D . _ 301 Bredick, F. A. - _ - 441 Brennan, M. J. S. - 5,274 Brenner, A. _ 5,581 Brent, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,856 Brett, Miss A. C. — - 5,076 Brewis, Miss A. R. - 3,492 Bridge, R. E. _ 4,980 Bridges, R. J. - 5,274 Briggs, Miss A. E. - 5,796 Briggs, E. T. _ 5,172 Briggs, R. A. - 12,360 Briggs, T. I. ._ _ 900 Brignall, L. F. _ 5,393 Brind-Sheridan, A. K. _ 8,820 Brinkman, Mrs. W. - 1,914 Brisco, Mrs. D. _ _ _ 642 Bromley, H. - 6,058 Brooks, H. H. _ 9,900 Brooks, J. _ 5,172 Broomfield, D. S. _ 6,560 Brown, A. J. - 917 Brown, Mrs. A. M. _ _ 4,284 Brown, A. R. _ 502 Brown, B. L. _ 8,820 Brown, C. E. _ _ _ 7,140 Brown, D. L. _ 5,172 Brown, G. W _ _ 3,942 Brown, Mrs. H. M. _ 1,172 Brown, Miss J. J. _ 3,618 Brown, J. R. J. _ 3,713 Brown, Miss L. _ 2,440 Brown, Miss P. M. _ 559 Brown, R. E. _ 5,796 Browne, Mrs. D. G. _ 3,486 Browne, J. I. - 5,498 Brownell, C. W. _ 454 Browning, H. R. _____ — 4,884 Buchan, G. _ 896 Buckmaster, R. A. _ 1,148 Bull, J. J. _ 7,284 Bullock, S. A. _ 5,910 Bullock, W. _ 5,410 Bulmer, G. R. _ 11,541 Bundock, D. J. W. _ 6,220 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 51 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued iridge, R. N. Salary $ 715 Travel $ b, S G 6,024 1,553 4,884 1,448 2,917 6,780 7,980 9,540 5,752 7,086 3,250 6,756 2,272 er, P. ess, N. .T. _ ess. Miss P. D. _ her, K F. F. — — e, W F. ett, G. P. _ . _ . s, R. F. 5 s, S. A. _ _ eil, J. A. 18 Miss S. J. E. jn, W. L. H. _ 4 ty, Miss B. R. ... hart. W. F. 1,742 514 jrfield, A. P. _ ens, R. J. . 4,532 167 i, H. T. om, T. F. 3,392 5,394 6,998 4,716 1,684 6,144 1,200 3,984 5,796 7,284 6.504 J. A . .. . is, G. V t, Mrs. P. B. ... ghan, G. S. 38 nd, N. B. . . srley, H. C. _ :ron, Mrs. B. K. iron, W. — 189 iron, W. G. jbeli, A. E. _. . 71 Jbeil, A. R. _ 7,860 917 5,802 7,284 5,800 6,826 4,314 8,925 2,100 6,756 514 389 Jbeil, Miss B. A. Jbeil, C. A . S. Jbeil. D. _ . . Jbeil, D. H. .. Jbeil, E. A. . . Jbeil, E. S. _ Jbeil, H. D. . . . — 204 Jbeil, H. H. _ 130 ibell, I. B . 1,499 Jbeil, J. E. 'bell, K. R. _ 3,942 1,855 5,347 5,671 1,920 5,376 15,060 2,558 6,144 175 'bell, Miss L. G. _ 'bell, N. M. .. — — bell, R. D. _ bell. W. C. in. C. J. 11, E. T. ...... . 1,422 •n, F. A. . J. _ , A. _ _ , A. B _ _ 2,256 3,655 1,375 1,595 12,000 778 , M. N. . . /. Miss R. T.. w, Mrs. P. A. — sv, T. W. ..... . — — jn, Miss J. G. .. chael, Miss J. E chael, J. J. - 5,796 1,650 7,494 8,550 5,796 2,381 6.504 3.684 6,986 4,980 4,183 7,320 5,376 6.504 200 chael, M. T. . . N. G. _ 34 nter, C. _ nter, Mrs. C. E. nter, Miss M. T. G. A. _ — re, D. _ I, Mrs. L. M. P :hers, Mrs. M. R. i. D. P. . . . .. — — ell, C. E. . . . 20 . D. H. C. _ , R. D. . . 7,710 2,935 8 460 41 R. E. . . . d, G. R. .. ... 130 man, Mrs. S. A. v. M. J. . . L. 5.420 242 y, R. A. _ 5,376 6,573 . J. T.. 564 nor, A. J. _ . 5,376 7,860 5.874 319 900 jerlain, D. G. ... n, D. R. _ tan, Mrs. D. M. lan, R. _ _ 477 333 146 ell, W. G . . 6,264 10,380 4.827 8,460 5,292 189 le. G. .... . . 8 jnneau. E. J. _ rs, J. J. _ — 40 rs, J. N. _ 54 ells, E. L. _ 5.274 75 sveth, Mrs. V. _ skv, W. W. _ — 3,552 3.374 16 iff, Miss H. B. _ :r. R. J _ _ — ■ 510 5,848 6,264 5,376 , D. H. 75 J. - Cheston, L. F. _ _ _ Chesworth, D. A. _ Christian, J. F. _ Christiansen, Miss A. J._ Christiansen, Miss B. B._ Christie, Mrs. A. J. _ Christopherson, Miss W. J. Chursinoff, Miss E. _ _ _ _ Citra, V. _ Claassen, D . . Clair, A. J. _ Clark, A. L. D. _ Clark, Mrs. D. C. _ Clark, Mrs. H. J. _ _ Clark, Mrs. P. M. _ Clark, R. D. _ _ _ Clark, R. K. _ Clark-Jones, F. W. _ Clarke, A. B. _ Clarke, H. D. _ Clarke, J. F . . Clarke, Mrs. V. B. _ Clarke, W. N. _ _ Cleaver. B. E. _ _ _ Clegg, C. H - Clermont, G. M. _ Clifford, J. _ Clifton, K. C. _ Clough, L. J. _ _ Clydesdale, W. J. _ Coalston, Miss F. G. _ Coates, Miss E. J. M _ Cobean, Mrs. C. J. _ Cochrane, A. B. _ Coggin, G. H. - - — Cohen. G. B. _ Cole. M. R. _ . _ _ Coleman, J. M. _ _ Coleman. M. H. _ . _ Coles, Mrs. V. E. - - - Collens, H. S. C. _ Collier. K. H. _ _ Collier, W. T. _ Ceilings, M. R. _ Collins, C. _ _ Collins, D. E. _ Collins, D. P. - - Collins, Miss N. J. _ Collins. R. C. - Col'is. R. E. _ Collisbaw. Mrs. B. _ Collver, R. D. - Conley. Mrs. S. A. - Connop, J. O. _. - Connor, Miss P. S. - - Connors, R. J. _ Conolly, P. D. - Conway, Miss L. _ Conway, Mrs. S. R. E. — Coodin, Miss E. R. - Cook, G. D. - Cook, N. A. - Cook, Miss P. V. - Cook, R. A. _ Cooke, G. E. - Cooper, Mrs. N. M. _ Cooper, R. J. — - - Coppin, N. R. _ Corbett, W. E. - Corcoran, Rev. T. _ Cordrey, A. A. - - - Cork, Mrs. G. - Cormack, R. A. - Cormier. A. J. - - Cornet. Mrs. J. S. - Corrigan, L. R. H. - Corrins, J. W. . . . Costanzo, Miss M. B. _ Cotter. S. .T. _ Cotts, W. R. _ Courage, Mrs. E. R. __ — Courtney. J. D. _ _ Courtright, Miss L. M. _ Coutts, S. L. _ _ Coverdale, Miss S. L. — Covey, A. R. _ Cowan, Mrs. M. E. _ _ Cowie. M L. _ Cowin, W. \V. B. _ Cowles. R. W. . . . . . Cowper-Smith, Miss G. L. Cox, A. B. - Cox, B. W _ _ _ Salary Travel Salary Travel $ $ $ $ 180 — Cox, J. L. _ 7,152 108 3,065 — Cox, J. M. _ 5,394 _ 444 — Cox, Mrs. J. M. _ 670 — 530 — Coxhead, F. A. _ 5,172 — 3,486 — Craig, A. J. ..... .. 2,100 — 5,580 — Craig, A. P. . _ 6,264 541 3,160 — Craig, Miss C. S. _ 1,828 — 1,171 — Craigie, W. I. . 10,980 7 5,860 198 Cranton, Miss C. W. _ 5,172 — 5,671 — Craven, Miss R. A. _ 4,128 — 5,580 563 Crawford, Miss C. G. 7,152 — 5,204 16 Crawford, Mrs. D. M. T. 1,379 — 5,082 — Crawford, G. A. _ 6,756 — 2,322 — Crawford, G. E. _ 5,394 91 5,376 — Crawford, H. A. _ 6,630 1,117 1,060 — Crawford, M. J. _ 7,284 — 3,825 — Crawford, T. J. _ 5,680 — 4,980 — Creelman, Mrs. A. S. _ 4,788 — 264 — Crew. S. _ - 6,551 15 5,808 720 Creyke, T. . . .. 5,581 — 2,294 — Crispfuller, H. _ . .. 6,826 — 5,098 — Critchley, E. _ 706 — 5,376 — Critchley, Mrs. G. M. 327 — 5,796 — Crocker, G. E. .... _ 3,943 — 4,100 655 Crockford, Mrs. B. L. 502 — 3,405 — Cromar, R. G. _ 1,664 — 5.580 — Cronawaert, Miss L. ._ 360 — 5,394 43 Crook, Miss M. . 1,725 — 1.626 — Crosbie, W. W. _ 5,376 — 8,060 1,459 Croucher. Mrs. A. H. . 4,440 — 1.968 — Crowe, R. N. _ 300 — 5.580 — Crowhurst, W. J. _ 5,376 — 3,639 — Crozier, G. W. _ 5.376 — 5,453 209 Crozier, J. E. . . 5,274 33 6.516 — Cruickshank, G. C. E. 1,239 — 5.067 34 Crump, Miss J. M. 3,486 — 8,160 — Cue. A. W. _ 5,376 — 6,553 — Cullen, G. A. _ 8,310 17 6,504 — Cumblidge, R. _ 6,144 — 319 — Curnew, R. D. _ 4,674 16 5,387 — Currie, G. D. N . . 4,741 42 8.525 402 Currie, G. G . 6,756 124 7.860 226 Currie, R. J. _ _ 475 — 2,558 — Cushion, F. A. _ 5,580 — 6,384 — Cuthbert, Miss S. M. __ 832 — 966 142 Cutler, H. J. _ 6,027 — 234 — Cutler, R. C. V. 8.460 262 1,088 — Dafoe, L. F. _ 5,274 320 6.756 14 Dahling, G. A. _ _ 6,504 — 9.700 2,108 Dalberg. R. _ _ 5,012 — 4,980 — Dale. Miss M. J. _ 5.376 — 2.187 946 Dale-Johnson. Mrs. M. B. 1.172 — 5.580 — Dali, R. W. _ _ 1.027 — 6,384 — Dallas, L. G. . _ 5,698 — 3.756 — Dailey. W. C. _ 5,410 204 5.318 — Daly, F. J. _ 2,084 — 6.504 — Daly, R. E. _ 6,144 — 3,607 — Damery. K. A. . . 6,504 — 4,698 — Danes. Mrs. D. _ 5.478 — 210 — Daniel. Mrs. J. R. _ 4.128 — 5,910 — Daniele. G . . . 6,504 — 7,284 — Daoust. M _ _ 1.975 — 2.401 — Dash, Mrs. A. R . 3,828 — 3,088 21 Dauncey. Mrs. F. M. _ 1,842 — 5.821 219 Davey, D. A. _ 1,328 — 2,239 — Davey, P. H. - _ 7,284 4 6,024 12 Davidsen. W. D. _ .. 5,376 — 5,376 — Davidson, A. J. _ 432 — 2.097 4 Davidson. C. D. _ 12,900 255 8,820 1,214 Davies. Miss C. J. _ 3.240 — 6.504 222 Davies, Miss G. E. _ _ 6,504 — 4,734 — Davies, G. W. _ 7,284 81 5,496 — Davies, I. M. P . . 1.795 — 3.936 — Davies, J. B. . _ 773 — 3.149 — Davis, A. W. _ . . 4,200 162 7.302 — Davis, Miss L. M. _ ... 1,715 — 8.460 — Davis, R. M . . ... 6,504 — 212 — Daviss, W. F. _ 2,359 — 6.264 246 Davy, Mrs. M. _ _ 2,402 — 5.190 26 Davy, R. T. _ _ 5,461 — 4.973 — Dawe, C. W. _ 7,400 14 5.283 9 Dawson, R. . . 5.999 — 2,304 — Day, A. A. _ _ 8,820 — 4.863 443 Day, D. E. _ . ... 10,980 — 1,901 — Day, Miss M. E. - _ 5.274 — 6,504 — Day, T. _ 5,910 — 3.900 — Day, T. I . . . 5,013 — 8.160 — De Roos, J. R. _ 5,400 — 5,496 — De Schryver, F. E. — 91 — 1.471 46 De Vink, P. H . 4,870 2 7 _ Deadman, W. C. _ 3,300 — 6.864 _ Dean, E. J. - ~ 2,580 — 4,748 16 Dean, Mrs. H. M. ... 3,831 — PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 52 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Dean, M. _ 2,833 — Decker, J. O. _ 75 — Degenhardt, Mrs. L. _ 3,091 — Dekelver, Miss M. T. _ 3,756 — Demetrick, Miss R. B. _ 1,407 — Demko, W. _ 5,274 — Deneef, G. C. _ 5,172 — Dennett, Mrs. M. A. _ 8,160 56 Dennstedt, Miss A. A. — 6,756 — Denroche, G. S. _ 18,500 1,289 Densmore, A. W. _ ~ _ 6,630 239 Denyer, F. _ 5,688 — Dermott, E. J. _ _ 7,284 10 Deroche, Miss S. D. — 1,039 — Desgagne, J. R. E. _ 1,631 — Deterding, H. W. T. _ 5,274 14 Devitt, T. D. _ 2,284 — Devries, Mrs. B. R. _ 1,540 — Dhillon, R . . 5,910 — Dibble, Mrs. G. P. _ 6,504 — Dicastri, J. V. _ _ _ 15,600 734 Dick, Miss C. L. _ 1,833 — Dickenson, A. M. 4,140 — Dickinson, Miss B. E. _ 4,284 — Dickinson, W. R. _ 6,504 — Dickson, Mrs. H. V. _ 3,592 — Dilk, Miss M. I. _ 1,228 — Dillabaugh, Miss D. E. _ 3,304 — Dillistone, B. H. _ 1,449 — Dunond, Miss M. J. _ 3,444 — Dmytryshyn, G. _ _ _ 5,359 — Dobb, Mrs. M. _ 3,684 — Dobell, Mrs. L. A. _ 1,646 — Dobell, Miss S. D. _ 1,696 — Dodding, F. D. _ 6,600 209 Dodge, Mrs. H. _ 4,788 — Dodsworth, Miss M. J. _ 5,376 — Doerksen, B. _ . _ 3,852 16 Doidge, Mrs. S. _ 3,900 — Dolan, J. M. _ 2,559 — Dolny, R. M. _ _ 5,172 — Donald, D. C. _ _ 6,756 399 Donaldson, L. H. _ 3,253 — Donnelly, G. W. _ _ 4,128 — Donnelly, W. _ 4,962 — Donohoe, W. A. _ 6,264 403 Dorish, L. D . . 110 • — Dotchak, Mrs. L. G. _ 3,346 — Doucet, Mrs. P. S. ___ 216 — Dougherty, V. W. _ 1,119 — Douglas, A . . . 5,472 — Douglas, J. R. _ 5,916 — Douglas, L. D. _ 9,060 — Douglas, Mrs. T. J. L. _ 733 — Down, Miss E. L. ____ 1,258 — Downey, Mrs. T. _ _ 206 — Doyle, Miss K. A. _ 1,511 — Draper, L. W. _ 7,284 — Drayton, W. V. _ 1,500 35 Dresser, A. A. _ 5,469 — Drew, F. I. N. _ 1,063 — Drew, F. I. N. _ 2,411 — Drew, Mrs. P. _ 3,295 — Drews, M. V. _ 7,284 — Driemel, J. E. _ 6,756 959 Drier, Mrs. M. M. _ 3,928 — Droy, J. T., Jr. _ 6,269 342 Druskin, P. _ 5,488 14 Dubois, L. J. _ 673 — Duerden, J. D. _ 4,928 179 Duffy, Mrs. H. D. _ 4,957 — Duffy, J. J. _ 5,580 — Duhamel, R. J. _ _ 1,361 _ Dumont, J. A. _ 6,264 — Dunbar, A. B . . 1,888 5 Dunbrack, Mrs. A. _ 6,504 — Duncan, E. N. _ 5,392 _ Duncan, Mrs. J . . 3,972 _ Duncan, Mrs. N. L. _ 4,440 _ Duncan, Mrs. P. _ 4,128 — Duncan, Mrs. T. I. _ 4,139 — Duncan, V. _ _ _ 984 _ Dunham, D. W. _ 7,500 — Dunham, Mrs. H. A. _ 5,076 — Dunlap, E. N. _ 7,284 — Dunn, Miss C. M. _ 1,670 — Dunn, G. R. _ 6,039 — Dunn, R. J. D. _ 3,281 — Dunn, Mrs. S. A. _ 837 — Dunsdon, Miss A. J. _ 2,525 — Durksen, C. E. _ 7,681 1 Dusseault, G. P. J. _ 7,015 26 Dutchak, Miss P. E. _ 855 — Dwemichuk, J. _ 6,504 — Salary Travel $ $ Dyck, D. G. _ _ _ 972 — Dyck, F. P. _ _ 1,174 — Dyck, H. G. _ 5,994 — Dyer, D. S _ _ 6,504 — Dyke, W. F. _ 6,504 15 Earl, k. L. 5,986 12 Easson, Mrs. J. M. _ 1,293 — Easson, S. J. _ _ . 5,411 16 Easton, T. L. _ . . . 3,542 — Eby, H. W. A. _ 696 — Eby, W. F. - . 6,756 291 Eddy, J. W. _ _ _ 5,596 — Eden, Mrs. M. L _ _ 7,020 — Edgar, Miss D. E. _ 6,005 — Edie, R. G. _ _ 1,342 — Edmundson, J. H. _ 5,478 — Edward, Mrs. R. E. _ 3,972 — Edwards, A. F. _ 3,300 — Edwards, G. _ _ 525 — Edwards, G. N. _ 972 — Edwards, J. A. _ - — 3,942 — Edwards, S. R. _ 6,756 — Effa, Miss D. G. _ 2,335 — Egan, J. T. _ 5,379 — Ekeli, H. O. _ 5,278 24 Ell, Mrs. A. L. _ 3,552 — Ellerbeck, J. F. _ 6,041 — Elliot, Mrs. I. M. _ . . 4,128 — Elliot, Mrs. J. _ 6,756 — Elliott, Mrs. D. M. _ 5,796 — Elliott, G. M. _ 6,504 4 Elliott, VV. J. _ 900 — Ellis, C. R. ..... _ 2,816 43 Ellis, D. N. _ 5,512 — Ellis, R. G. _ _ _ 1.963 — Ellis, R. 1 _ _ _ 3,120 — EUsay, W. _ _ _ 11,130 1,246 Ellwood, T _ _ _ _ 6,264 9 Elmore, Mrs. C. A. _ 5,376 — Embleton, E. J. _ 5,376 — Emerson. R. A - - 3,942 395 Emery, W. C - - 7,860 90 England, D. G. _ 8,460 — Engler, Miss D. F. _ 3,900 — English, J. E. _ 5.848 — Engstrom, C. L. _ 5,700 — Ennis, Mrs. D. A . . 4,788 — Epp, E. W. _ _ _ 13,170 209 Hop. H. D . . . . 5,274 1,059 Epp, W. K. _ 4,749 16 Erdman, Mrs. K. A. _ 301 — Erickson. Mrs. H. _ 4,884 — Erickson, J. P. _ 6,826 — Ericson, R. A. _ _ ._ 1,768 — Eriksson, S. R. _ 6,481 245 Erskine, A. A. _ 7,284 — Estlin, H. P. . . . 2,450 789 Eurby, W. E. - 169 — Evans, Miss C. E _ _ 3,486 — Evans, D. _ _ 5,290 16 Evans, D. P. _ 8.160 — Evans, F. _ . - 1,700 105 Evans, G. R. _ 5.100 66 Evans, J. ... . . . 5,580 — Evans, Miss M. E. _ 1,386 — Evans, R. A. _ _ _ 3,600 — Evans, R. J. _ 5,172 200 Evans, R. W. _ 7,284 — Evans, W. _ _ .... 9.600 149 Evers, W. A. _ _ _ 3.696 — Exner, S. G. 6.504 21 Evford, Mrs. I. B. _ 4.620 — Fagon, J. _ _ 2,070 — Fagerberg, Miss E. E. _ 4.362 — Pages, N _ _ _ _ _ 9.360 62 Fairall, W. H _ _ 14,100 7 Fairbridae, Mrs. C. _ 6,264 — Fairbridae, R. B. . . . . 6.126 — Fairhead, A. N. _ 4.362 — Falk, L. H. _ 5.277 13 Fallick, N. G. _ 6,264 — Fanset, Mrs. H. M. _ 4,440 — Fargey. M. C. . . 4,910 — Faris. J. D . . . . . 7,404 280 Farlev, J. K. _ 1,400 — Farmer, P. _ 900 — Farnsworth, T. B. . . . 5,376 — Farrand, C. J. S. _ 15,060 78 Farrell, T. K. _ 5,376 — Fawcett, Miss C. A. _ 3,771 — Feast, Mrs. W. I. _ 4,884 — Fee, C. _ _ 5,843 — Fehler, E. K. _ 9,900 — Salary $ Felker, G. C . . 7,284 Fell, Mrs. C. _ 4,566 Feller, D. H. _ 1,298 Fenger, B. J. _ 5,281 Fenwick, H. G. _ 6,900 Feradi, O. K . . 5,796 Ferg, Mrs. E. E. _ 5,580 Ferg, G. D. _ _ 7,284 Ferg, Miss L. M. _ 1,813 Ferguson, Miss B. J. C. 5,580 Ferguson, D. _ 3,592 Ferguson, D. C. _ 7,284 Ferguson, J. _ 8,010 Ferguson, Miss L. M. _ 3,354 Ferguson, M. E. _ _ _ 1,200 Fiddler, R. J _ _ 5,496 Fiddy, R. H. _ 2,583 Fifoot, P. R. N. _ 1,400 Finn, J. A. _ 8,340 Finsterle, G. W. _ . 4,578 Fischer, Mrs. M. _ 258 Fisher, A. J. _ 5,777 Fisher, J _ _ _ _ 6,384 Fisher, Mrs. O. B. _ 6,024 Fisk, S. W _ _ 11,700 Fitchett, R. E. _ 9,960 Fitchett, R. F. _ 440 Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,552 Fitzmaurice, J. M. _ 5,580 Flack, D. A. _ 5,393 Fleenor, H. _ 6,504 Fleet, J. R. _ 2,565 Fleet, L. R. _ 2,434 Fleming, J. S. _ 1,045 Fleming, P. J. _ 1,398 Fleming, Mrs. R. J. _ 2,203 Fleming, S. _ 3,332 Fleming, Miss W. P, _ 3,827 Fletcher, G. J. _ 5,099 Fletcher, R. A. _ 4,973 Flood, Mrs. J. _ 4,362 Flower, R. A. _ 2,565 Flynn, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,539 Fonger, W. D. _ 6,070 Foote, C. W. _ _ _ 9,960 Foran, P. F. _ 2,070 Forbes, W. A. _ 5,910 Forbister, Miss J. A. _ 1,421 Ford, H. A. L. _ 10,980 Ford, Miss V. A. _ 3,618 Forrest, Mrs. B. A . . 5,076 Forseth, H. M. _ 5,796 Forsey, Miss M. L. _ _ . 3,360 Forster, Mrs. J. A. _ 1,942 Forsyth, A _ _ 3,034 Forsythe, L. W . . 5,731 Fossett, J. C . . . . 5,688 Foster, C. H. _ 10,980 Foster, J. _ _ _ 5,478 Foster, W. Fitz-Alan _ 7,560 Foulis, R. _ 345 Fouquette, J. _ 1,644 Fouquette, P. C. _ 7,152 Fowler, D. P _ _ 5,688 Fowler, Miss E. L. _ 2,573 Fowler, K. J. _ 5,910 Fowler, L. W. _ 6,756 Fox, O. G. _ 1,032 Fox, T. G. G. _ 4,200 Fox, W _ _ 5,796 Foxcroft, D. C. _ 5,910 Fraizer, C. J . . . 6,144 Franks, Mrs. P. M. _ 6,144 Franson, J. W. _ 2,100 Fraser, D. C. _ _ 5,819 Fraser, J. G. _ 900 Fraser, P. R. _ _ 9,930 Fraser, T. W. _ 691 Fraser, Miss V. J. _ 4,128 Frayne, Miss D. J. _ . 1,606 Frederiksen, W. D. _ 5,596 Fredrickson, E. A. _ 5,774 Freedy, E. R. _ 5,865 Freeman, B. L. _ _ 6,264 Frew, R. J. _ 9,360 Frey, J. R. _ _ 5,658 Friskie, W. G. _ 222 Frizzell, V. D. _ 1,669 Froese, F. _ 5,274 Froese, R. H. _ 6,096 Froment, H. J. _ 1,789 Frost, D. _ 6,504 Frost, K. G. _ 6,504 Fudger, Mrs. W. M . . 4,621 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 53 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued r, Mrs. J. M. _ Salary $ 3,271 Travel $ r, Miss M. A. _ 7,284 149 r, R. C. ... . . . 5,796 — r, W. A. C. . . 5.376 — n, D. D. C. ... _ _ 7,860 — n, G. R. _ 12,360 — , Miss J. S. _ 301 — . R. !'/. . . 972 — , Mrs. S. O . 5,796 — iston, P. J. _ _ 6,756 143 'ey, 11. 7,020 59 e, Miss G. G. . . 3,390 5 'is, A . . 1,596 125 tis, Mrs. J. M. _ e, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,560 — 62 — ache, Mrs. P. L. - 5,376 — ble, C. E. .. _ _ 5,889 760 y. Miss M. R. _ 3,486 — y, W. G. _ 6,750 — Mrs. D. M. _ 3,115 — e, Mrs. G. I.. .... . 1,068 — en, Mrs. S. B. _ 4,980 — iner, R. S. H. _ 6,504 — iner, Mrs. S. M. _ ner, C. . . 5,115 — 6,504 — ird, Mrs. M. _ 5,478 — :tt, J. S. H . 6,144 27 sh, H. J. _ _ _ 7,284 — son, A. R _ _ 4,232 — :, D. P . 5,376 — ;, Mrs. R. J. D. _ 1,358 — . 11 J. _ _ __ 2,959 — ette, E. . . . 6,504 — t, Mrs. D. A. _ _ 2,142 — ng, II. .1. - 5,550 24 ;r, A. J. _ 2,715 — it, J. A _ _ 6,024 8 ;e, J. C . . . . 511 — e, R. H. M. _ 6,504 — ms, Mrs. M. J. . . 327 — ;, .1. D. _ _ 11.400 21 , R. E. .... 3,333 5,801 n. J. B. _ 53 n. Miss M. C. _ 3.552 — n, R. B. _ 1,441 — y, S. R. _ 5,274 — recht, N. A. _ 1,549 4 . I . . . . 5,910 — 1, R. _ 11,880 32 rist. Miss B. J. _ 367 — !g. O M. 6,144 2,650 3,591 _ J. D. Mrs. N. _ _ ider, Mrs. A. H. _ 4.980 — tone, P. _ _ _ 7,960 14 J. C. _ 5,016 — ross, T. J. _ _ 5,376 — Da, Mrs. J. M. _ 4.884 — V. I! 11,400 — :tt, A. R. . .... 3,546 31 ot, R. J A. _ 6,144 — . G. P. R . . 4,942 — d, Mrs. A. .. . . 917 — le, Miss M. F. _ . . . 3,320 — ey, D. K. _ _ 6,024 14 , Mrs. A. E. _ 606 — phin, A. H. _ 5,688 853 r, J. _ _ nch, H. R. _ 5,239 — 8,160 — ill. J. _ 324 — ellow, K. J. A. _ 7,560 59 n, F. _ 3,354 — n. Miss F. A. _ 2,084 — Mrs. M. L . . 1,309 — ki, A. J . . 264 — H. 5,750 — ult. M. H _ _ 3.696 — er, W. T. C. _ 5,915 — i. Miss M. B. _ 6,504 — ly. Miss L. W. _ 1,431 — K. W. _ 5,417 — ■, G. I. _ 3,300 — n, C. _ _ 1,326 — n, C. T. _ 888 103 n, R. 1). . . 5,490 — n, T. A . ...._ 6,504 153 n, V. .. _ 6,672 7 Mrs. M. A. _ 6,264 — R. H . . 5,798 3,166 _ Miss S. . . . _ S. A . . . . 6,504 — le, P. n. _ _ _ 6,780 — Miss C. A. _ 1,300 — Salary Travel $ $ Gray, R. S. .. _ 8,160 — Gray, W. G. _ _ _ _ 5,833 — Grebinski, M. _ _ 1,474 21 Green, B. J. C . . 3,017 41 Green, E. E. _ 7,980 10 Green, M. J. _ 7,284 121 Green, R. M. _ _ 8.460 193 Green, S. D . . . ... 3,344 — Green, S. W. _ 4,980 — Greenan, Mrs. B. L. _ 3,552 — Greene, F. A. _ _ 5,910 — Greengrass, A. J. H. _ 1,601 — Greenhalgh, Miss N. L _ 1.590 — Greenwell, R. J. _ . 551 — Gregory, Miss P. L. _ 4,134 — Grieg, R. W. _ . 5,684 482 Grills, Miss M. M. _ 3,952 — Groeneveld, P. _ _ _ 5,598 — Groff, Mrs. L. _ _ 2,014 — Grosjean, D. F. _ 1,785 — Grummett, Mrs. J. _ 2,431 — Grunau, Miss M. _ 3,828 — Grunert, A. L. _ 6,531 — Gubbels, Miss E. C. _ 3,300 — Guerin, A. G. _ 5,274 13 Guest, Mrs. R. A. B. _ 4,980 — Gugliotta, G. E. J. F . _ 5,172 16 Guinet, A. M . . 13,694 1,563 Gulevich, Miss E. V. _ 4,128 — Gulliman, Mrs. M . . 619 — Gunn, W. H. _ 5,580 — Gunter, J. R. ... _ 5,496 15 Gurney, Mrs. J. C. _ 3,121 — Gurr, G. E. R. _ 6,675 123 Guthrie, A. R. _ 6,024 20 Guthrie, L. B. _ 7,152 — Guttridge, R. _ 5,478 42 Guy, R. E. _ _ _ .. 5,076 — Haas, A. J. _ 1,775 — Haberla, Miss D. _ 2,709 — Hack, J. B. . . . 1,200 — Hacking, H. _ 3,338 24 Hadfield, R. A. _ 15,600 1,906 Hagel, R. L. _ 5,050 — Hagemeyer, M _ _ 5,213 26 Hagman, R. J. . . __ 6,504 — Haig-Brown, R. _ 1.500 377 Raining. J. T. _ 5,796 — Hains, R. F. 3,213 — Hale, A. M. _ ..... 7,923 116 Hall, A. H _ _ 15,060 400 Hall, D. A. _ 275 — Hall, G . . . . 5,910 — Hall, M. W _ _ 5,688 — Hall, W. 11. . . . 3,942 69 Hallett, G. _ _ _ 750 63 Halverson, V. _ _ _ 5,796 — Hambleton, G. _ _ 6,264 261 Hamblin, S. A. L. . . 10,380 165 Hamerston. E. B. 5,376 — Hamilton, Mrs. B. L. _ 3,180 — Hamilton, Mrs. G. E. L. 5.156 — Hammel, Miss A. L. _ 1,436 — Hammond, Miss D. L. _ 852 — Hammond, J. S. _ 7,294 — Hammond, Mrs. R. M._... 484 — Hance, E. R. _ 825 — Haney, D. R. W. _ 6,504 — Hankins, J. W. _ _ 788 — Hanlon, M. F. . . . 5,546 — Hannav, Mrs. M. _ 2,579 — Hansell, A. H. _ 8,160 64 Hansell, Mrs. J. _ 5.376 — Hansen, Miss G. M. _ 3,220 — Hansen, Miss K. K . . 3,288 — Hanson, A. E. _ 5,796 — Harbar. W. . .. _ 6.264 10 Harbord, J. I. W. _ 7,284 — Hardman, T. A. . . . 6,504 1,377 Hardv, Mrs. C. . . . 4.347 — Hardv, Mrs. R. M. _ 6,384 — Hargitt, H. . . _ 5.274 — Harkins, D. H . . . . 5,581 — Harper, W. F. _ 816 — Harris, Mrs. A. A . . 5,580 — Harris, D. J. _ 2,402 — Harris, H. J. _ 4,097 — Harris, H. J. _ 6.750 78 Harris, J. W. _ 4,942 14 Harris, Mrs. L. _ 2,185 — Harris. T. L. .... _ 2,027 — Harrison, Mrs. B. M. _ 6.756 929 Harrison, D. F. _ 2,898 288 Harrison, J. H. _ Harrison, J. W. _ _ Harrison, Mrs. M. F. _ _ Harrison, Miss S. M. _ Harrison, T. _ _ Harrison, W. C. _ Harrop, C. W. _ _ Hart, W. A. I . . Hartley, J. B. _ Hartley, Miss L. E. _ Hartman, A. _ Harvey, Mrs. L. O. _ Hastings, T. A. _ _ _ Hauge, P. M. _ Haverty, Mrs. J. M. _ Hawkenson, B. R. _ _ _ Hawkings, Miss P. M. _ Hawkins, Mrs. S. O. _ Hay, Mrs. C. H. _ _ _ _ Hay, J. A. . . . . Hay, Miss L. M. _ Hayes, Miss E. L. _ Hayes, H. R. _ . _ Hayes, W. T. _ Hayward, F. C. _ _ Headley, P. _ Heale, A. J. _ _ _ Heard, L. _ _ _ Heath, W. R. _ Hebden, Mrs. G. G. _ Hegquist, B. A. _ Heidner, Mrs. J. S. _ _ Heinekey, J. D. _ Heinrichs, W. _ Heisler, P. J. _ Helgesen, Mrs. M. A. _ Hemminger, A. D. _ _ Hempseed, A. B. _ Henderson, L. S. _ Henderson, M. B. _ Henry, E. _ Henry, J. W. _ Henry, W. _ _ _ _ _ Herbert, G. K. _ _ Herberts, E. R. _ _ Heron, D. R. _ Heron, J. W. _ _ Hertzog, G. A. _ Hetherington, Mrs. R. G. Hewitt, J. H. _ Hickling, H. D. _ Hickmott, D. L. _ _ Hicks, C. G. _ Hielscher, P. M. _ _ _ Hiesinger, M. P. L. _ Higenbottam, G. A. _ _ Higgins, Mrs. E. E. _ _ Higgins, J. F. _ Higgins, W. C. _ Higgs, Miss D. A. _ . Higgs, Mrs. P. A. _ Higgs, S. E. _ _ Highfield, Mrs L. M. _ Highland, Miss H. A. _ Hill, D. R. _ Hill, Mrs. I. E. _ Hill, J. A. _ . Hill, Mrs. L. _ Hill, Mrs. M. G. _ Hill, Mrs. P. A. E. _ Hill, R. R. _ Hill, W. G. _ _ Hindmarch, Mrs. H. M. Hinds, R. W. _ Hindson, H. _ Hinton, Mrs. M. A. _ Hird, J. A. _ Hiron, Mrs. A. M. _ _ Hives, S. J _ _ Hoadley, Mrs. G. H. _ Hobbs, A. W. _ Hobday, Mrs. T. D. _ . Hodgson, L. F. _ _ _ Hodgson, R. _ Hodgson, T. E. _ _ . Hoff, L. M . . Hofferd, R. A. _ Hoffman, Miss J. M. _ Hoffman, Mrs. K. P. . . Hofseth, S. W. _ _ Hogan, R. B. _ Hoggard, D. A _ Hohmann, J. G. J. _ _ , Hohn, D. R. _ Salary Travel $ $ 4,090 — 7,284 67 4,311 — 700 — 6,504 — 855 — 734 — 5,188 — 1,362 — 795 — 345 — 3,842 — 7,592 1,403 348 — 3,669 — 6,750 182 792 — 4,128 — 5,796 — 1,200 60 3,025 — 2,079 — 108 , — 6,158 — 64 — 5,796 — 1,767 — 5,832 — 7,284 10 4,980 _ 1,270 — 5,971 _ 8,780 843 6,762 557 5,376 — 4,614 _ 3,422 16 6,779 — 5,910 _ 4,037 _ 764 — 1,871 _ 4,416 . — 7,860 — 5,818 _ 6,504 19 5,274 26 5,274 758 2,687 _ 5,796 _ 4,374 _ 5,796 _ 2,325 _ 9,720 — 496 . _ 6,020 _ 17 — 4,581 13,980 509 1,914 _ 1,060 — 1,617 _ 3,983 — 2,904 — 7,907 26 710 — 5,387 _ 331 — 4,128 _ 2,787 _ 3,448 1,486 _ 5,580 _ 829 — 6,504 32 4,793 — 8,010 . — 4,524 __ 1,932 . — 5,376 — 17,400 787 3,970 — 3,120 45 2,418 _ 7,393 2 6,504 519 5,394 _ 2,497 _ 4,788 _ 6,034 _ 4,727 _ 495 _ 2,497 6 2,336 54 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Holinaty, F. . . . 636 — Holland, A. E. 650 — Holland, B. A. . _ 5,274 — Holland, Mrs. M. T. - 1,956 — Holland, R. _ . . _ 2,240 — Hollands, O. E. - 10,860 717 Hollingworth, W. D. G. 9,060 896 Hollins, R. . . 4,178 — Hollott, S. P. .... - 5,800 32 Holloway, R. P. 5,274 14 Holm, J. G. _ 5,927 — Holm, Mrs. S. K. — . 464 — Holman, Mrs. S. — . .. 4,608 — Holmes, C. J. _ — 5,654 — Holmes, J. G. - 3,477 (Cr.) 7 Homer, A. J. - 2,850 Honcharuk, J. E. 7,152 115 Hooper, R. E. _ — 8,760 98 Hopper, D. M. - 166 — Hopper, L. C. — — 8,550 164 Hopps, Miss G. A. _ 1,855 — Hoppus, K. A. _ 5,581 — Horabin, E. T. _ _ 6,037 — Horecky, L. J. . _ 477 — Hornby, Miss E. B. - - 5,796 — Horne, Mrs. J. A. — . 2,905 — Horrobin, T. P. _ 8,160 249 Horsman, Mrs. G. M. _ 5,274 — Hough, R. D. . 6,515 — Houghton, E. A. - - 5,376 — Hourigan, Mrs. M. S . 3,426 — House, Mrs. N. A. _ 4,698 — Hovind, G. E. - - - 4,500 779 Howard, A. - - - 9,960 — Howard, D. W. _ 4,346 14 Howard, Miss F. G. - 3,900 — Howard, P. W - - 6,756 46 Howard, S. _ 6,504 — Howell, C. T. _ 6,504 — Howes, D. ... - 5,478 — Howie. Mrs. D. E. _ 4,362 — Hrenchuk, W. K. _ 38 — Hrynuk, Miss L. D. - 517 — Huck, L. G. _ 8,310 100 Hudson, H. _ 5,376 — Hudson, Mrs. V. G. - 4,128 — Huget, A. F. - 4,631 — Hughes, Mrs. C, L. - 4,050 — Hughes, G. B. - 6,756 — Hughes, G. H. _ 5,376 — Hughes, Miss G. V. - 3,552 — Hughes, G. W _ _ 647 — Hughes, T. J. _ 5,688 — Hugonin, Mrs. R. E. - 5,580 — Hulford, E. J. _ 8,820 — Hulme, A. J. - - - 5,378 — Hulme, Mrs. S. D. _ 1,969 — Humberstone, B. _ 6,024 — Hume, J. B. . . . 3,870 — Humenv, W. - 472 — Humphries, D. A. - 1,607 — Humphries, D. J. - 717 — Hunt, E. J. - 6,756 — Hunt, F. M. _ _ _ - 6,504 242 Hunter, D. E. _ _ 7,560 — Hunter, D. R. _ 6.504 496 Hunter, G. B. - 7,284 21 Hunter, Mrs. M. I. - 319 — Hurlburt, W. M. _ 5,796 — Hurlen. K _ _ 5.357 — Husoy, Mrs. I. J. - 2.232 — Hutchins, Miss J. M. - 275 — Hutchinson, Miss D. R — 2,534 — Hutchinson, G. R. - 3,613 — Hutchinson, Mrs. M. L — 5,563 — Hutton, Mrs. D. A. - 4,310 1 Hutton, D. J. _ 4,399 33 Huxley, R. G. - 7,284 219 Huyton, J. T. S. .... - 8,160 26 Hydukovich, N. - 6,024 • - Idiens, Mrs. N. K. . . . 312 — Ilett, S. J. _ 3,710 143 Indge, Miss P. A. - — 1,100 — Ingleton. G. G. - 8,460 — Ingram. Mrs. E. - - 670 — Insley, D. S. C. - 7,284 — Irvine, A. W. . - 8,460 — Irvine, G. - - — 6,264 534 Irwin, Mrs. A. - 5,274 — Irwin, Miss H. L. 2,233 — Irwin, R. J. 2,558 — Irwin, W. S. - 15,060 1,183 Isbister, R . — — - 4,658 220 Salary Travel $ $ Isles, M. E. _ . _ 3,061 — Iveson. J. S. . _ _ 5,796 1 Jack, W. J. _ 3,300 — Jackie, Mrs. M. H. _ 4,980 — Jackman, P. K. _ 6,504 51 Jackson, B. H. _ 440 — Jackson, B. J. _ 5,379 — Jackson, Miss D. E. _ 502 — Jackson, E. S. L. _ 11,400 2,112 Jackson, H. W. _ 8,460 15 Jackson, J. _ 8,160 — Jackson, M. H. _ 5,306 — Jackson, R. M. _ 2,286 — Jacobsen, R. V. _ _ 140 — Jacomb, W. W. _ 2,659 — Jaeggle, G. E. J. _ 6,384 3 Jakeman, A. P. A. _ 6.264 154 Jakumeit, H. D. _ 4,164 61 James, H. F. _ 4,695 — James, R. T. _ 2,086 — Janzen, R. H. P. _ 3,035 5 Jarvis, Miss M. E. _ 3.300 — Jenken, D. K. _ _ _ 513 — Jenkin, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,684 — Jennings, D. A. _ 6,024 9 Jennings, Mrs. N. J. _ 228 — Jenns, H. K _ _ 9,540 784 Jenson, C. S. _ _ 604 112 Jeppeson, K. _ _ _ 1,167 ' - Jessop, A. J. W. - 5,376 — Jessop, H. C . 6,164 1,343 Jest, E. V. - . - . 389 — Jewitt, E. T. _ _ _ 12,630 407 Johannes, Mrs. M. _ 3,570 — Johannesen, Miss K. _ 2,269 — Johannson, H. _ 6,756 13 Johansen, Mrs. L. M. I. 5,563 — Johansen, R. E. _ . 7,404 51 Johl, Miss B. 4,421 — Johns, A. C. _ - 9,360 624 Johns, S. H. _ 5,796 — Johnson, Miss J. M. _ 5,495 — Johnson, J. S. P. _ 1,500 — Johnson, J. W. H. _ 896 — Johnson, Miss N. E. - 5,172 — Johnson, O. H. _ 6,504 — Johnson, Miss R. M. _ _ 1,994 — Johnson, W. _ 13,980 512 Johnston, A. M. _ 8,160 908 Johnston, Miss C. L. _ 2,567 — Johnston, G. M. _ 7,372 — Johnston, H. I. _ 7,284 — Johnston, Miss J. M. _ 1,457 — Johnston, L. B. _ 7,284 — Johnston, T. _ _ 7,710 — Johnstone, Miss A. _ 6,504 — Johnstone, E. J. _ 5,910 866 Johnstone, H. D. _ 697 — Johnstone, T. A. _ 1,800 — Jones, Miss A. E. _ _ 2,357 — Jones, A. E. B. . 10,860 625 Jones, D. I. _ 5,910 Jones, Mrs. E. M. R. _ 4,788 2 Jones, E. D. _ _ .... 1,213 — Jones, K. O. ... . . 5,796 — Jones, L. _ 4,128 — Jones, N. K. _ 1,118 — Jones, S. H. _ 6,624 — Jones, Mrs. S. M. _ 303 — Jones, T. A. .. _ 3,642 — Jones, V. L. _ _ 453 — Jordan, G. T. _ 1,790 — Jorre de St. Jorre, M. _ 12,360 — Jose, J. E. _ _ 6,788 — Joyner, K. W. _ _ 5,910 — Joynson, G. L. _ 5,580 — Jurick, Mrs. P. _ 7,284 — Kabatoff, G. P. _ _ 5,580 — Kado, Kou . . . . 5,478 210 Kaduhr, B. E. E. _ _ 6,051 58 Kahl, Miss T. M. _ 1,539 — Kaiser, Miss M. L. _ 2,965 — Kaiser, R. E . . 3,038 _ Kamlade, R. J. P _ _ 5,563 _ Kamp, W. P. _ 7,527 — Kampen, J. _ 3,267 — Karleen, A. G. _ .... 6,729 — Kavanagh, A. C. _ 4,884 — Kavanagh, C. P. _ 5,274 15 Kay, A. R. _ 5,796 — Kay, Miss L. M. . _ 4,050 _ Kearns, D. O. R. _ 4,512 — Kearns, R. . . . 5,466 _ Kebert, Mrs. H. _ 1,324 — Salary Keeble, Miss E. J. _ 1,796 Keefer, D. S. _ 1,168 Keenan, J. A _ _ 5,385 Keeping, C. J. - - 5,796 Keip, J. B. _ 4,827 Kell, R. G. _ 8,160 Keller, D. N. _ _ 5,376 Kelly, R. _ 6,024 Kelly, W. B. _ 5,376 Kendra, G. J. _ 5,274 Kendrick, R. D. _ 7,500 Kennedy, A. _ 516 Kennedy, Mrs. D. E. _ 4,825 Kennedy, H. T. _ _ 13,710 Kennedy, Mrs. I. _ 2,990 Kennedy, J _ _ 2,439 Kennedy, J. W. _ 5,385 Kennedy, W. M. _ 2,070 Kennett, R. F. _ 8,460 Kenney, J. H. _ 17,500 Kent, D. E. _ 8,430 Kent, Miss S. P. _ 684 Keogh, J. P. - 1,140 Ker, Mrs. M. D. _ 3,400 Kerby, J. D. _ 5,277 Kernaghan, W. _ 5,829 Kerr, R. B - - 6,647 Kershaw, J. F. _ 3,005 Keryliw, P. _ 7,284 Khan, R. A. - 6,443 Kidd, D. J. _ _ 3,275 Kiland, A. M. _ 6,504 Kimola, P. M. _ 546 Kinch, G. F. _ 5,172 King, C. L _ _ 6,609 King, H. C _ _ 1,800 King, K. J. - 4,128 King, Mrs. M. C. J. _ 4,128 King, Miss M. D. _ 4,980 King, W. _ 7,404 Kingdon, W. - 7,233 Kingston, Mrs. R. C. N._ 2,990 Kinney, J - - 6,024 Kirby, Miss P. J. _ 3,900 Kirk, C. D _ _ 6,024 Kirk, K. W. _ 5,827 Kirkby, L. - 5,580 Kirkham, R. G. _ 2,985 Kirkham, W. A. _ 4,788 Kirkhope, J. C. _ 3,824 Kirkhope, Miss L. _ 290 Kiselbach, W. D . . 5,830 Kissinger, Mrs. V. A. _ 3,196 Klassen, E. H . 2,565 Klassen, J. _ 6,024 Klassen. P. J. _ 5,387 Klassen, R. H. _ 431 Klaucke, W. _ 1,277 Klee. D. I . . 1,827 Kleinwachter, Miss S. A._ 3,240 Kiiche, G. K. ..._ . 5.825 Klingensmith, Mrs. M. W. 2,376 Klingsat. W. W. _ _ 5,796 Knape, F. E. _ 3,908 Knight, Mrs. E . . . 8,460 Knight, E. _ 6,384 Knight, F. B. _ 6.384 Knight, P. D. _ 6,504 Knorn, Miss E. L . . 4,980 Knowles, Mrs. M. A. _ 3,892 Knowles, Mrs. P. D. _ 2,161 Knox, J. A. _ 8,010 Kobayashi, K. _ 6,504 Kobvlansky, K. A. _ 459 Koch, A. _ 7,347 Kocutyn, Miss S. A . 13 Kodama, Miss R. J. _ 2,904 Koehn. J. _ 5,603 Koh, S. _ 3,060 Konopski, Mrs. M. A. _ 633 Konrad, ,T. ... 8.160 Kopac, Mrs. N. A. __ _ 921 Korchinski. J. M. _ 3,104 Kovrchik, J. C. _ 8.460 Kowalishyn, F. _ 876 Kozma, M. _ 7,494 Krahnbel, O. _ 5,938 Krause. Mrs. L. L. _ _ 112 Kraushar, W. J. _ 6,024 Kring, G. R. _ 6.264 Kroeker, O . . 7,260 Kroeker, Miss S. G. _ 2,385 Kruithof, Mrs. J . . 5,274 Tra $ 1 2: 1,6 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 55 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary Travel $ $ larich, F. A. __ . 5,394 — henmuller, M. D . 6,762 431 derman, Mrs. R. W._ 4,980 — th, W. _ _ 1,687 38 vers, Mrs. E. _ 1,986 — ylowich, Mrs. M. L..._ 315 — yk, A. P. - 5,684 — atkowski, W. _ _ — 6,624 — o, M . . . . . 2,400 — elle, G. C. N. . . 5,487 — ;rge, J. A. - 5,666 58 i. D. .1. 7,284 6 e, Mrs. C. L . . 4,798 — B. B. _ _ _ 5,376 — ik, S. E. . . . . 7,200 — ib, K. B . . 4,206 — ib, Mrs. M. E - - 4,980 — ibert, J. D . — 5,580 — bert, P. B. _ 6,546 — brecht, L. . . . 2,551 75 otte. A. L. ... _ . 5,487 — pm an. A. W. - 5,796 — 1, Mrs. J. _ _ _. 4,740 7 iriault, A. R . 1,293 — i, J. W. . . . . 11,400 30 Mrs. P. A . . . 1,682 — 1, Mrs. C. B . 3,936 — terud, R. A. __ . . 4,234 — rford, L. L . . . 2,568 — thorn, L. E. _ _ ._ 5.172 — jille, D. W. 5,378 — tley. Miss E. M. B . 5,080 — ;lois, Mrs. B. S. - 6,630 35 ;ston, H. - - 3,850 — :ton, R. G . . . 6,888 40 ci, H. J. 6.504 46 dall, Miss G. M. - 510 — hier, Mrs. L. J. . . 1,380 — nski, W. - - 204 — >rte, G. M. - 3,155 — J, F _ _ _ - 7,284 9 e, A. E. . 7,020 — en, M. G. J. _ - - 6,715 — en, O. P. 1,800 - - on, Miss A. _ . 2,308 — on, A. G. . . — 4,830 301 on, C. - - 4,621 — on, C. H. - 1,728 — on, Mrs. V. A. - 1,124 — er, F. A. _ _ _ 6,780 — am, K. J. - 4,404 216 :hren, B. W. - 356 — rgne, Mrs. E. M. - 3,252 — rock, J. E. — - 6,142 — ry, T. D. _ 1,651 — B. E. T. _ _ 5,602 — R. S _ _ _ _ 7,284 — er, B. R. - - 4,206 — ey, Mrs. A. H. _ 1,098 — •ence, A. E. — _ 6,714 37 'ence, R. C. - 7,710 158 ence, R. S . . . 1,100 — ;on, A. A. _ 5,796 — ion, R . . . . 7,284 2 an, J. D. . . . 4,060 53 ey, C. F. _ 4,827 — ey, Miss D. C. W. _ 4,362 — lan, W. E. — . 1,500 70 y, Miss B. E. - 4,284 — y, Miss T. A. _ . . 7,284 127 £, Mrs. B. A. _ 211 — ens, D. _ 6,504 — ins, Mrs. L. A. _ 358 — utillier, Mrs. J. _ 5,172 — Miss B. - - 1,598 — C. H. _ 9,180 1,374 Miss D. M. _ 4.362 — J. 4,786 — T. E. _ _ 5,621 — W. A. _ _ _ 8,160 — ;, G. R _ _ 862 — l, Mrs. B. - _ . . 1,372 — -, N. J. . . . . 1,944 — A. S. _ 6,756 — it, Mrs. J. W. _ 4,440 — rie, D. - - - 447 — art . H. J _ _ 166 — it, K. A. _ 1,381 - - . S. _ _ _ 46 — . s. s. _ 7,200 — lire, Mrs. B. J. _ 5,563 — re, Miss L. O. M. — 3,180 — en, R. J. ..... .. _ 6,269 336 ;, G. F. _ _ 8,160 — Salary Travel $ $ Leslie, G. M. _ 7,860 Lesueur, Mrs. A. E. J. _ 3,756 Letts, P. J. H. _ 5,794 Leverett, Mrs. I. _ 6,024 Leveridge, Mrs. B. G. _ 3,396 Leverington, Mrs. B. J. _ 2,023 Leverrier, M. G. _ 8,460 Lewendon, K. H. _ 7,364 Lewis, J. R. _ _ 6,144 Lewis, R. L. _ 5,376 Libby, K. J. _ _ 1,586 Lightbum, T. G. _ 6,264 Lind, J. V. _ 3,000 Lindsay, J. B. M, _ _ 5,417 Lindsey, Mrs. N. C. _ 36 Linn, C. M. _ _ _ 6,540 Linn, L. C. G. _ 9,540 5 Lipetz, A. L. _ _ _ 1,227 — Litram, Mrs. M. V. _ _ 6,504 14 Little, L. B. _ _ _ 5,386 — Livingstone, A. M. _ _ . 6,384 14 Livingstone, Mrs. N. R. _ 5,274 — Livingstone, Mrs. P. A. _ 2,440 — Llewellyn, I. L. _ 5,172 — Loadman, B. A. _ 1,045 — Lochhead, J. T. _ 5,599 330 Lockwood, H. N. _ _ 7,860 185 Lockwood, Mrs. M. B. _ 1,950 — Lodge, Mrs. J. M. _ __ 3,497 — Loeb, R. P. _ 654 35 Loeppky, J. H. _ _ 5,223 — Loewen, G. _ 7,294 16 Logan, A. E. R. _ 679 — Logan, Miss D. G. _ 820 — Loggin, R. A. _ 6,264 — Lohr, Mrs. M. E. _____ 3,486 — Long, K. G . . 6,264 641 Long, Miss L. L . . 591 — Looije, J. _ _ 4,869 13 Lough, F. - 1,259 — Lougheed, N. G. M. _ 8,050 661 Love, G. F. _ 2,905 — Love, G. W. _ _ 6,870 39 Loveless, E. A. _ 9,560 391 Loveless, P. R. _ 6,504 — Lovset, A. B. _ 5,580 4 Lowdon, Miss R. J. _ 4,228 — Lowe, E. _ 6,504 — Lowe, Mrs. M. N. _ 616 — Lowe, Mrs. R. E. _ 4,608 — Lowley, T. P. _ _ _ 5,394 • — Lowrie, Mrs. M. _______ 4,440 — Luckhart, I. _ 2,787 12 Lukey, E _ _ 6,942 — Lukinuk, Miss S. L. _ _ 2,405 — Lundy, Miss C. M. _ 3,340 — Lunn, D. J. _ 18,500 2,022 Luoma, P. P. _ _ _ 1,504 — Lupul, E. _ 7,008 51 Luscombe, Miss D. E. _ 1,147 — Lusk, R. T. _ 7,422 627 Luttmann, Mrs. L. A . . 395 — Lutz, N. G. . _ 8,100 — Lynch, R. O. _ 6,624 245 Lynde, Mrs. V. _ 158 — Lynes, B. D. _ 3,349 — Lyons, F. E _ _ 2,956 — Mabbett, G _ _ 9,540 191 MacArtney, M. _ 300 — MacCubbin, H. G. _ 7,314 — MacDonald, A. P. _ 7,284 7 MacDonald, A. W. _ 1,606 — MacDonald, D. M. _ 18,500 3,833 MacDonald, Mrs. F. V._ 6,319 — MacDonald, Mrs. G. . _ 888 — MacDonald, H. _ 5.590 — MacDonald, H. _ 7,284 40 MacDonald, J. _ 5,580 — MacDonald, J. A. _ 1,978 — MacDonald, Mrs. M. _ 5,274 2 MacDonald, Miss M. D. 5,565 — MacDonald, P. _ 5,376 14 MacDonald, W. J. - 4,745 — MacDougall, H. . . 6,826 — MacFarlane, Miss L. C. . 535 — MacFarlane, Mrs. O. D._ 6,504 — MacGillivray, Mrs. C. A. 255 — MacGillivray, L. G. - 3,320 — PylacGillivray, R. A. - 5,330 — MacGregor, A. C. - 5,615 — MacGregor, G. A. - 5,014 — Maclnnis, L. A. - 5,742 — Macintosh, I. F. - 250 — Macintosh, R. H. - 2,475 442 MacIntyre, G. D . . Salary $ 5,115 Travel $ MacIntyre, J. A. _ 2,070 232 MacKay, A. ... _ _ 3,548 161 MacKenzie, A. S. _ 6,504 — MacKenzie, Mrs. B. I. _ 4,440 — MacKenzie, C. H. _ 1,415 — MacKenzie, D. S . . 1,344 — MacKenzie, Miss J. H. _ 3,303 — MacKenzie, Miss J. L. _ 3,454 — MacKenzie, K. J. _ _ _ 6,504 — MacKenzie, P. J. S. _ 3,228 — MacKie, G. L. _ _ _ 900 — MacKinnon, E. L. _ 6,508 — MacLean, C. A. J _ _ 3,237 — MacLean, M. A. . . . 6,630 — MacLeod, A. N. _ 404 — MacLeod, Mrs. I. M. _ 5,004 — MacLeod, J. _ 9,000 6 MacLeod, J. E. P. _ 3,943 536 MacLeod, Miss S. K. _ 2,679 — MacLeod, W. _ .. 2,100 — MacMillan, J. L. _ .. 5,590 — MacMillan, K. J. _ 1,057 — MacNutt, Mrs. G. M. _ 4,980 — MacRae, A. H. _ 7,920 — MacWilliams, W. C. . . 3,228 — Macht, Miss J. K. . _ 164 — Macht, L. W. A. _ . 5,385 — Madden, T. O . . . . 7,422 38 Madeley, F. St. John _ 10,860 277 Magnus, Mrs. R. A. _ 314 — Maguire, R. E. _ _ 8,460 164 Maher, Miss A. K . 3,450 — Mahon, W. B _ _ 6,504 — Maier, Mrs. K. F. _ 1,878 — Main, Mrs. D. L. _ 4,128 — Main, G. C. . . . 1,471 — Major, M. E. _ 3,546 — Makison, R. H. _ 3,392 — Makowsky, M. _ 7,417 28 Malcolm, W. _ 4,828 — Malenfant, Miss P. E. _ 585 — Malerby, Mrs. J. K. _ 3,420 — Malin, N. H. - - - 5,538 — Mamchur, F. T _ _ 2,100 42 Mang, R. H. _ 2,219 — Manion. M. L. _ 6,024 — Mann, E. M. _ _ _ _ 6,384 — Mann, G. P. _ _ _ 5,376 — Manning, D. C. _ 5,688 — Manser, T. J. _ - - 4,238 — Manson, Miss M. G. . . 2,651 — Mantle, J. N - - - 247 — Marchment, D. R. - 7,152 — Marion, Mrs. A. _ 5,376 — Mark, Mrs. M. M. _ 2,392 — Markel, Miss B. J. _ 4,575 — Markham, J. C _ _ 5,274 17 Marklinger, Mrs. D. L _ 3,354 — Marriott, E. A. _ 1,082 — Marsden, L. A. _ 3,172 16 Marshall, G. W. K . 5,796 Marshall, J. . _ 3.943 — Marshall, R. F. _ 17,500 103 Marshall, W. C _ _ 862 16 Marston, R. E - - 6.144 234 Martin, Miss C. I - - 6.264 37 Martin, C. W. _ 3,282 — Martin, J. _ 8,860 557 Martin, J. C. - - 4,634 — Martin, Miss L. C . — 3,300 — Martin, N. A. J. _ 6,508 15 Martin, W. G. _ _ _ 6,189 — Martinow, Mrs. L. _ 147 — Martyn, Miss K. G. _ 1,060 — Mason, J. A. _ 930 — Mason, J. H. _ 6,504 — Mason, T. E. _ 5.172 — Massev, A _ _ 6,055 — Massey, M. - 8.310 95 Masters, Mrs. E. E . . 3.552 — Masur, C. H. _ 740 — Matheson, M. _ _ _ 1,200 139 Matheson, M. A. . . . 14.520 585 Mathieson, J. D. 6.762 235 Matterson, W. R. K. _ 6.723 — Matthews. D. _ _ 1.826 — Matthews, R. A. _ 5,796 — Matz, H. F. H. _ 5,547 105 Mauch, Miss L. L. - 510 — Mavis, J. G. _ 5,422 — Maxwell, M. E. C. - 7,980 5 Maxwell, T. - 4,884 — 56 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Mayadas, D. R. _ 5,490 — May bee. Miss B. E. _ 9,540 23 Mayer, R. W. ..... 5,376 — Mayo, J. V. _ 4,206 — Mazepa, W. __ _ . . - 6,666 5 McAdam, D. K . . . ~ 18,500 3,850 McAllister, R. E. - 5,796 — McAllister, R. V. 10,380 125 McAlpine, Mrs. S. _ 113 — McAra, I. B. _ 2,931 33 McAskill, N. J. _ 7,020 — McCabe, E. H. - 2,277 — McCall, R. J. _ 5,322 — McCargar, V. L. - 5.598 2,784 McCarthy, L. H. 5,623 — McCartney, E. J. L. 6,384 — McConachie, J. ~ _ 8,010 23 McConnell, K. _ 2,120 120 McCormick, Miss C. J. - 1,819 — McCowan, Mrs. J. M. — 7,560 — McCranor, Mrs. E . . 301 — McCuish, N. A. — 7,284 16 McCulloch, G. T . . 10,860 962 McCulloch, N. W. J. - 7,152 330 McCulloch, Mrs. V. E. — 213 — McDiarmid, M. E. _ 7,500 — McDiarmid, N. A. - 17,400 1,009 McDonald, F. E. _ 5,438 342 McDonald, F. W. _ 8,160 — McDonald, G. C. E. - 2,088 — McDonald, H. A. - 900 — McDonald, J. R. _ 6,068 219 McDonald, L. M. K. - 5,410 — McDonald, Miss M. F. L. 5,580 — McDonald, R. W. 9,540 12 McDonell, P. J. _ 5.798 — McDougall, J. B. _ _ 5,806 — McDowell, Mrs. M. G. _ 4,128 — McEnaney, Miss M. D. _ 5,076 — McEwen, B. H. _ 4,238 — McEwen, H. A. _ 9,060 — McFadzean, J. _ 6,756 796 McFarlan, C. E. _ 5,172 399 McFarland, M. E. _ 5,220 — McFarlane, Mrs. C. M. _ 3,684 _ McFarlane, Miss H. J. _ 1.272 — McGillivary, A. _ 8,460 — McGillivray, Miss D. _ 288 — McGillivray, H. R. _ 9,540 — McGillivray, L. E. _ 6,269 323 McGinn, J. H. . . . 7,284 10 McGladrey, C. J. _ 3,942 — McGougan, E. H. B. _ 9,540 154 McGowan, K. I. _ 1,936 _ McGowan, Mrs. M. E. _ 615 _ McGregor, Mrs. D. G. _ 4,440 _ McGregor, Mrs. M. P. _ 5,098 _ McGuckin, P. B _ _ 1,344 McGuire, T. E. . _ . 167 _ McHale, J. M _ _ 9,540 _ McHallam, R. H. D. .... 3,319 _ McIntosh, Mrs. C. J. _ 4,794 - McIntosh, J. P. _ _ 4,231 _ McIntyre, J. B. _ 5,598 _ Mclsaac, L. W. 5,580 _ McKay, J. S. .... .. . . 5,799 _ McKay, M. J. _ 4,024 _ McKay, Mrs. S. J. _ 5,376 r McKay, W. J. _ 9,750 _ McKellar, D. G. _ 6,264 713 McKellar, E. _ . __ 6,030 58 McKellar, R. G. _ 10,980 626 McKenzie, K. _ 735 McKenzie, N. W. _ 6,213 . McKimmie, H. M. _ 6,144 16 McKnight, Mrs. C. A. _ 5,026 38 McLaren, R. C . . 5,473 McLaughlin, R. E. _ 5,910 _ McLaughlin, S. G. ~ 6,548 _ McLean, B. E. _ 9,873 59 McLean, Miss C. _ .. 4,788 McLeish, N. E. _ 9,360 400 McLellan, I. _ _ _ 6,548 McLeod, D. A. . . . 5,796 - McLeod, D. M _ _ 5,376 _ McLeod, J. D _ _ 5,802 4. McLeod, R. J. _ _ 5,522 50 McLorie, I. _ 900 — McManus, W. K. - 6,264 50 McMillan, Miss D. _ 2.449 — McMillan, J. A. - 5,376 — McMillan, L. R. J. _ 5,376 — McMillan, Mrs. R. L. _ 4,980 2 McMullan, Mrs. E. M. _ 5,274 23 Salary Travel $ $ McMullen, J. H. . . 7,860 870 McMyn, M. D. .. .. 6,384 — McNab, K. H. _ 7,353 1 McNabb, J. M. _ 5,478 — McNaughton, A. _ 5,671 16 McNeill, D. F. _ _ 18,500 2,421 McNeill, Miss G. M. _ 6,641 — McNicol, Miss D. M. _ 3,390 — McPeake, J. G. _ 1,402 — McPeek, Mrs. H. _ 4,440 — McPherson, G. D. _ 1,297 _ McPherson, Miss M. R. _ 257 — McQuarrie, A. R. . . 5,398 — McQuat, Mrs. H. I. M. __ 303 — McQuillan, D. A . . .. 1,160 — McRae, B. A. _ 272 — McRoberts, C. Ft. B. _ 6,504 — McRoberts, W. J. _ 3,942 419 McSkimming, Mrs. A. M. 72 — McTaggart, Mrs. S. J. _ 3,291 — Meadley, Mrs. B. M. _ 3,420 — Meeres, D. _ _ 6,384 — Meester, H. J. . . 5,478 9 Meier, R. _ _ 6,630 — Melder, W. D. L. _ 8,640 Ill Melnichuk, Mrs. A. R. .... 4,446 — Mercer, G. W. L. _ 6,766 — Mercer, O. H. _ 2,682 — Meredith-Jones, Miss L. E. , 3,587 — Merkley, T. H. _ 6,504 — Merlo, K. M. Mrs. .. _ 825 — Merrall, E. A. _ 6,504 — Merrett, Mrs. W. P. _ 2,158 — Merritt, R. H. A. _ 6,516 — Merwin, Miss C. _ 788 — Messenger, A. .... _ _ 7,474 — Messier, R. E. J. _ 5,580 — Metcalfe, W. J. _ 5,796 — Metro, Miss M. _ 5,717 — Meurs, Miss J. M. _ 2,265 — Meyer, Mrs. F. _ 2,106 — Michelson, Mrs. R. . . . 602 — Micklethwaite, G. W. _ 2,464 _ Middlehurst, G. _ 6,888 76 Middleton, P. W. _ 6,036 _ Midglev, H. H. _ 10,170 466 Miles, Miss L. M. _ 1,785 — Millar, A. M. . . . . 5,580 _ Millar, Miss C. M. _ 327 — Millar, W. C. _ 8,460 71 Miller, A. G. ...... _ 6,264 529 Miller, A. M. _ 6,538 _ Miller, Mrs. B. M. _ 2,839 — Miller, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,759 _ Miller, D. W. _ 3,923 — Miller, E. K. _ 2,155 — Miller, E. V. _ 789 _ Miller, G. D. _ 5,376 _ Miller, G. T. _ 3,017 33 Miller, H. _ 5,484 _ Miller, Miss I. R. . . . 5,778 — Miller, J. D. _ _ _ 3,292 _ Miller, K. _ _ 6,504 — Miller, R. G. _ _ 5,580 _ Miller, W. A. _ 5,376 212 Miller, W. H. _ 7,404 _ Millham, Mrs. D. M. _ 978 _ Mills, Miss S. D. _ . 60 _ Mills, Miss P. L. _ 2,915 _ Mills, T. G _ _ 6,024 43 Milne, Miss M. L. _ 1,184 _ Milne, R. . . . 5,378 _ Mintie, Mrs. D. M. .... . 775 _ Mish. VV. _ _ 5,796 52 Mitchell, Miss E. R. _ 2,683 _ Mitchell, J. H . . . 5,100 46 Miitchell, Mrs. L. M. . 3,478 Mitchell, Mrs. P. I. _ 4,128 . _ Mittelsteadt, C. C. _ . 4,800 1,840 Mityok, Z. .. .. .. . .. 1,585 Moerman, Mrs. J. M . 5,172 18 Moffat, G. R. _ ... 7,422 11 Moffat, George _ 2,674 Moffatt, Mrs. M. K. _ 5,261 _ Moir, J. _ 5,376 _ Mondry, P. C. _ 6,076 63 Monk, Miss E. W. . _ 3,300 — Monk, Miss P. A. _ 955 — Monkman, T. E . . 8,400 — Moodie, C. S. _ 7,020 72 Mooney, R. F. _ 6,630 1,005 Moore, E. A. ..... _ 6,630 — Moore, E. R. _ 5,385 — Moore, H. G. - 1,192 — Salary $ Moore, Miss J. I. _ 1,749 Moore, M. V. _ 6,264 Moore, P. W. _ 4,788 Moore, R. _ 1,571 Moore, W _ _ _ 6,504 Moore, W. F. _ 6,264 Moore, W. S. _ 5,796 Moraes, R. E. _ 505 Morahan, B. J. B. _ 13,440 Moreland, Miss L. K. _ 3,142 Morgan, D. C. _ 2,091 Morgan, Miss D. J. _ 2,435 Morgan, G. _ 5,967 Morgan, L. _ 2,070 Morley, C. E. _ _ 7,152 Morley, D. W. R. _ 5,076 Morphett, Mrs. M. M. 2,394 Morphy, Mrs. D. B. _ 4,111 Morrison, J. K. _ 6,431 Morrison, L. A. F. _ __ _ 1,311 Morrison, Mrs. V. P. _ 2,155 Morton, Mrs. B. M. _ 3,777 Morton, G. A . . 6,569 Morven, Miss S. V. _ 3,148 Mosey, R. _ . 4,980 Mossey, J. E. _ 167 Mossman, Miss E. B. _ 6,024 Mould, M. G. _ 4.128 Mounsey, S. C. _ 6,198 Moutray, Miss C. S. _ 3,000 Moxley, C. L. _ 600 Muir, I. M. _ 5,365 Mulligan, W. H. _ 13,980 Mumford, D. L. _ 5,563 Mumford, G. G. _ . _ 4,458 Munch, G. R. _ 11,130 Mundie, Mrs. C. I. A. _ 2,882 Munn, P. J. _ . 4,980 Munns, C. A. _ 8,574 Munro, Mrs. A. J. _ . 1,907 Munro, Mrs. M. F. _ 2,746 Munro, R. S. _ 1,500 Murdoch, B. M. _ 5,404 Murdoch, Mrs. G. E. _ ._ 4,194 Murdoch, I. W. _ _ _ 5,236 Murgatroyd, M. K. _ 5,274 Murphy, E. _ 2,400 Murphy, F. J . . 6,204 Murphy, K. W. _ 146 Murphy, R. A. _ 600 Murphy, R. E . . 5,580 Murray, Miss D. F. _ . 3,320 Murray, D. J. _ 900 Murray, Mrs. G. S. _ 4,050 Murray, Mrs. M. L. __ _ 6,088 Murray, Miss S. A. _ 5,178 Musgrave, A. P. - 3,788 Muskett, R. W. _ . 4,035 Muss, K. F. _ 4,241 Muzzin, Miss B. M. F. _ 5,345 Nagel, R. A. - 1,257 Napier, Mrs. K. A. _ 5,172 Nash, Miss L. D. _ 2,306 Nash, Miss T. M. _ 1,275 Neale, J. R. _ _ . 5,380 Negrin, R. G. _ 5,292 Neilson, A. J. _ 2,149 Nelson, D. E. _ . _ 430 Nelson, J. I. _ 6,264 Nelson, L. W. _ 6,024 Nelson, R. A. _ 4,051 Nelson, S. M. _ 5,376 Nelson, Mrs. V. E. _ . 914 Neudorf, J. _ 5,478 Neufeld, A. E. _ _ _ 7,020 Neufeld, F. _ 5,172 Neukomm, P. FI. _ _ 636 Neumann, F. W. _ 8,820 New, E. R. _ 7,284 Newall, P. J. _ 5,127 Newall, R. J. _ 5,172 Newbury, Mrs. F. M. _ 5,796 Newman, E. G. _ _ 600 Newman, G. E . . 5,376 Newman, P. A. _ 5,274 Newsome, Mrs. E. E. _ 4,284 Newstead, Miss B. J. _ 1,597 Newstead, T _ _ 5,398 Newton, J _ _ 3,907 Nicholaisen, L. C. M. _ 6,504 Nicholls, D. R . . 3,200 Nicholls, R. _ 5,076 Nicholls, Mrs. S. J. _ 2,037 Nicholson, D. M. _ 1,200 Trav $ IS 1 24 1,31 3 84 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 57 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary Travel $ $ :holson, J. W. - 5,580 — :holson, W. J. R. - 6,504 — :kason, G. A. - 3,116 33 :kel, S. G. _ 5,478 — :klas, D. E. _ 5,394 — :lsen, P. _ _ 8,580 19 :lsen, Mrs. S. - 536 — :lson, G. . - . — 6,504 — higuchi, K. K. _ 8,280 221 ^en, Mrs. D. M. _ 4,050 — ton, B. _ — - - 11,880 5,131 akes, H. S. - — - 600 221 el, E. E. . .. .... _ 795 — rdby, K. G. — 7,894 — rman, R. D . . . . 5,816 15 rrington, C. J. 2,400 — rris, Miss P. S. - 450 — rton, J. R. _ 7,284 — rton, Mrs. T. G. - 2,799 — tley, H. G . . _ 6,504 — urs, J. .. . _ _ _ 178 — vak, F. J. - 5,512 — nn, D. _ _ _ 6.024 — nn, G. A. — 5,819 — ren, J. H. _ 1,901 — strom, Miss G. P. 1,017 — lyrne, H. J. _ _ _ 642 — 'allaghan, M. J, _ 1,792 — lara, R. L. _ 3,943 245 ^oughlin, A. E. _ 2,604 — 'Teill, Miss E. A . .._ 1,126 — tiordan, D. J. 3,546 — tourke, Mrs. W. M. .. 2,225 — ces, L. L. _ _ 6,710 3 erle, N. M. _ 7,330 — yrne, F. D. _ 4,906 — ian, L. R. ..._ . — 5,376 37 >rsagd, P. M. - 1,324 — bowski, S. _ 7,284 — :efe, A. D . . 6,563 — ino. Miss A. _ . . 2,588 — field, Mrs. L. E. _ 5,457 — lham, F. B. . . . 4,362 25 nder, V. V. _ 1,806 — en, V. W. . _ 5,478 — on, C. A. _ 5,478 — on, Mrs. T. E. - 5,796 — son, Mrs. Y. A. F. _ 3,508 — ufreychuk, J. J. _ 5,910 — co, J. M . . . 6,264 265 :hard, R F _ 2,339 — aw, R. D. _ 5,277 — , J. C. - . 5,671 — , Mrs. T. M. J. L. . . 4,284 — ick, Mrs. E. A . 3,972 — on, Mrs. H. L. _ 2,142 — >orne, R. C. _ _ . 6,888 52 ler, W. L. _ 1,000 64 rosser, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,050 — enbreit, J. M. 4,619 14 met, Mrs. S. F. _ 3,756 — ton, Miss R. G. . . 3,756 — tharick, Miss D. A . 3,389 — en, Miss C. M. K. _ 1,361 — en, C. W. . . . 5,688 — en, Mrs. D. M. _ 355 — en, T. _ _ 1,907 — ;e, Mrs. D. E. _ 688 — e, G. A. _ _ _ 5,416 — :e, S. H. _ _ 5,563 210 et, L. .1. _ 1,596 — nter, R. . . . ... 2,565 115 amar, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,728 — freyman, Mrs. M. M. 7,020 55 itti, V. H. _ _ _ 17,500 — Imann, L. J. J . . 494 — mer, A. W. .... _ 4,206 — mer, G. E . . 6,280 — vesky, R. _ 6,265 — co, J. M. . . . 2,898 — kew, Miss O. _ 7,284 — enteau, J. G. C. _ 5,376 — ker, F. J . . 5,478 — ker, H. E. _ 4,140 — ker, Miss H. P. . . 3,228 — ker, J. 1 . 4,734 — ker, W. _ _ 5,580 — kes, Miss J. E _ _ 2,517 — ks, J. _ — .. 6,756 — rett, K. D _ _ _ _ 3,266 — ry, A. - - 7,860 1,454 ry, G. M . . 2,069 — sons, Mrs. D. _ 4,788 — sons, G. E. . . . 4,621 — Partridge, R. T. W. _ Passey, Mrs. I. L. _ Pasta, Miss M. A. _ Paterson, Mrs. A. _ Paton, J. W. _ Patterson, Miss D. G. _ Patterson, F . . . . Paul, Miss G. C. _ Paul, H. _ Paver, Miss J. E. _ Paxton, B. A. _ Payne, C. W. J. _ . _ Payne, H. D. _ . . Peacock, Miss C. M. _ Peacock, Mrs. M. L. _ Pearce, D. C. _ Pearson, A. L. _ Pearson, D. T. _ Pearson, F. _ Pearson, K. G. _ _ Pearson, M. A. _ Pearson, R. G. _ Pedersen, Miss C. C. ___ Pederson, E. M. _______ Peek, A. H. _ Peeke-Vout, Mrs. D. M. Peiler, M. F. _ _ _ Pelan, Miss P. I. _ . _ _ Pelles, E. H. _ Penman, T. D _ _ Penn, N. P. _ Pennanen, V. E. E. _ _ Penner, J. _ Penney, A. E. _ Pennock, C. S. _ Pentland, R. H. _ _ Perina, K. _ _ _ __ _ Periton, R. D. _ Perkin, R. J. _ Perkins, Mrs. H. M. _ Perkins, Mrs. R. _ Perrett, L. W. _ Perri, B _ _ Perry, M. E. _ _ Perry, M. J. J. _ _ Peters, F. C. _ Peters, T. H. _ Peters, W. E . . Peterson, Mrs. M. H. _ Petrica, J. _ Petruic, Miss T. B. _ Petschl, Mrs. H. J. _ Pettet, P. M. _ Pettifer, Mrs. P. M. _ Pfeifer, R. L. _ _ Pfiefer, D. B. _ Philip, R. M. _ Phillips, J. F. _ Phillips, Miss M. A. _ Phillips, R. G. _ _ Phillips, R. M. _ Phillips, V. D. _ _ _ Phillips, W. K. F. _ Phillips, Miss W. P. J. — Philp, J. F. _ . Philpott, W. E. _ _ _ Phipps, M. T. _ Pickell, Miss J. M. _ Pickering, P. _ Pickett, L. _ . _ Pickton, T. E. _ Picul, N. _ Pierce, E. M. _ Pilcher, W. C. _ _ Pinch, T. _ Pinch, T. A. J. _ Pinchin, H. K. _ Pine, Mrs. S. M. _ Pinkerton, Miss J. A. _ Pinney, B. G. _ Piper, F. D. _ Piper, H. E. _ Piper, R. L. ._ _ Pippolo, E. F. _ Pitts, H. C. _ Platt, G. L. - - Plummer, A. F. _ Pohl, N. W. _ Poirier, D. L. _ Poison, R. _ — _ _ Ponti, J. _ Poole, A. H. - Poole, R. A. - Poole, W. N. - Salary Travel Salary Travel $ $ $ $ 5,171 — Pope, G. F. _ _ 3,962 — 8,460 — Popple, D. _ 275 — 3,141 — Porter, D. _ _ 5,376 — 1,204 — Porter, Miss F. S. 5,796 — 3,943 — Porter, Mrs. J. M. P. _ 4,884 — 3,941 — Porter, M. O. _ 2,114 — 3,330 58 Porter, Mrs. V. E. _ 412 — 3,900 — Potdor, R. . 5,478 — 6,024 — Potosky, D. J. _ 7,152 — 592 — Potts, D. C. ... ... 5,274 — 1,865 — Potts, K. B. _ 6,510 — 8,160 — Poturnak, A. W. _ 4,458 — 6,231 — Potvin, Miss H. D. _ 912 — 3,349 — Poulos, G. J. _ 7,500 706 5,495 — Pound, J. _ _ _ 5,274 16 6,888 846 Powell, T. E. _ _ 6,264 70 18,720 167 Powers, Mrs. A _ _ 5,376 — 4,128 — Prasad, N. _ . ... .. 2,155 — 7,020 180 Pratt, Miss M. J. _ 3,211 — 6,756 — Pratt, R. M. _ . .... 7,152 39 3,937 — Preddice, K. H. _ 7,284 2 6,504 — Prentice, Miss G. J. _ 1,060 — 759 — Prentice, J. F. W. _ 1,506 — 5,278 14 Prentice, P. H. _ 3,001 — 7,710 — Prette, B. M. _ _ _ 6,504 — 3,377 — Price, A. H. _ 8,160 4 1,200 304 Price, G. M. _ 6,577 145 1,425 — Price, Mrs. L. M. _ 3,244 — 5,419 — Prince, F. A. _ 5,418 14 1,432 — Prior, T. D. J. ..... 9,120 — 5,376 — Prokop, W. S. _ . - 5,376 — 4,764 16 Prokosch, E. 7,200 — 6,504 — Proudfoot, J. _ 9,540 22 3,891 — Pruneau, Miss M. L. R. _ 4,331 — 7,891 13 Pulay, M. _ .. _ 2,080 — 7,560 — Pullen, J. H . . 5,986 — 4,827 — Purdon, E. A. 6,024 _ 1.200 — Purdy, P. F. .. .. .. . 5.376 _ 5,591 — Purgavie, R. ~ 6,269 628 10,620 47 Purser, Miss H. A. _ 5,580 — 8.460 61 Purvis, R. A. _ 7,284 — 7,181 17 Putnam, Mrs. G. M. _ 4,656 — 2,915 — - Putrus, Mrs. K. M. P. _ 6,630 172 5,580 52 Quigley, J. - 4,575 615 3,235 — Quinn, B. M. _ 5,376 — 900 — Quissy, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,050 — 5,345 153 Quissy, L. P. _ ... 7,300 — 6,024 59 Quon, Miss S. _ 206 — 3,684 — Radbourne, Miss L. E. .. 3,866 — 7,020 — Raddysh, M. _ _ _ 7,284 — 3,120 — Radul, G. _ _ . . 6,504 — 5,145 — Rafuse, A. W 3,646 16 7,710 — Rafuse, B. F. . . 7,076 218 991 _ Rail, Mrs. M. D. R. ._ 5,376 42 787 — Ralph, G. J. _ _ .... 3,268 — 5,815 — Ramage, D H. _ 6,504 211 7,710 1,595 Ramage, S. A. _ 6,756 — 6,053 1,013 Rand. Mrs. P. A _ _ 175 — 3,509 — Rankin, F. E. . . 6,521 27 7.320 16 Rankin, J. K . . . 5,019 16 7,320 — Rankine, D. A. _ 8,460 35 6,630 77 Ranson, Miss H. M. _ 693 _ 2,815 46 Rapin, R. A _ _ 234 _ 510 — Ratcliffe, D. A. _ 7,301 _ 6,624 — Rathwell, P. _ 3,756 1,050 _ Rau, W. F. _ 3,685 _ 5,478 733 Rausch, Miss M. _ 4,440 _ 3,300 — Raven, E. J. . . Rawlins, K. R. _ 7,830 _ 420 — 6,024 219 7,174 26 Raybould, Mrs. H. _ 1,475 — 4,827 — Rayner, B. E. _ 5,916 — 2,226 — Rayner, F. _ . .. . 2,070 378 9,960 224 Read. N. T. 5,690 2 8,160 . - Ready, Miss P. L. _ 3,477 — 6,155 — Reaney, Miss P. M. _ 2,581 — 2,795 — Rebneris, Mrs. V. J. 1,279 — 8,160 41 Redding, M. E. _ 295 — 4,284 — Redekopp, E. W. _ 5,496 — 3,420 — Redekopp, R. B. _ 6,264 — 7,260 — Reed, 11. W. _ 8,460 — 3.173 _ Reed, Miss J. M. _ 7,152 — 5,795 _ Reedman, D. R. N. _ 5,345 285 1,378 _ Reid, A. _ _ _ 5,376 25 6,024 _ Reid, E. _ 935 — 3,900 18 Reimer, A. J. _ 9,360 — 5,376 _ Reimer. G. _ ... . 6,714 — 8,820 2,061 Reith, L. G. _ 2,252 337 1,767 _ Rempel, J. .. _ .. . 6,418 15 4,533 13 Rendle, G. A. _ 1,109 — 4,884 _ Rennie, P. W. M. _ 5,326 16 100 _ Renwick, J. D. _ 6,504 5,796 — Repesse, A. L. _ 7,860 401 2,585 — Reynish, Mrs. C. R. _ 3,828 — 6,700 351 Reynolds, J. R. - 5.376 — 58 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Rhodes, Miss S. A. _ Salary $ 838 Travel $ Richards, G. A. J. _ 3,943 — Richards, J. L. 5,962 — Richards, M. W. _ .... 4,124 14 Richards, V, A, T. 6,756 2,017 _ Richards. Mrs. Y. A. _ — Richardson, A. E. _ 5,580 — Richardson, C. _ 2,749 — Richardson, K. M. _ 10,620 100 Richardson, M. D. _ 3,017 — Richardson, Miss M. J. _ 3,354 18 Richardson, M. T. . . 3,020 57 Richdale, J. R. _ 5,796 — Richmond. R. G. E. _ 19,380 435 Riddell, Miss P. S. - 2,295 — Ridgway, W. R. _ 7,284 — Ridley, R. I. C. _ 5,796 — Ridout, G. M. D. . . . 7,322 — Rigby, A. - 4,622 — Rinaldi, P. E. _ .. 275 — Ritchie, Mrs. C. S. _ 3,651 — Ritchie, D. . _ 25 _ Ritchie, L. D. 5,440 3,685 ___ Rittaler, Miss J. K . 12 Rivard, J. R. _ 5,376 — Rivard, R. A . . 5,376 — Robb, Miss W. I . _ 3,300 5 Robbins, Mrs. J. _ 855 — Robbins, Mrs. L. B. _ 801 — Roberts, A. C. G. - 6,024 — Roberts, A. W. _ 5,376 — Roberts, D. D. . . _.. 5,274 — Roberts, D. L. _ 6,810 — Roberts, J. _ .... 2,050 — Roberts, Mrs. M. K. _ 1,837 — Roberts, Miss M. L. _ 2,036 — Robertson, Miss L. A. _ 1,152 — Robertson, R. F. _ 1,701 — Robertson, Mrs. V. J. _ 3,907 — Robertson, W. W. M. _ 3,942 261 Robin, Miss A. M . . 4,440 — Robins, H. F. _ 1,500 — Robinson, B. G. 5,828 81 Robinson, D. A. _ 2,686 42 Robinson, D. V. _ 5,853 — Robinson, F. W. _ 167 — Robinson, J. G _ _ 5,376 — Robinson, J. L. _ 2,192 _ Robinson, S. D. _ 5,688 _ Robinson, T. J. _ 2,710 — Roblin, L. M. _ ..... .... 4,362 — Rocksborough Smith, S. .. 18,060 939 Roest, J. B. _ 5,344 32 Roger, Mrs. D. E. _ 3,900 — Roger, Mrs. W. H. _ 768 — Rogers, L. E. _ 7,140 — Rogers, Mrs. M. _ 5,796 _ ' Rogers, Miss N. J. _ 4.884 — Rogers, R. W. _ 5,796 — Roggeveen, Mrs. G. A. .. 174 — Rollins, H. L. _ _ 3,714 19 Rooney, W. J. _ _ 2,847 Roop, E. W. L. _ _ _ 6,504 7 Rosenblat, Miss F. M. _ . 5,172 _ Rosengren, C. . . .. 5,796 _ Ross, Miss A. I. _ . 5,580 _ Ross, D. A. _ 5,274 13 Ross, D. G. _ _ 5,703 _ Ross, Miss M. A. _ 3,888 _ Ross, P. J. . . . 5,376 8 Ross, Mrs. S. L. _ 3,900 _ Ross, Miss V. C . . . 5,796 _ Ross, W. E. . _ _ 8,540 37 Rosse, L. M. _ 5,232 Rossmo, M. R. _ 7,710 4 Roth, R. _ 7,020 3,900 44 Rothermel, Mrs. S. M. _ Rothwell, W. J. _ . .. 7,284 97 Routh, Miss P. J. . . . 4,284 Rowan, Miss E. N. _ 3,996 5 Rowe, Mrs. M. _ . .. 6,264 Rowe, W. D. _ _ 507 _ Rowett, R. F. . 50 _ Rowson, Mrs. A. _ 7,152 2 Roycroft, G. . 7,152 1,441 Royston, Mrs. A. E. _ _ Rudd, R. _ _ 6,264 582 Ruffell, W. D. _ 2,392 57 Ru liens, D. J . . 5,274 Rumsey, K . . . 6,504 33 Russell, Mrs. D. M. _ _ 4,028 — Russell, J. 5,318 4,128 Russell, Miss K. T. . _ _ Russell, Miss M. L. _ 1,854 — Salary Travel $ $ Rustulka, Mrs. E. S. _ 4,165 — Rutherford, Mrs. E. B. .. 1,856 — Rutherford, E. C. _ 2,596 — Rutherford, G. C. .... _ 5,076 5 Rutherford, J. A. _ 6,504 13 Rutherford, Mrs. L. E. _ 3,464 — Rutledge. Mrs. E. O. _ 5,665 29 Rutledge, R. G. .. ... . 8,460 37 Rutledge, T. D. _ 5,495 — Rutter, K. .... _ .... .. 5,346 33 Ryland, J . . ..... _ 6,600 22 Sabourin, J. V . . . . 10,860 103 Sacho, F. J. _ .. .. 5,450 46 Sacho, W. C. _ 9,540 Sadgrove, Miss S. B. _ 461 — Sadler, B. A. .... ..... 6,363 _ Sadler, C. R. _ 600 _ Saint, Mrs. D. J. _ 4,449 _ Sait, Mrs. L. _ _ _ 6,024 _ Sampson, J. H. ... 5,172 — Sampson, R. _ .... 600 — Samuels, V. M. _ 5,376 200 Sanders, Mrs. D _ _ 4,362 _ Sandulak, Mrs. S. D . 6,504 18 Sandwith, Miss J. M. _ 2,359 — Sandy, R. W. _ 6,300 41 Sangret, Mrs. C. G. . . 3,035 _ Sargent, S. W. _ 6,543 — Sarginson, Mrs. G. J . . 1.433 _ Sauer, A. L. _ .. . 5,172 1 Saul, L. G. . . . . . 3,600 37 Saunders, Miss D. M. _ 5,778 _ Saunders, F. G. _ 4,650 59 Saunders, W. P . 208 _ Sauter, D. G . 6,024 7 Sauve, G. A. _ 5,804 _ Savage, P. D. _ 5,796 _ Savory, B. W. _ 8,460 86 Scarfe, J. H. _ _ 9,900 _ Scarth, W. B. _ . .... 7,757 _ Schaap, A. C. _ 5,563 _ Schalk, F. W . 5,190 16 Schaub, Mrs. I. H. _ 122 Schellenberg, A. P. _ 2.586 _ Schellenberg, Miss K. L. 5,274 _ Scherck, L. L. _ 483 _ Schild. H. G. _ 6,504 _ Schleper, R. C. . 5,413 _ Schmidt, Mrs. C. R. 1,914 _ Schmidt, G. C. _ 2,129 _ Schmidt, W. E. ..... .. 7,560 77 Schmuland, Miss I. L. .... 4,206 Schoening, W. R. .... 2,880 _ Schooley, E. T. _ 9,180 155 Schroeder, G. B. 5.390 _ Schuetze, G. S. 600 . . Schulte, H. B. _ 5,376 _ _ Schultz, C. H . 5,994 _ Schultz, D. J. . ... 9,180 3 Scott, B. S. _ . 6,504 Scott, Miss, C. A. 5,344 73 Scott, E. B. _ 5,564 Scott, G. A. _ _ 5,634 _ Scott, Mrs. L. M. ... 5,076 _ Scott, Mrs. O. A. . . 3,068 6 Scott, R. K. . 6,756 Scott, W. _ 11,880 119 Scotton, Mrs. K. A. 3,819 23 Scovill, E. G. ... 5,666 Scudder, F. M. _ _ 5,796 _ Seaboyer. A. T. _ 5,563 11 Seddon, Miss A. E. _ 275 Selkirk, Mrs. J. . 4,728 _ Selkirk, R. E. _ 6,630 15 Semturis. Mrs. M. L. 3,518 366 Serdar, F . . . .... 5,332 Severn, C. L . 10,080 _ Sewell, A. G. _ 563 _ Seymour, G. A. _ _ _ 5,801 _ Shackles, R _ _ . 5,376 _ Share, M. _ _ 2,400 — Sharp, R. ... _ 5,504 — Sharpe, A. H. . . . 9,960 690 Sharpe, J. F . . . 5,546 — Sharun, W. H. . . 6,524 _ Shaver. R. F. _ _ _ 1,127 _ Shaw, B. T. J. _ _ _ 4,370 — Shaw, D. _ 6.504 — Shaw, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,284 — Shaw, Miss T. L. _ 3,978 — Shea, F. E . . . . 36 — Shearing, W. H. _ 5,440 — Shears, L. S _ _ 5,368 — Sheffield, R. R. _ 5,274 — Shelby, C. C. _ Shenton, J . . Shepherd, A. J. _ Shepherd, J. _ Sheppard, D. R. _ . _ Sherlock, J. C _ _ Sherman, Mrs. M. A. _ Sherstan, J. A . . Shield, Mrs. C. M . . Shields, B. A . . .... Shiels, E. W . . . . Shillaker, E. H. _ Shillington, G. S. _ Shiplee, P. V. _ Shrimpton, Mrs. J. W. _ Shupe, A. E. _ Sidwell, Miss C. A. _ Siemens, Miss M. R. L. _ Sievenpiper, P. B. _ Sigerson, Mrs. J. _ Simmonds, D. G. _ Simmons, K. A. H. _ Simoni, Miss R. Y. L. _ Simonsen, R . . Simpson, Mrs. D. B . __ Simpson, Mrs. F. L. _ Simpson, J. G . . Simpson, J. H. _ Simpson, L. F. E . Simpson, Mrs. N. O. _ Simpson, O. L _ _ Simpson, T _ _ Sims, E. G. _ Simson, R. C . . . . Sinclair, D. M. _ Sinden, W. A . . Singh, H . . Singh, Miss S. K . . Sirianni, R. P _ _ _ Sitar, A . . Sjogren, J. G. _ Skanes, D. G. _ _ _ _ Skelly, Mrs. D. L. _ Skelly, R. E . . Skelly, R. J _ _ _ _ Skillen, Mrs. J. M. _ Skilnick, Mrs. M . . . Sklapsky, Miss J. M. _ _ Skogstad, Mrs. J. E. _ _ Skriver, P. W. _ Skuce, D. T. L. _ _ _ Slater, Mrs. N. J. _ _ Slaven, Mrs. J. I . . . Slough, Miss E. E. _ Sluyter, W. _ Smail, J. A. _ Small, G. E. _ Small, R . . . . Small, W. J _ _ Smallacombe, L. G. _ Smallwood, W. T . . Smeaton, Miss B. L . . Smele, S. H. _ _ Smeltzer, H. L. _ Smeltzer, P. L _ _ Smiley, J. P . . Smiley, L. I _ _ Smiley, R. E _ _ Smith, A. . . . Smith, A. A. _ Smith, C. B . . . . Smith, D. G. _ _ _ Smith, Miss D. J. _ Smith, D. S. _ Smith, D. V. W. _ Smith, Miss E. B. _ Smith, E. E _ _ Smith, F . . Smith, F. A . . Smith, G. C . . Smith, G. L . . . Smith, G. M . . Smith, H. A . . . . Smith, H. W. _ Smith, J. B. C . . Smith, Miss J. J _ _ Smith, Mrs. J. L. _ Smith, Miss J. S. _ Smith, Miss K. E. _ Smith, K. G. _ Smith, Miss K. M. _ Smith, L . . Smith, M. A . . Salary Tra' $ $ 896 — 5,512 — 5,796 — 452 — 15,060 5 220 — 3,017 — 5.279 2,586 — 6,264 1 5,394 6,504 — 6,507 — 1,367 7,284 — 4.897 — 4,362 — 4,818 — 8,460 674 — 5,274 — 7,830 1: 1,653 — 5,691 618 — 3,486 — 5,796 — 9,540 — 3,864 — 1,986 — 4.544 3,035 4.227 — 11,265 3: 5,313 7.227 — 2,800 — 2,385 — 5,172 — 5,517 — 5,408 1 1,843 1,981 — 1,564 — 3,852 — 7,860 — 3,939 — 1,081 — 3.400 — 3,524 i 7,710 4,128 — 1,056 — 5,061 8,040 — 223 — 6,595 — 2.400 ( 3,361 — 8,310 2 : 2,758 — 3,354 — 3,600 — 6.504 — 1,632 — 1,780 — 1.022 — 1,591 — 15.060 If 1,577 — 1,102 — 6,756 — 1,071 — 683 — 5,384 — 6.024 — 5,376 — 1,800 — 532 — 6.504 — 8,460 3 5,404 — 7,284 2 6,588 — 5,796 — 4,128 — 5.470 — 2.280 — 1,847 — 780 4 3,354 — 992 — 5,478 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 59 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Salary Travel $ $ th, M. H. _ _ 13,980 3,370 ith, Mrs. M. J. . . . 5,684 — th, P. .. .... . . 431 — ith, R. R. ..... . . 8,010 — th. R. W. _ _ 5,796 21 th. S. J . . . . 3,209 7 th, Miss S. L. 2,425 — th, T. . . 7,284 11 ithson, R. G. _ 6,024 8 Dlinski, Mrs. M. J . . 2,233 — .th, A. T. . . . 9,210 269 Ah, C. . . 924 — Ah, Mrs. P. M. _ 245 — Ah, R. A. _ 6,538 — ddon, J. . . . 4,980 _ w, H. D. . . . 1,823 — chishin, E. J. _ 3,136 _ olewski, Miss M. A. _ 1,667 _ bn, P. A _ _ _ _ 7,008 51 and, C. N. _ 7,140 52 in. W. R. _ 7,284 — ters, Miss J. _ _ 1,731 — terton, A. W. . . . 5,388 — imerville, G. P. . 5,796 — neveldt, M. A . . . 5,691 _ ad. Miss S. M . . 4,050 — icott, Mrs. G. N. 3,394 — cowy, J. M. _ _ _ 6,756 — nd, F. G. . . . . 1,571 — thwell, Miss J . . 2,623 — lding, E. 1 . . 5,376 19 rkes, G. B. . 6.615 — ar, A. F. . . . . . 4,980 — cht, H. W. .. 5,376 — nee, Mrs. D. ..... 5,580 — nee, H. T. _ _ 6,144 — ncer, Mrs. A. _ 3,684 — ncer, Mrs. J. E . 3,900 — icer, W. R. _ _ _ 14,100 62 hn. Miss C. A. ... 2,040 — nner, R. R. .. ..... 5,446 429 ng, G. A . . 277 — ng, Mrs. S. D. M. .... 1,712 _ nkling, Miss L. M. 3,240 — )ut, W. H . . 8,040 — mg, C. - 100 — ire. K. W. _ 3,486 — Amand, G. A. .. 5,223 57 Amour. Miss L. 1,855 _ Denis, R. J. _ 4.212 _ hera, M. _ 5,754 1,093 !e. M. G. _ 8,820 35 feld, J. H . 7,152 t, W. I . 5,580 _ :, D. W. E. _ _ 990 — ord. D. _ 3,360 183 1. K. C. _ _ _ 5.418 15 iard, D. G. B. _ 6,024 — den, G. L _ _ _ 6,672 194 derwick, K. A. ... 2,494 — iscia, Miss B. A. 1.535 — sfeld, N. K. _ 6,264 — ton, E. S. _ 8.460 123 les, R. G. _ _ 7,337 42 ink, R. D . . 5,503 219 nyk, W. P. . . . 1,557 — icker. B. H _ _ 756 _ d, W. S. J. .._ . _ 6.181 — d. W. T. _ 7,284 — dman, W. A. _ 5,910 — ham, G. M. ..... 4,649 — 1, Mrs. A. J . . . 1,531 — n. R. C _ _ 2.620 — p. Miss B. A. . . 3,900 — r. Miss J. K. _ 551 — invk. T . D. . . 5,714 — gles, F. A _ _ 3.959 33 mart, F J. . . 7,560 — ihauer, R. _ _ 5,478 _ lhauser, G. W. _ 5,496 43 naschuk. W. J. _ 800 — hens, Mrs. B. _ 5,376 2 hens, C. G. K. 3,917 — hens, H. A. _ 8,160 28 hens, W. G. . . . . 5,296 13 henson, G. W. A. _ 5.496 — henson. Miss S. L. _ 988 — ms, A. G. . . . . 5,910 — ms, C. E. _ 1,326 — ms, Miss D. L . . 3,446 — :ns, H. V . . 5,796 241 :ns, J . . . . 7,284 40 ms, Miss K. N . . 3,184 — Stevenson, Mrs. A. L. . Salary 8,098 Travel $ 66 Stevenson, Miss E. V. . 1,957 101 Stevenson, Mrs. J. V. 985 _ Stevenson, K. 5,274 _ Stevenson, S. H. _ . 5,376 _ Stewart, A. H. 6,504 _ Stewart, G. A. .. .... . 8,160 _ Stewart, J. A. .... _ 4,980 _ Stewart, J. B _ _ 6,024 _ Stewart, J. D. 4,310 186 Stewart, Mrs. K. G. 932 _ Stewart, L. R. _ 5,962 _ Stewart, Mrs. M. I. E. 309 _ Stick, R. T. 2,400 24 Stirling, G. B. _ 6,046 1,370 Stim, J. F. _ Stocks, Mrs. B. J. .. 2,814 _ Stoddard, Mrs. L. E. _ 1,510 _ Stokes, D. V. _ 1,147 _ Stolarski, Miss H. E. .. 4,440 — Stone, A. G. _ 3,587 _ Stoneman, F. H. _ 8,160 _ Stoneman, S. R. _ 3.427 _ Stoner, L. J. 7,368 18 Stoner, R. L. . . . 465 _ Strand, G. M. .. 5,666 _ Strank, A. J. _ .. 1.264 _ Streeter, Mrs. E. B. _ 4,284 — Streeton, Miss G. P. .... 3,328 _ Strickland, Mrs. M. C. ... 4,028 _ Striha, J. . 6,756 _ Strocel. Mrs. M. L. _ 6,005 — Stromquist, I. C. _ 300 — Strong, B. B. _ 7,284 10 Stroud, F. M, _ 422 — Struk, J. T _ _ _ _..._ 5,688 174 Strutinski, W. _ 6.395 — Stuart, Mrs. F. B. 6,504 — Stuart, J. M. . . . 4.017 — Stubbs, Miss M. E. _ 5.796 — Sturch, D. H. _ 9,540 — Suderman, A. _ _ 3,802 — Summers, Miss E. M. _ 5.796 — Sutherland, G. R 17,500 — Sutherland, L. _ 6,264 15 Sutherland, W. D. . . . 10.860 — Sutton, D, W. . . . 1,505 — Sveinson, C. E. _ 5,478 — Swaan. Mrs. A. _ 5.495 16 Swannie, J. L. 7,284 — Swanson, Mrs. B. F. _ 4,814 — Swanson, D. R. _ 5,718 — Swanson, H. E. _ ... 5.478 3 Swarvchewski. Mrs. J. I. 1,788 — Sweeney, B. I. _ 5.910 218 Swenson, L. G. _ 2,372 — Swinford. D. J. _ 5,114 — Switzer. W. M. _ _ _ 6,504 — Svred. n V. _ 1,882 — Tabin, T. J. _ 8,460 — Taralson Mrs. E. R. _ 174 — Tasker, H. K. _ 600 — Tatarin. E. P. _ _ _ 4,943 14 Tate, B. _ 8.010 — Tate. H. 1! 4,980 — Tavernor. C B. . . 6.564 193 Tavlor, A. H . 8.160 1.293 Tavlor, F. W. _ _ _ 7,020 — Taylor, G. E. _ 5,281 14 Taylor, J. . . . 5,796 2 Tavlor, J . . . 6.566 — Tavlor, J. D. _ 5,801 219 Taylor, J. H. _ 875 50 Taylor, J. S. _ 3.482 — Tavlor, M. R. _ 6,024 19 Taylor, N D. _ _ 2,528 8 Taylor, R. E _ _ 6,504 — Tavlor. R. K. _ _ _ 7,507 — Teichcrab, J. _ _ 6,144 — Tc'ean. Mrs. M. R. . . 3,796 — Telford, Mrs. Y. J . 2.596 — Teljeur, Mrs. P. A. _ 4,928 — Tennant. Mrs. P. D. _ 903 — Terrell, T, E. W. 1,070 — Terry, G. E. . . . 2.450 — Terry, K. B. _ 5.796 — Terry, Mrs. L. M. . . 5,274 22 Thame, Mrs. J. M. L. .... 3.900 — Theobald, Mrs. S. D . 226 — Thicke. Miss D. P. 4,328 — Thiel, B M . . 1,935 — Thiel. M. J. _ 6,756 — Thimsen, P. J - - 7,860 37 Salary Travel $ $ Thistle, A. R. . . . 6,264 — Thomas, A. J. _ 5,274 45 Thomas, Miss B. L . . 3,248 — Thomas, J. C. . . . 2,920 — Thomas, R. N. . . 5,376 — Thomas, S. J. _ _ _ 5,417 — Thomas, W. A. _ _ _ 2.175 — Thompson, Mrs. A . . 1,431 — Thompson, G. A. H. _ 6,961 — Thompson, J. _ _ _ 2,315 — Thompson, Miss J. A. _ 795 — Thompson. J. P _ _ 6,504 — Thompson, Mrs. M. G. _ 2.793 — Thompson, T. ... _ 2,760 — Thomson, Miss B. V. _ 3,354 — Thomson, G. C . . 3,906 — Thomson. G. S _ _ . 5,376 23 Thomson, H. E. . . 5,376 — Thomson. Mrs. I. M. _ 3.552 — Thorell, Miss H. M. _ 1,832 — Thornicroft, J. H. 175 — Thomley, J _ _ 3,075 34 Thornton. Mrs. A. A . 1,740 — Thornton, J. J . — 6,150 — Thorson, Mrs. M. ..... .... 3,813 — Thorsteinson, F. C. _ 3.581 — Thorsteinson, K. D. _ 4,089 — Thorvaldson, S. A. _ 9,408 54 Thrower, A. J. _ 6,054 523 Thunstrom. A. A. _ 1,626 — Tidball, Miss M. E. _ 4,120 — Tidy, H. W _ _ _ _ 5,082 — Tilbury, L. N. _ 1,669 — Tippe, R. C. . - 5,671 2 Tivy, Miss B. B. _ 2,276 — Tkachuk, J. A . . 6,007 — Tobiasson, T. H. _ _ _ 8,460 — Tocher. V. G . . . . 9,540 — Todd, D. H _ _ 800 — Todd, P. O. . . 5,207 — Todd, R. D. _ 9.180 157 Toffey, Mrs. L. P. 5,244 — Tompkins, R A . . 6,900 — Tompkins, R. R. _ 5.274 — Toner. G. R. - - 6,504 17 Tootill. J. M. D . 11,385 344 Topp, F. J - - 27 — Tosh, G . . . 490 — Totten, F. H . 2,283 — Towheed, S. M. Q. - - 2,619 — Townrow, E. J. _ 5,580 — Townsend. Mrs. S. L . . 3,885 — Trainor, W. J. . . . . 301 — Travis, L. - - - 6,000 88 Tresidder, F. E. _ . . 5,376 — Tresidder, Miss L. S . 2,283 — Trethewey, C. D. - 1,200 163 Trigg, D. - 6,024 — Trigg, R . . 185 — Triplett. G. W. _ .. 5,274 — Tromblev. D. K. _ 5.187 — Trommel, A. - 1,012 — Trott, F. G - - - 7,284 — Trott, H. R. O _ _ 5,496 — Trott. Miss J. S. _ 3.292 — Trottier, E. J, L. - 6.204 — Trudel. A. T. . 8.388 — Trudgian, J. _ 5,910 — Trulsen, J. U. . . . 5,018 16 Trustham. R. R - - 5,172 16 Tucker. H. E . — 9.540 1,036 Turansky, Miss I. E . . 2.155 15 Turgoose, P. C. - 6,264 — Turner, A. C . . . . . 6.573 624 Turner, F. P . . 6.504 15 Turner, J. W. - 348 — Turner, R. T . _ . — 5,140 — Turner, W. A. _ 6.144 11 Tuttle, A. J . . . - 8,820 — Tuura, H. O - - 6,024 — Tveitane, L. M. - 5,376 — Twamley, Miss R. L . 1,127 — Tweedhope, D. N. _ 4,206 — Tyndall. D. H _ 129 — Tyson, T. ..... - - 6,384 — Uhl, Miss E. M. _ 4,102 — Ulch. C. H _ _ _ 6,064 — Uncles. R. S. T. . . . 6,787 — Underwood, Mrs. E. A,... 2,698 — Upton, A. G - - 5,916 4 Utz, N. E. _ _ _ 178 — Vaalburg, M _ _ 7,620 1 60 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Vague, Miss S. A . . Salary 3,360 5.376 Travel $ Webber, D. L. - . Salary $ 5,713 7,860 4,608 Vallet, W. E. _ ..... __ Webber, G . Van Beurden, Mrs. J. M 807 — Weber, Miss M. M. _ Van Campen, A. W. _ 8,430 35 Webster, Miss C. A. 1,477 Van f)e Pnttp, P C 5,389 4,788 15 Webster, C. T. _ 8,400 2,202 Van Tasal, Mrs. Lorea ... Webster, Miss L. D. _ Van Tassel, R. D. _ 5,730 7,422 14 _ Webster. Miss M. A. 3,756 2,121 819 Van Wijk, R. _ 256 Weddell, E. A. H. . . . Van Zandt, Miss S. L. _ Weicker, Miss C. M. .... .. Vanderklok, P. ._ _ 1,038 6,756 9 Weintz, J. _ 7,284 3,591 6,519 Vandusen. H. M. _ 1,060 11 Weir, R. W. . _ Vanswieten, G. P. L . . 5,504 Weiss, H. J _ _ _ Varcoe, D. E. . . . . 5,786 700 _ Welch, Miss C. . . 4,788 558 Varcoe, J. B. _ 231 Weldon. R. L. Varga, G. . . . . . 3,684 7,284 2.409 Wells. E. W. . 11,880 7,107 2,413 299 Varipati, L. _ _ _ 83 Wells, Mrs. S. _ Vaughan, Mrs. B. J. _ Wershler. W. M. ... Vautour, J. M. _ _ 3,165 — Wesley, Mrs. P. E. Vautour. Mrs. L. R. _ 2,837 533 _ Wessell. S. H. 5,496 6,504 Vavra, Mrs. D. L _ — Westcott, J. A. Vayda, J. . _ 6,630 5.910 33 Westin, K. S. W. 5,796 2,294 6,707 5,191 7,080 900 Verhegge, M. J. _ Wetherill, J. E. Vernon, P _ _ .... 6,264 5,808 4.884 300 . - Wetmore, C. L . Vincent, D _ _ . . _ Wharton, L. C. Vincent, J. A. _ .. _ Wheatley. H. P. Vine, A. W. C. _ ■ Wheeler, L. J. D. Vinen, J. S _ _ 5.274 _ Whitaker, Miss I. E. 6,141 775 Vinge. R. J. T . 7,602 262 White. B. F. R. . Voiels, B. J. .. _ .... .. 265 _ White, D. PI. .. 6,264 3,600 1,680 5,172 4,608 6,024 477 Vosper, D. T. _ 7,020 113 White, D. M. .... Wadeson, Mrs. S. M. ~ . 3,818 6.024 White, D. R. . Wagner, K. . . . _ White. Mrs. E. . Wainwright, G. . . .. 7.020 _ White. Mrs. J. A. . Waldron, J. E. _ 4,650 8,460 3,473 1,476 3,967 184 _ White, J. R. D. Walker, A. T. .... .... _ 788 White, Miss K. L. Walker, Mrs. C. E. _ White, R. D. _ . 637 Walker. C. I. _ _ White, R. J. . . 3,253 6,516 5,376 8,460 Walker, H. G. _ _ White, S. C. _ Walker, K. J. . . . White, W. B . . Walker, Miss L. A. H . 1.456 — Whitlock. R. G . . Walker, R. D. _ 12,900 768 Whitmore, Miss B. J. . 4,884 Walkinshaw, J. B. . _ 7,386 6,144 362 Whitmore, Mrs. E. E. .. 3,900 6.504 Wall, A. L. _ WhitteH. H. _ Wall, G. S. _ 1,394 - - Whitton, R. P. ..... _ _ 2,408 5.376 930 Wallace. Mrs. A. E. . . 4,980 2,421 _ Wick, R. H. L. _ Wallace, Miss M. R. . Wicks, Mrs. G. A. _ Wallace, R. B. _ 4.267 51 Wiebe. J. _ _ 10,860 1,485 Wallden, G. L. _ 7,320 61 Wiebe, R. B. _ Walling, O. J. _ 10,170 48 Wiebenger, G. C. . . 5,172 Wallman. E. J. _ _ _ 5,586 — Wiedeman. Mrs. M. B. 1 .239 Wallwork, Mrs. M. E _ 1,257 — Wiens. Mrs. C. E. .. 3,386 Walmslev, Miss P. _ 6,311 — Wigglesworth, Mrs. S. J. 5,580 Walsh, R. R. 441 54 Wight, D. _ 1,571 2.070 Walsh,' T. D. _ 4,759 Wigmore, F. J. _ Walsh, V. G. _ 5,290 — Wilander, N. V. H. 8'>6 Walton, C. D. ... _ 7,284 _ Wilcock. M. J. _ 5,376 487 Walton, Miss E. J. _ _ 6,384 — Wilde, W. B. _ Walton, K. D. J. 3,290 5,796 _ Wilding, S. _ 7.020 Walton, S. .. ... _ _ Witford, R. H. _ 1,767 2,120 Walton, Miss W. A. _ 2,409 — Wilgenhof. Mrs. M . Wamboldt, Mrs. W. A _ 490 _ Wilkes, Mrs. L. V . . 3,280 Warburton, H. C. 6,264 91 Wilkes, R. F. _ 6,504 2.070 Ward, Mrs. D. E. . 4,284 1.910 Wilkin, E. _ Ward. J. W . . . — Wilkinson, Mrs. C. M. C. 2,908 Ward, Miss M. A. _ 216 _ Wilkinson. E. _ 10,380 Ward, Mrs. P. A. _ 1,346 4,633 _ Wilkinson, J. A. _ 3,943 4.108 2.773 Wardill. S. H. _ _ Willcock. D. R. Wark. J. R _ _ 5.778 . Williams, D. P. ... Warkentin, A. . . . . . 7,020 _ Williams, Mrs. E. J. . 2,963 7.520 5.796 Warkentin. J. 5.796 _ Williams, E. M. Warneboldt, Mrs. G. D. . 5,076 — Williams, G. D. . . Warner, D. M. _ _ _ 4.524 6.756 _ Williams, Mrs. M. 290 Warner, S. PI. K. _ 88 Williams, M. K. . 2,879 Warnock. H. C. — _ 5,796 Williams, P. 18,500 Warren, J. G. . . 1,163 — Williams, Mrs. P. J . 4,980 Warwick. M. N. _ 5.863 _ Williams, T. A. 5.478 Waslen, R. . . . 5,996 — Williams, T. C. . . 2,070 Waterhouse, K. R. ... 6,384 228 Williams, W. A. _ _ 6,264 Waterhouse, Miss M. J... 3,900 — Williams, W. 11. . 2,400 Watkins, Mrs. J. _ 3.429 _ Widiamson, Mrs. 1. 5,224 3.972 Watkins, W. F. - 5,796 — Williamson. Mrs. J. L,.... Watson, G. _ _ _ _ 6,024 — Williamson, Miss K. C _ 5,172 Watson, G. T. _ 4,311 16 Williamson, Mrs. M. G.- 518 Watson, 11. W. - 10.450 115 Williamson. Miss M. J. 168 Watson, Miss J. K. _ 4,524 — Williamson, N. G. _ _ 6.024 Watson, Mrs. M. E. - 3,180 — Williston. Mrs. S. T. _ 427 Watt. G. . - _ _ 1 1 .400 23 Willoughby, D. W. _. ... 5,982 Watters, S. A. _ _ _ 2.586 _ 117 Waugh. J. R. _ 6.504 _ Wills R W A 5,274 600 Weavers. Mrs. S. A. - 3,234 _ Willson, E. S. Webb, J. F. . . . 650 _ Wilson B T 5,910 661 Webb, Mrs. K. J. - 130 — Wilson, C. P. .... _ Webb, M. W. . Webb, Miss T. M. - - 6.813 4,980 — Wilson, Mrs. D. M . . Wilson, Miss F. E. _ 5.048 4,980 Travel $ 29 272 29 396 187 799 193 294 15 3,127 27 168 16 284 16 173 713 32 475 196 24 Wilson, Mrs. H. A . Wilson, Mrs. H. M. _ Wilson, J. H. _ _ Wilson, J. L. _ Wilson, Miss M. F. _ Wilson, P. H _ _ Wilson, R. B. _ Wilson, W . . . . Winch, E. W _ _ Winder, V. F. _ ... _ Winkle, P. G. _ _ .. Winstanley, Mrs. M. M. Winter, W. B. _ Winters, C. L. _ Winton, Mrs. D. M. _ Wirsz, D. A. _ Wisenden, J. A. _ Witts, R. R. . _ Witwicki, A. N. _ _ Woelke, H. L . . Wolczuk, J . . Wong, Mrs. M. J . . Wong, Miss V. F. G. _ Wood, A. C. _ _ _ Wood, A. D. _ Wood, D. A. _ Wood, Miss E. A. _ Wood, Mrs. I. A . . Wood, J. E. .... _ Wood, Mrs. J. R. . . . Wood, Miss L. L. _ Wood, Mrs. M. G. _ Wood, Mrs. P. H. _ Wood, R. S. _ Wood, Miss S. C . . Wood, S. M. _ Woodbridge, H. S. _ Woodcock, Miss M. D _ Woodford, Miss N. J. __ Woodford, R. W _ _ Woodford, Miss S. M. _ Woods, Mrs. A. M. _ Woodward, G. N. _ Woodward, Mrs. J. I . Worsfold, A. H _ _ Worster, W. D. _ _ Wratten, Miss D. F. C _ Wright, A. E. _ Wright, C. A. _ Wright, F. R. _ Wright, Miss M. J. _ Wright, Miss P. J. _ Wrigley, Miss D. I. _ Wunderlich, W. J. _ Wyatt, Mrs. C. A . . Wyles, Mrs. E. .. _ Wynne, Miss F. E . . Wynne, Miss J. L . . Yard, Mrs. V. _ Yardley, Miss M. . . . Yarmoshuk, W. C . Yeadon, Mrs. N. W . . Yeo-West, C. W. _ Yeung, Mrs. M. _ York, Miss S. J. _ Yoshioka, F. _ Young, D. N . . Young, 1 . . Young, I. M. _ . . Young, N. R. _ _ Young, Mrs. P. M. _ Young, R. E. _ Yzerman, P. _ _ _ Zaharuk. S. D. - Zala, Mrs. L. Y. _ Zanichelli, P. J . . Zanon, S . Zarbrook, F. _ Zerener, G. E . . Zerr, D. P _ _ Zillwood. E. F . . . Zink, Miss E. K. _ Zomar, D. A. _ Zonni, Miss I. L. _ Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ — Salary Travi $ $ 4,206 — 590 — 9,180 900 3 2,358 — 5,580 — 8,460 25 8,460 2 8,407 1,35 6,504 — 210 — 6,024 4 344 — 4,174 — 6,144 10 7,040 — 625 — 764 — 1,938 — 4,871 — 5,496 4 1.348 — 1,867 — 1,421 — 300 25 7,284 — 4,980 — 3,242 — 5,602 — 4,246 — 484 — 4,524 — 479 — 900 — 3,247 — 1,661 — 3,716 16 4,996 — 1,725 — 147 — 3,684 — 4,770 — 1,800 — 3,756 — 5,962 — 1,838 — 4,362 — 7,369 — 2,700 — 8,225 — 4,608 — 1,530 — 6.888 11 7,860 3 1,475 — 3,480 — 4,980 — 227 — 5.796 — 3,972 — 6,024 — 7.284 — 6.144 — 6,917 — 2,885 — 4,128 — 3,319 — 6,024 — 6,269 49 8,850 1,77 4,128 — 5,266 1 5.274 801 — 1,212 — 6,762 11 2.726 — 7,020 1 5,163 1 5.495 — 6.192 4,980 — 2,772 — 1,128 — — 119,23 5,862 +1 14,549,670 324,15 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 61 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT Salary Travel $ ' $ iner, Hon. R. W., Min- ;ter (to May 26, 1968) paid as Attorney-Gen- •al) . - . — — 28 iter, Hon. F. X., Min- ter (from May 27, 168) (paid as Minister : Mines and Petroleum esources) _ _ — 141 'ering, A. J., Deputy [inister _ _ _ 20,000 2,501 m, Mrs. O. M. 5,172 — ison. J. F . . 6,264 52 rews, A. T. _ 6,264 131 ilewhaite, J. H. A . 6,024 — uckle, T. , _ 5,580 6,264 cibald, W. . . . 142 litage, M. I . _ 5,820 76 inson, C. E . . 4.824 — ken. N . . . . 5,700 — dnell, H. C . . . 5,796 138 juet, A. . . . . 5,796 21 , Mrs. D. M. . . . _ 2,149 — ard, J. .!. _ 6,744 406 se, E. G. .... _ _ ffard. J. E. D . 7,020 2,130 6,144 1.208 Jen. H. D . . . 5,820 108 ishaw, B. A. _ 5,796 — is. Mrs. D. M. _ 4,524 — >rd, H. F. _ 5,580 15 ler, R. D. _ 6,264 592 nichael. J. H. _ 10.380 — rchill, H. E. _ _ _ 6,264 94 . H. W _ _ _ 6,264 224 ard, R. C _ _ 6.504 747 ins, A. H. .... _ 5.700 28 per, W. E. .... .. _ 6,504 592 pland, K. G. _ _ 5,512 4,980 10 , Mrs. R . . . g, W. A. _ _ 6.024 225 lip, W. A . . . . 6,264 86 ier. A. F. _ 6,504 1,511 ovan, M. _ 6.384 192 <. J. 7.560 1.276 ird, E. L. N. . . . 5.580 Salary Travel S $ rson, Hon. L. R., Min- er (to May 26. 1968) 2.916 344 hers, Hon. D. L. Min¬ er (from May 27, 68) _ 14.584 3,343 y. G. N. Deputy Min- er ... _ _ _ _ 21.000 2,794 iorg, Mrs. D. A. _ 4,980 20 3tt, G. II . . . 12,128 — ott, H. D. _ _ 16.760 11 att-Smith, Mrs. D. _ 902 — irahman. N _ _ 10.092 — , P. 11.747 — ;v, Mrs. G. E. _ 3,130 — iham. F. W . . 836 — ns, H. F. R. _ 12.443 95 ns, Mrs. K. A. _ 3,360 — ns, Miss N. L . 1.114 — ns, W. S. _ _ 2.420 — nson. Miss A. F. . 5,796 587 , Miss V. _ _ _ 3.900 — is, F. S. ..... _ 5.474 — ms. Miss L. G. _ 4,440 — ms. Miss M. _ 9.210 913 mbrack. W. A. _ 5.580 — r. W. J. _ 9,398 — ander, Mrs. A. R. .... 1.228 — ander. C. G. . . . 8.930 — ander, K. F . . 15,960 1,502 ander. N. E . . 8,010 93 d, Mrs. D. G. _ 2,026 — l. E B. _ 9,478 — l. N. A .... . . . . . 17,227 — i, Mrs. N. L. _ 124 — . Mrs. K. B . 333 — gham, Mrs. M. L. .... 1.420 — 11, Mrs. B. G. . . . 458 — •rsen. S. B. J. _ 10.740 — rson, A . . . 1.957 — :rson, Mrs. C. B. _ 251 — :rson, G. C. _ 8.880 — :rson, G. E. _ 9,792 Engstrom, L. F. . . Salary 5,916 Travel $ 19 Ewan, D. 1. ..... . 6,504 211 Fiegal, H. _ 5,718 — Fines, R. K. _ 6,264 949 Foreman. H. R _ _ 1,170 — Garrett, R. J. ... _ _ 6,504 519 Good, K. J. _ _ _ 6,504 795 Gorkoff, Miss R. _ 3,556 — Greer, A. R . ._ 6,024 701 Harrington, M. J. _ 5,580 — Henry, T. R. . . 6,876 716 Herbert, W. K. _ 6,384 — Hewlett, J. H. _ 6,264 241 Hobbs, D. P. _ 6,384 5 Holloway, L. T. _ 5.820 — Huber, F. _ 6,264 145 Hudson, E. G. _ 5,631 523 Jarvis, H. G. _ 5.820 — Jensen. E. M. _ 6,264 897 Johnson. C. H. _ 5,700 — Kemple, J. C. _ _ 7,260 864 Kenworthv. J. L. _ 6,264 46 Kirkland, J. W. _ 10,380 1,177 Knoop, K. K. H. _ 6.024 — La Roy, M. S. _ _ _ 2.130 — Lacey, C. C _ _ 6.024 25 Lee, J. W. _ _ _ 6,264 254 Lockie, J. _ _ 7.020 387 Loshuk, J. D. _ 3,735 — Ludvigsen, H. _ _ _ 6,264 78 Madley, L. G. _ 7.422 1,009 March, Miss T. L. . 2,576 — McAloney, Mrs. M. T. _ 6.024 — McGregor. D. G. _ 6,024 281 Mclvor. G. H. . . . . . 6,024 — McLean. W. J. . . . 6,144 153 McNabb, E. R. _ 6,264 — Meadley. Mrs. N. J. _ 570 — Menar, M. M. _ 6,036 151 Miller, A. . _ 5,700 — Moore, W. S. _ 5.820 — Morton, H. A . . . 5.580 — Munce, D. M. _ 5,796 14 Murnhy, J. A. _ 2,464 — Nesbitt, E. D. . 6.504 2,103 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Anderson, I. M. . . . Salary 12.516 Travel $ Anderson, J. S. _ 399 — Anderson, Miss K. S . - 3.540 — Anderson. Mrs. M. C . 12 — Anderson, Miss S. M. .... 1,590 — Anderton. E. . . 1,626 — Andrew, A. E. _ 4,639 — Andrews. H. J . . 10,852 — Anstey, Mrs. A. L . . 5,900 10 Anstev. D. G. - 11,880 2,741 Anthony, J. - 1,376 91 Archboid, Mrs. H. L. ..... 350 — Archbold. H. S. C. _ 6.170 20 Armitage, G. L. _ 7,284 282 Armstrong, Mrs. E. C. _ 10,070 — Armstrong. H. H. _ 4,626 — Arnold, Miss J. I. - 1,299 — Ashdown. Mrs. P. A. _ 919 — Athev, Mrs. A. M . . 3,900 — Atkinson, D. S. _ 1,429 — Atkinson. J. _ 1,289 — Auld, Mrs. A. M. - 199 — Auld. Miss M. A. _ 6,650 — Avender. Mrs. L. M. _ 510 — Avery, W. S. T . 9.330 — Babb. Miss M. _ 1,419 — Back. E. H. V. 8,040 — Backman Mrs. L. M. ... 7,560 — Baehr, Miss M. L. 9.840 — Bailev, F. C . . . 10,804 — Baker, C. W. _ _ _ 8.160 — Baker, J. S. - - - 10,980 — Baker, R. C. - 11.880 608 Baker, R. S . . 8,712 — Banks, C. H . 6,504 269 Banks, Mrs. L. S. - 3.071 — Bannerman. D. K. - 13.686 — Baragar. Mrs. H. M. - 7,550 — Barclay. Mrs. A. G. . - 2,265 — Baril. W D. R. - 761 — Parker. Miss D. H. - 9.270 • - Barnard. A. - 1.190 — Salary Travel $ $ Newhouse, A. P . . 1,660 — Paley, E. . 415 — Peterson, Mrs. J. C. _ 1,070 — Pidgeon, J. A . . 6,504 4 Plunkett, T. C. _ 6,264 78 Regan, F. J. _ 8,820 1,497 Reuss, Miss S. J. E. _ 1,710 — Richardson, H. C. _ 6,024 166 Rolston. W. W. _ 5,796 39 Shaw, A. _ 9,960 1,496 Shepherd, T. L. _ 3,946 — Skakum, G. D. _ 5,580 1 Smith, E. A _ _ 8,640 1,765 Smith, S. E. _ 3,240 — Spencer. A. I . . 5,580 — Steele, R. M _ _ _ 6,504 19 Stelliga, M. _ 6,024 272 Stevenson, F. W. _ 5,580 23 Swanson, R. E . 13,980 1,796 Talerico, G. _ 5,913 737 Taylor, N. B. . 5,796 6 Thomas, W. F. _ 10,380 1,396 Thorson, R. J. _ _ 6,024 — Turnbull, A. W. _ 11,400 1,585 Ward, D. F. _ 5,820 28 Watts, A. I. _ _ 6.264 — Weinstein, R. D. _ 6.024 23 Weston, G. P. _ 6,024 2 White, R. E. _ 6,264 67 White, R. _ _ 6,024 — Wiebe, J _ _ 5,580 31 Wildgoose, A . — 6,504 227 Wiley, J. A. _ 6,444 152 Wood, Mrs. E. _ 5,580 — Wookey, Mrs. V. _ 1,466 — Wootton, J. H. _ 5,796 19 Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments . — 169 Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ — 508 — 693,521 36,535 Barnetson. C. ... _ _ Salary 12.917 Travel $ 6 Barr, B. A. _ _ 8,715 24 Barr, R. M. _ 3,240 — Barren. A. R. _ 11.143 — Barrow, Miss E. A. _ 3,700 — Barsalou. G. M. _ 697 — Bartlett. Mrs. J. E. _ 4,128 — Barton, Mrs. D. E. _ 1,317 — Baruzzi, Mrs. M. H. _ 4,128 — Basi, Miss G. _ . 3,816 — Bassett, Mrs. M. J. _ 3,060 — Bastian, Miss V _ _ 4.698 — Bateman, J. R . 10.182 972 Bateman. W. G _ _ 12,536 — Bateman, Miss W. L . 1.195 — Batterbury. G. A. _ 8,160 — Bauck. F. P . . . . 9,180 — Bawtinheimer. B. G. _ 4.044 — Bayer, Mrs. G. H. . . 7,550 — Bavley, Mrs. J. M. D . 4,698 — Becker. D. L. _ 10.120 — Beckett, Mrs. S. _ 5,705 — Becklev, Mrs. N. E. _ 7.550 — Bedwell. G. T. C. _ 7,815 — Beech, J. E. 16.260 — Beech, R. C. _ _ 662 — Beer. R. _ 10.818 — Bell, G. . .._ 10.782 — Bellavie, Miss J. I. _ 245 — Bennett, A. .. _ 6.264 — Bennett, Mrs. J. A. . 3.828 — Benoit, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,420 — Benson, G. J. _ 7.745 — Bentlev, Mrs. P. _ 7.487 80 Berg. Mrs. R. _ 4.948 — Berghold, S. _ 8,078 — Berkenpas. G. _ 11,222 — Berry. W. T. _ _ _ 4.331 — Berting, B. S - - 4,314 — Bertram. K. J . 1,279 — Besse, H. F . — 8,780 — Best, Mrs. D. M . — 1,743 — 62 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Bevis, Miss J. . . 3,354 — Biden, P. _ - .. . . 7,284 240 Billmark, G. G. _ _ . 2,710 — Binder, W. . . . 8,400 201 Birch, Mrs. P . ._. 714 — Birk, Mrs. M. P . ..._ 5,796 — Bishop, M. S. - _ 10,022 — Bissell. G. C. _ - ..... 15,960 459 Bitsakis, C. - - - 8,640 — Black, B. A. - - _ 9,750 279 Blackie, Miss S. M. _ 7,800 219 Blackwell, Mrs. L. B. _ _ 1,778 — Blackwell, W. _ ..... 2,091 — Blair, Mrs. M. J. R. ... ..... 11,340 120 Bland, D. A. - _ 1,020 — Blaney, S. A. - ... 3,214 — Blasner, R. _ 1,503 — Bleakney, Miss E. H. 5,376 — Blinston, E. A. - __ 1,405 — Blits, W. . . . ..... 1,077 — Block, Miss B. J. - ..._ 3,828 — Blom, Mrs. M. J - ..... 3,308 — Blundell, J. W. . . ..... 6,780 — Blunt, Mrs. F. M . 3,012 — Blunt, Mrs. S. J. - ..._ 3,416 — Blyth. Mrs. L. A . ..... 3.321 — Boak, Miss D. E. - .. . 2,275 — Bogle, D. E. - - — ... 3.628 — Bogyo, W. J. - - _ 10,200 6 Boles, J. E. .. _ . 5,866 — Bolton, Miss M. C. _ 5,746 — Boon, D. J. _ _ 4,046 — Bordian, G. - _ 5,061 — Borelli, Mrs. S. L. - ..... 3,519 — Borgal, W. - . 5,340 — Borseth, J. H - - .... 8,001 3 Bosch, A. H. .. - ..... 6,630 36 Bottcher, U. R. - ..... 3,380 — Boucher, G. H. _ 9,449 — Boucher, H. G . . 1,653 — Boutilier, J. F. _ .. . 4.481 308 Bowen, Miss I. A. _ . 8,150 — Bowen-Colthurst, Miss R. A. ... 87 — Bowers, R. J. _ _ 5,519 — Bowes, G. W. _ 541 — Bowes, Mrs. O. M. _ . 7.422 49 Bowie. W. J. _ .... 9,180 — Boyachek, J. _ _ 836 — Boyd, D. T. . . 1,542 — Boyd, Mrs. L. P. _ _.. 2,602 — Boyko, M _ _ 76 — Bovle, R. S. _ ... 16,360 — Bracewell, R. G _ _ ..... 2,954 — Bradbury, G. W. _ ..... 10,531 - ' Bradbury, R. G. _ ... 12,558 — Bradford, Miss G. M. 332 — Bradshaw, Mrs. R. H. 3,513 — Brambleby, K. - ..... 10,380 — Brawn, R. FT. _ .... 2,191 — Bray, Mrs. H. L. _ ..... 5,862 — Breckner, D. _ . 14,379 23 Brent, F. J. . ..... 4,890 — Brewer, D. L. . . . 5,936 35 Bridge, H. J. _ ._ 2,575 — Briese. Mrs. A. A . ..._ 4,463 — Briscall, Miss C. M. . _ 10,391 — Brittain. G. A. - ..... 6.680 20 Brock, M. C. _ _ ..... 1,163 — Brodie, J. M. . . — ..... 11.940 52 Brodie, Mrs. K. - _ 8,365 — Brooks. A. D . . 375 — Brooks. H. A. . . - . 6,143 — Broome, A. J. - _ 9,960 1,082 Brown, A. L. - ..... 9,180 — Brown, Miss B. J . . .... 3.684 — Brown, Miss B. J . . ..... 1.311 — Brown, D. E - - ..... 4.165 1,864 Brown, Miss E. A . 939 — Brown, E. B. _ ..... 8,520 — Brown. E. T. _ . 2.245 — Brown, E. W. H. . 13,774 — Brown. J. W . . . . 10,113 — Brown, Miss M. B . . _ 1,319 — Brown, R. J. W. - . 1 ,736 — Brown, R. M. - 751 — Brown, T, A. - ~ ... 1.325 — Brown, T. G . — . ..... 6.504 — Brown, W. R . 13,320 514 Browne. Mrs. M. _ 4,884 — Bruce, C. A. ._. - ..... 15,960 2,197 Bruce, Miss N. E. — ._ 10,560 — Brune, Mrs. B. E. - _ 4,467 60 Salary Travel $ $ Brunner, Mrs. E. C. _ 271 — Bryce, E. C. _ _ _ 5,604 — Bryson, Mrs. F. _ 1,898 — Buchholtz, K. . . . . 4,515 — Buchli, A. _ _ — ..... 9,360 — Buckham, T. H . 6,144 36 Buick, Miss A. J. _ 176 — Burchell, Miss L. M . . 1,881 — Burgess, C. E. _ 5,181 — Burgess, S. J. _ 6,436 — Burnham, Miss L. J. _ 3,331 — Burns, A. J _ _ 2,276 — Burns, Mrs. J. E. _ _ 997 — Burns, Mrs. M. B. _ 1,435 — Burns, P. J. _ _ _ 9,570 200 Bushell, Miss H. J. _ 3,178 — Bushell, R. G. _ 10,483 — Butler, F. S. _ 9.131 — Butler, R. _ 11,783 — Butterworth, Miss Y. E. 4,326 — Caffrey, Mrs. A. K. _ 2,125 — Cairns, E. J. _ _ 11.640 — Caldwell, J. S . . . . 8,154 — Caljouw, J. E. _ 9,390 — Callaghan, B. _ 3,044 — Camden, Mrs. G. M. _ 10,200 274 Cameron, Mrs. M. A. _ 1.019 — Cameron, Mrs. R. V. .... 9,000 — Campbell, A. D. _ 9,533 1,895 Campbell, D. A. _ 9,654 — Campbell, D. H. _ 15,960 1,600 Campbell, E. D. A. _ 3,067 — Campbell, J. R. _ 10,204 140 Campbell, Miss K. J. _ 10,860 2,856 Campbell, Mrs. K. P. ..... 9,130 — Canning, A. _ 10,864 — Cannon, W. R . . 7,557 49 Canty, J. 1 _ 16,200 3,140 Canty, Miss M. _ 2,147 — Capan, G. . . . . 3,243 — Caporaso, Miss V. G. _ 2,113 — Carder, E. E. _ _ _ 5.298 — Cardinall, E. R. _ _ _ 11,040 — Carey, Mrs. J _ _ 2,778 — Carey, R. S. _ _ — _ 7,380 17 Carlyle, R. E. _ 10,666 — Carman, G. W. _ 2.523 — Carman, R. H. _ 4,747 — Carmichael, Mrs. S. M. _ 4,216 — Carrie, Mrs. N. F. _ 4,980 — Carson, Mrs. D. H. _ 176 — Carson, D. W. _ 1,645 — Carson, Miss G. K. . . 4,440 — Carson, Mrs. M. E. . . . 7,414 — Cartier, A. L. _ 10,860 2,859 Cartmill, Mrs. H. C. _ 4,128 — Cartwright, Mrs. R. A. _ 514 — Cavalier, G. A . . . . 9,055 — Cavers, Miss E. L. _ 1,086 — Cehak, H. _ 12,444 — Challans, F. C. H. _ 10,125 — Chalmers, H. C. D. _ 11,140 — Chamberlain, D. G _ 15,960 2,411 Chamberlain, Mrs. D. L. 814 — Chambers, R. G. _ 5,939 — Chandler, W. _ 9,670 — Chapman, Miss, L. L. _ 7 — Chapman, Mrs. S. A. _ 4,446 — Charles, Miss B. A. . . 1,058 — Charlton, Mrs. M. _ 244 — Chatfield, C. _ 8,005 — Chaytor, B. G. _ 636 — Cheil, J. _ 17,560 — Cherrington, E. D . . 3,060 12 Chiat, B . . . . 8,055 — Chiba, Miss M _ _ 7,920 778 Child, D. R. _ 2,104 — Chippindale, N. K. _ 9,668 — Christensen, Mrs. P. A. _ 8,698 — Christian, M. F. _ 192 — Christie, Mrs. L. K. A. .. 1,528 — Christie, Miss M. E. _ 6,390 66 Christie, S. _ _ 5,340 — Chu, A. K. M. _ 10,698 — Chu, Miss P. H. . . 7,934 185 Churchill, Miss B. E. _ 2,617 — Claassen, Mrs. M. F. _ 1,172 — Clark, Miss B. _ 5,293 — Clarke, Miss V. _ 4,206 — Clendenning, Miss H. C. 4,980 — Cleough, L. R. - 228 — Climenhaga, Mrs. M. E. G. _ _ - 3,322 — Salary Trav $ $ Cline, Mrs. B. B. . . 325 — Clutterham, Mrs. C. M.._ 4,878 — Clyde, K. T. _ _ 4,440 — Coe, Miss B. A. L. _ 16 — Coghlan, T. W. _ 7,152 — Colebank, F. G. _ 980 — Coleman, P. E. F. _ 12,534 34 Collier, A. D. _ _ _ _ 5,031 2, 1C Collier, K. F. _ 11,596 Collins, Mrs. B. M. _ 7,593 — Collins, C. A. _ 8,113 — Collins, Miss E. M. _ 3,286 — Colson, Miss C. F. _ . _ 7,150 — Coltman, M. M. _ _ 12,991 — Conder, D. W. _ _ _ 9,861 — Conlon, J. P. _ 10,980 9 Connolly, C. E. _ 992 — Conway, C. B. _ 7,725 Conyers, 1 10,081 16 Cook, G. _ _ _ 13,440 44 Cooke, D. A . . . 5.520 2 Cooke, J. \V. _ _ 10,343 — Coombes, J. _ 973 — Cooney, Miss S. . . _ 2,494 — Cooper, Mrs. A. _ 3,058 — Cooper, Mrs. L. M. _ 305 — Cooper, R. H. _ 7,440 — Copeland, Miss M. J. _ 3,552 — Copp, Mrs. D. L. _ 954 — Copping, C. A _ _ _ 8,700 — Corey, M. _ _ 1,065 — Cormier, N. C _ _ _ 680 — Corrigan, Mrs. D. M. _ 14,220 — Corson, W. P. _ 2,067 — Cottrell, I _ 10,864 — Cousins, R. H. _ 9,600 6 Coutu, S. R _ _ 3,149 — Cox, R. B. _ _ _ 15,900 2,64 Cradock, R. A. _ _ _ 11,075 — Crane, J. M. _ 10,440 — Cranstron, Mrs. R. P. _ 1,272 — Crawford, R. D. _ 5,796 — Criss, Miss L. D. _ 3,356 — Crites, Mrs. C. J. _ 168 — Cmcic, Mrs. S. C. _ 3,974 — Crocker, Miss B. M . 6,390 — Crocker, Miss C. L. _ 1.786 — Crompton, Mrs. R . . 458 — Cross, Miss J. H. _ 1,251 — Crossin, E. C. _ 11,965 61 Crouch, Miss L. M . 6.284 — Cruickshank, Mrs. J. I. ... 2,505 — Crum, Mrs. C. E. . _ 391 — Crutchley, R. J . . 10,995 — Cumberbirch, N. F. _ 2.305 2 Cummings. Mrs. P. M. _ 444 — Cummings, S. F. _ 8,940 — Cunningham, Mrs. D. B. 1,875 — Curie, Mrs. G. E. .. . 4,514 — Curley, Mrs. V. A. _ 2,871 — Currie, J. M. _ 12,508 3 Curtis, J. A. B. _ 10,864 — Curtis, R. H. _ 9,905 — Cuthbert, C. _ 15,960 2,58 Cuthbert, J. A. - - - 11,382 4 Cuthbert, R. E. FT. _ 1,484 — Cuthbert, R. G. _ 5,310 — Czemin, A _ _ 11,821 1 D’Angelo, R. J. _ 1,015 — Daem, Miss M. A. - 2,676 29 Daggett, N. D. _ 8,160 1 Dakin, C. L. - 7,550 — Dal-Col, F. L. _ 4,074 — Dale, H. M. _ 5,688 6 Daniels, F. N. ... _ 4,717 Darling, B. E. . . 8,477 — Darling, R. O. _ _ _ 11,214 — Daruda, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,617 — Darwood, Miss A. E . 6,264 — Davidson, A. F . . 410 — Davidson, Mrs. M. E. .... 4,980 3 Davies, Mrs. M. M. _ 406 — Davies, W. _ 5,749 — Davies, William _ 5,172 — Davis, Mrs. G. E. _ 3.618 — Davis, M. J. _ _ 9,540 — Davis, R. C. . . 8,760 2,62 Davis, Mrs. S. _ _ _ 2,233 — Davis, Miss S. C. - 3,227 — Davison, K. B. _ 13,537 — Davison, R. M. .. _ 1,301 — Dawson. K. H. _ ... 11,639 — Dayle, A. W. - - - 12,060 23 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 63 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued ynard. J. W. . . Salary $ 594 Travel $ Field, J. T. _ Salary $ 12,000 4,500 6,650 6,920 1,391 7,422 2,480 3,563 16,080 2,894 122 Travel $ 387 Greaves, R. G. Salary $ 10,080 4,284 2,430 9,922 1,654 1,248 50 Travel $ Tarjanv. Mrs. R. . 2,462 2,309 _ Fillipoff, J. F. . . Green, Miss B. L. M. _ Green, D. L. _ _ an, j. K. ... .. . . _ Finch, Mrs. S. M. .. ans, D. C. . . . 10,154 1,724 10,398 29 _ Fingarson, L. A. Green, R. B. berry, A. P. _ . Finstadj Miss G. I. Greenhalgh, Mrs. M. L,.. Greig, Miss K. A. 182 eth, W. P. _ Fisher, Miss L. C. - - 93 faria-Neves, Miss M. S. _ Flesh, V. _ _ Griffiths, Mrs. F. E. . kker, M. _ _ _ _ 10,920 5,110 1.210 . Fletcher, Mrs. L. J. . Griffiths, R. J. 7,457 2,058 8,760 10,579 8,760 570 lesalle, Mrs. P. A. J... 56 Flower, R. E . 944 Grover, P. R. macedo, J. B. ... _ Ford, Mrs. P. M. Groves, Mrs. H. M. 180 nley, J. T . . . 7,152 3,255 3,692 _ Forrest, Mrs. A. ... Gruen, F. L. unison. F. _ _ . Forrester, T. _ _ ..... 5,016 2,045 8,640 6,756 52 Grycan, P. vore, Mrs. M. E . __ Forster, Miss E. ... . . Gudmundseth, S. K. xter, W. G. _ 8,743 2,450 . Forster, S. A. Guppy, R. L. 12,855 7,049 8,535 336 95 eensaw, Miss K. _ _ Forsyth, Mrs. M. E. _ _ Gurney, W. H 127 :k, Mrs. I. M. _ 29 _ Foster, Miss FT. F Guy, R. W. :khoff. C. J . . 9,312 10,380 _ Foster, Mrs. M. J. .. 3,406 1,397 Haglof, E. B. :kinson, H. _ _ 1,073 Foster, Mrs. R. C . . . — Haigh, Mrs. E. _ _ 1,828 _ :kson, Miss A. E. . . . 3,484 _ Fowles, J. S. . . . 1,298 3,936 197 _ Half. Mrs. M. V. 8,630 9,655 8,150 :on. G. T. . . 571 _ Fox, Miss J. C. . Halldorson, F. ckrill, F. M. . . 8,520 — Foxton, Miss D. L . _ Halsall. Mrs. A. P . _ nald. Miss M. M. .... 7.550 _ Francis, Mrs. S. _ 3,828 4,080 11.400 4,878 Halton, S. R. 10.380 7 440 105 rash, T. ... ... . . . 9,036 8,280 5,076 Frankich, K. Hamilton, Mrs. M. C. _ Hamilton, W. G. rman, A. F. _ _ _ Franklin, D. N. .. 873 5,089 6,583 wney, Mrs. O. M. ... 3 Fraser, J. H. _ _ _ Hamm, D. P. . . . y\e, J. W. ... . . 5,805 Frederickson, P. H. 10,131 3,132 Hammond Mrs. A. 4,128 6,756 yle, Mrs. M. G. _ 1,024 — Fredette, Mrs. I. M. . . _ Hanada, K. _ _ idend, C. L. _ _ _ 8,273 1,860 12.900 _ Freemantle, P. O. . 13,800 4,284 4,050 353 767 Hanburv, D. B. 2,231 3.995 565 _ 'den. W. F . . . French, Mrs. M. F. Hancock, Mrs. K. sdale. J. P . . 435 Frisbv, B. E _ _ 336 Haney, Mrs. H. J. Vernet, Miss M. E. ... 8.940 Fritz, R. E. _ _ _ Hankinson, Mrs. V. K. 6,080 _ ault. K. G. _ 392 _ Froese. H. H. 11.062 Hanley, Mrs. K. 6.504 15,694 _ Tv. F _ _ _ 825 Fromson, W. B. 16,272 3,486 728 Hanna, R. R. 3,139 Ton, Mrs. P. L . . 3,429 48 _ Frost, Mrs. S. A. . Hanson, H. J. _ _ 9.947 lum, Miss A. K . — Furnell. Mrs. H . _ Hanson, S. I . . . . 2,384 _ iford. F. A. _ 12,660 566 127 Fyvie, R. D. 396 Hardie, D. J. ... 8,032 9,525 3,410 3,593 4.764 _ lkley, R. R. _ Gagne, O. L. .. 9,949 3,900 2.689 35 Hardie, G. M. ... 75 llop, Mrs. M. M. - 6.144 Gale, Mrs. D. E. . Hardy, Miss A. C. .. in, Miss P. A . 1,116 8,940 Gale, Mrs. G. V. Hardy. Mrs. I. E. ismore, R. O. _ _ Gale, J. A. _ _ 765 Hargreaves, R. N. E. _ Harland, G. R. _ _ ismore, Mrs. S. L. 426 . Gallie, Mrs. J. M. _ 2.234 8.010 _ iville. W. _ 5.334 1,000 72 Gann. Mrs. M. L. 885 19 Harmer, H. E. 5.520 198 las. Miss M. L. _ _ Gann, Miss S. J. .... 802 Harms, L. A. . . . 9,681 39 ilessis, Mrs. H . _ Ganton, M. H. . . 9,207 3.593 Hamden. H _ _ _ _ _ Tan, G. G . . . 2,296 7,079 10,208 Garner, Mrs. E. Harris, G. R. 14,440 10,560 1.860 202 rarney. H. F. _ _ Garrett. R. E. . . 596 Harris, R. . 302 tham. A. R. _ Garstang, R. . . 9.900 Harrison, F. . . ton, P. W. _ . 11,219 1,451 3,654 Gartside, R. 9,785 10.434 3,327 Harrison, Miss M. A. 8,676 10,347 3,486 hart. Miss D. N. .... Gaspard-Versepuech, E _ Gauld. Miss N. L. _ Hart, T. L. tondson. Mrs. W. K. . — _ Hartley. Mrs. M. M. _ — lan. Mrs. T. R. _ 3.167 _ Georgiou, Miss A. 8.150 Hatcher. R. W. ... _ 9,158 158 _ if. D. R. _ 10.013 Gerhardt, Mrs. G. C. 2,732 1,265 Havelaar, Mrs. S. M. _ ;rs. R. D. . . . . 5.832 — Gibson, Miss E. J. _ _ Hawker. W. L. B. _ 14,944 1,798 'idge. Miss A. J . . 2,075 — Gibson, Miss J. M. _ 3.756 — Hay, Mrs. R _ 1.010 'idee. B. L . . 4.080 _ Gibson, R. A. _ _ 1 1 .940 218 11 a v. R. J. _ 3,457 9,270 6,329 _ >tt. E. R. _ _ 3,800 672 Gilbert, Mrs. J. 1.938 1,907 Haynes, N. J . . _ , itt. W. E. _ _ _ — Gi’bertson, R. _ ... — Heard, J. F _ _ — itt. W. R. G . . 1.241 _ Gill, H. S 1.860 _ Heath, V. _ _ _ 14.4.73 388 i, Mrs. D. J. _ 3,381 2,757 _ Gillespie. J. McD. _ . . 1,778 1,279 2,385 Heathcote. G. ... ... _ 10,140 12 i, D. P . Gillis. Mrs. V. Heinekey. Miss D. E. _ Held. T. H. . _ _ _ 677 on, A. J. 12,057 221 _ Girton. Miss S. L. .. 1 1 ,700 __ ell. Mrs. R. N. _ _ Glanville. D. M. 1,375 Helfrich. Mrs. M. J. _ 2.654 _ iury, M. D. _ 774 _ Glassford, Mrs. S. M. 3,756 Hemstreet, Mrs. D. B. .... 3.660 _ elstad, Miss L. C. _ 3.669 _ Giave. T. J . 10.632 Henderson, K. C. 4.030 _ ler, J. S. . . 8,881 3,135 3.720 18 Goard, TO. H _ _ .... 17,400 1,237 Henderson. Miss S. J. .... 5,916 _ lish, Mrs. M. G. . Goard, D. S . 5,460 Hendv. Miss G. T. . _ 94 _ ight, Mrs. C. C . _ Godley, Miss P. E. _ 6,024 1,006 12,558 Henshaw, B. J . . . 261 _ kson, O. D. _ _ 10,230 6,376 _ Goertzen, Miss L. _ Henshaw, H. J. _ 11,781 . ngton. K. _ _ Goessaert, W. _ _ . .. Heprell. K M. _ _ 748 . _ ey, S. E. . . . . 13,980 1.348 Goodfellow. Mrs. M. E. 584 Hesla, O. P. _ 8,400 _ as, D. A. 6,357 1,316 Goodwin, Miss J. R. . 882 Hezzlewood. A. . . 9.870 as, Mrs. E. O. _ — Goodwin, W. R. _ 9.763 — Hicks. R. A. _ _ _ 7.355 21 as, H. M . . . 4,660 2.372 242 Gordon. Miss M. F . 327 _ Hill. G. F. _ 8,520 — is, Mrs. I. A . - . Gore, Mrs. J. V. . . 4.362 _ Hill, Mrs. I _ _ _ 650 _ is. J. M. 15,814 3,767 10.860 1,218 Gotzke, R. W. . 1,278 10,775 522 Hill, W. R. D. .. . . 5,706 _ is, Miss M. E. Goueh, J. B. Hille, M. E. 10,959 _ is. R. E . . 716 Gould. T. G. _ Hilton. Mrs. R. _ 136 ■ - is, R. M. . . . . 3.074 Gourlav, G. P. _ 5.990 Hind. J. R _ _ 12.495 187 ason, W. . .. 9,750 1,723 4,128 Gowliuk, D. 1,292 3,406 4,365 Hinderks. B. H. _ 1.884 'ick. Mrs. C. B. Graham, Mrs. A. P. . Hindle. J. R . . 14,100 229 luhar. Mrs. M. E . ell. Miss E. A. _ Graham, C. O. _ . Hirst. Mrs. M. J. _ 375 _ 8.193 Graham, G W. . 17,160 487 Hobbins. P. M. . . 9.216 _ ell. G. H . . 8,908 — Graham, Miss K. P. _ 5,478 Hobbs, Mrs. B. M. _ 1.314 — ow, J. V . 3,800 1,953 2.608 _ Graham. S. J. _ _ 16,360 232 Hobv. M. T _ Q.S1Q 32 it, Mrs. R. G. _ Granger. T. B. _ ... 3.900 9,590 Hofmann. R _ _ _ 4,191 cett, M. Grant, D. M. _ Holden. K. E. B _ _ 10.602 _ Miss D. A. 3.054 Grant, M. G. _ _ 6,240 Hole. F. R. ... _ 12.779 21 n. i . . . 16,080 1,149 Grant, M. P. _ .. ... 2,115 15.560 _ Holloway. Mrs. E. _ 8,150 _ ter, Mrs. E. C . 7.860 Grant, P. C. 1,202 Holmes, D. C _ _ 1 1 ,906 79 er. Miss C. M. _ 1.098 — Gray, Mrs. B. R. E. _ 4,585 Holob. C . . 9.374 3,118 uson. Miss E. F. 2,161 _ 635 _ Holt, J. 1.168 _ uson. H. C . 16,760 214 Gray, Miss M. A . „ 4.669 _ Holt. Mrs. L _ _ 2,100 - ill, 1 . V. . . . 10,959 Grayston, W. C. _ 8,520 — Hood, T. E . . 1,658 — 64 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Hope. W. J. _ 1,907 — Hopkins, J. A. P. _ 11,031 — Horan, D. J. H. _ 9,270 — Horlacher, B. E. _ 8,310 — Horn, Mrs. A. V. _ _ 980 — Hornett, D. G. _ . _ 754 — Horvath, H. H. _ 6,504 — Hoshizaki, W. Y. _ _ 7,380 — Howard, Miss B. A. __ 357 — Howard, Miss C. A. _ 103 • — Howard, Mrs. E. G. _ 3,972 — Howard, Mrs. V. M. _ _ 199 — Howat, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,005 — Howell, G. E. _ 8,760 — Howes, Miss S. _ 2,115 308 Hromek, Miss E. _ _ _ 902 — Hryciuk, Mrs. A. - - - 8,720 1,535 Hrynewich, M. _ 5,064 — Huber, Mrs. O. _ 4,323 — Huggins, D. W. C. _ 11,880 824 Hughes, D. F. _ 6,504 12 Hughes, Mrs. F. _ 26 — Hughes, K. W. _ 10,293 — Hughes, M. C. _ 8,571 — Hughes, S. D. _ 11,836 — Hulbert, J. O. _ 13,020 — Hull, Mrs. K. I. _ 5,987 — Humphrey, R. A. _ _ _ 10,376 — Humphrey, W. F. _ 3,225 — Hunnisett, C. A. - 1,314 — Hunter, Mrs. L. R. - 4,362 — Hurliman, Miss M. A. _ 4,440 — Hurst, J. D. _ 2,604 — Hutcheon, Mrs. L. M. L. 9,550 — Hutchings, D. W. _ 337 — Hyde, R. B. _ 13,578 219 Hyndman, E. E. _ 16,425 1,535 Iannacone, E. M. _ _ 9,612 — Impett, J. R. _ 630 — Ingot, J. E. _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,517 — Ingram, Miss D. R. _ 1,296 — Ingram, T. R. _ 7,560 — Ingroville, I. R. _ 6,562 — Inman, Mrs. E. E. .. ..... 8,247 — Irvine, J. H. _ 8,738 — Irvine, Miss J. R. _ 11,220 2,664 Irvine, L. S. H. _ 13,396 55 Irvine, W. R. _ 11,194 48 Irwin, F. L. _ 16,360 823 Iverson, E. A. _ 9,279 — Iverson, Miss M. J. _ 29 — Jack, Mrs. M. E. _ 806 — Jack, R. D. _ 2,287 — Jackh, C. H. _ 72 — Jackson, K. L. _ _ _ 1,847 — Jackson, Miss M. M. _ 1,064 — Jackson, R. W. _ 12,902 — Jacobs, Miss M. J. _ 3,832 — Jakabhazy, A. _ 3,225 — Jakoy, A. G. _ 8,760 — James, Mrs. E. M. _ 1,978 — James, Mrs. G. M. _ 8,150 — James, J. - 8,310 438 Jamieson, M. C . . 4,998 8 Janzen, Miss B. _ _ _ 3,720 — Jarvis, Mrs. B. M. _ _ 754 — Jarvis, Mrs. G. C. _ 459 — Jauck, M. A. _ 206 — Jeffers, Miss R. M. _ 736 — Jeffery, I. H. R. _ 5,453 483 Jenkins, Mrs. C. _ 6,469 — Jenner, Miss P. H. _ _ 4,980 — Jennings, D. E. _ 7,020 276 Jennings, Miss L. A. _ 3,756 — Jensen, C. B. _ _ _ 5,340 — Jensen, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,788 — Jervis, J. L. D. _ 5,688 — Jewett, R. W. _ 6,630 150 Johansson, Mrs. M. M. _ 5,172 — Johl, Miss S. J. _ 147 — Johns, Mrs. J. E. _ 1,295 — Johnson, G. D. _ _ 11,933 — Johnson, Mrs. G. E. _ 76 — Johnson, G. E. - 16,094 1,565 Johnson, K. _ _ _ 10,296 — Johnson, L. E. _ 10,629 — Johnson, W. _ 230 — Johnston, Miss J. D. _ 262 — Johnston, R. W. _ 7,706 — Johnstone, J. Y. _ 11,799 — Johnstone, Mrs. V. M. _ 184 — Jones, A. D. W. _ 5,519 72 Jones, N. K. _ _ 849 — Jones, Miss P. L. _ 3,265 — Salary $ Jonn, Mrs. I. A. _ _ 2,632 Jordan, H. R. _ 8,460 Jorgensen, S. _ 8,106 Jupp, J. _ 11,880 Kajiwara, K. _ 6,480 Kalaman, E. P. _ 2,618 Karpiuk, Mrs. F. A. _ 4,980 Kay, A. J. _ 9,260 Kay, J. W. _ 3,831 Kean, R. D. _ 9,750 Keilbart, G. _ 9,751 Keir, Mrs. N. D. _ ___ 8,420 Keith, Mrs. E. L. _ 1,143 Kelly, Miss J. _ 5,910 Kelly, Miss M. A. _ 305 Kemble, R. I. _ 5,840 Kemp, E. J. C. _ _ 6,024 Kemp, J. J. _ 5,376 Kennedy, Mrs. D. L. _ . 1,886 Kennedy, J. B. _ 586 Kenny, J. - 1,860 Kent, Mrs. O. B. _ 1,175 Kenyon, D. E. A. _ 8,670 Kenyon, J. G. - 11,376 Keogh, F. J. _ 8,820 Kerkham, R. _ 9,310 Kerr, Mrs. E. M. _ 6,390 Kerr, R. J. _ 9,278 Kettlewell, T. . _ _ 6,780 Keyes, D. _ 38 Khan, N. U. _ _ _ _ 9,812 Kiland, A. M. _ 3,055 Kilborn, R. P. _______ 3,267 Killam, K. D. _ 996 Killough, E. A. _ 11,813 Kimmins, L. F. _ 9,540 King, Miss B. L. _ 2,587 King, Miss D. _ 624 Kingsley, Mrs. V. M. _ 5,580 Kinsman, Mrs. F. M. _ 6,024 Kirk, Mrs. Y. J. _ 3,900 Kirkland, Miss J. L. _ 2,120 Kitley, P. J. _ 12,360 Klein, Mrs. R. H. _ 341 Kliparchuk, M. _ _ 2,405 Knecht, W. A. _ 8,883 Knight, J. H. _ 6,489 Knuth, E. A. _ _ _ 4,050 Koehle, R. J. _ 10,020 Kohare, Mrs. L. M. _ 3,720 Korbay, Mrs. M. _ 3,720 Kosaka, Miss T. M. _ _ 5,325 Koski. Mrs. P. _ 3,720 Kovich, Miss K. L. _ _ 3,835 Kozier, Mrs. B. B. _ _ 10,050 Krause, Mrs. E. J. _ _ 894 Kresta, S. W. _ 7,860 Krogstad, I. H. . . 8,306 Krowchenko, Miss R. I._ 9,550 Krucik, G. W. _ 7,183 Krueger, Mrs. H. A . . 5,355 Krueger, K. F. _ 10,878 Kshatriya, A. _ 10,653 Kuenzl, A. _ 5,760 Kvam, Mrs. J. B. _ 3,828 Lacey, Mrs. L. J. _ 4,089 Lagies, Mrs. M. H. _ 146 Laik, Miss E. J. _ 1,716 Laing, D. A. M. _ 5,376 Lake, B. S. _ 10,789 Lake. G. Q. _ 14,013 Lamont, A. A. _ 6,225 Lamont, J. M. _ 10,208 Lanaster, G. _ 1,917 Lancaster, R. A. _ 2,380 Landels, Miss B. O. L _ 1,040 Langdale, G. H. _ 6,685 Lange, Mrs. H. E. _ 4,466 Lanton. B. .. . . . 53 Lapp, Miss M. A . . 11,950 Larocque, Mrs. E. D. ... 1,425 Larocque, Miss J. M. I. T. 1,575 Larsen. Miss J. L . . 221 Lau, Y. P. _ 8,144 Laurence, Mrs. M. E. D. 3,395 Laveck, Miss M. M . 1,815 Lavin, Miss M. M . . 9,550 Lawless, G. _ 1,190 Lawrie, R. E. _ 4,680 Layher, F. A. _ 4,500 Leaf, L. A _ _ 6,604 Lecky, J. M. _ 7,320 Ledson, Mrs. J. C. _ 1,105 Lee, A. S. _ _ _ 10,776 Travel Salary Trav $ $ $ 484 Lee, B. . . . 610 — 1,284 Lee, Miss C. D. ... 701 — — Lee, Miss V _ _ 7,740 — 2,861 Lee, Miss W. D. _ 1,004 — — Leece, S. J. _ 8,400 — — Leeder, A. E. _ 7,284 _ — Leggett, Mrs. H _ _ 4,050 _ 48 Leibel, J. P. _ _ 5,760 — Lennox, Mrs. G. . . 7,960 — 397 Leonard, Miss L. G . . 8,760 — — Leslie, Miss M. B . 9,120 — 425 Levirs, F. P. _ 19,380 1,05 — Levitt, M. R. _ 9,840 — — Lewis, E. E. _ _ 16,226 9! — Lewis, 1. ... _ 6,504 — — Li, Miss I. P . . . . 6,264 — — Libby, D. W. _ 4,328 — Liberto. Mrs. B. M. _ 646 — — Lighthall, R. A . 10,440 — — Lindenlaub, J. G. _ 11,598 — — Link, W. M. _ 11,580 — — Lipovsky, I. _ _ 10,518 — — Littig, Miss E. . . . . 3,756 — — Little, Mrs. A. W. _ 813 — 271 Little. T. M. _ 1,665 — 567 Liu, R. W. H. _ 4,284 — 112 Llewellyn. J. A. T. . . 6,701 — 46 Llovd, Miss E. A . 3,486 — — Locking, S. I 10,491 3 — Logan, Mrs. K. _ Logie. W. J. _ 7,422 — — 15,960 8 — Long, R. B. - 9,339 33 — Longmore, A. J. _ 16,260 — — I oughery. H. M. _ 10,898 — 535 Lovick. G. E. _ 950 — — Lowery, Mrs. N. M. R _ 3,417 — — Lucas, R. F . . . . 16,360 18 — Lucas. W. E. _ 17,560 9 — Ludwig. L. A. _ 7,050 — — Lum, Y. LI. _ _ _ 1,125 — — Lyall, Mrs. B. A. - 3.587 — — Lynn, D. D. - - - 4,261 — 1,383 Lynn, R. D. - - - 6,128 — — Lysack, Mrs. M. - 1,243 — — Lvttleton, T. B. - 4,608 — — MacArthur, Mrs. H. N. _ 6,390 — 300 MacCullie, Miss M. A. — 7,883 — — MacDonald, Miss J. E. _ 8,640 — — MacDonald, J. W. - - 11,280 — — MacDonald, K. J. - 1,327 — — MacDonald, Miss M. M. 3,538 — 67 MacDonald-Miller, Mrs. J. 3,852 — — MacDonnell, Mrs. L. - 3,538 — — MacDougall, J. I. — . - 16,160 4 — MacGregor, D. O. - 10,440 — — MacGregor, P. C. - - 14,160 2,07 43 MacIntyre, Mrs. J. - 1,141 1 39 MacKeown, C. N. - 13,066 — — MacKinnon, J. M. . . 9,180 1,89 148 MacKirdy, D. H. - 15,960 1,05 2,278 MacLaurin, D. H. - 10,752 15 — MacLennan, H. D. F. .... 4,500 — — MacOnachie, Mrs. L. G. 3,866 — — MacPhail, A. D. - 7,020 15 — MacPherson, D. M. - 11,640 1 — MacRae, B. W. - 1,755 — — MacRae, D. L. R. - 5.160 2 — MacRae, D. R. - 10,680 64 — Mace, T. F. A. - 1,360 — — Main, R. _ 1,654 — — Mair, N. J. _ 9,360 15 — Maisonneuve, Mrs. J. L. 8,340 41 — Makaroff, F. _ _ 5,520 7 — Malkiewicz, Miss A. E. _ 855 — 852 Mallon, Mrs. I. M. - 5,113 — — Maloney, Miss M. A . . 650 — 136 Malovec, Mrs. V. R. - 4,128 — 32 Maltby, H. W. _ _ _ 527 — — Maltman, K. K. . . 10,380 1,02 — Mandl, Miss. E. _ 5,796 — — Manhas, Mrs. P. R. D. — 3,280 — — Manifold, A. H. - 13,095 2 — Mann, D. S. . . . 9,870 9 — Manning, Mrs. C. E. — 748 - ' — Manson, N. B. - 9,180 — — Maranda, W. E. - 541 — — Marchbank, W. A. — . - 16,426 1,66 — Marino, Mrs. C. - 3,384 — — Marinschek, A. 9,360 — — Mark, Mrs. V. M. _ 9,270 — — Markin, Miss M. _ 8,421 - i — Marks, Miss K. M. - 1,674 — — Marriage, Mrs. S. L. J. _ 7,020 3 Marriott, E. _ _ _ . — 17,560 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 65 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Salary Travel $ $ larriott, W. G. . . 5,202 — larshall, Miss J. A. _ 6,744 — larshall. Miss L. J. 8,640 — larshall, Miss S. _ 2,204 — lartens, V. J. . _ 4,585 — lartin, A. D. ... _ .. .. 5,320 — lartin, D W. _ 9,420 — lartin, E. R _ _ . 11,214 — lartin, N. G. _ . ... 6,851 — lartin, R. S. _ 2,892 — lartin, R. W. _ _ 10,953 66 lartin, W. _ _ _ 5,796 — lartinuk, Mrs. G. . . 3,700 — fartyniuk, M. _. .. . .. 12,361 — lason, D. R. _ 14,298 324 lason, R. C. _ 12,744 26 latheson, Miss G. S. _ 8,572 — lay, L. L _ _ 3,127 — lay, R. .. ._ 4,206 — lay, R. C . . 6,290 91 layers, E. W _ _ 9,180 2,113 IcAdam, J. C. . . 14,900 28 icAvin, W. J . . 760 — icAvoy, J. M. _ _ 634 — IcCague, Miss W. M. .... 1,121 _ icCallion, Mrs. A. F. .... 4,128 _ [cCallum, Mrs. L. N. .... 3,094 _ IcCallum, M. C. . . 1,294 _ IcCannel, E. W. _ ... 9,276 _ icClelland, Mrs. N. I. 5,796 _ icColl, Miss S. E. . . 340 _ cConechy, E. E . . 11,346 — cCooey, D. M. .. . . .. 9,070 2,004 cCormack, A. J. _ 12,384 _ cCowan, R. B. _ .... 373 _ cCready, Mrs. E. J. 1,637 _ cDonald, C. E. _ _ 1,385 _ cDonald, Mrs. E. M. 4,362 _ cDonald, Mrs. J. S. .... 2,776 ■ cEwen, T. L. 1,907 _ cEwen. Mrs. V. E. 348 _ cFee, D. E. _ 15,740 910 cFeely, Mrs. J. C. .... 3,836 cGee, Miss B. A. ... . 106 _ cGhee, D. W. _ 11,693 - cGonigal, W. C. _ 6,460 _ cGowan, R. . . 9,253 - cGraw, J. _ _ 5,376 - cGregor, Mrs. R. _ 4,980 _ cGuire, E. R. . . 12,069 _ cHarg, W. D. . . 146 ___ cHugh, Mrs. P. C. _ 238 _ clntosh, Mrs. G. M. 4,206 — cKay, A. P. _ 14,330 1,701 cKenna, Miss S. E. 655 _ cKenzie, Mrs. B. M. . 3,405 _ cKenzie, C. S . 16,360 480 cKenzie, Miss K. E. ... 343 _ cKilligan, A. W. 12,420 164 cKinnell, J. M . 573 _ cKinnon, A. ... .. . 6,765 240 cKirnon. D. K. . 9,720 _ :Lane, P. 950 _ cLean, C. H. 8,520 _ :Lean, R. J. 9,570 — cLellan, F. A. . 3,890 920 :Leod, D. J. . 9,864 6 :I cod, E. I. ..... . . . 5,340 :Leod, Mrs. S. M. . . 1,111 _ :Manus, Mrs. M. J . 4,524 _ :Master, D. R. _ 1.793 _ :Muldroch. D. P . 1,208 _ :Neil, R. I. _ 10,809 _ :Queen, Mrs. M. I. .. 712 — :Rae. Miss J. M. 326 — :dley, F. S. . . . 2,028 — ;ier. H. ... . 6,158 — :llowes, Miss E. S. 252 _ :nu, C. A. . . . . . 5,838 _ :redith, J. R . . 16,800 847 :redith. Miss L. P. O. 5,680 — :yer, Mrs. D. A. _ 4,362 — :yers, Mrs. D. M. . . 1,900 — chener, R. A . . . 9,055 — ckelson, Mrs. C. S . 7,020 — ckelson, Mrs. R. B. 7,152 — ddleton, A. J. _ 4,266 — ddleton, F. T. _ 15,560 668 elen, R. V. . . . 827 — gnosa, S. _ _ _ 6,217 — Was, H. T. _ _ 5,369 — Was. W. F. _ 6,590 — likic, Mrs. F. M . _.. 10,800 — liar, T. _ 6,173 — Salary Travel $ $ Miller, R. C. _ 11,235 — Mills, Miss D . . 29 — Mills, P. E. _ 9,747 — Miranda, J. H. _ 8,330 — Miskiman, Mrs. B. H. 5,688 — Mitchell, Mrs. D. J. G _ 495 — Mitchell, G. W . . 9,735 76 Mitchell, Miss I. B. _ 3,828 — Mitchell, K. W. _ _ 152 — Mitchell, L. E. _ 9,608 — Mole. A. _ _ _ _ 819 — Molson, Mrs. J. M. _ 1,085 — Moore, G. K. ... _ 1,452 — Moran, Mrs. M, M. ... .. . 4,698 — Morden, Miss M. M. .... 3,330 — Morgan, Mrs. B. . . 5,209 — Morgan, J. E . . . 385 — Morgan, R. H. _ 760 — Morrill, Mrs. M. L. _ 1,755 — Morris, Mrs. A. C. E. _ 740 — Morris, J. H _ _ 152 — Morris, Mrs. S. F. 605 — Morrison. D. A _ _ 7,186 — Morrow, B. R. M. _ 11,240 — Morse, E. A. _ 6,166 — Mortimer. J. M. _ 5,340 — Morton. Miss M. R. C._ 206 — Moser, Mrs. G. B _ 3,972 — Mouat, W. J. _ 16,360 665 Mueller-Schade, E. _ 2,570 — Muir. .1. H . . 7,065 — Muir, Mrs. K. ,T. . . 3,676 — Mundy. Mrs. P. _ 3,567 — Murdoch, A. R _ _ 9,884 — Murfitt, R. _ 4.080 43 Murphy, J. H. _ _ 532 — Murphy, Miss P. E. _ 1,013 — Murphy, W. J. _ _ — 9,235 246 Murray, Mrs. J. A . 1,277 — Murray, Mrs. N. E. _ 7,460 — Murrell, Mrs. L. W. _ 3,684 — Mussato. Mrs. A. B. ..... 3.412 — Musselman. Miss M. A. S. 10,860 90 Myska, Mrs. M. _ 458 — Nankivell, Mrs. W. H. S. 164 — Nash, P. A. _ 9,314 — Navlor. K. S. - 11,137 — Navlor, W. B. - 12,360 2,068 Neave, Miss N. E. . . . . 4.705 — Needham. N. J. _ _ _ 1,932 — Neid. B. L. . ... - 365 — Neligan, Mrs. F. M. - 2,758 — Nelson, A. M. - 10,707 — Nelson. G. H - - 17.560 106 Nelson. Miss M. L . . 8.760 285 Neufield, J. _ _ _ 4.872 — Newton. E. N. - 7.226 — Nice, Mrs. L. M. .. _ 7.736 — Nichol, Mrs. C. J. C. — 10,380 — Nicholson. V. S. - - 6,275 — Nicolls, Miss D. L. - 105 — Nielsen, G. C. - - 10,911 — Nieman, Mrs. E. R. - 3,608 — Nobauer, R. - - 6,197 — Noel, W. E. _ 10,200 — Norbraten, Mrs. M. C. __ 2,275 — Norris, Mrs. M. C. — - - 1,211 — Nowak, T. J. — - 8,160 — Nve. E. J. _ 5,796 — O’Byrne, Mrs. D. T. - 8,997 — O’Neill, Mrs. E. M. . _ 8,100 1,048 Oberg, Miss A. M. - 3,756 — Obispo, Miss R. S. - 1,784 — Offerson. Mrs. F. M - 1,542 — Ogden, Mrs. L. R. - - 47 — Oailvie. Mrs. M. R . . 3,900 — Oke, Mrs. J. E. - - 467 — Olsen, Mrs. A. C. - 63 — - Omae, Y. - - - 3,000 — Orme, F. J. ... ... - - 16,760 834 Orme. J. E. - 10,560 47 Orr, Miss M. C. - 4,950 898 Orr, W. _ 8,829 — Osborn, E. T. - 10,157 — Osinski, Mrs. H. E. __ . 1,699 — Page, Mrs. E. M. - 436 — Palvesky. R. - 2,678 — Panton, J. H. — - 12,900 2,418 Pappas, P. L. - 703 — Paris, A. P. - 11,370 — Parker, H. . - _ — 10,359 — Parker, R. H. - — 9,680 — Salary $ Parsons, Mrs. M. __ _ 415 Parsons, S. B. - 8,280 Parsons, Miss S. E _ 825 Paterson, Miss R. L _ 1,258 Paton, G. M . . 16,360 Patrick, Miss G. E. - 6,900 Patrick, Mrs. P. G _ 8,150 Patterson, Mrs. E. R - 2,148 Paul, Mrs. A. G. _ 9,225 Pauls, Miss A. _ — 3,720 Paulson, G. R. - 5,796 Peace, O. _ 9,060 Peard, A. J. _ 1,100 Pearen, Mrs. E. I. E. _ 2,198 Pedersen, Mrs. C. _ 7,710 Pedersen, D. A. _ 12,763 Pedlar, Mrs. H. A. - - 6,504 Peiluck, Miss E. H. __ - 714 Penner, L. E. _ __ 8,760 Pennington, R. B. _ 7,737 Penty, Mrs. L. E. _ ._ 8,898 Peristy, M. _ 1,052 Person, Mrs. N. H. _ 5,172 Peters, J. E. _ 8,982 Peters, Miss K. C. _ 9,420 Peterson, B. _ 195 Peterson, Mrs. E. I. _ 4,291 Petrovich, Mrs. J. L. _ 1,409 Phillifant, L. W. _ 7,360 Phillips, B. J. _ __ 10,316 Phillips, Miss D. L. _ 141 Phillips, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,172 Phillipson, J. _ 17,400 Phipps, K. R. _ 9,017 Pickering, C. B. _ 1,101 Pidcock, H. G. _ 8,160 Pielak, Mrs. J. A. _ 1,375 Pike, Mrs M. A. _ 4,128 Plows, A. H. _ 7,835 Pohl, J. _ 4,946 Pollock, J. B. _ 10,764 Pollock, J. R. _ 3,497 Pool, Miss J. A. _ 449 Porter, Mrs. D. M. _ 698 Pottinger, Miss J. M. _ 5,172 Preston, J. R. _ 7,690 Pretty, D. G. _ . 55 Price, R. S. _ ..... 16,326 Prince, Miss E. A . 79 Proby, Miss M. D. _ 784 Prostebby, Mrs. D. _ 1,676 Proteau, Miss M. A. _ 2,724 Proudlove, D. R. _ _ 2,128 Pullinger, P. B. _ 15,960 Puritch, Miss D. E. _ __ 3,120 Purvis, Miss S. G. _____ 7,572 Pynn, G. J. _ 9,180 Quarry, W. N. _ 2,999 Quigley, H. D. _ _ 7,605 Raby, J. R. _ _ 12,000 Radstaak, W. _ 4,847 Rainey, Mrs. R. M. _ 408 Ramsay, W. F. _ 9,640 Randall, Miss B. C. _ 397 Randall, Miss B. G. _ 3,154 Rasmus, W. B. _ 10,768 Raymond, Mrs. M. E . 1,782 Reader, F. _ 11,622 Redmond, E. C. _ 12,720 Reid, Miss C. S. _ 1,204 Reid, Mrs. M. J. _ _ 3,379 Reid, T. . . _ 380 Reid, W. D. _ 17,100 Reisen, R. W. _ 6.630 Rempel, Miss E. J. . . 2.265 Rendle, C. T. _ 17,127 Rennie, Mrs. D. R . . 370 Renwick, M. N. _ 7,810 Restall. Miss D. A. _ 3,486 Reynolds, Mrs. R. J. _ 145 Rhodes, Miss D. M. _ _ _ 386 Rhodes, Mrs. G. . 1,795 Rhodes, Miss M. J. _ 4,788 Richards, S. T _ _ 12,480 Richert. Miss H _ _ 3,540 Richmond, A. E _ _ 6.038 Rickard, V. E . . . 13,980 Riddell, R. _ 9,381 Ridgway, A. - 10,320 Ridsdale, R. E . 13,716 Riley, Mrs. E. P. _ 4,206 Riopel, C. R. _ 10,920 Ritchie, Miss C. M. C . 4,944 Travel $ 795 60 106 199 2,682 32 1,373 1,903 1,829 1,759 20 1,175 2,741 469 114 2,414 541 66 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Robb, D. W. . . 1,690 49 Robbins, Mrs. S. J. _ 4,206 — Roberts, C. J. _ .. 9,360 — Roberts, W. F. . 10,560 — Robertson, Miss A. _ 1,050 — Robertson, Mrs. A. _ 1.593 — Robertson, Miss J. G. _ _ 1,002 — Robertson, Miss M. E. _ 8,635 12 Robertson, T. T. _ 2,728 — Robertson, W. D. _ 11,544 — Robertson, W. D . 5,580 — Robinson, Mrs. D. _ 4,206 — Robinson, Mrs. E. M. _ 2,533 — Robinson, Miss K. 8,330 — Robinson, W. T. . . 6,682 — Rocha, Mrs. M. ... 1,734 — Roche, M. J. 1,433 — Roddie, T. M. _ 11,580 — Roelofsen. Miss H. M. _ 340 — Rogers, Mrs. L. _ 9.390 — Rogers, Miss P. M, _ 9,720 — Rolph, Mrs. E. S. _ 6,504 — Rosback, Miss A. M. _ 638 — Rose, C. D. _ 8,400 — Rose, Miss L. E. _ 3,240 — Ross, D. A. ..... .. - 2,790 — Ross, I. S. _ _ 462 — Ross, Mrs. J. _ .. ..... 458 — Ross, Mrs. M. L. 3,118 — Rowe, E. T. W. . . . . . 9,360 — Ruesch, Mrs. J. 4,440 — Rush, W. 1. 5,425 — Rushfeldt, Miss G. L. _ 15 — Russell, J. L. _ _ 4,560 — Russell, R. T . . ... 5,608 — Russell, Mrs. S. E. _ 4,650 — Rutledge, A. C. 14,597 2,430 Ryback, R. .... _ 2,822 — Sabine, F. J _ 5,680 — Sadler, Mrs. S. J. ... _ 8,020 — Sails, D. S. _ _ _ 690 — Sakich, W. .. _ . 2,260 — Sambrook, F. G. _ 4,465 — Sanborn, Miss B. A. _ 470 — Sandberg, N. J. _ 7,354 — Sandberg, Mrs. V. M. _ 2,415 — Sanderson, F. L. _ 11,270 98 Sanderson, Mrs. S. M. _ 633 — Saunders, C. L. _ 7,771 — Saunders, J. R. .... . _ 9,420 — Savage, F. L. ... .. 2,342 873 Savage, R. W. _ . 2,857 — Sawrenko, P. _ 8,640 119 Scarratt, Mrs. B. B. _ 3,900 _ Schaeffer, B. _ . 9,472 — Scharf, R _ _ 6,360 _ Schiller, F. A. .. ... 3,984 _ Schiller, Mrs. M. P. J. _ 5,796 _ Schlegel, E. H. G. _ 4,340 — Schmidt, B. R. . . . . 9,579 _ Schmidt, Mrs. E. _ _ 3,760 _ Schmutz, E. A. .. _ 10,860 2,813 Schoenenberger, K. _ 8,940 46 Schofield, Mrs. F. D. _ 734 _ Scholes, R. E. _ 3,083 _ Schoonover. L. M. 1,471 _ Schulz. E. C. T. 9,709 _ Schulz, Mrs. M. . .. 7,800 _ Schweitzer, Miss D. E. . 460 _ Scollen, G. M. . . .. 11,700 _ Scott, T. _ 7,284 _ Scratchley, E. W. _ 10,965 _ Scriabin, M. _ 8,718 - . Searle, Mrs. S. J. _ . . 558 _ Seidel, Miss M. G. C. _ 758 _ Semke, Mrs. M. N. .. 6,580 195 Senior, F. _ 11,692 20 Sequeira, Mrs. V. R. _ 3,849 Seto, Miss J _ _ 462 — Shah, S. K. _ 9,540 — Shaneman, Mrs. S. M. .... 952 _ Shapka. Mrs. S. B. _ 1,269 — Sharp, R M. .... . . 6,139 — Shaw, Miss C. N. M. .... 424 — Shaw, M. W _ _ 66 — Shaw, S. J. _ 2,120 — Shenkenfelder, Miss M. A. _ _ _ ... 675 — Sheppard, G. R . . 5,274 324 Sheppard, W. J. - - - 5,340 — Sheret, Mrs. P. M. W. _ 1,971 — Salary Travel $ $ Shipley, Miss S. A. _ 520 — Shipton, Miss P. L. _ 676 — Shkurhan, E. E. _ 5,680 — Short, D. W. _ 6,142 — Siddoo, Miss B. _ 3,684 — Simmons, A. _ _ 234 — Sims, W. S. _ 15,120 — Sinclair, Mrs. E. M. S _ 739 — Sinclair, Mrs. E. R . . 4,128 — Sinclair, G. N. _ 7,860 — Sinclair, R. A. _ 11,950 — Sinkewicz, G. _ 10,020 156 Skaar, Mrs. J. A. _ 3,386 — Skea, D. A. _ 5,376 6 Sketchley, J. C. L. _ 9,944 — Smith, C . . _ . 481 — Smith, Mrs. G. C. _ 2,356 — Smith, L _ _ 14,211 131 Smith, L. A _ _ 10,277 — Smith, L. L. . . 9,991 — Smith, Mrs. M. J. _ 6,425 1,130 Smith, Miss M. R. _ 4,888 — Smith, Miss N. J. _ 5,640 — Smith, O. M. . . . . . 3,802 — Smith, R. C. _ 10,860 3,712 Smith, R. E . . . 1,098 — Smith, R. J. _ 8,640 — Smith, Miss S. M . . 1,785 — Smith, Mrs. S. W. _ 4.440 — Smith, Mrs. V. _ 4,788 — Smyth, Mrs. J. E . . 9,840 59 Smyth, R. C. W. _ 11,754 — Snape, Miss N. W. _ 7,560 — Snider. Mrs. D. M. E. __ 1.120 — Sorensen, E. V. _ 10,140 — Sorensen. K. B . 5.520 129 Sorocan, E. . 8,773 — Souchuk. J . 10,980 — Soutar, T. J. _ 529 — South, Miss P. A . . 2,605 — Soutter, J. K. . ._ 7,487 — Sowerbv, Miss E. E . 5,796 — Snail, R. E. _ 1,598 — Sparks, W. J . 1,291 — Sneed, Miss M. E. J. _ 9,180 — Sneers, F. G. . 914 — Spence. Mrs. J. M . . 6,067 — Spencer, Miss G. D. _ 2.650 — Soiller, Mrs. P. E. _ 759 — Sproule, W. D. _ 11.878 — St. Clair. Mrs. F. M. _ 1,776 — St. Denis. R. D. L. _ 1,165 — Stafford, H. D _ _ 16,360 — Stanbrook. L. F. _ _ 9,900 — Stanfield, E. R _ _ 10,980 — Starr. R. C. _ 12,019 — Stelkia, Mrs. G. M . . 2.619 — Stenhouse. T. E. .. . . 5,340 — Stephens. Miss S. W . . 5,680 — Sterne, R. A. _ 11,521 — Stevens, D. C. _ 448 — Stevens, Miss H. M . 5.274 — Stevens, R. J. _ 1,164 — Stevenson, A. M. _ 5,340 — Stevenson, G. L. _ 5,520 — Stewart, Miss A. M. O. .. 5,125 — Stewart, E. C. _ 15,860 1,856 Stewart. J. S _ _ 11,547 — Stibbs, R. B. - _ 6,500 1,290 Stickney, Mrs. K. C. _ 3,960 — Stirling. P. H. . . 9.540 154 Stone, L. J. ... _ 5,284 — Strand, Mrs. E. R. . 586 18 Street, B. A. _ 3,023 — Striha, Mrs. A. J. _ 4,650 — Stromberg, D. A. _ 2,022 — Stronach. Mrs. E. E. _ 9,270 — Stubbs, Mrs. O. C. _ _ 3,900 — Stuchberry, Miss L. S . 3,474 — Sturdy, Miss B. M . . 735 — Stusek, Mrs. L. E. _ 1,731 — Suffield, R. G . . . 5,280 — Sundar, D. R _ _ 5,160 — Sutherland, Miss M. _ 4,860 — Svetic, D. . . 13,038 — Swart, C. J. . . . .. 8,324 — Swetlishoff, W. W. _ 3,584 — Svrnyk. A. J _ _ 4.524 — Tai, Mrs. K . . . . 3,480 — Tait. Mrs. L. R . 3,456 — Tait, Mrs. V. _ 4,608 — Takahashi. Miss T. _ 2,030 — Tang, E. E . . 10,371 — Salary Tangye, W. A. - 13,896 Tapaninen, Mrs. J. L. M. 4,608 Taylor, C. I. _ 17,053 Taylor, Mrs. H. R. _ 516 Taylor, J. K _ _ 1,278 Taylor, L. A. _ 12,093 Taylor, Mrs. P. E. _ 4,500 Taylor, R. T _ _ 1,326 Tedford, Mrs. E. _ ... _ 3,420 Tellez, Mrs. B. B . . 1,823 Tennant, Mrs. P. M. _ 3,312 Terpstra, L. _ 874 Tersianoff, Mrs. M. _ 3,693 Thibeault, A. D. _ 693 Thom, D. E _ _ 9,270 Thom, G. A _ _ 13,500 Thomas, P. H. _ 10,308 Thomas, W. R . . 10,980 Thompson, Miss D. E . 7,860 Thompson, Mrs. P. A . 4,362 Thompson, R. J. _ _.... 10,673 Thomson, A. M. _ 7,680 Thomson, Mrs. J. A. _ 4,274 Thomson, Mrs. M. H. R. 4,059 Thornton, G. B . . . 3,252 Thorold, B. F. G _ _ 570 Thorpe, Miss D. S. R. _ 4,206 Thorsen, M. T. _ 2,639 Thorstenson, R. F. _ 16,825 Thumm, W. _ .... _ ... 5,653 Tidmarsh, M. J . . 10,860 Timmons, Miss M. _ 2,865 Tinley, C. F. _ 11,693 Tipler, P. G. _ 9,115 Todd. D. P. _ _ _ 17,280 Todd, S. C. _ 10,857 Tolani. L. V _ _ 8,940 Tong, Mrs. B. A _ _ 4,623 Toth, Mrs. I. _ 1,817 Towland, J _ _ 9,840 Townsend, G. J _ _ 4,429 Trask, B. L . 1.234 Trebilcock, Mrs. J. R. .... 7,152 Trevorrow, D. V. _ _ _ 8,745 Trudgill, Miss M. A. _ 3,642 Tucker, R. N. _ 1,422 Tucker, T. I _ _ 2,813 Tunkow, N. W. _ 380 Turnbull, M. M. _ 6,084 Turner, Miss B. E . . 886 Turner, B. L. . 9,570 Turner, Mrs. C. L. _ _.... 2,895 Turner, G. B. _ _ _ 9,360 Turner, G. N. _ _ _ 418 Turner, W. P. _ 3,945 Turnham, Miss R. M. _ 2,565 Turtle, Mrs. L. A. _ 4,206 Tyler, G. P. _ 1,232 Tyrrell, A. G . . 11,730 Uldall, M. C . . 4,248 Ulmer, Mrs. J. R. Y. _ 142 Underhill, E. H. . . 9,083 Underwood, C. — . . 10,236 Underwood, Miss D. B. .. 1,889 Upward, E. A. _ 7,560 Vaccaro, Mrs. F. A. _ 8,365 Vachon, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,300 Valen, I. _ 9,312 Van Ameyde M. _ 7,686 Van Beynum, G. H. _ 8,416 Van Poppel, G. L . . 8,400 Van Rhyn, B. J. _ 6,854 Vandell, Mrs. N. D. _ 1,187 Vandermeulen, Miss A. H. 6,888 Vater, Mrs. B. A. _ 4,197 Venus, Mrs. M. Z. _ 77 Verishine, A. J. _ 9,928 Verner, J. A. _ 13,025 Vickrey, C. W. _ 8,662 Vincent, E. A. _ 4,901 Vonk. S. J. C. _ 8,636 Vos, Miss N. _ _ _ 1,979 Vyse, Miss I. N. _ 8,365 Waleren, Mrs. S. J. _ 8,060 Walker, F. G. _ 5,799 Walker, H. E . 11,094 Walker. P. G . . 4,598 Wall, P. C. . . 816 Wallace, Mrs. G. M. _ 727 Wallace, Miss G. P. _ 1,176 Wallace, J. B. _ 1,056 Walsh, J. ... _ 9,720 Walters, Mrs. B. J. _ 504 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 67 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Salary $ falters, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,980 falters, W. L. __ 6,905 fapple, J. P. _ _ 8,360 fard, Miss E. D. _ 3,558 fardhaugh. Miss G. J. _ 4,980 fardlaw, C. G. _ 12,584 'ardroper, J. H. _ _ 10,074 'arkentin, J. E. _ _ 8,857 'arner, N. W. _ _ 8,330 'arrack, Miss H. _ 1,192 'atkin, Mrs. G. E. I. _ 1,670 'atson, Mrs. B. N. _ 1,324 ratson, L. W. _ 3,863 ratson, R. H. _ _ _ 4,635 'atson, Mrs. S. L. _ 3,486 'atson, Mrs. S. M. ___ 2,224 ratt, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,050 'att, Mrs. G. E. _ 1,331 'eatherly, Miss H. R. _ 1,910 ebb, Miss A. _ _ _ _ _ 4,761 eber, G. B. _ 11,950 ebster, A. T. _ _ 12,202 ebster, B. R. _ 3,210 eddell, J _ _ 9,463 eeks, G. M. _ 6,280 eicker, D. N. _ 16,200 einhart, E. K. _ 4,644 eir, K. M. _ _ _ 754 eir, Mrs. P. _ 2,106 ells, Mrs. G. P _ 4,788 ells, Mrs. M. _ . _ 292 ertheim-Aymes, Mrs. B. M. _ 4,050 estervelt, Mrs. E. V. _ 3,694 estman, Mrs. A. T. _ 4,980 eston, G. M. _ _ _ 6,868 etzlmayr, O. K. . . . 9,100 hatmore, J. F. - 11,393 Salary $ nnett, Hon. W. A. C., Minister (paid as pre¬ mier) _ _ — Travel $ 439 161 401 336 14 291 Travel $ 625 yson, G. S., Deputy Minister _ _ — 21,000 3,828 ibiss, D. C. S. - 9,540 1,308 lernethy, N. _ _ _ _ 9,540 552 :him, Mrs. L _ _ 6,738 — Imussen, Miss L. E. _ 1,553 — tins, J. W. ._ _ 12,900 — ins. Miss M. C . . 1,963 — aerts, Miss D. R. - 578 — exander, D. R. - 17,730 482 exander, G. F. - 9.960 1,254 len, D. J. . . . . 7,879 1,006 len, R. S. __ - - 8,160 — [in. R. S. _ _ _ 1.471 1,624 nodeo, Mrs. P. _ . 2,007 — ny, G. R - - 2,490 — iaka, G. A. _ 1,676 1,246 iderson, Miss S. C. - 1,995 — derson, Mrs. V. E. _ 3.684 — derson. W. R. _ 6,144 390 gus, Mrs. D. M. _ 2,805 — thony, Mrs. L. R. - 2,480 — chibald, R. H. _ 8,820 363 mit, Mrs. D. _ 3,184 — nold. Miss N. M. _ 1,584 — aold, Miss S. M . . 1,542 — cins, Mrs. M. _ _ 5,796 — cinson. Mrs. H. _ 448 — field. R. S. _ 4.569 — maud, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,128 — cer, J. A. _ 8,640 — cken, J. B. _ 9,849 200 dwin, H. R. _ 9,600 2,166 afield, Miss S. I. _ 4,980 — ining, Mrs. W. J. _ 1,628 — •clay, A. W. _ _ 890 — •man. C. C. _ 7,860 — nes, W. A. _ 4,463 — nett, J. G. _ 10,380 1,998 ton, W. H. _ 9,540 705 iman. Mrs. E. F. _ 1,065 — ittie, J. A. .. . . _ 4,922 637 lulac, Mrs. L. E. _ 4,608 4 lulieu, Mrs. C. L. _ 4,044 — :kley, H. W. _ 6,624 5 ;re, J. A. M. _ 8,820 — Salary Travel $ $ Wheat, J. . . 1,907 — Wheatley, R. L. ... _ . . 3,533 449 Wheeler, K. L. _ 2,593 — Whipple, Mrs. J. M. _ 2,095 — Whitbread, R. F. _ 521 — White, Miss B. Y. _ 424 — White, E. F. _ 5,524 — White, Miss H. L. _ _ _ 613 — White, J. S _ _ 17,400 2,191 White, M. M. _ 11,950 — White, Miss T. E. _ 1,111 — Whiteside, Miss E. A. _ 9.870 — Whiteside, Miss M. C. _ 7,550 — Whitteker, Miss R. J. _ 1,653 — Whittles, A. B. L. _ 11,714 113 Whittred, D. A. ... 4,760 — Wickstrom, D. G . 1,946 — Wilk, R. J. . . . 5,376 — Wilkinson, Miss L. L. _ 464 — Wilkinson, P. E. _ 10,860 — Willcox, J. A _ _ 10,824 28 Willett, Mrs. B. A. _ 3.250 — Williams, Mrs. C. A. _ 2.236 — Williams, D. M. _ 6,268 — Williams, Mrs. E. G. _ 135 — Williams, Mrs. L. L. - 1,917 — Williams, Mrs. M. J. - 442 — Williams, Mrs. N. - - 844 — Williams, Miss S. L. - 9,420 — Williamson, Mrs. D. V. _ 3,700 — Williamson, H. E. _ . 11,352 — Williamson, Miss P. D. _ 4,050 — Willis, Mrs. R. E. _ 5,796 — Wilmot, Miss C. _ 1,232 — Wilson, Mrs. B. L. _ 8,160 693 Wilson, F. _ 7,229 — Wilson, J. _ 39 — Wilson, J. S. _ _ 532 — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Salary Travel $ $ Beesley, Mrs. L. K. _ 4,278 — Beley, G. H. _ 10,740 7 Bell, Mrs. M. L. _ 3.420 — Bell, Mrs. O. _ 6,036 — Belobaba, Mrs. F. A. _ 595 — Benner. K. R. _ 4,372 2 Bennett, K. A. _ _ . 8,820 319 Benwell, Mrs. J. A . . 3,972 — Benwell, W. R. _ 4,050 — Beres, Mrs. K. A. _ 4,011 — Bergeron, R. A. . _ 8,550 392 Berman, Miss K. L. _ 362 — Berry, J. W. _ 2,149 — Bescott, Miss B. L. _ 3,900 — Betts, W. E. _ 9,540 1,641 Bidwell, Miss C. P. _ 1,283 — Bieber, J. W. _ 5,796 682 Black, K. W. . . . . . 2,435 — Blackwell. G. K. . . . 7,731 1,998 Blaikie, Miss M. _ 206 — Blake, N. R. _ 10,080 239 Blashill, A. L. _ 9,540 1,787 Block. P _ 9,180 32 Boddy, F. _ 4.284 — Boileau, Mrs. A. _ 4,980 — Bone, Mrs. S. G . 3,753 — Booth, K. I. _ 8,160 288 Boothroyd, Miss G. _ 1,403 — Boothroyd. J. R. - 5,478 812 Borgun, Miss L. D. - 2,736 — Borradaile, Miss L. J. — 3,684 — Bosdet, J. D. _ 10,860 3,747 Bourgeois, Mrs. Y. G. — 5,257 — Boyd, Mrs. S. E. A. _ 1,900 — Braden, Mrs. J. _ 3,972 — Brake, D. F. - 9.540 593 Brander, Mrs. C. L. — 3.662 — Braniff. J. A. - - - 2,560 394 Brawn, H. - - - 2,425 — Breen, A. F. - 1,901 — Bridgeman, L. J. - 1,285 — Broadland. K. R. - 1,676 1,216 Brock, T. C. - 2,186 — Brodie. G. L. .... - 10,860 778 Broomfield, G. A. — . . 9,000 — Brouwers, A. — . . - 5,910 242 Brown, A. M . . 9.180 255 Bruce, Mrs. D. J. — . - 4,728 — Brush, Mrs. H. E. . - 4,326 — Salary Travel $ $ Wilson, Miss M. G. _ 8,160 — Wolfe, Mrs. A. D. _ . 5,700 — Wolfe, Miss P. L . . 3.579 — Won, Miss D. H . . 1,248 — Wood, T. W. _ _ _ 5,796 — Woodley, Mrs. M. A. _ 789 — Woods, W. W. _ 601 — Woolley, P. J. _ 12,469 — Woolman, L. H . . . . 10,455 — Workman, D. D. 7,397 — Wozny, S. D. _ 783 — Wright, A . - _ . . 3,700 — Wright, C. C. -- - - 15,960 495 Wright, J. C. 9,540 99 Wright, Miss M. E. _ 3,278 — Wylie, Miss J. F. . ~ . 10,224 94 Yakel, K. A. _ _ 982 — Yasui, Miss S. _ 3,720 — Yeh, L. C. C. _ 2,022 — Yelland, Miss S. D. _ 1,084 — Yoachim, N. B. _ 1,786 — York, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,196 — York, Miss S. J. _ 61 — Young, Miss B. V. _ 3,821 137 Young, Mrs. J. D. _ 3,684 — Young, Miss V. J. _ 1,344 — Zeffert, D. W. _ 1.155 — Zender, Miss J. F. _ 5,680 — Zoellner, W. J. _ 15.240 5,095 Zornow, Mrs. H. _ 3,720 — Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ — 17,887 Transfers, other depart- ments _ _ _ +7,654 +2,318 9,375,800 204,722 Salary Travel $ $ Bryson, R. J. _ 6,630 — Buckingham, Mrs. M. J. _ 4,440 — Buckna, Mrs. M. A. _ 5,478 — Budynski, Mrs. M. V. . 4,284 — Bugg, Mrs. M. J. _ 4,908 — Buhler, Mrs. L. V. _ 3.442 — Bull, E. C. . _ _ 4.276 13 Bulmer, W. H. _ 10,860 714 Bunker. Mrs. P. W. _ 69 — Bunn, Miss F. _ 5,796 — Burdge, Miss F. M. _ 4,524 — Burnell. G. F. _ 7,710 1,029 Burnett, R. E. _ 3,758 142 Burrowes, P. W. _ 819 — Burt, D. L. S. _ 6,264 730 Butler, Miss F. A. _ 3,436 — Cain, Mrs. S. L. _ 1,271 — Calder. Mrs. E. I. _ _ 3,381 — Calderwood, Mrs. R. E.__ 3.774 — Caley, R. J. _ 7,152 137 Callahan, H. O. _ _ 11,100 — Cameron, G. B. _ . 8.160 1,078 Campbell, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,078 — Campbell, Mrs. G. E . 4,284 — Campbell, R. ... _ _ 5.376 — Cape, L. _ 9.540 358 Carling, S. M. _ _ 10,980 160 Carmichael, F. R. _ 8.820 121 Carson. C. W. _ 2,036 — Carter, Mrs. B. M. _ 622 — Carter, Mrs. M. D. _ 3,684 — Cartwright, Mrs. W. C. _ 5,688 — Carver, A. B. _ 3,013 78 Caufield, Mrs. J. E. _ 682 — Cawood, J. R. _ 1,480 — Celli, Miss M. _ _ _ 3.973 — Chadwick, Mrs. A. P. 3,900 — Chamberlain, Miss K. M. 4,128 — Chapman, T. C _ _ 8,160 294 Charlton, A. W. - 10,620 358 Charlton, Miss M. D . . 3.240 — Chatterton, G L . — . 7.525 478 Cheesman, J. H. - 7,524 222 Chipper, E. J. _ _ _ 7.560 — Christie, Mrs. C. L. - 1.225 — Chubak, E. G. - 8,280 50 Clarke, P. A. - . 8.160 647 Clarke, T. L. - - 9,960 9 Cline, Mrs. B. B. - 342 — 68 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE — Continued Salary $ Cockburn, R. M. _ _ 3,825 Coell, D. R. _ 10,380 Cole-Johnson, P. K. _ 8,820 Colegrave, M. H. _ 977 Coles, Mrs. M. L. _ 2,979 Coles, Mrs. W. P. _ 6,024 Colledge, Miss M. M. _ 1,901 Collison, W. H. M. _ 8,940 Comerford, W. P. _ 2,696 Cone, J. H. _ _ 9,540 Cooney, Mrs. J. _ _ _ 745 Corbett, Mrs. E. M. _ 1,952 Cordick, Mrs. B. I. _ 4,316 Cosier, Miss D. L. _ 263 Coutts, Miss I. _ 5,796 Cozens, Mrs. R. J. _ 1,486 Craigie, Miss K. L . — 1,626 Crawford, D. H. _ 10,380 Crawford, Mrs. D. M. _ 5,796 Crawford, J. C. _ 1,142 Creech, D. R. P. _ 6,888 Creech, Mrs. G. _ 4,047 Crompton, P. J. _ 5,657 Crothall, W. _ 9,540 Crowe, Miss P. M. _ 1,282 Curbishley, N. G. _ _ _ 10,860 Curran, Mrs. J. _ 3,900 Currie, J. F. - 6,718 D’Andrea. O. G. _ 8,820 Dahl, Miss M. E. _ 3,152 Dalby, T. S. _ 10.860 Damon, G _ _ 2,380 Daruda, Mrs. K. A . 415 Davidson, Mrs. D. H. _ 4,788 Daviduk. Miss R. _ 3,640 Davies, J. R _ _ 427 Davies, L. R. _ 6,888 Davies, S. F. _ 9,540 Davis, L. W. _ 5,292 Dawson, Mrs. E. K . 4,343 Dawson, Mrs. J. L . . 1,411 Dav, Miss D. W. _ 4,820 Day, G. C _ _ 1,590 Day, T. I. . . . 448 Deacon, Miss J. E. _ 479 Dean, Mrs. W. A. _ 4,050 Dempster, Miss M. J. _ 5,688 Depfyffer, R. L. _ 8,160 Dewsbury, R. B. . . 3,684 Deyholos, Miss D. _ 265 Dickson, Mrs. V. P. _ 373 Dillabaugh, K. W . . 8,160 Dingley, Mrs. E. M . 209 Ditchblirn, R. B . . 1,590 Dixon, Miss A. K. _ 9,540 Dixon. A. W. .. _ 8,160 Dobson, Mrs. M. I. _ 735 Dobson, T. S. _ 8,820 Dodds, Miss J. A. _ 1,283 Dodge, Miss L. D. _ 795 Donaldson, Miss H. L. _ 67 Donaldson, T. _ _ 4,282 Dovell. Miss M. R. A. _ 3.684 Dow, W. B. ... _ 8.280 Downs, Mrs. B. K . . 4,524 Doyle, R. J. _ 4,532 Doyle, S. N _ _ 7,152 Draper. W. L. _ 8,820 Drew, D. V. _ 8,820 Drewry, N. T. _ 11.400 Drinkwater, G _ _ 7,218 Drysdale, Miss M. D . 3.635 Dudley, Miss E. J . . 5,796 Dudley, Mrs. H. M . . 4,212 Duff, Miss R. J . . 1,450 Dunn, Miss E. _ 8,160 Dunsmuir, J. E. . . __ 5,326 Durrant, J. G. E. _ 2,205 Duruisseau, Mrs. S. A _ 2,655 Dykstra, Miss J. _ 3,628 Easthom, Mrs. S. L. _ 3,474 Edgar, E. H. _ 6,504 Edwards, T. H. _ 8,820 Elbome, Miss E. _ 5,172 Elder, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,729 Elliott, G. D. _ 4,563 Elliott, Mrs. O . 5,658 Ellis, Miss S. A _ _ 2,190 Ellis, Mrs. T. D. . . 4,788 English, Mrs. B. A. _ _ 5,172 Englund, Miss B. C . — 1,735 Enright, Mrs. L. H. J . 5,172 Epp, Miss D. J. . . — 144 Travel 1 2,250 501 219 1,088 1,865 36 1,198 486 744 1,646 198 1,038 596 2 612 409 1,210 27 458 651 341 34 19 494 674 75 13 2.102 619 457 245 442 581 Salary Travel $ $ Estes, Mrs. J. A. _ 1,599 — Falloon, Mrs. W. C. _ 3,865 — Farkas, Miss M. J. _ 4,102 — Farquhar, Miss J. E. _ _ 3,541 — Farquhar, R. M. _ 3,756 — Farrow, R. C. _ 5,964 481 Fawcus, W. E. _ 9,369 161 Ferber, C. J . . 21,000 1,172 Ferguson, H. G. _ 12,900 100 Ferguson, Mrs. T. J. _ 3,559 — Fetherstonhaugh, R . . 7,284 — Fieldhouse, J. P. _ 5,796 — Fields, R. B. ... _ 11,880 470 Finch, Mrs. S. G. _ 993 — Findlay, T. W. N. _ 635 — Fink, Mrs. M. M. ._ _ 1,963 — Finnigan, Mrs. L. D. _ 5,976 — Fish, W. M. _ _ _ 7,860 483 Fisher, R. J _ _ 1,186 49 Fitzgerald, Miss M. S. _ 2,125 — Fleming, Miss P. E. _ _ 3,396 — Fletcher, A. J . . 9,780 1,244 Fletcher, R. A. _ _ 4,710 — Flowerday, Miss A. M. .. 421 — Flowers, Miss D. G. _ 3,004 — Flynn, D. M. __ _ 2,418 281 Fogden, Miss J. A. M. _ 3,481 — Foisy, Mrs. B. A. _ _ 3,924 — Foisy, R. G _ _ 7,560 1,249 Fontaine, R. L. _ _ _ 1,306 — Ford, Mrs. E. M. _ _ _ 5,100 — Ford, G. F. _ 9,540 1,825 Ford, Mrs. I _ _ 1,482 — Ford, R. G. _ 1,259 112 Forshaw, M. C . . 550 9 Foster, Mrs. M. F. _ 3,120 — Fraser, Mrs. D. _ 2,679 — Fraser, Miss M. E. _ 5,376 — French, Miss B. E . . 3,828 — French, Miss J. E. O. _ 5,796 — Friend, Miss M. E. _ 5,796 — Frolic, G. E. _ 8,820 342 Frost, C. G . . . . 1,660 — Fuller, K. R. _ 3,888 — Gage, Mrs. M. J. E . _ 2,138 — Gale, A. A. _ 2,830 — Gamlin, S. N . . 8,820 58 Gansner, H. L _ _ 4,044 863 Gaspard, J. V . . 8,820 — Gaunt, D. C. _ 6,504 — Geoghegan, Mrs. M. M. 2,450 — George, Miss G. A. _ 1,285 — Georgeson, Miss P. L . 1,275 — Germain, Miss M. A. _ 285 — Gibbons, Mrs. M. J. _ 2,280 — Gibson, Mrs. J. _ 4,980 66 Gibson, Mrs. M. H . . 1,581 — Gibson, T. S. - 10,860 2,311 Gilchrist, R. D. _ 5,688 426 Girdlestone, Mrs. M. G. 4,884 — Glover, Miss C. _ 4,876 — Glowinski, G. N. C. _ 1,939 — Golder, Miss E. P. _ _ 5,796 — Good, J. P. - 3,563 332 Gordon, B. E. - 1,777 351 Gordon, Miss M. B. _ 5,929 — Gottfred, Miss L. J. _ 3,432 — Gowans, Miss M. R. _ 3,556 — Graham, C. G. _ 9,960 108 Graham, Mrs. H. K. _ 4,788 — Grant, Miss G. K. _ 3,218 — Gray, Miss L. A. _ 3,828 — Green, Mrs. M _ _ 567 — Green, Miss R. A. _ 3,792 — Gregoire, Miss L. A. _ 3,240 — Griffiths, Mrs. M. A. _ 5,172 — Groenewold. Mrs. G. M. 3,684 — Gumbert, H. T. _ 10,860 16 Hall, Miss V. _ 5,796 18 Hallinan, Miss M. _ 7,890 — Halme, Miss A. L. _ 3,168 — Hamilton, G. L. _ _ 9,960 319 Hamilton, K. R . . 1,824 — Hamilton, Mrs. P. M. _ 1,918 — Hamilton, S. _ 4,206 — Handley, R. W. J. _ 4,884 — Hanna, M. G. _ 7,560 — Harbord-Harbord, Miss I. 5,796 — Harding, T. H. W. _ 11,040 31 Hardy, Miss N. L. _ 2,629 — Harris, Mrs. F. M. _ 1,421 — Harrison, Miss G. K. _ 2,770 — Hart, Miss E. L. _ 5,796 — Harvey, R. A. B. - 2,513 83 Salary Harvie, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,137 Harwood, Mrs. E. A . _ 1,715 Hatcher, Miss M. T. _ 4,788 Hathway, H. G. _ 10,380 Hawkshaw, R. C. _ _ 9,540 Hay, Mrs. E. E. _ 550 Hayhurst, J. S . . 6,384 Hayhurst, R. J. F. _ _ 5,796 Head, Miss L. M. _ 3,756 Heagle, E. W. _ 3,012 Helmcken, Miss E. M. _ 4,440 Henderson, Mrs. E. G. _ 4,148 Hendren, Mrs. K. A. _ 3,618 Hendricks, W. _ 5,688 Herd, Mrs. S. M. _ 2,850 Hess, D. L. - 4,710 Higgins, Mrs. J. A. _ 660 Higginson, J. F. _ 1,309 Hiies, C. R. _ 6,387 Hillsden, A. E. _ 8,460 Hislop, W. R. C. _ 8,820 Hodge, D. R. _ 2,246 Hodgkinson, S. _ 8,640 Hoem, J. H _ _ 6,888 Hoemer, D _ _ 8,940 Holden, F. J. _ 9,960 Holder, C. E. . . 10,860 Holgate, Miss D. B . . 3,410 Holmes, Mrs. D. _ 3,756 Holyhead, Miss L. M. _ 1,855 Hoogland, Miss M. _ 3.828 Hooper, Miss S. D. _ 1,914 Homell, J. E. _ 7,830 Homer, G. _ _ _ 9,540 Horton. Mrs. M. L . . 4,788 Howard, Miss B. A. _ 3,777 Howe, Miss B. A . . 3,552 Howes, D. T. _ 585 Hubbard, Mrs. L. C. _ 5.688 Hubber, Mrs. C. A. _ 4,014 Hueston. Mrs. N. J. _ 2,134 Hug, Miss D. E. _ 1 ,425 Hughes, F. E. P. _ 10,980 Hundley, J. P. _ 5,100 Hunter, D. D _ _ 9.540 Hunter, J. G. _ 6,024 Hutton, H. W. _ 9,540 Hyndman. W. G. _ 9,540 Imhoff, Miss V. K. _ 1,696 Impett, N. E. _ 8,820 Ingham, Mrs. C. S . . 1,020 Ingram, R. D. _ 3,624 Irvine, Miss T. D. R. _ 2,112 Ives, N. M. . . . . . 10,380 Jackson, Mrs. M. M. _ 4,027 Jackson. Miss S. L. _ 1,480 Jacob, R. N . . 6,144 Jacobs, M. E. _ _ 9.540 Jacobsen. Mrs. O. M. _ _ 6,504 James, Miss B. A. _ 215 Jayne, Mrs. C. P . 5,172 Jecks, D. P _ 6,504 Jeffreys, Miss F. L. _ 2,082 Jervis, Mrs. M. A . . 5.274 Jessup, G. _ 9,000 Johns, D. W. _ 2,604 Johnson, B. P. .... _ 1.145 Johnson, Mrs. F. A. _ 2,800 Johnson, Mrs. H. E. _ 4,440 Johnson, Miss H. E . . 681 Johnston, T. A. H. _ 11,880 Johnston. Mrs. V. M. _ 5,796 Jones, Miss B. A. _ 1,140 Jones, D. A. . 9,180 Jones, Mrs. D. M. M. _ 5,376 Jones, G. A. _ 9.540 Jones, Miss I. M. _ _ 6,504 Jones, Miss P. D. _ _ 4,524 Jones, R. S _ _ 4,943 Jordan, A. G. . . 10,860 Jupp, Mrs. I. E. _ 2,551 Kary, J. . 8,010 Katzalay, Mrs. O. _ 693 Kay, R. J. E _ _ 9,960 Kelly, Miss M. A. _ 1,344 Kelly, R. D. _ 8,820 Kelly. W. A. .... _ 6,504 Kennaugh, Mrs. Z. _ 4,980 Kennedy, Miss D. J. _ 3,300 Kennedy, J. P . 4,183 Kennedy, Miss M. _ 6,504 Kennedy, R. F. _ 5,916 Kennedy, B. E. _ 8,820 Travel $ 942 863 169 6 188 742 127 42 683 76 330 40 1,242 17 389 374 263 289 1,531 255 98 14 2,340 551 812 125 71 1,890 379 113 284 438 178 479 1,067 25 530 '■r ■ ill SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 69 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE — Continued erckhove, Mrs. M . Salary $ 5,796 Travel $ 13 emaghan, B. E. _ 3,872 — eryluke, D. R. . . 4,980 761 et chain, W. H. _ 7,710 5 ilby, A. R. . . 590 — ing. Miss R. _ 3,558 — ing. Miss S. A. _ 1,971 — irk, ('. S _ _ _ 741 — rk, Mrs. J . . . 614 — light, T W 5,688 1,595 _ lowles. Mrs. P. D. _ — xh. Mrs. S. L. _ 2,708 — Dskimaki, D. _ 4,884 51 •all, R . 1.282 — cic, Miss S. _ 5,796 — emer. Mrs. J. J . . 3,684 — isch, L. D _ _ 9,540 250 mb, Miss N. K. _ _ _ 3,240 — ncaster, D. P . . 8.370 — ncaster, Mrs. R. _ 1,927 — rge, Mrs. B. J. _ 4,368 — sell, J. R. _ _ _ 3.180 — urie, Miss E. F. _ 6,264 — uvaas, Miss I. S. _ 3.360 — vallee, Mrs. L. D. _ 1,840 — wrence, Mrs. O. M. _ 3,684 — wrie. R. E. _ 217 — wson, J. B _ _ _ 8,160 — wson, K. S. . . 10,860 137 an, I P _ 8,160 138 asak, J. M. _ 3,814 — gge, Mrs. J. E. A. - 3,424 — ith, M. D. C. 4,818 6,756 1,132 131 nnard, F. FT 15 Ling, Miss M. _ yens. E. W. _ 5,268 930 yerington, J. B. _ 5,796 — vis, C. _ _ _ 5,376 — vis, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,440 — ano, K. . . . 1,236 — ihcroft, Mrs. E. T. _ 4,440 16 ihfield. Mrs. K. L. P. E. 2,004 — ikey, Miss L. M. . 800 — ssman, A. ..... _ 4,185 — isman, Mrs. F. M. _ st. M. M . 3.480 — 740 — chison, Miss I. L. _ 4,980 — ienza, Miss E . . . 2,418 — kins. Miss E. B. _ 1,449 — kinson. Mrs. H. _ 1,471 — water, Mrs. D. F. _ 6,888 28 jstin, Mrs. A. I _ _ 8,010 759 'e. Miss M. J. _ _ _ 7,572 460 dward. Mrs. M. V. _ 1.208 — cani. Miss L. G . 1,913 — cchus. R. F. L. _ 1,318 — der, J. C. _ _ _ 4,800 — gnulo, G. ... . . . 1,391 1,382 _ iley, Mrs. C. C . . 5 iley, Mrs. M. A. _ 34 — iley, W. .. _ 15,060 1,199 ird, Mrs. B. R. . . 7.157 629 ird. R. O . . 4,800 — ker, Miss J. M. _ 499 — ker. Mrs. L. B . . . 2,305 — lestra, Mrs. I. J. _ 1,213 244 11, V. D. _ 538 — Hard, Mrs. P. M. . 2,218 — Imos, Miss P. _ 1,317 — mpoe, V _ _ 2.915 — ncroft, J. 11 70 — ndura. Miss R. M. H. 3.618 2 nner. Miss B. R. _ 3,443 35 nner, Mrs. J. D. _ 3,756 — mo. V. M. _ _ 1,356 — iton, Miss E. A. - 4,150 — ?ty, Mrs. E. L. M . 4,878 291 ber-Starkey, Miss M— 6.756 82 •dal. P. N. _ _ _ 5.266 559 •ker, R . . 4,800 — rker, R. A. . 1,699 — •low. Miss E. M. _ 6,504 — •nes, Mrs. R. J. . . 3,609 — •r, Miss B. G. _ 2,212 1 •ringer, Mrs. L. M. _ 113 — •wis, Mrs. M. J. _ 1,518 52 ;s, Miss P. A. _ 116 — eman, Miss L. G. - 2,779 2 vtinheimer, Mrs. P. A. 654 — in. Mrs. J. _ 3,523 — :ousky, N. M. - 822 — .irsto, Mrs. A. B. _ 5,580 — .irsto, W. .. . . 5,172 409 _ iton, Mrs. M. J. _ — .ttie, Miss J. A. M. — 10,860 1,676 ttie, P. _ _ 5,796 — k, Mrs. D. M. _ 181 20 ker, Mrs. B. D. _ 7.422 356 Inard, E. 5.376 — tstra, Mrs. R. D. _ 2,790 237 irner, Mrs. D. D. _ 7,020 36 !, Mrs. E. B. _ 3,480 — , Mrs. E. L. _ 2.295 167 . H. R. _ _ 9,300 1,270 . P. M . . . 8.010 885 amy, Mrs. I. Ft. _ 3,480 — is, Miss M. A. _ 7,860 415 akopitov, Mrs. M. _ 471 — edict, Miss M. E. .... 3,336 23 gtsson, Mrs. L. G. M. 3,473 — ham, L. E. _ _ 9.180 1,683 n, Miss S. _ 4,635 — nett, H. G. W . . 2,151 37 son, G. R _ _ 870 — son, Mrs. J. S. . . . 1,293 — son. K. F G. _ 20,280 2,089 tley, Mrs. M. R. _ 665 63 tan, Mrs. S. _ 1,305 276 ?en, Mrs. FI. D. _ 3,255 8 ;en, Miss M . . . . 6,630 176 Bergman, Mrs. J. Ft. _ Salary $ 4,639 Travel $ 328 Berry, Mrs. F. E. L. _ 8,098 808 Bertram, Mrs. A. _ 3,314 _ Bertram, Miss J. A. _ 533 _ Bertram, R. E. _ 759 — Best, Mrs. M. G . 3,960 _ Beutel, F. . 5,537 , Beveridge, Mrs. I. _ 8,280 — Bidnell, Mrs. W. _ 3,480 — Bigelow, Miss J. E . 3,588 _ Biggan, Mrs. R. C. _ 3,554 — Billings, Mrs. M. M. _ 1,075 60 Bilton, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,276 _ Bingham, Mrs. E. M. _ 5,812 — Bird, Mrs. T. M. _ _ 631 28 Birt, Mrs. A. _ _ 843 _ Bisgrove, Mrs. M. J. _ 676 93 Bishop, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,274 13 Bjorgan, M. A. _ 2,677 372 Bjorkman, Mrs. A. E. _ 2,009 37 Black, M. 2,359 5,620 Black, Miss M. A. _ 119 Blackaby, Mrs. J. A. ___ 266 _ Blackburn, Mrs. V. M. „ 4.440 4 Blackwell, Mrs. P. A. _ 685 95 Blair, Mrs. M. R. _ 4,980 _ Blake, Mrs. J. D. _ 2,797 _ Bleily, Mrs. I. A. _ 4,788 41 Blinston, Mrs. H. J. . . 471 — Bloxham, Mrs. M. S. _ 289 30 Blythe, Miss M. J . . 6,504 — Bodnar, Miss G. M. . . 7,930 157 Bodnarchuk, Miss K. A. 1,055 _ Boehme, Miss H. A. _ 10,800 866 Boer, Mrs. B. J. . . 3,301 — Bokstrom. Mrs. J. E. _ 868 — Boland. G. T _ _ 4,846 — Bolender, Mrs. FI. 3,480 _ Bolingbroke, Miss M . 4,440 — Bolton, Mrs. J. A. _ 3,190 — Bolton, Mrs. L. E. I. _ 4,524 11 Bondaroff, Mrs. L. 126 _ Boon, Miss S. E. _ 2,393 _ Boss, Mrs. L. _ 7,860 604 Boulette, H. _ 4,612 _ Boulogne, Miss D. _ 1,421 — Boulter, Mrs. L. R. _ 205 — Bourassa, Mrs. L. A. .... 1,208 _ Bouthillette, P. ... _ 5,008 Bowden, Miss M. G. _ 3,144 44 Bowen, Mrs. N. M. _ 1,148 _ Bowers, Mrs. A. D. _ 3,374 _ Bowersox, Miss J. A. 2,433 _ Bowie, Miss L. C. _ 3,442 _ Bowie, Miss M. . . 2,896 116 Bowmer, E. J. _ 20.040 599 Boyd, Miss M. I. . . 7,952 266 Bracewell, Mrs. L . . 5,113 206 Bradbury. C. E. . . 10.860 1,142 Bradley, Mrs. E. H. _ 4,128 _ Bradley, Mrs. E. M. _ 7,890 13 Bradley, Mrs. Elaine M... 519 47 Bradshaw, Miss E. J. _ 9.960 1,022 Bradtke, Miss J. H . 2,221 — Brammall. R. O. . 1,908 — Brancher, Miss M. _ 2,665 — Brand, Mrs. S. M. _ 928 282 Bray, Mrs. D. G. . 1,440 44 Bray, Miss H. B. _ 7,710 562 Brazzell, Miss G. C. _ 3,255 — Brecknell. Mrs. B. E. M. 70 — Bregani, Miss G. A. _ 2,034 — Bremner. Mrs. A. M. . . 3.618 — Brennan, Mrs. I . . 3.715 — Brennan. Mrs. S. M. 1.305 — Brent, Mrs. A. M . 3,577 — Bridal. Mrs. P. ... _ 1.874 — Rrierley, Mrs. M. M. _ 7,860 83 Britton, Mrs. A. J. _ 7,560 66 Britton. Mrs. V . . 268 — Broadbent, T. H . 5,340 — Brock, Mrs. I. M. _ 8,170 458 Brodie, Mrs. M. _ 7,860 719 Brodie, Mrs. M. P. _ 183 — Brookes, J. E . - . . . 906 245 Brooks, Mrs. R. I . - 5,274 — Broomfield, Miss I. M . 7,860 — Brouwer, Mrs. G. E. T. C. 3,680 87 Brown, Mrs. B. M. _ 3,480 — Brown, B. T. . . . 3.269 189 Brown, Miss C. V . . 529 — Salary Travel $ $ Brown, Mrs. D. F . 5,039 35 Brown, D. W. _ 3,777 — Brown, F. _ _ _ 7,560 1,722 Brown, Mrs. FA.. _ 3,960 — Brown, J. E. . . 5,376 — Brown, Miss K. C. _ 6,624 80 Brown, Mrs. L . . . . . 4,884 — Brown, Mrs. M. C. . . 7,710 368 Brown, Miss N. L. _ 1,152 — Brown, Miss S. O. _ 196 — Browne, Mrs. M. S. _ 5,844 93 Brule, Mrs. J. R. _ 153 — Brundige, Mrs. D. M. _ 4,376 134 Brusatore, Mrs. T. E . 2,171 — Brydon, Mrs. FI. I . . 917 — Buchanan, Miss S. A. _ 9,870 1,927 Budd, Miss N _ _ 539 — Buerk, Mrs. H. F. _ 2,898 522 Bolder. Mrs. I. I. _ 3,900 — Buhman, Mrs. E. L. . . 1,383 2 Bulford, Miss G. D . . 520 — Burden, J. K. . . 3,330 — Burke, Mrs. D. M. - 326 — Burke, Mrs. M. T. _ 3,110 — Burley, Miss V. E. _ 6,963 168 Burmey, Mrs. M. _ 3,480 — Burndred. Mrs. B. M. _ 3,384 — Burr, C. W. _ 556 — Burrowes. W. D. _ 12,360 130 Burton, Miss D. P. L. _ 6,750 373 Burton. Mrs. M. A. _ 7.187 466 Bush, Mrs. C. A. _ 85 26 Bushaw, Mrs. I. M . — 7.452 870 Busier. Mrs. R. E. _ 3.756 3 Butcher, Miss P. A. - 4,980 — Butler. Mrs. A. M. _ 254 60 Butler, Mrs. M. L. .... 2,797 — Butterworth, Mrs. R. E — 2,634 — Butturu, P. _ 3,479 — Byers. Mrs. Z. A. _ _ _ 3,945 — Byford, Mrs. A. A. _ 2,280 — Caddell, Mrs. N. K . 4,284 13 Cadieux, Miss D. M. A.- 7.992 760 Cain, Mrs. W. F _ _ 3,480 — Caine, B. D. - 13,710 1,467 Calam, Mrs. R. E . . 3,900 — Callan, Miss I. E - - 7,860 553 Calvert, Mrs. M - - 8,280 — Cameron, A. IF. _ 15,600 344 Cameron, Mrs. C. _ 1,660 — Cameron, C. F. _ 449 — Cameron, C. S. _ _ 4,800 — Camp, Mrs. S. J. - 2,021 62 Campbell, Mrs. A. . — 4,128 — Campbell, Mrs. B. C . 4,128 — Campbell, Mrs. B. J . . 358 — Campbell, D. A. ... . _ 16,800 19 Campbell, Mrs. H. M. . 5,140 — Campbell, Miss J. A. K. 8,310 74 Campbell, Mrs. J. P. - 473 — Campbell, Mrs. W. - 5,796 — Campbell, W. D. _ 4,795 — Campbell, William D. — 106 — Campbell-Gillies, H. G.._ 6,951 1,376 Camponi. Mrs. D. N. - 1,309 — Canham, Mrs. Ft. I . 3,480 — Canning, Miss P. E. - 7,860 1,525 Cantwell, Miss V. E. - 8.010 1,464 Cardinal. J. P. - 2,809 — Carey, Miss A - - 175 — Carlson, Miss S. L. - 2,319 — Carson, Miss C. E. - 5,172 — Carter, Miss D. E. - 7,860 2 Carter, Miss F. B. - 203 - - Cartner, J. _ 7,284 253 Cashmore, Mrs. M. B. — 2,533 — Cassidy, Miss J. M. - 7,422 118 Castle, Miss K. H. - 10,449 175 Castley Mrs. E. M. _ 2,521 — Catlin, Ft. B. 9,180 228 Caulfield, Mrs. S. L. - 3,401 — Cavacece, Mrs. B. M. — 259 — Cawston, E. H. - 7,422 1,370 Cawthorne, Mrs L. K . 7,800 79 Chabot, Miss I. _ 1,339 — - Chadbourne, Miss E. S. 7,246 20 Chadwick, Mrs. P. E. — 4,248 — Chaisson, Mrs. C. J. E. _ 3,828 — Chala, Miss L. M. - - 4,533 140 Chalcraft, J. R. - 2,723 •— Chalmers, Mrs. V. E. - 4,128 — 72 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Public Health Services— Continued ■f Salary Travel $ $ Chalupiak, W. _ _ _ 5,152 — Champagne, O. A. - 4,303 — Chamut, S. _ 8,460 1,647 Chandler, Miss L. J. 1,681 — Chapman, Mrs. I. M. - 4,698 — Chapman, Mrs. L. A. — 1,611 2 Chapman, Mrs. S. A. M. 4,284 — Chappell, Mrs. C. M. — 6,630 932 Chappelle. D. - 5,796 — Chartrand, Miss S. M. — 3,720 — Chaun, Mrs. P. M. - 2,209 — Chenery, Miss J. N. - 2,882 — Chenoweth, Mrs. E. B. L. 511 — Cherry, Mrs. J. - 224 — Chertkow, Mrs. B. - 6,484 — Cheung, Miss C. P. - 3,424 — Cheung, Miss R. - ._ 288 — Chittick, Miss M. K. - 3,969 287 Chorney, Miss V. - 4,150 — Chow, H. T. H. - - 6,504 51 Chowaniec, Miss F. - 6,938 165 Christian Miss M. J. _ 7,952 203 Chubb, Mrs. P. M. - 296 — Churchill, Mrs. C. G. — 3,486 — Ciok, Mrs. M. _ _ 3,713 — Clare, V. P. _ 3,150 — Clark, Miss E. O. E. — 3,934 120 Clark, Miss E. S. _ 7,860 584 Clark, Mrs. F. E. .. 4,368 — Clark, Mrs. J. E. _ 6,888 1,228 Clark, Mrs. M. C. . 562 17 Clark, Miss N. A. _ 3,928 202 Clarke, D. A. _ _ _ 18,720 576 Clarke, Miss E. M. _ 2,074 — Clarkson, Mrs. E. _ 4,698 — ClifTe, Miss L. M. _ 845 — Clothier, Mrs. C. L. - 511 53 Cultchey, Miss D. H. _ 2,425 — Coatham, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,960 — Coburn, Mrs. P. A. - 6,264 — Cochrane, Miss B. _ 1,411 — Coffey. Mrs. PI. E. _ 1,112 10 Colarch, Miss F. M. _ 3,900 3 Colebrook, Mrs. H. S. _ 247 67 Coleman, Miss P. D. „ 3,123 — Collins, Mrs. E. D. _ 101 — Collins, Mrs. J. F. _ 1,509 — Collison, Mrs. O. B. _ 2,127 — Colman, Miss M. J. S. 4,788 — Colton, Mrs. T. C. _ 6,024 — Comerford, Miss K. N. _ 8,160 73 Conchie, J. M. .... _ 15,600 2,861 Condon, Mrs. M. K. _ 3,109 — Connaghan, Miss S. M. _ 8,018 101 Connolly, Mrs. B. J . 1,382 Cook, F. N. _ 5,022 _ Cook, Miss S. L. _ 1,591 _ Coombes, Mrs. D. E. _ 2,944 283 Coombes, Mrs. M. _ 4,128 _ Coombes, Mrs. M. D. ... 5,495 180 Coombs, Mrs. C. E. _ 7,152 20 Cope, Miss I. M. _ 7,860 — Copeman, Miss E. A. _ 8,160 715 Cornett, G. E. _ 972 — Corney, Mrs. J. E. _ 2,418 _ Cornish, Miss J. A. _ 7,048 31 Corriveau, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,982 2 Costanzo, Miss M. B. _ 1,274 _ Costerton, Mrs. H. _ 7,152 1,394 Cosulich, Mrs. L. E. _ 4,094 618 Coughlin, Mrs. Z. ... .... 275 Cousineau, Miss C. _ _ 6,630 39 Cowan, Miss I. H. _ 6,699 43 Cowell, Mrs. G. _ 477 96 Coy, Mrs. N. M. . . . 1.427 2 Crabtree, Mrs. D. G. . _ 4,502 19 Craig, Miss I. _ 8,090 _ Craig, Miss P. B. L. _ 797 _ Craige, Mrs. G. E. _ 3,300 2 Craik, Miss M. M. . . 7,967 — Crampton, Miss M. E. J. 6,504 27 Cran, Mrs. D. S. _ 2,325 47 Crane, Miss L. M. _ 10,860 1,459 Crane, Mrs. R. M. _ 3,399 — Crawford, Mrs. E. E. _ 1,925 — Crawford, Miss F. K. _ 7,562 85 Crawford, Mrs. R. _ 7,152 344 Crippen. L. H. 5,820 — Croft, Mrs. E. J. _ 170 — Croft, Mrs. P. A. - 343 — Crossman, Mrs. S. M . 1,501 — Crowhurst, Miss H. J. .... Salary 3,794 Travel $ 183 Dunn, G. R. _ _ _ Salary $ 866 Trave $ Csordas, A. 5,172 403 . Dunn, Miss M. H. 3,455 692 _ Culhane, Miss M. J. _ 15 Dunsmore, Mrs. D. M. .... 6 Cullins, W. B. _ 2,183 3,720 _ Durocher, C. G. . . 1.741 _ Cummings, Mrs. C. E. .. . — Duthie, J. . . . . 5,580 — Cunningham, Mrs. M. L. S. 8,220 — Duval, L. O. . . . 4,800 — Currens, Mrs. P. A. _ 2,941 1 Dyck, Miss I. N . „ . . 6,630 3 Currie, J. D. _ _ _ 997 — Dyment, Mrs. J. M. _ 119 — Currie-Smith, Mrs. A. J... 3,684 — Eakin, Mrs. I. E. . . 3,828 — Curwen, Mrs. J. D. _ 7,542 — Ealey, Miss M. J. _ 2,807 43 Cuthbert, Mrs. M. D. _ 270 — Earlam, Miss J. M. _ 4,177 — D'Errico, F. _ 2,962 5,172 _ Eason, Miss V. M. _ 3,720 4,788 _ Dagg, Miss H. V. _ 2 Easterbrook, Mrs. D. M. — Dahl, A. 4,800 828 _ Easton, Mrs. S. _ 617 _ Dalen, J. C. _ _ _ . Easy, Miss F. F . 8,160 2,346 57 Daly, Miss D. L. _ 509 — Eckdahl, Mrs. L. G. _ Dare. Miss E. M. _ 4,833 39 Eddison, Mrs. C. M. _ 2,488 — Darvill, Mrs. F. M. _ 1,549 — Edison, Mrs. C. D. . . 7,860 3 Davediuk, Miss N. _ 6,878 51 Edwards, Mrs. A. E . . 419 10 Davidson, D. R. 4,980 5,340 906 _ Edwards, Mrs. J. 3.828 _ Davidson, T C! _ Edwards, Mrs. T. E . 1,095 5,478 3,473 - Davidson, J. W. . . . ... 222 Eggie, Miss D. M. __ Davies, Miss E. A. A . 2,882 48 Egilson, Mrs. V. E. - — Davies, H. J. 5,580 3,306 _ Eglese, Mrs. R. C. _ 234 _ Davies, Mrs. M. M. _ . Ekkebus, J. J. _ _ 5,558 - Davies, Mrs M W. 586 _ Elder, Mrs. R. FI . 5,076 3.686 - Davies, Miss W. E. _ 8.085 358 Eiiason, Mrs. E. M . — Dawson, Mrs. B. D. _ 3.460 — Elkin, Miss J. A. _ 1,059 — Dawson. Mrs. D. E. M . 1,283 — Elleray, Mrs. S. J. _ 888 — Dawson, Miss S. J. _ 2,405 — Elliot, G. R. F. . 20,580 2,06 Daykin, Mrs. M. L. _ 1,096 _ Elliott, Mrs. R. A. _ 568 — De Costa, Miss D. J . 2,498 — Ellis, A. _ _ 7,710 1,39 De Pfyffer, Mrs. M. I. 35 9 Ellis, H. K. _ _ 2,202 — De St. Remy, Mrs. K. V. 1,982 — Ellis, S. W. _ 119 — Deacon, Mrs. E. M. _ 1,241 — Elton, W. R. _ 3.335 — Deakin, Miss D. G . 7,020 1,709 English, Miss M. L. _ 3,325 — Deamel, Mrs. L. R. _ 3,103 _ Enns, Miss R. E. _ 2,375 14 Dearden, J . . . 4,716 — Erdman, Mrs. K. A. - 742 — Debono, J. 858 _ 173 _ Declercq, Mrs. F. _ 3,960 — Eriksson, Miss C. G. - 8.820 9 Degrazio, Mrs. M. E . 7,860 298 Ernesti, Mrs. M. C . 3,368 — Degruchy, Mrs. B. J . . 153 — Erratt, Mrs. D. M. - 28 — Dekelver, Miss E. O. _ 4,387 — Erratt, Mrs. H. J . 587 — De! Vitto, Miss G. — . . 5.841 — Erskine, Miss M. R. - 9,960 75 Delisle, Mrs. P. J . 2,134 — Esche, Miss S. E. - - 86 — Densmore, Mrs. E. E. _ 7,188 49 Esplen, Mrs. E. M. . - 4,980 — Deol, Mrs. J. _ _ 4,440 — 3,480 — Derbyshire, E. M. _ 7,131 811 Evans, Mrs. J. E. S . . 7.860 42 Derksen, Miss M. _ 3.660 — Evans, Mrs. J. M. _ _ 2,207 — Devlin, D. .... _ 3,531 793 4,534 16 Dewick, Mrs, B. C- _ 13,980 1,639 754 _ Diakonoff, I. E. _ 5,580 Ewashen, Mrs. A. J. - 41 — Dickev. S. L. _ _ 3,030 — Ewert. H. - - 5,796 — Dickinson, Miss D. M.. ... 118 13 Eymundson, Mrs. C. M . 88 — Dickson, N. J . . . . 2.144 — Faber, S. - 2,439 — Dickson, S. J. . . . . . 3,414 — Falconer, Mrs, S. R. 784 — Diemert, Mrs. C. _ 7,980 1,185 Falkenberg, Miss C. A. 3,230 22 Dikaiou, Miss V. _ 7,284 — Falkowski. Mrs. W. L — 3,281 5 Dimanilis, Miss F. L. — 3,047 — Fanning. Mrs. M. E. - 40 — Dingsdale, Mrs. M. I . 2,983 6 Farr. Miss J. N . . . 3,240 — Dobbie. Miss E. M . . 8,460 — Farrell. Mrs. W. E. - 7,443 Dobrijevic, P. - 1,148 — Faust. H. L. - 6,184 7f 1,395 — 3.684 — Doerksen. Miss S. E . 40 — Fee. Miss M. _ 3.420 — 3.614 — 5,329 6.024 _ 3,794 — 6,756 268 184 i 5.580 3,360 — 2,348 _ 3,240 — Dool, Mrs. D. _ _ 2,663 — Ferguson, Mrs. E. M. ~~ 708 — Doonan, Mrs. N. L. - 3,552 — Ferguson, L. A. - 238 — Doran, Miss C. A. _ 14 — Fern, Mrs. O. - 553 ( Doughty, J. H. 13,440 1,099 Ferrari. E. A. - - 4.245 — 8.640 663 Feuchuk, D. M. _ _ - 3.942 — Douglas, Miss S. L. . . 6,963 239 Fewster, Miss M. - 944 — 350 - . 96 — Dove, C. L. - - 5,288 — Field. Miss I. M. . . — 8.820 9C Doyle K J. _ 6,756 — 18,720 91 Dovle, Miss S. M . . 2,013 41 Finlayson, Mrs. B. M . 5,752 Dreger, Miss J. I - 3,617 — Finnestad, Mrs. D. C . - 4,440 — 533 — 3,174 294 — 2,657 2,352 186 _ Firman, Miss P. _ 1,185 6,384 1,945 5,076 3,087 _ Fishaut, S. H. . . 7,525 162 Fisher, Mrs. E. C. _ _ _ 5,082 Duffield, P. G. Fisher, Mrs. E. E. . . . 3,358 _ Duffy, J. D. _ — Fitzgerald, Miss A. P . 1,126 — Duncan, Mrs. G. M. C . 6,014 — Fitzgerald, Miss K. S. 1,835 i: Dunn, Mrs. A. M. - 2,654 72 Fitzgerald, Mrs. N. A . 784 — Dunn, Mrs. B. M. - 279 Fitzgibbons, J. M. L . . 2,416 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 73 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Public Health Services — Continued Iss. J. _ _ _ _ Salary $ 3,738 Travel $ byd, Mrs. M. J. H. 2,363 45 1. A. H . . 4,800 — Ikker, Miss J. A. _ 1,212 — rbes. Miss H. N. _ 2,120 — rd, Mrs. A. . . . 6,743 — rd. Mrs. E. I. _ _ 1,627 — rrest, C. S. _ 1,977 — Irrest, Miss H. F. _ 4,384 — Irster, Mrs. B. G . . . 1,965 — sker, Mrs. B. _ _ _ 4,817 809 ulkes, P. M. _ 5,796 — x. Mrs. K. M. . . 876 — xcroft, Mrs. A. _ 976 136 imst, Mrs. J. M. . 109 — mcis, C. . . . . 4,251 5,172 _ ink. Miss L. _ _ — inklin, O. B. .. .. ... 11,067 532 971 inzen, Mrs. K. J. - - iser, S. W. _ :ed, M. W. _ _ . 104 4,085 — 5,796 — man, Mrs. N. H . 7,860 839 :eman, Mrs. T. I. _ 1,003 — ml. C. M. _ 5,796 — driksson, G. O. _ 852 — esen, Miss J. Y. _ 3,301 673 esen, Mrs. R. N. _ 3,480 — mer, D. S. _ _ _ zzell, Mrs. S. M. _ 1,121 69 6,762 — iese. Miss M . 6,504 8,690 , >st. Miss J. M. _ 162 lerton, Miss G. _ 1,944 — lk, Miss E. _ 7,732 546 long, Miss F. A. _ 453 — ;on, Miss E. C. _ 2,198 — ’ie, W. G. . . . . . 9,180 185 ic. Miss G. J. _ 265 — isden, Mrs. L. J. _ 3,741 — ;1, Miss P. _ 1,540 — ati, A. _ .. 4,800 — braith. Mrs. J. _ 1,183 — lacher, Mrs. R. J. . _ 72 18 !ant, N. D . . . . 7,422 1,049 licano, Mrs. H. _ 3,480 ber, B. A. _ 5,376 — diner, W. E. _ 412 ilner, H. 11. . . 7,284 783 ner, F. O. R. _ ry, J. D. 19,380 991 3,769 784 404 ton, R. S. _ ena, Mrs. D. J . . 7,422 7 ithier, Miss E. D. _ 1,469 — ivin, B A. _ 4,737 — Ides, Mrs. M. H . 7,595 424 ;ge, Mrs. J. S. _ 1,040 — , Miss E. A. _ . iart, Mrs. E. S. _ 18,060 1,315 5,482 71 latly, Mrs. A. _ 2,650 2 imill, Mrs. D. A . 3,627 — imill, D. L _ _ 13,710 350 dron, Mrs. F. I. . . 4,698 — rge, Miss A. _ 9,960 — des, Mrs. E. L. _ rard. Miss B. M. .... 4,947 307 4,050 _ )\ 3, G. M . . 468 1 3, J. E. ...... . . .. 6,144 455 [i ds, Mrs. M. H . 2,940 — . ;rson. Miss F. M. .... 4,128 — !ak, Mrs. H. M. R. D. 4,015 38 ; son, Mrs. A. E. _ 1,355 — 1 son, G. A. F. R . 18,720 1,825 L ion, Mrs. R. O. _ 1,625 _ i dens. Miss J. E. _ 2,960 185 | in. Miss P. J. |j ard, Mrs. J. A. _ 2,449 — 812 55 j s, Mrs. M. J. _ 165 — , ler, G. R. E _ _ 5,376 _ i Miss L. M. _ 5,512 _ I ing, Mrs. B. J . 2,200 — 1 'day, H . 4,800 _ II lville, Mrs. M. _ 4,896 _ s, Mrs. E. J. _ 1,448 — | isteen. Miss J. _ 7,008 118 1 'er, Mrs. S. M. * ber, Mrs. E. V. _ 4,974 615 7,860 135 If jar, J. _ 2,985 — * lg, Mrs. E. F . . 1,073 — < Iberg, Mrs. E. _ 609 — * lney, Mrs. T. P. _ 3,720 — < dman, Mrs. K. _ 272 — < ion, Miss M. L. 1,714 _ < ion, Mrs. R. _ _ . 3,630 — Salary $ 2,956 Travel $ Gormley, Mrs. J. _ Gorsline, Mrs. B. A. _ 1,269 _ Gower, Mrs. J. E. _ 2,471 — Goyan, Mrs. G. M. _ 3,480 — Graburn, Mrs. I. I. 2,997 _ Gradnitzer, Mrs. M. M. .. 102 _ Grafton, Mrs. D. L. . . 695 _ Graham, Miss B. E. — . . 5,796 - - Graham, B. R. 1,646 __ Graham, Mrs. E. _ 487 _ Graham, Mrs. F. A. _ 8,820 644 Graham, Mrs. L. R. 4,284 _ Graham - Cumming, Miss A. E. _ _ _ 4,340 161 Graham-Cumming, Miss S. C. _ _ _ 3,362 4,680 114 Gramuglia, V _ _ Grant, Mrs. A. M. .. 7,860 919 Grant, Mrs. A. M. . 2,996 15 Grant, Mrs. E. K. . 6,954 _ Grant, Mrs. E. O. _ . 2,591 — Grant, Mrs. M. E. ... 3,500 104 Graw, Miss C. _ 3,133 — Gray, A. S. _ _ 15,600 2.311 Gray, Mrs. L. J. 3,960 _ Greczmiel, D. M. G . 4,920 _ Green, Mrs. M. M. 11,880 753 Green, Miss R. L. M. 1,499 _ Greene, Miss N. _ 6,756 _ Greenfield, Miss E. A. 3,450 157 Greenlaw, Mrs. E. J. ... 84 _ Greenway, Mrs. S. T. ..... 434 — Gregory, Mrs. M. _ 41 — Grieve, Mrs. D. R. _ 1.072 — Grieve, Mrs. L. A. _ 111 — Griffin, J. S. ... . _ 8,130 1,382 Griffin, N. C. _ 7,279 1,306 Griffiths, Mrs. E. M. . . 7,860 557 Grigg, L. J. .. _ 6.024 1,890 Grizzle. Mrs. V. A. _ 1,020 Orose, Miss R. L. _ 7,860 670 Grskovic. T. _ _ _ 7.284 _ Grzybowski, S. _ 4,860 — Gudmundson, Mrs. G. J. 1.132 — Guebo, W. E. _ 8,181 95 Guerin. Miss R. ..... _ 3,480 — Guilbride, Mrs. D. N. .... 1 .473 32 Gummeson, Miss L. C. .... 2.262 — Gunnlaugson, F. H. _ 869 — Gustafson. Miss E. E. _ 3,325 319 Gutscher. Miss R . 4.520 — Haak, Miss B. H. _ 2.375 — Haber, Mrs. A. M. _ 2,789 .. — Hachlaf, A. _ 77 — Hack. Miss E. A. _ 2,209 — Hackett. Miss M. L. _ 4,276 — Hackland, C. . . 619 — Haggitt, Mrs. M. M. _ 6.624 26 Haile. Mrs. E. B. _ 547 — Hairsine. Mrs. G. F. _ 1,338 96 Hale, Miss B. _ 3.255 7 Hale, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,643 — Hale. Mrs. M. D. _ 4,128 3 Hall, Mrs. C. J . . 6.930 99 Hall, Mrs. D. G. . . . 1.950 — Hallam. H. _ 4,800 — Halls. Miss J. .. . 1.924 — Hallsor, F. R. ... - 7,272 312 w-Hn. Mrs. c. G. _ 4,616 91 Halvorson, Miss K. T. — 5,498 243 Ham, L. C. .... _ 340 — Hamel. Mrs. D. _ 3.621 — Hamel, Mrs. M. L. _ 2,708 — Hamer, Mrs. V. V . . 314 — Hamilton, W. G. _ 11,400 1.545 Handcock, Miss M. P . 7.860 320 Hanham, Mrs. E. B. _ 5.780 381 Hann, IT. J. _ 15,720 2,171 Hanna, Mrs. F. T. - 2,221 — Hanna, Mrs. L. V. - 3,699 — Hannah, Mrs. D. K. - 5,688 40 Harada, R. S. - 4,920 — Hardcastle. J. ... _ 88 — Harder, Mrs. J. G. _ 175 64 Hardv, S. R. - 5,146 — Harkness, Mrs. I. M. — 8.160 — Harle. Mrs. M. M. . . . 1,938 — Harms, Miss L. A. - 4,362 — Hamadek, M. - 8,952 1,989 Harriman, Mrs. C. M. — 805 — Harris, Mrs. E. M. - 1,650 — Salary Travel $ $ Harris, Mrs. G. R. _ 3,410 — Harris, Mrs. I. T. _ 3,480 — Harrison, Miss L. M. _ 3,236 — Harrison, Mrs. M. _ 3,357 — Harrison. W. E . . 1,938 — Harrop, Mrs. P. E. _ 4,248 — Harrower, Mrs. B. D _ 2,260 — Harstad, Mrs. G. _ 1,521 — Hart, Mrs. E. L. _ 7,562 514 Hart. 11 . . . . 9,180 452 Hartigan, C. F. _ _ _ 9,300 3,283 Hartman, Mrs. W. J. _ 71 — Hartney, J. F _ _ _ 5,036 — Hartstock, Mrs. L. M. _ 2,047 — Hartz. Miss E. E. _ 3,960 — Harvey, Mrs. E. M. _ 803 — Hassard, J. F. _ 3,486 — Haszard, Mrs. R. H. _ 5.6S8 — Hatton, Miss J. A. - 1,940 — Hawkes. Mrs. A. M. _ 4,362 — Hawkins, Miss N. L. _ 5,376 — Hawksworth. H. _ 7,284 269 Hawthorne, Mrs. E. J - 58 — Hay, J. A. _ 5,709 — Hayden, Mrs. L. M. - 2,656 — Heaps, P. A. . . . . 12,900 88 Heard, J. B. - 5,093 1,041 Heather, Mrs. O. - 1,773 — Heaton, Miss A. _ 1,860 — Hebden, Miss L. C. - 2,078 93 Hedden, Mrs. E. - 6,504 — Hehr, J. R. - - - 8,880 1,378 Heidebrecht, Miss - 5,688 — Henderson, Mrs. A. - 608 — Henderson, Mrs. G. M. _ 209 — Hendrickson, Mrs. A. E. A. - _ _ - . 1,334 12 Hendrickson, Mrs. G. - 157 — Hendrie, Mrs. M. M. - 3,960 — Hennessey, Mrs. M. L. — 3,407 563 Heppner, Miss E. D. - 285 — Herchmer, Miss E. C. _ 4.257 — Hertzman, V. O. _ 3,240 — Heslett, Mrs. C. M. - 31 — Hevey, Miss M. C. _ 2,227 — Hewko, Miss K. _ 3,480 — Heyman, Mrs. E. M. - 5,978 — Hickey, Mrs. A. B. _ 7,152 189 Hicks, Mrs. M. B. _ 80 — Hicks, T. W . 2,060 202 Hiebert, Miss F. E. - 3,264 37 Hiebert, J. L _ _ 9.180 1,128 Higashi, Mrs. J. B. _ 1,204 — Hik, Mrs. L. A. S . . 4,206 ■ - Hildebrand, Miss E. E. _ 4,580 — Hill, A. E. _ 9,180 1,393 Hill, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,073 12 Hill, J. A. _ _ _ 4.866 — Hill, Miss M. L. _ 3,865 — Hill, Mrs. P. A. E. _ 591 105 Hilldrup. Mrs. F. _ 3,437 — Hilton, Miss F. S. _ 751 — Hindley, A. A. _ 9,180 1,439 Hinkel, Mrs. J. D. . . . 3,260 — Hirsch, Mrs. M. C. _ 3,480 — Hiscock, Mrs. V. _ 646 83 Hitchcock, Mrs. G. C. __ 309 — Hitchcock, Miss M. _ 518 — Hitchcock, Miss R. _ 464 — Hockin, Mrs. M. E . . 1,171 — Hodgkins, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,960 — Hofmann, Mrs. E. J. _ 2,665 — Hogg, L. L. - 6,831 1,095 Holder, Miss B. L. _ 5,350 1,347 Hole, L. W. 11,400 62 Holland, Mrs. J. C. _ 36 — Holland, Miss M. J. _ 4,884 — Hollinger, Mrs. S. R . 3,756 — Holm, Mrs. A. M. _ 3,900 1 Honeyman, Mrs. S. T. _ 6,888 764 Hooper, Miss E. M. . _ 5,172 — Hoover, Mrs. K. R. _ 413 — Hope, Mrs. C. J. M. _ 1,087 — Hopkins, Miss T. R. G. _ 1,986 — Hopper, J. _ 18,060 1,842 Horne, Mrs. B. A. _ 7,035 121 Horner, V. G. . . 5,100 — Horst, Mrs. D. M. . . . 3,972 7 Horton, O. T. _ _ 8,820 1,071 Horton, R. L. - ... .... 3.904 _ Horvath, Mrs. K. M. _ 2,440 — Hostler, J. H. .... - 8,410 1,410 74 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Public Health Services — Continued Salary $ Houghton, Miss E. C. - 2,905 Houghton, Miss J . . 3,198 Houston, Mrs. J. M. - 7,860 How, Mrs. I. M . . 976 Howard, Mrs. B. _ 5,866 Howe, Miss M. T. _ 4,131 Howell, Mrs. A. D. - 1,436 Howell, Mrs. M. _ 3,154 Hruska, Miss J. M. _ 1,034 Hudson, Miss J. M. - 9,000 Huff, Miss L. L. _ 7,860 Huffam, I. L. _ 8,010 Hughes, Mrs. E. F. - 5,292 Hughes, K. _ 5,376 Hulak, Miss J. _ 4,362 Hume, Mrs. A. S. - 700 Humphries, Mrs. E. A. _ 691 Hundal, Mrs. R. K. _ 4,128 Hunt, C. L . . 7,267 Hunter, Mrs. H. _ 155 Hunter, Mrs M. R. _ 1,049 Huntley, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,524 Hunton, Mrs. M. E. . 7,860 Hurley, Miss M. _ 3,569 Husch, S. D. _ _ 8,460 Hutchins, Mrs. V. _ 6,504 Hutsulak, D. S. _ 1,516 Hutton, Miss S. I. _ . 1,587 Huxtable, Mrs. V. A. _ 388 Hyndman, Mrs. B. L. _ 3,691 Hynes, Miss M. D. _ 3,667 Hynes, Mrs. V. E. _ 3,718 Impett, Miss B. R. _ _ 1,678 Inglis, Miss D. H. _ _ 464 Inglis, Miss I. D. _ 1,831 Innes, Mrs. D. E. _ _ 1,441 Innes, Miss H. L. _ 1,948 Ireland, Mrs. M. M. _ 1,291 Irish, R. H. _ 18,060 Ironside, Mrs. N. V. __ 2,220 Irvine, Mrs. W. _ 2,653 Irving, Mrs. V. L. _ 803 Isaacson, Mrs. G. R. ___ 3,720 Isidro, Miss A. G. _ _ 1,615 Island, Miss J. _ 4,347 Iszatt, Miss K. E . . 6,895 Itkonen, Mrs. N. M. _ 41 Jackola, Mrs. D. M. _ 2,295 Jackson, Mrs. E. G. _ 4,114 Jackson, Mrs. O. _ 7,860 Jackson, Miss S. L. _ 285 Jacobsen, Mrs. M. K. _ 3,960 James, P. _ 5,100 Jamieson, J. W. _ 4,886 Jamison, Mrs. B. M. _ 2,836 Janik, Mrs. M. G. _ _ _ 6,024 Jankcla, Miss M. J. _ 3,480 Jarvis, Mrs. G. C. _. _ _ 1,242 Jarvis, W _ _ 4,800 Jeffery, W. G. - . . . 7,860 Jeffrey, Mrs. E. H. . . _ 5,274 Jemielita, Mrs. M. M _ 198 Jenkins, D. L. _ _ 4,638 Jenkins, Miss L. B . . 1,680 Jenkins, Mrs. V. D. _ 1,661 Jensen, Mrs. D. M. _ 270 Jensen, Mrs. E . . 662 Jensen, Mrs. J. G. _ 5,642 Jensen, Mrs. L. _ 724 Jewett, Miss D. L. _ _ _ 878 Jeyes, Miss C. L. _ 1,234 John, G. N. _ 2,420 Johnson, Mrs. A. J. _ 656 Johnson, C. W. - 5,172 Johnson, Mrs. E. A . . — 7,860 Johnson, Miss J. E. - . 379 Johnson, Mrs. L. A. - 444 Johnson, Mrs. M. - 4,980 Johnson, Mrs. M. J. - 3,480 Johnson, Mrs. M. M. - 7,860 Johnson, Mrs. P. M. - 565 Johnson, Mrs. Y. - 3,630 Johnston, Mrs. C. . 630 Johnston, Mrs. C. V. H._ 2,374 Johnston, Mrs. G. C. - 5,688 Johnston, Mrs. J. L. - 1,949 Jones, A. G. - 53 Jones, Mrs. B. A. - - 2,121 Jones, Mrs. Brenda - 1,900 Jones, Mrs. F. M. - - 769 Jones, Mrs. M. H. - 3,591 Travel $ 218 513 458 1,339 77 54 19 862 12 293 11 16 30 139 150 12 520 332 3 113 91 11 5 17 364 565 18 136 Jones, Mrs. R. _ Salary 2,858 Travel $ Jones, Mrs. R. K. V. _ 3,900 — Jones, W. _ _ _ _ _ 5,172 — Jordaan, Mrs. F. L . 475 — Juntunen, Miss D. _ 4,524 — Kaddatz, Mrs. E. J . 310 — Kahl, Miss T. M. _ 1,650 31 Kahr, Mrs. P. _ 9,960 394 Kalnins, Mrs. I. L . . 7,422 — Karlstrom, Mrs. E. N. .... 1,151 7 Kartner, Miss M. . . . 732 — Kawaguchi, Miss H. _ 382 — Kay, Miss M. M . . 458 — Kay, Mrs. N. F. . . . 3,480 — Kearley, Mrs. E. M. . 5,172 — Kearns, Mrs. G. A. _ 1,104 — Keays, Mrs. E. J. _ 8,820 252 Keenan, A. J. _. _ _ 9,180 1,170 Kellie, Mrs. N. W. _ 4.980 — Kelly, Mrs. E. A. A. . . 546 — Kennard, Mrs. E. T. _ 1,271 — Kennedy, Miss D. E. _ 1,051 — Kennedy, D. P. _ 7,856 1,302 Kennedy, Mrs. G. E . . 246 — Kennedy, H. K. _ 20,040 1,021 Kennedy, J. P. _ 3,252 — Kennedy, Mrs. M. F . . 3,325 457 Kenyon, Mrs. F. B. _ 3,205 — Kerr, Mrs. A. J. _ _ _ 6,630 31 Kerr, Mrs. M. A _ _ 2,246 241 Kerr, Mrs. S. A. _ 3,972 — Kerr, Mrs. V. J. _ 6,880 — Kershaw, Miss M. _ 7,860 51 Kershaw, Mrs. S. _ 2,003 — Kettyls, G. D. M. 19,380 1,315 Khanna, B. R _ _ 5,376 — Kiefer, Mrs. F. M. . 2,789 3 Kilbach, Mrs. K. M. _ 1,106 — Kimball, Mrs. C. M. _ 2,189 — Kincade, G. F. . . . ... 20,040 245 King, Mrs. G. L. _ 3,528 — King, Miss M. _ 5,274 — King, 1 _ _ 2,658 — King-Whittick, Mrs. S. R. 8,160 419 Kingdon, Mrs. J. M. _ 2,614 677 Kingwell, I. H . . . 9,180 — Kinnee, Mrs. E. M . . 7,142 92 Kirby, Mrs. I. _ _ _ 4,050 — Kirby, Mrs. P. E. _ 1,372 — Kirk, H. W. _ _ _ 8,460 401 Kirk, M. A. _ 7,860 706 Kirkham, Mrs. A. M. .... 4,560 — Kirkham, Mrs. M. J. — 82 15 Kirkness, Miss S. J. V . 3,377 — Kirkpatrick, F _ _ 4,194 — Kiselback, Mrs. M. E. ... . 3.383 — Kisser, L _ _ 1,249 — Klassen, Miss H. _ 1.415 — Kling, Mrs. L . . 2,040 — Klokeid. G. W . . . 7,020 1,445 Knapik, M. L . . 8,460 1,735 Knight, Mrs. E. E . . 4,366 — Knight, Mrs. V. E. . . . 4,180 49 Knoll, Miss E. . _ 2,678 — Knowlton. Miss P. P . 8,500 548 ICobayashi, Miss S. - 3,772 115 Koblanck, Miss B - - 601 — Kokke, Mrs. C. B. - 4,292 142 Kolthammer, Mrs. J . . 2,755 772 Komori, Mrs. H. _ 359 — Konechny, Mrs. M. _ 3,600 — Konkin, Mrs. E _ _ 94 — Kornder. L. D. _ _ _ 18,225 612 Kostel, Mrs. D. .T. - 695 — Koszman, Mrs. E. A . . 163 — Kranz, Mrs. C. G . . 514 — Krebs, Miss L. H - - 725 — Krebs, Mrs. M. D. _ 4,257 663 Krentz, Miss B. - - 3,480 — Kruaer. Mrs. IT. A . 5,688 107 Kruisselbrink, Miss W . 6.810 139 Krvsta. Mrs. E. S. - 1.101 — Kuhl. P F. J . . - 5,376 — Kummerfield, Mrs. L. A. 717 — La Page, Miss G. D. _ 1,417 31 La Pointe, J. - 5,580 — Labourdette, Miss M. - 7,404 412 Ladner, Miss D. M. _ 10,280 230 Lafek, Miss M. C. - 4,427 2 Laird, Mrs. C. M . 117 — Lakes, Mrs. A. M. _ Lali, Mrs. D. _ Laliberte, Miss L. _ Lally, Mrs. C. V. _ Lam, Mrs. M . . Lamb, Mrs. J. M. _ Lamb, Mrs. W. D. — Lambe, Mrs. K. M. . Lambert, H. P . — Landis, Mrs. M. L. f Lane, Mrs. B. A . . Lane, R. M _ _ Lang, Mrs. S. J. - Langley, Miss D. A. Langton, Mrs. G. E. Lapsley, Miss S. J. _ Larabie, Mrs. D. L. Lariviere, Mrs. C. G. Larsen, A. A . . Larsen, Miss A. M. Larson, Mrs. I. O . Latham, J. _ Lau, Mrs. A. - Lau, Miss G. W . . Lauder, Miss L. L. _ Laughton, Mrs. E. _ Lauta, Miss F. _ La very, Mrs. A. M. Lavoie, A . Law, Miss K. L. _ Law, Mrs. L. E . - Lawley, B. C. - Lawrence, Mrs. M. A Lawton, Mrs. E . Layton, Miss E. M. Lazar, N. — . . . Le Clair, Mrs. K . Le Vesconte, Mrs. N. Lee, B. C. _ Lee, Mrs. C. _ Lee, D. H. T . . Lee, Miss J. _ Lee, Miss N. V. _ Lee, Miss P. G. - Lee, Miss S. M. _ Lees, Mrs. L. .. . — Leese, Mrs. J. C. — Leitch, Miss D . Leney, Miss K . — Leonard, Mrs. B. W. Leonard, Mrs. I. E. - Lew, Mrs. J. - Lewis, Mrs. A. - Lewis, Mrs. D. V. _ Lewis, Mrs. J. B. _ Lewis, Miss J. B. . Lewis, J. W. - Lewis, Mrs. M. L. — Lewis, R. E - - Lewis, Mrs. R. M. _ Liddell, Mrs. A. M. Lightbody, M. A. — Lightbody, S. H. — Linn, Mrs. V. K. — Liu, Y. T. _ Logan, Miss F. M. Logan, Miss M. A. . Logue, Miss B. - Loney, Mrs. M. - Longdon, Mrs. B. — Longstaff, Mrs. P. H. Lonsdale, B. V. _ Lord, Mrs. J. G. _ Loudon, P. N. _ Loughery, Mrs. M. ! Louie, Miss C. - Louie, Mrs. J. _ Lovett, Mrs. E. M. Low, Mrs. J. K . _ Lowdon, Mrs. C. A. Lowe, Miss J. S. _ Lowen, Miss B . - Lunn, Mrs. M. H. Lupien, Mrs. V. _ Salary Trat $ $ 1,706 — 3,945 — 1,383 — 3,684 1,166 — 1,047 — 1,717 — 364 — 5,580 — vl . 679 — 1,006 16,082 !■ 672 — 3,775 7,860 1 3,285 — 1,517 — 8,460 — 20,040 9 1,582 — 2,765 — 465 — 57 — 772 — 1,606 — 4,440 — 2,973 — 272 — 267 — 2,375 617 906 „. B. 4,068 — 945 — 6,804 — 3,479 — 2,457 — G. _ 412 — 3,486 — 7,860 2i 1,290 — 4,788 — 10,860 3. 3,945 — 4,980 — 5.796 — 758 2 500 — 7,860 3: 587 — 3,978 — . A. 3,969 7,188 l,b 1.328 — 5,265 L 3,202 < 4,974 — 3,480 — 4,362 — 5,804 — 5,076 — 7,284 — 3,794 2* 3,756 — 9,360 2: 3,480 — 1,814 7,284 — 3,960 — 1. .... 2,114 ] 8,760 — 6,888 9.' 4,114 — 393 — 7,860 7< 7,860 1,6S 1,064 4,076 — 4,638 9( 2,141 151 — 3,510 —— 7,860 3f 4,440 — 4,980 — 6,810 i: 8,665 1,2* 281 1,444 11 7,452 — _ 128 — 75 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Public Health Services — Continued urkins, F. D. _ __ _ uttmann, Mrs. L. A. _ ,utz, Mrs. H. _ utz, Mrs. H. A. _ _ ynch, A. J. _ ynch, Miss C. _ ynch, J. _ ynn, Mrs. L. _ _ yons, E. R . . . ytle, Miss C. A. _ lacAleese, Miss H. S. _ lacArtney, Miss A. M. CacDonald, Mrs. A. M. lacDonald, Mrs. C. I. .. lacDonald, Mrs. I. E. __ lacDonald, Mrs. M. J. _ lacDonald, Mrs. R. _ TacDonald, Miss S. A. M. lacDonald, Miss S. E. __ lacDonald, Miss S. M. lacDonald, T. B. _ __ _ tacDonald, W. B. _ iacDougall, Miss M . lacFarlane, Mrs. J. _ [acFarlane, Mrs. S. A. _ iacGregor, Mrs. I. J. _ acGregor, Mrs. J. L. _ "aclntyre, Miss E. K . 'aclntyre, Mrs. W. A. .. [aclver, Miss C. J. _ 'acKay, Miss C. G. _ acKay, J. D. _ acKenzie, Miss B. C. .. acKenzie, F. D. _ acKenzie, Miss S. A. _ acKinnon, Mrs. H. J. acLauchlan, Miss D. E. acLean, J. E. _ acLean, Miss S. I . _ acLeod, J. B. _ acLeod, Miss J. R. M. acLeod, Miss M. G . acMillan, Miss C. M. _ acTier, Mrs. P. C. _ achushita, Y. _ acklem, Mrs. M. A. ackleston, Mrs. B. _ addams, Mrs. C. R. adden, Mrs. P. _ _ addocks, Miss B. K. adill, Mrs. J. P . agee, Miss G. L. _ agee, Mrs. T. M. _ agel, Mrs. N. I. _ agnone, Mrs. R. V. _ agnusson, R. A. _ agnusson. Miss R. M. .. agnusson, Mrs. W. S. agowan, J. A . . ahara, Mrs. G. H . . ahon, Mrs. E. M. _ ain, Miss S. L. _ ainer, Mrs. A. aitland, Mrs. E. W. alahoff, P. W. _ allett, Mrs. K. E. _ allow, Mrs. C. J. altby, Miss Q. L. _ altesen. P. E. _ alysh. Miss R. _ analang. Miss V. _ ander. Mrs. M. M. _ indryk, Mrs. S. M. ... andzuik, Mrs. L. A. E. ansfield. E. F. ant on, Mrs. K. J. E _ arch. Mrs. D. ari, P. P _ _ arini, Mrs. J. J. J. _ arkland. Miss L. J. _ arks, D. C. _ arocchi, Mrs. A. E. B. arschall, Mrs. A. H. A. irsden. Miss D. ._ arshall, Mrs. M. K. .... arshall, Mrs. N. P. _ arshall, Mrs. P. J. _ artens, L. W . . irtens. Mrs. M. _ artin, Mrs. C. F. _ trtin, Mrs. I. _ Salary $ 5,796 Travel $ Martin, Mrs. J. Salary $ 2,380 Travel $ 823 — Martin, Miss J. L. 824 _ 3,552 1 Martin, Miss M. J. 6.276 205 456 — Martin, Mrs. P. D. 4,050 2 11,880 665 Martin, Mrs. S. 8,160 3,480 — Marwood, Mrs. K. 3,486 6,384 — Maryniak, Miss G. . 3,570 66 1,841 — Maslove, Mrs. E. 5,910 103 — Mason, Mrs. A. 8,758 929 2,400 403 Mason, B. J. 4,392 10,260 392 Mason, Mrs. H. 4.128 7,205 519 Mather, Mrs. S. 111 9 7,710 809 Matheson, Mrs. D. E. 206 19 1,029 — Matteazzi, Mrs. J. M. 3,972 2,270 — Matthew, Mrs. E. C. 187 _ . 156 — Matthews, Miss E. E. 4,336 _ 3,480 — Matthies, Miss L. 2,833 95 13 — Mauris, R. V. 7,284 2,408 — Maver, Miss M. E. 5.376 667 2,317 — Mawer, Miss S. R. 3,712 194 2,388 — Mawson, Mrs. H. F. 449 9,000 1,542 Mavbee, Miss A. - _ 5,742 _ 1,309 1,013 898 6,704 2,582 5,478 462 4,626 3,899 2,687 5,796 18,060 993 7,860 914 753 5,376 974 2,763 1,783 5,910 4,128 4,800 8,100 — Maycock, Mrs. L. I. 2,733 - - Maynard, J. W. 9,360 2,206 63 70 McAlpine, J. B. _ McAlpine, Mrs. S. McBeth, Mrs. B. E. 3.049 908 3,038 10 McBride. Mrs. M. E. .. 5,796 209 394 267 McCague, Mrs. W. E. McCallum, A. R. .. McCallum, Mrs. J. M. .... McCallum, Mrs. M. . . 2,007 128 4,111 7,157 31 7 McCaughey, Mrs. B. J. 46 — 311 79 45 178 McClughan, Miss R. M.._ McColl, Mrs. E. G. _ McComb. Miss L. E . McComb, Mrs. L. I. _ McCombie, F _ _ 2,325 5,340 8,820 3,015 17,400 28 234 50 763 1,972 McCombie. Mrs. K. M. ... McConaghy, Mrs. J. M. _ McConnell, Mrs. A. _ McConnell, R. J. _ _ McCooey, Mrs. M. K. 472 508 272 6,504 7,020 — 154 McCormack. Mrs. S. _ McCorquodale, Mrs. M. D. 476 2,218 555 488 McCrae, L. H. 5.376 — 2 299 McCubbin, Mrs. R. C. 7.860 383 7,860 2 McCulloch, W. A. .. . - 18.060 1,253 3,166 164 McCutcheon, A. . ... __ 8,820 — 8,160 McDiarmid, Miss E. M. ... 6,504 — 2,163 4 McDiarmid, J. _ 13.980 935 315 McDiarmid, Miss J. _ 9.180 — 2,366 McDonald, Mrs. F. . 2.679 5 3,480 McDonald, Mrs. G. F. ... 6,630 55 '298 McDonald, Mrs. G. H. ._ 146 4 5,376 McDonald, Mrs. M. C . 228 35 3,480 McDonald. W. N. _ 4,865 — 5,340 _ McDougall, Miss J. A . 955 — 6,504 McEachern, Miss J. I. _ 8,640 175 4,980 McFadven, Miss B. L. .. . 921 — 7,860 589 McFadven. Mrs. E. _ 3,480 — 3,344 3 McFarland, E. C . . 492 — 4,440 McField. A. S. _ _ 1,979 — 2.540 695 McGee. Mrs. M. S. M. _ 1.415 — 7,152 191 McGowan. Mrs. H. E. _ 8.160 — 2,855 McGrath. Mrs. C. A. _ 2.923 — 4,608 7 Mcflmoyl, Mrs. M. L. _ 1.037 182 260 MrTnnes, Mrs. B. J. _ 224 16 6,756 1.936 1,020 Mclnnes, W. O. _ 1,030 9.750 58 Mclntvre, Miss E. J. _ 1,309 7.860 - Mclntvre. Miss M. A. _ 6.504 — 6,930 _ Mclvor, Miss N. M. _ 1.089 — 1,503 _ McKay, C. E. ... . _ 6.504 — 3,477 _ McKay, Miss L. J. _ 3,360 — 7,560 709 McKay, Mrs. M. L. _ 8,460 — 3.691 _ McKee, T. P. _ 6.384 — 16,800 437 McKeever, R. E. _ 4.980 876 352 _ McKenzie, Mrs. A. J. — 6.604 — 1,336 _ McKenzie, Mrs. A. L. _ 1.434 121 7.560 1,588 McKenzie. Mrs. I. J. _ 3.900 — 7,860 1,005 McKimmie, Mrs. G. J . 1,777 — 3.960 — McKinnon, A. H. . _ 4.933 — 4.128 _ McLarrv. Miss O. M . 354 — 9.960 226 McLauchlin, Mrs. F. M. . 5.580 — 896 6 McLaughlin, P. - 4.800 — 3.448 10 McLav, Mrs. P. J. _ 6,504 — 788 — McLean. C. C. _ _ _ 18.720 2,154 926 — McLean. Miss K. L. 1,126 — 1,802 — McLean. Mrs. M. L. 1.484 93 1,306 — McLellan, Mrs. D. _ 3,372 — Salary McLeod, Mrs. N. E. I. ._ 3,144 McMahon, Mrs. A. _ 832 McMahon, Mrs. L. E. _ 2,305 McManus, Miss C. E. _ 971 McMaster, Mrs. N. S. _ 1,401 McMillan, D. G. _ 9,930 McMillan, Miss M. _ 3,945 McMullen, Mrs. J . . 4,284 McMurchy, Miss J. D. _ 3,202 McNeill, Mrs. P. A. _ 6,694 McPherson, Miss D. E. _. 3,380 McPherson, W. M. _ 4,800 McQuarrie, Mrs. L. K. _ 2,325 McRae, Mrs. A. M . . 7,860 McStravick, Mrs. S. M.._ 3,530 McVeigh, Mrs. J. J. _ 7,708 McVeigh, Miss R. _ 2,993 McVicar, Mrs. P. M. _ 6,504 Meagher, C. A. _ 4,604 Meagher, Mrs. L. T. _ 88 Meares. Mrs. D. _ 4,128 Mebs, Mrs. M. E. _ 556 Mecredy, R. D. _ 5,376 Meehan, Mrs. D. I. _ 7,398 Meekison, W. G. _ 16,920 Mehlmann, Mrs. S. E. _ 1,651 Meister, Mrs. J. D. _ 3,033 Melenchuk, E. _ 4.800 Mellor, J . . . 1,319 Mellows, Mrs. C. S. _ 4,908 Mendham, Mrs. F. M. _ 3,450 Mennell, Mrs. J. M. _ 633 Menzies, Mrs. M. _ 74 Merchant, Mrs. M. _ 293 Metcalfe, Mrs. B. M. _ 2,121 Mickelsen, Mrs. C. . . 146 Middleton, Mrs. W. M.._ 6,178 Millar, Mrs. A. J. _ 3,275 Millar, Mrs. B. E. _ 3,487 Millar, Mrs. E. _ 5,200 Millar, Mrs. E. E. I . . 6,504 Millard, Miss E. M. _ 4,440 Miller. Mrs. A. M. _ 4,288 Miller, Mrs. D. S. _ 1,286 Miller, Mrs. E. _ 3,480 Miller, Miss M. J. _ 913 Millhouse, Mrs. L. G. _ 559 Millican, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,378 Milligan. Mrs. A. A. . _ 4,440 Mills, Mrs. B. M . . 1,285 Mills, D. J. . . 665 Mills, Miss J. M. _ 8,400 Milne, Miss J. A. _ 217 Milne, Mrs. N. M . . 2,566 Mitchell, Miss S. A. _ 6,606 Mitchell, Miss S. A. _ _ 6,705 Mitchell, Miss S. E. _ _ 2,773 Mitton, F. D. _ 3,864 Mobraaten, Miss I. M. _ 3,164 Moffat, Miss B. M . . 3.900 Moffat, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,013 Mogensen, Miss C. I. _ 2,775 Mogensen, Mrs. G. L. 3,756 Moiny, J. C. _ 1,956 Molder, Miss L. _ 2,410 Monaghan, J. J. _ „ 5,040 Monahan, Mrs. F. R. _ 1,868 Monkman, Mrs. I. M. _ 3,329 Montague, D. S. . _ 8,820 Mooney, Miss C. P. _ __ 165 Mooney, Miss M. J. _ 2,311 Mooney, Miss P. A. _ 6,024 Moore, Miss D. K . . 5,941 Moore, Miss E. D. _ _ 888 Moore, Mrs. J. A. _ _ _ 335 Moore, Mrs. P. A . 3.924 Moore, Mrs. R _ _ 7,860 Moore, Mrs. T. J. _ 3,480 Moore, T. R. J. _ 6.144 Moorhouse, Mrs. M. J. _ 3,252 Mootoo, C. _ . _ 1,581 Morasse, J. L. . . . — 57 Morecraft, W. T. _ 11,400 Morgan, Mrs. Y. L. - 71 Moricz, Miss M . . 3,255 Morin, Mrs. N. J . . 2,003 Morris, Mrs. B. A. - 7,188 Morris, Mrs. E. B. _ 3,429 Morris, Mrs. N. G. - 9,180 Morrison, Mrs. C. - 67 Travel $ 14 93 1,262 5 37 1,283 816 149 16 105 110 411 60 142 193 565 123 439 3 175 2,410 78 21 1,325 123 18 1,430 729 75 1,217 76 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Public Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Morrison, Mrs. G. L. _ 309 — Morrison, Mrs. N. J. _ 6,437 291 Morse, P. W. . 9,690 — Mortimer. Mrs. M. D. 8.098 1,056 Moscou, Mrs. M. A. M._ 3,710 — Mountford, R. D. _ 5,457 — Mowat, D. _ _ 9,690 — Mowat, Mrs. M. J. _ 472 — Mowry, Mrs. J. D. _ 1,195 15 Mugford, Miss M. L. _ — 3,183 337 Muir, Mrs. E. L. . . . 625 — Mullan, Miss S. _ 6,504 — Muller, Mrs. M. _ 2,195 — Mullins, Miss D. - 1,845 — Mundhenk, A. H. A. - 1,448 31 Munro, Mrs. E. P. - 3,660 — Munro, Mrs. F. E. _ 670 97 Munroe, J. D. - 18,720 1,290 Murphy, Mrs. F. M. _ 6,624 — Murray, A. D. _ 7,422 1,728 Murray, J. M. . . . 4,869 — Murray, L. _ _ 636 — Murray, Mrs. M. _ 524 — Murray, Mrs. M. J. _ 5,971 — Murray, Mrs. N. .... 667 151 Murtough, Mrs. J. A. _ 4,560 — Murtough, Miss K. L. — 529 — Musgrove, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,033 — Musselwhite, Mrs. M. J. _ 3,667 239 Musurichan, W . . . 5,172 — Mvers, A. J. _ 1,016 — Myers, Mrs. B. A. - - 3,941 11 Nadeau, Mrs. L. G. - 328 — Nagy, N _ _ _ 5,172 — Napasnev, Miss J. D. _ 331 — Narain, Mrs. H. . . . 2,965 — Neale, W. _ _ _ 4,128 — Nedelec, Miss Y. L. _ 8,820 792 Nederpelt, Mrs. J. _ 3,585 — Neish, Miss M. R. _ 7,860 739 Nejrup, Miss B. S. _ 3,480 — Nelmes, Mrs. M. F. _ 38 2 Nelson, D. .. ... _ _ 1.304 20 Nelson, Miss D. A. . . 1,568 57 Nelson, Miss E. C . — 3,632 — Nelson, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,614 252 Neudorf, Miss M. E. _ 3,550 67 Neufeld, Mrs. N. P. _ 2,236 3 Neville, Mrs. K. .. _ 3,480 — Newbury, Miss P. E. _ 7,422 399 Newdick, Mrs. J. C . 954 — Newman, Miss K. M. — 4,980 — Newman, Miss P. G . 6,746 387 Newton, Miss Y. D. . . 3,941 670 Nicholl, Mrs. D. G. _ 4,513 — Nicoll, Mrs. I. A. _ 382 47 Nicoll, Mrs. J. M. _ 7,181 40 Nider, M. . . . 1,381 — Niedzielski, H _ _ 7,020 — Nielsen, Mrs. L. M. 551 — Niessen, Mrs. A. _ 775 — Nightingale, Miss J. F. _. 2,189 163 Nikiforuk, Mrs. S. A. _ 2,159 — Noble, Miss B. A. _ 817 — Noble. R. A. - 504 — Noel-Walker, Miss M. ..... 117 — Nomura, Mrs. B. _ 3,274 — Norcross, Mrs. L. _ 945 — Nordquist, Mrs. F. M. — 288 — Norsed, Miss V. M. _ 4,050 — Noulette, J. A. _ 1,427 323 Novak, Miss B. A. _ 475 77 Nursey, Miss J. E. _ . 4,048 519 Nutini, Mrs. L. W. _ 100 — Nveste, Miss V. O. _ 56 — O’Brien, Miss A. M . — 4,128 — O’Brien, J. T. _ 968 — O’Brien. Mrs. R K. - 1.024 — O’Dell, Miss H. M. H . 2,237 — O’Donnell. Mrs. E. _ 5,844 — O’Neill, Mrs. J. C. - 4,950 250 O’Neill, P. _ _ - 8.460 921 O’Toole, Mrs. M. O. — 2,223 — Odell, Mrs. M. J. - 240 — Odermatt, Mrs. A. F. - 2,354 — Ogden, Miss C. B . 7,560 527 Okada, Miss B. M. 2,311 36 Okamoto, Miss M. M. _ 6,888 289 Oke, Mrs. J. E . 595 — Oldham, W. . - 4,403 — Oliver, Miss J. E. _ _ Salary 7,940 Travel $ 326 Olm, Mrs. L. E. _ 3,840 87 Olsen, Miss L. J. _ 2,726 — Olson, Mrs. J. E. _ _ 3,969 716 Olson, Mrs. P. E . . 2,676 _ Olson, R. H. _ 1,009 — Ono, Mrs. D . . 3,960 — Oram, Mrs. D. F. 1,252 — Ormond, Miss C. J . _ 570 22 Ormond, Mrs. M. A. _ 2,765 293 Orr, Mrs. J. S. _ 4,093 85 Osborne, Mrs. D. S. . . 1,628 367 Ostaf. Mrs. A. W . 140 28 Oster, Mrs. E. _ 2,928 — Ostrom, Miss D. P. _ 1,191 — Ouellet, Mrs. O. _ 2,359 — Ourth, Mrs. M. B. __ 3,960 — Ouston, Mrs. D. E. _ 8,820 _ Owens, Miss M. M. _ 3,660 — Oxley, Mrs. A. M . 900 — Paciejewski, Mrs. M. A—. 57 — Pagan, R. T. 12,456 497 Paisley, Mrs. H. _ 667 — Palfrey, Miss D. M . . 3,565 — Pang, Miss J. W. C . 555 — Pannu, J. S. . 5,910 900 Papa, Mrs. D _ _ _ _ 1.482 — Parfitt, J. P _ _ 1,317 — Park, Miss M. _ 5,172 — Park, Mrs. M. D. _ 188 7 Parker, Mrs. C. C. . . 1,564 87 Parker, Mrs. G. _ 473 — Parker, Mrs. S. L. 4,043 — Parker, Mrs. S. W. _ 4,440 — Parkinson, Mrs. F. N, .... 3,756 — Parkyn, Miss J. H. _ 2,925 274 Parratt, Mrs. M. _ 333 — Partington, P. . _ _ _ 4,980 — Passmore, Mrs. C. K. ..... 634 — Paterson, Miss D. P. _ 1,818 — Paterson, Mrs. G. M. 1 ,332 — Paterson, J. R. _ 445 — Paterson, S. R. _ 556 — Patrick, Mrs. M. E. _ 2,579 — Patterson, Mrs. K. E . . 593 — Patteson, T. E. B. _ 4,923 — Paul, Mrs. M. M. A. _ 62 — Paulin, D. G _ _ 1.534 — Pauls, O. H. _ 5,575 — Paulse, E. R. _ _ _ 5,391 — Paulson, Mrs. M. _ 3,190 — Pawson. Mrs. D. E. _ 1.674 — Payton, Mrs. M. P . 4.014 530 Peacock, Mrs. E. L. _ 304 — Peacock. Mrs. 7. M. ..... 3,480 — Peake, Miss J. E. _ 1,585 — Peake, Mrs. M. E _ _ 3,480 — Peakman. Miss B. D. .. _ 3,486 — Pearce, Mrs. P . . 5,172 97 Pearce. Mrs. S. J. _ 4,440 36 Pearsall. Mrs. M. A. _ 720 — Pearson, Mrs. E. _ 2,806 — Pearson, Mrs. F. H. _ 2,791 — Pearson, K. H. _ 4.980 — Pearson, Miss M. O. _ 4,788 — Pearson, Mrs. S. V. _ 3,480 — Peat, Mrs. I. M . . 6,525 — Pedersen, Miss H. M. .... 3,520 134 Pedersen, Mrs. P. G. . . 4.980 — Pelletier, Miss A. _ 7,860 459 Pellizzon, Mrs. M. A. .... 2,047 — Pellv. R. H _ _ 5,640 2,235 Pender. Mrs. B. E. _ 1,099 — Pendrav, Miss L. J . . 593 — Penman, Mrs. S. E. _ 2,188 — Fenner, Mrs. E. M. _ 249 — Penner, Mrs. G. H. _ 1,443 — Penner, G. W. _ 6.384 2,071 Pennvcook. A. .. _ 4.483 — Penlow, Miss S. D. _ _ 516 — Pepper, Mrs. G. C. . . 5.580 — Pepoer, W. E. .... _ 2,422 — Perkins, Mrs. D. D. _ 3,606 — Perron. Miss S. B. C. 2,768 45 Perry, D. S. ... _ 4,500 — Petavel, Miss M. D. _ 7,020 94 Petch, Mrs. R. _ 565 95 Peters, Miss A. A. _ 6,504 — Peters, Mrs. H. _ 570 — Petersen, Miss A. S. _ 2,759 — Salary $ Petersen, Miss D. H. _ 1,518 Petersen, Mrs. S . . . 426 Petreman, Mrs. G. M. _ 199 Pettis, Miss D. G. _ 198 Pfahl, Miss M . . 3,622 Pfeiffer, T. _ 1,089 Philion, J. J. _ 6,264 Phillips, D. A. _ 4,196 Phillips, Miss E. M. _ 7,860 Phillips, Mrs. G. C. _ 711 Phillips, J. M _ _ 6,024 Phillips, Mrs. M. C. E. 7,627 Pianalto, A. _ _ 5,376 Pickrell, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,380 Pilmer, Mrs. A. _ _ _ 3,660 Pinckney, Miss J. A. T. _ 4,362 Pinckney, Mrs. K. N. _ 2,792 Podgorenko, Mrs. V. _ 76 Pollock, Mrs. C. J. _ 4,980 Polyk, Mrs. F. L . 1,715 Pomeroy, E. R. _ 4,800 Pomeroy, Mrs. P. _ 1,350 Poole, L. H. _ 6,822 Poole, Mrs. Y. M . . 497 Pope, Miss M. D. _ 2,504 Porter, Mrs. E. E. _ 5,830 Porter, Miss M. D. _ 3,900 Poskitt, Mrs. C. G . . 4,018 Posnikoff, Mrs. S. E. _ 1,673 Potter, Mrs. L. E. _ _ _ 3,766 Powell, N. A. _ 5.580 Power. Miss M. M. _ 1,911 Poweska, Mrs. L. J . . 2,109 Pozdnikoff, Mrs. M. _ 630 Pratico, Mrs. A. M. _ 481 Pratt, J. E. _ 3,242 Pratt, Mrs. P. _ 3,480 Prescott, Mrs. H. _ 2,443 Price, Mrs. A. S. _ 5.274 Price, H. J. . . 10,380 Price, Mrs. R. M. _ 570 Pridmore, Mrs. G. R . 461 Priest, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,480 Primeau, Miss M. C. F. _ 7,860 Pritchett, Mrs. L. A . . 528 Proctor, Mrs. C. L. _ 1,550 Prokopiw, Miss A. _ 3,720 Protean, Miss M. A. _ _ 952 Provost, Mrs. H. M . 712 Pugh, J. A. D. . . 5,640 Pullen, Miss P. M. . 7,565 Pungente, Mrs. E. G . _ 3,292 Pye, Mrs. H. D. _ 3,480 Quayle. Mrs. A. U. _ 3,430 Radcliffe, Miss C. E. - 437 Radlinskas, J. _ 4,800 Radzikowski, W. _ 7,284 Ralfs, R. B. H. _ 10,860 Ramos, Miss H . . 2,237 Ramsay, D. L . . 4,249 Ramsay, Mrs. M . . 8,882 Randal], A. _ 4,980 Randolph. Miss M. J. _ 4,533 Raphael, Miss D. L. . . 1.980 Raschdorf, Mrs. R. S. H. 4,284 Rasmussen, L. C _ _ 4,345 Ratner, M. M . 7,422 Ray, Mrs. E. B. _ 4,980 Ready, Miss M. E. _ 588 Reamsbottom, Mrs. B. E. 3,480 Rector, Miss J. _ _ 882 Redding, Mrs. J. _ 4,128 Redekop, Mrs. J. A. _ 547 Redman Mi's P. M . . 4,356 Reed, Miss B. F. - 952 Reeve, Mrs. O. M . . 4,028 Regan, Mrs. G. W. _ 2,600 Regehr. Miss A. _ 2,522 Reid, Mrs. B. B _ _ 2,088 Reid, D. D. .. _ 626 Reid, Miss D. E . . 3,969 Reid, M'ss D. M. _ 3.552 Reid, Miss D. S. _ 2.628 Reid, Miss M. C. _ 9,180 Reid, Miss M. C. S. _ 2,847 Reid, Mrs. N. J . . 3,120 Reid, Mrs. V. B. _ _ 4,603 Reinhardt, Miss I. G. _ 4,393 Reitan, Mrs. E. _ 6,504 Reith, Mrs. D. J. _ 3,480 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 77 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Public Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ ;millong, Mrs. N. _ 71 — smpel, Miss E. M . 1,557 — ;naerts, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,480 — :ndle, Miss M. H. _ 3,720 — :nwick, D. H. G. _ 10,380 50 ;ynolds, Mrs. C. J. _ 7,064 603 :ynolds, Mrs. J. 3,383 — ;ynolds, Mrs. J. M. _ 6,756 357 :ynolds, P. J . . . 18,060 754 ce, Mrs. M. E . . chards, Mrs. B. _ 399 — 1,098 — chards, Mrs. F . . . 4,348 — chardson, A. S. _ 5.278 279 chardson, Mrs. H. D. 358 18 chardson, Mrs. H. M. .. 4.710 — chardson, N. S . - . . 4,800 — chman, Mrs. K. V. _ 7,860 36 dley. Miss J. F . . 4,980 — ese, H. W. 5.100 — ley, Miss E. K _ _ 7,795 2 pley, Mrs. S. A. _ 115 — tchie, Mrs. M. W. _ 720 130 ibb, G. I. M . . . 9,360 — ibb, G. M. M. _ 1,236 — ibbins, S. M _ _ 2,385 — 'berge, A. A _ _ 6,024 — berts, Miss A. P. _ 1,400 22 iberts, Mrs. L. _ _ 3,307 — bertshaw, Miss N. M.- 5,888 7 bertson, Mrs. A. E. M. 2,863 217 bertson, H. J . . 6,264 — bertson. Miss J. M . 4,980 195 bertson, Mrs. M. A. ... 4,362 — binson, Mrs. D. _ 2.130 — binson, J. M. . 18,763 636 binson. Mrs. J. M. _ 1,335 — binson. Miss K. L . . 6,264 — binson, Mrs. M. .. . 70 — binson, Mrs. M. 7.860 822 binson. Miss M. O . 7.422 1,112 binson, Mrs. W. E. _ 5,580 323 bson, Mrs. W. J. _ 2,833 — chon, H. J. . . . 5,340 — chon. J. G - - 3,461 — ck, T. F _ _ _ 4,931 — ckett, F. R. _ 4.884 — ckett, Mrs. P. L. _ cksborough Smith, Mrs. 3,720 — 4. .. 871 — denbush, Miss V. A.— 1,805 — dgers, Mrs. M. _ 7,860 — din, Mrs. H. G. . _ 7.452 103 dowski, Mrs. M. C. .... 2.765 — ;, D. ... _ 8,460 1,480 ;hling, Mrs. R. - 1,674 — jers, Mrs. G. . . 3.480 — rers, W. E. _ 906 340 [is. Miss B. A. _ 6.630 665 maniuk, Mrs. J. A. _ 3.467 — nas. Miss B. L. _ 3.756 — laid, Mrs. L. _ 6 519 — idelet. M. R. _ 9,180 134 mey, Mrs. E. _ 3,642 — it, Mrs. M. E. _ 631 46 iedale, Miss J. M. _ 680 — ;s, Mrs. F. M. .. . 3,480 — is, Miss G. ! _ _ 7.228 714 is, Mrs. J. A. _ 4.128 — is, J. A. R. - 720 — is. Mrs. L. A. ... _ 3,960 — is-Jones, Mrs. D. I. ... 6,504 38 h. Miss F. R. _ 1.885 — tluff, Mrs. J. A. L. .... 1.013 128 ibini, Mrs. O. _ 714 — lgh, G. W. _ 7,422 130 ltledge. V/. W. J. _ 6,144 778 vat. Miss F. R. _ 6,504 — ve, J. F. _ ... - 10,320 162 viand, Mrs. M. H . 3,348 — viands, Mrs. E. _ 4,876 — , Miss C - _ 943 — Initski. Miss G. Z. _ 7,284 352 Fee, Mrs. A. _ _ 530 75 Fee, G. E. M _ _ 5.463 1,575 h. Miss D. E. _ 4,913 193 k, Miss F. A. ... _ 3,892 — sell. Miss J. M. D . 9,960 462 er, R. _ _ _ 2,563 — 'ey, Mrs. B. E. _ 3,480 — din, Miss E. _ 4,508 Salary Travel $ $ Sale, Miss E. _ 2,445 — Salminen, Mrs. E. B. R. 76 34 Salo, Miss E . . . . 2,800 88 Sampson, Mrs. M. E. _ _ 3,378 326 Sanborn, Mrs. D. L. _ 2,584 — Sandberg, D. K. _ 3,282 — Sanderson, Mrs. A. _ 198 — Sandhu, Mrs. S. K. . . 1,780 — Sandilands, J. . . 8,400 — Sandnes, Mrs. A. _ 1,472 — Sandstrom, Mrs. D. M. 7,136 38 Santos, Miss L. _ 1,624 — Saunders, Miss L. E. _ 94 — Saunders, W. _ . 4,800 — Saville. V. R. 5,580 — Sawatzky, Miss C. S . 3,640 — Sawracki, Miss E. A. .... 6,217 72 Sawyer. Mrs. E. A. _ 3,720 — Saxon, E. R. _ 3,684 — Saxton, G. D. _ _ _ 8.871 — Saxton, Mrs. M. K. _ 3,378 178 Schaap, Mrs. B. _ _ 7,860 811 Schell, Mrs. G. I. _ 6,800 723 Schick, Miss R. E. _ 3,794 45 Schisler, Mrs. E. F. _ 138 — Schleicher, Mrs. K. _ 3.423 — Schmitt, N. . _ _ 18,720 2,038 Schneidereit, Mrs. E. A.„. 6,893 41 Schnell, Miss M. E. _ 2,588 3 Schofield, Miss R. A. - 1,928 — Scholz, Mrs. I. _ 2,998 — Schrader, N. I. - 468 — Schroeder, C. - - - 6,300 — Schuster, Mrs. H . 634 104 Schuster, Miss J. M. - 799 — Schwartz, W. H. _ 61 — Schwarzer, Mrs. M. - 997 — Schweickhardt, F. _ 672 — Scott, Mrs. A _ _ 3,480 — Scott, Miss A. E . . 11,400 — Scott, A. S . — . . 4,540 — Scott, Mrs. D. D. _ . — 3.360 44 Scott, E. . - - 7.484 635 Scott, Mrs. E. R. - 3,684 — Scott. Mrs. E. V . 4,788 — Scott, G. E. - 4,800 — Scott, Mrs. M. V. . . — 768 — Scott. R. G. - - - 9,960 1,439 See. H . . . 2,808 — Seed, Mrs. I. I. - 623 82 Seidel, Mrs. M. E. . - 936 — Seidel. Mrs. M. M. E. — 3,591 — Selby-Brown, Mrs. L. M._ 737 — Sellars, Miss L. - - - 3,330 — Sellers, Mrs. W. J. _ . 7,860 52 Senff. W. R. G. . . 5,486 — Seraglia. M. ~ - 8,400 — Sewell, Mrs. D. H . — 7,980 — Sexton, H. C. - - - 7,020 972 Shannon, J. S . . 8,460 1,808 Sharp, Mrs. D. E. L. — 6,504 11 Sharpe. Mrs. R. H . 4.656 13 Shaw, Miss S. K. - 5,528 — Shaw, Mrs. V. M. - 3,617 — Shaw-McLaren, Mrs. P. M. . . 805 — Shea, G. W. . . 6,510 31 Shelford, Miss S. A. _ 783 — Shergold, Mrs. S. I. - 576 — Sherlow. Mrs. L. K. - 3.900 — Shook, Mrs. E. B. . . . 39 — Shore. Mrs. E. A. . 711 195 Short. Miss D. J. - 8.124 4 Shute, Miss B. J. . - 1,192 349 S'nite. Miss M. E . 3 960 — Siddons, Miss P. A. J. 10.170 1,278 Sidsworth. Mrs. M. S. 5,644 274 Siemens. > — - - 5,580 — Sisurdson, Miss A. S. — 4,128 — SPIer, Mrs. F. B. - 1.063 — S'kler, Mrs. J. C. R . — 5.992 — Siktna, Mrs. N. _ 6,482 — Silbernagel. Miss M. P. 4.582 277 Simmons, Miss E. - - 159 — Simms, Mrs. M. E. - 1,680 — Simpson, Miss E. M. _ 819 — Simpson, Mrs. L. J. .. . . 5,281 — Sims, Mrs. I. M. _ . . .. 557 — Singer, J . . . - 7,860 1,347 Singer, R. - - 1,121 53 Sipos, D. _ Salary $ 3,563 Travel $ ■Sivnrha, W T 3,752 256 _ Skalmerud, Mrs. L. C. _ _ Skaret, Miss S. L. _ 6,630 128 Skora, J. .. .... 2,250 3,480 - Slarks, Mrs. M. E. _ r- Slaughter, Mrs. D. E. _ 10,860 1,275 Sloan, Miss W. L. _ _ 2,976 — Slump, Mrs. M. A. _ 6,024 — Slye, Mrs. E. L. _ 39 — Smart, M. R . . 18,720 929 Smellie, Mrs. M. ..... . 3,514 — Smith, Miss B. H. _ 9,960 32 Smith, Mrs. D. J. _ 3,631 — Smith, Mrs. E. E. _ _ 7,860 484 Smith, Miss E. M. _ 4,124 — Smith, Mrs. E. M. G. _ 6,630 461 Smith, G. . . . 5,580 — Smith, G. R. _ 4,638 1,710 Smith, H. E. . ... . 345 Smith, Mrs. H. L. _ 1,708 — Smith, Mrs. J. _ 1,101 — Smith, J. H. ... 20,040 4,788 1,359 Smith, Miss J. M. A. _ Smith, Miss J. R. _ 1,436 — Smith, Mrs. K. _ 5,220 — Smith, Miss L. C. _ _ 866 — Smith, Mrs. L. M. _ 4,112 — Smith, Mrs. M. J. _ 216 23 Smith, Mrs. M. J. _ 9,960 171 Smith, Mrs. M. J. _ 4,788 — Smith, Miss M. V. _ 6,504 — Smith, Mrs. M. V. _ 3,606 46 Smith, Mrs. P. J. I. _ 5,809 — Smith, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,884 31 Smith, Miss S. M. _ _ 203 — Smith, S. M. _ _ 7,560 809 Smoker, Mrs. B. E. _ 1,885 — Snell, Mrs. M. D. . . . 1,046 64 Snell, Mrs. M. S. _ 1,391 — Snow, Miss C. A. _ 713 — Solheim, Miss M. _ _ 3,245 6 Soltan, A. _ 8,100 — Sorensen, Miss E. J. _ 6,877 743 Southern, Mrs. K. D. 3,892 — Spencer, Mrs. M. M. _ 1,860 — Spierings, T. H. __ _ .. 1,736 — Spink, Mrs. M. M. _ 5,172 13 Sprague, Mrs. D. M . . 3,552 — Square-Briggs, E. J. _ 4,284 — Stacey, Mrs. J. E. _ 209 9 Stainton, Mrs. W. _ 685 — Stalker, H. S. _ 19,380 722 Stan, Miss V. .. _ 7,860 257 Standish, Mrs. N. E. _ 6,504 — Stansfield, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,440 — Staples. Mrs. 1 7,860 8,797 755 Stark, Miss A. J. . _ 934 Staton, Mrs. G. V. _ 370 28 Statt, L. D. 7,020 1,597 Steadman, Miss B. J. _ _ Steeves, Miss M. K. _ 3,378 94 Stein, Mrs. L. M. _ 3,276 — Stenmark, Mrs. M. O. _ 451 93 Stephen, R A 9,264 6,030 1,221 1,333 Stephens, J. M. _ Stephens, Miss P. B. 3,162 283 Stevenson, B. W. _ 789 — Stevenson, Miss C. J. _ 3,941 — Stevenson, Mrs. T. _ 2,909 — Stewart, Mrs. A. _ _ 4,128 — Stewart, Mrs. A. _ 1,855 — Stewart, Miss A. R. _ 1,619 — Stewart, Mrs. B. _ . 2,443 — Stewart, Miss H. E. _ 1,503 — Stewart, Mrs. I. A. _ 3,569 — Stickler, Miss P. A. _ 511 — Stobbart, Mrs. M. _ 522 — Stobbe, Miss G. _ 3,535 — Stobbe, Miss M. _ 2,942 — Stockley, Miss M. R. _ 7,267 8 Stokes, Mrs. O. C. .... _ 5,059 — Stone, A. W. _ 4,844 — Stone, Mrs. E. L. _ 1,576 — Stone, Miss J. P. _ 1,247 83 Stonehouse, C. R. _ 10,380 766 Story, Mrs. M. L. _ 3,780 — Strand, Mrs. I. _ _ 2,227 — Straub, Mrs. J. _ 1,045 — Straub, Miss N. M. _ 940 — Strawson, Mrs. G. _ 1,050 — Strembeski, Miss J. M. _ 918 — Striha, Mrs. J. E - - 3,794 239 78 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Stringer, Mrs. M. E. Salary W. 451 ..... 2,812 Travel $ Stuart, Mrs. A. E. - . 3,829 7 Stubbins, Miss E, A. - Stnhhins. Mrs. Or. .... 353 . . 4.440 — Sturgeon, Miss E. M. — 1,788 Stuttaford, Mrs. M. H. F. 3,944 Sundry temporary assis¬ tance _ . - 8,657 — Styles, Mrs. G. L. — Suddaby, Mrs. K. C. - 5,274 _ 7,860 1,748 — Suojanen, M. E. J. — Surgenor, Mrs. A. G. Surtees. Miss A. - _ 4,800 _ 8,160 ..... 2,262 400 879 39 . . 3,284 — Sutcliffe, Miss J. M. _ _ 9,960 ..... 2,425 1,027 7,860 31 Svangtun, Miss L. - Swaisland, Mrs. P. A. _ 1,782 552 . 5,534 119 ..... 3,044 — .. 2,577 — 7,152 308 ... 6,660 — 17,400 853 . 3,960 — 570 — 2,877 — Tahara, Miss K. A. — Tait Mrs. R. M. ... - . . 2,790 ... 2,752 — Tait N L F. _ 4,800 — ..... 5,656 — 8,010 — Tasker, Mrs. C. B. — ..... 1,617 199 25 Tassonyi, Mrs. D. I. _ _ 2,198 ... 7,152 1 40 .... 3,472 — Taylor, Mrs. J. M. . . Taylor, Miss J. P. Terzariol, Mrs. N. E. 4,480 616 797 ..... 1,152 456 2 Therkelsen, Mrs. E. M. __ 7,232 1,255 693 4 Thiessen, Mrs. A. M. . Thiessen, Miss M. - Thomas, Miss E. L. _ _ 4,524 9,150 _ 560 377 1,092 Thomas, Mrs. M. A. B Thomas, Mrs. R. B. ... 522 986 805 126 86 Thompson, Mrs. B. M. _ 1,040 .... 3,480 240 Thompson, Mrs. M. E. Thompson, Mrs. M. J. Thompson, Mrs. M. P. , _ 7,422 _.. 3,660 _ 3,941 ..... 5,303 2 149 668 Thomson, Mrs. E. — Thomson, J. C. - - Thomson, Miss J. E. .. Thomson, Mrs. K. M. .... 1,352 _ 5,542 _ 6,888 _ 3,378 ...... 6,344 4 832 461 34 Thorburn, Mrs. M. ..... Thornbum, Mrs. M. M. Thorne, Miss D. L . ...... 3,480 E. 4,698 5,796 740 270 29 Thorsteinson, Mrs. E. Thurley, Mrs. J. M. - Tibbetts, Mrs. J. D. Tiffany, Mrs. A. . — Tindall, Mrs. M. E. M. 5,741 137 .. 7,392 211 3,420 3,684 36 205 31 486 19 3.960 — .... 3,709 — Todcl W. J. _ .... 5,580 — ...... 8,760 117 Togel, Mrs. G. H. ... Tollardo, Mrs. E. — ...... 4,206 ...... 3,640 ... 1,020 = Tomich, Mrs. D. E. ... Tomm, Miss M. S. W. Tomsett, Mrs. S. K. Toth, Mrs. K. E. - __ 3,105 .... 3,430 _ 1,083 130 ...... 5,376 177 1,856 409 _ Towill, Miss M. E. .. ...... 7,710 4,410 378 1,078 Trahan, Mrs. M. E. _ Trapp, W. G. - .... 3,480 _ 10,836 Public Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Traviss, Miss M. R . . 7,860 1,729 Treen, Mrs. B. J. _ .. 6,930 35 Treen, Mrs. J. . . . 1,694 16 Tremblay, Mrs. A. _ 5,820 220 Trewella, Mrs. J. M. _ 8,820 707 Triffitt, G. . . . . . . 4,302 — Trommel, Mrs. J. L . . 381 — Truant, Mrs. E. W. _ _ _ _ Tuck, Miss I. J. _ 634 — 7,860 518 Tucker, Miss J. . 7,152 276 Tudor, Mrs. V. K. .... ... 3,872 195 Tuningley, Mrs. L. R. _ 4,440 — Tupper, Mrs. B. M. _ 298 58 Turner, C. R _ _ 6,504 248 Turner, Mrs. M. G. _ 3,794 — Tuttle, P. G. _ _ _ 1,068 — Tweed, Mrs. V. R . . 1,355 2 Tymchuk, Mrs. C. A. _ 196 — lyre, Miss P. J . . 2,426 — Tyson, Mrs. B. P. . . 7,152 123 Tyson, Mrs. S. A. 7,422 102 Tyson, Mrs. S. J. 1,612 — Ueda, Miss J. K. _ 3,969 20 Uglene, Miss C. _ .. 1,626 — Upham, Miss M. P. _ 8,160 — Ure, Miss B. A. _ .. 2,092 — Uyeda, Miss T. _ 1,605 2 Vagt, Miss L. K. _ 4,040 — Vaisto, Miss H. I. _. . 6,871 779 Van Alstyne, C. E. _ 7,110 1,455 Van Beusekom, J. A. _ 4,315 — Van Elslande, Mrs. C. J. 1,103 — Van Schetsen, Mrs. S. L. 3,240 — Van Tassel, Mrs. I. M.... 290 — Vanderkracht, A. _ 5,204 — Vanderzee, Mrs. P. E. . 3,780 — Vango, Miss T. J. _ 7,860 282 Venechuk, S. _ 2,347 — Verrall, Miss V. M. _ 9,180 — Vestrum, Miss J. A. _ 1,037 — Vetterli, Mrs. D. M. _ 7,704 1,248 Vickers, D. G. . 361 — Vidal, Miss B. L. . 677 — Vidal, Miss R. F. _ 3,151 32 Vinck, R. M. _ 386 — Vinnedge, Mrs. P. _ 422 — Virtue, Miss B. J. _ _ 6,680 286 Vogan, Miss M. I. L. _ 8,460 65 Vogt, J. R. 661 — Vosburgh, Miss D. I. _ 9,960 1,385 Waddell, Mrs. C. M. __ 483 — Wagner, Mrs. R. _ 392 — Walker, Mrs. D. M. _ 6,504 — Walker, Mrs. M. _ 3,720 — Walker, Miss M. R. _ 2,124 — Wall, P. 4,800 — Walrnsley, Miss L. E. _ 809 — Walters, Miss A. M. _ 4.887 — Warcup, Mrs. I. M. _ 7,284 — Ward, W. _ .... 18 — Warden, Mrs. J. M. _ 7,860 27 Wardrope, Mrs. A. P. J. 2,029 — Warne, Miss L. G. _ 7,422 688 Warren, C. T. _ 11,130 1,283 Warren, Mrs. V. D. _ 1,232 — Wasyluk, Miss N. E. .... 5,478 — Watley. Miss M. _ 3,480 — Watson, Miss E. E. _ 6,024 — Watson, Miss M. P. _ 7,422 578 Watt, Miss C. D. _ 7,560 — Watts, K. H. _ 8,160 32 Watts, W. ..... _ _ 6,432 466 Webber, Mrs. R. M. . _ 7,860 236 Webber, Mrs. U. S. _ 604 173 Weber, Miss K. _ 8,582 556 Wegener, W. A. _ 3,059 — Wei, A _ _ _ _ 994 — Weinhandl, Miss B. A. _ 50 — Welke, Miss J. I. _ 929 — Welsh, Mrs. M. D. G. _ 331 21 Wendel, Miss I. R. _ 2,577 101 Wenger. Mrs. J. L. - 5,371 — Wermuth, H. W. _ 4,817 — West, Mrs. E. A. _ 3,427 — West, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,592 — Westell, Mrs. C - - 378 54 Westmacott, Mrs. L. M... 720 — Westmacott, Miss W. G. 5,580 — Weston, Mrs. C. M. _ 4,445 — Weston, G. H. . . 8,820 2,701 Weston, P. W. . . . 8,160 — Wheatlev, Mrs. P. A. M. 1,914 — White, Mrs. B. J. _ _ 6,930 144 White, Miss D. .. - 2,640 — Salary Trave $ $ White, Mrs. H. B . . 207 — White, R. G . 6,150 8 85 Whiteside, Miss L. - 6,996 51', Whiting, Mrs. C. R. _ 1,909 — Whitta, Miss Y. M. - 380 — Whittaker, Miss E. I. — 8,460 — Whittaker, Mrs. M. D. — 1,593 — Whittington, Miss H . . 9,960 57f Whyte, Mrs. M. E. J. _ 4,400 — Wick, Mrs. B. J. _ 7,188 68 Wiebe, Mrs. E. M. - 342 — Wiebe, Mrs. J. M. - 3,896 — Wilkinson, W. L. - 2,841 — Will, Mrs. B. J . . 610 — Williams, Mrs. A. W. — 3,552 — Williams, Miss J. M. - 3,035 119 Williams, Miss L. J. - 3,969 — Williams, Miss M. I. — 5,478 — Williamson, Miss B. A. .. 2,392 — Willis, Mrs. L. H. _ 4,206 — Willis, R. B. J. 5,376 — Willoner, Miss M. R. . 7,860 573 Willoughby, B. A. - 5,910 1,110 Wilson, Mrs. C. L. . . 363 — Wilson, Miss D. E. - 4,980 — Wilson, Mrs. E. - 7,830 58 Wilson, Mrs. H. F. - 389 — Wilson, Mrs. J. _ 7,205 1,122 Wilson, Mrs. J. _ 3,017 — Wilson, Mrs. L. M . 1,307 — Wilson, Mrs. O. G. - 547 9 Wilson, Miss S. P. _ 5,417 — Wilson, Mrs. S. R. - 2,388 — Wilson, Miss V. J. _ . 218 — Wilton, Mrs. L. D. _ 6,024 — Winch, Mrs. M. J. _ 134 48 Winchester, Miss S. E. _ 2,980 — Wing, Miss M. J. - 7,860 253 Winter, Mrs. J. A. _ 8,260 340 Wise, Mrs. A. L. _ 3,480 — Witherly, Miss S. J. _ 2,428 — Withers, E. W. B. _ 8,460 1,127 Withers, Mrs. K. J. _ 790 231 Witt, Mrs. I. M. . . . 7,860 33 Wittenberg, Mrs. H. _ 61 — Wittrock, Mrs. L. _ 1,067 — Wolczuk, Miss K. L. _ 3,245 — Wolf, Mrs. D. C. _ 6,882 2 Wolf, Miss E. B. _ 7,860 719 Woloshyn, Mrs. G. _ 1,567 — Wong, Miss C. P. _ 4,877 — Wong, P. E. . .. . _ 4,980 — Wong, R. Y. F . . . . 906 — Wood, Mrs. B. . . 3,960 — Wood. Mrs. M. E . . . 3,828 — Wood, Mrs. S. M. _ 3,884 — Wootton, Miss M. J. _ 6,930 508 Worley, Mrs. R. J. _ 1,057 — Worsley, Miss P. M. _ 4,226 4 Worth, Miss B. _ 550 — Wright, Mrs. C. L . 234 — Wright, Mrs. E. C. _ 7,860 537 Wright, Miss M. V. M. .. 2,481 — Wright, Miss R. . .. . 3,250 — Wright, Miss R. L. _ 6,504 379 Wringe, Mrs. E. L. M. _ 3,972 — Wuori. Mrs. N. I. _ 3,480 — Wyllychuk, Mrs. D. P. _ 3,794 6 Wynne, Mrs. E. J. _ 1,251 51 Wyton, Mrs. C. R. _ 1,249 24 Yarmish, Mrs. W. L. _ 3,480 — Yip, Miss C. _ 4,128 — Yip, Mrs. I. Q. Y. _ 6,756 — Yost, Miss B. J. _ 3,360 — Young, A. _ _ 5,580 — Young, Mrs. C. A. _ 4,980 258 Young, Mrs. H. _ 149 — Young, Mrs. P. B. _ 6,750 191 Yu, C. S. . . . 13,710 — Zacharias, Mrs. T. M. .... 4,440 — Zaplotynsky, Mrs. M. R. 3,530 — Zarichuk, Miss M. L. _ 3,139 — Zeck, Mrs. E. L. .. _ _ 653 14 Zemcov, B. _ _ _ 6,024 — Zoltan, T. T. _ _ _ 4,095 756 Zwier, Miss M. E. _ 1,966 — Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ — 105,566 Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ — 3,848 — 1,248 8,666,521 443,509 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 79 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Menial Health Services icker, F. G., Deputy Minister _ Dbey, Miss L. _ Dbott, Mrs. E. A. _ Del, J. - . . Derin, Miss S. M . . Dlitt, Mrs. V. A. _ Draham, Miss G. M . :e, R. M. Salary Travel $ $ :htymichuk, Mrs. A. :ton, Mrs. D. E. _ iamek, H. R. _ lams, G. lams, Mrs. L. O. _ lams, Mrs. M. J. _ lams, R. L. - - lams. Miss S. _ lams, S. W. _ lamson, Mrs. J. B. S. A. laszynski, A. _ lolphe, Mrs. F. O. _ Irian, P. _ Idas, Miss T. _ Ishead, Miss M. - _ assie, V. C. _ _ ;le, Miss B. A. _ — ;new, Mrs. E. _ >new, J. . . . ;ostini, Mrs. G. J. _ learn, Mrs. L. R. _ nsworth, Mrs. C. _ tchison, C. E. _ tchison, J. R _ _ dn, C. K. _ cune. Miss B. C . . bed, R. J. V . bertan, Miss A. - bertan, Mrs. A. E. _ bertan, D. D. _ bertson. Miss J. D . bin. Miss P. R. _ binet, E. A. _ cock, Mrs. L. L. - derson, Miss J. A. _ exander, C. _ exander, Mrs. I. - exander, R. K. - exander. Miss S. M. _ ford, Mrs. M. W . ger, Mrs. D. i, Mrs. Z. A. _ — — lan, Mrs. C. A. - - lan, Mrs. G. P. - - lan, Mrs. N. C. _ len, Mrs. A. C. - len, D. B _ _ len, Mrs. D. E. _ len, D. J. _ _ _ len, L. G . . len, Mrs. V. M. _ lin, Mrs. A. D. _ lison, Mrs. M. _ mer. Miss V. R. _ 3nzo, Mrs. H. M. - haus, W. _ wasser. Miss A. M. _ 10s, Mrs. J. ..... _ ios, Mrs. M. M. - uindson, Miss L. M. _ derson, Mrs. A. _ derson, Mrs. A. E. _ derson, D. B - - derson, Mrs. D. M. _ derson, Mrs. E. - derson, Miss E. E. _ derson, Mrs. E. S. _ derson, Mrs. F. E . derson, Mrs. G . . derson, Mrs. J. C. _ derson, L. M. _ derson, Mrs. L. V. _ derson, Mrs. M. E. _ derson, Miss M. H. __ derson, Mrs. O. _ derson, Mrs. P. E. - derson, R. E _ _ derson, Mrs. R. H. _ derson, R. J. _ derson, Mrs. S. _ derson, S. W. _ derson, T - - 21,000 2,372 1,820 4,473 2,633 1,102 238 6,384 4,211 5,175 5,376 5.406 5,020 8,520 7,284 5.493 4,549 1.860 2,891 6,756 8,820 6,354 2,759 6,756 759 4,602 6,164 4,050 1,796 2.918 4,500 4.536 7,860 778 5,381 2,758 2,505 6.756 2.919 5,376 4,800 5.930 6,274 4,647 4,445 4,108 1,428 3,842 3,923 1,229 7,860 1,653 428 2,196 4.493 2,701 5,391 5,040 388 5.020 7.860 4,289 4,456 4,554 2,372 5.406 8.310 2.507 5,566 3,897 1,246 5.930 5,376 7.860 5.565 5,386 4,713 4,838 13.860 6.756 4,754 3,148 978 5,488 6.756 4,338 4.972 8,460 4,885 375 3,260 84 535 138 163 352 Salary Travel $ $ Anderson, T. G. . . 5.598 — Anderson, T. K. _ 6,509 — Andrada, Mrs. M. _ 5,821 — Andres, Mrs. M. _ _ 5,091 — Andretta, Mrs. M. S . 3,600 — Andrew, L. _ 6,756 — Andrews, B. S. _ 6,534 — Andrews, Mrs. D. L . 4,221 — Andrews, Mrs. J. E. _ 6.519 — Andrews, Mrs. P. A. - 5,386 — Angelich, Mrs. Z. E. - 3,540 — Angeltvedt, Mrs. M. F. _ 6,756 — Angus, A. T. A. - 1,895 — Angus, G. R. - - 6,422 — Aniballi, Mrs. L. M. N. 4,613 — Ansems, G. - - 3,439 — Antal, M. _ 1,297 — Antalek, A. V. _ 1.631 — Anthony, Mrs. M. L. - 2,328 — Antypovich, Miss A. - 2,534 — Anutooshkin, Mrs. M. — 3,720 — Apelo-Cruz, Mrs. A. - - 4,635 — Aplas, K. B. _ _ 5,376 — Appeldoorn, W. H. _ 1,247 — Appleton, Mrs. L. D. - 7,284 115 Apps, Mrs. F. I, . 5,391 — Aquin, R. H. P. _ 6,630 — Aquin, R. L. _ 8,175 — Aranas, A. L. _ - 18,720 464 Archer, Mrs. J. D. _ 4,392 — Archer, J. E. _ 3,330 — Archibald, Mrs. J. A. K. 7,348 57 Archibald, L. B. _ 7,860 — Archibald, Mrs. N. M . 868 — Archibald, Miss S . . 1,163 — Arding, J. _ 5,376 — Armitt, Mrs. A. B. - 4,788 — Armstrong, Mrs. A. - 4,524 — Armstrong, Mrs. M. - 1,997 — Armstrong, Miss S. J . 1.056 — Arnaud, Mrs. Y. M. E. _ 3,600 — Arnault, Mrs. M. E. - 4.758 — Arnold, A. W . 4,917 — Arnould, A. G. - 7,075 — Arries, Mrs. M. E. M . 5,394 — Arrowsmith, R. _ 19,380 — Arseneault, J. L. 5,486 — Artates, Miss E. - 5,930 — Arthur, A. C. _ 5,004 — Arthur, G. H. _ 7.860 — Arthur. Mrs. V. C. - 2,569 — Asao, Mrs. A - - 6,024 — Asao, Y. . . 5,116 — Ashby, R. J. 6,504 — Ashcroft. Mrs. P. - 2,102 — Asher, Mrs. E. D . 3,600 — Ashworth, Mrs. M. _ 1,413 — Asztalos, L. G. . . 1,800 — Atchison, E. M. - 7,860 — Atkinson, Mrs. B. H. J. _ 792 — Atkinson, Mrs. E. M. - 4,141 — Atkinson, Mrs. H. - 4,128 — Atkinson, Miss J. - 3,546 — Atkinson, J. M. - 7.285 — Atkinson, Miss L. - 2,691 — Attle, Mrs. M. E. R. — 1,705 — Attle, S. - 6,024 — Audia, Miss S. _ 1,133 — Auger, Mrs. P. M. - 2,333 — Augustine, C. H. - 6.756 — Austin, D. D. .... - 4,502 — Austin, Mrs. V. D. - 6,756 — Ayala, Mrs. S. J. - 5,174 — Ayearst, Miss V. D. - 1,866 — Aymont, B. L. - 2,492 — Baba, Miss J. R. - 5,755 — Babatzanis, J. — _ 2,847 — Babcock, Mrs. 1. M . . 3,641 — Babcock, W. J. . . . 5,376 — Babick, Mrs. A. - 5,284 — Babuik, Miss E _ _ 300 — Babuin, Miss F. G . . 6,049 — Bacus, Mrs. B. A - - 3,394 — Baerg, Miss M. - 3,308 — Baglee. C. . - . . . 4,500 — Bain, K. G . - .. . — 1,483 — Baia, E. A. - - 6,747 — Bakan, Mrs. O . _ 1,024 — Baker, A. E. - _ — 5,391 — Baker, Mrs. F. 141 — Baker, Miss J. I. - 1,280 — Baker, Miss L. M. - 155 — Salary $ Baker, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,544 Baker, Mrs. M. J. _ 1,164 Baker, R. A. _ 9,540 Baker, R. P. _ 5,019 Bakker, Miss A. _ 1,147 Bakker, I. D. _ 5,811 Bakker, Mrs. J. J. M. _ 4,729 Balakrishnan, Mrs. G. _ 3,346 Balakrishnan, P. _ 5,478 Bali, Mrs. E. _ 3,436 Ball, Mrs. L. J. C. _ 6,756 Ball, Mrs. V. M . . 5,560 Ballam, Mrs. S. M. _ 2,799 Ballantyne, Mrs. P. B. _ 5,703 Ballard, R. T. _ 6,000 Baloc, W. F. _ 4,577 Balog, Miss P. L. _ 1,170 Bamme, E. H. _ 6,504 Bamsey, Miss M. C. _ 2,819 Bani, B. _ 2,220 Bannister, Miss J. _ 300 Baranyai, T. _ 4,800 Barcelo, Mrs. I. J. _ 3,720 Barclay, Mrs. K. F. _ 5,376 Barens, R. _ 6,294 Barfoot, Miss J. _ 4,287 Barker, E. A. _ 8,820 Barker, F. K. . . _ 2,646 Barlow, Mrs. J. K. _ 4,050 Barlow, Miss N. I. _ 3,684 Barloz, Mrs. E. A. _ 4,608 Barnard, Mrs. R. I . . 951 Barnes, Mrs. B. M. „ _ 6,399 Barnes, Mrs. H. M. _ 5,279 Barnes, K. E. _ 11,880 Barnes, Miss L. _ 2,758 Barnet, Miss E. _ 5,528 Barnett, Mrs. B. _ 5,556 Barnett, C. W. . . 1,273 Barnett, Mrs. E. H. _ 4,049 Barnett, Mrs. E. R. _ 5,391 Barnett, Mrs. L. B. J. _ 4,472 Baron, P. W. _ 6,264 Barr, Mrs. M. K. _ 5,172 Barratt, J. P. _ 6,505 Barrett, Mrs. O. _ 4.539 Barski, J. ..... _ 5,376 Bartch, Mrs. I. N. _ 4,348 Barteluk. P. _ 4,678 Barten, Miss M. E. _ 902 Bartlett, Mrs. E. D. _ 5,883 Bartlett, Miss S. L. _ 1.762 Bartram, Miss J. E. _ 6,509 Bartram, Mrs. J. W. _ 3,600 Bartsch, H. W. _ 4,624 Bartsch. Mrs. S . . 5.099 Baryluk, J. _ 2,400 Baryluk, J. _ 5,401 Barz. P. R. _ 6,529 Bascom, E. F. . . . 6,149 Baskerville. Mrs. D. O.... 3,465 Baskott, Mrs. E . 1,850 Bastable. Miss E. _ 8,820 Batch, E. C. _ 6,630 Bateman, Mrs. E. M. _ 5.580 Bates, Miss N. A. _ 1,980 Bates, Mrs. S. M. _ 3,547 Bates, S. S. _ 5,451 Bates, Mrs. V. A. _ 5,280 Bathgate. Mrs. D. A. _ 1.350 Batho, Mrs. K. .. _ 8,460 Battey, Miss C. L. _ 5,396 Bauer, Mrs. J. _ 3.540 Bauer. J. R. _ 6.756 Bauselli, N. _ 4,480 Beairsto, Mrs. M. J. _ 3,615 Bean, Mrs. K. R. _ 2.115 Bearchell, Mrs. T. J. _ 4.698 Bearpark, Mrs. K. _ 4.980 Beaton, Mrs. E. J. 6.756 Reauchene, Mrs. E. A . 5,211 Beauchesne. Mrs. L. - 2.220 Beaudin, Miss L. M. - 763 Beaudoin. M. - 316 Beaugie, Miss A. _ 4,995 Reck, Mrs. A. _ 3.660 Beck, A. S. - 9.750 Beck, Miss E . . . 3.243 Beck, H. O. _ 4,817 Becker, A. S - - 262 Beckett, Mrs. I. - 1,752 Travel $ 42 1,086 658 133 80 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Beddis, A. _ _ _ Salary $ 4,710 Travel $ Beddow, H. . . 3,784 6,120 _ Bednard, D _ _ — Beech, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,041 — Beer, Mrs. E. E. _ 4,128 — Ree.snn, Mrs H S 6,529 5,376 _ Beeson, Mrs. M. _ — Begg. Miss D. R. _ 11,880 14 Behringer, Mrs. E. M. — 944 — Beimers, R. _ . 4,800 — Bekkering, H. F. . - 4,801 17 Belanger. Mrs. J. R. - 1,205 — Belfry. G. A. - 9,270 2 Bell, Miss C. A. _ 2,297 — Bell, Miss I _ _ 7,860 — Bell, Mrs. J. E. R. _ 4,788 — Bell, Mrs. M. A. - 1,134 — Bell, Mrs. M. J. _ 7.800 — Bell, S. 4,000 — Bell, Mrs. S. D. _ 5.646 — Bellavie, Mrs. S. C. - 4,068 — Bellow. Mrs. L. C. - 4.389 — Belvk. R. C. _ - _ 5,708 — Benard, Mrs. D. M. - 2.044 — Bencsik, Mrs. J. _ 2,719 — Bender, Miss E. _ _ _ 5,925 — Bengert, J. M. — . - 5,049 — Benham, Mrs. S. C. - 6.630 — Bennee, J. _ 18,060 560 Bennett, D. - 6.169 — Bennett, D. K. - 8,165 155 Bennett, F. L. - 6,756 — Bennett, Miss G. E. - 5.237 — Bennett, Mrs. S. D. _ 1,847 — Beno, Mrs. J. _ 2,979 — Benson, G. R. _ 4,072 — Benson. Mrs. M. H. _ 7,860 — Bent, Mrs. F. E. - 4.440 — Bent, Mrs. R. G. 5.376 — Bentley, Mrs. D. V. _ 5,386 — Bentley, Mrs. J. M. _ 2,997 — Benple, Mrs. L. E. _ 4,698 — Bepple, Miss T. _ 300 — Berden, G. G. . ... - 5,713 7 Beresford, Miss E. J. D. 5,717 — Berezan. Mrs. L. G . . 233 — Berg, Mrs. D. M. _ 2,700 — Berg, Miss M. E. _ 1,929 — Berg. V. K _ _ 4,110 — Bergen, T. _ _ _ 7,560 — Berkey, G. G. J. _ 5,520 — Bernard, J. M. A. _ 3,346 — Berry, Mrs. A. R. _ 6,756 — Berry, Mrs. O. F. _ 3,357 — Berston, Miss L. G. _ 5,579 — Berthiaume. Mrs. R. E. _. 3.600 — Berukoff, Mrs. K. L. _ 3,744 — Best. C. C. _ 8.550 — Bettcher, Miss L. _ 2.758 — Bettesworth, Mrs. S. A. .. 5,580 128 Bettison, G. T. _ 6.389 — Bench, J. W _ _ 6,900 _ Beukers, W. _ 4,700 . - Bhaeat. D _ _ 4,124 _ Bibby, Mrs. G. _ 4,904 _ Buckner, Miss L. J. _ 1,170 _ Bhlen. A R. _ 6.756 _ Bidwell, J. M. _ 3,372 B'eker, Mrs. J. _ 4.458 _ Biggs. R W. _ 5,381 _ Bignell, D. _ 1,749 _ Rignell, F. D. ._ .. 7,560 _ Bilhngsley, J. C. _ 4,605 _ B'rch, N. A. _ .. 4,500 Birch. Miss S. _ _ 10,100 272 Birchfield. Mrs. A. S. _ 4,698 Bird, Mrs. O. _ _ _ 2,609 - ■ Birley, R. A. _ 1,638 5,220 Biro, S. _ _ Birth. Mrs. A. E. _ 4.124 _ Birt'es, A. C _ _ _ 6,630 59 Bishop, A. A. _ 6.701 157 Bishop. Mrs. D. A. _ 7,980 Rishop, Mrs. K. E. _ 27 — Bishop, T.. G. . . . 1.871 — Bishop, Miss S. V. _ 3,828 — Biornsson, Miss S. _ 59 — Black, Miss C. L. _ 5,391 — Black, F. G. _ 8,142 87 Black, Mrs. M. A. _ 6,731 — Blackstock, R. G. . . . 5,220 — Blackwell, Mrs. D. G. _ Salary 1,987 Travel $ Blackwood, W. _ 6,384 — Blain, Miss P. A. _ 1,610 — Blair, A. L. _ 5,400 57 Blair, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,687 2 Blair, Mrs. M. H. . 6,504 — Blakley, Mrs. G. E. M _ 4,584 — Bland, Miss A. M . . 4,284 — Bland, J. S. . _ 20,280 2,827 Blanden, Mrs. M. G. _ 3,610 Blenkarn, C. E. _ 6.756 — Blenkiron, A. K. _ 2.396 — Blenkiron, Mrs. I. V. _ 6,054 — Blish, O. W. _ 5,274 — Block, Mrs. 1 . _ 3,280 — Bloudoff, Mrs. A. _ 5,396 — Bloudoff. Miss B _ _ 769 — Blouin, Mrs. M. _ 4,766 — Blow. Miss P. J. _ 134 — Blowers, J. _ 5,391 — Blowers, Mrs. J. I. _ 1.674 — Blum, Mrs. T. E. _ 479 — Blum. W. .... _ 3,976 — Blumlein, Mrs. E. C. _ 3,622 — Blumlein, E. G. _ 761 — Blvthe, .1 . . 5,797 30 Boake, Mrs. B . 3,606 — Bodnar, E. S. _ _ _ 6,514 — Bodner, Mrs. D. . . . 3,930 — Boe, Mrs. E. M. _ 7,980 — Boekwyt, C. J. B. . . . 5.763 — Boersma, R. R. _ 8,010 10 Boersma, T. _ . .... 5,376 — Bogardis. Mrs. S. B. _ 3,490 — Boguzki, Mrs. M. E. _ 5.703 4 Boieeie, Mrs. W. H. _ 6.389 — Boivin, E. J. _ 8.046 152 Bol, Mrs. D. I. _ 4,658 — Bolan, B. M. . . _ 5.391 — Bolan. Mrs. E. C. _ - 1.816 — Boldireff, Mrs. A. E. _ 2,920 — Boldon, C. F. _ 4,800 — Bolton, Mrs. K. _ 2,286 — Bolton, Mrs. P. M. _ 2,729 — Boltt, Mrs. T. _ 2.365 — Bond, Mrs. C. J. J. _ 1.050 — Bonin, Mrs. C. M. M. _ 5,396 — Bonish. Mrs. E. R . . 5.172 — Bonk, Miss M. M . . 34 — Bonson, Mrs. M. D. _ 1,500 — Boon, Mrs. J. E. - . — 1,286 91 Boond, Miss D. . . _ 7.860 1.474 Rooth. Mrs. A. M. _ 6.756 — Booth. Mrs. B. 5.320 580 Booth, Mrs. C. T. - 4,539 — Booth, Mrs. D. C. - 5,513 — Booth, K . . 7.860 — Booth. W. D. . 6.520 — Booth. W. O _ _ _ 11.640 1,079 Boquiren, Mrs. P. F. _ 3,990 — Borg, Mrs. A - - 3.670 — Borges, L. S. M. - 4,500 — Boria, Miss G. M. _ 5,709 — Boroevich. Miss C. . 300 — Boroevich, Mrs. G. A. _ 7,960 230 Borthwick, Mrs. M. B - 2.150 — Borto’etto. F. A. _ _ 5,168 — Bosch. Miss A. _ 675 — Bosch, Miss E. . . — 3,243 — Rosch. Miss W. M. _ 6.529 — Boschman, E. G. _ _ 4.477 — Bosh, Mrs. J. D. _. - 4.524 — Bosnians, Mrs. M. T . . 1,421 — Bosslev, Mrs. G. I . . 3.828 — Bossons, Miss S. M. _ 57 — Bostock, Mrs. P. E . . 4,440 — Bothner. G. O. - 6,384 — Bott, Miss M. L. . 3.934 — Bouchard, Mrs. G. - 2,201 — Bouchard, Mrs. M. M. _ 671 — Boucher, G. A. - 4,500 — Boucher, Mrs. R. _ 3,691 — Boudewyn, Miss C. _ 2,042 — Boudreau, J. D. - 4.502 — Bouillet, P. R. L. - 1,927 — Boulter, R. A. - ... . 7,560 — Bouma, Mrs. L. M. _ 2,492 — Bourner, Mrs. A. - 5,396 — Bourner, B. . _ 5,376 — Bouvet, Mrs. E. M . . 4,440 — Bouvier, G. _ .. Salary $ 2,541 Travel $ Bowen, Mrs. C. _ _ _ 3,715 _ Bower, J. .... _ 16,150 560 Bowes, Mrs. V. E. _ 5,388 — Bowick, Mrs. P. R. _ 5,834 — Bowland. Miss S. E. _ 1,724 — Bowlby, Miss J. C. E . 3,594 — Bowman, Miss G. _ 300 — Bowmar, Mrs. M. W. . ._ 3,691 — Boyd, J. _ _ _ 6,038 — Boyd, Mrs. J. W. T . 3,957 — Boyd, Miss M. J. _ 8,160 — Bover, C. W. _ _ 6,156 — Boyle, A. _ .. . 5,376 5,211 Boyle, W. J. R. _ _ Braconnier, Mrs. J. D. . 4,608 — Braden. Miss C. T.. 6,064 _ Bradlev, Mrs. C. S. .. 7 — Bradley, N. J. 5,238 299 Bradshaw, Miss R. _ - - Brady, G. W. _ 5.688 — Brammer, J. D. _ 6,264 — Branconnier. Mrs. M. A. 3,411 _ Brander, Miss J. E. _ 931 — Brandner, Mrs. R. A. 7,860 — Brankley. Mrs. G. E. .. 10.600 — Brass, Miss A. L. _ 5,494 - , Brass, Mrs. O. E. . 6.756 — Brasset, D. W . . 2,890 93 Bratherton, Mrs. A. P. _ 7,542 — Bray, J. _ _ _ 540 — Bredy, G. E. _ _ 5.100 4,800 _ Bregg, T. L. _ — Brennan, Miss A. D . . 7,692 — Brennan, Mrs. O. . 2,005 — Bresser. Mrs. M. E. _ 6,504 — Brett, Mrs. B. G. ._.... . 6,301 295 Brewster, Mrs. J. A. _ 695 — Bridal, Mrs. D. ... _ 5,362 — Bridge, H. W. _ 20,580 1,331 Bridge, Mrs. J. M. _ 3.917 171 Bridge, K. E . . . 6.384 155 Bridge, Mrs. M. I. 1,156 — Bridge, M. M. _ 737 — Bridgman, Mrs. M. C. .. 6,514 — Briggs, K. W. _ 2.918 — Briggs, S. L. — . . 8,160 — Brillinger, Mrs. K. E. _ 6,264 — Brimacombe. Miss E. _ 2,181 — Brimage, T. _ _ _ 4,018 — Brissette, Mrs. G. B. _ 778 — Brister, J. _ 5,416 — Brittain, Miss D. M. _ 1,450 — Brkich, Miss D. K. _ 4,287 — Brkich, N. _ _ . 4.342 — Brock, Mrs. D. P. . . 2.681 — Brodie, Miss D. L. _ 3,978 — Brodie, Mrs. M. C. _ 3,552 — Brodland. R. G. _ 1.528 — Brodt, Mrs. R. F. _ 5,376 — Brogan, J. S. . . . 6,756 3,486 _ Brokke, Mrs. P. R . . — Bronson, Miss L. _ _ Brookbank, Mrs. M. _ 2,758 — 4,524 — Brookbank, R. G. _ 494 — Brooke. Miss B. _ 2,372 — Brooke, M. B _ 8.160 1C Brooks, Mrs. C. E. _ 4,440 — Brooks, Mrs. E. _ 3.720 — Brooks. Mrs. G. E. _ 6,504 — Brooks, H. J. _ 18,798 20: Brooks, J. H. _ _ 6,559 — Brooks, Mrs. L. J. _ 511 — Brouwer, Mrs. J. K. _ 184 — Brouwer, Miss V. _ 300 — Brovold, Miss P. _ 5,503 — Brown, A. L. _ .... .... 4,646 — Brown, A. R - - 5,313 — Brown, Miss C. M. _ 5,274 — Brown, Mrs. C. M. _ 4.900 — Brown, D. G. ... _ 5,774 — Brown, Miss D. H. _ 1,897 — Brown, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,720 — Brown, G . . _ . . 5,881 . — Brown, Mrs. G. C. _ _ _ 6,756 69( Brown, I. C. _ 3,388 5" Brown, J. H. _ 4,792 — Brown, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,037 — Brown, Mrs. J. R. _ 5,811 — Brown, Mrs. M. _ 5,376 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 81 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued twn, Mrs. O. G. - Salary $ 88 Travel $ nvn. R . 3,995 — )wn, R. _ _ 2,081 6,756 _ twn, R. K. _ .. — twne. Miss V. E. _ 6,024 — ice, J. E. H. - 6,384 — rce, Miss M. M. _ 6,361 — lhm, Mrs. A. E . . 5,211 — jmmund, Miss I. M. — 1,875 — meau, Mrs. R. M. G— 4,579 — ins, E _ _ 1,191 — intoh, D. R. _ 5,796 — 'ant, Mrs. L. C. _ 5.376 — 'ant, S. J. - 4,426 — xe, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,398 — ce, Mrs. E. _ 5,232 — ce, G. _ 6.756 — dges, Miss M. _ 2,759 — enton. Miss G. J. _ 10,380 74 er, Mrs. E. _ 1,687 — son, B. F. - 20,040 92 tlitz, F. E. . - 5.376 — :hanan, Mrs. J. B . 4,676 — ;knell, R. _ _ 5.520 — lay, Mrs. R. M. . . 5,376 — id, A. R. _ 1,800 — id, R. A. _ 2,641 — ill, Miss B. A. _ 3,111 — f. Miss S. _ 306 — T, Mrs. S. C. .... . . 2,799 — ;era, M. P. - 5,289 — ;esta, Miss R. - 888 — ller, Miss R. M. - 1,155 — kema, Mrs. M. F. . . 1.854 — 1, Mrs. H. _ 3,600 — len, Mrs. M. C. _ 3,559 — loch, D. A. - 4,661 — mer, Mrs. M. B . 6,384 98 wer. Mrs. N. _ 5.283 — ise, Mrs. I. A. _ - 1,044 — iting. Miss R. G. - 8,460 — ch, Mrs. E. B. _ 6.524 — ch, Mrs. J. L - - 6.264 — ch, Miss K. L. - 2,119 — er, J. A. . . . 8.140 — ger. Miss M. _ 4,283 — gess, Mrs. B. A. - 4,147 — gess, R. J. - 3,595 — net. Mrs. E. T. _ 5.299 — nett, D. R. _ _ _ 4,009 — nett, Mrs. E. M. M _ 6,159 — nett, J. D. — _ 4,800 — nie. F. J. _ 1,551 — ns, D. J. _ _ 736 — ns, D. J . . . 1,344 — ns, Mrs. M. G. _ 4,362 — rows. Miss M. E. _ 447 — >ey, Mrs. M. A. _ 2,543 — , Mrs. E. M _ _ 6.215 — on, S. J. _ Mrs. I. M. _ 5.376 — 16,377 — t, D. W. _ 2,566 — l, Mrs. H. _ _ 5,566 — tby, Mrs. I. _ 4,980 — tell, E. K. . 5.010 — tell. Miss H. L. . . 1.630 — inell, R. K. _ 3,629 477 >, Mrs. P. G. _ 4,440 — liere, P. - 5,376 — iiere, V. A . — 6,509 — ;igel, Mrs. B. J. _ 1,108 — dinger, Mrs. J. E. _ 8,633 — it. Miss L. K. _ 625 — er, Mrs. L. M. - 3,883 — :hart, Miss A. - 2,725 — :her. W. R _ _ 7,860 — er, Miss I - - 3,651 — er, Mrs. J. _ 7,860 — , Mrs. F. _ ila, Mrs. A. _ 5,525 — 4,032 — on, L. E. _ 7,860 — ell, C. W. _ 1,040 — s, Mrs. A. _ 3,239 — s, Miss C. M. - 777 — rd, Mrs. A. A. - 1,050 — e, Mrs. N. _ - 4,608 — e, Mrs. R. L. - 5.590 — ir, Mrs. O. L. _ 7,860 — H. _ 6,508 — ll 1 o s , Mrs, G 6,238 _ 5 Salary Travel $ $ Cadieux, Miss E. R. _ 3,786 — Cadwallader, Mrs. F. M— 4,440 — Cady, Miss B. _ 2,710 — Cahill. C. T. _ _ 6,504 — Cain, Mrs. C. _ 1,919 — Cain, Mrs. I. A. _ 1,228 — Cairns, L. B . 5,376 — Caister, D. L. _ 6,144 — Calder, Miss N. A. _ 3,263 — Caley, Mrs. G. . . . 3,622 — Calhoun, Mrs. S. A. _ 1,304 — Callaghan, Miss B. _ 112 — Calland, C. F. _ 7,860 — Calow, Mrs. J. E. _ 4,509 — Calver, G. H. _ 7,860 — Cambridge, Mrs. B. M _ _ 5.376 — Cameron, D. J. _ 240 — Cameron, Mrs. E. A. J... 1.631 — Cameron, G. E. E. _ 5,658 — Cameron, Mrs. M. M. . 4.886 — Cameron, Mrs. M. M. A. 6,756 — Cameron, R. L. _ 10,380 543 Cameron, Mrs. S. S. _ 4,708 — Camire. Mrs. J. A. _ 1,666 — Camm, Mrs. I. M. 4,698 — Campbell, C. H. _ 1.654 — Campbell, D. A. 4,904 — Campbell, D. J. _ .... 5,580 167 Campbell, Mrs. D. M . 5,169 — Campbell, Mrs. E. _ 6,524 — Campbell, E. R. _ 3,180 — Campbell, F. O. _ _ 5,796 — Campbell, G. D. _ 13.980 183 Campbell, I. J _ _ 9.180 103 Campbell, J. A. _ 8.160 — Campbell, Miss J. L. 2.710 — Campbell, Mrs. J. L. _ 3.058 — Campbell, Mrs. M. G _ 5.386 — Campbell, Mrs. M. J. _ _ 5,376 — Campbell, Mrs. M. K _ 28 — Campbell, Mrs. M. L. _ 5,376 — Campbell, R. M. _ 5,640 — Campbell. Mrs. W. J. _ 4.788 — Canessa, Miss E. M. _ 2,357 — Canessa, Mrs. M. I. 3,532 — Canning, Mrs. J. E. _ 2.183 — Canning, Mrs. V. J. _ 317 — Cant, Miss D. _ 2,759 — Canty, Miss M. _ 144 — Canuel, Mrs. A. .. _ 3,600 — Carballo, Mrs. S. K. _ 2,489 — Carballo, V. _ 2,539 — Card, Mrs. O. H. _ 3,681 — Cardinell. Mrs. L. M. _ 5.376 — Cardon, Mrs. E. _ 3.741 — Cardon. G. G. _ 4.651 — Cardwell, D. _ 6.524 — Cardwell. Mrs. G. _ 5.187 — Carey, Miss A. H. _ 3,947 — Carey, Miss J. A. _ 5,789 — Carey, J. P. _ 5,160 — Carlisle, Mrs. E _ _ 5,226 — Carlsen, Miss B. L. _ 794 — Carlsen, E. G. _ 3,224 — Carlsen, Mrs. W. _ 6.630 — Carlson, C. L. _ 5.391 — Carlson, Mrs. R. A. - 5,467 — Carmack. Miss M. L. 10,620 128 Carmichael. Mrs. P. K. ._ 5.378 — Carnie, T. L. - - - 6.756 — Carpenter, Mrs. E. M. __ 4.980 — Carroll, Miss A. K. - 13.440 2,995 Carroll, Mrs. E . . 4,532 — Carruthers. Miss L. - 1,118 — Carson, Miss G. B. - 839 — Carson, Mrs. M. L. - 4,596 — Carter, G. G. — . . - 6,120 — Carter, Mrs. L. M. - 963 — Cartlidge, Mrs. S. L. - 5,478 — Carver. Miss J. R. - 5.381 90 Case, E. - 1,163 — Casenas, Mrs. F. - 5,831 — Cashmore, A. A. - 19.380 721 Caspellan, Miss L . . 3.193 — Caspellan, Miss V. - 3,334 — Caspersen, Miss C. E. — 1.967 — Cass, Miss V. E. — . - 5,182 — Cassell, Mrs. F. E. - 2,645 — Castellan, D. A. . — 5,172 — Castellan, Mrs. F. E. - 3,931 — Salary Travel $ S Castle, R. _ 2,758 — Cathro, R. W. _ _ 6,756 — Caton, S. _ _ _ _ - 5,807 — Catt, F. O. _ 2,360 71 Cavanaugh, W. J. _ 4,764 — Cavelaars, Miss A. _ - 3,320 — Cavill, D. L. 4,500 — Caygill, Miss R. M . . 2,792 — Caza, A. C _ _ 5,842 — Chadburn, Miss D. _ 2,758 — Challenor, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,391 — Challenor, O. B. _ 6,531 — Chamberlain, Miss M. A. 2,271 — Chambers, Mrs. J. M. _ 3.749 — Champion, Mrs. D. R. _ 4,284 — Champion-Taylor, C. D. _ 4,292 — Champoux, Mrs. P. M _ 842 — Chan, Mrs. J. W. M. _ 1,978 — Chan, P. . . _ _ 2,035 — Chang, C. - - 8,820 — Chapman, Miss C. E. _ 1,049 — Chapman, G. C. _ 4,728 — Chapman, M. A. _ 4,920 — Chapman, Mrs. V. J. _ 5.172 — Chappie, A. J. _ 9,960 14 Charbonneau, J. L. _ 1 ,003 — Charlton, Mrs. C. B. _ 5.401 — Charlton, Mrs. E. K. _ 6,504 — Chartier, R. J. R. _ 6.756 — Charyna, Mrs. L. E. _ 2,050 — Chase, Mrs. M. E. _ . 1,139 — Chasse, Mrs. J. A. C. .... 2.958 — Cheltenham, Miss P. H. _ 3.756 — Chen, Mrs. D. M. . . . 3,684 — Cheng, J. C. C. _ 13,673 — Chenier, Mrs. H. O. _ 3,978 — Chenier, Miss M. _ 300 — Chequer, Mrs. F. A. _ 6,284 — Chernoff. 1 W. _ 4,779 — Chetney, Mrs. M. _ 1,803 — Chevsky, Z. T. _ 5,416 — Chikites. Mrs. M. M . . 433 — Chin, Mrs. H. E. 2.894 — Chin, I . _ _ 6.024 — Ching, L. K. _ _ _ 1.913 — Chinn, J. R. _ _ . . 5.040 — Chisholm, Mrs. P. J. _ 3.630 — Chiu, K. K. _ 6,273 — Choboter, D. W. .. _ 5,396 — Chometsky, Miss R. M. 4,983 — Chorney, Mrs. I. M. _ 4.367 — Choveaux, Mrs. H. D. _ 3.720 — Chow, Miss S. P. F. _ 3.031 — Christian, F. S. _ 5,387 — Christiansen, Mrs. I. L. _ 3,717 — Christiansen, Miss R. H._ 4,174 — Christie, F. R . . 5.590 — Christie, Mrs. I. A. B. _ 3,586 — Chrystall, G. W. _ 2,642 — Chu, Mrs. L. _ _ 4,718 — Chumm, Mrs. M. R. _ 3,054 — Church. Mrs. V. K. _ 2,338 — Churchill, G. V. _ 1,247 — Chycoski, Miss L. M. _ 4.186 — Cindrich, Miss L. _ 4,292 18 Claffey. Mrs. E. M . . 3.560 — Clairmont, Mrs. S. J. _ 4,303 — Clancy. Mrs. M. G. _ 6,519 — Clare, J. A. _ _ 4.680 — Clare, N. _ _ _ 8,820 — Clark, A. _ _ 5.381 — Clark, A. M. _ 13.170 — Clark, C. _ _ 6.384 — Clark, C. A. __ _ 5,580 — Clark, Mrs. C. D. _ 4.788 — Clark, Mrs. E. C. _ 3,424 — Clark, F. _ 4,800 — Clark, G. F. _ _ _ 5,434 — Clark, G. W. _ 1,789 — Clark, H. J. _ _ _ 5.880 — Clark, Mrs. J. R. - 5,376 — Clark, K. J. _ 4.800 — Clark, Mrs. M. - 3.369 — Clark, Mrs. M. E. . . . 6.876 — Clark, Mrs. M. P. 2.593 — Clarke, Miss C. C. - 4,980 — Clarke, Mrs. E. M. - 5.172 — Clarke, H. F. . . . — 6,509 — Clarke, Miss L. A. - 1,170 — Clarke, Miss S. E. . . 6,951 — 82 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE— Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Cleave, Mrs. S. J. _ 3,780 — Clegg, F. - 2,955 — Clements, J. L. _ 7,860 264 Clerihue. Mrs. S. A. _ 762 — eleven, R. P. _ - 6,730 — Clifton, D. J. _ _ 3,279 — Clough, Mrs. I. M. _ 1,699 — Clouston, W. R. _ 7,020 — Clow, G. E. _ _ 5,580 701 Clunas, A. G _ _ 6,519 — Co-Te, Mrs. P. _ 17.730 74 Coady, W. 1 . _ 7,152 165 Coan, Mrs. W. C. _ 472 — Coates, Mrs. L. A. _ 1,240 — Cobean, Mrs. C. J. _ 1,245 — Cockburn, D. F. _ 6,049 — Cockram, A. E. _ 6,519 — Cocks, Miss D. E. _ 5,739 — Cocks, T _ _ . — 4,629 — Coddington, Miss B. - 3,171 13 Codron, H. J. _ 6,756 — Coe, Miss B. A. L. _ 41 — Coffey, W. E. _ 7,860 — Coker, Miss M. L. . - 233 — Cole, I. G. _ .. _ 5,052 10 Coleman, H. S. _ _ 3,037 — Coleman, Miss S. D. _ 1,670 — Colley, J. _ _ _ _ 3,484 — Collins, Mrs. A. E. _ 4.703 — Collins, Mrs. A. L. _ 4,788 — Collins, Mrs. B. R. _ 3,642 — Collins, Mrs. M. _ 4,980 — Collins, Mrs. R. E. _ 55 — Collis, Miss B. _ 2,758 — Collis, Miss D. L. _ . 3,662 — Collishaw, J. H. _ 2,620 — Colodin, P. _ 6.756 175 Colvin, J. . . . . - . . 6,519 — Comeau, Miss L. J. _ 1,850 — Comeau, Mrs. M. J. _ 1,761 — Compton, VV. W. _ 5,376 — Congdon. R. G. - . 3,765 214 Conn, Mrs. A. B. _ 6.987 — Connell, Mrs. H. K. _ 7,860 — Conner, Mrs. M. A. _ 70 — Conner, Mrs. M. S. _ 3,600 — Connolly, F. A. _ 5,396 — Connor, Mrs. F. I. H. _ 6,519 — Connor, M. J. _ 4,114 — Connor, Miss R. _ 2,758 — Connor, Miss S. _ 1,170 — Conover, Mrs. W. A. _ 7.188 340 Conrov, Mrs. R. L. _ 1,841 — Constabaris, Mrs. K. A.- 1,260 13 Conway, E. R. _ 5,376 14 Conway, R. K. _ „ 6.504 — Cook, 11. _ 2.759 — Cook, G. 3,372 — Cook, G. E. _ _ 5,520 — Cook, Mrs. L. D. 5,376 — Cook, M. C. — _ 1 ,463 — Cook, Mrs. T. A. _ 4.455 — Cooke, Miss D. M. _ 1.170 — Cooke, Miss G. _ 2,372 — Coolin, R. V. _ 4.485 — Coombe, Miss D. L. _ 4,730 — Coombes. G. F. _ 4,166 — Cooper, L. S. _ 4,188 — Cope, Mrs. L. G. _ 4,328 — Cope, Mrs. M. J . . 2,590 — Cooeland, J. W. . _ 5,708 — Copeland. Mrs. R. G. _ 5,290 — Copley, C. J. _ _ 4,524 — Copley, G. C. _ _ 5,401 — Copley, Mrs. Z. L. _ 1,895 — Corby, Mrs. M. L. M _ 4,329 — Cordoni, A. A. _ 5.376 — Cordoni, Mrs. D. _ 5,376 — Cordoni, Mrs. M. A. _ 122 — Cordoni, R. _ _ 2,758 — Cormier, J. P - - 5,040 — Cornish, Mrs. E. M. _ 495 — Cornish, J. E. - - — 5.160 — Cornish. Mrs. S. A. - 5,381 — Corrie, Mrs. E. A. . . 2.935 — Corrins, Mrs. D. V. _ 3,667 — Cosar, Mrs. P. C. - . 4,608 — Cosser, R. H. - 8,460 — Couch, J. T. . _ 6,756 — Couch, Mrs. S. A. C. _ 5,688 — Coulson, Mrs. S. C. _ Salary 2,850 Travel $ Coupar, D. G. _ 5,376 — Courage, Mrs. E. R. _ 144 — Courage, H. R. _ _ 643 — Cousins, A. S. _ 5,100 — Cousins, W. A. T. _ 7,860 — Coutts, R. D . . . . 4,128 — Covey, Miss J. M. _ . 5,900 — Cowan. Miss L. 299 — Cowden, Mrs. F. _ 5,274 — Cowdery, Mrs. D. I. _ 4,627 — Cox, Miss E. A. . . . 5,935 — Cox, J. C _ _ 4,698 — Cox, Miss S. A. _ 1,170 — Coxon, Mrs. B. _ 5,376 — Coxon, T. D. _ 5,520 — Coyle, Mrs. G. M. _ 7,167 — Cracknell, Mrs. M. E. _ 7,860 — Craig, G. _ 3,750 — Craig, Mrs. P. _ 3,586 — Craig, Mrs. S. M. _ 4,440 — Craig, W. F _ _ 6.514 10 Crain, Miss P. A. _ . 3,061 — Cramp, C. _ 3,656 — Crampton, Mrs. A. M. _ 5,376 — Crampton, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,900 — Cratty, Mrs. C. T. _ 3,609 — Craven, L. A. _ _ 2,127 — Crawford, Mrs. E. H. _ 3,681 — Crawford, Mrs. F. L. _ 3,208 — Crawford, Mrs. H. A. _ 3,273 — Crawford, R. N. _ _ 10,380 216 Crawford, S. _ 5,700 — Creamer, Miss A. M. _ 19,380 100 Creed, Miss L. _ _ 2,350 — Creelman, Mrs. C. M. _ 5,406 — Cregheur, Miss L _ 1,192 — Creighton, Mrs. A. L. _ 4,608 — Cremer, Mrs. G. A. M. _ 4,412 — Crerar, Mrs. D. M. __ . 1.668 — Cressev, J. W. _ 5.234 — Crichton, G. R . 5,404 — Crittenden, Mrs. M. M _ 5,396 — Crockett, Miss B. F. _ 7,860 — Cromer, Miss S. _ 2,372 — Crone, Miss D. _ 1,717 — Crone, Mrs. M. L. _ 6,384 — Crook, F. L. _ _ 6,519 14 Crooks, Mrs. L. E. _ 4,524 — Crosby, Mrs. W. M. _ 1,693 — Crossley, Mrs. S. M. _ 5,229 — Croteau, D. O. _ 4,401 — Crouse, Miss G. _ 109 — Crowe, Mrs. I. B. M. _ 5.709 — Crowley, Mrs. V. M. _ 3,467 — Crowston, Mrs. G. I. _ 1,510 — Crowston, J. T. . . .... 3.342 — Crowther, Mrs. M. _ 2,220 — Cruickshank, A. R. _ 4,297 — Cruikshank, Miss L. E . 5,910 — Crump, W. T. _ 7,860 — Csiszar, Mrs. M. _ 7,152 — Csuka, Mrs. E. N. _ 4.218 — Cubitt, Mrs. E. A. _ 2,125 — Cugnet, Miss V. I. _ 6,539 — Culjac, Mrs. B. W. _ 2.209 — Cullen, H. _ _ _ 5,178 — Cullum, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,064 — Cumberford, Miss P. _ 2,668 — Cumblidge, Miss H. I. _ 160 — Cummings, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,128 — Cummings, Miss S. E. ..... 4,315 — Cunningham, Miss D. M. 5,172 — Cunningham. Miss E. E. 3.828 — Curie, Miss D. A. R. _ 10.860 122 Curran, Miss C. _ 2.365 — Curran, Mrs. H. F. _ 5,376 — Currie, H. T. _ _ 1.881 — Currie, Mrs. M. M. _ 5,396 — Currie, Mrs. N. C. _ 451 — Curtis, C. A. _ 7,860 44 Curtis, Mrs. E. _ 6.756 — Cusack, W. C. _ 15,600 — Cuthbertson, J. _ 5,376 20 Cvr, Mrs. M. E. _ ... 5.396 — D’Andrea, Mrs. J. A. _ 3,972 — D’Entremont, B. A. _ 527 — Dacre, Mrs. A. _ 5,376 — Dacre, Mrs. A. H. ... 3,600 — Dafoe, Mrs. E. D. _ 7,860 — Dagg, K. C. _ Salary $ 387 Trav< $ Dahl, C. N _ _ 5,760 — Dahl, Mrs. G. A. _ 5,647 — Dahl, Mrs. W. L. _ 4,623 — Dahl, W. O _ _ 3,090 6 Dahling, G. E. _ 5,436 — Dahling, Mrs. H. M. _ 6,951 — Dahlman, Mrs. J. B. _ 3,379 — Daignault, A. A. _ _ _ 5,396 — Dailey, Mrs. E. L. _ 5,530 — Dale, Mrs. C. D. ... _ 4,362 — Dale, D. C. .. 4,559 3,685 _ Dale, Mrs. H. M. .... . — Dalgleish, Mrs. M. R. _ 3.600 — Dallaire. Mrs. I. D. _ 2,924 — Dallaire, Mrs. M. L. J _ 5,074 — Dallas, Mrs. I. _ 3,616 — Dalling, Mrs. S. E. _ 4,338 — Dalrymple, Mrs. H. D. _ 3,329 — Daly, J. D. _ 4,780 — Darner, H. A. _ ... 4,646 — Damery, Mrs. I. S. _ 4,960 — Damon, Mrs. A. K. _ 7,980 — Dandenault, Mrs. A. _ 3,780 — Dandenault, Mrs. E. M.._ 5,376 — Danesh, H. B. _ .... 4,050 2 Dantuma. Miss N. _ 300 — Darch, Mrs. O. _ 3,820 — Darmokid, Mrs. M. _ 3,600 — Dart, Miss F. N. _ 5,376 — Dauphinais, Mrs. E. F. _ 1,817 — Davenport, A. D . . 3,415 — Davey, Mrs. I. C. . . 4,894 — Davey, O. P. _ 7,860 — David, Mrs. G. M. _ 4,699 — Davidson, Mrs. E. C. _ 4,440 — Davidson, Mrs. T 6,756 2,060 _ Davidson, Miss M. G. _ — Davidson, Mrs. P. I. _ 4,857 — Davidson, R. F. _ 192 - 1 Davidson, Miss ,9 4,168 5,796 _ Davidson, W. R. . ... .. — Davie, Miss W. _ 6.756 — Davies, Miss A. _ 3,985 — Davies, Mrs. A. _ 3,548 — Davies, Mrs. A. M. _ 3.614 — Davies, Miss C. C. ... - - 3,972 — Davies, D. J. _ 6,323 - ' Davies, K. _ _ . 355 — Davies, Mrs. K. M. _ 3,828 — Davies, Miss M. _ 3,253 — Davis, Mrs. B. R. _ 5.910 — Davis, Miss D. _ 1,809 — Davis, D. H. _ . _ 5,076 1 Davis, Mrs. E. _ 2.729 If Davis, Mrs. K. D. _ 5,796 6 Davison, D. E. _ 6,532 — Davy, G. N. _ 5,160 — Davy, Mrs. H. M. _ 8.670 — Dawydiak, Mrs. E. _ . 6,489 — Dawydiak, W. S. _ 6,524 — Day, Mrs. A. _ 1.058 — Day, Miss D. A. _ 5.707 — Day, Mrs. E. D. _ 5,100 — Day, Miss K. A. _ 2,442 — Day, Mrs. L. J. _ 4,264 — DeCiccio, C. _ _ De Coninck, C. A. J. _ 4,470 — 5,401 — De Cunha, Mrs. J. M. ... 7.284 21 De Groot, Mrs. C. A. S._ 4,838 — De Haan, Mrs. M. _ 3,538 — De Jesus, Miss J. — _ 450 — De La Ronde. Mrs. E. _ 8,520 * De La Rosa, Miss G. P. 1,025 — De Leeuw, Mrs. A. M. _ _ 1.821 — De Lucia, Miss C. .... - . 1,170 — De Montigny, D. R . . 4,348 — De Rozario, D. J. G. _ 4.745 — De Siena, V. - 4.863 — Dean, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,680 — Decaigny, Mrs. K. P. _ 3,281 — Decoene, Mrs. J. D. 5.280 1 Degendorfer, Mrs. E. J. _ 5,376 — Dehaan, Miss S. M. _ 777 — Dehard, L. F. _ 5,056 — Dehart, Mrs. A. _ 3,702 — Dehmke, Miss D. _ 300 — Deiong, A. _ — 2,698 — Delaney, G. _ _ 5,688 4,920 _ Delorme, J. _ _ _ — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 83 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued orme, Miss J. P. _ Salary 2,496 Travel $ meter, Z. — _ _ 4,980 8,040 _ ■nontigny, O. J. G. _ — aegrie, Mrs. K. M. _ 2,076 — lham, R. S. _ 3,575 — inis. Mrs. I. E. _ 5,376 — inis, Mrs. S. M. _ 4,660 — at, Mrs. B. M. _ 2,815 — it, Mrs. I. M. .. _ 3.599 — iton, H. J. . _ _ 5,431 — acampo. Miss M. Z. _ 977 — rkach, Mrs. M. A. .... 374 — ksen, R. R . . . 2,761 — Roches, L. J. _ 4,906 — simone, Mrs. L. D. _ 5.376 — sjardins, Miss J. E. _ 5,145 — /ine, V. _ 5,194 — 1, W. F. _ 6.756 — '.a. J. T . . . 13,980 6,875 ami, Mrs. S. _ — Tomaso, Mrs. P. F. ... 6.264 — ck, Mrs. V. L. _ 2,970 — nah. Miss D. _ 5,535 — k. Miss G. W. _ 6.526 — k, Mrs. R. E . . 6,756 — k, Mrs. S. P. _ 4,524 — kens. Miss B. U. _ 2.073 — kinson, K. L. _ 5,391 — kinson. Mrs. R. J. _ _ 1,572 — kson, Mrs. D. _ 5,381 — kson, Mrs. G. E. _ 5,660 78 kson, J. A. _ 5,580 126 kson, Mrs. N. M. _ 4.126 — kson, T. J. _ 4.635 — abaugh, M. J. _ 6,505 — on, Mrs. E. _ 6,519 — on, Mrs. L. G. _ se, P. 3,130 — 4,800 — n. R. O. _ _ 5,294 — nne. Miss P. M. ._ 3.552 — more, Mrs. F. E. . 3,720 — on. G. S. _ 7,860 — >ell. D. H. 4.698 — irowolski, Mrs. M. ... 6.756 — >rowolski, M. _ 6,504 — >son, Mrs. L. A. _ 2.074 — >son, Mrs. S. J. _ 5,411 — keray, J. _ _ 2,200 — ksteader, H. D. _ 6,144 — Id, P. W _ _ 2.407 15 Id. W. E. 6,524 27 Ids, Mrs. N. _ 5.376 — Isworth. T. G. _. 4,330 — rksen, C. _ 3,784 — rn, Miss D. _ 3.199 — rn, Mrs. P. E. _ 4.187 — ger, Mrs. B. D. _ 3.720 — ger, J. _ _ by, Mrs. N. A. _ 4,608 — 5.172 — der, Mrs. D. L. . _ 3.177 — lowav, Mrs. G. M. .. . 3,600 — linelli, B. M. _ 4.800 — linelli. G. _ _ 3.440 — linelli, S. ... ... . . 4,934 — lingo, Mrs. M. Z. _ 5.426 — istad. H. _ 823 — aid, Mrs. C. P. _ 4.554 — aid. Mi's K. _ 300 — atelli. M. A. _ 6,588 — etz, A. 5.403 _ etz, G. _ _ 2.708 — etz. Mrs. S. I. K. _ 6.756 — nelly. Mrs. Y. E. _ 2.143 — nison, .1. _ 6,512 6 , Mrs. M. _ 4.088 — in F. T. _ _ 5.376 — :h, R. G. _ 6.504 — :ert, Miss M. J. . ... 2,862 — cette. Mrs. M. D. L. 5.376 — ghertv. Miss P. _ 2.759 — glas. Miss D. M. .... 1.170 — glas, Mrs. M. L. _ 6.144 — glas, R. E. _ 4,803 — ma, Mrs. M. R. _ 2,112 — line, Mrs. A. M. _ 7.860 — ling. Mrs. H. I. _ 1,603 — ling, J. _ 1.545 — n, Mrs. J. _ ... _ 5.483 — nie, Mrs. M. G. _ 4,128 — e, J. R _ _ 6,756 — Dragan, P. _ Salary $ 458 Travel $ Drake, Mrs. E. L. _ 5,376 — Drake, Miss M. E. _ 239 — Draycott, Miss J. M. _ 6,284 — Drennan, Mrs. M. B. _ 4,551 — Dressier, Mrs. M. _ 3,574 — Drew, Mrs. K. _ 3,675 — Driemel, Mrs. S. E. _ 4,143 — Drinkwater, C. E. _ 5,220 62 Drinkwater, W. J. _ 1,328 — Drinkwateriunn, T. E. _ 5,218 — Drybrough, Mrs. G. E. 1,992 — Dubarry, K. M. _ _ 3,046 40 Duca, Miss M. _ 2,758 — Ducharme, L. W. _ 1,121 — Dudley. J. E . . 5,600 4,413 _ Dudley, Mrs. J. M . . — Dueck, Mrs. D. M. _ . 56 — Duff, Miss D. _ _ 2,372 — Dugaro, Mrs. H. F. _ 3,618 — Dullum, Miss A. K. _ 3,828 — Dullum, Mrs. E. A. _ 915 — Dumont, Miss A. A. _ 4,608 — Dumontier, Mrs. W. A. ... 3,696 — Dunbar, Mrs. A. W. _ 5,401 — Dunbar, W. B. _ 8,460 — Duncan, Mrs. R. E. _ 5,698 — Duncan, R. J . . . 6,165 — Duncan, Mrs. T. M . . . 4,532 — Dundas, Mrs. J. _ 5,086 — Dunlop, Miss B. A. _ 4,525 — Dunlop, E. R. _ 4,889 — Dunn, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,926 — Dunn, Mrs. E. V. .... _ 5.100 — Dunn, Mrs. R. A. _ _ 4,351 — Dunphy, Miss J. _ 299 — Dunstan, J. V. . . 2,463 — Durich, Mrs. M. _ ... 3.632 — Durie, Mrs. M. C. _ 5,452 — Durie, R. _ 274 — Dumev, Miss J. A. _ 6,399 — Dwernichuk, Mrs. M. A. 6.756 — Dwolinsky, Miss L. _ 1,170 — Dyck, A. E. - 6.534 — Dyck, Mrs. L. E. _ 6,291 — Dyck, Mrs. M. _ 2,617 — Dyer, Miss M. _ 3,017 — Dykstra, H. K. _ 5,198 — Dykstra, N _ _ _ 6.514 — Dykstra, Mrs. R. M. _ 4,809 — Eakett, Mrs. G. M . . 3,643 — Earl. Mrs. V. D. _ 3,600 — Easingwood, A. E. _ 926 — Easton, D. S. _ 2,272 — Easton, Mrs. S. _ 5.355 — Eccleston, Mrs. C. R. _ 4,131 — Eden, Miss L. _ 2.758 — Edge, Mrs. B. M. _ 957 — Edmonds, Mrs. M. _ 4,540 — Edwards, D. J. _ 2,573 — Edwards, Mrs. L. J. _ 3.709 — Edwards, Mrs. M. I. _ 5.801 — Edwards, Mrs. P. P. _ 796 — Edwards, Miss R. _ 1.170 — Edwards, Miss R. M. - 4,524 — Eenjarv, J - - 6.024 — Egan, Mrs. G. F. _ 920 — Ehlin, Mrs. J. . . — 5,396 — Ekeli, Mrs. L. M - - 3,952 — Elart. Miss A. J. - 10,380 306 F.lcock, J. . . . 4,800 — Eldstrom, Mrs. L. R. - 3,720 — Elgersma, K. ..... - 5,700 — Elgert, Miss L. M. - 438 — Elias, Mrs. M. E. _ 7.860 — Eliuk, Mrs. H. M. - 5,396 — Ellingson, E. W. . — 3.638 45 Fllingson. Mrs. J. E. _ . 3,493 — Elliot, Miss G. A. - 5.656 — Elliot, J. N. _ 8.820 — Elliott, A. C. 5,386 — Elliott. Mrs. A. M. . . . 4,934 — 1,978 688 _ Elliott, Miss P. P. _ — Elliott, Mrs. V. - - 5,370 — Elliott, W. H. _ _ - 4,078 — Ellis, Mrs. J. - 2.333 — Ellis, Miss M. C. . . 13,506 — Ellis, S. J. _ 4,980 — Ellis, Mrs. V. M. - 10,380 — Salary Travel $ $ Ellison, E. R. _ 5,190 Elmes, Mrs. J. E . . 5,376 — Elrick, N. D. _ _ 4,692 — Elsdon, Mrs. E. J. _ 100 — Elstone, O. A. _ 7,844 — Emard, Mrs. I.. _ __ 4,440 — Embree, Mrs. L. F. _ 5,789 — Embury, Mrs. A. E. _ 1,998 — Emerton, W. .... _ 7,860 — Emery, Mrs. H. _ 5,927 — Endersby, B. M. _ 6,360 — Eng, T. C. . . . . . 1.037 — Engerdahl, Mrs. A. S. ..... 4,347 — England, H. F. _ 5,408 — England, Mrs. L. M. _ 4,782 — Enman, J. F. _ 5,520 — Ennik, J. H. _ . 5,172 — Ennis, Mrs. E. D. _ 1,631 — Enser, Miss M. J. _ 8,970 115 Erdelyi, J. _ 8,010 — Erdodi, L. _ 4,800 — Erfle, Mrs. B. L. _ 2,001 — Erickson, Miss C. _ 1,155 — Erickson, D. G. _ 4,465 — Erickson, Mrs. D. N. _ 4,035 — Erickson, E. _ _ 5,376 — Erickson, Mrs. G. L _ 575 — Erickson, Mrs. J. C. 3,607 — Erickson, Mrs. M. M. __ 3,607 — Erickson, Mrs. W. _ 1,074 — Erman, Mrs. V. F. _ 3,660 — Erskine, D. W. _ 873 15 Erwin, Miss F. M. _ 6,144 — Escalera, J. C. _ 2,603 — Escanlar, Miss D. G. _ 1,495 — Escudero, Miss A. _ 8.820 7 Espeseth, Mrs. E. _ 5,415 — Esteban, Miss N. _ 2,248 — Ethier, J. E. S. _ 4,758 — Ettel, Miss E. _ ... 3,224 — Ettinger, Mrs. V. M . . 3,600 — Euverman, Mrs. M. F. C. 4.018 — Euverman, W. _ 4.863 — Evans, Mrs. A. _ 5.916 — Evans, E. W. .. _ 5.156 — Evans, Miss I. H . 3,237 — Evans, Mrs. J. _ 4,440 — Evans, R. G. _ 5.376 — Evans, R. I. _ 5,806 — Evans, T. H. _ _ 5,355 — Evasiuk, Mrs. I. C . . 6.514 — Everett, Mrs. V. B. _ 4.221 — Ewasiuk. Mrs. E. A. _ 4.788 — Ewles, G. W. _ 5.376 — Excell. Mrs. B. _ .. 6.756 — Eyford, N. B. _ 3.550 — Fagan. F _ _ 4,544 — Fahr, Mrs. M. _ 5,391 — Fairall. Miss M. D. _ 6,564 — Fairbairn, A. . _ 2 357 — Fairbairn, Mrs. K. _ 2 016 — Fairbrother. Mrs. H. S. _ 3,284 — Fairhurst, Miss J. S. _ 6.144 _ Faivre-Duboz, Mrs. T. 666 _ Falconer, D. S. J. B. 801 _ Falk, H. A. _ 1.545 — Falk, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,444 — Falkenberg, Miss L. _ 2.372 — Fallis, Mrs. P. P. _ 3.660 _ Falloon, Mrs. A. V. B. 6.756 — Falloon, J. _ _ 8A00 — Familton, T. W. _ 345 — Fandrick, E. _ 4.500 — Fane, O. J. _ 4.438 — Fane. Mrs. L. E. _ _ 253 — Fanset, Mrs. A. E. _ 7.860 — Farewell, Mrs. A. E. _ 6.075 — Farkvam, Mrs. R. . . 5 <*64 — Farquhar, A. W. _ 6.756 — Farquhar, J. H. _ _ .... 4.897 — Farquharson, Mrs. R. E. 3.Q03 — Farrall. J. F. _ 4. 300 7 Farrall. Mrs. M. A. _ 8.541 — Fast, Mrs. P. M _ _ 988 — Fawdrey. Miss H. M. - 3.252 — Fechko, J. _ 5,436 — Federink. Mrs. C. E. - 475 — Fedorchuk, Mrs. J. _ 1 382 — Fedorchuk, L. .. ... _ 4,920 — Fedoruk, Mrs. M. R. . — 3,854 — 84 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Fedoruk, Miss N. _ Feedham, Mrs. L. M. _ Feely, R _ _ Feeney, Mrs. A. E. _ Feeney, Miss S. _ Fehr, Mrs. J. M. _ _ Fehr, Mrs. K. E. _ Feist, Mrs. M. J. _ Fenton, J. _ Fenton, Mrs. M. H. _ Ference, Miss S. A. _ Ferguson, Mrs. G. M. _ Ferguson, Mrs. I. A. _ Ferguson, Mrs. K. M . Ferguson, Mrs. R. M. _ Ferris, Mrs. C. _ Fesser, Miss D. M. _ Fiddick, L. E. _ _ Fidgeon, Mrs. W. J. M. _ Fidler, W. G. _ Fiebelkom, Mrs. N. _ Fiedler, Miss M. L. _ Fiehn, H. _ Field, Mrs. A. F. _ Field, Miss B. _ Field, C. A. _ _ _ Field, Mrs. F. E . . Field, L. H. _ Fielding, Mrs. D. M. E. _ Fieseler, Miss L. _ Fietkau, Mrs. M. L. _ Fietta, G. _ Filer, F. H. _ Filer, R. F . - _ Filipchuk, Mrs. R. _ Fillekes, Mrs. A. _ Fincaryk, Mrs. M. A. . _ Finlayson, Mrs. A. C. _ _ Finneran, Mrs. S. _ Finnie, A. B _ _ Finnie, Mrs. J. A. _ Finnigan, Mrs. C. M. M. Finnigan, Mrs. E. A. _ Finter, G. T. _ _ _ Firby, Mrs. E. E . . Fischer, Mrs. M. _ Fisher, Miss C. _ Fisher, E. _ Fisher, Miss E. A. _ Fisher, Miss E. M. _ Fisher, K. G. _ _ Fisher, Mrs. N. V. _ Fisher, R. W. _ Fisher, T. _ Fisk, Miss A. M. _ Fisk, H. E. _ Fisk, H. L. _ Fisk, Mrs. L. E. _ Fitchett, Miss J. A. _ Fitchett, Mrs. V. C. _ Fitton, Miss L. A. _ Fitzgerald, Miss D. . _ Fitzgerald, G. H. _ Fitzsimmons, Mrs. B. J. _ Flack, R. J. S. _ Fladgate, Miss M. E. N._ Flagler, Miss E. A. _ Fleming, D. J. _ _ Fleming, G. _ _ _ Fleming, Mrs. G. W. _ Fleming, J. R. - Fleming, Mrs. M. A. _ Fletcher, J. S. _ _ Fletcher, Mrs. V. L. ___ Flewin, Miss J. _ Flinn. Miss E. B. _ Flor-Henry, P. _ Flynn, Mrs. A. W. - Flynn, Mrs. L. J. _ _ Fogg, Mrs. F. M. - Folk, Mrs. D. B. . - Fontaine, A. - - - Fontaine, Miss A. M. - Fontaine, Mrs. M. C. — Fontaine, Mrs. M. Z. A. _ Fontaine, P. - Forbes, Miss L . . Ford, A. B. - Ford, Mrs. E. R. - Ford, R. G. - Salary $ 5,376 Travel $ Ford, R. J. _ _ _ .. Salary $ 904 Travel $ 3,756 _ Ford, Miss R. J. _ 2,600 — 6,159 68 Forde, Mrs. R. E. _ 3,610 — 4,398 _ Fordyce, W. ..... _ 3,599 — 1,170 _ Forrest, Miss J. A. 683 — 1,977 _ Forrester, Miss R. D. _ 3,262 — 277 _ Forsberg, Miss V. A. _ 3,414 — 3,944 _ Forslund, Mrs. M. E. _ 5,416 — 5,073 _ Forslund, Mrs. M. R. _ 4,361 — 3,048 — Forster, Mrs. H. G. _ 885 — 6,024 _ Forstl, Mrs. I. J. _ 3,538 — 6,519 — Forsyth, Mrs. E. L. _ 4,128 — 2,157 — Forsyth, Mrs. M. E. _ 5,376 — 5,376 91 Fort, Mrs. A. M. _ 6,516 — 5,411 _ Fort, Miss B. _ 5,493 — 5,381 _ Fort, Miss N. _ 2,758 — 1,982 _ Fortin, Mrs. A. C. _ 4,728 — 5,914 — Fortowsky, L. M. _ 6,264 — 4,816 _ Fossett, W. G. _ 5,011 — 5,826 — Foster, C. R. _ 8,040 — 3,772 — Foster, F. M. .... _ 6,504 — 5,370 _ Foster, Mrs. F. M. _ 3,923 — 6,519 _ Foster, L. B. _ 5,401 — 1,287 — Fotherby, A. J. M. _ 5,376 — 230 — Foulds, Mrs. L. M. _ 5,167 — 5,688 — Fournier, Mrs. M. L. 5,391 — 5,376 — Fowler, Mrs. C. E. _ 5,751 — 5,224 — Fowler, Mrs. K. S. _ 858 — 5,182 — Fowler, Mrs. L. _ _ 1,148 — 2,825 — Fowler, Mrs. W. K. _ 3,780 — 3,660 — Fox, D. E. _ 4,274 — 1,125 — Fox, Mrs. E. M. J. . _ 5,406 — 6,756 — Fox, L. W. _ 8,820 438 8,820 160 Fox, Mrs. M. G. _ 3,011 — 6,555 — Foxcroft, Miss E. _ 2,373 — 5,288 — Frame, Miss S. A _ _ 3,968 — 4,698 — France, Mrs. L. M. _ 964 — 1,357 6,049 Francis, T. J. . .. 3,034 1,469 15 _ Frank, R. J. _ _ _ 6,504 — Franklin, Mrs. A. M. _ 1,821 — 1,768 — Franklin, Mrs. M. _ 6,264 154 4,606 — Franklin, R. K _ _ 4,646 — 4,798 — Franklin, R. T. . . . 8,160 173 6,360 — Fransen, Miss S. A. M. ... 4,338 24 3,621 — Franz, Miss F. _ _ _ 2,759 — 4,722 — Franz, I. R. _ 3,784 — 840 — Fraser, G. A. _ 4,669 — 7,860 — Fraser, Mrs. M. L. _ 3,618 — 1,381 — Fraser, R. _ 2,758 — 3,257 — Fraser, S. _ .. 6,504 — 6,756 — Fraser, Miss S. M. _ 2,548 — 3,720 — Fraser, Mrs. S. M. _ 3,894 — 5,520 - ' Fraser, Mrs. W. M. _ 5,355 — 5,478 — Frater, T. H. _ 5,580 — 1,413 — Frayn, Mrs. H. M. _ 987 — 4,800 — Frazier, P. A . . . . 4,446 — 6,756 — Frederick, Miss S. I.. _ 1,307 5 5,002 — Freeborn, Miss G. A. _ 3,756 — 3,048 — Freek, Miss D. L. _ 4,842 — 5,437 — French, Mrs. B. L. _ 6,756 — 3,552 — French, Mrs. C. M . 2,375 — 2,758 — French, W. _ _ 4,202 — 298 — French, W. E. _ 6,520 — 2,741 — Frew, J. _ _ _ _ 5,381 — 4,800 — Frey, Mrs. B. E. _ 5,696 — 105 — Frick, E. A. . . . 6.564 4,700 _ 1,216 — Frie, D. J . ... . . — 6,536 — Frie, Miss R. M. _ 5.376 — 6,044 — Fried, H. . . . 5,042 — 4,698 — Fries, Mrs. R. A. _ 5,458 — 6,640 — Friesen, P. _ _ 5,376 — 2,747 — Friesen, Mrs. V. R. _ 5,074 — 5,703 — Frith, Mrs. M. _ 3,054 — 6,756 — Fritz, P. G _ _ 3,214 — 3,261 — Froelich. Mrs. C. J. _ 6,384 36 1,736 — Froese, Mrs. B. A. . 6,527 — 8,100 219 Froese, Miss M. L. _ 5,910 — 4,046 — Froilan, Miss M. D. _ 5,453 — 282 — Frost, Mrs. D. A. _ 6,399 — 104 — Frost, D. J . . 4,641 — 1,987 — Fuessel, Mrs. M. _ _ 3,397 — 5,376 — Fuhr, M. W _ _ 7,860 — 1,170 — Fujimiira, G 6,144 5,376 _ 4,128 — Fuller, A. R. . . _ 2,750 — Fulton, J. S. _ 2,288 — 110 — Fulton, Mrs. S. L. _ 2,902 — 12 — Funk, A. H . . . 5,391 — 8,160 — Funk, J. A . . 5,193 — 8,160 — Fuson, G. S. . _ 6,519 — 2,009 — Fuson, R. A . . . 4,656 — Salary $ Gabel, F. L _ _ 5,376 Gabriel, Mrs. D. L. _ 6,731 Gabrys, J. B. _ _ 7,282 Gackstatter, Mrs. M. A._ 5,503 Gadsby, Mrs. H. R. _ 3,344 Gadsby, Mrs. T. R. _ _ 1,060 Gadsden, Miss L. _ _ _ 1,170 Gaelick, Mrs. M. E . . 7,860 Gaertner, Mrs. S. E. _ 112 Gaffney, Mrs. M. _ _ _ 4,718 Gagnon, M. A. _ 750 Gagnon, Mrs. M. A. S. _ 3,600 Gairdner, Mrs. H. C. _ 5,411 Galbraith, R. G. _ _ _ 5,703 Gale, Mrs. Z. _ 7,422 Gall, W _ _ 6,360 Gallagher, Miss D. J. _ 848 Gallagher, Miss K. _ 3,267 Gallaher, Miss M. A. _ 1,022 Gallamore, Miss S. J. _ 5,376 Gallinger, Mrs. J. A. _ 5,478 Galt, Mrs. B. G. _ 3,972 Galway, Mrs. L. J. _ 6,504 Gamble, Miss E. J. _ 5,391 Ganatra, M. _ 209 Ganatra, Mrs. V. K . _ 6,159 Gandhu, Miss J. K. _ 2,953 Ganske, Mrs. L. C. _ 3,173 Gardner, D. M. _ 682 Gardner, Miss J. _ 300 Gardner, Mrs. M. V. _ 5,376 Gamer, E. _ 2,041 Garrett, Mrs. D. J. _ 187 Garrett, E. D . . 845 Garrigan, Miss S. _ 1,117 Garton, Mrs. B. S. G. _ 5,182 Gash, Miss S. _ 4,336 Gatzke, L. H. _ 2,867 Gatzke, Mrs. S. _ 205 Gaudet, Mrs. L. _ 190 Gaudet, Mrs. T. M. _ _ 3,600 Gaudreau, A. C. J. - 5,172 Gauer, R. F. _ 7,560 Gauthier, Mrs. E. _ _ _ 4,980 Gauthier, H. E. _ 4,592 Gauthier, Mrs. K. E. _ 2,888 Gauthier, L. - 3,495 Gauvin, Mrs. M. C. _ 1,237 Gaye, Miss J. P. _ 106 Geater, Miss R. M. M. 2,932 Geddes, Miss A. B. _ 8,580 Geib, C. J _ _ 5,401 Geib, M . 459 Geill, Mrs. R. B. _ 1,240 Geissinger, J. E. _ 5,197 Gellner, J. J. _ 2,720 Gendron, Mrs. R. V. _ 780 Genest, Mrs. M. J. - 2,862 Genier, Mrs. E. A. - 3,057 Gentile, Mrs. S. L. - 5,796 Gentle, D. J. A. _ _ 6,504 Geoffrey, Miss B. M. V. _ 7,810 George, Mrs. J. E. _ 6,756 George, Miss S. R. — _ 1,450 Gerlach, W _ _ 4,466 Gerlitz, Mrs. A. G. E. __ 4,583 Gerry, Mrs. R. - - 2,675 Gerull, Mrs. G. M. _ 1.290 Ghuman, Mrs. K. _ 2,976 Gibbin, L. _ 6,756 Gibbons, Mrs. J. E . . 1,566 Gibbons, Miss M. _ 2,759 Gibbs, Miss D. J. - 226 Gibbs, Mrs. D. R. - 312 Gibbs, K. B. _ 245 Gibbs, Mrs. M. H. - 3,035 Gibson, B. D. _ 8,160 Gibson, Mrs. J. B. - 4,128 Gibson, Miss M. L. - 4,362 Giesbrecht, Mrs. H. - 2,273 Giesbrecht, Mrs. L. E. — 5,376 Giesbrecht, Miss R. - - 5,498 Gilchrist, S. A. _ 6,494 Gildroy, Miss M. A. - 6,144 Gilfillan, Mrs. K. D. _ 6,024 Gillard, Mrs. D. E. - 3,828 Gillard, Mrs. E. A. _ 455 Gillespie, Mrs. B. L. _ 1,740 Gillespie, Mrs. J. P. _ 310 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 85 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ illiland, Mrs. D. M . _ 2,535 — illis, Mrs. M. I. . . — 4,788 — ilmour, Mrs. M. M. - 1,768 — ingell, Mrs. Y. N. _ 5,376 — inger. Miss K. M . — 5,704 — jaltema, Mrs. L. I . . 2,757 — ladue, Miss I. - 1,157 — lasse, Mrs. E. M. _ 2,290 — lauser, Mrs. M. D. _ 1,998 — ledden, E. _ . 5,255 — leig, Mrs. M. J. _ 5,334 — leirn, Miss S. L. _ 167 — lendinning, Miss D. A... 1,428 — lendinning, Mrs. M. Y._ 5,796 46 lennie, J. F _ _ 6,982 — limhagen, Mrs. G. M. „ 5,386 — lover, Miss J. _ 2,759 — lover, Mrs. M. F. _ 5,411 — lover. Miss T. M. _ 4,102 — oad, H. .... _ 6,997 — obeil, J. J. A. _ 5.391 36 obin, Mrs. M. M. _ _ 3,623 — obin, Mrs. R. U. _ 5,355 — off, Miss B. _ _ 3,244 — olberg, G. M. . . . 4.381 — old, Mrs. J. _ 5.406 — olhovits, Mrs. S. L. _ 2,689 — oil an, Miss D. _ 1,170 — olley, Miss S. W. _ 5.315 — olley, Mrs. Y. G. .... . . 5,376 — ong, P. H. F. . . 6,514 — oodacre, R. H. _ _ _ 10,890 905 oodell, Mrs. T. _ 3.668 — oodlad, Mrs. M. _ 5,561 — oodwin, Miss P. J. _ 3.323 78 oozh, Mrs. M. _ .... 5.376 — ordon. Miss A. J. 287 — ordon, Mrs. C. _ _ 3,720 — ordon, J. E. ... _ 5,568 — ordon, K. M. _ 4,290 40 ordon, Miss M. L. _ 1.829 — ordon, Miss S. _ 2,759 — ordon, Miss S. A. _ 5.669 — ormley, P. _ _ 359 — orsalitz, Mrs. C. L . . 3.329 — orsalitz, J. A. _ 3,069 — ort, J . . 7.690 — otengco. Miss V. _ 2,496 — otro. Miss C. _ 299 — ottselig, Mrs. L. M. _ 7.710 — otzen, Mrs. H. _ 5.376 — ould, J. H. _ _ 5,049 — ovaert, A. G. _ _ _ 4.800 — race, Mrs. C. I. _ 1.050 — racey, Mrs. D. J _ _ 4,019 — rafton, Mrs. S. P. _ 1,549 — raham, Mrs. A. D . . 5.100 — raham, Mrs. A. M. _ 4.128 — raham, D. G. . . . 1.707 — raham, D. George _ 5.396 33 raham, Mrs. I. D. _ 5,376 — raham, I. E. _ 70 — raham, Mrs. T. H. _ 4.698 — raham, Mrs. K. _ 4,123 — raham, Mrs. K. S. _ 4,440 — raham. Miss P. _ _ _ 1,170 — raham, Mrs. R. _ 364 — •aham, R. G. _ 5,376 — rande, V. L . . 4.800 — randi, Mrs. E. E. _ 6.756 584 raner, Mrs. H. J _ _ 4,798 — ranger, D. R . . 259 — ranger, Mrs. S. G. _ _ 262 — •anger, W. W. _ 3,049 — rant, Miss G. I. _ 5,796 — •ant. Miss J. _ 1,125 — ant, Mrs. J . . 4,195 — ■antham, Mrs. M. L. _ 614 — •auer. R. A. _ 2.125 — •avelle, M. G. _ 5.396 — •aves, A. D. L. _ 4,803 — ■ay, M. G. ... . . . 5,401 — •ay, Mrs. P. C. _ 5.376 — •ay, T. D. 7.020 00 •ay, Mrs. V. E. _ 2,915 — ebinski, Mrs. B. J. _ 5.910 — •een. Miss B. V. J . 3.025 — 'een, 0- _ ... 203 — •een, Miss S . . 2.092 — een, Mrs. S. A. I. _ 5,498 — Salary Travel $ $ Greenhalgh, Mrs. M. _ 4,353 — Greenidge, Mrs. C. A. _ 2,502 — Greenidge, C. C. E. _ 6,519 — Greenwood, Mrs. J. L. _ 1,641 — Gregerson, J. D. _ 2,788 — Gregory, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,401 — Gregson, Miss C. L. _ 3,152 — Gregson, Mrs. E. A. _ 1,411 — Gregson, T . . 5,376 — Greiner, A. _ 19,380 — Gresko, Mrs. I. M. A . 5,376 — Grey, Miss A. _ _ _ 300 — Grey, Miss K. M. _ 7,860 — Greye, Mrs. Z. . _ 4,440 — Grieve, G. A. _ .. _ _ 8,160 — Grieve, J. A. _ 4,300 — Griffin, Mrs. P. _ 1,987 — Griffiths, Mrs. E. G . 4,086 — Grimm, Miss N. _ 2,759 — Grimmett, Miss H. _ 3,106 — Grimshaw, Mrs. P. D. _ 5,172 — Grindon, R. V. _ ..... 4,147 — Grio, Miss M. . . . 2,159 — Grohs, Mrs. J. M. ... 5,688 — Gronlund, Mrs. A. J. _ 4,788 — Gronlund, C. T. _ 6,509 — Gonlund, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,391 — Gross, C. E. _ 5.893 — Gross, Mrs. P. J. _ 5,483 — Grosse, Mrs. M. C. _ 3,720 — Groves, L. W. _ 5,376 — Guard, Mrs. K. N. _ . . 3,600 — Gucwa, Mrs. F. _ 4,698 — Guenard, Mrs. L. M. _ 4,284 — Guidone, Miss M. _ 1,140 — Guise, Mrs. D. H. - 1,535 — Gullens, Mrs. R. I. 6,756 — Gunderson, Mrs. J. F. — 952 — Gunderson, Miss S. _ 2,758 — Gunn, Mrs. L. _ 6,756 66 Gunner, E. G. _ _ 5,376 — Gurd, Miss S. _ 300 — Gurney, Miss S. _ 300 — Gumsey, D. A. _ 977 — Gurnsey, R. 1 _ _ 4,980 — Gurski, F. _ _ 5.061 — Gusola, Mrs. D. J. _ 6,279 — Gust, Mrs. N. _ 5,376 — Gustafson, J. H. E. - 6.756 — Gustason, Mrs. S. _ 1,325 — Guthrie, D. W. - - 1,177 — Guthrie, F. - - - 6,660 — Guthrie, Mrs. N. A. - 5,391 — Guttormson, E. P - - 5.376 — Guy, Mrs. D. H. _ 5,396 — Guymer, Mrs. V. M. . — _ 898 — Haaf, Mrs. L. _ 1,258 — Haas, P. . - . - . 4,502 — Habina, Mrs. B. E. - 1,055 — Hachkevich, Mrs. I. M. _ 6,756 — Hackett, J. D. - 5,799 — Hadden, Mrs. R. M. - 3,720 — Haddow, Mrs. P. J . — 359 — Hadvick, Mrs. G. W. - 5,488 — Hadvick, Miss K. A. - 3,552 — Haegert, Mrs. L. B. - 233 — Hagan, Miss J. D. - 7,860 — Hagel, Mrs. H. .. - 3,750 — Hagen, D. R. - 2,727 — Hagen, Miss M. A. - 9,180 141 Hagger, Mrs. J. W. - 1,769 — Haggerty, Mrs. L. L. - 183 — Hagglund, Mrs. N. - 5,784 — Hagman, C. H. - - 5,396 — Hahn, Mrs. F. - - - 4,958 — Hahn, Mrs. H. - 2,079 — Haist, Miss I. - 6,756 — Hait, Mrs. S. M. - _ 5,619 — Halas, D. M. - 4.416 — Halatsis, Mrs. H. ..... ..... 4.623 — Haldin, Mrs. C. J . . 5.703 — Hale, F. A _ _ 4,723 — Hale, Mrs. R. M. — - 5,046 — Hales, Mrs. L. D. - 4,828 — Haley, Miss J. - - — 300 — Hall, Mrs. D. J. - 1,872 — Hall, D. O - - 3,938 — Hall, J. _ 6,554 — Hall, Mrs. U. E. - 4,534 — Halladay, Mrs. W. E. — 6,756 — Salary Travel $ $ Halonen, J. K. O _ _ 1,813 — Halverson, Mrs. P. M. _ 1,582 — Hambleton, Miss S. S. _ 5,691 — Hambrook, Miss E. _ 3,486 — Hamel, Mrs. J. F. _ 3.315 — Hamilton, Mrs. D. A. ..... 6,756 — Hamilton, Mrs. D. E. _ 4,942 — Hamilton, Mrs. F. A. _ 4,623 — Hamilton, H. A. _ _ _ 1,893 — Hamilton, J. E. _ .. 790 — Hamilton, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,553 — Hamilton, Mrs. N. K. _ 5,376 — Hamilton, Mrs. R. M. _ 5.605 — Hamilton, W. S. _ 5,520 — Hamley, Mrs. B. M. _ 1,281 — Hamm, Mrs. N. ..... _ 3,681 — Hamm, Miss R. J. _ 4,524 — Hammerlik, W. T. _ 6,519 — Hammersmark, D. E. _ 4,329 — Hammond, Mrs. M. M. _ 4,149 — Hampton, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,681 — Hancock, Mrs. A. E . 42 — Hancock, Mrs. G. _ 3,770 — Haney, Miss C. J. _ 1,558 — Hankins, Miss N. I. — . 2,940 — Hanna, Mrs. A. _ 3,720 — Hanna, Miss J. E. _ 56 — Hanna, Mrs. L. A. _ 4,998 — Hanna, S. R. _ 6.756 — Hannaford, Mrs. D. H. ... 3,135 — Hannaford, Mrs. M. W. .. 55 — Hannah, F. G. _ 7,860 — Hannah, F. J. _ _ _ 5,192 — Hannett, Mrs. E. M. _ 7,860 — Hansen, Miss E. L . . 3,828 — Hansen, H. _ 4,800 — Hansen, Mrs. J. _ 3.660 — Hansen, R. M. _ .... 7,426 79 Hansen, Mrs. T. _ 4,608 — Hanslmaier, A. P. _ 6,480 — Hanson, Mrs. H. _ 2,987 — Hanson, H. J. _ 5,376 — Hanson, Mrs. J. L. _ 7.284 311 Hanson, Mrs. W. I. _ 4,698 — Harajda, Miss M. T. _ 4,788 — Harbison. Miss J. R. _ 6.384 — Harder, Mrs. G. E. _ 4,788 — Hardie, Mrs. R. . _ 5,796 — Hardie, Mrs. R. A. J. 3,603 — Hardy, D. F. _ 276 — Hardy, Mrs. J. D. _ 5.548 — Hardy, Mrs. M. F. _ 5,376 — Hardy, Mrs. S. J. _ 5,856 — Hardy, T. B _ _ 5,925 — Hargie, Mrs. D. M. _ 1.881 — Hargie, G. W. _ 5.376 — Hargie, J. J. P. _ 5,376 — Harker, Miss G. _ _ 2,362 — Harkness, Mrs. M. B. _ 4,980 — Harms, Mrs. J. _ 5,376 — Harold, Miss C. A. _ 1,075 5 Harper, V. F. _ _ 6,756 — Harris, A. _ 5.566 — Harris, G. B. _ _ 5,391 — Harris, Mrs. G. E. _ 4,524 — Harris, Miss J. E. _ 2,732 — Harris, J. M. _ 3.543 — Harris, Mrs. L. _ 770 — Harris, Mrs. L. M. _ 5.373 — Harris, Mrs. M. A . . 5.376 — Harris, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,985 — Harris, Mrs. P. R. _ 1,704 — Harris, Mrs. S. B . . 1,047 — Harrison, Miss E. _ 2,372 — Harrison, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,548 — Harrison, Mrs. M. E. _ 5,274 — Harrison, R. S. _ _ - 4,533 — Harrisson, Miss L. _ 1.792 — Harry, Mrs. E. C. _ 5.804 — Harstad, Mrs. C. E. _ 3.720 — Hart, C. C. _ 4,290 — Hart. Mrs. J. K. _ 3,552 — Hartl, Mrs. E. A. - 3,669 — Hartley, Mrs. I. S. - 4,010 — Hartman, Mrs. D. K . 4.964 — Hartman, Miss M . . 3,309 — Hartnell, Mrs. G. E. - 4,539 — Harty, Mrs. I. D. - 121 — Harvey, Mrs. A. D. - 3,600 — Harvey, Mrs. D. M. - 3,546 — 86 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Harvey, E. J. _ 5,340 — Harvey, Mrs. L. J. _ _ 1,020 — Harvey, Mrs. M. A. _ 8,185 9 Harvey, W. A _ _ 7,046 414 Harvie, F. G. _ _ 4,800 — Hascarl, Miss J. _ 300 — Hasemann, H. F. _ 4,402 — Hass, Mrs. O. M . . _ 5,376 — Hasselbach, Mrs. I. M. _ 13,980 — Hatch, L. R. _ 2,507 — Hatlevik, Mrs. M. E. - 2,766 Hatlevik, N. P. M. _ 2,694 Haug, J. P. _ 5,377 Haughton, R. S. - 5,172 Haugland, Miss P. A. — 769 Haugo, G. O. _ 5,910 Hauser, Miss L. _ 278 Hauser, M. C. _ 4,650 Hawking, Mrs. K. E. - 4,206 Hawkins, Miss M. _ 7,860 Hawkins, Miss R. — . - 6,539 Hawley, S. P. - 5,376 Hawn, Miss M. — . . 2,759 Hawthorne, Mrs. M. - 2,428 Hay, S. PI. _ 4,800 Haydamack, Mrs. W. M. 7,056 Hayes. H. F. _ 8,820 545 Hayes, H. H. _ 6,499 — Hayes, M. M. _ 5,076 — Hayes, Mrs. R. L. - 8,490 9 Hayes, S. K. _ 5,340 — Hayes, Miss S. L. - 4,301 — Haymond, Mrs. K. G. — 3,190 — Haymond, R. T. _ 5,920 — Haynes, Mrs. N. M. - 2,652 — Hayward, Mrs. M. E. — 3,681 — Hayward, Mrs. S. _ 4,050 — Hazell, Miss J. A. - 1,415 — Hazzard, E. V. _ 5,653 — Heads, Mrs. A. M. - 8,580 — Heale, A. J. - 603 — Healey, E. R. _ 4,500 — Healey, R. W - - 5,376 — Heaney, Mrs. S. O. S. — 2,087 — Hearl, Mrs. I. C. _ 289 — Hearl, J. H. _ 189 — Heath, Mrs. B. F. _ 5,645 — Heath, Miss D. M. _ 2,054 — Heath, Mrs. I. G. I. - 5,076 — Heath, K. G. _ 798 — Heather, Miss J. _ 300 — Heckenkamp, Mrs. E. - 774 — Hecker, Mrs. R. _ _ _ 3,560 — Heagelund, Mrs. J. C . 2,237 — Hehn, K. _ 5.044 — Hehr, Mrs. M. L. _ 4,290 — Hein, Mrs. R. J. _ 3,720 — Hein, V. _ 4,691 — Heis, Miss K. _ 5,600 — Heise, Mrs. D. A. _ __ 5,615 — Helmer, Miss S. - 2,758 — Helmsing, Miss L. - - - 1,170 — Hely, Miss K. A. _ 837 — Hembrough, Mrs. S. M. _ 6,756 — Hemeon, Mrs. T. E . . 5,406 — Hemminger, Miss K. _ 2.846 — Hemminger, M. _ 2,381 — Hemminger, Miss S. J. _ 4,301 — Hemminger, Mrs. T. _ 4,608 — Hemphill, Mrs. M. L. _ 2,700 — Henderson, A. H. - 5.376 — Henderson, Mrs. B. D. _ 3,720 — Henderson, Mrs. B. S . 4,555 — Henderson, Miss C. - 806 — Henderson, Mrs. H. E. _ 7,860 — Henderson, M. A. - - 6,756 — Henderson, Mrs. M. H. _ 5.376 — Henderson, O. M. _ 6,750 — Henderson, Mrs. P. - 5,503 — Henderson, Miss V. - 1,170 — Henderson, W. - 3,622 — Henderson, Mrs. Y. R. _ 6,064 — Hendricks, Mrs. B. M. — 4,802 — Hendriksen, R. E. - 119 — Hendry, L. J. - 2,131 — Henley, Miss P. M. - 5,376 — Henley. Mrs. V. M. - 1,080 — Henningson, Mrs. K. M._ 3,552 — Henry, C. D - - 6,409 — Henschel, Miss M. L. - 3,038 — Salary Travel $ $ Henschel, Mrs. M. M. __ 1,937 — Henshaw, Miss E. E. _ 5,172 _ Henshaw, Mrs. E. J. _ 4,069 — Henson, H. A. _ 6,509 — Hepp, Mrs. R. _ _ _ 3,515 — Herbert, C. A. _ 5,520 — Herbert, Mrs. C. M. _ 5,493 — Herbert, Mrs. R. J. _ 5,055 210 Herman, Mrs. M. R. _ 5,386 — Herring, R. _ 8,460 381 Herriott, Miss K. L. _ 2,162 — Herrod, Mrs. B. E. _ 4,352 — Herzog, Miss J. M . . 4,825 — Hewlett. Mrs. C. A . 1,477 — Hewson, Mrs. S. R. _ 4,370 — Heywood, J. L. _ 3,360 — Hickson, Mrs. M. K. _ 3,600 — Hiebert, L. L. _ 5,394 — Hiebert, Mrs. L. M. _ 1,991 — Hiebert, Miss M. L. ... .. 1,225 — Hiemstra, Miss G. _ 5,498 — Higgins, Mrs. M. C. _ 2,174 — Higgins, N. H. _ 5,386 — Higham, Mrs. A. _ 2,669 — Hilborn, W. J . . . 13,921 — Hildreth, Mrs. J. A. _ 4,440 — Kill, Mrs. C. _ 4,698 — Hill, Mrs. C. G. _ 6,756 — Hill, Mrs. D. A. _ 6,049 — Hill, Mrs. D. E. C . . . 8,010 596 Hill, Mrs. J. E. _ 3,900 — Hill, J. E _ _ 4,436 — Hill, Mrs. M. M. _ 3,747 — Hill. W. C. _ 6,679 — Hills, Mrs. M. _ _ _ 4,212 — Hinsley, N. _ _ 6,024 436 Hintz, A. O. ... _ .... 5,172 — Hirst, Mrs. E. E. _ 4,448 — Hirst, Mrs. V. L. _ 2,682 — Hirt, Mrs. H. _ _ 384 — Hirvonen, Mrs. B. L. _ 3.600 — Hiscock, T. R. _ 5,162 — Hix, Miss B. M. 783 — Hladych. Mrs. I. C . . 3.872 — Hladyniuk, Mrs. K. _ 3,780 — Hlavacek, J. _ 5.376 — Hobbs, Miss B. _ 2,342 — Hobbs, Mrs. J. _ 4,524 — Hobday, Mrs. F. A. _ 2,262 — I loch. T. J. ..... _ 4,963 — Hoddinott. W. H . 5,376 — Hodge, Miss G. H. _ 4,224 14 Hodge, Mrs. H. _ 4,050 — Hodge, Miss J. M. _ 3.974 — Hodgson, J. G. . . 5,376 — Hodgson, Miss V. D. _ 5,498 — Hodson, E. _ 6,564 — Hodson, F. _ 5,796 — Hoffman, Miss A. _ _ 1,170 — Hoffman, Miss A. C. - 5,172 — Hoffman, Miss B. _ 2,372 — Hoffman, D. N. _ 1,416 — Hoffman, Mrs. E. M . . 5,100 — Hoffman, F. J. . . 1,427 15 Hoffman. Mrs. J. E. _ 1,098 — Hogan, Mrs. M. T. _ 3,327 — Hogan, P. J. _ 540 — Hogan, Mrs. V. L. _ 4,788 — Hogarth, D. G. _ ... 4,351 — Hogarth, Mrs. M. R. _ 5,391 — Hogg, Mrs. D. F. _ 3,287 — Hogg, Mrs. F. P . . 4,788 — Hoggard, A. A. - 5,283 — Hogness, Mrs. D. L. _ 4,909 — Hogue, K. L. _ _ 2.440 — Hohtanz, Mrs. F. M. C. _ 3,848 — Hoisington, Mrs. E. A. _ 3.462 — Hoilund, P. N. _ 5,249 — Hokanson, Miss S. _ 1,155 — Holcomb, Miss M. K. _ 2,700 — Holden, Mrs. D. E. . . 4,455 — Holdsworth, Mrs. E. H _ 1,817 — Holicza, R. J. . . 1,800 — Holland, Mrs. G. H. _ 1,057 — Holland, J. _ 7,860 — Holland, L. G. _ 4,524 — Holland, Mrs. M. D. _ 1,917 — Holley, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,393 — Holley, Mrs. M. F. ..... 4,608 — Holliday, Mrs. M. A. _ 6,144 142 Salary $ Hollis, Mrs. R. M. _ 3,787 Holm, R. E. _ 1,665 Holman, P. S. _ _ 2,114 Holm berg, Mrs. I. E. _ 3,507 Plolmberg, Mrs. M. W. _ 2,882 Holmes, Mrs. D. L. _ 2,443 Holmes, H. L. G. _ 7,860 Holmes, I. A. _ 10,380 Holmes, J. _ 5,376 Holmes, J. _ 5,376 Holmes, Mrs. K. M. _ 7,872 Holmes, Mrs. P. L. _ 1,221 Holowaychuk, Mrs. M _ 2,136 Holt, K. W. _ 12,630 Holt, W. H. C. _ __ 17,403 Holtby, T. R. - - - 1,002 Holubowich, Mrs. E. V _ _ 3,881 Honey, Mrs. A. B. I. _ 5,376 Honey, E. C. _ 5,595 Honey, Miss S. J. _ 3,873 Honeybourn, Mrs. M. L._ 6,050 Hood, Mrs. B. _ 3,708 Hoodless, Mrs. R. _ 6,144 Hooper, Mrs. E. L. _ 2,525 Hooper, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,827 Hooper, L. G. _ _ _ 3,217 Hope, C. _ 840 Hope, Mrs. E. M. _ _ _ 1,696 Hopkins, Miss A. _ 4,050 Hops, H. _ 5,272 Horiansky, Mrs. M. _ 2,884 Horiansky, P. _ 4,841 Horne, J. A. _ 6,525 Horrocks, Mrs. G. J. __ 6,024 Hortobagi, Mrs. E. _ 4,306 Horvath, A. O _ _ 4,525 Horvath, Mrs. E. M. _ 6,504 Horwood, Miss L. M. _ 4,794 Hoswell, Miss A. _ 7,560 Houchen, Mrs. E. _ 5,000 Houghton, Mrs. M. W _ _ 5,376 Houle, Mrs. C. M. _____ 4,788 Houseman, Miss J. A. _ 2,372 Houseman, Mrs. J. M. _ 3,705 Houston, H. _ 5,355 Howden, Mrs. M. A. __ 3,069 Howe, Mrs. E. B. _ 4,623 Howell, Mrs. N. I. _ 467 Howes, Mrs. M. S. _ 3,600 Howl, W. A. _ 5,403 Howsam, Mrs. E. L. _ 6,519 Hoyrup, Mrs. K. H. _ 3,720 Huband, J. T. _ 4,920 Hubble, Mrs. E. G. _ 4,440 Huber, R. J. _ 4,625 Huber, T. J. _ 4,288 Hubsch, B. _ 4,935 Hudson, Mrs. A. M. _ 7,350 Hudson, Mrs. K. A. J. _ 5,386 Hudson, Mrs. M. C. _ 4,396 Hudson, N. W. _ 5,811 Hues, Mrs. B. M. _ _ 1,335 Huffman, Mrs. G. A. _ 4,440 Hufnagel, G. A. _ 6,756 Hughes, Mrs. A. P. _ 19,242 Hughes, Mrs. B. J. _ 4,404 Hughes, Miss D. P. _ 3,144 Hughes, E. H. _ 5,398 Hughes, Mrs. E. L. I. _ 3,853 Hughes, Miss J. _ 2,342 Hughes, Miss J. L. _ 2,518 Hughes, Mrs. P. _ 397 Hughes, R. J - - 2,181 Hughson, Miss L. _ 2,759 Hull, Miss E. P _ _ 5,388 Huls, Mrs. M. P. _ 3,313 Humble, S. C. _ 635 Humphrey, J. L. _ _ 3,028 Humphrey, Miss P. M. _ 2,307 Humphreys, Miss L. F. 3,281 Humphries, A. A. _ 7,860 Humphries, Mrs. S. G. _ 672 Hungar, Mrs. D. F. _ 4,284 Hunt, A. T. G. _ 2,173 Hunt, Mrs. E. M. _ 5,376 Hunter, C. W. . . 13,980 Hunter, Mrs. D. F. _ 4.698 Hunter, Mrs. D. P. _ 6,756 Hunter, Mrs. E. B. _ 5,408 Hunter, M. A. _ 4,408 Hunter, Mrs. M. R. _ 2,432 Hunter, Mrs. P. J. _ 5,590 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 87 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary $ unziker, Miss L. _ 2,758 urford, Miss R. G. T. _ 1,170 urren, J. L - - 4,924 urst, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,778 urtubise, Mrs. M. F. S. 3,194 usa, K. T. . . 1,099 uselak, Mrs. L. M . . 3,043 utchcroft, Miss M. - 1,170 utchinson, Mrs. A. G. _ 5,172 utchinson, Mrs. E. A. _ 572 utton, Mrs. D. A. _ 830 uuha, Mrs. S. A. T. _ 5,354 uyton, Miss G. A. - 5,713 uziak, Miss V. M. - - 5,391 yland, G. D. _ 2,725 ynninen, Mrs. R. K. _ 1,010 mki, Mrs. T. _ 3,900 Her, Mrs. J. E. _ 5,483 :eda, Miss J. S . . 7,422 nola, A. _ 4,702 nrie, Mrs. G. _ 2,741 lg. Miss J _ _ 7,860 gimundson, J. J. _ 5,055 glis, Miss E. _ _ — 299 gram, J _ _ 5,040 igram, Mrs. S. - 5,431 jates, Mrs. S. I. - 3,986 kster, Mrs. D. M. _ 5,172 kster, E. W. _ 5,520 kster, G. F. . . 5,168 n, Miss H. J. _ 6,519 A. Y. Y. _ 4,745 i, Mrs. S. W. C _ _ 1,792 eland, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,608 eland, Mrs. F. L. _ 10,170 vine. Miss F. M. _ 6,384 ving, Miss P. _ 2,373 win, Mrs. H. L. _ 4,192 berg, J. H _ _ 4,920 bister, Mrs. I. M. . . . 3.096 bikawa, H _ _ 4,000 erson, Mrs. D. _ 5.356 ck, Mrs. J. B. _ 5,376 ck, J. F. _ 6.416 ck, Miss L. K _ _ 3,162 ck, T. U _ _ 6.756 ckle, Mrs. M. I. _ 6,504 ckson, A. _ 5,376 ckson, Mrs. D. C. __ 4,078 ckson, Miss E. E. _ _ 5,172 ckson. Miss E. J. _ 342 ckson, Miss L. A. _ 1,170 ckson, Mrs. R. _ 2,451 ckson, R. C. _ 5,160 ckson, R. W. _ 7,860 ckson, W. B. _ 4.786 cob, Mrs. K. P. _ 6,756 cobs, L. A . - _ 2.592 cobs. Miss P. _ 3,784 cobson. Mrs. R. _ 4,599 goal. Miss R. K. _ 4,205 hodics, I. _ 752 mes, F _ _ 5,394 mes, Miss M. _ 2,372 mrich, Mrs. J. E. _ 2,254 ntzen. Miss S. _ 2,759 nus, Mrs. E. A. _ 4,899 nzen, R. L. _ 4,808 nzen, Mrs. S. _ 2,245 ppy, Mrs. J. _ 67 recsni. Miss L. R. _ 4.804 rrett, F. E. _ 6.120 rvis, T. R _ _ 5,772 an, A. _ _ _ 5,280 ffery, Mrs. D. D . . 3,869 ffery, Mrs. R. P . . 3,720 ffery, T. V. _ 385 ffrey. Miss J. C. - 2,359 ffries. Miss J. D. _ 2,446 glum, R. A. _ 1,640 glum, R. A. _ 5,500 nkins, Mrs. B. J. _. _ 5,401 nkins, J. B. _ 3,422 nnings. Miss D. _ 300 nnings. Mrs. F. M. _ 4,235 nsen, C. _ . _ 4,920 nsen, Miss C. M. _ 3,972 nsen, Miss K. E. _ 2,558 nsen, Miss N. B. _ 2,464 nsen, S. E. _ 19,380 Travel $ 7 781 323 Salary Travel $ $ Jepson, C. E. . . 3,169 — Jepson, Mrs. P. L. _ 4,658 122 Jerome, Mrs. A. 7,860 — Jerome, J. A. _ 2,768 — Jerome, Mrs. S. L. _ 3,517 — Jeselon, Miss D. L. 2,560 — Jewell, Mrs. H. V. _ 5,376 — Jilek, W. G. _ -- 18,390 119 Jobb, Mrs. M. E. . 5,651 — Joesbury, T. _ . _ 922 — Johansen, Mrs. C. A. . .. 4,524 — Johanson, Mrs. S. M. _ 1,762 — Johansson, D. A. _ 6,144 — Johansson, Mrs. E. S. _ 3,780 — Johnson, A. H. _ 8,410 — Johnson, Mrs. A. P. .. . 6,756 — Johnson, C. J. _ 473 — Johnson, Mrs. D. _ _ 2,700 — Johnson, Mrs. D. A. _ 3,922 — Johnson, Miss D. F. _ 1,170 — Johnson, Mrs. E. ... 5,076 — Johnson, Mrs. E. E. _ 5,436 — Johnson, Mrs. F. M. _ 5,376 — Johnson, Mrs. G. E. _ 2,582 — Johnson, Mrs. H. D. _ 4,128 — Johnson, H. R. _ 1,191 — Johnson, Mrs. J. L. _ 5,770 — Johnson, Mrs. M. - 4,913 — Johnson, Mrs. M. A. _ 5,010 — Johnson, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,398 — Johnson, Mrs. M. K. . .. . 2,284 — Johnson, Miss N. J. _ 3,243 — Johnson, Mrs. P. T. — 5,826 — Johnson, Miss S. A. 5,345 57 Johnson, Miss V. 1,301 — Johnson, W. A. _ . ... 3.977 — Johnston, C. - 6,519 — Johnston, H. W. _ 4,500 — Johnston, J . . 5,455 — Johnston, J. G. - 5,376 — Johnston, Mrs. J. W. _ 5,580 — Johnston, L. R. - 5,391 — Johnston, Mrs. M. B. G._ 4,440 — Johnston, Mrs. M. H. - 3,763 — Johnston, R. G. _ 1,347 — Johnston, S. _ ... — . 6,987 — Johnston, Mrs. W. E. - 4,128 — Johnstone, Miss E. A. _ 10,740 — Johnstone, F. W. - 6,519 — Johnstone, T. . . .. . 13,440 100 Jonas, R. G. H. . - 5.401 — Joneja, R. P. _ — 15,270 — Jones, C. H. - - 6,504 — Jones, D. H. B. 4,757 182 Jones, Mrs. J. - 2,618 — Jones, Miss K. L. _ 4,„42 14 Jones, Mrs. M. C. - 2,391 — Jones, Miss R. _ 2,217 — Jones, Mrs. R. C. - 227 — Jones, R. M. ... - 5,796 — Jones, R. M. _ . - 5,796 — Jones, R. R. _ _ 5,391 — Jones, Mrs. T. _ _ 4,123 — Jones, T. D. _ 6,756 — Jones, Mrs. V. - 4,707 — Jones, W. R - - 2,544 — Jorde, W. R _ _ 1,539 — Jorgensen, Mrs. R. - 4,856 — Joseph, E. - 1,591 — Joseph, Mrs. R. M. - 3,900 — Joss, Miss W. C. - — 6,036 — Joubert, P. A . 5,381 — Jovanovic, J. I. - 4,727 — Jowett, J. D. - 6,719 — Joyce, S. A. - .... 5,376 — Joyner, Mrs. C. B. . 3,389 — Juatco, Miss A. P. - 10,080 102 Juknies, Miss D. C. 3,252 — Julien, E. „ — — - 4,074 — Julin, Mrs. E. — 5,376 — Jylli, Mrs. R. O . . 4,393 — Kaake. Mrs. G. P. - 4,952 — Kaarremaa, Mrs. B. E. — 3,486 — Kabaroff, Mrs. E. M. ___ 3,986 — Kadonaga, Miss N. H. _ 4,056 — Kahl, Mrs. K. M. - 3,587 — Kaldestad, Miss L. M. — 7,860 — Kaler, Mrs. J. A. _ . 6,419 — Kalf, Miss J. - - 2,103 — Kallenberger, J. W . 6,519 — Kals, F. J. .... . . - 6,756 82 Kamaldnieks, Mrs. I. - 5,376 — Kamaldnieks, V. Salary 5,396 13,980 4,788 3,090 6,174 5,084 4,419 5,508 5,376 1,654 1,493 5,619 1,338 5,391 2,700 4,409 6,045 4,763 5,698 6,300 3,600 515 Travel $ Kamhurnff, Mrs. T. Kampa, F. A. .. ... . Kamper, M. N. _ 142 Kane, P. W. _ Kanneberg, Mrs. M. A. _ Kao, Miss S. C. W . . Kaposta, Mrs. E _ _ . Kapnsta, ,S. — Kardns, Miss T. F.. _ Karklin, E. M. .... .. . ... _ Karleen, G. H _ _ . Karmel, Miss N. _ .. _ Karoway, Mrs. B. A . . Karpins, Mrs. B. Z . . Kasper, Mrs. M. I. — Kassel, Mrs. L . . . . Kassel, P. J. _ Kastrukoff, Miss M. A. _. Kaufmann, A. ... . .. Kauss, Mrs. J. I. _ 18 Kavaja. Mrs. M. . _ _ Kay, H. F. _ _ 4,341 1,297 6,644 6,024 4,061 2,830 3,600 3,476 1,020 5,197 4,440 6,024 6,504 2,372 300 _ Kaye, Mrs. R. D. _ .... __ Keam, Mrs. S. J . Keating Tl T. 95 Keays, L. R. .... _ ... Kebert, Mrs. H. _ _ _ Kebritz, Mrs. M. K. _ Keel. Mrs. D. E. _ — Keeler, Mrs. M. . . Keeping, Mrs. E. J. _ Kehler, Mrs. A. Kehoe, G. . . Keitch, Mrs. G. M. Keith, Miss J. ... . _ _ — Kell, Miss D _ _ __ Kell, Mrs. M. F. .. Kell, Mrs. V. R. 4,623 5,076 3,234 4,249 609 — Kellett, Miss F. E. — . Kelley, Mrs. E. B. _ 297 Kelley, Mrs. J. L. _ ... Kelley, R. W. _ Kelliher, Mrs. L. M. _ _ Kelliher, M. W. _ Kellner, Mrs. E. A. D. _ Kellock, Mrs. C. .. _ 6,384 4,440 6,519 6,756 6,270 10 12 Kellond, H. G. _ _ Kellv, Mrs. B. _ 4,552 3.780 — Kelly, Miss J . Kelly, Mrs. J. H . . . . 1,170 4,356 5,376 6,519 — Kelly. N. J. _ - Kemp. C. _ _ _ — . _ Kendall, Mrs. M. E . Kendrick, A. B. _ 1,501 6,264 102 Kenealey, P. W. . .. . _ 4,371 - Kenkel, B. J. .. .... _ 5.594 . _ Kennedy, Mrs. A. E. B. _ Kennedy, Mrs. B. J. _ Kennedy, Mrs. D. R. _ Kennedy, E. C. - _ Kennedy, H. J. . . 4,156 4,127 5,152 4.850 4.808 41 Kennedy, Mrs. J. L. _ Kennedy, Mrs. K. _ Kennedy, Mrs. S. E. J. Kennelly, B. R. _ Kennelly, Mrs. E. G. _ Kenny, J. T. _ — Kent, Mrs. D. M. . . . Kenyon, Mrs. S. G. - Kenzle. Mrs. M. C. . . 1,523 3,606 5.378 7,860 2,493 4,800 371 6.756 4.272 18 Kerby, Miss N. J. - Kern, O. . . . Kerr, A. S _ _ 1,263 5.436 5.060 — Kerr, Mrs. F. M. _ Kerr, Mrs. M. C . Kerr, R. Keski-Hynnila. Mrs. E. E. Khansaheb, Miss V. E. 5,396 4,608 300 3,600 2,520 3.785 189 Kienas, Mrs. N. - Kilgannon, Miss K. Kilmartin, Mrs. P. M. L. Kilpatrick, Miss J. - Kilvert, J. L. . . . . — Kim, ICyung Hwan, . . Kineshanko, Mrs. M. - 4.662 2.759 2,202 3.244 8.954 13,170 2,169 5,334 — 1,895 543 King, Miss E. L. - . — 88 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ King, K. J. _ 4,771 — King, Miss L. B _ _ 588 6 King, Mrs. N. L. _ 4,884 — King, Mrs. V. _ 2,480 — Kingsbury, Mrs. A. A. — 6,024 — Kingsbury. Mrs. M. E. — 5,580 — Kinicki, Miss S. L. 367 — Kinley, Mrs. F. M. - 4,455 — Kinley, Mrs. L. J. - 6,049 — Kinney, Mrs. B. L. - 963 — Kinney, Mrs. L. S. - - 5,925 — Kinney, Mrs. N. L. - 4,788 — Kirk. Mrs. L. M. _ 2,220 — Kirkham, Miss E. M. - 10,860 439 Kitamura, Mrs. L. . . 6,024 — Kitt, Mrs. F. J. . . 1,747 — Kivilahti, Mrs. H. - 2.925 — Kjelson, N. O. - — — 6,029 — Kiaholz, J. A. - 6,384 — Klassen, Miss M. - 7,284 — Klassen, Mrs. M. A. . . 3,350 — Klassen, Mrs. P. I. - — 4,608 — Klassen, Mrs. P. M. . 5,845 — Klein, Mrs. S. - - 5,000 — Klodnicki, W. .. _ ... 2,250 — Klowak, Mrs. L. - . 4,606 — Klym, Mrs. I. M. _ 2,845 — Klym, Miss S. . . 3.239 — Knapp, Miss B. F. - - 3,552 — Knapp, B. J. _ 2,897 — Knapp, E. P. - 4,800 — Knapp, W. D. - - — 675 — Knapp, Mrs. W. R. — . — 4,078 — Rneeland, R. J. _ — 6,756 — Knight, A. C. W. _ 7,560 40 Knight, Mrs. L. - 14 — Knight, Miss P. A. - 2,661 — Knipe, Miss M. S. - - 3,290 — Knopp, L. - - 5 496 — Knopp, Mrs. M. V. . 6,519 — Knopp, Mrs. R. M. - 4,568 — Knott, Mrs. C. J. - 6,504 — Knous, H. C - - 1,383 — Knox, Mrs. S. L. - 5,703 — Knox, Miss W. - - 1,021 — Knuth, Mrs. A. - 3,600 — Knutsen, Mrs. V. A. - 2,565 — Knutson, Mrs. L. J. - 3,904 — Knutson, Miss S. _ 4,455 — Kobarynka, Mrs. M . 5,274 — Koberstein, Mrs. E. - 2,057 — Koberstein, J. - . — 5,820 — Kochanowski, Mrs. A. — 6,504 - - Kocsir, Mrs. P. F. - 2,288 — Koemsted, Mrs. P. E. — 5,096 — Koerner, Mrs. E. L. - 3,983 — Kohler, Mrs. A. M. _ 5,404 — Kolodiazny, P. ._ - 6,756 — Kolodinski, Miss E. _ 8,640 — Kolomvakos, Mrs. B. J — 3,619 — Komm, Miss J. G. _ 5,377 — Konchuk, Mrs. B. D. _ 3,821 — Konowal, Miss M. D. _ 3,479 — Kontaxopoulos, G. B. __ 19,050 38 Kootte, Miss C. A. - 3,533 — Kopanko, Miss S. E. _ 4,899 — Kopp, Mrs. B. L. _ 2,516 — Kopp, D. J. .... .. 2,004 — Korchynski, B. E. _ _ 4,984 — Koshley, S. - . - 4,800 — Kostachuk, N. - . .. 2,450 — Kostiha, Mrs. E. E. - 5,376 — Kotowich, Mrs. D. D. _ 3,387 — Kovacs, G. ... - 16,555 102 Kowalchuk, Mrs. F. J. — 2,704 — Kozak, Mrs. D. . ~ 4,980 — Kozak, Mrs. M. A. - 6,529 — Krabbendam, A. 6,756 — Kraic, Mrs. B. A. 4,006 15 Kranenburg, Mrs. B. E._ 2,573 — Kranenburg, E. H. - 2,654 — Krap. F. H. _ 1,295 — Kratauskiene, Mrs. D. — 4,373 — Krebs, Mrs. E. M. .... . 5,076 — Krell, J. _ 5,820 — Krem, Mrs. M. J. 5,935 — Krenzel, K. . .. - 1,800 — Krenzel, Mrs. S. . 5,076 — Krilow, Miss B. - 2,758 — Krilow, Mrs. Z. B. — 5,376 — Kriwtschenko, Mrs. E. — 3,566 — Kruchowski, Mrs. C. A— 2,544 — Salary Travel Krompocker, Miss A. M. V. _ _ 5,392 — Kruizenga, Miss A. R. _ 320 — Kruk, Mrs. A. _ . 4,618 — Krusel, Mrs. H. H. _ 2,700 _ Krutzmann, F. _ 5,539 _ Kubo, R. H. _ .... 2,947 _ Kucey, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,376 _ Kucey, W. J. _ 5,172 — Kuervers, Miss D. 459 _ Kumar, S. _ .. .. 2,055 _ Kuntz, J. D. _ _ _ 3,883 _ Kurbis, P. _ . . 5,128 _ Kurtz, Mrs. E. _ 2,064 _ Kurulak, Mrs. R. _ 2,615 — Kuusinen, Miss K. H. _ 5,386 — Kyba, R. _ _ 909 _ L’Esperance, Mrs. A. J _ 3,457 — L’Heureux, Miss P. _ 2,343 — Labanya, G. O. .... 1,078 — Labelle, Mrs. I. M. _ 497 - . Labonte, Miss E. N. _ 4,384 _ Labreche, Mrs. D. M. ... 4,128 _ Labrecque, W. P. _ 6,564 _ Labree, I. C. _ 4,933 _ Lacey, Mrs. P. J. . . . 3,680 — Lacey, W. H. _ 8.220 33 Lachance, J. D. E. . . . 4,800 _ Lachance, Mrs. R. _ 5,493 — Lacko, W. S. _ 8,460 164 Lacroix, A. H. _ 5,436 _ Lacroix, W. M . . 7,860 _ Ladd, T. W. _ 6,756 — Lafferty, F. D. _ 6,519 18 Lafiamme, Mrs. I. A . 5,399 — Lafreniere, Mrs. G. L. .... 186 _ Lagasse, Mrs. E. _ 1,711 — Lagasse, L. G. J . . 7,860 — Laidlaw, Mrs. M. T. _ 4,919 — Lake, Mrs. A. E. . .. _ 4,387 — Lake, M. L. _ 6,756 — Lai, Mrs. S. _ ... ..... 3,597 — Lam, B. _ _ 4,290 35 Lamb, R. G . . . . 5,401 — Lambert, Mrs. A. R. _ 3,681 — Lambert, Miss L. M. _ 134 — Lambright, R. A. _ 4,827 — Lammi, Miss S. M. _ 2,385 — Lamont, Mrs. H. M. ..... 7,860 — Lamont, Miss J. _ 2,181 — Lamont, Mrs. W. E. _ 6,154 — Lamothe, Mrs. C. J. _ 6,519 — Landels, Mrs. E. _ .... 1,365 — Lane, Mrs. M. M. B. __ 5,796 _ Lange, Mrs. E. _ _ 5,376 — Langford, K. G. _ 1,964 28 Langley, G. _ 5,520 — Langley, Mrs. G. I. _ 2,031 — Langlois, Miss L. I. _ 2,945 — Langtry, Miss G. _ 3,048 — Lanki, Mrs. B. N. _ 52 — Lanki, R. .... _ ... 5,925 — Lanoue, Mrs. A. M. . _ 5,402 — Lanoue, D. G. _ .. 2,375 — Lanthier, J. L. G. _ 5.376 — Lanyon, R. N. _ _ 3,258 — Lapierre, Mrs. J. A. _ 4,206 — Laquiere, Miss T. M. _ 287 — Larcombe, Miss F. M. _ 5,708 — I.arkman, B. ... _ 6,073 20 Larkman, Mrs. C. J. _ 2,240 — Larkman, Mrs. D. _ 3,780 _ Larose, G. J. _ ... 4,924 — Larose, Mrs. I. O. _ 4,440 — Larsen, Miss T . 980 — Larsen, Miss R. B. _ 6,756 — Larson, Mrs. A. M. _ 3,432 _ Larson, Mrs. C. J. _ 2,611 — Larson, D. O. _ _ 6,469 — Larson, Mrs. G. _ 5,381 — Larson, L. H. _ 4,274 — Larson, Mrs. R. I. _ 1,164 — Larson, R. P. P. . 5.376 — Laskey, W. C. . . 2,349 — Laudan, Mrs. L. J. _ 4,362 — Laukkanen, E. C. _ 2,936 — Lavelle, P. A. _ 14.500 126 Laverdiere, Mrs. B. A. _ 5,376 — Lavers, Mrs. I. J. 1.429 — Lavigne, D. L. _ 6,817 117 Lavigne, R. L. .. . _ 6,780 — Salary Trj|l $ Laviolette, Mrs. M. G. ... . 679 Lawrance, Miss R. E. _ 1,646 —I) Lawrence, Mrs. A. A. _ 3,972 — I Lawrence, Mrs. D. K. _ 3,780 — H Lawson, S. W. _ 6,756 1 Lay, Mrs. S. S. . _ 1,081 — Dj Lazeo, L. A. _ 4,444 — E Lazorko, W. B. _ 13,980 —i Le Blanc, Miss M. A. _ 6,756 — p Leach, V. R. _ 1,736 — E Lean, Mrs. P. E. _ _ 1,651 - ! Lean, T. P. _ 2,354 — y Leard, R. M. P. _ 5,376 Leask, Mrs. M. J. _ 3,780 Leboe, Mrs. L. C. _ 6,063 Lebrun, Mrs. L. J. _ 2,492 -k Leclair, Mrs. D. L. _ 3,764 Lecomte. J. O. _ .. . 5,376 Ledet, Mrs. A. M. _ 3,600 — i Ledoux, Mrs. G. D. _ 994 — . Ledoux, Mrs. M. A. _ 5,574 — j Lee, Mrs. A. T. _ 7,860 Lee, C. N. _ 6,519 - Lee, E. F. _ .. 2,507 Lee, Mrs. J. _ . 4,618 Lee, Miss L. D. - - 2,126 Lee, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,573 -■ i Lee, W. _ _ 12,630 Leech, G. E. . - 8,160 - • Leedham, J. S. _ 4,920 — i Leedholm, Mrs. K. _ 3,330 — j Leeman, Miss M. A. . 3,996 — Leflar, Mrs. C. L. _ 2,145 — Letlar, M. S. _ 6,756 Lefrancois, Mrs. S. - 3,900 - Leganger, Mrs. R. _ 4,900 H Legath, Mrs. D. _ 3,780 - Leger, G. J. _ _ 5,076 - Leger, Mrs. L. M. . _ 5,325 — Legrove, Miss B. C. _ 1,100 - Leib, F. J. _ - _ 5,388 — Leigh, J. D. _ . 6,756 Leigh, J. H. . _ 2,073 - Leladhar Singh, Mrs. M. J. 5,785 - Lemaire, Mrs. L. M. _ 5,925 - Lemire, J. J. B. E. _ 2,237 — Lemire, Mrs. L. L. _ 24 - Lemke, W. P. _ . . - 5,411 - Leng, Mrs. B. _ 4,698 Lennan, Mrs. R. _ 2,161 - Lens, Mrs. V. _ 3,600 - Lentz, Mrs. J. _ . _ 2,071 - Leslie, Mrs. B. A. M. _ 4,128 - Leslie, Miss S. J. . 2,861 - Lessard, Mrs. C. ... 5,396 - Lester, Mrs. A. C. - 3,561 - Lesyk, Mrs. J. B. _ 4,584 - Letendre, Mrs. B. _ 4,718 - Lethbridge, Mrs. F. J. M. 3,033 - Letz, Mrs. D. P. _ 2,911 - Leung, F. N. _ . 8,146 Leung, W. M. .. — 6,180 Leuszler, Mrs. W. . _ 5,580 Levasseur, Mrs. M. V. J. 5,381 - Levasseur, Miss V . . 3,209 - Levchik, Mrs. W. 3,600 - Leverincton, M. .... _ 2.178 - Levis, E. A. _ ... . . . 8,160 Lewendon, Mrs. B. L. _ 5,993 - Lewis, Miss D. E. 5,816 - Lewis, Mrs. E. C. _ 6,806 - Lewis, Mrs. G. L. _ ... 1,040 - Lewis, Miss R. S . . 5,093 - Lewis, R. T. _ . 8,160 Leybourne, G. E. W. _ 6,264 Leyland, W. V. _ 6.514 - Leyrit, Miss A. „ 6,456 - Lhotzky, W. _ 2,718 Liddell, Miss J. D. 1,552 - Liddicoat, Mrs. C. _ _ 6,484 - Lien, Mrs. A. S. _ 1,126 - Liew, K. _ 5,404 Lill, Miss P. M. _ 2,835 Lillies, Miss M. E. B. _ 5,182 Lincoln, R. F. - 5,226 Lindberg, Miss C. L. 3,143 _ i Lindenbach, Mrs. E. _ 2,535 . - Lindgren, Mrs. I. M. — 1,743 > i Lindner, Mrs. M. M. L._ 7,860 . i Lindquist, Mrs. D. R. I. 2,961 - 1 Lindquist, Mrs. E. V. _ 5,391 - 1 Lindsley, J. M. _ _ 5,512 - 1 89 SALARIES* WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ indstrom, Mrs. A. M. — 4,124 — mdstrom, Mrs. R. H. — 5,376 — indstrom, W. B. - 2,650 — mg, C. K. - - - 3,418 — inn. Mrs. M. A. - 3,586 — ipinski, Mrs. N. C. - 1,995 — isicar, Mrs. L. - 6,262 24 isson-Smith, Mrs. L. M. 3,968 — ister, Mrs. V. L. ~ 1,244 — itchfield, A. R. - 6,702 12 itterick, Miss D. - 5,376 — ittle, Mrs. E. M. - 8,160 — ittle, K. L. - 6,034 — ittle, Mrs. L. M. - - 5,376 — ittle, Mrs. S. G. — -- 18,060 63 ieu, C. L. P. - 2,281 - - ivesey, W. R. - 6,504 — ivingston, Mrs. G. F. B. 2,084 — ivingstone, J. F. . . 569 — izee, Mrs. A. G. 1,641 — loyd, Mrs. A. E. . 5,823 — ochrie, Mrs. E. M. - 4,128 — ock, Miss S. - 736 — ockhart, A. E. - — 5,943 — oeck, Mrs. D. - — 4,356 — oeppky. Miss D. _ - - 300 — oeppky, Miss S. - - 1,170 — oerke, H. H. - 5,392 — oerke, Mrs. M. - 3,378 — oewen, B. . . . 300 — oewen, B. F. - 5,386 — oewen, Mrs. F. R. - 6,144 — oewen, Mrs. J. D. M. . — 4,555 — oewen, Mrs. M. - - 4,708 — .oewen, N. B. _ 1,473 — oewen, Mrs. N. E. - 4,206 — ogan, E. P. . .. 5,391 36 ogan, J. D. 3,132 — ogan, Mrs. L. R. - 648 — ogan, Mrs. L. R. _ 6,524 — ogan, Mrs. O. L. _ 1,597 — ogan, Mrs. R. _ 3.600 — ohm, H. J. - - 7,320 — ohnes, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,100 — ohnes, Mrs. R. B. - 4,608 — oland, Miss S. _ 4,959 410 ommer, Miss B. _ 2,759 — onergan, Miss M. M. 11,985 1,827 ong, Mrs. B. A. - 5,376 — ong, Mrs. J. E. . . 3,834 — ong, R. J. ... _ _ 3,378 — ongden, D. E. . . . 7,828 475 ongworth, Mrs. C. - 4,128 — ongworth. G. R. _ 5.187 — ook, Miss P. _ — 2,758 — orraine, J. _ 767 — ory, Mrs. M. _ 2,220 — ouden, Miss K. G. _ 1.914 — ougheed, Mrs. A. _ 5,580 — ouie, T. J. - . . . 1,370 — ouvros, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,492 — ove, Miss M. _ 1.170 — ove, R. G. _ _ _ 1.837 — overing, D. M. - 136 — ow, Mrs. C. B _ _ 1,686 — owe, Miss B. _ 2,759 — owe, Mrs. J. M. _ 8,460 — owery, Mrs. H. J. _ 877 — owery, Miss M. E. - 16 — owndes, A. M. . 5.391 — owndes, J. _ _ 8.160 — ozada, Miss A. V. _ 3,456 — uca, G. _ _ 4.618 — ucas, G. E. _ 1,596 — ucier, Mrs. K. I. _ 1,015 — uciw, Mrs. J. _ 4,005 — ucke, Mrs. H. _ 5,376 — ufkin, Mrs. M . . 2,850 — ukacs, Mrs. I. _ 3,490 — ukaniuk, Mrs. S. L. _ 5.930 — uke, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,623 — uke, Mrs. E. . . . 13,723 — ukes, Mrs. M. A. M . 5,384 — undy, Mrs. V. _ 3,720 — undy, Mrs. W. M. _ 3,618 — unn, Mrs. S. R. _ 3,073 — upick, Mrs. V. V. _ 3,780 — uschnat, Mrs. F. _ 5,376 — utes, Miss A. _ 1,163 — utz, Mrs. H. M. _ 4,012 — ybeck, Mrs. M. R. _ 7,860 — Salary $ Lyle, A. D. _ 6,149 Lyle, C. W. _ 261 Lyle, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,355 Lynch, Mrs. A. _ 4,279 Lynch, W. F. _ 6,318 Lynes, J. A. _ 6,504 Lyons, Miss A. _ 2,759 Lyons, J. W. _ 4,536 Lyons, Miss L. - 2,759 MacArthur, Mrs. K. G. — 5,376 MacCuish, D. I . . 1,651 MacDonald, A. _ 6,521 MacDonald, Miss A. F. — 724 MacDonald, Mrs. A. M _ 88 MacDonald, A. W. - 1,148 MacDonald, Mrs. B. P — 3,903 MacDonald, Mrs. E. A._ 825 MacDonald, G. _ 5,688 MacDonald, Mrs. G . - 1,534 MacDonald, G. D. - 552 MacDonald, Mrs. I. L. — 3,756 MacDonald, J. S. - 4.970 MacDonald, Miss M. — 5,172 MacDonald, Miss M. D._ 2,715 MacDonald, Mrs. N. J — 3,756 MacDonald, Mrs. V. M._ 5,420 MacDougall, J. - — 5,796 MacDougall, Mrs. V. E._ 3,828 MacGillivary, J . . 10,860 Maclnnes, C. I. - 7,672 Maclnnes, Miss M . — 2,758 MacIntyre, Mrs. A . 5.320 MacIntyre, J. D - - 5.504 MacIntyre, J. M. — . — 2,698 MacIntyre, Mrs. M. W — 6,534 MacKay, D. M. - 5,274 MacKay, Mrs. E . — 4,440 MacKay, Mrs. J. V. - 993 MacKay, R. D. - 5.580 MacKenzie, Miss A. - 6,234 MacKenzie, Mrs. E. T. ... 5,376 MacKenzie, F. - — 6,756 MacKenzie, Mrs. M. E._ 6.144 MacKenzie, Mrs. S. R. — 6,554 MacKenzie, Miss T. 300 MacKinnon, Mrs. K. E. — 8,160 MacKintosh, J. D. - 4,800 MacLean, Mrs. A. - 4,788 MacLean, Miss D. A. - 2,380 MacLellan, Miss A - 1,894 MacLellan, Mrs. K. - 5,381 MacLellan, N. A. W. — 6,524 MacLellan, Miss S. - 4,521 MacLeod, I. - 6,279 MacLeod, Miss S. I. - 7,560 MacMillan, B. F. - 5,580 MacMurchy, Miss R. — 2,321 MacNutt, Miss L. - 1,170 MacPherson, Mrs. O. — 5,816 Machmer, H. A. - 5,391 Mackie, Mrs. E. E. - 1,681 Mackie, Mrs. H. R . — - 6.756 Mackie, Miss M. M. - 7,860 Madden, Mrs. D. B. - 6,534 Madsen, Mrs. A. H. - 4,608 Maerzke, H. K. - 2,088 Magill, Mrs. A. - 3,681 Magis, Miss M. F. - 2,584 Magistad M. O. - 5,391 Magnus, Mrs. K. J. - 3,139 Maguire, Miss K. F. P. — 3,280 Maher, K. M. - 210 Mahlman, Mrs. I. - 3,600 Mailloux, Mrs. B. N. - 4,985 Mailloux, Mrs. M. G. — 6,029 Maio, A. - - - - 4,755 Majstorovic, M. - *’520 Maki, Mrs. M. T. - 697 Making, Mrs. C. B. - 2,603 Makowichuk, Mrs. A. - 4,272 Makton, Mrs. M. - 6,756 Malaka, D. D. - 905 Malesku, P. - 4,855 M allins, Mrs. H - 4,569 Mallory, Mrs. D. - 4,128 Malloy, Miss M. J. - 4,288 Malmberg, Mrs. J. M. — 6,501 Maloan, T. S. - 5.376 Maloff, Miss D. - 1,170 Malone, Mrs. H. F. - 5,391 Man, Miss K. K - 5,997 Travel $ 72 291 53 120 216 80 Salary Travel $ $ Man, Kenneth K . 5,864 — Manders, H. H. - 6,534 — Manderson, Mrs. S. A _ 3,210 — Manion, C. T. _ . 968 — Mann, Mrs. L. M. _ 5,355 — Mansfield, G. R. . . . 19,380 431 Manson, Miss E. .. . . 2,372 — Manton, Miss S. E. 4,146 — Manum, Miss J. M. _ 5,796 — Manzer, Mrs. L. F. _ 6,756 — Manzer, Mrs. O. A. _ 5,100 — Manzerolle, Mrs. F. O _ 2,186 — Mapson, Mrs. P. A. _ 1,708 — March, Miss T. L. _ 1,324 — Marchand, J. A. _ 473 — Marchand, Miss J. V. _ 716 — Marcoux, Mrs. M. F. _ 4,608 — Marcoux, Mrs. R. E. _ 5,386 — Marcus, F. J. _ _ 5,340 — Marcus, Mrs. V. _ 4,114 — Marican, A. R. . _ 6,184 _ Markel, W. R. _ ... 5,811 — Markley, J. A. _ 7,860 — Marko, Mrs. M. _ ... 3,660 — Marko, R. M. . . 1,698 — Marr, Mrs. E. . _ 4,370 _ Marr, Mrs. M. E. _ 9,960 99 Marrington, Mrs. C. M. E. 3,900 Marsh, Mrs. A. 3,663 _ Marshall, G. E. _ 6,470 _ Marsolais, Mrs. L. G. .. _. 4,691 _ Martel, A. T. _ 5,406 _ Martel, L. J. _ _ 5,955 _ Martens, Mrs. A. B. .. . 3,601 _ Martens, Mrs. D. _ .... 4,081 _ Martin, A . . . . 4,174 _ Martin, A. _ .... 4,500 Martin, D. J. M. _ 6,519 _ Martin, Mrs. E. . . 4,141 _ Martin, Mrs. F,. 1,534 _ Martin, F. _ _ . 3,439 _ Martin, Miss J. _ 944 _ Martin, Mrs. M. G. _ 3,486 _ Martin, Mrs. M. H. A. .... 3,600 _ Martin, Mrs. M. V. _ 6,399 _ Martin, P. C. _ _ 1,077 _ Martin, R. H. _ _ 6,504 _ Martin, Mrs. W. C. _ 3,774 _ Martinow, Mrs. FI. _ 6,504 _ Martinow, Mrs. L. G. _ 5,590 _ Martyn, Miss D. ... 4,440 _ Masecar, Mrs. S. I. _ 2,923 _ Masi, F _ _ .... .. 4,616 _ Mason, Miss A . . 2,998 _ Mason, Mrs. J. M. .. 4,985 - Mason, Mrs. N. M. . 5,072 _ Mason, W. L. _ 5,062 - Massey, T. _ _ 4,620 _ Masterson, W. R. ... 5,274 223 Mather, Mrs. S. I. _ 894 _ Mathers, Mrs. H. I. 761 _ Matheson, F. A. _ .. 13,710 2,504 Matheson, Mrs. F. W _ 1,817 — Matheson, Mrs. K. H _ 207 _ Mathews, G. E. _ 542 — Mathieson, Mrs. M. D. _ 3,552 — Mathieu, Miss D. E _ 3,197 — Matovich, Miss R. M. _ 5,539 — Matson, Mrs. J. E. _ 3,919 — Matthew, Mrs. R. S. _ 7,703 — Matthews, Mrs. G. _ 4,524 — Matthews, G. S . . . 5,386 — Matthews, W. G. . . .. 5,376 — Mattie, S. E _ _ 5,391 — Mattila, R. ... . 1,142 — Mattson, Mrs. E. M _ 5,274 — Matundan, Miss G. V. _ 3,244 — Matwick, Mrs. N. _ 4,709 — Maurer, J. H. _ _ _ 4,939 — Maurer-Haylas, Miss I. R. 4,803 — Mawson, H . . . 4,458 — Maxwell, Mrs. E. M. _ 545 — Maxwell, G. G. _ 8,160 232 Maxwell, Mrs. N. L. _ 3,704 — May, A. E. 6,756 — May, Mrs. M. J. . — 2,390 — Mayers, D. . . . 5,931 — Mayers, Miss E . 4,698 — Mayers, Mrs. E. F. . 4,524 — Maynard, C. C. ~ - 5,907 — McAleer, D. J. - 5,565 — 90 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary $ McAllister, W. _ _ . 4,516 McAloney, H. L. _ 3,633 McAndrew, Mrs. M. L _ 2,560 McAnerin, Miss M. A. _ 4,325 McAreavy, A. _ 2,694 McArthur, Mrs. M. _ 5,376 McAuley, G. _ 2,770 McAuley, W. F. _ 5,376 McBeth, Mrs. S. M. _ 5,391 McBournie, Mrs. E. _ 5,376 McBryan, Mrs. L. M _ _ 541 McCabe, Mrs. P. M. _ 2,688 McCaffery, Mrs. V. G _ _ 6,756 McCaig, K. W. _ _ . 6,401 McCaig, M. E. _ 4,880 McCaig, Miss M. L. A _ _ 1,266 McCallum, D. R. G. _ 7,284 McCallum, D. T. _ 5,820 McCallum, Mrs. E. _ 5,386 McCardle, Mrs. J. M. _ 5,254 McCarthy, Mrs. B. T. _ 4,693 McCaskill, Mrs. G. L. _ 5,728 McCaw, Miss Y. O. _ _ 4,626 McChesney, Mrs. A. _ 8,760 McChesney, J. G. _ 8,820 McClelland, Mrs. K. P _ 5,289 McCloskey, P. B. _ 5,396 McCloud, P. C. _ 6,508 McClymont, M. R . . 8,340 McColeman, Mrs. J. M._ 3,552 McColl, A. _ _ 4,047 McComb, Mrs. M. K. _ 947 McCombe, Mrs. M. T. _ . 9,350 McConkey, G. S. _ 6,511 McConnell, Mrs. M. _ 5,376 McConochie, J. D. _ 3,231 McCook, Mrs. F. E. _ _ 3,584 McCormick, Miss C. M._ 7,860 McCormick, Mrs. F. M._ 4,604 McCormick, L. L. _ 10,380 McCourt, Mrs. R. _ 5,108 McCowan, J. S. _ 5,391 McGowan, Mrs. M. J. _ 1,836 McCrea, Miss S. S. _ 762 McCready, P. _ 1,954 McCullough, Mrs. A. J._ 1,788 McCusker, P. L. _ 6,274 McCusker, Mrs. S. A. _ 4,808 McCutcheon, L. D. _ 6,514 McDade, F. _ 5,376 McDermid, Miss N. C. _ 2,189 McDonald, Mrs. B. _ 1,289 McDonald, Mrs. B. L. _ 3,659 McDonald, G. L. _ 5,160 McDonald, Miss H. E. _ 378 McDonald, Miss L. _ 1,510 McDonald, Mrs. P. M. _ _ 885 McDonell, Mrs. D. J. _ 4,128 McDonough, T. C. _ 1,862 McDougall, D. _ 5,391 McEachern, Miss J. __ 1,292 McEvoy, Mrs. P. M. _ 742 McEwen, Mrs. E. E. _ 6,514 McFadden, Mrs. E. _ _ _ 4,748 McFadden, G. R. _ 1,365 McFadden, M. J, _ 6,164 McFadyen, R. R. _ 6,756 McFarlane, Mrs. M. E. ____ 4,440 McFarlane, R. A. _ 6,756 McFarlane. W. J. G. 20,040 McFeat, Mrs. S. F. _ 4.876 McGill, Mrs. A. C. _ 6,930 McGill, Mrs. C. J. _ 6,756 McGill, Mrs. S. J. _ 6,672 McGillivray, Mrs. A. _ 2,128 McGinn, Mrs. V. B. _ 4,788 McGladdery, Mrs. L. A. . 5.773 McGlashan, Miss R. _ 3.871 McGovern. Miss P. _ 2,349 McGowan, Miss V. L. ... 1,523 McGregor, Miss D. M _ 1.162 McGuire, F. _ 7,560 McGuire, J. D. E. _ 2,656 McHallam, Mrs. S. A _ 6,039 Mcllhargey, Mrs. D. E. _ 4.128 Mcllvaney, B. _ 6.519 Mcllvaney, J. _ 6,504 Mclnnes, R. S. _ 5,727 Travel $ 147 460 262 278 Mclnnis, Mrs. M. D. _ Salary $ 1,344 Travel $ McIntosh, A. _ 9,960 710 McIntosh, D. D. _ 4,407 — McIntosh, E. D. _ 6,756 — McIntosh, Mrs. M. C. - __ 4,370 — McIntyre, Miss F. S. C. 4,338 — McIntyre, T. C. _ _____ 2,276 — Mclvor, Miss E. S. J. _ 7,560 — McKay, A. W . . 6.049 — McKeen, Mrs. J. S. _ 6,279 — McKellar, Miss J. M. _ 3,085 — McKelvie, H. E. _ 6,504 — McKenna, Miss L. S. _ 5,396 — McKenna, T. J. 9,540 157 McKenny, Mrs. D. _ 3,638 — McKenzie, Mrs. E. E . 1,839 _ McKenzie, H. E. _____ . 5.396 — McKenzie, Mrs. I. _ 4,980 — McKenzie, J. W. ... _ __ 4,696 _ McKenzie, O. J. _ _ 5,274 _ McKeon, Miss L. M. _ 2,067 — McKeown, Miss M. E. _ 439 — McKercher, Miss H. F. _ 5,274 — McKimmie, A. B . McKinley, Mrs. F. M. ____ 5,160 — 1,170 — McKinnon, Miss E. J. _ 1.270 — McKitrick, Miss S. M. _ 1,828 — McKnight, G. V. ._ . 9,540 29 McLaren, B. H. 5,406 — McLaren, I. ... _ _ 6,039 — McLaren, Mrs. M. B. M. 4,434 — McLaren, S. A. _ 5,672 — McLauchlan, H. G. _ 6.534 _ McLauchlan, R. W. _ 4,508 _ McLaughlin, Miss A. S. 5.688 — McLaws, Mrs. D. E. _ 2,563 — McLean, Mrs. A. A. _ 5.100 _ McLean, A. R. _ _ 4,177 — McLean, Mrs. F. A. _ 2,157 — McLean, Mrs. L. R. _ 3,540 _ McLean, Miss T. 1,118 — McLean, Miss V. P. 677 — McLellan, Mrs. M . 4,460 — McLennan, Mrs. A. _ 2,730 — McLennan. Mrs. F. _ 2,672 — McLeod, Mrs. A. _ 3,600 — McLeod, Mrs. A. M. _ 1,369 — McLeod, Miss F. _ _ 2,759 — McLeod. Mrs. M. D. _ 3,213 — McLoughlin, T. _ _ 9,180 — McMahon. Mrs. B. J. _ 3,505 — McMahon, Mrs. I. F. _ 17 — McMahon, J. B. _ 7,155 — McMahon, Mrs. R. M. _„ 4,480 — McManus, L. E . _ 7.260 164 McMath, Miss P. _ 3,252 — McMichael, J. R. _ 5.188 — McMitchell, C. L. R. D. . 5,216 — McMullan, K. _ 6,294 — McMullen, Mrs. D. M. ____ 1,931 — McMullen, Miss P. _ 2.758 — McMurdo, Mrs. M. E. .___ 6,537 — McMurray, N. R. _ 4,694 — McNabb, Mrs. E. G. _____ 3,019 — McNair, F. E. 19.380 844 McNally. Miss P. _ 2,335 — McNaughton. Mrs. N. J._ 5,740 — McNeil. H. M. _ _ _____ 4,650 — McNeillv, W _ _ 4,684 — McNicol, Mrs. S. J. _ 2,790 — McNie. Mrs. A. S. _ 3.610 — McNiven, J. ____ _ 5.254 — McNulty, Mrs. A. _ 5,376 — McNulty, Mrs. S. D. _ 4.527 — McPherson, Miss D. _ 1,170 — McPherson, G. D. _ 4,308 — McPherson, Miss H. _ 561 — McPherson. Mrs. I. D. _ 6.134 — McPherson, R. D. _ 5,436 — McQuay, J. F. _ 4,920 — McRae, Miss M. J. _ 2,413 23 McRae, N. D. _ _ _ 6,480 — McSweeney, Miss L. O. _ 5,910 5 McTavish, Miss L. _ 2,372 — Meadowcroft, D. L. _ 3,060 — Meagher, Mrs. W. M. _ 8,160 244 Meakes, Miss N. ._ _ 2,372 — Medalen, D. N. _ 5,597 — Medeiros, U. P. _ 348 — Medwid, Mrs. B. M. _ 5,391 — Salary Trai $ $ Meek, Mrs. M. D. _ __ 4,733 — Meier, Miss P. M. _ 1,550 — Meijll, Miss T. _ _ _ 5,901 — Meiners, D. J. _ 7,284 2 Meissner, Mrs. M. _ _ 2,459 — Melard, Mrs. J. A. _ 75 — Melhuish, Mrs. M. A. _ 5,100 — Mellon, H. L. _ 2,436 — Mellor, E. V. _ 19,380 ) Melville, G. _ 4,980 — Melzer, G. A. _ 3,439 — Menagh, N. A. _ 4,368 — Menzies, Miss B. S. _ 5,263 Menzies, C. D. _ 5,820 — Menzies, Mrs. N. L. _ _ 6,384 — Mercado, Mrs. P. _ _____ 5,950 — Mercer, H. _ 9,350 — Mercer, Mrs. R. K. _ _ _ _ 1,134 — Merchison, L. H. _ 4,500 — Meredith, Mrs. B. J. _ 6,504 — Meredith, E. E. _ 4,967 — Meredith, Mrs. J. _ _ 3,780 — Merius, J. R. _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,415 — Merrick, Mrs. E. _ 3,720 — Merrick, E. V. R. _ 9,960 11 Merrill, Mrs. E. L. _ 3,720 — Merriman, Mrs. F. S. _ 1,850 — Merrington, Mrs. M. G. H. 2,710 — Merritt, Mrs. G. E. _ 5,376 — Merryweather, Mrs. F. W. 1,770 — Messenger, Mrs. J. E. . _ 4,380 — Meszaros, F. I. _ 4,800 ' Meszaros, Mrs. M. _____ 3,504 — Metcalf, Mrs. E. E. _ _ 2,661 — Metcalfe, Mrs. E. _ 1,404 — Metcalfe, H. C _ 5,376 — Meth, Miss S. L . . 2,230 — Metzger, Mrs. V. D. _ _ 738 — Meunier, J. L. P. C. _ _ 7,860 53 Mewburn, R. H. _ _ 8,848 — Mewhort, Miss I. _ 1,249 — Meyer, Mrs. I. L. _ _ 5,386 — Meyer, Mrs. L. J. _ _ 3,100 — Meyer, Mrs. M. T. _ _ 517 — Michalke, R. P. _ 4,845 — Michaud, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,945 — Michaud, Mrs. D. S. _ _ 1,387 — Michaud, Miss M. J. S. _ 3,272 — Michel, H. R. _ 4,788 — Michie, D. J. _ 6,756 — Mickelby, R. M. _ 2,060 — Middleton, G. A. _ 2,004 — Mide, Mrs. P. A. _ 894 — Midtdal, Mrs. B. A. C. _ 1,057 — Mikota, Mrs. D. M. _ 5,091 — - Milan, Mrs. E. W. _ 4,440 — Miles, Miss G. C. _ _ 239 — Miles, Miss S. _ 5,503 — Millar, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,629 — Millard, Mrs. E. J. _ 4,422 — Milleker, J. A. _ 5,273 — Miller, Miss C. C. _ 5,498 — Miller, Miss D. _ 2,759 — Miller, Mrs. D. _ _ _ 2,390 — Miller, Mrs. E. M. . 6,994 — Miller, Miss J. _ _ 1,225 — Miller, Miss L. _ 299 — Miller, Mrs. L. J. _ _ 3,350 — Miller, Mrs. L. M. _ _ 4,112 — Miller, Mrs. P. E. _ 5,376 — Miller, Miss P. R. _ 4,559 — Miller, Mrs. V. R. _ 1,879 — Millette, J. I. _ 5,132 — Millidge, E. W. _ 5,386 — Milligan, Mrs. B. G. _ 1,215 — Mills, A. _ 3,162 — Mills, D. V. _ 4,788 — Mills, G. I. _ 5,233 — Mills, Mrs. I. H _ 3,946 — Mills, S. G. _ 359 — Mills, Mrs. U. E. B. _ 7,043 — Milne, A. _ . _ 6,756 — Milne, F. N. _ 8,460 — Milne, Mrs. G. _ 5,386 — Milne, W _ 5,381 — Milner, Mrs. M. J. _ 1,550 — Mimay, A. _ 1,590 — Minnery, C. _ _ 2,365 — Minnery, J _ _ 5,340 — Mino, Mrs. K. B . . 3,752 — Minshull, H. _ 6,516 — Mitchell, Miss C . 2,759 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 91 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary $ Iitchell, Mrs. J. A. _ 3,780 litchell, Mrs. L. G. _ 2,183 Iitchell, Miss M. A. _ 2,608 litchell, Mrs. M. V. _ 2,981 Iitchell, Miss S. _ _ 1,170 litchell. Miss S. I. _ 1,592 litchell, Miss S. M. _ 1,036 litton, Mrs. E. R. _ _ 3,600 litzel, Mrs. G. A. _ 5,503 litzel, M. J. _ 4,318 fiyoshi, K. K. _ 6,632 loat, Mrs. R. M. _ 3.972 loberg, Mrs. J. F. _ 5,391 loe, W. D. _ .... 5,910 loen, Mrs. H. G. _ 3.573 loerth, Mrs. G. _ 2,986 loffatt, Mrs. G. P. _ 4,193 loffatt, R. W. _ 361 lohr, G. W. _ 6,515 loi, R. A _ _ 6,756 loka, Mrs. M. M . — 4,688 loll, Miss C. _ 2,758 loncrief, Mrs. B. R. _ 1,879 londor, Mrs. H. R. _ 704 lonk, Mrs. L. A. _ 3.364 lonnon, Mrs. P. A. _ 5,376 lonroe, W. L. - _ 5,121 rontemavor, Miss F. E. 281 lontgomery, Miss J. E. _ 8,160 lonuik, Miss B. M. _ 5,391 loody, Miss C. _ 2,759 foody, Miss E. M. _ 8,460 loody, M. _ 5,520 loorcroft, Miss L. _ 2.350 loore, A. J _ _ _ 5,376 loore, Miss C. A. _ 940 loore, Mrs. D. E. . _ 3,782 loore, Miss D. J. _ 3,296 loore, Mrs. E . 4,524 loore, Miss G. _ 5,498 loore, Miss G. B. _ 4,249 loore, G. E. _ _ 5,396 loore, Mrs. G. E. _ 4.980 roore, G. L. _ 5,376 loore. Miss J. G. _ 1.809 loore, R. G. _ 8,160 loore. Miss S. M. _ 5,478 loorthy. R. N . _ 13,761 lora, C. _ 565 lora, Mrs. V. _ 5.386 loreno, Miss A. _ 5,930 loret. Miss M. . 2,372 loretto, Mrs. L. M. _ 6,144 rorgan, Miss A. _ 3.199 [organ, Mrs. A. R. _ 3,678 [organ, Mrs. J. M. . _ 5,355 [organ, Mrs. P. D. _ 4,990 (organ, R. L. G. _ 7,860 [organ. Miss V. A . 5,580 [organ, W. _ 1.162 [organ, W. S. . . 7,020 foricz. Miss M. _ 1,519 lorin, Mrs. D. M. _ 1.706 lorley. Mrs. G. A. _ 3,492 loro, Mrs. T. _ 300 lorrall, A. B. K. _ _ 2,800 [orris, Mrs. B. _ . _ 1,054 (orris, Mrs. T. E . . 1.370 [orris, Miss M. G. - 2,584 [orris, S. _ 5,376 lorrison, Mrs. E. P. _ 3,668 [orrison, J. _ 1,336 (orrison, J. S. _ 849 [orrison, Mrs. M. C. _ 5.376 [orrison, Mrs. W. J. _ 8,082 rorrow, J. G. _ 4,810 forrow. V/. W . . 4.360 [orse, G. O. _ _ 5.089 lorson, Mrs. J. O. _ 4.643 lortensen, Mrs. D. A. _ 3,121 fortensen, Mrs. U. _ 5.703 lortensen. Miss U. L . 1,170 [ortimer. Mrs. G. _ 4.590 lorton, J. A. . . 121 orton, M . . 5.232 tosdell, Mrs. C. J. _ 8,164 [ossford, Mrs. E . . 1.594 totick, A. S. _ 5,520 lotowylo. Mrs. A. K. .. 5.401 [otyka, Miss S. _ 5,386 Travel $ 54 8 262 Salary Travel $ $ Mouldey, Mrs. M. R. _ 2,552 — Mounce, Mrs. E. M. 3,507 — Mounfield. .1. A. 5,436 — Mowry, G. B. _ _ 2,105 — Moyer, Mrs. V. E. _ 5,096 — Muchowski, Mrs. A. _ 5,416 — Mueller, Mrs. M. 3,750 — Muir, B. A. 6,756 — Muir, Mrs. E. E. _ 4,884 — Muir, Mrs. E. G. _ 5,406 — Muir, J. _ 6,149 — Muir, Miss L. _ 2,372 — Muir. N. R. _ _ 5,816 — Muir, Mrs. S. H. 5,948 — Muise, B. _ ... 7,860 — Mullen, Mrs. K. H. _ 5,376 — Muller, Mrs. K. _ 3,559 — Munian, Miss T. A. _ 2,043 — Munn, A. E. _ _ . ... 4,980 — Munoz-Millan, R. J. _ 6,450 — Munro, Mrs. J. A. _ 6,026 — Munro, Mrs. J. L. _ 1,514 — Munro, J. S _ _ 5,376 85 Munro, Mrs. K. R. _ 2,968 — Munro, Mrs. P. V. _ 1 ,913 — Munro, R. _ 6,000 — Munro, Miss T. _ 3,199 - - Murchison. Mrs. M. B _ 5,386 — Murdoch, Mrs. C. R. _ 3,608 — Murdoch, Mrs. F. A. _ 5,399 — Murdoch, Mrs. M. E. _ 2,790 — Murdoch, Mrs. M. F. _ 4,440 — Murdoch, Mrs. M. R. _ 5,406 — Murdoch, N. D. _ 2,994 — Murdoch, U. O. _ 3,110 — Murdoff, D. M. _ _ 1,776 — Murgatroyd, Mrs. H. A.. 8,460 — Murphy, D. C. _ 6.504 — Murphy, Mrs. G. D. _ 5,274 — Murphy, Miss J. E. _ 3,035 155 Murphy, Miss J. E. _ 4,141 — Murphy, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,841 — Murphy, Miss M. L. _ 3,940 — Murphy, Mrs. T. M. _ 6,509 — Murray, Miss C. . _ 8,220 — Murray, Miss D. _ 2,758 — Murray, Mrs. D. F. _ 5,376 — Murray, Mrs. F. M. _ 2,652 — Murray, Mrs. G. L. A. _ 5.520 — Murray, Mrs. M. E. _ 5,386 — Murray, P. . _ . 300 — Murray, P. D. _ ... 2,363 — Murray, P. G. _ 3,058 — Murray, Mrs. P. J. . _ 303 — Murray, W. J. F. _ 5,820 — Music, R. G. . . . 4,788 252 Muthanna, K. C. _ 6,037 — Muye, Mrs. S. D. _ 1,457 — Myer, J. J. _ 4,037 — Myer, Mrs. K. J. _ 3,731 — Myers, Mrs. C. M. _ 2,962 — Mylroie, Mrs. F. E. _ 5,376 — Myndzak, Mrs. J. L. _ 1,209 — Myram, Mrs. B. S. _ 2,537 — Myran, Mrs. H. M. _ 2,284 — Nadarajan, V. _ 6.409 — Nadeau, Mrs. M. F. L. _ 4,788 — Nadeau, Mrs. M. L. J _ 4,750 — Nadon, Mrs. A. .... . ... 615 — Nagel, A. H _ _ 4,361 — Nagle, Mrs. D. E. . .... 7,404 — Nagy, Mrs. J . . 2,881 — Nakonechny, Mrs. C. - 4,549 — Nakonechny, Miss R. _ 2,759 — Nalli, Mrs. S. ... . . . 5,391 — Naslund, Mrs. G. W. _ 3,910 — Nasu, Miss J. . - 1,986 — Nault, Mrs. D. L. _ 2,217 — Naylor. Mrs. D. R. _ 4,398 — Neal, F. C. _ _ _ 7,762 — Neal, Mrs. J. K. . . — 8,210 — Neale, G. C. — . - 2,156 — Neave, Mrs. M. S. _ 17,400 463 Needham, L. - 5,580 — Needham, Miss T. _ _ 449 — Needham, Mrs. T. M. _ 4,128 — Neeson, G. _ 6,521 15 Salary $ Neff, E. K. _ 5,391 Neff, R. F. _ 5,171 Negraiff, Mrs. E. A. _ 3,840 Neil, Miss M. E. _ _ 4,282 Neil, Miss R. M. _ _ 2,372 Neil, T. O. _ 6,409 Neill, Mrs K. I. _ 4,524 Neilson, G. E. _ _ _ 6,529 Nelson, E. C. _ 5,376 Nelson, E. C. _ _ _ 5,401 Nelson, J. C. _ 1,477 Nelson, Miss K. _ _ _ _ 2,759 Nelson, Mrs. M. A. _ 2,610 Nembhard, Mrs. M. G. 89 Nesbitt, Miss J. A. ___ 3,055 Ness, A. M. _ 5,160 Nestegard, Mrs. S. M. __ 3,237 Neufeld, Mrs. E. . _ _ _ 197 Neufeld, Mrs. G. _ 3,969 Neufield, W. P. _ 5,403 Neumann, H. J. _ 4,500 Neumann, Mrs. L. M. _ 4.884 Neumann, P. G. _ _ 4,800 Newbery, Miss D. G. _ _ 913 Newitt, Mrs. H. B . . 5,386 Newlands, Mrs. I. M. _ 3,477 Newman, Mrs. E. _ _ 4,627 Newman, Mrs. P. _ 3,100 Newman, Mrs. P. E. _ 4,450 Newman, Mrs. S. A. _ 7,560 Newman, W. H. _ 6,420 Newton, Mrs. G. L. _ _ 2,581 Newton, Miss O. _ 4,362 Newton, T. E. _ 4,800 Newton-White, Mrs. A. M. 9,960 Nice, Mrs. P. A. _ 3,720 Nicholson, Miss C. _ 2,758 Nickel, S. _ 207 Nickoli. J. A. _ 5,520 Nicol, Mrs. M. _ 3,691 Nicolle, Miss C. _ 34 Nicolson, G. A. _ 19,380 Nicolson, J. M. _ 5,745 Nielsen, Mrs. R. _ 7,860 Niesner, Mrs. F. R. _ 1,393 Nightingale, J. A. _ 1,175 Nikkei, R. H. _ 493 Nimegeers, Miss G. M. „ 1,979 Nistuk, Mrs. B. J. _ _ 1,030 Noel, E. R. _ 4,713 Noel, Mrs. K. E. _ 5,490 Noordhof, R. H _ 2,172 Nordstrom, Mrs. H. S. _ 262 Norman, Mrs. D. M. _ 5,376 Normey, Mrs. M. I. _ 6,524 Northup, Miss L. K. _ 139 Norton, A. E. _ _ 1,594 Novakowski, J. P. _ 5,040 Nowak, Mrs. E. _ 2,508 Nowell, Mrs. S. P. _ 4,580 Noyes, Miss B. J. _ 436 Noyes, J. R _ _ 5,400 Nugent, Mrs. M. E . . 3,698 Numminen, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,735 Nun dal. L. K. _ _ 4,554 Nunn, J. _ _ _ 4,649 Nunn, K _ _ 215 Nybo, M. _ 5,411 O’Brien, Miss J. C. _ 5,350 O’Brien, L. _ 5,076 O'Brien, Mrs. M. J. _ 1,380 O’Brien, P. J. _ 5,376 O’Brien, R. . 300 O’Connor, Mrs. E. _ 4,608 O’Connor, G. L. _ 1,698 O’Connor, J. L. _ 406 O’Connor, W. P. _ 4,453 O’Donnell, Mrs. C. _ 3.720 O’Donnell, H. _ 4,500 O’Donnell, M. F. _ 6,642 O’Grady, Mrs. B. M. _ 6,756 O’Halloran, Miss C. A. _ 3,218 O’Hare, Mrs. J. D. _ 5,376 O’Neil, J. F. _ 8,820 O’Neill, Mrs. D. G. _ 6,304 O’Neill, Miss E. J. _ 1,854 O’Neill, Miss L. P. _ 997 O’Toole, Mrs. D. A. _ 5,376 Oakes, R. V. _ 585 Oberg, Mrs. D. M. _ 5,585 Odium, Mrs. S. H. _ 7,680 Travel $ 184 723 409 181 162 37 92 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Ogden, Miss S. C. _ 7,152 84 Ogilvie, Mrs. T. D. _ 6,504 — Ohligschlager, J. 5,376 — Okada, S. _ 4,166 — Olafson, Miss P. A. 5,477 — Oleksyn, Miss C. 7,284 132 Oliver, C. A. - . 6,504 — Oliver, Mrs. H. 6,519 — Olsen, E. _ .. 4,901 — Olsen, L. . _ . . . 1,565 — Olsoff, Mrs. W _ 3,600 — Olson, Mrs. C. 3,720 — Olson, E. W. . . 5,376 — Olson, Mrs. J. E. 4,770 — Olson, Mrs. J. P. 6,111 — Olson, M. E. 6,444 — Oltean, M. S. _ 1,020 — Olynik, Miss F. D. _ 6,756 — Omond, Miss D. J. 260 — Oner, Mrs. R. B. 5,376 — Oppen, Mrs. T. J. 4,211 — Oram, E. F . . . 6,514 — Orlik, H. _ _ 560 — Orloski, Mrs. B. M. _ 155 — Orme, Mrs. V. M. G. - 4,428 — Orosz, Mrs. H. M. _ 1,248 — Orpwood, Mrs. D. M. __ 4,881 — Orr, Mrs. C. A. _ 6,024 — Orrock, M. G. _ 5.930 — Ortega, Mrs. E. L. _ 5,679 — Ortega, Miss R. G. _ 3,370 — Osborn, Miss D. E. _ 1.140 — Osborn, Miss G. _ 3,143 — Osborne, Mrs. A. _ 1.932 — Osborne, Mrs. A. _ 1.635 — Osborne, Mrs. A. _ 5,393 — Osborne, Mrs. D. M. _ 1,034 91 Osmond, Miss J. _ 1,170 — Osmond, L. J . . . 8,160 9 Ostermeier. L. 5,925 — Otsig, Mrs. A. W. _ 3,681 — Otto, Mrs. J. B. _ _ 4,206 — Ottoson, Miss D. _ 2,372 — Ottoson, Miss E. _ 2,372 — Ouellette, Mrs. S. B. _ 3,860 — Ouimet, Mrs. B. L. _ 5.187 — Ouyang, R _ _ _ 4,447 49 Overbeck, Mrs. R. E. _ 5,386 — Overwater, Mrs. S. P. _ 1.159 — Owen. Mrs. M. F. _ 4,788 — Owen, Miss M. L. _ 6.275 — Owens, A. L. - 5,580 — Owens, F. O. _ 6,519 — Ozol, Miss S. H. _ 1,984 — Paetkau, J. _ 4,500 — Page, Mrs. G. O. _ 1,329 — Page, Mrs. J. A. _ . . 2,398 — Paget, Mrs. H. J. _ 4,455 — Paisley. Mrs. M. H. _ 3.602 — Paley, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,015 — Pallett, Mrs. J. H. _ 2,818 — Pallmann, L. J. J. _ 187 — Palm, Mrs. J. M. . . . 4,788 99 Palm. R. M. _ _ 8,460 — Palmer, Mrs. B. D. _ 3,354 — Palmer, Mrs. I. C. _ 3.780 — Palvesky, Mrs. A. E. _ 8,460 — Pampu, Mrs. B. J. _ 4,284 — Pankrath, W. G. _ _ 5,907 — Pankratz, W. J. _ 10,874 14 Pansegrau, Miss H. _ 6,279 — Paone. Miss M. _ ... 2,759 — Pape, Mrs. B. _ _ 713 — Papp, L. _ 2.892 — Paquette, F. R. _ 1,414 — Parade, Mrs. L. - 69 — Paragas, P. G. . . 13,440 — Paragas, Mrs. R. G. _ 3.510 — Parcels, Miss P. H. ..... 5,371 — Parchomchuk, Mrs. E. C. 5,478 — Parenteau, Mrs. M. _ 2,641 — Park, J. _ 5,190 — Park, K. W. _ 29 — Parke, J. A. _ 6,324 — Parker, Mrs. M. _ 6.800 — Parker, Miss P. L. F. _ 5,688 — Parkinson, Mrs. G. L. _ 5,215 — Parkinson, Miss J. _ 5.508 — Parkinson, Mrs. M. M. _ _ 5.376 — Parkinson, P. J. - 4,638 — Parks, Miss D. L. - 1,293 — Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Parr, Mrs. P. L. _ 4,426 — Parrotta, N. _ 769 — Parry, Miss E. A. _ 2,107 — Parry, G. W. _ .... 5,114 — Parsk, D. P _ _ 35 — Parsons, F. A. _ 6,039 — Parsons, Mrs. M. L. _ 2,892 — Parton, Mrs. R. _ 3,600 — Paschal, Mrs. D. L. _ 7,860 25 Pastorek, L. _ _ _ .... 7,860 — Pastorek, W. V. _ .... 7,570 — Patchell, Mrs. D. V. _ 2,989 — Patel, V. D. _ 10,080 — Paterson, D. C. _ 2,892 — Paterson, D. W. _ 1,171 — Paterson, R. _ _ 5,376 — Patmore, Miss A. V. _ 699 — Patriasz, Mrs. K. _ _ 13.710 — Patterson, Miss D. _ 1.170 — Patzer, Mrs. L. H. _ 7,860 — Paul, Mrs. A. R. _ 4,922 — Paul, Miss R. M. _ 7,723 — Paul, W. J. G. _ 362 — Paulgaard, Miss L. A _ 1,982 — Paulger, E. B. _ ... 5,355 — Paulson, Mrs. E. _ 10,050 — Paulson, Mrs. E. M . 6.659 — Paulson, Mrs. M. _ 4,973 — Pavlis, Miss M. _ 2,758 — Pawluk. W. _ _ _ 1,145 — Payne, H. E. .. _ 713 — Pazarena, J. _ 5.391 — Peace, Mrs. T. _ 8,025 — Peakall. H. L . . 6,756 33 Pearce, Mrs. E. E. _ 4.361 — Pearce, Miss L. 4,980 — Pearse, Mrs. J. L. M. _ 5,471 — Pecenka, F. P. _ . ... . 7,020 108 Pedersen, Mrs. J. A. . 8,280 — Pederson, D. A. . . _ 4,972 — Peeke-Vout, Miss L. K.._ 5,493 — Peele, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,440 — Peiser, H. J. _ _ _ 4,524 — Pellan, Mrs. G. B. _ 3,964 — Pelletier, Mrs. C. _ 4,721 445 Pemberton, A. W. _ 5,040 — Pemberton, Mrs. J. _ 6,876 — Pemberton, T. W. _ 6,504 — Pena, Miss J. ... _. 4,507 — Pendry, J. . . .... .. 2,603 — Penner, Miss E. 1,904 — Penner, E. E. 6,756 29 Penner, M. B. 2,014 — Pennicard, C. C. _ 4,697 — Penny, Mrs. M. _ _ 5,376 — Pennykid, Mrs. S. E. G... 3,457 — Percival, Miss C. 464 — Percival, Mrs. R. A. _ 3,600 — Perera, N. J. 6,149 — Perkins, C. C. .... 6,756 — Perras, Mrs. L. M. _ _ _ 2,189 — Perrier, Mrs. R. . . . 1,142 — Perry, Mrs. B. I. _ 2,991 — Perry, Miss C. P. . . .. . 5,391 — Perry, K. D. — 6,389 — Perry, Mrs. N. C. _ 6,756 — Perry, Miss W. J. _ 5,493 — Person, Mrs. P. D. _ 1,728 — Pertch, Mrs. B. _ 4,440 — Pescott, A. M. .... ... 5,820 — Pesonen, Mrs. L. _ 4,005 — Pestell, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,165 — Petapiece, Miss H. J. _ 3,280 — Peters, Miss A. M. _ 1,834 — Peters, R. J. . . . . . 5,303 — Peterson, Mrs. A. _ 3,488 — Peterson, Mrs. E. _ .. 3,720 — Peterson, Mrs. E. 5,376 — Peterson, Miss E. L. _ 7,103 — Peterson, G. N. _ 5,688 — Peterson, Miss L. _ 300 — Peterson, Mrs. L. F. _ 6,115 — Peterson, N. A. _ 5,160 — Peterson, Mrs. R. M. A... 2,298 — Peterson, Miss S. . ... 300 — Peterson, S. D. _ 3,974 — Petrie, Mrs. A. E. _ 1,703 — Petro, Miss A. . 2,940 — Pett, Mrs. E. . 720 — Salary Travel S $ Pettit, Mrs. A. M. _ _ _ _ 4,698 — Petty, Mrs. G. B. _ 6,756 — Petty, Miss J. L. _ 1,170 Pfeifer, Mrs. A. D. _ 6,879 — Pfiefer, Mrs. L. E. _ 124 — Pflager, Mrs. M. 5,026 75 Pfiug, Mrs. M. E. - 3,934 — Phelan, Mrs. C. E. _ _ 1,792 — Phelan, W. G. _ _ _ 6,529 — Phelps, Mrs. S. D. _ 1,088 — Philbin, Mrs. M. _ .. 249 — Philcox, Mrs. A. G. 1,300 — Philippot, J _ _ . 400 — Phillips, Miss A. J . . 5,811 — Phillips, E. D. .. - . . 312 — Phillips, Mrs. M. T. _ 3,259 — Phillips, Mrs. N. . . 2,452 — Phillips, R. J. _ 6,662 150 Phillips, Mrs. R. M. 7,860 — Phillips, Mrs. V. . . 5,376 — Phillips, W. _ _ _ 5,040 — Phillipson, Mrs. C. C. _ 5,376 — Phillipson, Mrs. J. .... 5,122 — Phillipson, Mrs. P. O. _ 4,308 — Philp, Mrs. I. F. - — 5,703 — Philp, R. B. .. _ 6,174 — Philpot, J. G . 6,504 325 Philpott, J, D. ._ _ 1,970 — Phippen, Mrs. J. E. _ 7,950 — Phippen, J. J. _ 5,386 — Pickering, Mrs. B. L. __ 4,602 — Picotte, Miss S. A. _ 3,189 — Pierce, J. E. _ _ 4,980 — Piercy, Miss M. J. _ 8,460 — Pilfer, H. F. .. .. _ 5,760 — Pike, Mrs. M. R. _ 3,720 — Pilfold, Mrs. K. M. _ _ 2,626 — Pilling, Mrs. H. - - 4,884 — Pilloud, Mrs. S. M. 4,362 — Pinette, Miss J. - - 2,759 — Pinkerton, Mrs. L. J. — 5,915 — Pinkham, D. M. . . ..... 5,376 — Piper, Miss O. M. _ _ 7.860 — Pirie, T. W. .. 5.500 — Pisic, Miss R. _ 3,070 — Pitchford, Miss J. I. _ 5,681 — Plato, Miss D. E. . .... 4,311 — Platt, R. _ - .... 6,264 — Platzer, Mrs. B. G. _ 4,628 — Platzer, Mrs. P. M. 3,559 — Plester, Miss K. M. - 375 12 Plett, Mrs. J. L. — . 5,314 — Plochl, Mrs. J. L. - 3,221 — Pocock, Miss B. J. E. _ 2,322 — Pocock, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,190 — Poirier, O. M. - 5,176 — Poitras, Mrs. A. _ 3,368 — Poitras, Miss D. C. - - 5,345 — Poitras. D. P. . . - 2,513 — Polak, Mrs. T. .... .... 3,560 — Pollard, Mrs. G. M. - 1,420 — Pollard, J. . . . . . 4,784 — Pollard, Miss K. A. - 327 — Pollard, Miss L. L. _ 4,893 292 Pollock, Mrs. A. L. .. - 3,427 — Pollok, Mrs. A. D. - 4,408 — Polukoshko, Miss M. A.— 4,311 — Polzin, Mrs. G. _ - 5,381 — Polzin. K. E. _ _ 5,376 — Poncelet, J. _ _ 5,391 — Pontius. Miss Y. - 1,170 — Ponto, Mrs. L. S. ... _ 3,720 — Pook, H. _ _ 7,860 70 Poole, Mrs. C. M. J. _ 5,381 — Poole, W. _ .. . 6.756 — Popovich, Mrs. K. . . . 5,341 — Popp, Mrs. D. S. 4,110 — Porteous, A. — _ 15,900 726 Porter, Mrs. D. _ 5,261 — Porter, Mrs. P. V. 3.439 — Postma, Miss A. _ 1,260 — Postma, Mrs. P. - .. 5,498 — Potter, F. G. _ _ 6,036 — Pottinger, Mrs. E. M . . 5,376 — Potts, Miss M. _ 1,170 — Potvin, J. G. P. - 5,816 — Poutt, R. M. ~ . . . 3.525 59 Powell, A . . . .. 4,500 — Powell, Mrs. D. M. _ 6,504 — Powers, P. . . . — 1,514 — 93 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Salary Travel $ $ idolini, Mrs. A. E. — 880 — lirie, J. H. - 4,893 — imberg, Miss J. I. - 4,370 — itt, Mrs. P. A. - - 231 — ;boy, Miss J. P. - - — 6,756 — :iss, Mrs. B. M. 3,828 — :ntice, J. - - _ 958 — ;sbury, M. C. 6,756 — ;sbury, Mrs. S. S. 6,756 — sscott, D. C. 651 — :sse, Mrs. P. J. 5,376 — ist, R. W. _ 403 — :ston, Mrs. J. E. - 2,754 1 :ston, L. T. - — 5,580 219 ;ston, Mrs. M. _ — 4,206 — jston, N. A. ... _ - 3,379 — stty. Miss E. N. . — 1,014 — ;witt, Miss S. L. - - 4,064 — pziusi, S. - — ... 4,584 — ce, D. G. - 1,846 — ce, G. O. 2,372 — ce, Mrs. K. - 3,549 — dmore, Mrs. M. K. _ 3,720 — me, F. M. 18,404 — mmer, C. E. . 3,722 — ngle, Mrs. L. D. 3,053 — ns, Mrs. H. A. - 3,108 — or, G. \V. . _ 5,496 — tchard, J. E. . 5,796 — )chnau, H. G. - 4,515 — >cknow, Miss C. . 299 — )cknow, Mrs. M. L. _ 5,376 — jcopio, F. A. _ ... 4,788 — >cter, Miss I. _ 5,693 — >kopuik. Miss N. _ 300 — >suck, C. . _ 4,990 — >ulx, Miss J. B. M. _ 3,511 — iwal, Mrs. V. C. _ 5,693 — >wse. Miss J. E. . 1,470 — iden, Miss C. R. _ 4,170 — isko, Mrs. J. _ 3,780 — 'stay, Mrs. S. 3.780 — lice, A. _ _ _ 4,913 — len, T. J. _ _ 5,376 — ling, Miss F. L. _ 6,880 — Is, L. F. ....... . 8,160 10 Is, Mrs. N. P. _ 3,972 — rdey, R. H. _ .. 4,590 — :tt, Mrs. P. A. 1,165 — e, E. W. . ....... .. .. . 7,200 — e, Mrs. M. L. 6,756 aife, Miss M . 2,759 — aite. Miss C. A. 6,756 — ashie, Mrs. N. J. 2,761 — ayle, W. N. _ _ 7,860 — ibell, R. C. ...... .... 5,412 — inn, J. C. _ . .... 9,360 403 inney, Miss W. _ 1,461 — iring, Mrs. C. _ 4,362 — irk, J. R. _ _ _ 5,700 — issy, R. _ _ _ 6.969 — but. Mrs. A. M. _ 4,995 — e, R. N . . . 265 — fanan. Miss J. _ 5,869 — i. Mrs. K. _ _ _ 4.899 — il, J. S. ......... 2,792 — ine, Mrs. D. M . . 3.968 — ine, M. _ 5,376 — iney, C. A. _ 5,430 535 lph, Mrs. J. E. _ 6,396 — msay, Mrs. D. I . . 3,819 — msav, Mrs. E. M. _ 4.980 — msay, S. A. . . . 637 — msay, Mrs. S. J. _ 5.493 — nd, Mrs. M. E. _ 5,233 — ndall, C. A. _ _ _ _ 5,520 — nger, 11. - 4,460 — tiger, L. W. _ 5.040 — ikin. Miss R. M. _ 7.860 — »h, I . A . ....... 5,376 — smussen, Mrs. J. L. _ 1.825 — :h. S. A. ..... _ 4,091 — thbone, Mrs. J. R . 7,680 — thwell, Miss B. J. - 1.292 — hwell, K. E. . - 3,082 — ttenbury, Mrs. M. L.._ 797 — :zlaff, M. N. - 4,826 — 'zlaff, Mrs. S. B. - - 5,353 — uhala, Mrs. S. — - - 5,488 — usa, Miss S. M. _ 4,951 — wlings, Mrs. S. A. — 5,436 — Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Ray, T. M. _ 2,631 — Rea, Miss C. _ _ _ 1,170 — Reano, D. J. ... .. _ 5,391 — Recchi, Miss D. A. - 3,720 — Redecopp, Mrs. S. L. _ 5,472 — Redmond, Mrs. G. G. _ 3,162 — Redmond, Mrs. L. I. _ 5,102 — Reed, Mrs. B. A - - 2,834 — Reed, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,385 — Reeder, A. E . . . . 3,666 — Reeme, Miss S _ _ 1,694 — Rees, Miss J. _ 106 — Reeves, Miss E. D. _ 6,590 14 Regehr, P. J. _ 33 — Regnier, D. A. - 3,891 — Reichelt, Mrs. V. A. _ 4,214 — Reichennek, Mrs. K. M.._ 1.287 — Reichert, Mrs. G. M. _ 4,436 — Reid, A. H. _ 6.730 — Reid, Miss E. B . 10.380 — Reid, Mrs. E. E. _ 2,898 — Reid, Mrs. G. F . . 4,392 — Reid, H. T _ _ _ _ 5.520 — Reid, Miss J. If. _ 603 — Reid, Mrs. L. M. . . . 3.968 — Reid, M. J. _ _ _ 702 — Reid, Miss R. .... 117 — Reid, W. C _ _ 5,001 — Reimer, A. V. - 4,328 — Reimer. K. _ 2,758 — Reitmeier, Miss D. M - 5,522 — Remando, J. - 160 — Rempel, H. .. .. - 818 — Rempel, Mrs. M. - 3,675 — Remple, J. E. - - - 435 — Rende, A. . - - 4,800 — Renton, M. A. - 6,756 — Renwall, Miss M. H. - 5,376 17 Reodica, R. E. - - - 3,054 — Reuter. Miss S. R. - 5.498 — Rewuski, Mrs. E. - . 4,538 — Reynolds, J. J. - 5.386 — Rhodes, Mrs. M. E. . .. 6.756 — Richards, Mrs. C. M. . - 4.774 — Richardson, A. - 8,040 — Richardson, T. L. - 5,980 — Richer, Miss A. - 2,603 — Richer, Miss P. - - 3,087 — Richmyre, Miss B. — 449 — Ricketts, D. B. - - 11,880 216 Ridler, Miss T. J. - 4.316 — Ridley, Mrs. A. I. - 5,783 — Riedel. Miss L. - 1.170 — Ries, Mrs. S. - 2.545 — Riese, Miss S. - 300 — Rigby, Mrs. H. F. - 3.220 — Rikley. L. G. - 5.189 — Riley, T. - 6,756 — Riner, Mrs. D. - 5.566 — Rintoul, Mrs. K. M. - 4.623 — Rinzema, J. - 5,041 — Rinzema, Mrs. R. A. S — 1,485 — Ritchie, M. H. - — - 983 — Ritchie, Mrs. M. M. - 180 — Ritchie, Mrs. R. E. - 6.651 — Rivard, Miss T. G. - 144 — Roach. Miss D. L. - 1.032 — Roath, Miss S. - - - 5.498 — Robbins, Mrs. B. M. - 5.915 — Robbins, G. — - - 4,800 — Roberge. Mrs. M. E. - 6,504 — Robert, Mrs. M. L. - 1.690 — Robert, Mrs. M. P. - 1,258 — Roberton. Miss C. M. — 3.334 — Roberts, Mrs. E. I. - 5,386 — Roberts, E. J. - 5.124 — Roberts, Mrs. E. N. - 5,376 — Roberts, Mrs. E. V. - 5,376 — Roberts, H. - 5.160 — Roberts, J. H. - 5.376 — Roberts, N. M. - 7.942 — Robertson, Mrs. C. - . 3.357 — Robertson, Miss P. - . 2.759 — Robertson, Mrs. P. D. — 1,825 — Robertson, Miss p. J. — 3,308 — Robertson, R D. - - 1 . 1 64 — Robertson, Mrs. S. J. - . 4.050 — Robertson, Mrs. V. E. . — . 7,860 — Robertson, W. B. D. - . 3.100 — Robillard. L. G. . - . 4.800 — Robino, Mrs. K. C. - . 6,399 — Salary Travel $ $ Robinson, Mrs. E. K. - 5,376 — Robinson, Miss G. - 769 — Robinson, Mrs. I. - 3,965 — Robinson, Mrs. I. E. - 4,828 — Robinson, J. . - 5,920 80 Robinson, L. - 3,439 — Robinson, Mrs. N. _ _ _ 155 — Robinson, Mrs. N. L. - 419 — Robinson, Mrs. N. M. - 5,416 — Robinson, Mrs. S. G. - 5,488 — Robotham, R. J. - 530 — Robson, G. G. 1,401 — Rock, C. E. - - 1,921 — Rockliffe, Mrs. M. E. - 4,608 — Roden, E. _ . 5,348 46 Roder, F. S. 911 — Rogan, T. J. - - 6,529 — Rogans, J. A. _ 1,365 — Rogers, D. L. - 5,416 — Rogers, Mrs. H. M. 5,426 — Rogers, Mrs. K. J. - 1,520 — Rogers, Mrs. L. B. _ 1,440 — Rogers, Miss R. D. - - 4,261 — Rogers, W . . . — 5,401 — Rogerson, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,769 — Rollins, E. E. 83 — Rolls, D. _ _ ... _ _ 4,500 — Romalis, S. J . — 8,237 1,733 Romanisson, E. W. - 5,376 — Romanowski, Mrs. L. _ 4,884 — Romas, Miss B. L. _ 4,412 — Romeo, Miss A. V. _ 7,860 — Rondeau, H. J. _ .... 6,044 — Rondestvedt, Mrs. L. A. .. 798 — Ronning, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,681 — Roode, J. A. W. . 4,362 — Rooney, T. _ _ 5,811 — Roper, Mrs. C. L. _ 3,947 — Roper, Mrs. I. S. _ 7,284 — Roraph, A. J. _ _ 3,347 — Rosario, Miss M. Y. _ 5,376 45 Roseborough, Miss A. H. 270 — Rosen, Miss B. J. _ 3,900 — Ross, Mrs. A. M. . ... .... 5,401 — Ross, Mrs. C. _ _ 2,752 — Ross, D. 5,317 — Ross, Mrs. G. M. _ 1,894 — Ross, J. A. R. _ 2,890 — Ross, Miss L. C. _ 5,579 — Ross, Mrs. L. E . 1,977 — Ross, R. M. _ .... _ 10,380 54 Round, F. L. J . . .... 3,485 — Rouse, Mrs. D. L. _ 2,075 — Routley, Mrs. J. G. _ 262 — Routley, Mrs. L. M. _ 340 — Routley, Mrs. M. P. _ 6,504 — Routley, Mrs. P. L. _ 5,605 — Rowell, Mrs. J. I. _ 4,128 — Rowland, Mrs. M. _ 5,376 — Rowlands, Mrs. F. E. _ 4,357 — Rowlands, I. E. _ ... 4,070 — Rowse, R. M. _ 6,519 — Roy, Mrs. B. J. . . . 3,618 — Roy, Mrs. B. M. _ 2,157 — Roy, F. S. _ ..... 100 — Roy, Miss N. _ 2,098 — Roy, W. C . . 5,600 — Rozak, Miss L. G. _ 4,690 — Rudder, W. S. _ 6,409 — Ruddick, Miss K. E. W _ 3,688 36 Ruehs, D. P. _ 2,709 7 Ruel, Mrs. R. _ 3,071 — Ruffy, Mrs. C. M. _ 6,888 — Rugg, Mrs. A. E. P. _ 6,034 — Ruggles, Miss R. A. _ 2,185 18 Rumble, L. W. _ 6,504 — Runcie, Miss S. E. .... ... 521 — Runicles, Mrs. D. W. 5.376 — Ruschkowski, Miss D. A. 563 — Rushworth, D. M. _ 6.888 — Rusk, Mrs. P. E. _ 1,796 — Ruskis-Rusko. J. _ 7,860 — Russell, A. G _ _ 5,520 — Russell, Miss B. B . 5,172 — Russell, Mrs. E. J. . . 4,504 — Russell, Mrs. M. _ 7,284 234 Russell, T. E. _ 5,580 — Russell, Mrs. V. F. . . 2,612 — Rust, Mrs. J. H. - 979 — Ruteck, W. J. _ 4,374 — Ryan, H. A. - 6,504 — 94 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Ryan, Mrs. M. A. . . Salary 3,720 Travel $ Ryce, Mrs. M. L . _ . 856 — Ryczko, Mrs. E. F . . _ 1,331 — Ryder, Miss E. . . . 1,170 — Ryder, Miss J. J. _ 8,290 — Saastad, Mrs. E. S. _ 3.972 — Sabourin, D. A. . _ 5,713 — Sabourin, Mrs. J. W. _ 5,391 — Sacho, Mrs. T . . 3,780 — Sadler, R. J. _ ... 5,376 — Sagmoen, Miss D. _ 2,759 — Sajid, H. M. ...... _ 10,080 51 Saklofsky, Mrs. G. M. _ 5,376 — Saklofsky, J. W. B . 5,076 — Salazar, Mrs. E. J. _ 7,422 525 Salchert, Miss D. M. 4.196 — Sali, J. _ _ _ 5,362 — Salisbury, J. H. . . . 7,860 — Salloum. Miss J. . 300 — Sahnon, L. A. _ 3,093 — Salmon, R. R. _ 1,354 — Samaroo, H. B - - 1,653 — Sams, Miss J. E. - 5,580 240 Samson, Mrs. L. S. - 3,486 — Samuel, Mrs. H. J . 8,280 — Sand, Mrs. 11. M . 3,972 — Sandberg, Miss C. L. - 4,333 — Sandercock, Mrs. H. J. — 6,384 — Sandhoevel, Mrs. V. - 3,682 — Sandvoss, V. _ _ 1.620 — Sangster, Miss B. M . . 6,821 — Sankey, Mrs. B . 4,412 — 5,055 2,383 — Sansregret, Mrs. P. L. — — Sargeant, B. C. - - - 1,591 — Sarlund, Miss G. E . 2,556 — Sarrach, .1. . 5,376 — Sarson, Mrs. K. E. . . 4,851 — Sasaki, Mrs. A. - 1,115 — Sass, Miss M. . .... - 3,780 — Saunders, Mrs. M. A. - 1,816 — Saunders, N. - - - 5.386 — Saunders, Mrs. N. B 6,612 — Saunders, Mrs. R. A. ..... 6.630 — Saunders, V. S. - - 6,269 — Sauve, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,232 — Sauve, Mrs. M. _ 5,396 — Sauvie, Mrs. A. - 5.919 — Savage, O. _ _ 4.480 — Saville, P W. - - 8,160 4 Savinkoff, Mrs. L. R. _ 5.274 — Savitsky, Mrs. E. A. _ 5.702 - , Savoie, Mrs. T. M. _ 2,352 — Sawyer, F. G - - 5,376 — Sawyer, L. F. - - - 1,336 — Saxbee, R. 1 . - 4,528 — Saxton, F. . . _ 5,391 — Scales, D. J. _ 5,100 — Scalet, Mrs. M. M. J. _ 5,743 — Scanlan, Miss J. - - - 2,759 — Schapansky, H. — - - 492 — Schappert, Mrs. M. J. .... 2,479 — Schappert, R. R. _ 5,930 — Schau, Mrs. N. K. - 4,128 — Sell eel, J. - - - - 4.287 — Scheetz, L. L. _ 5.040 — Scheltens, H. J. M. _ 6.756 — Schembri, J. S. . - 4.291 36 Schick. J. - - - 2.218 — Schieldrop. P. . . 8,790 94 Schievink, K . . 4,433 — Schiffems, Mrs. S. A. - 4,356 — Schindel, Mrs. M. A. - 2.378 — Schleicher, Mrs. H. . . 3.600 — Schleper. Mrs. C. M. ..... 4.808 — Schley. W. H. ... 6,730 — Schlick, Mrs. L. A. - 5 445 — Schmidt, Miss D. P. - 2,245 — Schmidt, Miss F. A . . 39 — Schmidt, J. M. — - 5,376 — Schmidt, Mrs. W. M. 356 — Schmitke, Mrs. W. K. .... 4.980 — Schmitz, Mrs. L. R . - 5,713 — Schneider, C. - 5,401 — Schneider, Mrs. E . 3.620 — Schneider, Mrs. L. D. — 2,812 — Schoenfeld, H. F. P. - 5,041 — Schofield, Miss C. A. — 5,917 — Schootman, Miss A. - 116 — Schram, Mrs. S. J. - 580 — [ental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Schroeder, Mrs. A. E. _ 4,698 — Schroeder, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,920 — Schroyen, Mrs. M. A. _ 6,756 — Schubert, G. H. _ 6,735 — Schulte, Mrs. M. R. _ 6,384 — Schultz, Mrs. C. A. _ 5,309 — Schultz, Miss D. A. 8,010 23 Schultz, Mrs. M. M. _ 4,798 — Schultz, Miss R. - 1,229 — Schultz, Mrs. A. C. _ _ 400 — Schut, H. W. _ 5,106 — Schwan, G. _ 5,386 6 Schwarz, H. E. _ 4,980 — Schwarz, Mrs. N. H. _ 4,200 — Scott, C. R. _ _ - 6,704 — Scott, Miss D. _ 2,758 — Scott, Mrs. D. E. _ 1,673 — Scott, H. A. _ 5,536 — Scott, J. B. .... - ... 3,030 — Scott, L. L. _ 712 — Scott, Mrs. M. E. _ 2,923 — Scott, Mrs. M. F. _ 3,684 — Scott, Mrs. S. — 3,600 — Scott, S. _ . . - 7,860 — Scott, Mrs. S. F. _ _ 1,179 — Scott, Mrs. T. G. - 1,777 — Scott, Mrs. V. M. _ 2,700 — Scott, W. S. . . ... . . 8,160 90 Scovil, K. B. _ _ 4,351 — Scovill, Mrs. V . . 3,540 — Scriven, Miss J. _ 2.623 — Scruton, Mrs. L. G. _ _ 5,386 — Scullion, Mrs. M. A. T._ 6,756 — Seabrook, Mrs. A. _ 2,690 — Seabrook, Mrs. H. M. _ 4,623 — Seabrook, Mrs. M. P. _ 1,782 — Seager, J. W. _ _ 5,094 — Secora, C. L. _ 4,820 — Secord, Mrs. C. C. _ 1,844 — Seefried. Miss C. A. _ 4,320 — Segal, Mrs. L. J. - 1,293 — Segec, E. H. .... 6,524 — Seibel, Mrs. E. D. _ 1.462 — Seigo, J. P. . _ _ 5,376 — Selfe, J. - .. - 5,688 — Sellar, Mrs. C. - .... 4,547 — Sellar, G. C. .... ... ~ 6,504 141 Sellers, J. B. - - 1,531 — Senechal, E. J. _ 4.512 — Senff, Mrs. G. _ 5,401 — Sepke, D. S. _ . - 4,863 — Seppala, A. M. - 4,914 — Severied, Mrs. M. M. S... 2,155 — Sevilla, Miss C. ... — 6,121 — Seville, J. C. _ 5.541 — Sewell, Mrs. A. E. _ 5,923 — Shah, G. V. _ 2,494 24 Shalman. D. C. - 14,520 205 Shanks, Mrs. R. _ 7,860 — Shanks, R. B. _ 6,509 — Shannik, Miss B. A . 2,940 — Shantz, Mrs. C. J. - 4,128 — Shappell, H. L. _ _ 4,483 — Sharhon, Mrs. P. K. _ 2,220 — Sharp, A M - - 4,800 — Sharp, Mrs. B. S. _ 6,756 — Sharpe, D. W. .. - 5.693 199 Sharpe, Mrs. G. B. _ 4,709 — Sharpe, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,128 — Sharpies, Miss J. M. _ 2,238 — Shatford, Mrs. D. A. — 1,422 — Shatzko, Mrs. E. - - 2,758 — Shaver, Mrs. F. M. _ 5,187 — Shaw, Mrs. E. F. _ 3.066 — Shaw, Mrs. E. M. _ 2,700 — Shaw, Mrs. H. M. _ 3,780 — Shaw, Miss J. B. _ 2,835 — Shaw, Miss J. M. L. _ 2,106 — Sheaves, Mrs. D . . 5,391 — Sheetz, Mrs. J. A. _ 2,700 — Shelby, Mrs. O. A. _ 4,571 8 Sheldrake, Mrs. L. T. M. 5,076 — Shelly, Mrs. N. G. _ 1,844 — Shepherd, V. C. A. _ 6,524 — Sheremeta, Mrs. M. _ 14 — Sheriff, Mrs. M. - - - 3,428 — Sherlock, Mrs. J. _ 5,172 — Salary Travt $ $ Sherwick, Mrs. F. C. _ 1,694 — Shewchuk, Mrs. C. A. _ 5,590 — Shickele, Mrs. E. S. _ 1,848 — Shields, Miss M. H. _ 4,446 — Shillaker, Mrs. R. R. — 5,406 — Shillington, J. D. - 8,396 14 Shindel, A. C. _ 4,800 — Shinduke, Mrs. M. A. C. 4,206 — Shipman, Mrs. J. P. - 4,440 — Shnitzler, Mrs. H . . 4,370 — Sholander, E. _ 5,436 — Shopa, Mrs. H. _ 1,820 — Shordee, W. _ _ 5,503 — Short, Mrs. R. J. - 3,699 — Shorthouse, Mrs. F. G. — 7,860 — Shovar, Mrs. H. S. - 3,097 — Shumay, Mrs. E. V. _ 5,376 — Shupac, Miss K. S. _ 81 — Siddall, Miss L. H. _ 7,860 — Siddall, Mrs. M. H. _ _ 7,350 — Siemens, D. J. _ 4,175 — Sigurbjornsson, Mrs. J. A. 660 — Sikora, Mrs. Q. - 1,810 — Silvaggio, T. M. - 1,105 — Silver, F. W. . 6,756 — Silvius, Mrs. J. I. _ _ 924 — Simonson, B. E. _ 801 — Simpson, A. C. _ _ — 6,514 — Simpson, B. _ 2,910 5 Simpson, Miss D. F. _ 3,280 — Simpson, Mrs. G. E. _ 8,460 2 Simpson, Miss M. A. _ 490 — Simpson, Mrs. M. R. _ 9,540 — Simpson, Mrs. S. C. _ 5,598 — Simpson, W. J. R. . _ 7,860 — Sims, J. W. _ _ 4,675 — Sinclair, Mrs. D. - 2,573 — Sinclair, Mrs. M. R. _ 6,756 — Sinclair, O. M. _ 13,980 It Sirosky, J. _ . 2,758 — Sison, Mrs. G. C. _ 4,547 1 Sivewright, A. _ 6,049 — Sivewright, Mrs. A. B. _ 6,034 — Sjodin, Miss L. M. _ 3,237 1 Sjodin, Mrs. P. A. _ 2,501 — Sjogren, Mrs. M. M. _ 3,780 — Skeete, Mrs. I. U. _ 5,160 — Skelly, Mrs. D. _ 1,399 — Skillicorn, Mrs. M. D. — 3,899 — Skillicorn, W. E. _ 9,000 5- Skinner, Mrs. F. _ 5,376 — Skoglund, Miss A. F . . 490 — Skolos, Miss M. _ 2,759 — Skoreyko, M. M. - 5,386 — Skrove, Mrs. H. E. _ . _ _ 7,860 — Skucas, P. _ 6,529 — Slack, Mrs. W. F. _ 4,980 — Slater, Mrs. H. E. _ 68 — Slater, R. M. _ 6,434 — Sleigh, A. D. _ _ 19,710 : Sleigh, Mrs. J. M. _ _ 5,859 21 Slemon, Miss S. J. _ 109 — Slessor, Miss L. E. _ 1,306 — Slevin, S. _ 6,285 — Slinn, Mrs. S. M. _ 9,610 — Smekal, D . . 4,841 — Smiciklas, V. P. - 5,992 Smith, Miss A. _ _ 2,759 — Smith, A. I. _ 9,960 71 Smith, Miss A. J. _ _ 3,185 — Smith, A. R. _ 5,381 — Smith, B. D. _ _ 4,500 — Smith, Mrs. B. I. _ 4,788 — Smith, Mrs. B. I. _ 3,720 — Smith, Miss C. _ 1,170 — Smith, Mrs. C. _ 5,401 — Smith, D. J. . . 4,547 — Smith, Mrs. D. L. _ 6,492 — Smith, D. M. _ 6,756 4( Smith, Mrs. D. M. H. - 8,165 — Smith, Mrs. E. _ 2,258 — Smith, Mrs. E. C _ 4,440 — Smith, E. H. _ 6,756 — Smith, Mrs. E. H. _ 7,860 — Smith, H _ _ _ 6,524 — Smith, H. J. _ _ 5,160 — Smith, Mrs. H. J. _ 2,207 — Smith, Miss H. M. _ _ — . 1,428 — Smith, H. P. _ _ _ 3,615 — Smith, J. B. . 5,160 — Smith, Mrs. J. E. _ 5,274 — Smith, Miss J. M. - 3,171 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 95 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued nith, Miss J. R. Salary 2,699 Travel $ nith. Miss K. _ 2,695 — nith, Mrs. K. A. _ 5,376 — nith, L A. . . 4,800 457 — nith, Miss L. L. — nith, Mrs. M. . . 3,393 — nith, Mrs. M, 3,674 — nith, Mrs. M. 2,699 — nith, Mrs. M. 4,524 — nith, Mrs. M. _ 4,838 — nith, Mrs. M. R. _ 4.788 — nith, Mrs. N. B. 3,662 — nith, Mrs. O. M. _ 6,756 — nith, Mrs. P. C. 7,334 — nith, P. J. . _ 8,064 492 nith, P. M. _ . . 6,264 17 nith, P. W. _ 3,275 — nith, R. D. ... _ 6,034 35 nith, Robert D. _ 5,355 — nith, S. B. _ 6,756 — nith, Miss S. E. _ 2,064 — nith, S. F. _ 8.160 — nith, Mrs. S. H. _ 4,128 — nith, Mrs. V. M. _ 2,265 — nithman, S. G. _ 5,376 — nithson. Miss M. A. _ 5,926 — nits, Mrs. B. J. _ 3,214 — nits, J. J. A. _ 6.756 — laychuk, Mrs. M. E . 3,600 — lelgrove, Miss M. M. _ 5,850 — lelgrnve, P F 6,557 5.615 _ ielf, Mrs. M. E. _ — idling, Mrs. M. T. _ 6,411 — lodgrass, L. J. _ . . look, Miss B. J. . . . lyder, Mrs. J. A. _ 4,399 12 5,172 — 3,154 — lyder, J. C. . . — 8,940 682 ladv, Mrs. L. E. _ 3,756 — iderquist, Mrs. E. 3.100 — >1, L. F. M. ... _ 5.661 — )!berg, Mrs. E. A. _ 3.379 — ile, Mrs. F. I. _ 2.557 — lies. Mrs. S. A. _ 3,310 — illoway. Miss P. _ 45 — imers, Mrs. M. D. _ 7,111 — imerset, Mrs. D. _ 3.857 — indraal. Miss R. M. _ 4,721 78 meff, Miss S. .... _ 1.148 — moda, Miss M. M. _ 14,265 — iper. Mrs. W. A. _ 5.257 — irensen, Miss D. L. _ 5.371 55 irtwell, R. W. _ 6,690 — itiris. C. M. _ 5,172 — Hide. Mrs. S. A. _ 3.288 13 iwinski, Mrs. P. _ 2.986 — lykan, Mrs. N. _ 5,454 — lykan. N. H. _ 13.980 — iacil, Mrs. S. M. . . . 181 — lafford. Miss T. G. _ 342 — lain, Mrs. C. J. . . - 3.804 — lark, Mrs. T. A. _ 4.623 — larks, Mrs. J. _ 4.32! — larrow, G. W. _ 5.376 — ieer, A. E. _ 2,286 — teirs, Mrs. B. _ 1.986 — 'eirs, R. M. _. _ 6,756 — lendelow. Mrs. D. R. .... 2.152 — licer, Miss M. H. _ 3.742 — liers. Mrs. M. J. _ 4,788 — indor, V. _ 6,519 — lavinski, E. _ 2.975 — •recker. G. _ 7,860 — •ring. Miss J. _ 3.143 — ringer. R. . . 6.756 _ roul. Miss M. A. _ 2,168 — uirrell, .T. W. _ 6.279 18 . Jean. Mrs. D. M. _ 4.608 — . Louis, Mrs. V. A. 6.756 — Laurent, Mrs. M. A... 4.746 — Lawrence, Mrs. H. .... 5.376 — . Martin, J. R. F. _ 5.436 — Pierre, Miss A. . . 1.148 — Pierre. H. C. _ 5.376 — abler, Mrs. M. V. _ 5.393 — ables, A. R. _ 4,438 — ables, Mrs. M. E. _ 617 — icey, A. W. . _ 5,041 _ icey. J. R. _ 1.252 — adig, R. A. T. _ 4.718 — afford, Mrs. C. M. _ 3,780 — afford, Mrs. E. D. _ 5,376 — Salary Travel $ $ Stahl, Mrs. I. M. _ 3,928 — Stallard, J. P. _ 5,187 — Stam, Mrs. H. H. _ 5,816 — Stan, Miss L. J. _ 2,843 — Stanchfield, A. O. _ 634 — Standish, T. C. G. _ _ 6.756 — Stanley, Mrs. S. M. _ 5,411 — Staples, Mrs. H. C. _ 5,291 — Staples, J. G _ _ _ 4,348 — Star, Mrs. E. S. _ 1,387 — Starchuk, Mrs. M. M. _ 5,472 — Stark, Mrs. L. M. _ 3,681 — Stark, Mrs. M. _ 4,348 — Stasiuk, W. . _ 6,524 — Statton, Mrs. K. M. _ 6.756 — Staveley, G. G. _ 6,295 — Stead, Mrs. M. _ 6.756 — Stead, Mrs. T. I. _ 5,431 — Steedman, J. A. _ 18,180 1.038 Steel, Mrs. B. C. _ 5,885 — Steel, R. V. _ 6,756 — Steele, D. R. _ 6.240 — Steele, Mrs. E. F. _ 5,703 — Steele, M. _ _ 800 10 Steele, Mrs. M. D. _ 884 — Steele, R. M. _ _ _ 2,430 — Steele, Mrs. S. J. _ 69 — Steffans, Mrs. J. Z. _ 333 — Stein, L. R. _ _ 1,409 — Steinhauser, Miss M. _ 1,122 — Steinson, Mrs. J. E . 5,925 — Stepanic, Mrs. V. S. _ 3,650 — Stepanko, Miss S. A. _ 4,072 — Stephen, Mrs. B. _ 5,396 — Stephen, Mrs. M. L. _ 4,362 — Stephenson, G. H. _ 5,386 — Stephenson, Mrs. K. A. _ 5,376 — Sterner, Mrs. D. M . 198 — Stevens, A. _ 2,965 — Stevens, Mrs. I. A. _ _ 3,561 — Stevens, J. W. K. _ 5,580 — Stevenson, Miss J. _ 3,618 — Stevenson, L. _ _ 6,514 34 Stevenson, W. R. _ 530 — Stewart, A. R. . . 11,600 142 Stewart, Mrs. E. P. _ 4,237 — Stewart, F. W. . _ 8,640 226 Stewart, Miss G. _ . 2,759 — Stewart, Mrs. H. A. _ 4,708 — Stewart, L. C _ _ 5,478 — Stewart, Mrs. M. J . 6,384 — Stewart, Miss P. S. _ 2,147 19 Stewart, W. J. .... _ . 5,398 — Stibbard, Mrs. N. R. _ 5,467 — Stinson, Mrs. M. D. L. _ 4,477 — Stitilis, Mrs. L. A. _ 2,573 — Stitt, C. A. _ ... 5,880 — Stitt, Miss F. _ 300 — Stobbe, Mrs. F. K. _ 5,595 — Stobbs, Mrs. C. M. _ 5,386 — Stohrer, Mrs. J. _ 14 — Stoker, Miss W. A. _ 7,152 164 Stokes, Miss K. _ 300 — Stoltz, Mrs. A. G. _ ... 4,128 — Stone, Mrs. F. L. _ 3,390 — Stovold, D. _ 4,884 39 Strachan, D. J. . _ 6,516 — Strachan, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,382 — Strachan, W. T. - 1,408 — Strand, A. - - - 4,652 — Strawson, J. H. _ . 6.524 — Strawson, Miss S. J. _ 1,324 — Street, Mrs. H. - 2,017 — Strembeski. Miss J. M _ 1,046 — Strench, Mrs. B. A. - 2,184 — Stringer, D. W. - 15,625 — Strohm, Mrs. K . — 3,780 — Strong, Miss B. L. _ 4,834 — Strong, R. H. _ 9,180 124 Struthers, Mrs. M. - 27 — Struthers, Mrs. M. I. _ 5,376 — Struthers, R. R - - 5,796 — Strymecki, T. H. - 5,410 — Stuart, Mrs. B. A. _ 5,376 — Stuart, D. N. - . 5,376 — Stuart, Miss L. - 1,170 — Stubbe, Mrs. O. E. - 3,752 — Sturby, Miss D. S. _ 756 — Salary $ Sturm, Miss S. D. _ 3,665 Styger, Miss L. M. _ 5,910 Suarez, Miss L. _ 6,888 Suarez, Miss S. _ _ 5,076 Sullivan, A. _ 5,795 Sullivan, Mrs. E. M. _ 1,998 Sullivan, Miss H. M. _ 8,520 Sullivan, Mrs. M. P. - 3,972 Supple, E. W. _ - 6,159 Sutherland, Miss M. - 2,880 Sutton, Mrs. B. E. L. - 4,776 Sutton, Miss W. J. - 1,170 Swallow, S. _ 3,295 Swan, Mrs. A. G. - 2,692 Swan, Mrs. D. G. _ 6,024 Swan, Miss J. E. . - 5,376 Swanberg, S. O. - 4,549 Swanson, Mrs. D. M. — 5,617 Swanson, Mrs. J. L. - 715 Swanson, K. W. - 4,190 Swanson, Mrs. R. M. — 2,292 Swedahl, Mrs. E. - 2,082 Swedberg, G. _ 5,413 Sweet, Miss D. E. _ 2,623 Sweet, Miss V. M. _ 5,364 Swenson, Miss V. K. - 2,373 Swigart, Miss J. A. - 2,613 Sykes, G. - ... - 6,519 Symons. W. G. _ 6,900 Syssoloff, Mrs. L. I. _ 5,688 Szogi, Mrs. M. N. - 5,698 Szuts, Mrs. B. M. — - — 4,524 Tait, A. O. _ _ 5,190 Talbot, Mrs. E. C. _ 6,756 Talbot, Mrs. E. F. _ 1,039 Tamboline, Miss B. L. — 13,980 Tamir, M. V. _ 6,360 Tamkin, Miss F. A. - 3,600 Tan, P. T. _ 6,293 Tande, Miss J. C. _ 1,242 Tangedal, E. - 2,517 Tangen, Mrs. E. A. _ — 5,076 Tanner, G. C. _ 438 Tanner, Mrs. M. L. - 3.655 Tantrum, Mrs. M. R. 7.860 Tarney, Mrs. H. M. - 1,649 Taverner, W. C. _ 5,376 Tawashy, K. _ 1,323 Taylor, Mrs. A. M . — 5,796 Taylor, Miss B. D. _ 829 Taylor, D. - _ 6,110 Tavlor, Mrs. D. J. _ 487 Tavlor, E. A. _ 5,824 Tavlor, Mrs. E. H. _ 3.780 Taylor, Mrs. H. I. _ 5,899 Taylor, Mrs. I. J. _ 3,644 Taylor, L. _ 5,556 Taylor, Mrs. M. E. - 3.935 Taylor, Mrs. M. J. - - 4,050 Taylor, Miss R. L. - 1.293 Taylor, Mrs. R. M. T. ..... 1,453 Taylor, S. D. ... . — . — 6,756 Taylor, Mrs. S. D. - 5,902 Taylor, W. A. - - - 6,756 Tayob, S. A. - 5,603 Teal, R. J. _ 224 Tedorsthorst, Mrs. M. _ 4.899 Tegneby, G. B. _ 4,9% Teite, G. M. A. _ 3,091 Telawskv, P. - 5,376 Telesford. Miss I. _ 6,504 Telford, Mrs. F. C. _ 7,860 Tellier, Mrs. D. I. _ 6,756 Temperton, S. C. - 6,756 Templeton, J. A. W. _ — 148 Ten-Hoeve, D. _ . _ 5,356 Tench, C. C. _ . _ . 6,756 Tench, Mrs. J. E . . 4.282 Teng, Miss E. - 3,255 Terris, Mrs. M. I. _ 1,700 Terry, Mrs. F. _ 5,694 Tessaro, A. - 9,540 Tessier, Miss P. - 4,272 Tessman, Mrs. J. G . — 4,980 Tether, Mrs. H. E . . 1,077 Tetrault, Mrs. D. M. __ 874 Tews, Mrs. G. H. _ 5,361 Thakore, A. N. - 1,271 Travel $ 144 30 243 190 96 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Therrien, Miss D. M. _ 2,273 — Thiessen, Miss E. - . . 6,662 — Thiessen, Mrs. J. _ 4.647 — Thimsen, Mrs. C. S. - 4,385 — Thoen, Mrs. D. A. - 8,460 — Thomas, A. B. - 1,870 — Thomas, C. . . 5,361 — Thomas, Mrs. E. J. - 8,460 91 Thomas, Mrs. E. R. - 4,884 — Thomas, G. - 5,436 — Thomas, Mrs. H. G. - 5,811 — Thomas, J. C. - 4,965 — Thomas, P. J. - 4,490 — Thomas, R. J. - 1,658 — Thomlison, Mrs. B. J. — 2.924 — Thomlison, R. J. - 3.541 1,014 Thompson, Mrs. A. J. — 3,720 — Thompson, Mrs. B. L. — 4,524 — Thompson, C. G . . — 2,151 — Thompson, Miss D. - 2,759 — Thompson, Miss D. L. 2,999 — Thompson, Mrs. E. C. — 5,376 — Thompson, Miss E. G. __ 4,608 — Thompson, Miss E. J. - 3,031 — Thompson, Mrs. F. M. — 4,128 — Thompson, Mrs. F. S. — 283 — Thompson, Miss J. - 299 — Thompson, K. S. - 7,860 — Thompson, L. - 5,520 — Thompson, Mrs. M. C. — 5,376 — Thompson, Mrs. M. M. 5,291 — Thompson, R. M. - 6,843 — Thomson, Mrs. E. A. - 7,261 — Thomson, Miss E. J . 7,422 — Thomson, G. R. - 6,269 — Thomson, J. — . . 6,717 — Thomson, Mrs. J. I. _ — 7,860 — Thomson, L. J. A. - 3,448 — Thomson, Miss M. 2,298 — Thomson, Mrs. M. A. J. 4,608 — Thorbum, J. S. 5,376 — Thorhaug, Mrs. M. - 4,866 — Thornhill, E. - - - 6.61 7 — Thornhill, Mrs. M. E. — 3,784 — Thors. Mrs. K. J. - 2,513 — Threlfall. Mrs. L. - 246 — Threlkeld, Mrs. E. P. - 3,599 — Thurier, D. D. - 5.925 56 Thwaites, Mrs. E. - 5.391 — Ticehurst, Mrs. L. J. - . 4.990 — Ticehurst, Mrs. L. S. - — 4,904 — Tidiman. L. W. - 5,340 — Tierra, Miss D. - - — 133 — Tilbury, Mrs. S. A. - 7,512 — Tilley, Mrs. L. A. — - - 660 — Tillotson, Miss V. - 2,372 — Tilser, G. - - - 3,325 — Tilton, Mrs. B. T. - 276 — Tilton, Mrs. J. E. - 3,559 — Timtiman, Mrs. U. G. - 5,796 — Tinkham, Mrs. S. M. - 5,172 — Tinsley, W. G. 5,189 — Tirshman, A. . - - 6,900 — Tischler, Mrs. B. . - . — 19,380 259 Tischler, I. - - 9.000 — Tjepkema, S. 5,376 — Tkachuk, D. — — - 1,518 — Tocher, Mrs. J. M. - 5,391 — Tocher, Mrs. M. E. - 3,600 — Todd, Mrs. D. S. - 2,157 — Todd, J. - . - 6,144 — Todd, L. A. _ _ 6,120 — Todd, Mrs. M. D. - 433 — Todd, Mrs. P. M. - 3,518 — Tolman, Miss T. _ - 1,170 — Tomalty, G. L. T. - — 12,360 1,867 Tomiuk, Mrs. L. B. — __ 2,742 — Tomkinson, Mrs. L. A. — 5,883 — Tomlin, Miss N. - 300 — Tomlinson, Mrs. C. M. — 5,021 79 Tomlinson, Miss J. A. — 4,174 — Tondevold, Mrs. A. J. _ — 6,630 — Tonkin, H. M. ~ - 8,160 — Tooley, A. M. - - 5,563 — Topolewski, Mrs. J. - 4,793 — Topolewski, Miss S. _ . 670 — Topping, G. M. - 952 — Torchia, L. - - - 4,800 — Totten, Miss D. L. - 1,862 — Townson, G. - 6,504 168 Traas, Miss M. C. - 111 — Salary $ Trace, Mrs. K. _ 5,488 Tracy, A. O. _ 4,785 Traford, W. _ 2,573 Trager, Mrs. M. R. _ 4,608 Traill, Mrs. V. M. _ _ 3,780 Traviss, H. R. _ 8,160 Treit, Mrs. J. I _ 1,226 Treliving, Mrs. A. M. _ 3,400 Tremblay, Mrs. D. M. _ 1,169 Tremere, R. L. _ 1,792 Trenchard, Mrs. I. Y. _ 4,027 Tretwold, Miss G. _ 2,759 Tribe, E. T _ 5,923 Trippel, Mrs. S. M. _ 4,440 Trotter, Miss D. M. _ 4,344 Trowse, Mrs. E. _ _ 2,160 Trudeau, Mrs. V. _ _ 5,391 Trush, Miss A. J. _ 2,552 Tuckey, Miss D. _ _ _ 5,498 Tulloch, Mrs. E. H. P. _ 4,440 Tully, Mrs. D. F. M. _ 1,430 Tunney, Mrs. C. R. _ 6,940 Turbitt, Miss C. G. _ 731 Turcotte, Mrs. L. C. _ 3,299 Turenne, Mrs. J. C. _ 5,517 Turgeon, Mrs. M. B. H _ 4,441 Turnbull, J. J. _ _ 2,474 Turnbull, Mrs. J. K. _ 642 Turnbull, J. M. _ 1,831 Turner, Mrs. D. E. _ 5,529 Turner, Miss E. I. _ _ _ 6,994 Turner, Miss M . . 2,758 Turner, Mrs. M. A. _ 5,436 Turner, M. F. _ 5,394 Turner, Mrs. M. J. _ 4,788 Turner, Mrs. M. V. _ _ 1,448 Turner, Miss P. H. _ 4,423 Turner, R. D. _ _ 7,722 Tyler, R. J. _ 4,800 Tymo, Mrs. H. . . 3,720 Tyrrell, Miss C. M. _ 4,549 Ubels, J. _ 4,500 Udsen, Mrs. G. E. _ 801 Ulevog, R. G. _ _ _ 4,317 Underwood, Mrs. A. F._ 4,086 Unger, Mrs. C. R. _ 2,953 Unger, J. _ 5,376 Unger, Mrs. J. _ 1,058 Unger, Mrs. L. L _ 3,377 Unland, Mrs. W. _ 5,391 Unruh, Mrs. S. A. _ 1,976 Urner, Mrs. A. _ 5,367 Urquhart, Mrs. D. M. ___ 4,440 Ursic, L. _ 300 Urwin, Miss S. L. _ 3,240 Usherwood, N. V. _ 2,892 Usselman, Mrs. G. F. _ 3,263 Utley, Mrs. B. A. _ _ 3,768 Uzeloc, Mrs. M. _ 2,758 Vaillancourt, Mrs. C. M. 3.535 Vallet, Mrs. J. M. _ 1,789 Vallet, Mrs. J. S. _ 560 Van Aert, Miss A. _ 3,299 Van Baaren, Miss M. _ 2,471 Van Bemmelen, J. _ 5,079 Van Den Berg, Miss V. J. I. _ 5,376 Van Der Bos, W. _ 4,800 Van Der Wal, Mrs. G. E. 3,014 Van Dresar, Miss G. _ 5,076 Van Galen, Mrs. G. W _ 5.161 Van Harmelen, Miss M... 1,170 Van Herwaarden, Miss M. 2,758 Van Herwaarden, Miss S. 300 Van Klei, Miss A. J. _ 1,281 Van Norman, W. R. _ 5,386 Van Staalduinen, G. _ 3,234 Van Woerden, Miss M _ 2,759 Vanamstel, Mrs. D. E — 2.369 Vance, Miss E. B. _ 6,184 Vandenbrink, C. _ 6,279 Vanderklok, Mrs. M. _ 2,823 Vandermeer, G. _ 7,045 Vandermolen, Mrs. M. _ 42 Vanderzwan, G . . 2,400 Vaneck, Mrs. A. D. _ 2,161 Vaness, Mrs. L. D. _ _ 1,505 Vanest, Miss W. _ _ ._ 9,120 Varga, L. _ 4,419 Varley, Mrs. M. S. _ 10,620 Varwig, Mrs. R. J. F. E. 9,750 Travel $ 133 13 73 86 Salary $ Vaselenak, Mrs. P. H. _ 3,485 Vasseur, Mrs. E. L. _ 1,721 Vaughan, A. D. W. _ 6,264 Vaughan, Miss C. S. _ 2,895 Vaughan, J. S. _ 10,380 Veale, Mrs. J. B. _ 4,206 Velin, Mrs. D. J. _ 5,329 Veness, Mrs. L. _ 4,128 Venhuizen, R. H. _ 1,301 Verano, Miss G. _ 6,336 Vercruyssen, Miss H. _ 2,240 Vermilyea, Mrs. R. G. _ 549 Verrier, Mrs. C. A. _ 1,104 Verrier, Mrs. J. Y. _ 5,488 Vertner, Mrs. N. G. _ 816 Vick, Miss C. A. _ _ 3,819 Victory, Mrs. B. L. _ 2,136 Viil, Miss E. U. _ 3,327 Villiers, Mrs. E. E. - 5,396 Vishloff, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,788 Vitkay, J. W. _ 7,047 Vogen, J. _ 4,800 Vogler, B. R. _ 4.884 Voice, Mrs. A. L. _ 4,440 Voice, Mrs. K. N. _ 6,504 Vollweiter, F. A. - 5,376 Voth, E. B. _ _ 5,191 Voth, Miss S. E. _ 2,497 Voth, Mrs. V. E. _ 1,846 Vroom. Miss M. _ 2,758 Vye, Mrs. E. _ 4,698 Waddell, Mrs. R. J. _ 4,440 Waddell, W. M. - . 4,519 Wadden, Miss C. E. - 3,253 Wagenstein, Mrs. P. C. _ 5,508 Wagner, Mrs. C. G. _ 6,771 Wagner, Mrs. M. M. I. _ 5,727 Wagner, Miss S. L. _ 1,501 Wagner, W. F. _ 194 Wainwright, Mrs. M. _ _ 684 Walcott, K. C. _ 2,811 Wald, Mrs. A. _ 5,376 Wald, A. A. _ 5,796 Walker, Mrs. H. D. _ 1,707 Walker, Mrs. J. A. _ 4.251 Walker, Mrs. K. _ 4,143 Walker, Miss M. C. _ 1.079 Walker, Mrs. M. W. _ 4,539 Walker, Mrs. N. K. _ 3.917 Walker, Mrs. O. E. _ 3,720 Walker, Miss P. _ 300 Wallace, Mrs. A. E. - 6,756 Wallace, B. T. _ 190 Wallace, Mrs. E. J. - 6,184 Wallace, Miss M. _ 1,170 Wallace, Miss R. _ 1,674 Walley, Miss J. _ 840 Wallner, A. - 2,377 Wallwork, Mrs. M. - 4,164 Walsh, J. _ 20,040 Waiter-Hughes, Mrs. C. E. 1,209 Waltho, Mrs. A. - 2,651 Waltho, T _ _ 4,449 Walton, Mrs. E. A. - 4,128 Wanless. Mrs. H. L. _ 4.217 Ward, K. T. _ 6,235 Ward, Mrs. S. J. _ 4.174 Warden, A. G. _ 5,071 Warhurst, Mrs. J. D. _ 508 Warken, Mrs. A. S. _ 2,777 Warren, Mrs. E. M. _ 2,437 Warren, J. W. _ 75 Warrender, Mrs. C. M — 8,290 Warriner, A. H. - 7,988 Warwick, Mrs. N. C. — 4,362 Wasiuta, Miss K. R. _ 671 Wasyluk, Mrs. C. H. — 3,504 Watchell, Miss A. E. _ 6,016 Waterman, Miss D. C. — 712 Waters, Mrs. M. H. Y. _ 2,700 Waterton, J. T. - 5,376 Watkins, E. - 7,560 Watkins, Mrs. H. G. — 2,692 Watkins, H. G. - 4,800 Watson, C. B. _ 12,900 Watson, Mrs. E. T. _ 6,756 Watson, J. N. - 6,024 Watson, Mrs. K. L. - 5,370 Watson, Miss P. _ 2,759 Watt, W. G - 5,629 Trave I 15S - _ - - - - - - . 1(1 337 355 654 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 97 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ atters, Mrs. J. _ 1,102 — atters, R. D. _ .. .. 2,905 — atts, Mrs. E. M. _ _ 4,100 — augh, Mrs. L. M. M._ 3,681 — eaver, Mrs. G. L. _ 1,629 — ebb, C. H. ... 7,860 414 ebb, Mrs. I. T _ 3,484 — ebb, Mrs. P. M. 5,498 — ebber, H. C. S. - 6,756 — ebber, Mrs. J. L. _ 2,194 — ebster, Miss C. _ 2,758 — ebster, Mrs. G. D. _ 543 — ebster. Mrs. K. _ _ 3,720 — eed, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,165 — eekes, G. C. . . — 2,466 — :eks, I . . 6,159 — jightman, Miss P. B. A. 5,376 — jisgerber, Mrs. J. A. _ 3,038 — :iss, Mrs. D. I. 5,391 — :itemeyer, Mrs. E. . 29 — :lburn, H. - . 4,980 — :ldon, Mrs. I. E. .. 4,440 — dlington, Mrs. M. C. _ 5,398 — :11s, C. C. ...... 8,820 — :11s, Mrs. E. .... 7,860 — :11s, Mrs. J. M. - 7,810 — :1ms, Mrs. L. _ 3,540 — lsh, Miss J. - - 7,652 — :lsh. S. B. _ _ 6,504 — :lsh, Mrs. S. M. . - 2,692 — ;nham, D. L. _ _ 6,519 — nhan, Mrs. A. A. - 2,233 — mzel, Mrs. C. D. - . 1,395 — ;rger, Miss A. R. - 5,091 — mer, Mrs. B. A. _ 12,900 — ;st, Mrs. E. V. — - - 4,798 — st, Mrs. M. S. E. _ 3,386 — st, Mrs. P. A. ... . .. 6,264 157 stcott, C. J. — - 7,860 — stergard, G. - 4,323 11 stem, G. S. G. . 4,800 — stem, Mrs. I. H. - 6,756 — stman, J. - - 5,376 — ston, S. J. 5,823 — stwood, Mrs. P. - 4,331 — ttlaufer, Mrs. E. J. — 3,566 — tton, T. A. - . . 4,559 — arton, Mrs. V. L. — 6,756 — arton, W. . .. — — 8,760 379 eeler, Miss J. B. — . 1,303 — eeler, Miss L. - .. 3,939 — eeler, L. R. A. - 8,160 — ipps, Mrs. B. E. - 1,016 — istle, Mrs. D. M. — 4,128 — ite, B. - - 2,095 — ite, Mrs. B. H. E. - 2,776 — ite, E. - - ~ 4,277 — ite, Mrs. E. — 3,092 — ite, Mrs. E. L. - 625 — ite, Miss J. - 786 — ite, Mrs. M. A. - 7,560 27 ite, Mrs. M. L. - 5,378 — ite, Mrs. N. M. J. — 3,420 — ite, Miss S. J. 2,895 — ite, Mrs. T. K. - 4,992 — tehead, Miss V. . 299 — telaw, R. - ... . 9,540 — tford, T. .. 2,117 — ting, Mrs. A. A. — 4,713 — ting, Mrs. D. M. - 728 — ttle, Miss N. R. - 860 — tworth, C. ... - . 6,935 — fte, Mrs. L. - 4,455 — he, Miss M. J. _ .5,925 — erg, Miss C. M. .... . 3,290 — entowich, J. _ 5,376 — k, Mrs. T. L. .. . 4,310 — kham, C. A. - 3,231 — kham, Mrs. H. J. — 3,720 — eman, J. _ — 5,578 — mer. F. E. . - 5.099 — >e, Mrs. A. .... - 3,905 — 5e, Miss B. P. - 448 — je, Mrs. E. M. - 6,756 — )e, R. _ _ _ 910 — senger, Mrs. V. M. — 2,392 — is, Miss M. _ ... 8,010 19 is, Mrs. M. T. _ 4,440 — Salary Travel $ $ Wiens, R. B. _ _ 4,908 — Wigboldus, Miss C. W. _ 4,556 — Wightman, J. _ 6,360 — Wijmenga, Mrs. C. E. _ 1,558 — Wilbanks, Mrs. A. M. . . 1,871 — Wilcott, Mrs. L. .... 1,354 — Wilczak, Mrs. A. E. _ 5,376 — Wild, Mrs. B. E _ 87 — Wild, Mrs. E T 4,826 _ Wilde, Mrs. K. _ 4,366 — Wildeman, Mrs. M. _ _ 3,827 — Wildeman, Mrs. M. O. _ 3,545 _ Wilkes, Mrs. J. E. _ 5,538 _ Wilkins, Mrs. D. H . 3,411 _ Wilkinson, Mrs. D. M. 206 _ Wilkinson, G. R. _ 4,843 _ Will an, T. M. _ _ 5,041 — Willard, Mrs. J. ..... .. . 5,005 — Wille, Mrs. E. J. _ 4,188 _ Willey, Mrs. M. D. _ 3,264 _ Williams, Mrs. A. _ 3,720 _ Williams, Mrs. A. A. _ 6,876 _ Williams, F.. D. 5,029 Williams, F. _ _ _ 4^320 _ Williams, Mrs. G. M . 5,376 _ Williams, Mrs. J. M. 3,046 _ Williams, Miss L. .. _ 1,170 _ Williams, Miss L. J. .. 5,566 _ Williams, Mrs. M. A. A.... 3,314 _ Williams, R. _ _ _ 4,800 _ Williams, R. .... _ 1,530 _ Williams, R. D. _ 5,376 _ Williams, Mrs. S. A. _ 4.206 _ Williams, Miss S. T. 1,096 _ Williamsen, Miss E. . 300 _ Williamson, Mrs. C. R. _ 4,884 _ Williamson, G. 8,820 _ Williamson, G. T. ... 5,449 _ Williamson, R. H. _ _ 5,194 _ Willingshofer, C. F. _ 4,800 — Willingshofer, Miss D. _ 2,372 _ Willis, D. M. 268 _ Willis, Mrs. M. H. . _ 1,752 _ Willox, Mrs. H. R. 1,881 _ Willsie, Miss C. _ _ ... 300 _ Willson, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,293 _ Willson, L. C. - . 6,155 _ Wilms, Mrs. L. B. _ 1,486 _ Wilson, A. J. 5,910 _ Wilson, Miss A. M. _ 1,170 _ Wilson, Mrs. B. 6,766 _ Wilson, C. R. . ... ... 5,376 _ Wilson, Miss D. A. . .. 1,569 _ Wilson, Miss D. M. _ 1,942 _ Wilson, E. _ _ 358 _ Wilson, Mrs. E. _ 5,401 _ Wilson, Mrs. E. M. 1,922 _ Wilson, F. A. . . . . 6,519 _ Wilson, F. T. _ 4,620 _ Wilson, Mrs. G. K. 1,820 _ Wilson, Mrs. H. A. _ 3,600 _ Wilson, J. E. _ _ 4,128 _ Wilson, Miss J. L. _ .. 5,309 _ Wilson, J. W. . 1,297 _ Wilson, Mrs. M. _ .. 6,514 _ Wilson, R. D. _ 4,623 _ Wilson, R. F. 10,860 _ Wilson. R. T 6,360 _ Wilson, R. J. ... ... 2,429 _ Wilson, R. S. _ 6,284 197 Wilson, T. W. E . . 5,520 Wilson, Mrs. V . . 5,376 _ Wilson, W. _ _ 4,810 _ Wilson, W. _ 5,340 128 Wilton, L. B. _ _ 5,025 — Winch, J. R _ _ 6,384 _ Windover, R. E. . _ 5,376 _ Wing, Mrs. G. E. _ . 7,944 — Wingrove, Mrs. J. I. _ 5,488 — Winquist, Mrs. L. C. ... 4,788 — Winship, Miss S. L. _ 1,292 — Winston, P. M. _ 5,040 — Winters, Miss V. L. _ 3,290 — Wiseman, D. M. .. .. _. 6,024 — Wiseman, Miss I. _ 2,759 — Wishlove, Mrs. E. J. _ 3,612 _ Wisniewski, Mrs. L. M.,_ 2,166 — Witala, E. W. _ 4,608 — With, Mrs. V. E. 4,440 — Witherly, Mrs. J. . 5,723 — Wittich, Mrs. I. M. 5,579 — Witzke, Mrs. I. L. - 4,512 — Salary Travel $ $ Wocknitz, Mrs. E. C. . 2,149 — Woelk, P. G. _ 4,623 — Woiden, Mrs. C. I. 3,972 — Wold, E. ...... ..... .. 1,133 — Wolff, Miss B. R. E. . 110 — Wolff, Mrs. M. N. ....... 2,096 — Wong, Mrs. B. _ . 3,218 — Wong, Mrs. L. T. _ 3,471 77 Wood, A. _ 2,478 — Wood, A. K. _ 6,593 — Wood, E. D. _ 5,401 — Wood, E. W. _ 6.555 — Wood, Mrs. J. A. _ 5,799 — Wood, J. T. . . 6,160 29 Wood, Miss L. S. _ 710 — Wood, Miss M. . . 4,526 — Wood, Mrs. M. . _ 5,396 — Wood, R. C. _ ... 5,977 — Wood, Mrs. S . . 3,055 — Wood, Miss S. L. _ 5,305 — Woodford, Miss C. 2,758 — Woods, A. _ 3.675 — Woods, E. J. _ 7,860 — Woods, Mrs. V. E. _ 3,573 — Woodward, C. _ ... 6,524 — Woodward, Mrs. P. E. 10,860 60 Woodworth, Mrs. V. I. 3,343 — Woolcock, K. _ 10,380 — Woolley, Miss V. A. . _ 7,930 117 Worden, Miss N. _ _ _ 300 — World, Mrs. G. A. _ 7,840 — Worms, A. H _ _ 5,204 — Woroniuk, Mrs. P. E. 927 — Worrall, J. C. W. 5,396 — Worsnop, J. S. _ _ 5,376 — Worsnop, Mrs. S. _ _ 5,356 — Wotherspoon, Miss M. A. F _ _ _ _ _ 6,039 — Wourms, A. A. - 5.708 — Wourms, Miss J. H. _ 6,390 — Wowk, Mrs. E. _ 4,884 — Wowk, Miss L _ _ 300 — Wright, A. G. - _ 4,914 — Wright, D. J. L. _ _ 7,205 37 Wright, Mrs. E. M. _ _ 3,270 — Wright, G. A. _ _ 5,222 — Wright, H. W _ _ 8.273 262 Wright, J. R. _ _ 6,756 — Wright, Miss L. - 2.759 — Wright, Mrs. L. - 1,233 — Wright, Miss L. D. _ _ 3,074 — Wright, P. B. - 5.160 — Wright, R. - 5,290 — Wright, Mrs. R. N. — _ 205 — Wright, W. R. _ ... 5.513 — Wurtele, Miss E. T. _. 5,230 — Wutzke, Mrs. M. E. ... 4,788 — Wycherley, Mrs. N. F. _ 5,376 — Wyder, E. S. .. 10,300 — Wver, D. H. - - 6,651 — Wynker, P . . .. . 2,230 — Wysota, Miss N. - _ 1.131 — Yakiwchuk, Mrs. M. — _ 2,803 — Yan, Mrs. W. A. 3.602 — Yantz, Mrs. D. M. - 5.396 — Yee, S. J. _ 9,000 488 Yelland, Miss O. M. L. 7,794 — Yeo, Mrs. M. K. - _ 7.860 — Yeo, Miss N. . . . . 299 — Yeo, W. R. _ -- 6.755 — Yerex, Miss R. L. - _ 3.115 — Yeung, D. P . _ 4,480 — Yoo, Miss J. S. - 5,896 — Yorke, T. R. . 2.506 — Young, A. - __ _ 6.024 — Young, Miss B. — _ 2,759 — Young, B. G. - 4,788 68 Young, C. B. - _ 5.231 — Young, C. J. - _ 129 — Young, Mrs. C. M. _ _ 3,377 — Young, Miss J. _ _ 2,372 — Young, Miss L. - 300 — Young, Mrs. M. A. . 6,384 — Young, R. - — . _ 5.376 — Young, S. N. . . _ 5.508 — Youngberg, Miss E. T. M. 3,828 — Younghusband, J. N. _ 6.859 — Ytsma, Mrs. A. - .. - 3,993 — Yuen, S. M. - - 16,200 171 Zack, Mrs. A. O. - 3,257 — 98 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND HOSPITAL INSURANCE — Continued Mental Health Services — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Zamalynski, M. W. _ 2,081 — Zappia, Miss T. _ _ 3,540 — Zavaglia, A. - 5,433 — Zeebin, Mrs. M. C. - 3,540 — Zehner, G. C. _ 21 — Zeleny, Miss C. K. _ 6,529 — Zervos, Mrs. M. I. H. _ 5,981 — Zettler, Miss M. C. - 1,077 — Salary Travel $ $ Ziemann, Mrs. H. J. _ 3,617 — Zilcosky, Miss E. J. _ 5,915 — Zimmerman, Mrs. D. F. 5,376 — Zimmerman, S. M. . 9,960 548 Zinger, Mrs. V. 4,539 — Zinner, H. H. 6,756 — Zorony, Mrs. E. E. 612 — Zwer, Mrs. B. L. _ 5,177 — Salary Trav $ $ Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments — 2,41 Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ — 215 — 22,501,158 83,5 Hospital Insurance Services Salary Travel $ $ Cox, D. M., Deputy Min- ister _ _ _ 21,000 2,462 Adams, D. G. - . 17,730 950 Aitken, Mrs. H. G. L. . — 4,431 — Anderson, Mrs. S. V. — __ 550 — Arason, Miss S. 690 — Bacon, P. A. — . . 8,160 287 Bailey, Mrs. C. E. 1,854 251 Bainbridge, J. ... 12,439 1,544 Ballam, C. F. - 18,720 1,904 Bath, Mrs. H. D. 4,284 — Belton, D. A. _ . . — 2,510 — Benjamin, H. G. 11,400 422 Bennett, N. L. _ 7,152 125 Benson, Miss E. P. I. - 2,688 — Berry, J. R. - 7,590 1,560 Blackwell, Miss C. A. _ 3,542 — Boone, Mrs. A. .. 4,440 — Brahan, Mrs. B. E. _ 157 — Brayshaw, J. W. M. _ 7,284 55 Breel, P. M. _ _ 10,297 1,268 Brown, Mrs. R. J. _ 3,224 — Browning, E. M. - 7,842 44 Buckley, Mrs. R. M. _ 851 — Burgess, Mrs. D. G. _ 4,788 — Burnham, Mrs. D. E. _ 1,388 — Burrows, Miss L. M. 2,486 — Carmichael, J. A. 7,681 1,167 Olivers, D. C. .. ... 7,560 1,250 Clarke, Miss M. J. _ 1,616 — Cornforth, Miss S. M. _ 3,828 — Cox, W. H. ._ . . 9,180 263 Cranston, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,980 — Dallimore, A. R. ._ 7,560 565 Davies, Miss E. L. 2,243 — Daviss, Miss M. 838 — Dawson, K. C. _ . . . _ 7.755 1,384 Deboer, Mrs. M. F. _ 1,667 — Desjardins, Miss J. E. _ 3,843 354 Dewar, Miss E. H. _ 5,478 — Dickson, Miss M. E. _ 6,504 — Dodge, Miss D. E. _ 1,668 — Doull, Miss A. E. I. _ 6,264 — Drab, H. E. _ _ 8,160 196 Dunford, Miss B. J. _ 8,160 740 Ferguson, Mrs. M. N. _ 4,440 — Flavelle, R. F. _ 7,284 1,633 Forbes, Mrs. G. M. _ 3,964 — Fulton, Miss A. M. 4,788 — Gage, P. _ _ 7,152 — Galinis, A. ... . . .... 4,983 1,008 Gardner, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,362 _ Garland, Miss L. M. _ 4,347 _ Gibbs, Miss M. D. _ 4,608 — Giles, A. D. _ . _ 5,285 1,206 Glenwright, J. G. _ 7,351 317 Salary $ Goldsmith, Miss E. J. _ 4,788 Gonnason, Miss M. A. _ 4,608 Graber, Mrs. E. _ 1,065 Green, Mrs. C. A. _ 5,076 Green, Mrs. J. K. _ _ 4,980 Greenfield, Mrs. H. M. _ . 4,980 Greenway, Mrs. M. S. A. 4,206 Grootveld, Miss B. _ 553 Groves, Miss J. _ 9,180 Hackett, Miss H. B. 358 Hadfield, C. _ . 268 Haines, A. J. _ 3,120 Halket, Mrs. K. M. _ 3,828 Halliday, Miss E. A. _ 4,788 Hancock, Mrs. M. K. _ _ 4,440 Hannay, Miss M. J. _ 5,132 Hansen, Mrs. M. _ 2,443 Hauptfieisch, Miss S. L. .. 2,627 Haw, Mrs. I. S _ 1,784 Hegan, Mrs. F. E. _ _ _ 3,029 Holborn, E. W. _ _ 9,171 Holt, Miss S. _ 3,566 Hughes, J. _ 6,384 Jenkins, Miss J. D. _ _ 546 Johns, Mrs. Z. M. _ 4,980 Jones, Mrs. J. M. _ 6,314 Joyce, Mrs. R. A. _ 2,497 Knapik, Mrs. M. M. L. _ 5,771 Langran, J. P. B. _ _ 9,360 Leighton, C. R. . _ 6,504 Leitch, A. B. _ 5,355 Linn, Mrs. D. I. _ 4,010 Lohner, F. _ 2,017 Luscombe, E. C. _ 9,540 Lyle, W. J. _ 17,400 MacKenzie, Mrs. P. R. _ 3,288 Mainguy, J. W. _ 15,600 Mann, L. P. _ 3,780 Masi, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,788 McCarville, Mrs. L. M. _ 3,147 McIntosh, Mrs. F. _ 4,524 McKibben, Miss M. J. _ 1,126 McLean, Mrs. H. J. _ 3,684 McLeod, Miss D. J. _ 3,578 McPherson, Mrs. B. _ 4,440 Messenger, Mrs. M. E . 7,020 Milne, Miss M. L. _ 5,580 Morrison, Mrs. M. W. _ 9,180 Moss, R. K. _ 3,930 Murdoch, P. _ 7,560 Murray, J. B _ _ 4,183 Nordlund, Miss E. E. _ 10,869 O’Hanlon, Mrs. M. M _ 2,260 Orbell, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,581 Pallan, P. _ 4,804 Parker, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,086 Travel $ 990 72 2,107 128 1,243 206 1,097 1,977 1,910 549 1,155 995 1,246 338 3,781 Salary Tra\ $ $ Parker, W. H. _ 8,010 Paulson, Miss F. M. _ 2,264 — Penner, Mrs. E. J. _ 4,440 — Pitkethley, A. W. E. _ 571 — Plant, Miss L. M. _ 1,999 — Pohoski, Mrs. M. G. B. _ 256 — Porter, Miss L. E. _ _ _ 3,552 — Poulin, Mrs. J. E. _ _ 3,420 — Pyle, Mrs. G. E. _ . 4,440 — Quick, Mrs. J. R . . 3,900 — Quigley, Miss F. P. F. _ 3,794 — Rankin, Mrs. P. M. _ 4,440 — Reeve, J. J. _ 6,079 9 Reeves, Mrs. C. E. _ 1,277 — Rhodes, Miss L. M. _ 735 — Ridout, Mrs. L. S. _ 4,206 — Robertson, Mrs. M. M _ 617 — Robinson, Miss H. R. _ 5,172 — Rose, A. H. _ 10,860 3 Selwood, W. E. . . 6,305 — Shaw, Mrs. J. L. _ 1,470 — Shepherd, Mrs. M. I _ 3,060 — Simpson, Mrs. S. M. _ 3,479 — Smelser, Mrs. L. M. _ 5,923 — Smith, Mrs. A. A. _ 1,428 — Smith, Mrs. E. H. _ 4,362 — Standbridge, Miss A. M. 1,601 — Sutherland, C. D. _ 8,010 — Thompson, R. H. _ 7,284 Thomson, D. S. _ 11,880 6 Touchette, D. G. _ . 6,504 Townshend, D. W. _ 9,495 5 Trimble, Miss P. D. _ 2,498 — Trueman, Mrs. D. M. _ 6,098 — Vanajan, Miss H. M. _ 531 — Wade, V/. J. J. _ 9,750 1 Wadsworth, Mrs. B. L _ _ 4,128 — Wallace, N. S. _ _ _ 13,440 5 Watson, W. E. _ 4,337 Wharton, R. H _ _ 9,540 3 White, Mrs. M. R. _ 2,707 — Williams, K. J. _ 5,796 — Wiper, K. G. _ 12,900 4 Wootton, Miss E. M. _ 4,128 — Zulkowski, E. _ 4,120 2 Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ — 4,0 Transfers, other depart- partments _ _ _ — 358 +1,2 821,721 49,1 Bennett, Hon. W. A. C., Minister (to April 25, 1968) (paid as Pre- Salary $ Travel $ mier) _ Black, Hon. W. D., Min¬ ister (from April 25, 1968) (paid as Provin- cial Secretary) _ _ Miard, H. T., Deputy — 2,329 Minister . . . .. 21,000 1,501 Aalten, H. C. _ _ 1,695 — Aarts, A. P. _ _ _ 5,653 497 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Salary Travel $ $ Aarvold, Mrs. P. _ 911 — Abear, J. F. _ _ 1,692 77 Abel, C. R. _ 6,547 2,841 Abel, D. M. _ .... 1,737 — Abraham, D. _ 238 — Abrahamsen, E. F. _ 6.216 — Abrahamson, F. T. _ . . 6,061 — Abrams, B. R. _ 5,398 — Abramson, E. R. _ 5,815 — Abrcsimoff, J. G. _ 6,816 — Acar, P. _ 5,159 — Aceto, A. _ 301 — Salary Tra' $ $ Ackerman, E. H. _ 2,786 — Acton, H. _ 343 — Adam, W. T. _ 5,261 — Adama, J. G. _ _ 6,855 Adams, D. _ 476 — Adams, G. H. _ 2,590 — Adams, G. L. _ 1,690 — Adams, J. N. _ 5,886 — Adams, P. _ 1,290 — Adams, W. A. _ 9,778 6 Adamski, V. L. _ 7,201 — Addison, J. G. _ 7,113 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 99 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ idison, R. A. _ _ _ 6,737 — ies, A. G. _ „ 8,220 1,025 lolph, T. _ _ 3,327 — Jshead, C. E. M. _ 5,341 — ;new, C. J. _ _ 5,108 — ;opsowicz, A. A. _ _ 7,365 — ken, Mrs. D. _ .. 1,177 — ken, L. _ _ 6,693 27 kman, L. R. _. .. . 6,603 — nsley, J. W. _ 5,721 — nsworth, L. . . . 5,115 — tken, G. 6,438 — ;am, W. J. _ 7,740 610 tland, B. .... _ _ . 5 — am, M. K. _ _ 5,396 306 brecht, J. J. . _ 3,188 — ierson, N. _ 8,309 505 iis, A. I. _ _ 1,489 159 exander, B. L. 6,351 — 5xander, C. W. . . 8,310 458 exander, D. V. _ 4,237 — exander, F. V. „ 3,937 144 exander, J. A. 1,544 104 exander, R. J. . 1,252 — exander, R. S. F. _ 2,400 — red, C. J. _ 252 — red. 11. _ 2.453 — red, J. _ _ 3,768 — ter, C. D. _ 5,954 55 ;er, G. _ 5,185 — , S. W _ _ 1,948 39 monti, D. _ _ 5,710 — abarton, H. M. _ 12,360 1,350 ain, R. V. _ 1,091 — an, J. B. _ 5,666 15 an, N _ _ _ _ 8,820 697 an, W. M _ _ 6,591 530 emeerscha, A. W. _ 9,551 204 en, B. D . . . . . 3,333 — en, D. F _ _ 988 — en, D. P. . _ . 992 — en, E. D. _ 6,555 — en, E. M. _ 5,775 — en, G. A . . 5,691 541 en, G. 11. . 138 — en, J. R . . . 5,886 — en, R. E . . . 1,100 — en, R. P. _ _ _ 2,047 17 en, R. W. . .... 6,744 169 en, W. G. . . 4,420 33 ercott, E. J. _ 5,660 520 ercott, H. F. _ 1,785 — son, C. H. _ 5,913 — son, G . . . . 213 — c, G. K . 1,928 — n. A. R. _ 4,183 — n. H. R. _ 8,829 — eaugn, R _ _ 3,329 — eberg, J. G. _ 5,586 243 ies, J H. _ _ _ 7,104 — ies, N. W. _ _ _ 6,055 — inger, A. _ 481 — hikoski, R. F. _ 1,535 — ersen, K. D. _ 7,903 — ersen, S. O. _ 1,378 — erson, Mrs. A. _ .. 4,980 — erson, A. _ . . 7,127 — erson, A. _ _ 6,245 — erson, B. C _ _ 811 — erson, B. C . . 7,491 — erson, D. F. _ 5.728 41 erson, D. H. _ 7,479 74 erson, Mrs. D. L. _ 3.825 — erson, D. R. _ 9,354 — erson, E. _ 5,289 — erson, E. _ 7.141 — erson, E. E. _ 2,771 — erson, G. _ 7.753 — erson, H. _ 4,394 — erson, H. J. _ 5,796 — erson, H. K. _ 3,171 — erson, H. R. _ 6,054 606 erson, H. W. _ 3,429 — erson, J. _ 8,072 — erson, ,T. A. _ 1.306 — erson, J. B. _ 6.602 — erson, J. E. A. _ 6,263 — erson, J. R _ — 5,881 17 erson, K. A. _ 1,898 — erson, K. E. . . 3,619 14 erson, L. E . . 6,965 — erson, ! J. _ 7,767 341 Salary Travel $ $ Anderson, T O. _ _ 6,104 8 Anderson, O. _ 6,209 — Anderson, R. E. . 2,629 _ Anderson, R. G. _ 6,273 15 Anderson, R. I. _ 5,196 _ Anderson, R. W. _ 2,969 Anderson, R. W. _ 3,617 66 Anderson, S. R. H. _ 2,113 — Anderson, W. E. _ _ _ 5,543 — Anderson, W. W. _ 6,497 — Andres, A. R. . . . 9,309 — Andres, E. ..... . 4,448 — Andrew, Mrs. R. D . 4,075 — Andrew, R. G _ _ 6,147 262 Andrew, R. R. _ 2,644 — Andrews, A. K. _ 829 — Andrews, L. _ 8,417 — Andrist, R. F. _ 7,053 378 Andronick, W. _ 6,780 29 Angel, J. J _ _ 5,614 — Angrignon, F. H. _ 6,504 95 Angstadt, A. D . . . 1,004 — Angstadt, G. A. _ 1,079 — Ankerman, K. E. _ 2,168 — Annett, W. _ 5,634 — Anslow, C. A. _ 1,878 21 Anthonv, M. O. _ 2,202 — Antifaeff, W. _ _ _ 1,883 — Antoine, A. _ 2,204 — Antoine, M. _ 1.815 — Antrim, L. _ 7,011 — Appleby, D. N. _ 782 — Appleby, R. . _ 7,284 — Appleyard, P. G. - 2,067 — Arbuthnot, O. E. _ .. 2,784 — Arcand, E. J. _ 605 — Archibald, J. R. _ 5,728 — Arksey, D. J. . _ . .... 4,421 — Arksey, S. _ _ ... 8,131 — Armand, C. H. _ 5,219 — Armstrong, D. V. _ 729 — Armstrong, D. W. . . . 1,818 — Armstrong, F. H. _ 5,952 — Armstrong, G. E. _ 6,441 — Armstrong, Mrs. H. A. — 3,900 — Armstrong. P. _ 495 — Arndt, O. V. _ 7,007 — Arnett, L. R. _ 7,809 26 Arnold, C. A. _ _ 8,311 48 Arnold, G _ _ _ _ 2.168 — Arnold, M. I. .... - 7,840 — Arnoldus, T. - - 7,665 180 Arnott, K. H. _ _ _ 11,400 146 Arntson, A. F. _ 5,183 — Arntson, E. H. _ 8,722 97 Arnusch, J. A. . _ 5,996 14 Arnusch, R. H. _ 257 — Arrowsmith, R. O. _... . 6,030 — Arseniuk, E. .. __ _ 1,701 2 Arthur, G. G. _ _ 5,926 — Arthur, J. G. _ 631 — Arthurs, W. J. . . . 250 — Ash, L. .... _ _ 5,080 — Ashall, R. G. _ _ 1,069 — Ashcraft, L. C. _ 6,045 — Ashcroft, W. J. . . 493 — Ashdown, D. S, _ _ 737 — Ashe, T. E _ _ _ 5,123 651 Ashley, R. E. . . . 1,577 — Ashley, R. W. _ 227 — Assoignon, E. _ _ 6,469 — Atchison, D. E. _ 5,537 — Ateah, A. A. - 5,222 — Atkin, A. - - - 5,882 — Atkins, A. R. _ 7,656 566 Atkinson, C. E. _ _ 1.476 — Atkinson, T. J. _ 3,473 — Atsma, W. W. - 478 — Attwood, Mrs. A. T. _ 1,239 — Auchterlonie, L. W. _ 6,739 603 Auclair, D. - - . 55 — Auclair, J. O. - 8,187 — August, G. — - 1,474 — Augustine, L. S. - 6,521 — Augustynek, F. _ 7,473 — Austin, A. H. - - 6,433 — Austin, G. K. - 10,380 1,861 Austin, J. D - - 1 1 .400 2,706 Austin, W. J. _ _ 10,067 — Avender, J. _ _ 7,860 38 Awai. R . . . . 2,717 — Axelson, P. G . . 6,144 — Ayers, Miss M. L. .. _ 1,279 — Ayotte, J. Y. - 423 — Salary $ Babak, P. T. _ 655 Babakaiff, N. N. _ 2,144 Babcock, R. E. _ 7,138 Babich, P. P. _ 234 Babuin, E. A. _ 5,940 Badalucco, G. _ 7,367 Baddeley, W _ 5,947 Badham, Mrs. F. V. _ 4,980 Badke, A. E. _ 2,398 Baerg, R. R. _ _ 5,236 Bafaro, L. _ 7,099 Bagan, L. _ 6,675 Bagg, M. E. _ 8,520 Bagley, L. A. _ 5,934 Bagshaw, A. _ _ 7,008 Bailey, C. W. _ 6,087 Bailey, D. _ 796 Bailey, G. A. _ 6,012 Bailey, H. F. _ 411 Bailey, H. V. _ 7,319 Bailey, M. K. _ 3,494 Bailey, R. _ 2,867 Bailey, R. H. _ 6,920 Bain, D. W _ 8,475 Bainbridge, N. E. _ 5,789 Bainbridge, W. H. _ 281 Baines, L. J. _ _ _ _ 6,756 Baines, R. J. _ _ _ 10,860 Bains, P. A. S. _ _ _ 275 Bains, S. S. _ _ 2,478 Baird, D. J. _ 2,909 Baird, D. M. _ 5,796 Baker, Mrs. A. J. _ 2,249 Baker, C. _ 586 Baker, D. J. _ 4,149 Baker, D. M. _ 1,303 Baker, E. G _ 1,175 Baker, E. P. _ _ 6,036 Baker, H. W. _ 6,122 Baker, P. M. _ 7,095 Baker, R. _ 5,856 Baker, R. W. _ 7,779 Baker, W. M. A. _ 6,756 Bakken, D. L. _ 939 Bakker, D. J. _ 1,937 Bakker, G. _ . _ 6,124 Balas, E. G. _ 1,162 Balaski, A. K. _ 2,718 Balaski. T. A. _ 1,953 Balbimie, L. _ 6,868 Balbirnie, W. J. _ 8,220 Balcaen, W. _ 5,905 Baldwin, C. H. _ 5,929 Baldwin, G. E . . 249 Baldwin, R. N. _ 7,694 Balfour, G. D. _ _ 3,485 Balfour, P. H. _ 6,104 Ball, A. G. _ 2,485 Ball, G. A _ _ 7,831 Ball, H. _ 7,211 Ball, W. R. _ _ 8,580 Balia, P. _ 6,287 Ballantyne, J. _ _ 2,238 Ballard, M. _ 6,036 Ballard, W. E. _ 4,206 Ballard, W. E. _ 5,107 Balogh, A. B. _ 6,264 Balogh, J. _ 3,264 Balogh, S. _ 1,279 Banas, J. S. _ 1,098 Banfield, K. _ 6,253 Banford, J. R. _ 6,257 Banks, W. G. _ 621 Banman, H. _ 5,842 Banman, H. T. _ 2,028 Banman, J. W. _ 4,451 Bannerman, R. E. _ 1,429 Bannert, L. A. _ 4,124 Baptiste, E. J. _ 98 Baptiste, J. J. _ 836 Barabonoff, F. W. _ 3,603 Barber, D. E. _ 2,407 Bar beta, P. _ 190 Barbonow, A. _ 210 Barbuscio, I. _ 388 Barclay, J. W. _ _ 2,171 Bare, F. J. W _ _ 6,037 Bareham, D. B. _ _ 1,493 Barford, G. T. _ 1,660 Bargery, C. D. _ 174 Barisenkoff, M. _ 2,455 Barker, G. E. _ 8,124 Barker, R. D. _ 5,409 Barker, W . . . 906 Travel $ 309 175 39 86 1,333 41 25 576 282 35 72 40 79 13 375 130 47 6 255 100 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel Barlow, G. 8,311 6 Barlow, N. W. 4,571 Barnard, E. E. _ . 3,643 _ Barnard, R. W . 1,532 _ Barnes, A. B. _ _ 2,072 _ Barnes, B. E. . . . 1,109 25 Barnes, C. _ _ _ 6,064 _ Barnes, F. H. _ _ 6,611 _ Barnes, O. J. ... . . 7,455 — Barnes, P. . . . . .... 9,925 3,030 Barnes, P. M. _ ... 5.732 — Barnett, A. E. _ 5,770 — Barr, A. _ _ 5,252 3 Barr, D. W. _ . _ 5,971 — Barr, E. A. ..... _ 6,128 _ Barr, E. S . ... _ 3,286 — Barrell, J. S. _ 340 — Barrett, G. A. _ _ 1,384 — Barritt, W. _ 8,163 42 Barrons, R. S. _ 1,754 — Barrowman, R. _ 9,057 — Barry, R. E. _ 6,495 — Barthel, H. _ 7,276 757 Bartholet, B. _ 7,062 — Bartlett, C. E. 3,047 — Bartlett, L. P. _ 7,326 1,230 Bartline, D. L. _ 303 — Barton, C. D. ... _ 2,395 145 Barton, E. _ . _ 5,334 — Bartsch, J. C _ _ 8,250 94 Basham, A. P. _ 404 25 Basile, J. M. _ .... 1.798 — Bassett, J. P. _ 478 — Basso, L. - - 6,681 — Batchelor, A. C. _ _ 1,651 — Bate, Miss P. H. _ 2,511 — Bateman, D. A. _ 6,341 — Bates, D. L. _ 1,923 — Bates, W. L. _ 8,118 252 Bathgate, B. G. _ _ 7,142 — Bade, R. I . _ 7,258 449 Batstone, D. W . . . 1.158 49 Battensby, D. E. _ 6,892 71 Batterbury, M. R. G. _ 2.644 — Batting, 11. J. . . 1,630 — Bauder, G. .. — _ 6,650 — Bauer, A. . _ 6,136 — Bauer, A. B. _ 5,609 528 Bauer, J. B. _ 4,421 — Baumann, W. F. _ 6,264 845 Baumel, J. _ 5,777 — Bawtinheimer, D. L. _ 2,544 — Baxandall, P . . . 3,544 — Baxter, F. A. 5,721 — Baxter, H. ... _ 3,121 — Bayford, Miss M. I. _ 1,347 — Bayly, D. V. _ _ 145 — Bayne, A. R. - 7,616 575 Bayne, P. R. . . . 6,863 — Bayne, R. R. _ _ _ 7.020 20 Bazell, E. H. _.... . 5.616 — Baziw, P. E. . . — 7.152 326 Beamish, M. L. _ 636 — Benner, J. _ 6,214 — Beaton, L. E. N. _ 3,511 107 Beatty, R. J. _ 6.138 — Beatty, T. _ _ 946 — Beauchamp. E. L. _ 1,697 — Beaugard, W. . - 1,583 — Beaulieu, B. J. _ 5,802 — Beaulieu, G. D. 1,991 — Beaumont, E. A. _ 13,020 2,705 Bebenek, J. E. 6,279 — Beck, A. G. - 1,117 100 Beck, G. A. 7,142 — Beck. H . . . . 1,965 — Beck, H. _ 6,597 15 Beck, R. A. - . . 5,712 — Becker, C. _ ... . 6,995 33 Becker, P . . 5,473 — Beckett, M. E. - 761 — Beckley, N. C. . . „ 1,508 — Beckman, J. H. - . . 2,605 — Bedard, Mrs. S. T. _ 3,250 — Beddall, R. S. . . . 1,354 — Beddington, J. C. .. 5,637 — Beddington, S. E. - 3,206 — Beddoes, G. R. - - 4,839 359 Bedell, R. O. - .. _ 6,621 — Bedell, V. C. . 8,213 — Beebe, R. S. ..... 3,421 1,500 Beebe, R. W. _ _ 4,759 — Beetlestone, I. R. 2,240 3 Beischer, W. .. 7,140 — Salary 1,484 Travel $ Beitel, A. _ _ . Beitush. R. F. 707 Belanger, F. 8,213 59 Belanger, G. J. _ 404 Belanger, M. J. 840 Belcham, W. 5,037 Belding, R. .T. 830 30 Beliveau, TV F.. Q1Q Belknap, Miss M. T. _ Bell, B. C . . _ 921 1,722 — Bell. F. 5,397. _ Bell. G. 5,930 Re.11, H R 7,538 BeU, J. B. . 6,592 _ Rell, T F. 8,559 59 Bell, T. M. 4,692 BeU; M. C. ...... . . 795 _ Bell, R. E. - 5,973 _ Bell, R. W. ... .. 917 Bell, W . 516 Bell, W. C . . 161 Bellamy. A. W. .... 4,863 306 Bellamy, R. M. .... 918 BeUer, L. L. ... 6,880 _ BeUiveau, L. ... . . . 4,774 Belvk. G 5,881 _ Rencinger, .1. 4,418 _ Bendis, L. J. .... 6,919 . Beninger, D. M. _ . . 918 _ Renn. C. T 1,755 Renneke, O Ff. 5,160 Renneft, A W 1,241 _ Bennett, F. J. ... 6,653 634 Bennett, G. 7,056 9 Bennett, J. W . . . . 2,808 Bennett, R. V. _ Rennptt, T R G .__ 6,975 4,128 — Bennett, V. _ . 502 _ Bennett, V. _ _ 9,082 _ Bennett, W. W. .... . . .. 4,785 _ Bennewith, S. K. _ ..... 6.262 3 Bennie, W. W . .. 6,047 Benoit, F. D. P. . 9,339 12 Renson, TY 3,174 Rensnn, T T . 4,185 _ Benson, Mrs. J. S. 1,504 _ _ Renton. G A. 143 _ Berarducci, D. A. 5,219 _ Berarducci, R. D. 410 . Berchtold, W. . Rprdnseo F R .... 5,688 2,514 — Bereza, D. W. _ 504 70 Rere.znwski, F. 5,182 2,870 Rereznwski, G .... 4,855 Rerg, C W . 2^659 _ Rerg, F. A .. 7,568 . Berg, K. 142 . Bergen, J. .... ... -- 6,379 . Rergernn, P 1,711 _ Bergeth, A. 1,233 _ Rerglnw, R F, . 4,963 _ Berglund, M. V. . _ _ 1*657 _ Rergman, T 1,046 _ Rergren, F. 6J80 30 Rergstol, S 1,053 Rergstrnm, R T 7,833 _ _ Rerkev, T,. F.. .... 9,212 236 Bemdt. H. 2,581 Rertelsen. .T. . 6/135 _ Rerton, !. 6,846 _ Rertone, G 140 . Rest, T N . 1,638 64 Betemps, R. A. 6369 Rewlev. D. M . 1,159 2 Rezanson, R. F. 5/140 Bihlow. G. 2363 . Riccum, T.. T. 6312 35 Ridnlka. M 8*447 19 Biech, L. H. _ _ ... 5,988 664 Bieganski, A. K. _ .. 6,765 14 Bieganski, A. T. . Biegler, S'. ... _ .. 6,432 2,475 34 Bigelow, B. J. .. _ . 2.047 _ Bilcik, A _ 5,899 . - Rileski, R T 3,492 _ Billey, M. W. .. . . 3,826 . _ Rillingilev, F. 159 . Billy, Yj/H. . . .... . 944 _ Bilquist, F.. T. 6,774 207 Bilsland, A. W. 327 Binder, P. 599 Birchard, A. C. _ .. _ 4,537 — Salary $ Bird, C. _ 3,190 Bird, D. I. _ 6,255 Bird, W. J. H _ 385 Biron, R. _ 6,167 Birtle, A. G. _ 2,061 Bishop, D. A. _ 7,118 Bishop, J. J. _ 2,616 Bishop, K. N. _ 4,717 Bishop, P. E. _ 13,020 Bjorgan, D. L. _ 3,477 Bjornay, J. A. _ 6,353 Bjornson, P. E. _ 10,977 Black, J. A _ 3,834 Black, J. P. _ 5,971 Black, L. G. _ 5,677 Black, Miss L. M. _ 2,112 Black, R. D. _ 6,676 Blackburn, H. W. _ 7,514 Blacke, L. C. _ 7,355 Blackey, J. H. _ 11,719 Blacklaw, S. W. _ 123 Blackman, A. _ 5,098 Blackmore, K. _ 217 Blackmun, J. _ 502 Blackwell, W. _ 5,494 Blagborne, Mrs. D. J. _ 928 Blair, G. L. _ 6,068 Blake, C. B _ 937 Blake, J. H. _ . 6,426 Blake, W. E. _ 6,821 Blakeley, D. _ 5,835 Blakey, J. O. _ . 6,383 Blanchard, L. _ 942 Blanchard, S. E. _ 11,880 Blank, C. B. _ 7,550 Blankenship, T. _ 2,585 Blankman, D. H. _ 433 Blecic, B. _ _ _ _ 5,508 Bleile, A. A. _ __ 5,266 Blew, W. H.. _ _ _ _ 2,872 Bligh, C _ 5,796 Bligh, S. _ 7,370 Blinka, T. G. _ 5,207 Bliss, J. D. _ 6,720 Bliss, R. J. _ 1,171 Block, W. A. _ 418 Blokker, P. F. _ _ 7,202 Blonski, M. F. _ 679 Blubla, T. _ 5,356 Blumenauer, R. A. _ 7,408 Blumhagen, A. J. _ 6,262 Blunden, H. F. _ 12,000 Blythe, J. _ 9,406 Bobroske, W. A _ 8,018 Bobyn, D. J. _ 784 Bock-Philipps, W. V _ 5,783 Bockman, R. H. _ 5,732 Bodnarchuk, A. J. _ 7,189 Bodner, J. A. _ 6,099 Bohan, T. E. _ _ 2,283 Bohmer, H. W. _ 6,865 Bohn, W. _ _ _ 2,729 Boisjoly, L. _ . _ 3,964 Boldt, P. _ 5,536 Bolduc, D. W. _ 7,379 Bolin, G. D. E. _ 975 Bolin, R. C. _ 5,006 Bolleman, J. _ 7,396 Bolton, A. L. _ 3,836 Bolton, C. E. _ _ 770 Bolton, C. V. _ 1,517 Bolton, G. _ 22 Bolton, O. C. _ 1,107 Bombini, D. S. _ _ 6,283 Bonare, A. J. _ 7,787 Bond, J. G. _ 422 Bond, R. G. _ 2,219 Bondesen, Mrs. S. G. _ 4,980 Bonin, E . . 7,744 Bonneau, A. _ 5,644 Bonney, Mrs. J. _ 3,464 Bonora, A. _ 6,558 Bonser, P. J. . 9,960 Boon, D. A. _ 5,578 Boorman, T. R. _ 4,206 Booth, R. C. _ 3,511 Booth, Miss R. M. _ 1,247 Booth, V. C. _ 7,950 Bootle, J. F. _ 1,767 Borghardt, P. U. _ 4,741 Borgun, L. E. _ . 6,358 Borne, J. _ _ _ 5,189 Bomowsky, Mrs. C. J. _ 3,828 Borowske, H. G. _ 6,274 Borshowa, F. _ 7,547 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 101 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ thwick, A. V. _ .. _ 2,840 zel, K. A. _ 2,946 — W. H. _ 8,460 2,264 anquet, W. N. G. _ 1,919 104 ey, F. W. - 5,808 — 5, R. N1. _ 2,699 513 senberry, D. R. _ 3,106 — senberry, Mrs. M. J.___ 4.482 — >io, P. _ 5,617 — si, A. J. .... 169 — si, D. C _ 169 — si, R. A _ _ . 86 — lam, J. W. . .. 7,153 176 tamley, R . 7,176 474 tin, D. H. 5,687 — erill, J. M. 8,113 — le, D. E. 911 — le. E. _ . 6,503 — ch, J. E. . 6,097 _ chard, F. 6,566 12 !ega, H. _ 6,401 — It, J. W. _ 439 — rcet, J. B. .... . 5,655 — rdin, W. .... . 5,041 — rdon, F. W. _ 6,014 56 rdon, R. J. ... 915 — rdon, W. H . . 5,125 — rgeault, L. S. .. ... 2,024 — rgeois, F. L. .. 6,137 124 rque, J. E. _ 6,131 — :well, D. G. 6,630 — , D. A. _ 5,163 9 den, B. W. _ . 580 _ den, P. M. .... . .. 5,802 600 en. P. _ _ 5,604 406 en-Colthurst, P. M _ . 4,832 137 ers, A. L. 5,460 — es, B. E. 2,250 _ es, R. . _ . ... ... 232 — lby, R . 8,418 107 ler, P. R. _ 4,698 _ les, B. P. _ 2,913 _ man, A. D. 2,723 _ man, D. G. .. 2,913 288 man, W. A. . 13,305 2,038 ness, C. F. 6,255 — ness. J. C. 300 — e, G. W. _ 8,296 153 buck, F. W. _ 5,619 _ 1, C. A. _ _ .. 3,452 _ 1, K. C . . .... . 5,597 103 1, L. C. .. 6,126 92 1, s. w. ... 6.803 — len, C. R. . .. 6,830 — :o, W. ... 3,132 — , R. W. . . 51 — ten, E. J. 6,580 — kett, H. D. 6,296 _ bury, E. R. 445 — ford, S. L. .. 5,557 — ley, A. S. .. 5,100 — ley, C. M. . . 6,580 — ley, F. A . 9,258 — ley, J . - 5,521 — lev. M. T. 3,894 — la. I .. . 5,902 — i, F. G. _ 7,391 — snbury, G. W. . . 6,041 — lan, E. R. 5,059 346 ible, C. .. . . 7,368 27 :hflower, N. E. . 657 _ 1, A. M. .. 7,710 109 3, T. A. _ 3,370 — 3el, E. M. .. 4,491 _ 3ner, Mrs. F. _ 2,874 — It, R. _ 7,455 — :gan, R. . . 18 — , B. J. _ 6,808 — , H. M. .. 6,661 — i, I. . - 1,690 — l, R. 7,870 — n, C. C. - 610 — G. L. . . 10.140 240 len, A. F. .. . 9,310 283 C. _ . 729 — ley, J. T . 1,057 — nock, M. H. _ 967 — creitz, B. D. 889 — ner. .T. 41 — la, E. _ .... 540 — an, R. G. ... 3,451 183 er, E. F. ._ 4,391 250 er, J. E. .. 6,254 650 er, R. I. . 1,770 — sn, W. M. _ 5,796 — Bretherick. G. R. Brett, P. H. Salary 2,464 8,640 723 Travel $ Brett, W. S. Brewer, A. J. Bridal, R. _ 7,153 7,402 6,437 6,324 5,822 3,258 6,260 4,651 6,754 6,247 5,642 6,199 6,563 6,758 202 — Brietzke, M. J. . Briggeman, T.. F. — Brighton, G. W. Brinlev, Mrs. T. Brinlev, .T. F. Briscoe, M. G. G. _ Bristow, F.. R Bristow, W. G. .. 267 Britch, G. Brittain, D. W. .. .. .. _ Broad, F.. 86 Rrock, T G Brock. Mrs. J. M. _ Brockhurst, C. J. 138 Broddy, L. A. Broderick, .T. 14,100 8,185 4,980 317 3,285 Broderson, A. Brodeur. .f. M. Brodie, L. P. .. _ ... 2,598 813 Broen. D. S. Bromlev, G. W. 1,520 1,473 6,425 6,407 5,914 888 Brons, J. G. _ _ Brookbank, G. L. . . . _ Brookbank, K. G. _ 162 Brooks, E. C. Rrooks, .1. C. Brooks, R. A. _ 6,428 , _ _ Brooks, W. D. _ _ 1,290 6,039 1,228 8,226 5,752 6,550 _ Broomfield, A. L. _ _ Broomfield, Mrs. A. M _ Broughton. R. A. 14 Broughton, R F,. Browell, R. V. 42 Browes, F. E. _ 5,936 3.540 9.540 1,125 5,598 6,059 1,299 1,979 986 Brown, A. .T. _ Brown, A. C. _ _ 2,613 Brown, B. R. H. . . . Brown, C. R. _ ._ _ 30 Brown, D. _ _ .... Brown, D. .T. Rrown, F, C. _ Brown. F.. T.. Brown, E. R . . . 5,074 7,852 5.538 6,019 6,259 4,446 6.539 5,890 8.765 8,281 347 Rrown, G. W 3 Brown, H. . 25 Brown, H. _ _ Brown, H. M. _ . . Rrown, J. — Rrown, J. Rrown. .T A Brown, J. H. . . Brown, J. H. P . .... . . Brown, L. _ _ _ _ Rrown, T. G C 1,376 7,020 568 26 Rrown, Mrs. ME 6 Rrown, R. A Brown, R. C. 5,941 5,438 1,452 289 600 Rrown, W. A. Brown, W. J. A. _ _ _ Rro7uk, F) Rm. C J. 3,016 3,700 5,796 5,938 9,360 1,437 _ Bruce, G. M. Bruce, J. . . . _ Bruessler, H. _ Rrngper, FT F. 116 Rrnne, T F) Rrunp R R 5,413 6,783 5,551 7,232 5,885 2,015 5,056 698 _ Rrnnetti, M _ Rrnsrh, T.. C _ Rrvanf, F) IF Rrvant, FT Bryson, D. C. . 20 Ruhar, C C Rnrhanan, C , _ . Rnrhanan M G. 959 __ Buck, C. E. 7,620 4,045 483 24 Rnrk, F) S Fur.k, T. Cr. Rnrkpl, A W FT 6,504 1,812 8,076 ___ Buckle, J. L. S. . Buckley, C. A. 77 Buckley, C. R. . .... .. ... . 113 Buckley, D. A. 5,705 , Rncklpy, r> A 5,322 4,440 2,550 8,460 7,133 5,263 10,117 _ Rnckley, M C. . Budd, A. D. -- _ _ . Budden, W. A. . .. Biid/ko, F,. 197 Rnerge, R F) . Buettner, R. H. _ 818 Salary Travel Ruie, R. F). 1,824 6,329 5,927 565 $ 1,001 4 Run,' T. Rullard, J. R. Bullen, J. W. .... _ Buller, H. B. 3,494 688 Bullied, L. A. _ _ _ Rullnr.k, T. S 6,283 391 5,689 6,226 6,925 6,446 5,831 20 Bulman, D. W. .... Bulman, J. W. _ _ 749 Runce, FT. Runre, T. _ Burbee, R. L. _ Burdeniuk, W. P. — Burdett, E. M. _ Rnre.rhailn, 7,. A. 2,776 6,264 1,061 7,871 7,020 1,638 6,504 542 32 Rurger, S. Rurgess, A R, T,. G. Rurgess, S T. Burgess, T. J. ... 141 Rnrgnvne, F) T.. Burke, G. 832 Rurke, .T. T 4,775 429 7,082 879 6,334 6,263 8,881 6,072 5,384 7,001 5,494 4,105 5,882 504 Burke, K. R. Burkosky, E. 144 Bumell-Higgs, E. R. _ Rums, A. T. — Burns, H. . Burns, R . 129 Bums, R. F. 82 Rurns, T E Burrell. F. T. Burri, R. M . . .. Burrows, A. 1,052 Burt, D. T.. Burt! R. R. Rurtch, .T. S. 6,698 752 Burtnyk, W. _ .. Burton, Miss H. K. 449 _ Burton, R. R. . . 6,355 350 5,735 6,913 7,867 5,360 5,558 5,992 182 Burton, R. W. Burton, S. O. — Rusbv, C. R. Busby, R. 8 Busch. F). T,. Rush, W. F.. 5 Buskey, J. . _ Russanioh, F). T. Busse. N. W. 6,677 5,434 6,795 5,904 6,264 6,262 3,269 7,632 41 5,468 1.653 213 9,865 10,097 2,842 1,918 5,178 2,753 5,571 6,847 5,644 7.653 5,716 6,888 6,429 836 1,232 Rustin. T, V. Rus/ko. P. 446 Rutler, TV R. Butler, M. F. 182 Butler. R. W. 187 Butt, R. J. .. Butterfield. E. G. Butterworth, R. A. Buxton. F. G. Buxton. S. W. Bvfield. R. .T. Bynuck, J. J. 100 Byrne, P. U. . Bvstedt, W. A. Caddell, D. M. . 73 Cade. G. E. Cail, M. .T. Cain. M. G. 69 Cairns. S. W. Calder. G. F. Calder, W. L. ...... 11 Calderwood, R. .T. 230 Caldwell, A. 2,740 53 Caldwell, E. M. _ . Caleb, I . . .... ... Calhoun, Miss J. N. _ Callaghan. A. 4,980 6,963 1,480 9,659 6,570 — Callaghan, B. . Callaghan, J. R. _ 109 Callaghan, M . Callahan. A. FT. 7,588 842 _ Callan. D. F>. _ Callbreath, M. A. 7,640 7,662 763 _ Callow, C. A. . . . . Caloren, R. K. _ _ Calve, J A 7,202 5,451 10,411 290 . Calvert, C. R _ Camhrev, T. A . _ Cameron, A. B. _ _ Cameron, T. F 811 Camerom Miss L. R. _ Cameron, M A. 3,260 6,102 8,460 8,149 96 — Cameron, O. D. W. 238 Cameron, W C. Camille, W. Cammidge, G. N. . . . 348 _ 102 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Campbell. A Salary 7,908 7,516 5,882 7,803 2,713 1,067 899 Travel $ 47 Cattee, D. E. . . Salary 6,025 2,265 5,536 1,555 7,584 1,703 210 Travel $ Campbell. A. R. 21 Caulfield, R. W. _ _ Campbell, A. L. Canthrnn, W. 292 Camphell, A. M 95 Cavill, R. B. . ... Campbell, A. R. Cavin, G. A. _ 182 Campbell, C. F.. . . Cawsey, W. P. S. Campbell, C. O. Cecchinato, T. .. ... Camphell, F) G 3,927 6,338 333 . Celesta, F,. 3,037 5,682 3,153 6,568 815 Camphell, F _ _ Celesta, E. M . . . 128 Campbell, F. M. _ . Celia, Mrs. M. R. G. Campbell, Mrs. H. J. _ __ _ 4,524 7,822 6,264 2,858 1,103 7,800 1,620 502 _ Centanni, F. Camphell, FF T . 76 Centanni, G. A Campbell, FT. S Centanni, T. 6,147 560 Camphell, T T. 40 Cerny, S. Campbell. T F. Cervini. F. 5,440 5,113 6,278 5,324 10,228 1,406 1,182 5,100 5,929 6,380 7,284 6,936 6,199 10,557 1,043 6,703 6,346 1,444 4,838 3,418 3,486 7,919 6,995 7,215 885 Camphell, J F . Chadwick, C. .. . . .. Camphell, K FT. _ Chadwick, D. E. _ Campbell, K. R. _ _ _ Chadwick, G. Campbell, L. B. __ 3,705 6,024 365 313 Chadwick, R J. 600 Campbell, N. H. A . 8 Challand, H. A. . . . CamphelF 1ST. K Chalmers, E. J. ._ .. Camphell. N. W. 5,384 763 _ Chamberlain, D. N. Campbell, R. _. .... - . Chamberlain, F. G. Campbell, Miss V. A. . _ 3,176 . Chamberlain, J. Campbell, W. M. ... .... 7,441 480 62 Chamberlain, R. _ Campe, C. C Chamberlin, C. K. Canning, A. G. 2,213 40 . Chambers, R T.. 2 Cannon, P. H. . . . . ... - Chambers, F. O . Canzian, C. _ _ 7,243 5,346 6,665 83 _ Chan. F. ' . Caplette, J. R. _ _ _ __ Chaplin, J. C. Capnerhurst, R. _ Chapman, A. W. Capot-Blanc, A. G. _ Chapman, S. .... _ . Capot-Blanc, J. _ _ .. 130 . Chapman, V. P. . .. . CapD, M. A. _ _ 560 . _ Chapor, T. F. . .. 193 Caravetta, S. 5,796 4,788 3,246 Chappell, W. D. . .. Card. N. E. _ .. . _ Chaprun, P. 336 Cardinal, C. M. _ . 45 Charest, M. R. Cardinal, W. _ _ 2,239 4,128 Charlesworth, J. F. Carfrae, Miss B. D. _ _ _ Charlie, G. W. _ Cargill, T. H. _ ...... 5,540 5,715 2,436 5,965 _ Charlie, P. C. 849 Carleton, R. D. _ _ _ Charlton, Mrs. J. B. 4,980 7,800 7,221 734 Carlgren, D. C. _ Charter, W. S. 63 Carlick, J. T. _ . . . Charters, K. . . . Carlin, R. J _ _ _ 1,224 6,616 6,430 6,236 5,713 646 . Chartier. G. L. _ 17 Carlisle, J. . . . . . Chase, K. W. 1,157 5,723 6,079 7,028 135 Carlson, A. _ _ 172 Chasteney. D. I. . Carlson, B. F. .. _ .. .... Chaster, G. J. 12 Carlson, E. _ Chaster, J. M. 12 Carlson. T. T. _ Chatterson, G. Carlson, J. S. _ . _ 4,431 1,193 6,323 . Chatterton, P. G . 196 Carlson, T. _ _ _ Chatwood, J. 7,338 5,626 5,550 5,796 5,480 5,284 2,091 5,745 7,800 5,903 7,184 4,470 6,247 5,956 Carlson, W. C. _ 600 Chauhan, J. W. Carmichael, B. D. .. . _ 9,367 6,028 426 66 Chauleur, D. O. _ Carmichael, D. A. _ Chenoweth, J. J. . 22 Carmichael, I. D. _ . _ _ Cherbo, R. P. . Carmichael, J. M. _ . . 4,608 66 Chernowas, W. 1,397 Carnahan, W. H. . . . 6,044 2,592 6,181 7,829 1,481 2,318 Chester, B. K. Carney, F. D. _ . Chester, FT. A. Carnie, H. G. _ . Chester, H. R. 1,634 600 288 Carnie, FT. S. 33 Cheveldeaw, P. W. Caron, W. _ Cheveldeaw, W. Carothers, J. A. _ 30 Chiarizio, M. 18 Carpenter, L. _ 1,566 8,855 Chiarotti, T. Carpentier-Alting, J. _ — Chignell. G. L. _ ... 25 Carr, F. L. _ . __ 7,475 _ Childs, R. A. 2,123 10,730 6,257 5,241 5,539 7,139 7,011 201 Carr, L. A. _ . 2,980 _ Chisholm, D. 226 Carr, P. J. ... .. 13,020 1,547 Chmielewski, F. Carrat, E. F. 1,874 5,192 Chmielewski, P. Carriere, G. H. _ . Choin, F. W. Carrington, D. N. ... 9,057 65 Choquette, G. R. Carruthers, W. F. 7,074 Chorlton, J. F. Carson, N. L. _ _ 6,001 5,405 4,980 _ . Chouinard, D. P. Carter, G. R. _ Chow, G. O. 797 6 Carter, Miss H. A. _ Chow, J _ _ 7,672 866 179 Carter, I. B. _ _ _ 2,234 6,240 Chown, D. K. Carter, S. S . . 1,365 Chown, R. K. 6,937 681 Cartie, C. T. .. ... 6.419 Christensen, D. B Cartmell, J. M. ... .. .. 6,963 4,691 . Christensen, S. C. 7,744 622 Cartwright, G. C . — Christensen, W. A. L. . 61 Cary, W. _ _ 5,914 907 _ Christian, H. J 6,289 4,987 5,776 6,560 111 Caryk, J. B. _ . _ _ Christian, N. F. Caryk, W. J. 7,842 197 Christian, W. Casagrande, A. 8,368 205 Christie. F.. D. Christopher, F. Casagrande, B. A. _ _ Casavant, J. M FF 5,816 7,996 Christopherson, V. F. _ Christy, T. C. 3,784 6,252 63 236 Casemore, B. W. 57 Cashmore, T. .. _ _ ... 2,053 Christy, W. Casorso, J. B. _ 5,889 _ Chubb,' G. F. 222 29 Cassell, D. M . . . .. 7,060 - Chudik, W. 5,974 494 Casselman, J. P. _ ... 251 - . Church, E. . . _ Casselman, R. E . . ... 572 _ Churchill, L. J. .. 8,093 6,058 3,315 4,113 3,219 66 Cassidy, R. T . 6,530 1,254 _ ChurchilL T. D. 5 Cassidy, T. C. _ Ciechanowski, G. Castrucow, M. P. . . ... 7,233 1,228 217 Cimolini. A. J. . Catherwood, EL F. _ Clague, D. R. _ — Salary 2,256 8,828 8,442 5,365 6,364 5,544 1,677 9,425 3,096 4,875 7,723 2,052 4,262 4,769 5,939 9,496 3,245 7,604 5,626 795 Clague, I. W. Clandening, A. J. Clapp, F. A. . . . Clapp, G. A Clapperton, K. F. Claridge, W. R. _ Clark, A. Clark. C. A. Clark, C. S. Clark, D. L. . Clark. G. A. Clark; G. W. Clark! H. G. Clark; .T. Clark, J. A. .. Clark, J. B. . Clark. J. D Clark. .T. FT Clark, J. P. _ Clark, L. B. Clark, M. _ 5,878 3,305 6,022 490 Clark. R. FF Clark, R. .T. Clark, Miss S. M. _ Clarke, A. N. 8,398 3,075 7,228 6,137 6,480 932 Clarke. A. W. Clarke, R. FT. Clarke, C. .... Clarke, J. M. _ . Clarke, L. R. _ _ Clarke, M. _ .. . .. 4,019 608 Clarke, R. Clarke, R. F) 7,528 4,388 807 Clarke, R. J. _ Clarke, W. A. ... _ . Clarkston, O. T. 5,759 6,313 Clarkston, R. F. _ Clary, E. H. ...... 5,385 541 Clary, R. C. _ . .. . Claussen, T. J. _ 6,644 5,244 5,867 8,926 5,745 1,065 121 Claxton, L. G. _ Clav, C. F). Clay, D. W. .. .. Cl avion. J. Clearwaters, D. R. . Cleland, R. T. _ . Clem, J. _ .. 7,074 1,079 3,158 5,747 5,756 5,583 2,177 5,606 762 Clement, C. R. _ Clement, J. W. Clement, R. C. Clement, R. R. _ Clements, A. . _ Clerke, M. J. _ Cleverlv, F. F.. G Cleverly, H. L. _ Clifford. F.. I. 2,691 6,468 9,311 268 Cloakev. R. Close. R. M. Cloutier, G. W. .. Clulow. M. C. 5,109 5,211 2,776 9,652 651 Clunies-Ross, N. Coates, W R. Cobev, F.. FT. Cobey, M. B. _ . . Coburn. R A 640 Cochran, M. T. 5,494 3,951 7,643 5,287 6,190 1,958 5,799 270 Cochrane, R. S. ... Cochrane. W. G. Coe. R. R. Coe. R. W. Coffev, .T. . Cohrs, A. J. . . . Coker, J. R. _ .. . Cole, B. _ ..... 268 Cole, J. _ _ . 2,610 6,089 1,671 5,370 6,483 6,443 1,284 589 Cole, R. A. _ Colebank. R. C. Coleman. J. P. Coleman, T. G. Colenso. M. N. Collecutt, G. J. _ Collett, Mrs. T. M. Collier, F). R. 2,838 7,445 5,899 283 Collier, F. C. Collin, J. _ . . Collin: P. N. Colling, H. D. _ 1,455 5,957 6,059 1,739 2,605 2,743 2,796 3,074 6,289 Collins. Ff. Collins. F. W. Collins. R. T. Collinson, A Collinson, D. . . Collinson, TF FF Collinson, I. P . Collinson, R. C. .. Trav $ t i 81 L3‘ i: 5' 1 2 t ,1 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 103 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY S — Continued Salary Travel $ $ lison, M. D. _ 5,636 36 lison, S. R. _ 1,638 — ombo, A. E. P. - 5,470 — tman, J. L. _ 5,506 — nack, R. _ — 90 — ner, J. H. _ - 9,089 91 ner, J. H. 239 — nola, B. _ . - 1,070 — npagnon, E. L. _ .... 5,693 — idy, C. C. . . .. 1,711 50 ilan, W. F. _ 9.960 3,178 lion, P. L. _ 5,267 14 inah, A. _ 8,405 425 iner, D. 114 — miff, F. J. _ . 5,280 — molly, A. _ 7,965 17 mor, P . — 6,024 617 lquer, R. - — 5,041 — iroy, D. F. . 1,020 — iroy, M. J _ _ _ 6,853 — iseiller, C. F. _ 7,476 — istantine, R. J. 551 — way, A. _ . 3,433 1,582 >k, A. _ _ 293 — ik, A. H. _ _ 7,322 — ik, A. J. _ 6,756 25 >k, B. A. _ _ 2,251 20 ik, G. L. .... 5,461 — ik, H. C. . . 5,368 42 k, J. T. _ .. .. . 4,963 — k, K. A. .. . 2,588 668 k, L. C. .... _ . 4,844 — k, L. D. _ _ _ 5,989 6 k, M. G . . . 5,862 — k, R. A. _ 3,555 — k, T. E. _ _ 243 — ke, H. _ _ _ 5,106 — khouse, J. _ _ 6,102 — 1, S. D _ _ 1,445 — per, D. E. _ 7,122 — per, G. D. _ 6,040 39 per, H. A. _ .... . 904 — per, L. _ _ 3,873 — per, L. - ..... . 1,232 — ler, P. H. _ 2,649 — ler, R. C. _ 6,108 — ler, R. F. 5,874 — icr, W. D. _ 8,580 364 ler, W. H. . . . 6,384 — ffand, C. E. _ 1,663 — .•land. W. J. . . 1,750 — ey, G. - 1,171 — lin, C. M. _ 6,420 — linger, Mrs. E. C. _ 4,537 — let, G. H. K. _ 849 — ett, E. G. . . . 7,918 — onier, E. J. _ _ 483 — e, D. L. _ 9,831 — ery, F. E. _ 4,740 — :ss, Mrs. J. D. _ 4,788 — ss, G. A. _ 6,749 — tier, M. G. 1,620 — lier, R. R. . . . 3,327 — eille. R. J. _ 6,191 75 er, W. H. ... 8.770 — ish, A. E. _ 7,215 — ish, F. W . . ._ 6,062 — ock, A. A. _ _ 2,734 — s, C. H. _ 318 — veau, P. P. _ 10,652 — veau. R. R. _ 3,691 — ana, R. _ _ . 5,789 — y, G. E. _ 6,685 — is, G. A. . . . .. 2.619 — is, G. M. _ 7,065 — -•an, E. A. _ 5,854 — r, O. C. _ 6,792 88 r, S. V. _ 5.314 — L. F. _ _ _ 8,400 — L. R. .... . . ... 1,541 — m. H. _ _ _ 5,832 — r, B. S. _ 5,813 — r, W. _ . .... 637 — ;il, W. E. _ 930 39 ilin, P. J. ... 383 — itry, W. G. _ 8,152 18 lont, J. _ . _ 5,100 — lont, T. M. L. .. 942 — - H. F - 11,400 1,836 - and, J. A. _ .. 5,807 32 1- loyer, J. E. _ _ _ 4,365 — - , H. M. .... _ 1,687 — \ emanche, J. M. _ 1,210 — rille, F. _ .. 1,280 — 5, D - 2,875 — Covey, F. R. _ Covey, H. _ Cowan, L. J. _ _ _ Coward, G . . . . Coward, M. J. _ _ _ Cowen, P. H. _ _ _ Cowie, G. A. _ _ _ Cowie, L. R. _ Cowley, R. W. _ Cowling, T. J. _ Cox, B. A. _ Cox, Mrs. J. _ Cox J. R. _ Cox, P. D. _ Coxe, P. N. _ Coxon, W. _ Coyne, L. N. _ Coyne, T. L. _ Crabb, J. F. _ Crabtree, R. _ _ Craddock, D. _ Craft, D. G . . Craft, W. _ Craig, D. _ Craig, D. M. _ Craigdallie, T. _ Crandall, A. B. _ _ Cranston, G. C. _ Crate, E. _ Crawford, H. S. _ Crawford, R. D. _ _ _ Crawford, T. K. _ Crealock, Mrs. E. A. _ Creech, W. L. _ Creedon, R. C. _ Crerar, D. F. _ Crichton, R. J. _ Crickett, G. A . . Cristofanetti, S. A. _ Cristofoli, R. J. _ _ Croft, L. E. _ Crommett, G. _ _ Crosby, R. E. _ Cross, S. A. _ _ _ Crossley, W. S. _ Crothers, S. _ Crown, Miss M. A. _ Crowther, F. _ Crudo, L. _ _ Cryderman, A. D. _ Cucheran, M. R. _ _ _ Cucheron, D. A. _ Cudmore, K. S. _ Cullen, A. _ Culling, D . . Cullum, L. S. _ Cumberland, Miss D. F _ Cumberland, Mrs. P. E. _ Cumberland, R. L. _ Cummer, J. S. _ _ Cumming, Mrs. L. Y. _ Cummings, E. E. _ Cummings, F. D. _ Cummings, J. _ _ _ Cummings, K. A. _ _ Cummings, W. M. - - Cunliffe, R. M - - Cunningham, Mrs. E. F.__ Cunningham, G. D. - Cunningham, H. B. _ Cunningham, H. J. - Cunningham, S. L. - - Cunningham, W. A. - Cupples, G. L. _ — Curiston, L. C. _ _ _ Currie, D. S. - - Currie, J. - - . - Currie, T. J. - Curry, P. J. - — Curtis, D. _ _ _ Cusack, G. W. - Cuthbert, W. - Cutler, D. J. - Cutler, P. W. - . — - — . — Cutruzzola, D. F. - Cutt, S. - _____ Cwikula, J. _ Cwikula, W. - Cwikula, W. A. - - - Cyre, Miss M. G. - . - D’Fstrube. R. G. - - — D’Hondt, C. J. - Dac, W. _ Dahl, F. R. _ Salary 6,346 5,905 350 8,265 2.771 5,734 6,616 20 5,532 4.539 415 2,838 2,497 6,079 5,288 9,063 618 1,263 7,259 5,376 1,560 5,816 5,724 5,255 489 10,994 81 110 7,951 6,654 1.294 7,109 66 8.772 277 407 6,252 187 5.441 19 8,700 6,313 5.539 2,176 1,206 6.654 3,652 7.295 5,069 8.442 7.863 2,507 6,164 3.864 6.655 6,203 366 4.337 6,486 6,911 3,693 10,156 6,060 7,025 5,580 41 1,587 4,440 1,730 5,876 6,248 1,349 7,305 '782 6,677 6,929 4.133 3,009 6.134 4,097 516 292 5,430 8,067 2,196 8,046 300 302 545 1,705 2,439 413 8,133 204 6,667 Travel $ 146 636 517 11 62 660 45 227 565 241 54 94 527 66 7 75 2 12 518 Salary Travel $ $ Dainard, G. C. _ 6,126 — Dainard, S. R. _ 5,941 — Dalby, M. _ 7,017 — Dale, J. T. _ 2,797 — Dale, N. G _ _ 335 — Dale, R. A. _ _ 4,000 — Dale-Johnson, D. T. _ 1,213 — Dallyn, G. _ 5,225 — Dairy mple, J. B. _ 10,170 — Dalzell, R. _ _ 3,366 — Dalzell. R. A. _ 6,086 35 Damon, G. H. _ _ _ _ 137 — Dance, G. _ 5.630 — Danczak, H. _ „ 6,455 — Daney, K. E. - 987 — Daniel, J. _. _ 7,532 542 Daniels, B. R. _ 7,608 549 Daniels, D. K. _ 3,672 — Daniels, E. R. _ 159 — Daniels, V. C. _ 1,242 — Daniels, W. W. _ _ 1,316 — Danyshchuk, J. _ . _ 6,219 17 Daponte, D. B. _ 5,762 — Darby, L. J. _ 44 — Darby, R. O. _ _ 9.180 665 Darnbroughj, ! . _ 8,182 181 Darrell. J. M. _ _ 1,377 — Dash, R. K. ... _ 9,820 594 Dasnieres, P. V. _ 6,643 386 Daulin, M. . _ _ 6,411 — Daunes, W. E. _ 7,355 — Davey, R. B. _ 7,154 — Davey, S. A. - .. 320 — David, J. A. _ 5,806 — David, W. G. .. _ _ 9,816 675 Davidsen, R. O. _ 2,364 35 Davidson, A. W. _ 1,091 — Davidson, J. R. . . 3,823 — Davidson, L. S. _ 7,017 1.053 Davidson, S. E. _ 5,206 — Davidson, W. O. _ 6,702 — Davie, D. A. _ 8,347 — Davies, A. E. _ 7,860 328 Davies, C. E. _ 1,549 — Davies, C. S. _ 2,709 — Davies, H. C. _ 12,360 411 Davies. H. C. _ 256 — Davies, J. W. - 5,923 57 Davies. Mrs. L. A. _ 4.788 — Davies, M. R. _ 6,021 — Davies. P. E - - 5.850 38 Davies, S. R. _ 8.562 856 Davies, W. V. _ 4.440 476 Davis, A. J. C. . .... .... 4,908 — Davis, A. L. - 8,699 22 Davis, C. E - - - - 352 — Davis, E. W. - 5,603 — Davis, F. E. _ 6,288 — Davis, G. B. _ . 4,923 61 Davis, G. E. _ _ _ 68 — Davis, H. F . . . 7.289 — Davis, J. _ 888 — Davis, J. D. _ 714 — Davis, Mrs. J. E. _ 1,040 — Davis, J. F. _ 4,980 14 Davis, K. D. _ 7.614 14 Davis, K. E - - - - 5,338 — Davis, L. G. - 453 7 Davis, L. G. - 377 — Davis, R. L. _ 1.422 32 Davis, S. F. _ _ 727 — Davoren, R. _ — 5,251 — Davy, J. H. _ 2.645 — Davy. O. T. _ 6.316 — Dawes. H. _ 5,607 — Dawson, B. B _ _ _ 1,602 41 Dawson, R. R. _ 1,097 — Day, A. C. _ 5.536 — Day, D. J. _ 6.258 — Day, J. 1 . 2,571 — Day, Mrs. M. D. _ 4.362 — Day, Mrs. N. A. _ 4,930 — Day, Mrs. P. E - - 877 — Dayus, F. _ 8.491 — Dayus, S. - - 7,078 — De Boer, L. J. H - - 11,400 — De Cook, M. L. - 4,209 — De Corte, B. G. - 4.608 — De Costa, M. E. 1 ,754 — De Craene, A. H. C . 5,847 — De Craene, R. M. — - - 4,689 — De Craene, R. R. - 4,344 — De Craene, W. E. . . . 3,091 — 104 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued De Ellion, A. G. De Graaf, A. A. Salary $ _ 731 _ 4,128 De Graaf, A. C. - - 5,747 De Haan, N. - De Hart, R. N. _ De La Ronde, H. Deacon, W. W. _ Deak, W. _ Dean, B. _ Dean, B. - - Dean, E. H. - Deans, D. A. - Deans, S. F. - Debolt, L. A. - F. F. Debolt, W. M. . Debord, V. H. Decker, T. S. ._ Decraene, R. R. Dediluke, J. C. Degemess, A. J Degerness, C. C Degovics, S. — Degrasse, C. — Degrazio, D. Deguglielmo, Dehod, S. - Deikoff, J. J. - Delainey, D. L. _ Delaurier, R. - Delcourt, H. A. - Delmonico, E. N. Delorme, D. W. _ Delucry, D. M. _ Delyea, H. - Delyea, L. A. - Dembiske, S. F. _ Demchuk, A. - Demers, R. A. J. Dempsey, G. J. Dempster, C. R. Dempster, R. J. Den Hoed, B. _ Den Ouden, H. Denisoff, N. — Dennies, H. Dennison, J. Dennison, J. Denomey, F. Denomey, J. W, Dent, C. F. Denton, H. Dergousoff, Derhousoff, Derksen, J. Dermody, W. Desai, S. G. _ Desgagne, J. R. Desharnais, M. D. _ M. A. R. L. R. T. R. K. E. F. G. _ J. _ A. L. . J. . Desimone, A. Desjardin, W. Desjarlais, T. Desmarais, L. Desrosiers, A. Desrosiers, R. Detta, H. C. - Detta, R. G. _ Dettman, J. G. _ Detwiller, G. B. _ Deuling, P. T. Devaud, R. A. _ Devito, L. _ Devlin, W. F. _ Dew, R. J. _ Dewar, H. D. - Dewar, Mrs. H. J. Dewar, J. C. _ Dewar, L. C. _ Dewis, S. R. _ Dexter, T. E. _ Diamond, R. B. _ Dibben, A. H. Dicamillo, R. - Dick, A. J. - Dick, G. A. - Dick, J. _ Dickie, N. G. _ Dickie, W. F. - Dickson, A. D. _ Dickson, C. E. _ Diesing, D. L. — Digeorgio, J. - Dilk, J. _ Dillabough, W. Dillon, N. S. __ 5,249 908 8,336 6,136 4.512 2,591 6.730 7,639 201 8,930 8,629 657 360 8,960 870 5,845 951 7,475 7,226 1,857 6,270 5,410 6,131 1,230 6,890 6,108 7,622 7,860 5,813 5,849 5,167 4,865 1,177 2,806 5,728 855 3,696 7,860 7.152 766 5,460 6,051 15,060 1.512 7,531 7.731 3,332 5.669 3,187 2,704 6.669 627 2,447 4,757 2,081 5,376 5,967 1.153 5,356 3,796 6,346 6,715 5,046 5,501 2,186 638 7,140 7,569 6,339 5,172 6,259 5,478 6,604 7,399 6,280 482 11,426 5,667 5,667 387 6,824 5,924 7,284 92 214 5,785 5,706 5,915 6,276 6,530 508 Travel $ 377 8 51 1,973 158 69 672 36 336 16 9 1,583 127 350 200 30 2,396 34 19 350 30 35 871 15 362 35 215 30 Dimery, W. E. Dimock, A. C. Dionne, T. R. Dionne, T. W. Dirks, F. _ Dirks, L. A. _ Ditomassi, E. _ Ditrolio, M. Dixey, G. W. Dixey, Dixon, Dixon, Dixon, S. J. E. F. . L. _ R. G. Dixon, R. H. Dixon, R. N. Dixon, R. _ Dixon, W. W. Dobbie, G. B. Dobbs, J. M. Dobinson, S. _ Docksteader, W. D. _ Dodd, B. E. _ Dodd, D. W _ Dodd, R. R _ Dodd, R. W. _ _ _ Dodding, W. A. _ Doddridge, W. J. _ ... _ 7,830 Salary $ 3,314 11,312 42 62 5,966 5,761 8,297 6,684 1,024 8,160 1,153 452 5,257 163 6,203 502 1,241 2,632 1,976 9,988 5,570 621 642 6,225 7,179 5,184 Dodds, B. E. Dodds, J. _ Dodds, R. E. _ Dodge, C. H. _ Dodge, D. L. _ Dodge, G. W. Dodman, Miss L. D. Doebert, R. A. _ Doell, J. R. _ Doerksen, J. _ Doherty, G. F. _ Doherty, J. H. _ Doherty, L. _ Dohl, J. E. _ Dohl, R. H. Dohm, B. A. _ Dohm, P. J. _ Dohm, T. A. _ Doidge, D. J. H. Donald, C. C. _ Donaldson, D. J. Donaldson, F. J. Donaldson, G. A. Donchi, R. V. Donley, A. F. Donley, W. E. Donn, W. B. Donnelly, J. H. _ Donnelly, Miss S. L. Donovan, L. B. _ _ Donselaar. G. B. _ Dore, J. H. _ Dormuth, R. C. _ Dornian, S. _ Dorsett, T. _ _ _ Dorsey, F. _ Dorwart, R. G. . . Doucette, A. A. _ _ _ Doucette, Mrs. M. E. Doucette, N. L. _ Doucette, N. _ __ _ Dougan, B. F. _ Dougan, J. G. _ Douglas, A. G. _ Douglas, E. C. _ Douglas, E. E. _ Douglas, E. F. . . . Douglas, G. _ Douglas, G. E. _ Douglas, I. _ Douglas, J . . Douglas, J. A. _ Douglas, R. E. _ _ Downer, H. G. _ Downey, D . . Downey, J. W. _ Downing, G. E. _ Doyle, C. E. _ Doyle, D. J. Dragan, G. J. _ _ Dragon, G. J. _ Drake, B. _ Drake, J. C. _ Drake, W. G. _ Dramstad, J. _ Draper, Mrs. A. R. I. _ Draper, B. C. _ Draper, H. F. _ 6,934 6,151 3,730 7,417 2,189 8,683 3.756 5,737 1,565 1,812 2,073 5,150 5,906 2,212 1,102 3,156 624 5,256 6.756 1,726 6,124 3,505 8,428 6,359 803 6,768 2,170 8,044 2,453 8.977 3,187 7,304 5,746 7,353 375 7,933 1.757 715 3,593 6.460 5,343 5,559 7,744 8,244 1,712 6,309 6,195 2,479 8.460 11,783 6,928 1,253 6,550 7,670 537 5.978 8,025 6,902 6,317 5,044 7,604 6,451 8,460 6,380 6,756 4,698 7,888 1,965 Travel $ 776 208 712 72 1,561 578 472 38 970 7 27 67 609 468 25 54 1,101 10 17 168 42 22 33 10 4 17 38 2,141 7 95 Salary $ Draper, H. F., Jr. - 315 Drebet, J. _ 1,764 Dresser, K. J. _ 1,457 Drew, D. W _ 811 Drew, F. H. _ 5,580 Drew, V. A. _ 9,840 Drewlo, B. R. - 2,229 Drewry, B. A. _ 762 Drews, G. _ 3,576 Drinkwater, S. J. _ 6,082 Driussi, J. M. _ 1,178 Drown, R. P. _ 1,607 Dube, A. E _ 7,078 Dubeau, G. J. _ 5,421 Duckworth, D. E. _ 1,679 Duclos, A. M. _ 6,848 Ducommun, T. G. _ 336 Duddy, F _ 6,259 Duddy, M. F. _ 5,184 Dudley, B. I. _ 5,796 Dudoward, G. L . . 175 Dueck, Mrs. E. F. N. _ 3,760 Dueck, R. W. _ 1,915 Duff, R. I. _ 219 Duffus, G. J. . . 7,047 Duggan, J. S. _ 5,706 Duguay, R. _ 127 Duke, G. E. _ 5,618 Dummett, F. R . . _ 6,078 Dumont, M. J. _ 5,030 Dunaszegi, J. _ 5,832 Dunbar, J. F. _ 9,372 Duncan, D. R. _ 7,237 Duncan, G. _ 6,181 Duncan, L. _ 5,903 Duncan, P. J. _ 4,084 Dunn, P. S. _ 10,380 Dunn, R. B. _ — _ _ 4,577 Dunn, W. R. _ _ 2,091 Dunne, T. E. _ 5.520 Dunnigan, B. _ _ _ 5,737 Dunsmore, G. B. _ _ _ . 7,020 Dupas, R. R. _ 7,582 Duperon, J. J. _ 6,264 Duplisse, G. _ 200 Duplisse, V. _ _ _ 220 Dupuis, R. _ 3,810 Durant, E. D. _ 2,595 Dusoswa, M. _ 5,802 Duteau, B. E. - - 7,380 Dutton, A - - 2,628 Dwinnell, H. J . . 6,864 Dwyer, M. _ 1,491 Dyck, D. M. _ 3,421 Dyck, J. _ 5,151 Dyck, K. J. _ 4,476 Dycke, W. V. _ _ _ 2,239 Dyer, J. A. - 634 Dyer, J. H. _ 1,999 Dyer, M. W. _ 6,338 Dyer, R. _ 6,949 Dyer, R. W. _ 6,346 Dyke, D. E. _ 5,501 Dyke, P. D. - 414 Dyson, R. W. - . 2,547 Eady, F. G. _ 2,086 Eakin, F. M. - 5,423 Eakin, G. A. - 6,913 Earl, F. _ 5,220 Earl, W. C. E. - 1,725 Earle, C. A. _ - 2,799 Eastcott, I. M. - - 6,569 Eastick, E. G. _ 7,814 Eastman, P. D. - 2,083 Eaton, K. J. _ 5.356 Eaton, K. K - 7,156 Eberle, R. _ 2,205 Eddy, N. _ 5,503 Edelmann, N. _ — - - 5,881 Edgar, J. L. _ - — 6,504 Edgar, L. N. _ 260 Edge, J. W. _ 7,465 Edgington, R. J. - 1,543 Edlund, G. _ 100 Edward, D. - 1,135 Edwards, A. G. - 6,458 Edwards, B. F. - 2,940 Edwards, D. — - — 7,509 Edwards, D. J. - 1,166 Edwards, F. A. - — 907 Edwards, I. J. _ 6,166 Edwards, J. - 6,113 Edwards, J. R. - 2,424 Tra S 1." SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 105 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel vards, L. _. _ _ . $ 1,152 5,268 9,360 5,725 2,772 1,463 2,743 1,164 $ vards, R. . . vards, R. A. 1,171 vards, T. D. . ... . - _. vards, W. J. _ erza, C. _ _ erza, D. K . . _ _ es. D. E. . . _ — . _ nnff M 5,784 5,376 100 7,202 249 _ }da, D. F. . . _ }die, N. . land, A. _ . .... . — rdee, R. W. . _ - _ i, D. H . 1,622 8.537 If, C. J. . . - . . A. _ - . - 6,553 5,090 361 5.686 _ D. R. . . - i ten, F. C. - - henauer, R. M. _ _ — arson, M. W. _ . . 3,045 475 - lund, B. M . _ und. Miss S. M. _ 549 _ from, L. H. . . cnflF, N 7,576 5,767 5,382 2,657 143 M. M. . . .... .... er, A. _ _ _ _ _ e, B. O. _ 7,635 888 . _ , c. A _ _ - s, J. . - 5,677 1,235 3,325 5,456 4,933 6,614 405 11 s ) R k, r> _ ns, F _ fsnn , fi A 29 ngsen, TT A of, A . A . _ ntt, r> c 173 _ ntt, G. F, 2,448 5,853 3,026 1,673 1,284 7,130 4,234 5,520 15,060 5,874 3,419 6,496 857 _ ntt, T _ ntt, R W 879 i, r, h R r, T r R. w. 563 y, G. A. . y] Ci. H _ on, M. G. 1,760 ML S. _ . tree, Miss A. F. . erson, H. _ :rv. S. _ . :s; FT 2,452 742 s', G. W. ... . nal, Mrs. H. 4,788 8,272 5,601 7,595 3,774 5,379 5,973 1,023 438 _ nerson, F. S. 282 ns, R. C. >snn. M. W _ srs. Mrs. M. . ershv, D _ ersbv, R. K. 230 rizzi, G. ihretson, T. H. _ i. T 431 _ isb, F.. 400 _ ish, F. E. 5,796 5,786 6,019 8,508 _ ish, T. T. _ ish. R ___ und, F. S _ », K. A. . . _ 6,378 6,103 7,681 647 _ i, H. . aihnfer, C. R 891 D. . G. J 6,448 5,508 367 . - P. V. ... 2 nan, L. R. , Mrs. E. E. . Miss T. T.. 3,850 4,050 3,037 6,360 7,862 6,176 6,876 5,700 10,098 7,482 2,924 1,376 7,105 5,753 6,693 5,590 4,586 560 — cson. C. M. 27 cson, T) C. 108 cson, F,. cson, H. A. _ cson, H. P. 24 cson. V K. cstad. F. 415 ;en. H. .T. r. G. V. _ t, J. . . . - tt, W. D. _ . R _ . dido, F. R 148 rnce, V. C. 226 /, T. T 26 c, J. R :aille. F> F. 712 _ bv, R K. 1,908 174 _ , S. W. — Salary $ 5,773 6,756 7,209 5,924 8,140 9,890 5,638 2,847 847 Travel $ Estey, J. R. . _ Eva, C. R. _ ..... Evans, A. E. _ 21 Evans. A. G. Evans, F. J. Evans, J. T. 1,444 Evans, .T. W. Evans, K. W. Evans' W. Ewanick. .T. 6,714 5,821 5,733 6,559 6,432 435 31 Ewen, W. S. Ewing, A. W. Ewings, A. J. 28 Ewings, G. _ Eyre, J. D. . . 88 Evre. W. TY 6,186 2,316 8,599 5,410 6,800 1,791 6,633 4,980 3,328 8,258 6,383 245 Fahrick. R G. Fagan, G. T.. 26 Faean, 1.. F.. 6 Fagrie. W. R. Fairbrother, D. R. _ 77 Fairbrofher, F Fairbrotber, H W ___ Fairclough, F. C. _ Fairclnugh, R 504 Fairclnugh, W. 78 Fairhurst, R Falardeau, E. J. . . ... 6,409 6,938 6,544 548 157 Falhn, C.. Falhn. R. P. Falconer, J. D . _ Fallowfield, C.. T 7,978 1,763 1,028 1,879 2,629 2,913 7,295 5,887 4,812 3,765 6,460 269 366 Fan, N. 12 Fandrick, F. A . . Fanning, G. Cr. Fantuz, F. F. Farber, I. D. . ___ Farkas, P. G. _ . Farlin, E. R . — Farmer, J. E. _ Farquhar, L. Farquhar, R. A. Farrell, M. A. — Farrer, C. H. 130 _ Farvnuk, M. 5,829 1,055 3,417 8,130 5,323 6,784 1,790 2,734 6,278 5,065 1.360 3,524 2,014 2.360 6,565 6,581 125 Fast, J. Fasten, E. O. . .. _ Faulkner, C.. — Fauville, M. Favell, C. W. 165 Favelle, J. A. . ... .. _ 17 Fawcett, T.. TT. 7 Fav, P. Fazan, L. B. Featherstone, J. G. Fediuk, Mrs. F. J. Fedoruk, G. T.. Fp.dvk, 7 T. Fehr, TV W Fehr, E. Fehr, H. Fehr, J. 1,917 6,446 5,166 9,540 6,244 6,835 1,096 135 1,261 2.516 1,360 6,290 7,656 6,024 5,991 396 Fell.' A. W. 6 Feller, A. W. _ Fellman, Y. I . . Fennell, T. H. Ferguson, C. W. Ferguson, D. B. Ferguson, D. C. Ferguson, D. Cr. — Ferguson, K. G. Ferguson, R. J. Ferguson, W. T. Ferrabee, TT M. 473 Ferrier T F 99 Ferro. M. T. Fesseler, A. .T. 107 Festerling, F. 5.599 3,180 6,374 4.599 5,041 1,475 43 Fetzko, P. Feuz, R W Fex, W F. Fieke, F. R. 5 Fidek. T. Fidler, T. Fiedler D. T. 6,740 6,363 6,100 2,283 6,731 2,032 3,611 129 Fiege, TT Field, F. T. Field, G M Fieldhonse, G W. Fields, R W. 77 Fierro, R Fietz, S R Fifp.r, R T, 3,704 7,443 Fifer, J. S. — Salary Travel $ $ Figliola, A. T. _ 6,343 — Filan, S. A. .._ _ _ _. 813 — Filgate, Miss M. J. _ 827 — Finch, S. F. 6,363 — Finlayson, E. 8,534 20 Finnestad, D. H. 2,288 — Fish, D. H. ... . .... . ..... 1,423 — Fisher, C. H. 5,340 — Fisher, C. H. _ 6,158 — Fisher, J. F. 4,123 — Fisher, R. A. _ 7,284 386 Fisher, R. S. .. _ 8,180 — Fisher, R. W. 2,516 80 Fisher, W. K. _ . 6,310 — Fisk, D. R. .... . . 10,050 — Fitchett, B. J. _ 5,460 — Fitchett, C. F. 9,304 160 Fitchett, G. F. _ 433 — Fitger, A. E. ..... 6,253 — Fiveland, L. M. _ 1,946 75 Flack, G. A. _ . 7,320 — Flack, J. S. _ 1,797 — Flagel, L. G. 1,310 — Flegel, F. 5,118 — Flegel, J. . 5,378 — Flegg, Mrs. I. M. 1,371 — Fleming, A. J. 4,971 — Fleming, L. R . 5,441 56 Fleming, R. G. _ 888 _ Fletcher, K. J. _ 7,607 _ _ Flewin. G. W. 1,003 — Flintoff, L. . ... _ _ 6,188 _ Flockhart, V. R. 7,989 _ Flodstrom, D. G. 386 _ Floer, H. .... _ 6,434 _ Flood. P. R. 4,980 14 Florell, A. D. 6,158 _ Floren, L. B. 9,961 155 Florence, B. L. 1,179 Florence, F. W. _ 5,841 _ Florence, T. _ 2,925 300 Flores, J. A. _ 4,301 _ Flovd. Miss G. M. 6.504 _ Floyd, J. F. _ ... . 950 — Floyd, K. C. _ 6,692 _ Floyd, W. K . . . . 730 _ Flynn, B. E. R. _ _ _. 7.540 _ Foard, H. G. . . 6,870 _ Fogarty, W. P. _ 222 — Foisy, A. A. _ _ 5.762 — Foisy, C. R. _ 7.099 — Foisy, E. J. _ 217 — Foisy, R. L. _ 6.474 — Folkard, J. R. _ 6,230 — Folvik, J. _ _ _ _ 41 — Fong, L. Q. _ 8,482 1,233 Foote, Miss D. H. 153 _ Foote, S. W. _ 1.623 — Ford, D. B. _ 1.715 — Fordham, R. E. _ 5,916 287 Fordyce, G. _ ... .. . 607 — Fordyce, J. E. _ . 7,030 — Forgaard, G. R. _ 7,828 — Forman, Miss B. D. _ 1.569 — Forner, A. F. _ 329 — Forrest, W. R. _ 9.333 321 Forrester, Miss D. L. _ 2,308 — Forsberg, O. E. _ (Cr.) 62 — Forsberg, O. E. . . _ 62 — Forslund, A. J. . _ 2,395 — Forslund, R. F. . _ 1,611 — Forster, A. J. . ... _ 2,097 — Forster, C. F. _ 7,681 23 Forster, J. N. _ _ _. 7,972 — Forsyth, F. M. . . 6,201 — Forsyth, G. D. _ 7,902 — Forsyth, T. M. _ 7,284 1,150 Forsythe, J. _ 914 — Forsythe, J. B. _ 5.933 31 Forsythe, R. _ _ . 944 — Fortin, C. D _ _ 376 — Foss, R. T. _ _ _ _ 5.749 — Fossum, E. R. _ 8,353 — Foster, H. R. K. - 2,163 — Foster, J. _ _ _ _ _ 6,798 13 Foster, W. J. _ 1,814 — Fostv, J. - 7.454 — Fowler, C. B. _ 3.288 26 Fowler, L. _ _ _ 5,646 — Fowler, R. A. _ 6,625 — Fowler, R. F. - 3,966 — Fowler, W. R. _ 5,866 — Fox, A. L. — . . . 7,905 — 106 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Fox, C. R. .. _ _ Salary $ 5,269 2,016 3,100 4,149 789 Travel $ Fox, F.. T.. _ Fox', K. P. . 223 Fox, r n. Foyie, D. _ .. _ Frame, A 3,280 1,384 3,255 1,454 7,274 8,110 48 10 Frame, N. K. . Fraroptcn, O. D. 380 France S, H 50 Franceschini, J. L. _ Francis, H. D. _ 1,174 Francis, R V. Francois, J. E. 2,063 98 5,195 10 5,156 7,062 _ 5,220 5,825 _ _ 3,470 _ 2,556 _ 6,027 _ Franz, P. C. - - Franzen, J. W . .. - — 4,388 5.405 1,701 — 2,499 4,128 _ _ 2.031 77 Fraser, G. _ _ - 8,820 1.944 21 _ 1,242 _ 2,125 6,999 . 102 5,542 _ Fredericks, Miss P. E. _ Frederickson, S. G. — — 3,360 2,857 2,205 12 6,229 — 8,460 516 11,400 1,651 6,356 44 2,366 _ 6,094 819 _ _ 6,853 251 _ — 5,875 33 6,746 _ 7,749 — 1,719 _ 6,879 — 8,922 _ Fri'p] R W 952 _ 5,575 _ 6,130 _ 120 — 439 50 975 — 1,496 — 8,396 322 2,197 _ 8,340 38 3,900 — 6,153 _ Froment, P. P, 7,746 — 6,875 17 3,029 215 344 _ 5,281 _ Fnilrr C T 5,447 337 8 _ 3,590 _ 222 _ Fuller W J 321 _ 477 . 4,738 _ 5,875 _ 9,587 71 7,149 61 _ Funk’ FT P 6,080 _ 6,838 — 356 _ 6,504 212 388 — 5,796 — 14 — 5,592 2,013 _ 95 10,071 44 7,073 — 5,774 838 3,040 _ t T 5,365 — Gadsden, C. A. 6,444 392 Salary Travel $ $ Gaertner, H. _ _ . 270 Gagne, J. _ 5,646 — Gagne, K. H. _ 5,479 177 Gain, 1 . S. _ 371 _ Gaines, R. B. _ . .. 8,103 60 Gait, J. R. _ 6,056 _ Galbraith, D. L. _ 412 — Galbraith, Mrs. M. C. _ 6,331 210 Gale, T. L. _ 1,369 36 Gale, W. T. _ _ 426 — Galicki, W. FI. V. _ 130 _ Gall, L. A. _ 5,274 _ Gallacher, P. D. .. . . ... 1,382 — Gallagher, D. W. M. _ 383 — Gallagher, N. C. .. 7,644 343 Gallant, J. H. _ _ 1,205 — Gallicano, D. V. _ 6,950 — Gallicano, W. _ 6,589 — Gallinger, C. A. . _. 6,553 — Galloway, R. A. _ 6,984 566 Galloway, R. M. _ 8,866 7 Galpin. R. W. . _ 6,159 — Galt, W. P . . . 205 — Galvin, J. 1,874 109 Gambaretto, T.. 5,256 — Gammer. N. 503 — Gann, G. _ 7,380 — Ganner, H. H. _ _ 8,580 22 Gano, B. E. _ __ _ 3,770 — Garay, L. A. 7,454 633 Garcea, U. . 6,114 — Garden, K. ... .. . 4,373 — Garden, R. D. . .. 1,543 — Garden, W. .. _ _ _. . 7,036 2 Gardner, E. A. _ 839 — Gardner, P. _ 3,613 12 Garfield, J. G. . . . 5,796 — GarUnge, A. G. . . 9,768 49 Garner, D. F. 7,860 — Garner, G. A. 5,908 — Gamer, R. D. _ _ 3,870 — Garnham, R. W. . _ 7,693 890 Garrard, D. J. _ 2,251 27 Garrett, D. A. _ .... 660 — Garrett, E. J. _ ... .. 12,900 1,648 Garrett, F. L. _ . . 3,465 — Garrison, A. B. 8,460 731 Gascon, J. R. 1,839 — Gatcke, B. ..... 5,956 — Gattau, A. F. _ 2,293 — Gaudreault, A. R. 5,882 — Gaudry, J. B. . 638 158 Gauley, J. W. _ 5,920 744 Gault, G. C. - . . — _ 722 132 Gault, W. M. - - 1,246 23 Gauthier, A. . _ . _ . 1,099 — Gawne, L. A. _ _ 3,538 — Gaze, E. _ _ . 1,861 — Gaze, W. C. . . _ .. 8,620 220 Gebhart, R. J. _ 6,291 — Geddes, E. J. _ .. 1,457 — Geddes. H. W. _ . 20 — Gee, B. K . . 4,388 — Gee, D. E. _ . _ 5,184 14 Gee, H. G. _ . .. 5,982 — Geernaert, D. R. _ 7,884 — Gelesz, J. _ . 5,803 — Gelette, E. S. _ _ 5,795 — Gelin, P. _ _ 10,250 — Gelineau. A. _ 6,973 49 Gelz, J. D. _ ... 1,362 — Gemmill, W. A. _ 281 — Genschorek, H. H. _ 8,042 25 Gentleman, H. _ 6,056 — Gentles, E. A. _ 176 — Gentles, Mrs. H. _ 3,096 — Geoffroy, J. C. _ 1,537 — George, B. H. . . 7,973 2 George, H. O. _ 10,860 1,782 George, P. _ .. _ 2,118 — George, R. _ ... . . ._ 116 — George, R. W. 6,702 214 George, S. _ 5,526 — George, S. M. . _ .. 574 — George, W. D. .. 4,677 — Gerein, J. _ .. _ 5,268 — Gerhardt, J. _ 6,809 _ Gericke, P. C. _ 4,138 _ German, J. F. 6,649 — German, J. R. _ 6,210 _ Gerow, A. G. _ 3,796 111 Gerow, H. M. 8,293 220 Gerow, L. .. . _ . .. .. 6,132 _ Gervais, A. L. .... .... 5,075 _ Gervais, W. _ 3,648 — Salary Tr $ ‘ Ghani, A. _ 3,012 - Gibault, J. M. _ 3,124 Gibbon, F. A. _ 6,737 Gibbon, G. G. _ 6,436 Gibbons, Mrs. E. M. _ 5,416 - Gibbons, L. C. _ 945 - Gibson, C. _ _ 92 - Gibson, C. F. _ 8,400 Gibson, E. S. _ 1,931 - Gibson, H. F. _ 5,673 - Gibson, I. E. _ 6,746 - Gibson, P. F. R. _ 1,483 - Giebler, E. _ _ _ 5,844 Giersch, G. _ _ 6,848 - Giesbrecht, J. G. _ _ 5,671 - Giesbrecht, J. R. _ 3,532 - Giesbrecht, J. W. _ 6,189 - Giesbrecht, P. G. _ 6,767 - Giesbrecht, W. _ 2,845 Gifford, F. T. _ 5,845 Gilbert, A. P. _ _ _ 2,640 - Gilbert, S. E. _. _ 7,074 Gilgan, D. - 1,315 Gilgan, T. D. _ 5,448 - Gill, G. H. _ 2,602 Gillan, P. N. _ 761 Gillen, B. _ 639 - Gillen, J. _ _ _ 6,375 Gilliatt, B. L. _ 6,535 Gillies, J. F _ 1,983 Gilliland, D. W. . _ _ _ 650 - Gillis, A. M. _ 2,238 Gillis, D. E. _ _ _ 6,024 Gillis, J _ _ 5,149 Gillrie, R. P. _ 666 Gilmore, E. J. _ 5,343 Gilmour, F. R. B. _ 8,779 Girton, Miss G. J. _ 2,190 - Gittins, R. W. _ 11,400 1, Glada, F. M. _ ... _ 103 Gladish, L. F. _ 7,077 Gladman, E. B. _ 61 Gladney, J. _ 265 Gladysz, S. D. _ _ 8,104 Glaser, E. B. _ 7,090 Glaser, M _ _ _ _ _ 6,030 Glassford, W. D. _ ._ 6,488 Glave, B. _ 776 Glen, D. W. _ 7,176 Glenn, W. A. _ 1,977 Glosser, E. _ 702 Glover, A. J _ _ 8,449 Glover, D. L. _ 4,171 Glover, J. G. _ 6,193 Glover, R. M. _ 6,862 Glover, R. W. _ 7,884 Glowa, P. _ 412 Gloyn, J. R. _ 7,600 3, Gloyn, W. E. _ 6,503 Gobolos, G. R. _ 6,745 Goddard, R. W. _ 1,447 Godderis, R. A. _ 2,510 Godfrey, D. D. _ 18,720 1, Godfrey, D. R. _ _ _ _ 7,020 Godlien, A. W. _ . _ 5,999 Godo, M. M. _ 1,001 Goertzen, C. _ 416 Goertzen, D. _ 760 Goetken, D. _ 391 Goffinet, E. _ 6,929 Goffinet, R. E. _ _ 1,821 Gokiert, E. _ 3,429 Gold, S. G _ _ 6,377 Goldecker, E. J. _ 6,844 Goldie, J. _ 7,293 Goldie, J. H . . 5,683 Goldman, V. _ 6,783 Goldney, P. E. _ 5,503 Gollnick, J. E. _ 5,041 Gomerich, G. _ 5,822 Good, H. L. _ 9,240 1 Goodlad, R. _ 747 J Goodland, M. _ 2,637 Goodman, Mrs. C. A _ 1.445 Goodman, C. G . . 8,163 Goodman, Mrs. D. E. _ 1,336 Goodman, K. B. _ 5,461 Goodman, K. G. _ 695 Goodmanson, H. _ 6,634 Goodnough. B. D. _ 865 Goodwin, A. _ 1,307 Goodwin, B. A. _ 1,313 Goodwin, R. E. _ 5,635 SALARIESi WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 107 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued rden, E. E. . .... _ Salary $ .... 6,621 Travel $ 48 3,850 82 rdon, A. M. _ 6*659 523 rdnri, F.. 964 rdon, P. _ _ .... 5,719 25 re, Mrs. H. M. — . . 4,440 5,612 . rmley, T,. P. _ . .... 6,116 . . rrell,* P. F. _ .... 2,182 . sling, Mrs. C. A. .. .... *988 1,193 — 313 _ 929 _ Ill A G F. .. 6,035 2,535 nld R S 7,294 undrey, G 55, 4,311 46 undrey, T T. 9,181 449 ward, Wr 5,079 wler, Fr G 5^935 _ wler, H. .Tt 8,732 _ yprf TP. *868 _ 7(\?i n, F. F. 10,380 - . ^bDski, N. 7,860 305 idnitzp.r, E. 6,255 if, G T 963 _ if,' T 599 _ iftnn, R. F,. 2,535 . _ iham, Mrs. C. E. - iham, G. W. _ 5j835 5,734 — iham, H. M. _ .. 4,674 22 iham, T. W. 6,850 iham, T.. . 5,166 _ iham, N. 5i503 _ iham, R. 3,156 _ iham R T 5,610 . ham, W E789 _ ham, W 5,691 13 ham, W. S. 5,852 900 haner, R 2,352 ingp.r, C. W 5,130 _ nd“ r C. 5,397 12 nt, C 5^271 nt, D. 6,772 18 nt, F) M - 3,903 nt, Miss M. J. . 6^504 _ - 5,974 _ sser, W. H. 5,560 . fion, F. C. 3^656 . ttn. T. W. '618 ____ velle, D. T. _ 644 _ ves, R. 5,508 614 w, B. 6,273 v, F. 5,646 _ v, C, T. . 5,669 _ y, H. A. . — . _ 10380 _ v; 1. S. 2,015 _ V, 7 C. 3,886 _ - aves, C. '255 _ _ :o, T. 5,658 _ :o, V. _ .... 5,752 _ izuk. A T. 6,601 _ :n, R F. 7,860 295 :n, H P 2,699 m, T.. W. 8304 _ •n. R T G. . 5 *902 _ :n' V. R 5,155 17 in, W D 1,235 :n. W. H, _ ..... 5,460 . mall, T. W. . 5384 . ■nan. T. . 4,822 40 nan, J. D. _ 3321 ■nberg, G. F. ... . ... '452 _ :nhnrn, T 5,778 - . nwav/K T. . 6338 3 nwood, P. _ 6,709 30 inwoodj P. .T. . 6360 5 r. n 7,198 r. G. 1,223 r. J W. . 4*526 e. N. .T. '352 _ g, O . . ... 1,830 156 orich. A. 3,233 ory, D. E. 1,995 ory, M. S. . . 2,766 _ - ;, A. S. M. 9,060 . . ;. T G 682 t. N. 4,980 4 ter. G T 2,683 ter. P S. 1,260 . ;on. F. A. 7,656 488 'al. H S. 6,323 154 ier, N. J. 1,453 f, A. P. . 2,801 _ te, C. T. . 7,084 _ 'e, J. '470 — Salary Travel Grieve, M. R. _ _ 2,000 127 Grieve. W. G. 6,733 — Griffin, M. T. _ . . . 2,421 30 Griffiths, B. P. . . 6,264 4 Griffiths, C. M. P . . 5,508 — Griffiths, D. G. 5,850 — Griffiths, T. B. . .. _ 5,043 — Griswold. H. H. 1,005 — Groat, C. L. .... . . 279 _ Grocott, H. C. . 7,125 — Groen, S. _ . . 6,755 — Grohs, E. J. . . 7,319 — Gronvold, E. N. 5,824 20 Grosjean, L. M. 5,994 — Gross, H. A. 7,059 126 Grosset, A. 5,994 — Grossi, D. _ _ 6,288 — Grounds, J. M. 4,544 — Groven, J. ..... .... .. 739 — Grypma, S. S. _ 1,286 — Grywacheski, A. 6,469 62 Gudewill, E. N. _ 1,978 — Guenard, G. L. _ 6,321 — Guidi, L. _ 8,969 — Guillemaud, R. J. _ 225 — Gull, E. E. . _ 5,399 — Gunn, Miss A. P. M. _ 3,340 — Gunn, G. M. _ 6,401 — Gunn, J. ... _ _ 7,290 — Gunn, J. D. .. _ 6,730 — Gunst, A. _ _ _ 5,623 — Gunter, W. T. B. _ 6,303 13 Gurr, E. E. . . . . 6,480 — Gurr, J. M. _ _ _ . 11,066 455 Gurr, M. L. . . . . 10,315 41 Gustafson, A. A. _ 6,689 — Gustafson, A. T _ _ 1,605 — Gustafson, L. O . . . 3,022 — Gustafson, R. L. ... . _ 1,295 — Gustafson, R. T. 6,153 13 Guthrie, A. A. _ 5,294 — Guthrie, J. A. _ 6,389 — Guthrie, W. J. _ 6,996 — Gutierrez, J. F. _ 5,170 — Gutman, M. _ _ 2,710 245 Gutteridge, H. H. _ 10,139 291 Gwynne, D. C. _ _ 6,172 28 Hache, L. A. .... . . 6,420 — Hachmeister, G. H. L. _ 1,348 — Hacking, J. E. T. _ 8,900 159 Hackl, E. _ 2,601 — Hackman, M. S. .. _ 3,622 141 Haddock, B. O. _ 6,457 — Haddow, D. V. _. . _ 4,168 — Haddow, W. M. _ 5,946 549 Hadvick, A. W. _ 5,961 — Haesevoets, R. _ 1,004 — Haffter, Miss L. C. _ 3,120 — Hager, J. R. _ _ _ 623 — Hagfors, A. _ _ . 703 — Haggard, J. C. _ 5,778 — Hague, C. W. . - 318 — Haigh, H. _ _ _ . 7,834 468 Haight, J. J. _ _ .. 2,094 — Haight. R. . . . .... 2,757 — Haight, R. _ . . 1,062 — Haines, D. R. _ 732 — Haines, E. L. _ . 6,429 — Haines, H - - - - 2,467 — Haines, J. F. .. .. .. _ 6,143 — Haines, J. M. _ 6,248 — Haits, J. _ 6,049 — Hale, C. E. _ _ 5,775 — Hale, D. J. _ 5,987 — Hale, R. _ _ .. 7,716 — Hale, R. J. _ _ _ 4,508 — Hall, A. D. _ _ _ 1,269 18 Hall, A. L. _ 7,920 — Hall, B. E _ _ 121 — Hall, D. C. 565 — Hall, D. W. . .. _ 8,993 — Hall, E. W. _ .. 4,728 — Hall, G. S. . . . . 4,039 — Hall, J. W. _ _ _ 5,253 — Hall, P. R. _ _ _ - 5,476 51 Hall, R. L. _ 6,766 — Hall, W. P . . . 495 — Halladay, G. H. - 2,333 — Hallam, J. T. ... 6,074 — Haller, R. . - _ 250 — Halliday, B. R. - - 715 — Halliday, D. J. _ .. 6,816 — Halliday, D. T. - . . 2,471 — Halliday, L. A. -. .. 2,275 — Salary $ Halliwell, A. A. _ 9,830 Hallman, N. C. _ 4,278 Hallock, E. N. _ 4,980 Hallum, I. _ 6,828 Halme, D. C. _ 1,752 Halme, Mrs. S. L. _ 1,247 Halsaunet, A. _ _ _ 5,924 Haltner, P. G. _ 1,746 Halvorson, M. _ 680 Halwas, L. _ 1,776 Hambleton, F. G. _ _ 1,692 Hamelin, A. W. _ 6,264 Hamer, W. E. _ 922 Hamill, R. E. W. _ . 2,638 Hamilton, A. _ _ 7,575 Hamilton, A. A. _ 2,741 Hamilton, A. G. _ 7,114 Hamilton, C. F. _____ 3,480 Hamilton, D. H. _ _ 5,127 Hamilton, H. W. _ 2,870 Hamilton, I. _ 6,219 Hamilton, J. A. _ 5,318 Hamilton, J. E. _ _ _ 71 Hamilton, L. O. _ _ 5,986 Hamilton, R. G. _ 5,339 Hamilton, R. W. _ 4,332 Hamilton, T. J. _ 3,131 Hamm, J. J. _ 2,110 Hammarberg, E. H. _ 5,854 Hammer, A. _ _ 6,896 Hamoline, P. _ 2,134 Hampson, P. _ _ _ 4,358 Hampton, F. O. _ 3,032 Hampton, H. W. _ 566 Hampton, L. _ 5,215 Hanchar, M. _ _ 6,257 Hancsak, J. _ _ 4,729 Hand, G. B. _ 4.887 Hanet, E. _ _ 5,740 Hanik, M. _ 289 Hanik, T. M. _ 106 Hanks, H. R. _ 2,241 Hanley, D. S. _ 478 Hanna, B. A. _ _ _ _ 7,174 Hanna, G. W. _ 10,275 Hanna, H. H. _ 576 Hannis, B. _ . _ 6,220 Hansen, A. P. _ 195 Hansen, A. R. _ 213 Hansen, Mrs. D. F. _ _ 17 Hansen, E. _ _ 2,259 Hansen, E. _ . 7,330 Hansen, F. _ 5,541 Hansen, F. K. _ 5,869 Hansen, G. C. _ 5,040 Hansen, G. H. _ 5,215 Hansen, J. _ 5,406 Hansen, J. H. _ _ _ 38 Hansen, L. M. _ 5,829 Hansen, N. S. _ 6,008 Hanson, A. I. _ 6,828 Hanson, H. R. _ 2,471 Hanson, R. A. _ 1,978 Hanson, R. E. _ 6,538 Hanson, V. H. _ _ _ 937 Hanson, V. H. _ 6,044 Han void, C. _ 740 Harasyn, K. D. _ 682 Harden, A. P. _ 2,362 Harden, R. D. _ 943 Harder, V. K. _ 3,157 Hardie, G. _ 562 Harding, C. R. _ 5,759 Harding, J. H. _ 13,980 Harding, L. V. _ 7,831 Hardy. P. W. _ 4.678 Harford, G. A. _ 7,997 Harford, J. P. _ 160 Harford. S. _ 5,957 Hargreaves, N. _ 5,722 Harkness, C. G. _ 6,180 Harkness, T. P. _ 6.864 Harlow, K. A. _ . _ 5 315 Harms, J. J. _ 2.788 Harms, W. N. J. _ 6,013 Harold, R. E. _ 9.287 Harper, G. W. _ 10.500 Harrer, R. C . . 6.2H Harrold. R. M. . . 2,650 Harrington, M. J. W. - 2,986 Harris, B. D. _ . 1.704 Harris, Mrs. D. F. - 3,253 Harris, D. N. _ 1,200 Travel $ 557 176 36 83 1,413 701 19 4 236 94 550 133 37 16 87 9 50 572 905 362 175 910 755 36 108 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Harris, E. _ _ _ 6,631 — Harris, J. C _ _ 5,845 — Harris, M. J. _ _ _ 5,920 — Harris, P. F. _ 7,476 544 Harris, P. J . _ . .. . ._ 1,941 — Harris, R. A. _ _ — 5,888 — Harris, R. F. S. _ 78 42 Harris, Mrs. V. M. _ 5,172 — Harris, W. _ _ 6.740 — Harrison, E. J. . _ _ 10,279 — Harrison, J. H., Jr. . . . 6,145 — Harrison, L. E. - 7,780 — Harrison, N. P. - - — 6,080 — Harrison, R. D. - - - 1,416 — Harrop, N. _ - - 5,580 — Hart, 1 . J. 5,381 — Hartfield. W. - 2,108 — Hartley, J. C. _ - - 2,251 — Hartley, J. H. .... - 6.424 — Hartman, E. J. - 4,748 — Hartman. J. J. - 5,580 — Harton, W. P - - 1,140 19 Hartshorne, H. J. - 5,003 — Harvey, B. P. - 6,196 — Harvey, D. P. . 8.340 638 Harvey, G. P. - 8.996 2,510 Harvey, J. A. — - - 6.024 — Harvey, R. G. _ . — 15,060 2,112 Harvey, S. G. - 2,652 — Harvie, D. - 5,131 — Harvie, J. B. _. ... — 5,750 119 Harvie, W. D. - 1,104 — Harwood, J. D. - 5,740 12 Hashimoto, Y. R. 2,025 — Haslett, Stanley A. - 690 — Haslett, Stuart, A. - 748 — Hassard, P. A. 8,974 — Hastings, R. W. 6,255 — Hatelt, O. 566 — Hatheway, R. P. 6,166 — Hatzl, E. - 7,154 — Hauca, J. D. — . - 5,900 440 Hauca, R. — - - - 5,746 620 Haug, H. _ - 5,966 — Haugen, L. A. . . 5,805 — Haukedal, L. A. 3,713 — Hauser, B. L. — 872 — Hautala, W. 7,136 — Havdale, R. V. _ .. 5,110 — Havens, L. C. __ .. 6,055 — Havers, G. A. _ 10,380 — Havlasek, M. F. . 11.400 342 Hawe, D. J. - - 5,916 123 Hawes, G. C. _. - - 7,469 32 Hawes, J. E. - _ 201 12 Hawk, W. W. _ 5,925 — Hawkins, W. _ - _ 6,825 — Hawley, L - - - 1,669 — Hay, D. N _ _ 978 — Hay, J. E. _ 8,293 107 Hay, John A. .. . 204 — Haycock, L. A. - 5,898 — Hayden, Mrs. N. E. - 4,050 — Hayden, P. C . — — 5,173 — Hayes, J. F. - 2.425 — Hayes, J. P. _ - 9,686 — Hayes, J. W. .... 5,689 — Hayes, S. G. . . . 6,321 — Hayhurst, R - - 6,360 — Haylmore, Mrs. H. M. — 6,504 — Hayman, E. A. .. ..... 1,811 28 Haynes, I. H. - 6,128 600 Hayward, D. G. H. - 823 — Hazard, C. K. . .. — .... 8,404 47 Hazlett, L. V. - - 5,040 98 Head, A. T. _ 1,096 — Healey, K. - - — 599 — Heare, R. J . - 6,426 52 Heare, W. R. . - - 7,312 9 Hearst, R. M. - . . 11,400 610 Heath, G. E. - 5,815 — Heatherington, R. P. . 5,791 — Hebden, R. H. . — 2,144 — Hebert, N. R. 2,850 — Hebraiit, P. E. - 6,905 16 Hecker, J. B. D. — 5,916 — Heddle, M . . 6,995 — Heddle, W. D. .. „ _ 6,222 — Hedley, E. L. - 1,460 — Heemelaar, A. - 5,574 — Heffernan, J. A. - 5,808 217 Heger, F. - 5,281 — Hegg, H. C. - - 1,216 — Heiland, G. T. - 3,388 — Heinrich, J. Salary $ 5,660 5,572 3,678 2,731 373 Travel $ Heinrich, J. J . . . _ Helgerson, H . . . Heilman, R. L. . _ 82 Hellyer, J. W. .. . 33 Hellyer, M. J. _ Hellyer, M. L. _ 5,716 563 Helmsing, W. G. 10,380 5,361 6,635 8,065 6,734 195 877 Helzel, M. _ . . Hembrow, A. . . . Hemmelgarn, A. . Hemmerling, G. S. .. 274 62 Hemmons, J. G. _ Hempstock, D. B. _ - 560 — Hemrica, C. W. _ 2,567 90 Henderson, C. C. _ 8,282 — Henderson, J. F. _ 1,906 77 Henderson, J. H. _ 6,117 — Henderson, L. P. _ 6,528 — Henderson, P. R. _ _ 6,448 36 Henderson, P. S. - ...... 11,400 127 Henderson, W. S. _ 19 — Hendricks, H. _ . ....... 5,766 — Hendrickson, B. R. ... _ 6,599 — Hendrickson, H. J. L . _ 6,014 — Hendry, C. A. _ _ 825 — Hendry, E. J. .. . _ 2,651 — Hendy, M. E. . . 845 — Henke, E. H. _ _ 6,758 135 Henke, W. A. _ _ 886 — Henkel, L. W . _ 6,024 27 Hennig, M. E . . .. 5,669 — Henry, J. .... .. _ 119 — Henry, L. F. . _ 6,785 331 Henson, A. . .. _ 4,546 — Hepner, O. A. _ _ 6,484 1,343 Hepp. A. N. _ _ 7,860 — Heppell, G. W. _ .... 3,712 — Heppner, A. . _ . _ 5,460 — Hepting, P. W. .... 1,903 — Heptinstall, W. _ 7,020 32 Hepworth, J. E. 5,530 — Herdan, R. _ . _ 6,323 — Herman, W. .. . . .. . 5,877 — Herman, W. J. . . . . 6,568 — Hern. F. _ ... _ .... 4,573 — Herold, E. ..... .. . 5,782 — Heroux, J. C. ... ... 5,200 — Herrington, L. B. ...... 2,678 — Herrmann, K. E. 6,450 — Herron, R. .. 1,330 — Hesse, A. „ .. .. 7,292 — Hester, N. D. .. . _. .. 8,460 284 Hetherington, R. _ _ 5,640 — Hetzler, R. E. _ 3,369 — Heuberger, F. . 353 — Heughan, R. F. 5,065 — Heuston, J. W. ..... 8,412 — Hewitt, W. V. . .. 5,343 — Hewko, R. _ — ... 6,296 575 Hevd, E. D. . . ... _ 5,889 — Heywood, H. D. . .. 7,833 — Hiatt, L. K. ...... . _ 4,186 30 Hibbs, D. G. _ ... .... 1,319 — Hickmott, J. W. T. 4,980 2 Hicks, E. E. 5,911 — Hicks, G. R. . . . .. .. ... 5,869 556 Hicks, K. J. .... . .. 6,925 31 Hicks, L. C. .. _ 6,178 606 Hiebert, A. A. . 6,012 — Hiebert, D. A. . . ..... .... 3,276 — Hiebert, J. . . .. 6,374 30 Hiebert, Mrs. P. I. 78 — Higano, C. K. _ _ 928 — Higano, Mrs. M. 3,684 — Higano, Y. .. - 2,545 — Higgin, R. L. . . 5,735 — Higgins, G. G. ... . 7,020 185 Higgins, W. I. N. 8,160 1,732 Higginson, G. A. - _ 6,318 60 Higginson, R. G. . ... ... . 6,161 — Highton, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,839 — Highway, G. H. 7,351 — Hilger, K. H . ... . 1 ,276 125 Hill, B. F. _ .. 2,255 — Hill, Mrs. C. J. 3,278 — Hill, D. H. _ 6,752 — Hill, D. W. 5,580 101 Hill, E. . . 5,109 — Hill, H. . ... . . . . 5,049 — Hillen, Mrs. I. J. 6,036 117 Hillian, G. F. - .. 1,960 13 Hilliard, B. D. E. _ 3,776 14 Hills, Miss C. A. ._ 2,243 — Hindley, D. V. . . 1,499 — Salary Tf Hiney, M . . 5,914 Hinitt, G. S. 5,044 - Hinkes, R. M. 6,293 - Hinman, C. C. 7,101 - Hinskens, J. T. 6,756 - Hinton, J. R. 2,182 - Hintz, E. L. . . 4,915 - Hippisley, J. S. .. _ .... 7,147 - Hirtle, L. R. . . 5,078 - Hitchcock, W. J. . . 6,200 - Hitchen, R. D. 431 - Hjelt, P. A. 5,230 - Hladysh, R. 5,639 - Hlookoff, W. W. 6,312 - Hobbs, C. N. . 6,143 - Hobbs, K. E. . ... 7,487 - Hodge, W. _ _ 575 - Hodgkinson, Miss J. L. _ 1,200 - Hodgson, B. G. 2,308 - Hodgson, Mrs. E . 3,206 - Hodgson, H. A. . 1,434 - Hodgson, W. J. 5,224 - Hoehn, G. V . 2,140 - Hoffman, A. R. . .... 5,734 - Hoffman, M . 339 - Hoffman, N. 5,920 Hoffman, W. M. 2,833 1 Hogg, E. C. 7,842 Hoggan, M. M. _ _ _ 544 - Hoggan, W. D. S. 7,426 Hoggarth, R. D . 2,707 -• Hoglund, A. E. 6,312 - Hogue, J. O. 9,660 Hohn, H. . . 162 - Holbrook, B. E. 3,075 - Holcombe, C. C. 6,521 - Holden, G. K. 1,925 - Holdner, K. . 118 - Holgate, Miss D. B. _ 316 - Holgate, G. .... 2,257 - Holland, J. H. 5,880 - Holland, N . 5,749 1 Hollands, C. . . . . . ... 6,556 - Hollingshead, R. C. _ 1,564 - Hollingshead, W. M. _ 7,600 - Hollins, H. P. T. _ 8,274 Holloway, C. F. _ 290 - Holm, W. C. _ 7,260 - Holman, G. A. _ 5,874 - Holman, H. E. _ 5,169 - Holmes, E. _ 6,941 - Holmes, J. A. - 7,152 Holmes, N. H. ..... _ 341 - Holmes, R. M. _ 956 - Holmes, S. S. _ 724 - Holowachuk, O. P. _ 1,849 - Holowachuk, R. A. _ 2,052 - Holowenko, B. N. _ 6,016 Holt, T _ _ .... 433 - Holt, T. D. _ _ 532 - Holtskog, W. M. _ 6,284 ► Holzer, F. .. 3,050 - Holzworth, A. - - — 6,193 - Holzworth, F. . . - 6,661 - Homis, G. _ _ 3,162 Honholt, R. A. - 5.929 - Hoodless, H. A. - 1,972 Hooft, P. J. . . . . 6,480 - Hooker, G. . .. . . - 2.016 Hooker, G. W. _ _ 6,853 - Hooker, W. G. . . . _ 5.167 - Hookham, M. 5,854 - Hooper, C. St. C. - 7,800 - Hooper, G. _ _ . . 5,696 - Hooper, L. L. _ .. . 4,003 - Hooper, W. H. _ 947 - Hooson, A. E. . . 6,859 - Hoover, G. R. - 5,883 - Hoover, P. C. - 6,881 - Hoover, R. - - - 7,294 - Hopkins, R. F. - - 7,367 - Hopp, G. E . 5,484 Hopp, R. H. - - 7,743 - Hopper, A. W. E . 6,341 - Hopper, L. C . . 6,184 - Hoppus, L. W. - 2,978 - Horcoff, J. P. — 11,880 1 Hordychuk, S. - - - 2,725 Horel, B. G. - 2,575 Horkoff, F. — - . . 6,354 Horne, M. - - 1,913 - Horne, R. - — 1,294 - Horning, F. D. .. — 5,477 Horrocks, T. H. - 8,574 - SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 109 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS— Continued Salary Travel $ $ orsnell, A. W. - 7,684 1,502 orsnell, C. ... . 5,138 — orswell, R. G. - 5,667 — orte, C. W. _ . — 1,393 22 orton, L. - 228 — orton, L. B - - 5,706 — orzsa, L. - . . — - 209 — oshino, M. .— . . 1,982 — oskins, G. B. . - 6,319 — ost, B - - 4,178 — ou, J. - - - 1,309 — oude, A. J. - 6,185 — oule, P. C. .. _ — 1,292 — oule, R. - — — 450 — oule, W. D. - 6,584 — oulind, E. W. _ 9,007 706 oulind, S. E. - 5,841 — ounslow, L. C. — .. 2,926 — ouseman, F. A. - 2,206 — ouseman, L. H. - 6,130 — ouston, J. I. A. - 7,029 57 ovde, M. J. _ 2,630 — oward, C. W. _ 2,474 — oward, D. E. _ 1,614 — oward, D. M. - 6,265 — oward, E. W. . _ 6,345 — owe, C . — - - . - . 6,157 — owe, i . J. - _ — . 4,827 — owe, Mrs. L. W. . 4,788 — owe, M. H. _ _ _ 6,398 — owe. P. J . . 5,590 100 owe, S. D. - _ 8,295 336 owe, W. E. _ _ 5,860 — owells, S. _ _ _ 4,289 — owes, D. L. .... - 559 — owes, T. L. . . 538 — owich, J. R. . . 151 — owie, I. R. _ 7,612 618 owland, F. — . _ — . 3,642 — owse, W. _ _ _ — - 568 — oy, L. -- .. -echka, Mrs. S. K. _ 5,800 576 4,560 — ibbard. S. W. - . 6,294 387 rbble, W. A. _ 6,841 13 ibbs, K. I ... 5,760 — rcul, W. . ... - .... 5,655 — ldson, G. C. _ _ 519 — rdson, G. F. W. _ 1,363 — idson, J. W. - — 8,008 — ig, H. H. - 6,016 18 tghes, J. . . . . 2,765 12 lghes, J. _ . .. 6,607 — lghes, R. H. 5,916 71 lhn, J. A. . . . 991 — ihtala, A. _ . 458 — llin. R. _ .. . 5,482 — ill, Mrs. M. J . 190 — lls, N. A . . 5,890 — imble, N. J. 6,146 — immel, G. . 5,491 — imphreys, J. 645 — mik, M. F. 1,715 — int, D. W. .. 7,316 — int, P . - . . 11,400 586 int, W. T _ _ 5,794 — inter, A. . . .. _ 4,332 — inter, B. J. . 6,761 — inter, C. W. 6,966 143 inter, D. C. 6,112 — inter, David C. ... 1,745 — inter, F. G. 7,333 — inter, G. W. 914 — inter, H. G. 9,223 249 nter, H. R . . . 5,992 14 nter, J. ... . 988 — nter, J. R. _ .. . 7,020 — inter, M. T. 6,159 — nter, N. J. 7,455 — olt, A. W. . . 8,588 — rd, G. . . .. 5,765 486 rdal, V. H. _ .... 2,673 — soy, Mrs. H. D . 3,414 — ssell, L. E. 6,766 — ston, P. C. 6,663 — tcheson, S. .. . 5,205 — tchinson, J. E. 6,420 — tchinson, R. J. 1,675 44 tchison, G. . 676 50 tton, D. H. _ 7,065 1,009 zar, B. ... _ 1,989 — ozdanski, J. _ 12,870 1,300 att, M. C. _ 7,968 8 de, A. R. .. .. . . .... 6,838 — de, D. R . . 39 — Hyde, L. W . Salary $ 937 Travel $ Hyde, W. . _ ... .. 6,173 Hymers, Miss M. V. Hvnds, J . _ 6,024 10,380 3,472 Hvnes, P. R 858 Hvslop. D. .T. 6,Q40 Hyslop, J. _ djlRO 870 Iaccino. A. R. 766 Ianson, R. A. 1 ,437. Ibey, G. J. . 3,862 Tbrahim, M. '476 Tlett., W.' 6,085 Tmrie. 1.. C. '648 Ingalls, D. R. 6,711 Ingbritson, K. A. 5,767 . Ingham, D. O. 1,718 _ Tngleharf, A. . 7,498 Tnglin. J. 865 Tnglis. B. N. 1,544 Tnglis. D M 6,771 Ingram, D. A. _ 5,035 28 Tneram, J. A 7,784 Tngram, M. S. 17,900 310 Tnjates, R F. 1 '714 412 Tnkster, J. C. 153 71 Tunis, D R 5,873 Ireland, D. 6,736 _ Trving, G. A. V. 5.916 20 Trving, R 6,137 Trwin, I M. 186 Trwin, R 5,831 Trwin, R .T 406 _ Tsaac, T. 4,788 _ Isaacs, T N 5,986 Isaacson. T 4,745 Tsherg, F, S 10,565 792 Tshister, M W 303 Tsenor, D M 5,700 41 Ishii, G. 6.946 Israel, C. E. 5,870 _ Ttknnen, K 20 __ T version, T, O 8,820 757 Twaszkiw J 5;i58 .Tank, Ci _ _ 6,838 . _ .Tank; H T. _ '944 _ lark, J A. 280 _ Tank’ S W. 5,923 15 Tarkiin, T A 6;504 Jackman, R. A. ... 8,460 . Jacksnn, D, W, 6.780 ■ . 7,545 _ Jackson, G. G. 437 _ Jackson, Mrs. H. J. 4,206 _ Tarkson, J T. . 5,897 Tapksnn, J, T, '174 - - 6,507 Jackson, R. H. _ 5,180 . _ Jackson, R. J. R. . ... 5,980 550 Tarkson, T T, '938 42 Jackson, W. .. .. 5,714 Jackson, W. S. _ 1,604 6,677 — Jacobsen, L. E. _ 5241 _ Jacobsen ^ F J. 8,316 . Jacobson, D. _ 6>24 . Jacobson. L. _ . . 112 _ Jagdeo, C. D. _ _ 6,919 _ Jager, P. _ _ .. . 2,568 278 Jagn, R C. 3j 177 70 _ James, A. F._ 6,354 22 James, D. A. . ... 172 67 . 5,975 Jarpps, F. W. 186 _ . James, J. H. . .. . James, Mrs. L. E. _ _ 2,230 _ _ 4,980 5,700 14 Jameson, J. _ 6j506 75 Jameson, J. L. ... . 7,684 254 Jamiesnn, J, >1 5,590 Jamieson, R. _ _ 5,657 . Jamieson, R. _ ... 6,177 9 Jamieson, R. F. 5; 644 Tanson, P. O. R. 2,9^1 . Jansen, H 6,477 Tan^en, T, 6,382 . 7.498 . 3,781 , .. 4,552 Taqiies, G, r, ._ .. 4,062 156 Jaques, S. J. ..... . 1,704 50 7.; 364 Jarvis, A, W. 5,646 Jarvis, P. L. L. . . 2,592 Jaselun, V. 1,336 — Taskela, C W Salary $ 1,616 7,287 6,188 1,987 269 Travel $ Tasman A .T. Jasper, D T Jassal, R S. 49 Tealnnse, T G. Jean, R. ... . . . 5,887 7,519 5,920 5,937 6,643 2,240 6,244 8,377 1,024 4,947 10,860 6,355 5,130 2,964 6,636 403 _ Jerk, T. Jefcoat, R. W. 801 T eff erson , T F Jefferson, R R. _ Jeffery, M. G. Jeffrey W R — Jeffs, G. G. _ Jeffs, R. C _ Jeffs; R W 86 Jeffs, W. R. - ... 1,331 .Telic, P Jemson, W W. Jenkins, M. R. _ Jenner, A. H. 8 .Tenner, F.. Jenner, F. M. 6,366 5,005 7,223 8,104 5,735 5,967 6,605 1,062 5,554 6,152 7,177 662 159 Jenner, G. T.. Jennings, F Jennings, J F.. Jensen, F. O Jensen, H. G. Jensen, T. C, 590 Jensen, K. R. Jensen, L. H. Jensen, P. Jensen, S. D. 41 Jensen, W R Jensen, W F. 6,634 7,655 5,038 3,332 1,028 1,012 1,365 4,201 996 .Temmans. S. 586 Jessop, W. T. .Testlev, C, S. Jewell, Miss T. F Jewett, Miss B. K. _ .Tewula, R. T.. — .Teves. .T. C. Jim, P. B. D. .. .. .. . Jmavoff, G. 818 Joe. S. 174 Joe, V. C. 1,060 3,666 5,868 6,345 522 Johannesson, J. G. Johnnie, R. Johnnv, F.. Johnny, V. .. Johnson, A. T,. 122 Johnson. A. M. 483 Johnson, A. R. 5,096 5,441 2,025 72 481 32 Johnson. B. F. Johnson. R. T.. Johnson, R. P. Johnson, C. E. . 8,500 3,996 6,066 10,655 1,187 599 Johnson, Mrs. C. S. _ Johnson, D. B. G. — Johnson, D. G. 212 Johnson, D. R. Johnson, E. A. ... Johnson, E. E. 6,631 6,304 7,416 3,173 6,428 90 Johnson, E. G. 164 Johnson, E. J. .... . Johnson. F. Johnson, F. R. _ _ 81 Johnson, G. E. 5,096 7,231 29 33 Johnson, G. 55. Johnson. J H. Johnson. J. I 9,188 3,817 6,053 511 Johnson, J. T. _ Johnson, J. W. _ _ _ Johnson, K. J, _ 2,068 6,810 2,684 13.305 187 Johnson, K. P . . . Johnson, L. C. Johnson, L. C. _ 720 Johnson, L. F. _ _ 227 — Johnson, L. J. G. _ 5,508 — Johnson, L. M. _ 5,796 46 junnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, iVl. _ P. R. o,zo V 6.395 R. . 201 R. ... .... 8,668 902 241 Johnson, R. A. . . - Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, R. D. _ _ 2,270 9 R F X 9,086 6,502 6,883 344 R. F. R. J _ _ T. . _ 6,218 10,170 6.607 _ Johnson, Johnson, T. R. _ V. C. _ 1,962 39 Johnson, Johnson, Johnson. W. _ 5,979 1.650 328 W. A. M. _ W. B. .. _ — 110 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary $ Johnson, W. H. - . - 5,268 Johnson, W. R. - 2,675 Johnston, A. - - - 5,653 Johnston, A. G. _ 6,352 Johnston, Miss B. B. - 4,362 Johnston, D. L. - 1,299 Johnston, D. M. _ 9,995 Johnston, G. W. - 6,067 Johnston, J. A. - 5,859 Johnston, J. L. - 6,900 Johnston, L. A. - 3,663 Johnston, M. D. - 2,618 Johnston, R. G. - 1,101 Johnston, R. H. - - 2,811 Johnston, R. T. - - 2,454 Johnston, W. E. - 6,614 Johnston, W. R. - 4,329 Johnstone, J. D. - 118 Johnstone, J. I. - 3,773 Jolley, T. I. - 5,743 Jonat, T. B. - 2,604 Jones, A. - 6,428 Jones, A. G. - 11,640 Jones, A. L. - 6,782 Jones, A. R. - 5,797 Jones, Albert R. — - 6,127 Jones, B. R. - 350 Jones, C. F. - 7,410 Jones, C. T. - 6,279 Jones, D. A. - 5,932 Jones, D. C. - 6,024 Jones, D. E. - 683 Jones, D. F. - 6,214 Jones, D. H. - 1,858 Jones, D. J. - 7,280 Jones, D. M. - 7,186 Jones, D. P. - 1,096 Jones, D. R. - — 931 Jones, D. V. - - 4,937 Jones, E. D. - 2,297 Jones, H. - 6,730 Jones, H. A. - 3,319 Jones, H. L. - 3,415 Jones, J. W. _ 4,980 Jones, L. G. - - 6,056 Jones, P. - 6,377 Jones, P. T. - 270 Jones, R. A. - 1,111 Jones, R. M. - — 7,986 Jones, S. G. - 5,864 Jones, S. H. - - 5,801 Jones, S. W. - 540 Jones, W. A. - 1,878 Jones, W. A. - 2,097 Jonker, R. _ - 5,125 Jonsson, A. G. - 7,019 Jonsson, H. E. - - 3,721 Jonsson, J. M. - 931 Jonsson, O. V. - 295 Jopling, R. J. - 220 Jordan, A. - 3,287 Jorgensen, N. - 1,696 Jorgensen, T. - 502 Joseph, G. - 139 Joveski, L. - 7,020 Jov, A. _ — 6,756 Joy, H. R - 7,167 Joy, M. - 7,284 Jubb, Miss S. W. - 2,394 Judson, A. - 7,704 Juell, R. R. - 157 Julien, H. - _ 420 Jupp, P. _ 5,813 Kaardal, A. - 6,777 Kaczanowski, W. J. - 3,532 Kaduhr, A. - 6,044 Kaetler, A. J. - 5,896 Kaiser, A. - - 5,819 Kalish, G. - 5,538 Kallappa, J. - 3,854 Kallhood, C. - - 5,601 Kamenka, Mrs. M. - 4,980 Kaminski, E. - 8,725 Kanigan, G. - 6,274 Kao, R. _ 6,317 Kapuszta, J. - - - 9,271 Karasz, Mrs. S. M. - 2,697 Karr, C. E. - 7,450 Karras, W. J. - 6,258 Karrstrom, C. - 4,134 Karu, E. K. ___ - - 1,724 Kashmark, B. - i’9x5 Kassa, G. - 6,606 Kassiones, J. A. - 1,215 Travel $ 43 11 804 77 148 53 32 79 1,145 6 216 12 36 41 171 22 101 65 12 151 9 34 100 131 27 11 21 K atc*» J, A. Salary $ 594 Travel $ Katzel, A. _ 6,065 5,064 5,757 6,579 8,006 9,164 1,727 3,104 3,123 1,244 58 10 Kanshakis, P. W. 2 K awn P Ka/aRofT, F . - Knzaknff; G. F. 47 Keane, R T. 316 Keating, M Keays, £>. M. Keegan, T. B. Kehoe, J. . . Kehoe, Tames 300 Keim, A 6,466 5,631 _ _ Keir, F F. _ Keir, J. D. . 8,890 6,719 2,051 6,741 6,778 1,572 6,900 88 31 Keir, R T„ Keiran M F.. Keith, T) TV . Keith, T A . Keller, G T. _ Keller, T W 343 Kelln T R 135 Kellogg, G 5,189 2,145 155 Kellogg, M A _ Kellogg, M. P. . _ KellyT D. B. 726 _ Kelly, H. J. 2,600 6,145 11,400 1,296 799 _ Kelly, J. S. G. _ Kelsall, H. J. _ Kelsey, Miss M. N. . Kemp, D. A. _ _ . Kemple, T G. 7,717 4,908 252 Kendall, Mrs. F, T. Kendall, W A 2,785 5,619 2,548 6,375 2.150 5,013 4,708 3.151 7,608 6,037 14 Kennedy, A. R. . Kennedv, R Kennedy, C. G. _ Kennedy, C. N. .... _ Kennedy, F) A T _ Kennedy, Mrs. E. G. _ _ Kennedy, I. M. . . . . Kennedy, T G 376 Kennedy, J. R. _ Kennedy, T T 162 _ Kennedy, T. O 7,386 _ Kennedy R A 6,272 7,667 628 12 Kennett, C. F, Kennett, W. J. . . Kenney, A 64 _ Kensche, W. K. Kent, G, R 1,330 10,380 287 40 1,809 Kent; J. S. W. _ .... _ Kenway, B. J. 582 _ Keoppel. H. _ . . . . 5,789 5,694 6,327 2,525 1,858 5,630 6,504 3,721 15,060 2,684 3,068 _ Ker A R . Kerestes, D. .... . . _ Kerfoot, P A. H. _ _ Kermode, W. F. Kern, C. B. _ _ .. 1,920 Kernaphan, A. .T. Kerr, D . Kerr, J. W. G. 3,164 K f.fspy , D A. _ Kerslake, A P _ Kerslalce, F) G 7,317 2,022 _ Kessler, C. A. _ Kessler N T, 5,694 1,871 129 _ __ _ Ketlo, A. M. _ . _ . Ketln T A 297 - - Kentzer, R W. 2,025 2,360 3,996 6,746 771 - Khan, A O. _ 15 Klian, M TTt 375 Kidd, E. C. _ _ 551 Kidd, H. T. _ Kidd, R. W. _ - - 5,700 738 _ Kidner, C. C. . _ - Kidwell, W. D. .. _ Kieck, P. W. _ 5,653 4,480 470 — Kiernan, H. A. _ _ Kilb, E.‘ C. _ _ 5,043 _ Kilcv, W. H. _ 5,752 47 . Kilroe, 1ST T . _ Kimble, T. 5,142 8,291 206 Kimble, W. R. .. 2,109 Kimmel, V. 2,472 6,372 798 Kimmie, S 12 Kimura, B. M. _ .. 100 Kinakin, Miss M. L. _ Kincaid, T7 G. 800 443 Kincaid. FT. B. _ „ 661 _ Kinrh, W R. 3,256 5,640 6,558 4,980 53 Kind, M. King; G. H. ..... _ _ King, Mrs. M. C. _ _ — Salary $ King, M. D. _ 6,154 King, M. G. _ 7,359 King, O. T. _ 5,796 King, R. _ 3,252 King, R. A. _ _ 10,229 King, V. J. W. _ _ 6,234 King, W. _ 9,639 Kingcott, S. O. - 5,358 Kingsfield, Miss M. E. — 4,440 Kingsley, V. R. _ _ 6,447 Kinnear, P. W. - - 1,877 Kinsey, A. _ 6,290 Kinsey, Mrs. M. J. - 960 Kinsey, N. - 6,443 Kinvig, H. W. - 6,165 Kipke, J. _ 6,360 Kipp, C. B. _ 1,770 Kirby, B. M. _ 5,471 Kirby, B. T. _ 1,591 Kirby, F. G. _ 1,078 Kirby, J. J. R. _ 5,854 Kirk, J. P. _ 5,485 Kirkbride, G. S. _ 11,400 Kirkbride, T. G. _ 4,788 Kirkham, B. G. _ 4,967 Kirkland, A. M. _ 425 Kirkland, A. W. _ 5,227 Kirkland, D. A. _ 10,448 Kirkland, L. W. R. _ 5,849 Kirkland, W. _ 5,886 Kirkpatrick, G. M. . . 8,190 Kirkpatrick, J. E. _ 11,254 Kirkpatrick, J. H. _ 9,347 Kirkpatrick, K. G. _ 1,103 Kirkwood, K. N. _ 6,296 Kisch, L. G. _ 5,993 Kish, J. G. _ 3,256 Kish, P. S _ _ 5,520 Kitagawa, E. _ 5,601 Kitchener, P. W. _ 5,898 Kittel, H. J. _ _ _ 6,734 Kittle, W. M. _ 3,140 Kivi, G. _ 6,181 Kivi, K. _ 2,114 Kiyono, T. R. _ _ _ 5,734 Kjemhus, F. _ 6,625 Klasoff, A. _ 5,979 Klassen, D. _ _ _ 358 Klassen, D. D. _ 1,228 Klassen, H. _ 7.631 Klassen, H. L. _ _ _ _ 4,980 Klassen, J. _ 6,266 Klassen, J. B. _ 6,721 Klassen, J. H. _ 97 Klassen, J. K. _ 3,000 Klassen, L. A. _ 4,906 Klassen, L. A. _ 5,903 Klassen, M. C. _ 114 Kleef, G. T. _ 5,897 Klein, E. F. _ 7,396 Klein, P. J. _ 5,529 Kleindienst, H. _ 3,509 Klettke, A. W. _ 5,791 Klettke, D. S. _ 7,594 Klettke, W. _ 460 Klima, G. S. _ _ _ 1,638 Klimaszewski, S. _ 765 Kline, E. E. _ 7,724 Kloster, A. P. _ 7,284 Knapp, F. S . . 4,000 Kneller, L. V. _ 5,895 Knight, A. D. _ 6,635 Knight, G. _ _ _ 5,831 Knight, J. _ 7,367 Knight, S. C. _ 5,802 Knorr, H. L. _ 6,011 Knott, F. T. _ _ _ 403 Knott, W. _ 441 Knowles, I. M. _ 1,482 Knowles, P. R. _ _ 7,340 Knox, W. _ 1,214 Knufman, A. E. _ 3,504 Kobenter, W. J. _ 7,842 Kobza, R. J. _ 9,834 Koch, R. _ 1,771 Koebernick, K. _ 5,933 Koebemick, R. R. _ _ _ 6,076 Koel. C. N. _ 7.661 Koenig, G. _ _ _ 6,253 Kohlman, B. W. _ 2,604 Kohnke, W. K. _ 1,498 Kolb, R. G. _ 6.187 Kolberg, D. - 2,780 Kolesnikoff, P. A . . . 4,788 Tra> $ 1 1 5' 6 5' 1 3 3 2 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 111 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS— Continued Salary Travel $ $ umber, R . __ . . 6,654 — imori. T. - - - 289 — tnopada, H _ _ 6,069 35 cochin, W. M. - 568 — jorbatoff, P. A. - 5,944 8 jpan, M. - . - - _ 2,923 — aponyas, A. - 7,245 — irenko, J - - 7,484 81 prsvik, G. — - 5,141 — prtegaard, W. _ _ — 9,239 711 )shman, M. — . - 206 — )shman, T. - _ 7,078 — jsiec, L. S. - 7,918 705 >ski. E. E. - 5,568 — >sma, L - - 5,142 — >sma, L. W. - 2,214 — jsolofski, B. M. - _ 2,958 359 >ssan, H. - 5,027 — >szas, L . - - 19 — )uwenhoven, F. L. - 7,137 — jvalcik, G. _ _ 8,491 2 >walski, B. W. _ 2,441 — >wluk, G. _ _ - 5,386 — >zak, L. G. - - 225 — izar, J. _ _ — . - 6,353 — aim. E, P. - — 7,217 — amer, E. K. _ 6,628 — anyak, J. _ 505 — asnikoff, R. W. - 1,617 — astel, J. M . . - 6,860 204 aus, A. J. — - _ . 7,641 576 auss, L. G. _ .. 6,082 — auza, G _ _ 3.169 — avik, N. _ 3,341 — ebs, W. H. _ 6,727 — eitz, W. H. _ 8,065 60 iese, Miss L. E. _ 4,068 — iitmaa. K. _ _ 290 — iskv. F. J . . . 698 — istoff. G. .! .... . 6,014 — istoff, R. F. - _ 5,183 — itze, R. _ _ _ 3,232 — aening, M. R. _ 479 — aok, G. A. _ _ 7.460 — uberg. Miss M. _ 4.284 — iigel, E. L. _ _ _ 6,334 — .lger, W. C. _ 2,910 — jger, W. J. _ _ 512 — jper, R. R. - - 2,366 — bek, J. P. _ 6,006 — bin, Mrs. I. A. _ 1.198 — bos, G. E. _ 6.234 — bos, 1 P. ... 5,044 — elder. J. G _ _ 2,346 — dzia, J. _ ..... 384 — smper, E. _ 1,128 — harski, R. S. . ... . 6.562 — chyski, A. - 3,446 — esar, C . . . - 1,068 — pser, B. B. . . 544 — aser, V. J. _ 941 — rbis. Miss L. O. _ 2.143 — rtz, Mrs. K. K. _ 3,479 — •ylowich, D. J. _ 6,572 300 ?u, D. 1. . . 384 — rik, W. _ 7.615 — ana, G. ..... .. .. 7,348 36 ryk, A. W. _ 9,261 5 ak, F. F. _ 6,467 — eureux, O. U. _ 6.731 — Bounty. T. J. _ 6,936 175 Rochelle, D. J. _ 5,946 — Roy, M. S. _ 3,475 — >elle. Miss S. I. _ 4.980 — erge, D. J. _ 6,333 — rash, J _ _ 995 — ey, Mrs. A. _ 4,482 — ey, J. H. _ 7.168 — hniuth. A. H. _ 4,852 — erriere, Mrs. A. J. _ 855 — amme, E. A _ _ 5,394 — amme, J. P. _ 8,534 225 artune, J. V. _ 5,393 — le, Mrs. A. 4,206 — ig, A. E. P. . ._ 1,487 — ig. L. P. . . 8,846 — -d, W. H. _ 3,631 — mez, M. _ 6,183 — e, B. E. _ 3,651 — e, D _ _ 3,423 — tin, A. A. 2,531 136 tin, A. N. 7,424 599 Salary $ 1,714 Travel 1,138 Lally, G. D. ... . Laloge, R. B . 370 Laluk. W. N. fi.ons Lamacchia, F. 5,fi97 Lamarsh, K. _ . 1,789 Lamb, F. D. ... 780 Lambert, A. W. . 861 Lambert, J. H. 1,508 Lamberton, J. P. _ Lamont, G. B. _ _ 5,100 ... 7,760 597 Lamont. .1. G. 1,364 Lamont, .1. T.. 6,030 Lamont, N. D. 7,575 13 Lampi, F. J . 7,317 Lancaster, H. H. 3,177 _ T.andreville, P. 4,567 Lane, W. A 987 T ang. A O 5,079 Lang, B. A. .... .... .. 744 _ Lange, G F. 4,396 _ T anve, FT. 5,451 _ T.ange. TT F. . 6,494 _ T.angeler, F. M. 5,916 _ T.aneford, T, 6,888 502 412 Lindsey j D, A, Lines, T, E. 5,688 6,577 _ Lines, J. S . _ 5,312 7,268 3,239 84 56 T j pip ski, R O, 3,293 3,069 5,236 3,363 1,273 9,935 5,707 6,493 1,419 457 - - 14 Lippa, M. _ _ T ips, Miss M T _ T ipsark, G 557 T ipsack, O, R 82 Lirette, A, T ittle, G FT _ Little, R. _ 6 Littleproud, Miss M. I. _ Littler, W. E. 4,458 5,631 6,213 T jnhinknvir, R _ T.invd, G D 6,063 412 , - T lnvp; R ___ T nhay, G P 7,830 1,247 35 Lock, D. F. . 3 T nrk, P T 1,754 7,217 9,360 8,909 985 Locke, B. B. - - Locke, E. A. 1,329 T nrkett, 1~> A 2,266 T nr Hi art, R G Tnrkhnrsf, R R 544 - T nrking, T TV 3,167 7,785 138 _ T nrkman F> 26 T neppkv, P A Toe wen, O O. 5,398 282 84 T.newen, T T nfdahl, G 5,879 568 74 T.ngan, A. W. T.ngan, TV 11,400 3,300 6,796 59 T.ngan, Mrs. K G. Loik, W. _ _ T niselle, T N R 7,516 7,860 1,630 5,470 1,561 7,229 1,969 10,860 1,513 ■ Lomas, R. .. _ _ T nmenda, G. ■ Long, M. B. . — - Lonnquist, A. D. S. _ T onnrnth, F. T. — T.nnshnry, R T. . T.nnshury, T A. 2,488 222 Lonsdale, E. J. - _ Toper, W. 2,042 1,561 947 9,748 2,046 7,958 5,793 2,004 306 Loranger, N. J. . Lorenz, G. _ T orette, T . G. 31 Loseth, B. _ _ Lotosky, A. . _ * - 10 Lougheed, A. J. — _ Louie, A. — - - _ _ . Louie, M. . ... _ , ■ Louis, J. F. 6,756 _ Lovestrom, A. J. . . . 7,096 542 . Lovestrom, C. J. _ - . Lovestrom, R. D. _ 6,842 5,809 1,594 6.296 578 Lovett, J. B. _ Lovey, W. A. _ 45 Lowe, D. W. 5,082 6,603 6,802 - Lowe, R. - - . . — — - _ Lowe, W. T. . - . . . 5,061 120 Lowrey, J. M. - . . - 4,924 1,593 6,417 _ _ Lubzinski, R. O. . . _ 2.020 _ 1,229 4,360 - - 14 7,068 5,161 _ _ Ludtke, W. N. _ 5,868 10,380 20 Lukat, A. E. . . - - 5,789 ■ 5,587 11,310 - Lund, E. A. - 2,194 Salary Travel $ $ Lund, L. _ 6,694 Lund-Pedersen, A. .. . . 2,272 — Lundeen, J. P. _ 1,376 19 Lundeen, L. N. 4,216 4 Lunz, B. _ _ _ 6,688 — Luoma, R. G. _ 382 — Luoma, R. J. _ 3,288 — Lussier, J. _ _ 5,648 — Lutener, C. S. _ 96 — Lutley, B. R. _ _ 5,042 — Lutz, W. _ _ 5,418 — Luxton, F. R _ _ 5,160 — Lygas, W. - - 1,497 — Lymbourne, F . ..... 5,214 — Lynch, C. F. _ _ 1,878 — Lyon, J. _ .... 4,141 — Lyon, L. _ 649 — Lythgoe, L. A. . ... _ 7,054 — Lytle, K. _ 1,597 — Maber, R. W. _ 5,231 — Mabon, D. G. _ . .. 5,544 — MacBrayne, D. W. _ 2,906 — MacCarthy, P. B. _ 12.900 2,757 MacColl, IV C. _ _ 9.296 — MacDonald, C. D. _ 7,874 — MacDonald, D. A. _ 4,206 57 MacDonald, F. .. _ 999 — MacDonald, F. F. _ 2,017 — MacDonald, J. A. _ 5,832 — MacDonald, J. A. _ 7,322 — MacDonald, J. D. _ 4,962 — MacDonald, K. R. _ 6,181 256 MacDonald, R. M. _ 7,136 67 MacDonald, W. A. _ 6,066 — MacDonald, W. A. _ 6,480 110 MacDonald, W. R. _ 6,644 — MacDonell, W. J. _ 6,200 1,166 MacDougall, J. A. _ 5,733 — MacDougall, R. _ 1,361 — MacFarlane, W. T. _ 1.388 — MacGillivray, C. A. _ 9,502 — MacGregor, Miss S. E. ... 3,426 — MacIntyre, A. _ 3,305 291 MacKay, B. F. _ 603 — MacKay, D. _. _ . 6,384 29 MacKay, D. W. _ 747 — MacKay, J. W. . . . 6.294 — MacKay, R. W. _ _ „ 6.893 621 MacKenzie, D. J. _ 850 66 MacKenzie, H. R. _ 10,370 2.462 MacKenzie, I. E. _ 1.463 — MacKenzie, J. A . . 7,444 17 MacKenzie, M. W. _ 826 — MacKinnon, D. R. _ 296 — MacKinnon, R. _ 213 — MacKnight, D. G. - 7,421 — MacLean, A. C. - 4,768 — MacLean, B. L. _. - - 970 — MacLean, F. A. _ 18.720 372 MacLean, I. D. _ 2,792 108 MacLean, P. N. _ 5.823 12 MacLean, W. D. _ 5.972 — MacLeod, A. D. _ 660 — MacLeod, H. C. _ 8,160 2,517 MacLeod, Mrs. L. G. — 4,440 — MacLeod, N. C. _ 8,940 — MacLeod, N. D . ... 4,170 — MacMillan, H. _ 5.579 — MacMurchy, D. E. _ 6,340 — MacNeil, A. _. . . 10,021 15 MacNeil, M. K. _ _ 1,620 — MacPhee, D. .... . . _ 412 — MacPherson, D. _ 9,057 661 MacPherson, R. G. - 8,168 — MacRae, I. ........ _ 1,178 — MacRobbie, H. C. _ _ 5,913 — MacSween, D. T. _ __ 6,174 2,399 MacVicar, D. C. _ 12,900 1,305 Mackereth, W. A. _ 7.185 — Mackey, G. H. _ 7,079 — Mackie, A. H _ _ _ _ 5.988 — Madden, F. ~ . — .... 5,562 — Madge, V. E. .. .. _ 6,128 — Madill, R. B. _ 1,711 77 Madsen, K. E. D. _ 6,699 — Magee, H. S. . . - 1,023 — Magis, J. _ _ .. 5,333 — Maglio, M. J. _ _ 4,980 397 Mahan, G. W. _ 3,646 30 Maher, E. S. 3,872 — Mahortoff, N. . . 6,136 45 Maida, Q. . 2,472 — Maier, O. 2,294 — Salary $ Mainprize, W. E. _ _ 1,990 Mair, D. R. _ 156 Maisonneuve, R. A. _ 702 Major, M. E. _ 6,545 Majumdar, B. K. _ 2,010 Makarewicz, N. _ „ _ 5,664 Makayev, M. _ _ _ 9,648 Makeiv, E. _ 6,152 Makeiv, J. H. _ 8,276 Makonin, P. P. _ _ _ 5,220 Makortoff, F. _ 5,255 Makowichuk, W. _ 690 Malboeuf, G. J. _ 6,029 Malcolm, A. _ _ 5,368 Malcolm, J. J. _ 6,331 Malkin, P. R _ _ _ 1,779 Malloff, F. _ 1,336 Malloy, D. D. _ 5,976 Malm, H. E. _ 5,325 Malmo, E. M. _ 7,255 Malone, F. _ 5,227 Manderson, H. J. _ 5,966 Manfred, I. F. _ 6,297 Manion, J. L. _ _ _ _ 564 Manley, R. L. _ _ 5,374 Manlove, A. E . . 6,672 Mann, R. _ 5,495 Mann, R. D. _ 1,499 Manson, A. G. _ _ 766 Mantei, M. _ 869 Mantle, R. _ 1,860 Manuel, C. R. _ 124 Manzer, A. W. _ 5,478 Manzer, W. A. _ 92 Marcellin, R. _ _. _ 7,500 Marcellin, R. B. L. _ 1,083 Marcer, E. V. _ _ _ _ 5,780 March, J. S. _ _ 5,059 Marchi, J. B. _ _ 6,324 Marcotte, C. J. _ 6,501 Marion, A. M. _ _ 7,272 Marion, E. . _ 1,473 Marion, E. _ 7,893 Marken, D. T. _ 187 Marken, W _ 7,226 Markham, L. O. _ 6,477 Markin, P. G. _ 24 Markin, P. J. _ 6,903 Marklinger, D. J. _ 1,445 Marks, A. C. _ 5,009 Marlow, J. C. _ 687 Marne, G. F. _ 6,565 Marquardt, K. E. _ _ _ 2,389 Marr, A. B. _ 1,700 Marr, T. J. _ _ _ 5,556 Marriott, J. R. _ 7,653 Marron, C. J. _ 6,219 Marrs, D. _ 6,146 Marsh, D. _ _ _ 6,547 Marsh, M. G. _ _ _ 6,307 Marshall, D. J . . 1,589 Marshall, D. S. S. _ 2,245 Marshall, E. _ 174 Marshall, E. M. _ 7,073 Marshall, M. C. _ 7,284 Marshall, R. J. _ 7,443 Marshall, R. J. _ 7,883 Marshall, W. _ 6,535 Marshall, W. P. _ 8,537 Marsolais, L. _ 7,491 Martel, A. L. D. _ 5,650 Martel, C. L. _ 8,392 Martell, D. _ 712 Martell, L. _ _ _ 4,364 Martell, L. - - 4,884 Martens, A. P. _ 5,842 Martens, D. J. _ 6,492 Martens, F. E. _ 10,215 Martens, J. _ 1,719 Martens, J. H. _ 5,944 Martens, M. _ 7,470 Martin, C. F. _ 7,313 Martin, D. _ 433 Martin, D. F. _ 15,060 Martin, G. _ 174 Martin, G. P. _ 5,100 Martin, J. H. _ 4,679 Martin, L. A. _ 7,144 Martin, P. N. _ 2,806 Martin, R. B. _ 271 Martin, R. D. _ 2,389 Martin, R. J. _ 7,584 Martin, S. L. _ 627 Martin, W. D. _ 3,370 Trt! 1 - — - SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 113 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary $ 3,900 5,304 5,626 529 Travel $ irtin, W. R. - . - _ artineau, J. A. .... _ irtini, fi- K _ irtinig, G . . . 5,720 5,053 8,345 388 383 ___ ytipsp.rij G. W. _ irtipson, C. E. _ 103 irtinson, G. T. irtynyszyn, Mrs. J. F — iruggi, A. . - . . - 933 2,470 257 — arunchak, G. J. — . _ arunchak, J. A. . .... 5,648 7,544 7,765 9,180 5,074 386 _ arveri, R E. _ _ 601 asini, J E. 100 asop, TV F. 567 ason, T C. ason, V. A. _ _ _ asse, B. _ 420 _ assnn, F) F 7,826 6,264 5,487 8,640 7,289 8,668 1,615 2,544 1,745 3,633 1,648 2,088 41 astertnn, G. ateri, R . . . _ athpws, P M athews, W. Ithiesnn, D M athison, E. F. itic, F itthews, A. C. _ itthews, F F. 20 itthews, L. A . . . _ itthews, M. W _ _ _ itthews, R. E. _ itthews, R. G. _ 7,676 6,080 6,861 1,091 5,250 2,240 38 600 itthias, K. W. 580 ittia. F. - . . . ituskv. F _ itzhold, K. . .... .. _ lundreli, L. B. _ _ _ nrice, E. F. — . . 7,284 6,708 7,097 3,492 1,242 6,025 4,846 2,262 6,185 2,254 2,280 5,179 1,471 1,617 4,068 4,767 6,605 1,204 5,921 6,069 6,397 5,808 7,382 8,465 4,410 1,794 8,460 28 wle, J. T.. 49 xinuk, A. 203 xwell, W. H. v, D I. y, M. . . 97 y, W. H. M _ yer, W. .. . . yert, R. F. . . . . _ ygut, K. E. . . yhew, R. L . _ . _ ynard, W. L. _ ywood, W. N. ... — Abee, C. R. . _ Adam, Miss S. A. _ _ Allister, A. F. _ — Allister, H F.. 31 Alpine, A. R. Arthur, A . - . _ Arthur, M G. Astocker, L. A. . _ _ Avoy, A. D. . . 585 3ean. D. A leath, R. _ _ _ leth, N. T. 2abe, F.. .1. 135 2abe, G. D . . 373 2abe, J. A. ... . _ . . 7,405 6,057 447 "affery, B. M. . _ Taffrev, D. S. -affrey, T. K. . _ 367 :allum, D. J. _ 212 Vallum, K. _ _ 686 _ 'arger, W A 5,740 2,825 5,686 5,184 1,450 9,192 6,505 5,586 5,568 570 Tarthv, C. 'artney, D. T . . __ ’artney, H. F. _ _ ’askeli, F. Taulder. J. Harty, J. A. . . 538 ’lean, J. A. _ 'oil, I. 37 ’ollum, K. H. . 'onachie. L . 'onnell, J. N. _ 'orrnick, C. J. D. _ _ 'ormick, W. G. . . 5,827 4.125 3,765 7,915 5,495 5,506 215 ready, D. J. R. _ __ 'ree, A. A. _ _ _ — 'uaig. D. . _ 6,132 224 'uaig, K. L. _ 'ulloch. P. T . 6,981 6.844 80 ulloch: W. 'une, R. A. _ 6,251 6,858 45 'utcheon, R. T . . >ermid, G. D. .... _ 6,319 5,700 5,433 225 >ermid, W D 6 Salary Travel $ $ McDiarmid, A. _ . 5,698 McDiarmid, B. A. 6,390 _ McDiarmid, J. H. 474 . McDonald, A. D. 6,442 _ McDonald, C. ._ 5,193 _ McDonald, D. ... 44 _ McDonald, D. W. ... 3,505 34 McDonald, H 6,702 199 McDonald, J. D. ... 9,161 374 McDonald, J. P. . 213 McDonald, Mrs. M. R. 3,668 _ McDonald, N _ _ 6,476 _ McDonald, N. B. _ 5,231 378 McDonald, N. G . 7,197 _ McDonald, R. J. _ 8,425 277 McDonald, R. R. _ 7,115 — McDonald, W. _ 3,017 — McDonald, W. J. 8,640 21 McDonaugh, J. R. _ _ 1,753 63 McDonell, B. G. .. _ . 6,827 — McDonell, D. A. _ 3,158 — McDonell, G. _ _ 7.828 1,135 McDonell, R. G. . . . 5,347 27 McDougall, C. A. _ 818 — McDougall, W. G. _ 5,558 — McEachern, G. D. _ 6,650 — McEachern, H H . . 3,155 — McEachren, W. A _ _ 618 — McEachren. \V. R. _ 6,981 — McErvel, W, P. _ 4.323 — McEwen, G. L. _ 235 — McEwen. L. E. _ _ _ 1,176 — McFarland, B. A _ _ 212 — McFarland. D. J. _ _ 3,258 337 McFarland, F. J., Jr. _ 617 — McFarland, L. . . 5,894 — McFarlane, D. _ _ _ 5,621 — McFarlane, P. A. _ 5.872 — McGarvey. G. M. _ 6,622 — McGaw, T. _ 1,885 — McGibbon, A. . . . 1,523 — McGi'l. K. G. R. _ 3,404 — McGill W. G. _ _ _ 6,265 — McGillivray, D W. _ 2.347 — McGinnis. N. C. _ 4,213 — McGinnis, W. R. _ 137 — McGladrev, C. J. 1,042 — McGreeor, J. S. _ _ 8.670 12 McGregor, R. M. . _ 6.421 — McGregor. W. D. - 6.914 — McGuinness. R. A . . 1.761 32 McHale, T. W. _ 1.058 86 McTndoe, D. B. _ 1.998 — McTndoe, M. G. _ 601 — Mclnnes, J. A. - 2.892 — Mclnnes, N. G. . — . 5,783 — Mclnnes, W. A - - 7,147 — Mclnnis, M. T. - 1,468 — Mclnnis. R. N. _ 3.008 — McIntosh, D. K. - 7,183 — McIntyre, A. A. — . 5,988 702 McIntyre. D. D . 17 — McTntyre, D. S. - - 4,061 — McIntyre, G. J. - 2,581 162 McIntyre, J. - 858 — Mclvor, R. P. - 433 — McKay, A _ _ _ 8.690 — McKay, G. R. . . — 1,070 — McKay, J. D. - 5.711 — McKay, J. J . _ . . 8.892 — McKay, J. P 5,119 — McKay, J. W. _ 5.460 — McKay, L _ _ 6,096 44 McKay, R. H. 251 — McKav, R. W. - 646 — McKay, W. K . 7.417 70 McKee, D. S. _ 7,039 — McKelvey, W. 290 — McKenzie, B. - 6.224 — McKenzie, I. R. - 1 Q1S 12 McKenzie, J. T. - 5,512 — Mrlfpnwn, r. R. 1.041 — McKeown, R. - 10,380 1,975 McKillop, G. M. _ 5,746 — McKinnell, J. D. _ 992 — McKinnon, J. A. - 1,683 — McKinnon, J. A. - 2,252 — McLaren, D. A. - 2,699 154 McLaren, J. H. - 5,641 — McLarry, F. M. - 6,579 — McLarry, R. W. - - 7,383 — McLauchlin, A. W. - 8,480 — McLauchlin, D. R. _ McLauchlin, J. _ McLaughlin, C. E. _ McLaughlin, D. _ McLaughlin, D. A. _ McLaughlin, Miss E. _ McLaughlin, J. _ McLean, A. G. _ McLean, D. E. _ McLean, D. H. _ McLean, D. R. _ McLean, S. G. _ McLean, W. _ McLeam, N. P. _ McLellan, F. _ McLellan, F. M. _ McLellan, J. D. _ McLennan, I. A. _ McLeod, A. R. _ McLeod, B. D. _ McLeod, Mrs. B. M. _ McLeod, D. E. _ McLeod, D. R. _ McLeod, E. G. _ McLeod, H. N. _ McLeod, M. K. _ McLeod, S. N. A. _ McLeod, W. C. _ McMahon, Mrs. J. M. _ McMahon, T. T. _ McManus, T. B. _ McMillan, B. _ McMillan, J. T. _ McMillan, L. R. M. _ McMillan, N. _ McMillan, R. M. _ McMillan, W. N. _ McMonnies, G. S. _ McNabb, J. F. _ McNair, C. S. _ McNary, R. V. _ McNaughton, G. L. _ McNeill, J. M . . McNeill, J. S. _ McNeill, K. M. _ McNevin, H. G. _ McNicholas, L. V. _ McNiven, G. N. _ _ McNutt, G. E. _ McPhail, G. H. _ McPhee, D. _ McPhee, J. A. _ McPherson, D. K. _ McPherson, J. C. _ McQuarrie, D. J. _ McQueen, R. J. _ McQuillan, R. _ McRae, A. F. _ McRae, H. N. _ McRae, J. A. _ McRae, K. D. _ McRae, N. H _ McWillis, A. _ Meacham, F. G. _ Meadows, K. G. J. _ _ _ Meads, E. A. _ Measure, G. _ Mednis, A. N. _ Mednis, D. V. _ _ Medwid, J. _ Meeks, R. E. _ Meeres, D. G. _ Meerman, H. H. _ Meger, A . . Meidlinger, H. _ Meier, D. D. . . Meier, G. H. _ _ _ Meier, P. _ Meixner, G . . Melanson, E. N . . Mele, L. _ Melia, C. W. _ Mellett, W. G. _ Melnick, R. S. _ _ Melnick, S. _ Meloro, D. _ Melsness, B. J. _ Menhinick, B. F. J. _ Mensink, C. - Menzel, H. _ Salary Travel $ $ 1,380 — 734 — 2,792 — 18 — 6,197 — 5,796 — 5,686 103 6,682 — 6,032 — 6,387 — 748 — 5,027 121 5,225 — 6,167 — 7,579 499 6,069 46 5,274 — 8,308 •1*715 3,927 — 1,207 — 4,567 — 3,031 — 1,880 77 8,147 — 7,178 2,637 2,328 — 9,660 2,682 6,299 — 1,349 — 7,333 — 3,015 57 1,391 — 6,306 — 1,232 — 226 6 9,360 2,322 5,357 429 5,580 25 7,931 32 5,369 — 4,267 — 4,679 350 12,900 678 2,903 — 5,688 — 7,252 202 7,688 569 6,985 — 6,216 599 3,646 — 7,190 — 7,923 — 5,048 7 116 — 5,320 10 7,699 — 5,760 — 1,241 — 210 — 311 — 6,065 — 7,421 194 6,072 19 5,881 — 2,269 — 9,180 231 6,095 29 9,618 272 1,068 13 534 — 8,365 — 6,363 — 7,711 182 493 — 4,560 — 5,773 5 1,425 — 5,914 60 100 — 1.436 — 3,370 — 574 — 1,778 33 1,986 — 5,700 — 5,935 — 9,539 33 6,068 — 6,875 — 7,188 — 114 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Menzies, T. B . Salary 6,830 625 Travel $ Menzies, W. D. _ . _ Merali, Z. 1,434 _ Mercer, A. _ . 6,032 11 Mercer, J. H. . 3,082 77 Mercer, W. E . 12,900 2,303 829 Mercier, A. J . . 5,947 _ Mercier, R. J . 7,518 _ Mercs, G. M. . . 5,688 63 Mercurio, D . . 3,952 _ Meredith, M. A. 1,870 _ Merit, G. _ _ 6,435 24 Merkel, G. A. Mpt-VpI R W 6,782 778 31 943 _ 306 _ 5,858 72 3,257 _ Merrett, L. A. . 7,108 137 309 _ 3,530 124 Merrill, C. A. ..... 1,536 Merrill, E. W. . _ 4,949 _ 6,015 _ Merryweather, Mrs. R. B. 4,788 2,768 150 Merwin, G. W. _ 1,498 8,588 3,775 _ Meston, A. R. _ 52 Methot, J. Q. _ 6.419 29 Methot, R. D . 7,422 833 Metz, L. E. _ 5,027 _ Metzger, W. O. _ 5,651 _ Meunier, C. 7,233 _ 6,888 149 Meyer, J. P. _ 6,156 _ 473 _ 3,153 5,935 3,286 275 Meyers, E. _ .. Meyers, H. M. _ — Meyles, W. _ . 714 _ Michaloski, J. _ _ 6,370 _ Michalsky, D. M. . . 6,386 218 483 _ Michel, W. 584 _ Michell, R. P. 2,723 _ Mickelson, I. . . . 3,039 _ Mickey, R. H. _ 7,333 _ 4,830 3,022 5,005 _ Middler, G. R. „ _ Middleton, E. J. _ _ Mighton, K. H. . .... 1,082 _ Miguez, R. A. _ 174 _ Miki, R. _ 5,975 _ Mikkelsen, N. K. . 6,413 72 Mikkelson, M. A. A Milan, Miss M. _ — 6,264 1,221 306 Miles, J. R. - _ 6,740 6,723 2,264 775 Miles, L. O. _ ... Milette, R. . 18 3,684 _ Mill, J. _ Mill, J. W . Millar, K. G . . Millar, K. M . — 7,980 1,596 410 8,193 75 5 Millar, R. T. . . 6,462 _ Millard, D. . _ .. 8,240 _ Millard,' W. _ 6,579 _ 6,504 3,274 6,477 _ Miller, A. _ 44 5,048 1,132 7,349 _ _ 47 Miller,' D. T. _ 1,102 1,313 7,097 35' 412 Miller, H. E. _ 1,672 6,328 5,767 15 Miller, J N. 2,481 55 _ _ Miller, L. E. A. Miller, M. B. — 6,796 5,274 1,973 85 3,377 329 Miller S K. 1,606 _ 3,666 _ 1,693 — Miller’ W. 6,669 — 700 _ MiHikin C 919 _ Mills, M. _ 7,101 1,829 Mills, R. S. _ . 5,632 — Mills, W. S. .. ...... Salary $ 2,564 Travel $ 250 Milmore, J. M. _ _ 560 — Milne, C. R . . . 8,486 — Milne, E. G. .. . 1,743 — Milne, G. R. _ . _ _ 1,086 — Milne, G. W _ _ 7,433 330 Milne, K _ _ 690 — Miloglav, M. _ 4,458 — Miloglav, W. M. _ 820 — Minckler, G. _ _ 6,104 7 Miner, G. W. _ _ 1,501 — Miner, T. J. _ _ 5,274 — Minger, R. J. _ 4,809 — Mingo, D. A. _ 5,881 29 Mintz, D. E. _ ... 1,439 — Mintz, F. _ _ 131 — Mintz, J. _ 492 — Mirams-Harrison, M. _ 5,580 2 Misku, A. _ 2,419 — Mitchell, A. C. _ _ 1,805 — Mitchell, D. A. _ ... 7,010 — Mitchell, D. H. _ _ _ 540 — Mitchell, E. A. _ 5,160 — Mithcell, F. D. _ 2,402 — Mitichell, M. H. _ 2,327 — Mitchell, P. H. .... _ 183 — Mitchell. R. J. _ 2,652 — Mitchell, W. C. _ 7,443 — Moe, C. G. _ 3,419 — Moen, J. B. _ 6,431 30 Moffat, G. A _ _ 1,870 — Moffat, VV. G. _ 7,717 — Moffat, VV. W. _ 6,375 — Moffat, B. D. _ 448 — Moffat, L. W. _ 5,512 26 Moffat, R. F. . . 6,354 — Mohr, A. _ 5,743 — Mohs, VV. G. _ 386 _ Moise, S. _ _ _ 772 — Moise, VV. _ 176 — Mol, J. ... _ 2,417 40 Molander, Mrs. N. K. _ 5,376 140 Moline, L _ _ 101 — Mollner, E. H . 1,189 _ Molloy, M. J. _ 1,039 — Monaghan, J. _ _ 6,816 — Moncey, W. H. _ 4,055 — Money, H. P. _ _ 5,542 2 Monroe, N. _ 126 — Monsell, D. L. _ 7,264 658 Monsos, A. L. _ _ 6,090 _ Montador, A. J. _ 11,313 — Montague, R. _ 2,286 — Montgomery, A. R. _ 6,731 975 Montpellier, P. E. _ 1,854 — Moodie, J. S. _ 6,109 — Moody. D. _ . 2,071 — Moody, E. _ 2,837 — Mooney, J. B. 6,252 — Mooney, J. S. _ . 4,111 — Mooney, W. A _ _ 1,618 — Moore. E. A. . . . 5,546 _ Moore, F. G. _ .... 5,895 — Moore, G. A . . 5,902 400 Moore, G. C. _ 6,531 _ Moore, G. R. _ _ ... 3,236 _ Moore, G. R _ _ _ 6,535 24 Moore, H. J _ _ 7,761 _ Moore, J. E _ _ Moore, L. G . . . 928 81 9,573 31 Moore, 1 J. _ _ _ 13,400 1,935 Moore, T. J. _ 1,087 Moore, W. F. _ 3,864 _ Mooring, D. E. . 3,462 — Moorwood, C. W. 6,585 _ Morabito, A _ _ 3,163 _ Moraes, T _ _ 581 _ Moran, R. G . 4,524 _ Moreau, J. H. _ _ _ 2,270 _ Moreland, J. .. . . . 21 _ Moreno, R. E. 359 _ Moretti, E. D. . 5,367 _ Morgan, A. . 7,276 638 Morgan, A. G. .. 6,687 _ Morgan, D . 20 _ Morgan, E. A. . 695 _ Morgan, F. A. _ 1,658 _ Morgan, H. J. .. 461 — Morgan, R. T. 5,044 — Morganthaler, A. F. _ 6,220 _ Mori, H. 3,366 _ Morimoto, J. _ . 280 _ Morin, A. J. _ 420 _ Morin. H. _ 361 — Salary $ Morin, R. L. _ _ 1,093 Morley, A. _ 6,556 Morrell, E. W. _ 3,643 Morrice, W. A. _ 2,202 Morrick, R. E. _ 458 Morris, A. _ 6,871 Morris, D. C _ _ 972 Morris, D. R. _ 1,583 Morris, D. W. _ _ 6,113 Morris, I. G. _ 5,864 Morris, J. D. _ 8,005 Morris, J. W. _ 11,880 Morrison, Mrs. B. M . 3,746 Morrison, D. J. _ 6,130 Morrison, E . . 5,802 Morrison, J. A. _ 7,271 Morrison, J. H. _ _ 6,064 Morrison, J. M. _ 5,727 Morrison, R _ _ 8,204 Morrison, V. E . _ 9,009 Morrow, J. C. _ 5,295 Morrow, J. G. _ 5,781 Morrow, L. V . . 5,993 Morrow, M. J. _ 4,057 Morse, D. M. _ 5,188 Mortimer, Miss D. M. C. 4,440 Moser, A. T. S. _ 5,496 Moser, R. _ 5,944 Moss, D. J _ _ _ . _ 4,999 Moss, Miss F. A. _ 5,172 Mossey, A. _ 1,672 Mossey, T. _ 4,945 Mossman, C _ _ 2,349 Mosure, A. D. _ 1,442 Mott, A. J. _ 5,851 Mottu, L. M. _ 9,468 Motut, R. B. _ 7,373 Mould, J. G. _ 5,108 Moulton, G. W. _ 1,309 Mounsey, F. W. _ 7,251 Mountford, G. E . . 97 Mucha, A. J. _ 7,171 Mucha, J. _ 7,267 Mucha, L _ _ 166 Mueller, E. . 5,220 Mueller, R. M . . 1,120 Mufford, A. C. _ 2,000 Mukuyama, S. _ 5,236 Mulcaster, R. G. _ 11,400 Muldoe, S. _ 2,740 Mullally, Mrs. V. M . . 239 Mullens, Mrs. M. L. _ 5,172 Mulligan, O. J. _ 5,825 Mulvey, J. M. _ . _ 5,756 Mundhenk, C. F. _ 2,770 Mungai, E. M . .... . 1,693 Munro, G. L _ _ . 6,693 Munro, R. A. _ 3,195 Munro, T. C _ _ 5,379 Munroe, 1 _ 872 Munsey, R. _ 78 Murdock, A. J. _ 4,413 Murdock, E. D. _ 4.980 Murin, M. _ 3,260 Murison, E. M . . 316 Murphy, Mrs. H. J. _ 1.146 Murphy, K. _ _ 211 Murphy, M . 1.221 Murphy, R. H. _ 4.163 Murray, A. E. L. _ 4. 878 Murray. A. G . _ . 636 Murray, A. V . . 8,113 Murray, B. E. _ 6, 480 Murray, C. R. _ 6,027 Murray, D. G. _ 5.983 Murray, J. A. _ 5,179 Murray, J. M. _ 5,811 Murray, L. G. _ 7,895 Murrell, O. R. _ 5,876 Murthi, J. N _ _ 3.976 Muschamp, D. G. _ . 576 Musil. G. _ 889 Musselwhite, G. J . . 8,768 Musselwhite, J. _ 5.967 Myers, K. A. _ 3,510 Myers, R. B. _ 2,128 Myers, T. A. _ 2,255 Mvhre, H _ _ 3,888 Nabseth, R . 3,138 Naccarato, M. J. _ _. 6,200 Nadon, L. ... _ 2.353 Nagasaka, H. H. _ _ _ 8.767 Nagy, A. L. _ 3.584 2 1 1 2 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 115 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salarv Travel $ $ kazawa. Kiyoshi .... 6,045 — pier, J. - _ 728 — poleon, E. - _ 472 — poleon, F. - - .... _ 1,791 — res, P . . 398 48 rraway, W. W. — _ _ 2,121 — scher, I. - _ 2,299 — sh, N. N. - 154 — yki, Waino . — 5,699 — ziel, \V. . . — 1,224 — ale, F. F. - 5.220 — ale, F. W . . 4,996 4 ale, W. D. 6,043 — ary. Miss V. M. _ 8,010 — ave, R. H, - _ 887 — edlay. C. - - - 55 — edlay, J. . ~ 42 — edlay, R - - 55 — edoba, G. C. _ 5,464 — graeff, J. . . . . 6,068 — haj, A. . _ . 6,552 — her, G. G. ~ 1,354 — igum. M. _ . _ — 6,378 — igum, N. J. _ — - 6,099 26 il, E. R. ..... 5,456 — il, J. . . - . - - 4,458 — ill, A. C. _ 7,880 — ilson. IF H _ _ 545 — litz, E. W . . .. .. 6,706 — lies, A. G . . ... 297 — son. D. _ 2,598 — Ison, D. A. _ 915 — son, D. G. _ 5,473 — Ison, D. M. _ 739 — son. E. _ 5,714 — son, E. P. . . 7,668 — son, F. . . . . 221 — son, G. J. - . - 3,046 — son, H. N . . 2,330 — son, H. W. . . . 6,233 — son, J. D . 722 5 son, J. W . . 15,060 2,013 son, K. J . . . 743 — son, 1 . 6,517 — son, M. _ 7,273 — son, Mrs. P. A. _ 4,167 — son, W. H. _ 220 — son, W. R. _ 1,433 — neth, C. R. _ 459 — nrava. C. _ 6,332 — bitt, E. F. .. _ 6,184 — bitt, M. C. . _... 11,400 2,263 bitt, O. C. . . . . 3,778 — bitt, R. M. . 1,817 53 s, E. P _ _ 7,954 24 s. R. C. 107 — ting, A. T. _ 9,808 225 ibert, W. _ _ _ 244 — ifeld, A. R. _ 34 — ifeld, D. _ 4,454 30 feld, D . 5,753 — field, B. L. . . . 3,535 — mann, P _ _ 6,222 — mann, U. T. A. _ 2,856 — •lie, T. P. 1,224 — 'comb, K. R. _ 2,637 — 'combe, P . . 4,268 — 'combe, S. A. . .. 2,614 — 'lands, A. C. _ 7,162 — 'lands, M. J. _ 5,178 — 'love, H. R. _ 5,524 — 'man, B. F. 198 — •man, F. J. . . 7,069 — man, W. C. _ 6,149 — ■man, W. E. J. ... ... 6,632 600 ton, D. W . 946 — ton, F. _ 7,111 — ton, R. I _ _ 4,475 17 i, J. G. _ 8,117 — tolas, G _ _ . 355 — tolls. R. E. .. _ 6,483 — tols, E. N. _ 6,242 — tolson, G. M. _ 5,419 — tolson, G. W. . 4,706 — tolson, J. W . 2,937 — tolson, M. K. _ 9,188 334 tolson, M. L. . ..... 5,976 — tolson, P. G. _ 7,132 — olson, R. E. _ 5,887 — el. C _ _ _ _ 7,372 9 ells, G. E. _ 8,129 — erson, C. H. _ 5,911 — erson, C. R. _ 7,286 1,300 lin, G. H. _ . 2,546 — 1, D. H. _ 6,420 — Nicolucci, S. S. Salary $ 327 Travel $ Niedballa, B. M . 5,175 7 Niehaus, B. E. ... 5,649 15 Nield, T. E. .. . . 2,232 Nielsen, A. M. . . 8,165 _ Nielsen, B. T. . . _. . 8,086 659 Nielsen, G. _ _ 8,245 399 Nielsen, J. M. . _ _ 5,810 — Nielsen, R. . . 6,495 _ Nielson, D. M . . 3,037 _ Nielson. R F.. 68 _ Niemi, A. M. _ 1,159 _ Nieminen, E. L. _ 6,833 _ Nightingale, J. M. _ 4,011 — Ninatti, N. J. _ _ ..... 6,128 — Nisbet, L C. _. _ _ _ 482 _ Noakes, C. A. _ _ 5,220 — Noakes, J. A. _ _ _ 631 — Noakes, M. M. _ 6,939 — Noakes, R. M. _ 8,456 — Noakes, T. L. .. .... 5,808 — Nobbs, I. R. _ _ _ 1,774 — Noble, Mrs. E. M. _ 3,464 — Nofield, S. S. . 5,975 — Norberg, R. I. . ._ 1,200 — Norberg, R. J. _ _ 1,133 — Norcross, F. A. _ 6,237 62 Nordin, O. C. _ 5,135 — Nordin, P. J. _ 3,955 — Nordstrom, E. _ 5,905 44 Norman, E. W. _ _ 454 — Normandeau, R. E. _ 1,260 — Norrie, Mrs. K. L. _ 914 — Norris, R. E. . . 504 — Northcott, W. W. _ 947 — Norton. T. C. _ _ 37 _ Nosek, Mrs. D. M. _ 1,045 — Noseworthy, S. _ 5,872 — Novaglia, L. A. _ 4,840 — Novak, H. _ _ _ 7,828 — Novak, W. _ 456 — Novik, T. . _ . 199 25 Nowatzek, C. W. _ 7,476 — Nowicki, J. H. _ 1,709 — Nukina, M. M. _ 6,370 20 Nuttall, D. _ _ _ 2.316 — Nutter, T. _ _ 7,501 — Nutting, E. E. _ 6,210 10 Nyberg, 11 R. . . 6,912 25 Nyman, K. B. _ 2.359 — O’Brennan. D. F. T. .... . 2,481 — O’Brien, Miss M. E. _ 4,980 — O’Bryan, A. L. _ 6,615 — O’Bryan, J. E. _ 5,824 579 O’Bryan, J. P. _ _ 6,112 104 O’Connor, I. W _ _ 7,216 — O’Dine, D. . 1,343 6,512 _ O’Dine, L. G. _ _ O’Donnell, F. E. _ 558 — O’Grady, W. H. _ 305 — O’Keefe, G. F . 6,272 — O’Neil, A. C. _ 6,472 8 O’Neill, D. E. _ 3,357 _ O’Rourke, T. G. _ 421 — O’Toole, .1. P. . 10,380 387 Oakes, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,980 — Oakley, C. 11. _ 5,828 — Oakley, T F 5,618 7,242 33 Oakley, R. M. _ _ Oblak, F. M . . . . 521 — Oborne, I.. M . . . 20 _ Oborne, R. W. _ .... 746 — Obradovic, B. _ 5,816 66 Odberg, G. _ 6,013 — Oddie, J. ... . . Oddson, D _ _ _ 7,028 — 100 — Oddv, E. D. _ 5,148 — Odenbacli, R. J. _ 8,610 — Odgaard. E . . 4.813 21 Offer. K. G. _ _ _ 2,901 105 Ogenski, G. G. _ 5,752 11 Ogilvie, B. R. _ 5,465 — Ogilvie, J. B. _ 659 — Ogilvie, W. J . . Ohland, R. _ _ _ 6,807 — 7,098 — Ohlhausen, D. W. _ 5,461 — Oiamo, S. O. _ 254 — Oien, C. B. - 230 — Olafson, G. - 221 — Olafson, O. _ 220 — Olafson, S. W. - - 2,110 — Olafson, W. - - — 43 — Olhausen. R. _ 5,566 — Oliarny, J. H. - 5,785 10 Olichny, H. J. _ _ _ Salary $ 6,747 Travel $ Olinger, R. P. _ 7,708 — Olive, E. _ _ _ 2,130 594 Oliver, D. L. 6,264 Oliver, G. C _ _ 535 _ Oliver, J. A. ... _ 5,984 _ Oliver, J. G _ _ 6,625 _ Oliver, J. M. _ _ _ 9,095 - Oliver, L. N. _ . . 5,971 3 Olrik, V. . . .. . .. 3,481 Olsen, F. W. . . 2,942 _ Olsen, J. A. _ 5,254 _ Olsen, J. P _ _ 425 _ Olsen, M. _ 7,804 _ Olsen. M. .1. 5,108 - - Olsen, M. R. _ 2,137 _ Olson, A. . _ 5,712 _ Olson, A . . . . 5,719 _ Olson, A. J. _ .... 7,752 _ Olson, G. 1,267 6,082 Olson, J. F _ _ _ _ Olson, J. W. _ 6,074 - - Olson, L. C . 5,046 14 Olson, L. L. 6,138 600 Olson, M. H. 6,213 Olson, P. J. _ 5,533 - Olsson, D. G . 5,457 2,087 600 Olsson, G. D. Olthof, A. _ 362 _ Olynyk. D. H . 1,162 10,380 Onhasey, S. M. . . . 370 Onions, D . . . 6,997 147 Onions, J. _ 8,624 199 Onken, J. H. 5,969 14 Orban, J. S. . 611 _ Orban, L. H . 6,053 6 Ordinall, J. 49 _ Ormbrak, FI. _ ... 898 _ Ormbrak. P. O. 4,958 _ Orr, D. P. _ 763 _ Orr, R. . . . 9,816 — Orser, W. H. . Ortiz-Quevedo, W. R. _ 416 _ 2,304 _ Ortwein, E. H. _ _ 886 _ Osatuik, W. 6,880 _ Osborne, C. R. _ 2,696 — Osborne, D. K . . 6,592 _ Osborne, G. W . 432 — Osborne, J . . 401 _ Osiel, L. I _ 6,601 _ Osterberg, W. _ _ _ 5,763 88 Osterlund, G. E. .. 5,655 — Oswald, J. O. _ 7,792 _ Otson, A. J. . 2,629 _ Ottenbreit, J. _ 5.750 — Ottewell, L. W. _ 5,571 — Otto, E. R . . 4,656 _ Otto. W. F _ _ 6.594 _ Ottoson, A. _ _ _ 6,158 — Ovans, J. M . . 8,365 — Ovans, R. _ _ 662 _ Overholt. G. M. 3.464 220 Ovington, F. W. C. ... 5.838 — Owen, G. A. _ _ _ 7.866 — Owen, G. H _ _ 5,803 25 Owen, W. B . . 4,980 2 Owen, W. 1 . . 145 — Pabin, J. A. . . 8,414 — Pada, N. J. _ 6,351 — Page, J. J. . . . . . 887 — Page, R. D. . . 10,380 2,226 Page, R. N _ _ _ _ 11.795 710 Paget, B. M. _ _ .... 6,524 — Paget, D. R _ _ 2,181 — Paget, J. T _ _ 427 — Paine, L. W _ _ 7,251 32 Paine, W. M. _ 6,856 — Paish, A. A. _ 1,721 — Pakka, R. R. _ 6.561 — Pakka. S. _ ... 2.724 — Pal, S. .. _ 5.813 — Pallister, F. .1. . . 6,964 — Palm, E. C. _ 7,085 — Palmateer, B. _ _ _ 6,023 — Palmer, J. P. _ _ 6,653 — Palmer, K. C. _ 1,526 — Palmer, M. _ 612 — Palmer, R. J. _ 1,211 — Palmer, W. .1. _ 6,597 — Palmier, I. T. . . — 191 — Paloposki. S. G . . 8.611 — Palumbo, B . . 6,340 — Palumbo, M. J - - 6,067 — 116 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Pambrun, C. F . . - Salary 5,779 5,666 5,136 9,480 1,786 Travel $ Panagrot, J. 26 Panio, W. R . Pankiw, J. H . . . 2,458 Panton, B. K . . . . Pappas, B. . . Pappin, R. R. Paquette, A . . . .. ... 2,076 5,503 2,856 — Paradis, G. _ _ _ 587 _ Paradowski, E. W. _ 6,819 _ Paradowski, L. A. _ 6,300 _ 5,979 _ 6,226 _ 1,064 _ Park, A F. . . 11,880 2,144 7,311 171 3,620 _ Parker, J. G. - 6,378 7,476 88 Parker, Mrs. R. E. - 1,456 10,908 85 9.079 61 6,648 _ 522 — Parks, C. R . — . . 846 4,989 6,643 3,892 252 21 107 Parnell, D. R - - Parr, S. J. - 1,292 5,901 — 4.635 _ 6.233 _ 7,073 — 1,450 36 Paterson, N. R. - 430 4,524 — Paton, J. D. — 2,510 8,191 — Patterson, Mrs. C. E. - 319 5,919 13 328 — 11,294 _ Patterson, L. T. Patterson, Mrs. M. - 1,815 4,980 5,262 — 4,788 — Paul, B. A . . 6,052 — Paul D R 9,629 _ 1,257 — Paul K T 1,871 — 5,598 — 1,033 _ 5,118 _ 7,882 166 469 _ Pauls F. 1,398 _ 5,990 80 5,875 — 7,688 744 2,866 _ 6,756 _ 969 6,144 — 264 _ 5,660 — 7,940 — 4,334 _ 289 _ 3,541 — Peck F P. . ... 7,697 29 6,523 599 6,083 _ 5,138 _ 7,422 _ 5,915 8 3,616 _ 1,316 13 7,346 _ 2,925 — 6,190 — 7,920 _ 2,183 — 2,604 288 P„11v T F 2,982 — 6,462 18 6,365 11 6,466 _ 6,175 419 4,698 _ 10,010 236 Penner, H. — - 5,780 11 Penner, T. H. Salary $ 3,833 5,867 7,553 6,760 7,727 7,577 5,886 Travel $ Penner, W. (7. Penning, R. A. _ Penzes, f. F. _ Pepper, M. A. _ . 1,684 Perechv, J. F. Perepelecta, L. V. 146 Perfetti, T 6,375 7,020 5,490 2,180 12,630 1,133 5,124 1,711 5,975 Perich, M. M _ Perisnn, S. . Perkins, T. F). 42 Perkins, T P). 1,572 Perkins, I. T. Perkins, T F. _ Perry, P) A . _ Perry, Ci F. , _ Perry, Miss G. M. 2,783 630 _ Perry, R A _ Perry, S R 5,620 5,161 8,453 4,681 5,250 502 _ Pespic, F. M. _ Petch, R ..T_ 79 Pptrh, 55, Peters, A, . Peters, fi J. - .. Peters, H 657 _ Peters, I 202 Peters, T M 78 ■ - Peters, K F, 4,758 ■ - Pefpr^ T. _ 3,171 - Peters, S, 91 - Peters V, 366 _ Peters, W. B. .. ... 6,493 _ Petersen, D. G. 409 14 Peterson, A. G. 6,450 3 Peterson, A. L. _ _ 8,121 _ Peterson, A. S. 6,786 _ Peterson, E. H . 6,523 _ Peterson, G. Z _ _ 3,598 1,748 Peterson, V. G. 5,780 3,474 _ Petraccione, S. L . _ 2,651 _ Petterson, F. . . 6,490 _ Petterson, G. E. . . 6,839 _ Petty, A, T 6,980 _ 3,210 _ 494 _ Peyto, H. A. _ 7,953 320 1,591 _ 7,321 _ 5,406 _ 3,971 261 Phelps, C. S . . 3,526 Philippo, C . 5,954 _ Philippon, A. J. 4,452 _ Philipps, G. P. _ 592 _ 2,228 12 6,354 760 Phillips, D. D. — . . . _ Phillips, H. I. 5,521 2,885 — Phillips J, _ 2,512 _ Phillips, J. A. _ - 6,112 19 Phillips, K. W. . 5,789 48 Phillips W. _ 5,669 9 Phoenix, C, - - 7,142 3,712 3,341 3 Picha, J. R. . _ _ Pichor, N, _ _ Pickard, J. D. ._ _ .. 6,332 _ Pickering, A. _ 6,153 135 _ 5,944 3,665 _ PicVetti, T. _ 5,882 741 8 Pickles, G. A. . .. Pieice, C. A . . 5,108 813 _ Pierre T _ Pierey, R A 4,213 7,702 _ Pig pot, F> - Pighin, D. J. . ... 6,022 102 1,313 Pike, r F Pike, f R 6,386 _ Piket, H. R. D. ... .. 7,958 _ Pilkington, K. E. 525 _ Pilling, W. 7,157 5,452 2,752 1,696 5,981 _ Pinrhin, F). _ Pinnington, G. J . _ Pinske. t,. B. _ Pipe. C W. f. 92 Piper, D. S. . _ 6,169 785 Piper. R. . . . . - Piroddi, A. 1,025 5,855 3,579 Piroddi, D. _ Pisarczyk, R. ... 100 Pistell, Mrs. K. D. Pitt, D. G. _ Plante, R. _ Plantz, H. _ Platt, W. Playdon, E. C. _ Pleasance, R. A. Pleasants, W. L. Plecash, I. _ Ploom, L. _ Plotnikoff, W. _ Pobuxan, G. _ Podmoroff, W. _ Podovinikoff, J. _ Podovinikoff, P. _ Poelzer, J. J. _ Poets, R. F. _ _ Poirier, O. A. _ Poitras, A. _ Poitras, L. _ Poland, F. _ _ _ Polk, L. C. _ _ Pollard, J. Polley, M. PoUitt, J. A. _ Pollock, D. C. _ Pollock, D. C„ Jr. Pollock, J. W. _ Polnau, R. A. _ Pomeroy, G. G. _ Pomeroy, J. W. _ Pomeroy, M. _ Pomeroy, R. C. _ Ponton, E. B. Popadynec, J. Pope, N. M. F. Popoff, H. _ Popoff, H. F. _ Popoff, J. N. _ Popoff, J. W _ Popoff, N. A. _ Popp, A. L. _ Popp, Mrs. B. J. Popp, C. A. _ Porada, J. Porteous, J. C. Porter, D. K. _ Porter, E. G. _ Porter, G. W. . Porter, J. S. Porter, M. R. _ Porter, N. W. _ Porter, P _ _ __ Postnikoff, M. _ Potestio, P. G. _ Potter, J. H. G . . 5,701 Salary 3,663 6,278 2,559 6,454 4,608 5,796 366 6,136 7,322 6,115 1,896 2,144 565 6,959 1,066 6,126 6,184 837 5,802 172 6,681 7,074 5,194 1,208 6,854 8,584 7,633 602 6.324 2,981 13,980 4,764 2,396 5,674 5,613 9,540 9,941 6,756 6,163 4.324 3,402 6,639 2,201 5,780 7,723 5,777 429 5,823 6,023 5,676 3,172 6,555 17 6,366 5,148 Tra $ Pottinger, J. R. Poulsen, E. H. _ Pountney, R. L. _ Poustie, V. W . . Pow, K. B. _ Powell, D. G. _ Powell, G. H. B. _. Powell, J. R _ _ Powell, R. H. . . . Powell, Mrs. V. E. Powell, W. F. _ Powers, O. P. _ Powers, W. M. _ Poynting, R. W . . Pozdnikoff, A. _ Pozdnikoff, A . Pozdzik, Mrs. D. M. Poznikoff, G. Poznikoff, J. Pozzobon, G. Praill, D. J. _ Praill, F. _ Pranger, J. _ Prangnell, Miss E. V. _ Pratchler. L. A. _ Pratico, J. V. _ _. Pratt, C. _ _ _ Pratt, D Pratt, K Pratt, R Pratt, R Prazma, Preston, 1,147 215 1,850 5.739 6,961 5,358 6,755 6,132 5,842 4,719 6,501 5,390 6,161 1,889 6,420 5,665 4,128 M _ _ 1,516 A. _ 6.059 6,949 748 8,107 6,167 4,980 7,144 5,647 1,350 3,083 M. _ , A _ _ 4.751 _ _ 9.292 C. _ A. _ R. H. _ Pretty, D. G. - Price, D. A. _ Price, G. R. . - Price, L. . . . Price, Mrs. M. V. . 1,332 5,660 5,994 5,176 983 7,523 1,284 4,265 2,: SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 117 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ ice, S. E. - 9,031 135 ice, W. J. ... - 8,699 526 ice, W. R. - 5,534 — ichard, H. - . - 2,493 — iester, J . . . . . 6,799 — ieston, A. — . . 3,169 — ime, W . . 3,254 — imrose, J. B . . . 1,906 — ince, D . . . 714 — ince, N . . 574 — ingle, A. _ 5,658 — ingle, P. N . 5,153 43 ingle, W. R. . . . 1,692 27 itchard, E. W. _ 9,540 44 obert, J. W. _ 32 — tcter. J. J _ _ _ _ . 4,980 — jcter, P. - - 1,430 — adeahl, L. A. _ 4,742 - . jfili, E. .... . _ _ 7,288 — >fdi. J. . . . - . 8,099 54 judlock, R. F. _ 261 — judlock, R. H _ _ 6,436 — nilx. E. A. _ _ _ 5,627 585 oljan, L. _ 1,568 — tden, C. - 1.028 — iden, P. W. . . . 3,122 — 'ma, N. _ 7,137 — lishe, J. _ 1,115 — len, F. H. _ 1,961 — lin. W. J. _ 9,293 — [linger, P. D. _ 3,243 — ndick, B. J . 6,143 — ipin. A. R. . . 6,838 36 •dy, C. W . 7,633 229 :dy, J. FI. . . 1,142 — dy. R. D. _ 1,556 3 vis, K. W. _ 3.137 — vis, M. D . 5,388 — tock, G. N . . 6.305 — ipponen, E. . . . 6,214 — atuik, G. ... . . . . 5,257 — e, J. _ _ 6,202 — am, O. _ _ _ _ 564 — attrin, M. A _ _ 752 — aw, J. . . . 2,102 — ay, S. _ 5,424 81 ayle, L. E. _ 1,270 27 :rin, H. W. _ 7,165 — asnelle, Mrs. V. E. _ 4,698 — asted. Mrs. P. B. _ 428 — ck. G. J. . . . . - 59 — ckfall, J . . . . . 507 — etc. M . . 7,358 — nn, D. A. _ _ _ 268 — nnell, F. G. _ _ _ 2,791 — nnell, G. . . . . 1,572 — ring, D. _ _ _ 4,173 — ssy. H. L. _ 6,810 — [cliffe, A. C. _ _ _ 5,460 — iford, B. M. _ _ 5,222 — ley, L. B. . . . 5,925 — tke, G. . . . 5,635 — , J B. _ _ 108 — lbow, J. A _ _ 6,179 — ah, F _ _ _ _ 4,980 177 ;ton, R. J . . ... 7,173 404 isay, C. J. _ 5,580 6 isay, M. C . . . 3,710 — isay, M. D. _ 7,020 4 isay, R. M. _ _ 5,977 — lunno, M . . . . 785 — d all. R. H . . 7,521 — de, G. L. ...... . . 5,643 — dell, D. W. ... . . . 9,160 647 kin, A. _ _ _ .... 6,607 18 kin, D. H _ _ 5,239 60 kin, E. _ _ ... 560 — kin, J. A. _ _ 5,100 — t, W. J. _ 5,011 83 a, D. D. _ 6,141 562 a, R . . . . . 6,045 — nussen, J. A. . . 3,371 — iberry, F. R. . . . 6,327 — ray, Mrs. E. G. _ 7,347 — ray, J. G. _ 9,497 204 :h, C. _ _ 6,032 — :h, F. F . . . . 5,779 62 :h. G. A . . 7,132 — ahert, J. _ 1,381 — >er, N. _ . 145 — :n, D. A. _ . 7,152 691 :n, D. J. H. ... ..... 8,580 30 Salary Travel Raven. D. I.. 5,734 Raven. E. 6,216 _ Raven. FI. V. 5,890 _ Rawnslev. N. 3,084 — Ray, A. H . 6,248 _ Ravmer. R. J. 425 _ Ravmer, T. 8,640 103 Raymond, E. J. 2,586 — Ravmond, G. F. 7,625 636 Raymond, L. G. 6,426 14 Ravmond, P. TV 7,343 10 Reading, J. 6,144 24 Readshaw, E. E 15,060 2,543 Reanev. H. F.. 2,301 29 Rear, E. N. . . 6,587 _ Rebagliati, M. F. 6,285 — Rebagliati, R. R. _ _ _ _ 743 — Reber, D. G. _ 6,993 108 Recchi, R. _ _ _ 5,901 16 Reddecopp, D. _ _ _ 6,058 — Redecopp, H. D. _ 6,632 — Redfern, R. R. _ 5,137 — Redlick, G. B. _ 5,725 98 Redlick, L. W . . .... 997 — Redman, E. C. _ _ _ 6,507 593 Reed, G. _ 2,004 — Reed, J. R. . . . . 8,220 99 Reed, T. P. .. . . 9,327 226 Reeder, J. _ _ 5,461 — Reedman, L . . 5,046 — Reekie, R. A. _ 9,159 — Reeve, W. A. . . . 174 — Regan, H. _ _ _ ... . 6,506 — Reggin, J. V. F. . . . 5,174 7 Reghenas, D. M. _ 563 — Regier, A. J. _ _ _ 6,119 — Reibin, H. . . . 4,424 — Reid, A. G - - ... 9,645 763 Reid, C. N . . . 6,313 221 Reid, D. C . . 4,516 — Reid, D. R . 2,666 — Reid, E. S. . . . . 7,477 610 Reid, J. ... . . 5,760 — Reid, M. E. . 1,831 — Reid, T. J. . . . - 6,922 — Reierson, J. B . . 4,029 6 Reierson, S. L. ... . 2,169 — Reilly, Miss P. L . 2,393 — Reimche, A. J . . . 5,727 — Reimer, I. . . . . 2,222 — Reimer, P . . . 995 — Reimer, P. - - 4,134 — Reine, H. G. _ . — 9,162 677 Reine, L. N . . . . 7,640 397 Reinke, B. M. . . — 672 — Reinke, H. P. . . 135 — Reinke, Mrs. N. A. - 4,326 — Remillard, J. - - - 6,992 — Rempel, G. - 6,340 — Rendel, F. P. J. - 581 — Renk, F. L. . . — . . 5,756 — Rennie, D. - . . _ . 6,019 — Rennie, D. R. - - 86 — Rennie, L. — . . 6,256 143 Renny, J. W. - . - - 1,494 124 Reser, K. J . — _ - 815 — Reson, L. J. - - - 304 — Retty, A. J. - 5,285 — Reum, C. A. - 2,551 2 Rexin, H. J. - 2,738 — Reynolds, J. E. - 6,876 — Reynolds, J. R. - 6,237 11 RezansofT, P. .... - . 6,430 500 Rezeli, Mrs. G. . _ 4,128 — Rhode, R. C. _ 6,446 6 Rhodes, A. D. - 5,986 — Rhodes, A. E. - 13,980 341 Rhodes, J. W. . . 6,416 — Rhodes, R. J - - 4,698 — Richard, A. J. - . - 4.114 — Richards, A. G. - 7,542 101 Richards, B. C. - 2,602 — Richards, D. H. - 5,220 171 Richards, H. G. - 7,639 — Richards, J. R. - 695 — Richards, P. - — 6,056 — Richards, R. D. .. - . 6,058 — Richards, R. J. - 640 — Richards, S. L. - 7,046 80 Richards, T. H. - 6.456 — Richards, W. A . . 8,442 954 Salary Travel Richardson, Mrs. A. H. _ Richardson, E. .... $ 1,585 5,714 5,718 7,222 6,231 7,888 5,591 6,594 1,032 6,400 6,117 8,019 6,084 2,580 4,578 1,717 3,038 6,490 1,693 1,720 6,152 2,239 4,116 3,060 7,142 672 $ Richardson, J. W. 9 Richardson, W. R. _ Richardson, W. W. Richier, D. O. Richmond, A. T.. 184 Richmond, L. S. Richter, Mrs. J. M. Rickaby, G. D. R. 442 Ricketts, E. H. .. Rideout, F. J. .. . 75 Ridley, C. L. _ Ridley, N. . . . . Ridout, S. J . Riekert, F. G. Rietze, E. C. Rieeins. M. J. Rikley, B. V . 92 Riley, D. V . Riley, P . Riley, R. G. . Rilkoff, W . Rimer, K. F. Rindler, C. Ringer. G. ... Rinsma, J. ..... . 713 Rippengale, G. S. 5,756 2,155 1,708 415 Rippon, R. A. .. . Rist, A. R . Ristimaki, T. I. Ritchie. W. M. 5,919 2,130 6,046 748 Ritland, J. . Rivett, C. W. ... 36 Rizzuti, J. P. Robb, G. A. _ _ 4,788 2,477 852 6,124 1,102 5,997 80 Robbins, G. C. Roberton, D. E. _ Roberts, C. D. — Roberts, C. S. Roberts, D. . Roberts, E. E. Roberts, F. E. Roberts, G. P. 380 2,745 1,143 1,112 8,460 1,328 2,304 5,940 1,105 6,429 4,980 6,122 3,620 4,362 4,254 6,016 6,893 6,319 6,853 808 — Roberts, J. C. Roberts, Miss K. V. _ Roberts, O. .. . 164 Roberts, S. P. Robertson, C. Robertson, D. Robertson, D. A. Robertson, D. C. Robertson, G. H. _ Robertson, H. G. — Robertson, J. B. 157 400 Robertson, J. V. Robertson, P. C. Robertson, R. E. Robertson, W. R. Robinson, A. C. _ _ _ Robinson, A. E. 116 5 Robinson, B. C, Robinson, D. G. 211 Robinson, E. E. 5,404 8,456 458 Robinson, E. J. 544 Robinson, G. A. Robinson, G. D. 526 30 Robinson, P. 7,042 2,978 3,377 4,526 7,631 3,335 1,900 2,881 2,088 7,869 4,980 6,474 4.502 5,916 5,824 904 5,628 5,268 5,823 444 2,146 201 1,871 3.753 Robinson, R. A. Robinson, R. H. 30 Robinson, R. M. ... Robison, C. C. 24 Robson, J E. Robson, W. L. Rocheleau, K. B. .. 25 Rocky, B. N. _ Rodney, G. L. Rodwell, Miss E. M. _ _ Roe, D. N. _ . Roe, G. W. Roe, J. G. _ _ Roe, L. G. - . 511 377 Roe, P. J. _ Roe, R. E . 39 25 Roe; T. P. . . . Roe, W. _ . Roelofs, J. H . . . Rogalski, J., Jr. .. ..... ... Roger, M. _ . Rogers, C. L. .... _ Rogers, D. A. . . . . 23 Rogers, D. C. _ _ _ _ 5,755 364 Rogers, D. E. _ _ Rogers, G. - ~ 1,393 _ 118 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Rogers, G. W. _ _ _ Rogers, J _ _ _ _ Rogers, R. E. _ Rogers, W. W. _ Rogne, D _ _ Rohn, J. ... _ _ _ _ Roisum, S. C. _ Roland, C. C. _ Rolfe-Martin, F. J. - Rolin, K. D. - Rollheiser, G . . Rollier, A. - Rollston, W. F. - - - - Roloff, H. H . . Rolph, D. N. - Rolph, G. - Rolston, C. B. - Rolston, H. M. - - Romanick, F . — - - Romano, R. C. — - - Romanow, M. L. - Ronmark, H. A . . Roos, A. A. - Root, D. W - - Ropchan, L. - Roper, L - - Rose, C. G. - Rose, C. J. - Rose, D. J. — - - Rose, G. J. - - - Rose, K. A . . Rose, R. R. - Rosell, L. _ Rosenau, H. C . . Rosenau, W. A. - Rosentreter, L. - Rosentreter, W. B. - - _ Rosnes, J. C. - Ross, D. A - - Ross, J. L. - Ross, K. - Ross, K. A. - Ross, K. F. - Ross, Mrs. L. L . . . Ross, T. C - - Ross, W. L. - Ross-Smith, G. - Rossiter, A. L. - Rosvold, H. L. - Roth, D. W - - Roth, G. - Roth, R. W. - - Rothenberger, A. - Rousell, C. A. - Rousell, C. G. - Rousell, J. A. - Routley, H. A. - Routley, H. T - - Rowan, D . . . Rowan, J. C. - - Rowand, G. A. - Rowand, G. G . . . . Rowat, C. A - - Rowat, J - - Rowat, L. - Rowbotham, A. - - - Rowe, W. R - - Rowland, G. — - - Rowlandson, J. - Rowley, M. R. - Rowley, V. C. B. - — Roy, J. - Roy, P. G. - — - Roy, P. J - - - - Royle, C. - - - Royston, M. E. - Rozander, H. E. - Rud, M. A. - Rudolph, M. M - - Rullens, L. L. — - Runnalls, G. S - - Rupert, J. C. - Rupitz, V. - Ruschienski, D. - Rushfeldt, B. D. - Rushton, H. R. - Rushton, M. E. - Rushworth, R. J. - Russell, C. - Russell, E. A. - — Russell, F. H. - Russell, H. J. - Russell, J. C. - Salary Travel Salary Travel $ $ $ $ 2,031 — Russell, Mrs. M. P. _ 1,305 — 251 — Russell, P. M. _ _ _ 1,086 — 5,802 — Russili. B. A . . 4.510 — ^ 9,540 75 Rutczynski, J. _ 2,624 — 3,327 14 Rutenberg, R. W. _ 73 — 5,884 — Rutherford, J. B. _ 376 — 1,663 641 Rutherford, M. D. _ 5,787 — 3,753 — Rutherford. M. H. _ 6,607 — 8,910 159 Rutherford, W. B . . 705 — 6,046 — Rutledge, L. S. M. _ 7.908 — 8,010 — Rutledge, R. R. _ _ 6,149 — 185 — Rutley, D. J. _ 7,192 — 5,374 — Rutley, D. O. _ 663 — 1.347 — Ryan, J. N _ _ 5,814 600 2,032 — Ryan, N. S. V. _ 1,228 — 434 190 Ryan, W. _ _ _ _ 22 — 9,707 73 Ryan. W. H. . . .... 6,504 269 4,342 — Ryckman, F. . . Ryckman, J. A. _ 6,264 — 1,521 — 5,713 — 5,959 604 Rvde, A. _ _ 217 — 7,323 — Rvder. A. _ 6,044 — 7,228 986 Rvks, P. _ _ 324 22 4,775 21 Ryland, G. _ 1.135 — 5,730 Rvsavy, G. P. _ 6.651 — 435 — Rvter. W. _ _ 5.955 — 347 — Saalfeld, R. _ _ 1,006 — 7,235 — Saari, W. _ 488 — 1,870 — Sabbe, M. _ _ _ 7.745 — 603 — Sabev. H. L. 5.706 — 9,521 659 Sabey, M. B. _ 5,821 423 5,560 — Sabv, R. A — _ 7,313 — 5,946 — Sadler, O. M. _ 6,958 38 7,986 — Sage, D. H. W. _ _ 736 30 979 — Sager. D. .1 . _ 7,359 — 5,876 — Sainsbury, W. E. _ 8,615 — 6,242 — Sakakibara, Y. . . .... 3,345 — 1,027 — Salamandyk, P. J. . . . 5.910 — 2,077 41 Sail. F. H . . . 1,071 — 890 — Sallawav, P. 11. _ 998 — 4,186 — Salle, R. _ 6,228 — 5,945 — Salmon, R. H. _ 455 — 1,182 — Salmond, D. _ _ 7.536 68 8,612 541 Salmond, W. J _ _ 1,550 120 158 — Sain. M. B. _ 2,694 — 5,740 — Salter, A. W. J. _ 6,184 — 1,581 130 Sam. 4. .... _ .... 2,192 — 97 — Sam, J., Jr. . . 6,608 — 5,414 — Sampare, F. A. _ 449 — 309 46 Sample, W. S . ._ 1,149 182 3.554 Sampson, B. R. _ 5,526 — 4,327 — Sampson, M. R. _ 2,291 937 6,175 — Samson, D. G. _ 661 — 392 — Samson, G. A. _ 3,448 32 3,290 — Samuels, E W. _ 927 — 3,935 - ' Samuelson, R. G. _ 6,975 3 1,142 8 Sandecki, I. __ .. _ 86 — 5,116 — Sanders, Mrs. L. S. _ 4,469 — 962 — Sanders. O. C. . . . 8,241 227 366 — Sandiford, G. V . . . 1.170 225 818 — Sand with. H. W . . 9,153 1,661 7,152 282 Sandy, P. .... _ . 2.451 — 2.610 — Sangala, E. H . . . 7,800 — 8,058 932 Sankey, A _ _ 6,967 — 6,976 — Sansorn. K. _ 6,792 — 6,902 660 Santarelli. L. P. . . 7,048 — 10,380 503 Santoro. F. _ _ _ 6.432 — 8,598 569 Saoorito, C. _ 7,961 82 6,211 — Sanrikin, W. B. _ 4,925 — 6,402 — Sartor, A. _ _ _ 6,515 — 5.910 — Sato. A. K _ _ 3,892 — 5,220 — Saul. R. C . _ _ _ 7.283 1,535 601 — Saunders. J. W. . . 4.865 — 6,717 — Saunders, L. D . . 1,200 — 1,287 — S; tinders, M. _ _ _ 588 — 4.235 — Samderson. S. _ 7,533 69 7,179 — Savage, F. J. _ 1,493 — 7,165 2,424 Savage, W. L. . 4,740 — 6,080 — Savenko. P. _ 8,418 — 7,020 — Savoie, J. A. _ .... 215 — 5,904 — Sawat'kv. G. D. 2,227 — 6,023 — Sawatzkv. F. If. _ 10,370 — 6,826 — Sawatzky, H. H. 9,540 1 ,202 5,100 — Sawatzkv J. O. 9.368 — 5,557 — Saxon, Mrs. E. P. 5.796 — 975 — Scales, J. R. .. _ _ _ 1,722 — 493 — Scanlon. V. . .. . . . 8,310 420 277 — Scarff, E. I . .. ... .... 370 — 172 — Scarf! . J. E. _ 6.966 — 445 — Schaefer, M. V. _ 6,074 24 5,381 — Schaertl. J. . . . 2,980 — 7,297 — SchafTner, C. _ 1.826 — 9,073 46 Schamerhorn, J. H. .... .... 6,065 — 305 — Schappert, J. V. . . . 6,630 — Salary $ Scheck, J., Jr. _ 6,507 Scheck, T. T _ _ 6,606 Schellenberg. R. _ 7,909 Scherer, G. F _ _ 5,957 Scherger, B. P . . 458 Schilke, A. E . . 8,013 Schill, J. . 1,608 Schimnowsky, V. _ 6,240 Schindel, A. J . . 8,010 Schindel, D. A _ _ 2,069 Schiphorst, B. J. _ 7,284 Schisler, L. P . 5,665 Schkade, T. E . 887 Schlaftke, K. D. H. _ 2,430 Schley, M. W. . 6,257 Schlichter, M. L. _ 1,997 Schmalz, J. R. _ 464 Schmelzel, W . . . . 7,358 Schmidt, C. E . 5,624 Schmidt, E. P . 4,899 Schmidt, H. . . _.. 3,990 Schmidt, H. G . 1,401 Schmidt, J. N . 5,773 Schmidt, K. . . 6,835 Schmidt, M. _ 8,410 Schmidt, P. J. _ _ 6,834 Schmidt, R. _ 3,618 Schmidt, R. J . . 1,255 Schmidt, W. _ 7,302 Schmidt, W. G. _ 5,435 Schmidt, W. H. _ 6,916 Schmoker, C. _ 5,150 Schnarr, J. G . 6,242 Schneider, C. D. _ 6.192 Schneider, Mrs. G. _ 4,788 Schneider, H. J _ _ _ 327 Schneider, W. P . . _ . 405 Sc’nock, C. . 5,945 Schoeman, G . 740 Schoening. E. F. _ 7,092 Schoenstein, J. _ 2,817 Schofield, B _ _ 1,592 Scholefield, D. P. _ 2,234 Scholz, J. _ 6,211 Scholz, Miss M. A . 2,092 Schonberger. P. J . . 5,466 Schonwald, F . 8,683 Schorn, F. R _ _ 7,471 Schrader. J. A _ _ 290 Schram, G. _ . 293 Schram, T. R. _ _ 5,235 Schreiber, D. W . . 1,161 Schroeder, B . 3,017 Schroeder, E. _ 6,427 Schroeder, W. J . . 5,606 Schubert, W. _ 5.580 Schuepfer, G. J. _ 5,171 Schuetze. J. _ 3,742 Schuitema. H. _ 6,504 Schuler, N. _ 6,687 Schulli, L . 1,575 Schulte. A. L _ _ 5,907 Schulte, T. H _ _ 1.570 Schultz, E. F _ _ 6,314 Schultz, H. C . . . 5,256 Schultz, H. D. _ 5,816 Schultz, M. _ - 2,006 Schultz, W. E. _ 959 Schulz, A _ 7,301 Schulz, C. D. _ 1,444 Schulz, M. _ 5,027 Schulz. W. T. _ 6.482 Schumacher, O. J. _ 6.735 Schuman. A . 6,860 Schuman, F. H . . 4,535 Schwartz. R. R. .._ _ 6,210 Schweitzer, D. G. _ 5,220 Schweitzer, H . 7.022 Schwitek, A . . 7,228 Scofield, J. K _ _ 7.712 Scott, A - - 6,258 Scott, A. V. — . 5.515 Scott. A. W. _ 5,905 Scott, B. T. . 5,758 Scott. C. H _ _ 5.787 Scott, D. H _ _ 693 Scott, D. L. _ 1.981 Scott, G. E . 7,562 Scott. G. R . . 5,479 Scott, L. A. _ 5,424 Scott, P. W. _ 7,116 Scott, R. C _ _ 1,287 Tra $ : i 1,3 f SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 119 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued cott, R. D. . . . Salary 3,985 Travel $ cott, R. D - - 1,070 — cott, R. G. . . — - 6,234 — cott, W. G. . . 422 — cott-Moncrieff, B. W. .... 1,897 77 crepnek, S. . . 4,037 13 cullard, F. W. G. . . 5,808 — eaberg, A. S . . . . . 7,499 — ealey, E. M. - 10,345 858 eaman, R. J. _ 629 — eamark, G. A. - 6,020 — eat on. J. A - - - 12 — edore, A. — . . . 18 — eeds, R. W. _ 6,504 — eefried, D _ _ 8,865 — eehuber, C. F . 6,264 — eeton, K. _ _ _ 3,763 15 eifert, G. — - . - . . . 5,867 5,567 _ ,'ifrit. O . . — ,'incn. H. . 1,202 — sltenrich, E. H. _ . 309 — dtenrich, K. . . . . . 5.523 — :menoff, J. _ _ 2,509 200 :mmen, A. _ 7,183 — mechal, A. J. _ 7,612 — stieshen, P. _ 3,009 — rnkler, A. N. R. _ 2,652 — mum, G. . . . . 5,281 — ;ssa, G. _ _ _ _ 5,793 — issions, A. J _ _ 2,160 — :ver, J _ _ _ ;ward. L. G. . . . 5,434 — 6,163 — lafer, M. F. _ _ _ 5,428 466 laikh, N. A _ _ 7.705 — tamber. G. P. 5,757 — lambrook, F. L . . 7.139 — lannon, E. D. ... 840 — lannon, L. _ 628 — ;arko. P. _ _ _ 7,664 — iarp, M. E. _ _ .... 2,476 18 iarpe, G. A. _ 6,244 — larples, W. D _ _ 4,179 — larrers, D. O. _ _ _ 5,412 423 iaw, Mrs. C. A . _ 856 — aw, C. S. _ 10,380 795 aw, G. B . . . 5,340 32 aw. H. W. _ _ _ 7,674 3,160 aw, J. . 7.118 569 aw, M. W. _ 2,245 — ay, L. W. _ 989 — eard, E. _ 6,871 422 carer, G. A. _ _ 3,289 — earer, R. D . 8,583 — earer, W. R. _ .... 3,535 — eeban, E. O. _ 193 — eldon, Mrs. M. _ 4,020 — elkie, T. A. _ _ _ 7,035 — elley, H. R _ _ 5.706 — ebon. R. M. _ 672 — elton. J. G. . . . 4,140 — epheard, R. B. _ 2,034 55 epherd, A. D . 1,587 — epherd. J. _ ..... 4,213 — epherd, J. W. _ 5,976 — epherd, Mrs. K. _ 4.206 — eppard. C. A. _ 5.593 — eppard, E. H . . . 6,756 — eppard. G. R. .... _ 2,132 — eppard, Mrs. M. F. _ 4,839 — •rb. R. C. 59 — eremeta. J. M . . 7.557 537 erling, D. _ 5.796 32 erman, E. F _ _ 2,429 — erwood, Mrs. L. _ 171 — •tier. A. C. _ 7.246 — ell, R. J. _ 4,333 — lton, J. 6,100 — skin, D. K. . . . 2.158 — u, J. T. W . 7,284 — >ji. E. H. . .. . . 1,742 — >rt, B. W. . . - 4,313 — tell, J _ _ 5,934 — iman, V). G. .. _ 572 — mac. D. .r. 2,715 25 ira, .7. . 5,241 — :ia. D. G. _ 437 — )tte, R. G. . _ 6,468 600 dall. C. C . . 6,021 21 ten, P. _ 4,581 — tiers. O. _ 3,414 — :uson, D. L. . . . 5,562 18 'tison. W. B. _ 4,991 6 sworth, Mrs. J. L. . . 2,697 — Salary Travel $ S Sikorski, J. 5,285 — Silman, D. 436 8 Silver, Mrs. E. M. 6,624 _ Silver, S. N. . . 5,425 _ Silveri, A. . _ _ _ 5,763 _ Silvester, J. E. . 2,434 20 Silvey, J. _ 5,186 — Sime, R. _ _ 6.233 — Sime, T . . 7,533 10 Simington, R. _ _ _ 7,518 — Simmons, C. .. 6,470 — Simmons, D . 845 — Simmons, W. J . 7,392 — Simms, R. B. . . ... 5,792 _ Simon, O. 5,543 — Simonson, J. E _ _ 6,490 — Simpson, A. E. . . . .. 6,125 65 Simpson, C. J. _ 5,555 237 Simpson, G. R. C . 6,608 — Simpson, Mrs. M. I. . 4,362 — Simpson, S. G. _ 3,444 — Sims, C. A. _ _ _ 702 42 Sinclair, H. _ 39 — Sinclair, N. R. _ 6,050 — Sinclair, P. _ 20 — Sinclair, P. . . . 7,284 — Sinclair, S. R. _ _ 2,914 — Sinclair, T. P. _ 589 22 Singh, J. _ _ _ 888 — Singh, R _ _ .... 1,645 — Sinnerud, N. . . 143 — Sipos, J. _ _ 45 — Sirr, P. C. _ 6,084 — Sissons, D. G. _ _ _ 1,900 25 Sissons, W. C. _ 6,974 — Sivecki, J. _ 7,442 — Sjare, E. M. _ _ _ 7,122 — Skaarup, E. . __ .. 3,647 350 Skakun, L. R. _ _ _ 3,461 — Skands, H. O . . . 6,264 — Skarbo, W. T . . . 3,333 — Skarra, J . . 6.153 — Skelton, H. T. _ _ _ 6,162 — Skerik, W. R. _ 6,015 — Sketchley, P. A. _ 6,019 — Sketchley, W. _ 756 — Skilnic, R. J. 252 — Skobalski, P. W. _ 1,118 — Skrodolis, E. R _ _ 6,929 — Skura, M. _ .... 38 — Slack, G. A. - - - 5,388 — Slack, J. G. _ _ _ 2,873 — Slater, C. H. _ 6,130 — Slater, L. A. _ 6,685 361 Slater, R. T. _ 6,647 9 Slater, W. A. _ 7.071 — Slocomb, Mrs. P. J. - 387 — Slominski, P. _ 490 22 Sluggett, B. G. _ _ 7,276 — Sluggett, W. . . . . . 7,009 — Sluka, V. _ _ _ _ _ 6,261 — Smaaslet, C. I. .... . . . 6,384 176 Smale, R. E. _ _ 2,630 — Smart, N. E. . . . 115 — Smart, W. W . . . . 1,880 — Smerek, M _ _ 1,096 80 Smit, R. J . . . . 2,326 16 Smith, A. E. _ 693 — Smith, A. G. - 6,208 27 Smith, A. G - - - 6,264 — Smith, A. W. G . . 11,880 856 Smith, Allan A. . . 830 — Smith, Allan Angus - 1,907 — Smith, Miss B. A. _ 2,190 - - Smith, B. C. _ 5,451 -i- Smith, B. C. _ _ 5.583 — Smith, B. F. - - — 6,222 — Smith, C. . _ 90 — Smith, C. A. - - 6,107 — Smith. C. A . . . 6,131 — Smith, C. D. - - 26 — Smith, C. J. - — - 8,313 15 Smith, D. C. - 1,335 — Smith, D. C. . . . . 4.284 — Smith, D. H. - 12)54 — Smith, D. J. 2.118 48 Smith, E. .... — . — 2,744 — Smith, Mrs. E . . 4.248 — Smith, Mrs. E. E. - 301 — Smith, E. E - - : 8,826 355 Smith, E. R. - 2,484 — Smith, F. J. - - - - 6,722 — Smith, G. A. - 372 — Smith, G. L. Salary $ 4,791 Travel $ Smith, G. L. 601 _ Smith, G. S. .. 1,684 - Smith, H. 5,193 _ Smith, H. A. _ 386 _ Smith, H. N. _ 610 _ Smith, H. N. . 391 _ Smith, J. A. 6,029 _ Smith, J. E. ... .. 5,070 _ Smith, J. E. C. _ 3,628 _ Smith, J. G _ _ 4,884 343 Smith, J. M. _ .. . 8,002 42 Smith, John _ _ 5,902 Smith, John H. . 5,224 _ Smith, K. E. _ 2,065 _ Smith, K. G. ... . ... 20 _ Smith, L. 5,967 12 Smith, L. ... _ _ 6,715 — Smith, L. B. P. _ 2,573 _ Smith, L. E. _ _ _ 1,339 _ Smith, L. N . . .. 5,723 _ Smith, L. R . 699 — Smith, Leonard _ _ 1,693 _ Smith, O. J . 6,674 _ Smith, R. A. _ 822 — Smith, R. B . . . 5,614 384 Smith, R. E. . 6,457 _ Smith, R. K. 5,621 — Smith, R. L . . 654 _ Smith, R. Oscar . . ..... 6,658 _ Smith, R. Oseman .. .. . 6,025 — Smith, R. R. _ 5,885 5 Smith, R. V. 6,998 — Smith, R. Z. _ 5,891 — Smith, S. L . 1,660 8 Smith, S. R. 8,304 165 Smith, W. H . . 2,834 1,317 Smith, W. N. .... _ .... 6,055 1,827 Smuin, R. S . . . 430 — Smyth, H. D. .. 6,320 — Smyth, R. A. _ 1,792 — Smyth, R. K. . . . 6,725 47 Smythe, H. .... . .. 6,065 160 Smythe, J. H _ 11,880 1,774 Snider, B. M. . . . . 958 Snyder, R. F. ..... _ 5,986 — Soczowski, W. F. _ _ 6,005 129 Soderberg, E . . 195 — Soderberg, H. B. _ 5,100 — Soiland, W. K. _ 5,875 — Solberg, W. W. _ 6,716 50 Solhjell, I. E. _ 6,533 86 Sollid, R. R. _ 7,029 96 Soltermann, H. M. _ 3,617 — Somers, C _ _ 6,798 84 Soohochoff, J. A. _ 5,561 245 Sookarow, J. M. _ 7,603 43 Sopp, F. . 165 Soreng, A. R. _ 982 8 Sorenson, H. _ 2,653 — Sorley, B. K _ _ _ 9,564 — Sosnowski, R. E. _ 2,672 — South, C. H. _ _ 5,831 12 Southwell, R. W. _ 251 — Southwick, C. L. _ 10,078 — Sparks, R _ _ _ 6,866 89 Speaker, E. F. _ _ 1,048 — Speechley, G. R _ 7,153 — Speed, Miss D. E. _ 1,265 — Spence, E. D _ _ 5,804 — Spence, R. M. _ 49 — Spencer, A. A . . Spencer, D _ _ _ _ 8,072 — 5,555 — Spencer, G. B. _ 1,633 — Spencer, K. J . . . . 5,677 — Spencer. R. E. _ 5,806 — Spenst, G. _ _ _ 6.689 — Spicer. H. M. _ _ _ 7,003 — Spiers, G. _ _ _ 6,398 — Spires, J. H. _ 4,836 — Spisak, F. V. _ _ 6,508 — Spleiter, R. P. _ _ _ 7,964 133 Spooner, G. P . 4,485 10 Spooner, J. ... _ 8,085 530 Spooner. R. G. - - 234 — Spooner, W. L. - 1.826 — Spraakman, A - - 6,005 — Spratt, T. A . 1,684 77 Springett, A. G. _ _ 7,580 — Springford, R. V. . _ 201 — 120 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Sprnni, W M. Salary $ 12,900 1,119 4,582 Travel $ 2,378 Sprrmle, W G Sprout, D. W. 23 Sprovieri A T. 1,293 Sprnwl, T, 1,517 - - Squakin, M, 811 _ Squires, K Dr 5,475 110 Squires, P. J. R. _ - - 1,113 53 3,334 1,265 356 60 1,130 4 7,142 2 3,767 6,556 _ 351 4,688 _ 6,203 388 5,478 _ 3,485 394 Startler T F 8,656 _ 154 — 10,380 1,998 6,041 26 3,240 _ 8,557 _ 503 — 5,548 — 2,358 — 1,114 _ Stanley, M. L. G - 1,759 625 — 7,316 — 2,130 33 8,209 _ 1,233 — 7,390 — Staples, W. J. - 1,364 715 — 4,980 _ 6,264 504 3,576 16 Starkey, Mrs. N. I. - 2,416 1,814 6,750 — — 5,160 — 6,528 _ 6,347 458 2,710 — 5,459 _ 515 22 1,155 _ 6,144 _ 6,381 438 372 _ 6,266 1,452 6,276 3,863 2,107 10,380 51 _ 433 - 117 7,587 4,050 2,779 5,516 6,894 8 Stenberg, Miss M. R. — — _ _ 2,117 _ 7,674 4,518 6,383 6,074 6,624 120 _ _ _ _ - _ Stephenson, J. R. - ~ — 855 3,530 1,075 6,239 219 134 64 10,620 6,381 523 6,168 _ Stevens, G. E. - - - 8,146 1,947 293 2,090 6,682 6,565 _ ■ _ 8,887 _ 8,869 _ . 5,932 . 6,409 _ 461 . 6,890 37 . 5,247 . 6,348 . 7,143 _ Stewart, A. E. - 19 . 6,784 . 3,270 _ Stewart, Miss C. M. __ — Salary Travel $ $ Stewart, D. H. 5,953 — Stewart, G . . 909 — Stewart, H. W . . 604 — Stewart, J. - — - 1,329 — Stewart, J. A . . .. - _ 2,477 — Stewart, J. A. - 11,400 714 Stewart, J. F. .... . . 779 — Stewart, K. A. — . . ... 4,206 — Stewart, Mrs. O. J. _ 5,160 — Stewart, S. H. . . . 5,007 — Stewart, W _ ... _ 8,252 633 Stewart, W. A. - 5,388 — Stiglitz, D. _ 5,817 — Still, G. A. _ 7,233 — Stilling, L. Y. _ _ _ 7,471 — Stillman, D. W. .... 5,881 — Stirling, E. T. .... .... .... 5,786 — Stirling, F. A. _ _ 7,748 — Stirling, J. K _ _ . 6,308 — Stirling, L . . ... 5,805 513 Stobbe, D. C. ~ ... . 6,486 — Stock, D. J. _ .... - _ 7,443 64 Stock, R. R. _ _ 1,051 — Stockand, A. W. _ 4,321 — Stockand, C. V. 3,590 — Stockand, E. . . . _ 6,204 — Stockand, S. J. _ 5,592 — Stoelwinder, M. K. H. _ 999 — Stokes, P. T. _ _ _ 533 — Stolth, E _ _ 9,038 33 Stona, L. L. _ _ 5,138 26 Stone, B. _ _ .... 6,000 — Stone, G. C. . . .. 1,810 — Stone, J. C. _ .... 7,189 — Stone, P. B. . 289 — Stonehouse, A. A. _ 3,486 — Stoochnoff, W. P. _ 2,499 — Stoppa, A. _ . .. 6,006 20 Storrie, J. H . . . . 6,504 — Stotz, L. J . . 213 — Stout, M. 1 _ _ 263 — Stoutenburg, J. 4,693 — Stowe, L. F. . 153 — Stowell, O. E. _ 6,176 — Stowell, W. H . . 717 — Strain, R. G. _ 5,665 — Strand, L. P. . . . . 7,920 — Strandlund, A. M. _ 7,511 87 Stranger, F. _ 1,243 — Stratton, R. . . ._ .... 7,158 — Straughan, D. G. _ 5,790 — Streeter, L. J. _ __ 7,806 — Striegler, A. L. _ 5,810 — Strike, G. _ _ 5,494 — Striker, S. N. _ _ 6,124 — Strohmaier, L. _ 5,913 — Strom, C. A. - 6,774 — Stronstad, R. J . . 3,761 — Strukoff, G - - 8,180 509 Strymecki, R. M _ _ 2,632 108 Stuart, G. F. _ _ _ 869 — Stuart, M. W. D. _ 865 138 Stubbs, W. F. - - 6.310 — Stuible, W. B. _ 6,980 — Stull. I . . . 3,596 — Stupich, S. - - 6,119 — Sturbv, A. _ 7,350 — Sturney, H. R. - - 6,960 367 Styan, V. C. _ 1.606 — Suchy, E. C. _ 767 — Sulin, E. _ _ _ 3,355 138 Sullivan, W. L. - 700 — Sumka, M. S. - 5,341 — Summers, S. J. _ 2,830 — Sumption, J. A. - 1.032 — Sunderman, L. P. - 6,013 10 Sunderman, N. B. _ 9.095 40 Sunderwood, W. J. _ 8,367 267 Suni, A. _ _ 536 — Surina, B. G. ... _ 844 — Surina ,1. P. _ _ 6.212 — Surline, H. _ 8.211 23 Surtees, G. . . . . . 1,974 — Sutherland, A. K. _ 937 — Sutherland, Mrs. F. A. _ 4,980 — Sutherland, J. D _ _ 6,714 497 Sutherland, K. L. _ _ 251 — Sutton, E. . . 1,719 — Sutton, F. _ 3,352 — Sutton, R. R. _ 5.854 20 Sutton, T. D _ _ 6,192 — Suzuki, K. _ _ 3,313 — Sviatko, S. J. - 10,080 2,110 Salary $ Swadling, W. E. _ 2,045 Swallow, R. W . . 2,963 Swanson, A. E. _ _ 6,566 Swanson, A. T. __ _ 2,844 Swanson, C. _ _ 570 Swanson, E. _ 1,153 Swanson, E. H. _ 8,760 Swanson, F. A . 6,596 Swanson, G. A. _ 7,580 Swanson, M. M. _ 2,713 Swanson, R. _ 8,309 Swanson, V. J. _ 4,627 Swanston, Mrs. E. E . 1,373 Swedberg, P. L. - 316 Sweeney, W. B. — ._ — 5,525 Sweeney, W. C. _ - 8,442 Sweet, R. L. _ _ — __ 285 Sweeten, G. R. _ _ _ 7,703 Sweeten, T. A. _ _ _ 5,550 Swenerton, L. D. _ 3,047 Swetlikoe, Miss L. B. _ 3,684 Swetlishoff. P. J. _ . _ 4,415 Swift, C. E _ _ 4,163 Swift, H. _ _ _ 168 Swift, L. G. _ 6,413 Swinamer, G. A . . 2,613 Swindlehurst, R. A. _ 8,027 Swithin, K. W. _ 5,343 Switzer, J. _ . _ 6.928 Switzer, J. _ 297 Sykes, R. S. _ 1.639 Symchych, S _ _ 5,780 Syme, W. D. _ _ _ _ _ 7,306 Symons, M. E. _ 7,397 Syrjala, E. _ _ _ 6,425 Szabo, L. _ 2,170 Szabo, L. _ _ 497 Szerze. O. N. _ 2,646 Szigethy, J. C. _ _ — 2,324 Tabata, R. H. _ _ 2,006 Tabor, E. S. _ 4,104 Tabor, J. _ _ 182 Taggart, J. _ 5,773 Taggart, L. A. _ 7,327 Tahara, S. _ 5,460 Tait, A. S. _ 2,655 Tait, D. L. . 2,380 Tait, G. B. _ 2,563 Takahara, S. _ 4,118 Takamatsu, L. - 748 Takenaka, Mrs. K. F - 3,627 Takeuchi, K. S. _ 1,768 Takimoto, J. Y. _ 5,048 Takimoto, T. _ 5,233 Talarico, R. O. _ 7,358 Talbot, A. A. _ 9,055 Talbot, W. A. _ _ 5,910 Tallman, L. _ 5,947 Tams, T. _ 6,504 Tams, T. L. _ 6,175 Tantrum, J. A. _ 6,538 Taphom, N. E. - - 5,712 Taphorn, R. B. _ 5,880 Tappen, B. L. _ 4,092 Tarron, I. G. _ 5,739 Tasaka, T. A. _ 11,400 Tate, B. C. _ 2,093 Tate, W. R. _ _ 7,860 Tattrie, N. C. _ — 10,880 Tauffenbach, R. J. _ 5,280 Tavema, T. L. _ __ — 8,241 Tayler, K. _ 5,870 Taylor, A. I. _ 2,602 Taylor, A. N. C. _ 5,688 Taylor, C. H. _ _ 2,652 Taylor, C. W. _ 5,144 Taylor, D. J. _ 5,878 Taylor, G. A. _ 1,178 Taylor, H. _ _ _ 5,116 Taylor, J. _ 5,160 Taylor, J. G. _ 1,521 Taylor, J. T. _ 1,383 Taylor, J. W. _ 7,027 Taylor, J. W. _ _ 2,064 Taylor, J. W. _ 6,131 Taylor, K. M. - 6,304 Taylor, L. E. _ 8,876 Taylor, Miss L. J. - 1,182 Taylor, M. J. - 1,527 Taylor, N. _ 3,988 Taylor, R. C. _ _ 4,848 1 ( 0 - f 3,C 1,7 6 2 1,3 2 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 121 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ aylor, R. H. 2,968 73 aylor, R. J. 1,609 — aylor, T. W. - 8,172 — aylor, W. B. .. . 5,910 — aylor, W. L. , 1,343 — aylor, W. M . 7,742 — aylor, W. N. 7,679 4 aylor, W. R. _ - 4,082 146 aylor, W. R. — 6,225 — aylor-Bullen, T. L. . — _ 6,462 — eal, W. E. 6,537 — eer, F. A. — 2,077 — eichroeb, H. 6,340 — eichroeb, J. 6,422 — elford, A. M. - - — 9,182 425 elford, J. M. — . 6,583 — elford, W. A. G. 9,146 — emple, J. E. 1,111 — ennant, E. R. - 5,109 — ennant, M. - - 6,661 — eppema, R. R . 2,948 — epper, H. - . 7,392 — erbasket, D. B. .. - 2,357 21 ereshuk, J. E. - - 5,970 — erwilliger, R. F. 1,737 31 etlock, H. S. . . 5,892 — etreau, F. W. - 7,647 41 hackeray, P. A. - - — 7,284 — halheimer, L. V. - 6,850 — halheimer, M. _ — 6,508 — hatcher, L. . _ 1,616 — hatcher, L. G. - 5,959 — hatcher. R - - 5,384 — hatcher, W . . . 6,660 — herrien, P. H. . __ ~ 269 — hibault, G. - 1,236 — hicke, F. P. _. - — - 4,800 — hiel, G. ... - 5,964 15 hielmann, P . . . 6,083 — hiesen, W, - 6,139 24 hiessen, L. _ ... - - 6,939 — hirion, R. _ - - . 9,113 — hoburn, R. P. - 6,021 — horn, L. _ 1,953 — homa, J. M. — - 2,830 — homas, A. E. - - - 5,448 — iomas, B. 1,460 — nomas, D. _ 5,923 5 nomas, D. P. - 2,518 — iomas, E. .. . ~ — 97 — iomas, E. G. ~ . 4,189 — nomas, F. P. - 2,332 — iomas, G. J. W. 1,652 35 iomas, G. P. .... - _ 6,217 — iomas, H. - - 1,972 — iomas, H. J. _ . . 5,783 — iomas, H. O. _ . .. 10,380 22 iomas, H. W. - - 1,564 — iomas, Harold - - — 5,755 — iomas, J. 748 — iomas, J. H. _ _ 2,875 — iomas, J. J. _ 1,192 — iomas, M. ... — 2,902 — iomas, M. N . . 7,494 — iomas, Mrs. P. - 3,448 — iomas, R. C. _ 336 — lomason, J. B. ~ . . 6,693 — lomasson, F _ _ .... 7,003 — lomlison, B. M. C. - 750 — lompson, A. C. _ 1,846 — lompson, A. R. _ _ _ 2,979 25 lompson, D. . . 6,453 — lompson, D. G. _ 2,434 — lompson, E. F. _ 7,860 1,567 lompson, Mrs. E. M. ._ 4,980 — lompson, F. M. _ _ — 6,870 590 lompson, J. ... 1,293 — lompson, J. A, _ _ . 4,214 45 lompson, J. E. _ 791 25 lompson, M. S. .. ... 6,556 — lompson, R, _ 6,312 14 lompson, R. S _ _ 6,501 — lompson, W. . 87 — lompson, W. G. _ _ _ 7,005 — oms, Miss J. E. _ 167 — omson, A. D. . . 4,600 — omson, J _ _ _ _ _ 3,684 — omson, R, 6,399 39 omson, W. C. . . 10,380 649 omson, W. D. . . . 384 — iony, L, J. . 5,886 1,119 orin, K. G. E. _ _ 5,520 — Thormoset, H. . . . Salary 7,872 4,128 5,665 1,430 854 Travel $ 10 Thorne, Mrs. B. M, _ Thorne, P. T.. Thorneioe, B. P. . Thorniley, S S 88 Thornycroft, J. E. . 6,207 1,747 11,029 6,087 519 Thorsteinson, D. C. _ Thoveson, C. A. _ . ... 315 Threlfall, F. . Thur, J. T . . . Thurber, G. H. _ . 1,410 853 6,021 7,556 1,609 6,981 6,482 6,060 5,770 4,917 7,914 667 _ Thut, R. W. .... Tierney, J. A . — Tilley, R. ... Timmins, W. C. .... . Timpany, R H. 567 Tinahurri P Tinant, M. E. _ . . 600 Tindill, J. .. ... . Tingle, J. B. _ _ _ Tinslev. W Tipping, C. G . ...... _ Tipping, R. P. 4,688 4,677 6,184 677 _ Tipton, C . . Tischik, F. — Tisius, H. G. .... _ __ Tisot, O. R . . . 9,404 199 Titerle, J. A. . . . _ Titus, J. . . . 8,143 1,079 1,096 605 23 Tkach, H. K. _ . Tkacsik, E. .... Tobien. R. F.. Tobin, K 7,175 3,036 136 Toews, D. B. .... . .. Toews, H. B. . . 272 Toews, W., Jr. . . 5,942 7,873 5,883 6,504 1,173 52 Toftager, A. 392 Toftager, H. C. 210 Tognela, S. J. .. . . . 864 Tokaryk, M. S _ _ Tolkamp, W. _ _ _ 6,347 5,953 2,344 2,212 2,176 623 58 Tom, C . . Tombu, J. M. . . Tommv, T. Tommy, L. A. _ Tompson, L. P . .... _ Tona, B. A. . . . . 714 Tondevold, P. A. 12,120 1,975 6,100 7,186 915 5,893 20 Tong, P. I. . . Toop, W. Y. . . . Toor. M. S. Torrao, A. M. . . .... .. Torvik,' W. K. 4,917 4,275 792 Tosoff, Mrs. J. Tourand, L. P. .. _ 25 Tourand, V. A. . 1,360 5,642 2,092 7,951 Tourigny, A. J. _ Tourond, T. E. _ Towgood, G. S. . _ . - — Towill, K. J. ... . . . . 7,988 — Townsend, G. S. _ 1,021 Toye, T. B . . 14,040 304 Tradewell, E. H _ _ 1,946 77 Iran, w. is.. _ Tranfield, A. G . /,a ia 11,880 2,508 Travers, G. P. _ 2,414 1,829 195 Travis, W. F. _ Tregear, J. M. .. . . . . 9,360 6,481 4,861 7.957 7.675 _ Tremblay, A. _ _ Tremblay, C. H. . . . . Tremblay, E. R. - Tremblay, J. - _ _ 559 960 Trill. F. . _ _ _ . 6,325 - Trimble. E. J _ _ _ _ 7,664 _ Trimmer, F. A. - Triplett. W. R. _ 2,693 1.824 — 8,262 558 6,030 Trottier, R. J. . . 6,630 4,196 — Troute, J. R. — . — - 5,220 5.197 — 5,964 _ Truax, G. E. . - - 6,131 6,212 510 Trndel R 6,036 _ 6.738 992 _ _ 5,067 34 Tso F Y. _ _ - 2,314 111 1,840 668 105 Tuck, F. W. _ Salary Travel $ $ Tucker, A. W. _ _ 7,403 Tucker, Mrs. R . . .... 3,640 — Tulip, F. J . . 3,219 _ Tulloch. J. W. 2,216 20 Tuovila, L. G. _ 6,233 — Turick, Mrs. D. _ 3,492 _ Turko, F _ _ _ 5,991 _ Turley, J . 602 — Turlik, A. J . . . 5,977 — Turnbull, A. _ 5,168 — Turnbull, D. R. _ 5,950 — Turnbull, G. J. . .. ... 5,860 — Turnbull, J. H. _ 6,695 — Turncliff, C. A. _ 6,147 — Turner, A. W. _ 5,445 — Turner, D. B. . . 7,860 323 Turner, D. W . 6,477 — Turner, G. C _ _ 6,286 — Turner, H. G. . . 9,754 87 Turner, H. S. . 6,264 — Turner, L. B. _ _ 7,191 — Turner, R. G. _ 4,180 — Turner, R. H . . 6,331 480 Turner, R. L. J . . 2,028 — Turner, R. T. _ 465 398 Turner, R. W . . 2,435 1,088 Turner, T. N. _ 1,753 — Turner, T. W. _ _ 5.904 — Turney, L. J . . 6,800 — Tuttle, A. M. _ 6,115 — Tuttle, R. M. _ _ 6,934 6 Tweed, J. W. _ 6,253 — Tweed, R. W. _ 5,422 — Tweedie, W. M _ _ 2,509 — Twiname, E. O. _ 8,100 290 Tymchuk, W . . 5,820 29 Tysoe, D. F . . . . 1.130 6 Tysoe, J. S. _ 2,417 — Uchida, R. I . _ 2,464 — Ujfalusi, J. _ _ _ 4.944 — Umperville, G. . . . 6,242 — Umpleby, D. T. _ 5,119 — Underdown, W. L . . 6,152 216 Underhill, A. R. _ 9,540 — Underwood, W. M. _ 11,880 2,652 Unger, D _ _ _ _ 1,391 — Unrau, W. _ _ _ 7,226 — Unternaher, J. B. _ _ 7,671 — Uppenborn, D. J. E. _ _ 5,491 — Uppenborn, F. W . . 1 ,657 — Upshaw, H. B. _ _ _ _ 1,879 — Upton, W. R. _ 6,450 — UYae, J. C. _ _ _ 1,600 — Uri, M. B. ... _ 1,462 — Ursulak, E _ _ 2,273 — Usher, R. 11 _ _ 1,239 62 Utz, A. _ _ _ 803 — Utz, .1 _ 6.099 — Utz, N. E. _ _ 262 — Vaanderine, H. J. _ .. 6,892 — Vaccher, G. . . . 101 — Valen. Mrs. E. M. _ 580 — Valentine, G. _ 23 — Valentine, R. A. _ 2,466 — Vallor, It C _ _ 1,407 — Valois, B. . . ... . 881 — Valpy, W. T . . . 300 — Van Angeren, A. A _ 6,758 10 Van Beek, J. N. A _ 1,303 — Van Der Giessen, A _ 5,488 — Van Der Meer, W. _ 6,556 — Van Der Meulen, C. _ 1,910 — Van Dyke, A. T . . 7,324 — Van Dvke, D. B . . 989 37 Van Dyke, M. M. _ 3,214 165 Van Dykhuizen, R. _ 7,938 99 Van Horn, W. R. _ _ 5,816 — Van Kleek, L. M. _ 2,046 77 Van I.uvk. J. P. _ 39 — Van Oepen, H. H. — . ._ 93 — Van Tassel, Mrs. D. V. . 4,206 — Van Tilborg, W. _ 5,439 — Van Tine, D. L. _ 6,617 527 Vance, G. M . . 6,264 — Vander Maaten, J. _ 6,624 — Vanderkooi, A. H. . . 9,690 — Vandermeer, H. C. _ 6,072 — Vanderwal, H . 6,300 — Vanderwolf, G. M. _ _ 6,466 — Vanderwolf, J. H. - - - 6,446 — Vandevelde, D. _ 6,674 34 Vandrishe, P. D. - 6,379 88 122 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Vanhorn, E. J. - 6,095 — Vanlerberg, D. R. - 6,527 826 Vansickle, J. G. _ 6,752 — Vanzanden, J. - 2,343 — Varady, B. _ _ 7,454 389 Vatkin, W. P. — . — 6,024 — Vaughan, D. R. - 8,558 — Vaughan, R. O. - 333 — Vedder, J. - 3,615 — Veideman, E. T. - - 6,500 — Veilette, N. - — - 5,696 12 Veilleux, E. J. - 1,621 — Veitch, Mrs. L. K. - 6,384 — Veitch, R. W. - 10,500 3,285 Veil, V. K. - 129 23 Veltri, G. . . - . 5,337 — Veninga, J. - 3,400 — Ventress, K. - 2,697 — Vere, P. E . — 1,270 — Veres, A. - 3,161 — Verhage, C. J. - 5,885 — Vesnauer, A. - 1,876 — Vetter, F. L. - 5,796 194 Vickers, D. N. - 6,888 211 Vickers, Mrs. J. L. - 4,433 — Vickers, T. V. E. - - 9,354 — Vickers, T. W. - 1,101 — Viers, C. K - - 7,661 — Vigue, H. - 6,548 — Vigue, L. - 1,515 — Vilac, D. P. - 4,450 — Vincent, C. V. - - 7,337 — Vincent, H. R. - - 2,167 — Vineyard, J. - 1,524 — Vipond, I. D. - - - - 514 — Vipond, R. - 6,336 — Vipond, R. A. - 19 — Virani, N. - — 780 — Vishloff, P J. - - - 5.908 — Vlahovic, I. D. - 1,889 — Vodden, H. J. - 2,011 5 Vogel, R. H. - 306 — Voigt, N. A. - 6,025 — Void. 1 . _ 303 — Volk, J. _ _ 6,876 — Vollinger, E. R. - 5,756 — Vollinger, Mrs. G. I. _ — 4,788 — Von Hevking. A. - 1,865 — Von Lienen, M. - 5,813 — Voysey, J. E. - 5,946 — Vulcano, E. . . — 5,229 — Vye, T. N . . 6,678 — Wade, G. I . _ 5,951 — Wade, H. C. - - 5,691 16 Wade, P. D. - 1.360 — Wade, R. L. - 1,224 — Wader, L. R. - 6,193 — Wagg, G. W. - 6,888 — Wah, D. C. _ 2,559 — Wahl, K. W - - 4,861 — Wain, S. C - - 5,548 — Wakeman, K. J. - - 6,545 — Walcer, A. 58 — Walden, D. C. M. - 605 — Waldon, R. K. - 96 — Waldorf, H R . 6,709 — Wales, C. B. _ 1,329 — Walisser, A. - 12,042 496 Walisser, B. E. - — 682 — Walker, B. - - - 1,218 22 Walker, B. - 7,860 225 Walker, C. E. - - — 8,966 — Walker, C. J. - 5,975 — Walker, D. E. _ - 1.326 — Walker, D. G. - 8,528 571 Walker, F. T. — . . 749 — Walker, H. A. - 8,856 669 Walker, H. C. 5,888 — Walker, H. R. - 6.624 — Walker, H. T. - 5,922 — Walker, J. - 6,002 — Walker, J - - 6,565 — Walker, J. G. - - 7.827 — Walker, Mrs. L. C. - 5,580 — Walker, M. C. - 1,895 6 Walker, M. E. - 5,877 — Walker, R. A. - 5,755 — Walker, R. J. - 1,655 77 Walker, R. W. - 5,675 14 Walker, W. R 1,128 343 Wall. J. - - . . /,363 — Salary Travel $ $ Wall, L. F. . . . . 6,455 — Wall. P. C. . . . . . 1.466 20 Wallace, Mrs. A. J. 922 — Wallace, Mrs. L. A . . 4,560 — Wallace, R. J. _ _ 6,854 — Walls, W. . . . 8,420 348 Walmesley, E. R. 7,361 — Walper. J. R . . 6,160 — Walsh, R. G. . . . _ . 5,734 359 Walsh. W. E. . . . 7,896 — Walt, S. . . . 5,445 — Walter. R. M. . _ _ 1,510 — Walton, A. J _ _ 3,073 — Walton, C. G. _ 6,116 1,357 Walton, C. R. _ _ _ _ 5,262 — Walton, H. G. _ 776 — Walton, H. J. .. . . . 1,365 50 Walton, K. R. .. . . 7,283 839 Walton. L. _ 400 — Ward. A. _ _ 6,096 — Ward, A. G. _ 6,417 1,110 Ward, H. K. .... . ...... 8,460 8 Ward, J. E. _. . _.. . 7,147 — Ward. R. C. _ _ _ 376 — Warden, D. _ 6,504 604 Ware, G. _ _ — 969 — Ware, G. C. _ _ 5,610 — Warick, D. A. ._ _ ..... 2,106 136 Waring, H. A. _ 9,660 939 Waring, H. W. . . 2,205 — Waring, J. . . . . . 9,164 — Waring, T. H. . . . . 834 — Wark, G. W. R. _ 2,072 — Warkentin, F. _ 2,265 — Warlow, D. E. _ _ _ 4,877 — Warman, L. G. . . . ... 6,731 — Warnock, R. A. _ 6,313 — Warren, R. D. _ 19 — Warrington, G. A. _ 8,743 783 Warrington, J. _ 1,920 1,302 Washtock, Q. E _ _ 186 — Waterfield, 11. _ 6,261 — Waterman, A. G. . . . . 6,534 13 Waters, A. M. _ ..... 6,747 — Waters. D. B. . . 4,891 10 Waters, R. A. _ _ _ 2,246 — Waterson. R. T. _ 6,061 — Watkins, F. G. . . 2,816 — Watkins, G. C _ _ _ 8,261 385 Watkins, M. _ _ _ _ 6,217 — Watkins, M. S. _ 1,610 35 Watkinson, D. E. _ 5,796 18 Watkinson, F. D. _ 5,075 — Watkinson, T. _ _ 7,082 — Watson, A. J . . 676 — Watson, A. R. . . . 8,539 — Watson, D. G. 1,569 — Watson, G. E. - - 7,039 — Watson, J. . .. 7,228 50 Watson, J. . . 7,174 — Watson, J. C . . 3,385 279 Watson, J. H. . . . 8,213 — Watson, J. W. . . — . 1,281 — Watson, M. . - - 541 — Watson, R. A. . . . . 5,938 77 Watson, S. _ _ 6,195 — Watson, T. H. . . 393 — Watson, W. E. _ 6,282 116 Watters, D. G. _ 1,473 — Watts, A. H. _ _ _ 6,333 15 Watts, J. A. _ _ _ 5,359 — Waugh, N. R. _ _ 5,576 — Weal, G. F . . 5,709 — Webb, C. E. _ _ ... 5,587 — Webb, D. I. . . . 6,143 — Webb. M. H. _ _ _ 438 — Webber, C. H. .. . . 89 — Webber, E. C. - - 7,648 66 Webber, J. G. _ 7,745 — Webber, R. B . . 3,034 — Webber, R. V. . . 515 — Webster, A. J. _ _ _ 5,996 — Webster, E. C . . 15,060 2.511 Webster, V. _ _ _ 5.817 74 Weddell, D. B. _ 780 — Weddell, M. J. _ 1,427 — Weed, Miss V. A. _ 3,116 — Weeks. E. E. _ 4.516 — Weich. A. A. _ 5,283 — Weicker, B. A. _ _ _ 2.387 — Weir. K. G . . 6.067 72 Weir, P. M. _ _ _ 2,855 — Weir. R. V . . . . 2,744 — Weir. Mrs. S. J. _ 3.024 — Weishuhn, D. G. - 400 — Salary Trave $ $ Weishuhn, G. W. _ 3,292 Weiss, E. _ 6,476 2: Weiss, T. G . . . . . 5,260 i< Welbourn, E. H. _ ... 5,924 Welch, ) . . . .... 3,018 _ Welch, W. P _ _ 8,080 2 Wells, J. E. . . . . 8,606 24< Wells, N. W . . 10,380 2,26' Wellwood, M. W. .. 6,983 _ Wellwood, W. D. . 6,852 _ Welsh, C _ _ _ 5,878 — Welsh, G. _ _ 297 _ Wenzel. R. J . 6,572 _ Werhun, J _ _ _ 3,489 _ Werner, J. . . 6,781 _ Werner, J. J. . . . 454 _ Wesnedge, G. _ _ 6,641 — Wesslen, J. W. _ _ _ 6,242 26: West, H. W _ _ _ _ 2,865 _ West, R. _ . 6,172 _ West, T. C. . . . . . 6,026 _ Westawav, D C. 10,380 49 i Westcott, W. . . 3,775 _ Westergard, J. H . 4,893 _ Westfall. G. _ _ 224 _ Westfield. H. _ . 5,853 Westman, G. H . 6,437 9! Weston, R. L. . 6,602 i,08: Wetterstrom, L. A . . 6,893 Wetton. R. E. . 1.801 _ Whalley, H. C. . . 6,130 — Whallev, L. L. 4,345 45( Wharf, N. G . . . 7,284 3' Wheale, R. A. _ 5,304 r, Wheatley, Mrs. D. E. . 4,788 _ Wheeler, B. M. _ _ 5,126 _ Wheeler, C. _ _ 5,160 3: Whibley, W. J . 5,411 Whicker, D. J . 1,461 — Whiilin. E. B. . . 1,279 _ Whiston, F. G. _ _ _ _ 5,591 _ White, Mrs. E. _ 4,524 — White. E. . . . . 5,442 — White, E. M . . 4.524 45' White, G. H . . . . 7,115 — White, Mrs. J. A. _ 341 — White, J. B. . 5,959 — White. Mrs. J. M . . 4,804 — White, J. W . . . . 2,370 It White. K. W _ _ 8,376 — White, N. G. . . . . 6,137 — White, R. B . 1,228 7! White. R. C. . . 230 — White, R. G. _ 12,900 2,3 8< White. R. R _ _ _ 3,240 — White, S. B _ _ 827 5: White, W. I _ 5,753 — Whitehead, B. .. 4,704 47: Whitehead, Mrs. M . . 1,475 — Whitehurst, G. A. . . . 2,274 — Whiteley, E. W _ _ 221 — Whitmore. Miss J. M. .... 2,251 — Whitney, E. L _ _ 6,115 — Whitney, G. R. _ _ 6.132 — Whyte, G. M. _ _ _ _ 658 — Widen, A . . . 1.178 — Widen, L. J. _ 6,188 — Widen. P. D. 2.054 — Widmark, R. W. _ 6,212 — Wiebe, A. _ ... 7.617 — Wiebe, B. A. _ _ _ 5,861 — Wiebe, H. G. _ _ _ 5.151 1! Wiebe, J. _ _ _ 5,749 — Wiebe. W. R. . . 7,444 — Wieczorek. R. .1 . 3.072 — Wiens, Miss I. M. . . 3,996 — Wiens, W. C. . . . 6.637 1,04' Wierzba, B. E. _ _ 5.132 401 Wightman, B J. _ 1,030 — Wilbur. A. D . 8,529 — Wilbur. D. S. _ _ - 2,567 — Wilbur. 1 W. _ 6,070 — Wilcock, H - - 1,973 — Wilcox, A. _ 1.286 — Wilde, B _ _ 8,819 511 Wilde, D. R _ _ _ _ 179 - i Wilde, H. E. _ 10.588 8: Wilde, R. K _ _ 5,802 7< Wildeman, M. - 5,652 — Wildegrube, A. R. - - 7,703 31 Wilding, A. R. - - - 2,260 — Wiley, A. K. _ 5,966 — Wiley, G. W. . . . 7,430 38 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 123 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ /iley, K. - ... . - 699 — Viley, R. R. _ _ _ 6,261 — Vilkes, I. C . . . 6,309 — Vilkins, Mrs. D. . 4,980 — Vilkins, D. W. . . 1,121 — Vilkins, E. B. _ 17,400 1,303 Vilkins, K. R. _ 3,062 34 /ilkinson, A. J. - 4,200 — /ilkinson, A. J. - 6,177 — /ilkinson, G. . . 480 — /ilkinson, W. E . . . . 6,995 — /ilkison, J. E _ _ 2,497 — /ilkison, J. S. - 2,212 — /illan, R. G. . . . 3,464 9 /illcox, J. S. W. _ 5,040 — /illden, J. E. C. - 7,604 600 /illerton, N. _ _ _ _ 5,002 — /illford, C. W . 4,752 - - /illford, S. A. . . — 6,450 — Williams, A. B. . 5,374 375 Williams, A. S. _ 5,376 — /illiams, B. H. _ 900 — Williams, C. B . . 5,766 529 Williams, D. - - .... 6,990 260 /illiams, D. J _ _ 7,776 216 /illiams, D. S. . . . 2,538 — /illiams, E. . . . . . 1,906 — /illiams, E. C. _ 3,062 — /illiams, F. _ 3,243 — /illiams, G. T. _ _ _ 1,416 — /illiams, I. C . . . 9,521 600 /illiams, J. D . . 5,413 — /illiams, J. E. . _ 5.955 — /illiams, J. E. _ 3,769 — /illiams, J. E. _ 7,341 3 /iliiams, J. J. _ 5,955 — /illiams, J. S. 2,481 — /illiams, J. W . . . 4,650 — /illiams, J. W. _ 154 — /illiams, K. _ 858 — /illiams, L. A. _ 7,368 584 /illiams, L. E. _ _ _ 5,832 182 /illiams, M. _ _ _ 1,413 — /illiams, M. _ 6,353 — /illiams, M. C. _ 842 — /illiams, M. E. _ 5,846 — 'illiams. R. 4,804 — 'illiams, R. A. _ _ _ 6,845 — 'illiams, R. C. _ 5,626 — 'illiams, R. E . . 1,718 94 'illiams, R. H. . . 993 — 'illiams, R. H. J _ _ 5,520 — 'illiams, S. _ 3,218 — 'illiams, T. C . _ . . 5,264 46 'illiams, T. J . . 6,726 4 'illiams, T. L. . . 5,876 — 'illiams, W. W . . . 7,401 — 'illiamson, A. E . . 6,858 57 'illiamson, A. M. _ .... 3,670 — 'illiamson, C. K. _ 622 — illiamson, T. W. _ 780 — illig, E. _ _ _ 8,428 24 illimont, D. W. T. . 3,924 — Ms, J. R. _ _ _ .. 5,971 — ills, R. T. _ _ 6,370 — ilmot, L. T. . 8,368 81 ilson, B. J. _ 1,814 26 ilson, B. M . . 3,456 91 ilson, C. B. _ _ 5,268 24 ilson, C. C. _ _ 7,863 — ilson, C. J. _ 1,229 — ilson, D. F. _ _ 1,905 — ilson, D. W _ _ 6,987 — ilson, E. . . . . 611 — ilson, E. M. . . . . 6,431 25 ilson, F. M . . . . 5,214 _ ilson, G. . . . . 5,466 — ilson, G. A. _ _ 6,258 — ilson, H _ _ . .... 5,938 — ilson, H. D . 1,149 — ilson, J. H. . . 5,622 600 ilson, K. J. . 5,460 _ ilson, N . . . . 3,169 — ilson, N. A. _ _ 3,340 220 ilson, O. _ _ 5,989 _ ilson, P. G. _ _ _ 7,238 618 ilson, P. J. _ 6,404 _ ilson, R. .. _ 6,858 — ilson, R. A . 1,307 — ilson, R. C _ _ 5,100 — ilson, R. E . . . . 558 41 ilson, R. S. _ .... 5,798 — Wilson, T. D _ _ Salary $ 501 Travel $ Wilson, V. _ 154 _ Wilson, W. J. _ 4,266 — Wilson, W. J. ... 7,547 — Wilton, H. W. . . — 97 Wilton, T. J. _ _ 5,045 — Winbow, R. _ 8,460 — Windle, C. G. _ _ _ 5,473 — Windle, G . . 6,412 — Windley, N. W . . . . 361 — Windrum, W. R . 5,106 — Winkler, R. W. _ 4,588 — Winnig, B. B . . . 6,426 58 Winnig, E. _ 5,932 — Winstanley, A. J. _ 182 — Winstanley, H. E. _ 7,919 — Winther, L. A. _ _ _ 5,982 — Winton, J. A. . . . . .. 4,788 — Wischoff, A. W. _ __ 6,359 — Wise, R. T _ _ _ _ 6,222 — Wishart, G. 6,318 — Wishart, H. W. _ 5,769 547 Witiuk, J. _ 6,077 — Witt, K. B. _ 1,791 _ Witter, H _ _ 1,766 — Wittig, C. V . . 8,745 321 Witzel, M. S . . . . 7.430 — Witzer, P. R . 6,630 — Witzke, G. T. _ 2,499 — Wlasuk, A. . . ... . . 9,538 1,661 Wocknipz, K. B _ _ 1,698 — Woinoski, B. H. _ 5.577 — Wojak, E. W. _ 5,534 1,211 Wolf, B. W . . . . . 8,160 298 Wolf, H. F. . . 6,157 185 Wolfe, F. 1 _ _ 2,612 — Wolfe, L. J. _ 606 — Wolfe, R. G. _ 1.804 — Wolfe, W, N. _ _ _ 5,336 — Wolff, D. E. 6,304 35 Wolfram, F. W. . . 6,541 21 Wolstenholme, R. _ 5,936 14 Wong, H. 411 Wong, V. H _ _ Wongstedt, E. A _ _ 2,031 7,399 — Wood, D. J. 1,655 Wood, F. W. . Wood, J. E. N . . . Wood, J. R. . . . . Wood, R. W. _ Woodcock, W. C . — 6,571 12,370 6,181 5,755 5,941 — Woodford, F _ _ _ . 146 _ Woodford, K. H. _ Woodliffe, C. V. _ 6,098 3,065 — Woodman, G. . . 59 Woodruff, C _ _ _ _ Woods, B. V. . . . . 5,422 3,360 53 Woods! C. G. _ _ _ Woods, F. . _ _ _ Woods, R. W. _ _ Woodward, H. _ .... 5,226 6,068 6,900 — Woodward, R. D . . Woodward, R. K. Wookey, J. L - - Woolsev, G. - - Woolsey, W. G. _ 5,607 296 4.506 6,262 1,341 25 Worden, M. G. _ 2,514 6 Workman, W. R . . 11,400 5.011 68 Worthing, R. G. _ Woychyshyn, M. - Wozney, R. W. ... - Wozny, J. _ _ — Wraight, A. S. . . 5.737 6,791 1,598 5,886 493 Wray, J. G . . . Wren, L. G . . — Wright, A. E . . . Wright, A. L. - - - 337 6,772 5,634 3,397 348 32 212 Wright, F. M. - 1,352 1,058 — Wright, G. V. - - _ 3,127 51 3 9,819 _ Wright, R. W . . 3,066 2.630 192 Wright, W. H. . . - 8,288 5.587 957 6,905 _ Wyber. D. W. . . . 7,606 316 Wylie, N. W. _ _ Wynn, W _ _ _ _ Wyse, R . . Salary .. . 7,284 . 5,878 . .. 1,242 Travel $ 3 Wysk, J. _ ... 6,753 Yaciw, M. D. _ . 1,139 Yager, E. G . . 2,709 _ Yager, G. . . _ _ . 6,540 43 Yakimovich, P. S. .... ..... 4.432 Yakiwchuk, W. R. .... 1,760 Yakoweshen, S. _ . 2,038 _ Yalowega, R. E . . — - 6,081 28 Yamaoka, R. M . ... 6,687 499 Yamashiro, T. . _ 2,888 Yamelst, C. B . . 1,009 . Yanciw, W. 6,777 _ Yates, G. A. 7,070 _ Yearsiey, T. R . ... 10,080 3,817 4 Yells, P. J. ..... 7,303 Yeo, P. R. 3,737 Yerev, N K 5,358 _ Yockey, R. 7,058 _ York, L. . . . 8,105 . _ York, L. V . _. .... 2,122 - Young, A. .... 5,949 . Young, A. J. .. . 603 _ Young, A. L. _ .. 7,474 10 Young, B. G. ... _ _.. 5,162 Young, C . . . .. 1,414 _ Young, D. . _ _ . .. 7,215 _ Young, D. M . ..... 4,230 _ Young, E. _ _ . .. 5,365 . Young, Mrs. E. K. .. .... 4,050 _ Young, F. L . ...... 7,213 214 Young, G. D . . . . . 7,685 Young, G. K . . . .... 2,256 _ Young, G. R. . . . . Young, J _ _ _ .... 8,630 . . 5,849 — Young. K. A. 8,438 94 Young, Miss M. _ 737 Young, Miss M. C. . 4,980 . Young, O. A . 1,755 _ Young, R. D . . . 5,740 84 Young, R. L. - _ .... . . 5,674 Young, T. L. Young, Mrs. V. M. ...... 1,420 225 70 Youngman. G. . . . .. 1,890 _ Yung7 H. H. K. 3,641 _ Yungblut, J. _ ... . . 6,351 445 Yusko, G. _ _ - Zachow, Mrs. L. E. _ Zackodnik, G. G. _ .... 5,655 _ 3,822 579 Zagar, L. . . . 3,412 _ Zaitsoff. P. K. ... .... ... 5,220 _ Zamis, F. _ ~ . 1,835 _ Zammayer, K. P. _ .. .. 2,600 _ Zanussi, D. J. . . ...... 6,608 4 Zapf, N. R. .. .. 15,060 798 Zaporoski, Z. _ Znpornzan, T W ...... 7,460 ...... 10,342 12 1,896 Zaporozan, W. P. Zarkovic, R. ... _ ... 7,980 .. .. 1,236 380 Zazzara, W. J. _ _ Zbinden, A. . . Zeleznik, A. J. _ Zerr, R. P. _ ..... 3,713 . 7,231 _ 1,678 ...... 5,394 15 Zettergreen, B. L . „ .... 6,765 Zielke, J. E. _ _ _ .... 7,806 _ Ziemer, E. R. _ ...... 5,863 _ Zilinski, D. P. _ Zimmerman, A. _ Zimmerman, E. T. _ ...... 5,427 1,788 ...... 5,828 66 Zimmerman, H. O. Zoellmer, H. _ . 10,156 .... 7,100 972 Zoobkoff, W. M. .. . . . 1,325 _ Zwarych, M. M. _ ...... 6,198 _ Zwiers. S. R. .. .. 3.525 _ Automobile and other un¬ allocated Departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments . — Transfers, other depart¬ ments . . — - - —299,605 35,514 + 122 Sub-total, Department of Highways ("exclu¬ sive of " B.C. Fer¬ ries ” Division). -3 1,565, 872 625,773 124 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Aldous, M. F., General Manager - - - Abbot, R. L. - Abbott, G. R. - Abbott, L. M. - Abrahams, R. _ _ Abrams, A. H. - Achtzner, E. J. P . . Adams, C. W. - Adamson, J. G. - Addison, J. A. _ Addison, J. M . . Aelbers, C. A. P. - Akins, J. S. - Alexander, D. U. - Alexander, Mrs. H. K. — Alexander, S. - Allan, D. G. - Allan, J. B. — _ - Allan, W. P. - Allen, M. J. _ Allen, N. J. - Allison, H. D. - Almond, I. R. - Altin, E. R. - Aman, C. W. - Ames, V. _ Amodeo, H. G. — - - Andersen, C. M. - - Andersen, F. W. - Andersen, I - - Andersen, R. H. — _ - Anderson, A. E. - Anderson, A. E. - Anderson, A. R. - Anderson, B. E. _ Anderson, G. _ Anderson, J. T. - __ — Anderson, K. L. - Anderson, Mrs. L . . Anderson, Mrs. P. M. - Anderson, R. R. - Anderson, T. T. _ Anderson, W. - Anderson, W. B. _ _ Anderton, Mrs. L. - Andjelkovic, B. _ _ Andrews, R. D. - Andreychuk, Mrs. H. A. _ Andrieshyn, R. K. _ Annan, T. F. - Anthony, J. L. - Anvik, J. I. - Apland, A. W. - Appleby, G. J - - Appleton, J. - Appleyard, H. - Arden, L. A. - Armstrong, E. S. - Armstrong, Mrs. J. M - Aseltine, Mrs. M. E. - Ashmore, R. J. - Assman, A. — - Auer, Mrs. E. J. - Aune, H. J. - Austin, E. W. - - Austin, J. - - - - Avoledo, Mrs. M. D. - Ayles, G. - Ayres, T. J. - Azevedo. N. T. - Baglo, C. H. - Bahry, A. - Bailey, R. H. - — - Bailey, S. E. - Bain, N. T. - Bain, W. A. - Bainbridge, R. A. - Baines, Miss R. - Baker, R. W. - Baldock, T. J. - Baldwin, G. - Baldwyn, Miss P. L - Ball, E. A. - Banman, E . . Bannister, J. B. - Barber, J. M. - Barber, W. G. - Barby, R. D. - - - Barker, D. W. - Barker, G. W. - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ 20,000 2,594 2,029 — 11,170 50 5,278 — 3,348 3 6,257 — 5,124 — 10,384 — 4,991 40 1,667 — 1,803 55 5,730 30 6,435 — 11,658 56 5,149 — 446 — 731 — 8,957 160 507 — 3,917 113 265 — 217 — 837 — 9,057 13 2,912 — 141 — 12,156 — 5,255 — 2,318 — 6,338 — 11,905 4 6,123 50 475 — 10,038 — 928 — 5,324 — 879 — 5,267 — 455 — 3,754 — 7,117 326 141 — 7,325 68 4,637 — 4,705 — 5,890 63 5,667 — 435 — 5,132 — 11,160 1,625 143 — 8,820 792 4,886 — 5,195 — 10 — 5,352 — 314 — 5,151 — 6,024 — 4,426 — 9,466 60 8,280 1,082 1,018 — 5,751 — 2,525 — 5,366 — 4,179 — 2,189 — 3,520 — 9,177 25 2,306 — 9,549 31 4,808 — 1,458 — 489 — 8,498 36 5,489 — 191 — 9,804 — 3,329 13 12,600 2,268 2,725 — 25 — 5,858 — 5,559 — 4,228 — 7,981 652 138 — 6,555 — 7,549 13 “ B.C. Ferries ” Division Salary Travel $ $ Barker, Mrs. J. _ 4,484 — Barker, J. W. _ 5,804 16 Barkley, H. J. ... .. _ 1,869 — Barlow, F. 5,776 335 Barnabe, A _ _ 5,324 — Barnard, B. K. _ 2,386 — Barnes, D. W. _ 472 _ Barnett, B. H. . . _ 1,710 — Barnett, Miss L. E. L _ 4,079 — Barnett, R. L. 6,305 — Barre, R. S _ _ 1,056 — Barrett, M. J. ... _ . 5,357 — Barrie, R. B. _ 8,515 15 Barrington-Boam, J. _ 3 — Barry, R., Sr. . . . 2,526 327 Barstad, W. A. _ 6,049 — Bartee, D. W. _ 956 _ Barttoff, Mrs. A. . . 3,467 — Baruth. K. H. _ . 7,020 — Bate, D. J. _ _ 1,984 — Bateman, D. G. _ 3,721 — Bates, T. M. C . . . 2,417 — Batstone, R. G . . . 5,169 _ Batten, Miss S. M . 3,401 _ Battersbv, R. G. . . 1,704 — Baxter, D. H. _ 8,833 12 Baxter, Mrs. E. A. _ _ 4,158 _ Baynton, Mrs. N. J. _ 1,896 11 Bazeley, D. S. _ 162 _ Beardshaw, G. 2,074 _ Bearpark. F. _ _ 2,405 _ Beaton. R. D. .. . 1,709 _ Beaudry, Mrs. R. 56 _ Beaulieu, A. J. 567 _ Beaumont, G. M. 6,955 100 Beaupre, R. M. _ 1.746 30 Becir, N . . 52 Beck, G. C. . .. .... 12,513 6 Beck, Mrs. M. L. . . 51 _ Beckett. M. E . . 5,018 _ Bedford. R. M. _ 10 _ Bedwell, P. A. 3,121 _ Beebe, E. . . . 568 _ Beech, B. J. 1,878 _ Beech, D. R _ _ 2.639 _ Begley, J. E. _ 159 — Behan, K. D. _ 5.720 _ Behnsen. P. E. _ 6,207 _ Belak, R. B. 16 — Bell, A. 1). . . 4.482 31 Bell, Alfred D _ _ 355 — Bell. J. G . . 1.274 — Bell, J. V _ _ 12,610 45 Bell. K. R. _ 63 _ Bell. R J. _ _ _ _ 2,922 — Rendrodt. L. J. _ 4,943 — Bennett, J. . _ 3.342 4 Rennett. R. A. H. _ _ 7.656 265 Bennett. R. E. _ .. 1.274 _ Bennett, R. W. _ 489 — Rennett, W. . . . . 7.942 8 Rergbusch, J. C. _ 1.742 — Berrow. Mrc. J. M. _ 4.270 — Berrv, D. K _ 5,761 — Berrv. D. M. _ 288 — Berrv, W. C. _ _ _ 2,187 — Becse. .T. P . . 3,777 — Best. G. W . . 1,691 — Best. H. 1 997 — Betts Miss B M. 1,788 — Bhattacharjee, P. K. _ 6.112 106 Bielby, V. _ .... 4.585 2 Biggs. T. 11. _ _ _ 1,380 — Bill. J. W. _ _ 1.007 — Rilton. Mrs. M. J. _ 700 — Rinsharn. B. C. . . 18 — Birch, E. J. _ _ _ _ _ 4,610 — Bird, F. 5.7^3 — Bird. R J _ _ 6.676 — Bishop, Miss P. M. _ 892 — Rishop, S. O. _ _ _ 37 — Rielland. O. _ 12 124 192 Black, G. A. _ 3.730 — Black. Mrs. J. L. . . 4.652 — Blackler, Mrs. M. A. _ 2.744 — Blades. D. H. _ 5,320 — Blain, L. B. _ 6,460 — Blaine, R. A . . . . 5,965 — Blair, Mrs. A. E. _ __ 14 — Blair, M. A. _ _ _ 3,418 — Salary $ Blair, P. _ 5,304 Blais, Miss Y. M. L. _ 1,705 Blakeman, F. E. _ 3,981 Blin, F. _ 5,123 Blnicow, W. D _ _ 3,647 Bliss, A. S. _ 5,258 Bloomquist, B. D. _ 1,968 Blum, H . . 362 Bobyn, D. J. _ 182 Booking, R. J. _ 1,632 Boisvert, A. C. _ 1,794 Bolton, W. B. _ 5,421 Bomberry, O. L. _ 3,283 Bonar, M. _ 899 Bond, Mrs. K. C. _ 2,586 Borserio, L. J. _ 1,053 Bothwell, V. _ .. _ 7,710 Bouchard, A. W. ..._ _ 4,698 Bouhcard, R. A. _____ _ 153 Boucher, D. M. _ 269 Bourbonnais, R. L. _ 1,761 Bourne, D. W. _ 96 Bourne, J. K. _ 5,787 Bowack, R. H. _ 5,752 Bowditch, J. A. _ 6,022 Bowen, D. C. _ 5,380 Bowers, L. M. __ _ 1,847 Bowker, Mrs. R. G. _ 1,709 Bowring, B. G. _ 11,141 Boyd, D. J _ 990 Boyd, J. J. _ _ 1,560 Boyle, E. __ . _ . 1,037 Brackett, Miss V. F. _ _ 3,309 Bradley, A. R. _ 5,378 Bradley, Mrs. D. E. _ 210 Bradley, J. F. _ 5,672 Bradley, V. S. _ 1,065 Braid, T. C. _ 11,144 Branbandt, Mrs. E. A. _ 2,939 Brandle, B. H. _ 453 Brandson, R. D. _ 5,708 Brede, R. A. _ _ _ 2,388 Brehaut, D. W. _ _ _ 50 Brennan, J. H. _ 2,059 Brennan, T. H. _ 3,983 Brewer, D. R. M. _ 3,493 Brewster, L. F. _ 1,273 Bridgen, H. W. _ 3,302 Briere, Miss J. A. _ 3,161 Briner, J. _ 566 Briscoe, G. _ 5,333 Britner, Mrs. L. M. _ 1,229 Britney, M. S. _ 6,013 Brock, Mrs. L. _ 4,362 Brockbank, H. _ 954 Brodbeck, E. _ 7,307 Brodie, L. A. _ 852 Brooks, Mrs. D. M. _ 4,470 Browett, Mrs. E. M. _ 4,959 Brown, A. . _ _ 5,283 Brown, Mrs. E. S. _ 4,119 Brown, Mrs. H. L. _ __ _ 4,980 Brown, J. H. _ 11,908 Brown, L. J. _ 2,187 Brown, M. _ 7,477 Brown, M. S. _ 6,025 Brown, P. S. _ _ 3,385 Brown, R. C. C. _ 123 Brown, T. G. _ 710 Browne, J. R. _ 6,340 Bruce, Mrs. C. A. _ 1,000 Brummer, F. T. _ 2,792 Brune, L. D. __ _ 4,876 Bruse, V - - 6,371 Bryan, R. R. _ 8,287 Buchan, A _ _ 75 Buckler, T. A. _ 673 Buckley, Mrs. S. C. _ 3,828 Budda, R. W. _ 4,591 Buitenwerf, J . . 5,857 Bulatovic, Mrs. S. - 151 Bunyan, J _ _ 9,453 Burchett, Miss S. A. - 37 Burgess, A. C. _ 5,986 Burke, R. J. _ 4,944 Burke, T. A. _ 1,031 Burnett, G. D. _ 800 Burns, F. J. _ 6,592 Burns, G. _ 324 Burns, W. _ 9,857 Burrell, D. A. _ 1,504 Burridge, S. C. N. _ 4,407 21 5 3 2 7 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 125 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued a urrill, A. S. - arrows, Mrs. B. M. arrows, Mrs. E. S. - arrows, L. _ arrows, T. - — arton, A. I. _ usch, G. P. _ — usch, P. J. - - ash, G. E. _ ash, G. W. _ ushell, J. R. _ using, R. C. N. atler, Miss P. L. _ Jtler, S. F. Salary $ 104 4,275 4,453 210 10,790 9,806 4,929 2,341 2,972 1,499 5,150 5,050 665 1,117 itterfield, J. - itterworth, C. G. _ non, C. H. _ _ _ /ron, K. I. _ tron, T. - idieux, H. L. _ _ iffelle, R. N. _ lin, R. R. _ _ urns, C. J. _ _ ikebread, W. R. _ ildecott, Mrs. B. A. ilder, J. P. _ lderbank, K. R. _ ildwell, R. R. _ ley, W. H. I. _ illan, J. D. _ Hard, J. E. _ llaway, L. B. _ How, Mrs. E. J. _ uneron, E. B. _ mfield, C. mpbell, A. N. _ mpbell, C. G. _ mpbell, Mrs. D. B. _ mpbell. D. N. _ mpbell, H. P. _ mpbell, I. _ mpbell, J. C. _ mpbell, P. P. _ mpbell, R. D. _ mpbell, R. J. _ mpion, A. A. _ ne, W. J. _ nt, J _ _ ntrill, Mrs. B. E. _ _ ntrill, W. _ rbrey, J. J. _ rey, C. F. _ rlberg, H. W. _ rlson, C. V. _ rlson, D. C. _ rlson, Mrs. F. _ rmichael, M. M. _ rmichael. R. S. _ rpenter, J. H. _ rr, A. S. _ lit, C. B. _ rroll, R. _ _ rstairs. Miss J. _ rter, D. _ rter, E. M. _ _ 5,422 1,483 422 406 5,649 1,031 2,036 3,032 4,181 7,376 2,576 34 710 4,934 3,846 12,714 7,335 417 I, 472 5.604 8,179 2,103 6,384 4,450 II, 758 72 2.770 6,568 83 124 3.205 6,666 8,565 8.201 291 6.205 38 5,728 8.771 5,372 1.604 2,807 18 2,386 11,235 6.639 3,264 5,597 1.639 12,085 5,624 Travel $ 44 56 ltler-Cole, T. G. _ 2,874 — 31 113 12 9 52 20 444 186 13 267 7 5 4 51 rter, F. P . 4,525 — rter, M. F. _ _ 9,122 — rter, M. L. _ _ _ 534 — rter, R. . . . 5,358 — rtwright, C. _ 6,556 — rtwright G. _ 6.436 55 ss, J. _ _ 6,316 — sserley, E. . . . . 1,692 — stle, Mrs. K. M. _ 416 — sties, W. J. . . . 5,359 — wthra. L. F. _ _ _ 1,631 — rveny, B. E . . 4,018 — adwick, H. A. N. .. . 5,503 — adwick, Mrs. I. K. _ 4,835 — adwick, W. _ ... 8,680 42 aimers. B. A. _ 1,618 — an, Allan, _ .... ... 5,648 — amberlain. A. G. _ 1,456 100 amberland, C. J. _ 5.124 — an, Allan _ _ 5.648 — an, Jack Lou 2 — an, John . . ... 228 — an, Lawrence 2,367 — B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Chan, Milton, _ 3,132 — Chan, Ying Sek 1,757 — Chan, York Sing _ 6,863 12 Chang, Peter E. _ 413 — Chang, Sang _ _ _ 6,388 — Chang, Sew Mon _ _ 6,019 — Chapman, Miss M. E. _ 610 — ChappeU, R. P. _ 6,829 — Charlton, E. J. _ 5,242 26 Charron, R. R . . . . 5,503 — Cheetham, E. . . 7,251 223 Cheetham, E. B . . . 5,171 371 Cheng, Arthur ... . . .. 2,556 — Cheng, Edward _ 126 — Cherry, A. D. _ 6,398 — Chester, J. P - - 9,892 87 Cheung, Edward Gan _ 1,713 — Chew, Chek Let _ _ 5,754 — Chew, Gilbert Moore . 1,311 — Chew, Wing Gun _ 3,864 — Chew, Yone Hing . . . 5,730 — Chiasson, J. E _ _ 5.881 — Chic, V. C. _ 2,032 — Chin, Arthur _ 1,372 — Chin, Yok Yen _ — 6,224 — Chiu, Ah Jang _ 1,110 — Chiu, Ching Chun - 7,518 5 Chiu, Chung Kuen _ 6,895 — Chiu, Ho Gun . . 5,659 — Chiu, King Yin _ 5,988 — Chiu. Man Chau - . - 238 — Chong, Kai Hong - - 2.806 — Choroszewski, J . - 7,290 28 Chouinard, V. M . . 2,197 — Chow, Buck Robert _ . 110 — Chow, Chang Kee . . . 1,269 — Chow, Chian Fook _ 2,367 — Chow, Harry - - 7.052 — Chow, Park Lip - - 6,112 — Chow, Stanley Allen _ 5,247 — Chow, Tung Keung - 6,338 — Chow, Way Sack .. - 6,891 — Chow, Yuen _ 5,701 — Choy, Gee Wai — . . 5,937 — Choy, Ralph Chung Yau . 2,483 — Choy, Raymond _ 1,176 — Chranows, Mrs. J V. _ 3,985 — Christen, K. _ _ - 8,206 44 Christian, D. N - - 739 — Christian, E. G. _ 143 — Christian. W. L. _ 1,064 — Christmas, W. ... 3,097 — Chu, Guey ... . . . . 5,490 — Chudlev, Miss L. R. - 1,671 — Chui, Yuen Lim Louis — 1.598 — Chung, Yeuk - . .... 2.337 — Churchill, J. S. _ 6,878 — Clapham, Mrs. S. L. - . 4,206 — Clapton, J. - 12,228 — Clark, B. F. _ . .. 8,587 177 Clark, I. D. - - 57 — Clark, Mrs. K. H. .... - 2.904 — Clark, Mrs. M. H. - 358 — Clark, W. M. _ 3,227 — Clarke, C. R. _ _ 1,912 24 Clarke, D - - 6,109 — Clarke, D. D. - - 838 — Clarke. K. A. . . 108 — Clarke. Miss P. E - - 1,375 — Clarke, R. W. J. _ 5,702 — Clarke, W. N. - - 5.391 9 Clarkson, L. A. . . — 3.682 — Clarkson, R. _ 6,877 — Claxton, E. E . — - - 5,309 — Clayton, R. W - - - 5,521 — Clease, E. G. _ _ _ 6,563 — Cleave, E. M. _ . 1,365 3 Clements, A R. — - 159 — Clifford, J. N. .. . . 4,800 — Cloke, B. _ 7,549 84 Cloud, G. A. _ 792 — Clucas, R. A. - 3.094 26 Coates. Mrs. P. - 5,635 10 Cobb, G. R. _ 664 — Cochrane, M. . . 1,629 — Cockroft, G. - 1,405 12 Cocks, W. F . — 8,374 511 Coffey, E. A. - - 1,687 — Cogswell, P. S. - - 7,532 — Coleridge, J. C. .. .. . 8,320 — Salary Travel $ $ Collett, J. H. - 5,890 77 Collett, N. 1 _ _ 122 — Collicutt, G. D. - 90 — Colton, H. . . 6,737 — Commons, G. _ 5,082 — Conn, Mrs. L - - 4,579 — Connor, Miss L. L. - 929 — Connor, W. R. T. . . 19 — Connorton, E. R . — 314 — Constant, E. A. J . . 6,395 — Cook, R. L. . . . 999 — Cook, R. R . . 2,877 — Cook, Mrs. V. M. - 5,702 22 Cooke, W. L. _ 6,861 — Cookman, H. J. .. .. - 5,591 — Cookson, S. F. _ 6,798 — Coombes, E. R. _ _ _ 9,191 50 Cooper, E. J. _ ~ - 1,861 — Cooper, G. - 60 — Cooper, J. F. _ 3,640 — Cooper, J. R . . 25 — Coppinger, Mrs. M. _ 3,653 — Corbett, J. D . . . 20 — Corbitt, K. G. _ 3,283 — Corkett, Mrs. H . . 3,593 — Cornelssen, W. E. _ 6,913 — Cornish, E. A. _ 6 — Cossar, M. J. W. . . . 7,820 71 Costello, K. R _ _ _ 1,695 — Cote, J . P. _ _ _ 6,783 — Cote, V. M. _ _ 5,097 — Cottrell, S _ _ _ _ _ 2,381 — Coulson, R. A. _ 9,020 333 Coupal, Mrs. W . . 4,521 — Courtney, D. F _ _ 336 — Cousineau, D. J . 9,114 — Coutu, R. . . 1,128 — Cowan, B. W. _ 581 — Cowan, Mrs. D. D. _ 151 — Cowan. D I. _ 272 — Coward, K. ... _ 4,880 — Cox, E. D. J. _ 9,780 _ Cox-Walker, E. _ 3,958 1,013 Coxon, J. R. _ _ .. .. 843 — Craig, B. M. _ 2,506 — Cramer, B. C. _ 7,400 36 Cramer, M. _ 1,026 — Cramer, T. V. _ 103 _ Crandall, J. D _ _ 201 _ Crandall, R. _ 8,818 19 Crane, Mrs. D. V. _ 4,515 — Creed, F. E . . . . 2,288 — Crighton, G. A . .... 5,126 — Crighton, R. A. _ _ _ 7.082 — Croft, G. E . . . 11,557 33 Crompton, Mrs. B. A. .. 2,053 — Crook, B. H . 10,840 50 Crothail. S. A. _ 5,816 — Crouse, Mrs. D. A. _ 1.960 — Crowther, S. N _ _ 5,160 — Crutchley, J. H. _ 1,156 — Crute, R. D. _ 2,710 — Cubbon, Mrs. V. E . 1,195 11 Cucksey, .1. L. _ 5,734 42 Culbert, O. 5,684 31 Culpepper, E. J. _ 11,255 223 Cumming, H _ _ 2,067 45 Cummings, C. L. 2.774 — Cummings, Mrs. M. M . 4.670 — Cummings, R. A _ _ 5.636 — Cummings. R. H. _ 6.389 — Cunliffe. W. F. _ _ _ 5,962 — Cunningham, A. B. _ 7,746 33 Cunningham, R. H. 43 — Curtis, G. R . 765 — Cutforth, Mrs. L. P. _ 5,201 8 Cyra, Mrs. R. _ 4,253 — D’Estrube. R. G. - 1,479 — D'Hotmandevilliers, J. _ 8,008 — D'Souza. R. F. _ _ 931 — Dahl. Mrs. L. J. _ 2,643 — Daifotis, A. - 4.700 — Dakers J. W. . . 5,723 — Dale, D. G. — . . 355 — Dalgliesh. T. T. _ 4,365 690 Dalzell, F. A - - 8,511 11 Dancey, R. A. - 5,004 51 Dandenault, N. . . . 5,830 — Dane, A. D . . 4,921 6 Dann, M. B. _ _ _ 201 — Dar, N. 3,058 — 126 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Darda, W. _ 3,851 — Darnell, B. L _ _ _ _ 6,068 — Darnell, Mrs. J. . . . 3,533 — Davenport, Miss D. _ 526 — Davidson, C. A. _ 341 — Davidson, G. T. _ 10,965 — Davidson, R. H. _ 6,886 — Davidson, W. M. _ 9,644 60 Davie, Miss A. E. - 4,789 — Davie, Miss D. _ 1,259 — Davie, Miss F. D. . . 2.237 — Davies, E _ _ .. 196 — Davies, E. D. _ 7,932 — Davies, Mrs. E. J. - 4,549 — Davies, G. J . . 5,680 2 Davies, R. D . . 7,294 29 Davies. Miss S. A. - 2,426 — Davis, Mrs. F. G. _ 157 — Davis, J. S . — . 1.255 — Davis, L. G. — - - 7.649 — Davis, R. S - - 5,819 — Davison, Mrs. J. A. - 2.504 — Davison, R. J . . . . 6,471 — Daw, F. J. W. _ 14,078 1.931 Dawe, N. G. . . . 5,647 — Dawson, J. F . . 1,426 — Dawson, N. E. . . . 5,775 — Day, Mrs. A. B. _ 4,156 — Day, B. 1). - 2,929 — Day. Mrs. P. E. _ _ _ 1.123 — Daykin, Mrs. E. M. - 1,226 — De Boer, J. 2.215 337 De Cunha, E. P . 12,300 1.433 De Long, G. L. - 5,605 10 Deacon, K. D - - 177 — Deagle. J. V. . . 2,921 — Deakin. C. R. 7.634 68 Dean, C. R. _ 1,714 — Dean, E. G. - 5,805 19 Deasty, S. A . 7,005 10 Decker, R. B. _ 301 — Dehoog, A. A. . . . . 626 — Deibert, D. . _ 3,243 — Demes. Mrs. W. J. 329 — Deinstadt, Mrs. H. M. .. 4,728 — Delaney, C. ... — - 9.395 56 Deller, Miss E. G. F. - 1,819 — Delmar, C. V . . . 147 — Delong, W. G. - 2.746 — Dempster, L. A - - 8.278 — Dennison, Miss G. - 1,425 — Deotford, Mrs. K. A . . 310 — Derkson. E. N. - - 3,363 — Desiarlais, F. J - - 6.476 — Desrosiers. Mrs. P. R. 3.265 — Deverall, Mrs. B. M. - 1,742 2 Devries, J. R. 5,152 — Dewhurst. Miss J. E. - 367 — Gha'-amrai. C. K. - 1.587 — Di Cicco, A. - 7,691 14 Dibb, B . 5,617 475 Dice, G. S. _ _ _ 2.814 262 Dick. D. F. . . 888 — Dickie, M. J. - - — - 3,711 — Dickson, P. L. 21 — Dignard, R. J. - - 5.392 — Disley, Mrs. M. - ... 3,371 — Dixon, G. R. - 660 — Dobie, W. A. - - 174 — Dockar, Miss L. A. - 1,077 — Dodds, E. J. 6.179 — Dodds, E. R. - 8,704 133 Dodge, K. C. - 2,400 3 Doherty, G. - - 72 — Doherty, P. - 10,922 332 Dolling, J. - - 5,428 — Donais, L. J. - 1.207 3 Donald, J. M . 11.160 1,658 Donaldson, R. R. 532 — Dong, You Tim - — 2,054 — Donnelly, D. M. - 3,683 — Donohue, A. L. - 5,747 73 Doorten, R. H. .. - 3,192 — Dosie, J. C. - 862 28 Doud, Mrs. E. L. - 4,430 — Douglas, Mrs. A. - 4,642 — Douglas, Mrs. M. K. - 4,952 — Douglas, R. D. - - 8,776 117 Doull, R. H. J. - 9,783 12 Douma, R. C. - 5,833 — Dowling, J. A. - 3,752 — B.C. Ferries ” Division — Co ntinut Salary Travel $ $ Doyle, P. . . 4,718 — Doyle, P. M . 2,463 11 Dresen, N. D. _ _ 5,757 175 Dresser, F. T. _ _ 5,904 — Du Val, D. W. .. _ 1,773 — Dube, L. E. _ 3,321 — Dubois, Mrs. H. G. . . 4,173 — Dufour, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,972 — Dulmadge, G. K. . . 7,100 — Dumont, E. L. _ 433 — Dunae, P. A . . 1,258 — Dunbar, W. C. _ .... 5,808 43 Duncan, J. D. . . . . 60 — Duncan, Miss L. . _ _ 72 — Duncan, O. R _ _ 62 — Dunford, R. H. _ 4,634 172 Dunn, W. K. _ 151 — Duplessis, M _ _ _ 153 — Dupont, Mrs. B. L. _ 3,335 — Dupuis, Mrs. M. T. _ 3,511 — Durieux, C. J. . _ _ _ 8,242 — Dutt, A. H. _ _ 6,228 — Dutton, J. A. _ _ 634 — Duzic, J . . . . 5,477 — Dyer, D. J. _ 6,498 11 Dykstra, N. . . . . 6,362 — Earl, J. F. . . . 81 — Easson, R. J. _ _ 148 50 Eckert, C. P. F. .. _ 2,190 — Eckford, A. _ _ _ 5,183 — Eckford, L. N. _ _ 5,590 — Eckhart, R. V. _ _ 9,844 2 Edmonds, S. . . 423 — Edwards, R. H. _ 1,842 25 Egan, W. _ _ _ 3,084 225 Einarsen, W. G. _ 8,393 — Elliott, Miss D. _ 1,272 — Elliott, J. G. . . . . — 5,087 312 Ellison, A. C. _ _ 4,557 40 Elvet, E. _ _ 7,490 364 Empey, E. F. _ _ _ 6,517 — Enemark, Mrs. V. P. _ 4,852 — Eng, Chun Yu _ _ _ 2,891 20 Eng, D. _ _ _ 6,384 — Eng, Fred _ _ _ 6,525 — Eng, Gene Ben _ 6,251 — Eng, James . . . . . . 864 — Eng, Ling Kee _ _ 6,713 — Eng, Tong Sun _ _ 1,315 — Eng, Victor R. _ 4,038 — Eng, Wai Mon _ 6,437 — Eng, Wai Shing . . 5,314 — Eng, You Ming _ 7,097 — England, J. C. _ _ 7,848 — Ennis, D. L. _ 562 — Erb, J. E. _ _ _ 11,411 — Erickson, C. _ 915 — Erskine, Mrs. J. O. _ 4,516 — Eshom, C. C. _ _ _ 5,930 — Essihos, E. K. _ _ 5,438 — Ethier, B. H. _ 272 — Evans, B. A _ _ _ 5,582 — Evans, E. R. _ 1,653 35 Evans, Mrs. G. P. . . . 53 _ Evenson, C. J. _ 4,379 8 Eyckermans, Mrs. A. _ 1,992 — Fairbridge, H. _ 258 — Farebrother, T. B . 1,834 — Farmer. J. C. _ .... 2,976 312 Farr, L. H. _ _ 8,746 — Fast, C. R. . . 3,152 — Faubert, E. W. _ _ _ 1,488 — Favrholdt, K. ..... . . . 1,404 — Fawkes, Mrs. D. M. . . 430 — Fee. J. P . . 15 — Fellowes, J. A. . . 4,993 — Feltham, Miss E. A . . . 220 — Fennel, Miss E. E. _ 2,536 — Fenske. R. C. . — . 10,218 30 Fenwick, M. S. _ 722 — Ferguson, B. W. _ 7,482 — Ferguson, D. R. _ 4,851 — Ferguson, F. A. _ 4,460 — Ferguson, R. W. A. _ 3,121 400 Ferguson, S. N. _ _ 5,575 37 Fiander, N. _ _ 12,643 254 Field, J. _ _ 8,079 20 Field. N. J. _ _ 561 — Field, R. M. _ _ _ 445 — Fielding, G. J. H. 4,393 — Fillman, B. D. _ _ _ 4,107 — Finlayson, P. B. . . . . 8.013 670 Salary Tra' Finn, G. B. _ 111 — Firsch, W _ _ 1,553 — Firth, W. D . __ 3,932 — Fisher, Mrs. J. L. _ 940 — Fisher, M. A. _ 995 — Fisher, R. E. _ 148 — Fitzhenry, Mrs. E. I. _ 5,414 — Fitzpatrick, Mrs. L. _ 2,266 — Fladager, D. M _ _ 2,411 — Flegg, W . 1,105 — Fleming, J. P. _ 5,082 — Fleming, J. W . . 519 — Flethcer, C. E. _ 10,202 Fletcher, Mrs. J _ _ 3,377 — Fletcher, K. J . 1,652 — Fogarty, P. D . . 3,520 — Foisy, L. M . 138 — Fong, Fook _ 6,418 • — Fong, Mike . 1,160 — Fong, Shing Sheung . . 5,299 — Fong, Sun Fee _ 4,048 — Forbes, A. _ 2,035 — Forbes, Mrs. J. _ 4,743 — Ford, R. _ 3,561 — Ford, Miss S. M. _ 917 — Forman, G. C _ _ 2,170 — Forrester, Mrs. J. G. _ 3,901 Forsman, Miss M . . . 2,814 — Forster, P. R . 3,192 Forsyth, R. A. _ 4,710 — Forsythe, J. G _ _ 4,344 — Foster, Miss J. C. _ 1,394 - — Foster, J. H. . . 5,733 — Foster, L. O _ _ 6,793 — Foulis, F. A _ _ 558 — Fowler, E. L. . 8,797 Fowlie. R. A . 19 — Fox, J. C . 5,284 — Franhcuk. W . 6,773 — Francis, K. R. . 158 — Frandsen, D. J . 5,820 Franko, W. G . . . 11,688 1 Fraser, C. B. . 6,620 Fraser, D . 12,448 — Fraser. J. P. _ 77 — Fraser, L H. _ 3,896 5 Fraser, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,930 — Fraser, Mrs. M. R . 1,658 — Fraser, R. A . . 5,377 Fraser, S _ _ 8,112 Fraser, W. J. . 630 — Freeman, R. C. . 1,100 — Freer, Mrs. M. J. . . 4,607 — Friesen, H. . 3,891 — Frobeen, D. S. J _ _ 1,162 — Fuller, H. C. . . 5,444 — Fulton, D. G . 6,023 — Furlan, B. P. _ 5,882 — Furlotte, R. M. A. _ 3,413 — Furlotte, W. G . 5,055 — Fyles, D. W . 12,385 Gaddes, Mrs. J. E. _ _ _ 357 — Gagnon, R. _ 3,734 — Gains, S. H. _ 40 — Gait, Mrs. D. L. _ 559 — Gale, J. A. _ 3,501 — Gallant, A. J. B. _ _ _ 36 — Galliazzo, Mrs. A. _ 3,362 — Gallop, Mrs. V. M. _ 4,164 — Galpin. L. P . . . 7,279 — Gant. Mrs. E. F. . . 3,398 — Ganton, G. L _ _ 7 629 1< Garcia. A. _ 6.354 — Gardiner, Miss J. A . . 606 — Gardner, D. D _ _ 3,030 — Gardner, Miss D. M . 1,344 — Gardner, D. P. N. _ _ _ 7,145 — Gardner, D. W. _ _ _ _ 93 — Gardner, J. S. _ 7,674 4! Garland, T. A. _ 276 — Garrison, Miss B. J. _ 1,007 — Gartrell, Mrs. M. C. _ 4,556 — Gaudon, H. J. _ 2,099 — Gaudry, R. F _ _ _ 803 — Gauld, W. _ 243 — Gavin, T. B . 3,455 — Gavine, D. F . . . 10,212 — Gear, E. H. _ 3,893 Geddes, E. J _ _ 10,074 1,4( Gee, Ok Pen _ 5,184 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 127 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued “ B.G'. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ ehring, Mrs. R. - 4,068 — enthon, Miss H. M. - 1,277 — erow, J. D. - 2,236 64 ibb, Mrs. R. E. - 3,837 — ibney, Mrs. D. M. - 880 — ibson, Miss C. L. . — 166 — ibson, F. R. . . . 6,145 — bson, Mrs. M. . — . - 4,282 — ibson, W. J. 1,316 — esbrecht, B. - 3,515 — lbert, Mrs. O. E. 3,671 — ilbert, S. R . — - - — 1,743 — lchrist, G. M. - 10,297 — ilfoyle, D. ... - 5,374 — 11, t R _ _ _ 1,274 — 11. F. B. 5,537 — lllanders, G. C. - 6,912 — lllespie, J. H. - ... 5,376 — illespie, J. R. - 194 — illett, R. S - - 1,489 — lilies, A. C - - 221 — Hies, D _ _ 981 — ,llis, S. F . — - 4,654 — nter, K. L. - 5,456 — lass, D. J. . 519 — earn, R. _ 448 — lencross, G. J. _ 4,424 267 Dber, G. _ _ — 5.365 — -dwin, J. C. _ 5,014 — -ertzen, W. W. - 5,532 — -Id. P. K. 44 — -Wring, B. R. _ 3,229 27 -merich. S. _ 4.791 18 -odall, J. R. _ 12,949 402 -oding, C. E. _ 5,565 171 -odman, K. J. _ 4,874 — -odwin, M. C. _ 874 — -rdon, A. _ _ 120 — -rdon, Miss E. P. _ 487 — -rdon. J. P . . . 261 — -rdon, Mrs. N. V. _ 2,490 — -rdon. R. O _ _ 4,631 — -rst, D. L. . . 10,593 1.672 -ssen, L. R. _ 5,753 3 -tto. J _ _ 726 — -ucher, J. F. _ 5,667 — -ugh, J. F _ _ _ 5,672 — -ugh, J. M. _ 1.396 — -urley, W. A. _ _ 4,851 — -wan, Mrs. M. M. _ 4,698 — -wer, R. P. _ _ 7,433 — abas, F. N. _ 595 — aham, A. E. . . . . 10,792 — aham, P . . . . 65 — aham, T. R. _ _ 5,234 — ainger, G. W. _ 1,555 — anlin, D. K. _ 8,219 30 ant, Mrs. E. S. _ 4,368 — ant. R. . 139 — ant, Mrs. R. I. _ 907 10 ant, T. A. . . . 1,993 — ant, T. C _ _ _ 601 — ant, W. H. _ 7,267 — ant, Mrs. Y. C. _ 5,172 11 antham. J. D. _ 989 — ay, H. P . . . . 8.164 — ay, J. G. W . . . . 3,270 36 sen, J. H. . . ... 1,718 — sen. Miss M. F. _ 2,644 — sen, R. L. _ 1,349 — ser, D. M. S. . 871 — sig, G. A. _ . 9,055 — sig, M. A. 1.428 100 ;nkow, W. L. . 323 — :w. R. . 8,151 — :y, R. ... . . - 6.805 58 erson, G. H. 1.123 — eve, J. VV. 6,091 — ffith, Mrs. M. ... .... 2,417 — ffiths, G. O. .... 6,846 36 ffiths, M. 1. . 13 _ ffiths, W. E. _ 212 _ ffiths, W. J. _ 5,623 — senthwaite. J. W. _ 5,719 31 -cock, B. W. . .. _ _ 5,019 — -vum, R. J. . 5,919 81 ibb, R C. _ _ 5,231 — tbert, D. L. _ _ 5,323 — mlund, D. A. _ 687 — Id, Mrs. B M. . . 499 — llemette, C. _ _ 6,512 30 Salary $ Gullacher, Miss L. I. _ 13 Gunn, M. . . 4,914 Gunn, Miss S. R. _ 74 Gunn, Sun Shing _ _ _ _ 6,490 Gunville, Miss M. M. _ 1,363 Gurney, T. B. _ 3,339 Gurton, Mrs. V. L. _ 886 Guthrie, W. S _ 12,097 Guttridge, W. A. _ _ 5,888 Gwynn, W. H. _ 5,610 Hack, A. H. _ 5,279 Hackett, Mrs. S. _ 3,066 Hadley, R. W. P. _ 1,416 Hagan, A. J. _ 5,771 Hagelund, R. M. _ 3,191 Hagen, Mrs. M. O . - 987 Hague, Mrs. C. M. _ 3,143 Hahmann, R. _ 3,066 Haight, J. E. _ 94 Haines, P. K. . . _ . 897 Hainsworth, J. _ 5,030 Halkett, H. D _ 1,870 Hall, Mrs. E. _ 4,614 Hall, Mrs. F. _ 4,085 Hall, M. D. S. . . 3,376 Hall, M. R. _ _ 701 Hall, R. J. _ 1,003 Halliburton, R. L. _ 5,092 Halvorson, E. A. _ 85 Hamber, C. A. _ 1,880 Hambly, J. R. _ 5,623 Hamer, C. A. _ 9,754 Hamer, T. D. _ . _ 2,876 Hamer, W. E. _ _ 49 Hamill, W. . . 5,563 Hamilton, Mrs. C. M. _ 1,031 Hamilton, Mrs. E. P. _ 4,639 Hamilton, E. R. _ 6,437 Hamilton, H. A. _ 5,666 Hamilton, N. _ 5,753 Hamilton, W. R. _ 4,300 Hammill, D. C. _ 290 Hammond, K. T. _ 169 Hampson, G. R. _ _ 1,240 Hampson, W. S. _ 6,715 Hampton, G. T. _ 1,470 Hancock, S. B _ _ 658 Hands, Miss L. C. _ 1,325 Hanley, Mrs. B. M. _ 3,164 Hanna, R. _ 1,612 Hannah, G. G. _ 263 Hannesson, R. M. J. _ 53 Hannigan, M. J. _ 8,547 Hansen, E. G. _ 5,790 Hansen, J. W. _ 5,369 Hansen, K. C. _ 122 Hansen, S. A. _ 5,227 Hanson, A. I _ _ _ _ 2,155 Hanson, R. M . . 5,466 Hard, D. M. _ 1,090 Hardcastle, Miss J. A. _ 773 Harder, D. E _ 5,085 Harding, A. E. - 5,046 Hardwick, J. J. B. H. _ 2,580 Hardy, O. B. _ 8,414 Hargreaves, M _ _ 60 Harilstad, Miss E. J. _ . 279 Harker, G. E. _ 1,031 Harrington, E. C. . 6,389 Harrington, R. _ 6,401 Harriott, R. G. P. - 5,663 Harris, Mrs. B. A. _ 517 Harris, R. A. - - 2,195 Harris, R. J. _ 11,093 Harris, W _ _ 5,347 Harrison, A. S. _ 1,085 Harrison, E. J. - 272 Harrison, R. A. _ 8,321 Harrison, R. G. - 6,504 Harrison, T. H. _ 3,350 Harrop, H. M. - 4,231 Hart, T _ _ 801 Hartley, C. S. — - 5,621 Hartley, Miss D. M. _ 4,208 Hartley, Mrs. J. - 4,417 Harverson, K. R. - 1,005 Harvey, C. L. - 779 Harvey, D. E. - 970 Harvey, D. M. - 7,156 Harvie, A. S. - 4,460 Hastings, D. J. - 3,477 Hastings, Mrs. S. E. - 1,480 Travel $ 31 32 58 26 32 26 496 15 43 2,814 42 31 270 47 265 Hathaway, D. G . . Salary $ 612 Travel $ Hatt, F. C . . 2,682 _ Hatt, T. C. . . . . . 1,364 _ Hautala, T. C. . . 2,901 _ Hawker, W. C . 3,064 19 Hawkings, E. J . . 5,120 — Hawkins, A. K . . . 1,756 — Hawkins, Mrs. D. F. . . 2,508 — Hay, Mrs. 1. I. . . 4,761 — Hayes, T. M . . Hayes, W. _ 5,858 — 5,754 — Hayward, Mrs. J. R . 2,415 — Haywood, F. H _ _ 979 — Hazenboom, A. _ 9,368 — Head, S. F. _ _ 573 — Heal, Mrs. D. _ 844 — Heald, K. D. _ _ _ 4,448 — Healy, W. P. _ _ _ 54 — Heater, A. R . . . 9,669 31 Hebbard, P. J. . . 5,397 — Heckert. H. O. _ 7,057 270 Hedgecock, B. A. _ 5,653 4 Heerwagen, B. W. _ 4,647 1,242 Hehlert. K. H. _ 5,309 — Hein, W. T. . _ 5,441 329 Heinekey, G. P. _ _ 1,450 — Heisler, Mrs. P. M. _ 5,578 — Helme, J _ _ 3,197 — Helmer. R. J . . . 1.268 — Hemstreet, P. S. _ 4.774 — Henderson. D. F. _ _ 20 — Henderson, H. H. _ 7.143 211 Henderson, H. R. 7,606 — Henderson, Mrs. J. R. .... 4,230 — Hennessey, Miss S. J. _ 2,213 — Henning, H. A. 933 — Henriksen, A. J. _ 1.444 — Henriksen, O. H. 10.456 — Henstock, Mrs. S. J. _ 4.735 — Heral. J. . 6.529 — Hercus. T. F. . . 12,726 — Herman, J. B _ _ _ 60 — Hern. M L _ _ 4.939 69 Herring, J. F . . . . 705 — Hetzler. Mrs. D. M . 3,336 — Heyd, W. H. T. . 5,244 — Hicks, J. M. 12,253 — Higginson, R. C. _ _ ~ 4,164 — High, A. H. . . . 4,335 — Hichet. Miss L. M . . 164 — Hill. C. J. 1.191 — Hill, N. _ 27 — Hill, W. . . 13 — 1 1 illrich. E. 517 — Hillvard. R. . 5.577 44 HinchclifTe, A. E. H. 7.177 52 Hird, E. 1,253 — Hiorthoy, H. _ 3.500 — Hjorthov, Mrs L. 6.442 — Ho, Davie Long . . . 5.808 — Ho, Him Kwong _ 340 — Ho, John Kee . . . . 6.277 — Ho, Kam Dip . . . 6,940 — Ho, O'.ion Chor _ _ 5.363 — Ho, Wai Fan _ _ _ 429 — Ho, Yee Joon . . . . . 6.338 — Hoare, H. J. 5,702 — Hobbs. Mrs. E. M. _ 4.111 — ITobv. Mrs. E. S. _ 4.135 — Hodding, A. V. _ _ 324 — Hodee, G. D. 3.655 — Hodge, H. L. 4.730 — Hodges, H. E. _ 5.615 — Hodgson, G. G. _ 12.683 58 Hodgson. R J. 2.047 — Hodson. R. R . . 1.081 27 Hoebee. .1 M. 4.410 — Hoekstra. S. F. _ 6.100 10 Hogan, E. L. . . 4,546 — Holland. M. G. 545 — Holland, W. R. 5.81 1 31 Hollerin, C. 183 — Hollowink, Mrs. M. J. .3.412 — Holmberg. Mrs. I. K. M. 2.122 — Holmes, D. T. ..... - 2.844 — Holmes, J. L. — . 5.198 3 Holmes, R. M. . 1.638 — Holopainen, S. I. . 22 — Holt, Miss .1 A. . - 4.964 — Homer, G. J. — . — 1,145 — 128 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued 44 B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Hong, Kay Tung _ 169 — Hoo, Yen Chow ..... . — 6,124 — Hookway, T. J. . _ 5,921 — Hoover, E. D. . . 1,141 — Hope, Mrs. D. L. _ 4,520 — Hopkins, Miss T. R. _ 1,844 — Hopkirk, J. . . . 6,027 — Horcher, M. E. - - ~ 10,559 34 Horel, H. C . - 5,324 — Hornett, G. R. W. - 5,056 — Hornsby, R. P . . . 1,441 — Horvath, E. . . . 5,781 50 Hosken, G. G - - 9,630 11 Hotra, Miss C. A. - 2,034 — House, A. G. - 7,595 — Howard, Mrs. L. J. - 882 — Howe, F. - 1,999 679 Howitt, W. H. - 219 — Hoxsey, Mrs. L. E. - 3,239 — Hoy, Gain - - 1,398 — Hubbs, R. W. ..... _ 5,654 — Hugh, J. - - 2,007 75 Hughes, Miss B. A. - 1,173 — Hughes, D. B _ _ 5,337 83 Hughes, M. H. 8,848 — Hughes, P. M. _ 9,582 25 Hum, Kuo Eng - - - 6,845 — Hume, Mrs. G. C. _ 5,184 — Hunt, D. _ _ 5,683 13 Hunt, Mrs. D. M . . 4,442 — Hunter, Mrs. A. E. _ 3,486 — Hunter, L. M . . . 3,182 — Hurry, G. C . . . 7,588 — Husband, Mrs. G. P. . . 5,126 — Husby, E. N. _ _ 5,861 — Hutchison, G. J. 91 — Hutchison, W. W. _ 6,632 — Hyde, G . . . . 5,520 — Hyne, R. _ 5,481 — Icard, Miss F. _ 4,542 — Ikjaer, E. . . . . 7,616 5 llich, D. D. _ _ _ _ 1,847 — Ilich, N. _ . . 41 — Illingworth, S. K. _ 4,960 — Ingbritson, D. S. - 932 — Inglis, Miss N. K. _ 1,678 — Ingram, Miss H. K. _ 28 — Ingram, J. W. _ 48 — Ingram, R. D. _ 1,744 50 Inmann, G. _ 8,476 8 Innes, R. J. 10,860 1,600 Ioannidis, P . . _ 7,150 - ' Ireland, G. J. _ 6,684 — Ireland, P. M. J. .. _. . .. 3,176 — Irvine, R. E. _ 69 — Irwin, Miss C. L. _ 16 — Isaacs, K. E. _ 6,618 — Isacson, Mrs. E. G . . 1,633 — Isaksson, L. E _ _ 5,739 84 Jack, J. P . . . 5,080 14 Jackman, M . . 4,594 — Jackson, Miss J. Y, .. _ 224 — Jackson, Miss S. L . . 55 _ Jacobsen, R. A. _ _ 15 — Jacobson, E. L. _ 8,736 336 Janes, 11 _ _ _ 16 — Jang, Ark Baw _ 5,925 — Jang, John _ _ .. . 5,933 — Jang, Ken Yew . . . 6,516 — Jaques, S. J. _ 1,617 — Jasper, G. E. _ 5,058 — Jefferies, H. .... . ... .. .. 12,547 234 Jeffries, Mrs. B. A. _ 4,733 _ Jeffries, K. A. . . _ ... 5,596 — Jellicoe, J. S. _ _ _ _ 6,797 — Jenkins, A. _ 160 — Jenkins, C. F. . . 10,005 — Jenkins, E. J. _ _ _ 10,003 264 Jenkins, Mrs. F. L. _ 318 — Jenkins, R. F. _ _ 1,529 — Jenkins, R. J. _ 8,978 25 Jenner, B. B. _ _ _ 5,135 — Jennings, D. W. _ _ 1,101 — Jensen, E. _ _ _ 2,784 — Jensen, V . . 6,957 — Jestico, Mrs. M. J. _ 246 — Joe, Bing Woon _ 374 — Joe, C. T. _ 1,768 — Joe, Way Fong _ 3,193 — Johansen, Mrs. R. _ _ 4,194 — John, D. A. _ _ 7,118 5 Johnson, A. B. _ Salary $ 189 Travel $ Johnson, Mrs. A. L. _ Johnson, Mrs. A. P. . 92 3,509 8,145 653 10 Johnson, A V. 292 Johnson, R A Johnson, D. R. .... 592 Johnson, D W 5,228 5,187 7,474 8,012 1,160 5,733 7,303 8,952 813 8,899 5,488 119 Johnson, F.. G Johnson, F. J R Johnson, K. 173 Johnson, R. F. 24 Johnson, R. W. Johnston, D. J. 33 Johnston, T. H. Johnstone, Mrs. F. M. _ Jones, TJ F — Jones, F.. W. _ Jones, G Jones, J. O 8,613 9,729 12,105 4,570 5,707 5,903 2,888 7,100 6,344 57 5,865 5,705 1,245 955 19 Tones, J R. 88 Jones, I.. T. Jones, M L) Jones, M W. 10 Jones, T F. 12 Jones, W G Jong, Sue Tong _ Jordan, K S 491 Jordens, B. S. . Jovce, S I Julius, A R _ Jung, Bing Jung, Bing Sam _ Jung, Chun Yee 1,190 6,185 4,072 7,235 6,420 6,691 2,622 5,211 5,805 5,715 _ Jung, Fook Hung __ Jung, Gim Poy _ Jung, Gum Chew . . Jung, Hon Mun .... _ ___ Jung, Hong Shou .. 10 Jung, Noon Tung, Sum Wing __ Jung, Wing Lok 4 Jung, Wing Soo Jung, Yuen Tov 5,985 _ Justinen, H. W. . Kacavenda, Mrs. T. 669 3,973 — Kadyschuk, Miss M. _ Kalidin, D. P. . 1,403 5,504 — Kampman, J. K. Kane, J. . . . . 7,747 512 28 Kanopski, C. W. Karafa, Mrs. D. .. . 1,078 4,807 7,234 948 — Karas, C P _ Karhoffer, P. J. _ — . _ Katalinic, J. M. . . . 9,122 8,149 5,683 4,884 8,594 369 _ Kavanaugh, J T _ Kecka, A _ Keele, P. L. 22 Keen, D. J. 794 Kellett O Kendall, A. 8,963 1,412 5,870 572 31 Kendrick, Miss A. J. _ Kennedy, A 7 Kennedy, D. J. _ . Kennedy, Miss E. M. _ _ Kennedy, F 3,193 1,459 1,638 1,928 6,310 60 — Kennedy, Miss G. B. _ Kennedy, Mrs, J, — Kennedv, I.. Kennedy, R. M. _ Kern, Miss W. P. 1,262 - Khan, Matlooh 1,054 4,398 5,211 6,877 5,443 31 4,556 _ Kiens, H T 13 Kilgour, D. R. . . 71 Kilgonr, T A King, A. _ 8 King', Mrs. D. M. W. _ King, K Kingerlee, R. J. _ 4,430 5,072 5,560 2,178 4,038 10,149 7,947 31 160 20 Kingsley, J. A. L. _ Kinne, W H _ Kirkland, A. M _ _ _ Kirkland, T TY _ Kironn, 7, 43 Klassen, T H Klemenz, Miss B. M. _ Knahke, F. R — Knezevich, Mrs. A. 4,758 _ Knight, C\ A 2,152 233 ■ Knight, Mrs. C. A. _ Knight^ J. C. 8,375 - - Knight, R H. 3,873 2,243 4 Knowles, B. R. _ — Salary Trav $ $ Knowles, Mrs. M, M. _ 4,749 Ko, John .. .... 614 — Koe, Robert . 2,113 _ 1 Kohuch, Mrs. J. B. 3,181 _ j Kolosoff, S. L. 412 - | Konc, J. M . 156 _ I Kong, Lyle . 5,590 - 1 Korning, J. E. ._ 6,048 2d Koropatnisky, W. . . 6,792 - j Korpan, W. L. _ 7,106 - J Koshman, Mrs. L. D. _ _ 58 _ | Koster, G. D. .. . ... 1,369 _ J Kosterewa, Mrs. M. ._ . 1,361 _ | Kostrzewski, W . . 7,725 Kraus, G. D 82 - Kraus, O. .... .... 4,203 _ Krieger, A. A. _ ..... 8,820 1,2* Kube, H. P . 759 Kuiper, Mrs. M. J. 204 _ Kuipers, F. J. 4,074 _ ’ Kuipers, H. C. _ 647 _ Kung, Wing Foo _ 7,738 _ Kwan, Chew Yin 6,421 - Kwan, Hon . . . 8 . Kwan, Kenneth _ 6,162 _ Kwon. Yim Ning 2,091 _ Kvle. R. L. 6,817 Kyler, H. K. . . 5,139 _ I LaRochelle, J. A. 6,357 _ ; Labrie, Miss C. E. _ 1,001 _ I Lacy, E. O. J. _ 7,873 _ ' Lahay, W. P. .... 4,830 _ i Laidlaw, W. J. . 694 Laity, Mrs. D. C. _ . 4,545 _ Lam, C. _ _ 20 _ Lam, J. 1,420 _ Lam, L. 6,510 n Lamb, B. C. _ 7,371 Lamb, J. P. M. _ 6,824 _ Lamont, Mrs. A. M. 4,640 _ Lamont, J . 5,409 _ Lampman, Mrs. L. O. . 3,406 Lancaster, G. 5,780 Lancaster, S. A. 9.144 2: Landers, Mrs. A. K. . 5,414 Lane, Mrs. B. _ ... 4,938 Langdon, Mrs. D. E. _ 115 _ Langdon, J. D . 569 _ 1 Langford, G. G . . 163 Langlois, A. M _ _ 11,053 — Langlois, D. A. _ 867 — Larmand, L. J. . . . . 7,139 5: Larocque, H. G. _ _ 3,313 Larose, A. G. _ 5,192 — Larsen, A. E. _ _ 1 ,437 — Larsen, Mrs. W . 4,398 — Larson, R. L. . . . 3,705 — Latta, W. J. _ 5,606 — Lau, C. . . ... 395 _ Lauder, R. E. . . 826 _ Laundry, E. J. T. _ 5,093 Laursen, Miss K. A. _ 724 — Lawley, Mrs. P. _ _ 5,090 — Lawlor, R. M. _ _. 5,970 — Lawrence, K. C. _ 1,006 — Lawson, R. E. _ _ _ 5,428 — Lawton, Mrs. A. .... . .. 4,481 — Lax, M. L. _ _ 2.527 — Laxton, G. _ _ . . 592 — Laynrd, D. D. _ 7.683 — Le Blanc, Mrs. E. _ 3.174 - Le Corre. H. J. . . . 4,178 — Leblanc, J. D. _ 4,414 Leckev, L. _ 6.782 _ ' Lee, Barry Jason . . . 828 - Lee, C C. . . 2.740 Lee, Clifford _ _ 6.235 — Lee, Ernie George _ 477 — Lee, Gar _ _ 6,104 — Lee, Gee Que - - 5,809 — Lee, Gum Hore _ 1,358 — Lee, Hin _ _ _ 6.751 — Lee, Hing Wah _ 5,864 Lee, Jim Yee Kui . . 276 — Lee, Jimmy .. . 2,635 — Lee, Jin Wai _ 5,678 — Lee, John Gang Shew — 2,458 — Lee, Keith S. K. _ 1,883 — Lee, Kue Fee - - 5,338 — Lee, L. J. - - 807 — Lee, Mrs. M. - - 1,056 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 129 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued “ B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Lee, Moon Look . . 583 — Lee, P. W. - 548 169 Lee, Paul - 1,316 — Lee, Richard _ - - 228 — Lee, Robert Edward - 1,710 — Lee, S. - 1,450 4 Lee, Shut Lim - . 6,880 — Lee, Stephen Frank — _ 1,045 — Lee, Victor Franklin - 1,709 — Lee, Wai — - - 5,672 — Lee, Walter J. K. _ 5,643 — Lee, Wing Charm - . . . 9 — Lee, Wing Ting - 6,513 — Lees, J. T . . . — 5,734 12 Legge, Miss S. J. - 1,013 — Lehan, R. E. A . . 3,588 — Leisz, N. - . . 430 12 Leitner, G. A. - - 1,145 — Lemcke, J. O. - 6,691 — Lench, D. . . . . 9,361 25 Lenz, G. A. — . . 1,049 — Leong Frank - - 6,920 — Leong, J. W . . - . 4,606 — Leong, Kin Silk . . 6,437 — Leong, Shui Kuen . . 1,248 — Lepage, Miss P. D. — 318 — Lepinoy, P. B. - 3,579 — Leslie, D. A . . 5,882 — Leslie, N. D. - - — 4,364 — Lesosky, Mrs. A. T. - 3,701 — Letherby, Miss N. J. - 942 — Leung, Hee Jim - - 1,196 — Leung, Henry Ho Kai — 771 — Leung, Raymond - 983 — Leung, Samuel Lam B . 1.124 — Leung, Soo Yee - - 5,930 — Leung, Victor Hoi-Wei — 1,812 — Leung, Wing Kok . . 1,273 — Levasseur, A . . . 5,676 65 Lew, Back Sing - .. 6,281 — Lewis, B. J. G. - 7,399 32 Lewis, E. T. _ — 17 — Lewis, F. E. - 2,841 — Lewis, Mrs. G. D. - 5,355 — Lewis, G. P - - 5,686 — Lewis, K. - - - 1,082 — Lewis, T. W. _ 5,903 — Lewis, W. D. K. _ 2,492 — Li, Steven Po-Keung . . 1,674 — Lim, A. _ 6,865 — Lim, B. D. . . . . 6,829 — Lim. Frank . . . . 5,786 — Lindsay, R. . . . 5,524 — Lineker, R. J . - . 1,797 — Lines, F. T. H. .. — . 6,716 18 Linton, J. A . . 4.540 — Linzmeier, S. — - - 5,251 30 Liston. Miss C. A _ _ 145 — -itke, G. ... - - - 6,094 — -loyd. Miss S. W . . 1,251 — -loyd-Walters, J. E. - 8,253 544 -ockwood, R. W. - 2,242 83 -ockyer, J. I. J. - . — 5.308 — -odge, Mrs. J. E. _ 1,628 — .ogan. A. . . 9,791 31 Logan, Miss D. G. _ _ — 1,153 — -ogan, J. _ _ 5,255 — -ogan, Mrs. M. _ 6,272 8 nines, F. H. . 6.998 558 -omas, Mrs. H. A. _ 3,984 — .ommel. G. G. _ _ _ 6.247 — -onergan, P. B. _ 1,604 — -ongbottom, A. _ 7,392 — -ongridge, D. P. N. _ 3.624 — .onouist. N. _ 3,951 — -ooi, Robert Kong M. ..... 749 — ,ord. J T _ _ _ 6 909 — -ord, S. 5,599 — -ouden, D. R. - - 993 — -oudoun, R. W _ _ 136 — -ough, J. . . 5.173 10 -oughran. J. L - - 4,840 — .ouie, David _ _ 676 — -ouie, Hon Young _ 5,919 — -ouie, Tommy _ 1,333 — -ouie. Wing Nuen _ 6,364 — -outtit, D. G. 3,755 — -oveless. Mrs. D. I. _ 1,332 — -ovell, G. A. _ 5,301 — -overing, Mrs. E. M. _ 123 — Salary $ Lovette, G. J. _ 739 Low, Jang Moon _ _ _ 7,139 Low, Shee Fong _ _ _ 1,134 Lowe, Faye _ 7,078 Lowe, R. H. _ 5,696 Lowe, Shek Bor _ _ 833 Lowe, Tim Fook _ _ 4,453 Lowe, W. _ 10,800 Lowry, T. M. _ _ _ 1,835 Lowther, G. J. _ _ 1,706 Lowther, Mrs. I. _ ’ 5,527 Loxton, W. _ 2,112 Loyer, L. L. _ __ _ 5,694 Lucas, D. E. _ 105 Lucas, R. H. _ 6,717 Lucking, A. _ _ _ 29 Luke, D. J _ _ 1,025 Lukinuk, A. S. _ _ _ 10,860 Lum, Chiu Man _ 6,387 Lum, Foon Tong _ 5,838 Lum, Hip Yee . _ 4,128 Lumley, E. L . . 22 Lumley, W. J. _ 9,252 Lunan, Mrs. C. A. _ _ . 2,847 Lundgren, Mrs. D. _ 1,432 Lundstrum, Miss M. R. .. 3,976 Luth, W. _ 9,422 Lutman, H. R. . _ _ _ 5,300 Luxton, B. A. _ _ 6,161 Lymberatos. G. _ 126 Lynen, P. D. _ 10,388 Lynn, B. R. _ ._ _ _ 6,434 Lynn, Mrs. Y. M. _ _ 3,146 Lyons, H. J. _ 808 Lysell, K . . . 8,499 Lyttle, Mrs. B. A. _ 5,062 Lyttle, C. R. _ 766 Lytton, R. C. _ 3,058 MacAdam, K. S. _ _ 7,601 MacArthur, B. J. - 1,765 MacArthur, Miss J. L. _ 592 MacAulay, D. _ 31 MacDonald, Mrs. E. _ 3,684 MacDonald, H. A. _ 11,551 MacDonald, J. H. _ 719 MacDonald, K. H. _ _ 2,689 MacDonald, L. D. _ 140 MacDonald, Mrs. L. J. _ 3,552 lV,acr'ona!d. Mrs. N. J. _ 3.998 Macintosh, I. D. A. _ 5,767 MacKay, A. W. _ 897 MacKay, Mrs. M. V. _ 3,953 MacKenzie, D. _ _ _ 7,274 MacKinnon, D. C. _ 10,364 MacKinnon, I. M. — - - 9,090 MacLachlan, Miss B. _ 1,023 MacLean, D. W. _ 7,483 MacLean, J. _ . _ 7,289 MacLean, Mrs. N. F. C._. 535 MacLean, R. - 8,663 MacNiven, D. H. M. _ 5,625 MacPhail, R. W. _ 5,647 MacPhee, E. J. _ _ — 9,663 MacPherson, Miss M. G. 1,190 MacPherson, N. A. - 4,076 MacPherson, Mrs. N. D._ 439 MacRae, A. F. - 4,918 MacSween, D. J. - .. - 11,120 Macham, R. L. - 3,979 Machon, E. _ _ 13,492 Machon, Mrs. J. A. - 2,523 Mack, Choy Kwok - 1,226 Mackie, J. R. _ 5,914 Macomber, R. J. __ - 705 Magdy, S. _ _ 6,599 Magee, Mrs. K. B. - 1,173 Mah, A. L _ 1,284 Mah, Ernie _ 1,187 Mah, Henry Hing - 7,076 Mah, Jick Hong - 6,591 Mah, Nung King - 6,192 Mah, Shui Kee - - 6,810 Mah, Wai Sum _ 6,325 Mah-Poy, G. _ 5,241 Mailey, W. A. — __ — — 5,177 Mains, N. T - - - 8,361 Maitland, Miss L. J. - 863 Mak, Yuk Tin _ - 129 Malbon, Mrs. E. M. — _ 3,997 Maleski, P. M. - 2,749 Maltby, Miss B. J. - 1,686 Travel $ 261 1,833 43 296 21 3 4 6 75 13 318 11 31 5 533 32 23 20 243 978 21 31 Salary $ Mancor, B. H. - — 4,357 Mandelkau, Miss C. - 2,805 Manhire, R. J. - 656 Manier, Mrs. A. - 4,153 Manly, C. R. - 5,676 Mann, Miss D. E. - 3,391 Mann, R. B. — - - 935 Manner, I. A. - 2,818 Mansfield, Mrs. M. A. — 5,282 Manton, Miss S. E. - 679 Mar, Andrew - 1,796 Mar, Darryl Glen - 566 Mar, Dennis _ 2,366 Marcotte, A. M. - 246 Marcotte, Mrs. C. H. - 4,259 Marcotte, G. _ — 3,150 Mar croft, D. H. - 4,566 Margerison, W. - - — — 2,176 Mark, W. J. _ 6,024 Mark, Wing _ 6,222 Marks, Mrs. A. E. - 4,506 Marr, D. T. _ 5,766 Marrs, D. S. - 7,305 Marshall, A. A. - 7,980 Marshall, G. H. - 45 Marston, J. C., Jr. - 1,197 Martin, A. A. - 933 Martin, T. P. - 101 Martinec, J. R. __ - 6,666 Martyn, R. J. - - 7,489 Maslin, Mrs. L. E. - 2,671 Mason, Mrs. E. M. - 4,277 Mason, J. L. - - 5,661 Masters, H. - 9,050 Mather, W. C - 10,391 Mathias, W. E . . 240 Mathieson, A. M. - 160 Mathieson, D. R. _ _ 195 Mathieson, Miss L. M. — 60 Matland, D. R. - 3,839 Matthew, Miss C. L. - 663 Matthews, R. K. - - - 2,570 Maunder, K. M. - 8,572 Maxey, J. - 5,527 Maxted, L. H. _ 8,427 Maxted, W. D. - 4,436 May, E. H. _ . _ 340 May, M. P. _ 3,960 Mayer, B . . 4,453 Mayes, R. S. _ — - 1,826 Mayzes, B. M. _ 6,311 Mazur, Miss H. - . - 4,750 McArthur, R. U. - 5,042 McCallum, D. P. - 1,188 McCarthy, Mrs. B. M. — 4,050 McCartney, A. J. - 6,265 McClintick, L. S. - 2,214 McColl, J. _ 11,191 McColl, J. _ 3,245 McColl, R. D. _ 790 McConnachie, A. B. - 4,386 McConnachie, P. D. - 11,089 McConnell, Miss I. B. , — . 703 McCormack, R. J. . — - - 3,630 McCormick, C. L. - 9,113 McCormick, E. J. _ 2,595 McCormick, H. _ 5,095 McCormick, J. A. - 4,284 McCreight, Mrs. E. J. __ 2,699 McCulloch, K. C. _ 107 McCulloch, R _ _ 4,669 McCulloch, V. _ _ 943 McCutcheon, Mrs. B. C._ 1,236 McDannald, Mrs. A. - 3,742 McDannald, E. H. _ 5,036 McDonald, J. E. _ 5,873 McDonald, N . . 359 McDonald, Miss R. C. — 1,345 McDonnell, A. W. - 7,259 McEvoy, T. M. _ 705 McGarva, D. _ _ _ 9,429 McGhee, W. _ 2,146 McGhie, W. R. _ 42 McGladdery, S. _ 8,424 McGregor, A. D. - 1,014 McGregor, C. D. - . 5,492 McGregor, R. L. - 5,372 McGuigan, D. K. - 4,550 McGuire, G. - 10,277 McGuirk, G. M. _ 80 McHugh, J. T. _ 60 Mcllwain, L. J. - - — 11,233 Travel $ 13 187 16 43 112 688 68 292 43 285 266 12 125 219 341 127 25 100 17 6 130 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued “ B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Mclnnis, G. J. _ 4,473 31 Mclntee, J. A. D. _ 7,806 618 McIntyre, Mrs. G. E. _ 4,960 — McIntyre, W. E. . . . 2,245 — McKay, Mrs. E. _ _ 4,772 — McKelvie, A. _ 7,812 — McKenzie, I. K. _ 752 — McKeown, D. H . _ 6,018 — McKinnon, A. J. _ 334 — McKinnon, Miss J. M. _ 864 — McKinnon, W. A. _ 417 — McKitterick, G. M _ _ 5,433 13 McLaren, Miss P. L. _ 1,154 — McLaughlin, K. M. _ 1,994 — McLean, A. _ _ 7,132 162 McLean, C. _ 35 — McLean, Miss M. B. - 1,849 — McLean, Miss M. C . . 2,525 — McLean, Mrs. N. A. _ 1,148 — McLean, P. J. _ 1,086 — McLean, R. A . . .. 531 — McLean, W. A. _ 5,343 — McLellan, Mrs. L. M . 4,032 — McLellan, R. J. _ 5,340 — McLeod, A. E. _ .... 9,075 22 McLeod, G. M. _ 12,006 43 McLeod, H. N. _ 6,808 — McLeod, Miss J. ... _ 4,687 — McLeod, Mrs. M. P. _ 4,553 — McLeod, Mrs. S. K. _ 289 — McMahon, D. J. .... 2,732 — McMahon, T. _ _ 1,622 — McMeekin, T. A. _ 6.967 20 McMillan, G. _ 5,976 — McMillan, Mrs. G. R. ..... 2,966 — McMillan, P. _ 8,355 — McMurtrie, Miss J. I. _ 2,086 — McNeil. D. J. _ 395 — McNeil, H. W. _ 396 _ McNeill, Mrs. L. __ _ 182 — McPhillips, W. ... _ 8,543 — McQuarrie, L. T. _ _ 11,843 634 McQuary, M. . . . 7.089 863 McQuatt, Mrs. M _ _ 4,811 — McQueen, B. D . 5,607 31 McRae, H. N. _ 1,041 — McVinnie, Mrs. D. .... 969 _ Medforth, J. M. _ _ _ 5,382 13 Meggy, R. _ 2,912 — Mehta, P. R. . . 8,710 54 Meisen, M. G . . 1,072 _ Meketich, M. _ 4,780 _ Melancon, P. R. . . . 5.778 75 Melendez-Duke. A. G . 131 _ Melissen, J. _ _ _ 5,383 _ Melnychuck, Miss D. ... 1,430 _ Melville, J. S. B. 1,221 _ Meredith, R. _ .... 3,380 _ Messner, E. F. .. 5,027 _ Metcalfe, P. T. _ 6,846 21 Michaluk, S. .... _ _ . 6.857 100 Mickelson, J. I. _ ... 5,914 Mikitka, Mrs. B. E. 63 _ Mikus, K. _ ... . 605 _ Millan, A. J. _ _ 5,849 44 Millard. A. J. _ _ _ 630 _ Miller, C. L. . . 7.025 379 Miller, E. R. . . 10.938 112 Miller, Mrs. H. E. _ 2,397 _ Miller, .T. . _ _ 9.008 — Miller, I . W. _ 5,023 — Miller, Mrs. M. _ 4.648 — Milligan. A. L. 5.918 274 Millward, F. _ 658 _ Minnes, T. F. _ 6.792 — Miskin, K. W. _ _ 2,965 _ Mittelmeyer, Mrs. P. J. ... 1 .943 — Moak, Chun King . 5,008 — Moffatt, G. R _ _ 974 - - Moffatt, M. J . . . 79 — Mogensen, Mrs. K . . . 1.723 — Mohr. K. H. 5.695 56 Mole. Miss J . 50 — Mol'et. L. J. _ 7.894 — Mollett. S. _ _ . ... 6.285 150 Monro. N. K. . . 6.462 6 Monteith, Mrs. G. 3,891 - - Montgomery, Miss L. M. 2.094 — Montgomery. R . — 12,712 65 Montgomery. T. W. _ 5,764 — Moodie, Miss C. A. . . 4,088 — Moonan, T. J. _ _ . Salary 11,278 1.195 1,745 5,713 1,403 160 1,678 3,183 8,668 4,527 427 899 Travel $ 17 Mooney, D. J. . . Mooney. P. S. _ _ _ Moorcroft. T. E. _ _ Moore, D. M. _ _ Moore, E . Moore, G. _ ... . — Moore, P. Moore, R. S. . Moore, W. K. . . Morgan, C. E . Morgan. H. . _ _ — Morgan, J. E. ... _ 725 Morgan. Mrs. K. R. _ Morgan, P G. 1,713 1,924 6,466 5,879 4,987 5.012 — Morgan, R. D. 172 Morris, D. O. _ _ Morris. H. O. _ _ _ _ 12 Morris. J. A. _ _ Morris, J. R. _ 514 _ Morrison, Mrs. M. _ Morrow, Mrs. M. C. E. _ Morton, B. H. . .... _ 4,744 4,980 258 7 Morton, D. C. _ Morven. E. D. Moss, D. S. _ _ 119 6,382 5,001 2 Mossop, W. G. ... . . 5.962 _ Moulton, F. A. Moulton, S. A. . . Mow, Harry, . . . _ _ .. Mudaliar, P. L. _ .. 2.037 252 2,226 4,216 — Mueller-Guthke, F. . . 3,979 _ Muir. R. B. _ _ _ 1,157 5,181 11,336 1.516 _ Mulder, Mrs. M. H. _ Mumford, W. J. _ _ Munraster P 290 Muncey. V. S. _ _ 4,442 57 Murdoch, W. _ 7.042 313 Murdock, A. _ 7.361 Murnby, E. A. _ 5.236 . . Murphy, R. _ _ 5.240 _ Murphy, W. P. _ _ _ 4.617 _ Murray, K I 451 _ Murray, P. S. _ . .. Murray, W. _ _ Murray, W. A. _ _ _ 742 14.077 5,673 488 12,527 874 4,444 8,863 4.341 34 Murray, W. J. M. _ Mustvedt, A. 341 Mutch. P. I. . ... Myers, C. H. . _ 169 Myerscough, D. L . . Mvton, Mrs. G. .... . . 45 Nadin, J. T . Nadon. K. A. _ Napper. J. G. _ — . . Narrawav, L. A. _ .. . 9.172 6.711 10.462 3,164 91 331 Naysmitb. J. D. R . 1.620 _ Neale, K. J. _ 1.776 _ Negrazis, A. . . . .... 6,774 _ Neil, D. _ Neil, Mrs. D. E. _ 9.343 980 290 Neill, L. E. _ _ - .. 7.198 138 Neill. M. P. .... _ 5.548 12 Nelson, A. E. _ .... 7.536 6 Nelson, Miss D. R. J . Nelson, Mrs. J. M. . . 1.592 4,950 — Nelson. J. O. . . ... . . 5.124 _ Nelson. R. D. .. .... _ 5.777 42 Nemeth, J . . — . Nemrava. Miss G. M. _ Netterfield. J. W. . . Neufeld. E. J. — . - . 4,714 2,277 5.254 2.146 — Neufeld. K. A _ _ 205 _ Newcomb, J. H. _ 834 _ Newell, J. M. _ Newell, T. P. - . - _ 7.021 3,292 — Newman, B. J. _ 1,934 6,191 220 Ng, Shee Fung . . Ng, Ying Kong 77 - Ng! York Yee _ _ _ 6,319 _ Ngai, Charles _ .. 9.936 1,310 Ncai, Peter L. — _ _ 1,068 Nfal, E>. W. . . 5,641 _ Nicholls, J. D. . ...... _ 4,840 _ Nicholson, Mrs. G. G. _ Nicholson, H. _ Nicholson, Mrs. J. 3,942 4,354 4,653 40 Nicolson, A. D. _ 8,691 _ Nieckarz. Mrs. J. J. _ 1,031 _ Nielsen, F. 5,396 _ Nieman, A. E. _ 1,936 — Salary $ Nieman, D. A. _ 71 Nienaber, R. _ 2,019 Nightingale, Miss M. F.__ 4,846 Nikula, N. A. _ _ 17 Niven, D. G. _ 6,241 Nixon, O. _ _ _ 8,506 Noble, L. _ 5,802 Nordli, Mrs. B. E. _ _ 4,864 Noren, R. J. _ 447 Norris, Miss R. D. _ 223 Norris, R. E. _ 349 North, L. W. _ 6,924 North, S. O. _ 3,834 Novack, D. J. _ 2,483 Nuttall, Miss E. _ 2,427 Nystrom, Mrs. M. _ 2,960 O’Brien, R. F. _ _ 1,744 O’Kell, Mrs. J. _ 3,545 O’Krainetz, M. W. _ 3,208 O’Neill, A. _ 2,859 O’Neill, J. F. _ 5,564 O’Neill, P. K. _ 1,818 O’Shaughnessy, F. J. _ 242 O’Sullivan, E. L. _ 1,152 Oakley, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,631 Oei, E. K. A. _ 1,150 Ogilvie, K. _ 6,747 Ogren, R. E. _ 527 Ogston, R. D. _ 9,419 Olenik, M. _ 6 Olesen, C. W. _ 6,981 Olive, E. _ 2,123 Oliver, V. G. _ 510 Olsen, E. R. _ _ _ 6,494 Olsen, L. D. _ 1,747 Olsen, R. _ 6,735 Olson, O. M. _ 3,573 Olynick, J. J. V _ 2,201 Onody, A. M. _ 182 Opheim, J. D. _ 1,161 Oram, S. E. _ 1,092 Orchard, P. M. _ _ _ 3,034 Orne, Miss S. _ 600 Ossowski, H. _ _ 5,910 Ostrander, A. W. _ 2,018 Otke, Miss C. G. _ _ _ 2,719 Outtrim, C. P. _ 1,140 Ovenden, J. A. . _ 11,464 Overbeck, R. B. _ 6,466 Owen, D. G. _ 747 Owen, Mrs. E. M. _ . _ 1,942 Owen-Jones, B. G. K. _ 12,051 Owens, G. . . . _ . 7,336 Pagee, Mrs. M. _ 3,712 Paiger, Miss S. C. _ 3,060 Palmer, J. _ 5,295 Palmer, J. T. A. _____ _ 264- Palmer, S. K. _ 8,695 Palmer, T. F. _ 8,305 Pang, J. _ ___ 5,880 Pap, J. K. _ _ 4,640 Paquette, G. C. _ 5,601 Parent, Miss J. L. _ 742 Park, J . 5,215 Park, N. L. _ 384 Parker, C. R. _ 6,693 Parker, F. E _ _ 2,761 Parker, Miss H. J. _ 1,874 Parker, J. G. _ 4,331 Parkin, B. A. _ _ 24- Parkin, W. J. _ 5,783 Parkinson, B. D. _ 5,509 Parrish, R. F. _ 3,186 Parrott, Miss S. L. E. _ 986 Parry, E. A. _ 820 Partridge, C _ _ 5,483 Partridge, C. H. _ 9,621 Passek, Mrs. E. I. ___ _ 4,322 Pastuck, M. S. _ 4,382 Patrick, F. A. _ 5,401 Patterson, R. J. _ 4,580 Patterson, R. P. _ 6,900 Pau, Edward _ 395 Paul, D. B. _ _ 3,472 Paulik, E. S. _ 13,141 Pawson, R. _ „ _ 5,849 Payne, J. W. _ 1,010 Pearse, G. S. _ 722 Pearson, D _ _ 10,173 Pearson, D. G . . 6,461 Pearson, G. C. _ 1,941 Pearson, M. B. _ . 5,673 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 131 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued “ B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Pearson, N. - 2,765 — Pearson, N. F. _ 5,262 — Peat, J. J. _ . .... 2,913 400 Pebernat, L. T. _ 2,078 327 Pedersen, Mrs. B. _ 587 — Pedersen, R. A . .. . . 5,951 — Pedersen, S. N. .._ . . 6,086 — Pederson, B. R. _ 36 — Peerzan, I. J. . . — _ 5,406 — Pelton, A. L. _ 3,773 — Pement, D. G. _ 1,433 — Pendleton, C. L _ _ 138 — Pennie, D. M _ _ 8,675 676 Pennington, J . . 12,312 — Penny, Mrs. R. M. . . - 848 — Pepin, R. _ _ 1,878 — Perkins, G. L. _ 5,244 — Perry, H. J. _ 6,215 — Perrv, N. T. 7,440 6,149 21 Peters, W. H. E. . . Peters, W. M _ _ 5,751 108 Petersen, Mrs. B. H . . 5,355 _ Peterson, Miss B. M. _ 565 _ Peterson, H. M, _ 3,714 _ Pettipiece, Mrs. B. M. .... 4,413 — Philcox, J. A. R. . 179 _ Philipps, J. H. _ 7,479 32 Phillips, E. W. _ _ _ . 11,100 1,966 Phillips, Miss M. M. _ 4,206 _ Phillips, R. J. _ 5,610 _ Pisgott, Miss C. A. _ 434 _ Pile, A. G. 5,048 _ Pillow, M. A. . 217 _ Pimlott, J. F. . . . 3,703 200 Pinfield, R. D. . 2,583 _ Pinker, C. E. ... . 5.803 76 Pinker, Mrs. K . 4,895 Pinkerton, C. M. .... . . . 768 _ Pinkerton, R. L. .... 3,227 _ Pirillo, K. _ 3,906 112 Playfair, D. E. . . 300 Plecas. A. _ .. . 9,048 315 Plessis, A. A. 1 Plouffe, H. J. D. 2,171 _ Poh, Bok Lim _ _ 229 _ Pohlmann, M. H. 5,483 _ Pohoski, J 60 _ Poirier, Mrs. B. J. .. 1,013 _ Poirier, Mrs. J. .... 52 _ Pollard, E. N. .. 6.031 22 Pollock, R. J. 11,223 161 Pollok, L. H. 4,271 10 Pomphrey, D. R. 9,114 42 Poole, J. A. _ 11,909 _ Poole, Mrs. M. I. 4,432 _ Poon, David Tat-Sang ..... 495 _ Pope, D. H. _ 147 _ Porteous, H. M. 5,997 7 Porter, A. M. 1,491 Post, J. A . . . . . 10,297 14 Potentier. P. A. D. 2,330 Potter, Mrs. Y. C. _ 205 _ Potts, G. A. 4,555 . _ Powell, G. _ 7,906 _ Power, J. D. 1,743 _ Powis, Miss J. ... 3,657 _ Prattis, E. R. 5,239 __ Prescott, L. C. 1,359 _ Price, D. 8,010 1,014 Pringle, W. R. .. 131 Pritchard. S. 5,009 _ Procter, B. W. 5,404 _ Pugsley, Miss J. B. 1,871 _ Pullen, J. 138 _ Pullen, R. M. .... 485 _ Pulsifer, W. H. 8,419 _ Pun, Stephen Siu-Ying .... 1,287 _ Purdon, D. R. 901 _ Purser, Mrs. N. T. 4,103 _ Quaife, A. A. _ 2 _ Quan, Don Hong .... ... 6,538 _ Quan, Gordon . 6,547 _ Quan, Peter _ Quan, Richard _ 6,273 - _ 1,956 _ Quay, Chor San _ __ 5,012 _ Quick, D. C. 3,606 10 Quick, Miss P. S . . 1,766 Quilty, J. P. _ . 5,096 25 Quine, J . . 4,633 Quinney, Mrs. I. D. .. ... 1,239 _ Quon, Gan Hong .. _ 6,017 Quon, Kwok Sen Salary $ 1,723 Travel $ Quon, Tun Ning . . . 6,847 — Quon, Tze Man . . 385 — Radelet, Mrs. A. _ 4,665 — Rae, W. J. _ _ _ 8,334 — Ragan, M. J. . 6,363 29 Railing, Mrs. K. M. _ 31 — Raines, A. R. . . 7,574 24 Raines, C. A. _ _ 981 — Rainsford, C. D. F. _ 1,863 — Ramsay, Mrs. E. _ 4,442 — Ramsay, F. W. . . . 8,160 495 Ramsay, Mrs. K. J. _ 321 — Ramsbottom, H. . . . 5,044 — Rand, P. S. . . . 5,956 22 Randall, D. R. _ 1,016 — Ranger, J. A. _ _ _ _ 1,204 — Rankin, F. J. _ 467 — Rankin, Mrs J. J . 728 — Rapin, F. X. _ _ 5,318 — Rasmus, R. W. _ 1,024 — Rawlings, E. B ..... 64 — Rawlings, H _ _ 8,582 275 Rawnsley, F. J. _ 2,301 — Raymond, P. J . . . 5,833 94 Rayner, T. _ _ _ 12,315 72 Ready, Mrs. L. E . 470 — Reakes, P. J. _ _ _ 12,600 1.248 Reavie, A. R. . . 6,827 — Redding, B G . 189 — Bedford, E. T . 115 Ill Reedman. D. R N. _ 323 — Reekie, G _ _ _ _ 5,923 77 Regan, R. _ 2.614 — Reid, A. J . . . 4,077 — Reid, D. . . 1 ,093 — Reid, J. E - - 5,639 45 Reid, 1 B . 2,051 — Reid, R. . . . . 9.979 — Reid. S. _ 6,012 — Reid, W. R. _ _ _ 7,168 — Reimer, A W . 1,174 — Reinhard, B. H. _ 5,176 13 Reinhold, I. . . . . 6.643 — Reinson, A. 1 . . 516 — Renton, G. M. _ 5.747 — Reser. K. J. . . 394 — Reynolds, D. F. - - 12,589 7 Revnolds, Mrs. S. A. _ 276 — Rhind, Mrs. B T - - 3,117 — Rhodes, B. D. . . 5,370 — pirhard. Miss P. L. 1,405 — Richards, A. J. M. . 3,220 — Richards, H L. _ _ 6.917 87 Richardson, B. M. - 125 — Richardson, C _ 1,729 150 Richmond. R. M. _ 8,743 — Rickard, P . 140 — Rideout, A. - 2.069 — Rider, Mrs. J. B . 4,ssn — Ridee, H . . . 5.134 — Ridley, C. K. _ _ 1,706 — Rife. C. W. _ 7.090 — Rigbv, J. A. - 2.743 — Rigsbv. G. L 5.346 — Ritchie, A. C. — . . 1 1.160 1,194 Roberts, A. W - - 5.480 — Roberts, D. S. . . ... 4.767 — Roberts, D. W. _ 2 389 — Roberts, E. 5.616 — Roberts, E. H. . . . 5.067 55 Roberts, J. C . . 5.929 — Roberts, P. E. - —. 7.399 — Roberts, R. . . 7.432 11 Roberts, R. A. . . — 287 — Roberts, R. C. - 1.652 — Roberts. T. M. - S.3Q7 — Roherts. \V. J. . 3.799 20 Robertson, G. S . 5 156 — Rohertson, .T. C. 11,785 2 Robertson, R. W. . . 68 — Robertson. R. W. 8.726 — Rob’ns, Mrs. J. C. — 4.943 — 'Rohirifon, Mrs. D. 3.884 — Robinson, D. .T. - 6.910 — Robinson, F. T — 5.765 — Robinson, G. W. .. . 5.819 27 Robinson, H. G . . 4,491 — Robinson, Mrs. J. E. 1,277 — Robinson, L. C. . 5.437 — Salary Travel $ $ Robinson, R. R. _ 648 — Robson, E. F. _ _ _ 734 — Robson, L. G. _ 5,163 31 Rockett, Mrs. P. L. _ 262 — Rodgers, J. B . . 11,220 255 Rodrigue, P. D. _ 3,335 — Rogers, H. A. _ _ 6,994 — Rogers, P. S . . . . 5,545 — Rogerson, M. D. _ _ 3,378 — Roland, H. L . . . . . 2,968 — Rolfe, .1. R _ _ _ 159 — Romanik, D. S. - 132 — Roos, J. O. — 2,324 — Roper, Mrs. J. B. 2,258 — Roper, K. T. _ 2,354 — Roscoe, W. G. _ 5,405 51 Rose, J. .... . . . . . . 6,397 — Rosella, T. _ _ _ .. 3,886 — Ross, A. H. R. . . . 4,171 — Ross, B. _ 148 — Ross, C. N. . . . . 3,255 — Ross, D. _ . .... 7,707 — Ross, J. _ _ _ 5,347 — Ross, S. M. _ _ 787 — Ross, W. T. 5,916 — Rossner, C. T. _ 5,501 — Rothwell, Mrs. S. _ 4,161 — Rowan, W. _ 6,040 — Rowbottom, B. H. _ _ 1,914 — Rowe, C. R. D. _ 1,133 — Rowland, Miss C. R. _ 696 — Royston, Mrs. F. . . . 6,024 — Ruddick, G. G. _ 14,367 576 Rudolph, Mrs. E. I. _ 4,227 — Ruffe!!. R. G. _ _ _ 1,817 — Ruffle, G. M. W. _ 1,671 — Rumble. M. D. . . 2,605 — Runacres, S. C. .. . . . 5,335 — Runnells, R. W. _ .. 1,266 — Russell, D. W. _ ..... 534 — Russell, P . . . . 8,160 — Russell, Mrs. P. M. _ 5.088 — Rutter, W. . . . ... 1,589 — Ryan, N. D. _ 412 — Ryan, R. S. _ 4,357 — Ryles, A. . . 11.946 — Sagar. J. _ 811 — Sainsbury, A. G. _ 10,539 135 Salaga, R. W. _ ... 3,576 — Sallows, V. M. _ _ 255 — Salo, A. _ _ .... 945 — Sam, Fook Chong _ 6,045 — Sam, Jerry . . .. 834 — Sam, John . . . . .... 6,894 — Sam, Ming Yee . . . 6,500 — Sam, Wing Quan _ 1,073 — Samis, S. C. _ _ _ 18 — Sampson, C. R. _ 6,063 4 Sampson, Mrs. P. A. _ 4,649 — Sanchuk, S. C. _ .... 3.524 9 Sandberg, D. G. _ _ _ 5,733 — Sandnes, B. D. _ 5,543 — Sandquist, Mrs. B. .. _ 840 — Sands, G. H. _ _ 11.686 54 Sarvari, P. _ 5,798 — Satermo, H. _ _ 1,349 — Saunders, A. R. _ 679 — Saunders, E. J. _ 6,872 15 Saunders, R. G. .. _ ... 2,087 — Saunders, R. W . 1,925 75 Savage, F. J. _ _ 4,323 20 Savage, R. W. _ 131 — Savinac, C. I . . . 548 — Sayers, Mrs. D. G. _ 4,206 — Scanlon, Miss A. M. _ 2,748 — Scarfo, Mrs. B. L. _ 4,703 — Scheibe, L. E. _ _ 5,861 — Schlesinger, M. C. .. - 927 — Schlitz, Mrs. E. L. _ 33 — Schroeter, B. _ 5,142 — Schuman, F. H. _ ... 1,356 — Schuss, A. 1,200 — Scollon, R. M. . . — 6,492 — Scorgie, Mrs. F. - 702 — Scott, C. A. - . . . - 2.318 74 Scott, Mrs. F. - - 2,286 — Scott, G. E. . - - 7,541 112 Scott, I . J. . . . - 154 — Scott, R. B. - 5,227 — Scougal, G. J. - 7,829 469 Scudamore, D. W. - ... 1,327 — Scurr, P. G. - 1,937 — 132 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Selk, B. A. .... _ 395 — Senior, P. T. ... . . 4,446 — Seto, J. _ . . . 2,258 — Seto, Jack Mark . . 1,684 — Seto, Shaw Hong . . . 5,824 — Seward, D. G. 8,766 5 Shanks, G. F. 66 — Shanks, J. H . 148 — Sharma, A. D. 1,360 — Sharpe, A. W. _ 790 — Shave, H. _ _ ... 6,533 — Shaw, Mrs. A. R. _ 593 — Shaw, D. D. _ . 5,634 — Shaw, J . . 5,515 — Shaw, J. A. B, _ 562 — Shaw, K. W. ...... _ 7.420 34 Sheikh, Mrs. B. _ 478 — Sherlock, Mrs. E. _ 3,988 — Sherman, K. L. _ _ 3,267 — Shewfelt, L. G. _ 7,151 — Shibley, A. _ _ 667 — Shinduke, Mrs. V. M. _ 394 — Shone, E. A _ _ 5,195 — Shoop, Miss B. L. . . . 1,113 — Shu, C. . . . . 1,203 — Shumaker, C. _ _ 7,382 37 Siddeeo, A. B. _ 8,032 63 Siddons, Mrs. I. E. _ 4,685 — Silver, B. W. . . . 2,029 — Sim, R. B . . 2,615 — Simmons, R. J. _ 5,939 44 Simpson, Mrs. E. E. _ 4,370 — Simpson, G. F. .. _ 5,158 — Simpson, H. E . . . 5,464 — Simpson, K. . .. _ _ _ _ 6,301 8 Simpson, K. B. _ 8,956 465 Simpson, R. E. . . 6,567 — Simpson, R. J. _ _ 198 — Sims. R. D _ _ 4,615 — Sinclair. J _ _ _ _ 5,589 — Sinclair, J. R. _ .. 7,949 — Sinclair, J. W. _ 5,975 9 Sjoholm, C. J. ... _ ... . 5,567 — Skaar, M. A. . . 952 — Skidmore, R. I. _ ... 247 — Skrypnke. Miss E. D. _ 2,638 — Skubiski, J. M. _ 7,658 147 Slack. J. G. _ 3,075 51 Slater, F. C . . . . 3,121 — Slater, N. S. _ 2,181 20 Slater, Miss S. E. . . 1,229 — Sleep, D. ... _ 7,029 114 Slingerland, R. H _ _ 175 — Slingsby, D. I _ 5,583 — Slingsbv, P. D. _ 184 — Sloan. P. J. _ .... 5,336 — Sluggett, L J. _ 2,035 — Sluggett, Miss S. M. _ 3,210 — Sluis. P. L. _ 7,711 — Smallwood, J. K. W. _.... 2,682 — Smart, I. A. _ 3,253 25 Smillie, G. D. _ 1,404 — Smith, Miss A. C. _ 312 — Smith, A. G . 5,354 — Smith, D. J. _ 1,282 — Smith, Mrs. D. M. _ 2,471 — Smith, F. A. . . . 5,122 — Smith, F. W. _ _ _ 20 — Smith, G. A. _ 24 — Smith, Miss H. A. _ 2,927 — Smith, J. A. . . . 12,684 278 Smith, J. J. . . 5,430 — Smith, K. B. _ 3.474 — Smith, L. _ 7,246 291 Smith, L. C. - - - 8.620 — Smith, L. J. _ .. . 7.151 89 Smith, M. D. _ 1.67^ — Smith, R. E. ...._ . . 4,537 — Smith, R. G - - 2,949 — Smith, R. G. - . . 235 — Smith, R. L. - - 8.979 3 Smith, S. G _ _ 6,228 — Smith, Miss S. J. - 57 — Smith, W. F. _ 6,049 — Smith, W. H. _ 4,596 51 Smithson, J. — - 6.945 420 Snowdon, T. B 11.281 331 Snukuts. Mrs. J . . 4.093 — Soadv, E. . 9.149 — Sober. B. R. - 88 — Soles, R. H. - 2.895 — B.C. Ferries ” Divisio n — Co ntinut Salary Travel $ $ Soo, Pak Sang _ 1,081 — Sorel, J. J. . . . . 9 — Southworth, W. R. 7,485 1,228 Sparks, J. E. . . . 7,245 482 Sparolin, M. K. E. _ 7,267 22 Spear, Mrs. F. M. _ 3,702 — Speed, Mrs. A. R . . . 905 — Speight, J. M. _ _ 49 — Speirs, J _ _ 293 — Spencer, J. K _ _ 9,161 43 Spilchen, W. . . . . . 60 — Spowart, G. W. _ 2,075 — Sprecher, Mrs. E. H . 4.394 — Springett, W. S. _ 4,138 — Sprinkling, Miss D. L. .... 3,421 — Stacey, D. A. _ 1,204 — Stacey, P. M _ _ 5,076 — Stadnyk, Miss M. A. _ 471 — Stallwood, G. W. . . . 5,258 — Stansfield, R. . . . . 4 — Stapleton. E. E. _ 1,628 12 Starcevich. D. M . 5,974 5 Starkey, Mrs. N. I. _ _ 1,535 — Starkey, P. J _ _ 4,947 — Starr. W. E . . 65 — Stead, E. J. _ 3,967 — Stebeck. R. L. . . 2,224 13 Steen. R N . . . . 5,539 30 Steffins, J. W. _ _ 645 — Steidel, R. C . 53 — Stephaney, H. E. _ _ _ 1,599 — Stephens, D. C. _ _ 8,516 1,879 Stephenson, J. D. . . 2,696 — Steven, R. G. H. _ 408 — Stevens, J. W. _ 3,280 — Stevens, N . . 62 — Stevens, W. A. _ 38 — Stevenson, J. L. _ 6,352 — Stevenson, W. F _ _ 141 — Stevenson, W. R. _ 2,776 — Stewart, D. N. _ 196 — Stewart, D. S _ _ 6.756 2 Stewart, Miss H. J . . 132 — Stewart, N. _ 7,313 279 Stewart, W. M. _ 799 — Stobbs, C. V. _ 5,026 — Stocks, D. W . 6,208 — Stodart, Mrs. E. R. _ 769 — Stoliker, Miss B. M. _ 643 — Storrar, J. A . 90 — Stowe, J. A . . .. . 5,328 — Stranders, B. J. O. _ 170 — Stratford, P. K. _ _ 6,523 612 Stratton, F. M. _ 9,558 — Street, R. L. 2,604 — Strickland, G. M . . 5,494 — Strom, C. E . . 8,884 — Stubbington, Mrs. M. J.... 4,713 — Stubbs, T. B. _ _ 5,925 308 Stubbs, T. L. _ _ 12,360 22 Stuchberry, H. T . . 12,612 — Sturch, F. A. _ . .... 73 — Sugar, J. P _ _ 4,983 — Sundberg, Mrs. F. E. . . 4,450 — Surette, J. A. 89 — Sutton, J. .. . . . 5,874 20 Sutton, W. H. _ 695 — Swan, Mrs. D. V . . 5,064 — Swanson, G. R. . . 1,136 — Swanson, L. W . . . .. 379 — Swanson, R. L. _ 637 — Swanson, Mrs. V. S. _ 2,518 — Swift, J. M _ _ _ 5,630 7 Symons, J _ _ _ 8,209 — Symons, Miss J. R. _ 624 — Szabo, T. I _ _ 2,414 — Tabbutt, Miss L. A. _ 4,948 4 Tait, A . . . 4,995 — Tait, W. _ _ 10,697 1 Tallboy, R. _ _ 9,005 6 Talman, J. M. _ .. .. 5,518 4 Tamboline, E. J. R. _ 5,116 — Tan, Chin Chang _ 4,020 — Tan, Tzu Chien _ 2,725 — Tang, Kenneth . . . 80 — Tang, See Chao _ . 1,094 — Tanner, W. G _ _ 5,090 — Taranoff, S. _ 436 — Tate, R. S. . . . 1,474 — Taylor, Mrs. C. M . 3,420 11 Taylor, G. J . . 160 — Taylor, G. M . . 8,640 72 Tavlor, K. J. Salary $ 742 Travel $ Tavlnr. P. F. 3,706 5,694 _ Taylor, R. E. _ — Taylor, W. J. B. . 7,124 2,200 5,422 304 Teeple, Mrs D. S. Telf'er, K. A . _ Telford, R. C. _ 96 _ Templeman, J. L. _ 537 — Templeton, Miss G. K. _ 5,058 — Ten-Bohmer, C. L. _ 3,755 — Tham, Lum . 10,155 — Tham, Seu Horn . . . 933 — Thatcher, W. M . . 4,697 — Theberge, Mrs. H. D. _ 24 — Thom, C. J. _ 4,563 — Thom, H. T. ...... 2,201 — Thom, P. L. _ _ .. 3,924 — Thomas, C . . 36 _ Thomas, E. G. _ 590 — Thomas, G. H . 3,340 _ Thomas, J. . . . . ... 128 _ Thomas, J. C . . 2,875 — Thomas, J. R. _ 115 — Thomas, L. E. _ 363 — Thomas, Mrs. M . . 4,284 160 Thomas, P. S. _ _ 52 _ Thomas, R. J. . . . .. 3,286 _ Thomas, Mrs. V. _ .. 4,449 _ Thomas, W. _ _ 2,763 _ Thompson, C. A . . 4,153 — Thompson, D. E . 32 — Thompson, F. 1,772 6,890 3,133 _ Thompson, J. A 153 Thompson' Mrs. L. W. .. Thompson, W. T. _ 6,837 25 Thomson, J. H. _ _ _ 2,441 — Thomson, K. O. 430 _ Thomson-Smith, A. _ 128 _ Thorburn, R. J. _ _ _ 5,781 _ Thorgeirson, D. F. _ _ 377 — Thome, D. O . . 1,802 — Thorpe, H. . . . 1,175 13 Thurley, R. J. _ _ _ 10,690 25 Thurston, Mrs. E. ... _ 4,454 — Tiefenbach, Mrs. C. I. _ _ 1,680 — Tifenbach, D. _ 140 — Timbers, G. H _ _ 831 — Timewell, Miss E. G. _ 1,550 — Timmins. H. 5.221 — Timpany, F. S. . . . . . 3,916 — Tinnion, R. . . 5,965 4C Tinsley. W. R _ _ 12,467 13 Tite, Mrs. E. G. _ 2,695 — Titerle, J. A _ _ 1,617 - ' Titley, T. E. . . . . . 1,209 - 1 Toly, M. A. _ _ _ 5,299 — Tom, Hung Yuen . . . 251 — Tomasson, E. M. _ 5,277 — Tomkins, D. T. 481 - i Tomlinson. Miss G. R . 4.010 447 Tong, Toby . . 6,440 — Tonzetich. M. _ 49 — Toole. D. A. _ 829 — Toomey, G. P. _ 4,610 — Tonham, J. T. _ 5,405 - P Torrens, O. J _ _ 212 - 1 Torv. B H. _ 5,806 129 Towell, D. S. _ 63 — Towland, W. A. — _ _ 7,994 55 Townsend, F. . . . 5,237 — Townsend. P. C. . . . 4,707 - Trafford, G. D. . . . 882 - i Travers, N. _ _ _ 11.603 305 Travis. A. C. _ 609 — Tredgett. C. D. _ _ _ _ _ 1,587 - ! 1 Tremblay, R. J. _ 5,076 - 1 1 Triges, Mrs. G. A . 603 - i 1 Trodd. F. _ 3,811 - 1 Trout, K. H . . 597 - Truscott. T. E . . 5,997 - 1 Tsang, Cheuk Man _ 6,240 _ Tsang, Thomas _ 1,090 — h Tseng. Josenh Kwong C. . 817 — Tso, Yav Dip _ 3,407 — I Tuey. L. E. . . . . 2,886 — ■ Turcic, A. . . 6.732 — . Turecki, Miss B. D. _ 1.026 — c Turnbull, A. R. . . . 5,247 - Turner, Mrs. C. T. _ 3,941 V - Z ' Turner, G _ _ 5.385 Turner. Miss S. A . . 3,786 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 133 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued “ B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Tuttle. E. J. _ _ _ 5,682 — Twa. R. J . . . .. ..... 7,483 325 Twaites, C. E. _ 5,994 3 Tweed, H. F _ _ 5,105 — Tyerman, Mrs. E. M. 80 — Tyrrell, Mrs. J. M. _ 4,980 — U Sok Fat . . . . 131 — Uhrig, B. H . . . . 328 — Underwood, G. R . 6,926 — Underwood, M. L. 6,319 — Urbanczyk, J. . . 5,357 — V alette, M. A. _ 5,314 — Van Asma, C. _ 6,576 — Van de Kraak, J. C. _ 5,287 — Van De Riet, Mrs. G. M. . 765 — Van Der Giessen, P. D. _ 191 — Van Loon, G. J. _ 1,617 — Van Rassel, R. P. _ 3,216 — Van Schaik, J. . . . . 5,259 — Van Schetsen. A. G. _ . 4,542 — Van Sickle, W. B . 5,738 13 Vancise, D. M. _ 4,586 — Vander Haegan, C. _ 5,542 — Vanderzwaal, J. A . . 10,807 — Vanderzwan. H. _ 1.633 — Vannatter. D. K. _ 3,778 3 Vannetten, R _ _ 7,002 174 Vapaavuori, E. J. .. _ 3,821 — Vasey, M. W. _ _ 749 — Vatne, A. P. - 700 — Veale, Mrs. S. E. _ . . 5,345 — Veitch, T. A. _ _ _ 6,684 — Venuti, F. .. . . . . 6.495 — Verchere, R. A. . .. . . 7,869 — Veres, Mrs. M. L . 356 — Verhulst. Miss M. P. _ 3,586 — Vibert, R. J. . 747 — Vickers, A. A. _ 9 — Videto. Mrs. C. A. _ _ 1.410 — Villeneuve. G. J. _ 6,144 73 Vince, G. G. _ _ 10,726 23 Virgint, S. W. .. _ 5,123 — Vivian. Miss S. C. . . 656 — Vizi, S. _ 5,238 — Voeeeli L. J. _ _ _ 4.515 — Vogt, B. _ 6,884 — Volpp, U. H. _ _ 8,076 31 Vade. Miss G. W. _ 412 — Vagner, R. L. . . 4,306 — Vagstaff, R. C. _ 4,319 12 Vai, Fung Cheung _ . 513 — Vai, Hong Yip _ 597 — Vaine, R. A 400 — Vakefield. J. C. _ 1,989 — Valders, R. A. - 6,786 1,241 Valdren, Mrs. M. _ 1,400 — Valker, R. M . 8,149 — Valker, V. . . . . 31 12 Valker, W . 5,498 — Vallace, H. . . 2,084 — Vallace, H. M. . . . 541 — Vallace, K. B. _ 5,271 — V allbank, F. W. _ 1,787 — Vallis, E. B. _ _ _ 1,416 — Valsh, H. A. _ 767 — Valters, G. C. _ 4,055 — Valtham. E. C . . . 4,303 48 Valton, D. F . 10,112 13 Valton, G. T. . . . 2,508 — Valton, J. T. _ 1,187 — Vampler, L. D. . . 5,510 12 Vanhill, C. R. _ 582 — Vanless. Mrs. L. F. _ 5,440 — Vard. B _ _ _ 1,306 — /aid, C. A . . 369 — /ard, D. H . . 459 200 Vard, Mrs. D. I . 4,450 — Vard. H. E. ...... . . 5,806 7 /ard. R. D. _ 68 — /arden, Miss D. L . 365 — /arder, Mrs. M. B. _ 4,892 13 Varhurst, J. F. . . .. 4,994 — Varing, R. D . . . . 1,501 — Warwick, K. _ .. _ 196 — /aterman, J. S. H. .. ..... 21 — fatling, W. A . . . 5,326 22 ^atson, Mrs. C. A. _ 4,773 — 'atson, D. H. . . 2,747 — fatson, Miss J. R. . . 4,832 — fatson, R. J. _ 4,462 — fatson, R. W . . 3,147 35 Salary Travel $ $ Wayte, Miss B. A. _ 1,844 _ Weatherall, R. A, _ 5,430 — Webb, J. R. _ 5,986 _ Wedderspoon, Mrs. A. _ 2,789 _ Wedge, L. _ ._ . . 6,252 _ Wedholm, Mrs. N. M. .... 4,259 _ Weeks, Mrs. R. . . . 806 _ Weholm, E. . 8,752 49 Weiland, D. W. C . 1,565 Weinrath, T. J . . 5,104 _ Weir, D. . . . . . . 10,905 _ Weiss, D. L. _ _ 7,057 13 Wellings, N. E. . 148 Wellings, R. J. . . 1,297 _ Wells, E . 5,778 62 West, Mrs. C. . . . 4,794 _ West, Miss D . . 158 _ West, Miss F. M. . . . 1,390 _ West, L. E. . . 6,772 _ West, S. J. _ 6,520 _ Westcott, W. W . 353 _ Westman, W. F. _ 9,054 108 Weston, W. B. . . . 16,800 1,667 Wetklo, G. H. D. . . . 13,665 1,025 Wheant, Mrs. L . 4,971 _ Wheeler, A. M . . 8,942 83 Wheeler, T. C . 8,320 17 Whelan, T. J. _ 11,067 457 Whipps, F. G. _ 5,184 Whitaker, Mrs. J . . 3,314 _ White, A. E. _ _ _ 12,744 _ White, C. J. _ 593 . _ White, D. D. _ 1,139 _ White, Mrs. K. L. . 1,557 _ Whitehead, C. J . . .. 171 _ Whitehead, G. R. . 5,091 _ Whitmore, Miss D. J. 85 _ Whittaker, W. R. _ _ 60 _ Whyte, S . . 297 — Wichmann. H . 9,837 16 Wickett, W. R. . 809 Wicks, G. _ 5,892 _ Wiebe, E. H _ _ 7,374 31 Wigard, G. R . . . 5,730 Wiggans, R. F . . 2,111 — Wilby, B. H. . . .. ...... 7,797 126 Wiles, R. B. . . 1,095 — Wilkins, S. M. . . 1,107 _ Wilkinson, St. E. C. T. 1,461 12 Willey, D. J. _ 6,821 4 Williams, B. . . 4,697 12 Williams, Mrs. B. J. _ 2,736 _ Wililams, B. L. . 5,699 _ Williams, B. P. _ 9,161 212 Williams, B. R. . 68 _ Williams, Mrs. E. . _ 4,690 — Williams, N. F . . . 5.429 _ Williams, P. A. . 991 — Williams, R. O. . . . 511 — Williams. R. S. . . 12.161 151 Williams. Mrs. S. L. _ 2.900 — Williams, Mrs. S. P. _ 3,974 — Williams, W. _ 73 — Williams, W. E. _ 5,472 — Wills. R. E . . 5,524 — Wills. R. F _ _ 3,092 25 Willson. Mrs. D. A. _ 6.024 167 Willson, J. C. _ 7,046 — Willson. J. J . 1.466 — Wilson, D. G. K. 9,161 5 Wilson, D. N. _ 6,288 — Wilson. I. R . 1,111 — Wilson. J. R. . 5.215 31 Wilson, Miss L. V. _ 831 — Wilson, R. _ 1.251 — Wilson. R. G. — . 1.749 — Wilson, R. L. _ _ 3.749 — Wilson. R. S. H. _ 8.443 302 Wilson. R. E. _ 4.377 — Wilson, Mrs. V. C. . . . 4,939 — WiUon, V. L . . . . 6.625 — Wilson. W. R. _ 777 — Windsor. F. W. G. _ 3.254 — Windsor. T. K. . _.. 5.800 223 Winegarden. T. H. _ 127 — Winfield. D. E. - - 5.671 — Winstanley, A. J. _ ... 317 — Wiseman, W. J. - - - 12,481 13 Witherow, P J. - 7.176 — Witwicki, A. N . . 359 — Wiznuk, M. A. - 149 — Salary Travel $ $ Wodak, M. R . . . . 1,106 — Wolfe, J. B. . . . 6,366 — Woloshyn, G. R. . 2,611 362 Wong, Archie _ _ _ 5,932 — Wong, Ark Wai _ 5.970 — Wong, Bak Kay . 6,158 — Wong, Bilson _ 5,473 — Wong, Boon Chor _ 534 — Wong, Carl _ 1,104 — Wong, Chang Phow _ . 1,121 — Wong, Chong Fai _ 5,854 — Wong, Duck Man _ 7,159 — Wong, Eng Hai _ 5,343 — Wong, Finny _ _ 1,054 — Wong, Fook Kong . . 5,453 — Wong, George _ 5,866 — Wong, Gordon _ 1,815 — Wong, Hin Young _ 6,693 — Wong, Hing Won _ _ 5,917 — Wong, James H. _ 6,903 — Wong, Kai Sui _ 6,621 12 Wong, Kam Lon . . . 6,880 — Wong, Kam Woo _ _ 6,856 — Wong, Kenneth _ 1,534 — Wong, Kenneth Gunar _ 1,295 — Wong, King Lim _ _ 6,922 — Wong, King Sun . . 25 — Wong, Kong Wing _ 7,784 — Wong, Kwak Sing _ 473 — Wong, Laphang Jimmy _ 1,046 — Wong, Man Chee _ 6.210 — Wong, Pak Kong _ 5,877 — Wong, Park Ying _ 6,725 12 Wong, Paul Siu-Keung _ _ 1,920 — Wong, Philip _ ___. _ 832 — Wong, Quon Yew . . . 6,401 10 Wong, See-Man _ _ _ 2,528 — Wong, Shee Sun . . 5,380 12 Wong, Shu Don . . . 6.141 — Wong, Siu Sui _ _ 6,224 — Wong, Soon How _ 5,660 — Wong. Stanley . . 7,137 — Wong, Sui Kee _ _ 5,817 — Wong, Sun Man .... . . 5,606 — Wong, Tim Wah _ 7,177 — Wong, Victor _ _ 902 — Wong, Wah Chun _ 6,219 — Wong. Wai Chun _ 801 — Wong, Wavne - - 1.525 — Wong, William _ _ _ 1,621 — Wong, Wing Kwong _ 587 — Wong. Wing Soon _ 678 — Wong, Wing Yin _ „ 1,013 — Wong, Wing Yue _ 6,987 17 Wong, Yip S. . . . 6,780 — Wong. You Chone . . 6,009 — Wong, Yuen Yen _ 5,908 — Woo. Raynor Kwong _ 1.680 50 Woo, Sam . . ~ .. 4.434 — Woo, Wing Dep . . . — 6,580 — Wood, G. M. _ 3,739 — Wood. J. _ _ _ _ 177 — Wood, J. F. . . . 2.130 — Wood, S . . . - . 5,037 44 Wood. W. F . . . 3,334 — Woodbury, J . 17 — Woodcock, T. - 7,964 — Woods, M. A. G. _ . - 5,735 — Woods, R. C . . . . 668 — Woodson, W. H. T. - 1,330 — Wooldridge, G . . ..... 6,780 — Wootton, G. . .. - - 12,143 — Wootton, G. B. - - - 8,451 — Wray, Miss E. D. 871 — Wright, B. L. - — 3,408 — Wright, G. A . . . . .. 5,360 — Wright, Miss L. A. - 695 — Wright, Miss N. E. A . 2,805 — Wright, T. S . . 6,803 — Wright, W. - - 4,510 31 Wrightson. R. J. _ 5.579 10 Wu, Chi Sung - ... 7,549 — Wu, Kam Wah _ 429 — Wyatt, Mrs. C. A. - 989 — Wylie, M. S. .... .. 670 — Wynn, W. - - 7,103 — Wyrozub, G. - 5,637 26 Yates, J. - 6,768 31 Yates, T. H . . 12,218 — Yaworski, B. A. . . 477 — Yee, Chin Tong - 7,130 — 134 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Yee, Henry _ 5,650 — Yee, Ming Yun _. _ 4,956 — Yee, Tommy _ 2,213 — Yee, Wei _ 1,399 — Yew, Tim _ 1,538 — Yip, Leonard _ 3,412 — Yip, Peter _ 1,316 — Yip, Ronald _ 1,497 — York, Miss D. M. _ 892 — York, F. D. _ 1,146 — “ B.C. Ferries ” Division — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Young, A. - 6,876 100 Young, C. M. _ 3,233 — Young, D. B. _ 5,237 30 Young, E. - 2,627 — Young, Mrs. E. F. _ 4,702 — Young, H. _ 2,204 — Young, K. C. _ 395 — Young, R. J. _ 6,113 8 Young, T. H. _ _ 9,954 — Young, W. H. _ 3,409 — Younger, J. D. _ Salary Travel $ $ 9,031 14 62 — Yu, Wai Fun . . Yuen, Kin Sheung _ 17 — Sub-total, “ B.C. Fer¬ ries” Division _ 10,295,594 102,221 Total, Department of Highways . 42,491,466 727,995 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRADE, AND COMMERCE Salary Travel $ $ Loffmark, Hon. R. R., Minister (to April 25, 1968) - - - 1,458 — Skillings, Hon. W. M., Minister (from April 25, 1968) _ _ _ _ _ 16,334 3,938 Renwick, R. F., Deputy Minister _ _ 20,000 3,353 Amano, J. N . . . — 714 — Baird, J. B. - 15,600 524 Barlow, Mrs. C. J. . . . 190 — Barwick, W. N. - 7,710 — Bassett, H. V . . 8,820 48 Beveridge, Miss D. L. — 2,903 — Blair, W. A. _ _ 9,360 533 Bonney, Miss P. R. _ 4,866 53 Boyd, Mrs. L. A. . . 1,791 — Bradford. Miss G. M. 1,325 — Brawn, 11. _ _ 3,255 10 Bruce, Mrs. H. G . - 6,024 15 Carey, Mrs. J. _ 1,480 — Carpenter, C. L. _ 3,972 — Chamberlain, N. W. _ 2,598 — Cherrier, Mrs. E. _ 17 — Clare, H. J. _ _ 1,747 — Clarke, L. E. . _ 6,701 — Cook, P. A. _ 6,144 281 Cowan, Miss I. H. _ 559 — Curran, Miss J. S'. _ 854 — Curtis, J. E. _ _ 5,047 — Day, C. L. 3,684 — Denbigh, Miss L. R. A. .... 4,980 — Dezarn, Mrs. N. L. B 4,151 — Dickson, K. E. _ ..... 7,020 — Dornan, W. K. _ . 6,504 — Douglas, Miss O. M. 7,860 — Dyson, Miss D. _ 4,362 — Englefield, Miss J. _ 3,900 — Evans, D. M. _ _ 6,684 101 Falk, Miss D. E. . . . 4,362 — Fishwick, Mrs. S. A. 2,935 — Fletcher, Miss A. _ 567 — Fletcher, L. G _ _ 7,020 — Folbigg, Miss J. _ 6,024 — Forry, Miss J. A . 614 — Forster, Mrs. B. G. _ 928 — Gann, J. H. B _ _ 11,265 23 Garman, Mrs. P. M. _ 3,936 — Geddes, G. _ _ 9,855 980 Gibson, G. G. S. (salary, $11,400; representation allowance, $2,400) . . 13,800 — Gibson, G. T. _ 9,360 — Gilbert, H. J. - . ..... 3,684 — Glover, M. H. A. _ 16,050 388 Goodrow, Miss J. _ 2,586 — Gore, Mrs. D. G. _ 234 — Grealy, J. R. _ 8,310 356 Green, Mrs. L. A. _ _ 1,117 — Greenwood, Mrs. D. H 4,440 — Hamer, N. H. _ Harrison, Mrs. D. G. _ Hastie, Miss I. T. (salary, $3,931; representation allowance, $900) _ Haverty, Miss K. L. _ Hayes, G. M. _ _ _ _ Head, W. R. _ Heinekey, Miss D. E. . . Hembroff, E. M _ _ Henson, R. C. _ _ _ Hewitt, G. K. _ _ Hibbert, W. _ Higgins, S. J. . _ Hinds, Mrs. S. A. _ lanson, J. L _ _ _ Ianson, Mrs. P. ... _ Jackson, Miss D. E. _ Jarrett, Mrs. S. ... _ Kersey, R. W. _ King, W. H _ _ Knight, G. R. _ Knowles, C. D. _ Kooyman, Miss C . . Leonard, Miss L. A. _ Ludvigson, G. A . . MacKay, F. C. (salary, $10,360; representation allowance, $1,200) ... . Mahonv, Mrs. D. B. (sal¬ ary, $3,445; representa¬ tion allowance, $725) McCulloch, W. B. . . McKerchar. Mrs. P. McMillan, Mrs. A. E. McMillan, R. J. (salary, $1,785; representation allowance, $375) _ McOuarrie, C. A. .... .... McTavish, Miss B. 3. ..... Meredith, J. R. _ Mollison, D. H. T. _ Morris,. Miss E. F. _ _ Mortlock, A. N. _ _ Namier, M. L . . . Neligan, Mrs. V. M. _ .. Newcombe, Miss B. J. Noble, Miss D. B. _ Palmer, W. J. B. _ Patterson, Mrs. E. P. _ Pedersen, R. B. _ Perrin, M. E. _ _ Pipes, Mrs. S. C. _ Reed, D. K. _ _ Reid, Miss W. D. . . Rhodes, F. A . . Richards, Miss D . . Richardson, Mrs. M. A. .. Riddell, Miss S. F. . . . Salary Travel Salary Trave1 $ $ $ $ 6,384 21 Ross, Miss S. J. . . 3,289 927 — Ruddick, Miss L P. 530 _ Sandve, G. P. 8,310 359 Satchell, A. J. . 6,504 _ 4,831 — Savery, S. J. M. _ _ 7,882 431 4,284 — Schwartz, Miss I. E. (sal- 4,980 — ary, $4,980; representa- 5,796 — tion allowance $900) 5,880 192 265 — Scott-Poison, Mrs. L. E. 4,284 _ 5,962 — Seaman. Mrs. M. L. 4,284 _ 10,890 338 Seidel, Mrs. M. M. E . . 1,197 _ 1,168 — Shelley, D. N. J. 3,060 _ 5,580 — Skakun, Mrs. E. C. 2,703 _ 3,828 — Smith, A. F. - _ _ ... 7,710 26 3,972 — Smith, D. 1. _ _ 463 _ 11,880 83 Smith, Mrs. G. V. _ 5,076 15 5,573 — Smith, H. F. E. (salarv, 5,882 — $9,050; representation 4,153 — allowance, $2,400) . 1 1 ,450 — 10,860 1,507 Southworth, J. J. _ 3.495 1,945 8,460 155 Spring, G. A. ... . . . 9,683 — 13,575 2,052 St. Pierre, Miss P. J. 253 — 4,665 — Steacy, N. P. (salary $15,- 1,678 — 000; representation al- 1,710 — lowance, $3,792) _ IS. 792 2,019 1,229 — Steen, R. C. .. _ _ 5,240 33<: Stenstrom, J. M. _ 3,253 164 Stirling, M. G. (salary 12,060 5,080 $8,750; representation allowance, $4,750) _ 13.500 2.04C Stone, Miss C. E. _ 271 — 4,170 — Sundry temporary assis- 12,120 623 tance _ 2,282 — 4,524 — Terry, L. J _ _ 5,290 — 4.524 — Thomas, E. J. _ _ _ 6.504 — Thompson, P. _ _ _ 901 — Thornton, H. P . . . 9,960 — 2,160 945 Todd, K. B. W. . . . 1 ,079 — 9,180 418 Troop, Miss A. E. _ 1.156 — 2.459 240 Valen, Mrs. E. M. . . 6.980 — 14,925 1,696 Wadey, E. C. _ _ _ 3,552 — 10,860 2,572 Warburton, B. E. _ 5.910 885 5.657 — Ward, D. B. H. _ 3,024 — 5,291 — Watt, B. M. _ 3,655 — 5,522 1 408 Webb. K. T. L _ _ 4,011 — 4.363 _ Weir, G. R. _ 7.152 4- 1,528 _ Westwood, E. C. (salary 4,050 $8,750; representation 7,055 1 ,260 allowance, $4,750) _ 13,500 1.59- 1 S17 Wilson, W. P _ _ 10,860 69 Yamamoto, H. _ 7,284 — Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling listed in the 7,422 — Schedule of Payments — 4,551 162 — Transfers, other depart- 6.S27 45 merits . + 168 -4,29: 4,050 — 1,406 — 780,160 40,17: 864 — Salary Travel $ $ Peterson, Hon. L. R., Min¬ ister (paid as Attorney- General) _ _ _ — 1,091 Sands, W. H. F., Deputy Minister _ _ _ 20,000 4,366 Abbott, Mrs. D. E. _ 355 — Anderson, B. S. - 8,820 781 Anderson, Miss E. S . 7,860 351 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Salary Travel $ $ Anderson, R C .. 420 — Anderson, W. G. _ 6,630 404 Arkley, Mrs. F. A. _ 4,698 — Baskin, P. N. _ 11,997 — Baskin, P. N. _ __ 19,666 598 nen, ivirs . c,. kj. _ Bishop, G. D. . _ 3,010 — _ 13,980 1,504 Blair, D. R. _ . . 6,665 — Blair, D. R. _ Salary $ 12,456 Trave* $ ! Boness, G. K. M . . 5,247 26* Braithwaite, G. C. E. _ 7,710 89! Bressan, Mrs. S. L . . 2,330 — Briggs, R. J . . 6,954 78* Brumpton, R. S. C. _ 8,760 81* Brunelle, Mrs. J. G. _ 3,853 — I Bryson, Mrs. S. Y. _ 4,788 SALARIES. WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 135 Bubola, Mrs. M. B. _ 3urton, Mrs. A. G. Halderwood, G. J. _ Chalmers, Miss B. D. "lark, A. L. B. _ "lark, Miss N. J. _ Hollins, Mrs. E. D. _ Holvin, Mrs. V. _ ooper, Mrs. A. _ Hooper, D. A . . "ooper, G. A. _ Honnack, W. R. _ "ostella, A. ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR — Continued Hubbon, R. T. . . . Hurran, Mrs. L. M. _ Daniels, G. G. _ Bay, Mrs. S. J. _ Benbow, Mrs. M. _ Benecke, K. H. _ Bowding, P. G. _ Brean, Miss A. M. B . Brew, J. D . . iaston, Mrs. D. B. _ irb, Mrs. M . . irdahl, A. H. _ Ivans, F. S. _ .vans, J _ _ ivans, T _ _ agan, F. E. erguson, Mrs. M. I. _ ielders, J. A . . orrest, J. D . . reeborn, W. R. _ 'rost, Miss F. M. E. _ ienest, Mrs. M. A. _ ilmour, C. M. _ oult, B. H. E. _ rant, Mrs. M. L. _ _ ray, Mrs. E. M. _ reig, Mrs. Y. L. _ ye, Mrs. V. H. _ aas, Miss S. B . . addow, W. S _ _ all, Mrs. L . . all, Miss M. _ _ amilton, C. B . . amm, Mrs. M. L. ansell, H. _ ardie, Mrs. L. J . . arvey, G. B. _ _ _ aver, Miss J. S. _ ay, H - - eagle, E. W. _ enderson, Mrs. E. A. ~~ enry, Miss O. M. _ eron, Mrs. P. Q. _ iggs, Miss M. E. _ ilton, F. B. _ onholt. Miss F. M. _ oskyn, W. J. D. _ ughes, K. T. J. _ ungle, Mrs. J. E. _ _ urrell, V. S. _ utton, E. _ _ _ tt, W. G. _ Salary $ 3,940 7,130 8,010 1,653 8,820 3,308 550 2,502 1,748 2,874 4,374 6,720 9,540 5,766 487 8,100 446 4,788 7,990 2,182 1,295 4,109 1,972 4,089 8,610 7,284 8,160 7,011 6,684 3,955 800 11,400 2,666 5,172 5,376 3,762 11,880 4,884 3,828 1,750 5,172 3,552 9,960 1,067 1,702 8,820 4,432 8,820 3,360 7,284 382 7,491 3,132 1,838 4,128 4,788 6,264 7,980 1,213 10,860 6,744 1,246 9,960 7,860 8,820 Travel $ 1,198 694 134 456 1,669 351 55 1,283 192 50 98 1,996 1,160 1,482 82 224 96 626 24 1,178 303 49 99 66 83 74 896 77 1,083 159 1,509 713 illiston, Hon. R. G., Minister . . . . irthwick, D. (paid as Deputy Minister from May 1, 1968) . . ielman, A. E . . fleck, R. D. cehurst, B. C. E. _ dridge, B. W. _ dridge, H. A . . exander, D. G . . iderson, A. G. _ tderson, A. G . . iderson, C. A. _ _ idrews, E. S. _ idrews, G. S . . ifield, R. W. . . igus, B. G . . ithony, J . . . . Salary Travel $ $ 17,500 19.581 620 1,843 3,308 3,360 5,490 10,860 1,321 11,100 4,884 11,880 13,545 7,015 3,407 2,072 4,937 1.150 864 1,643 Salary Travel S $ Inglis, Mrs. J. R. _ 4,554 Ingram, Mrs. I. M. 5,910 188 Isomaa, Mrs. G. M. 4,362 — Jackson, Mrs. L. J. ... 3,240 _ Jagar, Mrs. A. _ 4,212 — James, J. G. ... . 8,820 899 Jenkins, J. E. W. 6,630 146 Jobbins, Mrs. E. L. .. 2,608 _ Joli, J . . . 6,630 1,018 Jolliffe, Mrs. K. D. M. 1,777 _ Jones, Miss S. E. .. 3,330 _ Jorgensen, Miss R . . 4,698 _ Josephson, Mrs. C. S. .. . 1,228 _ Kay, C. - 8,460 1,180 Kelly, W. R . 7,422 1,745 Kennedy, Miss J. I. . . 3,684 _ Kernick. I. M. _ 8,820 365 Knutson, V. M. . 8,160 863 Kurtz, E. P. 6,144 508 Laffling, J. A. _ _ 9,540 800 l.angill. L. R. 7.860 638 Lawrenson, Miss V. R. . 4.589 _ Learn. A. 6.630 399 Leevers. Mrs. M. S. 7.284 465 Lefort. Miss A. M. D. .. 1.468 Leonidas, G. C. _ 8.797 1.430 Levey, G. S. . 14,580 647 Lewis. Mrs. D. H. 1.324 — Lindquist, Mrs. L. B 4,184 _ Lister, G. D. .... 487 _ Litster. J. F. _ 6,756 203 Little. G. A. _ 9.900 122 MacDonald, M. E. . 8,820 1.892 MacDonald, R. A. ..... 12.463 141 MacKenzie, Miss S. A. 290 _ MacLeod, D. G. .. . 2.437 _ Manners, W. D. ... 6.384 375 Margison, C. R. 17.400 1,781 Martell. Mrs. A. E. 979 _ Martin, K. R. _ ... 8.160 340 McCully, Mrs. Y. M. . 6.504 — McDougall. Mrs. A. _ 291 — McElroy, J. E. . . 8,460 576 McKee. C. B . 1,667 _ McKenzie. Miss C. M. 1,224 — McLure, Miss J. 3.924 — Melville, J _ _ 16,200 1 .639 Milne. Mrs. J. _ 2,079 — Moore. Mrs. D. C. _ 3,552 — Morgan. Miss M. F. 5.172 — Mulvihill, Miss M. F. ..... 3,420 — Murdoch. H . 7,422 986 Nation, S. G. _ 7.020 324 Norris, L. B _ _ 8.160 2.583 Norton, Mrs. B. A . 941 _ O'Neal, K. _ 1.084 46 O'Neil, G. H . . 11.880 486 Parker, J. _ _ _ _ _ 7.705 — Parker. J. _ 10.000 580 Paterson, J. A . 2.954 70 Pavan. Mrs. H. M. 3.034 — Perkins, R. C. 9,540 970 Phillips. Miss D. R. 3.717 — Pilfold, Mrs. S. O. _ _ 2.112 OF LANDS, FORESTS , AND WAT Lands Service Salary Travel $ $ Archer. L. M. 4,608 — Arkinstall, C. _ 4.206 — Ashby, D. W. _ _ 4.113 — Atchison, Miss L. M. _ 3.552 — Attfield, E. A . . . 5,280 — Baker, A. J. . 9,180 287 Baker, G. L. - 2,690 — Barber, A. M. _ 1 1 ,400 — Barker, R. J. _ 3,972 — Barnes, G. W. _ _ 9,540 — Barnes, S. G. . . 2,198 — Barrett, R. C . . 6,144 — Bartlett, R. E . . . 4,886 — Barton, K. O. - - 2.244 — Bathurst, J. - 6,900 — Bedford, Miss J. . . . 1,500 — Bennett, C. A. L. - 6,756 — Best, A R. _ 7,560 — Biggs, Mrs. E. J. . . 2,475 — Pocock, M. T. _ Salary 7.560 Travel $ Pollock, J. A. _ 6,000 — Pollock, J. A. _ _ 3,999 — Purdy, W. D. _ 8,820 519 Raguin, R. S. . 9,540 4,248 1,616 Reader, Mrs. H. M. _ Reitsma, M. G. C. _ 3,976 137 Reynolds, Miss S. E. _ _ 2,380 — Richardson, Mrs. A. A. 2,587 — Rivers, Mrs. S. M. . . . 3,459 — Robinson, D. H. 5,980 1,418 Ross, D. W. - 6,630 292 Ross, Mrs. M. R. _ 395 — Rowlands, Miss M . . 4,608 569 Rowntree, E. _ 11,880 51 Sandiford, F. F. _ 7,284 89 Sands, H. M. F. _ 6,070 1 ,333 Schaeffer, I. W. _ _ _ 6,888 388 Sequeira. Mrs. V. R. _ _ 370 — Sherlock. J. C. _ 9,540 2,808 Sliirreff, H. A. . . 6,888 105 Sills, T. D . . 6,630 350 Simpson, S. W. _ 11,880 1,592 Sims, E. C. . . 5,787 — Skelhorne, Miss M. A . 2,186 — Skriner, Mrs. J. . . 3,245 — Smith, Mrs. A. M. _ 3,955 — Smith, Miss C. M . . 2,088 — Smith, Mrs. E. . . . 4,345 — Sollis. R. P. . 8,820 779 Stadnvk. L. A - - - - 9.180 1,024 Stennett, H. E _ _ 6,756 491 Stewart. C. . . 3,762 12 Sundquist, Mrs. E. G. _ 4,440 — Tait, E. J. 7,404 1,227 Thoen, Miss D. R. . . 3,203 — Thompson, D. _ _ 7,422 1,644 Titmuss, A. _ _ 8.460 1,258 Turnbull. Mrs. M. K . . 2.878 - - Varabioff, Miss V. - 3.121 — Waddell. Mrs. C. K . 9,540 1,267 Wallis, Mrs. I. . . . 3,552 — Ward. Mrs. C. J. _ 1,979 — Wastle. Mrs. G. E. _ 2,655 — Webster, Miss D . . 4,993 — Weir. Miss E. M. _ 3.514 — We1 ley, W D. _ 7.152 584 Whiteiey, F. G _ _ 7.422 1,127 Williams, B. E. 6,888 402 Williams, Mrs. H. A. 2.050 — Williams, R. F. H. _ 8,160 363 Wilson, Mrs. E. M. _ 2.530 — Wilson, R. G. .... _ 8,460 — Woodcock, Mrs. E. A. ... 3,175 — Wright, Miss D. H. _ 444 — Young, Mrs. S. M. _ 3,486 — Zubick, Miss G. C _ _ 799 — Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments.^ 17,739 1,159,843 93,604 Salary $ Birch, D. M . . 6,756 Birch, G. A _ _ 7,810 Black, R. D . . 2,882 Blower, Miss N. E. _ 795 Boas, H. K. . 10,380 Bond, Mrs. J. A. _ 4,440 Bosdet, J. D. _ 1,799 Bose, R. N. _ 9,120 Bowes, R. V. . . . . . 4,056 Bradfield. Miss C. D. _ 1,994 Bradley. Miss Z. M. _ 4,734 Bragg, P. D _ _ 6,756 Brennan, P. J. ~ _ 10,860 Bressan, Mrs. S. L . 1,791 Brewin, R. L. _ 6,041 Bridge, A. C . . 11,400 Bridge, K. M . 11,400 Brodie, L. P. _ 1,028 Brodie. Mrs. M. t. . 2,120 Travel S 1.927 302 27 81 136 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Broughton, A. . Salary 7,284 2,516 Travel $ Brown, J. R _ _ .... _ Brown, R. W- 9,780 4,441 7,404 11,400 1,058 1,930 302 Bruce, A J Buchanan, C S- _ Buckley, H. V. Burnham, A. A. . _ - . — _ 6,756 550 7,284 4,149 672 - Calderwood, Mrs. F. B. _ Callan, J. G. - — — 6,937 _ Canova, R. P. 6,756 _ 6,504 6,961 _ _ 4,080 _ 6,643 8,280 _ 386 Challen, Miss E. S . 7,560 255 60 6,756 _ 6,756 _ riarke G. T 1,799 _ 563 _ 8,460 _ 4,073 _ Cole R Q. ... . .. 253 _ 6.007 _ 6,756 _ Courtright, Miss L. M. — 2,304 953 — Cowan, Miss L. A. D. — Cowx, C. G. - 2,811 2,443 1,161 — 3,690 — Cross M. K. _ _ 883 — Csordas, F. — - - - - Cullis, R. A. . . - Cummings, Mrs. P. J. — Cunningham, F. M. - 6,756 6,504 3,531 5,261 2,428 370 360 34 1,870 — 7,813 — 5,079 — Davidson, W. B. - 6,693 4,194 — Davies, Miss R. I. - Davis, T. C. - De Raadt, Mrs. M . 5,580 1,935 1,231 5,376 81 Dick, W. F - - - - Diespecker, Mrs. M. N. _ 6,756 4,440 7,860 81 1,590 _ 6,756 — 1,829 — 3,360 — 3,360 — DonN P T . - 821 — 7,140 399 5,954 — 3,684 — 2,401 — 6,264 — 4,788 — 3,306 — 1,375 — 8,280 529 6.744 181 Elder N _ • 8,160 394 Elliott, C. C. - Elliott, Miss L. A. M. — 6,900 142 4,440 — Esler, J. A. - - — 10,980 6,264 281 1,986 — 2,408 — 5,172 — 11,340 378 3,450 — 8,160 528 Feser. C - - 5,520 6,504 — 427 — 3.046 — 1,501 — . 2,240 — Fraser, L. D. - 12,900 831 Lands Service— Continued Salary Travel $ $ Fraser, R. C. - 6,756 — Friar, R. S. - .... 12 — Fry, W. C. _ 7,284 — Fuller, W. J. _ 977 — Gallard, A. M. _ . — 3,360 — Galvin, H. G. _ _ _ 6,756 — Gandy. E. R . . . 7,560 219 Gaunt, Mrs. G . 5,172 — Gelz, Mrs. R. 944 — Gerhardi, Mrs. L. A. _ 3,480 — Gibbs, J. W . . 7,610 13 Gilmour, R. F. _ 10,380 447 Glover, A. E. _ 6,756 — Goldsmith, D. L . 884 — Goodchild, R. H . . 5,813 — Goodwin, B. G. W. - 5,076 — Goodwin, D. E . . 10,380 465 Goose, A. F. G. _ _ 6,756 202 Gowman, E. S . . . . 6,150 288 Graham, Miss J. A. _ 3,662 — Grant, A. G. . . 7,800 — Gravel, Mrs. M. L . 4,254 — Gray, Mrs. P. A. _ 1,878 — Green, L. R. . . 25 — Greig, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,972 — Griffin, J. C. W. . . 5,796 — Gustafson, N. G. K. _ 7,860 — Hackett, E. B . . 8,160 5 Hall, 1 . D . . 7,860 41 Halliday, N. A. _ 5,587 — Hanley, M. - - - - 4,698 130 Hanson, K. M. . . 11,400 1,290 Hardie, Mrs. E. J . . 4,284 — Harris, B. L. _ 1,118 — Harris, E . . . 2,807 — Hawes, J. A . .. _ 7,284 75 Hawkins, G. C. _ 6,756 — Hayes, Miss H. M. _ 1,988 — Heal, Mrs. T. R . . 4,112 — Heimbecker, R. F. _ 260 — Hemsworth, Mrs. A. W. _ 5,796 — Heywood, M. J . . 2,608 — Hindle, L. F. _ 1,963 — Hinton, T. _ _ _ 8,160 — Hird, J. _ . 4,900 — Hobson, C. D. . . . 6,504 — Holden, R. C . . . . 7,860 — Holmes, R. E _ _ _ 1,617 — Hoodless, D. _ _ 901 — Hooper, H. L. E. _ _ 8,691 — Hooper, R. J. _ _ 6,504 — Horne, A. G . _ . . 4,050 — House, C. W. . . . 5,688 72 Houston, L. J. _ _ _ 3,360 — Hubbick, F. N. _ 205 — Hubley, G. A . 698 — Hughes, B. W. _ ... 2,025 — Hughes, Mrs. C. - 476 — Hughes, I. T . . 614 — Hughes, R. A. . . . 6,264 — Hull, P. S . 4,194 — Huva, G. G. _ 10,080 681 Ingall, H. D. . . 6,504 — Irving, C. R. - ... .... 8,460 90 Irwin, W. T. . . 4,588 — Jacobs, P. R. - . — 4,323 — Jaffray, D. E. - . — 6,144 890 Jarvie, T. T . . 6,756 — Jaster, W. E . _ - 6,144 — Jones, J. J. . . . 5,796 — Jones, Miss W. M. — - 3,300 — Jordens, Mrs. S. E. - 5,172 — Joyce, R. C. . . . 1,734 — Kalau, W. O. _ 8,280 373 Keown, D. L _ _ 5,580 — Kidd, 11. K. ... . . . . 7,284 13 Kilvington, G. D. — . 3,240 — Kinnear, A. C. _ 13,395 1,054 Kirk, J - - - - 6,910 — Kirkpatrick, D. E. _ 4,715 — Knapik, V. G . . 8,820 108 Knight, Mrs. S. V. - 2,058 — Knowles, R. C . . 4,788 — Kobierski, J. R. - 2,038 — Kraeker, R. A. - 6,264 — Kroeger, R. W. _ _ _ 7,284 — Lapham, K. F. - 6,756 12 Lavertu, C. L. . . 2,064 — Lawson, Mrs. B. F. _ 4,284 — Lay, Miss J. G. - 4,788 — Leacock, F. H - - 6,936 — Ledson, L. J. ... . ... 5,796 — Salary $ Lee, K. W . . 6,756 Lee, R. M . . 7,284 Leech, Mrs. B. M. _ 2,463 Legrys, Miss L. I. _ 4,788 Lenk, D. G . . 4,439 Lesueur, J. A. H. _ 6,756 Lewis, Miss S. - 550 Lezetc, Miss A. E. _ 1,916 Liedtke, P. _ 2,270 Little, J. A _ _ 6,504 Lloyd, L. L . . 4,128 Lockhart, W. D . . 2,944 Lomas, E. W. _ 3,400 Long, W. J. _ 9,960 Loughlean, E. B. _ 5,845 Lowdon, Miss R. J. _ 370 MacDermot, G. _ 1,918 MacDonald, Mrs. D. P. _ 806 MacDonald, R. T . 1,481 Macintosh, R. J. _ 3,144 MacKay, J . 8,460 MacKill, Mrs. P. G . . 3,804 MacLean, M. B. C . . 11,880 MacNaughton, J. B . . 5,235 Mackie, A. D . 884 Magee, C. I. _ 1,543 Magwood, J. M . 7,560 Manning, Mrs. S. A. _ 2,308 Mansfield, C. F _ _ 6,756 Martin, D. J _ _ 3,220 Martin, K. A. — _ 999 Mason. K. T. _ 1,913 Mast, Mrs. B. M . . . 3,596 Matte, L. G . . 3,168 Maxwell, T. E . 2,127 McAra, R. H _ _ 8,820 McBratney, L. G. _ 6,756 McCarthy, A. W . — 1,912 McCorkall, Mrs. J. M. .... 3,300 McDougall, R. D. _ 2,252 McHattie, J. D _ _ 915 McIntosh, Mrs. D. J. _ 995 McKay, W. H. _ 5,796 McLeod, R. E. _ 714 McMinn, E. R. _.. . . 12.080 Meredith, W. S. _ 4,284 Mertton J. G . 3,120 Meyer, G. J _ _ 6,756 Millar, C. H . 855 Millard, H. R . 9,360 Mitchell, J. B. _ 1.596 Moore, J. C . . 5,796 More. G. D. _ 6,756 Morgan, C. J. _ 3,552 Morgan, W. E. _ 6,900 Morley. C. T. V _ _ 7,860 Morris, F. R . 7.284 Morris, K. L. - 5,796 Morton, D. L. - 8,362 Moser, G. A. _ 1.798 Mullin, G. T. _ 12.322 Mullins, E. J. W . 7,188 Mundie, Mrs. C. I. A. — 1,669 Murdoch, R. P. _ 6,504 Murrant, T. J. _ 4,301 Mutanda. P. P. .. 1.586 Netterfield, Miss E. J. A. 3,972 Neuenfeldt, D. R . . 2,498 New, G. . .... 10.860 Newsome, R. A. T . 1,361 Newton, B. V. _ 3,255 Nicholson, H. S. _ 541 Niihoff. J. R _ _ 7.144 Nipp, C. . . 4 886 Nixon, Mrs. W. T. _ 2,979 Noonan. D . . 5 688 Norie, I. H. - 6,756 Norman. H. F - - 7.188 Oberg, R. F - - 6.920 Oberg. R. S . - - 6.756 Osellame, L. - 5.280 Owen, D. A. _ 900 Pagonyi, J. - .... 6,264 Paine R. A - - 6.756 ParVer C F . . 1.1 tO Parsons. R. S. - 6 756 Partington, Mrs. K. R. — ‘'"*7 Patrick, V. A. _ *100 Patton. N. A - - 7.860 Patzelf, H - - - 6,513 Paul, J. A. . . 3.997 Travel $ 239 110 204 14 6 580 50 — 189 30 181 145 108 416 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 137 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Lands Service — Continued Salary Travel Paulsen. A . ._ . $ 10,860 253 M88 Payette, P. E. . . Payne, H. W. ._ . . 7,020 8,280 7,900 4,520 12,900 9,960 1,488 8,160 6,756 2,691 695 Paynton, L. R . . ... 322 Peacock, A. S. _. . — Peaker. J. E. G. . . Pearmain. D. _ _ _ . 360 Pearson, D. F. . _ .. 393 Pearson, R. J. _ _ _ Peasland, T. H. S. ... .. 1,295 Peddlesden, B. D. . .... Pedlow, J. . . .. Perdue, T F. 8,160 10,860 6,756 358 662 Perks. M. _ 20 Phillips, C. J _ _ _ Piercv, G. N. . . . . Pilon, J. A. . _ . . 2,905 888 _ Pister, Mrs. D. F . . _ Plater. D. D. . . . 4,698 3,831 1,016 636 6,630 Player. J. K. _ _ _ . Pollard. C. L. _ _ . . Powell, P. M. . . Preston. D. S _ _ _ 18 Ralfs. A. H. . . 14,745 2,249 1,506 724 Ramsay, D. W. _ Ramsay, K. D. _ . Redel, W. R. ... ~ 14,970 906 Rhoades, G. A. Rhodes, Miss E . 10,860 4,980 623 Rickson, A. _ _ _ 2,256 2,288 5,040 5,580 1,135 1,238 219 __ Rimmer, H A . Ristau, A. . _ Robertson, W. D. Robinson, B. W . — Robinson, B. M . Roblee, Mrs. J. A _ _ — Rodgers. D. A. _ 4,701 . Roger, Mrs. W. H. 2,058 _ Rose, G. W . . 4,284 9,600 6,144 6,024 8,460 495 _ Rowland, R. W. _ 119 Rowlandson, T. E. . Rowley, Miss D. M. _ Rutherford, R 280 Rutledge. F. R . — . Ryley, Mrs. J. H . 3,449 4,524 6,756 780 Salmon, C. H . . _ Salmon d, P. H . . . _ Sandhals, Mrs. C . .. . icharke. S. 6,264 884 325 Scott, W I Salary $ Seedhouse, J. H. _ 332 Sharpe, R. S. _ 6,504 Shields, J . . . . 1,398 Shiminsky, E. J. _ _ 5,700 Simmonds, D. D. _ 4,284 Simpson, A. K. _ 7,020 Skene, M. J. _ 5,580 Slocomb, A. G. _ 12,900 Smith, A. F _ 12,275 Smith, C. H. _ 6,756 Smith, D. V. _ 7,860 Smith, G. S. _ 8,460 Smith, I. C. B. _ 1,913 Smith, L. G. _ __ 7,152 Smith, N. D. _ 6,384 Smith, R. A. _ 3,888 Smith, R. B. _ 403 Smith, R. H. _ 7,284 Snider, D. I . . . 10,860 Snihur, F _ _ 7,829 Southern, J. D. _ 6,024 Spears, G. H. _ 5,040 Speed, F. O. _ 11,116 Spring, R. A. _ 5,172 Stearns, K. G. _ 8,280 Steele, H. G _ _ 2,050 Stoessel, H. R. _ 7,860 Strandlund, A. M. _ 1,605 Sutherland, A. G. J. _ 7,860 Sutherland, I. L. _ _ 7,020 Sutton, R. J. . _ 1,807 Swan, E. M. _ 3,035 Swannell, A. S. F. _ _ 11,400 Szmuniewski, H. _ 6,756 Taylor, J. T. _ 2,862 Taylor, W. A. _ 11,880 Taylor, W. W. _ _ 6,756 Thillaye, Mrs. C. L. P. 4,362 Thom, D. M. _ 10,860 Thompson, L. H. _ _ 1,925 Thornton, E. _ 6,384 Thorpe, R. W. _ 11,400 Tipton, J. M. _ 7,284 Tizya, Mrs. S. J. _ 3,204 Todd, T. J _ 6,264 Torrance, R. _ 4,553 Turner, V. R. _ _ 1,617 Tusar, P. _ _ _ 6,756 Vance, D. M. _ 1,531 Vanderjagt, S. P. _ 7,284 Vanderwolf, C. C. _ 7,020 Travel $ Vater, C. R Salary 6,264 5,280 762 Travel $ Vogt, A. _ . — Von Seckendorff, Mrs. M. F. Wade, M. S. 1,204 6,264 3,360 3,994 3.856 7,740 1,654 9,720 6,756 6,504 6,756 7,722 6,756 1.857 6,504 3,810 3,036 4,128 877 _ Walker, K. S . 69 764 Wallace, R. N. . Wamboldt, B. D. .. . Ward R I 34 Ward, G. M. .. ... _ 40 Warner, K. B. . . Warner, L. M. Watson, A. C. 451 375 Watt, R C _ Wells, D. T . . ___ Wenschlag, H. I 284 West, M G West, R A . 798 Westohv, P _ Wheatcrnft, K W. _ White, A. J. White, M. C. M. .... _ . Whittaker, J. A _ Wickes, H A 7,860 4,698 11,539 5,172 6,756 11,085 5,688 _ 802 Wicks, W. L. Wight. A. D. _ _ _ _ 78 Williams, B. J . _ Willis, L. R. _ _ _ — Wilson, G. H. _ Wilson, G. S. .... ... .... 315 _ Windwick, G. L. 1,932 7,284 4,788 341 . . . ““ Wingfield-Digby, R. _ Winstone, Mrs. M. I. _ _ Woode. Miss B. J. — — Woodward, W. D. _ 4,884 2,378 203 _ 113 Wormald, G. R. _ - — Wren. Mrs. R. A _ _ _ — Wright, L. H . . 3,420 5,796 __ __ 782 Wright, R. D. W. .. . _ — Young, D. B. _ _ _ 7,284 12,900 15 — Young, W. R. _ _ - . 282 — Zanatta, B . . . . . . 5,280 —50 496 Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ _ 24,873 —14 — 2,418,388 63,940 Forest Service Salary Travel $ $ dcKinnon, F. S., Deputy Minister _ 21,000 3,789 \algaard, A _ 6,024 276 Abbott, R. N. 8,955 1,525 Vbel, L. E . . . . 3,237 — tcreman, Miss B. J. _ 3,529 — idam, R. J. . . . 5,880 751 kdams, D. J _ _ 8,460 442 tdams, G. N. _ 7,980 214 idams, L. E. _ 1,544 — idams, Mrs. O . . 1,277 — idderley, D. E. _ 6,264 341 tdderley, R. J. _ 827 15 iddison. Mrs. S. A. _ 718 — idelman. A. E _ _ 430 — idolph, A. W. _ _ _ 135 — idolph, 1 _ _ _ 5,553 — idolph. L. D. _ 147 — .ebischer, F. _ 2,436 361 >gar, T. . . .... 5,274 36 ignew. .1. P . . 8,010 13 ignew, Mrs. M. M. _ 4,284 — isnew. Mrs. M. R. _ 140 — ■hlefeld. F. R. ... .... 1,372 16 dkenhead, Mrs. G. M. 154 — •itken, D. H. _ 6,680 157 .itken. H. D 1,598 31 lbert, Mrs. E. J. _ 893 — Jbertson, A. R . . 3,592 30 lbricht, G. M _ _ _ _ 6,630 138 lderson, N. R. _ 2.680 — .lderson, R. L. . . 7,106 26 Alec, S . . . . . Salary $ 592 Travel $ Alexander, J. S. _ 9,215 2,567 Algar, D. W. - 2,627 75 Allen, Mrs. B. A. _ 3,486 — Allen, D. F. 8,445 94 Allen, D. Frederick _ 1,577 — Allen, R. R. _ 6,640 — Allin, G. B. _ 9,180 245 Allison, G. W. . . . . 12,900 — Allison. M. H . . . . 7,260 1,985 Allison, R. M. _ 1,358 227 Almgren, W. _ 7,260 109 Almond, J. T . . 7,284 — Alphonse, I. P. _ 1,473 — Alphonse, R. P _ _ 390 — Altwein, R. W. - - 777 — Ambach, M. _ .. ~ 6,624 212 Amonson, D. A. _ 9,300 221 Amos, F. E . . 7,514 6 Anders, K. T. . . . 1,058 44 Andersen, A. H . . 7,200 — Andersen, E. W - - 3.565 250 Andersen, L. E. _ 5.580 68 Andersen, S. A . . 7,980 285 Anderson, B. A. - - 5,995 74 Anderson, Mrs. E . 2,845 — Anderson, Miss J. M . 3,869 7 Anderson, J. O. - 6,024 2 Anderson. ,T. T. . . 5.970 1,522 Anderson. L. - 8.278 3,941 Anderson, M. K. - 6,782 2,549 Anderson, N. D. - 2,825 157 Anderson, S. E. Andody, Miss E. Andres, P. G. Annas, G. Annas, R. M. Antilla, W. A. Antoine, Mrs. 1 Antoine, L. J. Antosh, P. ..... Appleton, C. F Apps, F. . _ _ Archer, R. K. ] Archer, W. C. Arduini, P . . Arkell, E. A. Armit, I. D. M. Armitage, J. S. Salary Travel $ $ _ _ 2.433 — _ 3,083 24 1. . . . 4,170 — 9,180 1,430 _ 8,430 830 A . . 1,389 97 L. _ 7,404 323 _ 7,446 — _ 1,731 115 M . 4,980 — H. _ 8,085 418 V . . 3,049 — _ _ 3,610 — . . . 7,020 68 . . . 10,140 1,629 _ 1 74 — . . . . . 5,280 — . _ 9,355 371 _ 10,140 1,535 . . 5,536 56 _ 9,960 1,579 _ 3.419 16 _ _ 8,783 1,695 . . 8,640 343 _ 1,087 — .... . . 794 — _ 6,196 31 . _ 10,380 1,086 _ 11,520 378 _ 6,264 478 '. _ 1,083 — _ _ 6,938 2,829 138 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Armstrong, G. J. . . . 1,211 — Armstrong, Mrs. P. J. .. 175 — Armstrong, R. R. G. _ 5,496 242 Armstrong, W. R . . 2,464 — Arnett, G. _ _ _ 1,597 93 Arnett, K. E _ _ 6,876 246 Arnoldi, M. P. _ 511 — Arp, Mrs. Y. D. _ _ 1,290 — Ash, T. _ _ 4,698 — Asher, D. B. . 5,178 115 Ashton, J. _ 7,320 — Ashton, L. J. 10,000 2,039 Aspelieter, Mrs. S. R. _ 721 — Aspinall, J. _ 7,200 — Atchison, Miss K. B. - 3,180 — Aten, W. J. . . 6,264 2,074 Atkins, K _ _ 356 — Atkinson, A. L. .... _ 1,742 144 Atkinson, J. A _ _ 4,815 — Atkinson, R. J. _ 9,310 3,387 Attfield, Mrs. S. G. - 1,813 — Attrill, J. . — ... 818 — Atwood, G. R. _ 1,170 — Atwood, T. E. _ _ 778 14 Auger, L. E. . . . . 696 — Auger, P. _ 3,150 — Austin, Mrs. I. M. _ 1,311 — Austin, K. H. _ _ 7,284 11 Averill, T. M. _ _ _ 17 — Avis, R. W. ... . . _ 1,630 — Avison, N. P. _ .... 4,831 173 Axell, A. E _ _ .... 420 — Axhorn, C. P. . . 8,820 — Baal, G. L. L. _ 4,682 266 Babcock, V. A. ..... . . 6,504 564 Babuik, L. D _ _ 2,414 298 Bach, E. W. _ _ 2,554 — Baerg, R. W. 5,598 399 Bagi, J. S. _ _ _ 2,376 — Bahen, Mrs. M. L. _ 559 — Bai, O. _ _ 7,260 202 Bailey, B. J. _ _ 4,698 33 Bailey, F. A _ _ _ 6,519 2,777 Bailey, J. _ 2,713 45 Bailey, J. D _ _ _ 10,275 3,481 Bailey, J. F. _ 9,960 1,734 Bailey, N. C. 4,873 1,450 Bailey, P. G . . ... _ 533 — Bailey, R. G. _ 1,467 30 Baker, Mrs. A. S. _ 3,822 — Baker, D. C. _ .... 794 _ Baker, G. F. M. _ _ _ 9,180 167 Baker, J. K. _ _ _ 2,333 _ Baker, K. B _ _ 7,643 2,675 Baker, K. 11 _ 1,663 3 Baker, R. B. _ 7,200 610 Baker, R. G. _ _ _ 750 15 Baker, R. H _ _ 9,960 1,386 Baker, W. _ ... 6,264 32 Balanyk, H. ..... _ _ 264 — Balaski, E. N. _ _ 6,384 296 Balcaen, M. J. _ _ 340 _ Balderston, M. B. _ 5,796 210 Ballantyne, T. S. _ 7,560 425 Balon, W. _ 6,830 230 Bamford, A. H _ _ 13,440 631 Banaschek, L. _ 2,376 Bancroft, H. G. ... _ 12,900 1,824 Bandura, Miss M. _ 2,309 _ Banfield, Mrs. S. A. _ 1,102 _ Banta, R. ... _ 8,170 247 Banzer, Mrs. S. L. _ 297 _ Barber, Mrs. L. S. A. 2,438 — Barber, Miss P. L. _ 4,212 108 Barbour, H. T. _ 9,420 658 Barclay, W. D. . . . 2,419 _ Bard, W. W. _ 5,840 32 Barden, Mrs. A. D. _ 323 _ Barge, V. H. 7,404 308 Baril, L. _ _ _ 572 _ Barker, D. K. _ 7,284 _ Barkhouse, T. W. _ 5,129 _ Barkley, J. _ _ _ _ _ 2,229 — Barnacle, T. G. _ 1,296 7 Barnard, R. D. _ 6,024 274 Barnatt, H. A. _ 7,740 — Barnes, A. _ 2,953 146 Barnes, A. E _ _ 4,148 139 Barnes, D. S. _ 6,402 66 Barnes, J. N. _ 9,180 672 Barrett, A. S _ _ _ 591 34 Barrett, G. V. . . Salary $ 547 Travel $ Barriscale, R. J. P . 5,796 — Barry, Miss D. L . 265 — Barteaux, P. C. _ 5,288 22 Bartlett, D. W. _ 1,110 — Bartlett, K. J. _ 1,813 497 Barton, M. H. _ 1,006 — Basaraba, Mrs. M. H. . 307 — Bastow, G. C. _ _ _ 9,320 2,173 Bates, S. VV. _ 5,580 42 Bauche, E. H. _ 5,288 4 Bawtree, A. H. _ ... 10,380 1,222 Baxter, K. D. _ 101 — Baxter, Mrs. V. B. _ 5,100 — Bayer, T. E . . . 7,140 1,810 323 Baylis, W. A. .. . Beadle, A. R. _ 2,413 136 Beadle, E. J. _ 5,760 121 Beals, R. A . 894 8 Beam, J. B. .... _ 1,985 — Beasley, R. J. _ 5,172 1,878 163 Beaton, L. A. _ _ — Beattie, D. E. _ 3,035 66 Beaudoin, Miss J. M. ... 3.909 — Beaumont, W. G. . _ 4,884 — Beaupre, C. .. _ _ 3,755 — Beazley, N. F. _ 6,694 — Bechdoldt, W. R. . . 2,195 9 Beck, VV. B. _ _ 745 10 Becker, R W. 2,992 67 Beckett, D. A. E. _ 7,020 502 Beckett, Mrs. D. B. P. _ 275 — Beckstead, B. W. ._ . 910 16 Bedard, J. D. _ 2,084 — Bedard, J. M. _ .. 4,668 268 Beddell, R. _ 2,947 — Bedell, L. _ ... _ 509 — Beese, Mrs. J. L. 3,639 — Beeson, G. M. _ _ _ 7,020 139 Beeson, R. M. _ ... 424 — Beggs, T. A. . _ _ 7,020 252 Beilby, G. W _ _ 6,000 718 Beinder, D. S. .... _ 6,504 462 Belcourt, F. .... _ 2,155 — Belfie, Mrs. S. D. _ 4,788 — Belik, K. W. . . 6,065 304 Bell, A. C. _ 7,200 — Bell, H. A. _ 6,264 195 Bell, P. A _ _ 9,180 803 Bella, Miss S. A. _ _ 359 — Bellmond, C. N. _ 9,215 330 Belsham, B. E. .. _ 6,780 28 Bendick, J. R. _ 9.708 3,246 Benko, G. . . 5,756 — Benneke, E. C. J. _ 5,120 160 Benneke, Mrs. G. R. _ 361 — Benner, E. H. _ .... 2,479 — Bennett, B. J . ..... 6,033 3,175 Bennett, Mrs. B. J. _ 69 — Bennett, C. C. . . . 1,885 286 Bennett, C. E. _ _ _ 12,900 517 Bennett, D. R. _ 1,139 30 Bennett, L. R. _ 927 241 Bennett, R. D. _ 10,380 223 Benson, R. A. _ .... . 5,478 235 Bensted, A. F. _ 2,054 60 Benwell, G. L. _ 9,180 251 Benwell, VV. G. _ _ _ 9.300 294 Berard, R. K. _ . 9,180 266 Berezanski, J. . . 79 — Bereziuk, F. T. _ 5,520 17 Berfelo, P. J. _ 1,113 34 Berg, Miss D. . . _.. 217 — Berg, J. E _ _ ... 9,960 1,185 Berg, VV. E. _ 6,228 — Bergen, J. D. _ 6,694 — Bergen, Miss J. I. _ 860 — Berghammer, J. _ 1,599 — Bergman, Mrs. M. B. ... 2,611 — Bernt, M. W. _ 5,262 72 Berry, G. _ 6,630 — Berry, T. D. 7,117 15 Bertram, G. D. _ 9,180 960 Bertram, L. A. _ 2,480 — Berukoff. E. N. _ 4,490 161 Besley. Mrs. M. I. _ 4,788 — Best, Mrs. E. L. _ 1,482 — Beston, M. S. _ 5,940 2,329 Betke, A. R. _ 4,974 249 Bevington, T. M. .. _ 1,192 111 Bicknell, R. L. _ 6,780 — Bigsby, A. VV. _ — 196 — Salary Travel $ $ Biickert, J. A. _ 9,405 596 Bilson, J. E. _ 7,200 — Birch, J. _ 104 — Bird, G. A. _ 681 5 Bird, J. _ 4,872 614 Bishke, R. _ 7,686 612 Bishop, Mrs. A. J. _ 5,117 — Bishop, Mrs. J. _ _ 4,980 — Bishop, J. F. _ 9,960 3,188 Bishop, W. G. _ _ _ 12,900 176 Bissell, Miss L. M. _ 1,305 — Bissell, S. T. _ 1,952 115 Bitterlich, U. _ 8,160 78 Bjarnason, A. L. _ 6,621 2,865 Bjorklund, C. F. _ 711 — Bjorklund, Mrs. E. _ 366 — Bjorklund, E. C. - _ 7,743 — Bjorndahl, A. R. _ 2,072 37 Blackburn, H. J. _ 2,412 — Blackburn, R. W. _ _ 10,080 1,693 Blackstock, D. H. _ 7,404 369 Blagborne, K. R. _ 6,756 — Blair, I. R. _ 9,881 1,778 Blais, P. . 569 — Blake, D. J . 2,420 — Blake, L. V. _ _.... 986 — Blew, R. G . 378 3c Blom, Keith _ 5,496 30 J Blom, Kenneth _ 5,700 32> Blom, T. _ 5,750 536 Blow, E. H. _ 1,647 7S Blue, G. V. . . 6,330 2,836 Blumenauer, D. R . _ 6,504 228 Boa, R. W. .... 4,404 367 Boak, Mrs. J. A. . . 2,772 — Boast, S. W. . . 2,329 — Bobe, A. C. . . - 7,314 Ilf Boden, R. L. . . 7,020 208 Bold, G. W. . . 2,420 — Bollhalder, J . 316 — Bollman, E. D _ _ 7,260 256 Bolton, D. . . 299 — Bompas, A. K . .._ 5,274 9: Bond, G. L. . . 6,504 283 Bonderoff, F . _ . 191 Bone, L. R. . . 4,595 90' Bong, F. S. Y _ _ 7,560 8- Bonneville, M. A. . . 1,183 — Bonthoux, Mrs. M . . 2,006 — Booker, F. H. _ 5,756 46< Boomhower, Mrs. E. A... 1,246 - — Booth, T. E . . . 844 — Borden, R. L. _ 700 — Bornemann, K. F _ _ 7.650 1 ,0 1 ( Borowicz, Miss M. J . 4,386 — Borthwick, G. . 327 — Borzuchowski, R. _ 10,380 2,391 Bostock, K. _ _ _ 9,180 2,55-1 Botten, J. R. _ 3,528 121 Botterill, C. E. . . 6.264 54- Bouchard, E. A. — . 7,560 2F Bouchard, J. L _ _ 63 — Boucher, A. . . 1,099 — Boudreau, R. . 1,724 — Boudreau, W. V. . . 1,629 — Boulton. L. B. B. _ 13.980 251 : Bourdon, A. F. _ 516 1< Bourget, R _ _ _ 427 • — Bourget, R. W. . 26 — Bourrie, V. R. J. _ 4,446 20‘ Boutilier, Mrs. D. . 1,692 — Bowden-Green, R. E. C._ 6,024 49 Bowerman, C. L. _ 1,082 — Bowers, E. A. _ 7,560 1,95 Bowie, G. I . . 7,140 40< Bowie, W. B. _ 6.114 89 Bowman. J. J. _ 5.292 8 Box. J. R. 6,504 — ■ Boyd, D. S _ _ 7,262 3,32 Boyd, F. _ 1,102 10 Boyd, H. J. _ 3.160 — Rovechko, J. . . 6.360 71 Boyer, Mrs. S. M. _ 3,613 — Boyle, B. D . . . 589 — 1 Rradatsch, H. 11,400 53 Bradbury, Miss D. M. .... 587 — Bradford, Mrs. J. M. _ — 139 — i Bradford. P. _ 5,280 — Bradley, D. K. . _ 9,180 1,74 Bradley, K. F. . . . 7,860 15 Bradley, R. J. - 4,378 3: SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Serviee— Continued 139 Salary Travel $ $ Bradley, R. W . . 6,114 317 Bradshaw, M. W. _ 1 1 ,400 541 Brahniuk, F. _ 10,860 842 Brain, K - - - - 1.817 — Braithwaite, K. S . . 6,114 234 Braman, E. R . — . - 2,402 403 Brandner. V. - 1,211 — Branisky. L. E. . . 2.800 — Brash, W. E. . . . 9.300 414 Brasseur, G. E. _ _ 3,429 331 Bratton, W _ _ _ — 6,780 374 Braun, C _ _ _ 2.924 — Brecht, A. .. _ _ 141 — Breckenriage, R H. 446 — Bregoliss, G. A. _ 6.835 — Breisch, M. F. . 399 — Breitenbach. A. F. - 4.980 — Brer.nan, Mrs. P. J. _ 4,284 — Brennan, W. . . . 3,514 — Brenton. R. J. C. - - - 6,024 320 Brewer, A. - 5.662 50 Brewer, G. P. ._ - - 1,781 37 Brewis, D. W. _ 9,180 140 Briars, A. G. _ _ _ 127 — Brien, Miss Y. M _ _ 999 — Brigden, i D. - - 6,624 349 Brigden, S. W . . .... 1,339 109 Briggeman, R. . . 3,445 206 fright, R. S. - 2.232 — frillon. Miss L. S . . 1,247 — frindamour. P. G. - - 844 — frindle, R. J . ~ . 6,264 1,700 Brinkac, J. - - 6,384 445 frinnen, W. J. - - 6,474 306 frister, G. S. - - . 8,302 1,316 froadbent, A . . . 510 — froadbent, J. A. _ 5,795 196 Iroad worth, M. J. _ 3,737 — 3rock, J. R. M. .. . . 10,860 1.449 frook, W. N. _ 6,504 211 frookes, K. N. - 4.698 — 3rooks, Mrs. J. M. . . . 155 — frooks, Mrs. L. C. _ 210 — frooks, R. G. _ _ — 1,100 — Brooks, T. _ 9,180 197 frooks, Mrs. V. M. _ 714 — frowell. A. B L. _ 6,000 964 frown, Miss C. V. _ 3,443 — frown, D. E. _ _ _ 2,232 — frown, Mrs. D. G. _ _ 2,100 — frown, D. P . 5,487 — Brown, Mrs. E. A. - 5,376 — frown, Mrs. G. P. . . 1,730 — frown, I D _ _ 7,020 191 irown. J. I 74 — frown, Miss J. M. _ 1.461 989 frown, J. R. _ _ 334 — frown, J. W. . . 2.561 — frown, J. W. _ _ 2,413 — irown, Mrs. M. _ 543 — frown, M. D. .. _ _ 186 — frown, R. G. . . . . 8.460 43 frown, Mrs. S. A. _ 524 — frown, W. G. . . . . 7,020 130 Irownlee, R. G. _ 3,277 — fruce, Miss J. A. . . 5,796 — truce, J. B . . . 13,980 386 truhjell, D. R. _ 1,639 43 frunsgaard, E. H. _ 2,412 — rusatore. F. W. _ _ 7,128 62 ryan, Mrs. J. E. . . . 4,440 — ryant, H. L. _ . . . 2,610 20 iryant, Miss P. E . . 1,520 — ryant. R. F. _ 12,900 850 ryant, V. L. .. _ 4,980 61 iuchanan, H. K. _ . 5,465 — ucholtz, E. _ 705 113 udden, A. T. _ 7,860 683 uer. R. _ _ _ 1.988 — uerger, R. H. _ .... 1,330 25 uffett, H. G. _ ... 4,788 197 ugslag, R. J. . . . 564 31 ull, 11. R. _ _ 3,840 7 ull. R. F _ _ _ .. 8,380 245 ullen, J. G. _ _ _ 10,550 905 itnch. D. _ _ .. 193 34 urbidge, R. C. _ 4.710 130 urge, B. R. _ 1,722 127 urnett, K G. _ _ _ 6,314 337 umham. Mrs. J . 4,356 — urns, M. P. _ _ 642 — urrows, I. R. _ _ 10,380 499 Salary Travel $ $ Burton, S. H. _. _ _ _ 5,362 44 Busch, H . 7,710 156 Busch. M. G . 3,550 — Butler, D. N . . 4,234 993 Butters, Miss C. J. . . 3,002 — Buttrey, A. G. . . ..... 4,758 163 Byrnes, H. M. _ 1,979 — Cain, D. B. _ _ .. 4,963 — Calder, C. J. _ _ 12,900 49 Calder, Mrs. D. _ .. 1,205 — Calderwood, R. W. _ _ 4.200 784 Caldwell, Mrs. B. _ 2,262 — Caldwell, D. _ 5,580 — Caldwell. Miss J. M. _ 3,972 — Callbeck, Mrs. L. J. _ 48 — Cameron, A. B . 5,778 219 Cameron, Mrs. A. D. _ 607 — Cameron, A. G. _ 9,180 261 Cameron, D. S. _ 11,400 828 Cameron, I. T. _ _ 17,400 1,538 Cameron, J. R . 1,275 40 Cameron, Miss L. J. _ 2,385 — Campbell, A. E. . _ 7,200 36 Campbell, B. E. _ 1,554 — Campbell, D. G. . . . 4,269 1,776 Campbell, D. S. _ 7,284 595 Campbell, Mrs. G. _ 1,294 — Campbell, P. W. E. _ 10,380 74 Campbell, R. A. . . . 9,180 449 Campbell, Mrs. T. M. _ 740 — Campbell, W. _ 1.816 — Campbell, W. R. _ 780 18 Campese, S. V. _ _ 745 5 Candido, Mrs. H. M. _ 4,104 — Cann, D. M. _ 270 — Cannon, W. C. _ _ 6.156 — Cantin. R. J. . 6,876 — Capot-Blanc, W . 1,371 120 Capozzi, M . . . 964 5 Carbert, M. E. _ 254 — Cardwell, F. M. _ 5,700 8 Carey, D. M. _ _ — 11,400 82 Carlson. A. G. _ _ _ 2,822 506 Carlson, J. O. E. - 7,541 — Carlson, W. A. _ 1,762 — Carmichael, I. R. _ 5,580 307 Carolei, A. J. _ 2,893 — Caron, C. _ _ 306 — Carpenter. D. B. _ 6,029 90 Carr, W. S. _ _ 9,960 1,303 Carradice, J. H. _ 10,135 1,141 Carter, Mrs. G. J. _ 4,284 — Carter, J. F5. _ _ _ 9,120 799 Carter, R. E. .... _ 894 33 Cartwright, G. M. _ — 9,180 182 Casey, P. ... _ _ _ 313 — Casilio, H. C. _ . - 6,316 — Caskey, D. . _ . 7,200 — Cason, Miss C. M. ... _ 1,373 — Cassan, J. P. _ 655 365 Cassidv, A. A. _ 5,640 350 Casswell, K. G. _ . 7,557 62 Castellarin, Miss N. M. ._ 2,517 — Castley, Mrs. M. L. _ 4,440 — Castonguay, G. D. _ 155 — Catchpole, Mrs. D. F. — . 292 — Caufield, Mrs. J. E. _ 3,338 — Caughlin, D. N. _ 5,172 295 Causier, Miss A. L. - 3,240 — Caven, C. E. _ 7,292 — Cawston, J. B. _ 9,960 804 Chadsey, N. H. - 380 — Chamberlain, H. C. - 2,195 9 Chamberlain, N. W. - 917 — Chamberland, P. J. - 7,182 — Chamberlin, L. C. _ 9,180 174 Chan, C. R. - 2,670 11 Chan, G. _ 7,560 — Chan, J. L 1.615 — Chang, Miss S. M. - 2,874 — Chant, J. G. . . . 511 — Chantler, C. W. - 6,888 700 Chapin, W. A. _ 6,024 280 Chapman, G. - - - 4,689 37 Chapman, W. G. .. .... 1,121 — Chappell, J. A. — - 2,460 — Chard, R. L. - 6,504 194 Charlie, A. J 458 — Charlton, K. J. - . 2,424 — Chartier, A. A - - 1,656 106 Chase, L. A. - - 13,572 320 Chenier, Mrs. D. E. Y . 253 — Salary Travel $ $ Cherney, J. P. _ 2,657 Chester, Mrs. P. W. _ 4,440 — Cheston, W. C. _ 9,390 412 Chia, E. _ ... 732 _ Chiasson, E. J. _ 1,095 24 Chid low, M. N . . . 860 26 Childs, R. W . . . 4,955 241 Chorlton, D. J. _ _ 9,180 1,165 Chose, G. E. . . . 5,516 540 Christensen, J. S. _ 6,626 2,575 Christian, Miss P. L . 6,024 — Christie, A. E. . . _ 1,276 _ Christie, F. P. _ .. . 2,230 — Christie, R. O. .... _ 5,810 1,548 Chu, P. K. _ ... 8,640 1,019 Chura, R. H. _ _ 2,152 — Chymczak, G. _ 320 63 Cinar, S. Z. _ _ _ 9,960 380 Clapperton, L. R. _ 207 — Clark, B. R. _ ... ... 125 — Clark, E. A. _ _ _ _ 7,320 141 Clark, E. M. _ _ 5,580 2 Clark, G. L. _ ... 2,883 546 Clark, K. J. _ __ . _. 6,915 139 Clark, M. B. _ _ 11,400 68 Clarke, Mrs. A. K. _ 4,698 — Clarke, D. L. 2,210 — Clarke, J. .. . 2,899 115 Clarke, L. J. . . 3,622 193 Clarke, Miss P. D . . 5,796 _ Clarke, W. E. ..... . .... 795 _ Clarke, W. E. _ _ 347 _ Clarkston, G. A. ... . _ 710 31 Clarkston, H. F. _ 344 — Clay, W. D _ _ 9,960 1,778 Clement, W. T. _ 6,480 467 Cleven, R. F. _ . 1,456 53 Cliff, H. N _ _ 13,980 596 Clifford, R. L. _ 11,520 211 Clough, E. H. _ _ 8,280 151 Clouston, R. W. . . . 8,820 — Clowers, D. R. _ 1,721 Clutterbuck, F. W. _ . 9,960 566 Coalston, Mrs. G. M. _ 6,504 — Coalston, J. B. _ 4,440 88 Coates H. G. .. _ . 6,384 252 Coates, Mrs. I. M. _ 2,370 — Coburn, D. S _ _ 5,246 29 Cochrane, J. W. _ 810 359 Cochrane, R. _ _. 506 — Cochrane, W. E. _ _ _ 2,899 134 Cochrane, W. W. _ 2,647 — Cofield, D. F. _ . _ 782 11 Cohen, P. A. _ 795 13 Coldwell, J _ _ 5,957 — Cole, E. R. . . . . . 7,654 — Cole, R. G. _ 8.400 35 Colegrave, A. G. _ 2,764 — Coles, H. L. _ 12,900 114 Collard, M. N. _ 6.504 61 Collett, R. S _ _ 593 — Colley, W. H. _ _ _ 5,014 3,028 Collier, A. R. _ 253 — Collier, H. G. _ 4,554 554 Collier, J. W. _ _ _ 1,303 43 Collins, B. G. _ 9.180 2,086 Collins, L. H. _ 7,260 19 Collins. W. C . . 2,962 — Collis, Mrs. D. E . . 3,025 — Collison. G. J. . 175 — Commandeur, G. E. - 9,810 3,708 Conchie. J. J. . . . 1,985 94 Conlin, M. P. _ 4,309 — Conlon, T. 1.327 179 Connatty, L. O. _ 815 21 Connon, J. M. ... ... 9,960 3,168 Conroy, P. J. _ 6,684 362 Conroy. R. N. _ _ _ 2.468 — Cook, Miss G. _ 4,980 — Cook, Miss H. M. _ 3.684 — Cook, J. W. _ 3,191 — Cook, Miss L. B. - - 2.871 — Cook, M. ! 1 _ 4.177 — Coolev, C. T. B . 4.884 206 Cooper, Mrs. B. A. . . 4.097 — Cooper, C. - 13.980 23 Cooper, G. W. - 5,640 300 Cooper, P . . 5,916 274 Cooper, R. P. — . 5,172 370 Cornwallis-Bate, V. _ 8,760 552 Corral, I. - - - - — 7,200 5 140 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Corregan, R. W . Salary $ 11,760 Travel $ 894 Corrie, V. I . _ . 4,152 1,983 2,008 9,960 6,991 695 213 fYirser, F H. Cosco, S. D. _ — - 119 Cosens, A. S. Costanzo, M. ... . - - 2,809 Colter, C-. _ _ 3,712 _ rntp V P 2,194 1,150 12,900 21 Cotterill, Mrs. A. W. - 579 Coulter, D. . . — ~ 5,440 1,539 1,586 52 Coulter. Mrs. J. A. - 1,060 7,284 — 6,756 743 5,460 47 244 _ 161 _ 840 _ Cowan, Miss G. C. - 4,440 8,820 2,122 591 33 4,608 40 777 — 826 24 5,715 401 4,980 — 493 — 9,180 65 2,329 — 811 66 9,423 897 1,433 — Crawford, Mrs. B. A. — 4,980 774 — 5,910 — 231 _ 1,744 — 989 — 5,292 — rvisc r P _ 7,284 211 Crocker, Mrs. E. - 176 6,504 — 1,733 — 2.058 — 4,248 — 3,684 — 5,700 237 Crosbie. K. F. S. - Crossland, P. - - - - Crossley, Miss M. R. A.— 7,320 4,315 1,856 6,120 679 936 1.801 Crowe, A. B. - 10,860 1,365 1,083 Cull, R. D. -- . Cullen, J. T. M. - . . Cullimore, Mrs. H. W. — 4.427 1,393 5,172 7,020 232 303 6,756 173 377 — 2,659 127 1,669 — 9,960 2,175 Curtin, D. E. - 2,997 3,652 — 7,284 883 2,057 117 6,393 2,729 10,140 849 4,301 312 696 — 852 — 7,020 228 7,710 113 357 _ 1,187 — 2,318 — 6,024 467 3,390 — Dale J T. _ _ 4,013 16 Dale’ N G . - 606 15 158 — 5,796 — 1,852 47 1,906 44 Davey, Mrs. D . 3,520 14 7,200 _ 3,093 _ Davidson, Mrs. G. H. — 36 — Salary Travel $ $ Davidson, P. R. _ 4,289 131 Davidson, R. _ _ _ 77 — Davidson, W. F. _ 5,376 286 Davies, A. M. _ - . _ 1,262 774 Davies, B. . _ _ 154 — Davies, Miss B. 8,160 785 Davies, G. M. - . 1,103 140 Davis, C. J . . — 2,557 130 Davis, D. J. . . ... 1,935 40 Davis, G. M. ._ _ _ 4,171 591 Davis, K. R. _ _ 5,580 168 Davis, R. J. _ _ 7,200 — Davis, S. _ . _ 5,292 — Davis, W. C. . . . 7,020 168 Davy, L. W. _ _ 9,779 2,497 Dawley, J. . . . . . 4,504 — Day, H. C. 5,340 — Day, R. H. _ _ 6,504 183 De Beck, D. E. _ 728 — De Nato, R. _ _ 7,200 — De Simone, J. _ 1,139 — Deacon-Rogers, L. J. _ 1,581 95 Dean, J. W _ _ _ 2,003 — Dean, P. W. . . . 4,446 225 Deans, Miss M. E. _ 3,636 — Deans, M. R. _ 8,427 2,866 Deans, R. B. . 4,980 602 Dearden, R. W _ _ 2,753 198 Dearing, J. C. _ 7,860 728 Dearing, Mrs. K. . . . 763 — Deatrich, F. S. _ 764 — Debolebec, J. P. 6,109 347 Dechaine, E. F. _ 5,100 627 Deforest, R. N . 1,748 — Dehart, D. E. _ _ _ 8,640 349 Dejong, Mrs. U. F. . . 4,980 — Dekelver, C. _ 77 12 Delaney, G. M. _ 2,413 — Delarge, J. J. _ _ 7,284 — Delarsobil, R. _ _ _ 793 — Delay, J. P. . . _ _ 6,204 159 Delay en, D. A. _ 7,620 — Demers, A. R. . . 1,967 — Demmy, W. D. . . . 480 — Dennery, T. N. _ 1,539 — Dennis, D. N. _ 1,590 56 Dennis, E. _ 180 — Dennis, J. . . . . . 196 — Dennis, S. _ _ 1,091 — Denny, Mrs. P. C. _ . 3,040 — Depka, Mrs. W. _ 1,039 — Derbyshire, C. A. _ 2,307 18 Deren, S. . . . . 5,940 — Dermody, W. K . . . 2,680 — Deroche, Mrs. L. _ 3,760 — Desmond, J. M. . . . 5,274 — Desnoyer, R. A. . . . 331 — Detta, G. C. . 1,496 12 Dettling, E. D. _ 5,637 363 Deveau, J. A. . . . 2,041 — Deverson, D. A. _ 1,520 93 Devitt, W. J. B. _ 11,400 480 Dewitt, D. O. . . . 9,960 2,692 Diachuk, R. G . 960 91 Dick, A. M . . . 5,520 — Dick, Mrs. E. . . . . 463 — Dick, F . . . . 5,160 — Dick, Miss M. M. _ 1,594 — Dick, R. A. _ _ 1,026 21 Dickout, T. D . . . 7,020 149 Diebold, J. E. . . . 4,435 24 Diedericks, G. J. _ 1,183 — Dietterle, D. _ 7,380 39 Diggle, P. K. ... . . 2,694 1,298 Dillabaugh, R. K. _ 2,421 56 Dinsmore, G. J. _ 6,144 63 Dixon, A. H . . . 15,060 698 Dobeil, P . . . . 5,100 63 Dobernigg, W. H. _ 790 — Doberstein, H. A . . 6,504 218 Dodd, G. F _ _ _ 9,406 312 Dodd. R. A. _ 7,405 616 Doddine. P. D . . 526 — Dodge, M. R. _ 5,700 248 Doerges, Mrs. F. _ _ _ 3,966 — Doerksen, D. B. _ 9,240 451 Doerksen, H. G. . . — 9,180 298 Doerksen, V. J _ _ 8,640 285 Doi, G. M. _ 7,284 296 Doig, D. J _ _ 9.877 2,860 Doiron. G. B. _ _ 9,960 — Domstad, C . _ . 3,697 — Salary $ Donaldson, D. W. _ 1,707 Donnelly, R. W. _ 9,300 Donselaar, G. B. _ _ 2,075 Dop, J. M. _ 1,569 Dore, G. H. _ 1,865 Dorrans, G. W. _ 3,982 Doszecki, C. P. _ 6,750 Doszecki, Mrs. S. G. _ 21 Dove, V. S. _ 1,615 Dowker, J. G. . . 8,237 Dowling, E. K. _ 916 Dowling, P. J. _ 9,960 Dowme, B. D. _ _ _ 2,676 Downing, C. R. _ 386 Downs, M. F. __ _ _ 2,701 Downs, N. _ 5,688 Downs, R. B. M. _ 5,040 Doyle, D. P _ _ 2,294 Doyle, P. _ 10,380 Drennan, Miss S. L. _ _ 568 Drew, F. W. M. _ . 7,464 Drew, R. A. _ 7,860 Drew, W. E. _ _ _ 977 Drezdawf, T. _ 252 Drolet, A. R. J. _ 959 Druce, E. F. _ 868 Dubois, T. _ 3,159 Ducharme, R. _ 1,948 Duffy, J. P. _ 2,118 Duggan, C. W. _ 411 Duke, G. E. _ 3,876 Dumas, A. J. _ 8,820 Dumont, A. _ 653 Dumont, F. _ 2,376 Dunbar, W. _ 1,106 Dunbar, W. W. _ 2,125 Duncan, W. J. _ 1,864 Dunkley, R. H. _ 7,284 Dunlop, J. P. _ 6,624 Dunn, O. N. _ 340 Dunsmore, B. _ 6,264 Dupont, G. _ 2,255 Dureault, A _ _ 5,850 Durieux, A. E _ _ 7,320 Dyck, B. _ 1,670 Dyck, Mrs. S _ _ 2.603 Dye, Mrs. M. _ 4,440 Dyer, P. C. . . 1,719 Eastman, D. J. _ 5,796 Eaton. D . . . . 1,801 Eaton, R. _ 2,387 Eberlein, S. V. _ 6,753 Eccles, A. W. _ 5,392 Eckstein, R . 1,214 Eddy, H. _ 5,580 Eddy. N. C . - . 1,271 Edgell, F. H. _ 6,264 Edward, R. D. _ 7,020 Edwards, G. G. _ 6,630 Edwards, R. W. _ 10,380 Edwards, T. T. _ _ 8,745 Effa, C. J. _ 3,279 Eftodie, A. _ _ 5,640 Eegleton, J. C. - 3,317 Egnell, J. E. . . ____ 183 Eichler, Mrs. A. C . . 1,351 Eirikson. L. N. K. _ 5,658 Eisele, W. J. ... _ 210 Eivindson, A. U. _ 9,180 Eklund, Mrs. B. H. - 474 Elchuk. L. R . — 5,687 Elias. H. L. _ .' 6,630 Ellenton. J. F. _ - — 6,504 Ellington, L. R. _ 4.608 Elliot, D. R. _ 6,756 Elliott, C. F. _ 6,264 Elliott, D. J. _ 7,470 Elliott, F. J. R . . 504 Elliott, Miss L. A. M. — 4,298 Elliott, R. J. P. _ 10,380 Elliott, W. E _ _ 1,842 Ellis, C. H _ _ 2,562 Ellis, E. S. _ 2,871 Elmes, E. D. - 6,264 Elston, Mrs. S. A. _ 4,050 Emerson, D. H. - 7,270 Emshay, B. N. F _ 1,693 Endert, W. E. _ 2,983 Fngdahl, Mrs. C. G. - 2,403 Engelbracht, R. - 2,028 England, J. E. - 6,264 Travelr 1 512 78 467 238 1,844 214 185 95 573 110 295 306 51 78 110 1,383 119 43 160 97 122 146 594 240 290 149 169 249 36 993 342 874 581 3,647 109 10 13 128 24 271 158 92 578 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 141 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Engler, Miss S. C . 4,362 1,708 597 _ English, B. . . _ Englund, R. F. . _ Engstrom, R. A . 2,112 829 _ Enns, Miss S. M. _ _ Erickson, A. R. _ _ 1,404 6,407 96 _ Erickson, B. C. 2,301 Frirksnn, <7. Erickson, r. T.. 2,251 7,284 1,035 6.603 1.603 5,224 168 60 Erickson, G. W. .. _ 477 Erickson, L. A. Erickson, O. R. . . 384 Erickson, P. D. _ _ _ _ 98 Erikson, E. M. _ _ 208 Ernst, J. . . . Erricson, R. . . 907 _ Fspenant, T. G. 9,240 5,496 2,688 8,460 4,140 1,771 1,177 4,961 7,200 208 465 -^finger, T W. 268 Evans, A. C . 15 Fvnns, C. G. 175 Evans, C. J. ... .... . ... . 241 Evans, D. E. .... . 116 Evans, Mrs. E. D. Evans, Mrs. G. _ Evans,' H W _ Evans, T R _ Evans, Mrs. K. . . 2,275 562 _ Evans, M. M. - — Evenson, B. _ 2,769 Everett, R S 3,555 1,193 6,264 8,040 5,580 1,244 6,756 9.540 610 Evers, C. J. T . . . 54 Everson, F. W _ _ . Ewert, A . 721 Swings, J. 24 ’acer, R. F . . 118 7aerber, J. A . . . . ’ahey, W. L . . . . . 4,107 3,342 945 7airweather, K . 7,664 6,840 1,505 1,297 1,261 1,821 6,684 1,283 4,788 1,384 1,769 251 ;alk, B _ _ _ 7alkenberg, G. W. _ 7andrick, F. A. ... 66 banning, W. H. 7argey, P. M. _ ■armer, R. G. . . . 7arnrr>mhe, A G. 64 854 7arquharson, D. T. . . _ ■'arquharson. T. S . _ ■arretl, M. J. . ravel, V. — ^azaleas, G 8,256 3,202 6,264 2,646 350 _ ;azakas, R. G . _ reamley, R. W. . 147 'ecteau, R . . 'ell, Mrs. N. J. . . _ xllers, V. A. 2,838 5,796 4,788 4,681 1,366 11,400 9,480 869 7,785 5,796 2,003 128 __ _ :enlnn, H _ 'enneli, C. D. _ _ _ enrick, R. W . 179 245 enton, G . . ... . enton, G. M. _ 211 erguson, D. E. _ ... . 176 erguson, Miss E. J. _ erguson, F . . . 54 erguson, G. N . 6 erguson, R. A. . . . erraro, P . . 121 errv, Mrs. M. _ . 154 _ euchuk. Miss G. M. _ iddy, K. D. 2,660 135 — ieguth, C. H. . . . 6,384 9,180 6,264 10,380 4,284 6,504 4,388 5,092 2,155 6,630 .36,851 2,225 9,180 7,200 3,509 819 2,126 718 ielder, R T. ifer, R. A. _ _ _ inding, S. L . . inlay, Mrs. V. I. . . 361 inlayson, D. A . . . _ inlayson, D. R . . 1,137 53 inlaysnn, H N. inter, D. C . irby, B. E . . . . .. 36 ire-suppression wages (Vote 201) _ 2 isher, G. G. . . . 2 isher, S. F. . . . 1,171 isk, L. G . iskaa. Miss I. K. _ itchett, R. F. _ iellbirkeland, A. _ 2,465 1,257 7,246 6,295 331 253 . . iellner, B. R. . 110 ladgate, R. S. _ _ leming, L. W . 3,521 266 leming, Miss M. A . . leming, Mrs. M. H . Salary Travel $ $ Flesh, D. C. 8,595 2,999 Fletcher, V. E. . . . 1,842 46 Fligg, D. M. _ . 11,400 30 Flint, D. A. . .. 3,888 28 Flint, J . 7,860 6 Flint, Mrs. S. M _ _ 2,065 _ Floer, G. D . . . 478 81 Flogum, H. A. _ 6,684 270 Floyd, B. A. _ 1,406 — Flumerfelt, B. R. _ 9,960 661 Flynn, L. J. . . 1,314 — Follett, W. T. . . . . 1,447 80 Folliet, F. A. _ . .. 6,876 387 Forbes, I. G. . 7,638 3,328 Forbes, J. N _ _ _ 1,934 135 Ford, .1. _ _ 5,580 5 Ford, J. A. _ _ _ 1,264 — Ford, Miss M . . . 2,561 — Ford, W. H . .... 843 — Forden, C. N _ _ 7,707 27 Forrest, Miss S. _ 1,730 — Forsberg, R. H _ _ 10,380 499 Forse, H. B. _ ... 15,060 898 Forster, M. J. _ 1,657 573 Forsyth, A. _ 1,271 — Forsyth, W. M. _ 5,873 89 Fortin, D. E. ... . . . 924 90 Fossum, G. M. _ 3,410 179 Foster, C. E. _ _ _ 6,624 — Foubister, M. P. A. _ 6,264 31 Foulds, E. M _ _ 5,809 101 Foxe. M. J. _ 3,583 74 Francis, D. M. _ 7,711 3,118 Frank, Mrs. L. K. _ 3,802 — Frankum, B. G. _ 1,240 42 Franson, E. A. _ 278 — Fraser, A. 3. _ _ _ 4,526 — Fraser, A. R. . . 13,980 195 Fraser. J. W. _ 394 — Frederiksen, M. A. _ 3.320 62 Fredricksen, R. R. _ 9,497 1,209 Freeman. H. J. B . . .. 5,598 514 Freer, G. L. _ _ _ 3,030 350 Frick e, R. H _ _ 5,986 845 Froehlich, K. H. W. 4,830 250 From, N. I. _ _ _ 1,177 — Frost, R. M. _ _ _ _ 463 — Frv, G. S. . . . . 2,511 — Fry. R. M. - - 174 — Fryer, H. E. . . . 4,590 — Fuerstenberg. R. F. _ 4,601 294 Fukuyama. S . . . 10,380 375 Fulcher. E. C. _ _ 10.060 937 Fuller, E. A. _ _ — 6,565 3,438 Fuller, I E. . . . . 10,056 4,146 Fuller. W. _ 587 46 Fullerton, W. R. _ 7.034 2,754 F'mne'I. N. A _ _ 1.810 — Fur. C. - - _ _ 8.460 34 Gaddes, W. B. _ 3,986 — Gaebe, E. N. P. - 2,562 — Gagnon. M. - - 2,782 — Galati, Miss M - - 2,915 — Galbraith, H. . . 5,925 — Galbraith. P. A - - 4,698 320 Gales. Miss K. L. ..... 475 — Galinis. J. ... - 7.680 1,207 Gallagher. J. C. - 6.264 302 Gallant. Miss A. M. - 976 — Gallop, Mrs. T. J. - 2.505 — Gallon, V. F. . _ 5.796 — Galowaychuk, A. - - 1,438 — Gamlin, Mrs. I. - 2.258 — Gammie, J. S. - 1,540 30 Gammon, A. I. - - — . 2,397 52 Gannon, P. R. - 8.695 1,408 Ganz„ P O. S. - - - 7,200 — Garcin. W. R. - 6,504 — Gnrlinse, J. A. W. . . 6,264 258 f-arnett. D. R. - 195 — Garon. F). L. - 8.315 1,623 Garratt, G. L - - 712 — Garrett. F. W - - 2,245 — Garrnw F. A . . . - 1,396 — Gaschnitz, G. J. - 778 — Gatlev, L. D. - 19 — Gauthier, J. - 434 — Gauthier. K - - 4,237 198 Gauthier. L. R - - 664 — Gavin, Miss H. A . . 885 — Salary Travel $ $ Geall, M. C. . . . 4,788 46 Gee, R. _ _ _ 653 35 Geiger, D. P. B. _ 6,185 190 Gelinas, G. H . 7,739 — Gensick, R. P. _ 3,256 143 George, Mrs. D. _ . 871 — George, K. W. _ 2,570 73 George, Mrs. M. A. _ 554 — George, Mrs. R. _ 257 — Gerbrandt, G. . _ 2,210 108 Gerhardi, R. V. _ . 5,100 42 Gerhart, B. R. _ ... _ 6,981 2,706 Geuder, F. . . . 2,436 126 Gibb, B. W. _ 4,284 93 Gibb, Mrs. F. . _ . . 570 _ Gibbons, C. W . . 6,217 1,194 Gibbons, G. A. . 1,350 _ Gibbs, T. L . .... ... 9,180 1,845 Gibbs, T. R. _ 9,120 398 Gibbs, W. J. _ 5,916 283 Gibson, R. W . . 5,627 1,699 Giddings, T. E. 5,335 409 Gierl, J. B. _ .. . . 9,180 1,435 Gierl, Mrs. S. M. 844 _ Giesbrecht, Mrs. A. . 341 _ Giguere, E. G. . 2,076 — Gilbert, D. E. _ _ 1,689 — Gilbert, H. F. .. . . 328 — Giles, H. W. L . . 6,014 20 Giles, W. E. D _ 3,456 159 Gilgan, N. P. _ _ 9,180 398 Gill', D. E . .... 9,180 252 Gill. G. G. _ _ 2,073 52 Gill, R. G. _ _ 11,400 199 Gillanders, D. _ _ 9,446 76 Gillespie, D. R. _ ..... 5,916 82 Gillies, D. . . . . 7,284 5 Gillings, J. W. _ 760 — Gillis, J. T . . . 3,518 211 Gillmor, A. H. . . . 5,563 255 Gilmer, Mrs. V. E. _ 4,788 — Gilmore, T. W. _ .... 2,025 1 Gilmour, J. R. _ 11,490 1,293 Gimse, C. M. . _ 6,297 2,557 Ginnever. A. F. W. _ _ 10,801 468 Giolma, C. A. _ 5,340 652 Giordano, Mrs. O. _ 6,684 _ Gisborne, R. . . 896 _ Giske, Miss E. K. _ 3,656 _ Giske, R. C. _ _ _ ... 8,460 87 Gjertsen, D. H. . . 6,267 2,120 Gladman. M. F. 453 — Gladue, L. _ 470 _ Glaister, K. G. „ . . 5,580 56 Glassford, R. J. _ 914 69 Gleeson, C. N. _ _ 461 _ Glenn, Mrs. A. E. . . 820 _ Glew, D. R. _ 12,900 1,366 Glover, A. J. _ _ _ 4,019 136 Glover, Mrs. D. M. _ 6,504 _ Glover, W. R. _ 5,196 9 Godfrey, Miss A. I. _ 52 _ Goerlitz, H. E. .. _ . .. 6,488 50 Goerwell, G. R. ._ . . 9,180 659 Goetjen, A. J. .. _ .... 405 — Gogolin, H. _ _ 801 — Gold, J. R. . . 5,880 — Gomm, W _ _ . 1,626 — Gomm, W. R. . . . . 7,140 405 Goodwin, R. A. ... 1,877 — Gorancev, T. P. .... . . ... 1,120 . - Gorden, F. F. _ 3,654 450 Gordichuk, N. . . . 1,096 — Gordon, A. _ . 4,908 100 Gordon, G. J. . _ _ 3,916 — Gorley, O. J. _ 9,570 1,061 Gorman, J. C. . . . 211 — Gorrie, M. _ _ _ 467 — Gorsuch, D. R. . . . 5,601 — Gosney, F. T. _ 4,788 — Gosney, Mrs. V. E. _ 3,756 — Gowan, K. J. C. _ _ 1,611 — Gowans, Miss A. L. _ 485 — Gowans, Mrs. D. C. _ 2,986 — Goward, Miss R. F. _ 6,504 — Goyer, A. P. . . . 6,526 5 Graf, G. J. _ _ 1.101 44 Graham, C. M. B. - - 4,893 84 Graham, G. E . . . 8,101 1,200 Graham, G. K. - 4,128 27 Graham, G. W - - 9,300 235 Graham, P - - - 1,679 — 142 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued f orest Service — Continued Grainger, W. D. _ Salary 11,520 Travel $ 158 Grainger, W. M. . . . 728 39 Granbois, D. W. .. .. ... 5,590 94 Granlin, M. R. _ 2,367 — Grant, A. B . . . 6,240 726 Grant, A. G. . . 9,638 2,056 Grant, D. T. _ 11,400 390 Grant, F. R. _ _ _ 5,700 291 Grant, J _ _ . .. 5,376 199 Grant, P. G. B. _ 1,261 — Gravelle, A. _ 818 — Gravelle, N., Jr. _ _ _ 670 — Gravelle, N., Sr. . _ 168 — Gray, J. T. A. _ 4,668 74 Gray, S. H. 6,144 257 Greame, Miss A. _ 3,559 — Grebliunas, A. .. . — . 6,244 4,980 _ Green, A. F _ _ _ _ 45 Green, C. W. _ 850 — Green, E. A. - 1,068 76 Green, E. F - - 9,180 3,261 Green, F. C _ _ 7,140 827 Green, G. R. _ _ 811 19 Green, T. S. _ _ .. 5,160 — Green, T. W. _ 896 — Greene, B. H. _ 6,360 824 Greene, J. C. _ 5,403 474 Greenfield, R. R. _ 6,384 328 Greening, R. L . 879 87 Greenwood, A. L. F. _ 1,081 63 Gregory, B. J. _ 270 8 Gregurich, M. _ .... 444 — Grieve, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,089 — Griffin, J. S. R. . . . 5,543 390 Griffiths, P. F. _ . 9,300 79 Griffiths, R. A. _ _ _ 1,861 40 Grimaldi, C. G. .... 5,580 315 Gripich, G. M. _ _ _ 6,566 435 Gripich, S. G. _ 2,196 103 Grizzelle, Mrs. V. A. _ 4,050 — Grnner, A 11,400 9,660 1,730 29 Grove-White, C. D. _ Groves, Miss L. F. _ 170 — Grubb, Mrs. E. J _ _ 4,370 — Guilbault, B. . 271 25 Guille, W. J _ _ _ _ 6,264 316 Guinn, D. R. _ . 4,438 218 Gulliford, B. E. _ 3,687 248 Gulliford, L. A. _ 6,030 257 Gumm, M. C. _ .... 4,042 306 Gundrum, W. G . . 1,611 49 Gunn, G. B. . . . . . . 6,024 222 Gunn, L. _ .. ... . _ 5,004 — Gunton, D. J. _ 865 83 Gustafson, H. E. _ 6,921 46 Gutfriend, C. R _ _ 8 — Gutosky, A. _ _ 8,844 — Guytard, P. L. _ 422 — Haan, P. E. _ 3,975 — Hack, R. _ _ 7,284 278 Hackett, Miss H. J. _ 5,364 — Haddon, C. D. S. _ 10,550 536 Haddow, J. C _ _ 2,653 — Haftner, M. D. _ 104 — Haggart, L. D. _ 6,264 174 Haggerty, J. H. .... .. _ 2,040 4,589 _ Haggitt, B. D. _ 244 Hagman, P. F . ... 371 — Hagyard, H. C. _ 6,780 — Hahn, H. _ _ 7,020 1,047 Haight, W. L . 708 — Haines, L. A. - - - 3,105 — Hainstock, A. G . . . 935 — Haire, Mrs. E. W . . 762 — Hakanson, J _ _ 5,857 41 Haley, A. D. - 6,285 2,551 Haley, J. M - - 6,504 267 Haley, K _ _ _ 9,180 255 Hall, B. M . . . . 8,640 36 Hall. E. D. _ 5,688 — Hall, J. R. _ _ _ 6,354 244 Hall, K. H. _ 4,608 18 Hall, L. G . . _ 1,527 317 Hall, L. J. _ _ _ _ _ 6,264 183 Hall, R C 1,254 7,618 _ Hall’ R. C. _ _ _ 25 Hall, W. E. _ ... . 8,100 192 Hallam, M. A - - 827 8 Hallen, R. B. _ 791 — Halliday, H. - 7,270 — Halls, N. 11. _ _ — 8,342 3,557 Halpin, T. B. _ _ 5,730 208 Salary Travel $ $ Haluss, F. A. _ 2,412 — Halvorson, H. J. _ 4,566 160 Hamann, L. O. _ 9,180 216 Hamblett, K. C. . . 7,860 42 Hamblin, R. A. W. _ 9,960 3,062 Hambrook, T. J. _ 6,384 161 Hames, D. J. _ 5,580 618 Hames, G. S. _ 6,384 267 Hamilton, A. T. _ 1,950 — Hamilton, H. D. _ 9,180 190 Hamilton, Mrs. L. _ _ _ 1,191 — Hamilton, R. A. _ _ _ 783 10 Hamilton, T. H. _ 7,860 — Hamilton, Mrs. V. _ 1,831 — Hance, O. A _ _ 1,996 — Handley, Mrs. B. A. _ 117 — Haney, A _ _ 1,724 — Hankins, H. _ _ _ 1,110 49 Hanlon, F. P. _ 6,444 2 Hann, D. E. _ 553 — Hannah, M. _ 9,180 146 Hanns, J. E . . . . 8,190 2,107 Hansen, B. V. _ _ 6,504 161 Hansen, E. _ 7,200 — Hansen, Mrs. J. H. _ 3,512 — Hansen, S. E . . 7,284 343 Hansen, W. F. _ 1,430 216 Hanson, J. A _ _ 6,808 3,385 Hanson, R. L. H. _ 5,376 225 Hanson, S. M. _ 7,020 256 Harbicht, D. H. _ 1,168 47 Harding, J. K. _ 1,962 80 Harding, K. J. _ . _ 2,615 270 Harding, R. G. _ _ _ 9,960 417 Hardwick, C _ _ 4,601 — Hardwick, E. _ 7,860 540 Hargreaves, D. R. _ 6,624 250 Hargrove, F. E. _ _ 6,420 1,106 Hark, H. H. _ 7,582 3,231 Harker, B. W . . 2,333 166 Harris, C. I. _ . _ 1,138 — Harris, D. W _ _ 3,532 526 Harris, G. D. _ 5,796 — Harris, G. H. _ 5,796 — Harris, M _ _ 4,571 187 Harrison, J. O. . _ _ _ 2,456 — Harrison, T. _ . _ 4,561 • — Harrison, W. B _ _ 3,337 486 Harshenin, Mrs. E. J. _ 3,208 — Hart, J. G. _ 5,274 327 Harvey, A. M. _ _ _ 4,634 508 Harvie, T. _ 9,455 259 Harwood, A. J. _ 2.595 — Haselmeyer, W. W. O. .. 4,644 382 Haslam, Mrs. J. _ 4,688 — Hatch, A. P _ _ 230 — Hatcher, Mrs. M. J. _ 4,440 — Hatcher, T. R . . 1,441 78 Hatt, S. S. _ 1,802 — Hattie, R. N. _ _ _.. 6,264 45 Haugan, D. R. _ 90 30 Haukedal, L. A. _ 1,231 119 Haupt, E. A. _ 6,504 360 Haupt, K. D . . 5,274 717 Havelaar, J. _ 1,557 148 Haverman, J. H. _ 3,991 — Hawes, Mrs. B. E _ _ 3,509 — Hawkey, G. F. _ _ 7.860 340 Hawkins, O. R. _ 8,160 911 Hawkins, R. M. _ 9,560 1,332 Hawksworth, D _ _ 1,557 — Hawley, A. J. . . 1,786 — Hawthorne, B. P. _ 478 — Hay, E. J _ _ 6,234 214 Hayden, G. L . . 2,290 — Haynes, Mrs. D. E. . . 2,439 — Haynes, L. J . . . 2,461 — Hayward, C. E. _ _ 5,742 — Hayward, E. W . . 5,376 134 Hazlett, H. B _ _ 6,996 279 Hazlewood, Miss A. E. 5.796 — Head, S. L. _ 621 61 Heagy. M. R. _ 5,796 195 Heal, R. L. _ 3,238 106 Healy, P. L. _ 996 — Heaman, J. C. _ 9,960 1,126 Hedberg, J. L. _ 5,580 230 Hegan, A. L. _ 6,264 158 Hegland, D. O. . . 1,389 120 Heinrichs, Mrs. L. O. _ 4,980 — Salary Travel $ $ Helfrich, R. 1 _ 1,611 — Helkenberg, D. T. _ 5,141 36 Helkenberg, T. F . . 5,160 — Hellekson, D. A. _ 1,963 — Hellekson, Mrs. S. L . 4,788 — Hellenius, R. A. _ 8,280 158 Hembrough, R. A. _ 6,600 219 Hemphill, P. J. J. - 15,060 810 Hems, G. _ 5,400 — Hems, L. A _ _ 891 — Henderson, C. E. _ 1,457 — Henderson, C. R . — 6.144 148 Henderson, J. _ 650 12 Henderson, Mrs. J . . . 966 — Henderson, J. E. _ 9,960 1,919 Henderson, R. A. _ 4,199 450 Henderson, W. _ 42 — Hendren. D. F. _ 6,504 228 Hendy, F. W _ _ 7.020 204 Henly, D. G _ _ 3,360 — Hennebery, J. V . . . 4,788 — Henry, F. _ _ _ 637 — Henry, N. B. _ 5,351 — Henschke, D. W . — 2,268 23 i fen wood. G. A. _ . 817 — Hepper, W. D. _ 1,655 — Hernandez, V. H. _ 7,724 817 Herndon, R. _ 2,456 — Hesketh, A. E. . . . 6,264 329 Hesketh, Mrs. C. W. _ 5,011 — Hesketh, F. G. - 8.820 - 1 Hetherington, J. C. _ 11,400 1,248 Hewart, R. W. _ _ ~ 484 — Hewitt, E. W. _ _ 8,760 266 Hewlett, H. C. . . . 9,180 633 Hewlett, H. W, 1 _ 6,474 327 Hewton, Mrs. F. M. - 3,288 — Heyink, D. _ _ _ _ _ 7,140 447 Heyink, Mrs. P. M. _ 83 — Hickl, W. G. H _ _ 2,060 — Hickling, R. E . — 4,089 85 Hicks, M. D. _ 193 — Hicks, P. C . . 2,153 — Hicks, W. H. _ _ _ _ 5,580 46 Hicks, W .V _ _ 11,880 340 Hidson. Miss P. D. _ 452 — Hiebert. Miss A. P. — . 1,995 - 1 Hiebert, Mrs. J. M. - 3,605 — Higgins, F. D. . . . 1,751 — Higgins, R. G. . . . — 135 — Higgs, Miss J. _ 646 — Highsted, C. J. _ 13,020 566 Hiidebrandt, A. H. .. . 5,700 — Hill, A. F. _ _ — 7,443 543 Hill. B. J. _ _ _ 912 16 Hill, F. R. . . . 312 — Hill, G. A. - . - . — 2,412 — Hill. G. J. . . . 3.212 — Hill, Mrs. J. D. . . . 3,340 — Hill, J. R. _ 93 — Hill, M. A. _ 8,055 496 Hill. N. S. -...- _ _ 2,557 45 Hillis, C. F. . _ _ 911 — Hills. R. W. _ _ 3.749 13 Hilsden. D. R. - 2.510 — Hilton B. . . . 6.264 12 HinchlifTe, P. F - - 6.711 122 Find^on, R. A. - 1.738 — Hinnen. M. R. - : - 4,128 78 Hinton, Mrs. W. . _ 4.788 — Finzke. W. _ _ _ 5,745 - ft Hladv. E. ... — - - 10,380 1.062 Hobbins, R. R - - 4.188 436 1 Hoddinott S. B. R. _ 5,796 1331 Hodeson, W. J. _ 125 14 Hodson, C. - 1,254 — Hoelen. F J. - - 173 17 Hofferd. K. M. _ 2,213 55 Hoffman. L. A. - 774 — Hogan, Mrs. H. G. .._ . . 4.362 — Hcean. J. A. _ 8.023 410 Hoelund. A. E. _ 4.116 155; Folenstein. K. A. _ 7.680 327 r Holitzki. P. O. ... _ 7,860 187 Holkestad. Mrs. H. B - 322 - ► Hollinger, B. R. - 184 — Hollingsworth. J. _ 6,024 123 Hollinshead. S. B. . . . 9,180 276 Holloway, W. B. _ 6.504 210 Holm, L. P. _ 8,509 3,031 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 143 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary $ 1,812 Travel $ Holmes, G. B . 5,478 8,040 158 517 2,602 43 Holmgren, Mrs. P. M. — Holmstrom, Mrs. E. M . Holroyd, W. . . - 4,876 254 Holt', K. C _ _ _ Holt, R. _ 6,990 3,126 7,284 Hooker, H. H. - - Hope, Miss S. M. - . Hopkins, B. K. - - 2,115 903 533 2,231 33 Hopkins, H. V. — - . Hopkins, T. E. - Horinek, B. . . Horkoff, M. J. . . . . 9,180 3,635 2,965 2.339 607 137 235 12 8,820 1,108 Horner, J. - Homer, Mrs. S. B. - Homing, B - - Horton, R. H. - - - Hough, S. J. - . . . Hough, W. S. - - - 6,840 5,070 7.705 4,884 3,243 11,400 6,780 568 518 212 104 1,419 Houston, J. G. . . Houston, L. _ _ _ 1,562 935 45 89 7,920 258 Howard, Miss M. P. - Howard, S. E. - Howard, W. G . . . Howe, J. W. - Howes, Miss W. M. . Hov S J - .... 5,796 6,024 9,180 9.060 1.879 7.680 42 218 217 838 272 _ Hubbard, J. H. - - - 1,132 11,400 1,740 489 — 6,264 272 Hudson, D. R. - 1,765 5,218 94 782 Hudyma, A. G. - 7,200 5.280 128 6,264 314 Hughes, G. J. - - 6,161 5,910 76 57 Hughes, R. .. - - Hushes, R. H. _ 5,496 10,130 193 1,654 Hughes, W. G. ~ - — Hume, W. B. _ Humphrey, J. L. - Humphrey, Miss M. A. — 15,060 2,213 9,180 534 6,059 1,210 868 358 44 Hunt L K . . 2.525 — Hunt, Mrs M. _ 4,368 — Hunt M M. _ 10.380 1,060 Hunter, Mrs. C. B. - 5,580 5,760 37 Hunter, G. D. . . Hunter, L. E. _ _ 6,856 7,140 334 568 Hunter, T. A. _ Hunter, W. A. _ 1.801 1,073 67 Jurct n TH 3.380 — Hurst, S. J. ... _ 2,247 — Hurst, W. P . 6,329 345 Hutcheson, D. W. . .. — Hutchings, R. J. _ 6,354 927 301 78 Hutchings, W. S. B. — . 11,400 6,780 965 754 Hutchinson, Miss D. K. ... Hutchinson, Mrs. L. M. ... Huxley, W. J. _ 5,796 3,363 4.038 — Hyatt, C. D. - lynd. S. G _ _ Tvslon. H. R. _ 5.100 7,515 795 598 26 16 bbs, J I . _ hrig, S. B. . . . 9,250 507 2.928 llinsworth. K. _ _ _ 1 1 ,400 444 nglis, O. N. M. _ 7,140 171 nsram, K. J. . . 9,180 310 nkster. Miss A. J. _ 3,240 — nman, W. L. _ _ nnerbichler. J. . _ 463 2,267 — reland, D F. _ _ 1,229 — rvine. G. R. _ _ rving, G. . _ _ _ 877 460 86 rving. J. C. . 7,960 1,864 rwin, B. R. .. _ 5,580 104 rwin, R. T _ _ 2,936 341 Salary Travel $ $ Isaac, F. _ _ _ 451 — Isakson, C. H. _ 2,357 28 Isenor, M. G. _ 13,980 2,023 Isles, R. N. _ 4,080 — Ivatts, Miss C. M. _ 4,980 — Ivens, J. H. _ 9,180 463 Ivens, L. W. . . . . 3,232 495 Iverson, T. H _ 1,736 — Jackman, R. L. _ 2,124 9 Jacknife, H. _ 94 — Jackson, A. E. . . . . 2,224 — Jackson, E. L. _ 9,388 2,025 Jackson, M. K. _ 2.082 — Jackson, R. C _ _ 9,180 209 Jackson, Mrs. S. M. . _ 4,788 — Jackson, W. T. _ 6,744 250 Jacobson, K. W. _ 2,799 — Jaeger, J. F. . . . . . 8,580 376 James, G. A. _ _ 1,401 99 James, Mrs. J. P. _ 1,557 — James, J. S. . . . 6,279 — James, Mrs. R. L. _ 3,523 — Jankowski, A. A. .. _ 744 5 Janning, H. W. A. . 10,080 2,766 Janzen, M. T. _ 7,020 192 Jarbeau, J. N. . . 6,287 3,361 Jardine, W. 1 _ 1,508 — Jarvis, H. J. _ 9,108 — Jayne, C. B. _ 5,529 — Jean, E. _ 2,803 — Jeck, C. W. . . . . 7,625 20 Jede, A. _ _ 6.504 208 Jefferies, K. E. . . . 5,247 349 Jefferson, R. A. _ _ _ 7,560 164 Jeffery, Mrs. B _ _ 1,086 — Jeffs, J. A. _ _ _ 7,195 3,251 Jelinek, J. . — . . 11,400 242 Jenkins, J. B. _ _ 3,941 — Jenkins, Mrs. M. M. _ 3,384 — Jenkins, R. A. V. _ 8,460 241 Jennejohn, R. G . . 7,710 12 Jensen, D. E. _ _ 6,504 229 Jensen, H. _ 8,280 — Jensen, L. D. ._ _ 5,376 5 Jensen, S. T. _ 5,376 198 Jerkov, M - - 5,262 838 Jessop, Miss L. E. ._ — 2,404 — Jewers, Mrs. D. M. - 1 ,950 — John, S. . . . . 3.883 — Johnnie, Mrs. K. A. - 39 — Johnny, D. _ _ 154 — Johns, Mrs. J. A. _ 739 — Johnsen, J. M. _ 6,240 1,389 Johnsen, Mrs. R. V. 5,352 — Johnson, Miss A. C. W. . 1,703 958 Johnson, B M _ _ 1,440 630 Johnson, B. W. _ 8,040 303 Johnson, C. M. . .. _ 10,140 936 Johnson, C. R. - 7,284 301 Johnson, E. ... . . - 2.810 — Johnson, F. A. _ 960 92 Johnson, F. E. _ 8,820 98 Johnson, G. - 2,484 — Johnson, G. S. - 625 10 Johnson, Miss I. L. - 5.796 — Johnson, L. M. - 5.964 525 Johnson, M. J. _ 3,094 213 Johnson, R. E. . - 996 9 Johnson, R. H. - 5,478 282 Johnson, R. L - - 4,564 152 Johnson, Mrs. S. M . . 3,726 — Johnson, W. A. - 5,598 205 Johnston, D. E. . . . 3,896 189 Johnston, G. R. - 10,380 30 Johnston, J. R. - 15,060 1,147 Johnston, K. G. - 1.716 76 Johnston, Miss K. M. - 3,798 — Johnston, L. G. - 6,232 — Johnston, W. O. .. - - 7,680 260 Jollev, Miss V. E. A. - 1,571 981 Jolliff, S. D . — . - 1,636 97 Jones, Mrs. F. M . — 175 — Jones. G. C. - - - 6,264 212 Jones, G. G. - 9,180 1.318 .Tones. J. T. .... - 2.097 239 Jones, Miss L. S. - - - 329 — Jones, R. C. - 12.900 981 Jones. R. S. - 5,770 9 Jones, S . — - - - 83 — Jones, T. C. - — 3,838 726 Jones, Mrs. V. F. - 956 — Jones, W. H - - 8,430 216 Salary Travel $ $ Jongejan, Mrs. S. _ 413 — Jordens, R. C . . 2,226 143 Joyce, A. C. _ _ _ 7,140 188 Joyce, J. F. _ _ _ 10,380 815 Juhasz, J. 10,380 1,677 Juhasz, Mrs. P. A. 1,311 — Julnes, A. M. P. _ _ _ 2,066 — Jupp, C. C . . . . 9,180 182 Jupp, G. W. . . .. . 5,137 175 Jurcic, M . . . ... 443 — Kahan, H. _ _ 2,413 — Kalischuk, G. P. .... _ 7,260 291 Kalloch, Mrs. L. B. _ 721 — Kania, K. E. _ 2,646 249 Kanopski, J. _ _ 9,462 1,943 Kantymir, W. R. _ _ 6,981 48 Karl, Mrs. D. I. _ 2,683 — Karl, J. _ _ _ 2,971 — Karlsson, S. A. I. ._ . . 8,840 325 Karr, Mrs. T. M. .._ . . 912 — Karran, J. D. _ _ 6,264 291 Kaspar, B. . . 7,235 3,188 Kast, K. 11 . . . . . 6,264 409 Kay, Mrs. J. L. _ 4,172 — Kazakoff, E. E. _ _ _ 1,638 36 Keaney, T. J _ _ 2,415 — Keating, R. C _ _ 5,580 — Keays, Mrs. J. E. _ 5,976 — Keefe, J. J . 10,465 2,522 Keefe, R. R . 9,870 1,002 Keegan, G. J. _ 6,577 242 Keep, R. N. 7,404 70 Keilty, D. R. _ 4,641 — Keir, G. T. . . . . . . 5,700 400 Keith, A. C. . . . 4,740 — Keith, J. R _ _ _ 7,361 — Keller, B. _ 6,308 — Keller, J. P _ _ 5,688 18 Keller, T. P. _ 3,288 — Kellett, G. S. . . . . . 3,686 487 Kelloway, C. ... _ _ 3,943 — Kelly, A. 11. _ 180 — Kelly, D. A. _ 5,520 77 Kelly, G. C. . . . 4,342 187 Kelly, J. K. _ _ 666 — Kelly, R. G. _ 4,932 25 Kempert, G. U. K. _ 1,501 — Kendall, A. L. _ _ _ 5,520 97 Kendall, R. _ _ 5,500 — Kennedy, Miss A. J. - 3,795 — Kennedy, Mrs. A. M. _ 4,128 — Kennedy, D. L. _ 7,002 2,607 Kennedy, D. R . . 7,262 331 Kennedy, J. I. ... 2,490 — Kennedy, Mrs. M. E. L. .. 4,839 — Kennedy, G. A _ _ _ 8,010 — Kennon, G. A. _ 11,400 545 Kent, A. G. _ _ 6,264 128 Kentala, E. A. _ _ 565 — Kereluk, W. J . . „ 7,140 1,523 Kerr. F. A. . . . 5,796 — Kerr, M. L. _ _ _ 10,860 326 Kerr, R. M _ _ 1,499 — Keser, N . 9,960 402 Kettleson. O _ _ 1 1 ,400 2,740 Keyes, A. C - - 79 39 Kevte, D. E. W. _ 1,865 — Kilback, E. A. _ 7,350 147 Kilback, K. B. _ 3,327 20 Kilbv, J. H. _ 9,960 803 Kilfoyle, J. H. B. - 2.413 — KiPough, J. C. - _ _ 5,580 — Killough, J. F. . _ 9,960 2,803 Kilroe. Mrs. D. S. . . 2,158 — Kim, 11. C _ _ _ - 5,063 10 Kimmel, H _ _ _ _ 141 — Kind, R. G. _ _ _ 7.614 654 Kindred. W. A. _ _ - 539 — Kindt, C. S. _ 8,451 922 King, J G. . - 8.S20 509 King, Miss W. E. - 38 — Kinnear, D. W. - 1,551 — Kinnear, Miss W. J. 1,050 — Kinoshita, G. - 3,863 44 Kirby, J. A. . . - . 5,147 249 Kirk. A. J. - . . 12,900 698 Kirk. H. D. _ _ _ 5,700 — Kirk, 1 W. - 995 — Kirke, G. B - - 5,796 229 Kirsh. 1. B. _ 5.924 — Kiss, G. K. _ _ _ 9,270 1,200 144 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary $ Kiss, J. _ 9,960 Kitsch, R. A. _ 4,446 Kitson, Miss L. S. _ 2,162 Kjelstrup, L. - - 6,444 Klaemt, J. _ 434 Klassen, Mrs. J. P. - 923 Klassen, V. J. . — _ - 5,916 Klassen, W. J. . - 9,000 Klausmeier, H. J. - 5,916 Kleber, J. _ 5,280 Klement, J. - 279 Klima, I. _ 11,400 Kliman, Miss S. R. - - 3,195 Kline, Miss P. L. - 3,756 Klotz, P. J . . 843 Knifton, R. G. - 936 Knight, E - - - 13,710 Knight, J. J. - - 1,626 Knight, R. C. - 985 Knotts, R. A. - 6,144 Koblun, M. D. - 4,030 Koelwyn, R. J. - 893 Koerber, K. - — - 777 Koerner, C. W. - 2,349 Koleman, J. R. - 5,622 Kollar, Mrs. J. A. - 4,234 Konings, C. M. - 3,985 Konishi, J. _ — - 10,080 Konkin, F. A. - - - 5,396 Konkin, W. - 6,264 Koos, B. V. - 6,572 Kopas, P. S. _ 1,585 Koppe, D. H. - 6,624 Korbie, Miss N. L. - 3,120 Korhonen, R. K. - 6,756 Korol, G. G. _ 2,542 Korzinski, A. S. - 4,572 Korzinski, R. A. - 1,974 Koshman, D. M. - 4,980 Koski, V. _ 8,160 Kosola, J. D. - 6,984 Kossman, R. - 1,780 Kostiuk, Mrs. A. M. - 2,517 Koughan, Miss K. D. - 1,932 Kouwenhoven, J. - 6,264 Kovach, Mrs. M. - 217 Kovats, M. _ _ _ 9,960 Kowalski, A. - 6,264 Kozoris, N. L . . 9,180 Krajczar, E. - 8,820 Krane. A. - 6,756 Krastel, D. R. M. _ — __ 5,580 Krekoski, D. B. _ - — 232 Krekoski, R. C. - 5,700 Kreusler, B. F. - - 1,561 Kroll, A. F. _ 2,363 Krotz, G. G _ _ 5,580 Krueger. E. F. _ 2.095 Kruisselbrink, W. - 5,311 Kryklywyj, Miss V. _ 2,895 Kuchler, J. G _ _ 3,702 Kulchar, A. F. - 79 Kullander, M. O - - 10,380 Kuly, A. _ 9,180 Kung, J. W. _ 1,652 Kurtz, J. F. _ 1,655 Kuusk, B. . . 9,960 Kyme, W. R. _ 1,846 L’Heureux, G. E. - 842 La Couvee, I. J. - 9,426 La Forge, R. S. - 2,397 La Fortune, A. J. - 10,616 La Liberte. T. E. „ - 3,479 La Placa, Mrs. J. L. - 3,034 La Pointe, K. P. _ 2,656 La Rochelle, G. B _ 212 Labonte, H. A. — . - 1,363 Labonte, M. - 5,072 Laboucan, C. A. — _ - 6,384 Lacey, D. E. M. — - - 2,881 Lacey, T. E. - 3,678 Lacourse, H. L. - 214 Laforge. F. P. _ 1,105 Lagore, D. A - - 5,915 Laing, F. F. - 5,700 Laird, D. _ 6,930 Laird, R. R. _ 9,960 Laithwaite, J. L. - 1,612 Laitinen, S. M . . 9,960 Lalonde, Mrs. D. J. _ 173 Travel $ 232 206 167 493 1,982 246 53 90 1,003 42 283 602 3 17 230 56 363 607 2,068 428 99 18 146 413 297 153 227 129 859 1,120 263 181 323 139 252 94 516 499 272 98 49 56 433 2,044 1,226 73 175 219 207 246 332 46 1,856 2,280 Salary 2,728 Travel $ 12 Lamarre, G. J. _ . Lambert, M. J. _ __ 301 — Lambert, Miss P. M. _ 6,264 — Lamont, L. J. _ 1,619 48 Lamont, W. J. _ 1,540 145 Lancour, R. W. _ 5,478 461 Lander, F. T. _ 2,165 — Landis. H . 2,499 1,132 _ Lane, E. . . _ . _ Lane, Miss L. A. _ _ _ 3,596 — Lang, W. H. _ 6,886 326 Langevin, G. J. _ 6,036 208 Langlois, J. W. _ ..... 6,264 262 Langlois, O. _ .... 1,075 — Langridge, D. W . . 5,478 321 Langridge, J. E . . 695 — Lanoville, R. A. _ 4,788 69 Larsen, G. L. _ 482 — Larsen, H. E. L. _ 925 90 Larsen, J. S. _ 5,700 — Larsen, L . . . 1,852 — Larsen, L. E. _ _ _ 6,144 243 Larsen, N. B _ _ 5,580 — Larsen, P . . 4,589 41 Larsen, R. S. _ 4,124 64 Larsen, Mrs. S. . _ 3,275 — Larsen, Mrs. S. M. _ 1,855 — Larson, C. E. _ 2,186 — Larson, Mrs. T. I . 5,196 — Larue, M. R. _ 7,020 38 Larue, R. A. _ 5,580 — Lasalle, R. C. . .. . . _ 5,796 301 Lashmar, M. A. _ 1,351 — Latremouille. A. E. . . 6,384 300 Latremouille, A. W. _ 4,692 51 Latremouille, J. L. _ 6,144 166 Laurie, J. H. _ 311 40 Lavoie, A. _ _ .... 4,800 33 Lavoie. R. L. _ 506 — Law, A _ _ _ 2,412 — Law, Mrs. P. _ _ _ 3.761 — Lawrence, R. H . . 7,200 — Lawrenson, C. S. _ 2,413 — Lawson, P. _ _ 8,644 363 Lay, J. . . - . . 1,184 15 Layton. H. R. _ 9,960 3,020 Lazereff, W. B. _ _ 1,565 — Le Poidevin, D. J. _ _ 7,746 — Leake, J. E. .... _ 2,464 — Leake, J. W. . . . 6,030 378 Leavitt, E. W. _ 2,943 — I ecleir, L. P. _ 1,771 55 Lecleir, W. J. _ 5,352 183 Leduc, J. E . . . . . 6,735 279 Leduc, M. B. ... _ .... 7,860 1,010 Lee, R. B. _ _ _ _ _ 7,669 2,755 Leeming, Miss B. A. _ 3,185 — Lefolii, H _ _ _ 3.459 — Legendre, A. A. _ 2,702 — Leger, G. A. _ 6,516 2,919 Legg, Mrs. E. _ _ 358 — Leguerrier, Miss M. M. 648 — Lehmann. E. U. . . 5,100 670 Lehoux, Mrs. L. M. _ 526 — Lehrle, L. W. W. _ 13,980 730 Leiterman, D. _ 8,640 1 Lemire, D. N. _ 5,946 — Lemon, Miss E. K. _ 5,923 109 Lendrum, J. G. _ _ 2,525 — Lenser, A. W. _ 8,784 79 Lentz, Mrs. B. _ . _. 391 — Lentzen, W. R. _ 1.433 — Leong, Y. H. _ 6,756 — Lepscoe, D. _ 2.057 3 Leuenberger, H. _ 354 — Lewis, B. H. _ _ 9,215 2,701 Lewis, Mrs. L. J . . 965 — Lewis, Miss M. A. . . 2,645 — Lewis, R. W. _ _ _ 6,684 1,710 Lewis, T. M. _ _ 6,564 100 Liddington. R. 918 62 Lillington, Mrs. M. E. _ 4,788 Lind, F. N. H. _ 9,360 113 Lindahl, L. P. _ _ 6,504 274 Lindberg, M. T . _ . 6,504 362 Lindberg, T. C . 7,200 6 Lindenblatt, W. _ 5,460 798 Lindley, Miss S. L. _ 1,287 — Lindguist, Mrs. C. _ 19 — Lindquist, Miss K. S. _ 1,167 — Lindsay, W. . . Salary $ 902 Travel $ Lindsay, W. D. 5,580 5,062 1,497 1,923 5,098 8,620 1,584 6,264 1,324 7,285 4,704 8,280 2,313 5,796 664 206 Lindstrom, A. C. 30 Lindstrom, J. O. Lineker, L. A. I.ingren, F. O. 5 T.ipp, T. .1 373 Lishman, J. L. 105 Lister, C. W. M. . _ 417 Litke, R. H . . 23 T itke, W S. Little, J. G . . .. 124 Tittle, .1. H 270 Little. .1. O. S. 260 T ittle. R J. I.ittlev, D T. _ T.ivesev, R A 6,504 9,540 3,426 4,788 5,745 7,620 4,581 7,020 1,018 4,128 3,756 1,433 6,504 9,960 9,960 6,304 532 490 Lloyd,' H. R. . ... ... 2,456 194 Lloyd, R. H. _ ... Lloyd-Jones, W. A. _ T.nat, G. A 1,296 Loch, W. E . . . Lock, D. I.. 706 Lodge, R. K 251 Loe, T. J. _ _. . 80 Logan, Mrs. B. J. . _ . T.ohner, F. Long, Mrs. E. A. . _ Long, Miss I. L. Long, J. R. . . . . . 762 Long, R. W. 298 Long, S. A. _ _ _ 315 Long, T. P. _ Longair, F. M . . .. 7,560 4,698 6.264 9,180 4.264 9,180 5,580 2,878 5,154 2,412 1,629 1,202 5,796 7,020 7,950 1,595 7,152 5,910 5,621 9,884 6.264 483 2,783 307 780 Longshaw, R. M. . 23 Lonneherg, M. T. 129 Loomer, T. M . . . . 142 Lord, W. H. _ . .. 63 I.orentsen, L. H. 251 Lorentzen, K. . . . Lorteau. H. J. _ Lott, D. M. . . . _ Lotzman, H. K. _ Loudon, Miss A. M. _ Loukianoff, Mrs. S. _ . _ I.ove. E. — Lovelace, L. M _ I.ovsund, R. M 1,093 93 Low, V. B. _ . _ Lowe. J. R. 22 Lowrey, S. D. _ . .. 273 T.ucas, G. F. 19 Lucas, J. A. 791 Lucas, L. _ _ _ 13 Ludgate-Woodhead, M. J. Ludlow, R. R. _ _ 241 Ludvigson, G. A. Luke, Mrs. J. A. _ .. 169 _ I.ukev, Mrs. S 197 _ Lukian, Miss B. J. 4,440 1,108 2,464 396 . Lumley, Mrs. J. _ Lund, R. E. _ . _ _ _ | Lundstrom, Mrs. B. _ _ T.tipul. Mrs. V. 336 _ _ 1 Lurz. K. J. 6,424 3,489 7,890 5,497 2,422 886 846 Luscombe, E. C. T.ussier, .1 L R 643 Lutz. V. G. H . . . 359 Lynch, L. N. .. _ _ Lynn, C. E. _ . _ __ Lynn, J. F . . 8.580 7,265 11,400 87 155 I von. R W. - t Lyons, E. H . 237 i Lyttle, Mrs. A. M. _ _ i) MacAlister, .T. S. 7,980 2,700 109 MacArthur, A. _ _ — - MacDonald, G. M. 5,192 4,136 7,260 728 208 i MacDonald, H. C. 12 MacDougall, A. G. _ MacDougall, C. G. . _ 1,257 i — J MacDougall, H. D. _ 6,264 370 174 343 MacDougall, Mrs. S. D _ MacDowell, Miss B. _ — * - \ MacFayden, B. E. ... . 7,020 5,808 138 Maclnnis, G. O. 214 Macintosh, R. J. . . . 888 — it Macintosh, W. G. 6.024 183 MacIntyre, W. B. _ . . 7,190 6,120 359 6,219 757 1,770 MacKenzie, C. G. _ MacKenzie, Mrs. H. _ MacKenzie, I. W. _ _ MacKenzie, R. A. _ — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 145 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued acLean, A. L. _ acLean, C. L. _ acLean, D. N. _ acLean, Miss P. A. acLennan, D. A. _ acLeod, D. I. _ acLeod, I. C. _ acLeod, J. A. _ _ acLeod, R. T. _ acMaster, D. C. __ acMillan, B. J. _ acMillan, J. R. _ acOscair, P. _____ acPhail, L. J. _ _ acPherson, C. A. _ ack, M. _ ackey, R. G. _ _ adill, W. T. adison, G. E. _ adsen, Mrs. S. I. agee, G. E. _____ agee, K. W. _ _ aggiora, L. C. aher, Mrs. C. L. _ _ jhoney, Miss A. L. _ ainwaring, Miss J. M. _ aitland, Mrs. E. M. _ alcom, Mrs. M. A. _ alin, M. E. _ allett, G. S. _ alley, Mrs. G. Y. _ indie, R. Salary $ 2,571 2,496 78 1,126 10,620 9,960 1,866 7,917 10,560 2,332 4,998 1,676 368 809 12,416 2,135 4,015 5,074 2,413 309 9,300 9,300 9,180 4,440 1,719 550 175 197 5,396 745 86 4,937 5,040 anifold, H. D. _ tnifold, W. E. _ 5;880 inn, M. _ inn, R. E. _ _ inson, J. C. _ _ 761 7,020 3,375 Travel $ 50 1,140 1,264 1 2,552 475 43 18 2,665 78 447 190 110 1,550 123 39 48 63 ir, Miss B. . . . 2,054 745 irehuk, J. F _ _ . _ _ ircoll, J J. . . 2,938 5,580 6,900 11,400 853 ,rd, Mrs. G. J. _ rquart, H. H. . . 283 rriott, G. L. 355 rsden, A. C. _ 42 rsh, Mrs. F 1,273 3,727 11,400 7,200 84 rsh, Mrs. J. A. ... . , rshall, H. N. .. _ 351 rshall, J . rshall, L. R. rshall, Mrs. M. W. _ rshall, N. A. .... .... 4,884 6,264 4,623 6,504 750 411 rshall, Miss N. P. _ . rshall, R. _ . .... 251 rtell, W. F. .... rtens, F. P . _ rtin, A. F. 5,352 7,272 7,422 662 252 2,058 395 rtin, D T. rtin, E. A . . rtin, Mrs. J. M. T. _ rtiniuk, P. _ . .... 4,838 5,172 1,785 7,417 8,430 4,358 4,884 5,299 5,890 231 105 tins, C. . . •ynovich, E. E. 909 •ynovich, S. R . 551 ikulak, Mrs. M. W. __ isey, A. R. _ . 182 it, P . 18 itin, T. ... 53 chett, F,. C. sim, FI. 3,860 6,264 3,638 2,470 2,478 thews, J. L. thews, T. A. . . 176 tin. Mrs. M. E. _ ton, L. P _ _ _ zele, R. 960 92 irer, Mrs. L. A . . 174 well, Miss A. J. _ _ twell, T. N. 4,980 9,960 323 759 J. N. ea, F.. 1,940 990 4,362 6,756 4,740 5,413 5,925 5,580 5,076 788 33 reda, Miss M. A. _ er, Miss G. C. es, R. .T. 284 pe, A G epa, Mrs. E. E . _ ur. W. ..... . . . .. _ zone, Miss K. H. ___ illister, F. C. — dpine, G. R. . . jthur, E. J. 9,180 1,138 184 oighey, A. ... . ... .vity, E. O. .... . . 323 — McBeth, Mrs. D. E. _ McBeth, Mrs. E. J. . _ McBeth, M. _ _ McBride, J. A. J. _ McCartney, Mrs. A. _ McCartney, J. R. _ _ _ McClinton, L. W. _ McColm, T. F. _ McCook, Miss A. _ _ _ McCulloch, E. H. _ McCullough, Mrs. M. A. McCullough, R. _ _ McCurdy, R. _ _ McCutcheon, J. E. _ _ McDaniel, R. B. _ _ McDaniel, R. W. _ McDiarmid, R. S. _ McDivitt, J. H. _ McDonald, A. J. _ McDonald, J. A. D. _ McDonald, J. W. _ _ McDonald, Miss L. M _ McDonald, Mrs. S. D _ McDonald, W. L. _ _ _ McDonough, K. W. _ McDougall, Mrs. F. E. L. McDougall, Miss N. E _ McDougall, R. D. _ McDowell, Mrs. C. _ _ McEachern, K. D. _ McEwen, L. H. _ _ McGeachy, D. E. _ . McGee, P. S. _ McGinnis, W. J. _ McGladdery, W. J. _ . McGovern, Mrs. M. _ _ _ McGowan, D. D. _ McGraw, I. C. _ McGuffie, D. E. _ McGuire, Mrs. E. M. _ McIntosh, Miss E. M _ McIntosh, R. R. _ McKay, A. _ McKay, D. J. _ McKay, M. C. _ . McKay, R. A. _ McKeen, K. J. _ _ McKeever, A. _ McKenna, L. J. _ McKenzie, A. H. _ McKenzie, Miss C. J. _ McKenzie, D. D. _ _ McKenzie, Miss J. E. _ McKenzie, J. S. _ McKenzie, R. A. _ McKenzie, W. D. _ McKibben, Miss J. M. _ McKinnell, H. A. _ McKinnon, B. _ _ _ McKinnon, C. G. _ McKinnon, I. B. _ McLachlan, B. G. _ McLaren, J. G. _ McLaren, R. A. _ McLarry, D. W. . . . McLean, H. . _ McLellan, J. F. _ McLeod, Mrs. C. D. _ McLeod. E. W. K. _ McLeod, G. A. _ McLeod, H. R . . . McLeod, ,T. W. _ McLeod, R. E. _ McMahon, A. N. _ McMartin, P. O. H. _ McMaster, L. A. _ McMillan, A. G. — . . McMillan, N. _ _ McMillan, R. G. _ McMillan, W. C. _ McMinn, A. R. _ McMullen. G. D. _ McNabb, K. J. _ McNeil, A. G _ _ McNeil. V. L. _ McNeill, R. B _ _ McPhail, J. H _ _ McQueen, L. _ McQuillan, S. J. _ McRae, M. A _ _ Salary $ 705 Travel Salary 6,464 15,180 Travel c Moen, A R 3,706 1,725 4,246 4,980 4,878 5,700 3,926 4,440 289 McRae, N. A. _ _ 875 McRae, R. A. _ „ 1,992 3,372 3,828 8,280 7,860 760 McTaggart, J. L. ... _ _ 249 Meagher, Mrs. D. L. _ Means, n. .1. 63 344 Mechler, H. ... ... . . Medal, J. _ _ _ _ Medlar, Miss V. E. . _ 1,376 9,300 530 __ Meents, G F. 194 2.439 2,719 1,102 2,823 207 9,180 6,030 5.439 1,436 12,900 6,640 1,606 292 7,400 2,474 3,853 702 4,698 197 6,264 8,235 Meers, W. _ Meiklem, T G. 503 67 Meiklem, .T G. 7,380 1,667 6,624 4,538 9,426 7,284 882 785 70 Mellnr, T. P 53 Melnichuk, S. 420 344 487 605 121 1,621 Mendel, F. F 418 Mendnm, G G. 1,863 214 Menning, .1 Menzel, F R Menzel, F D 193 _ Mercer, D A 5,400 8,160 5,700 5,376 977 _ Merkel, T. L 35 Merkley, E. _ 50 Merrick, D W 146 Merrv, F,. W. Merrv, K L 6,264 6,264 904 159 Mesenchuk, F. L 316 — Mesich, I — Metcalf, D C. .T. 5,496 6,504 1,406 1,882 4,980 774 181 999 Metcalfe, W. A. Mennier. G .1. 193 174 Mever, D. P 96 7.200 193 — Meyer, Mrs. M. M. _ _ Michel. I J. 882 — Mick. P. A 8,820 2,420 576 216 1,359 — Middleton, .T. F,. 4,884 — Middleton, J. S. _ 5,580 — Midtie, A 6,504 2,247 6,756 9,919 682 221 9,953 2.637 Mielke, A O 596 — Milburn, I .1. ___ 4,128 — Miles. G T. 1,237 66 3,756 — Miles, .1. F.. 3,208 385 Millar, Miss K. L. . 4,284 3,500 449 93 — Miller, A. 507 743 _ Miller, D. 6,418 7,200 1,285 12,120 1.657 45 Miller, Mrs. D. B. _ Miller, D L 5,796 634 54 Miller, G. C. 2,412 4,788 3,031 1,737 3,565 6,264 1,393 1,645 6,104 442 325 Miller, J. B. 137 7,923 4,122 4,199 2,737 3,120 1.593 9,960 1,459 2,295 6,360 1,031 10,040 1.724 446 11,400 6.633 4,818 999 10,380 197 166 Miller, Miss N. T.. 377 Miller, R. D. _ .. .. ___ Miller, R. E. , _ Miller. R. G. 165 Miller, T. F. 25 155 1.660 Miller, V. A. . _ Miller, W. J. Miller, W. W. . 263 5 58 Milliard, Mrs. L. M. _ . Milligan, A. E. 1,184 2,768 291 84 Milliken, D. L. 2.081 219 Millner, J. R. 7,585 7,754 5,376 1,932 2,557 5,610 333 370 Mills, G. R. 213 Mills! G. F. 4 306 Mills. H. G. 9 Mills, P. B. . _ _ 107 317 Mills; S. G. 53 Mills, T. D. . 5 218 Milne, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,527 660 Milne, R. I. 58 — Milne, T. .T. 6,024 11,580 10,860 4,704 509 342 7,464 — Milner, K. 396 4,788 — Milroy, J. E. _ .. 511 4,465 — Min, B. D. _ 12 1,218 182 Mindel, G. L. . 1,511 141 Minkov, S. 734 . 7,920 2,620 Mireau, J. M. _ _ 1,413 7,359 7,560 10,500 64 - - 1881 — Mirza, M. Y. 27 2.563 — Miskovich. H L 225 1 .903 1.524 — Mitchell, A. B. _ Mitchell, G. C. _ . 715 311 26 Mitchell, P. J. .. ... . . 6,504 1,750 5,274 4,608 873 301 546 — Mitchell, R . .... .... 10.380 _ Mitchell, R W R _ 101 — Miyahara, Mrs. M. _ _ 6,264 _ Miyazaki, B. O. _ _ . - - 8,160 652 112 Mlynarchy, Mrs. C. _ Mobbs, A. H . 1,316 6,264 6,559 778 169 8,804 2,868 88 331 Mohhs; R FT 2,208 3,214 9,420 4,391 Mobbs, H. E. _ _ _ Moherg, D 530 _ Modeste, Mrs. B. 3,119 6,504 9,300 285 Modrall, H. R. 757 146 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Moen, F. . . .. . 4,795 122 Moeykens, P. C. .... .... 1,191 114 Mokrey, W. G. _ 5,496 254 Mollison, D. C. . . 589 — Molnar, P. G. . 1,101 — Molodowich, J. 5,100 16 Monette, A. G. 4,788 8 Monkman, H. _ _ _ 8,551 — Monroe, R. D. .. 9,180 1,287 Monson, Mrs. S. G. _ 339 — Monteith, G. P. _ 9,960 1,961 Monteith, M. E. 9,180 291 Moody, A. D . . 6,951 3,098 Moody, Mrs. J. E. _ 5,076 — Moojalsky, S. . _ 6,144 216 Moore, A. E. 1,294 6 Moore, C. M. . ... . _ 5,634 525 Moore, C. R. _ _ _ 6,384 637 Moore, H. E. _ 7,200 — Moore, H. T. _ ..... 2,154 — Moore, Miss J. J. _ 1,071 — Moore, L. F. W. _ 2,808 — Moore, R. B. . _ 4,128 — Moore, R. G. . . . 2.648 118 Moore, W. _ _ 6,264 222 Moorman, W. F. _ 1,665 1,071 Moors, Mrs. R. E. _ . 2,049 — Moran, J. M. _ 7,200 276 Moreshead, J. A. _ 2,326 323 Morgan, A. _ 1,890 398 Morgan, C. C . . 9.805 — Morgan, D. M . . . 3,006 272 Morgan, G. H. _ 5,460 50 Morgan, Mrs. M. C . . 5,333 — Morgan, P. M. . . 407 — Morison, S. _ 2,653 — Morley, C. E. _ 6,334 485 Morley, K. A. _ 10,080 1,823 Morrey, L. T. _ 680 — Morris, D. P. . . . 8,459 2,721 Morris, I. D. M . . 2,413 30 Morris, J. F. _ _ _ 2,450 124 Morris, J. R. _ 3,169 64 Morris, Miss M. _ 265 — Morris, W. C. _ 3,219 362 Morrison, Mrs. B. A . 661 — Morrison, E. G. _ 794 — Morrison, F. 2,863 — Morrison, I. A. _ 7,724 600 Morrison, Mrs. M. R. _ 4,686 — Morrison, W. S. G. _ 9,750 1,803 Morrissey, R. W. _ _ _ 761 — Morrow, C. B. _ 6,580 2,557 Morse, Mrs. E _ _ 1,294 — Mortenson, J. C. _ 1.559 — Mortenson, L. R. _ 4,938 34 Morton, A . 1,036 — Morton, L. J. _ 1,421 120 Morton, R. E . . . 1,421 120 Morton, S. R. _ _ _ 6.085 96 Morton, W. F. _ 548 54 Moseley, G. W. - 5,161 99 Moss, J. E. _ 4,884 — Moss, R. D. . . . 9,180 207 Mosser, R. _ . . 628 — Mossey, J. E. . . . . 2,598 — Mould, J. _ _ _ _ _ 6,870 73 Mould, R. N. _ 6,309 521 Mounce, W. G. _ 9,960 3,053 Mountain. J. B. _ 7,464 356 Mowat, Miss G. J. - 3,978 — Moves, E. A. _ 10,380 220 Mudge, M. H. _ - 9,180 147 Mueller, H. - - 8,640 53 Muir, A. _ _ 5,145 590 Muir, J. C _ _ 5,299 150 Muirhead, Miss I. J. - - 2,915 — Muller, R. _ __ 5,199 317 Mundie, C. C. _ 1,134 107 Munn, D. J. _ 1,652 144 Munns, J. R - - 910 — Munro, B. M. - 5,931 585 Munro, C. R . . . _ . 843 17 Munro, G. J. _ 5,580 125 Munzer, C. - 348 — Munzer, Mrs. M. A. - 3,461 — Murdoch, J. A. - 5,376 153 Murdoch, J. W. - 2,200 487 Murdoch, W. - 5,875 603 Murdock, G. R. _ 5,580 369 Salary Travel * Murphy. J. W. _ 443 $ Murphy, P. J _ _ 5,650 238 Murphy, R. H. _ 137 — Murray, A. E. L. _ 921 — Murray, D. _ 5,063 — Murray, E. D. _ .... 9,033 2,093 Murray, K. C. _ 2,249 — Murray, M. F. _ _ _ 304 — Musgrave, L. R. _ 2,516 277 Muto. I _ _ 6,264 152 Myers, A. A. . . 7,020 286 Myhr, E. A. _ 219 — Myrfield, D. J. . . 246 — Mytting, W. E. B. . 3,777 151 Nadeau, Mrs. M. E . . 2,793 — Nanson, J. E _ _ 5,796 — Nash, J. T . . . . 5,498 402 Nash, R. M. _ _ 9,960 960 Nash, W. A. _ 5,376 276 Naud, D. B. _ 9,960 2,133 Neagele, G. F _ _ _ _ 3,686 232 Neagele, L. _ 6,264 280 Neal, D. J. _ _ _ 7.560 633 Neave, IC. A. _ 5,100 644 Nebocat, O. ..... . 1,979 19 Nedelec, Mrs. A. H. _ 987 — Neighbor, B. E . . 11,400 129 Neighbor, H. W. . . . 6,264 236 Neighbor, M. N. _ 9,180 207 Neil, R. G. ..... .... 840 — Nelitz, E. L. _ 8,460 1,302 Nelson, C. L. . . . 7,790 444 Nelson, D. R. . . .... .... 1,454 89 Nelson, F. H. _ _ _ 13,980 608 Nelson, J. N. . 9,180 236 Nelson, K. A. 7,026 467 Nelson, P. H. _ 6,384 282 Nelson, R. W _ _ 1,558 — Nelson, W. H. _ 6,850 260 Nemeth, J. _ 8,460 50 Neros, W. O. - . ~ 7,710 619 Netterfield, N. P. 3,552 — Netupsky, A. .... .. 245 — Neubert, F. J. _ 7,200 — Neumann, E. .. — ..... 7,234 3,455 Neumann, P. .... _ ..... 737 — Newman, C. J. .. .. _ 7,284 50 Newstead, D. C. 2,688 — Newton, G. F. _ 2,000 4 Newton, Mrs. N. M. _ 152 — Nichol, J _ _ ... . 9,960 1,899 Nicholl, M. H. _ 9,360 2,029 Nicholl, P, R. _ 340 — Nichols, G. B. _ 578 — Nichols, G. H. _ 7,404 302 Nickason, Mrs. G. M. _ 570 — Nickason, H. E . 311 — Nicol, P. G. _ .. 4,183 457 Nield, R. S. ... . _ _ 3,388 — Nielsen, Mrs. I. W. _ 2,620 — Nielsen, P. C. _ 356 — Nielson, B. K. . .. _ 688 — Niessen, L. C. _ . _ 8,466 2,134 Ninkovic, M. J. _ 6,734 1,749 Nitz, W. _ _ 8,040 817 Nixon, C. F . . . _ 7,860 1,013 Noakes, H. S. .. _ . . 11,400 688 Noakes, R. O. .. 7,413 472 Noble, J. O. _ .... 9,180 159 Noble, Mrs. M. F. _ 3,644 — Noble, R. _ 388 — Noble, W. E. . . 2,747 — Noga, W. R. 7,697 3,165 Nootebos, J. G. _ 994 — Norberg, A. C. - 6,324 — Norbirg, H. .. _ . . 9,180 229 Norden, H. B. _ ... _ 6,744 180 Nordman, B. A. .... - 1,556 91 Noren, A. A. _ 892 — Noren, C. W. _ _ _ 1,215 — Norish, VV. T. _ 6,624 123 Norman, P. J. _ 532 — Normand, Mrs. M. G. _ 4,980 — Normandeau, A. .. . _ 2,713 — Norris, A. H. _ _ 9,145 1,173 Norris, L. _ . . 2,455 26 North, S. O. _ 1,391 — Northrop, R. A. _ _ 778 — Northrup, K. A. _ _ 9,180 292 Norton, J. K. _ . 1,184 — Norton, K. C. _ . 1,618 — Salary $ Notley, T. A. _ 2,928 Nourse, C. W. _ 7,140 Novis, W. R. W. _ 9,391 Nowlan, J. _ 355 Null, R. A. _ 3,590 Nutt all, A. J. _ 5,292 Nyden, R. A. _ 11,504 Nyers, F. _ 8,820 Nyst, H. _ 6,630 Nystrom, B. _ 10,162 O’Brien, R. A. _ 4,423 O’Bryan, R. _ 385 O’Day, E. F. _ 1,970 O’Dell, L. A. _ 346 O’Gurian, N. _ 894 Oakes, Miss J. M. _ 853 Ockenden, H. J. _ 6,624 Odell, Mrs. M. A. _ 173 Odiorne, A. A. _ 8,880 Odney, C. R. _ 1,076 Offerman, P. _ 3,756 Ogden, R. C. _ 3,119 Ogden, W. L _ _ 1,791 Ogilvie, Mrs. M. I. _ 305 Ohlhausen, K. L. _ _ 7,609 Okino, Miss A. _____ _ 1,316 Old, F. W. G. _ 2,515 Oldfield, E. J. _ 7,890 Oldham, Mrs. D. G. _ 4,980 Oley, T. _ 2,535 Oliver, G _ _ 6,264 Oliver, P. D. _ 2,671 Oliver, Miss P. W. _ 961 Oliver, R. W. _ 530 Oliver, Mrs. T. J. _ 97 Oloman, A. R. _ 7,793 Olsen, A. D. _ 6,264 Olsen, R. E. _ 5,100 Olson, E. W. _ 4,044 Olson, Mrs. J. _ 2,402 Orason, M. J. __ _ 9,636 Ordway, G. S. _ __ 3,200 Ormond, L. D. D . . _ 10,080 Orr, E. C _ _ 5,520 Orr, E. J. _ 5,160 Orr-Ewing, A. L. _ 13,980 Orr. Mrs. K. C. _ 2,247 Orrock, Mrs. A. M. _ 359 Orton, Mrs. H. L. _ 2,064 Osborne, H. _ 8,430 Osborne, V. J. _ 6,264 Osland, D. T. _ 3,297 Osland, R. E. _ 4,348 Ostby, R. T. _ 9.540 Ottens, J _ _ 2,034 Ottesen, D. H. _ 4,777 Oulton, R. D. _ .. _ 4,409 Owen, D. H. _ 12,900 Ozawa, Y _ 6,655 Paas, C. C. _ _ _ 4,980 Padjen, Mrs. A. _ 676 Pagdin, M. W. _ 6,024 Page, Miss B. D. M. _ 2,660 Pain, H. A. _ 6,504 Pain, J. M. _ 2,050 Painter, J. E. _ 6,756 Painter, W. M. _ 5,199 Pallan, S. _ 1,317 Palmantier, G. _ 979 Palmantier, J. _ 1,136 Palmberg, G. L. _ _ _ 2,485 Palmer, B. J. _ 3,510 Palmer, P. L. _ 1,560 Paludan, O. A. _ 3,124 Parfitt, Mrs. J. G. _ 6,144 Park, J. H. _ _ 5,580 Park. S. E _ _ 5,047 Parka, J . 5,064 Parker, A . 4,848 Parker, Miss B. L. _ 1,670 Parker, D. A. _ 1,618 Parker, F. W. . . 1,672 Parkinson, Mrs. B. M. _ 1,715 Parlow. A. L. _ 11,400 Parmiter. C. J. _ 3,239 Parsey, O. D. _ 7,680 Pasechnik, P. A. _ 5,700 Paskiewich, N. _ 4,980 Patenaude, G. _ 87 Patenaude. Miss P. A. _ 374 Paterson, Mrs. A. M. - 4,248 SALARIES* WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 147 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary 2,067 Travel $ aterson, Mrs. B. J. E. _ aterson. Miss E. J. _ 5,796 — aterson, K. I, _ 2,401 72 aterson, R. W. - . _ 761 — atrick, R. _ _ _ 416 — atten, R. E. _ _ _ 4,691 407 atterson, G. P. _ 1,416 90 atterson, J. E. _ 2,106 — atterson, R. D. _ . 833 — atterson, R. G . . 847 86 attinson, W. S _ _ _ 5,309 183 attison, J. D. ..... . . 8,139 — attison, R. _ 1,305 189 aul, Mrs. A. M _ _ 4,115 — aul, N. B. 8,146 2,147 aulding, J. W. _ 5,688 — awliuk, A. O. _ 3,515 7 ayr.e, J. C. _ 12,900 1,705 aynter, J. W. _ _ 9,540 1.229 tarce, F _ _ 9,180 240 tarce, H. T. _ 4,980 — ;arce. J. J _ _ 9,215 1,894 tarsall. A. A. _ 1.082 — tarson, D. A. _ 1,362 — tarson, K. B . . 1,339 120 tarson, W. S. _ _ 6,024 147 tart, A. J. _ _ 5,040 — tart. G. P. . 83 — tdersen, D. S. _ 50 — tdersen, Mrs. E. J. _ 527 — tderson, G. P. . . . 6,180 1.302 tderson, R. G. _ 7,140 320 tel, W. G, _ _ 2,108 — tgura, D. A. _ 4,358 973 tlikan, K. W. _ 4,401 — tllerine. F. E. _ 1,705 — aletier, H. C. 3,024 458 tlletier. R _ _ _ 542 — illett , A. G. _ 1.781 64 :lly, C. H . . 6,963 1 ,956 :loso, Miss H. E. 2.613 — iment. A. R . . 9,300 246 inder. R. E _ _ 6,024 298 indergast, W. K. _ 5,109 71 ■ndl. F. 9,960 296 in dray, W. C. _ 12,900 723 •ngelley, R. E. _ 9,251 1,052 inner, Mrs, H. M. _ 5,976 — inner. J. F. _ _ _ 8.727 78 nner, R. J. _ _ 1,824 154 nney, T A. .. _ _ 4,637 574 rchie. R. W. _ 5,278 258 rcival, D. W. . . . 4,788 243 rerelecta, E. _ 2.262 — rkins, Mrs. L. P. _ 4,248 — rraton, F. J _ _ 3,643 5 rry, B P. _ 1,399 53 rrv, R. F. _ 5,916 427 rrv, W. A. _ 6,264 201 rrv, W. R. _ 8,430 406 rsson, T. O. R. _ 9,180 2,397 rsson. W. C. _ 4,934 5 ters. D. _ 4.924 — ters, T . _ 1,939 — ters, P _ _ _ _ _ 2,485 — ters, P. D. _ 5,796 187 ters, R. C. _ 138 — tersen, K. N. G. _ 9,960 1.896 terson, Mrs. E. C. _ 1,463 — terson, E, E. _ _ _ 7.860 188 terson, L. W. _ 2.053 12 terson, Mrs, P. _ 188 — terson. S. _ ... 606 — ttersen, T. _ _ _ . 6,264 263 tty. A. P. . 9,180 250 vton. A. E. W. _ 1.538 44 aneuf. R. L. _ 1.702 64 ilin, A. M. _ 5.167 213 illins, A. ... _ 1.294 — illins, Miss H. R. _ 4,219 — illins, 1 D. ..... _ 2,371 — illins, M. J. _ __ 7,750 1,118 il'ips, N. E . . . . 193 — illins, N. G. _ 8.819 — illins, Mrs. R. _ 5.042 — illins, Miss T. E. . . 626 — illips, W. C. _ _ _ 15,060 580 illips, W. H. _ 6.504 — lard, Miss M, J. _ _ 4,284 772 kford, A. J. _ 6,756 — Salary Travel $ $ Pierrard, R. D . . . 745 7 Pierre, K. _ 6,138 — Pierre, W. _ 181 — Pigeon, D. W. _ 6,024 646 Pigeon, G. J. _ 919 — Pigeon, K. C. _ 729 — Pigott, D. R. _ 1,303 97 Pike, A. D _ _ 5,580 154 Pilcher, L. _ 5,037 — Pinfold, R. F. _ 7,560 443 Pistak, W. O. _ 8,430 223 Pitre, D. _ 689 19 Pitt, G. H. _ 9,814 1,430 Pitt, W. A. _ 6,504 227 Pitts, K. B. _ 170 — Pizag, Miss P. G. _ 1,314 — Plant, Mrs. L. G. _ 971 — Plante, F. H. _ 1,484 — Platt, L. V. _ 9,180 182 Platt, W. _ 5,796 — Player. J. K. _ , _ 957 — Playfair. G. A. _ 9,960 1,234 Plews, G. J. . 4,581 512 Plimley, W. M. _ 717 — Pogue, H. M. _ _ 15,240 1,343 Polischuk, R. A. _ 909 Pollard. L. _ 6,756 53 Pollard, R. C. _ 125 — Poison, Mrs. E. J. _ 1.880 — Ponkka, T. K. _ 7,284 — Poole, A. J. _ 659 — Poole. R. G . . 937 90 Poolev, A. J. _ _ _ 790 — Popoff, P. P. _ 7,200 467 Pouoff, Miss S. _ 3,474 — Porpaczy, L. J. _ 9,000 1,641 Porteous, Miss M. - - - 5,796 — Porter, M. _ 566 — Porterfield, A. A. _ 6,264 - — Portsch, W. W. H. _ 5,916 252 Posehn, A. E. _ 7,200 — Pothecary, R. B. _ 712 — Potter, W. G. _ 8,820 656 Potter, W. R. _ 2,432 70 Potts, H. M. _ 7,284 — Potvin, M. C. F. _ _ 1,706 273 Potvin, P. _ 7,260 384 Powell, Mrs. M. P. _ 3,265 — Powell. W. .. _ 7,851 272 Pratt. K. E. G. _ 6,264 341 Pratt, W. C. _ _ _ 432 — Prentice, T. A. _ . _ 9,960 514 Prescott, L. A. _ 6,504 — Prest. G. W. _ 6,504 169 Prestage, J. J. _ _ _ 5,988 393 Pretty, M. J. _ 2,614 — Prevost, H. A. _ 5,168 — Price, A. J. - 7,620 — Price, E. A. _ 2,175 — Price, J. F. _ 1,719 90 Price, M. S. _ 6,264 — Price, W. D. _ 5,121 200 Prideaux, D. C. - - 7,860 256 Prince, A. _ . 994 — Pritchard, S. E. _ _ _ _ 919 77 Procter, D. R. _ 7,284 293 Proudlock, P. J. _ 638 — Puga, Mrs. C. J. - 4,056 — Pugh, P. R. _ 1,907 — Pullman, Miss I. L. _ 3,738 — Purdue, Mrs. D. _ 2,533 — Putland, S. R. _ 5,478 305 Pyke, Mrs. M. E. - — 109 — Pylatuk, C. _ 6,985 215 Pyne, Miss N. S. _ 1,855 Quaite, T. W. _ 5,006 56 Quanstrom, W. R. _ _ _ 5,578 405 Quast, H. W _ _ 8,580 815 Quaw, I. _ 686 — Quesnel, D. - - - 67 — Quesnel, W. E. - 4,428 — Quin, A. L. _ 1,103 — Quin, W. H. _ 2,162 — Quinn, D. A. - - - 9,369 352 Quirk, D. E. - 1,459 — Radford, B. T. _ 10,380 659 Radford, R. C. - - 77 — Radwansky, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,864 — Raftery, K. C. - 4,643 44 Ralloff, G. R. _ 948 13 Ramsay, Miss B. M. M. _ 4,788 — Salary Travel $ $ Ramsay, G. P. . . . ... 1,634 — Ramsay, R. L . 6,360 575 Rancourt, D. ... 2,129 342 Rand, W. G. ... .. 4,788 254 Randall, M. L, .. ... 1,638 — Rankin, D. G. _ _ _ 7,284 385 Rankin, E. _ 6,197 — Rankin, F. W. _ 709 — Rankin, S. J. - 6,504 305 Raphael, C. _ 1,192 99 Rasmussen, J. _ .... ... 2,148 — Rattray, A. D . . . 2,057 126 Raven, J. H. _ _ 9,180 205 Rawlins, W. C. _ 1,951 1,227 Ray, L. S _ _ 706 — Rayner, A. G. .... ... . 9,960 2,097 Read, B. A. _ .. . 4,248 309 Read, N. A. .... 11,400 3,474 Reader, R. S . . .... 4,608 — Reading, R. J. ... 5,274 69 Reaney, R, J. C. _ . 9,180 2,183 Recek, F. _ 6,360 13 Receveur, K. C. . . 1,204 74 Redden, N. G _ _ 5,886 224 Redman, W. J. C. _ 4,200 492 Reed, G. A. _ 214 47 Reed, G. F. . . .. _ _ 7,200 393 Reed, G. H . . . 2,717 27 Reeve, R. W. _ _ 6,464 599 Reeves, C. W. _ 710 — Reeves, R. J . . . 7,152 304 Reggin, C. L. . . .... 10,178 1,206 Reid, C. B . . . . 2,684 — Reid, E. W. . . .. ._ 9,180 71 Reid, J. A. _ 7,140 156 Reid, J. A. K. _ .. _ 13,980 69 Reid, J. W _ _ 2,451 51 Reid, L. B. _ . . _ 1,091 — Reid, R. 11. .... .... ..... 750 68 Reid, S. J _ 4,115 67 Reilly, Mrs. H. M. _ 202 — Reimer, R. J . . . .. 5,496 325 Reinertson, R. A . 4,566 125 Reiter, D. _ _ _ 8,580 484 Reiter, L. G. . 1,749 126 Reiter, R. D . 4,598 223 Relkoff, S. _ 1,734 54 Rempel, J. G. .... .... 5,946 288 Rempel, P. W. _ _ 3,505 122 Rempel, W. .. .. . _ . . 6,122 218 Reno, D. H. . . 3,333 — Renshaw, L. F. _ 9,120 232 Renstrom, J. W . . . 2,232 34 Renton, J. D. _ 3.906 514 Requa, L. E. _ .. 2,324 — Resch, J. . . . . . . 5,280 — Resh, L. W. _ _ 2,625 62 Revel, W. J. _ 10,080 516 Reynolds, G. E _ _ 2,165 — Reynolds, G. W. _ 9,489 4,111 Reynolds, S. E. _ _ 6,734 503 Reynolds, T. R. M. _ 6,756 — Rhodes, C. J. T. _ 8,460 — Rhodes, W, T, _ _ 6,504 984 Rice, D. T _ _ 11,400 1,593 Rice, R. M. _ 6,384 283 Richard, P. Y. _ . 2,465 — Richards, C. J . . 5,376 — Richards, J. H. . . 6,847 167 Richards, R. G. _ . ... 5,196 450 Richardson, D. W. _ 711 — Richardson. E. L. _ 1,258 224 Richman. B. A, _ 2,622 42 Richmond, C. W. _ 6,384 217 Richter, P. W. _ 6,624 600 Richter, W. F. _ _ 3,639 — Riddell, G. D. _ 1,389 120 Riddell, L. R. . . . . 9,540 5.823 Rieche, K. W. _ 9,180 2,747 Riesterer, J. D. _ 489 11 Rife, Miss I. M. _ _ 601 — Rigby, B, C. . . 246 — Rippon, K. W _ _ 943 33 Risebrow, E. C . 580 — Ritchie, Mrs. M. M. . . 9 — Ritson, D. F. D. _ 8,160 — Rivers, B. G. _ 1,891 — Rivett, Miss E. _ 6,684 — Riviers, Mrs. J. M. - 18 — Rivington, R. J. _ _ _ 10,585 2,349 Roaf, W. A. _ _ _ 193 — 148 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Salary Travel Robak, Miss M. J. . _ 4,137 $ Robbins, R. W. _ 13,080 829 Roberts, E. A. 7,980 69 Roberts, Mrs. S. C. . . 3,756 _ Robertson, B. J. . 1,359 _ Robertson, Miss B. J. .. 953 — Robertson, D. N. _ 5,496 259 Robertson, G. G. _ 429 55 Robertson, J. A. . . 1,741 _ Robertson, Mrs. S. _ 1,034 — Robin, P. W . 7,560 782 Robinson, A. B. _ 11,400 218 Robinson, B. A. . 4,884 _ Robinson, Miss B. M. _ 2,759 — Robinson, Miss D. A. .... 427 _ Robinson, Miss D. K . 58 — Robinson, E. W. _ 15,060 1,090 Robinson, G. M. _ 5.634 102 Robinson, G. T. . . . 9,960 1,198 Robinson, G. W. 828 — Robinson, J. H. .. _ 9,960 1,567 Robinson, J. L. _ 11,400 239 Robinson, R. E. _ _ 9,180 36 Robinson, R. W. _ 5,940 — Robinson, W. I. D . . 1,339 68 Robson, P. E. _ 11,400 793 Robson, R. M. _ 947 92 Rodney, A. _ 6,972 197 Roe. F. 1 . 8.085 1,052 Roe, F. L., Sr. _ _ _ 2,232 _ Roed, E . . .. .. 9,180 797 Rogacz, J. ... _ 10.080 741 Rogers, Mrs. E. _ ... .. 4,635 — Rogers, J. C. I . . 3,275 361 Rogers, P. G. _ 993 62 Rogers, R. K. G. _ 7,020 4 Rogers, T. A. _ 2,422 — Rogers, W. J. _ 7.560 536 Rohn, K. _ _ _ 9,300 106 Rohn, M. _ 6,630 207 Rolls, J. D. _ 1,673 — Rolls, K. E . . . 7.020 873 Rolston, H. D _ _ 9,960 811 Rosberg, J. B. _ 2,548 149 Rosby, J. A. . . 2,338 — Rose, W. H. _ 3,486 — Rose, W. I. _ 5,976 75 Rosendale, B. M. _ 39 _ Roset, Mrs. A. _ 257 _ Rosevear, J. E. _ _ _ 2,087 67 Rositch, Miss R. M. _ 2,078 _ Rosk, Miss S. E. _ 3,025 — Ross, A. _ _ 7,869 — Ross, A. I. _ ..... 9,180 214 Ross. B. A . . . . 8,040 — Ross, J. . .... _ _ _ 2,413 — Ross, J. E. _ 4,587 _ Roth, R. L. _ _ 6,222 395 Roumieu, P. A. .. . _ _. 867 — Rovak, I. 4,248 969 Rowbottom, Mrs. M. J. .. 565 — Rowe, F. A. D. _ 5,700 265 Rudd. C. A. _ 8,234 120 Rudolph, T. _ .. _ 7,200 — Ruelle, M. D. _ _ _ 739 — Ruiz, T _ _ . 624 — Russ, T. _ 6,024 184 Russel], Mrs. B. J. _ 856 — Russell, Mrs. G. G. _ 2,562 — Russell, J. S . . 7,198 — Russell, L. B. _ _ _ 5,796 — Russell, L. G. _ 7,075 352 Russell, M. . . — 6,264 — Russell, P. F. - . - 9,180 179 Russell, S. . . — - 5,292 9 Russell, Mrs. S. A. - . 259 — Rutherford, Miss P. A. — 3,381 — Rutledge, J. R. _ 2,139 — Ryan, G. B. .. - .... 1,074 — Saar, C. L. - - 5,797 246 Sailer, W. J. — - 1,031 — Salmond. R. J. — . — 1,262 783 Salter, B. F. .. - . - 6,264 271 Sam, L. C. C. . . - . 712 — Sampson, J. B. - - - 1,696 63 Samson, G. N. - 1,142 27 Samson, Mrs. P. A. - 5,916 — Sanborn, E. J. - — 107 — Sandberg, H. G. - 7,020 216 Sandeen, H. F - - 2,437 125 Forest Service — Continued Salary . 6,780 Travel $ 68 Sanders, J . Sanderson, Miss E. 626 Sanderson, J. R. _ . 2,890 278 Sanderson, R. G. 614 89 Sandhals, Mrs. C. . . . 1,990 Sanford, J. A. M. _. 1,381 37 Sanh, A. L. _ 2,753 36 Sarabyn, Miss R. . . 3,649 Sargent, J. H _ 1,235 Sato, K. _ 6,264 264 Satrustegut, J. . 803 _ Sauder, Miss A. M. . . 1 ,003 _ Saull, A. J. _ _ _ 3,144 _ Saunders, C. M. _ 2,815 56 Savage, G. R . . 3,104 633 Savidge, R. A. _ _ 2,202 198 Savinkoff, T . 7,284 _ Sawada, J. H. _ 774 16 Sawatzky, E. A. _ 6,360 Sawchuk, S. J. F. ... . . 4,512 401 Sawich. J. A. _ _ 5,136 31 Saxhaug, O. ... _ . 4,360 _ Scallon, K . . 7,260 378 Scarisbrick, R. G. _ _ 12,900 116 Scarrow, R. C . — . 9,960 109 Schafhauser, Mrs. J. 2,150 _ Schafhauser, W. A. . 6,840 1,019 Schaller, K. H. . 10.131 4,201 Schaufele, J. F. ... 7,284 75 Schell. R. B. 287 Schermerhom. F. R. _ 667 _ Schiller. J. ... 740 180 Schimelfenig, Mrs. L. ... 1,451 — Schindell, Miss F. L . . 1.883 _ Schingnitz, S. . . 7,067 1.346 Schmid, H. J. _ 156 7 Schmidt, J. T. . . . 9,180 243 Schmidt, R. L. . 12,900 112 Schmidt, W _ _ 8,160 500 Schmidt, W. C _ _ 4,884 325 Schneeberger, W. _ 6.640 360 Scholz, W . . 5,910 301 Schooner, S. _ _ _ 209 — Schroeder. H. . 6.756 17 Schueck, Miss H. E. .. 3,130 — Schulte, L. D. .. 5,700 119 Schultz, W. H. _ 4,788 23 Schuman, A. W. _ 2,660 6 Schupbach, W _ _ 9,250 777 Schutz. A. C _ _ 1 1 .400 500 Schweitzer. J _ _ 9,132 — Schweitzer, L C. _ 1,197 105 Scotchman, C. _ 7.163 182 Scott, A. J. _ 2,029 — Scott, F. E _ _ 5,172 19 Scott, F. J. _ _ 8,820 2,558 Scott, Miss G. A. _ 1,100 — Scott, G. H. _ 271 7 Scott, J. G. _ _ 679 — Scott, J. R. _ 7.325 2,788 Scott, L. P. _ 5.376 240 Scott, R. _ 2.289 — Scott, R. C. . . . 2,032 — Scotton. G. _ 2,413 — Scrivener, Miss J. C. _ 290 — Scully, R. J. _ 5,760 — Seabrook. C. S. M. _ 5,478 — Seaman, P. D. _ 7,152 698 Seaweed, J. 270 — Sebok. Mrs. I. E. _ 358 — Sedlack, J. P. _ 4,284 — Sedler. P. _ .... 1.124 101 Sedrovic, L. W. _ 468 — Seedhouse, E. A. _ 3,684 — Seeliger, .1. 754 — Segnoe, Miss S. G. . 1,385 — Seguin. Mrs. M. _ 166 — Selfe. R. C. _ 393 — Selkirk, D. R. _ _ 12,900 197 Selman, J. F. _ _ _ 5.274 569 Seising, J. _ 10,380 2,258 Sewell, S. V. _ 202 — Shatzko, G. _ _ 7,223 — Shatzko, N . . 6,504 241 Shaw, A. L. _ 5,376 237 Shaw, J. F. .... . 1,328 24 Shaw, J. H. .... _ 8,197 2,910 Shaw, J. T. _ 4,336 222 Shaw, M. H. _ _ 5,376 _ Shaw, V. F. . . . 5,274 — Salary Trave $ $ Shaw, W. H. - 6,624 8 Shea, C. E. _ 667 7 Sherb, J. D. _ 5,916 28 Shergold, C. _ 5,796 — Shergold, R. J. _ 1,494 — Sherwin, R. G. _ 2,021 14 Shields, Miss M. H. _ 143 — Shiell, A. _ 155 — Shikaze, B. H. _ 1,908 8 Shikaze, G. _ 1,728 1 Shiner, D. A. - - - 6,265 6 Shires, F. M . . 6,384 14 Shobe, A. M. _ 2,518 — Shott, G. B. _ __ _ 9,960 Sieck, W . . 8,901 3 Siemens, Mrs. S. M. _ 175 — Sigalet, E. C. _ 669 — Sigler, D. F. _ 8,160 1,63 Sigurdson, L. C. _ 1,647 — Simmons, C. F. _ _ _ 9,300 46 Simon, A. A _ _ 6,504 8 Simpson, F. W. _ 7,200 5 Simpson, J. H. _ _ _ 1,043 — Simpson, M. A. _ 2,657 35 Simpson, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,552 — Sinclair, J. W. _ 6,504 22 Sinclair, W. C. _ 2,543 — Singleton, E. _ 2,099 — Sinnemann, W. H. T. 5,640 3 Sinnott, Miss C. M. _ 184 — Siverson, G. D. _ 2,538 — Siwallace, A. _ 209 — Sjoberg, N. E. _ 9,090 99 Sjoden, A. . . . 6,939 — Sjogren, C. _ _ _ 226 — Sjoquist, T. W. _ 6,935 2,07 Sjostrom, G. _ 6,840 77 Skantz, A. E. _ 1,313 4 Skelton, S. E. _ 795 — Skelton, W. F . __ . 4,523 1 Skinner, T. W. _ 1,822 — Skjeie, Mrs. L. _ 2,304 — Skoropad, P. _ 1,248 19 Skripnik, N. _ 4,159 73 1 Slack, G. C. _ _ _ 4,674 8 Slack, T. _ 7,200 — Slee, H. T. _ 827 Sloan, W. _ 88 — i Slosky, Mrs. A. O. C _ 4,128 — Sluggett, D. R. — _ _ 1,162 6> Smale, F. A. _ _ _ 8,460 1 t Small, P. - 11,400 58 Smashnuk, L. _ _ _ 437 — Smedbol, H. M. _ 2,866 — Smedley, J. A. H. _ _ 7,834 5 Smiley, Mrs. M. D. _ 405 — , Smith, A. H . . __ 1,047 — Smith, A. V. _ _ _ 4,561 1C Smith, C. D. _ _ _ 7,560 — . Smith, C. D. _ . _ 5,580 5 ' Smith, C. R. _ 6,990 16, Smith, C. V. _ _ _ 8,340 1C Smith, D. E. _ 9,360 1,41 Smith, D. G. _ 1,872 — Smith, Mrs. E. _ 1,630 — Smith, E. E. _ 6,240 2,0" I Smith, Mrs. E. M. _ _ 4,980 — Smith, E. R. _ _ _ 10,980 1,58 Smith, F. _ 75 — Smith, G. H. _ 444 — Smith, G. H . . 5,580 7,260 5,933 4,698 2,807 1,620 1,445 9,286 2,755 Smith, G. J . 1,53 2,73 3( Smith. H. A. _ Smith, I. K. _ .. . Smith, J. C. . _ _ Smith, K. H. . . . <3 Smith, L. W . Smith, M. M. . ... .. .. 2,34 Smith, Miss N. A. . Smith, N. S. . . 7,181 2,168 9,458 1,877 6,300 3,858 261 1,94 Smith, Miss P. A. . _ Smith, P. T. 2,33 Smith, R. A. _ Smith, R. A. . . . 1( Smith, Smith, R. G. .... R. T. 1 Smith, Smith, R. R. 8,623 4,563 3,596 945 3,3! 4! R. V. ...... Smith, Smith, Smith, Raymond 71 Rene .. . Ronald R. 2,070 8,160 Smith, S. _ lj SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 149 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary Travel S $ mith, Mrs. S. T. .. 4,980 — .mith, W. H. 7,980 208 mith, W. R. - - - 3,611 — mith, W. W. .. 11,400 1,111 moliak, Mrs. K. M. . . 359 — murthwaite, R. K. _ . 6,873 1,985 myth, T. A. . . . . 3,107 212 nellman, C. E . . 7,860 580 nobelen, S. D. . 1,755 463 oderberg, L. C. G. - - 2,983 313 olhjell, M. C. - 9,482 1,154 olorhon, L . — . 749 — omers, R. J. _ _ 761 — ommerfeld, E. A. _ 5,266 201 omner, D. G . 2,308 — omner, F. G. . . 7,020 362 orby. O. _ _ 5,760 602 orensen, R. H _ _ 4,788 83 ouder, D. E. . _ 4,733 — owemimo, S. O. _ 944 — owerby, T. . . . 8,460 1,835 oyko, G. . . . 5,681 408 pandli, I. _ _ 9,995 276 parks, J. H. - 4,820 57 pecht, A. F. . 11,040 1,603 peed, Mrs. P. L. _ 3,906 — peer, V. W. _ 2,364 — pence, H. A. _ _ _ 4,980 153 picer, L. C . . 8.203 1,825 pidel, N. H . . . . 8,520 681 pike, M. W. _ 1,902 — pilsbury, R. H. _ 15,060 1,049 pletzer, E. _ _ _ 7,474 — pooner, E. D. _ _ 2,263 — pooner, R. G. _ 878 — pooner, R. J. 983 — pringer, E. O . . 656 — pringer, S. J. _ 1,789 — pyksma, R. J. _ 5,430 6 quance, D. R. _ 2.018 — t. Amand, D. F. _ 7,284 2,516 t. Amand. P. _ _ _ 3,579 — t. Amand, W. R . 4,185 — t. Germain, Mrs. C. R, .. 40 — t. Germain, Mrs. R. H. 197 — t. Laurent, J. C. _ 5,580 — :. I aurent. R _ _ 921 — t. Pierre, D. J. . . . 4,206 47 acey, D _ _ 293 — aehli, A. _ _ 2,024 — aehli. Mrs. M . . 1,518 — afford. K. W _ _ 5,616 65 ahl. G. . _ _ 5,376 290 :alman, W. L. J. _ 6,808 2,083 andish, J. T. _ _ 4,608 74 aniscia, Miss B. A. _ 963 — anley, J. W. _ 2,412 — anley, P. B. _ _ _ 2,306 31 anton, Mrs. M . . 2.997 — apleton, R. B . . 7,020 1,030 arck. Mrs. H. A . 1,831 — arr, A. .... _ _ 3,608 205 arr, Mrs. M. E. _ 324 — artup, D. K . 653 — artup, Mrs. V. D. _ 1,477 — asyn, Mrs. A. R. . . 5,111 — asyn, M. S. _ _ _ _ 827 10 atham, K. B . . . . 795 — atton, W. H. . . 8,469 3,187 edel, L. O . . . . 1,700 — eel, G. _ _ _ 4,708 437 eel, G. _ _ _ 9,673 3,032 eer, Mrs. K. I . . . 1,986 — efanac, G. 9,000 395 efanson, Mrs. L. M. G. 4,980 — eigleder, H. G. _ 3,117 268 eneker, C. _ _ _ 8,580 111 enson, Mrs. M. M. _ 4,980 — ephen, R. A. _ 791 — ephen, R. D. . . . 4,841 370 ephens, B. S _ _ _ 5,274 264 ephens, C. G. _ 2,413 — ephens, L. II. _ 2,314 — ephenson, C. D. _ 1,303 — etsko, M. _ 655 — evely, R. D . . . .. 844 27 evely, T. J. _ 451 8 evens, Mrs. J. _ 4,440 — svenson, Mrs. E. M. _ 5,172 — evenson, G. W. _ 860 — Stevenson, R. A. ... _ Salary $ 1,794 7,200 86 Travel $ Stevenson, T . . . . 26 Steves, Mrs. P. L. . _ Stewart, A. G. . . .. .. 8,160 351 Stewart, C. A . 4,524 7,750 2,916 3,227 1,704 9,391 Stewart, D. A . . 87 Stewart, D. I. . . _ Stewart, D. M. . . . Stewart, J. A. . . Stewart, J. W . . . . 24 127 1,440 Stewart, R . . . 9,360 2,547 2,402 97 Stickney, D. A . . Stilwell, T. F. 9,960 7,152 6,309 4,976 2,430 Stinson, W T Stnhift, J, A, 2,148 31 Storking, A F. Stohl, Mrs. R. M _ Stokes, D K 4,282 2,096 17,400 1,896 2,922 7,410 3,175 2,499 1,911 60 Stokes, J. S. _ _ 1,561 Stokes, N. H. Stnkoc!, R H. 7 Stone, G R 216 Stone, P, R 196 Stone, WT Oi. _ Storey, B. M. _ 2 Storey, S G 6 Storm, A. _ _ - - 8,460 1,785 Stott, O P P-, _ 3,352 2,418 6,264 Strand, T. P - StTerhenink, S. 222 Streicher, C. A. ... Strimbold, S. T. . . 9,286 3,765 5,376 248 4,128 10,380 632 1,975 189 Stringer, L. N. . 156 Stroes, F. G. _ Strohmaier, Miss D. _ Stromherg, R J, 415 Stiiparyk, TV P, _ 29 Sturgeon, L. R. _ 2,699 40 Sturney, R. A. .. . 2,190 1,111 71,259 8,222 7,200 1,034 4,167 11,400 809 Summerskill, D. Sundry seasonal wages — Super, G. R, _ 3,018 Surges, A T Snrkan, TV I. . Suttop, Mrs. T, _ _ Sutton, R C, _ 328 Swakum, R. Swan, D, G. _ 1,939 6,906 1,023 19,380 6,264 1,855 6,818 Swan, D. M. _ _ 189 Swannell, G. B. Swannell, L. F. ... _ 1,320 Swanson, G. D . 276 Sweder, L. G. . Sweet, J. R. . . 14 3,094 336 Sweeten, J. R. _ 8,940 9,180 5,478 1,528 7,735 8,940 384 8,582 9,180 1,230 Sykes S, J. 220 Symington, Mrs. L. - - S7flb»o, T, S/amec^j T, 145 Seller, T, 42 Szitowski, G. _ S7y, F, _ 309 Taft, L. G. .... Tait, D. W. C. _ - 159 Takenaka, Mrs. K. F. - Talbot, G, P- _ '430 11,520 633 124 Tall T’ C Tannhauser, J. R. ... _ 10,380 96 Tannock, F. _ - 13,020 853 1,917 39 Taphorp, Jr _ Tarling, R. R. 811 5,141 7,560 2,376 5,804 5,580 10,517 1,799 3,876 4,685 11,880 10,380 1,724 6,360 _ Tate, R. J. _ 720 85 2,963 72 Taylor, Mrs. T, F. _ 67 1,830 905 Taylor, J. P. „ . - . 58 7,020 6,264 1,055 9,180 6,024 13 306 343 Telford, D. A. _ . 155 880 77 Teranishi, Miss P. F. - Terry, A. N. - — — 3,600 9,130 847 Salary Travel * Terry, J. B. ... _ 2,326 * 167 Tesan, Mrs. M, E. 4,284 — Teschke, K. K . 1,343 — Thickett, R. D . 6,297 469 Thiele, L. S. - 4,037 14 Thiessen, J. J. 761 — Thoen, G. W. .... . . ... 2,288 — Thom, J. F. - . ... 6,264 208 Thomas, A. D. . 7,200 — Thomas, D. B. 85 — Thomas, G. P. _ _ 1,466 831 Thomas, Mrs. H. M. _ 4,284 — Thomas, R. D. .. . ... .. . 13,980 834 Thomas, R. W. . . . 9,180 423 Thomlinson, R. B. . _ 3,207 231 Thompson, Mrs. A. _ 2,779 — Thompson, C. D. 6,504 894 Thompson, C. F. 8,410 546 Thompson, D. H. 7,140 248 Thompson, Mrs. E. S. _ 1,983 — Thompson, H. B. _ 8,310 176 Thompson, H. W 9,180 1,688 Thompson, W. A. _ 1,481 — Thomson, B. A . 860 — Thomson, B. W. . . . 7,380 1,449 Thomson, D. B. _ 7,514 33 Thomson, Miss J. E. _ 1,461 920 Thomson, R. T. 827 — Thomson, W. W. . 7,020 722 Thornber, Mrs. V. K. _ 1.070 — Thorne, A. W. _ 6,780 501 Thorneloe, W. D. _ 1,412 84 Thornton, D. D. 1,438 40 Thornton, J. L. . 9,180 22 Thornton, Mrs. M. C. ... . 2,674 — Thornton, R. J. _ _ _ 5,580 151 Titus, L. A. _ _ _ 4,788 90 Tjader, D. O. . . 7,404 99 Tkachuk, M. _ _ _ 696 — Tkachuk, S. . . 696 _ Todd, Mrs. E. G. _ 4,050 — Toker, R L. _ 111 — Tole, R. A . . . 5,640 — Toma, I. _ 1,068 — Tomlinson, K. R . . 6,144 731 Toney, N. C. _ 7,251 188 Tonkin, Miss L. M . 3,781 — Tooby, H. D. _ _ 6,504 — Toop, R. J . . . 6,296 — Toth, G. . . 9.960 213 Toth, S. _ _ _ 605 — Totten, K. H. _ 4,169 633 Tourond, A. L _ _ 7,020 — Tourond, E. F. _ _ _ 3,440 12 Tourond, P. N. _ 1,868 — Towel], G. M _ _ _ _ 4,440 4 Towers, R. V. 142 — Townsend, R. S . . . 5,888 832 Toye, W. C. _ .... 5,580 — Tozer, R. R . . 1.647 159 Tremblay, B. R . . 794 — Tremblay, L. _ _ _ 703 — Trenaman, R. G. . _ 9,180 474 Tress, J. W. _ _ 1,549 94 Trigg, J. N. - 7,560 925 Trisko, Miss S. L . . 2,295 — Trolitsch, G . . . 1,153 37 Troop, Miss A. E . . . 3,252 — Trotter, C. B. . . 8,646 2,731 Troup, W. .._ . . 8,190 93 Trowsdale, T. C. _ 8,640 373 Truant, R. A. I. _ 9,180 465 Truscott, J. A. _ 605 — Tschechne, H. H. K. . . 9,006 444 Tucker, J. E. „ _ 8,191 3,464 Tugnum, F. A. _ 5,700 411 Turje, P. S . . . 1,378 85 Turner. B. J. _ _ 1,800 112 Turner, C. G. . . . 1,319 98 Turner, F. L. _ _ _ 6,334 214 Turner, H. L. 10.080 1,880 Turner, 11 W. _ 2,453 — Turner, J. L. _ 3,359 178 Turner, R. N. _ 4,446 31 Turner. V. E. _ 2,363 — Tumour, R. C. _ 5,376 — Tusar, Mrs. L. _ 4.788 — Tuthill. R. D _ _ 5,796 — Tutt. P. C. _ 6.030 1,877 Tuttle, W. F. _ 13.620 817 Twaites, A. R. - — 6,519 720 150 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service - Continued Salary Travel $ S Twiss. T . P. 893 — Tymrick, Z. R. _ 1,738 102 Ulinder, J. D. 61 — Ullmann, F. G. 1,432 19 Umplebv. Mrs. S. A. _ 4.362 — Underwood. L. G. _ 6,144 509 Unger, H. C. 6,384 179 Unrau, N. . 5,598 33 Uphill, G. T . .... 483 — Uphill, W. T. . . . . 9,180 240 Uveda. Miss M. _ 4,440 — Valentin. C. G. _ 2.919 229 Valikoski, M. E. _ 1,564 150 Valk. P. G. J. _ 6.144 375 Van Der Jaet, P. S. _ 4.729 288 Van Der Kamp, C. M. _ 2.943 52 Van Der Mark, L. G. _ 5,079 235 Van Der Meulen, Mrs. D. M . . . 277 — Van Ieperen. Mrs. S. M._ 4,483 — Van Mol, P. F. 4,580 26 Van Tine. C. W. _ 2.246 295 Van Tine, G. R. _ _ _ 7.140 291 Van Somer. J. R. _ 7.380 207 Van Valkenburg, W. S _ 154 — Van Zanten. J. A. _ 1,227 20 Vanaen Driessche, R. _ 10.860 221 Vandenberghe. J. .. . 4,435 53 Vanderbasch. R. F. _ 3,324 — Vanderhorstvanlil, W. — 7,020 10 Vaughan, E. G. _ 12.900 556 Vaughan. J. W . 6,842 102 Vaux, Mrs. D. - 3,967 — Vegt, M. _ _ 666 — Velkjar, D. G. 1,410 80 Vennberg, E. A. ... 4.543 29 Venturini, R. 1,862 — Verigin, L. K. 3,625 — Vernon, Mrs. F. P. - - 5.916 — Vicen, F. 7,560 346 Vikson, V. _ 690 — Vikstrom, J. D. _ 7,963 3,349 Viszlai. J. „ _ 10,380 112 Vohradsky, W. V. _ 6,354 287 Voight, E. D. _ 6,960 10 Von Huso, C. P. _ _ 5.385 — Von Kaldenberg, C. F. — 1,467 — Von Seckendorff, Mrs. M. 1,759 — Vosburgh, J. A. 1.386 59 Vose, C. L. 6,540 14 Vroom, J. E. 5,040 — Vvhnanek, J. _ 10,380 — Waddineham, J. C. _ 9,300 426 Wadel, A. 1,855 — Waelti, H. _ . 12,900 1,295 Wagner, A. . . 2.243 — Warner. C. J. 865 — Wagstaff. T. A. 3,067 — Waldie. R. A. . . 11.210 82 Waldof, C. T. .... 3,100 135 Waldron, W. C. _ 8,520 1,630 Walker, B. E. 5,802 170 Walker, Mrs. C. _ 2,248 — Walker, N. A. _ 293 — Walker, R. J. _ 852 56 Walker, T. A. 7,344 867 Walker, T. H . . 6,024 182 Walkus, D. — 19 — Walkus, H. G. .. 20 — Walkus, *J. E. - 269 — Walkus, T. L. 213 — Wall, C. J. . 5,700 33 Wall. H. W. .. 5,804 45 Wallace, M. L. - 5,376 99 Wallace, M. T. ..... 11,400 888 Wallach, A. A. .. 4,740 163 Waller. T. G. . 10,080 1,929 Waller, T. H . .... 1.190 108 Wallin, Mrs. A. D. _ 4,299 — Wallin, D. F. 9,300 210 Wallinger. D. P. .. — 11,400 963 Wallington, Mrs. E. A. _ 19 — Wallwin, B. J. .. 827 — Walsh, N. J. . . 5,700 213 Walsh, Mrs. V. 2,004 — Walters, R. 1,736 48 Wanderer, J. 8,430 330 Ward, J. G. 9,120 242 Ward, J. H. . ... - 6,504 174 Ward, V. F. - - 4,362 — Ward, W. R. _ 1,720 40 Salary Travel S S Wardrop, T. J. _ 5,496 273 Ware. Mrs. B. L. _ 65 — Ware, L. E. . . 8,399 1,754 Wareing, Mrs. K. W. _ 2,202 — Wareing, M. S. _ 6,630 74 Warn, P. W. . . . 1,082 — Warn, W. F. ... . 2,183 _ Warner, C. C. D. .. 5.645 416 Warner, J. G. R. 3,725 47 Warrack. G. C. 13.980 634 Warren, V. A. .... .. . 2,104 113 Warrington, Mrs. B. E. _ 2.443 — Warwick, J. H. .. .. . 7,284 — Washburn, Miss L. F. _ 5,580 _ Wassick, D. L. . . 1,551 — Wassick, H. W. . 7.284 733 Watson, B. O. 5,274 95 Watson, F. J. 5.337 _ Watson, G. F. 6,591 39 Watson, M. E. _ 182 _ Watson, R. A. _ 579 — Watson, T. J. 5,478 258 Watt, D. A. 5.496 522 Watt, T. B. _ . _ _ 1,049 — Watts, M. C. 9,180 1,164 Watts, Mrs. P. M. 2,584 _ Waugh, E. A. _ 6,730 2,272 Waugh. Mrs. G. M. _ 188 — Weatherbee, J. 164 — Weatherbv, Miss K. _ 473 — Weatherly, M. J. 2,588 6 Weaver, K. I. M. 888 — Weaver, K. W. 1,611 103 Webb, H. W. _ 4,748 173 Webb, R. M. . 2,636 66 Webber, L. A. ... ... 387 35 Websdale, Miss A. G. __ 3,606 — Webster, G. R. _ _ 9,180 167 Webster, H. B. _ _ 8.160 1,565 Wedemeyer, Mrs. H. M. _ 3,948 — Weeks, D. C. _ 9.960 2,051 Weeks, V. T. _ 7,560 943 Weinard, J. P. _ _ ... 9.180 47 Weinard. R. H. . 8.580 635 Weipert, R _ _ _ _ 104 — Weir, A. J. 6.504 429 Weisser. P. L. _ 3,341 97 Wejr, A. L. _ _ _ _ _ 1,184 — Weldon, N. E. T. _ 4,788 32 Weldon. Mrs. R. A. N. _ 4,698 — Weller. J. B _ _ 7,860 2,063 Wells, T. D. C. . . 5,700 15 Wells. W. G. . _ 5.100 12 Wendland. R. R. _ 5.841 8 Wenger, H. R. _ 1.610 15 Wensley, Mrs. W. M. . 3.592 — Werlbereer, T. _ 747 — Werrett, Mrs. S. A. _ 210 — Werstuik, J. P. _ 5,580 176 Werstuik. Mrs. T. M. _ 1,295 — West. Mrs. J. I . . 4.980 — West. R. _ .. . .. 115 — Westergaard. Mrs. F. M. 4,458 — Westhaver. B. L. T. _ 9,960 403 Westlake, R. A. _ _ 5,700 354 Wheeler, A. J. _ 1,821 — Whidden. A. R. 512 — Whiffin, E. B. _ 4.151 1,074 Whillier, G. C _ _ 9,180 2,680 White, A. J. _ _ 1,293 — White, D. H. _ ... .. 2,522 — White, F. J. _ 6,681 — White, Mrs. J. A. _ 2,011 — White, Mrs. J. B. _ 474 — White, J. R. _ . 8,220 478 White, J. W. . 2,236 — White, O. T. ... .. _ 6,864 — White. W. T. _ 10,009 — Whitehouse, W. D. _ 10.140 1,571 Whiteman. L. E. 7,020 201 Whitemore, Mrs. P. C. _ 3,662 — Whiting, E. G _ _ 11.400 3,763 Whitman. S. A. .. _ 7,200 — Whitmore, B. G. _ 1,120 — Whitney, Mrs. S. D . 350 — Whittaker, H. J. _ 9,960 1,130 Whorly, G. _ 5,580 202 Whyte, R. A. _ 5,478 301 Wick. I L . . 10,140 573 Wicken, W. C. _ 8,160 618 Wickens, E. P. _ 4,368 36 Salary Trave s $ Widmark. A. S. 4.630 135 Wiebe, Miss A. I. _ 78 — Wiebe, H. G . ....... .. 5.640 438 Wieland. Miss C. H. L. _ 7.404 — Wiens, J. . _ _ _ . 3,644 — Wiffen, Mrs. I. _ 175 — WifTen, R. J . . 5,886 238 Wilby, D. E . . . 851 17 Wilde, Mrs. P. A. ... . 4,404 — Wiiderman, Mrs. E. FI. .. 178 — Wilkins, M. J. _ 10.620 341 Wilkinson, A. H. _ 1,035 — Wilkinson, L. E. 8,460 594 Wilkinson, M. F . . . 7,404 277 Wilks, K. W. _ 398 — Will, J. . 9,960 2,058 Will an, L. B. _ _ 2,899 — Willems, A. B. _ . 6,365 — Willett, Mrs. D. P. M. __ 1,701 — Willett, S. V. H. 7,860 80 Williams, A. L. 1,903 146 Williams, A. W. _ _ 5.580 — Williams, C. G. 3,234 34 Williams, C. P. . . . 12,900 929 Williams, D. P . . 1,439 135 Williams, F. S. _ 11,400 147 Williams, Mrs. I. 536 — W'illiams, J. R. _ 4,914 2,712 Williams. L. D. _ .. 9,634 1,728 Williams, Miss L. M. _ 3.828 — Williams, L. S. _ 7,022 2,304 W'illiams, Mrs. V. 614 — Williamson, D. H. 2.355 — Williamson, G. R. _ 5,940 1C Williamson, J. H. _ 6,240 107 Williamson, M. G. 8,734 _ Willington, L. A. _ 10,500 922 Willis, H. G. _ 6.756 1 IS Willson, C. D. .... ... ... .. 6,384 525 Wilmot, A. G. _ 87 — Wilmot, G. A. _ 6,756 _ Wilson, Mrs. D. R. _ 2,529 _ Wilson. Mrs. E. M. _ 4,821 — Wilson. Miss G. M. W. _ 3,486 — Wilson. G. P. 9,960 2,188 Wilson, J. I. . 249 — Wilson. J. S. _ ... 6,756 2,557 Wilson, J. T. _ 6.360 38c Wilson, R. S. _ 9,180 238 Wilson. W. J. 4,698 8: Wiltsie. R. G. . _ 6,624 23 Winters, C. J. _ 4,489 — Winters, P. P. .... . ... 1,218 11- Wishart. B. G. 8,131 2,25< Witter, W. H. _ 2,453 — Wittner, D. J. 9,180 17: Witzke, K. E. _ 69 — Wiwcharuck, L. G. _ 7,865 4- Wlasuk, J. . . 7,020 21: Wolfe. E. J. _ 8,003 1.97 Wollenberg, Mrs. E. L _ 175 — Wong. D. K. D. _ 1,132 — Wood, D. R. _ 7.860 70' Wood, H. R. ... 9.180 72 Wood, I. W. 10,380 1.43 Wood, J. D. _ 7,417 81 Wood. Mrs. L. A. _ 3,861 — W'ood, M. V. _ 6,900 46 Wood, R. G. _ 552 — Wood. T. C. _ .... 1,488 6 W'oodburn. Mrs. F. D _ 3.817 — Woodley, D. W . 1.389 20 Woodward. M. J. _ 1,918 11 Woodward. W. G. . _ 7.020 23 Woodworth, M. A. H. _ 6.546 2.82 Wookey, C. J. _ _ _ 715 — Wookev, J. R. . . . 778 3 Woovea, R. A. 728 1 Wormald, G. R. _ 2,769 — W;ormald, R. _ 3,164 22 W^orobey, J. J. _ _ _ 6.356 87 Worobev. M. FI. 2.947 — Woyce. J. W. ...... 1.989 2 Woytas, Miss P. I. _ 3,684 — Wrazy, Mrs. E. _ _ 707 — Wright, G. E. - 5,376 — Wright, I. C. . - - 4,608 6 Wright, Mrs. K. M. - 1,518 — Wriaht, N R. _ 11,400 40 Wright, W. H. . _ 7,200 — [ SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 151 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Forest Service — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Yrigley, E. W. __ - 6,264 96 A’rigley, W. J. - 6,167 647 A'under, A. P. - - - — 126 Yybenga, D. - - - 1,389 115 iVydenes, M. _ _ 505 80 kVylie, R. J. - — - - 2,413 — ifakimchuk, J. J. - - 594 — t'ano, H . - . 8,730 93 ifasinchuk, N. _ 1,855 — ifates, Mrs. M. J. _ . 313 — ifates, T. J . . 7,200 — ifee, J. W. S. _ _ _ 1,952 67 ferbury, E. R. _ _ 265 — Salary Travel $ $ Yingling, C. M. _ 7,803 — York, G. M _ _ 9,300 201 Young, C. P. _ 8,310 1,839 Young, J. R. _ 9,300 393 Young, M. C. _ 8,580 1,817 Young, R. C. - _ _ _ 808 — Young, R. E. .. _ . 6,818 61 Young, W. _ 14,100 478 Young, W. E. L. _ . . 15,060 757 Younghusband, J. L. _ 7,284 223 Younie, D. J. A. _ 9,960 554 Zachary, M. _ _ _ _ 9,540 95 Zamis, H. _ _ ... 6,504 191 Salary Travel $ $ Zayik, W. A. . . 5,604 293 Zazulak, A. J. _ _ _ 220 6 Zloty, V. S. . . 7,200 154 Zoney, J. E. _ _ 7,702 3,512 Zuber, B. S. _ 5,100 252 Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments — — 101,996 Transfers, other depart- ments _ _ _ — 870 -1,578 16,809,605 1,163,130 Water Resources Service ’aget, A. F., Deputy Min¬ ister _ Salary $ 20,000 10,380 5,688 5,820 4,788 6,756 2,084 1,775 7,140 525 Travel $ 261 ^damarhe, T. N 1,915 tdderlev, N F. \1arir, t.. V. _ \lcnck, R. F 527 tldred,' R W Mien, Ctt D. _ Ulport, A. A. 590 imnSj R Ci. Vnderson, R. A. _ - - Anderson, R. E. _ timing, P F. 1,860 4,470 9,360 1,752 4,608 261 417 Anthony, F D 576 tquilnn, 1 R 223 Ashworth, fi, M Atkinson, J. A. . _ larrlay, R N 4,794 812 136 larteskn, K. F lennett, Miss J. A. 1,112 9,675 351 _ iergman, I A 646 tester, H lesler, R. F. 4,381 3,880 572 _ iest, Mrs. F. I . _ tiggs, D. W. __ Bake D T 515 _ loard, B. J. E. inardman, J 3,464 1,544 5,700 — lolenback, V. L. „ . _ Innd, D .1 4,578 8,310 802 _ Intham, J A 797 tmisfiefd, .1 irady, P M 11,400 1,650 4,305 752 171 Irahan, Miss P. A. irav, H F. , .Tr. _ 'ridgeman, S. A. . irnwn, F. T 1,505 _ Irown, J. R . . 404 . Irnwn, Miss M. F.. 1,093 3,360 1,532 10,380 9,180 5,390 5,580 1,084 331 . . irown, R H _ irnwn, R T. _ lillnrk, C W 1,659 386 iungp, T C. urnett, T A lusse.y, R S . lutterfield, D. G. _ _ lake, R K _ lallan, D M 9,360 3,300 444 1,859 lallaway, M P lamphell, Cr W _ amphell, W R 1,178 1,615 9,360 5,940 6,264 7,860 3,252 . larmirhael, T TV _ ■arrnll, S R 549 lartwright, W T iaughlin, F N, . handler, M _ heney, W. M. _ ._ 306 ihmelanskas, A, T. 10,860 5,076 2,500 1,628 1,745 3,756 3,972 5,100 4,156 8,640 3,629 11,400 2,072 1,160 hristian, T D. lark, G M _ lark, G. M. F. 663 lark, M. W. oates, Miss D. E. _ ogswell. Miss D. A. _ _ onnolly, D A. — onrad,"R O _ oulsnri, C H 498 oward, G ox, G.’ F 1,642 ramer, M T. 1,288 Cross, N. I. _ _ Crow, D. S. _ Crozier, R. J. _ Da Silva, J. _ _ Danard, D. C. _ Danks, F. W _ Davies, E. R. _ DeBeck, H. D. Dew-J ones, J. E. Dias, A. P. Dickinson, Mrs. B. Divorski, S. W. _ Doughty-Davies, J. Dranfield, Mrs. P. Eastwell, A. K. _ Eby, J. V. __ Edge, C. G. Eng, T. C. H _ Epp, Mrs. F. C. __ Estacaille, N. C. _ Fahey, J. W. L. _ Fairbrother, K. R. . Fedor, D. A. N. _ Ferguson, A. O. __ Ferguson, J. W. _ Ferguson, R. H. _ _ Femyhough, R. G. Fetters, J. E. . _ _ Fieldhouse, D. L. _ Fitzpatrick, T. J. _ Flowers, F. W. _ Folwell, E. J. _ Forrest, W. _ _ Foweraker, J. C. _ Fraser, A. N. _ Friesen, V. D. _ _ _ _ Fry, D. N. _ Fuller, J. D. C. _ Glass, J. G. E. _ _ Goble, Mrs. J. M. _ 3,900 Goertzen, D. L. _ 331 Goldie, C. A. _ 428 Goward, F. A. _ _ . _ 212 Graham, D. D. _ 6,504 Grainger, T. J. F. _ 2,775 Gray, D. I. _ 8,160 Gray, Mrs. F. E. _ 4,788 Gregory, B. _ 795 Guild, N. I. _ 9,000 Gulliver, J. T. - 8.160 Salary 8,255 2,105 1,816 1,197 2,439 7,560 8,160 18,060 9,960 5,040 4,884 1,449 11,400 4,788 3,899 11,840 5,580 4,840 886 3,012 597 1,607 1,394 7,152 7,422 10,620 9,540 1,295 2,195 1,736 4,362 8,820 4,276 12,360 6,756 3,521 2,317 12,630 9.600 Haddrell, E. F _ 5,820 Hallett, J. H. _ 6,900 Hamersley, H. L. S. - 10,380 Hamerston, D. E. - 1,043 Hanley, Miss E. J. - 4,206 Harknett, Miss P. - 1,072 Harris, R. G. _ - 12,900 Harrison, E. G. - 11,400 Heeley, Mrs. K. M. - 4.980 Henderson, H. H. - 7,152 Hewlett, R. A. - 3,696 Hives, S. J. - 4,035 Hiorth, D. R. _ 4,791 Hook, R. M. - 351 Hook, T. R. _ 5,172 Hosta, F. _ 1,810 Hughes. Mrs. C. - 1.044 Hunt. H. M. _ 13,980 Hunter, H. I. - 12,900 Travel $ 157 15 50 156 218 2,687 371 337 1,333 1,088 1,608 512 48 281 1,840 1,821 955 1,048 314 1,474 2 239 2’,228 1,408 305 769 781 1,233 Salary Travel $ $ Hunter, R. G. _ 303 Izard, E. A. _ _ 1,477 _ Jack, Mrs. F. M. . 4,788 _ Jack, J. T. _ 1,210 _ Jackson, W. S. . . 11,400 1,380 James, Mrs. E. M. _ 2,074 _ James, Mrs. J. E . . 509 — J amieson, B . _ 2,439 — Jancowski, Miss E. M _ 1,712 _ Jansma, M. _ 332 _ Jenkins, Miss S. M. _ 225 _ Jernslet, E. N. _ . . 3,121 — Johanson. TV A. 4,788 1,500 Jones, Miss P. H. _ 5,796 — Karlsson, Mrs. L. _ _ 1,089 _ Karran, W. J. _ _ _ 5,100 _ Keenan. C. J. _ 15.600 854 King, W. S. _ 5,910 — Krause. R. M. 5,040 — Kroll, G. M. _ 293 — Krueger, M. W. H. _ 6,830 347 Kwong, J. C. _ .. 6,630 156 L’Aventure, J. P. _ 3,865 60 Lambert. B. A. _ 9.610 934 Lasell. W. D. _ _ 7,020 1,260 Leach T. A. J. _ 13,980 620 Lees, A. W. _ 7,284 — Leslie, P. J. _ . _. 11,651 869 Lipkovits, E. _ 60 — Lock, A. M. _ _ 2,414 — Loken, D. R. _ .... 1,641 - , Lowe, R. _ 4.128 — Lyttle, R. D. B. _ 1,084 — MacKenzie, D. R. _ 8,460 1.863 MacKinlay, D. A. _ 7,097 752 MacKinnon, N. . _ 5,172 — MacRae, L. F. _ 7,284 — MacTaggart, A. A _ _ 8,460 369 Madden, T. F. . 5,041 — Mannix, Miss K. E. _ 3,915 — Marr, B. E. _ 12,900 1,499 Martin, J. W. P. _ 6.722 — Mason, I. . . 782 — McFarland, D. J. _ 6.150 803 McFerran, D. . _ 3.094 — McGoldrick, A. _ 5,796 — McGoldrick, D. R. _ 2,509 — McKay, M. R. _ 5.520 — McKay, R. N. _ 1,564 — McKenzie. A. K. .... _ 7,284 825 McLean, D. M. _ ... 4,884 — McLellan. A. F. _ _ _ _ 6,531 241 McPetrie, R. G. _ 3,641 — McPhee, J. S. _ 5,041 — Meighen, W. R. _ 14,520 1.915 Metcalf, F. J. _ 6.264 2,762 Milnes, J. G. _ 387 — Mitchell. Miss S. R. - 6.024 — Morison, N. J. _ 8.085 513 Morley. J. H. _ 8,460 513 Morton. Mrs. N. R. _ 4 788 — Mould, S. B _ _ 9,360 684 Mouslev, R. F. _ 6.076 62 Mueller, E. F. W. .... -.. . 8,223 229 Murray, Miss E. J. _ 3,332 — Neal, Mrs. I. M. _ 3,498 — Nesbitt-Porter, H. H. - 1,704 36 Neufeld, K. R. .— 4,276 — 152 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS, AND WATER RESOURCES — Continued Water Resources Service — Continued Salary Travel $ Newson, P. W. _ _ 9,180 1,421 Ngai, J. W. .... _ _ _ 8,820 494 Nickel, R. A. . .. . . . .. 7,560 728 Norberg, Mrs. R. M. _ 4,788 — O’Connor, Mrs. E. _ 3,978 — Odynsky, P. G . 11,400 1,285 Oke, R. .1. _ 4,219 — Oosting, M. J. . . - 3,084 451 Osland, R. A. ... - 1.012 — Ostafew, G. V. 5,460 — Oxland, T. H . .... 11,400 2,084 Paget, G. D. — _ 2,046 — Palm, Miss A. S. 6,504 — Parker, A. W. _ _ . 861 — Parker, C. S. . __ . 444 — Parker, D. R. . _ _ 336 — Parker R. J. _ 6,480 — Parkes, R. E. — . 1,716 — Parry, J. P . . _ - 7,402 2,569 Partridge, H. A. - 425 — Paterson, D. B. _ 3,271 343 Pauloski, L. J. - 1,924 — Pearce, R. F. - - 2,736 — Pennington, D. J. 443 — Pierre, T. . _ — . 1,390 — Pilon, J. A. . . . 2,240 — Pinfold, G. M. - - 4,933 211 Pinnington, G. J. _ 1,228 — Pinske, L. A. - - 7,710 19 Pipes, A. _ _ _ 7,985 175 Pitt, S. G. _ _ _ 2,644 1,599 Pleasance, K. N. . 6,315 362 Pollard. R. A. _ 11,400 486 Price, W. R. _ 2,256 — Pronk, M. B. .... _ 2,065 — Raudsepp, V. 17,400 3,938 Rawnsley, Miss K. - 1,142 ■ - Rezansoff, W. _ 370 — Robe, G. H. ... 6,756 — Roberts, D. W. 9,540 403 Roberts, G. H. - - 4,368 — Salary Travel $ $ Robertson, A. R. D. _ 11,400 358 Robertson, W. E. _ 4,446 — Rogers, C. L. _ 300 — Kotn, V. J . . . 6,624 297 Ryan, S. D. _ 4,050 88 Samuelson, L. A. _ 7,020 289 Sanger, G. J _ _ 1,734 56 Sargent, A. G. _ 742 — Schubert, B. R. _ 7,020 — Schurr, R. C. _ 4,255 44 Scott, H. _ _ _ 5,820 — Selig, F. F _ _ 7,284 48 Seto, Miss J _ _ 1,245 — Sherwood, J. A _ _ 516 — Shillingford, G. E . . 4,076 — Sidoni, D. M. _ 4,788 — Simmons, G. E. _ 16,200 1,316 Slezak, M. W _ _ 4,072 699 Smith, E. E. _ 41 — Smith, G. W. S. _ 2,710 1,438 Smith, H. W. . . . 3,164 — Smuin, D. E . . 11,130 2,464 Smyth, W. W. K. _ 10,164 350 Snook, C. S. _ 1,390 — Soellner, G. G . . . 7,284 826 Stadt, J. A _ _ 8,460 1,349 Stalker, Mrs. L. A. _ 4,980 — Stannard, E. J. _ 7,662 5,497 Steele, H. G . 1,670 — Stencel, A. S. _ 7,102 75 Stephenson, W. J . . 8,460 1,047 Stoll, K. _ 882 — Stott, C. P. E. _ 1,724 — Sutherland, A. K. _ 13,980 194 Swanson, L. G. _ 3,094 — Taggart, J. L. _ 908 — Talbot, R. J. _ 11,400 1,543 Tanner, D. B. _ 11,400 227 Telfer, Miss H. B. _ 4.440 — Tempest, W. _ 8,460 828 Thoman, H. H _ _ 5,910 — Salary Travii $ $ Thomas, J. W . . . 4,534 1,12 Thompson, D. R. _ 6,024 19 Tomlin, E. V. . . 5,820 - , Tomlin, H. V. _ _ _ 58 — i Trevor, Mrs. M. W . . 3,206 — 1 Tuthill, W. R . . . 8,640 hi Tyson, Mrs. E. E. _ 3.684 — Van Leusden, P. J . 1,309 — 1 Varcoe, B _ _ _ 7,860 ij Venables, W. N. . . . 12,900 1,23 Vernon, J. W. . . . . 502 Vulcano, W .P. . . 2,863 - I Waberski, G. B. A. _ 9,540 10} Wadden, R. L. . . . 3,484 1,18 Watkins, M. S. . . . 368 - 1 Watts. .1. D. _ _ _ 12,900 69 Webber, J. W. _ 10.380 3lj Wells, II. B. _ 5,655 H Wells. R. E. _ _ 3.691 391 Wester. J . . . . 11,130 4a Whalen, A. E. _ _ 768 — White, D. W. . . 6,756 — ; Whittet, W. N. _ 332 — l Wilson, C. E _ _ _ 10,980 1,861 Wilson. I. B. G. _ 4,533 — Young, J. C. _ _ _ 5,820 - 1 Zakall, M. F. _ 280 - • Zakall, S. S . . 5,820 - 1 Zalanfy, J. G. _ 8,160 - I Zandvliet, M. _ 300 — Zirul, M. L . Automobile and other un- 12,900 Ill allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments _ — 18,2.'; Transfers, other depart¬ ments . . +1,136 — 1,641,575 124,33 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES Brothers, Hon. D. L., Min- Salary $ Travel $ Caddell, D. M. _ ... Salary $ Travel $ 95 Farquhar, R. J . Salary 6,504 5,172 1,721 Trav $ ister (to May 27, 1968) Richter, Hon. F. X., Min¬ ister (from May 27, 1968) 2,916 921 Cadic, Miss R. M. _ . 738 Faulks, Mrs. E. A. Cameron, H. _ Carlson, Mrs. R. E. ... . . 4,586 1,668 12,900 9,545 1,285 Fecht, Mrs. R. M . Ferrabee, H. M. i 14,584 3,209 Carr, T. M 174 Field, G.' B. 1,573 Blakey, K. B., Deputy Minister Carter, N. C . . 227 Fields, R. W. . i 20,000 2,831 10 Caulfield, R. W. _ 108 Floren, L. B. ... . 1< Abear, J. F. _ Chapman, Mrs. G. F. 4,661 8,160 2,248 3,855 Ford, D. B. _ ..... ._ Adams, Miss J. L. 3,360 1,292 Childress, W. H. _ 2,688 Forgaard, G. R. .... _ nj < Adams, Miss M. L. . ___ Clare, Miss K. J. _ . Forrest, W. R. Allan, J. B. .. _ 44 Clarke, Miss H. M. _ ... . . Foster, Miss H. F. 389 Anderson, K, F. 146 Clarke, R. J. _ .. .. .... 68 Fox, D T 3,360 Antifaeff, W _ 26 Clarke, W. G. 10,290 55 1,885 Fraser, D. R. ij Amusch, J. A. . . _ _ 49 Clayton, Mrs M. A. Frinton, P. A. J. .... i Arthur, f"r, T. 3,360 4,749 Cleiand, R T. 30 Fry, J. L. 8,310 2i Attariwala, P. S. 292 Coker, j. R. _ ... _ _ 80 Fyfe, G. F. W. .. Baird j D t 63 Collins, Mrs. L. J. 4,788 Fyles, J. T. ... 12,900 1,477 lj pnnfield, M D 4,698 11,040 6,920 Collison, M. D. 43 Garden. J. F. .. . . . Bapty, H. _ _ - 2,475 112 Colvin, N. G 8,460 2,154 4,980 12,900 6,756 5,406 192 Gibault, J. M. Barber, R T. _ Conn, Mrs. T.. Gilbart, K. C . 2,850 6,996 4,698 _ 67 Comer, A. R . _ Gingras, T. 9 Bartlett, f!t F -... - - _ 30 Cosburn, S. S. . . 221 Goode, Mrs. R A. Bater, Mrs. V. A. _ _ 2,036 543 Crahtree, If. S. Grahauer, R 1 Craig, Ti R 69 Graves, R T. 2,040 Beaumont, E. A. _ 45 CunfifFe, R. M _ _ 182 Greiner, G. J. ... .. 1 Beebe, Mrs. B. A. - 3,290 Dagger, Mrs. V. D. _ 3,195 Gretzinger, Miss D. M. _ 1,641 Beetlestone, I. R. _ 136 Darley, Miss J . 3,486 _ Griffin. D T. 11,400 11,400 5,580 258 1,0 4 1,945 970 Dasnieres, P. V. . . 85 Grove. F. W. , Davies, P F 61 Hall, R. C. . . . 1,294 _ Davis Miss P. 4,980 12,630 PTalton, Mrs. F M. | 101 Dawson, V. E . 2,618 237 Hambleton, F. G . . . .. Bosley, F. W. - — 54 Dick, G. A. _ _ _ _ Hamersley, M. B. _ 7,710 7 _ 80 Dinglev, A T 12,360 3,083 244 Hardy, Miss S. B. ... _ 3,246 __ Bowen-Colthurst, P. M. _ _ 45 Dotchak, M. R. Harvey, R. G. _ _ 8,640 1,198 26 Dougan, J. G. _ _ 158 Harvie, J. B. _ 1 Braithwaite, Mrs. B. R. — Douglas, Mrs. T. J. L _ 594 Hedley', M. S. _ 15,900 1,6 _ 109 Dutton, J. A. _ _ 1,340 12,900 _ Heimbecker, R. F. 844 _ 22 F.astwood, G. F. P. 143 Henderson, J. F. _ .. 1 _ 113 F.dgineton. R. .T. 133 Herriott, Mrs. H. L . 210 Budd A. D _ 131 Egdelfi J. G. _ _ _ 8,820 11,400 3 Hibberson, R. J. _ 9,540 _ 95 Elias, S. . . 3,373 73 Hilborne, Miss N. L. 3,200 13,980 _ 6,024 Erickson, C. M. .... . . Holland, S. S. . . Bynuck, J. J. .. 152 Fairbrother, D. R. _ _ — 132 Holland, W. B _ 7,260 9 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 153 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES — Continued Holmes, S. T- Salary $ 1,177 1,295 11,400 2,948 Travel $ Hooey, K. f!. - Hughes J, H 192 Hughes, Miss I.. Hughes, R. H. _ 88 Hunter, R. - _ _ 1,454 8,160 Huus, P. K. _ - - Ingram, W. L. _ 13,170 2,075 12,900 655 5,478 992 Ireland, Miss S. M. James, A. R. C. . 2,468 76 Jamieson, Mrs. I. M. - Jeannotte, Mrs. S. E. _ Jeffs, R. W. Johnson, D. L . 11,562 1,402 33 87 Johnson, L. C. _ Johnson, T r. Johnston, M. TV _ 191 jubb, Mrs. S. A . _ 3,377 Juhasz, Mrs. E. A. .... - 5,580 6,504 _ Karpielr, P F, _ Khan, A Q 92 Kinnear, P W. _ 94 Kirby, P. M. _ 132 Kirkham, R. V. .. 5,896 1,153 5,011 47 Kutrovatz, Miss E. Kuzyk, A! W. .. - lake, Mrs M. 70 Lampman, Miss S. E. _ l ee, H T 3,828 7,710 3,107 84 lewis, T F. lewis, R. W 8,131 5,172 1,514 Lien, Mrs. V. A. _ T.ientard, D 117 Lineham, J. D. _ _ 16,800 4,362 1,425 6,630 4,788 1,217 Lister, G. W _ _ _ I.nngson, (7 W, 645 Lowe, S. H. MacArthur, Mrs. N, I. _ Madill, R. B. .... 96 Manley, Miss L. 1,655 Matthews, M. W. 193 McCammon, .T. W. 12,900 12,630 12,900 431 McCrimmon, R. H. 148 McGregor, J. S. . McKechnie, N. D. . ... 81 90 McLaren, J. H. . . 10 McT.eod, D R 115 McManus, T. B. . ..... McMinn, Miss M. C. _ Meek, E. O. .... .. 800 5,220 22 Melanson, E. N. _ 89 Mercer. J. H _ 47 Merrett, J. E. .. Merrill, C. A. _ _ 13,170 2,308 30 Metcalfe, S. W. _ 12,900 2,062 6,384 Miles, Miss D. M. _ Mitchell, E. A. H. 70 Mitchell. R. J. ...... 160 Mohler, G. T. Moir, Mrs. R. J _ 8,250 4,980 956 Salary Travel Moore, Miss J. E. _ $ 1,453 Morey, H. _ . . _. 5,796 — Morgan, D. R. 12,900 1,583 Morgan, R. T. . — 173 Morris, D. R. — 130 Morrow, D. W. 1,380 237 Moss, R. E. _ 12,120 1,002 Mungai, E. M. — 40 Murphy, Mrs. B. C. _ 1,051 — Murthi, J. N. . .... — 98 Nelles, Mrs. M. E. ...... 3,978 — Nelson. C. D. 1,551 — Nemeth, A. _ _ 9,360 163 Newton, R. I. _ 82 Nicholson, P. G. _ .. — 276 Niessen, Miss L. L. 4,788 — Northcote, K. E . . 9,750 259 Nott, P. R. _ 363 — O’Neill, Miss E. A. _ 831 — Oakley, R. T. _ 1,465 — Olson, P. E. _ .. .. 10,860 1,775 Palmgren, Mrs. R. I. _ 4,128 — Paul, G. S _ _ 2,490 — Paul, Mrs. J. H. ... . . 3,552 — Peck, J. W. _ _ 16,800 2,469 Pelton, Mrs. L. R. _ 4,085 — Perry, R. A. . . — 114 Phillips, Mrs. V. G. _ 3,420 — Player, R. E. _ 6,060 — Preto. V. A. G. _ _ _ 9,540 198 Ramsay, T. B. _ 5,702 115 Rapley, Miss H. _ 4,440 — Regan, Mrs. T. M. _ 4,980 — Richards, S. L. _ — 368 Robertson, T. H. _ _ 7.860 2,587 Robinson, W. C. _ .. 12,900 2,240 Rogalski. J., Jr. _ — 100 Rolfe, Mrs. J. 7,284 94 Root, D. W . . — 31 Ross, W. W. M. _ 9,360 15 Samson, G. A. — 144 Sawicki, Mrs. M. E . — 3,830 — Schaffner, C _ _ — 135 Scott-Moncrieff, B. W. _ — 105 Scrase, T. R - - 604 — Searle, A. R. _ _ — 6,264 — Selby, 1). A. .. . 8,700 358 Shaw. L. E. . . . 2,550 — Shepheard, R. B. _ — 124 Shepherd, A. F . . . — _ 9,960 121 Sheppard, L. E. - 2,718 — Shupac, D. J. - - — 35 Simpson, Mrs. J. 3,129 — Sinclair, Mrs. L. J. _ _ 694 — Smith, D. _ 12,900 3,266 Solberg, W. W. . . . .... — 555 Spleiter, R. P . — 33 Spratt, T. A _ _ — 140 Salary Travel Starr, G. B. _ _ _ $ 77 Stephens, C. R. _ 8,160 441 Stevens, Miss S. D. _ 1,108 — Stewart, J. A, _ _ _ — 10 Stewart, J. F. . . — 173 Strickler, Mrs. L. L . . 1,230 — Surgenor, Miss G. H. _ 3,240 — Sutherland-Brown, A. _ 12,900 1,124 Sutton, R. R. — 101 Suzuki, K. _ — 68 Tabata. R. H. _ — 109 Terbasket, D. B. _ _ _ — 87 Tervo, Mrs. M. L. _ _ 4,698 — Thirkell, Miss L. E. _ 3,684 — Thomas, R. C . . — 25 Thomson, J. A. . . 6,504 1,747 Tizya, Mrs. S. J. _ 654 — Tomczak. J. F . . 7,284 686 Tourand, L. P. _ ... — 71 Tradewell, E. H. . . . — 126 Turner, Miss D. J . . 4,524 — Turner, Mrs. J. S. _ 3,508 — Tumham, Miss R. M. _ 450 — Van Dyke, Mrs. M. C. _ 862 — Van Kleek, L. M. _ — 81 Wakeford, B. S. _ 4,206 — Walker, R. J. _ — 82 Wardman, L. _ 12,900 2,295 Waterland, T. M . — 9,960 2,615 Watson, R. A. _ — 89 Weaver, Mrs. D. B. _ 1,053 — Webster, D. A _ _ 2,368 — Weicker, B. A. _ — 165 Weir, R. V _ _ — 151 Wilde, H. E. _ — 430 Wilde, R. K. _ — 69 Williams, A. W. . . 7,860 774 Williams, Mrs. E. G . 3,013 — Wilson, Es M. _ . — 25 Wilson, Mrs. M. E. _ 1,292 — Wilson. P. J. _ _ _ — Ill Wood, J. A. _ — 157 Wood, J. E. N _ _ — 1,357 Worobetz, G. H . . — 42 Yakiwchuk, W. R. _ — 136 Yetman, Mrs. L. A. _ 4.788 — Young, R. S _ _ 8,460 — Zapf, Miss C. J. - 975 — Zoerb, S. M. - 5.220 — Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling included in the Schedule of Pay- ments . . . . — 1,860 Transfers, other depart- ments . . +286,029 -118 1,318,974 85,760 DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Salary Travel $ $ Campbell, Hon. D. R. J., Minister _ _ 17,500 5,112 Brown, J. E. Deputy Minister . . . . . 20,000 6,181 Ashton, E. _ _ _ 8,460 1,238 Baird, J. D. _ 17,400 321 Broening, W. E. _ 8,460 1,447 Campbell, Mrs. A. _ 478 — Cannon, W. R. _ 9,960 1,494 Castle, G . 7,560 38 Clarke, A. R. _ 7,560 240 Cooper, T. _ _ 7,560 2,038 Craddock, Mrs. S. C. _ 3,300 — Cunningham, C. G. _ 7,860 1,348 Cuppage, Mrs. R. A. _ 5,172 — Cushing, A. N. _ .... 7,860 2,014 Dhillon, J. S. _ _ _ 8,640 437 Oodds, I. L . . 9,540 3,432 Farquharson, D. S. _ 1,236 141 Flucker, P. A. _ ... . 3,486 48 jibson, C. H. _ 7,860 15 Craham, J. T. _ 2,595 386 Salary Travel $ $ Grimmer, D. McL. _ 9,000 316 Grivel, R. G . . 5,381 122 Groutage, Mrs. H. J. - 6,024 — Hansen, Mrs. M. G. - 4,788 — Head, H. L. _ 7,680 1,530 Hendriks, Mrs. S. M. - - 4,698 — Hutchins, N. J. _ 8,160 761 Jawanda, B. S - - 11,400 2,249 Larsen, Mrs. A. M. - 88 — MacArthur, D. B. - 6,975 106 MacKay, W. S . . . 7,860 94 Maftechuk, T. _ 5,425 27 McCrimmon, N. A. - 235 — Moore, T. F. _ . 8,640 879 Nuttall, J. H. - - — 8,460 1,346 Pappas, J. _ - 6,828 — • Perkins, H. R. _ 2,307 531 Politano, Mrs. G. A . 4,206 — Seeley, Miss L. E . . 4,362 3 Siller, L. G. _ . 7,008 2,075 Smith, W. K . 12,900 5,447 Sommerville, W. J. - 6,384 28 Salary Travel $ $ South, D. L . 13.440 2,508 Staples, A. A. _ 8,820 1,458 Tassie, Mrs. M. E. _ 335 — Tassie, W. J. _ 11,400 1,479 Taylor, J. P . . 7,560 389 Thomas, Mrs. G. L. _ _ 1,991 — Trimmer, Miss E. E. _ 7,560 — Ventress, R. A. _ 7,800 1,720 Whelen, G. E. _ 10,860 712 Williams, J. T . . 9,180 2,352 Wong, Mrs. B. A. _ 4,128 — Woodward, C. H. L . 11,880 2,809 Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling listed in the Schedule of Payments^. — 164 Transfers, other depart¬ ments . . — +258 — 396.508 55,035 154 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 Black, Hon. W. D., Min¬ ister - - - - — Wallace, L. J., Deputy Minister _ Abbott, Mrs. A. M. - Adams, Mrs. J. L. - Adams, R. L. - Adcock, R. K. - - Akrigg, Miss L. - Allan, Mrs. B. M. - Allen, Miss E. A. - Allen, Miss P. M. A. - Amundson, W. K. - Anderson, Mrs. A. G. - Anderson, Miss B. A. — Anderson, Mrs. B. J. - Anderson, Miss G. E. _ — Anderson, R. W. - - Anderson, W. I. - Andrews, Miss M. E. - - Angus, Mrs. M. E. D. - Arason, Miss U. L. - Arber, Mrs. P. P. - Archbold, G. J. D. E. - Archbold, H. S. C. - Archer, Mrs. S. C. - - Armstrong, Mrs. M. G. — Armstrong, Mrs. M. N — Arney, Mrs. E. A. - Arnold, Miss E. M. - Arnold, Mrs. G. L. - Astle, Miss E. M. - . — Atkinson, W. C. - - Austin, Mrs. M. - — Avison, A. E. - - - - Baarda, Miss J. - — Badenoch, Mrs. M. R. — Bain, Miss L. C. - Bainbridge, Mrs. J. A. _ Bainbridge, Miss L. A. — Baines, Miss R. - Balaski, Mrs. D. A. - Balliston, Mrs. M. E. - Balloch, Miss S. A. - Bamford, G. S. - - . - Barclay, Miss E. A. - Barnes, A. R. - Barnes, Mrs. J. G. - Barnes, R. L. - - - — Barry, R. H. _ Barwise, Mrs. A. A. - Bateman, Mrs. A. M. - Baxter, T. A. - Beaton, Mrs. E. G. - Beaumont, Mrs. M. - Beazley, Mrs. B. . — _ — Beazley, R. J. - Beddow, Mrs. L. I. - Beere, P. M. - Bell, Miss J. M. - Bell, Mrs. M. K. - - — Bellavie, Mrs. M. E. - Bennett, H. B. - Bentley, Miss P. A. - Berrow, Mrs. L. L. - Berry, Miss R. L. - - Bett, S. C. - Betts, Mrs. L. M. T. . - Bevis, Mrs. M. T. - - — Bickerdike, Miss H. N. — Bickmore, Mrs. S. C. - Birk, D. A. - Birze, Mrs. A. - _ — Blackburn, N. O. - Blakeman, Mrs. P. A. - Bloomfield, Miss B. J. — Bocking, R. J. - - Bomhof, Miss W. M. - Bond, Miss C. F. — . - Boorman, Mrs. S. L. - Bouchard, Mrs. D. - Bourgo, D. G. A. - Bouttell, Miss J. A. - Bowen, W. F. - Bowlby, Miss P. E. - Bowman, Mrs. M. - — Boyce, Miss J. M. - . Bradfield, Miss C. D. - Braithwaite, Miss C. - Brayton, Mrs. M. - Bregg, Mrs. B. J. - Brehaut, G. W. - DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY Salary Travel $ $ 17,500 2,307 20,000 6,224 744 — 666 — 6,382 — 11,728 — 3,300 — 2,460 — 2,351 — 191 — 2,114 — 5,274 — 1,292 — 3,997 — 191 — 86 — 8,820 206 2,625 — 1,157 — 2,952 — 1,658 — 146 — 3,000 — 3,996 — 4,128 — 3,924 — 624 — 110 — 5,097 — 429 — 6,835 — 1,229 — 2,815 84 2,077 — 2,499 — 2,295 — 3,804 — 239 — 2,491 — 350 — 2,338 — 4,311 — 7,545 — 812 — 8,620 — 518 — 4,546 151 9,441 — 4,404 — 9,000 — 4,386 — 3,650 — 179 — 2,967 — 6,733 — 3,185 — 7,284 162 2,055 — 453 — 4,025 — 5,796 — 1,591 — 564 — 3,086 — 161 — 3,748 — 3,856 — 2,967 — 570 — 756 — 592 — 7,860 113 3,297 — 1,945 — 251 — 1,214 — 3,409 — 2,310 — 4,205 — 416 — 692 — 6,825 — 10,500 1,012 1,167 — 3,492 — 1,681 — 3,258 — 1,491 — 112 — 4,385 — Provincial Secretary Salary $ Brennan, Miss E. H. _ 1,011 Brennan, W. _ 2,610 Brewster, Mrs. C. A. _ 4,352 Bridger, R. H _ 7,652 Britton, Miss L. E. _ . _ 2,105 Brookbank, Mrs. P. _ 570 Brookes, Miss M. L. _ . 1,619 Brooks, G. F. _ 101 Brown, Mrs. A. F. _ 762 Brown, A. W. _ . _ 16,800 Brown, A. W. _ _ _ 1,432 Brown, Miss C. A. _ _ _ 841 Brown, G. H. _ _ 5,849 Brown, N. G. _ 1,098 Brown, Mrs. P. A. _ 615 Browne-Cave, W. _ 6,504 Brummell, Mrs. E. V. _ 3,900 Brunn, R. J. _ _ 6,497 Bryant, A. H. _ 5,292 Bryant, Mrs. P. E. _ 1,179 Brydon, Miss S. A. _ 3,093 Bucholz, Miss M. E. _ _ 4,561 Buckingham, Mrs. J. A. .. 5,642 Buckingham, Miss O. V. . 4,306 Buhler, Mrs. L. V. _ 344 Buhlers, Mrs. S. _ _ 3,349 Buie, Miss M. _ 3,471 Burke, Mrs. M. H. _ 4,051 Burnell, G. E. _ 6,048 Burnett. Mrs. K. M, _ 4,644 Burton, Mrs. J. L. _ 43 Bushell, Mrs. L. J. _ 3,445 Butler, Miss L. M. _ _ 3,120 Butt, Mrs. J. _ 4,271 Butters, T. W. L. _ 9,540 Byrnes, II. J. _ _ 4,884 Campbell, Mrs. G. Y. __ 1,750 Cann, Mrs. P. I. _ _ 5,580 Cannon, Mrs. L. J. _ _ 249 Carley, W. D. _ 7,463 Carnegie, Mrs. E. M. _ _ 3,856 Carr, Mrs. A. _ 725 Carroll, M. E. _ _ 5,781 Carson, Miss B. M. _ . _ 8,310 Carson, Mrs. M. E. _ _ _ _ 4,932 Case, Mrs. C. J. M. _ 2,948 Caudwell, Mrs. C. A. _ 3,428 Caunt, C. J. _ 1,925 Chapman, J. _ ._ 6,693 Chapman, Miss W. J. _ 2,516 Charlton, Mrs. J. _ 4,362 Chenier, Mrs. D. E. Y. _ 43 Cheperdak, J. _ _ 5,830 Chesworth. Miss D. G. _ 2,717 Chesworth, Miss L. C. _ _ 3,362 Chope, J. G. . . 9,415 Christ, Mrs. G. D. _ 2,805 Christianren, Mrs. M. _ 2,039 Christianson, G. _ 1,017 Christie, Mrs. F. B. V. __ 3,512 Clark, Miss D. P. _ 2,961 Clark, Miss K. J. _ 9,960 Clark, S. A. _ 8,545 Clarke, Mrs. C. _ 998 Clarke, Miss H. A. _ 1,384 Clatworthy, Mrs. L. J . 3,894 Clavier, Miss G. _ 1,856 Clayton, Mrs. M. A. . . 1,656 Clayton, Miss S. D. _ 781 Coates, I. R. _ 1,955 Cochran, Mrs. M. H. M. . 633 Cockle, Mrs. E. G. _ 4,746 Colborne, C. R. _ _ _ 1,031 Cole, Mrs. S. M. _ 9 Colegrave, M. H. _ 119 Coles, M. V. __ _ 32 Collins, Miss L. B. _ 2,041 Colmer, W. R. _ 4,779 Conn, Mrs. L. _ 1,552 Connelly, Miss J. M. _ 3,792 Conner, Miss S. _ 3,276 Connorton, C. P. _ _ 8,620 Cook, Mrs. M. J. _ 3,152 Coombs, W. A. - - 6,630 Cooper, Mrs. A. W. _ 4,206 Cooper, Mrs. M. J. _ 847 Coppin, Miss C. E. _ 4,034 Corbett, Miss N. A. _ 3,282 Corey, Mrs. I. E. _ 944 Comer, R. W. _ 7,257 Comforth, Mrs. V. J. _ 1,880 Costello, F. _ _ _ . _ 7,691 Travel Salary Travel $ $ $ — Cote, Mrs. A. G. - 3,649 — 34 Courtemanche, C. R. _ 4,577 — — Covey, L. A. . 660 — — Cowell, Miss A. B. M. _ 570 — — Cox, C. J. .— - . - . _ 10,380 57 — Craig, L. W. _ . _ 3,828 34 — Craig, W. D. - 6,144 — — Crawford, A . . 7,489 — — Cretney, E. S. _ 997 — — Crook, J. _ 335 — — Crossley, Mrs. J. .... _ 932 — — Cummings, Mrs. P. A. _ 3,664 — — Cunningham, Miss R. A. _ 2,596 — — Cunningham, Miss S. J. _ 1,325 — — Currier, Mrs. E. E. _ 4,128 — — Curtis, R. W. .... . . 8,620 — — Cuthbert, Mrs. M. J. _ 2,312 — — Cuthbert, Mrs. N. C. _ 711 — — Dakers, Mrs. E _ _ _ 2,998 — — David, Mrs. M. _ 4,980 — — Davidson, R. A. _ _ 5,688 70 — Davis, R. A. . . . 5,172 — 68 Davison, M. _ 7,471 — — Davison, R. L . . 12,900 1,741 — De Cou, Miss P. M. A. .. 1,270 — — De Goesbriand, Mrs. B. A. 1,296 — — Denholm, Miss C. E. _ 477 — — Denniston, Miss J. G. _ 1,334 — — Derrick. Miss P. L. _ 806 — — Derricks, Miss S. A. _ 1.173 — — Dicks, Mrs. T. L. _ _ 5,257 — — Diercks, Miss A. R. _ 6,168 188 — Dixon, G. C. . . .. 11,880 364 468 Dobbie, G. L. . . 4,574 — Dobbyn. Miss P. J. _ 2,040 — 85 Dodd, A. Y. ... . . . 5.104 — Doerr, Miss S. M. . . 3,245 — Dohan, G. G _ _ 2.192 — Dougan, Mrs. E. L . . 3,900 — Dowie, F. _ . 2,917 135 Dowie, Mrs. I M. _ 2,041 — 822 Dowler. Mrs. M. W. _ 3,474 — Drean. Miss A. M. B. .... 570 — Drennan, P. E. _ _ _ 255 — Drover, Mrs. F . . 4,020 — Drummond, D. A . 7,583 — 83 Drysdale, J. A. _ 118 — Duckitt, T. S. _ 7,020 509 Duke, D. R. . 4,175 — Dumont, Mrs. P. G. _ 3,625 — Duncan, Miss J. L. _ 2,208 — Dupuis, Mrs. M. E . 3,552 — Durshel, Mrs. D. F. _ 2,870 — _ Dynowski, Miss D. M . 1,650 — T . Dyson, Mrs. M. J. _ 231 — _ Eaton, Mrs. M. I . 1,162 — _ Edmondson. W. S. _ 8,820 203 _ Edwards, Miss E. E. _ 4.480 91 _ Edwards. J. R. _ _ 7,470 — — Egge, R. P. - - Eimer, Mrs. C. M. _ 1,993 — — 3,478 — 47 Elliott, Mrs. B. 1 . . 3,684 — — Elliott. D _ _ 372 — — Elphick, Mrs. S. E. _ 4,211 — — Erb. J. H _ _ 11,880 2,651 — Erickson, Mrs. J. _ 1,459 — — Estes, Mrs. J. A. _ 2,289 — — Evans, Mrs. L. S _ _ 3,821 — — Evans, Mrs. R. D. _ 1 ,603 — — Fanthorpe, Miss D. L. _ 1,344 — 10 Farley, Miss E. M. _ 1,181 — — Farquhar, Miss M. K. _ 1,353 — — Fecht, Mrs R. M. _ 1,056 — — Ferguson. Mrs. A. . . . 121 — — Fieldhouse, L. E. _ 5,340 — 75 Fielding. Mrs. F. L. _ _ 2,363 — Fillion, Mrs. A. A. _ 3,832 — — Fisher, W. _ 2,352 — Fletcher. Miss A. . . — 184 — 138 Floor, Miss C. . _ _ 346 — ■ Florussen, Miss E . 1,901 — 609 Flvnn, Miss D. M - - 3,616 — Fooks, D. A. _ 1.224 — Forge, E. G. _ 5,700 — Forrester. Miss H . ~ 3,174 — Foster, Mrs. A. A. - 3,986 — Foster, C. M. ... _ 8,160 450 Foster, Miss K. M. .. . 1.293 — Fountain, G. W. - 407 — — Fowler, R. T. _ _ _ 7,937 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 155 DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Provincial Secretary — Continued Fox, Mrs. C. R. - _ — Fox, O. G. _ Fracy, Miss S. C. _ Frampton, Mrs. R. M. — Fraser, A. H. - Fraser, Mrs. M. J. _ Fuller, Mrs. C. D. _ Fulthorp, H. _ Fulton, Miss C. P. - Fulton. Miss S. R. - Fyfe, G. F. - Gard, Mrs. B. F. - Gard, Miss M. R. _ Garden, R. _ Garland, K . — - Garman, R. J. _ Garrison, Miss D. P. - Gelling, W. C. _ . _ Gilchrist, Miss S. M. - Gill, Mrs. P. D. _ Gillam, Mrs. J. - Gillespie, R. H. - - Gillies, S. _ Gillman, Miss K. _ Glass, Miss I. P . ~ Glassford, Miss E. J . Glover, Mrs. D. A. - Godber, Miss K. A. - Godson, D. A - - Gold, Miss B. M. - Goldsmith, Miss C. W . Good, Mrs. P. L. - - Goodrow, Miss J. . . . Gook, Miss R. N. - Gordon, Mrs. E. A . Gordon, Mrs. P. A. C. H. Gow, Mrs. D. _ _ Grafton, Mrs. P. A. _ Graham, Miss M. C . Graham, R. C. . . Grant, Mrs. A. B. M. _ Graves, Miss G. Y. _ Gray, A. D. - Green, Mrs. A. L . . Green, Miss J. T. - Greenley, Miss J. D. _ Greenwood, Mrs. S. L.„.. Grexton, Miss D. M. _ Grieve, A. _ _ Griffin, Mrs. M. I _ _ Griffith, Mrs. V. T. - _ Grimes, Mrs. H. _ Gruenig, Miss I. E. _ Gubbels, Mrs. P. L . . Gulka, Mrs. T. M. M _ Gundry, Miss F. H . Gwilliam, Mrs. E . Haden, Miss K. J. _ Hadfield, G. R. _ Hagen, Mrs. M. M . . Haight, Mrs. L. L . . Hales, Mrs. D. L . . Hall, R. E. _ Hanley, Mrs. B. M . . Hamer, L. J. . . . Harrison, Mrs. M. C . . Harrison, S. B . . Hart, L. R. A. - Hartman, Miss M. V. _ Hartnell, H. J. ...... . . Hastings, Miss M. E . Hayhoe, Miss G. D. _ Haynes, Miss E. M . . Hayward, D. A. . . . Hayward, Mrs. P. B _ Heath, A. V. _ Heffner, Mrs. L. J. . . Heintzman, Miss A. K. ... . Heller G. _ Helset, R. ... _ Hembroff. E. M . . Hemmelgarn, Mrs. L. M. Henderson. Miss D. L _ Henderson, J. R. ... _ Henderson. Mrs. V. O . Henke, Mrs. V. E . . Henze, P. C. . . Higginbotham, Mrs. S. M. Hill, B. W. . . Hill, Miss K. I. . . . . Salary Travel $ $ 1,813 — 2,921 — 3,439 — 4,307 — 7,284 522 4,206 — 1,479 — 975 — 568 — 3,521 — 6,264 — 118 — 2,937 — 6,767 — 7,471 — 4,515 — 506 — 2,090 240 3.279 — 570 — 2,413 — 4,760 1,030 6,024 — 357 — 3,118 — 860 — 1,902 — 2,385 — 9,180 — 2,237 — 1 ,243 — 592 — 2,688 — 687 — 1,797 — 8,460 507 4,980 — 1,602 — 5,258 — 408 — 433 — 2,330 — 1,651 — 1,452 — 2,088 — 650 — 4,541 — 3,511 — 7,692 — 5,580 — 654 — 4,266 — 2,622 — 2,221 — 1.708 — 6,874 131 4,396 — 896 — 410 — 4,054 — 3,943 — 865 — 201 — 322 — 7,755 — 2,397 — 1,254 — 10,380 1,111 930 — 8,012 — 9,762 48 1,506 — 3.756 — 10,170 — 644 — 7,381 — 3,925 — 1,205 — 4,997 — 5,865 15 522 — 1,469 — 703 — 6.504 218 1.519 — 829 — 5,387 — 6.375 — 10,754 — 3,627 — Salary Travel $ $ Hills, G. E. _ 7,359 830 Hilton, M. J. _ 446 — Hindmarch, S. A. _ 7,693 — Hnatiak, Miss E. M. _ 177 — Hnatiak, Miss L. A. M._. 2,040 — Hobbs, Miss K. P. _ 3,330 — Hodgson, W. R _ _ 5,160 43 Holborn, E. W. _ _ 832 — Hooker, Miss L. G. _ 958 — Hopkins, Miss C. M. _ _ 543 — Hopkins, Miss M. L. _ _ 2,205 — Horn, Mrs. L. G. _ ... . 3,452 — Hornsby, L. D. . . . 8,820 66 Horton, Miss D. L. _ 3,934 — Houghtaling, Miss Y. E._ 3,053 — Howard, G. D . . 4,295 — Howe, Miss E. J - - 4,233 — Hoyt, C. O. _ 6,504 — Hryhoruk, G. J. - ... 6,898 — Hubensky, C. - - - 2,418 — Hughes, Mrs. G. _ _ 3,443 — Humphries, Mrs. L. D . 1,678 — Hunter, J. S . . . — 5,168 — Hurlev. F. H. - - 1,980 — Hutchinson, G. E. - .. 5,834 410 Ireland, W. E. . . . 15,120 766 Irish, Mrs. H. - - 4,020 — Irvine. Mrs. J. H . 3,552 — Jackson, Mrs. D. R. - 1,443 — Jackson. Miss S. L 1,993 — James, Mrs. M. J. - 429 — Jauck, J. F. .. - - - 331 — Jaundrew, Mrs. I. V. - 3,185 — Jenkins, D. F . 7 041 — Jensen, G. J - - 788 — Tickling, J. W. - - 729 — Joe, E. - - - 6,756 623 Johl, Miss S. J. . - 1.552 — Johnson, Mrs. E. A. - 2.936 — Johnson. F. R. - - 5,317 366 Johnson, Miss H. B. - 1,104 — Johnson, Mrs. L. E. - 5,417 — Johnson, Mrs. P. M. - 3,559 — Johnston, W. A. .. - 7,471 — Johnston, W. J. - 106 — Johnstone, Mrs. E. M. — 4,362 — Jolson, A. C. - 4,206 — Jones, Mrs. L. D. . 2,159 — Jones, Miss L. 1,466 — Jones, Miss P. - - 3,038 — Jordan, Miss C. E. 537 — Jordan, Mrs. J. M. . - 400 — Jubb, Miss S. W. . ... 2,304 — Kaczor, Mrs. L. A. - 3,686 — Kalichack, A. A. A. - - 638 — Kay, Miss M. M. - 2,797 — Keen, Miss S. D. - . 771 — Keighan, Miss J. M. - 1,802 — Kelly, C. M. _ 122 — Kemp, Mrs. R. N. - 2,599 — Kemshaw, G. V. _ - 849 — Kendall, S. J. _ 284 — Kennedy, J. P. - — 1,197 — Kennedy, Miss S. G. - 2,237 — Kermode, Mrs. M. A. - 4,788 — Kerwood, Mrs. A. B. - 1,063 — Kettle, Mrs. P. J. - _ 3,715 — King, Mrs. W. - 4,463 — Kissinger, Mrs. S. J. - - 2,998 — Klippert, Miss A. A. - - 2,373 — Klokeid, Mrs. J. M. - - 3.222 — Knight, A. B. - - 262 — Knight. J. M . . . 7,020 — Knox, D. A. - 115 — Konkin, Mrs. M. P. - 1,388 — Konkle, R. W. - — 5,256 — Koome, Miss M. - 3,490 — Koopmans, Miss H. P. — 1,001 — Lagadyn, Miss A. I. - 3,102 — Lamarche, Mrs. K. C. — 2,507 82 Lang, Mrs. C. H. - 3,413 — Lang, Miss M. O. — — — 1,262 — Langiey, G. G. . - 7,502 — Larizza, Miss B. - 384 — Larson, Miss L. M. - 3,314 — Lavery, W. - — 7,322 — Lawley, K. B. — — 3,491 — Leask, Miss M. E. _ 8,235 1,459 Leason, Mrs. P. E. M. — 185 — Lee, Miss D. J. - 2,438 — Lee, Mrs. D. M. _ Salary 3,509 Travel $ Tee, Mrs. F F. 1,810 3,518 _ Lee, Mrs. J. E. . _ — Lee, Mrs. J. K. _ 1,108 — Lee, Miss W. A. 1,127 644 , Leidl, Miss A. M. .... _ _ Leonard, Miss C. A. _ 1,972 — Leonard, Mrs. P. R. _ 3,819 — Lessard, Miss E. R. . ..... 3,579 — Lewis, Mrs. Y. E. _ 3,888 — Liddell, T. M _ _ _ 7,496 — Lindy, Mrs. B. M. _ . 1.594 — Lippe, A. K. .... ... - ._ 6,093 490 _ Lipsack, Miss B. J. _ — Lnckley, F.. 7,471 6,264 _ Loerke, F. .. .... _ Longpre, E . . . 7,484 — Lowe, Mrs. J. M. 334 — Luescher, K. _ 7,678 — MacDonald, Mrs. C. I. _ 1,497 — MacDonald, D. A. _ 2,386 — MacDonald, D. B. _ 1,074 — MacDonald, K. M. _ 11,400 384 MacDonald, Mrs. M. A _ 863 _ MacDonald, Mrs. P. _ 980 — MacDonald, R. ..... 7,562 _ MacDonald, Miss T. L.. 2,276 _ MacDonald, Mrs. W. _ 3,756 _ MacDougall, R. E . . 995 — Macintosh, Mrs. W. N. A. 4,440 — MacLean, A. _ 1,086 _ Mackey, Mrs. N. M. _ 915 — Mainprize, Miss K. A. _ 3,376 — Maki, Miss P. M. _ 429 — Maloan, W. D. _ 7,626 _ Maloney, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,900 — Malowany, W. _ _ 455 6 Maltby, Mrs. A. B. _ 2,744 — Maltby, J. W. _ 5,438 — Mannix, Miss J. M. _ 255 _ Marks, Miss E. E. _ 4,045 _ Marks, R. E. _ _ 6,819 _ Marshall, Miss L. E. . ... 876 _ Martin, Miss J. A. .. _ 451 _ Martin, Miss M. E. 1,416 _ Martindale, Mrs. J. M. .... 4,031 _ Mason, Miss B. _ _ 3,047 _ Mason, D. B. _ 7,935 61 Masse, R. P. 956 Mathers, Miss M. C. L. 206 _ Mathers, W. W. _ _ _ 8,820 506 Matthews, Mrs. L. D. 3,259 _ Maunder, Miss M. D. .. 3,552 _ McBeath, Mrs. J. .. . 4,788 _ McBratney, G. _ 5,376 _ McCaw, H _ _ .. 8,620 _ McChesney, Mrs. G. M. 3,377 _ McClelland, Mrs. S. T. . 3,828 _ McConville, Miss G. E. . 4,316 _ McDonald, Miss L. K . 370 _ McEwen, Mrs. M. H. .. 3,666 _ McFadden, J. W. ... . 3,302 _ McGregor, Miss A. M. 1,568 _ McGregor, Miss K. P. _ 1,411 _ McGregor, Miss L. E. _ 3,289 24 Mcllroy, Mrs. J. I. _ 1,537 _ Mcllveen, Mrs. M. K. _ 3,618 _ Mclnnes, R. J. . . 8,160 2,105 McKay, A. _ 6,130 McKenna, Miss S. E. _ 1,256 _ McKenzie. Mrs. G. A. .... 3,684 — McKenzie, Miss K. V. 766 _ McKenzie, Mrs. M. S. C. 169 _ McKinney, R. J . . 7,512 — McKinnon, N. A. .... 9,429 — McLay, G. T . .... 904 — McLennan, Miss B. A. .... 4,980 — McLeod, Mrs. A. M. C. 4,903 _ McLeod, J . 3,756 — McMaster, Mrs. M. B. 4,231 — McRae, Miss J. M. ... ... 1,482 _ McVittie, J. E. _ 7,426 — Mellings, Miss D. L . 3,684 — Mellos, G. T. _ 5,206 — Meredith, Mrs. A. N. 12 — Metcalfe, Mrs. L. M. M. 3,972 _ Michaud, Miss A. 724 _ Miller, Mrs. H. M. ... ..... 1,025 — Miller, Miss L. I. . . 445 — Miller, Miss P. A. 862 — Milliken, Miss R. _ 3,181 — Mills, Miss S. .... - - 331 — 156 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Milroy, Mrs. G. M. _ 4,440 — Miskiman, W. L. _ 7,354 — Mitchell, D. H . . 1,000 — Mitchell, D. H. _ 607 — Mitchell, Miss I. .. _ 10,860 <— Mitchell, J. G. . . 10,620 52 Mitchell, Mrs. M. J. - 7,860 15 Mitchell, Miss S. L. - 4,284 — Mitchell, Mrs. S. R. - 529 — Modeste, Miss I. T. - 2,819 — Molnar, Mrs. C. E. - - _ 1,378 — Montalbetti, J. E. _ 1,631 — Montgomery, Mrs. R. - 597 — Moog, F. _ 3,330 78 Moore, Mrs. C. M. — - 3,317 — Moore, F. . _ 7,472 — Moore, Mrs. L. M. _ 1,905 — Moore, Miss M. J. _ 445 — Moore, Miss S. G. - 2,864 10 Moran, S. P. _ _ 585 — Morgan, Mrs. W. L. - 855 — Morley, Miss A. P. - 4,278 — Morley, Mrs. J. A. - 331 — Morley, Miss M. R. - 8,460 — Morley, R. G. . _ _ 6,504 — Morris, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,618 — Morris, R. M. _ 6,201 110 Morrison, R. _ _ 7,487 — Morrow, Mrs. K. B. - 6,384 35 Morson, Mrs. D. M. 3.972 — Mortimer, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,992 — Morton, K. L. 10,310 1,912 Mottishaw, Mrs. S. M. _ 2,624 — Mullin, Mrs. M. _ 3,552 — Munro, Miss G. M . . 917 — Murphy, Mrs. E. J. _ 719 — Murphy, Miss F. E. - 1,583 — Murphy, Mrs. H. J. _ 1,657 — Murphy, Miss M. K. _ 2,296 — Murray, A. _ . .. 1,086 — Murray, Mrs. C. L. _ 195 — Murrell, Mrs. I. B. _ 3,972 — Mylrea, P. D. _ 987 — Naduriak, Miss M. M. T. 255 — Nagel, Mrs. M. M. _ 5,723 — Naylor, Miss E. E. 5,172 — Neill, Mrs. R. J . 3,900 — Neilson, Mrs. K. _ 3,603 — Neubauer, F. _ 5,220 119 Newbery, Mrs. E. F. . . 2,584 — Newell, G. R. . .. 6,384 — Newman, C. . .. .... 4,326 — Newstead, Mrs. P. L. _ 1,477 — Niblock, J. H. . . . 293 — Nimmo, D. W. ... _ 5,160 — Nixon, Miss P. _ _ _ 985 — Noble, Miss M. A. _ 2,888 _ Nomland, Mrs. C. A. _ 977 — Norton, Mrs. B. L. _ _ 3.923 — Nute, Mrs. A. J. . . . 2,154 — O'Brien, Mrs. L. .1. _ 146 — O'Connor, K. D. _ 140 — O’Neill, J. B. _ _ _ 6,318 — Oare. Miss M. L. _ 3,427 — Ogden, Mrs. L. R. _ 2,690 — Oliver, Miss C. N. _ 2,295 — Olson, G. _ _ _ _ 7.707 — Onuferchuk, D . . 3,283 — Ormerod, Mrs. M. J. _ 4,071 — Orrick, Mrs. B. G. _ 1.350 — Osborne. Mrs. P. D . 1.108 — Ouellette, Miss M. T. L. 4.980 — Overend. W. H. - 11.100 736 Owen, Mrs. K. M. - - 530 — Owens, Mrs. M. S. - 1.348 — Oxendale, Miss J. M. I._ 1,345 — Ozard, Mrs. J. A. . . 3,435 — Ozard, Mrs. S. E. - 1,026 — Page. J. _ 7,477 — Park, Mrs. C. J - - 643 — Parker, D. R. . . — . 7,346 — Parker, G. M. .... - 2,312 — Parker, Mrs. R. E . . 738 — Parkin, Miss M. A. 3,069 — Paterson. Mrs. M. - 4,417 — Paul, Miss H. J. - 961 — Pauloski. Mrs. T. E. - 6,442 — Pavich, P. B. - - - 1,359 — Pavich. R. G. . . 1,618 — Peacey, Miss M. A . — 540 — Peacock, P. R - - 627 — Provincial Secretary — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Peaker, Mrs. F. M. _ 3,247 — Peaker, W. _ _ _ 6,024 — Pearce, Miss N. J _ _ 1,064 — Pears, Mrs. W. E _ _ 3,240 — Peden, Miss D. L. _ 719 — Pederson, A. _ 5,700 — Penhallurick, Mrs. J . 3,840 — Penner, Mrs. M. A. _ 3,240 — Perrins, Mrs. B . . 5,400 — Perry, Mrs. G. _ 4,329 — Peters, Mrs. L. R _ _ 2,880 — Pettett, Mrs. P. A . . 4,136 — Pettifor, Mrs. L. L. _ 2,399 — Pettigrew, Mrs. M. _ 1,620 37 Pilgrim, Miss L. M. _ 3,300 — Piro, J. S . 7,440 — Pistell, Miss M. L. _ 2,588 — Plume, D. T. _ 1,435 — Porter, Miss C. L. _ 1,794 — Poskitt, Mrs. E. E . . 3,347 — Powell, Mrs. J. L. _ 3,536 — Premischook, J. O . . 7,830 409 Preston, Mrs. E. E. _ 3,137 Prette, Mrs. S. G . 4.471 Price, A. L _ _ 6,731 Price. G. H. . . . . 855 Price, Mrs. M. L . 1,485 Primeau, Mrs. C. A. V _ 3.468 Primett, Miss G. D . . 3,621 Pringle. Mrs. P. C . 3,513 Prior, W. W. _ _ _ 8,820 Protheroe, E. E. G. _ 8,460 Pryke, Miss A. L . 1.903 Ptak, Miss S. M . . 127 Puff, Mrs. I. J _ _ 486 Putt, W. F . 7,452 Quigg. Mrs. P. J . 1,593 Rafuse. K. H _ _ 5,791 Randall. G . 7,415 Ranns, S. D . 7,284 519 Rasi, Mrs. J. C . 3,120 — Rea, Miss H. G. _ 3,964 — Reece, Miss J. C. _ 1,998 — Rees, T. . 3,552 — Regan, M. D. - 3,557 — Reid, Mrs. M. J . — 5.375 — Reid, R. D . 7.152 476 Reimer. Mrs. B. M . 501 — Rich, Miss A. M . 928 — Richards, N. T. - 6,024 — Richardson. Mrs. K . 3,855 — Rickinson, Miss A. C . 3.144 — Ridgway. W. A . . 5,172 — Rigby, Mrs. W. J . . 400 — Riel, Mrs. N. E. E . 1,611 — Ritchie, D. G. - 7,471 — Roberge, Miss B - - 158 — Roberts, Mrs. A. J. - 2,385 — Roberts, E. P. - 10,380 — Roberts, K. R. H. _ 7,284 126 Robertson, N. _ 7,487 — Robinson, G. T . . 2,042 88 Robinson, Mrs. J . — 2,042 7 Robinson. J. W. - 263 — Rodgers, Mrs. M. E. - 3,240 — Rodway, Mrs. J. M . 3,972 — Rogers, Mrs. G. M . — 6,024 — Rogers. R. A . — 3,592 — Roncin, E. J . 3,149 — Rorke, Miss V. E. C. _ 226 — Rose, C. . . 5.700 — Ross. Miss P . 1,229 — Routley, Miss M. R. - 1,415 — Rovle, Miss M. A . . 2,452 — Rozell. D. F. B . 2.133 27 Russell, S. _ 7,481 — Ruttan, Mrs. H. G . — 3,913 — Ryrie, Mrs. E. _ 510 — Sage, Mrs. D. A . . 630 — Sallstrom, Mrs. M. F . 285 — Sanders, Mrs. G. A. - 686 — Sanders, L. E. _ 7,260 — Sanders, T. C. - 801 — Sanderson, Miss M. J. — 3,495 — Sangster, Miss V . . 4,440 — Sauter, Mrs. H. A. M . 4,440 — Sawyer, Mrs. G _ _ 3,207 — Schibli. Miss H. I . . 1,504 — Schmidt, Miss D. E. I. _ 1,758 — Schmidt, Miss H. M. C. .. 2,489 — Schwantje, Miss N. A . Salary $ 206 Travel $ Scobbie. Mrs. S. M. _ 770 — Scott, Miss E. G. Y . 470 — Scott, W. F. . . . 3,210 — Scrivener, Miss L. L. S. 712 — Seatter, G . 5,160 282 _ Senger, Mrs. D. E. _ — Service, Mrs. L. B. _ 1,938 — Sessions, Miss A. E . 4,809 — Seward, P. W _ _ 6,749 — Seymour, Mrs. A. L. _ 4,980 — Shaneman, R. D. 8.010 585 Shannon, Mrs. D. M . 306 — Shaw, Mrs. K. E. - 3,608 — Shaw, Mrs. L. A. _ 463 — Shaw, L. F. . . - . - . 4,284 — Shepheard, G - - - 6,856 — Shepherd, T. A. _ 3,991 — Sheret, Mrs. P. M. W . 1,314 — Sherlock, Mrs. N. _ 630 — Sherwood, Miss S. _ 5,478 37 Shipton, R. H. _ _ 7,190 — Shore, Mrs. J. E. _ 1,995 — Shorthouse, D. _ _ 4,906 — Shrimpton, G. S. _ _ 106 — Sidon, Mrs. H. A. _ 3,552 — Silvester, Mrs. V. E. _ 4,581 — Simmons, N. D. _ 4,595 — Skailes, Mrs. M. H. _ 1,944 — Small, Miss C. A . 1,321 — Small, E J . 6,326 — Small. H. C . . 6,397 — Smallwood, J. W. . 7,338 112 Smart, Mrs. E. - - 4,036 — Smith, Mrs. A. A. _ _ 2,941 — Smith, A. E. . . . . . 2,454 — Smith. Miss C. M. _ 3,496 — Smith, Mrs. D _ _ 5,489 — Smith, Mrs. D. M. _ 390 — Smith, Miss M . . 1,018 — Smvth, Mrs. P. B _ _ 1,027 — Snider, H. E. . . 3,035 103 Snopek, Mrs. D. M. _ 2,735 — Somerville, J. D. _ 7,284 145 Southern, Mrs. V. C. _ 3.003 — Soulhworth, J. J . 10,485 2,180 Stanton, Mrs. T. . . . 3,047 — Stanyer, H. G . . . 7,140 — Stark, Mrs. M. A. _ 3,720 — Stephenson, Mrs. M. E. - 4.524 — Stephenson, R. A. . . 4,980 — Stevenot, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,232 — Stevens, Miss C. J . 3,937 — Stevens, M. S. _ 5,496 3 Stevens, R. C. .. _ 7,805 — Stevenson, Mrs. M. 1,366 — Stewart, Mrs. EX. A. _ 2,477 — Stewart, G. A _ _ 18,996 1,268 Stewart, I. D. _ 3,300 — Stewart, Mrs. J. V. _ 2,816 — Stewart. L. G . li;640 1,728 Stiles, Mrs. G. . . . . 4,081 — Stolberg, Mrs. L. H. - 3,804 10 Stolen. Mrs. J. P. _ 1,402 — Stolz. L. . ... _ _ 803 — Stolz, Miss S. S. _ 718 — Storey, Miss M. E. _ _ 2,786 — Storie, Miss F. S. - 928 261 Streeton, Miss S. _ 3.600 — Stridlund, O. J. V. - 2,654 — Strouts, Mrs. M. E. B. _ 5.796 15 Stubbe, Mrs. J. E. - 89 — Stubbs, H. C. 599 — Sundher, Miss I. _ 1,262 — Sutherland, Miss E. J. — 325 — Sutton, A. .. _ _ _ 13,790 555 Szalai, Mrs. M. M. W . 3.556 — Szotak, Mrs. M. O. _ 5^761 — Taillefer, Mrs. C. D . — 2,963 — Tait, Miss K. M . — 370 — Talbot, Mrs. M. - 4,409 — Tamburino, Mrs. M. - 3,618 — Tamburino, W. J. - 7,453 — Tanner, Mrs. P. A. - 2,381 — Tatlow, E. S. . - — - 4,935 — Taylor, Mrs. A. K. - 3,072 — Taylor, Mrs. E. F. A. — 1,311 — Taylor, Miss E. G. - 10,380 93 8,173 7,560 Taylor, Miss M. R. _ — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 157 DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Provincial Secretary— Continued Taylor, Miss N. L. . . Salary $ 1,192 Travel $ Van De Water, Miss L _ _ Salary $ 1,752 Travel $ Teece, Mrs. W. K. _ 6,618 — Van Der Heydt, Mrs. E._. 3,537 — Temple, Miss P. A. _ 387 _ Varcoe, Mrs. M. _ 5,110 246 3,643 6,109 1,238 7,284 1,619 7,494 2,679 _ Temporary assistance, elec¬ tions (Vote 256) 79,571 851 Veerkamp, Mrs. M. Y. __ Vink, Mrs. B. S. — Thiel, Mrs. G. E. Vizner, K. J. Thies, P. 1,127 25 Voikin, W. Thomas, E. _ Wait, W. W. 624 Thomas, Mrs. L. E. 3,708 395 __ Walker, C. R. Thomas, Miss S. J. _ Walker, H. Thompson, Mrs. A. M. _ 5,796 — Wall, P. J. ... . . . 552 Thompson, E. R. 3,218 7,004 3,138 - - Wallace, L. J. 20,000 954 6,224 Thompson, J . . . . Walton. Miss B. J. Thompson, Mrs. M. J. _ — Ward, Miss V. J. _ _ 1,015 _ Thomson, G. N. _ _ 6,105 1,710 43 War dm an, Miss D. E. 636 _ Thomson, Mrs. M. C. Waters, A. H. . . ... . 734 Thorpe, W. H. ... . 8,379 189 Watson, Mrs. J. S. 653 Thyne, Mrs. M. A. _ _ Watson, Mrs. R. M. 378 Tighe, Mrs. P. J. 3,212 1,661 4,485 1,145 572 Weaver, Mrs. K. S. 4,440 4,980 3,152 4,136 1,414 3,817 5,072 13,710 9,360 6,865 186 Tippe. C. Webb, Miss L. Todd, Miss J. E. . Wphh, Miss M Torstensson, E. B. _ _ Webber, Miss J. M. Tregillus, Miss M. _ __ Weber, Miss B. Tretick, Miss P. L. 215 Weber, Mrs. J. M. T. Trumble, B. W. A. . 8,010 195 _ Weeks; C. Trumble, Mrs. J. E. _ _ Weir, D. H . . . _ Turnbull, C. J. _ _ 226 Weston, W. D. Turnbull, Mrs. L. L. 2,306 4,363 907 _ Wheaton. D W ___ Turner, Miss D. F. _ White, Mrs F. R _ Turner, H. W. White, G. J. 611 Turner, J. 7,443 6,991 848 White, Miss J. A. 1,589 245 Turner, R. .... _ . White, Miss K. Turner, Miss R. J. White, Mrs. L. M. . ... . 3,486 10,380 2,898 _ Tyrrell, G. P. ... . . 6,756 3,972 908 Whittaker, A. J. Jlrich, Mrs. M. A. _ Whitten, Mrs. M. L. - _ Jnderwood, L. H. . 6,024 2,276 140 Wilcock, R. J. _ . 8,310 1,524 540 Jnderwood, Mrs. N. _ Willett, Mrs. D. P. M. ..... Jntemaher, J. W. _ 1,430 — Williams, Mrs. C. R. _ 4,632 — /an Beveran, Mrs. L. I _ 2,688 Williams, Mrs. D. L. M _ 4,980 “ Salary Travel * Williams, F. S. _ 2,333 $ 103 Williams, G. A. . . 246 — Williams, H. R. _ 2,676 — Williams, Miss I. P. D. _ 1,880 — Williams, R. B. _ .. 1,365 — Williams, Mrs. S. L. _ 471 — Willott, Mrs. G. I. _ 3,911 — Wilson, M. R. K. _ 1,177 — Windle, J. R _ _ _ 3,418 — Witter, Mrs. E. N. _ 1,373 — Wood, Miss C. M. _ 2,451 — Wood, Mrs. D. B. _ 4,498 — Wood, D. E. .. 7,445 — Woods, Mrs. S. _ 4,197 — Wookey, Mrs. V. _ _ 553 — Woollett, Mrs. J. M. _ 4.788 — Wright, J. M. _ 7,614 — Wright, Miss L. C _ _ 312 — Wright, Mrs. L. J . . . 3,754 — Wringe, K. H. C. . . 5,634 — Yasyszczuk, Mrs. C. A _ 420 — Yates, R. _ 5,172 — Yeo, W. R _ _ _ 3,300 — Young, A. K. _ _ _ _ 7,272 368 Young, Mrs. K. A . 1.018 — Young, M. N. _ _ 2,040 76 Young, Miss W. A. _ 1,151 — Youson, Miss J. M. _ . 1,184 — Zuhling, Mrs. M. T . ... . 182 — Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling included in the Schedule of Payments __ — 4,531 Transfers, other depart¬ ments . . . . +4,108 +3,134 3,259,593 53,689 Civil Service Commission dorrison, H. M., Chair- Salary $ Travel $ Gubbels, Mrs. P. L. _ Salary $ 1,535 Travel $ man . .. 20,000 4,884 1.749 Hayward, Miss S. A. .... 2,795 — Vnton, E. G. Higgins. R. D . . 13,980 688 laldigara, Miss E. M. 4,050 5,172 _ Horn. M. B. _ . . 6,630 425 458 lelanger, Mrs. E. . . . — Hutchins, Miss J. M. _ Irown, Mrs. F . . . 860 — Jackson. K. E. G. C. _ 8,160 2,390 Irown, Miss W. E. 4,980 4,571 12.360 _ Jauck, .1 F. _ _ 10,799 275 725 Cameron, Mrs. M. G. _ Kaiser, Miss M. L. . . Campbell, Miss J. M. _ 421 Knott. Mrs. G. M. . 6,504 — "ody. Miss M. J. 476 _ Mader, Mrs. M. A. _ 2.580 — 3urry, Miss G. J. _ . 1,951 — Malenfant, Miss P. E. _ 58 — Davies, A. D. 9.780 6.504 84 Maxwell, J. J _ _ 9,341 209 Jixon, Miss V. M. .. . Mavne, Mrs. E. A. B _ 4,980 — Joyle, Mrs. C. A. _ 2,657 — McDonald, Miss C. A — 1,118 — iccles, Miss S. H. _ _ 2,960 — McLaughlin, W. T. - 11,400 823 ivans, Miss V. _ 4,980 — McTavish, Miss B. B. _ 2.310 36 'erguson. Miss E. F. _ 1.655 — Meunier. R. J. - - 7,710 352 7.710 6,024 223 Moss, Miss A. M. _ _ 510 — ’rankling, Mrs. R. M. _ Murphy, Miss S. C. - 2,230 — •riedli. Miss G. E . . 2,408 — Pass. B. - 11,400 2,572 loodwin, Mrs. B. _ 3,662 — Richardson, A. G . . 17,400 783 Salary Travel $ $ Robertson. Mrs. A. M. __ 4,128 — Saunders. R. W _ _ 7,710 349 Small, Mrs. D _ _ 4,608 — Small, Miss M. L. _ 3,756 — Spence. C. R . 7.284 752 Thomson, Mrs. J. E. _ 6,247 77 Webber, R. C. J . . 9,000 449 Wenman, Mrs. A. A . 1,308 — Wightman. C. M. _ _ _ 10,860 88 Williams, W. J . . __ 13,980 386 Woolford, Mrs. D. S. _ 43 — Woolsey, Miss C. A. _ 818 — Young, Mrs. M. M. _ 8,310 22 Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling included in the Schedule of Payments _ — 1,372 Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ +331 — 308,167 15,008 Superannuation Commission 'orrest, W. F., Superan¬ nuation Commissioner . idams, Mrs. D. - mderson. Miss G. E. _ Ltkinson, Mrs. J. _ lamard, Mrs. G. M. _ Iriggs, Miss P. _ Irowne, Mrs. C. A. - - laptain, Mrs. M. R. F. 'awley, Mrs. M. E. _ lolebrook, Miss E. M. — lollington, Mrs. O. E. _ >avidson, Mrs. C. A. _ >avis, F. W _ Salary Travel Salary Travel $ $ Dodd, Mrs. J. - $ 3,640 $ 20,000 1,420 Driver, Mrs. S. A. - 4,110 — 4/J50 Duncan, Mrs. K. L. - . 1,867 — L728 3,486 — Edmison, Miss N. E. - Epp, Mrs. K. L. ..... 673 1,483 — 1,468 _ Ethier, Mrs. G. M. R. — 3,457 — 2,285 ■ Fawns, Miss V. L. - 3,076 — 3,756 _ Foster, Mrs. F. M. - 910 — 819 __ Gard, Miss S. M. - 2,106 — 3,163 _ George, Mrs. M. G. 1,032 — 4,365 — Godfrey, Mrs. N. K. - 2,938 — 924 _ Goldfuss, Mrs. M. F. M. 5,580 — 3,145 _ Green, Miss B. J. 2,214 — 5,820 — Greenwood, Miss L. A. 867 — Griffin, Mrs. M. E. _ Salary 4,206 Travel $ Guillemette, Mrs. K. V. _ 3,108 — Gunn, Mrs. S. I. . . . 4,608 — Hamilton, Miss A. Y. _ 5,796 — Hubbard, Miss B. D. _ 1,217 _ Hulme, Miss C. C. _ 1,362 — Ireland, Mrs. M. A. _ 4,733 — Johnson, Mrs. K. _ 1,591 — Johnson, Miss K. M. _ 5,796 _ Jones, Mrs. G. M. _ 4,128 _ King, C. W. ... _ 7,284 879 Lang, G. J. ... _ Lavallee, Mrs. L. D. - 855 _ Lees, Miss W. L. _ 4,980 — 158 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY — Continued Superannuation Commission — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Lind, Mrs. M. F. _ 3,403 — Madrona, Mrs. A. F. _ 2,779 — Marriott, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,008 — McCloy, Miss P. A. _ _ 3,247 — McDiarmid, Miss C. F. — 5,970 — McKinney, Mrs. T. D. _ 568 — McLeod, Mrs. J. L. _ 2,219 — Meadley, Mrs. N. J. - 2,607 — Milne, Mrs. J. _ _ _ 4,980 — Monteski, Mrs. L. J. - 1,476 — Murphy, Mrs. D. M. _ 3,407 — Nugent, Mrs. A. B. _ 1,683 — Olson, Miss E. B. _ 446 — Ottas, Mrs. E. M. _ _ _ 4,168 — Parlee, Miss E. H. - 4,884 — Petrie, Mrs. G. M. _ Salary $ 4.518 Travel $ Richmond, Mrs. G. A. _ 1,316 — Russell, Mrs. I. D. _ 946 — Samuel, Miss E. J. H. _ 1,773 — Sendey, Mrs. R . . 3,377 — Shaw, Miss K. M. _ 3,320 — Smith, Mrs. E . . 500 — Smith, Miss P. M. _ 5,920 — Soutar, G. S. _ 11,880 — Steer, Miss J. K. . . 862 — Stevens, Mrs. J. _ ... 3,504 — Stevenson, Mrs. W. M. _ 913 — Stewart, Mrs. I. E. _ 7,080 — Tomczak, Miss L. M. _ 1,123 — Tregellas, Mrs. P. E. _ 3,650 — Trim, Mrs. P. B. _ Tripp, G. A. _ .. _ Turner, H. E. _ _ Van Bourgondien, Mrs. E. Walker, Miss M. S. _ Wanless, Mrs. J. A. _ Whitehead, Mrs. B. I. _ Wiley, E. C. _ Woodford, J. W. _ Wootten, Miss T. M . _ Transfers, other depart ments _ 282,351 1,587 Salary Trave . 8,640 — _ 9,960 122 4,980 — - 2,935 — . 3,367 — 306 — .. 10,860 45 . 7,020 — 370 — _ -99 — PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Salary Travel $ $ English, J. F. K., Chair- man _ _ _ _ 19,400 1,802 Alexander, Mrs. P. _ 3,192 — Alexander, Mrs. V. E . 518 — Allen. R. D. . . 8,160 2,498 Bassett, E. W. _ _ _ 16.700 438 Bett, F. C. - 8,820 115 Bliss, Miss C. E. - 5,571 38 Brigden, G. E . . 5,796 2,201 Caston, Miss M. A. - 4,788 — Chursinoff, Miss E . . . 3,074 — Cook, C. N. M. _ 7,284 — Darby, Mrs. M. E. - 4,297 — Davie, H. A. _ 7,560 2,108 Deblaquiere, E. _ 8,160 3,026 Deshaw, W. E. . 5,294 628 Devereux, Miss F. P. - 4,980 — Devitt, S. _ 11,130 655 Dowds, Mrs. E. G. - 4,128 — Fisk, W. G. _ 6,024 — Fitch, A. R. - 7,284 1,477 Graham, H - - 17,400 444 Gray, G. H . . 7,020 — Hammell, D. N. - 6,384 1,356 Harder, Miss H. S. _ Salary $ 3,828 Travel $ Hornyak, Mrs. S. _ 998 — Horton, Mrs. F. M. _ 6,024 — Joyce, W. V. _ _ 8,160 2,591 Kantor, Miss V. R. _ 2,074 — Keogh, M M. S 8,160 7,800 217 Lane, A. _ _ 2,090 Langhorn, Mrs. J. . . . 3,828 — Leason, Mrs. I. R. _ 860 — Leslie, Mrs. A. V. _ 4,248 — MacDonald, Mrs. C. E. .. 6,504 — Maddaford, H. J. _ 8,160 1,627 Manson, F. N. 10,380 1,868 Mauch, Miss L. L. _ 2,610 — McCulloch, Miss D. G. _ 4,980 — Mellish, H. W. 11,400 551 Page, H. J. _ 13,440 528 Pocock, R. G. _ 7,020 — Richmond, Mrs. H. R. K. 4,050 — Rohatynchuk, Miss M. A. 3,304 — Sainsbury, Miss E. _ 4,980 — Simpson, Mrs. D. M. _ 4,128 — Simpson, J _ _ 12,900 1,045 Taylor, H. D . . . 8,160 — Salary $ 10,860 Trave $ 756 Templeman, P. N. _ Tickson, Mrs. G. E. _ 4,284 — Tighe, Mrs. F. E. _ 1,404 — Titus, G R 9,750 327 Tyson, E. D _ _ _ _ 7,560 12 Walker, Mrs. K. B. 4,362 — West, Mrs. B. J. _ 3,618 — Wicks, L. _ _ 16,700 528 Willcox, Miss M. V. _ 4,980 — Witiuk, Mrs. L. H. _ 4.219 — Wong, Mrs. J. . . 415 — Wood, C. A. _ 7,560 1,783 Wood, E. J. . . . . 4,830 946 Woodall, Miss N. G. _ 1,032 — Woytovick, Miss V. K. _ Automobile and other un- 3,620 — allocated departmental travelling included in the Schedule of Pay¬ ments _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,57S ; 406,154 33,234 i DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Chant, Hon. W. N., Min¬ ister _ Webb, A. E., Deputy Min¬ ister _ Abbot, G. E. . . . . Abelson, Mrs. M. M. _ Abercrombie, C. D. - Ablett, D. J. - Achtymichuk, W. - Ainley, Mrs. D. I. - Alexander, C. O. - Alexander, G. C. L. - Alexander, N. - Allan, A. S. - Allan, D. O. - Allan, W. S. - Allen, C. F. - Allen, E. C. - Allen, J. M. - Allen, W. S. - Allison, R. — . Altman, Miss F. S . — Ames, R. G . . Anaka, D. W. - Anaka, M. - - Anderson, G. M - - Anderson, J. - Anderson, J. R. - Anderson, M. ... . Anderson, M. - Anderson, M. G . Anderson, O. - Anderson, S. H. Y. - Andersen, W. G . Salary $ Travel $ Anglin, E. A . . . Salary 7,284 Travel $ 17,500 2,012 Angus, Mrs. F. M. _ Anset Beale, F. _ 1,149 10,380 259 20,000 792 Anthony, D. M. _ 4,956 — 8,520 1,540 Antifay, P. M. ... _ 276 — 3,892 — Armey, C. H. . . . 6,180 — 219 — Armstrong, J. P. _ 1,365 — 7,830 731 Armstrong, M. W. _ 1,997 15 6,015 312 Arnesen, A. J. _ _ 3,280 — 3,509 — Amott, R. E . . . 4,800 — 8,460 2,185 Ash, J. ... . . . . 6,900 — 4,788 — Aspinall. R. _ _ 7,440 — 4,800 — Aston, D _ _ _ _ 6,939 — 7,560 173 Atkinson, Miss V. L . 757 — 7,020 — Atkinson, W. D. _ 225 7 3,040 — Austin, W. E. _ _ 5,742 — 83 — Aven, J. _ 7,644 — 4.800 — Baggaley, E. J. F. _ 5,160 — 1,61 1 36 Baile, Mrs. H. _ .... 4,050 — 4,761) 544 Bailey, N. S. _ _ _ 4,800 — 4,022 — Bainbridge, W. H. _ 2,047 — 3,684 — Baker, Mrs. B. R. _ 3,622 — 2,510 — Baker, G. H. _ 5,280 — 841 — Baker, J. K. ... _ _ 1,639 — 2,713 — Baker, L. T. . . 8,520 583 9,777 167 Baker, M. H. _ 1,951 20 2,368 214 Baker, R. H _ _ 821 — 5.530 — Baker, R. M . . 7,824 — 7,980 — Balatti, L. _ 4,800 — 7,140 146 Baldwin, C. A. . . . 7,440 1 4,582 — Ball, D. M. . 6,130 — 2,120 — Banks, N. H. - 3,471 16 5,700 59 Baranszky-Job, M. _ 5,914 2,599 400 — Barker, Mrs. L. V . . 3,720 — Barlow, D. P. _ . _ Barlow, W. R _ _ Barnard, W. F. _ _ Bartle, A. J. _ Baskerville, I. _ Batryn, N. _ _ _ Bauer, M. C. _ Baxter, R. _ Beal, R. J. _ _ _ Beaton, D. N. _ Beaudin, Mrs. R. C . Beaveridge, A. E. _ Beaveridge, G. A. _ Bechdoldt, V. G. _ Beckerley, R. S . . Beckett, S _ _ Bedry, J _ _ _ _ Begg, D. W. _ Beier, H. E. _ _ Belford, A. L _ _ _ Bell, A. B. _ Bell, A. L. .. _ Bell, Miss L. E. _ Bellos, N. _ _ _ Bennet, F. M _ _ Bennett, C. K. _ Bennett, Mrs. C. M . . Bennett, L. G. _ __ Bennett, P. J. _ _ _ Bennett, R. T. C. _ _ _ Bennett, W. R. _ Bent, A. E. _ Bent, Mrs. A. L. _ Bergin, R. E. _ Salary Trave $ $ 9,180 1,20 7,824 — 6,756 2,37 8,010 2,08< < 6,696 5.796 — 5,037 — 4,800 — • 8,640 6< 5,910 — 280 — 5,700 — 960 b 1,200 — 5.361 — 6,180 — 4,800 — 7,980 4: 9,360 68. 4,500 — 8,460 39: 7.801 — 1,867 — 4,200 — 7.980 — 7,166 21 688 — 4,800 — 8,460 5,092 81 1,361 — 7.440 31 3,670 __ 4,800 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 159 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Salary Travel $ Beriault, L. J. _ _ 4,800 Best, C. R _ _ 5,280 9 Bester, R. J. . . . 5,367 — Bigham, B. P. _ 5,263 — Binet, A. J. ... . . - 7,824 — Birchall, N. C. . 1,735 — Birchenall, E. _ 4,800 — Bird, S. H. _ _ 6,504 49 Birk, M. _ . 4,800 — Birkett, C. — - 7,763 — Bittner, E. _ 4,828 — Blackhall, D. .... 1.041 — Blackwell, L. E. 5,655 1,450 31akey, E. J. _ . 6,793 — Block, Mrs. L. 310 — 31oudell, G. 7,824 — 31ower, L. J. 7,773 — 31um, A. _ .. . — 1,996 17 31umenscheit, R. 1,170 — 3ock, Mrs. J. F. 3.684 — 3oden, A. W. 6,888 1,196 Bohoslowich, J. 7,260 5 Bohren, W. _ .. . . 4,835 — Bolding, R. C. _ 7,824 — Bondesen, W. P. _ 6,265 — Boom, G. . . . 5 — Boorse, C. F. . — 5,040 1 Bom, A. ..... _ _ _ 584 — 3orradaile, B. J. 4,800 — Boscott. H. D. . ... 6,756 54 Boughen, W. J. . . 5,435 514 Boughey, W. S. . 7,020 531 Boutin, J. P. P. 2,688 10 lowering, F. N. . .. 10,500 366 Bown. W. J. 2,624 — Box, E. I _ _ 9,120 278 Boyd, Mrs. A. K. 6,024 — Boyd, G. F. . 8,340 547 Brady, A. _ _ _ 8,843 19 Braidwood, Mrs. K. R. _ 3,720 — Brandner, C. D. 9,240 — Brasch. A. W . . . 6,264 6 Iratt, H. L. _ _ . 4,920 — Braun, E. _ 8,460 573 Brecht, L. _ 5,340 106 Brennan, M. G. _ 286 — Brenner, L. M. .. _ _ 2,520 4 ireu, D. A _ _ 5,285 11 Irewer, Mrs. W. M. _ 4,750 — trice, J. H. _ 4,800 — Bridge, T . . .. 7,824 — Briggs, R. - 2,259 23 Irindl, R . 6,932 22 Broadbridge, G . 5,062 6 troadfoot, B. J. _ .. 4,800 — (rock, D. J. _ 318 — Brock, R. _ _ .... 8,520 15 Broome, I. D. .. _ _ 641 — Brown, A . . 7,812 — Brown, A. M. _ 6,900 — Brown, Mrs. D. E. . . 1,063 — Brown, D. J. _ 184 — Brown, F. _ . 5,520 — Brown, K. W. _ _ 8,460 1,894 Brown, Miss M. A. _ _ 530 — Brown, Mrs. R. E. 144 — Brown, R. G. .... _ 4,980 — Brown, W. G. .. . 7.924 — rown, W. R. . _ _ 4,800 — rown, W. S. 278 — rowne, G. A. . .. 6,915 332 rowne, H. R. _ _ 900 — rownjohn, H. _ 7,620 — ruce, G. A. 5,280 84 ryce, J. P. . . . . . 92 — uchanan, J. .. . _ 12,900 234 uckley, J. J. _ 7,560 12 udd, A. C. D _ 10,860 1,506 ugera, P. _ ... ... 4,740 — uhler, J. _ . _ 6,780 286 ull, F. H. _ _ 915 — ulmer, J. J. E. _ .... 4,800 _ urden, K. J. _ _ _ 644 — urns, Mrs. N. . . . 650 — urr, R. A _ _ 4,800 — urrowes, G. W . . 3,261 — ussey, H. W. _ 4,800 — utt, D. A. _ _ ._ 8.260 3 utterfield, A. H. . _ 6,360 — utters, G. F,. 6,180 — utterworth, L. 8,760 1,083 yrnes, E. M. _ 3,786 42 affrey, Mrs. A. K. _ 662 — affrey, R. .... _ 595 — alder, Mrs. A. 4,788 — Salary Travel $ $ Callow, L. _ 4,762 _ Campbell, Miss C. _ 1,445 — Campbell, C. J. _ . . 4,920 — Campbell, D. L. 1,075 — Campbell, E. A. 6,060 — Campbell, H. L. . . 5,274 62 Campbell, M. R. . . . . 7,970 14 Campbell, P. J. _ _ _ 4,130 _ Campbell, R. F. _ 2,121 8 Campbell, S. D. ... .. 8,676 _ Campbell, W. A. .. 8,580 340 Campmans, M. J. _ 5,400 24 Cardin, C. J 6,900 _ Caron, F _ _ _ _ 6,780 _ Carr, D. T. 508 — Carson, Mrs. J. E. _ _ 423 — Carson, K. W. _ 966 — Carter, A. E. _ 6,827 76 Carter, E . 4,895 8.223 7.224 4,271 8,280 8,460 3,658 1,769 4,800 1,320 3,828 7,584 559 40 Carter, V. F. Cartwright, J. J. .. 38 Carver. F. G. .. . .. . . Case, A. F.. Cawley, A. C . . 2,395 Caws, Mrs. L. B. _ . .. . Cerny, J. F. . . . . 146 Cerny, V _ _ Chadwick. T. H. Chant, Mrs. D. M. _ . 62 Chapman, A. . 130 Chapman, A. E . . .. . Chapman, J. . 4,800 5,796 5,040 5,520 1,390 198 Chapman, .T. Charania, H. G. .. . Charlewood, H. A. _ Charlton, G. A. _ Chenwing, J. M. Chepil, P. . .... . 405 Chin, Mrs. N. H. 3,375 3,512 2,400 4,980 7,468 5,040 7,642 8,700 10,380 3,867 1,133 Christensen. Mrs. O. C. _ Christian, R. W. — Christie, Miss E. L. _ _ _ Christie, J. T. _ .. . — Ciochetti, L. . . Clampitt, G. T. Clark, F.. 1,170 71 Clark’ N. H. .. Clarke, S. _ Claus, H. . . . Cliff, G. W. _ _ 6,355 6,780 7,973 3,720 543 Clifford, W. T _ _ .. Close, R . . Coburn, Miss B. _ _ Coburn, R. A. . 61 Cochrane, J. A. ... _ 12,900 5,280 2.279 5,100 1,627 3,105 5.280 10,860 4,180 8.460 1,074 Cochrane, K. A. _ Cochrane, W. M. . ., W A 70 Coessens, J. J . . Cofield. T. R. ... _ Coldwell, D. M. _ Cole, B. W _ _ 1,084 52 Coljee, J. . . Collins, S. W. _ 2,137 Comley, A. E. . . . Confrev, E. _ _ .. 7,802 425 Connelly, T F- 2,688 7,284 503 7,422 505 Connors, J. H _ _ Conrad, Miss M. P. _ Constantineau, E. L. _ Cook, F. A. _ _ 306 738 Cook, Mrs. M. A. .. „ _ 3,720 1,099 892 _ Cooke, Mrs. A. .... _ _ Conic T C Coonev, W. L. .... _ Corbett, G. E. _ _ 3,390 994 — Corbett, J. G. . 4,800 8,460 2,853 2,500 8,896 3,037 1,497 2,756 6,900 8,820 6,870 7,140 4,580 4,800 5,220 1,407 5,887 4,800 1,230 Cornborough. D. F. _ Cosmnn, R. S. 1,701 Coulter, R Coupal, J. M. _ _ _ 1,250 843 Courtney, T. P Cowdery, B. W. _ . . Cowlev, Mrs. N. J. — . . Cox, G. . . - _ Cov, G C. Craig, J. L. _ Crawfnrri, R T Cree, G. A. H. .. _ 26 Critchley, S. V . — Cronk, N. ~ _ _ Cross, B. C. . Crossley, H . . ... — Crossman, R. J. _ _ Crowther, T. H. - — Salary Travel Cruickshank, Mrs. H. M. 4,440 _ Crump, C. E. - 11,400 939 Cunnington, M. R. _ 4,740 _ Cupp, Mrs. K. L. _ 2,535 — Currie, J. C. - 10,860 62 Curtis, Mrs. O. M, _ 3,135 — Curtis, W. R. H. _ _ 1,450 — Curtz, G. E. W. _ _ _ 6,009 1,651 Cuthbert, T. J. _ 6,932 — Cyr, J. G. - _ - 5,040 — Dafoe, Mrs. E. _ 1,494 _ Daley, R. - 6,784 — Dallin, B. _ 34 _ Daniel, L. C. _ 4,920 _ Darin, M. __ . 7,197 144 Daughtry, A. - 2’,918 20 Davidson, H. G . . 46 _ Davies, A. H. _ 4 800 _ Davies, J. V. - 10,170 428 Davies, T. J. P. _ 2,520 _ Davis, Miss D. E. _ 3^592 _ Davis, R. C _ _ T983 _ Davis, T. A. - 3,740 — Day, D. M. - 6,144 — Day, G. R - - 4,920 — Day, H. _ 7,193 _ Deacon, D. B. _ 7,787 _ Debourcier, E. R. _ _ 5^260 10 Deforest, R. F. _ 4,914 _ Deighton. A. R. _ 4 084 7 Delage, C. G. _ _ _. 4^920 — Delane. R. E. _ 4.800 _ Delorme, A. A. _ 3,000 _ Delozanne, K. W. H. _ 7,284 129 Dempster, S. . . 5.040 _ Denoon, R. G. _ 5,180 _ Dickson, D. R. . 1,264 _ Dickson, G. _ 4,800 _ Dillon, E. H . 3,353 _ Dimen, J. . . ’375 _ Dionne, L. _ Z 5,211 _ Dishkin, A. M. _ 5.280 1 Dixon, N. - 4,800 _ Dodd, J. L _ _ 7,440 _ Dodsworth, K. F . . 7,256 217 Dominelli. N. ... _ 4J45 _ Donaldson, D. E. _ 3^269 4 Donaldson, J. J. _ s!040 _ Donovan, W. P. _ Z320 _ Doucette, L. J _ _ 415 _ Doucette, P. P _ _ 4,608 _ Douglas, J. W. _ 67 _ Downing, P. J. . . 4,800 _ Doyle, T. . 8,248 — Drake, G. J . . . 5,474 _ Drennan, R. _ _ 4 669 _ Dresser. C. . _ . . 8A60 370 Drinkwater. D . 8,387 _ Drysdale, Mrs. J. E. B ... 1.076 _ Dudman, F. J. _ 4,800 _ Duffy, J. D _ _ _ _ '362 — Duncan, D. V _ _ 7.140 _ Duncan, J. B. _ 4A65 _ Duncan, R. E. _ 4.800 _ Dunington. C. F. _ 7,646 361 Dunning, G. L. V . . 78 _ Dyce, G. W _ _ 1,600 — Dyson. R. J. - 3.727 834 Earl, M. D. .... 5.040 Earle, Mrs. D. M. 192 Eastham, H. R. .... 9.120 264 Eastwood, Mrs. I. .... 3,815 Eden, C. E. .... 1.260 _ Eden, G. W. ... 4.800 _ Edgcombe, S E. .. 12,900 485 Edington, Mrs. M. G. .... 4.075 Edlund, A. .... 6.327 _ Edlund, B. H .... 8.310 1,357 Edward, J. .... 5.340 Edwards, K. L . .... 4,750 _ Eilers, L. W . . . .... 4.158 _ Ekins, W. W. _ ... 13 980 1,849 F.lasoff, W . .... 4,054 _ Fibers. A. J. _ ... 4.800 — Elcoate, D. _ -- 6,630 435 Eley, Miss E. . . . .... 7,560 Elgert, Mrs. M. K . 2,275 _ Ell, W. L . . — 7,390 — 160 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Salary Travel $ Ellard, J. E. _ _. 4,423 2 Elliott, R. S. . . . . 1,898 — Elliott, W. M 6,420 _ Ellison, W. J. _ ... 2,589 — Elsdon, L. _ _ _ 6,983 3 Elsdon, R. D. _ 2.338 — Emery, N. F. _ . ... _ 6,780 — Emmal, W. D. _ 4,097 — Emmington, D. E. _ 8,031 100 Emmonds, W. C. _ 7,140 — Endean, M. ... _ 6,130 — England, E. _ .. 7,140 — Epp, C. W. _ 5,806 — Erickson, C. N. - - 5,476 738 Erickson, P. M. - - 6,144 191 Essar, J. _ .. _ . 4,800 — Etter, A. L . . . . 4,800 — Evanoff, V. _ . _ 1,569 — Evans, A. J. _ 4,145 — Evans, I. _ 4,800 — Evans, Miss L. M. - 1,018 — Ewen, N. D. .. . ... .... 1,190 — Eye, B. E. ... _ _ 968 — Eye, Mrs. S. E. 1.925 — Fahlman, W. A. - 8,580 — Fairclough, J. — . 4,781 — Fanshaw, C. H. - 8,940 605 Farkas, J. _ 1,279 — Farley, Miss K. A. _ 3,828 — Fast, H. E. _ 6,790 — Faulks, Mrs. L. B . 652 — Fawcett, M. - 876 — Fawcett, R. E. - 5,541 — Fawthorpe, D. E. _ _ _ 6,460 30 Fell. 1 A. _ _ 7,824 — Fells, R. R. _ _ 7,824 — Felton, J. _ . — . . 5,040 — Fenwick, G. S. . . 254 — Ferguson, H. E. 6,900 — Ferguson, J. E. _ 7,140 — Filbey, Mrs. H. C. _ 3,704 — Findlay, A. J. . ... 6,900 — Firth, C. W. _ ...... 7,126 2,499 FitzGerald, R. N. _ 4,800 — Fitzgerald, Miss P. 2,401 — Fleming, G. R. — . - 1,269 — Fleming, W. T. ... _ . 6,384 49 Flesher, R. A. ..... _ . 7,233 7 Floyd, R. A . 899 — Foden, W. E. _ _ ... 6,841 162 Fontaine, R. A. _ 6,500 857 Ford, W. J. _ 1,145 — Forsberg, O. E. 2,837 — Forster, J. _ 9,300 1,241 Fortier, W. A. _ ... 7,057 — Foshager, I. J. - 4,800 — Foster, Miss D. M. _ 5,172 — Foster, W. C. 4,920 — Foulds, J. S. _ 4,810 — Fox, L. K. . . 116 — Francis, T. J. _ _ _ _ _ 4,186 97 Francke, S. E. L. - 8,178 3,924 Fraser, F. T . . . . 3,677 — Fraser, Mrs. L. L. - 4,128 — Fraser, R - - 6,780 — Fraser, W. R. A. - 3.036 — Fredin, L. E. K. - 8,580 880 Freeman. Mrs. A. E. - 4,064 — Freese, P. N. — . . - 7,560 193 Freestone. W. C. _ 8,460 2,122 Freundlich, R. .. 3,415 69 Friend, W. - - 145 — Frier, Mrs. V. T . . 4.128 — Friesen, D. W _ _ 1.829 — Fuller, Mrs. R. M. _ — _ 810 — Fyles, R. ....... . . .. 6,600 — Gagnon, H. W. . .. ..... 898 — Galavan, V. E. - 6,900 — Galbraith, Mrs. J. M. - 180 — Ganatra, M. .... .. - 33 — Ganss, H. _ _ _ 5,557 47 Gant, Mrs. D. M. - 921 — Garraway, Miss G. R. — 2,360 — Garrod, B. A. 2,776 — Gee, M. J. — 6,703 2,470 Gentner, C. T. ... 7,140 — George, F. S. - 2,239 — Gerrard, H - - 8,199 — Gibbens, T. P. - 1,645 — Gibbs, A. A. - - 3,910 2,340 Gilbert, L. R. — - - 7,284 188 Gilbert, R. C. - 5,460 — Gilder, H. J. ~ - - - 2,674 — Giles, G. L. J. - 15,600 1,656 Gill, A. 1,240 — Salary Travel $ $ Gillett, N. R . .. 2,513 20 Gillett, R. P. H . 10,380 827 Gillings, J. W. _ 1,421 — Girard, M. E. 6,785 25 Glanville, R. E. . _ . 8,644 — Glasspoole, J. H. . .. 4,800 — Glen, A. H. ... . . 3,523 — Glenne, A. ... .... .. . 10,380 467 Glinski, G. _ _ 4,800 — Glynn, Mrs. M. _ 4,440 — Goakes, L. F. _ ..... 8,496 — Goddard, A. W. _ 6,785 — Goddard, L. B. _ 7,992 130 Goddard, R. F. _ 7,380 22 Goddy, B. _ 7,674 — Gokiert, E. ... .. _ 2,043 — Goodkey, Mrs. S. L. _ 4,199 — Goodman, E. . . . 3,929 — Goodwin, Mrs. J. V. 784 — Gordon, Mrs. A. N. _ 3,487 — Gordon, B. _ _ _ 4,800 Gordon, E. M. _ 8,460 1,940 Gordon, R. M. _ „ 5,280 - - Gordon-Findlay, Mrs. N. 4.148 — Goritsan, W. B. _ 5.040 — Gorsline, Mrs. B. A. _ _ _ 1,198 — Gortz, H. _ 1,270 — Goulding, J. D . . 5,400 — Gracewood, A. R. _ 6,900 — Graham, A. W. _ _ _ 7,140 — Graham, P. 6,780 — Graham, W. T. _ 1,898 — Grant, D. N. H. _ 10,380 1,413 Grant, F. L. _ 4,800 — Graves, A. L. _ 7,012 — Gray, Miss L. A _ _ 598 — Gray, Mrs. R. _ 3,575 — Greaves, G. F. _ 5,116 3 Green, A. C. . . . 4,254 — Green, H . . . . 8,460 403 Green, R. T. _ 6.780 — Gregory, A. W. _ 5,040 — Greig, H. J. _ 11,310 1,368 Gretton, G. S. _ .. 515 — Grey, D. . . . 1 1 ,400 1,742 Grieve, R E. _ _ 8,460 326 Griffin, Mrs. C. R. _ 3.972 — Griffin, J. K _ _ 7,980 — Gronert, P. F. _ _ _ 8,676 — Groves, W. F. _ 390 — Grubb, M. D. _ _ _ 5,160 — Gullens, G. F. _ 5,298 3 Gunn, T. A. C. _ 7,140 — Gunst, E. T. _ . 4,800 — Guyer, W. T. _ 3,530 — Gysbers, L. _ .. 5,796 159 Haase, G. H. _ 2,942 — Hachey, B. J. _ 6,544 — Hadley, Mrs. M. A. _ 2,573 — Hagel, A. P. _ 6,983 — Hagel, J. B . 4,898 — Haggart, L. A. . . _ 1,335 — Haggarty, A. M. _ 7,140 — Halbert, R. A. _ 4,800 — Hale, Mrs. M. C. _ 2,548 — Hale, R. G. _ 6,350 — Hale, R. W _ 281 — Hall, A. E _ _ 4,709 — Hall, H. _ _ _ 7,980 — Hall, J. B. _ 11.250 2,213 Hall, Mrs. J. M. . . 5.580 243 Hall, L. J . . 4,740 — Halliday, S. D. . . . 4,800 — Halligan, F. _ — 10,380 2,299 Hallihan, M. _ 5,520 — Halvorsen, I. C. _. . . 7,140 — Hambly, J. T. _ 4,408 — Hambly, R. N. _ 4,625 1,286 Hamilton, K. C. . . 3,486 — Hamilton, R. . . 381 — Hamilton, W. N. _ 6,208 — Hammond, J. C. . . 5,040 — Hampel, Mrs. H. L. _ 3,858 — Hancock, J. E _ _ 6.780 317 Hapke, E. W. R . . 7,155 — Harder, Miss V. _ 4,128 — Harley, R. A . _. . — 7,175 40 Harmon, A. L. _ 4,920 — Harms, G. .... _ ~ 8,340 — Harper, E. H. _ 9,540 1,900 Harris, C. R. _ 4,800 — Harris, W. A. _ ... _ 4.941 — Harrison, C. D. _ 8,460 2,337 Harrison, G. . . Salary 4,800 Travel $ Harrower, G. A _ _ 13,170 439 Harwood, F. _ _ 111 — Haslett, S. C. _ 7,270 — Hastings, G. W. _ 7,980 63 Hatter, N. A. _ 1,017 — Hayes, A. H . 7,440 344 1 Hayes, H R 2 Haywood, J. _ _ _ 4,905 Hazel, Miss C. E. .. 1,190 — Headley, G. H . 8,040 51 Heasman, J. T. _ 4,620 — Heddle, F. J. . 7,140 372 Hedges, A. B. _ 5,668 — Heeley, R. A. .. _ . ... 4,788 — Hegyi, W. A. _ 6,780 176 Henderson, W. R . 11,400 1,757 Hendren, W. V. _ 5,235 — Hendricks, Miss B. E . 1,340 — Hendricks, E. E. _ . 7.140 45 Hendricks, Mrs. J. W. _ 915 — Henry, J. E. _ 6,804 56 Henshaw, R. J. _ 272 — Herndier, W. G. _ 4,817 — Heskin, P. _ 4.800 — Heuft, P. _ _ _ 4,563 — Hewton, Mrs. F. M. _ 1,110 — Heyes, F. A. .... _ 757 — Hibberd, Mrs. D. _ . 3,720 — Hicks, Mrs. J _ _ . 4,961 — Hiebert, J. J _ _ .. 2,540 — Higgins, R. J _ _ 1,470 — Hilde, A. J. . 6,900 6,780 Hill, E. F . . _ Hill, E. J. A. _ _ 2,609 _ Hillsden, G. W. . 6,891 _ Hilton, W. G. .... _ 6,360 — Hilton, W. R. . 8,280 _ Hindle, F. H. _ 4,527 227 Hindman, R. E _ _ 415 — Hivon, G. J . 1,804 — Hoath, T. A. . . 5,488 4 Hodgson, R. F. _ 4,620 — Hogan, D, G. _ 642 — Hogan, R. W _ _ 5,340 3 Holborn, F. \V. _. 4,740 — Holbrook, B. E . . . 1,388 — Holder, R II _ 72 — Holland, J. J. . 2,124 — Holland. R. H. _ 3,186 — Hollis, J. _ . . 6,787 — Holmes, A. C. G. . _ 8,290 — Holmes, C. T. _ .... 4,786 — Holt, G. _ _ _ 1,886 5 Homewood, Mrs. B. A . 387 — Homfeld, C. R. _ 5,709 4 Honsinger, D. P. _ 5,292 42 Hooper, J. D . . . . 11.400 260 Hoover, R. H. _ _ _ 1,848 — Hopkins, R. A. _ 5,760 — Hopkinson, G. W. _ 4,335 — Hornell, E. W. _ 7,140 — Hoskins, W. _ 3,708 904 Houlden, C. S. _ _ 7,080 — Houlihan, P. R. _ 4,800 — Howard, G. L _ _ 4,800 44 Howard, H. E. _ 6,900 — Howard, K. B. _ 5,031 — Howard. R. C _ _ 3,175 — Hoyer, R. J. 4,185 — Hubbard, F. J. . . . 5,100 — Huber, M, J. _ 6.360 — Hubner, A. - - - 5,910 26 Hubscher, Mrs. E. P. _ 387 — Hughes, F. C _ _ 6.780 — Hughes, J. _ _ 5,880 — Hume, W. B. _ 6,391 — Hunt, J. T. _ _ 5,148 — Hunter, W. _ 5.071 — Hurcomb, S. _ 6,786 — Hurn. F. H _ _ 5,790 — Hustak, F. _ _ 7,140 — Hutchings, G. F. _ 4,814 — Hutchinson, A. G. .. .. 8,005 — Hynds, N. A. . . 5,943 — Ildstad, Mrs. B. H. _ 1,054 — Ingham, J. R. ... _ _ 6,298 — Ingham, R. H. _ _ 5,340 — Inkpen, T. I. _ _ _ 5,880 — Inman, I _ _ _ 41 — Ireland, Mrs. M. M. - 3,735 — Isbister, A. A. _ 3,999 — SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 161 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Jacklin, H. J _ _ 5,040 — Jackson, G. P. _ 205 — Jackson, R. C. _ _ 149 — Jacob, A. J. _ 6,504 — Jacobson, E. N . . 5,280 — Jacobson, S. W. _ 6,219 — Jaggers, Mrs. M. E. _ 3,720 — Jahodics, I. - 3,682 — Jakumeit, B. _ 4,920 — Jamieson, Mrs. J. E. _ 4,128 — Jamieson, J. L. _ 8,400 281 Janes, Mrs. S. J. _ 3,720 — Jaques, G. C. - . . 384 — Jardine, M. _ - 8,460 314 Jarve, E. _ _ 7,824 — Jasper, E. S. _ . .. 4,800 — Jauck, M. A. - - - 554 — Jefferson, H. ... _ _ 7,152 6 Jenkins, M. E. - 3,336 — Jennings, S. P. - 7,860 593 Jensen, A. T. - . - 5,340 34 Jensen, R. _ 4.931 — Jepson, A. G. . . 4,600 — Jobsis, H. B. C . . 8,820 315 Johnson, E. E. — . — 3.649 — Johnson, E. M. - 6,720 490 Johnson, E. N. - - 1,216 — Johnson, E. T. - - — 8,005 3 Johnson, F. C. - 4,800 — Johnson, J. _ — . 1,418 — Johnson, Mrs. J. - 4,128 — Johnson, L. F - - - 6,360 — Johnson, R. J. A. - 5,520 2 Johnson, T. J. - 800 — Johnson, V. G. - 2,375 — Johnson, V. 11. - 4,800 — Johnston, Mrs. M. V. — 3,720 — Johnston, R. H. - 7,671 311 Jones, B. M. - 4,800 — Jones, Mrs. B. A. - 1,563 — Jones, G. - - - — 4,740 — Jones, G. T. _ - - — 4,819 — Jones, H. J. . ~ 5,280 — Jones, J. R. - 4,800 — Jones, Mrs. L. A. - - 3,720 — Jones, Mrs. M. I. 5,640 — Jones, R. L. - — 7,048 — Jones, W. R. — - 5,100 3 Jost, A. P. . 290 — Joyce, G. W. - 7,305 719 Joyce, L. M. — — 5,801 91 Joyce, T. — — 4,800 — Kaneen, A. G. _ - — 13,980 928 Kanigan, F. R. — - - 4,800 — Kea. W. D. _ 4,800 — Kearney, Mrs. N. E. B. — 388 — Keefe, R. 5,040 — Keen, A. G. _ 5,040 — Keenan, W. M. _ 7,440 — Keitch, F. R _ _ 7,824 — Keitch, T. P. 4,386 — Kelly, F. C. _ 258 — Kelly, G. _ 29 — Kelly, J. 4,740 — Kelly, M. J . ... . 4,800 — Kelly, W. J . . . . 2,095 — Kemball, G. A. _ 6,420 40 Kemball, J. A. 3,678 — Kemball, J. W. ... .. 64 — Kempton, F. M. _ 9,000 2,023 Kennedy, E. R. 5,688 578 Kennedy, G. .... . 6,360 — Kennedy, J. M. ....... 7,152 71 Kennedy, M. I. _ 2,875 — Kennedy, R. D. _ 570 — Kennedy, W. L. ... _ . 2,105 — Kenny, Mrs. A. _ 438 — Kent, H. F. G. 8,460 418 Kerfoot, Mrs. E. D. _ _ 1,282 — Kerley, A. H. .. _ 9,960 340 Kerr, J. C 2,148 — Killeen, E. A. . . . 7,566 _ King, F. J . . . 2,738 — King, O. F. L. _ 4,800 — Kingswood, N. F. W. _ 7,324 — Kirby, Mrs. B. E. L. _ 5,688 — Kirkham, J. H. . .... .... 5,084 — Kirkwood, G. W. _ .... 7,497 — Kitchen, K. _ . 1,389 — Kitley, P. C. _ . 6,900 — Kitteringham, Miss L. L._. 3,240 — Klaiber, W. M. .. . 7,824 _ Klassen, H. 699 — Knight, L. J. F. 8,968 1,444 Salary Travel Knight, P. S. $ 8,460 7,140 6,903 2,921 7,380 5,250 174 $ 1,245 Knoller. FT. Knorr, J. _ Knowles, B. R. 194 Knox, J. V. . Knox. W. A. Koblev. H. A. Koehler, H. _ 8,153 2,752 4,707 4,700 1,883 971 744 Konschuh, D. J. Kopac, P. _ .... _ Kornafel, A. W. Kostyniuk, M. Kowal, Miss H. R. ... .. Kravnvk, M. 4,489 5,160 8,005 4,654 2,306 2,963 4,675 7,260 2,613 39 5,483 6,780 4,804 7,020 9,360 2,000 3,528 4,527 5,340 6,300 8,460 4,740 7,140 8,200 8,069 6,384 8,460 8,700 6,862 7,710 371 Kreuzer, E . . Kreveskv. B. M 1,148 Kristiansen, M. _ Krueger, N. A. _ Krushe, A. Kurtz, A. H. _ . Kwiatkowski, H. R. 217 La Fave, Miss J. M. Labrecque, G. A. A. _ Lafavor, D. L. .. .... 4 Laik, A. E. _ Laing, W. G. E. .... . .. Lamb, G. T. _ . . Lambert, L. G. R. _ 15 Lancaster, H. E. _ Land, R. W. Lane, L. . Lang. S. P. 229 Langley, E. _ Langridge, J. T. 2,123 Larner, S _ _ Larsen' C. S. Larsen. L. T. — Larson, H. N. 13 Laudan, R. F. 156 Lavender, V. 440 Law, J. F. . . 370 Lawrie, T. P . . ... 143 Lawson, J. D. 1,663 Lawson. J. P. Lax, P. J. ... .. . . 5,630 7,201 5,880 Layng, E. G. ... 21 Leadley, M. H. . _ .. Leask, J. O. .... . . 9,750 6,765 6,900 5,182 4,800 1,522 6,300 3,720 7,692 530 Leboe, O. _ Lee, C. A. ... . Lee, G. A . . . . Lee, R . . . Leeming, Mrs. M. A. _ . Lees, J. _ ... — Leggett, Mrs. B. _ Lehman, F. E. ... .. Lemckert, N. .. 6,900 6,780 4,800 900 Lennax, N . Leonard, D. M. _ _ _ Leonhardt, G. P. ..... . . — Lepik, T. . . . . 6,965 285 2,452 7,546 8,640 8,460 8,460 4,935 4,800 10,660 5,685 Letchford, Mrs. A. M. _ Levi, Mrs. M. . . . . — Levy, A. H. _ _ _ Lewington, E. C. _ 118 Lewis, A. M . . . 368 l ewis, F. G. 1,945 7 Lewis, G C. Lewis, N. M. _ Lichtensteiger, D. W . . Lillie, R. _ _ 668 230 Lindblad, R. E. ... . _ 9,394 2,142 4,842 1,911 4,720 3,972 5,411 595 15,600 6,024 7,029 1,426 Lindsay, C G. Lindsav, J Lipinski, C. P. .. .. . 350 Liska, G. F. _ Little. Mrs. A. R . Litzenberger, W. .... _ _ Lloyd, E. B. _ _ Lloyd, S. .... _ .. _ 1,501 Lobbezoo, T. O. _ Lochhead, A. _ .. . Lockwood, A. L. 5,228 7,080 6,061 5,695 7,525 6,900 11,400 7,027 12,900 7,573 7,860 9,960 1,055 Logan, D. R. . Logan W. 272 Lorberg M. G. _ 55 Lord, A. J. .... _ . . Lorentzen, I. _ _ _ Lougher-Goodey, W. D. .. Louttit, J. . l ow, J. 869 369 Lowrey, S. _ — . Lowry, A. P. .... . . . 367 Luck, A. R. .... 129 Lucks, A. _ _ _ Salary Travel * Lukey, R. R. _ ... 5,370 Lukyn, D. E. _ 5,340 2 Lundgren, Mrs. D. _ 2,452 _ Lurkins, E. R. _ 5,042 Lyall, J. A . .... 10,380 1,059 Lybeck, M. L. . . . 7,824 _ Lyle, G. E . . .. .... 8,700 1,365 Lynch, N. _ . ... 9,180 318 Lynn, A. R. _ _ 2,880 — Lyons, Mrs. G. E _ _ 1,141 — Mabbett, E. W. _ 9,225 1,127 Mabbett, R. L. _ 1,140 _ MacDonald, A. B. _ _ 6,900 MacDonald, J. R. _ 7,284 497 MacDonald, Miss M. A. .. 1,005 _ MacDonald, R. S. S. _ 4,980 - - MacDonald, W. A. _ . 851 _ MacFarlane, D. .... .... ._ 1,868 _ MacFarlane, E. _ 6,588 18 MacGillivray, Miss L. A. 344 — Macintosh. D. R. _ 4,368 — MacKay, C. D. _ 8,460 276 MacKay, E. M. _ 9,135 731 MacKay, G. E. _ 2,400 — MacKenzie, R. _ _ 7,440 — MacKenzie, W. E. _ _ 691 _ MacLean, D. _ 7,980 — MacLellan, P. R. .. _ 1,867 43 MacLeod, N. A. _ 6,900 _ MacRae, R. ... _ 595 _ Mader, R. W. _ 324 _ Mahoney, Miss L. R. _ 825 — Maloney, J. R. _ 449 — Malowany, E. B. _ 6,930 — Mann, F. J. ... _ .. _ 8,460 205 Mannella, S. _ _ _ 180 _ Manning, C. H. _ _ 5,040 — Mansley, H. .. _ ... 7,590 — Manson, H. J. _ 36 — Manson, N. J. _ 9,960 1,697 Marcer, W. _ 5,083 _ Marchi, Mrs. F. M. _ _ 3,720 _ Margetts, Mrs. C. A. _ 57 — Markin, J. _ 6,900 924 Marks, Mrs. F. V. _ 3,439 — Marshall, B. A. _ 8,229 199 Marshall, D. _ _ 5,280 _ Marshall, Mrs. E. E. _ _ 3,720 _ Martin, F. J _ _ _ 4,181 — Martin, J. W. C. _ 5.054 — Martin, R. L. _ _ _ 7.824 — Martin, T. _ 5,880 — Martinz, J. G. _ _ 1.932 — Mason, W. A. _ 4,928 — Masterton, A. C. _ 8,460 724 Mathieson, D. W. _ 9,420 82 Matthews, H. W. A. . 5.929 — Matthews, J. W. _ 3.480 — Matzke, H. P. . 7,020 — Maundrell, Mrs. Y. _ 2,523 — Maurer, W _ _ 5,071 2 May, B. L . . 7,560 557 May, J. A. _ _ 6,900 — Mav. J. F. _ _ 8 280 — Mayes, C. L. _ 1,238 — McArthur, C. _ . 5,580 — McArthur, G. A. _ 1,174 — McCarter, D. C. _ .... 8,460 1,679 McCartney, W. _ 105 — McComb, Miss M. F. _ 4,206 — McCormick, W. A. _ 1,818 — McCuaig, D. _ ..... 6,900 662 McDonald, D. J. _ _ 8,676 — McDonald, Miss D. M._ 3,300 — McDonald, D. W. ....... .... 7,200 16 McDonald, J. A. _ 4,856 — McDonald. J. F. 5.000 — McDonald, W. M. _ 405 — McDougall, D . . . . 601 — McDougall, S. _ _ 2,104 — McEathern, Mrs. K. 2.127 — McEwen, D. J. _ _ 1,113 — McFarlane, W. A . 3.973 — McGillveray, J. C. _ 3.405 — McGowan, J. K. _ _ 5,894 — McGregor, R. M. _ 4,929 — McHugh, W. A. _ 2 510 26 McIntosh, C. _ 8,054 — McIntosh, R. A. _ 9,480 — McIntyre, S. N. . _ 10,380 1,297 McKay, J. F. _ 8,676 — McKenna, P. F. J. _ 8,460 12 McKenzie, J. R. _ _ 1,325 — 162 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ McKinnon, Miss C. - 375 191 — 6,780 — 3,437 1,991 7,020 237 1,200 — 6,900 — 9,354 194 3,345 — 6,780 — McMorran, Mrs. M. J — - 3,088 8,267 521 3,616 — 6,780 — 2,700 — 8,460 2,146 7,824 — 2,982 — 790 — McWhirter, Mrs. R. A — McWilliams, R. M. - 855 1,821 11,400 1,575 62 6,900 — 2,991 — 8,460 1,086 6,900 — 4,128 — 8,400 — 7,448 — 6,240 117 5,040 41 Merz, A. W. - 7,464 4,220 2,001 Meyer, V. - 3,224 4,462 182 7,080 — Millar, A. R. B. - 8,029 1,053 25 4,800 — Miller, J. B. H. - 7,189 6,550 146 50 vruic r PI _ 4,800 — 13,980 925 Milne, C. J. - 1,489 4,800 11 3,233 — 6,964 — 75 — 5,948 57 1,150 — 8,580 1,944 4,811 — 1,701 — 6,840 34 5,460 1,510 1,132 — Mole, W. H. - - - Molenaar, Mrs. N. E. - Molnar, Mrs. I. - 5,340 304 5,076 69 44 379 6,967 — 7,680 50 8,280 — 11,400 58 7,140 — 9,180 928 6.900 — 6,900 — 7,824 — 8,520 7 Mori, T. - 3,358 2,775 — 4,440 58 8,968 1,881 Morris, A. J. - 5,747 8,460 1,416 4,165 — 1,483 — 5,280 — Morton, E. C. - 3,190 6,679 — 5,048 — 3,720 — 5,266 631 4,500 — 6,854 — 7,980 — 4,800 — 5,063 1,697 Muir, A. S. - 1,645 2,987 — 5,100 44 Mukli, J. - 5,052 4 Salary Travel $ S Mulholland, V. L. _ 4,800 — Muller. H. _ 7,604 74 Mulligan, L. D _ _ 7,140 — Mullins, B. W. _ 5,880 3 Munro, Mrs. L. L. _ 4,128 — Murdock, D. M. _ 7,140 — Murfitt, R. . ... _ 3,252 969 Murphy, D. _ _ .. .... 3,720 * - Murphy, M. L . 7,902 338 Murrant, J. H. F. . — 4,800 — Murray, D . .. — 10,860 632 Murray, J. - 4,500 — Murray, J. S. — - _ 6,789 9 Mutch, J. A . . . 4,780 — Mycock, G. C. — — 7,368 — Myers, A. R. _ 6,900 — Myers, Mrs. R. _ 3,840 — Mylroie, T. - - 2,511 — Naabye, A. E. O. - 5,507 1 Nagel, G. _ _ _ 4,800 — Narayan, Miss J. S. - 399 — Nelissen, J. _ .... .... 6,900 — Nelmes, J. M. .... 4,800 — Nelson, B. P. O. _ 5,220 — Nelson, K. J . 2,106 — Nelson, Miss N. D. - 282 — Nicholas, M. ... _ .. _ 7,020 144 Nicholls, R. M. _ 2,871 — Nicholls, W. H. - 1,234 — Nicholson, Mrs. E. M. — 4,371 — Nicholson, W. R. _ 7,140 42 Niehaus, J. H _ _ 4,920 14 Nielsen, S. _ 8,460 2,310 Niven, J. - - 5,236 12 Noble, Miss B. A. - 550 — Noble, W. II. . . 4,800 — Nofield, J. W. _ 140 — Nordenmark, F. A. _ 6,900 — Norris, W. A. _ 7,644 — Norrish, A. J _ _ 6,900 — Northwood, J. E. - 4,800 — Norton, J. C. _ _ _ 7,980 42 Nowell, W. A. . . 4,980 — Nuttall, W. V. _ _ 6,900 — Nygaard, R. J. _ 3,979 189 O’Dell, R. . - . . 5,173 — O’Neill, J. M. _ 1,447 — Oberg, W. _ _ — 7,140 15 Ogden, A. K. . . — 4,800 — Ogilvie, D. W - - 3.975 — Ogloft, P. A. _ 4,700 — Ohlsson, A _ _ _ - 8,100 23 Olds, C. H _ _ 5,220 — Oliver, E. L. — - - 8,460 756 Olivotto, E P _ _ 6,756 46 Olsen, O. K. - 1,907 — Olsson. J. . 4,920 — Olstead, D. W. _ 1,310 — Oro, O . — - - - 7,980 — Orto, C. S - - 665 — Orwell, C. _ 7,380 — Osgoode, A. _ 4,800 — Oteskin, H. J . .. — 4,800 — Otto, D. H. - 5,386 — Oudshoorn, J. J. 4.800 — Ouellette, E. . . — . . — 6,900 11 Ouellette. V. R. _ 5,056 — Owens, Miss D. N. - 4,067 — Ozard, J. R. . - . 3,687 — Pacy, C. _ - . — 5,250 51 Padden, O. B. - 3,922 40 Page, L. - 460 — Pahl, H. W. _ _ 5,220 — Palmer, F. W. G. .. — 4,520 — Palmer, G. R. _ . 7,338 — Palmer, W. H . . — . 4,852 — Park, E. P. 4,244 — Parker, A. T. - - - 4,800 42 Parker, R. M. - 4,800 — Parkes, R. . . 6,528 — Parry, Mrs. A. _ 2,434 — Pashley, L. E. 5,280 — Pass, B. A. _ 11,130 650 Paterson, H. B. _ 5,520 14 Paterson, W. H. . 8,460 3,056 Paterson, W. R. - 565 — Patey, A. _ 1,870 — Patience, L. W . . 8,280 225 Patterson, D. _ . . 3,967 — Pattinson, H. W. _ 6,900 397 Pattinson, J. J. _ 4,713 — Patton. G. K. . 9,360 71 Paul, A. _ 10,222 221 Pauluk, R. J. _ _ 1,764 — Pavan, G. W. 5 — Salary $ Payne, D. C. _ 4,800 Peach, R. E. _ 6,112 Peachey, R. A. - 456 Pearce, G. H. C. _ 4,800 Pearl, O. S. _ _ 7,277 Pearson, E. A. _ 5,725 Pederson, M. K. _ 4,800 Peereboom, J. . 7,560 Peet, S. E. _ 7,830 Pejril, H. G. _ 8,460 Pelletreau, F. L. _ 4,800 Pendray, W. R. - 824 Pendygrasse, G. K. _ _ 9,955 Perreault, H. J. _ _ — . - 5,069 Perry, G. _ 200 Perry, T. A. . 5,340 Peter, Mrs. J. A. _ _ 1,068 Peters, A. _ 3,600 Peters, E. _ 4,800 Peters, F. _ 6,300 Peterson, H. A. _ 987 Peterson, Mrs. I. M. _ 3,720 Peterson, J. H. _ 9,600 Petley-Jones, G. L. _ — 993 Petrescu, N. _ 5,330 Petrie, C. A. _ 780 Pettersen, T. _ _ _ 1,645 Petticrew, B. G. _ 840 Pettigrew, C. E. _ 7,200 Pettigrew, J. C. A. _ 5,713 Pfister, Mrs. E. F. _ 1,353 Philip, T. H. _ 7,876 Philip, W. A. _ 6,964 Phillips, A. E. _ _ 6,900 Phillips, J. M. _ 10,560 Pho, F. _ 4,284 Pierce, L. E. B. _ 6,540 Pilatzke, J. C. _ 7,527 Pimlott, Mrs. A. H. _ . 2,838 Piticco, L. _ 48 Plummer, G. _ 4,800 Pochay, D. _ 5,501 Pope, N. H. _ 2,900 Popham, G. A. _ _ 4,800 Porcino, D. _ _ 2,574 Porter, A. K. _ _. 4,800 Porter, R. A. J. _ 5,760 Porter, V. L _ 800 Potasinski, K. _ 4,800 Potestio, O. _ _ 5,040 Potter, M. A. _ _ 297 Potter, Mrs. M. L. _ 1,300 Pow, I. A. _ 10,380 Powers, Mrs. G. S. _ 3,721 Pratt, J. D. _ 6,220 Pratt, W. H _ 3,789 Preston, Mrs. J. K. _ 3,663 Price, A. T. _ 424- Price, E. T. _ 5,006 Priddy, H. E. _ 4,772 Proctor, E. _ _ 6,817 Pronk, B. _ _ _ 4,960 Proudlock, R. _ 7,370 Puczkowski, M. _ _ _ 1,548 Puhl, B. G _ 2,722 Pybourne, G. _ _ _ 10,380 Quay, R. H. G. Q. _ 4,872 rcaurey, Mrs. H. E. _ . _ 515 Ramage, Mrs. L. M. _ _ _ 670 Ramsay, T. J. _ 6,900 Randall, Mrs. E. _ 3,720 Rankin, Mrs. K. E. . _ 83 Rasmussen, Mrs. D. E.... 4,788 Rasmussen, W. M . . 5,510 Rawson, H. _ 1,131 Rayner, W. J. _ 5,969 Reader, E. _ _ 4,800 Reamsbottom, A. _ 4,500 Reems, J. F. _ 7,152 Rees, T. S _ _ _ 8,692 Rees, W. C. . . 1,974 Reese, F. E. . . 4,800 Reeves, J. D. _ 4,740 Rehn, G. A. . 7,140 Reich. R. F. _ 7,140 Reichel, P. _ 4,800 Reichert, P. _ 4,345 Reid, R. W. _ 1,085 Reinke, R. _ 4,800 Rende, R _ _ 6,660 Renney, G. _ 6,952 Rennie. E. D. - 7,444 Renstrom, S. - 8,078 Renwick, E. _ 8,073 Travel $ 13 71 702 19 1,183 50 131 2 1,407 22 1,452 258 696 1,877 17 525 52 3,197 171 19 4 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 163 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Renwick, G. J. _ 2,955 — Reside, J. M. _. _ 8,328 — Rhead, C. _ 910 — Rhode, H. _ 3,529 — Richards, J. C. _ 328 — Richardson, F. H. _ 4,800 — Richardson, H. S. _ 1,648 — Richardson, J. R. 1,089 — Richmond, D. _ 8,676 — Rickard, D. J. — . 1,071 — Ridley, C. K. - 5,040 — Rigby, Mrs. G. A. - 4,128 — Rigby, J. . — 7,519 2 Riley, A. W. - 5,100 65 Riley, D. - 5,075 — Rink, F. - 4,814 — Rive, P. - _ 1,532 598 Roach, H. H. _ 7,015 — Roberts, H. _ 4,800 — Roberts, R. D. _ 370 — Robertson, C. _ 6,959 — Robertson, Mrs. E. _ 4,015 — Robertson, J. S. _ 4,980 248 Robertson, K. A. 6,720 — Robertson, W. G. ~ 9,000 130 Robichaud, J. _ 2,738 — Robinson, E. A. _ 5,280 — Robinson, J. _ 400 — Robinson, R, G. _ 1,756 11 Robinson, R. L. 7,867 — Robson, L. _ 15,060 700 Rochat, P. W. 5,410 — Rocheleau, Mrs. M. B. J. A. _ _ _ _ 3,720 — Rocheleau, R. R. ... 2,320 — Rohn, Miss G. S. 744 — Roland, Mrs. C. A. 2,138 — Romain, J. A. _ 8,070 319 Ronning, J. B. _ 7.502 — Roose, Mrs. M. E. _ _ 3,720 — Roper, G. _ 4,740 — Rora, Mrs. B. A. .. 3,486 — Rose, H. . - 4,769 — Rose, W. H. 4,800 — Ross, Mrs. D. G. ... 3,908 — Roth, J. . _ _ 987 — Rothwell, A. L. _ _ 7.140 — Rothwell, Miss L. E. 2,438 — Rough, K. M. _ 6,963 — Routley, R. E. _ _ 7,435 — Rowse, A. E. _ _ 7,824 — Rozell, G. F. - _ 4,969 — Rueger, E. R. - _ 5,400 — R iitenbeek, J. H. ._ _ 4,372 — Rumball, G. E. - 4,800 — Ruppel, Mrs. T. H. E. .._ 4,050 — Rushby, C. L. _ _ 1,522 — Rushton, C. E . . 9,360 — Russell. A. - 10,380 1,687 Rutley, T. A. - _ 8,820 67 Rypstra, A. _ 5,280 — Sagmoen, Mrs. H. F. M. 3,669 — Samoyloff, G. _ _ 8,004 98 Sampson, L. J. - _ 5,020 — Sandstrom, A. E. ~ 8,820 676 Sargent, J. A . . _ 8,340 39 Sarsfield, E. W. . _ 1,447 — Sbrocchi, M. _ 3,056 — Scales, W. V. _ 7,012 — Schafer, L. A. - 1,225 80 Schalke, B. A. .... 1,782 — Schalke. Mrs. E. V. 2.592 — Schat, P _ _ 6,900 19 Schendel, H. _ 7,032 — Schimmeyer, H. R. . _ 6,900 — Schmidt, A. _ 6,825 91 Schmidt, D. E. 6,900 — Schmidt, F. F. .. _ 5,280 — Schmidt, O. A. 5,510 17 Schmunk, W. _ 7,140 57 Schroeder, K. _ 4,870 — Schuetze, A. F. 6,900 — Schulenburg, E. V. . 306 — Schulmeister, J. 7,404 377 Schultz, E. _ _ 596 — Schumaker, Mrs. V. M _ 3,720 — Schuurman, D. . . 5,320 — Scott, Mrs. A. 3,010 — Scott, F. — . . 5,118 3 Scott, H. E. _ 472 — Scott, J. H. _ ... 6,780 42 Scott, L. G. _ 6,900 — Scott, Mrs. M. J. 5,015 650 Salary $ 5,355 6,923 3,828 6,780 5,340 5,340 7,489 4,836 253 Travel $ 7 Scott, R. J. . . . Scott, T. F. ... . . Scott, Mrs. V. C. - ... Scriven, E. R. . - 9 Sculthorpe, G. L . Seedhouse, E. 3 Sevmour, S. J. 7 Shannik, C. E. ...... .. Shannon, C. E. 100 Sharp, F. 10,380 7.980 5,100 4.980 4,740 5,427 9,540 4,708 4,924 Sharpies, F. _ 4 Shields, G. D. _ ... Shirey, F. W. . . ._ Shirritt, A. W . — Shorman, T. A _ Short, A. G. 1,015 Short, J. B . Shpeley, M. . . . _ Shpiruk, W . . . . 6,813 8,460 6,264 5,400 5,040 4,980 3,213 _ Shutty, L. _ _ . 1,152 Sidhu, J. S. .... _ Sigfusson, S F. - Silhernagel, R _ Silvester, Mrs. E. A. _ Simpson, E. J. _ ... — Simpson, F. B . . 9,540 239 Simpson, J. R. . . . 13,980 8,460 3,684 5,607 3,706 7,140 7,080 7,124 3,897 190 Sinclair, R. O. .. Siren, Mrs. R. E. Sirianni, A . . . — 1,795 Sjostrom, Mrs. I. M. _ Sketchlev, D. F.. - — Slater, K. R. _ Slavin, F. .... . . . _ Slavin, T. A. _ _ _ Slugoski, B. R. _ 4,500 2,039 6,900 7,440 6,300 9,360 784 _ Smith, A. E. . .. . Smith, A I. _ Smith, C. L. . 58 Smith, G. J. Smith, J. . . . . .. . ... 52 Smith, J. B . Smith, J. F.. 8,460 4,920 6,756 350 Smith, Mrs. J. F. ..... . Smith. J. G. 301 Smith, R. _ _ 2,512 896 Smith, R. A. ___ Smith. R. I,. 4,800 13,980 3,139 2,225 1,647 4,800 6,630 5,280 94 _ Smith, S. _ _ . ... 151 Smith, W. J . Smith, W. L. Snider, F. R. _ _ Sommerfeld, E. E. — Sorenson, K S. 72 Spaeti, F. F. Speaker, E. F. ._ .... _ Spear, R. F. 11,500 386 309 Spearman, G F. Speller, S. M. _ .. 2,720 5,778 Spenceiey, K. A . 30 Spijksma, J. _ _ 5,040 800 S’taeev, W A Stafford, W . . . 4,920 462 Stairs, P. I. _ . Stalzer, Miss A. M. 1,806 3,579 5,285 4,800 5,040 4,180 5,110 689 Staniforth, Mrs. K. I. _ Stasiuk, FI. E. _ — 33 Statham, H. H. L. ~ . Steam, T Steel, A. Steel, J. J. . Stelkia, F Stenson, T. F 4,800 6,935 Stephan, L. A. . .. . . Stephens, R. E. . . _ 2,925 8,460 125 Stephenson, N. M. . ..... 362 Sterling, J. W. 3,533 8,426 6,939 4,800 4,128 1,686 10,380 3,327 1,886 6,188 7,440 6,900 3,131 5,280 5,192 5,766 3,720 6,630 1,502 Stevens, A. D. . ... 36 Stevens, F A Stevens, L. F. _ _ Stevens, Mrs. M. N. . Stevenson, C. J. 170 Stevenson, H. I. _ . Stevenson, R. G. H. _ Stewart, H. A. _ _ — 571 941 Stewart, J. _ _ Stiles, H. J. .. _ 2 Stillman, D. A _ _ St inner, S T Stirling, D. _ Stirling, J. P . . Stirling, W. _ . 597 Stock, Mrs. J. F . Strating, B. G. Stretch" W. H. _ . . _ Strickland, Mrs. P. M. _ Salary $ 558 Travel $ Stubley, R. W. _ 5,372 — Sturdy, F. D. _ _ _ 12,900 990 Sturt, J. M. _ 845 — Suffern, F. W. .... _ 3,273 — Sutton, H. H. _ _ 8,098 95 Sutton, R. L. _ _ _ .... 5,240 — Swanson, G. D. _ 486 — Syrett, N. R _ _ _ _ 5,040 — Tabak, A. _ _ 5,520 — Talbot, E. J. _ .. 5,040 — Tammivaara, J. L. _ _ 4,740 — Tantrum, W. E. _ _ _ 3,309 — Tattrie, W. J _ _ 9,960 589 Taylor, Mrs. D. I. _ 310 — Taylor, E. _ _ _ 6,756 — Taylor, J. F. _ _ 8,676 — Teal, H. H. _ _ _ _ 4,843 — Tennant, J. J. . . . 5,796 — Thacher, R. G. _ 5,040 — Thiesen, A. C. _ 1,041 — Thomas, Mrs. L. M. _ ._ 2,829 — Thompson, D. H. _ 7,824 — Thompson, D. K. _ 5,281 — Thompson, T. _ 3,710 — Thomson, W. A. _ 9,120 412 Thornton, A. ... _ 4,920 — Thorsen, D. E. _ 6,065 — Thorsen, O. _ _ _ 6,997 — Tifenbach, VV. . _ 4,560 4,128 _ Tims, Mrs. M. _ _ Todosichuk, B. _ 6,394 270 Toft, Mrs. M _ _ 4,980 — Toller, S. R. _ 9,750 567 Topliffe, H. R . . . 931 — Torok, G. J. ... _ 708 — Townsend, W. A. _ 800 — Tracey, Mrs. E. A. _ 4,128 7 Tracey, J. R. _ 3,518 — Tregear, S. J . . . . 4,800 — Trent, F. A _ _ 7,824 — Trotter, A. A. _ 8,460 805 Trueman, C. S. _ _ _ 9,360 344 Tucker, A. R. _ 3,291 — Turcotte, D. _ _ _ 4,673 285 Turgeon, R. J. _ 4,701 — Turnbull. J. G. _ _ 8,460 1,242 Turner, T. W. _ _ _ _ 7,980 — Turner, W. D. _ 5,040 — Turner, W. P. _ 5.220 — Tutton, H. _ 7,067 572 Twamley, B. R. _ 34 — Twamley, Mrs. D. A. _ 5,076 — Twiss, R Q. _ _ 4,788 305 Tyers, J. D. O . 186 — Tyrrell, J. _ 261 — Tyrrell, Mrs. W. _ 2,337 — Tyson, D. M . . 8,040 — Ukrainetz, B. _ 5,056 — Ulmer. J. S _ _ 4,140 — Underwood, N. B. .... _ 5,340 — Unger, G. _ _ _ 3,150 — Unsworth, R. F . 5,423 — Unwin, J. G. „ _ 4,745 — Uren, J. W. _ 7,935 — Vale, R. H. _ _ 11,400 997 Valenta, Mrs. H. J. _ 3,738 — - Valentin, J. _ 7,284 66 Valentine. M. _ 73 — Van Oene, G. B. _ 5,943 — Van Bruggen, J. _ _ 75 — Van Den Emster, F. H. . 1,740 — Van Der Heydt, W. F. _ 6,872 — Van Dyke, P. J. _ 4,800 — Van Gilder, O. A. _ 1,656 — Van Hoepen, C. _ 4,920 — Van Volkenburg, G. _ 4,800 — Vancornewal, A. _ 7,140 — Vanderboor, B. _ 7,284 66 Vanderburgh, H. C. _ 2,238 — Vaughan, R. _ 7,001 420 Veach, W. E. _ 7,892 7 Vernon, J. W. _ _ _ 5,522 18 Vickers, A. E. _ _ _ 5,700 1,686 Viggers, R. J. ... . . — 3,839 23 Vistaunet, C. L. _ 4,840 — Vistaunet, S. M. _ 4,700 — Vivian, B. J _ _ 8,160 465 Vocat, D. _ 5,299 — Vogt, H . 6,014 510 Von Niederhausern, A. _ 4,920 — Wade, C. P _ _ 7,158 97 Wagstaff. J . . 2,819 3,560 42 Wain, A. _ 164 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Wainwright, J. _ Wakeham, J. R. _ Walker, B. _ Walker, C. D. _ Walker, D. R. _ Walker, J. C. _ Walker, J. R. _ Wallace, B. G. D. _ Wallace, Mrs. D. M. _ Wallace, R. J. _ Wallden, D. A. _ Walters, G. J . . Walton, N. M. _ _ _ Ward, E. J. _ Ward, Mrs. J. P. - Ward, J. S . . . Ward, P. - Ward, R. W. _ Ward, T. G . . Ware, H. J. _ _ _ Warner, W. G . _ . Watson, F. M. _ _ _ Watt, J. R _ _ Watts, V. G. _ _ _ Weaver, Mrs. H. M. - Webster. D. B. _ Welch, Miss C. _ _ _ Weir, G. R. _ Weiss, G. _ Welch, P. R. _ Welwood, S. _ Wendt, G. — . . Wenstob, W. B. _ Werhun, A. - West, Miss C. P. _ West, E. S. _ _ _ Kieman, Hon. W. K., Min¬ ister _ _ _ _ Turner, D. B., Deputy Minister (to Sept. 30, 1968) _ _ McWilliams, H. G. (paid as Deputy Minister from Oct. 1, 1968) _ Abbott, D. N. - Abel, D. V. _ Abel, H. A. _ Acara, H. A. _ Aho, R. M. - Ahrens, R. H. _ Aivazoff, M. A. _ Alix, J. C. Allman, J. A. _ _ Anderson, E. V. _ Anderson, Miss G. A. _ Andresen, F. V. _ Andrist, J. M. - - Andrusak, H. Appenzeller, R. G. Applegath, M. G. . Ash, D. M. Atherton, L. W. _ Atkinson, L. C. _ Baker, D. _ Baker, Miss L. M. - Baker, M. L. Balatti, V. A. Balcombe, A. G. — . Baldry, M. G. - Balkwill, J. A. _ Ball, D. L. _ Bandy, P. J. _ Barker, D. J. - Bamum, W. G. - - Barr, T. D. _ Barry, F. A. Salary Travel Salary Travel $ $ $ $ 5,040 — Weston, H. G. . . 4,874 — 6,305 — Weszycki, R. _ 7,422 — 8,460 201 Whale, H. V. _ 10,380 1.895 8,064 — Wheatley, R. L . . 2,000 — 4,800 — Whipple, J. A. H. _ 7.802 — 5,535 — Whitby, W. B. _ 7,710 104 3,225 217 Whitcutt, Mrs. E. E . . 4,608 — 6,630 711 White, 11. W. 4,740 — 1,276 — White, T. G. . . . . 9,300 2.785 7,140 — White, T. O. _ _ _ 8,460 — 4,807 — Whiting, R. S. _ 7,200 103 7,140 — Wickens, Mrs. E. B. _ 3,270 — 5.040 — Wickens, P. J. . . 33 — 6,720 305 Wicks, R. H. _ _ _ 4,800 — 470 — Widmer, E. V. _ _ _ 6,729 66 5,657 — Wiens, A. J. _ 7.572 566 6,900 — Wilander, Mrs. M. R. E. 1.207 — 1,984 — Wilcox, G. I _ 7,764 — 375 — Wilczak, W. A. . . . 2,668 — 4.918 — Wilford, R _ _ 7.140 — 4,800 — Wilgenhof, J. _ 6,780 — 4,800 — Wilk, J. _ _ 5,505 — 1,579 — Wilkins, W. G _ _ 6,795 — 5,359 54 Williams, E. ..... _ 7,693 — 4,092 — Williams, J. L. W. _ 5,040 — 4,871 — Williamson, K _ _ 930 — 1,802 — Williamson, Mrs. V. F _ 2,394 — 8,460 2,409 Willis, J. E. _ _ _ _ _ 4,800 — 5,476 — Willis, Mrs. M. _ 3,720 — 8,070 944 Wiilott. F. _ _ _ 3,327 — 4,850 — Willumsen, K. B. _ 8,985 — 6,709 158 Wilson, D. R. _ 6,791 — 7.284 256 Wilson, D. R. _ 467 — 257 — Wilson, E. J. . . 8,580 2.261 1,287 — Wilson, H. _ _ _ 3,866 — 5,520 — Wilson, N. F . . . . 4.668 — 7,263 ' Wilson, N. J . 3,360 1 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CON Salary Travel Salary Travel $ $ $ $ Bell, V. G . . . . 1,651 52 17,500 2,771 Belton, D. E. J. _ 740 25 Belway, L. M. 7,710 235 Bennett, C. A. _ _ 5,485 615 10,000 1,081 Berchtold, F. . . . 1,831 — Bergson, J. C. _ 2,122 — Berry, B. W. 6,471 255 18,100 1,620 Bertoli, Mrs. S. D. 4,788 — 9,750 562 Betcher, W. J. _ .. 845 — 561 — Billings, Mrs. M. L. _ 3,768 — 4,538 — Blackburn, T. J. _ _ 859 — 10,860 1,735 Blackmore. K. W . 316 — 3,430 — Blain, L. A _ _ 627 — 14,250 2,848 Blair, C. V. _ 520 — 261 — Blair, R. C. _ _ 157 — 995 — Block, E. _ . 380 — 1,659 — Blood, D. A. _ _ 9,960 1,022 755 3 Blower, W. E _ _ 6,264 439 132 — Blue, T. A. . _ _ _ 3,060 — 4,322 — Blundell, E. A. _ 750 — 64 — Blunt, A. C. _ ... .. 2,711 _ 3,920 722 Boleen, D. V _ _ .... 3,406 — 77 — Bone, J. N. . . ... 5,076 461 84 — Bopp, V. K. .. ...... . . 5,910 32 1,905 — Bosma, A. _ 4,813 — 193 — Bostock, K. D _ _ 6,515 767 357 — Boulton, P. F. _ _ 772 _ 22 — Bourne, A. V. 212 — 861 — Bowles, K. T. _ _ 4,016 — 1,962 — Braes, Mrs. W. F. _ 968 _ 188 — Bragg, D. J. _ ... 54 — 2,678 65 Bravender, Miss B. A. _ 1,613 657 Wilson, R. J. _ _ Wilson, W. J . . . Winger, W. J. _ Wingham, D. B. _ Winter, E. R. _ Wittenberg, H. H . . . Wittneben. G. K. H. H... Wohlgemuth, A. E. _ Wood, J. A. _ _ Wood. J. F. _ Wood, R. G _ _ Woodhall, N. _ Woods, A. . . . Wouters, T. F. _ Wright, J. L . . Wycesany, Mrs. A. _ _ Wycherley, G. R. _ Wymer, G. _ _ _ Yau, W. K. K _ Yonkers, H. _ Young, G. H. W. _ Young, G. P. L. _ Zeibin, M. _ _ Zoney, J. _ Zotek, M. _ Zuehlke, C. _ Zytar, N. _ Automobile and other un¬ allocated departmental travelling included in the Schedule of Payments _ Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ Salary Travel $ $ 1,227 — 9,406 61 4,800 — 6,780 9 2.892 — 4,800 — 7,284 — 2,236 — 6,144 45 5,057 999 1,200 — 4,800 — 3,941 — 5,280 — 11,700 776 3,720 — 2,954 — 39 — 989 — 4,920 — 4,800 — 3,300 — 638 276 4,634 — 1,158 — 5,280 — 4,125 — — 41,168 .+9,920 —1,572 8,058,423 264,883 Bartram, L. R. _ Baxter, R. W. __ Beale, Miss R. L. Beam, J. M. Beauchamp, R. D. Beckett, K. R. — Becotte, L. E. _ Beebe, F. L. _ Beedle, A. _ Bell, R. H. _ 6,504 895 10,860 1,152 96 1,953 1,432 232 1,510 472 136 1,223 5,580 2,988 9,180 263 155 401 1,040 659 21 302 55 88 Bray, G. R. _ 2,428 — Brayshaw, T. C. _ 9,000 534 Bready, N. E. _ 6,480 — Brewer, R. H. ______ 498 23 Brewer, T. B. _ 2,652 — Briggs, C. G . . . 1.076 — Brittain, F. W. _ 5,580 — Broadland, T. R. _ 11,400 2,036 Brokx, J. C _ _ 19 — Brooke, D. J. _ _ 913 — Brooks, R. L. _ . _ 2,445 42 Broswick, R _ _ 154 • — Brown, C. P. _ 3,344 793 Brown, E. J. _ 1,501 — Brown, L. H. _ 5,596 — Brown, R. H . . 546 — Bruce, P. G. _ 3,771 777 Bruce, R. _ 183 — Brunner, B. M. _ Bull, C. J. _ Burkholder, Mrs. H. M. _ Burns, J. E., Jr. _ Burt, A. C. _ Burt, D. D. _ Bury, J. R . . Buskey, W. R. _ Butler, H. T. _ Caddell, J. S. _ _ _ Caddell, N. C. _ _ _ Cain, M. R. _ _ _ Camley, Mrs. L. A. _ Campbell, A. B. _ Campbell, B. Campbell, D. W. _ Campbell, J. M. _ Campbell, R. J. _ Campbell, R. W. _ Campeau, L. A. _ Canning, L _ _ Carl, G. C. _ Carlson, D. H. _ Carlson, N. _ _ 1,013 Salary $ 577 5,572 4,362 1,629 1,338 5,040 488 299 8,180 878 3,948 8,160 1,787 5,071 1,548 3.664 1.664 2,261 1,730 7,422 4,113 13,980 4,057 Travel $ 440 160 215 1,561 26 398 35 47 701 13 145 Carlson, N. R. Carr, G. H. _ Carr, G. R. _ Carruthers, D. M. Carter, Mrs. C. J. Carter, E. P. _ Cartwright, A. M. 164 506 4,584 7,860 4,788 77 14 10,010 Cartwright, J. W, Cassie, J. R. _ _ 1,763 Caton, Miss B. B. _ 728 Caverhill, P. A. _ 1,556 Chaplin, M. D. _ _ 308 Chapman, E. S. _ 249 Chatwin, J. C. _ 7,020 Chelovsky, J. A. _ _ _ 1,360 Cherwonak, W. M. _ _ 923 Chidlow, M. N. _ 1,263 Chisholm, E. G. _ 5,172 Christensen, K. W. _ 1,915 Christian, G. R. _ 100 Christiansen, J. L. _ _ 180 Christieson, W. L. _ 473 Church, E. _ _ _ 318 Clapp, B. E. _ 5,926 Clarke, A. G. _ 1,867 Clarke, A. N. _ 7,560 22 188 952 9 80 313 19 1,313 29 612 165 SALARIES, WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CONSERVATION — Continued Ciiffe, P. M _ _ Salary 7,020 Travel $ 654 Coates, D. F. - 3,717 — Cochet, W. K. _ 3,019 — Coles, W. R . - _ 860 _ Cook, L. E. .. . .. 8,820 467 Cook, L. G. . 5,292 1,684 29 Coombes, F. M. - Cope, F. G. _ 6,756 508 Corby, L. W. - 6,504 50 Cordiner, D. _ 3,087 — Corrigall, J. R _ _ 212 — Corris, R. W. _ 1,374 — Cossitt, H. G. _ 1.075 — Costello, G. R. _ 523 — Cox, L. J. ... - 7,980 830 Crampton, D. H. _ 2,267 11 Crawford, W. J. . . . 43 — Crawford, W. M. - 535 — Creasey, H. S. - - — 4.524 — Crowe, Miss D. R . 814 — Crowley. M. A . . . 4.980 1,561 Crummy, Miss M. E. K._ 4.788 — Daniel, C. S. _ 812 11 Daniel, Mrs. J. _ 3.631 — Dann, F. _ 6,840 232 Dannhauer, L. M. _ 4.076 39 Darkis, C. M. _ 8.820 749 Dauncey, C. M. _ : — 3.416 301 Davidson. D. K . . .... 7.404 32 Davies. W. T . . . 5,910 459 Davis, M _ _ 72 — Davis, S. B. _ 135 21 Davison, Miss P. A. F. .... 4,050 — De Jong. Miss S. M. 372 — De Lair. J. L. 6,264 798 Debruin. W. E _ _ 1.067 — Deguerre, D. T. _ 337 — Delikatny, F. P . . 7,860 76 Demarchi. R. A . 9,180 1.442 Denis. K. E. _ 1,466 — Desharnais, R D . 25 — Dickson. V. P. C . — 1.972 — Dixon. R. _ 74 — Dodds. M. E. _ 1.915 20 Doerr, J. A. J . . 1.661 — Doerr, J. E. _ 7.380 — Dolha, J. A . . 1.960 — Douglas, P. F. _ 697 4 Dueck, I) _ 140 — Dueck. H. N. _ 6,504 153 Dye. D - - - 308 — F.amrien. P. _ 60 — Eastman. D. S . 9,000 1,253 Easton. M. D. L. _ 1.309 5 Edwards, B. _ 727 8 Eggen. D. 11 _ 7,680 652 Elgaard, A. J. _ 1.622 — Elgaard. Miss .1 _ 1.537 — Elliott. W. M. _ 64 — Ellis. C. G. _ _ _ 7.020 827 Ennest. W. A. 5.267 — Erickson. C. L. _ 97 — Estlin. C. E . . . . 9,540 1.263 Ewart. P. D. _ _ _ 7,020 391 Fairhurst, G. A. _ 10,380 851 Falk. D. 641 — Farquharson, R. R. - 7.020 821 Farrow, H. T. _ 4 064 — Ferguson, D. W. _ 777 — Ferguson. G _ _ 187 — Ferguson. G. A . . 8.460 1.008 Berlin, K. A. - - - 2.175 — Ferrero. J. B _ _ 5.796 — Field, I. . . 200 — Finegan. R. H. P. _ 8.820 268 Fladmark, K. R. . . 1,743 2 Flebbe. S. M. 453 — Fleck. J. L. _ 4.204 559 Fleischer, R. A. _ 660 23 Flint. H. _ 2.426 — plovd. J. M. 2.240 151 Foeh-Dohmsmidt, Mrs. C. E. . . - -- 1 30 — Foottit, R. G. _ _ _ 1,298 12 Forbes, Mrs. B. H. _ 3.684 — Forbes. J. 2,288 10 Foreman. T.. S. A. 1 .SdQ — Forsvthe. W. J. _ _ 7.860 1.230 portin. L. ... . . 813 — Foster, Miss D. E. ..... 814 — Foster, J. B . . . 8,420 393 Fowkes, W. H . . 7.020 517 Fowler, W. H. _ 640 — Salary Travel $ $ Fox, J. H _ _ 6.264 488 Fox, J. R. . . 157 16 Fraser, K . . . 1,395 — Fraser, Mrs. O. E. M. _ 1,950 — Fraser, R. A. _ 213 — Fraser, T. A. . 7,020 1,013 Frisby, A. S . . . 7,020 571 Froelich, A. G. _ _ 4,505 — Fry, R. M. _ 1,394 — Fryer, L. M . . 281 — Gaglardi, C. E. _ 6,504 73 Gagnon, J. P _ _ 1,170 — Galbraith, D. M. _ 10,380 1,506 Garcin, Mrs. L. B. _ 4,788 — Gardner, Miss J. I. _ 2,361 — Gardner, M. R. _ 594 — Gates, B. R _ 9,000 472 Gates, Mrs. E. G. _ 188 — Geater, J. C. _ _ 174 — Gibault, J. P. _ 8,820 815 Gibson, R. E. _ 7,560 532 Gill, A. F _ 7,020 436 Gill, R. P. _.. _ 911 — Gluschenko, P. F. _ 6,504 8 Gobey, K. C. _ 161 20 Goddard. M. E. _ 10,380 2,650 Goff, D. B. _ 270 — Golby, W. J. _ 644 — Gold, Miss E. E. _ 289 — Goossen, H. A. _ 174 — Gordon, G. J. _ 3,461 34 Gosling, G. D. _ 6,996 592 Gough, D. G. _ 3,026 — Graham, M. P. . . 3,776 — Grams, G. E. _ 135 — Grant, Mrs. M. L. _ 3,596 — Grant, Miss P. C. _ 829 — Gray, D. W. _ 6,264 536 Green, B. S. _ 1,031 — Green, D. E. _ 7,680 110 Green, G. P _ 2,216 — Green, J. T. _ 402 184 Green, N. W _ 7,860 1,034 Green, R. A. _ 335 — Greene, Mrs. A. _ 270 — Griffith, D. H _ _ _ 6,630 201 Grover, E. G. _ 1,953 — Guay, R. J _ 6,624 104 Guiguet, C. J. _ 10,860 1,195 Guyer, J. W. _ 1,097 122 Guyer, W. T _ 1,259 123 Haag, W. R. _ 97 — Haddleton, W. D. _ 7,020 225 Haddock, P. S. _ _ 1,986 — Hall, G. G. _ _ 249 66 Hall, Mrs. I. M. . . 307 — Hall, J. L. M. _ 6,504 81 Hall, J. L. _ 1,533 103 Halsey, T. G . . . 9,540 1,000 Hames, A. M. _ 7,020 352 Hamlin, J. V . . 830 — Hammond, C. C . . 9,540 2,272 Hanchar, W. _ 424 — Hanning, Miss J. M. _ 4,128 — Hansen, B. A. _ _ _ 1,663 — Hansen, W. A. _ 2,358 558 Harcombe, A. P. _ 741 26 Hargreaves, R. O. _ 171 — Harker, L. G. _ 5,920 99 Harman, F. T. _ 5,760 — Harmsworth, L. F. _ 5,910 745 Harrington, L. M. _ 80 — Harris, W. E. _ 2,861 • — Harrison, A. S. _ 4,741 929 Harrison, D. A. _ 798 — Harrison, R. L. _ 1,895 — Hartman, G. F _ _ 3,735 544 Haston, W. _ 567 — Hatter, J. - 15,060 1,838 Havelaar, H. A. _ 1,981 — Hayden, Mrs. N. 1 . 2,508 36 Hazledine, W. R . 5,916 798 Heatherington, A. J. _ 7,860 304 Hefti, K . 1,182 — Heggie, W. R. C . 7,284 — Heidt, F. M. . 6,024 33 Heidt, Mrs. M. R . . 1,331 — Hendricks, G. E. _ _ 4,101 627 Hendry, G. W. _ 135 — Henry, J. H. _ 1,082 — Henry, P. T. _ _ _ 88 9 Hepper, W. H. _ 10,380 848 Herman, G. J. - 5,796 — Hetherington, T. A. _ 2,634 — Higgins, A. J. - 562 — Hill, T. W. Salary 2,097 1,218 96 Travel $ Hillis, J, Ft _ 49 - - 265 . 5,796 5,580 - FTilfnn, Tames 49 Hindson, E. V . Holz, A. _ ... 798 1,350 4 Honey, M. L. _ 123 _ Hoover, A. L . 5,522 97 268 Hopper, R. B. . . 231 ___ Horvath, O . - 1,360 _ House, M. J. _ Houston, W. M. . 151 3,516 — Howard, B. L. 1,384 - - H^w^rthJ Cf F.r 2,184 2,635 5,580 _ HrnrtPk, P, W, _ Huckin, R. D . . _ Huiberts, J. A. 3,297 151 6,120 6,120 7,380 2,491 762 __ Humphrey, Miss S. P. _ Humphreys, R M 19 Hunt, F, C_ _ 645 Hunt; H 50 Hunter, B. D . Hunter, J. D . _ Hunter, T. 6,504 10,860 7,318 283 82 Hurn, D. R . 564 Hurst, C H Hurst, F. T. _ Hutchinson, K. R . . . 875 _ Ihlen, G R 646 _ Imai, F. M. .... . . 3,537 2,527 1,431 _ Inkster, R. G. W. _ - Innendorfer, R. F. . . . _ Jack, Mrs. E. J. ... . 845 lark, R S 4,741 466 _ Tackle, S _ James, A. M. __ . 5,910 5,656 174 _ Jameson, S. E. _ Jason, D H 715 Jenkins, A G W 5,101 1,152 1,999 327 134 Tensen, G J. Jensen, H. B. _ _ Jensen, J. K 49 Johansen, M. E. _ 3,276 8,820 2,572 299 Johansen, O. N. _ 801 Johnson, Miss E. M. _ _ Johnson, G. Johnson, G. W. 1,734 5,796 1,197 1,761 344 526 Johnson, L. E . . Johnston, D W _ Johnston. R G. Johnstone, I. R . _ Jones, F . . .. 541 . Jones, Miss L. K. . Jones, R K 2,087 833 — Jordan, J. F.. 579 _ Jorde, G R. 844 _ Joy, K. R. . . 9,750 60 1,822 Juhas, R. M . . .. Jnhasz, G. 725 _ Kannenburg, F. J. _ 5,800 555 35 Kansky, Mrs. S. A. . Karas, Miss I. D. . . Kare.lis, N 1,678 69 — Karup, A. G . 7,020 7,284 1,641 1,099 Kemp, J. F. G . Kemp, W. R . . 1,595 2,083 1,914 Kemper, J. B. . 1,149 Keni'ston, Mrs. M. _ Kennedy, J. B. 1,943 1,778 559 130 Kerkhof, G. A. 22 Kerridge, D. C. ... . 140 Ketcham, J. S. 245 20 Khadikin, L. .. .... 3,684 5,888 227 440 Kielau, D. L. 597 Kiernan, H. A. King, F. F. 1.529 __ King, G. . 1,616 3,618 7,020 911 - King, Mrs. L. M. . . _ King, R. S. . . 500 Kinnehro, P G Kirhv, H' H 306 ■ K irhv* P J 6,888 629 443 Kitpou, J. A. Kitpou, W . . . 1,194 245 _ K1ot7, P T, 16 Kniess, H. _ _ _ 7,140 4,128 193 666 Knowles, Mrs. L . . Knudsen, I. E. _ . _ Knudsen, Miss J. _ ~ 4,284 4,788 3,087 _ . 62 Kohlmann, W. H . — 166 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CONSERVATION — Continued Salary Travel $ $ Konings, A. . . . 5,059 — Koster, G. D. 77 — Koster, G. L. _ 377 — Kristjanson, S. J. . . 6,504 — Kruper, R. R . 220 — Krushelnicki, G. - 154 — Kubinec, J . . 113 — Kuhn, R. J. . 5,580 — Kulyk, W. .... 972 — Kuyek, W . . . ... 2,000 — Kyte, J. E. - 1,755 74 Labossiere, Miss J. C. — 994 — Lackey, D. L. 1,916 477 Laing, G. A. 3,377 824 Lam, H. 2,346 1,239 Lampard, R. J. . 3,235 — Laszlo, R. 822 7 Latto, C. B. - 539 — Laufert, A. W. _ 82 — Lawson, Miss M. I. - 6,504 30 Lawson, S. R. _ 251 — Lay, J. T _ 7,020 563 Leggett, J. W. - 3,301 1,078 Leighton, R. K. ._ 7,560 472 Leman, J. C. 8,580 1,478 Lemke, B. I. _ _ _ 2,065 490 Lemke, L. H _ _ 6,756 839 Lenfesty, W. J. N. - 7,020 360 Leschiutta, Miss I. G. — 3,364 — Lesowski, J. _ _ _ 7,140 514 Leuenberger, H. D. - - 5,340 637 Levy, G. L. _ 12,360 2,227 Lewis, H. S. _ .... 6,783 1,021 1 evvis, J. R. . . . . 664 107 Lindquist, O. _ _ 489 — Lines, G. A. - 7,020 635 Lisle, D. J. _ _ _ 166 — Little, W. G. _ .... 7,795 313 Littlejohn, D. J. _ 274 — Liznick, D. R. _ 100 — Lobb, R. I. - - - 3,276 — Lockhart, D. M . . . . 5,688 — Lockie, Mrs. D. G. - 4,788 — Lockstead, R. D. . . ... 319 — Lomas, L. A. _ — 3,744 130 Lorance, H. J. _ — 7,140 886 Low, D. J . . 5,688 992 Lowe, R. _ — 41 — Lowrey, R. - 11,400 2,857 Lunan, C. R. _ 1,363 — Lundgren, A. - , - 2,499 — L ussier, R. E _ _ — 7,068 694 Lutack, W. P _ _ 1,365 — I.vne, J. F . . . .... 952 — Lyons, J. C. - - 9,960 1,718 MacDonald, G. . — 6,024 340 MacDonald, S. J. _ 2,604 509 MacGregor, K. G - - 1,142 — MacKill, J. V - - - 7,469 1,717 MacLeod, Mrs. A. D. — 3,031 — MacMillan, R. W. - 4,698 203 MacMurchie, D. L. - 12,900 28 MacNab, G. F. .... ... - 11,400 1,464 MacNair, P. L. - 8,310 557 MacNaughton, F. C. - - 1,488 — Magdanz, H. H. . ... .. 134 — Magnusson, O. _ 1,522 — Makortoff, P. _ 1,058 — Manders. D. W. - - 179 — Manders, T. P. - - 1,229 — Mann, T. O. _ 645 — Manson, W. T. - - 1.812 12 Marchi. L. J . . 1,754 11 Marcv, C. R. — - - 95 — Marpole, J. R. - 468 — Marrs, Mrs. J. M. - 296 — Marrs, R. G. — . . 2,769 — Martin, F. FT. - 7,860 209 Martin, G. E. - 1,288 — Martin, P. W. - 1,289 79 Mason, D. B. - 5,073 17 Mason, W. J. - 7,020 181 Masselink, J. N. - 5,572 599 Massie. S. A. - 263 — Matheson, M. C. - 10,030 331 Matthews, W. H. - 2,336 — Maurer, A. D. - 844 316 Mavers, J. F. - - 560 — Maynard, R. J. 5,076 — McArthur, D. C. - 78 — McCabe, J. A . . 7,020 573 McCaw, Miss M. E . . 39 — McDougall, Miss R. L. — 4,980 — McFarland, F. J. Salary 7,860 Travel $ 125 McFarland, F. J. Jr. _ 5,042 99 McGladdery, W. J . _ 3,087 _ McGowan, E. A. _ 10,380 784 Mcllvride, Miss J. D. _ 4,128 _ McIntosh, D. J. 1,397 _ McIntosh, J. P. 6,840 140 M elver. E. L. ... _ 9 _ Mclvor, C. R. 3,131 498 Mclvor. R. B. 20 _ McKay, Miss D. E. J. ... 1,850 — McKay, K. A. _ 380 — McKay, Miss R. F. _ 4,980 — McKay, R. S. _ 1,149 — McKay, W. A. _ 8,160 175 McLellan, J. A. _ . . 8,820 283 McLeod, B. B. 2,352 — McMynn. R. G. . . 12,360 1,746 McNee, C. B. . 2,253 — McRae, J. P. 760 — McRae, N. A. . 6,264 58 McRae, R. J. ... . 1,554 — Mellaart. J. A . 2.207 — Mellis, J. _ ._ 4,084 _ Menzel, F. D. _ 97 _ Messer, R. J. . 230 — Mewhort, W. C. . 5,796 — Michelsen, F. H. ... 1.926 — Mickey. W. H . . 5,425 67 Miller, Mrs. E. M. 791 — filler, G. M. . _ _ _ 1,404 no Miller, J. . . 179 34 Miller, M. D _ _ 1,201 _ Miller, M. H. _ _ 562 _ Miller, R. G _ _ 3,744 _ Mills, E. R. 594 66 Milne, P. E. _ _ _ 125 _ Milnes, J. G. _ 2,303 _ Mingay, M. R. _ 133 — Mitchell, A. R. _ 6,756 417 Mitchell, H. B. . 10,080 643 Mobbs, W. E . . . . . 1,344 _ Mogge, H. W. _ 228 — Molnar, I. A. _ . _ 297 — Moody, D. M. _ 1,532 — Moore, D. _ ... _ 486 — Moore, G. H. E _ _ 2,340 244 Moore, G. V _ _ _ 3,666 _ Moore, G. W. _ 58 _ Moore, J. J. . . _ 667 82 Moore, J. W. ..... _ 8,640 387 Moore, T. O. _ 8,820 765 Morberg, Mrs. P. C. . . 4,111 — More, K. E. _ _ _ _ 4,534 82 Mori, M _ _ 191 _ Morrison, P. M. 1,764 _ Morrison, W. R. . . 892 _ Morse, G. L. _ 144 20 Morton, Mrs. N. J. _ 1,214 _ Morton, V. E. 209 12 Moss, Miss A. M. _ _ 1,213 _ Moss, D. A. _ _ 932 _ Mowat, Miss J. E . . 3,227 _ Muldoe, G. R. _ 774 _ Muldon, E. P. _ 2,501 _ Mullett, E. M. _ 6,840 41 Mulligan, H. D . . . 7,980 456 Mundy, K. R. D. _ 10,380 2,170 Munn, A. R. _ 3,020 251 Myles, G. R. _ 76 — Nairn, J. A. .... . . 565 — Nakazawa, B. H. _ 5,580 55 Neilson, R. N. O. _ 1,101 — Nelson, Mrs. L. E. _ 894 _ Nelson, Miss M. J. _ 829 _ Newnham, Mrs. S. Y. ..... 4,980 _ Nichols, J. O. ..... _ 3,804 103 Nielson, G. W. _ _ 2,985 924 Nielson, N. A. _ .... 5,580 _ Nigg, H. _ 791 — Niven, T. W. _ .. 5,580 _ Norrish, R. W. _ . ._ 2,062 70 Northcote, T. G. . _ _ 10,860 1,225 O’Sullivan, D. G. _ 6,024 560 Offin, D. F.. 227 31 Osman, J. J. 7,020 632 Ostraas, A. .... _ _ ... 4,698 697 Ostrander, J. H. G. .... ._ 245 39 Otterson, Mrs. D. H. _ 499 — Palmer, G. W. _ 1,206 — Parkhill, J. A. _ . 183 _ Parolin, J. E. . . . 172 — Patsey, G. G. .... _ 1,317 — Patsey, K. E. 340 — Salary Travel $ Patsev, R. K. 60 Pattenaude, Mrs. R. C. _ 1,309 _ Pauli, B. G. _ 7,020 934 Pauli, G. W . . . . 7,200 862 Pauls, B. J . . ... 8,640 1,076 1,444 16 Pavlick, L. E. Peasgood, E. A. _ 3,737 Peebles, F. M. _ 641 _ Pelly, C. R. . 1,464 3,594 Peluso, J. P. . . . . 160 Pentland, R. D . 782 Peters, H. J. _ _ 3,360 _ Petersen, B. C. _ 1,499 332 Peterson, G. R. _ 8,270 1,569 Phelps, J. J. _ _ _ 215 _ Phillips, Mrs. D. A. _ 4,884 _ Phillips, M. W. 2,433 453 38 Phillips, T. T. Pickerill, I. W. . .. 4,284 138 Pierce, T. G. _ _ 2,153 Pinsent, M. E. _ . 2,064 332 Placsko, L. _ _ 1,470 Plavle. N . 328 Podmore, D. G. _ 9,540 864 Poirier, R. L . 10 _ Poisson, D. L. _ 829 _ Pommier, J. _ _ 630 _ Pommier, L 2,635 _ Portingale, H. D. _ 657 53 Pownall. W. _ 1,766 Pratt, Miss C. J. 4,440 3,684 Pratt, Mrs. M. L. _ - Pratt, W. J. _ 7,260 551 Presidente, P. J. .... ... 7,755 2,373 Price, G. R. . 750 Price, R. F. R. 5,715 232 642 Price) R. H. Pruden, G. R. _. . 1,U48 _ Putnam, T. L. . 4,957 149 Quaedvlieg, M. T. . . 2,004 627 Quam, H. O. . . 2,646 — Quanstrom, J. M . 326 — Quanstrom, T. R . 262 30 Quinn, J. M. . 1,223 263 Rainbow, F. R. ..... 6,504 12 Raitt, Mrs. M. A. _ 1,239 _ Ralfs, G. H. . .. 875 — Ramsay, R. V. ... . . 6,840 — Randall, C. F. 2,673 — Randall, Miss N. E. _ 829 _ Rathbone, G. C. . 7,860 358 Rathbone, P. V. _ . 8,640 365 Rauch, E. F . 1,31! — Raymer, R. B. _ 3,833 — Read, G. C . .. . 1,033 — Reed, L. J. _ _ 5,820 — Reheis, M. W. _ _ 6,888 1,054 Reid, K. W, ...... _ _ 29 — Reimer, W. P . . . 1,967 — Renton, F. J. . ... 7,243 1.523 Reynolds, Mrs. P. G. ._ 7.560 — Reynolds, R. W. _ 7,020 533 Richardson, Miss M. I. .. 5,693 — Richmond. W H. _ 7,140 729 Richter, F. M. . 7,020 449 Richter, Mrs. J. M. 3,219 — Ringrose, J. N. _ 1.146 — Riss'.ing, J. P. _ 5,588 450 Ritcey, R. W. ..... _ 9,960 873 Robb, A. A. S. . . . 324 — Robbie, J. R . 1.338 — Robertson, C. A. _ ..... 242 — Robinson, D, J. 13,440 1,833 Robinson, H. F. M. _ 9.180 2,054 Robinson, J. D _ _ 2.890 — Roccamatisi, F. _ _ 393 — Rogers, D. M _ 44,8 — Rogers, J. P. I. _ _ _ 6,024 1,556 Rogers, R. J _ _ 6,264 425 Rolls. W. E. _ 1 1 ,400 677 Romanik. Mrs. K. 2,088 — Roskellev, Miss S. R. _ 1,629 — Rowlands, Mrs. J. M . . 3,828 — Roye, B. P. _ 1,217 - | Ruby, B. A. _ _ _ _ 1,890 - | Rusaw, E. R. _ _ — 187 — Russell, R. A. _ _ _ 7,404 544 Ruston. J. E. . . 2,997 — Rutherford, Mrs. B. M _ 616 — Rutherglen, R. A. . . 7,020 864 Rutherglen, T. J . . 3,255 57 Sage, J. L . . 828 — Samann, E. L. H . . 7,860 890 SALARIES* WAGES, AND TRAVELLING EXPENSES 167 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CONSERVATION — Continued Sampson, C. _ Salary $ 2,285 Travel $ Sampson, C. P. _ 2,449 — Sanderson. Mrs. S. M. _ _ 1.914 — Sanford, k. J. . 571 — Sanford. R. W. _ _ 1,159 82 Sansom, J. H. D. _ 1.812 — Satherlie, G. _ 3,428 — Scheer, E. P . . 4.704 — Schick, W. J . . . 2,439 136 Schmidt, 11 W. _ 6,504 91 Schreiner, Mrs. E. _ _ 4,534 99 Schreiner, S. F. . . 2,543 — Schwarze, G. D _ _ 2,628 — Scott, G. W. . . . 146 — Seaton, R. A. _ 7,020 1.124 Sebastian, D. T. _ 628 — Selkirk. I . . . . . 3.921 46 Sendey, .1 1 1 . . 5,841 541 Sen dev, Mrs. I I . 4.097 — Seredick, R. W. 7.140 796 Serno. B. F . 440 — Shannon. M. _ 3.808 — Shannon, W. E. _ 1.598 — Sharman, Miss B. G . _ 951 — Sharp, D. A. _ 7.020 297 Shaw, D. A. _ 1 1 .400 1 .023 Shaw, L. A . . . . 6.710 412 Sheppard. R. F _ _ 6,264 560 Shook, C. W. . _ 7.860 24 Shore. Mrs. J. E . 2,793 — Simpson, J. G. . . . . 21 — Simpson, Miss L. M. 1.100 — Sinclair, D. C. . . 3,495 417 Sinclair, Mrs. H. J . . 3,887 — Sinclair, R. W. _ 8.820 478 Sjolund, W. R. _ 5.274 422 Slaney, P. A. _ 963 59 Smith, C. M. _ 79 — Smith, E. G. _ 4,703 — Smith, F. C . . - . 6,504 48 Smith. G. W. _ _ 5,796 785 Smith, Miss H. M. _ 1.8-1 7 — Smith, I. D. _ . .. 5,488 794 Smith, .T. C. . . 3.717 383 Smith. L. G. _ _ 8,820 695 Smith, L. W. L . . 464 — Smith, R. G. _ 553 — Smith, W. G. _ '12,360 1.491 Smolik, J. . . . 771 — Smolik, R . . 1,959 — Smyly, Mrs. C. M. _ 999 — Smyly, J. H. 6,504 81 Smythe, G. A. _ 6,444 592 Spalding, D. J . . 9,583 118 2,341 Spark, R. J. _ _ Sparrow, R. A. H. _ 10,380 1.610 Spelsberg. R. _ _ _ 158 — Spriggs, W. M _ _ 9,180 572 Stace-Smith, D. P. _ _ 58 — Staehli, R. . _ _ _ . 1,276 — Standal, Miss D. M. _ 1,810 — Starkey, R. W . . 5,460 573 Stead, M. T. _ _ _ 1,213 — Steele, D. R. _ _ ... 309 — Stein, D. C. _ _ 2,830 78 Stein, G. S . . .... — 399 134 Stenberg, L. J. _ 72 — Stenton, C. F 10,081 39 1,182 Stenvold, C. H. M _ _ Stenvold, R. A. - 277 — Stephens, Miss B. L. _ _ 829 — Stephenson, R. F. _ _ — 6,504 40 Salary Travel $ $ Steuart, D. B _ _ 7,020 225 Stevens, T. _ _ 1,104 — Stirling, D. _ _ 6,888 436 Stone, J. I. _ .. 2,104 — Storry, Miss D. E. . .. 1,325 — Straathof, P. A. _ 522 — Stringer, G. E. _ _ 10,620 2,152 Sturgeon, C. G. . . 2,420 — Sumanik, K. M _ _ 8,760 975 Swanson, FI. _ _. _ 93 — Swayze, G. . . 228 — Swiatkiewicz, V. J. _ 2,393 135 Swift, W. M. . ... ... . 98 — Szczawinski, A. F. . . 10,860 312 Taft, D. J . 220 — Taylor, D. A. ..... . . . 5,910 76 Taylor, G. D. ... . 8,712 2,385 Taylor, G. R. _ 7,020 391 Taylor, Miss S. E. M. _ 3,240 57 Terpenning, J. G. _ 8,820 1,265 Tetachuck, A. M. _ 359 — These, H . . . .. 921 — Thickett, W. . . . 5,580 — Thomas, Miss A _ _ 5,688 42 Thomas, Miss C. D. _ 3,560 — Thomas, G. .. . . . 2,855 — Thomas, R. C. _ 10,860 1,427 Thompson, B. E. _ 6,865 1,345 Thorn, E. _ _ _ 10,860 30 Tiihonen, E. O. _ . .... 84 — Tillotson, G. A. _ 744 — Tkatschow, Mrs. B. L _ 1,453 — Todd, N. L. _ 5,076 726 Tone, V. _ _ _ _ 20 — Trelenberg, D. R. . 1,346 — Trydal, R. E. _ _ .. 2,013 1,188 Turner, D. K. _ 332 — Turner, D. V . . . 5,248 1,215 Turner, W. A. - - - 1,986 — Tyler. II . ..... 8,820 631 Tyler, W. J. G. _ 5,580 468 Udy, D. R. . . . 6,888 277 Underhill, J. E. _ 8,160 527 Unger, Miss M. A. _ 1,857 — Unrau, L. W. . . . 97 — Unrau, P. - - - 3,624 — Ustik, A. ... . - 5,460 — Vaillancourt, L. B. _ _ _ 3,537 — Valentine, R. D. _ _ 48 — Valin, D. L. _ 6,756 827 Vanderplow, J. _ 165 — Vantine, L. B. _ _ _ 6.264 622 Varga, S. - - - - 280 — Varty, J. D . . 6,550 751 Vaughan, C. A. _ 3,087 — Veillette, K. N. J . 933 — Velay, C. J. _ _ _ 13,980 3,850 Vernon, E. H . . 12,360 1,626 Verschuere, J. G. - — 2,635 — Versluce, J. . _ 373 — Villeneuve, B. - 2,088 10 Vincent, G. W . . 7.140 717 Visnoski, G. V. _ 487 — Vittery, R. W. _ . ... 1,315 — Vlahovic, I. D. _ 1,842 — Vogt, L. L. - - 1,512 — Vosburgh, R. N. - - 2,062 19 Voyer, L. J. - - - 281 47 Wakefield, G. H. - - 768 261 Wale, C. _ 180 — Wale, W. W . Salary $ 494 Travel $ Walker, C. .1 7,020 5,276 7,284 4,908 6,270 46 441 Walker, I W. 212 Walter, J. B. L, _ . 1,712 Walters, Mrs. R. M. _ Wandler, P. . _ . — Ward, L. M. _ Wardj L. W. . _ ... 5,996 9,360 1,194 437 Ward, P. R . .. Ward, W. T. 8,460 7,140 6,840 3,631 7,020 817 239 Warren, M. W. . .. . 534 Waters, J. E. Watson, S. C. 324 Webb, W. S. 30 Weger, W. G. WeTbourn, Miss G. G. Wpkmfln, R S. J. 3,756 7,020 10,860 6,144 2,174 4,978 1,953 7,200 3,596 829 225 West, G. A. 794 Whately, M. R. 1,077 Whiskin, D. R. White, D. J. 35 White', W. H Wicker, J. H . 39 Wicks, Mrs. P. L. Wiegand, F) M - Wihksne, T. O 1,448 5,796 848 _ _ Wilders, D. J. . _ 303 Wiley, F. W. _ Wilev, W FT 293 _ Wilkin, G R 2,268 6,504 5,040 7,020 54 . Willgress, T. W. _ Williams, F F). - . Williams, J. D. _ 786 Williamson, F. D. . _ Wilson, R F. 7,860 886 639 Wilson; F) J. Wilson, H _ _ 2,421 570 _ Wilson, H A F. - Wilson, J 396 _ Wilson, R. A. .. . ... 2,486 168 29 Wilson, R. R. . . . Wilson, V. P. ...... . 348 _ Windecker, W. T. . . 116 - - Wint R C 750 - . Withler, I. L . . 10,860 96 1,510 Wong. P K. Wood, G A 10,380 1,419 169 656 Wood, Miss M. E. _ 1 Wood, Miss S. . _ Wood; Mrs. W. A. . 3,510 1,683 1,986 18 2,014 4,685 1,707 7,184 1,055 1,299 4,608 316 24 Woodburn, S. A. ... ... Woodcock, Mrs. J. M. Woodruff, W. T. ... . Wrest, N T — — Wright, Mrs. D. H. . Wright, D. J. — — Wright, E. M. 379 Wynne; C. C. H. _ Yesaki, I . . .... Yoneda, H. H. _ 488 Young, A. E . ... Zambon, L. 197 _ Zarek, Mrs. H. G. Zyblut, E. R. ._ . . 4,248 9,000 459 Automobile and other un- allocated departmental travelling included in the Schedule of Payments _ — 152,075 Transfers, other depart¬ ments _ _ _ —1,335 —3,089 3,110,903 358,819 DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL INDUSTRY Salary Travel Gene’s Texaco Service _ 1,016 Geodex _ 506 George, Dr. J. R. _ _ _ 562 George, L. _ _ 615 George’s Transfer _ 1,837 Georgeson Plumbing & Heat¬ ing Ltd. _ 749 Georgeson, V. M _ _ 658 Georgia and Homer Garage Ltd. _ 5,325 Georgia Pacific International Corporation _ 2,070 Geraldton District Hospital, Ont _ _ 711 Gerdes, G. _ 4,048 Gerhardi Land Clearing _ 7,502 Gerhardi, T. E _ _ 6,618 German - Canadian Benevolent Society of B.C. _ 98,111 Gerrard Co. Ltd. _ 887 Gerry’s Dental Laboratory _ 849 Gerry’s Power Digging _ _ 1,020 Gerry’s Service Chevron _ 600 Gerstel, M. _ 2,060 Gervais, L. _ 707 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd. _ 43,579 Gething, L. _ 1,200 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS 187 Ghaed, Dr. A. - __ Giant Battery Co. Ltd. _ Giant Mascot Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.) _ Gibb, P. A. _ _ _ Gibbs Logging Co. Ltd. _ - Gibson Bros. Industries Ltd. _ Gibson, Dr. G. B. _ Gibson, G. I. _ _ Gibson, R. B., Trane Service Agency _ Gibson, T., & Sons Contract¬ ed Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ Gibson’s Building Supplies . Gibsons Fire Protection Dis¬ trict _ _ _ Gibsons Landing, Village of _ Gibsons Public Library As¬ sociation _ Gibson’s Shell Service Station Gibsons, Village of _ Giddens, H., Ltd. _ Giesbrecht, J. _ _ _ Giesbrecht, K. R. _ _ Giffen, G. _ _ _ Gifford, Dr. R. J. _ _ _ Giles, A. D. _ Gill, Dr. E. P. _ Gill Interprovincial Lines Ltd. . Gillam Hospital, Inc., Man. __ Gillanders, B. _ Gillespie, Hart & Co. Ltd. _ Gilley, D. _ Gilley, Hunt & Wilson Ltd. _ Gillis, A. W., Ltd. _ _ Gillorn Lumber Co. Ltd. _ Gilmar Trucking & Excavating Gilmore, Dr. B. W. _ Gil’s Trucking _ Gilson, G . . . _ Ginn & Co. _ Ginn, G. _ _ _ Ginter, Ben, Construction Co. Ltd . . Giroux, A. _ _ _ ___ Gjertsen, S. _ Glacier Drugs Ltd. _ Glacier Glass & Aluminum Ltd. Glacier Ltd. _ Glacier Truck & Equipment Ltd. _ _ _ _ Glacier View Motel _ Glacier View Service _ _ Glavin, F _ _ Glaxo Allenbury’s (Canada) Ltd. _ _ _ _ Glenayre Electronics Ltd. ___ Glenburn Electric Ltd. _ Glendale Improvement District Glendon Instrument Co. Ltd. ._ Glenkay Farm _ Glenmerry Sawmills Ltd. _ Glenmore Irrigation District _ Glenmore Park Auxiliary Hos¬ pital _ _ _ Glenn Lyster Sales Ltd. _ Glenn’s Hardware & Building Supplies _ Glenn’s Hardware Ltd. _ Glenn’s Pharmacy Ltd. _ Glenrose Provincial General Hospital _ Glenwood Meats Ltd. _ Glidden Co. Ltd. _ _ _ Global International _ Globe and Mail, The _ Globe Evergreen Fertilizer Ltd. Globe Fertilizer Co. Ltd. _ Globe Foundry Ltd. _ _ _ Globelite Battery (B.C.) Ltd. Glulam Products Ltd. _ Gniewotta, E. A. _ Godfrey, R., Leather Repairs— Goertz, Frederick, Ltd. _ _ Goertzen, J. P. _ Goett, W., Co. Ltd. _ Gogolin, H. _ Gohl Enterprises Ltd. _ Golaiy, F. J. _ Gold River, District of _ Gold River Home Service _ Gold River Inn . . . Gold Spur Logging _ Golden and District Lions Club Golden Arms Motor Hotel _ Golden General Hospital _ Golden Horn Resort _ $3,050 15,341 5,500 1,991 2.735 5,335 749 4,186 546 1,034 13,369 2,990 36,393 540 516 3,927 646 1,646 10,968 7,772 591 3.736 621 716 717 1,950 13,730 537 1,551 7,849 3,630 1,813 2,311 5,065 2,299 92,742 714 ,178,735 1,400 3,544 4,746 989 585 1,152 507 3,891 5,825 6,292 2,761 5,686 2,200 849 2,860 3.885 236,494 2,007 2,966 521 1,059 5,348 19,092 950 808 897 3,738 6,220 2,173 8.886 4,112 49,455 1,860 953 43,627 772 1,048 3,982 512 920 69,844 507 13,491 2,638 600 596 205,313 731 $ Golden Hospital Improvement District _ (Cr.) 7,979 Golden Lodge Hotel Ltd. _ 1,028 Golden Motors _ 1,543 Golden Rim Motor Inn Ltd. _ 1,414 Golden School District _ 827,380 Golden Sheet Metal _ 848 Golden Tire Sales _ 10,676 Golden Valley Enterprises _ 10,175 Golden, Village of _ 67,655 Golder, Brawner & Associates Ltd. _ _ . 3,875 Golder, H. Q., & Associates Ltd. _ _ 1,345 Goldie, D. M. M _ 853 Goldstream Garage & Coffee Shop _ 828 Gomes, V. _ 593 Gonzales Pharmacy Ltd. _ ._ _ _ 3,170 Good Conduct Fund, gaols, etc. 225,578 Good Samaritan Hospital, San Jose, Calif. _ 1,100 Good Samaritan Hospital, Ore. 550 Goodacre’s Stores Ltd. _ 2,914 Goodall, E. _ _ _ 696 Goodall Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd. _ 11,386 Goodman Diesel Service _ 915 Goodman, J. E., Sales Ltd. _ 1,740 Goodrich, B. F., Rubber Co. Ltd. _ 2,222 Good’s Esso Service _ 555 Goodwill Bottling Ltd. _ 10,575 Goodwill Enterprises of Vic¬ toria _ 55,244 Goodwin, C. R. _ _ 22,374 Goodwin, C. R., Excavating Contractors _ _ _ 12,671 Goodwin, C. R., Ltd. _ 608 Goodwin, J. R. _ 8,277 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. _ 58,463 Gook-Spalton & Associates _ 5,973 Goorew, M. _ 1,683 Goranceu, T. P. _ 998 Gordanier, G., Trucking Ltd _ 533 Gordie’s Towing _ 1,173 Gordon & Anderson Ltd. _ 656 Gordon, D. M. _ _ 3,394 Gordon’s Drugs Ltd. _ 2,522 Gordon’s Inter-island Transport Ltd. _ 688 Gordon’s Power Digging _ 1,130 Gorge Road Hospital _ _ 676,241 Gorge View Society _ _ — _____ 38,462 Gorosh, J., Co. Ltd. - 3,000 Gosley, J., Printing Service _ 948 Goss, Bert, Trucking Ltd. _ _ 14,085 Goudal, V. C., & Associates _ 597 Gough & Co. Ltd. _ 110,964 Gould, J. _ _ — 725 Goundry Capilano Shell Service 584 Government House assistance (Vote 245) _ _ _ 2,329 Government of Canada (Royal Canadian Mounted Police, $5,270,798; various depart¬ ments, $375,243) - - 5,646,041 Govier, B. - 788 Gowanlock Tire Ltd. _ 1,298 Grace Construction Materials Ltd. _ 1,697 Grace Hospital _ 4,289 Grace Hospital, Vancouver - 1,231,047 Grace Hospital, Winnipeg _ 7,609 Grace Maternity, Calgary - 1,703 Grace Pharmacy _ 1,620 Grady, Dr. L. K. _ 6,957 Graf & Son Construction - - 1,249 Graff, L. _ 5,721 Graham, Graham, Worley & Stewart _ _ _ 1,193 Graham, A. _ 675 Graham, P. - 3,457 Graham, R., & Co. — - - 1,797 Graham Transport _ 4,613 Graham Transport Northern Ltd _ 1,441 Graham, W. R. - - — 26,855 Graham, W. R., Automotive & Construction _ 2,757 Granby Construction & Equip¬ ment Ltd . . 220,987 Granby Installations Ltd . — 127,626 Grand Forks Auto Supply Ltd. 3,435 Grand Forks Cartage & Builders 738 Grand Forks, City of - 88,807 Grand Forks dental programme 520 Grand Forks Hospital — - - 66,400 $ Grand Forks Public Library Association _ _ _ 1,000 Grand Forks School District _ 706,089 Grand Prairie Memorial Hos¬ pital _ _ 10,944 Grandview Funeral Chapel _ 4,175 Grandview Industries Ltd. - - 5,029 Grandview Waterworks District 3,070 Grange Mattress Co. Ltd. _ 17,273 Granger, Dr. W. L. - 1,558 Granite Drilling Co. Ltd. - 1,200 Grant & Jenkins Real Estate — 2,400 Grant & Wallace Upholstery Ltd _ _ 10,749 Grant, B. H. _ _ 4,194 Grant Bros. Logging Ltd. - 8,632 Grant Industries Ltd. — - - 17,080 Grant Logging - 4,016 Grant Mann Lithographers Ltd. 290,522 Grant, Stanley A., Ltd. - 548 Grant-Katila Motors Ltd. __ — 2,377 Grants pursuant to Provincial New-home Building Assistance Act _ 7,331,280 Grant’s Shell Service - - - 947 Grants to Farmers’ Institutes (Vote 14) _ 1,210 Grants to Women’s Institutes (Vote 15) _ 14,990 Grants under Centennial Cul¬ tural Fund _ 308,899 Graphic Controls (Canada) Ltd. 1,886 Graphic Industries Ltd. _ 3,155 Grass Instrument Co. _ . _ 3,789 Gratton, G., Trucking _ 867 Gratton Holdings Ltd. - 3,564 Grauer, J. J . . 975 Gravel, C. N. C. _ 1,897 Gravel Hill Supplies Ltd. _ 3,054 Graves, V., Ltd. - - 574 Gray, A - - 539 Gray Beverage Co. Ltd . . 1,032 Gray, H. Roy, Ltd. _ 622 Gray Line, The _ 3,549 Gray, R. W. _ _ 1.359 Gray Rock Mining Co. Ltd. __ 2.000 Gray Transfer Ltd. _ 1,739 Gray, W. D. & Co. Ltd. _ 15,198 Gray, W., Film Productions Ltd. _ 2,378 Great Northern Airways Ltd. 2,188 Great Northern Petroleums & Mines Ltd. _ 2,666 Great Northern Railway Co . 3,019 Great West Catering Ltd. _ 27,190 Great West Coal Sales . 104,679 Great-West Life Assurance Co. (Vote 158, $8,379; Vote 267, $648,528) _ _ 656,907 Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital _ . _ 500 Greater Los Angeles Press Club _ 2,361 Greater Nanaimo Sewerage and Drainage District _ 1,293 Greater Nanaimo Water Dis¬ trict _ 4,000 Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District _ 484,449 Greater Vancouver Visitors and Convention Bureau _ 12,448 Greater Vancouver Regional District _ 3,000 Greater Vancouver Regional Hospital District . __ 7,736 Greater Vancouver Water Dis¬ trict . 209,406 Greater Victoria School Dis¬ trict _ 8,323,467 Greater Victoria Water District 7,906 Greaves Moving & Storage Ltd. 953 Green, A., Ltd. _ 1,103 Green, A. P., Refractories (Canada) Ltd. _ 870 Green, E., & Son, Ltd. . 893 Green, F. J., Agency Ltd. _ 1,233 Green Instrument Co . . 825 Green Lake Forest Products Ltd _ 2,554 Green, R. H. _ 7,111 Green Timber Service _ _ _ 1,813 Green Valley Fertilizer & Co. Ltd. - - 25,855 Green, W. P - - - 587 Greenall Buildings Ltd. _ 120,708 Greene, G., Co. Ltd. _ 1,615 1 Greenlaw, A. - 1,501 188 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 $ Greenleaf Garden Supplies Ltd. 1,371 Greenlees Piledriving Co. Ltd. 20,050 Green’s Drug Store _ 2,360 Greenway Pharmacy _ 859 Greenwood & McHaffie Ltd. 21,705 Greenwood, Dr. A. N. _ _ _ 1,423 Greenwood Canoe Co. _____ 1,502 Greenwood, City of . . . 28,339 Greenwood Contractors Ltd. _ 2,974 Greenwood Forest Products Ltd. 2,068 Greenwood Hotel Ltd. _ 6,787 Greenwood Public Library As¬ sociation _ 550 Greer, D. M. _ 12,277 Greey Mixing Equipment Ltd _ 8,082 Gregory, M. S. - 616 Gregory, Dr. N. B _ 1,309 Greig, R. W. _ 3,009 Gretchin, W. - _ 2,460 Gretzinger, W. _ 12,863 Grey Nuns Hospital, Regina — 856 Grey Sisters of Immaculate Conception _ 228,442 Greyhound Leasing & Financial Co. _ ___ _ 6,755 Greyhound Lines of Canada — 15,933 Griffin, B _ ____ _ 2,089 Griffin, E. S _ 916 Griffin, F. C., Trucking Ltd. 1,512 Griffin, R., Trucking - 2,427 Griffith Contractors Ltd. - 8,864 Griffith Rubber Mills Ltd. - 1,728 Griffiths & Jones Trucking Ltd. 1,596 Griffiths Avionics Ltd. - 5,185 Griffiths, J. W., Ltd. _ 875 Griffon Sales Ltd. - - 42,911 Grimwood, A. R., Ltd. . — - - 12,566 Grimwood Construction Co. Ltd. _ _ _ 18,065 Grinnell Sales Ltd. _ 46,162 Grismer Motors Ltd. _ _ 2,911 Griswold Corporation (1961) Ltd _ _ _ 706 Grome, J. - - 1,942 Grosser Parts Ltd. _ 12,442 Grosvenor Road Volleyball Club 500 Group Mills _ _ 2,766 Grove Motors Ltd. - 3,449 Grove Processing Equipment Ltd. _ _ _ 1,525 Groves, Dr. J. R. _ 3,803 Growers Supply Co. Ltd. _ 564 Grub-staking prospectors (Vote 227) _ 31,225 Gruenke Gravel Supply Ltd. — 123,235 Gruenke, R. _ 3,807 Gueck, R. _ 2,195 Guelph General Hosiptal, Ont. 657 Guelph Paper Box Co. Ltd. _ 566 Guest, I. B., Ltd. _ 1,527 Guido, G., Construction _ _ 27,408 Gulf Coast Construction Co. Ltd. _ 1,631 Gulf Islands School District __ 605,720 Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Ltd _ 1,530 Gulf Oil of Canada Ltd _ 218,197 Gumpert, S., Co. of Canada Ltd _ 4,076 Gundry Pacific Ltd. - 1,347 Gundry-Bilmac Ltd. _ 770 Gunn, Grant, Ltd. _ _ _ 2,883 Gunter Bulldozing Ltd. _ 1,027 Gunter Holdings Ltd. - 10,582 Gupta, V. _ 1,920 Gurjar, Dr. M. P. _ 4,252 Gus Buerling Nahmint Fishing Lodge _ 1,701 Gust, E., Logging Ltd. - 721 Gustavus Contsruction Ltd. _ 32,756 Guyatt, D. E., Co. Ltd. - 1,363 Guzman, Dr. C. P. - 5,125 Gyrox Construction Ltd. - 2,352 H. & H. Transport _ 3,436 H. & H. Trucking - - 2,789 H. & J. Power Saw Sales Ltd. . 669 H. & O. Esso Service - - - 846 H. & O. Trucking - 5,324 H. & T. Kwast _ 10,645 H. and R. Tire Service - 8,513 H.B. Contracting Ltd. - 129,732 Haack, G. W., Contractor & Equipment Rental _ __ 34,029 Haan, R. P. _ 15,114 Hackie, Dr. T. J. - - 642 Haddon Equipment Ltd. - 1,321 Hafer Bros. - 2,922 $ Hafer Machine Co. Ltd. _ 3,496 Hagan’s Refrigeration Ltd. _ 1,420 Hagar & Swayne Ltd. _ 5,579 Hagen’s Refrigeration Repair Service _ 540 Hagensborg Cartage _ 14,510 Hagensborg Garage _____ - 810 Hagensborg Waterworks Dis¬ trict _ 750 Hagman, P. _ 6,228 Hague, Dr. L. A. _ 549 Hagyard, A. R., Trucking _ 2,933 Haida Inn _ 4,744 Haida Northwestern Helicopters Ltd. _ 2,657 Haines, G. B., Ltd. - - 2,162 Haines, G., Ltd. _ 2,364 Hakstian, Dr. A _ _ 2,285 Hale Optical Associates Ltd _ 3,384 Hale Optical Co. Ltd. - 2,689 Hales, B. _ 1,672 Hale’s Lumber _ 708 Hales, R. B. _ 10,063 Halifax Infirmary, N.S. - - 1,008 Hall & Co. Ltd _ _ 83,437 Hall Bros. Logging & Contract¬ ing _ 4,169 Hall Electric Ltd. _ 8,259 Hall, Dr. F. M. _ 1,214 Hall, G. _ 4,458 Hall, Giovando, Philcox & Nut- tall _ 5,458 Hall, J. E _ 2,673 Hall, L., Filter Service - 2,707 Hall, P _ 1,335 Hall, R. A., Ltd. _ 620,599 Hall, R. C _ 520 Hall, T. W. _ 1,115 Hallcraft Plastics Ltd. - 3,206 Hallett, C. V. _ _ _ 3,089 Hallett, Dr. W. B - 2,409 Halliday Pharmacy Ltd. - 1,779 Halliday, R. _ 1,189 Halstrom, Dr. L. W. - 531 Halverson Motor Machine Ltd. 1,671 Hambley, J. J., Hatcheries Ltd. 1,045 Hambley, S. K. - 1,140 Hamel Trailer Sales Ltd. _____ 2,946 Hamilton Construction & Gravel Co. _ 18,510 Hamilton Electric Ltd. - 1,029 Hamilton, G., & Associates — 2,535 Hamilton, Harvey, Drugs Ltd._ 2,361 Hamilton, Harvey, Ltd. - 1,049 Hamilton Products Co. - 2,874 Hamlyn Publishing Group (Can¬ ada) Ltd. _ 711 Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd. _ 1,425 Hammond Pharmacy Ltd. - 3,061 Hamp & Panas _ 7,922 Hampson, P., Trucking - - 8,592 Hampton, R. - - - 1,233 Handicrafts for Homebound Handicapped Persons - 10,000 Handling Equipment (1950) Ltd. _ 1,247 Handy Messenger Service - - 550 Haney Brick & Tile Ltd. _ 1,523 Haney Builders’ Supplies - 5,246 Haney-Hammond Motor Freight Ltd. _ 584 Haney Iron Works _ 533 Haney, V. _ 7,737 Hangler Machinery Co. Ltd. _ 1,498 Hanks Electric Ltd. - 3,897 Hanks, M. M. _ 552 Hannah, Dr. S. - 2,582 Hanna’s Seeds Ltd. — _ — . - 696 Hansen, H . . 2,038 Hansen, I . . . 1,081 Hansen Industrial Tool Supply Ltd. _ 36,523 Hansen, L. B. _ 12,007 Hanson Garage Co. Ltd. _ 9,880 Hanson, R. _ 5,892 Hanson’s Garage _ 711 Hantelmann, N. A . 663 Happy Valley Freight Service Ltd. _ 607 Happy’s Roofing & Sheet Metal 1,254 Harasemow, C. _ 1,215 Harbidge, D. A. _ 645 Harbour Ferries Ltd. _ 9,870 Harbour Machine Shop _ 719 Harbour Pile Driving _ . _ 19,221 Harbour View Service Station._ 766 Harco Contracting Ltd. _ 22,617 Harco Industries, Inc. _ _ 1,581 $ Harco Logging Contractors Ltd. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. Harden, C. B„ Cartage __ _ Harder, A. 1,969 19,799 49,702 780 Hardie, G. A., & Co. Ltd. _ Hardie, Dr. J. . . 5,292 2,147 757 Hardie’s Service Hardinge Bros, of Canada Ltd. Hardinge, S. J. _ 616 9,427 7,133 632 Hardman Aerospace Hardy, Kenneth P. Hare, Dr. H. M. 500 Harewood Improvement District Harewood Recreation Commis¬ sion 28,570 594 Harfman, J. .... _ ... „ 1,100 1,305 5,279 2,416 7,639 1,181 8,675 582 Harjim Machine Works Ltd _ Harken Towing Co. Ltd. _ Harkley & Haywood Sporting Goods Ltd. Harkness Pharmacy Harle, Dr. G. D. Harman & Co. _ _ Harmon Hospital, Stephenville, Nfld. Harms, .T. 1,138 819 Harnor l ogging Ltd. Harold’s Trucking 3,168 5,266 599 Harper & Row, Inc . Harper Sheet Metal Ltd. Harrigan Rentals & Equipment Ltd. _ . _ ___ . 702 Harrington Motors Shell Dis¬ tributors .. 982 Harris, A. S., Trucking Harris, E., Co. 1,450 656 Harris, J., Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Ltd. . . 4,295 508 Harris. M.. Floor Co. Harrison Airways Ltd. . Harrison, C. M., & Co. Ltd. _ Harrison Hot Springs, Village of _ 28,963 17,648 13,107 294,705 2,148 676 Harrisons & Crosfield (Canada) Ltd. _ _ Harrod, H. _ Harrop, J. F. _ _ _ Harstad Lumber Co. Ltd. _ Hart, G., Ltd. . _ _ 26,410 28,528 1,012 533 841 Hart, R., Lumber Ltd. _ Harter Metal Furniture Ltd. _ Hartman, A. _ .. . Hartman’s Auto Supply Ltd. _ Hartmier, G. 10,057 4,073 3,804 20,690 1,252 718 Hartnell, F. _ Hartnell, F. and C. Hartnell, F. V. Hartnell, N. D. ..... . Hartwell, F. . . Hartz, J. F., Co. 1,221 45,740 37,695 2,894 800 Harvan Chemicals Ltd. . . . Harvard Apparatus Sales Cor¬ poration Harvath. J . Harvey, D. _ Harvev’s Machine Shop Harwood Electric 594 810 2,220 5,079 9,324 23,078 4,692 6,351 2,749 7,623 5,874 7,664 3,436 5,013 2,748 32,875 1 13,660 1,154 i 4,500 8,285 2,908 ; 2,783 5,883 : 4,730 1,088 3,543 1,975 1,148 Hasler Bros. Hassan’s Pharmacy .. . Hassett, A. E., Agencies Ltd _ Hastings Brass Foundry Ltd. _ Hastings Medical Centre Phar¬ macy Ltd. . . Hastings Tire Service Ltd. _ Hatfield Truck & Equipment Ltd . . . . . Hauber, Ed _ _ Hauer Bros. Lumber Ltd. _ Haur Bros. Lumber Ltd. _ ... Hawe, G., Chevrolet-Oldsmo¬ bile Ltd _ _ .. _ Hawes. B. _ Hawker Siddeley Diesels & Elec¬ trics Ltd. _ _ Hawkins Contracting Ltd. _ Hawkins, J. Hawks Field Hockey Club _ Hawse, A. G. _ .. Hawthorne-Hyndman Ltd. _ Hawthorne’s Heating Service Ltd. Hay, John, & Co. Ltd . Hav. Stewart . . Hayden, F. S. Hayes Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Haymaker Hay Market Hays Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd. - . . . SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS 189 $ Hazelton Public Library Asso¬ ciation _ 10,300 Hazelton, Village of _ 14,247 Head, H. J. & M. E _ _ 500 Heads, W. J., Boot Factory Ltd. _ 2,091 Heal, Dr. H. Harcourt _ 1,559 Heald Building Materials Ltd _ 762 Hearsey Transport Ltd. _ 1,327 Heaslip, A. H., & Associates _ 1,264 Heath Co _ 7,230 Heath Elder Publications _ 722 Heath Tecna-Plastics, Inc. _ 5,431 Heathcote, J., & Co. Ltd. _ 2,110 Heck, T. R. _ _____ 667 Heco Bros. Enterprises Ltd. _ 1,092 Hector’s Ltd. _ 789 Hedley Improvement District — 2,159 Heggie, D. - - — _ 2,111 Heidelberger Inn _ 2,106 Heinekey, G. M. _ 2,604 Heinicke Instruments _ 659 Heinrichs, D. _ _ _ 2,564 Heinz, H. J., Co. of Canada Ltd. _ 26,790 Heinzelman Construction _ 6,808 Helgerud Electric _ 689 Heller, W. E., & Co., Factors.. 605 Helm, Dr. H. W _ 1,883 Helmcken Falls Lodge _ 649 Hemming, C. C., Ltd. _ _ _ 26,591 Henderson Bros. Logging Co. Ltd. _ 9,647 Henderson Cleaners Ltd. _ 5,274 Henderson, D. A. _ 674 Henderson, D. J. _ _ _ _ 1,592 Henderson General Hospital, Ont. _ 941 Henderson, H. R., Ltd. _ 22,947 Henderson, R., Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd. _ 5,208 Henderson’s Cleaners Ltd. _ 3,457 Henderson’s Laundry Ltd. _ 2,343 Hendricks, L. _ 4,584 Heney, Dr. M. J. _ 3,259 Hennell, V. H. _ _ _ _ 1,063 Hennell, Val, Agencies Ltd. _ 1,307 Henniger, E. C., Co. Ltd. _ 650 Henry, D„ Prescription Ltd. _ 4,367 Henry, F. C., Ltd _ 3,370 Henry, L. W. _ 815 Henry’s Motor Court _ 612 Henry’s Tire Vulcanizing Ser¬ vice - 6,276 Henson Bulldozing Ltd. _ 5,489 Henson, C. _ 671 Heppner, P., & Son _ 13,648 Herbach & Rademan, Inc. ____ 815 Herbert, F. H. _ 5,167 Herbert, R. G. _ 2,496 Hercules Steel Ltd. _ _ 130,979 Herdy, Wm. J. _ 4,424 Heriot Bay Hotel Ltd. _ _ 1,355 Herman, J . . 2,610 Hermes Plastics Ltd. _ 573 Hermon & Cotton _ 8,636 Hermon, Cotton & Bunbury __ 1,861 Hertz System U-Drive _ 3,149 Hetherington Batteries _ 604 Hewat, W. _ _ _ _ 1,219 Hewitt, George H., Co. Ltd. _ 9,751 Hewitt, S. G. _ 600 Hewlett Packard (Canada) Ltd. 65,501 Hi-Way Service _ 1,013 Hi-Arrow Logging Ltd. _ 743 Hi-Way Standard Service _ 744 Hickman Tye Hardware Co. Ltd. - 7,191 Hickory Wing Ski Club _ 2,350 Hicks, Dr. D. C. _ 625 Hiebert, P. _ 7,822 Higgins Gradall Service Ltd _ _ 17,824 High River Municipal Hospital, Alta _ _ 1,526 High School Boys’ Basketball Association _ 1,500 Highland Esso Service _ 2,348 Highland Helicopters Ltd. _ 35,140 Highland Office Equipment __ 552 Highway Garage _ 755 Highway Service & Auto Elec¬ tric - 6,289 Highwayman Motel _ 1,552 Hilger & Watts _ 25,118 Hill Aviation _ 2,119 Hill, E. M _ 518 Hillard, I. _ 516 Hillcrest Lumber Co. Ltd. _ 2,029 $ Hill’s Machine Shop _ 750 Hill’s, N., Excavating _ 2,101 Hillside Pharmacy _ 1,892 Hilltop Agencies Ltd. _ 8,200 Hilltop Pharmacy _ _ 632 Hilltop Service, Texaco . . 754 Hilton, H _ _ 1,438 H indie, J. R. _ 722 Hinds, D. B. _ 6,964 Hinsche, G. A. _ 1,149 Hipperson Hardware Co. Ltd— 2,249 Hipwell Drugs Ltd. _ 4,649 Hipwell, H. D., Ltd. _ 6,783 Hirschberg, W. S. _ 1,127 Hirst & Flintoff _ 2,659 Hirtle & Spark _ 554 Hirtz Bros. Construction Ltd _ 163,178 Hislop, F. C. _ 1,995 Hislop Holdings Co. Ltd. _ 4,573 Hixon Recreation Commission- 600 Ho-A-Shoo, Dr. J. A. _ 4,872 Hoban, D. _ 2,284 Hobart Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 11,838 Hobby Fund, The _ 532 Hobson, Dr. G. N. ________ 780 Hock, Dr. L. H. _ _ 13,720 Hockett, G. _ 689 Hodgson, A. J. _ 105,447 Hodgson Freighways Ltd. _ 27,816 Hodgson Orthotics Ltd. _ 1,593 Hoeter, Dieterich & Brown, Inc. 898 Hoefts Rentals _ _ 679 Hoffars Ltd. _ _ _ 67,798 Hoffman, J. _ 1,517 Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. _ 38,394 Hoffmann & Son Ltd. _ 23,937 Hofstetter, M. P., (B.C.) Ltd— 5,322 Hogarth, D. A. _ 1,566 Hogeweide, J., Trucking _ 12,371 Holberg Recreation Commission 595 Holdal, G., & Sons Ltd. _ 3,612 Holland, A. _ _ _ 690 Holland Landscapers Ltd. _ 44,540 Holland, M., Manufacturing Ltd. _ 1,391 Holley, B„ Motors Ltd. _ _ 6,793 Holley Clinic, The _ 591 Holley, H. _ 7,062 Hollinger House _ 78,270 Holloway Bros. _ 518 Hollyburn Pharmacy Ltd. _ _ 3,680 Hollywood Hospital Ltd., New Westminster _ 286,061 Holm, B. _ _ 888 Holman Bros. (Canada) Ltd _ 6,740 Holme Equipment Co. Ltd. _ 3,654 Holmes Fuel Injection Sales _ 21,577 Holmes, J. _ 6,697 Holmes, J. C., Bulldozing _ 7,822 Holmes Motel _ _ 1,136 Holmgren, L. _ _ _ 2,940 Holmgren, R. W. _ _ 1,300 Hoi ’N One Donut Co. (B.C.) Ltd _ _ 8,980 Holsapple Mud-Jacking Co., Inc. _ 54,386 Holstein-Friesian Association _ 635 Holt Glass Ltd. _ 2,378 Holt-Rinehart-Winston Co. Ltd. 599,967 Holunga, M _ _ 9,657 Holy Cross Hospital, Spirit River, Alta. _ 589 Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary_ 34,827 Holy Cross Mountain Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.) _ 12,500 Holy Family Hospital, Prince Albert _ 2,173 Holy Family Hospital, Vancou¬ ver _ _ 415,102 Home Builders Lumber Co. Ltd. 2,150 Home Lumber & Building Sup¬ plies _ 5,137 Home nursing for local areas ( Local Services Act, Depart¬ ment of Finance) _ 6,004 Home Oil Distributors Ltd. _ _ 56,423 Home-owners’ subsidy (Vote 94, $41,557,440; Vote 234, $4,617,493) _ 46,174,933 Homes, E., Ltd. _ 7,674 Homewood Marine Ltd. _ 3,222 Honey Cream Do-nuts _ 2,723 Honeywell Controls Ltd. _ 23,865 Hong Kong Veterans’ Associa¬ tion of Canada _ 1,450 Hook, R. C. _ . 889 Hooker Chemicals Ltd. _ _ _ _ 27,581 Hooker, T . . 8,411 Hooley Engineering Ltd. _ 1,500 Hooper Equipment Rentals _ Hoover Co. Ltd . . Hoover-Curtis (B.C.) Ltd. _ Hoover Sawmill Ltd. _ Hopcott, J. H., Machinery Ltd. Hope Electric Ltd. _ Hope Gravel Supply _ Hope, H. A. _ Hope Home Service Garage _ Hope Machine Shop _ Hope Ready-Mix _ Hope Sand & Gravel _ Hope, Town of _ _ _ Hope’s Shell Service _ Hospital Notre-Dame _ _ Hopp, H. _ Hora, L. _ _ _ Horie Estates Ltd. _ Horizon Publications Ltd. _ Horn, C. _ Horne Bros. & Associates Con¬ struction Ltd. _ Horner, F. W., Ltd. _ Horner, G. C. _ . _ Horsefly Cafe _ Horsefly Dental Committee _ Horsefly Landing Resorts Ltd— Horsland, J. E. _ Horsman, E. B., & Son Ltd . Horst, W. _ Horwood Bros. Motors Ltd. _ Hosford, A. D . . . . Hosken, C. H., & Co. Ltd. _ Hoskin Scientific Co. Ltd. _ Hoskins Garage Ltd. _ Hospital Saint-Luc, Montreal _ Hospital Tarnier, Inc., Montreal Hospital for Sick Children, To¬ ronto _ _ _ _ Hospital insurance sundry as¬ sistance (Vote 147) _ Hospital Sacre Cceur, Montreal Hotel Chetwynd Ltd. _ Hotel Dieu de Montreal _ ._ Hotel Dieu de Sherbrooke, P.Q. Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, Ont. _ _ Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston Hotel Fort Garry _ _ _ Hotel Georgia _ _ _ Hotel Inlander _ _ Hotel Strathcona _ Hotel Vancouver _ _ _ Hotel-Dieu de Montreal __ ______ Hotpack (Canada) Ltd. _ Houle Electric Ltd. _ Houlind, Gordon _ _ _ _ Hourigan’s _ _ Hourston Glascraft Ltd. _ Houseman, H. _ Houseman, H. L. _ Houseman, J. _ Houston Cash & Carp’ _ Houston Dental Clinic _ _ Houston Hotel Cafe _ _ Houston Public Library Asso¬ ciation _ _ _ Houston Transfer Ltd. _ Houston, Village of _ Howaniec, Dr. W. R. _ Howard, A. _ _ _ Howard Engineering Sales Ltd. Howard, John, Society of Van¬ couver Island _ Howard, John, Society of B.C. Howard, W., and Life, J. _ Howard’s Service _ Howatson, C. H. _ Howden, A.; Sawden, T. L.; and Story, S. S. _ Howe, A. F. _ Howe, Ebert & Associates _ Howe, H., & Son _ Howe Press of Perkins School for the Blind _ Howe Sound School District _ Howe’s Meat Market _ Howett, F. J. _ Howie’s Marine Service Ltd. _ Hoyle Agencies Ltd. _ Hoymac Contractors Ltd. _ Hromek’s, A., Bridge Service Ltd . . . . . . Hub City Paving & Construc¬ tion Ltd. _ Hub Construction Co. _ Hub Motor Service _ Hubb Motors Ltd. _ _ Hubbard, C. C. _ 1,099 810 11,498 1,356 7,177 10,463 26,367 1,207 758 1,700 1,382 5,780 879 6,698 11,323 1,480 46,870 2,840 38,085 21,312 2,654 701 528 8,517 3,000 30,130 4,746 1,593 719 723 26,054 56,110 982 745 4.543 2,444 4,488 1,824 2,697 1,305 965 2,288 883 9,395 5,168 7,229 7,303 1,397 2,643 16,705 3,095 11,825 11,409 5,527 2,080 1,308 769 1,377 774 1,000 49,283 19,012 933 2,063 1.544 12,000 22,806 750 1,254 1,107 4,234 1,031 6,217 1,522 834 872,897 2,598 6,127 5,744 2,238 9,139 513 93,501 1,865 824 968 3,182 190 Hudson Hope Improvement Dis¬ trict - (Cr.) Hudson Hope Public Library Association _ Hudson, J. S., Ltd. _ Hudson Optical Laboratories Ltd. _ Hudson Plating Co. Ltd. _____ Hudson’s Bay Co. _ Hudson’s Hope, District of _ Hugh & McKinnon Realty Ltd. Hughes, E., Electric Ltd. _ Hughes, G. _ Hughes, K. _ Hughes, W. _ _ Hughes-Owens Co. Ltd. _ Hugo’s Esso Service _ _ _ Hull, G. _ _ _ Hull, G. N _ Hull, G. W. _ _ Humber Memorial Hospital, Ont. _ _ _ Hume & Rumble Ltd. _ _ Hume, Dr. E. _ Hume, J. R. _ Humphries Bulldozing _ Humphries Water Freight ___ Hunt, C. L. _ Hunt, Dr. C. L. _ Hunt, G. _ Hunt, H _ Hunt, P. A., Co. (Canada) Ltd. Hunter, A. B . . . . Hunter, Dr. B. H. _ _ _ _ _ _ Hunter, Crockford & Associ- Humer, ~Dr7T).~lC Hunter, Dr. D. W. _ Hunter, J., Co. Ltd. _ Hunter, J. H., Co. Ltd. _ Hunter, J., Trucking _ _ _ Hunter Point Explorations Ltd. Hunter, R. B. _ _ _ Hunter’s Hardware _ Huntington Laboratories Ltd. _ Huntington Memorial Hospital, Calif. _ Huntington Sheraton Hotel _ Huntting, H. R., Co. _ Hupfau, Dr. P. R. _ Husband Bros. Plumbing & Heating _ Husband, K. J _ _ Husky Oil & Refining Ltd. _ Huston, D. W. _ Huston Drugs _ Huston, G., Trucking Co. Ltd. _ Huston Hollinger Drugs Ltd. _ Huston, J. A., Co. Ltd. _ Huston, M _ _ Huston’s Rexall Drugs _ Hutchinson, H. _ Hutchinson, L. _ Hutchinson, M. J. _ Hutchinson, R. _ Hutchinson, R. M. J. _ Hutchison, R. B. _ ___ _ Hutton, Dr. G. J. _ Hutton’s Ltd. _ . _ Hydraulic Service & Equipment Co. Ltd. _ Hydrophilic Industries Ltd. _ Hygrade Radio Ltd. _ Hyseco Fluid Systems Ltd. _ Flythe Municipal Hospital, Hythe, Alta . . I. and S. Transport Ltd _ I.G.A. Foodliner _ I.M.C. Magnetics Corporation Iannucci, D. _ _. _ _ I.C.L. Engineering Ltd _ Ideal Brass & Plating Co. _ Ideal Cement Co. _ I.E.C.-Holden Ltd. „ _ Ike’s Welding _ Ilford Photo (Canada) Ltd. — Illerbrun, M . . Imbrex Western Ltd. _ Impac Containers Western Ltd. Impala Service Ltd. _ Imperial Datsun Sales & Service Imperial Equipment Ltd. _ Imperial Hallmark Cleaners Ltd. Imperial Industries Ltd. _ Imperial Oil Ltd. _ PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 $ 2,265 999 1,344 4,548 1,689 68,055 88,302 59,064 782 580 15,024 651 42,058 4,172 3,617 4.576 2,646 684 1,758 567 732 2,741 560 646 3,876 750 840 8.145 653 1,089 3,238 548 698 62,766 750 1,597 4,000 10,008 577 2,338 775 905 812 750 938 3,754 620,552 1,609 4,501 7,389 1.146 720 20,301 7,210 1,303 661 2,233 713 10,125 2,078 2,829 10,015 40,704 4.577 1,420 528 4,370 987 11,058 2,264 800 561 13,228 6,861 9,746 2,997 1,186 14,365 5,179 10,124 674 1,826 23,919 583 8,655 ,013,976 $ Imperial Optical Co. Ltd _ . _ 13,163 Imperial Parking Ltd. _ 3,827 Imperial Paving Ltd. _ 41,404 Imperial School Desks Ltd _ 36,523 Imperial Tobacco Sales Co. (Canada) Ltd. _ 26,608 Inaugural Canadian Short Course in Swimming _ 1,250 Indel Industries Ltd. _ 5,026 Independent Crane Service Ltd. 2,977 Independent Motel & Restau¬ rant Supplies _ 568 Index Card Co. Ltd. _ 19,410 Indian Arm Outboard Rentals Ltd. _ 1,537 Indian Hardwoods Ltd. _ 2,735 Indian Head Union Hospital, Sask. _ 899 Indian Homemakers Associa¬ tion _ 2,500 Industrial & Road Equipment Ltd. _ 3,041 Industrial Bags Ltd . . _ . 2,254 Industrial Casting Repairs Ltd. 2,171 Industrial Chrome Co. Ltd..__ 3,119 Industrial Cylinder Head Ser¬ vice _ 4,250 Industrial Development Com¬ mission, Greater Vancouver- 1,000 Industrial Distributors Ltd _ ... 502 Industrial Engines Ltd. - - - 1,506 Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd. 4,764 Industrial Hose & Belting Ltd. 10,125 Industrial Marine Power Ltd. _ 1,213 Industrial Motels Ltd. _ 3,147 Industrial Nondestructive Test¬ ing Ltd. _ 1,340 Industrial Plastics _ 9,291 Industrial Pneumatics & Hy¬ draulic Jack Rentals _ 882 Industrial Reproductions Ltd. 9,638 Industrial Sales Machine Shop 1,714 Industrial Towel & Uniform Service _ 28,462 Industrial Wire & Iron Works 3,771 Infabco _ 1,467 Ingleby Motors _ . 553 Ingledow, T., & Associates Ltd. 4,571 Ingram & Bell Ltd. _ 44,843 Inkster Lumber Co. Ltd. _ 1,106 Inkster, Dr. W. H. _ 2,917 Inlaid Floors Ltd. - 1,494 Inland Building Supplies Ltd _ . 1,569 Inland Cement Co. Ltd. _ 2,575 Inland Diesel Ltd. _ __ — - - 17,441 Inland Distributors Ltd. - 23,742 Inland Kenworth Sales Ltd - 3,650 Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd — 109,407 Inland Radiators Ltd. _ 1,626 Inland Rambler . . 2,723 Inland Sports Distributors Ltd. 2,080 Inland Tire Ltd. _ 6,305 Inman, W. L. _ 1,419 Inn of the North _ 1,145 Innerpichler, J. _ 577 Innes, A., Janitor Service - 887 Inonoaklin Recreation Commis¬ sion _ 600 Inspector of Dykes, New West¬ minster _ 4,660 Inspector of Schools, stenog¬ raphers, etc. (Vote 88) _ 16,140 Inspiration Ltd. - 28,797 Institute of Public Administra¬ tion of Canada _ 5,541 Institute of Applied Art _ 1,190 Institute of Psychological Re¬ search, Inc . — - - 2,533 Instronics Ltd. _ 3,614 Instrument Service Laboratory 6,111 Inter Mountain Equipment Ltd. 1,543 Inter - City Machine Shop & Manufacturing _ _ 12,016 Inter-Island Water Taxi _ 1,746 Interchem Canada Ltd. _ 6,032 Intercity Developments Ltd _ 3,900 Interest on Crop Insurance Fund (statutory, Agriculture) 9,354 Interest on Official Committee (Vote 123) _ 657,156 Interest on Official Guardian deposits (Vote 123) _ 5,244 Interest on Suitors’ Fund de¬ posits (Vote 123) _ Interior Block Manufacturing Co. Ltd. _ Interior Broadcasters Ltd. _ Interior Car Renewal _ Interior Contracting Co. Ltd. _ Interior Diesel & Equipment Ltd _ _ Interior Explosives Ltd. _ Interior Hardware _ . _ _ Interior Industrial & Truck Ltd. Interior Industrial Electric Ltd. Interior Machine Works Ltd. _ Interior Mill Equipment Ltd _ Interior Motors Ltd. _ Interior Office Equipment Ltd. _ Interior Power Saw Sales & Service _ Interior Provincial Exhibition Association _ _ _ . _ _ Interior Sheet Metal _ Interior Tent & Awning _ Interior Tire Consultants _ _ _ Interior Tractors Ltd. _ Interior Water Wells Ltd. _ Interline Forwarders Ltd. _ International Trucking Enter¬ prises Ltd. _ _ International Audio Visual Ltd. International Braid _ International Business Machines (Canada) Ltd. _ International Drills Ltd. _ International Factory Sales & Service Ltd. _ International Harvester Co. of Canada Ltd _ _ International Janitors’ Supplies Ltd _ International Marble & Stone _ International Paints (Canada) Ltd _ International Textbook Co. _ International Trucking Enter¬ prises Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ Inuvik General Hospital, Inu- vik, N.W.T. _ Invermere Garage _ Invermere Hardware & Building Supplies _ Invermere, Village of _ _ _ Ireland, Card & Wiens, Drs. _ Ireland, J. R., & Maclean, N. B. Ironside Machine & Welding Ltd _ Irving Clinic _ Irving Industries Ltd. _ Irving Tire Ltd. _ Irwin & Billings Co. Ltd. _ _ Irwin-Dorsey Ltd. _ Isaac’s Pharmacy Ltd. _ Ishiwara, Dr. G. A. _ _ Iskut Silver Mines Ltd. _ Island Airlines Ltd. _ Island Building Maintenance _ Island Blue Print & Map Co. Ltd. _ Island Broadcasting Co. Ltd _ Island Business Machines Ltd. Island Engravers Ltd. _ Island Equipment _ Island Excavating Ltd. _ _ Island Farms Dairies Co-oper¬ ative Association _ Island Hall _ Island Hospital, Anacortes, Wash. _ Island Hydraulics _ _ _ Island Marine Suppliers Ltd _ Island Radiators Ltd. .. .. _ _ Island Ready Mix Ltd. _ Island Welding Supplies Ltd _ Itek Business Products Ltd _ Ivens, H. A. _ Iwanik, P. _ Iwasaki, Dr. Y . . J. & A. Trucking _ J. & C. Contractors _ J. & H. Slashing _ J. & K. Motors _ _ _ J. & L. Holdings Ltd. _ J. & M. Logging - J. & M. Motors _ _ _ J. & P. Coats (Canada) Ltd.__ 653,176 1.234 511 1,497 285,242 3,838 35,762 1,206 1,095 1,573 2,328 697 600 1,445 2.825 3,200 1,871 2,847 10,525 1,263 3,969 929 920 13,909 783 995,215 1,324 993 656,600 3,133 659 22,573 830 3,306 1.207 794 1,351 27,434 2,167 9,935 888 4,376 7.207 3,468 720 2,710 23,238 3,427 1.250 2,223 .1,500 15,986 766 36,506 1,607 2,146 34,161 48,774 2.251 825 637 1,097 1,312 9,491 4.234 18,793 550 760 869 1,800 718 21,594 4.825 1,240 1,897 1,761 6,886 J. & P. Contracting _ _ J. & P. Mechanical Ltd. _ J. & S. Body Works Ltd. _ J.C. National Convention _ J.DJ. Pole & Pile Ltd _ J.M. Enterprises Ltd _ J.R. Window Cleaning Ltd _ . Jabour, D. E. _ Jack & Jill Cleaners Ltd _ Jack, B. _ Jack, G. _ _ Jackman, C. J. _ Jack’s Tool & Equipment Rent¬ als Ltd. _ Jackson, G. A. _ _ _ Jackson, G. N., Ltd. _ Jackson, M. K. _ Jackson Scaffolding Ltd. _ _ Jackson Sheet Metal & Roofing Co. Ltd. _ Jacob’s Industries Ltd. _ Jacobsen, F. _ Jacobson Ford-Mercury Sales Ltd. _ Jacques Electric Motor Rewind Jacuzzi (Canada) Ltd. _ _ Jakel, G. H _ Jakovcic, Mike _ Jaksitz, N. _ Jam Handy Organization, Inc. James & Sons Electric Ltd _ James Bay Movers _ James, G., Construction Ltd _ James International Truck & Tractor Ltd. _ James, J. _ James, P. G. _ _ _ James, R. _ _ _ James, Dr. T. W . . James Trucking _ . _ Jameson, Dr. C. B. _ Jamieson Construction Co. Ltd. Janin Western Contractors Ltd. Jansen’s Landscaping Co. Ltd. Jantzen (Canada) Ltd. _ Janzen, A. _ Jarman, E. A. _ Jarvis, D. _ Jarvis Drug Ltd. _ Jasco Manufacturing Ltd _ Jay Airways Ltd. _ Jay Dee Equipment Ltd _ Jaybar Office Equipment Ltd _ Jay’s Pharmacy _ Jean, E. . . . . . . . Jefferies & Co. _ _ _ Jefferson, N., Ltd. _ Jena Scientific Instrument Ltd. Jenkins Bros., Contracting _ Jenkins Cartage Ltd. _ Jenkins, F. M. _ _ _ Jenkins, M. D. _ Jen’s Food Market _ _ Jensen & Johnsen Landscape Contractors Ltd. _ . _ Jensen, B. _ Jensen, E. _ Jensen, Dr. G. M. _ Jensen, L. P. _ Jensen, P. _ Jensen, W. A. _ Jephson, R. _ Jephson, R. J. _ Jeppesen & Co. _ Jericho Pharmacy Ltd. _ _ _ Jersey Farms Ltd . . . . Jervis Inlet Gravel Ltd. _ Jervis Tug Co. Ltd. _ Jeune Bros, of Victoria Ltd. _ Jewish General Hospital, Mont¬ real _ Jewish Home for the Aged _ Jim’s Super Market Ltd. _ _ Jinks, Dr. L. K. _ Jinnouchi, Dr. D. M. _ _ Jobborn Manufacturing Ltd. _ Joe’s Janitor Service _ Joe’s Tire Hospital _ _ . _ Jogindar Lumber Co. Ltd. _ Johal, B _ _ Johal, B. S. _ _ Johal, G. _ Johal, G. S. _ Johal, N. S. _ SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS 191 725 1,205 592 2,500 5,233 660 ,1,220 2,655 1,118 2,000 22,713 700 547 5,050 5,469 543 1,186 2,904 1,363 546 3,162 1,620 3,061 1,244 560 3,401 1,072 3,066 2,751 ,183,297 11,569 785 1,640 15,925 703 19,485 1,711 57,211 618,211 83,508 1,1*11 527 1,118 525 798 1,594 840 1,975 1.378 1,436 713 5,243 1,575 6,435 35,123 5,643 2,622 660 929 8,394 12,308 1,524 1,109 532 1,663 833 1,166 5,637 668 534 42,200 72,580 1,122 4.378 $ Johl, B. K„ Inc _ 5,895 John, S. _ 645 Johnnie’s Rentals Ltd. _ 14,113 Johnny-on-Spot Toilet Rentals. 769 John’s Front End Service _ 721 Johns, O. H., Glass Co. Ltd. _ 1,210 John’s Welding . _ 955 Johnson & Neven Ltd. _ 3,635 Johnson, A., & Co. (Canada) Ltd _ 4,628 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. _ 106,994 Johnson, C. _ 582 Johnson Controls Ltd. _ . 2,181 Johnson, E. & R., Plaster Co. _ 810 Johnson, E. M . . . . 846 Johnson, Dr. G. A. _ 2,542 Johnson, M. _ 1,034 Johnson, Matthey & Mallory Ltd _ 964 Johnson Memorial Hospital, Gimli, Man. _ 587 Johnson, N. T. _ 756 Johnson, O. _ 9,261 Johnson, R. _ 8,648 Johnson, Dr. R. A. _ 1,809 Johnson, R. G. _ 11,641 Johnson, R. N. _ 2,100 Johnson Transfer _ 900 Johnson, W. _ 1,946 Johnson, Dr. W. F. _ 1,561 Johnson’s Trucking Ltd. _ 29,397 Johnston & Co. Ltd. _ 8,167 Johnston, A. F. _ 1,807 Johnston, Bob, Pontiac-Buict. 4,764 Johnston Bros. _ 588 Johnston Bros. Motors Ltd. _ . 12,946 Johnston Motor Co. Ltd. _ 6,273 Johnston, Nib, Motors Ltd. _ 7,738 Johnston, P. C. _ 3,080 Johnston, R. E., Co. Ltd. _ 7,524 Johnston Terminals Ltd. _ 162,086 Johnstone Fabricators Ltd. _ 4,994 Johnstone, G. _ 12,420 Johnston’s General Store _ 637 Johnston’s Plumbing & Heating 770 Jolley, J. C. _ _ _ 900 Joneja, R. P. _ _ 2,115 Jones, A. E., Co. Ltd. _ _ _ 20,323 Jones Box & Label Co. Ltd. _ 4,025 Jones Bros. Batteries Ltd. _ 785 Jones Gradall _ 5,185 Jones, L. _ 1,317 Jones, P. _ _ _ 836 Jones, R. _ 4,951 Jones, R., Ltd. _ 161,860 Jones Tent & Awning Ltd. _ 49,306 Jones, Dr. V. H. _ 2,990 Jones, W. A. _ 5,265 Jones, W. L., Parts Ltd. _ 3,716 Jordan, N. _ 1,100 Jordon & Biggs Ltd. _ 1,561 Jorgensen, E. M. _ 1,860 Jorgensen, I. B. _ 39,450 Jorgenson, I. B. _ 3,150 Joseph, W. _ _ _ _ 915 Joseph, W. F. _ 9,614 Josephy, P. - - - 1,452 Jost, Dr. H. F. R. _ 687 Journal of Commerce Weekly _ 20,484 Joy, K - - - - 935 Joy Manufacturing Co. (Can¬ ada) Ltd. _ 1,407 Jubilee Pharmacy _ 4,728 Judson, L. H. _ _ _ 1,325 Judyski, Dr. N. _ 1,538 Juell, R. R. _ 607 Julien, Dr. Walter _ 1,120 Junction Centre Ltd. _ _ 1,475 Junction Machinery & Supply _ 1,272 Junior Chamber of Commerce _ 1,000 Jurors (Vote 42) _ 234,855 Jus-Rite Photos Ltd. _ 4,159 Justice, Chicalo & Austin _ 1,450 Juuso, O. - 26,287 752 24,111 2,363 3,444 1,123 649 565 791 3,290 2,495 4,189 1,288 20,971 9,030 K. & K. Laboratories, Inc _ _ K. & L. Contracting Ltd _ K. & M. Parts Ltd. _ K. & R. Service _ K. and W. Auto Service _ K.L. Building Materials Ltd _ K-Cleaners Ltd. _ K-Vet Laboratories Ltd. _ Kaburda, Dr. M. _ _ Kaharchuck _ Kaharchuck, J. _ _ ... _ _ _ Kahl Scientific Instrument Cor¬ poration _ Kahn, Dr. A. B. _ 5*10 709 1,114 1,900 1,269 2,379 2,748 998 1,037 2,275 1,638 1,331 3,171 $ Kail, P. B., Associates _ 539 Kaiser Coal Ltd. _ 716 Kaiser Jeep of Canada Ltd _ 110,794 Kaiser Medical Center, Hono¬ lulu _ 675 Kal, B.A. Service _ 983 Kal Tire _ _ 42,591 Kal Tire Service Kamloops Ltd. 620 Kaleden Irrigation District _ _ 534 Kalesnikoff Lumbering Co. Ltd. 22,818 Kalnitsky, M. _ . 1,830 Kalra, Dr. D. K. _ 1,470 Kalum Electric _ _ _ _ _ 757 Kalum Tire Service Ltd. _ 7,077 Kamloops and District Mos¬ quito Control _ 1,226 Kamloops Automatic Transmis¬ sion Repair Ltd. _ . _ 985 Kamloops Brick & Block Ltd. 584 Kamloops Building Supplies Ltd. 2,086 Kamloops Camera House Ltd. 1,09*1 Kamloops, City of _ _ _ 636,702 Kamloops Drilling Ltd. _ _ 901 Kamloops Electric Motor Sales 1,049 Kamloops Frame Spring & Axle Ltd. _ 2,615 Kamloops Glass _ 1,011 Kamloops Insulators & Roofers 4,701 Kamloops Janitorial Service _ 620 Kamloops Meat (1959) Ltd _ _ 11,707 Kamloops-Merritt Freight Ltd. 502 Kamloops Moving & Storage Ltd. _ 1,789 Kamloops Public Library Asso¬ ciation _ 1,600 Kamloops Rebuilders Ltd. _ _ 2,512 Kamloops School District _ _ . 5,840,654 Kamloops Sentinel Ltd . . 5,415 Kamloops Septic Tank Service 929 Kamloops Star Motors Ltd _ 628 Kamloops Veterinary Clinic Ltd. _ _ 4,098 Kamloops West End Motors Ltd _ 737 Kane Murray Ltd. . _ 753 Kane, W. J. C. _ 1,678 Kanee, Dr. A. _ _ 5,471 Kane’s Drug Distributors Ltd. . 509 Kao, R. - 517 Kaplan, P. _ 15,403 Kaplowitz, Dr. H. J. . _ 3,553 Kap’s Transport Ltd. _ 3,925 Kaska, R. M. _ 704 Kaslo Marine Service _ 1,148 Kaslo Public Library Associa¬ tion - 550 Kaslo, Village of _ 25,401 Kasprow, E . . 869 Kastrokoff, J. _ 9,184 Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co. _ 1,575 Kats Rugby Club _ 4,000 Katz, Dr. F. _ _ 582 Kau, P _ _ 2,940 Kaufman Footwear _ 5,030 Kay Motors Ltd. _ 26,956 Kaza Copper Ltd. (N.P.L.) __ 6,000 K.B. Management Co. _ _ 1,906 Keeler Paint & Supply Ltd. __ 747 Keen, R. J., Construction _ 135,547 Keenan, W. F., Ltd. _ 501 Keepright Products Ltd. _ 5,087 Keir & Son Ltd _ _ 5,815 Keirn Enterprises _ 3,140 Keith Transport _ 959 Keldon Electronics Ltd. _ 2,369 Keller Drugs Ltd. _ 3,900 Keller Industrial Supply & Re¬ pair _ 620 Kelly, Douglas & Co. Ltd. _ 641,494 Kelly, E. _ 1,113 Kelly, K., Ltd _ _ 1,627 Kelly Richardson Tire Service _ 9,023 Kelly, W. D. _ _ _ _ 661 Kelly-Creswell Co., Ltd. _ 1,292 Kelly’s Garbage Collection - 1,950 Kelly’s Glass & Iron - 883 Kellys on Seymour Ltd. _ 644 Kelowna Builders Supply Ltd. . 3.881 Kelowna, City of - . - 489,835 Kelowna Courier Ltd. _ _ 3,070 Kelowna Diesel Truck Sales _ 542 Kelowna General Hospital - 2,010,369 Kelowna Industrial Supply Ltd. 510 Kelowna Motors Ltd . . 11,492 Kelowna Ready-Mix Concrete Ltd - 2,016 192 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 $ Kelowna Recreation Commis- sinn 2,220 4,434 4,008,265 842 1,968 533 Kelowna Reddy Mix Concrete ltd Kelowna School District Kelowna Southgate Pharmacy- Kelsey Construction Ltd. _ Kelumber Products Ltd. Kelvin Hughes Division, Smith’s Industries North America Ltd. Kelvinator Sales Corporation 826 3,833 Kelvington Union Hospital, 636 Kemano Public Library Associ¬ ation . _ Kemp Agencies Ltd. . Kemp, W N. 700 1,230 4,275 Kemp’s Service Station 611 Kendai, G. H. __ - - 2,095 Kendall Co. (Canada) Ltd _ 39,801 581 3,169 Kennedy Bros. Drug Stores Ltd. 5,347 1,233 11,208 2,093 2,855 Kennedy Drug Store No. 3 - Kennedy Machine Tools, Divi¬ sion of Elgar Machine Tools (C. anada) 2,383 Kennedy, R. L.. Ltd. 20,164 14,045 23,874 Kennelly Lumber Co. Ltd. Kenogami Holdings Ltd. 12,000 Kenora Home for the Aged 507 Ken’s Texaco Service 610 Kensell Construction Ltd. - Kensington Pharmacy . 2,163 559 Kensington Scientific Corpora¬ tion 857 Kent Bull dozing 703 83,463 Kent Metal Products Ltd. Kenyon & Co. Ltd, 1,415 60,129 Ker & Stephenson Ltd . „ 3,325 Ker, Priestman & Graeme En¬ gineering T td 6,540 K>r R T ” 1,039 Keremeos Freight Service - Keremeos Hotel . - - 700 3,224 Keremeos Irrigation District - Keremeos Pharmacy 146,550 2,602 Keremeos School District - Keremeos, Village of 444,154 16,749 Kerr, R. A., Contracting Co. Ltd. 990 12,929 Kerrisdale Lockers Ltd. - 1,314 620 1,063 3,583 Ketchum Manufacturing Sales T td Kettle Valley Clinic Ltd. - Kettle Valley School District — Kevis, R. - . - _ _ 2,400 398,642 1,450 Kev Motors Ltd. _ 543 Keystone Business Forms Ltd._ 894 15,439 Keytop Business Machines - 1,795 10,983 23,145 Kicking Horse Forest Products Ltd. ... Kidde, W. & Co. of Canada Ltd. Kidner. B . Hauling 1,004 2,570 3,297 Kiewit, P., Sons Co. of Canada T td . 1,854,056 27,975 1,020 Killamey and District General 863 615 2,220 519 2,125 1,382 632 206,004 Kimberley District General 475,961 Kimberley Drug & Book Store 2,526 $ Kimberley Public Library Asso¬ ciation _ 1,000 Kimberley Sand & Gravel _ 614 Kimberley School District _ 1,430,013 Kimmie, W. _ _ 805 Kimoff Landscaping Ltd. _ 20,786 Kina Investments Ltd. _ _ _ 7,650 Kincardine and District Gen¬ eral Hospital _ 615 Kindree, L. C. _ 522 King, A. S., Logging Ltd. _ 857 King Bros. Ltd. _ 10,151 King Edward Hotel _ 3,979 King Edward Pharmacy _ 3,844 King, R. J. _ 625 King Seagrave Ltd. _ 588 King Sheet Metal _ 1,015 King Size Log Transport Ltd._ 850 Kingcome Contracting Ltd._ _ 5,335 King’s Daughters’ Hospital, Duncan _ _ 1,235 Kingston Construction Ltd _ 94,012 Kingston General Hospital, Ont. 4,672 Kingston Metal Industries _ 7,556 Kingsway Esso Service _ 541 Kingsway Frozen Foods Ltd _ _ 38,730 Kingsway Pharmacy Ltd. _ 3,443 Kinnaird Public Library Associ¬ ation _ 950 Kinnaird, Town of _ 84,171 Kinnaird Transfer _ _ 899 Kinrose Enterprises Ltd. _ 5,090 Kinsey, F. E. _ 5,382 Kinsmen Club _ 31,260 Kinzel, H. _ 1,346 Kinzel, M. D. _ 1,831 Kipp’s Pharmacy _ 11,739 Kirk Auto Electric Ltd. _ 6,794 Kirk Automotive Wholesale __ 538 Kirk, Dr. J. A. C _ 3,388 Kirkland & Rose Ltd. _ 5,429 Kirkland, H. M. ________ 3,434 Kirkpatrick, G. _ 3,899 Kirkup, J. _ 792 Kirschner, D. _ 5,066 Kish Equipment Ltd. _ 1,403 Kitchener Waterloo Hospital, Ont. _ 659 Kitimat District _ 257,779 Kitimat Express _ 2,561 Kitimat General Hospital So¬ ciety - 3,604 Kitimat Hospital, Kitimat _ 902,051 Kitimat Pharmacy Ltd. _ 533 Kitimat Public Library Associa¬ tion - 1,000 Kitimat, Ralph’s Service Ltd. _ 1,080 Kitimat Riverlodge Ltd. _ 1,079 Kitimat School District _ 301,812 Kitimat Storage Ltd. _ 8,398 Kit’s Camera Ltd. _ 1,013 Kit’s Drug Ltd. _ 1,482 Kitsch, B. _ _ 2,753 Kitsilano Marine & Lumber Ltd. 745 Kittitas Valley Community Hos¬ pital - 546 Kittson, G. and M. _ 1,410 Kitwanga Lumber Co. Ltd. _ 19,580 Kiwanis Camp Society _ 37,500 Kiwanis Village Society _ 1,523 Kiwassa Neighbourhood Ser¬ vices _ _ 569 Klassen, M. _ 720 Klassen’s Pharmacy _ 3,366 Klaudt Contracting Ltd. _ 7,273 Klaver, C. P. _ 910 Klein, M. _ 921 Klein, M. A. _ 3,364 Klein, Mel _ 21,227 Klein, R. F., & Sons Ltd. _ 6,445 Klein, R. R. _ 1,104 Klenk Logging Ltd. _ 5,371 Kline’s Motors _ 3,282 Klingsat, W. W. _ 1,166 Klinisch-Therapeutisches Insti- tut, Switzerland _ 847 Klondike Helicopters Ltd. _ 1,530 Kloss, G. _ 7,245 Knapp & Miller _ 2,031 Knappett, A. H. _ 1,888 Kneller, H. _ 1,188 Knelsen, J. _ 8,309 Knight, A. & C., Ltd. _ 5,659 Knight Gravel Ltd. _ 9,057 Knight, N., Sales _ _ 544 Knight Signs Ltd. _ 1,173 5 Knight Trucking (1967) Ltd _ . 141,152 Knight’s Pharmacy _ 8,575 Knoblauch, A. _ 8,296 Knoll Pharmaceutical Co. _ 754 Knowles, G. _ 11,075 Knowles, G., Trucking _ 2,788 Knowlton, W. E. _ 920 Knowlton’s Drugs _ 12,564 Kode Contracting Ltd. _ 931 Kodiak Motors Ltd. _ 7,338 Koehle & Son _ 4,389 Koffman Food Importers Ltd. 1,268 Koivisto Sales & Service Ltd _ 2,736 Kokanee Chevron Service _ 543 Kokanee Equipment Ltd. _ 508 Kokanee Springs _ 5,090 Kokanee Transport Ltd. _ 770 Kokanee Travel _ 753 Kokoska, B. F. _ 10,066 Kokoska, G. _ 2,730 Koksilah Valley Hospital Im¬ provement District _ (Cr.) 62,849 Kolida, S. _ 1,491 Kolodychuk Contracting Ltd._ 4,519 Konrad, H. J. _ 808 Koochin, Wm. _ _ _ 650 Kootenay Airways _ 817 Kootenay Auto Supply _ _ _ _ 12,290 Kootenay Boundary Chambers of Commerce _ 13,353 Kootenay Boundary Regional District _ 40,719 Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District _ 43,294 Kootenay Cleaners Ltd. _ 785 Kootenay Cleaning Centre Ltd. 10,593 Kootenay Concrete Ltd. _ 14,142 Kootenay Drug _ 4,392 Kootenay Forest Products Ltd. 20,020 Kootenay Hotel _ 1,374 Kootenay Lake General Hos¬ pital Society _ 2,783 Kootenay Lake General Hos¬ pital _ _ 931,360 Kootenay Lake Motors Ltd _ 2,136 Kootenay Office Outfitters Ltd. 1,356 Kootenay Ranches Ltd. _ 5,359 Kootenay Sheet Metal _ _ 1,143 Kootenay Tractor & Supply Ltd. 45,258 Kootenay Upholstery & Furni¬ ture Ltd. _ 572 Kootenay Valley Hospital Im¬ provement District _ (Cr.) 24,599 Kopetski, J. _ 11,322 Kopetski, J. I. _ _ _ 9,412 Korpack Cement Products Co. Ltd. _ 11,438 Koshieff, J. _ 1,018 Kostiuk, A. _ 580 Kovacs, Dr. G. _ 1,050 Kovits, Dr. J. H. _ 644 Kowarsky, J. B. _ 2,661 Kozbial, E. _ 750 Kozek, W. & S. _ 550 Kozier, Dr. A. P. _ _ 563 Kozinuk, J. _ 1,400 Kozuchar, S. _ 753 Kozy Kabins Motel _ 619 Kraft Foods Ltd. _ _ _ _ 47,340 Kraus, Dr. H. K. _ 635 Krenn, J., Trucking _ _ 5,175 Kreschuk, M. _ 937 Kripp’s Pharmacy _ 3,252 Krispee Foods Ltd. _ 678 Krofta, C.. Ltd. _ 933 Kruger Pulp & Paper Ltd. _ 4,983 Kruse Drug Stores Ltd. _ _ _ 11,286 Kryski Bros. Contracting Co. Ltd _ 3,285 Ksan Association _ _ 9,423 Kucera, T. _ _ _ 1,600 Kucher’s Drug Store _ 2,926 Kuharchuk, J., Logging Ltd. _ 6,280 Kumfort Furnace Co. Ltd. _ 3,392 Kupser, J. _ 529 Kuss Rexall Drugs _ 3,739 Kut, Dr. S. J. _ 1,186 Kwast, T. and H. _ 17,244 Kyllo Hardware _ 2,445 Kylo Bros. Ltd. _ 1,540 Kyrski _ 500 Kyuquot Community Club _ 600 L. & A. Contracting _ 6,727 L. & H. Swanson Ltd. _ 3,466 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS $ L. & R. Communication Towers (Western) Ltd. _ 1,963 L. & R. Trucking _ _ 3,634 L.C.H. Contractors _ 10,177 La Bounty, Dr. A. F. _ _ __ _ 557 La France Fire Engine Foamite Ltd _ 1,004 La France Textiles (Canada) Ltd _ 1,641 La Salle Recreations _ 5,488 La Verendrye Hospital, Fort Frances _ 2,856 Labbe, R. _ 1,856 Labelle Supply Co. Ltd. _ 4,423 Labonte, M. _ 1,338 Labour College of Canada _ _ 3,000 Lacey & Liebel _ 3,971 Lachine General Hospital, Que. 4,130 Lacombe General Hospital, Alta. - 2,343 Ladner, Downs, Ladner, Locke, Clark - - 16,978 Ladner Drug Ltd. _ 2,371 Lady Minto Gulf Islands Hos¬ pital, Ganges _ _ 180,237 Lady Minto Hospital, Ashcroft 244,953 Ladyman, S. J. _ ___ _ 2,000 Ladysmith & District General Hospital _ 354,354 Ladysmith Drug Co. Ltd. _ 7,115 Ladysmith Laundry _ 3,507 Ladysmith School District _ 1,164,318 Ladysmith Senior Citizens Hous¬ ing Society _ 18,072 Ladysmith, Town of _ 114,637 Lafarge Cement of North Amer¬ ica Ltd. Lafarge Cement, Deeks-McBride Laing, J., & Son Ltd. _ _ _ .aird, D. _ .ake Centre Paving _ ,ake City Excavating Ltd. _ .ake City Ford Sales & Service ,ake Cowichan Building Supply ,ake Cowichan Community Centre Hall _ Lake Cowichan Hospital Im¬ provement District _ (Cr.) Lake Cowichan Pharmacy Ltd. Lake Cowichan School District Lake Cowichan, Village of _ Lake End Service Ltd. _ Lake End Transport _ Lake End Truck Stop _ Lake Hotel, Burns Lake _ Lake of the Woods Hospital _ Lake Pharmacy Ltd. Lake Radiator Service _ Lake Service Garage Ltd. _ Lakeland Estates Ltd. _ Lakeland Mills Ltd. _ ^.akelse Motor Hotel _ _ •akes Cement Products Ltd. _ ,akes District Senior Citizens’ Housing Association _ .akes District Plumbing & Heat¬ ing — .akeshore General Hospital, Pointe, Que _ .akeside Equipment & Rentals Ltd. _ _ _ _ .akeside Motel _ _ _ lakeview Cartage _ _ _ lakeview Chrysler - Plymouth 1 Ltd _ _ _ _ _ _ lakeview Hotel _ _ _ lakeview Irrigation District _ lakeview Park Board lakeview Planers Ltd. lakeview Plumbing & Electrical I Contractors Ltd. _ |am, K. C. _ _ _ amb Motors _ nbert, A., Inc. _ nbert Pharmacy nbert, T. C. nbton Steel Ltd. _ lamination Services _ _ nming, D. E _ _ nming, E. V. and O. E. nming, O. E. nplough Cutlery Ltd. _ _ ^mpman’s Crane Service Ltd. . nport Howell Distributors I Ltd. _ . _ nd-Sea Power Ltd. _ nder, C. R. _ ndial, S. _ 338,560 5,004 44,110 643 1,437 936 26,153 521 1,176 114,999 1,165 1,222,546 60,812 26,469 602 1,051 2,371 3,010 2,127 1,416 848 4,207 619 4,576 841 24,241 601 1,605 1,425 612 75,610 50,236 744 200,445 500 8,615 1,198 572 835 993 1,822 525 4,547 3,280 6,078 760 3,984 935 5,333 4,572 4,000 537 1,028 Lane Lumber Co. _ Lane, W. E. _ Lang Lake Logging Ltd. . . Langara Service . _ Langdale Estates Ltd. _ Langdale Water Taxi _ Langford Building Supply Ltd. Langford Fire Prevention Dis¬ trict _ . _ Langford, Dr. G. B. _ Langille, G. R. _ Langis Foods Ltd. _ Langlais, Dr. R. P. _ Langley Agricultural Associa¬ tion _ Langley Blueprint _ _ . Langley, City of _ Langley, District of _ Langley Memorial Hospital _ Langley Pharmacy _ . Langley Ready Mix Ltd. _ Langley School District _ Langley, W. L. _ _ Langton, M. W. _ _ _ Lantzville Improvement District Lantzville Recreation Commis¬ sion _ _ Lanzman, L. M _ _ _ Large Memorial Hospital, Bella Bella _ Larry’s Top Soil _ Larsen Electronics Ltd. _ _ Larson, G. E., Ltd. _ Lasser, D. _ _ _ Later Chemicals Ltd. _ Latham, Gordon, Ltd. _ Latimer Ltd. _ Latorezai, S. _ _ Lattman Construction Ltd. _ Laughton, J. I. _ Lauk, G. _ Lauk, G. V. _ Laurene Holdings Ltd. _ _ Laurenson, D. _ Lavington Planer Mill Ltd. _ Lavoie, A. _ Lavoie, R. _ _ _ Lavoie, V. E. _ _ _ _ $ 6,244 4,700 4,367 677 5,675 1,237 2,359 41,997 4,008 1,778 10,531 1,669 3,615 1,283 100,774 405,377 1,213,363 8,139 802 2,042,729 3,547 2,319 6,900 660 1,330 162,706 7,462 1,092 14,840 4,827 6,913 14,248 13,440 2,000 14,748 1,239 1,192 780 1,500 655 2,356 2,740 3,870 712 Law, P. F., Construction Ltd. 1,025,467 Law Society of B.C. _ 6,499 Lawrence Meat Packing Co. Ltd - 4,562 Lawrence Stores Ltd. _ 1,409 Lawrick Construction Ltd. _ 44,786 Lawson, B., Trucking _ 663 Lawson, D. J. _ _ 1,180 Lawson Oates on Broadway Ltd. 42,683 Lay, J. T. _ _ _ 1,080 Layfield, H. D., & Co. Ltd. __ 1,580 Le Blanc Bros. Logging — . _ 547 Le Blanc, H. J. _ 2,199 Le Blanc, Hector _ 1,914 Le Chateau Champlain _ 581 Lea, N. D., & Associates _ 94,985 Leach Corporation, Controls Division _ 6,709 Leach’s Tire & Battery Service Ltd _ _ _ 17,192 Leadership training courses (Vote 84) _ 16,503 Leake, C. _ 781 Lear Jet Corporation, U.S.A. .. 16,498 Lebler, M. _ 1,200 Leboe, A. O. _ _ 605 Leckie, C. P., Ltd. _ 7,593 Leckie, J., & Co. Ltd. _ 73,889 Lectronic Research Labora¬ tories, Inc. _ 610 Lecuyer, D. _ 632 Lecuyer, D. D. - 6,584 Leduc Municipal Hospital _ 611 Leduc Paving Ltd. _ 53,844 Lee, Dr. A. - _ 2,500 Lee Creek Holdings Ltd. _ 4,035 Lee, D. B. _ 507 Lee, Dr. D. S. _ 4,771 Lee Logging - 770 Lee, Dr. R. E. _ 6,267 Leeder Transport Ltd. _ _ 2,753 Leedham, D. A. _ 6,513 Leeds & Northrup (Canada) Ltd _ _ 4,093 Lee’s Pharmacy _ 17,793 Leggett, S. R., & Associates _ _ 24,450 Legion Motors of B.C. Ltd. _ 9,199 Lehman’s Moving Ltd. - - 2,069 Leidl Enterprises Ltd. - 2,077 Leigh Square Pharmacy Ltd. 5,037 Leighton, H. R. _ Leighton, J., Bulldozing _ _ _ Leitch, Dr. M. J. R. _ Leith & Dyke Ltd. _ Lekavy, J. _ Lei Enterprises Ltd. _ _ Lemaster, R. R. _ Lemiski, Dr. D. M. . - Lengert Equipment Ltd. _ Lenkurt Electric Co. of Canada Ltd _ _ Lennox Industries (Canada) Ltd. Len’s Trailer Towing _ Leong, B. _ Leo’s Bulldozing _ _ _ _ Leo’s Camera Supply Ltd. - Lepetich, B. _ Lepetich Logging _ Lepp, Dr. V. A. _ Leroux Clinic _ Leroy, M. L _ _ Les Auto Supply _ _ _ Leslie, A. C., & Co. Ltd. _ Leslie, D _ _ Leslie, Dr. K. E. _ Lester & Oster Trucking _ _ Lester, R. E. _ Letham, Dr. W. H. — _ _ — Lethbridge Municipal Hospital Letkeman Farms _ Lever Bros. Ltd. _ Levesque & Levesque Logging Co. _ Levine, Dr. M. _ _ _ Levis, D. M. _ Levitt Safety Ltd. - Leweke, V. _ Lewis, G. _ - _ Lewis, J. W. _ Lewis, Dr. M. H. _ Lewiscraft Ltd _ _ Liard Concrete Products Ltd. _ Liaw, Dr. Y. C. _ _ _ Libby’s Dundarave Pharmacy . Liberty Food Store _ Library of Congress _ _ _ Liebe, Dr. C. J. _ Lien, Dr. A. _ _ Lietz, E. D. _ _ _ Lilgnum Ltd. — - - Lillie, J. K.., Ltd. _ Lillooet Coach Lines _ _ _ _ Lillooet District Hospital _ _ Lillooet Electric _ Lillooet Hospital Improvement District _ Lillooet School District _ Lillooet, Village of . _ Lily Cups Ltd _ _ _ Lincoln Electric Co. of Canada Ltd _ _ Lincoln Equipment Co. Ltd. _ Lincoln Steel Products Ltd. _ Lind, Dr. F. O. _ Lindaas & Rowland _ _ _ Lindholm, L. F. _ Lindhout Bros. Contracting Ltd. Lindsay, F. W. _ Lindsay, H. _ _ _ _ _ Lindsay’s Cartage & Storage Ltd _ _ Lindy’s Service _ Lines, T. _ _ _ . _ Lingard Pharmacy Ltd. _ Lingren, J., Sawmill _ Link Belt Ltd. _ Linnell, M . . . . Linn’s Drug Store _ _ _ Lino-Craft Floors Ltd. _ Linton, H _ _ Linzey, W. E. B. _ Lions Gate Hospital, North Vancouver _ _ _ Lions Gate Produce Co. Ltd _ Lipinski, B. _ Lipinski, E. _ Lippincott, J. B., Co. _ Lipsett, Edward, Ltd. _ _ Lipsett Motors Ltd. - Liquid Carbonic (Canadian) Corporation Ltd. _ . _ Liquor Control Board -. _ Lister Bolt & Chain Works Ltd. Lister Recreation Commission . Listo Products Ltd. _ Listowel Memorial Hospital, Little & Taylor, Jewelers Ltd— 193 759 3,013 1,185 6.984 1,092 2,782 4,980 1,171 5,637 14,398 1,152 1,504 500 1,960 5,697 642 616 1,428 1,072 1,293 876 130,229 4,068 1,843 3,381 2,541 2,195 8,436 14.532 2.255 4,524 824 5,230 2,640 646 4,913 3.514 791 675 630 4,164 1,374 1,308 2.984 1,280 1,611 1,821 1.515 5.255 926 226,602 1,751 18,470 909,753 38,313 1,754 38.533 1,276 10,382 1,329 964 6.174 27,495 1,050 582 2,074 753 960 2.174 960 521 1,055 6,401 721 896 794 ,139,496 3,801 1,020 3,928 2,404 6,409 2,995 57,271 53,791 33,951 535 907 774 544 194 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 $ Little Equipment _ 1,129 Little Gallery _ 917 Little, Haugland & Kerr Ltd. _ 659 Little Inch Construction Ltd. ... 1,108 Little, K., Associates (Western) Ltd _ 6,244 Little League Baseball, B.C. _ 500 Little River Improvement Dis¬ trict _ 1,381 Littlechild, E. M. _ 4,204 Littlewood, D. T. _ 1,727 Livingston Produce Co. Ltd. 1,489 Lloyd, H. J., Logging _ 4,384 Lloyd, L. C., Trucking Ltd. _ 17,029 Lloydminster Hospital, Sask. _ 1,895 Lloyd’s Janitor Service _ 780 Lloyd’s Register of Shipping _ 13,143 Lo, Dr. F. D. _ 674 Loach, A. C., & Associates - 2,755 Lobel Orthopaedic Shoe Manu¬ facturing _ 508 Lochhead-Haggerty Engineering & Manufacturing Ltd. _ 2,383 Locke, C. C. _ 3,147 Lockhart, H. B. _ 2,587 Lock’s Pharmacy Ltd. _ 21,038 Lock’s Prescription Pharmacy . 1,983 Lockwood Survey Corporation Ltd - 24,121 Lodge, Q. _ 6,084 Lodon Contracting & Develop¬ ment Co. Ltd. _ 30,851 Loewen, D. _ 2,784 Loewen Drugs _ 535 Loewen Pontiac-Buick Ltd. _ 16,525 Log-Tel, McBride, B.C. _ — 660 Logan, C. _ 722 Loiselle Transport Ltd. _ 4,947 London Drug Ltd. _ _ 8,484 London House Convalescent Hospital, Calif. _ _ 3,395 London Vision Centres Ltd. _ 4,645 Long & Son Lumber Ltd. _ _ 8,261 Long, H. H. _ 1,680 Long, J. E. _ 21,385 Long Super Drugs Ltd. _ 13,682 Longland Bros. _ 3,155 Longland, R. E., Trucking Ltd. 1,140 Longley Electric Co. Ltd. _ 870 Longmans (Canada) Ltd. _ 167,871 Long’s Building Supplies Ltd. . 2,573 Lonsdale Pharmacy Ltd. _ 2,309 Loomis Armoured Car Service Ltd - 6,539 Loon Lake Ranch Ltd. _ 763 Lord & Burnham Co. Ltd. _ 8,103 Lord Nelson Dining Lounge _ 636 Loucks, E. _ 6,214 Lougheed’s Banquet Club _ 2,403 Louie, H. Y., Co. Ltd. _ 7,902 Louis Brier Hospital, Vancouver 466,870 Lou’s Automotive Ltd. _ 1,893 Lou’s Texaco Service _ 832 Lovas, G., Construction _ _ 12,314 Love Electric Ltd. _ 568 Loveseth Ltd. _ 6,587 Loveseth Northern Ltd. _ 1,074 Lovick, J., & Co. Ltd _ _ 703,994 Lovsted, C. M., & Co. (Canada) Ltd _ 90,862 Low, R. T _ _ 1,578 Low, R. T. A. _ 6,909 Low, Dr. V. A. _ 11,671 Lowe, E., & Sons - 2,918 Lowe-Martin Co. Ltd. _ 573 Lower Fraser Valley Exhibition 12,700 Lower Liard River Lodge _ 742 Lower Mainland Regional Plan¬ ning Board - 25,214 Lower Mainland St. Leonard’s Society _ 1,800 Lower Nicola Waterworks Dis¬ trict _ 1,360 Lower Post Holdings Ltd. _ 567 Lowe’s Catering Service — _ — 6,996 Lowry, E. F. - - - 724 Lucas, P. H _ _ 1,543 Luckey Laboratories, Inc. _ 1,427 Lucky Strike Ranch _ 527 Ludy’s Repair Shop - - 1,082 Lukas, Dr. J. E. _ 942 Lulua, C . 680 Lumberland Building Materials 3,674 Lumby and District Agricul¬ tural Society _ 1,000 Lumby Drugs - 693 Lumby, Village of - 24,836 Lund Breakwater Inn Ltd. - 949 $ Lund Marine Ltd. — - - 590 Lund Water Taxi Ltd. - 950 Lundeen, Clancy & Mitchell _ 723 Lundquist Logging Ltd. _ _ 2,105 Lund’s Crane Service Ltd. _ 5,147 Luscar Sales Ltd. _ _ _ . 265,595 Lusztig, P. A. _ 13,520 Luxford International Gift Ltd. 3,637 Luxton Fall Fair _ 3,868 Lyman Agencies Ltd. - 578 Lynnes, H. M. _ 675 Lynnhaven Society _ 2,339 Lynnwood Hotel _ 2,621 Lyon Household Shipping _ 2,592 Lyon Van & Storage Co. Ltd— 608 Lyons, J., & Co. Ltd. _ 44,264 Lytton Hotel Ltd. - 944 Lytton Pines Motel _ 1,400 Lytton, Village of _ 14,005 M. & H. Tractor & Equipment- M. & L. Testing Equipment Co. Ltd _ _ M. & M. Grading _ _ _ M. & M. Motor Parts Ltd. _ M. & P. Mercury Sales Ltd. _ M. and M. Service Station _ M.C. Cash Grocery _ M.C.I., Inc. _ M.D. Construction _ M.R.O. Appliance Services Ltd. M-S-A General Hospital, Ab¬ botsford _ M.S.A. Motors Ltd. _ M.S.A. Paving Ltd. _ , _ M.V. Pharmacy _ M.W. Supply Ltd. _ Mabel Lake Resort Ltd. _ _ Mac Tools Sales _ Mac-Duff Equipment Ltd. _ MacAdam, Dr. D. M. _ . _ MacAlaster Scientific Co. _ MacArthur Construction Co. Ltd. _ MacAulay, Nicolls, Maitland Co. Ltd. _ MacCaferri Gabions (Canada) Ltd. _ MacCosham Van Lines Ltd. _ MacDonald, A., Drugs Ltd. __ MacDonald, A. I. _ MacDonald & Lumsden Ltd _ MacDonald & Wilson Ltd. _ _ MacDonald Bros. Transport _ MacDonald, D. G. _ __ _ MacDonald Drugs _ . MacDonald, J. A. _ _ MacDonald, J. D. _ MacDonald, Dr. R. A. _ MacDonalds Consolidated Ltd. MacDonald’s Drugs Ltd. _ MacDonald’s Prescription Ltd. MacDonell, A. A. W. _ MacDougall, A. _ . _ _ _ — MacEwen, Dr. E. Bruce _ MacFarlane, Dr. D. G. _ MacFarlane, R. F. _ MacGill Industries Co. Ltd. _ Maclnnis Drug Store Ltd. _ Maclnnis, O. M., Drugs Ltd _ Maclsaac, J. A. _ MacKay, D. _ MacKay, D. E. _ MacKay, J. B., & Son Ltd. _ MacKay, Thos. W., & Son Ltd. MacKay’s Funeral Home _ _ _ MacKay’s Prescriptions _ MacKenzie & Feimann Ltd. _ MacKenzie Co-operative Store— Mackenzie, District of _ MacKenzie Drugs _ MacKenzie Redi-Mix _ _ _ MacKenzie, Dr. T. C. _ _ _ MacKenzie, W. L., & Co. Ltd. MacKenzie’s Ltd . . MacKinnon & Pearce _ MacLachlan, D. G., Ltd. _ MacLaren, K. F., Hearing Aids MacLean, C. R. _ . _ _ Maclean Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd. _ MacLean, P. _ _ _ _ _ MacLean’s Equipment Rentals- MacLeod, Dr. W. R. _ MacLeod’s Funeral Chapel Ltd. MacLeod’s Ltd. - MacMaster, D. C. _ 2,658 3,606 7,139 10,927 4,890 2,879 5,239 664 5,154 3,199 598 7,251 781 6,315 2,618 3,217 522 3,924 885 502 40,656 7,074 1.791 513 7.792 6,043 23,834 5,592 4,227 2,940 10,969 627 2,397 1,133 1,628 1,833 29,997 5,124 1,440 1,539 975 1,055 2,813 808 7,738 629 7,077 8,266 917 9,704 5,220 2,789 2,463 4,126 39,808 1,969 7,010 2,400 6,427 2,507 973 4,727 1,017 1,039 7,929 986 1,563 746 2,523 961 800 MacMillan Bloedel & Powell River Ltd. - - MacMillan Bloedel (B.C.) Ltd. MacMillan Bloedel Packaging Ltd. _ MacMillan Co. of Canada Ltd. MacMillan, D. A. _ MacMillan, Dr. W. R. - - — _ MacMinn, E. G. — - - MacNair, P. L. - MacNaughton, F. C. - MacPherson, Dr. A. D. - MacPherson, Dr. K. M. - MacQuarrie Steel Ltd. - MacTavish, C. L. — - - MacTavish, M. - Mac’s Motel _ _ Mac’s Welding & Equipment Ltd. _ _ Macey, A., Sound Co. - - Mack Bros. Logging Ltd. - . Mack Kirk Roofing Co. (1966) Ltd. _ _ Mackey, B. S. - - - - Mackie, G. L. and N. J. _ Macoff, A. A . . Maclin Motors Ltd. _ Maco Ltd. _ _ Maco, S. _ Maczko, F. _ _ Maddess, L. _ _ _ Maddin, D. _ Mader, D. _ Madigan Equipment Ltd. _ Madigan Excavating _ Madill, S„ Ltd. _ _ Madison Transport Cariboo Ltd. Madison Transport Ltd. _ _ Maerzke, H. K. _ . Maffeo, P., Davenport Ice Cream _ _ Magee Grocery Ltd. _ Magee Holding Ltd. _ _ _ Magee Pharmacy Ltd . . . Magel, B., Construction Supply Ltd. _ Magistrates’ fees (Vote 49) ___ Magneto Sales & Service Ltd _ Magnum Floors Ltd. _ Ma.grath Municipal Hospital, Alta. _ _ Maguire’s Carpet Distributors Ltd _ _ Mah, B. H. — . . Mahabir, Dr. W. J _ _ Mail Advertising Bureau, Inc _ Maillardville Bicultural Society- Maillot, R. _ _ _ Main Advertising Bureau _ _ Main Drug Ltd. _ Mainland Blacktop Ltd. _ Mainland Cable Services Ltd _ Mainland Construction Co. Ltd. Mainland Express Ltd. _ _ _ Mainland Foundry & Engineer¬ ing Ltd. _ Mainland Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd. _ _ Maintenance allowances, Health Branch (Vote 132) _ Mainway Machinery Ltd. _ Mair’s Charter Buses Ltd. _ _ Majonnier Bros. Co . . _ . Major, S., Plumbing & Heating Ltd _ _ _ Makely’s, Inc. _ Malach’s Building Supplies Ltd. Malaspina Regional District _ Malaspina Regional Hospital District _ _ Malcolm, J. M. _ . Malkin & Pinton Industrial Sup¬ plies Ltd. _ Malkin Ford Sales Ltd. _ _ — Malkin, W. H., Co. Ltd. _ Malkow, J. F. _ Mallery Drug Co. _ Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Ltd. _ Malloch & Moseley Log Co. Ltd. Mallory Battery Co. of Canada Ltd _ _ _ _ Malmberg & Son Ltd. - Malpass, Dr. R. T. - - Management Education Associa¬ tion - - Management Science _ _ Manark Holdings Ltd. - $ 7,982 309,530 18,482 423,498 2,009 1,171 1,615 735 643 612 1,547 4,413 7.193 17,333 3.194 129,360 6,696 2,173 1,025 708 18,000 2,684 614 9,480 1,500 3,864 985 600 1,396 6,008 1,639 612 1,823 918 600 720 4,290 677 731 1,806 25,200 2.944 1,083 567 676 840 2,400 3,388 224,202 5,941 1,012 9,351 37,772 719 34,216 1,978 2,803 1.945 61,908 63,021 4,638 6,543 624 2,959 775 9,775 27,374 1,928 152,775 3,035 171,305 6,534 5,522 619 6,844 1,584 1,257 2,168 534 3,000 2,783 Mandeville Gardens _ _ Maney, P., Laboratories (Can¬ ada) Ltd. _ _ _ Manitoba, Province of _ Manitoba Rehabilitation Hos¬ pital - - - - Manly, John, Ltd. _ Mann, A. R., Ltd. _ Mann Drugs Ltd. _ . Manning Construction Ltd. _ Manning, L. J., & Associates Ltd. _ Manning Park Lodge _ Mannix Sign & Display Ltd _ Mann’s Automotive Centre Ltd. Mann’s Clinic Pharmacy _ Mann’s Drug Store . . Mann’s Prescription Pharmacy- Manson Bros Ltd. _ Manton Printing Inks Ltd. _ . Maple Creek Union Hospital, Sask . . _ . Maple Leaf Hotel _ Maple Leaf Mills Ltd. _ _ _ Maple Leaf Plastics Ltd. _ Maple Ridge Agricultural Asso¬ ciation _ Maple Ridge Bus Service Ltd _ Maple Ridge, District of _ _ Maple Ridge Halfway House Society _ Maple Ridge Hospital, Haney __ Maple Ridge Pharmacy _ _ Maple Ridge School District _ Maple Ridge Septic Tank Ser¬ vice _ _ _ Maple Ridge Veterinary Hos¬ pital _ _ _ Maquinna, A. _ _ _ Mar-West Contract Services Ltd. _ _ _ Marathon Realty Co. Ltd. _ Marchessault, S., Contracting Ltd. _ Marchi, S. _ Marcus, A. M. _ Marder, R. S. _ Margach, J. A. _ _ Marine & Power Equipment Ltd. _ _ _ Marine Engineering Consultants Marine Inn . . . . . Marine Pipeline & Dredging Ltd. Marine Plastics Ltd. _ Maritime Industries Ltd. _ Maritime Museum of B.C. _ Marken, G. _ _ _ Markin Equipment Ltd. _ Markle, J. E. _ _ Vlarks Bros. Electric Ltd. _ Marks, Dr. J. T. _ Vlarlin Sportswear Ltd. _ _ Vlarlow Construction Ltd. _ _ Warnell, Dr. V. V. _ _ VTarossa Logging Ltd. _ Vlarpole Machine Works Ltd— Vlarpole One-hour Martinizing Vlarpole Radiators Ltd. _ _ Marriott, S. H. _ _ Vlarrosa Logging Ltd. _ vlarr’s Drug Store _ Vlarsh & McLennan Ltd. _ Marshall Bros., Trucking _ vlarshall, H. A. _ _ Marshall, Dr. L. F. _ vlarshall, S., Motors Ltd. _ vlarshall Wells Ltd. _ Marshall’s, O., Trailer Towing . kartell, T., Ltd. _ kartell’s Store _ _ Martens, D. _ Martens, David, Trucking _ _ _ Martens, J. _ Martens, J., & Sons _ _ _ _ Martens Lumber Ltd. _ _ _ Martens, Peter, Trucking _ Martin, B. _ _ _ _ _ Martin, Bob, Trucking _ Martin, Dr. D. R. _ Martin, E. W. and Pearl J, _ Martin Electric _ Martin, M. _ Martin, Dr. M. G. _ Martin, P. & J„ Sawmill Ltd- Martin, P. N. _ Martin Valley Fire Protection District _ lartin-Black Wire Ropes of Canada Ltd. _ SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS $ 766 14,996 4,833 4,431 467,163 7,458 1,725 978,919 1,193 1.315 535 3,492 3,223 2,586 864 1,103,032 1,318 1,494 737 15,334 3,082 3,845 4,153 569,487 15,926 1,138,291 3,727 2,101,501 1,076 5,531 2,000 3,227 78,713 3,198 1,560 750 1,006 8,612 554 1,364 2,410 114,530 636 617 10,500 1,146 7,140 1,284 4,016 1,663 5,077 1,710 508 1,041 1,071 741 802 1,605 2,479 2,883 287,440 63,683 15,371 643 6,747 37,786 894 9,307 1,031 6,889 19,136 6.315 4,736 838 4,379 12,507 1,063 676 1,000 641 1,146 1,578 18,214 1,011 4,000 6,973 $ Marvel Chemical Ltd. _ 749 Marv’s Gas Appliance Service— 586 Mary’s Help Hospital, Calif _ 500 Mary’s Motel _ _ _ _ 1,008 Marysville Public Library Asso¬ ciation _ 850 Marysville, Village of _ 26,131 Maryvale Community Hospital, Phoenix _ 625 Mason, J. P. R. _ 589 Masset, Village of _ 13,643 Massey, F. _ 974 Massey-Ferguson Industries Ltd. 10,637 Massot Nurseries Ltd. _ 1,695 Mater Misericordia Hospital, Rossland _ 353,022 Materform, S. A. _ 3,780 Materials Testing Laboratories Ltd. _ 8,910 Math-Master Laboratories, Inc. 641 Mather, C. J. _ _ _ 981 Matheson, D. M. _ 1,604 Mathews, W. H. _ 1,188 Mathias, Dr. H. D. _ 710 Mathisen, Dr. M. M. _ 1,643 Matilpi, O. _ _ _ 626 Matrix Contrast Corporation _ 624 Matson, Peck & Topliss _ 3,839 Matsqui, District of _ 433,858 Matsqui Dyking District _ 8,646 Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford Hos¬ pital _ 692,044 Mattey Bros. Ltd. _ 1,011 Matthews Bros. Ltd. _ 515 Matthews, Dr. J. A. _ 1,163 Matthews, J. W. P. _ 846 Matthews, R. W., Agencies _ 2,557 Mattson Bros. Ltd. _ 15,732 Matz-Wozny Custom Tailors _ 1,209 Matzhold, K. _ __ _ 2,293 Maude, G. A. _ 5,225 Maude, K. S., Industrial Electric Ltd. _ 15,432 Mawson Gage Ltd. _ . 1,074 Max’s Donuts Ltd. _ 4,968 Maxwell Artists Materials Ltd. 2,236 Maxwell Floor Co. _ 2,268 May & Baker (Canada) Ltd _ 2,236 Maycock Optical Dispensary _ 1,922 Mayer Bros., Contracting _ 2,724 Mayers, D. _ 524 Mayerthorpe Municipal Hospi¬ tal, Alta. _ 665 Mayfair Decorators _ 4,099 Mayfair Heating Services _ 799 Mayhew & Strutt Ltd. _ 18,386 Mayhew, E. _ 2,000 Mayhew, L., Ltd. _ 16,482 Mayne Inn _ 536 Mayne Island Community Asso¬ ciation — _ 507 Mayne Island Improvement Dis¬ trict _ _ 28,900 Mayo Contracting _ _ _ 1,296 Mayo Pharmacy Ltd. _ 3,113 Mazur, M. _ 1,472 M.B.C. Machinery Ltd. _ _ _ 14,663 McAdams, A. K. _ 827 McAinish & Co. Ltd _ _ 31,508 McAllister Spring Co. Ltd. _ 2,186 McAlpine, D _ _ _ 875 McAlpine, J. D. _ 7,994 McArthur Construction _ 3,433 McAuliffe, B., Motors Ltd . 9,495 McBee Co. Ltd. _ _ 3,253 McBride and District Hospital.. 132,274 McBride and District Hospital Improvement District _ 801 McBride Meats & Groceries _ 1,433 McBride Motors Ltd. _ _ _ 7,927 McBride Pharmacy _ _ _ 3,928 McBride Public Library Asso¬ ciation _ 519 McBride School District _ 617,765 McBride, Village of _ 18,335 McBrine, L., Co. Ltd. _ 704 McCabe, A. _ 795 McCain Foods Ltd. _ 1,539 McCall Davey Drug Store No. 2 _ 9,779 McCallum Sales Ltd _ _ _ 6,582 McCalpin, Leche & Co. Ltd _ 7,155 McCann, Dr. IC. W _ 3,705 McCann’s Caterers _ 1,565 McCarter, Nairne & Partners _ 54,187 McClaskey Drugs _ 3,490 McClellan, B. _ 2,629 McClelland, H. W. G _ 575 McClurg, A. C„ & Co. _ 931 McColman, W. J. _ _ _ _ McConnell, D. P. _ _ _ _ _ — McConnell Machine Shop _ _ McCormick’s Ltd. _ McCorquodale, M. E. _ McCoy Bros. Spring & Steering Service _ McCue Drugs Ltd. _ McCue, Dr. M. L. _ McCulloch Cabins _ McCulloch Co. of Canada Ltd. McCulloch Sales & Service _ McCurdy Radio Industries Ltd. McCutcheon Motel _ _ . McDermids & Lofting _ _ _ McDiarmid, H. R. _ McDonald Appliance Service Ltd. _ McDonald Beverages Ltd. . _ McDonald, Currie & Co. _ _ _ McDonald Farm Ltd. _ _ McDonald, G. _ McDonald, R _ _ McDonald Ranch & Lumber Co. McDonald Stone Ltd. _ _ _ — McDonald’s Sporting Goods _ McDougall, F. D., Excavating Ltd. _ _ _ McDougall, N. E. _ McDowell, C. J., Plumbing & Heating Ltd. _ _ McDowell’s Drug Store . _ _ McEachern, A. C., Ltd. . _ _ McElhanney Associates _ McElhanney Surveying & Engi¬ neering Ltd. _ _ McEwen’s Autobody Ltd. _ McFadden & Marlatt Electric Ltd. . . . McGaig, R. W. _ McGarvey, G. _ McGauley, E. M. _ _ McGauley Ready Mix Concrete Co _ _ McGavin, A. _ McGavin Toastmaster Ltd. _ . McGibbon, T. _ McGill & Orme Ltd. _ _ _ McGill University _ McGillivray, D . . McGivern, H. J. J. _ McGrath, H. _ McGraw Hill Co. of Canada Ltd. _ McGraw-Edison (Canada) Ltd. McGregor Hosiery Mills Ltd _ McGregor Motor Inn Ltd. _ _ McGregor’s Motor Inn _ _ . McGuire Trucking _ Mclndoe, R. A. _ _ _ Mclnnis Building Supplies Ltd. McIntosh Cartage Co. Ltd. _ McIntosh, J. _ McIntosh Supply Ltd. _ _ McIntosh, W. _ McIntyre, A. B. _ McIntyre Educational Materials McIntyre’s Auto Industrial Wholesale _ Mclver, Dr. W. A. _ McKay, I. A., Ltd. _ McKay, J. A. _ _ _ McKay-Cormack Ltd. _ McKee, G. H. _ McKeigue, P. _ McKeith Service _ _ _ McKellar General Hospital, Fort William _ McKelvie Equipment _ McKelvie, J., Equipment _ McKenzie, A. E., Co. Ltd. _ McKenzie & Fraser Ltd. _ McKenzie Barge & Derrick Co. Ltd. _ McKenzie, C. _ _ _ _ McKenzie, Lloyd G. _ _ _ McKenzie Seeds Ltd. _ McKenzie, Snowball & Skal- bania Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ McKenzie-Stephenson Ltd . . McKenzie Taxi & Transfer Co. McKinley, J. _ _ _ McKinley, Jack _ McKinnell Drug Ltd. . _ _ _ McKinney, R. _ McKinnon Enterprises _ McKinnon, J. _ McKinnon, K. _ McKinnon Plumbing & Heating 195 14,317 6,089 2,522 5.169 16,979 21,040 5,849 639 770 884 527 669 510 15,711 766 747 1,800 35,491 8,481 759 9,094 6,947 4.250 722 59,594 1,877 6,325 2,627 15,404 29,189 2,874 2,871 5,967 2,725 3.169 2,365 4,023 520 137,570 690 72,748 1.321 13,080 2,083 1,024 643,084 4,936 1,142 2,249 2,521 41,141 1,117 17,505 710 2,924 6,213 941 553 2,193 1,480 587 747 3,126 738,239 1,548 14,249 516 4,390 3.322 2,939 4,645 637 10,667 806 1,473 1,377 7,512 3,245 25,983 4,746 4.251 1,807 732 125,465 19,889 600 1,530 196 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 $ McLaren & Sons - 4,274 McLaren, H., Electric Ltd. — 635 McLaren, P. D., & Son Ltd. _ 3,169 McLaren Western Drugs _ ___ 2,088 McLarry, R. W. _ 637 McLaughlin, J. R. _ _ _ _ _ 3,015 McLay, J. M. _ 1,333 McLean & Harris __ _ 2,639 McLean & Rudderham Agencies Ltd. _ 1,460 McLean & Powell Iron Works Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ ... _ 8,476 McLean, B. _ 1,269 McLean, J . . 1,286 McLean Tire Service - 2,726 McLean Tool Manufacturing Ltd. _ 996 McLean’s Shipyard - 2,292 McLeese Lake Coffee Shop — 555 McLellan Contracting Co. Ltd. 724 McLellan, R„ & Co. Ltd. _ 900 McLennan, McFeely & Prior Ltd. _ _ 72,971 McLennan Motors Ltd. _ 13,358 McLeod, A. W„ Ltd. _ 8,713 McLeod, B., and Dubeta, D. N. 1,000 McLeod, C. M. _ _ _ 999 McLeod Cleaners Ltd. _ 3,165 McLeod Contracting Co. Ltd _ 5,467 McLeod, Dr. D. J. _ 3,042 McLeod, G. J., Ltd. _ 680 McLeod, J. _ — 512 McLevin Bros. Auto Electric Ltd. _ 8,161 McLuhan, Dr. W. W. _ 828 McMahon Lumber Co. Ltd. _ 587 McMahon, W. G„ Ltd. _ 2,724 McManus, A., Shell Service — 839 McMillan, R _ _ _ _ 976 McMurray, S. G. _ 1,320 McMynn, C. G., Ltd. - - 2,500 McNab, D., & Associates _ 1,446 McNab, D., & Partners _ _ . 5,306 McNair, A. N. _ 4,837 McNamara, L. _ 8,083 McNeely, B., Construction _ 47,569 McNeely, C. J., Co. Ltd. _ 2,700 McNeil Laboratories (Canada) Ltd . 90,866 McPhail’s Cartage & Contract¬ ing Co. Ltd. _ . _ _ — . 2,878 McPhail’s Construction Co. Ltd. 1,804,827 McPhedran Electric _ 1,306 McQuarrie & Selkirk . . . 673 McQuarrie Bros. Motors Ltd. _ 633 McQuarrie, Hunter, Fisher, Mc¬ Kinnon, Gates, Pettenuzzo & Pearce _ 9,739 McQuay, C. F. _ 2,940 McRae Lease Ltd. _ _ 2,777 McRae Motors Ltd. _ 6,970 McRae Septic Tank Service _ 760 McRae, W. K. _ 720 McSorley Frost Barrier Ltd. _ 1,711 McTavish, A. _ 12,550 McVicar’s Prescriptions Ltd. _ 4,231 McWilliam, W. G„ Ltd. _ 13,333 McWilliam, Whyte, Goble & Associates - - - 47,570 Mead, Johnson & Co. (Canada) Ltd _ _ 3,833 Mead, W. _ 2,710 Meadow Lake Union Hospital, Sask. _ . _ 1,009 Meagher, T. W. _ 806 Mease Hospital, Florida _ _ _ 550 Measurements — _ 674 Mecham, F. _ 1,223 Mecham Sales & Service - - 1,290 Mechron Engineering Products 1,429 Medical Arts Pharmacy Ltd. _ 14,266 Medical Centre, Manila - 609 Medical Centre Pharmacy _ 1,710 Medical Centre Prescriptions — 9,294 Medical Clinic, Fernie _ 10,609 Medical Clinic, Fort St. John _ 903 Medical Clinic, Merritt - 1,136 Medical Clinic, Sechelt _ 656 Medical Clinic, Vancouver - 1,778 Medical Clinic, Vernon _ 761 Medical Commission, sundry services (Vote 249) _ . _ . 25,714 Medical Pharmacy _ _ 3,365 Medical services, sundry (Vote 297) _ 235,084 Medicine Hat General Hospital 5,974 Medlock, Dr. W. D. _ _ 580 Meehan, D. _ __ 575 $ Meek, A. _ 10,462 Meeres, Reg. _ 865 Meers, W. G. _ 4,528 Meier Drug Ltd. _ 1,638 Meiers, B. L. _ . _ 1,834 Mellor, Dr. E. _ 5,948 Melograin Milling Co. Ltd. _ 6,288 Melpahl Utilities Equipment Ltd. _ 4,298 Melville, G. G., & Gansner, J. W„ Ltd. _ 1,758 Melvin, F. A _ _ 7,416 Memorex Canada Ltd. _ 3,418 Memorial Hospital, Redding, Calif. _ 1,025 Meneghello, D. _ 600 Menkes, E. T. _ 543 Menninger, C. F., Memorial Hospital, Kansas _ 3,850 Menno Private Hospital, Ab¬ botsford _ _ _ _ _ . _ 307,449 Mental health care assistance _ 159,497 Menzies, J. _ _ 3,862 Menzies, Dr. J. H. _ 862 Mer-Van Sales Ltd. _ _ _ 3,136 Mercer, A. W. _ 8,150 Merck, Sharp & Dohme of Can¬ ada Ltd _ _ _ 57,728 Mercuri, D. _ 15,036 Mercury Marine Services Ltd. _ 24,527 Meridian Mobile Manufacturing Ltd _ 1,265 Meridian Motors Ltd. _ 17,378 Merit Paving Ltd. _ 8,584 Merke, H. _ 665 Merkley, H. K. _ . 634 Merrell, W. S„ Co _ 2,626 Merriam, F. _ 510 Merrill, C. E. (Canada) Ltd. _ 2,937 Merrill, E. W. _ 627 Merritt Esso Service _ 828 Merritt Herald _ __ _ 515 Merritt, J., Agencies __ _ 1,167 Merritt Machine Shop _ 1,018 Merritt Motor Sales Ltd. _ 4,081 Merritt Moving & Storage _ 1,058 Merritt Public Library Associa¬ tion _ 1,000 Merritt School District _ 1,015,430 Merritt Tire Service _ 1,467 Merritt, Town of _ 130,858 Merry-Mitchell Ltd. _ 724 Merslack, G . . 857 Mertion, A. F. _ _ 981 Merville Fire Protection District 850 Merv’s View Royal B.A. Service 1,052 Meshwa Electric _ 1,622 Mesich, T. _ 1,248 Metal & Wood Products Ltd. _ 532 Metcalfe, Dr. B. E. _ _ _ 818 Metchosin Fire Protection Dis¬ trict _ 23,843 Metchosin Recreation Commis¬ sion _ _ _ . _ 528 Meteorology Research, Inc. _ 2,189 Metro Concrete Ltd. _ _ 889 Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Pictures Ltd _ _ 3,751 Metropolitan Ambulance Ser¬ vices Ltd. _ 908 Metropolitan General Hospital, Ont. _ _ _ 2,113 Mettes, J., & Son _ 1,089 Meyers, H. . 12,906 Meyers Holland Motors Ltd. _ 12,475 Mica Dam Contractors _ 7,059 Michel -Natal Dental Health Clinic _ 647 Michel-Natal District Hospital 114,653 Michell, W., & Son Excavating Ltd _ _ _ 543 Mickle, J. W. _ 600 Micks, G. _ 1,050 Micon Products Ltd. _ 608 Micro Metallurgical Ltd _ 694 Microbiological Association Inc. _ _ _ _ _ 543 Mid Valley Dodge Ltd. _ _ 533 Mid-Island Enterprises _ 852 Mid-West Electric Ltd. _ 5,501 Mide, C. _ 1,572 Midland Superior Express Ltd. 716 Midvalley Construction Ltd. _ 854,069 Midway Janitor Supply Ltd. _ 2,591 Midway Pharmacy _ 1,016 Midway Service _ 849 Midway, Village of _ 13,213 Midwest Construction (1958) Ltd. _ _ 3,019 Mielke, Dr. R. P. _ 510 Mike’s Construction _ Mike’s Hardware _ Mike’s Meat Market _ Mike’s Trucking Ltd. _ Miki, P. Y., and Chouinard, C. J _ _ _ _ Mikler, Jan _ Mil-ko Products Ltd. _ Milburn, Dr. W. B _ Mile 99 Motel _ . _ Miles, Dr. J. E. _ Mill Bay Fire Protection Dis¬ trict _ _ _ Millar & Brown Ltd. _ Millar, P. S. _ _ Millard, E . . . . _ . Millar’s Drugs Ltd. _ Miller, A. _ Miller, Dr. A. A. _ . _ _ Miller & Van Koughnett Enter¬ prises Ltd. _ Miller Bay Indian Hospital _ Miller, C., Ltd. _ . Miller Creek Livestock Associa¬ tion _ Miller, F. O. _ Miller, J. R . . Miller, J. R., Transport _ Miller Lumber Co. _ Miller, Dr. R. J. _ _ _ Millerd, F., & Co. Ltd. _ Millikin, C. _ _ _ Millions Ranch & Construction Millipore Ltd. _ Mills, G. _ Mills, Ken, Chevrolet-Oldsmo- bile Ltd. _ Mills Memorial Hospital, Ter¬ race _ Mills Steel Products Ltd. __ _ _ Millsap, P. _ Millstream Timber Ltd. _ _ Milner Trucking _ Milton, J., Ltd. _ Mine Safety Appliances Co. of Canada Ltd. _ Miner Co. Ltd. _ Mineral Springs Hospital, Banff Minette Bay Marina Ltd. _ _ Minger, R. _ Mingo & Reid Trucking _ Minnesota Mining & Manufac¬ turing of Canada Ltd. _ Mintex Federal Ltd. _ Minute Movers & Storage _ _ Misericordia Hospital, Edmon¬ ton _ _ _ Misericordia Hospital, Winni¬ peg — - - - Mission and District Agricul¬ tural Association _ _ _ Mission Canners Ltd. _ Mission City Hardware Ltd. _ Mission City, Town of _ Mission, District of _ _ _ Mission Memorial Hospital _ Mission Pharmacy _ Mission School District _ Mission Textile Co. . . . Mission Veterinary Clinic _ Misty Islands Transportation _ Mitchell-Anderson Lumber Co. Ltd. _ _ Mitchell Auto Parts Ltd. _ _ Mitchell, D. H. _ Mitchell, D. J. _ Mitchell, J. _ Mitchell, J. B. _ Mitchell, M. F. _ Mitchell Press Ltd . . . Mitchell, R., Co. Ltd. _ Mitchell Supply Ltd. _ _ _ Mitchell, T. _ Mitchell’s Hardware _ Mitchell’s Service _ _ _ Mitdal, A. _ Miyagawa, Dr. M. _ _ _ Moberg, R., Contract Co. Ltd. Mobil Oil Co. _ Mobile Home Moving _ Mochrie, M. _ _ _ Model Sheet Metal Works Ltd. Model Transfer _ Modern Block Apartments _ Modern Building Supplies Ltd. Modern Floor & Supply Co. Ltd. _ Modern Materials Ltd. _ Modern Tire Ltd. _ _ 14,95 79* 1,23: 5,11! 74' 65 i 1,841 621 4,401 70t 4,000 6,031; 1,11 1,940 6,79! 41.22 17,18 1,000 500 600 l,59l 1,09' 60 700 51! 1,03: 1,251 1,57. 41,60 716,84 79: 1,37 76 11,05 13,32' 13,56' 4,19 6,07: 1,180 2,97: 2,91: 193,701 2,59:, 55: 11,94 12.22 63. 5,70: 50* 101,911 190,90: 543,10. 11,201 1,061,86' 1,54* 67: 17,71, 3,16.', 31,21; 1,42; 97' 1,250 16,92! 13,36 14,54' 1,02' 1,56: 88 91 53: 2,29' 2,14i 7,000 1,51:1 3,35; 54: 6,05: 1,42: 60i 53: 3,99. 76' 86* $ Modular Products Ltd. _ 1,540 Moen, F. - 535 Moffat Broadcasting Ltd. _ 892 Mogensen, J., Laboratory Ltd. 870 Mohawk Delivery _ _ _ _ 1,299 Mohawk Industrial Ltd. _ 1,330 Mohawk Moving & Storage _ 861 Mohr, A., Trucking Ltd. _ 19,379 Mollard, J. D., & Associates Ltd - 3,147 Moller, J. O. _ 671 Mollison, J _ _ __ _ 1,330 Mollison, W. J. _ 1,203 Molodowich, J., Construction (1965) Ltd. _ 6,922 Monahan, H. C. _ 4,271 Monarch Pharmacy Ltd. _ 4,857 Moncrieff Construction Co. Ltd - - - - 5,732 Moncton Hospital, N.B. _ 795 Monk Office Supply Ltd. _ 94,429 Monroe General Hospital, Key West _ 525 Monroe International (Canada) Ltd - 11,662 Monsanto (Canada) Ltd. _ _ _ 50,820 Monsen Typographers, Inc. _ _ 1,824 Monterey Motors _ 1,014 Montes Motel _ 560 Montgomery, Dr. C. R. _ 520 Montgomery Elevator Co. Ltd. 32,218 Montgomery, G., & Sons Ltd. 5,501 Monticello Books _ 610 Montie’s Four Season Sport Centre _ __ 815 Montreal Casein Co. Ltd. _ __ 648 Montreal Children’s Hospital _ 1,094 Montreal Engineering Co. Ltd. 12,556 Montreal General Hospital _ _ 4,162 Montreal Neurological Institute 10,391 Montreal Shoe Machinery Co. Ltd - - - 1,255 Montreal Trust Co. _ 28,439 Montrose, Village of _ 28,568 Moody’s Investors Service __ 1,039 Mooney, A. W. _ 596 Mooney, A. W., Godel, J. C. and Stephen _ _ _ 870 Mooney, Mrs. J. _ _ _ . 5,875 Mooney, M. H. _ 8,225 Moore Aviation Ltd. _ _ 1,686 Moore Business Forms Ltd. _ 176,322 Moore, D. _ _ _ 2,598 Moore, D. D. _ 8,185 Moore, Dave, Motors Ltd. _ 731 Moore, E - - - - 14,888 Moore Equipment Co. _ 4,162 Moore, Dr. F. E. _ __ 1,284 Moore, J. B. _ 2,948 Moore, K. L. _ 5,440 Moore, M. _ _ _ 5,932 Moore, M. A. _ 559 Moore, R. E. _ 1,319 Moore, W. D., Logging Co. Ltd. 6,252 Moore, W. S. _ _ _ 4,169 Moore-Whittington Lumber Co. Ltd - 13,774 Moore’s Transfer Ltd. _ _ 4,814 Moose Jaw Union Hospital, Sask. - 1,954 Moran, M. _ 2,523 Moran, M. E. _ 1,464 Mordhorst, H„ & Associates _ 10,303 Moreau, Dr. J. H. _ 4,170 Moreland Latchford Products Ltd - 5,052 Morell Pure Foods _ _ _ 8,468 Morfee Lake Services Ltd. _ _ 8,007 Morgan, C. _ 1,095 Morgan’s Glass Co. Ltd. _ 534 Mori, Dr. R. T. _ 1,374 Morley, A. G., Excavating _ 585 Morley, D., Drugs _ 2,044 Morley, G. L„ & Son _ 909 Morley’s 5-Point Pharmacy Ltd. 2,544 Mornicald Graphic Ltd. _ _ 2,387 Morris Aviation Ltd. _ 1,797 Morris Bros. Trucking Ltd. _ 20,236 Morris, C., Equipment Ltd. _ 4,223 Morris Drugs _ 776 Morris, E. A., Ltd. _ _ 50,138 Morris, F. A. _ 1,836 Morris, K. _ 2,101 Morris, M. P., Ltd. _ 2,126 Morris, W. H. _ 23,249 Morrison Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Ltd - 38,985 Morrison, Dr. J. R. _ 651 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Morrison Welding Supply Ltd. 689 Morrison-Knudsen Co., Inc. _ 56,555 Morriss Printing Co. Ltd. _ 1,736 Morrow, C. W. _ _ 1,474 Morrow, W., & Co., Inc. _ 4,350 Morrow-Falk Family Pharmacy 6,430 Morse, Dr. H. F. _ 2,650 Mortenson, L. _ 14,006 Mortenson’s, O. A., General Store _ 962 Mortimer, M. E. _ 660 Mortimer’s Monumental Works Ltd - 758 Morton & Gale Radio Ltd. _ 721 Morton Chemical Co. _ 2,271 Morton Engineering Ltd. _ 8,539 Morton Logging Ltd. _ 1,956 Mosby, C. V., Co. Ltd. _ _ 4,228 Mose, Dr. V. E. _ 2,101 Moskovitch, Dr. I. S. _ _ 9,385 Mother Hubbard Bakery Ltd. _ 5,934 Motherwell, W. _ 968 Motiuk, P _ _ 21,820 Motor Car Parts & Industrial Supplies of B.C. Ltd. _ _ 50,613 Motuik, P _ _ 12,912 Mould Trucking _ 2,196 Mound Concrete Ltd. _ 21,517 Mount Benson Senior Citizens’ Housing Society _ 40,621 Mount Pleasant Housing So¬ ciety - 79,200 Mount Sicker Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.) - 3,250 Mount St. Francis Private Hos¬ pital, Nelson _ _ 412,365 Mount St. Joseph’s Hospital, Vancouver _ 1,109,633 Mount St. Mary’s Hospital, Victoria _ 687,009 Mount View Pharmacy _ 2,262 Mount Waddington Regional District _ 11,000 Mountain Fire Protection Dis¬ trict - 3,000 Mountain Gas Ltd. _ 2,202 Mountain View Electric Ltd. _ 3,534 Mountain View Resort _ 1,594 Mountain View Trailer Court _ 1,084 Mountain View-Kneehill Aux¬ iliary Hospital _ _ 630 Movie Sound Service _ _ _ _ _ 987 Mowatt & Moore Ltd. _ 3,246 Mowatt, J. T. _ 5,933 Mowatt, J. T., & Co. _ 1,076 Moxley, G. L., & Son _ 1,702 Moyes Realty & Insurance Agency Ltd . . 3,491 Moysey, Dr. K. L. _ 768 Mt. Lehman Produce _ 3,523 Mt. Seymour Caterers Ltd. _ 2,294 Mt. Sheer Trucking Ltd. _ 28,052 Mueller, R. _ 666 Mugg’s Trucking _ _ _ 793 Muirhead Machinery Ltd. _ 560 Muise, B. - 2,081 Muldon, E. _ _ 2,152 Muller, C. F. _ 1,656 Multi-Chem Products Ltd. _ _ 4,750 Multi-Industrial Services Ltd. .. 656 Multiple Sclerosis Society of B.C. _ _ 21,000 Multiplex Display Fixture Co. . 2,070 Mulvahill, R. C. _ 525 Mulvin, Dr. R. W. _ 549 Mumford Distributors Ltd. _ 1,958 Mungeam News Agency Ltd. _ 661 Munson Drugs Ltd. _ 2,749 Muntain Painting & Decorating 1,925 Murakami Logging Ltd. _ 1,113 Murdoch, C _ _ 2,577 Murdoch, M. _ _ 3,000 Murdoch, W. _ 1,070 Murphy & Co. _ _ _ 4,686 Murphy & Wakefield _ . _ . 785 Murphy, Dr. D. M. _ 6,486 Murphy, Dr. J. J. _ _ _ 939 Murphy, K. C. - 2,104 Murphy, Dr. R., & Associates _ 888 Murphy Trucking _ 966 Murphy, W. C. _ 2,100 Murray, B. _ 3,036 Murray Construction _ 1,310 Murray, D. _ 743 Murray, Geo. L. _ . _ 21,608 Murray-Latta Machine Co. Ltd. 4,046 Murray, N. _ 1,784 Murray Nurseries Ltd. _ 900 197 $ Murray, W. _ 2,210 Murray, W. N _ 2,213 Murritt Systems Ltd. _ 3,335 Murtough, E. L. _ _ _ 1,920 Muscat, Dr. R. V. S. _ 3,266 Musgrove Ford Sales Ltd. _ 7,392 Muskwa Motors Ltd. _ 1,435 Mussallem’s Haney Garage Ltd. 8,358 Musson Book Co. Ltd. _ _ 9,472 Mutch, G. G _ 1,047 Muth & Sons Ltd. _ 532 Mutt & Jeff Janitor Service ___ 670 Mutual Construction Ltd. _ _ 9,456 Mutual Equipment Rentals Ltd. 1,050 N. & W. Food Service _ 1,415 N.C. Machinery Co. _ 2,098 Nabata, Dr. A. _ _ 1,544 Nadon Sheet Metal Works Ltd. 1,061 Naimark, Dr. J. _ 1,156 Nakusp Drug Store _ 3,109 Nakusp Laundry & Dry Cleaners 9,787 Nakusp Masonic Holding Soci¬ ety - 850 Nakusp Public Library Associa¬ tion _ 500 Nakusp Recreation Park Board 500 Nakusp, Village of _ 35,332 N alley’s Ltd. _ _ 6,929 Nanaimo Association for Re¬ tarded Children _ 12,405 Nanaimo Auto Parts Ltd. _ 615 Nanaimo Bottling Works _ 3,484 Nanaimo Bulldozing Co. Ltd. _ 543,757 Nanaimo, City of _ 447,818 Nanaimo Dairy Co. Ltd. _ 38,365 Nanaimo Disposal Service _ 5,093 Nanaimo Family Life Associa¬ tion _ _ 4,252 Nanaimo Foundry & Engineer¬ ing Works Ltd. _ 3,781 Nanaimo Free Press Ltd. _ 2,505 Nanaimo General Hospital _ 2,415,712 Nanaimo Harbour Commission¬ ers _ 888 Nanaimo Marine Services Ltd. . 6,084 Nanaimo Minute Men Ltd. _ 3,322 Nanaimo Orthopedic Centre _ 1,895 Nanaimo Pharmacy _ 4,698 Nanaimo Prescriptions _ 11,878 Nanaimo Regional District _ 28,740 Nanaimo Regional Hospital Dis¬ trict _ 224,085 Nanaimo School District _ 4,954,956 Nanaimo Shipyard Ltd. _ _ 214,658 Nanaimo Truck & Equipment Repair _ 864 Naramata Irrigation District _ 10,844 Narcotic Addiction Foundation 253,635 Narda Microwave Corporation 1,418 Naruse, H. K. _ 1,692 Nasco Mining Co. _ 911 Naseth, H. _ 704 Nash Hardware Ltd . . 627 Natal, Village of _ _ _ . _ 802 National Academy of Sciences 903 National Arts Centre Corpora¬ tion - 1,010 National Association of Kins¬ men Clubs _ 3,850 National Association of State Racing _ 870 National Bowling & Billiards Ltd _ 568 National Building Maintenance Ltd - 142,070 National Business Publications Ltd _ 660 National Car Rental System, Inc. 2,064 National Cash Register Co. of Canada Ltd. _ 23,415 National Chinchilla Breeders of Canada _ 1,000 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Ltd. _ _ 12,552 National Electrolab Associates Ltd - 21,403 National Engineered Structures Co. Ltd _ _ 26,701 National Engineering Co. of Canada Ltd. _ 2,806 National Feeds Ltd. _ 32,754 National Film Board _ 1,113 National Fire Protection As¬ sociation _ 560 National Grain Co. Ltd. _ 4,544 National House Builders’ As¬ sociation _ 2,900 National Importers Ltd. _ 742 198 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1968/69 $ National Machinery Co. Ltd. _ 17,487 National Mobile Home Ltd. __ 7,167 National Motors Ltd. - - 10,644 National Nubuilt Corporation Ltd _ _ _ 10,165 National Safety Council _ _ _ 2,550 National Safety League of Canada - 856 National Ski Team Fund - 4,000 National Spice Ltd. _ — — 2,693 National Wholesale Clothing Ltd _ 50,805 Navin Holdings Ltd. - — - 11,479 Navy League of Canada - 1,800 Nawican Friendship Centre — 8,000 Nazif, Dr. A. - 1,350 Neal, J. _ 1,154 Neal’s Contracting - 3,762 Neal’s Tire Service - 6,485 Nechako Chronicle - 687 Nechako Excavating __ - 1,750 Nechako Improvement District 25,267 Nechako Motors Ltd. _ 2,347 Needham, S., & Sons - 3,430 Needle Industrial Equipment _ 1,142 Neifer Installations Ltd. - 24,511 Neilburg and District Union Hospital, Sask. _ _ 1,672 Nelson & Harvey Ltd. _ 3,301 Nelson Auto Glass - 1,382 Nelson, B. E. _ 10,560 Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. _ 4,284 Nelson, C. B _ _ _ 525 Nelson, City of _ 306,066 Nelson Daily News - 3,636 Nelson District Child Care Society _ __ _ 42,506 Nelson Drugs Ltd. _ _ — __ 2,867 Nelson, F. D. B. _ 2,213 Nelson Lumber Co. Ltd. _ _ 1,458 Nelson Machinery Co. Ltd. _ 9,042 Nelson Propane & Appliances . 1,474 Nelson Public Library _ 2,500 Nelson, R. _ 7,090 Nelson, Dr. R. J. _ _ 1,860 Nelson Radiator Shop _ 4,069 Nelson Ready Mix Concrete Ltd _ 5,814 Nelson School District _ 2,071,333 Nelson Stationery & Office Equipment _ _ 509 Nelson, Thomas, & Sons Ltd. _ 50,861 Nelson Upholstery _ . 641 Nelson, W. _ . _ 4,630 Nelson-Smith, R. _ 1,015 Nelson’s Launderers & Dry Cleaners _ ___ 379,616 Neptune Meters Ltd. _ 1,005 Nerlich & Co. Ltd. _ 7,010 Nesbitt’s Propane _ 658 Ness Construction _ 20,663 Ness, J. _ _ _ ___ 4,674 Ness Lake Contractors Ltd. _ 2,000 Nest Fresh Eggs Ltd. _ _ 5,038 Netherton, Dr. F. J. _ 1,590 Netupsky Engineering Co. Ltd. 5,566 Neubaner, J. _ 2,044 Neubauer, J. _ _ 11,573 Neufeld, H. _ 5,455 Neufeld’s Auto Service _ 2,151 Neuls, P. J. _ 874 Neul’s Trucking _ 1,214 Neuman, A. _ 13,718 Neuman, Dr. K. A. _ . 670 Neuropsychological Institute _ 2,000 Neve Newton Pharmacy Ltd. _ 3,986 New Caledonia Motel _ 819 New Chelsea Society _ 134,586 New Denver Esso Service _ 2,589 New Denver, Village of _ 18,477 New Denver Youth Centre _ 2,453 New Hazelton Hotel _ 1,290 New Hazelton Improvement District _ 2,920 New Hermes of Canada Ltd. _ 975 New Market Hotel _ 1,693 New Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto _ - 728 New Westminster Construction Co. Ltd. _ 589,139 New Westminster Construction Co. and Ludwig Ltd. _ 7,568 New Westminster, City of - 1,156,306 New Westminster Marine Sales & Service Ltd. _ 45,695 New Westminster Public Li¬ brary _ _ 18,106 New Westminster School Dis¬ trict _ __ _ 1,258,941 $ Newbeck, N. _ 719 Newby, Dr. J. D. _ 2,170 Newby, Dr. W. G. _ 1,929 Newhouse, G. H., & Associates 530 Newland Equipment Ltd. _ 1,509 Newman, C. _ _____ _ 1,905 Newnei’s Machine & Ironworks 4,417 Newton, F. _ 735 Newton Investments Ltd. _ 14,700 Newton Movers & Storage _ 584 Newton, N., Pharmacy Ltd. _ 835 Newton Plaza Drugs _ 9,079 Ney, Dr. P. G. _ 3,050 Ngui, Dr. L. _ _ 4,271 Niagara International Centre Ltd. - - 5,875 Niblock, J. A. _ 567 Nichiporuk, W. _ 11,324 Nicholson & Cates Ltd. _ _ . 4,296 Nicholson & Creasy Ltd. _ 658 Nicholson & Mudie, Drs. _ 983 Nicholson Bros. _ _ _ 13,151 Nicholson Equipment Ltd. _ 3,023 Nicholson, H. A. _ _ 972 Nicholson Printing Co. _ . 18,938 Nicholson, R. A., Ltd. _ 1,615 Nicholson Supplies & Equip¬ ment Ltd. _ 2,591 Nicholson Transport Ltd. _ 2,454 Nickoli Bros. Fuel Service _ . 743 Nicol, D., Realty Ltd. _ 681 Nicola Grasshopper Control Committee _ 7,500 Nicola Valley General Hospital 318,841 Nicola Valley Sawmills Ltd. _ 2,629 Nicola Valley Senior Housing Society - 22,400 Nicola Valley Tire Ltd. _ 3,412 Niedermeyer-Martin Co. _ 5,611 Niedner, S. C„ Sons Ltd. _ 5,356 Nielsen Motors Ltd. _ 4,897 Nielsen, P. M. _ _ 540 Nielson, P. _ 7,773 Niemeyer, T., (Canada) Ltd. 5,418 Niftee Distributing Ltd. _ 593 Night-school instructors (Vote 92) - 236,900 Nightingale Drugs _ 1,141 Nightingale Trucking _ 4,237 Nikolai, Dr. E. _ 1,775 Nilsen, R. N. - 15,900 Nilson, G. A., Construction _ 2,730 Nimsick, L. A. T. _ 1,586 Ninety Seven Transfer Ltd. _ 1,936 Nishiguchi, Dr. K. K. _ 626 Nissho-Iwai (Canada) Ltd. _ 4,630 Nixon, E., Ltd _ _ 3,553 Nixon, L. H., and Unruh, H. A. 1,121 Nixon, Dr. M. I. _ 1,827 Nixon’s Book Store Ltd. _ _ 4,017 No-Sag Spring Co. Ltd. _ 19,553 Noble, Lona M. _ 750 Noble-Rowe Contracting Ltd. 3,496 Nodes, H. F. _ 13,094 Nohel’s Logging Co. Ltd. _ 17,634 Nolan’s Drugs & Stationery _ 19,124 Nomad Motel _ _ _ 1,211 Nor-Est Radiators _ 778 Nor-Val Industries Ltd. _ 945 Nor -Wes Building Supplies (1953) Ltd - 2,471 Nor-Wes Trading Ltd. _ _ 5,484 Nor-West Gear & Engine Co. Ltd - 5,995 Noradco Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.) _ 9,568 Norburn Electric Ltd. _ 1,823 Norbury, Dr. D. A. _ 1,362 Norcan Parts & Equipment Co. Ltd - 1,859 Norco Machine Works Ltd. _ 1,340 Norcold, Inc. _ 503 Nordan Equipment Ltd . . 1,610 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. ... - (Cr.) 861 Noren, C. W. _ 609 Noren, G„ Trucking Ltd. __ _ 15,490 Noren Industries Ltd. _ 3,240 Norgaard’s Ready-Mix _ 2,184 Norgate Auto Body Ltd. _ 2,607 Norland Truck Parts & Equip¬ ment Ltd _ _ 1,320 Norman, R., Trucking Ltd. _ 98,463 Norman Scale Rule Co. _ 6,707 Norman Wholesale Co. Ltd. _ 726 Normandeau, A. _ 664 Normandeau, L. _ _ _ 10,390 Normandeau, R., Trucking Ltd. 1,851 Norman’s Pharmacy Ltd. _ 2,891 Norm’s Diving Services _ 2,014 Norris, J. M. _ _ _ Norris Rexall Drugs _ _ _ North American Guard Dog & Kenneling Service Ltd. _ North American Van Lines _ North and South Saanich Agri¬ cultural Association _ North Bay Civic Hospital, Ont. North Canada Forest Industries Ltd _ North Cariboo Building Prod¬ ucts Ltd. _ _ _ North Cariboo Flying Service Ltd. _ _ _ North Cedar Waterworks Dis¬ trict _ _ _ North Central Association of Libraries _ North Central Plumbing & Heat¬ ing Ltd. _ _ _ North Central Press Ltd. _ North Coast Air Service Ltd. _ North Cowichan, District of __ North Island Automotive Ltd. _ North Island Decorators _ North Kamloops Motors . _ North Kamloops Pharmacy _ North Okanagan Union Board of Health _ _ North Okanagan Regional Dis¬ trict _ _ North Okanagan Regional Hos¬ pital District _ North Pacific Steel Fabricators Ltd. _ _ _ North Peace Fall Fair Associa¬ tion _ _ _ North Peace Hospital Improve¬ ment District _ North River Service Ltd. _____ North Route Equipment Ltd. _ North Route Service _ North Saanich, District of _ North Saltspring Waterworks District _ North Shore Excavating Co. Ltd _ _ _ North Shore Foundry Ltd. _ North Shore Health Unit _ North Shore Neighbourhood House _ North Shore Pharmacy Ltd. _ North Shore Sash & Door Co. Ltd. _ _ _ _ North Shore Union Board of Health _ North Star Bottling Ltd. _ North Star Motors Ltd. _ North Surrey Moving & Stor¬ age Ltd _ _ North Vancouver Machinery Ltd _ North Vancouver, City of _ North Vancouver District Pub¬ lic Library _ North Vancouver, District of _ North Vancouver Public Li¬ brary Association _ North Vancouver School Dis¬ trict _ _ North Wellington Waterworks District _ North West Sack Co. Ltd. _ North West Scale Service Ltd. North York Branson Hospital, Ont. _ _ _ North York General Hospital, Ont. _ North-west Bindery Ltd. _ Northcoast Forest Products Ltd. _ _ Northcop Logging Co. Ltd. _ Northern Air Services Ltd. _ Northern Air Services Ltd. _ Northern Alberta Railways Co. Northern Alberta Dairy Pool Ltd _ _ _ _ Northern Asbestos & Building Supplies _ Northern Bakery _ Northern Cable Service _ _ _ Northern Columbia Processing Equipment Ltd. _ Northern Construction Co. and J. W. Stewart Ltd _ _ Northern Culverts & Metal Products _ Northern Development Ltd. __ Northern Diesel Services Ltd. _ $ 1,73. 2,49: 1,491 84